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(1‐ ()h′ N PI_ANNIN(〕 ルVINC)

Filling trp tlf two prlsts of I'lannir-rg Draftsnran (lrorrp-'C' post on dcptrtationbas is.

[it't'rlttttttt'tttl.tiitrns.rrt' invilt',. 1 Ironr Ilrt' ['rrrrj,rtr, i l,l'\.]n(r'/Lj I

;\ci rtrilristt'ation holtlirtri an(ll()tr()Lrs 1-rosts, lor st,ntlintt, fi.lnttls trf nrininrurnt 3olficials for l'illing up oi 02 (tvvo) posts o[' ['lunning I)r,rltsrran (iroup-'(" prosth.tYittg agt't-tOi ll1()rL' 5(r \'('ars olr rlcpLri.rlion Lrasis in tltg I) giUrbal-r I)lallning (l'ort'rr l'lanrtirrrl lVirrq), C'hlnrliilarh Atlnrinistr.artior-r, U. I'.,St'cretariat IlLrildirrll St:ctrir'-(.), ( - l(r(X)09,ts lollorvs:-.

Sr. No.「No. of Post

I:ligitrility:- l)t'prrtatiorri) Ii,v rle prrtation [r.ortr lr[-r. .rrrr.l IIr. StatV U'f

Acl nr i rr ist r.rt i o rr ho I cl i r-lg a lta I oeo u s 1.rost.

I'osscssing thc folltlwing cc.lrrcatiorral clualifications and cxpcricpce:-Educationa I Qual if ic.r t ion:-

一   2耐






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一錨 剛面倒




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(i) Matriculation of a r..rcogrrizcd Unir.,r:r.sityI0'r2 p.1rr-

or its equivalcnt or

'l hre c yca.s l)iplorrra in Architectrrar Assist;rnt ship rlr il'l('erlific;rtt/l)iplrr,a i. ( i'il; l)rafts,rarr .r its,.rlc.t fr,r,.rrr1' Irrstilrrti., rec.grrizerl by thr ( c.tral (,ovcr.rrnrcnt/statc(,ovcrrrnrcnt r.r'itlr onc )'cal cxPcr.icncc trnt{cr qtralifieclA'clr i t cct/ l,r', I'la.rr i.g al tcr .r tt;r i,i rrq 11 rr.r l i l ic.rt i,rs.

Agc:- lhc nr.rxirntrnr agc Iinrittcrnr contract) shall notrcccipt of a prpl icatiorr.

l'or appointtncnt lry de ptrtation (incltrding shortbe cxcecding 56 years ;ls on thc closing clatc of

Standard ternrs and conditionsChandigarh Adnrinistration.

1. Periorl of tleptrtatiorr

of thc (lovt. enrployees on deputatiorr with

()nt' r t'.tr in tltc lilst inst.incc 6i t()Lrt' t'rtcntlcrl [r'ot-n Iintt' to tinrt, orrccl uct,rl .rrtt'ortl inq to ro('l.Lritntetnt.

IIt, rr ill clrarv p.rr rn lris ()\\'lr sLatlool p.t1' rvitltor-rt .)r)\' tlt'1-rLrtatitlrr,r I Ior.r'.r rrr't,.

Aet orrliirr,, to Iltt' l'un j.tLr [iultts strIortrl iltt' r'nrplovct,s ol ('hcl. ,\rlnllt. arL,.llst'r !'ovt1'petl ltr tltt's. rliles.

/\t'r'orilirrq to thc r.u lt's rtl (,rlr,t. ttlrvhiclr (l('l)r.rtt'ri i.t'. ('itrl r\tlnrrr.

IIrt'Iirrir's ol tir,-r 1r.rrt'nt (,or.t.

2. I)a、 '

3. I)n, Loc.rl Allor,r,arrcc

1. l.A. joinirrs tinrt'&'l r.rnsl'r'r' I .A.

5. l.c,tt't' & lrtl'rsi,rn

I).′I` .0。

()2 tr,r,o)

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6 l.('avc I ravttl (-()tl( ('ssi()tl

t'tlctlit,l I ( ()11( ('ssi()ll &.t('C()lllrll()11iit i rrll :

Lt'.'t\ r''\ .ltltl 1rt'11si1r1'1 '

c()lrtf ibLrti()n

Accorrlirr11 to p;l'('lrt I)eptt.

I lrt' lllocatitttl tll Ir'.lvt''t' .ltl,,l

l)rllsiott t ltar'1it's P.l\,1 [rlt: lrr tlli:Atlnrirristrittitrn rvill [,t' t't';',ltlatetl ltlltlerihe rulcs ttl iht''trttt (,ovt.

Necessary rccorllnrenclatiun alorrgwith follttwing doctrnlcnts ofthe reconrnterl(lees slr<lrrlcl r'(.ilch on tltc,tcldrt'ss Irttttrtitlnccl br:ltln'rvitlrintwo tntttrths fronr the clatc tll'PllLrlic;rtiorr tlI this Irotice:-

a. IntcgritY Certific.rte.b. Whcthcr .rny Vigilance enqtriry is pcndirrg arsairrst the

conccrned official.c. St;rte nrctrt of pt'naltics iltrlroscd ii;rrrl '

cl. l..rst l'iyr' \/e.lts ACI('s/attt'sit'tl plrotoctlpies thcrertf inrcspt:ct ol tl't., offici;rls.

e. llio-clata of thc eaclr off icial duly signccl by the off icial

t. Col'rsclrt <lf thc official to rvorl< on tr;rnsfcr otr clcptrtatiolrin Chcl. Adnrinistrat ittn.

I lrt, srrit,rl.l,, ,tnti rvillintl irllir rals rrttst ,tPPlr Lhrt,tri',lr Pr()Pol' t'llatrllt'l

rr ithin (r() (Sirtr ) tlar s ol tht' l'trlrlit.rtrtrns ol Ilris ,trl Vt't'tis('tll('ll[. Ilrt' tottrP]1'11'

aPPlil'.111,.l,-, altrrrllv!itlr,rll ilr..'l('(lLl isii() tltlr.'tlttltrttts,ts L'rllisLt'tl ')htrtt'tt't'tV irt'l'ort'r'al'tltlr'l

[. Lhe Chiei, l)t,p.rrtlrt'r'rI pl L-] r'lrap I'lanrrin1,,, (-harr.lit',.t I'll r\tltl.tillistl'.ttit'tl'r'"t

lrltttlr., Lr .l.,St,ir.t, lirr rl.lipr,,\f i[1r1-().(lt.trr.lili,rrlr jrr(){)( r() Ilt,'.1[,,,rr.',ttirt'ttis,'tltt'llI'.til.tL',le.rt tlrt'tr't'lrsitt'\\ \\ \\ I lr'11 r ']"' i r


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|)て`Partnl(ヽ llt()「 LIIい そ1111)ltl l、 lli!¬



