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Behavioural ExceptionalitiesAmber, Kasia, and Megan

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Behaviour Exceptionality

Ontario Ministry of Education Definition

A learning disorder characterized by specific behaviour problems over such a period of time, and to such a marked degree, and of such a nature, as to adversely affect educational performance, and that may be accompanied by one or more of the following: a) An inability to build or to maintain interpersonal relationships; b) Excessive fears or anxieties; c) A tendency to compulsive reaction; or d) An inability to learn that cannot be traced to intellectual,

sensory, or other health factors or any combination thereof. 

A formal exceptionality, identified by an Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC), in the category of Behaviour.

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+Research Tells Us:

Beyond difficult-to-manage behaviour, ADHD also includes impairment in regions of the brain related to processes that are key for learning.

Executive function allows us to develop and carry out plans, organize ourselves and activities, inhibit actions, regulate emotions, and self-monitor. It also directs academic performance and behaviour.

A diagnosis is based on developmentally inappropriate behavioural symptoms that begin in pre-school years and tend to persist through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.3 These symptoms include inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity.

Medical terminology often used: • Mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorders;• Personality disorders; • Conduct disorders including Oppositional Defiant Disorder or

Disruptive Disorder;• Anxiety Disorders;• Impulse Control disorders such as ADHD. 

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Instructional -Create a known cueing system with student (a secret ‘code’) to

indicate lesson interaction -Provide written instructions with a checklist or other visual

representations -highlight important text to draw attention to the main points of text -Alternate between active/inactive engaging classroom tasks -Give student extra responsibility (i.e. leadership role in classroom, hall

monitor, etc.) -Have student repeat instruction to class/table group -Keep a consistent schedule with clear, and often reminded, deadlines -Give student extra time to complete assignments -Allow student to audio record lessons for later review -Break large assignments into several smaller assignments to ensure

student is on-task -Maintain eye contact with student; vary tone of voice/volume/pace of

speaking to promote fluidity and engagement -Keep clear and scheduled contact with parent/guardian. Positive

communication will help student transition from school to home life everyday day.

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+Environmental Create seating for student where distractions are minimal Provide multiple work spaces for student to choose from

daily Allow student to take breaks during class (head on desk,

walk down hallway, etc.) Allow student to use musical device for concentration

purposes Allow concentration objects to be used (stress ball, chewing

gum) Provide quiet work periods for student Have a study buddy/group to keep student focused – more

responsibility Create an extremely organized classroom space where all

materials/resources are always in its allotted place

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Oral responses in lieu of written tasks

Break down larger assignments/ Give one task at a time

Differentiate lessons with more/less physical activity to suit students’ needs

Reduce the number of ‘practice’ assignments – allow student to stop once they have shown solid understanding of concept(s)

Following instruction on the student’s personal IEP

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+Assessment Strategies

Strategies and Suggestions Related to Assessment Provide clear, explicit expectations Create time lines Break down large tasks into smaller parts. Use positive reinforcement to make

sure student completes each part of the assignment. Simplify instructions, choices, and schedules Provide samples and frequent modeling of expectations so that students can

visualize the project Provide verbal and visual instructions Pair students to check each other’s work Provide checklists, graphic organizers, or outlines to help students organize their

assignments Permit and encourage student to explore different presentation methods (i.e.

demonstrations or dramatizations) Provide students to use computer software such as word-processors to write

assignments Expect quality work over quantity of work Reduce work load if necessary Monitor student progress and provide feedback to keep student on track and

build self esteem Seek out and praise the student’s successes as much as possible

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+Assessment strategies Allow alternative methods of assessment (e.g. oral or

creative presentation) Allow student to make notes and elaborate verbally Divide the test into parts and give to the student one

section at a time Give student the option to be in a quite environment Allow student additional time to complete evaluation, if

required Read through instructions with student, clarify if

necessary, and ask student to rephrase in his/her own words

Highlight key words or phrases Allow flexibility when answering questions Assign grades based on performance on certain aspects of

the evaluation (e.g. oral communication, organization, etc.)

Provide prompts to keep the student on task Provide supervised breaks, if necessary

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+Adaptive Technology

Assistive technology for students with behavioral disorders may be designed to help ease the stress associated with classroom transitions.

It may also be designed to remind students on a regular basis about expected classroom behaviors.

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+Examples of Adaptive Technology Electronic Devices

Types of devices that may be beneficial for students with behavioral concerns include specialized computer software that reminds students about tasks that need to be accomplished and beeper or pagers that send out frequent reminders about tasks and behavior expectations. Also, electronic organizers may be helpful for students with behavioral issues because behavioral problems often occur when students do not know what they should be doing. Simple timers or stop watches also may be used to promote on-task behaviour.

Other Helpful Tools Assistive technology does not necessarily need to be electronic in nature. Any

helpful device qualifies as assistive technology. Other helpful assistive technology tools that may deter unacceptable behaviors include self-graphing behavior charts and social story cards that help students know how to behave in certain situations.

Benefits Using assistive technology in the classroom not only benefits the students with

disabilities and behaviors problems but it also benefits the entire class because less misbehavior results in more quality instruction time.

Considerations Before using assistive technology, teachers, teacher aids and the students who

will use the devices need to be thoroughly trained on how to use the devices properly. Training ensures that the devices will be used correctly and will have the greatest possible positive effect on the learning environment.

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+Equity Issues





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+Agency/Community Liaisons & Supports

The Hincks-Dellcrest Centre New Path Youth and Family Services of Simcoe County Kinark Child and Family Services Kids Help Phone

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+In School Support

Superintendents and Directors of Education School Principals Parents Resource Teachers Child and Youth Workers (CYW) Education Assistant (EA)

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+Resource Materials, Web Sites, etc. ADDitude – online magazine for persons successfully

living with ADD Journal of Special Education Technology The Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner: Special Education




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+Sources Consulted


The Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner: Special Education Companion


The Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner: Special Education Companion

The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat

tannock.pdf Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

