
Семинар«Подготовка к кейс-интервью»

РЭШ, Сколково, 18 июля 2015

Дима Зубанов[email protected]


Обо мне


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Почему консалтинг привлекательнее IB


– Вы можете сменить индустрию, если она вам надоела

– Вы – не просиживаете штаны в офисе, если хотите

– Вы создаете value и можете повлиять на целую отрасль вашей страны

– Вы любите свою работу

– Вы быстро и разносторонне развиваетесь

– Вы можете стать консультантом с любым предыдущим опытом

– Вы работаете с удивительными людьми

– Вы намного меньше подвержены колебаниям нашей экономики

– Вы не боретесь с вашими коллегами, кто из вас получит бонус

– Вам платят достаточно, чтобы вы могли думать о работе, а не о заработке

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Со временем вы научитесь работать меньше

Hours per week




Improve mindset

Use functional tips

Leverage firm better

Leverage client better

Manage upwards effectively


Best practice time spent at work

Average time currently spent at work

Source: Adapted from “Maintaining a work/life balance,” Joseph Tesvic and Brendan Lee

|SOURCE: Tricks of the Trade – The Ultimate New Associate/BA Survival Guide (2007)

Вы можете влиять на выбор проекта, зная заранее его сложность

Scoring system


> 100






“Kiss you’re a** goodbye”

“This blows”

“Starting to blow”

“Not too terrible”

“No problem”

Lifestyle red flag Points1

1 “01” study 5

New EM 82

High performing client 33

No EM 104

Single EM with no relationship, cat, family, etc.


McKinsey alum client 56

More than 2 MGMs involved 57

ED or AP with reputation for working weekends


ED or AP in “election window” 59

“High priority” client 510

Travel hardship (e.g., connecting flight) 511

Project is described as “broad”, “far reaching”, or “ambitious”


Only 1 associate/BA 513

Turnaround/“Performance Transformation” 1014

In progress study 515

Private equity, M&A 1516

Study length of less than 4 weeks 1317

1 Illustrative example, varies based on personal preferences

Potential sources of input forlifestyle-o-meter▪ BAs▪ Friends ▪ Your intuition▪ Colleagues ▪ DGL ▪ Professional development

manager (PDM)

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Почему консалтинговые проекты бывают неудачные?В чем роль консультанта?

In the early 1980s AT&T asked McKinsey to estimate how many cellular phones would be in use in the world at the turn of the century.

The consultancy noted all the problems with the new devices—the handsets were absurdly heavy, the batteries kept running out, the coverage was patchy and the cost per minute was exorbitant—and concluded that the total market would be about 900,000. At the time this persuaded AT&T to pull out of the market, although it changed its mind later.

These days 900,000 new subscribers join the world's mobile-phone services every three days.


Apply everywhere if you want to get into consulting




Apply everywhere if you want to get into consulting



Опыт, который любят HR-ы (примеры)

Внутренний консалтинг

PhD MBA Зарубежная магистратура

С этим опытом вам придется убедить HR, что у вас есть достижения

– Семейный бизнес– Стартап в коворкинге– Фрилансер– Программист

– Бизнес, где не было менеджерской / аналитической работы




Leadership (Младший партнер / Партнер / Директор)

Менеджер проекта

Post-MBA(Associate / Старший консультант)

Fellow Associate

Pre-MBA (Аналитик / Старший аналитик / Консультант / Associate)


Temporary workers

Research & analytics


Опыт работы 5 лет (а лучше – больше) / MBA

Уже не аналитик, но не дотянул до Post-MBAPhD?

1-3 года опыта работы

Последний курс в бакалавриате / магистр., Выпускник с опытом работы full-time < 1 года

Студенты 3-4 курс

Требуемый уровень

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Презентации компаний / пробные (mock) интервью, networking, кейс-чемпионаты▪ Mock interview with company could be NOT a risk-free environment – they judge you▪ Networking и рекомендации важны, если у вас не очень сильное CV▪ Кейс-чемпионаты не очень полезны, если вы не в списке победителей, но помогают найти


CV-screening▪ Неправильно: process-oriented резюме. Правильно: result-oriented резюме.▪ Referral от сотрудника компании может помочь вам. А может и не помочь.▪ Это непросто, но результат скрининга можно оспорить

Тест▪ К тесту нужно очень серьезно подготовиться, особенно кандидатам, которые давно закончили вуз▪ У вас не будет теста в MBB, если вы MBA-студент▪ У вас не будет теста в Bain, если у вас хороший referral▪

~6 интервью▪ На стажера у вас будет всего ~3 интервью▪ Ошибка: недооценить важность fit / behavioral интервью▪ Don’t speak fast to look more senior▪ Be aware of body language, record yourself on camera▪ История должна быть запоминающейся▪ История должна быть структурированной▪ Use mirror technique▪ Send “Thank you” letter after interview

Кейсы▪ The goal is not to crack the case, the goal is

to show the way how to do that▪ It matters what’s on your face when you fail▪ If interviewer says you are wrong, defend

yourself, if you can▪ Recognize your mistake if you see it▪ Think out loud▪ Ask, ask, ask, listen, listen, listen

Стадии отбора

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Рекрутинг в любую фирму может растянуться на 3 месяца

Если вам дадут offer, может пройти еще полгода до момента вашего выхода на работу

Look at growing economies (Dubai?)

Подумайте, куда не хотят ехать те, с кем вы конкурируете (Техас в США, Казахстан)

Не бойтесь разговаривать с HR

Узнайте как зовут интервьюера ДО интервью

Отправьте интервьюеру “Thank you” letter

Не сдавайтесь

О зарплате договориться не получится, но...

Прочие советы


Recommended sources


Marc Cosentino – Case in Point

▪ The easiest book to start from▪ Was good 15 years ago, but not enough

today▪ It is useful to learn by heart structures given

in the 1-st chapter

Victor Cheng – Look Over My Shoulder

▪ The best tool to get prepared I have seen:

▪ It is the best way how you can invest $300▪ The challenge is to make sure you are

using Cheng’s advice on your interview▪ Make the check-list with Cheng’s do’s and



What is important to remember about at the case interview


▪Prioritize: 80/20

▪Be quantitative

▪Case interview is about asking, listening and reacting on what you heard

▪Try to be MECE

▪Don’t go deeper in your issue tree before you covered the full layer

▪Show your assumptions

▪Each time you get new piece of data – react “What does that mean” immediately

▪Think out loud


Marketsizing cases Vs Business problem cases



Estimate number of gas

stations in London

Estimate what impact has

Movember on razor

producer’s profit

Estimate annual revenue

of British Airways

Business problems 

Should we enter the new


What factors are crucial

when we consider buying

company XYZ?

The profits are falling.

Could you help to fix that?


What is important to remember about at the case interview


▪Ask, ask, ask

▪Listen, listen, listen

▪Be quantitative

▪Try to be MECE

▪Don’t go deeper in your issue tree before you covered the full layer

▪Show your assumptions

▪Each time you get new piece of data – react “What does that mean” immediately

▪The goal is not to crack the case, the goal is to show the way how to do that

▪It matters what’s on your face when you fail

▪If interviewer says you are wrong, defend yourself, if you can

▪Recognize your mistakes

▪Think out loud

▪Prioritize: 80/20


Case interview is about asking questions


Case 1  

Your client is an

entertainment park in the

US 1M city. Local

government offers them to

buy 1 km2 of land (just

near their current 2 km2

area) for $100M.

Is it a good idea to buy

this land?


Case interview is about asking questions


Case 1  

Your client is an

entertainment park in the

US 1M city. Local

government offers them to

buy 1 km2 of land (just

near their current 2 km2

area) for $100M.

Is it a good idea to buy

this land?

Questions to ask____________ 

– What are the client’s goals? If it is a

profit – do we have any target?

– Before we start, could you tell me a

bit more how exactly the client makes

money? It is a kind of Disneyland,


– Is there a reason why the

government wants to sell land?

– Could you tell me how big is the

requested price ($100M) compared to

client’s annual revenue?


How to compare options?


Case 1  

Your client is an

entertainment park in the

US 1M city. Local

government offers them to

buy 1 km2 of land (just

near their current 2 km2

area) for $100M.

Is it a good idea to buy

this land?


How to compare options? – You need criteria!


Case 1  

Your client is an

entertainment park in the

US 1M city. Local

government offers them to

buy 1 km2 of land (just

near their current 2 km2

area) for $100M.

Is it a good idea to buy

this land?


Case interview is about asking questions


Case 2  

Your friend comes to you:

“Recently there was only

one ROCK radio station in

my home town. But their

management changed and

now they play POP. This is

unique opportunity: I have

$10k and want launch there

my own ROCK radio!”

Is it a good idea?

Questions to ask____________ 

– What are the client’s goals?

– Is there a reason why that station

switched to POP music?

– Could you tell me how big is the

requested price ($100M) compared to

client’s annual revenue?


MECE structure via FORMULA approach


Why train could be late?

How to mine more coal?

How to increase profit?


MECE structure via EXCLUSION approach


Why people don’t come to the theater?




Draw value chain

Draw production lines + everything that can
