Page 1: : // · If you associate long enough and close enough with someone who is doing something wrong, did you know that soon you will find yourself


NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers © Beverly Wilson 2015

Unit 3: Miracles of Jesus NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers

Scripture: Matthew 8: 1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5: 12-14; Luke 17:11-19

Lesson Goal: Jesus was a very powerful teacher. He proved to everyone that he was really God by his teaching and miracles. In this lesson we will see how Jesus healed people who had a terrible disease called leprosy. Students will discuss different things for which we should be thankful and how our sin is like leprosy in separating us from God.

Introduction: This is the tenth lesson in Unit 3:The Miracles of Jesus. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. Jesus was a very powerful teacher. He proved to everyone that he was really God by healing the sick and forgiving people of their sins. In this lesson we will see how Jesus healed people who had a terrible disease called leprosy. The Gospels are the first four books in the New Testament. The gospels tell about the life and ministry of Jesus. The word "gospel" means the good news about Jesus. Let's say the names of the gospels together. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: (Bring a bandage, gauze, and Band-Aids to class and demonstrate how an arm or leg is bandaged. Use volunteers to demonstrate the procedure.) How many of you have ever fallen and got a scratch on your knee? What did your mom do? Did she wash off all the dirt and then put on a bandage? Sometimes people put on some kind of antibacterial ointment on the scrape before they put on a bandage. The bandage helps to keep the wound dry and clean so it can heal quickly. I think that all these "Silly band aids" are funny. But it is not funny to have a skin disease. In Bible days nothing was more terrifying that the thought of getting the terrible disease called leprosy. Leprosy would do terrible things to the body. People with leprosy would get terrible sores called ulcers that would gradually spread until the fingers, hands, and arms would be eaten away. Sometimes the disease would start on the feet and the person would become crippled with only stumps for legs. The body would seem to rot away and nobody was able to help. There were no hospitals, no doctors, or medicine that would ease the suffering. Leprosy does not have a cure. Today we have medicines that can help a person with this disease which is called Hansen's Disease. At the time of Jesus though the law of the land was that a leper had to leave his home, leave his town, and go off to live by himself or with other lepers so he would not give the disease to anyone else. When a leper saw healthy people coming toward him, it was the law that he had to call out, "Unclean! Unclean!" This was his warning--"Don't come any closer, I have leprosy." So having leprosy was a terrible thing. It meant pain, loneliness, and death.

Opening Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, Thank you that You showed love and kindness to people by healing their diseases while you were here on earth. Help us to understand that your miracles demonstrate that You are God by Your power over sickness and death. Help us to be like the one leper who came back to thank you for all that You had done for him. We thank you for our homes, our families, our church, and for the salvation you offer to us as a free gift. Help us to be like the leper who was healed and to tell everyone about You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Memory Verse: Our memory verse is 1 Chronicles 16:8 “Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known His deeds among the people.”

Lesson Video: One day as Jesus was preaching in Galilee, a leper wanted to come to Jesus. He did not care about all the fearful and angry looks of people who saw him. He wanted to see Jesus because he had heard that Jesus could heal people.

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NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers © Beverly Wilson 2015

Finally the leper got through the crowd and knelt down before Jesus and began to worship Him. Then he said, "Lord, if You want to, You can make me clean." Jesus looked in love and tender pity on the leper man bowing before Him. He reached out His hand and touched the man, and said, "I am willing to make you clean." Jesus was saying that he would make him well! Now Jesus could have just spoken to him, but He did more. He touched Him. The people standing around must have been shocked. They wouldn't have touched a leper for all the money in the world. One touch might have made them lepers, too. But Jesus was not afraid of the leprosy. The very moment Jesus spoke, the leprosy instantly disappeared! Now the healed man could go home to his family and friends; he could go to work; he could go anywhere. He was so thrilled and excited, he wanted to shout his good news to everyone! But Jesus told the man, "Do not tell anyone about this, but go immediately to the priests to be examined." The law said that lepers who thought they were healed had to show themselves to the priest so he could pronounce them cured. Then they could offer sacrifices of thanksgiving to God. But the man was so excited and happy about what Jesus had done that he could not keep quiet about it. His intentions were good, but he did not obey Jesus completely. He told his friends, and they told others; so the news of the healing spread far and wide. Everyone was talking about this great miracle. So many people began to follow Jesus that he could no longer go into the cities to preach. He spent His time in the country but the people still kept coming to Him from all parts of the land. One day while Jesus and His disciples were journeying from Galilee to Jerusalem, ten lepers came from outside the city and made their way toward Him. Their bodies were all covered with leprosy. Some were blind, and some had only stumps for legs. They had to stay far away from other people. Stumbling along they came to Jesus and bowed down before Him. They must have wondered if Jesus would ignore them the way other people did. They were a horrible pitiful sight all covered with sores. Just as Jesus was going into their village, the lepers shouted out to Jesus in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!" When Jesus saw them, he didn’t ignore them. He loved them and wanted to make them well. Jesus called back, "Your prayer is heard. Go, show yourselves to the priests." That sounds like a strange thing to say but Jesus knew that the men with leprosy were required to have a priest examine them to declare them cured before they could return to live with their family and friends. The ten men hurried off to show themselves to the priests right away. As they went, they looked down. Suddenly they saw that their leprosy was gone! They no longer had sores all over their bodies. All twelve of the lepers were completely well! How excited and happy they must have been! Their leprosy was GONE! As they were all hurrying off to see the priest, one of them, a despised Samaritan, stopped in his tracks. He realized that he had forgotten to do something. He turned around and ran back to Jesus. He threw himself down on the ground at Jesus’ feet. “Jesus, wonderful teacher, THANK YOU!” the man said. “You have made me well. You are God. Praise the Lord!” Jesus looked down at this happy grateful man. He asked, “Weren’t all ten of you healed?” “Yes, we were all healed,” said the man. Jesus then said, “Where are the other nine? Didn’t they come back with you to thank God for being made well?” The man looked around in surprise. NONE of the others had come back to thank Jesus for being healed. Jesus looked kindly at the man and said, “Get up now. You may go. Your faith in Me has made you well!” Jesus was glad that the man was thankful. God’s Word tells us to be like the one man who was so grateful to God for loving him and making him well that he took the time to say thank you. Only one leper out of ten returned to thank Jesus for healing him. We can learn a lesson from that! We know that when we do a favor for someone, or help out a friend, we like for them to say thank you. We feel hurt when they just go on their way and take us for granted. So it is with the Lord. He wants us to thank Him, to be appreciative when He does things for us. We can thank Him for our families, our homes, and the church. There

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NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers © Beverly Wilson 2015

are lots of things we have that we can be thankful to God for. But the most important way to thank God is to remember how He sent His Son Jesus to earth, and for His love and death on the cross for us. In both of our stories today people had the dreaded disease of leprosy. In the Bible leprosy is like our sin. Both are "unclean" and horrible. Leprosy is contagious and can spread very rapidly throughout a person's body. Did you know that our sin is like that? If you associate long enough and close enough with someone who is doing something wrong, did you know that soon you will find yourself thinking, talking, and acting like the one you are with. At first you begin to think that the sin is just a "little" sin such taking money from your mom's purse without permission. But soon that sin grows quickly and we are lying about it. Then we have committed two sins. If we do not confess sin right away, we will find ourselves lying again to cover up the first lie and perhaps getting into bigger fights. Sin, like leprosy starts small but it spreads and grows until we cannot control it. Just like leprosy separates people from others so sin separates us from God. The Bible says that the punishment for our sins is death or separation from God forever. Romans 3:23 says, "The wages of sin is death." But just like Jesus healed the lepers, Jesus can cure sin. Because of His death on the cross, He offers free salvation and forgiveness of sin to all who will invite Him into their hearts and trust Him for everlasting life. That means that we can go to heaven! That is the best gift of all! Just like the man who was cured of leprosy we should tell everyone about how they can go to heaven too! Remember--Let's thank God for His love and forgiveness!

Review Questions: Hot Paper Plate Print the following review questions on the front and on the back of a series of paper plates. Students are to sit in a circle and play a game like Hot Potato. Play the music on a CD while students pass one plate around the circle like the Hot Potato game. When the music stops, the student holding the paper plate tosses it in the air and answers the question showing when the plate lands. Repeat the game with another plate of questions having other students toss the plate and answer the questions until all questions are answered.

1. What is the disease of leprosy like? (A person is covered with sores that cause the skin to rot and fall off. It is very contagious and no cure so people who have this disease are isolated from others. Today the disease is called Hansen's disease.)

2. What were some rules people with leprosy had to follow in Bible times? (They had to call out that they were "Unclean" to warn others of coming in contact with them. Some carried signs or wore bells to warn others. People with leprosy had to live outside the towns in caves away from others.)

3. What did the leper who found his way through the crowd say to Jesus? ("Lord, if You want to, You can make me clean."

4. What does the words "to make clean" mean? (To make clean means that the leper wanted Jesus to heal him.)

5. What did Jesus do that surprised the crowd? (Jesus touched the leper to show His love and concern.) 6. What command did Jesus give to the leper? (He said, "Do not tell anyone about this, but go immediately

to the priests to be examined.") 7. How did the leper not obey Jesus? (He told other people about how Jesus had healed him.) 8. Why did Jesus tell him not to tell others? (He knew that this news would cause so many people to start

following Him that He would have to stay in the countryside to preach.) 9. What happened one day when Jesus and his disciples were traveling from Galilee to Jerusalem? (A

group of ten lepers shouted out to Jesus begging Him to heal them.) 10. What did Jesus shout back to them? (He told them, "Your prayer is heard. Go, show yourselves to the

priests.") 11. How would you describe these ten lepers at first? (At first they were desperate and had been praying that

God would deliver them from this disease of leprosy. They were lonely and without hope.) 12. Why did Jesus tell them to go show themselves to the priests? (Under the Old Testament Law the priests

had to examine people who seemed to be healed before they could be around well people again.) 13. What did the ten lepers do? (They obeyed Jesus and ran to find the priest.)

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14. What happened as they were running back to the temple to find the priest? (All ten of the lepers were made well.)

15. What did one leper do when he realized that he was well? (He stopped and returned to Jesus to thank Him for healing him.)

16. What nationality was the leper? Why would this make being thankful even more special? (The leper was a Samaritan and ordinarily the Samaritans hated the Jews but this man realized that Jesus had graciously healed him too!)

17. What did Jesus ask the Samaritan who had been healed from leprosy? (Jesus asked, “Weren’t all ten of you healed?” “Yes, we were all healed,” said the man. Jesus then said, “Where are the other nine? Didn’t they come back with you to thank God for being made well?” )

18. How do you think Jesus must have felt when the other nine did not return to thank Him? (He must have been hurt and sorrowful. He thought that these men were ungrateful.)

19. How is leprosy like our sin? (Leprosy causes people to be separated from one another. Our sin separates us from God. Leprosy spreads uncontrollably. Sin without repentance soon takes control of us.)

20. What are some reasons for thanking God? (their salvation, home, family, food, friends, etc.) 21. How can we show our thankfulness to God? (We can show love and concern for others.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: Sock Grab (Grades K-5) Our memory verse today is 1 Chronicles 16:8 “Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known His deeds among the people.” Have students look up the verse in scripture and read it aloud several times. Explain that the word Lord in this verse means "God." We are commanded to give thanks to the God for the good things He was given us. Print the template of the memory verse cards that are below on card stock. Give a memory card to each student to color and take home. Encourage them to place the card on their door or on a bulletin board in their room. You can also suggest that they tape the card to their bathroom mirror to help them remember the verse. Students play a game similar to Steal the Bacon. Divide the class into two teams. Each team stands in a straight line facing the other team, leaving about 7-10 feet between the teams. One team numbers off from one end of the line while the other team numbers off from the opposite end. Place a sock in the center of the playing area. Call a number. Students with that number run to grab the sock. The student who get the sock repeats the memory verse. If the student who got the sock cannot repeat the verse correctly then the student from the other team gets an opportunity. The team who had the student successfully repeating the verse gets one point. The winner of the game is the team who has the most points. Alternative: Students sit in chairs on opposite sides of the table with hands behind their backs. Students number off as above. Place a sock in the center of the table. When you call a number students with that number attempt to grab the sock. The person grabbing the sock gets an opportunity to repeat the verse to win a point for his/her team.

Group Learning Activity: "Being Thankful" Pick Up Sticks (Grades 2-5) Write these sentence starters on a large sheet of poster paper and hang the sheet on a wall so all the students can see the chart: "Lord, I thank you when...."; "Someone I want to thank is...."; "I feel thankful when..."; "I thank God for...."; "I can show thankfulness by...." Give each student eight to ten craft sticks. Using the chart as a guide, have the students write the following sentence starters on separate craft sticks. Add several blank sticks. Have students make a bundle of the sticks and hold them vertically on a table. The student drops them as in the game of "Pick Up Sticks. Have another volunteer pick up one game stick without disturbing any of the other sticks. The student reads the sentence starter on his or her stick and choose another students to complete the sentence. If the stick has no writing on it, the student attempts to pick up another stick without disturbing the other sticks. Continue with other students until all the sticks have been picked up.

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NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers © Beverly Wilson 2015

After the activity is completed say: "What does Psalm 107:1 tell us to do? (Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.) Why? Why do you think it is important to thank God for His love? (God's love is given to us with mercy. That is, we are undeserving of His favor.) How can your actions show that you are thankful today? (When we obey His Word; give thanks to Him through prayer; by being kind to others; etc.) When are some occasions that you can help someone else? (When they are sick or going through difficult times; when they are disabled and need physical help) How can helping someone else show that you thank God for His help and love? (Showing love to others is not natural. Only God can help us to be truly loving and unselfish.) How did Jesus help others? (Jesus healed others; forgave sin; met people's needs; was loving and kind.) How can you follow His example and help others around you?" (Take time to be kind to others; ask God to give us His Spirit to help us have the right attitude.)

Group Learning Bible Study Activity: What Does the Bible say? (Grades 3-5) Purpose: This activity will help older elementary students learn to find scripture and think about what the Bible says about thankfulness. Make copies of each of the Bible verse "Open Blank" pages for each of your students. Have students look up the verses together as a class or in small groups and fill in the blanks about thankfulness. Discuss the answers as a class or report back to the whole group. Emphasize that the scriptures will answer the following questions: "Who gives thanks? When and why do we give thanks? How? By what authority? And for what? What else is it called?"

Group Learning Activity: Books of the Bible (Fruit Basket Upset) (Grades 2-5) Print the names of the first 14 books of the New Testament on a large sheet of paper. Display the large sheet of poster paper in the classroom. Practice saying the Books of the New Testament by reviewing them orally several times in a group recitation. Print the names of the books on separate index cards, making at least one card for each student. Say: "What is the name of the books we read our accounts of the healing ministry of Jesus today? (Luke, Matthew, Mark) Who wrote the book of Luke? (Luke) Luke is one of the four books called the gospels that tell about Jesus' life. What are the names of the gospels? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) The book of Acts tells how the church began and most of the rest of the books in the New Testament tell how to live as a follower of Jesus. Play a game of Fruit Basket Upset. Volunteer stands in the middle of the room. Other students sit in chairs in a circle around the volunteer. Give each student an index card you have prepared with the names of the first 14 books of the New Testament. Volunteer points to a student in the circle and says "What's your book?" Students tell the name of his or her book. Volunteer quickly tells the name of the book that comes next. If volunteer is correct, he or she takes the seat of the student who told the name of the book. If volunteer is not correct, can't think of the book name, or if the student names the last book (2 Thessalonians) then the volunteer calls out "Bible Book Upset." All the students in the circle jump up and try to find another seat. The student left without a chair becomes the new volunteer. Continue game as the time permits. Optional: To increase the challenge, have the volunteer say additional book names for each round or student says two books that come after the named book in the second round. If you have fewer than 14 players, students can trade cards each round, rotating extra cards into play.

Group Learning Activity: "The Bandaged Leper" (Grades K-5) Ask for a volunteer to be the leper who was healed. Invite the other students to help you wrap the volunteer with toilet paper around his arms and legs to make pretend bandages. As you retell the story of the ten lepers being made well, invite the children to tear off bandages. This is a great review of the story and time for discussion of how we are to show our gratitude toward God. Review the memory verse and use the following questions for discussion: "When might you feel thankful to God at home? Who else could you say "thank you" to at home? What are some good things that might happen when you go to the park? What could you tell God "thank you" for when those things happen? What are you thankful for in your neighborhood?"

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NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers © Beverly Wilson 2015

Group Learning Activity: "Bowling Pin Places" (Grades K-3) Preparation: On separate index cards print the names of the following places: home, school, soccer field, amusement park, church, friend's house, playground, grocery store, library, and pool. Tape each card to a separate empty plastic gallon jug. Procedure: Set up the empty plastic jugs as bowling pins. Children are to stand several feet away from the bottles and take turns rolling a ball toward the bottles, attempting to knock them down. When any bottles are knocked over, the child chooses one of the words on cards and tells something he or she is thankful for at that place. Print the child's response on a large sheet of poster paper. If the child says something that is already listed on the paper, ask them to think of another thing for which he or she is thankful. Ask one or more of the following questions to stimulate a class discussion:"When is a time you have given thanks to God? Who are some people you have said "Thank you" to? Why did you say thank you to those people? What are some other ways to show that you are thankful or grateful, for what someone has done? Why do you think saying 'Thank You" and showing that you are grateful is a good idea? What can we be grateful to God for today?

Group Learning Activity: Leprosy Tag (Grades K-3) To teach the children about leprosy, play the leprosy tag game. Find a large, open area in which to play. Give one child a construction paper circle to tape to himself. This child has leprosy. Place the remaining circles with tape already attached on a nearby table. Instead of the paper circles, you can use strips of white cloth to be the rags of the leper. When the game begins, the children with leprosy can take large steps, while the “clean” children take baby steps. The child with leprosy will take a circle and “tag” another child by sticking the circle on that child, who will then have leprosy as well. Explain that leprosy was a communicable disease -- you had to be near who had it in order to become infected with it. The children with leprosy will go back to get another circle and try to infect someone else. Continue until all children are infected. Play the game again, this time letting the “lepers” take baby steps and the “clean” children take large steps. After playing the game discuss the following: How was leprosy transmitted? How did it make you feel to have leprosy? Why were the lepers in the story told they could not enter the city again until they were clean? In the story of the ten lepers, who came back to say thanks? [Explain that a Samaritan was also considered an outcast in Jesus’ time just because of where they lived.] Who are some people that might be considered outcasts today? Do you think Jesus loves all these people? What do you think Jesus would want us to feel and think towards these people?

Craft Learning Activity: Thank You! Greeting Card (Grades K-5) Materials: Bibles, clear contact paper, scissors, fresh or dried flower petals, confetti, card stock, pencils, tape, markers, large sheet of paper. Procedure: Make a sample greeting card using the following directions: Cut clear contact paper into small squares, giving at least two squares for each child. Give each child two squares of clear contact paper. Children are to peel the backing from one square and place flower petals or confetti on the sticky side of the paper. Children are then to peel the backing from the other square and use it to cover the decorated square. Distribute card stock and scissors. Children are to fold the card stock to make cards and then use use pencils to trace lightly around the contact paper squares on the first page of the card. Children are to roll the card stock and cut inside the pencil line to make a frame for their "pressed flower square." Children are to open the cards and tape the contact paper squares to the back of the frames. Inside the cards, children are to write short messages that express their gratefulness to God or other people. Refer to the discussion of things for which you can be grateful.

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Craft Learning Activity: "Name" Poster (Grades K-5) Say: "Today we are going to talk about times and reasons to be thankful to God and other people." Give each student a large sheet of drawing paper or poster paper and some colored markers. On the poster paper or drawing paper, children are to print their names in large letters, leaving space between each letter. Children are to then think of things they are thankful for that begin with the same letters that are in their name. Children can draw pictures of items next to each letter that are in their names.

Craft Learning Activity: "A, B, C's of Thankfulness" (Grade K-5) Preparation: For each student in your class you will make an ABC of Thankfulness booklet. Directions: Fold 7 sheets of copy or printer paper together in half to form a booklet. Staple along the fold line to form pages in the booklet. Give each child some colored markers or crayons. Directions: Have students write "My ABC's of Being Thankful" on the front cover of the booklet. Starting with the first page on the inside cover have children write one letter of the alphabet in the corner of each page. Students are to think of as many things as possible that begin with each letter of the alphabet for which they can be thankful. Here are some ideas to help you prompt students' thoughts. 1. A Apple Angel 2. B bananas boys bike

baseball 3. C cat cross church Christ 4. D dog Dad drink dishes 5. E elephant eat ear Easter 6. F fish flower flag family 7. G God girl grapes 8. H house hat ham 9. I iron island and ice

cream 10. J jump job jackolantern

11. K kite kiss kangaroo 12. L love lily and lake 13. M mother, milk mail 14. N nails nails (hammer)

nest nap 15. O octopus October oven 16. P piano pear pet Pants 17. Q quilt quiet quack 18. R radio rag ring and rug 19. S sisters soap sailboats

sing 20. T telephone teddy bear

teacher toys and teeth 21. U umbrella underpants 22. V valentine vote

vegetables and vase 23. W wagon window water

waffles 24. X x and 0 x-box

xylophone x-ray 25. Y yak yard yoyo 26. Z zoo zebra zippers

Craft Learning Activity: Paper Bag Puppets (Grades K-3) Print one copy of the template below for each of the students in your class. Give each child a copy of the three puppets and three small paper lunch sacks. Students are to cut the puppets out by cutting along the outside solid lines. Fold the heads of the puppets so they can be glued to the bottom edge of the lunch sack with the edge of the bottom serving as the mouth. Students can hold the puppet with their hand and move the mouth of the puppet to retell the story of Jesus healing the thankful leper.

Craft Learning Activity: Thank You Placemats (Grades K-3) For this craft you will need construction paper, hole puncher, ribbon, and crayons. Each student will create a placemat that they can use when they have dinner. It will remind them give thanks to the Lord. Before class, use a hole puncher to make holes around the edges of the construction paper. Write “Thank you, Jesus” in the middle of the placemat and have the children draw things that they are thankful for around the words. Give each child some ribbon and have them lace around the edges of the placemat. Help them tie a bow at the end when they have finished lacing. Craft Learning Activity: "Thankful Hearts" (Grades K-3) Materials: pre-drawn heart on red, orange, yellow, or brown construction paper with words, “My Thankful Heart” on the bottom of the page, band-aids, black marker)

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Procedure: Have the students place band-aids on heart outline. Inside the heart, invite them to tell you what they are thankful for. Write down their responses.

Life Application Challenge: Pop Corn Prayer Have the children form a circle. Close with a popcorn prayer having the children stand up to say their prayer. Those who do not wish to pray can name something that they are thankful to God for. Ask each child, if he or she is comfortable, to contribute to the closing prayer by naming something they can do this week to show their obedience to God.

Life Application Challenge: Caring for the Sick Work together as a class to identify a person or several people who are sick and in need of encouragement. Perhaps it is a family member, a friend, someone in the church family, or someone in the larger community. Think of ways to bless and care for that person. What would be the most meaningful way? What would bring the most joy to that person? Come up with several ideas and then choose one or more ideas to do. Maybe you can make a snack to share.

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NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers © Beverly Wilson 2015

Be Thankful Who gives thanks?

Psalm 140:13 "Surely _______________ shall give thanks to your name; the upright shall live in your presence."

Psalm 145:10 "All your _________ shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your ________ shall bless you."

When? Why?

1 Thess. 5:16-18 "Rejoice _________, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the _____________ in Christ Jesus for you."

Phil 4:6 "Do not worry about anything, but in everything by _________ and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the _________ of God, which surpasses all understanding, will _________ your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

2 Cor. 4:15 "Yes, everything is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the ________ of God."

Ephesians 5:4 "Entirely out of place is obscene, silly, vulgar talk; ________________, let there be thanksgiving."

Psalm 136:26 "O give thanks to the God of heaven, for his _____________ endures forever."


Eph. 1:16 "I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my ____________."

Psalm 147:7 "_________ to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre."

By who's authority?

Eph 5:20 "Giving thanks to God the Father at ____________ and for __________ in the name of our ________________________."

For what?

Colossians 1:12 "Giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the _____________ of the saints in the light."

John 6:11 "Then Jesus took _____________, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated...."

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Dan 2:23 "To you, O God of my ancestors, I give thanks and praise, for you have given me _________ and ____________, ..."

John 11:41b "...And Jesus looked upward and said, "Father, I thank you for having ________ me."

1 Cor. 15:57 "But thanks be to God, who gives us the _________ through our Lord Jesus Christ."

2 Cor. 9:15 "Thanks be to God for his indescribable _____________!"

1 Thess. 2:13 "We also constantly give thanks to God for this, that when you received the word of God that you heard from us, you _______________ it not as a human word, but as what it really is, God's word, which is also at work in you believers."

1 Tim. 2:1-2 "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for ____________, for _________ and ______ who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity."

1 Thess. 1:2 "We always give thanks to God for _____________ and mention you in our prayers,..."

Psalm 138:2 "I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast ___________ and your __________________; for you have exalted your name and your word above everything."

What else is it called?

Psalm 116:17 "I will offer to you a thanksgiving __________ and call on the name of the Lord."

Psalm 138:1 "I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your ________."

Who is all the thanks above been directed to? ______________

Page 16: : // · If you associate long enough and close enough with someone who is doing something wrong, did you know that soon you will find yourself


NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers © Beverly Wilson 2015

Page 17: : // · If you associate long enough and close enough with someone who is doing something wrong, did you know that soon you will find yourself


NT3.10 Jesus Heals the Lepers © Beverly Wilson 2015
