
Discrete Event Modeling of Visually Guided Behaviors

Jana Ko�secka�, Henrik I. Christensenz & Ruzena Bajcsy�

* GRASP Laboratory

University of Pennsylvania

3401 Walnut Street, Room 301C

Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

z Laboratory of Image Analysis

Aalborg University

Fr. Bajers Vej 7, Bldg. D1

DK-9220 Aalborg �, Denmark

February 8, 1994


When visual behaviors are combined to provide a speci�c functionality needed for a task,

the combination is often based on heuristic rules. In this paper we show that by adopting the

Discrete Event Systems (DES) formalism for describing the interaction between visual behaviors

it is possible to provide systems which have well de�ned properties in terms of observability and

controllability. The method is in particular suited for describing the coupling between action

and perception. An introduction to the use of DES is provided and it is demonstrated how

DES are used for modeling behaviors and controlling a mobile robot equipped with a binocular

camera head and some additional sensors.


List of Figures

1 Two mobile agents : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 25

2 Geometry of the head-eye system : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 26

3 Gaze Control : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 27

4 Obstacle detection : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 28

5 Inverse Perspective Transformation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 29

6 a) Left Image; b) Map of the free space in lower resolution, dark areas correspond

to the free space; c) Right image : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30

7 Servoing or Path following : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 31

8 Servoing the neck: ! and _! are the current position and velocity of the head/neck,

v and _� are the linear velocity and turning rate of the mobile base and dm is the

current estimate of the target distance : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 32

9 Composite Behavior Constraint : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 33

10 The Robuter-20 mobile robot and the on-board camera-head. : : : : : : : : : : : : : 34

11 The test scenario : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35

12 Door recognized using grouping procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 36

13 The left and right images at the position where an obstacle is detected. The map of

the free space shown in the middle. The dark regions denote obstacles. : : : : : : : : 37


1 Introduction and Motivation

Recently, several groups have engaged in research of various aspects of active vision, including the

construction of autonomous mobile agents that can observe, navigate and interpret scenes [12, 3,

15, 26]. Such agents are typically equipped with standard visual capabilities and some additional

sensors, such as laser or radar range �nders and/or ultrasound sensors (see Figure 1.) The agents'

tasks include following a path while avoiding unexpected obstacles, following another mobile agent,

observing another agent to report its activity, exploring the environment, etc. These tasks imply

the following subtasks:

1. Real-time vision processing capabilities that enable visual observation for either reporting or

guiding navigation and/or manipulation, both in free space and in the presence of obstacles.

2. Recognition and tracking of landmarks or other agents.

3. A control structure for each mobile agent that couples the results of visual processing with


In general the processing approach adopted is typically one of three kinds: a) data or recon-

struction based [19], b) purposive [1, 5] and more recently c) behavior based [6, 14].

The goal of the data driven approach is 3D reconstruction of the world from visual input as a

basis for interaction with the environment. This approach is in general computationally demanding

and often not robust in the presence of noise. The purposive approach considers vision to be a

collection of dedicated processes. It focuses on extraction of the appropriate qualitative information

needed to accomplish a task and becomes usually computationally tractable and robust. Neverthe-

less, in spite of the fact that this approach establishes the ties between the task and the information

which needs to be extracted from the visual data, the issues of control are rarely addressed. Early

ties between perception and action can, however, be found in the area of active vision, starting with


the control of intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters. The control issues occurring in more com-

plex tasks involving navigation have been successfully accomplished using various behavior based

methods. This approach is based on the synthesis of increasingly complex functionalities through

use of a layered system architecture, in which a minimum of explicit representations are exploited.

It should be noted that the latter two approaches might exhibit scaling problems for large/general

systems [27]. An extensive discussion of the pros and cons of the three approaches can be found in


For the problem at hand the purposive approach has been adopted, where dedicated visual

capabilities are adequate for the reactive vision and landmark based navigation.

The previous success of reactive behaviors was mostly due to the fact that the coupling between

sensors and actuators was very tight and the sampling rate of the world was very high. This is no

longer the case for visual sensory data. Due to the large amount of information inherent in the

visual data we often need to select various acquisition and processing strategies to obtain the desired

qualitative information. One attempt to follow the `classical behavioralism { in the Brooksian sense'

using image data was by Horswill [14]. He used the constraints of the environment (e.g. ground

plane, color of the carpet etc.) to extract some primitives from the images which were directly

coupled with the actuators. The agent successfully moved about and was able to track arbitrary

moving objects (visitors) upon request.

We, however, would like to address more complicated behaviors/tasks where the qualitative

information is more task dependent, and together with particular control strategy, serves as \a

parameter" for agents' behavior. We will argue that having multiple parallel perception/action

processes is feasible, but in the case of systems with multiple degrees of freedom and larger variety

of tasks there is a need for a supervisory process which will guarantee the imposed safety and task

constraints. In order to achieve this goal, we model visually guided behaviors in a systematic

way using the theory of Discrete Event Systems (DES). This theory is exible enough to provide


tools for combining di�erent components in a modular and hierarchical fashion encompassing both

continuous and discrete aspects of our problem domain.


After describing the system, we outline our motivation for using the DES framework and brie y

introduce the supervisory control theory of DES. We then provide modeling principles which apply

to the domain of autonomous mobile agents. In the �fth section we describe gaze control, obstacle

detection and local path planning techniques, concentrating on di�erent continuous control strate-

gies employed in various situations, followed by the DES models of implemented behaviors. In

the last section we look at di�erent control strategies that can be imposed on a single behavior

as well as on the composition of more behaviors. Feasibility studies have been performed in the

laboratory environment with TRC and Robuter-20 vehicles, under varying illumination conditions

and unexpected obstacles.

2 System Description

We employ a mobile base with one rotational and two translational degrees of freedom with a

binocular camera head driven primarily by visual input. The head has pan and tilt motors and

independent control of vergence for each of the two cameras. In addition each camera is equipped

with a controllable zoom lens, focus and aperture and can be considered as an independent \eye-

module" (see Figure 10b). The components of our system and their coupling is described in more

detail below. The details of the algorithms used are elaborated on throughout the article.

Eyes The two vergence motors may be controlled to provide arbitrary vergence/version pairs (�; !)

in the range ([0; �[; ]� �2; �2[) (see Figure 2. The version angle ! is speci�ed in a neck centered

coordinate system by arctan( YX) while the vergence angle � is speci�ed by the distance to the


object of interest (along the version axis):

� = arccosX2 + Y 2 � B2

4q((X + B

2)2 + Y 2)((X2� B

2) + Y 2)

The optical parameters are not directly controlled here. The aperture is controlled automat-

ically, to provide a `reasonable' dynamic range in the images, and the focal-length is kept

�xed. The focus setting is driven by the vergence/version pair to keep the point de�ned by

the horopter in focus.

Neck The pan motor is driven by a PID (proportional integral derivative) controller that uses the

di�erence of vergence angles as an error measure, trying to achieve symmetric vergence for the

head. The speed of the pan motor is 10�=s while the vergence motors have a maximum speed

of 100�=s. For a given situation the eyes will initially change direction to a desired �xation

point and the neck will gradually change the setting to achieve a symmetric vergence.

The tilt motors are used to �xate at a particular distance in front or the vehicle or to enable

tracking (in depth) of a moving obstacle. They have a speed equal to the pan motor. The

tilt motors are controlled by a PID controller that is either driven by an explicit �x-point or

a moving target.

Mobile base The mobile base operates in two basic modes: point-to-point mode and go mode.

The point-to-point mode uses a trapezoidal velocity control pro�le to perform turns and

straight line moves of a speci�ed distance. The go mode moves the base in a straight

line at the current velocity setting. In this mode a continuous turn rate _� can be super-

imposed on the existing forward velocity. The state of the system is fully determined by

(xpos; ypos; �; vel; tvel;mode), where (xpos; ypos; �) is the current position and heading of

the mobile base, and vel and tvel are its current linear and turning velocity settings re-

spectively. The point-to-point mode uses position encoders (odometry) and corresponds to


a simple feed-forward control strategy, while motion in go mode corresponds to a feedback

control strategy servoing on an external measurement determined by perceptual processes.

The visual capabilities of our agent at the moment comprise simple obstacle detection, land-

mark/target detection and landmark/target tracking. In the rest of this section we will brie y

describe the purposive vision modules used and their coupling with the available actuators.

Local Map of the Free Space In this module the inverse perspective mapping described by

Mallot in [18] is used for generation of a local map of the free space in front of the vehicle.

The map is generated along the gaze direction and covers about 20� �eld of view horizontally

and serves as the basis for local path planning using harmonic functions [11].

Localize a Landmark For localizing landmarks (in this case doorways) a set of simple grouping

procedures is used. Initially, pairs of co-linear lines are sought (corresponding to the boundary

between wall and oor). Then sets of parallel lines are searched for in parallel. For a pair of

lines which are perpendicular to the set of collinear lines a door way is hypothesized. Later

veri�cation is carried out that enables a single unique interpretation of a set of lines. The set

of constituent lines returned could be used as the basis for a pose estimation process.

Detect Obstacle Obstacle detection is implemented using sonars. In the direction of motion

a total of 7 sonars are used. Whenever a consistent estimate below a certain threshold is

obtained a signal is provided to indicate that an obstacle has been detected within a region

around the robot. The signal includes a speci�cation of the sonar which has detected the

obstacle which triggers a gaze shift that in turn allows for local map generation in the area

where the obstacle has been detected.

Track a Landmark Once a landmark has been localized it is tracked using simple line tracking.

Alternatively (for rectangular objects) the cross-ratio can be used for veri�cation of the po-


sition of a landmark in a sequence of images. If tracking at any instance fails a signal is

provided to announce this event.

Gaze-Shift This process is a simple feed-forward process in which the eyes/neck system is con-

trolled to direct the gaze towards a new location. The new gaze position may be speci�ed in

world, platform or relative coordinates.

3 Motivation of the DES Framework

The extraction of appropriate qualitative information from sensory data allows us to develop some

simple obstacle avoidance, landmark/target following, or more general gaze control strategies. Most

of these strategies are either inherently continuous or reactive1 and may change in response to

external environmental stimuli, the task at hand, or asynchronous interactions between system

components. Based on the task we want to accomplish, we may need to invoke modules that

have con icting e�ects on the actuators of the system. In order to achieve a compact description

of the system, where di�erent tasks correspond to di�erent combinations of continuous control

strategies, we need to model particular behaviors in a systematic fashion. In our case the modeling

process is embedded in a control structure based on the theory of Discrete Event Systems (DES)

developed by Ramadge and Wonham [20]. The DES formalism models systems in terms of �nite

state automata and allows observations (the qualitative information extracted from sensory data)

and actions (commands to the actuators of the vehicle or to the actuators of the observer-system

and asynchronous interactions with the environment) to be treated in a uniform way in terms of

events. Events correspond here to the transitions between states and model discrete changes in

the system's behavior. The DES framework is suitable for investigating control-theoretic properties

of the system such as controllability and observability, which can be conveniently predicted.

1Reactive control strategy, in this context, means that the model of the plant is unknown and the control rule is

derived empirically.


Moreover, various visually guided behaviors can be combined in a modular and hierarchical fashion

such that the resulting behavior will be guaranteed to be controllable.

4 The DES framework

The following section is a brief introduction to the supervisory control theory of Discrete Event

Systems (DES) [20]. DES are a class of dynamic systems in which state changes asynchronously

at discrete instances of time. The DES are modeled as nondeterministic �nite state machines,

where states correspond to some continua in the task evolution and the transitions between them

are caused by events, representing qualitative changes in environment or task evolution. Let �

denote the set of events that the system can generate and/or respond to. Then event trajectories

can be thought of as strings over this �xed alphabet �. Let the subset L � �� represent all event

trajectories which are physically possible for the system and fully characterize its behavior. In

the case when the language L is regular there exists some �nite automaton, G , such that L is

generated/accepted by G . Let this automaton G be a 5-tuple

G = (Q;�; �; q0; Qm)


Q - is the set of all possible states,

� - is the set of all possible events

� - is the transition function � : � �Q! Q

q0 - is the initial state,

Qm - is the subset of states called marker states, Qm � Q.

In order to adjoin means of control to the system, events are classi�ed into two categories:

uncontrollable events which can be observed but cannot be prevented from occurring (e.g.


obstacle detected, target motion, no motion), and controllable events that can be prevented

from occurring or forced to occur (e.g. stop, move, shift gaze, compute map). The input/output

(I/O) model [4] we have adopted consists of the \plant" the subject of control embedded in

the environment, and the \supervisor" the controller whose goal is to enable, disable or force

controllable events in order to ensure correct behavior of the plant. For the purpose of accurately

modeling the behavior of our system we classify the set � of events as follows:

� The set of uncontrollable events �u, which correspond either to the observations made by

sensory measurements or encoders, or to responses which are observations about the e�ects

of actions performed by the subject of control.

� The set of controllable events �c, which represent commands controlling actuators of the

system, procedure calls invoking particular data acquisition strategies or communicating

commands corresponding to sending and receiving messages between di�erent components

of the system.

Here � = �u [ �c.

4.1 Supervisory control

A supervisor can be thought of as a state machine in which each state has some associated control

pattern determining which controllable events are enabled and which are disabled. The existence of

a supervisor for a given plant, i.e., the existence of an appropriate feedback control, is very closely

related to the concept of controllability. A system is said to be controllable, when based on

information about the current state of the system by means of appropriate control we can reach

any desired state of the system. If the desired behavior of the plant is controllable the existence of a

supervisor is guaranteed [21]. The control issues addressed by the DES framework di�er from those

in classical continuous control. The control at the discrete event level then models the changes


between di�erent continuous control strategies associated with states of the system triggered either

by abrupt observations or driven by di�erent tasks. The behavior of the plant can be changed

by changing the supervisor, or by changing the level of synchronization between the plant and

supervisor [24]. Below we concentrate on control strategies when the plant and supervisor are fully

synchronized, i.e., they are responsive to each other's observations and actions [4].

5 Modeling Principles

We are faced with a problem of designing elementary behaviors for an autonomous system with

multiple degrees of freedom, multiple actuators and multiple sensors. There is variety of ways

to establish perception/action pairs and derive a control law which given a sensory measurement

computes an appropriate command to the actuator. One way to approach this modeling process

would be to associate with each actuator particular process generating commands and the overall

behavior would be achieved by executing all the behaviors in parallel, where the only interactions

will be through the world. However, in order to achieve coherent behavior particular control

subsystems need to be coupled in a certain way. Certain types of coupling are task dependent,

while others change as a response to environmental stimuli. In order to be able to model these

types of interactions, behaviors share certain events.2 This essentially means that an event can be

generated by one behavior while causing a state transition and subsequent change of the control

strategy in another. The process of designing the behaviors and the amount of sharing is not unique

and requires a great deal of engineering expertise, but once �nished the model of the system gives

us the exibility to change the control strategies under supervision and guarantee the safety of the


2Event sharing can in essence be viewed as a `wiring' between di�erent �nite state machines representing particular

behaviors, similar to how it occurs in the subsumption architecture.


Formulation of system in a DES framework

In this section we describe in detail models of two elementary behaviors using the formalism of

Discrete Event Systems (DES) and emphasize di�erent control strategies that may occur in the

execution of subtasks (1)-(3) mentioned in the introduction. For more complex tasks we propose

elementary behaviors activated in parallel and show their composition. Following the notation

introduced in the second section we model gaze control, obstacle detection and avoidance, and

path following behaviors. Throughout the �gures of DES models of particular behaviors controllable

events are drawn with full line and uncontrollable ones with dashed line.

5.1 Gaze control

The capabilities of the visual system of a mobile agent vary in terms of the visual processing

required as well as the camera parameters suitable to obtain desired qualitative information and

hence generate appropriate action. The gaze control system used currently accommodates the

following capabilities:

1. Map generation. The gaze can be shifted to a position approximately 2 meters in front of the

vehicle, while setting the version angle to 0 (parallel optical axes) in order to obtain the map

of the free space in front of the vehicle.

2. Fixation. When a landmark has been selected the gaze control system will shift the gaze and

�xate on the object.

3. Pursuit. If an obstacle is moving or a landmark is tracked during vehicle motion a \pursuit"

task is carried out.

The composition of these modalities in a gaze control system is shown in Figure 3. Each of the

states are outlined below.


Wait The initial state of the gaze control system polls for an event to start some activity, while

some other processes can be already active (e.g. path following using dead reckoning).

Computing Map The supervisory control upon detecting an event obstacle detected forces a

computation of a map in order to determine an avoidance maneuver. To provide a map of

the free space the gaze shifts to a position in front of the vehicle after which the inverse

perspective mapping (see Section 5.2) is computed and harmonic functions are used to derive

a new path.

Gaze selection To initiate a task it is necessary to locate a landmark and to establish an initial

map of the environment, which ensures a safe path towards the goal. To accomplish this the

gaze control will carry out a gaze selection in which a landmark is localized. The landmark

recognition is, as already mentioned, based on simple perceptual grouping procedures.

Gaze shifting Once a gaze point has been determined, either by gaze selection or in response to

detection of an obstacle, the gaze shifting state controls the head in a feed-forward manner

towards a speci�ed gaze point.

Fixation If the gaze point is on a stationary target and the vehicle is at rest, a gaze selection

is followed by a �xation action which based on disparity and accommodation cues controls

focus and vergence to a local minima. The control structure applied in this state is similar to

that reported by [10] and [7]. If the platform moves during the �xation or the target begins

to move, a shift to pursuit state is performed.

Pursuit Whenever the gaze point is on a moving target a pursuit action is initiated. In this task

defocus and retinal slip are used for tracking of the target. The control strategy is based on

the model presented by [7] and later [10].


In gaze control a coupled strategy is used so that the vergence mechanism will initially move

to the gaze point. Any asymmetry in the vergence will the drive the version control towards a

symmetrical version angle.

5.2 Obstacle detection and avoidance

For obstacle detection we use ultrasound sensors. The obstacle detection method (see Section 2)

detects the obstacles of a size comparable to that of the vehicle quite reliably. Due to the poor

angular resolution of the sonars it is di�cult to determine the location and the extent of an obstacle;

therefore, it is di�cult to plan a smooth avoidance maneuver. For this purpose we compute the local

map of the free space in front of the vehicle. The map is computed through the di�erence between

a pair of stereo images after applying proper inverse perspective mapping [18] (see Figure 5).

Di�erences in perspective between left and right views are used to determine the presence of an

obstacle and its approximate location. When the size of the obstacle is su�ciently small compared

to the �eld of view of the agent, we use harmonic function techniques [11] to plan the path around

the obstacle. A simple feed-forward strategy is then used to follow the path. When the obstacle

is too big or possibly not stationary one way to accomplish the avoidance maneuver is in a purely

reactive manner. Based on the distance and the extent of the closest obstacle in the vehicle's path,

we compute the appropriate turning velocity _�, which is inversely proportional to the distance from

the obstacle and linear velocity of the vehicle [22].

= atan(�clearance


_� = Kt



While the vehicle is steering away from the obstacle we monitor the position of the obstacle

in the �eld of view until the path in front of the obstacle is clear again (event clear path). The

reliable computation of the map of the free space requires a gaze shift towards the oor, as most


points would be mapped above horizon if a gaze direction parallel to the ground plane was chosen.

The appropriate camera setting will be guaranteed as the action is preceded by a shift gaze com-

mand to the gaze control process, which will be forced by the supervisor (see Section 5.4). State

computing map in Figure 3 corresponds to the strategy when the obstacle avoidance maneuver is

driven entirely by the visual information from the camera head. Note that the event move body

in this case is generated by the gaze control process, but is shared (in this case executed) by the

mobile base actuator (see Figure 7). Similar sharing occurs with the event path computed.

5.3 Mobile base, path following

Mobile base process operates in one of the two modes (see Figure 7):

� servoing on another perceptual process (e.g., gaze control process while pursuing, or servoing

on avoidance process if the path cannot be computed around it) and

� path following mode using simple feed-forward strategy on odometry.

Due to inaccuracies the path following this method used only locally and the rest of the time the

mobile base is driven by other perceptual processes. The control strategy applied in the state

\servoing", while tracking a target, is used to align with the neck of the system and at the same

time keep the distance to the target constant. This is accomplished by the following control rule:

_� = Kv:( _!ref � _!m) +Kp:(!ref � !m)

v = Kd:(dref � dm)

where the block diagram is in Figure 8.

The control rule for the avoidance strategy which also can be applied in this state was described

in the previous section.


5.4 Composite behaviors

The activation of di�erent behaviors is closely related to the task to be accomplished. Composite

behaviors are a combination of the elementary behaviors described in Section 5.

Elementary behaviors in our case are controllable either because there is only one possible

controllable event which can take place in each state or the controllable actions don't have con icting

e�ects on the actuators, partly because they are generated by one control strategy associated with

the state (e.g. events move eyes, move head in gaze control process).

However, this might not be the case for the combination of more than one behavior. Such

situations can occur when the task of the agent is to follow a given target. This task requires

an activation of both gaze control (P1), obstacle detection (P2) and path following process (P3)

(Figures 3, 4 and 7). The composition of behaviors P1, P2 and P3 results in a new behavior, P ,

which is obtained as a synchronous product

P = P1kP2kP3

of the component behaviors [21]. The component behaviors are combined in an interleaving fashion,

so the resulting behavior represents all possible sequences of events. The problems that may occur

could be related to the fact that there is a number of controllable events controling the same

actuator or a choice of control strategy may be in uenced by the state of other participating

processes. The role of supervisory control in such a case becomes crucial. The supervisor must now

ensure that the correct commands will be carried out (enabled or forced) in response to previous

observations. This situation is described in the following scenario. Once the target is detected

the gaze control behavior P1 shifts to State pursuit and continuously generates commands (events

move eyes, move head ) to keep the target in the center of the �eld of view. The mobile base is

servoing on the neck of the system (State servoing in Figure 7); obstacle detection P2 starts in

State no obstacle in the absence of obstacles and monitors the free space in front of the vehicle.


When the obstacle is detected (event obstacle detected) P2 makes a transition to State obstacle.

Until now the tracking process has been still in State pursuit. However, in order to determine an

appropriate avoidance maneuver we need to shift the gaze and generate the map of the free space

and compute an alternative path to follow. At this point the role of the supervisor is to force the

gaze shift event followed by compute map event, which brings P1 to State computing map. If the

path is successfully computed the gaze can be shifted back and the head can further pursue the

target. In the meantime the event path computed triggered a transition in the mobile base process

P3 which moves to State path following and remains there until the path is completed. In case

when the information about the free space is not su�cient to generate a reliable obstacle-free path,

the gaze control process remains in the state computing map and continuously generates commands

move body to steer the base around the obstacle until the path is again clear (event clear path). In

this reactive strategy for avoiding obstacles we fully employ the camera head for the computation

of the map of the free space. The control strategy of the supervisor for this particular example can

be expressed by automaton in Figure 9.

This speci�cation puts some constraints on the overall behavior ensuring that in the presence

of the obstacle and existence of path process P3 moves to path following mode and takes over

the control of the vehicle and at the same time gaze control will attempt not to lose the target.

The composition of the supervisor, given component behaviors and the composition constraint, is

described in [4, 28]. The resulting supervisor implementing above mentioned control strategy has

14 states, where three of them have associated control pattern determining which events should be



6 Experimental Veri�cation

To demonstrate the concepts and methods outlined above an experiment has been carried out. In

the experiment the mobile robot moves in an indoor environment from its present position towards

a pre-speci�ed door to enter another room (see Figure 11). Motion towards the door is controlled

by the visual information received from the camera system. The door is recognized and its position

is used to drive the robot. In parallel, obstacle detection is carried out using the ultrasound sensors.

If an obstacle is detected control is shifted towards obstacle avoidance. While the robot performs

obstacle avoidance the sensory processing is concentrated on the map of the free space. By the

time the vehicle is next to the obstacle attention is shifted back to facilitate servoing on the door.

The experiment in Aalborg was carried out using a Robuter-20 mobile platform with an on-

board camera head (see Figure 10). The initial design of the robot head is described in [8, 9]. All

rotational degrees of freedom are implemented using rotational stages while the change of optical

parameters is achieved using motorized lenses.

The robot is equipped with software that allows Cartesian control of the vehicle using a simple

set of commands. For the robot head a set of PID controllers implement the control loops. The

control loops are motivated by psychological �ndings, as described by Robinson [23]. The models

are similar to those used by Clark and Ferrier [10]. The plant models account for the control of

vergence motors, where the gaze point is speci�ed in terms of vergence and version angles. For

the pan angle a simple symmetry function is used. The pan and tilt motors are on the order of

10 times slower than the camera motors; control is thus implemented using a simple proportional

controller, where

U(pan) = Kpan ��left + �right


Here U(pan) is the control voltage for the pan motors and Kpan is a proportionality constant. For

the tilt angle a simple PID controller is used. In the setup used here the focus setting for the


lenses is driven by the setting of a gaze point. During normal navigation/tracking the preferred

orientation of the vehicle is such that the pan angle with respect to the vehicle is zero.

The robot vehicle and the robot head control is coordinated through an OS/9 (real-time) com-

puter mounted on the robot. The image processing is carried out o�-board the vehicle due to power

considerations and the robot is thus connected to a stationary computer through two coaxial cables

which carry image data. The serial link is used for communication of commands to the head and

the vehicle. All image processing is carried out using standard UNIX workstations. Initially the

robot locates the door using line detection and grouping procedures which are similar to those de-

scribed by Lowe [17]. In this particular set-up the set of possible hypotheses is constrained through

introduction of contextual information that speci�es the expected size and height/width ratio for a

door. In Figure 12 the image used for recognition of a door is shown. Having recognized the door

from a binocular pair its position is estimated and the robot turns and moves towards the door.

Upon detecting the obstacle, the supervisor forces a shift gaze event followed by a computation

of the map of free space. Subsequently a new path is generated and the mobile base controller

switches from the servoing mode to the path following mode. Afterwards, attention/control is

handed over to the \door servoing" state and robot moves towards the door to leave the room.

The second experiment has been carried out in Grasp lab. The scenario is one in which the

agent (a TRC platform with 3 cameras, two of which form a �xed stereo pair and the third one is a

one degree of freedom camera with controllable pan) follows a moving target (white square). Under

this setting, the obstacle avoidance process and tracking process form separate behaviors since each

of them have separate sensors to acquire desirable visual information. As soon as an obstacle is

encountered the obstacle avoidance process takes over the control platform and the tracking process

compensates for the deviation of the target only by changing the pan angle of the camera platform.

Since there is no gaze shifting required, the constraint on the overall behavior and the supervisor

are di�erent. The DES models of this con�guration can be found in [16]. The image processing is


done o�-board on a SPARC-2 workstation and both the mobile base and camera pan platform are

controlled through a serial link.

We have implemented our ideas in two laboratories with di�erent system con�gurations. We

have learned what is the reasonable partitioning of the problem and how it is related to the under-

lying system con�guration. Our results suggest that the construction of the behavior models and

their independence versus coupling depends of the particular sensors/actuators setting. Since in

the experiment carried out in Aalborg the only resource for gathering of visual information is the

camera head, the type of control strategy we implemented was guaranteeing proper sequencing of

the events and subsequent interleaving of di�erent modes of gaze control process by the supervisor.

In the Grasp lab setting we had independent cameras for map generation and tracking, so these

two processes were running in parallel and supervisory control was just preventing execution of

con icting commands to the actuators (for more details see [16]).

7 Conclusions and Future Research

Visually guided behaviors have been of interest to the computer vision community for some time.

As researchers concentrated on di�erent closed-loop and real-time control [13], the role of di�er-

ent concurrent processes in robot control have become apparent [2, 6]. We believe that there is

something to be gained by investigating the system as a whole rather than its separate parts. The

examples presented are by no means a full demonstration of the capabilities of the system, but

they provide an insight to the utility of such methodologies for the the control of a mobile platform

with a camera head. While much more experimental work needs to be done, we can state that we

have con�rmed that the framework presented here, that is the mapping of sensory guided behaviors

into DES formalism is appropriate at least in the context of simple indoor environments. When

modeling the coupling between di�erent sensory and motor subsystems using DES, supervisory


control can guarantee successful coordination between di�erent sensory/motor processes, keeping

each of them as independent as possible but at the same time being able to accomplish desired task.

Moreover, the formalism we use allows us to systematically compose complex behaviors in a modu-

lar and hierarchical fashion and predict the controllability of the composite behaviors. The future

work will entail more sophisticated visual processing and application of the same methodology for

modeling cooperative behaviors among multiple mobile agents.

Acknowledgments: ARPA Grants N00014-92-J-1647, DAAH-0493G0419; ARO Grants DAAL03-

89-C-0031PRI, DAAL03-92-G0153; NSF Grants CISE/CDA-88-22719, CDA-9121973, CDA92-11136,

GER93-55018, IRI93-03980, IRI93-07126, NSF Grants CISE/CDA 88-22719, IRI 89-06770, and

ASC 91 0813; CEC Esprit Basic Research Project P-7108-VAP-II; and EC-US Exploratory Action



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Figure 1: Two mobile agents





21 CC



Figure 2: Geometry of the head-eye system






computing map





shift_gaze n



move_eyes +move_head

move_eyes +move_head

move_eyes +move_head

motion detection



clear_path +





no_motion target_motion




Figure 3: Gaze Control



no_obstacle obstacle

clear_path +path_computed

Figure 4: Obstacle detection







horizontal plane


{ W }

{ R } { L }




b - baseline

D - disparity















Figure 5: Inverse Perspective Transformation


Figure 6: a) Left Image; b) Map of the free space in lower resolution, dark areas correspond to the

free space; c) Right image


path computed

path completed

path following



+ path_interrupted


Figure 7: Servoing or Path following










+ -








ω.ref Σ v



Figure 8: Servoing the neck: ! and _! are the current position and velocity of the head/neck, v and

_� are the linear velocity and turning rate of the mobile base and dm is the current estimate of the

target distance



shift_gaze compute_map path_computedclear_path +


check_motion +shift_gaze +select_target

Figure 9: Composite Behavior Constraint


Figure 10: The Robuter-20 mobile robot and the on-board camera-head.















Figure 11: The test scenario


Figure 12: Door recognized using grouping procedures


Figure 13: The left and right images at the position where an obstacle is detected. The map of the

free space shown in the middle. The dark regions denote obstacles.

