
MARCH 2015


President’s Message................................ Notes from the Co-Vice President.......... Gift of the Spirit........................................ Mission Education & Susannah Wesley........................................................ Is Your Local Organization a Mission Today Unit?............................................... Secretary’s Desk....................................... Social Action Spotlight & Flyer...............

1 2 3 4 5-6 7 8-9

Stop Trafficking......................................... Program Resource................................... About Response Magazine & Salt Lake City Info...................................................... Membership............................................... Treasurer’s Report.................................... Pacific Wave & Word Puzzle.................... Nominations...............................................


11 12 13 14 15 16

How Do I Become a leader in UMW....... Officer’s Training Day at Wesley UMC.. 2015-2016 Calendar of Events Crenshaw UMC Flyer Info....................... Mission u.................................................. Responsively Yours................................ UMWLAD 2014-2015 Officers................. Our Purpose, Vision and Party Line...... Subscription Info.


18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Brenda Scott-Horn with her President’s & Vice President


PRESIDENT Greetings LA District. 2015 is moving along at warp speed. We began with Our January local training session, this was a major success. Everyone appreciated the new format. There are many more innovative events on the Los Angeles District Calendar this year. We are actually doing a shared program with the Pasadena District in April. This Party line has the Calendar of events for the year. I have had the opportunity to visit with a number of local organizations lately and I have learned that many of you are experiencing pressure from the local Church Administration with regard to Fiduciary matters. I am not sure what has prompted this action but the Discipline is clear with regard to United Methodist Women relationship in the Local Church. What we must do is to remain true to our purpose, we represent mission work. We do this because we care about people in need. We are the mission arm of the Church. Remember the efforts we make financially or otherwise is sacrificial. Review our purpose and remain steadfast in our commitment to others. Our Conference has also agreed to the continued support of Methodist Hospital. We are asking all Units to remember Methodist Hospital and our commitment.

“Remember to Practice Random acts of kindness daily”.

You’re Sister in Christ

BRENDA SCOTT- HORN Los Angeles District United Methodist Women President - [email protected]




Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


NOTES FROM OUR Tina Raemon Pool & Sandra Winston


Greetings, Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow! We thank God for getting us off to a great start in 2015. With our continued faith in God, it is our hope the He will direct us to grow in our services to fulfill our United Methodist Women Purpose.

Our first Event for the year was very successful and We sincerely thank Wesley United Methodist Women for hosting the District Officer Training at their Rakestraw Community Center. We decided to change our format and structure for presenting the Officer Training program this year. Because we believe all United Methodist Women members should have a general understanding of Spiritual Growth, Program Resources, and Education/Interpretation, these topics were presented to everyone in the general session at the beginning of the program. Also a packet listing the entire officer’s job descriptions was given to all attendees. The format of the break-out sessions, by position, was changed from a ‘lecture’ format to a ’workshop’ format, facilitated by the district officers. The officers’ responsibilities were discussed and information was exchanged by the participants (Local Organization Officers). The new workshops format was well-received; and we will try to continue to make improvements on this and future district events. One idea that came out of the President/VP session, was for organizations (local and district) to work together – especially where memberships are small. In that vein, our next challenge of revisions will occur at the upcoming Social Action Event in April, which will be a joint activity between the Los Angeles and Pasadena Districts. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25, 2015 and all future district events. Detail information will be provided soon. As always, we welcome all suggestions to make our programs more spiritual, relevant, and fun. In this Lenten season, let us remember that we don’t have to ‘give up’ something; we can also ‘give’ something. How about your support and dedication to the purpose of United Methodist Women? Make a special effort to attend and participate in both the Local and District Programs throughout the year, join the new Los Angles District United Methodist Women Choir, host a program at your Church, and/or become an Officer!

Looking forward to a Blessed year,

Tina Raemon Pool & Sandra Winston Los Angeles District United Methodist Women/Co-Vice President

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

”Psalm 51:10”

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT Claudia Spears & Dr. Gwen Wyatt

This article is one of many firsts, my first article for this year and my first term as the new L.A. District Spiritual Growth Coordinator. So first, I am grateful to Dr. Gwen Wyatt, Past L.A. District UMW Spiritual Growth Coordinator, for mentoring me and supporting me in my first presentation(s). I congratulate her as she assumes her new role as the Co-dean of the Cal-Pac UMW Mission u for 2015. We are now in the Lenten season of the Christian calendar year. Many of us participated in Ash Wednesday services. Lent is a time of preparation for the death of Christ on Good Friday, and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Lent is also the season of 40 days of penance and prayer before Easter. Christians traditionally sacrifice something in the days before Easter. However, many Christians take on something.

Lent comes providentially to awaken us, to shake us from our lethargy. It helps us cultivate the style of the Good Samaritan who bent down to his brother in need and took care of him. So my UMW Sisters, I encourage you to make the most of the next forty days and nights, to trust God to assist each of us in making the space around us a better place. We can start with our own family, in our own homes, our own churches, our communities. One member of United Methodist Women stated that instead of giving up a meal, she will donate the cost of a daily meal to the Church food pantry for each week of Lent. Remember, a little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just. We all have the duty to do well. The act of doing well is a gift for our spirits, our very souls. During this Lenten Season, use your gifts of the spirit. We must pray and ask God to lead us as we find and use our gifts to do God’s will and his work. Gifts of the spirit are gifts of grace. Their use must be controlled by the rule of Love. The greatest gift of the Spirit – 1 Corinthians 13. What gifts do you have? Use them to do the work of the Lord.

Blessings to each of you during the Lenten Season and beyond.

CLAUDIA SPEARS - Spiritual Growth Coordinator - L.A. District UMW

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015



Greeting everyone, “God is good and Worthy to be praised.” We are well into the New Year and completed our 2015 LA District United Methodist Women Training event. It was welcoming and good to see those who were able to attend. My hope is that each United Methodist Women local unit will review the Mission Today Unit 2015 form, complete and return the form to District Mission Education coordinator for Education and Interpretation in September or by December 1, 2015. A Mission Today Unit 2015 form will be included in this Newsletter. If you have questions or require help in completing the form please contact me and I will be happy to assist. We the LADUMW thank each Local Unit that completed and there Mission Today Unit form for 2014. The information was submitted to our

Conference in January 2015. Let us continue to stay focused on our Mission Work.

“We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.” (Philippians 4:13)."


PAT WHITMAN Los Angeles District Mission Education Coordinator

323-778-2985 [email protected]

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Susannah Wesley Community Center.

Learn the History of this UMW Mission at:!

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


IS YOUR UNIT A MISSION TODAY UNIT? California-Pacific Conference United Methodist Women 2015

To become a Mission Today Unit, the unit must meet EIGHT (8) of the following criteria,

including at minimum FOUR (4) of those marked with an Asterisk (*).

(The criteria added by the California-Pacific Conference Mission Team is listed as C-P.)

Return to Your District Mission Education Coordinator no later than December 1, 2015

Mission Ed. Coord. Name, Address, E-mail

Unit Name, Contact Name E-mail / Phone:

Date Completed

* / C-P Criteria

On-Going *

Use the Prayer Calendar at each general meeting of the unit to pray for persons in mission & for our mission work with women, children, & youth.

1. * The unit will make and meet its pledge to mission.

1. 2. *

The unit will add at least two members to its roll.

1. 2. *

The unit will have at least two members subscribing to response magazine. (Order from the

Mission Resource Center)

1. 2. *

The unit will use two programs from the Program Book for United

Methodist Women each year.

1. * The unit, circle, or subgroup will conduct at least one Mission Study a year. (Contact your Dist. or Conf. to learn what the studies and textbooks are for each year).

1. 2. *

The unit will implement the Charter for Racial Justice Policies in at least 2

ways during the year. Suggested plans of action:

1. C-P The unit will add a Young Women’s or Youth Circle.

1. C-P The unit will add a Language Group Circle.

1. .

Plan a joint unit meeting with a unit of a different racial/ethnic

background, using programs from the Program Book.

1. . Develop bi-racial/cultural or multi-racial/cultural Koinonia groups.

1. .

Become an enabling group to help the local church through the

Administrative Board, Council on Ministries, and Work Areas to become

involved in the implementation of The Charter by:

1. Encouraging a joint Vacation Bible School.

2. Encouraging pulpit exchanges.

3. Sharing joint worship services on special occasions.

4. Encouraging support for equal employment practices in the church & community.

5. Encouraging the church to sponsor a refugee family.

6. Helping to promote the Quadrennial Emphasis on the Ethnic Minority Local Church.

7. Contact your Conference Committee on the Charter for Racial Justice Policies for further

action plans.

1. .

At least one member of the unit other than a Conf. or Dist. officer will

attend the Conference or District School of Christian Mission.

1. 2. .

At least two members of the unit other than a Conf. or Dist. officer will

attend the District or Conference Annual Celebration.

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


1. 2. C-P

At least two members of the unit will attend any Young Women’s Event in

the Cal-Pac Conference. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C-P

At least five members of the unit will attend any event with emphasis on

UMW 101 or any Language event in the Cal-Pac Conference.

1. .

The unit will have at least one person join the United Methodist Women’s

Action Network to receive & respond to legislative information. (To join, call

the Women's Division Washington Office at (202) 488-5660 or write to UMW Action

Network, 100 Maryland Ave. NE, Suite 530, Washington, D.C. 20002).

1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / .

Members shall write to five persons listed in the Prayer Calendar at least

twice a year.

1. 2. .

The unit will participate in the Campaign for Children in at least two ways.

Possibilities for action:

1. Help sponsor a church or community program related to children and youth needs.

2. Sponsor a Children's Sabbath, promoted by the Children's Defense Fund.

3. Get involved with children in mentoring, tutoring, and "big sisters" programs.

4. Write letters, e-mail, or call Congressional representatives and/or others in government

regarding children's issues.

5. Visit your local schools.

6. Attend a school board meeting.

7. Learn how our schools are funded.

1. .

The unit will be a Five Star unit, contributing to all five channels of Mission


On-Going .

Each unit, circle, or subgroup will include a response moment where an

article from Response (New World Outlook) magazine will be lifted up as a

way to tell the mission story.

1. 2. .

Have at least 2 persons from the unit, circle, or subgroup complete one of

the Reading Program Plans and report on one of the books read; encourage

all members to complete Plan One; have a book review program.

1. .

The unit will invite a Dist. or Conf. officer, other than that of a member of

the unit, to one of the unit meetings during the year.

1. .

Make a pledge to care for God’s creation and become a “Green” UMW unit (How to Become a Green Unit at or contact Women’s Division

Office of Community Action.)

1. .

Hold a Mini – Spiritual Growth Retreat; prepare for the retreat by watching

“Resurrection Road” and reading the study guide “Resurrection Women.” (For addition information contacts the Women’s Division Office of Spiritual Formation and

Mission Theology.)

Other Mission Work:

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


Linda Smith

Hello Ladies, Thank you for attending our L.A. District officer's training on January 31, 2015. I am sure that all of the secretaries of the various churches learned a lot and took information back to your local organizations. Our second event for the year was the Conference Mid-Winter event which was held on February 21, 2015 at Riverside First UMC. The theme was “One in the Spirit” where the guest speaker was Rev. Dr. Cedrick Bridgeforth. We were all blessed as we learned about the Realignment: Truth & Fallacies. I would like to give a thank you to Jennifer Lim from Culver Palms UMC and Jane Crabs from Westchester UMC for returning their slate of UMW officers for 2015. So ladies if you have any changes to your current slate please don't hesitate to call me @ 310-764-4981 or email me at [email protected]. Many thanks to our outgoing ex-secretary Gina Eubanks for assisting me in updating the directory and giving me essential tips on minute taking. The Conference Secretary is Lita Santiago who stated that the directories will be available after their March meeting. I look forward to providing you with more information in the future. Peace,


When we think the race is over! Help us to remember! When we are lagging far behind! Help us to remember! When we are running out of steam! Help us to remember! When we reach the goals we set! Help us to remember! When we worry about success! Help us to remember!

God open our hearts and our minds so that we may be hearers and doers of your Word!


Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015



Hello Ladies,

Please mark your calendars for our Joint Social Action Day on April 25, 2015, at the Pasadena

First United Methodist Church which is jointly organized by Pasadena and Los Angeles District

United Methodist Women. Registration information is available on the event flyer in this issue

below on the Party Line.

The event includes a morning panel on “Global Hunger” and an afternoon panel on “Economic

Justice, Education Equity & Restorative Justice”. The speakers for the morning panel are: David

Gist from Bread of The World, Julie Brumana from Church World Service and Gail Remis from

Trinity United Methodist Church. The speakers for the afternoon panel are: Dr. Mikala Rahn

from Learning Works Charter School and Julie Hilt from the Solano County Bar Association. We

will learn about how restorative justice programs work in schools by watching “Beyond Zero

Tolerance: Restorative Practices” (25 minutes in length). Another film screening, “Introduction

to Conferencing” (18 minutes in length) will introduce us to how a restorative conferencing works

in the criminal justice context, and tell us about the personal experiences of participants in

restorative conferencing, i.e. offenders, victims and others who have participated in restorative


Light refreshments are provided during registration and sack lunches are provided during lunch

break from 12 pm to 1 pm. Limited vegetarian lunches are available, but meant for those who have

restricted vegetarian diet, and not meant to be an extra menu option. Free parking is available on

Green Street across from the Church building in the Kaiser Facility Lot while limited spaces are

available at the Church’s lot. Hope to see you their!



Registration & Welcome: 9:30 am to 10 am

Morning Program: 10 am to 12 pm Focus on “GLOBAL HUNGER” ° Panel of speakers from Church World Service, Bread for the World, and a local United Methodist Church.

Lunch & Announcements: 12 pm to 1 pm

Afternoon Program: 1 pm to 3 pm Focus on “ECONOMIC JUSTICE, EDUCATION EQUITY & RESTORATIVE JUSTICE” ° Panel of speakers from Public Works/Learning Works Charter School and Solano County Bar Association. ° Film screening on: “Beyond Zero Tolerance: Restorative Practices” and “Introduction to [Restorative Justice] Conferencing”.

$10.00 (waived for women age 39 and under) - Deadline April 15, 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Registration Form

Name _____________________________________Phone ____________________ Church (optional) ________________

Registration fee: $10 $ _______________ (enclosed)

Late Registration: $15 (after April 15) $ _______________ (enclosed)

Fee waived for women age 39 and under – That’s me (please check)

Make check payable to “LADUMW” and mail registration form to:

May Jung, 4211 York Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90065

Registration questions, Tel:(323)717-2300.

For general questions/concerns, contact: Pasadena District Representative: Ilse Peetz, Tel: (661)944-9934

Los Angeles District Representative: Jennifer Lim, Tel: (213)680-9332

Joint Social Action Day – Saturday, April 25, 2015


Pasadena 1st

United Methodist Church

500 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91101

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


United Methodist Women Reading Program

Summer is approaching and it’s time to relax with a good book. The reading programs ongoing and we have three more months to read and report the books read. I always have books available for sale or from the Library. The deadline is always August 31. This year will also be awarded the District Banner at the meeting in September. I will be using the same formula as the Conference to determine the winner; the number of participants in relation to the number of members for that as a percentage. Please contact me to get the reporting form. According to the membership report we have 46 churches in the Los Angeles District and 912 members, in order to be recognized at the next Mid-Winter event and (re-claim the Conference Banner) we need 96 members to turn in reading program reports. Currently the churches participating are: Culver Palms, Inglewood, Chinese, Crenshaw, Hamilton, Rosewood, Wesley and Wilshire. The deadline for reporting to the Conference is December 31 every year. The school of Christian Mission is in July and if you place your order for the books now it will be ready for pick-up at the Social Action event on June 30. Let me also remind you that the classes at School of Christian Mission count towards the reading program. If anyone needs assistance I can still be reached at [email protected]



Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


United Methodist Women do you have your “Response”?

Sisters, have you subscribed to your “Response Magazine,” I have – Gina Eubanks, Communication Coordinator – and it is great! I have a Response article right here in this issue of the Party Line. Do you know with a year or two of subscriptions you can receive 11 or 22 issues of “Response” featuring?

Bible Study

Spiritual Growth Reflections

Inspiring stores of faith and hometown mission

Stories from National and International Ministries with women, children and youth.

Insight on challenging issues of the day from a Christian women’s perspective

Faith base action ideas

Only $24 for one-year subscription or $45 for a two year subscription How great is that! I have a good start: First, it’s part of my Reading Program,

Second, I have 2014, five issues of “Response” to claim for the Reading Program, and last, I am starting, “TODAY”.

Come Join me! Come Join Response! Call today 877-881-2385 or Email to

Order by Mail: Response: Magazines

with a Mission P.O. Box 395, Congers, NY 10920-0395

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

g The plans are progressing. You may already know that Paul Jeffrey, a major photographer for response

magazine, will deliver the keynote speech on Saturday night at the banquet. Now I can tell you that there will be at least 10 workshops to choose from, a Friday tour of UMCOR west and/or the Crossroads Urban Center, and a chance to hear the oldest organ in Utah at the local First UMC. You will hear from Harriett Jane Olson, Deputy General of National UMW, Yvette Richards, National UMW President, and rub-elbows with our five Jurisdiction Bishops. There will be Bible study, worship services, crafts, books, and a salt water pool! The Mission Institutes from Western Jurisdiction will be there to show you where your money goes. Watch as the plans develop at and be the first to tell your friends “It’s Time to Register” when it appears. The WJ UMW Meeting is coming…I can’t wait! See you there! Barbara Miller – WJ Leadership Team

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


Dear Sisters in Christ, Lois Price I want to take this time to thank all the ladies that came out to the District Training Event. We had a wonderful discussion about how one becomes a member of the United Methodist Local Organization, the responsibility of a Local Organization and to nurture the entire woman in the Local Organization. There is this wonderful pamphlet that I used in my teaching called “We Are United Methodist Women”. This pamphlet tells you exactly how to join the local organization of United Methodist Women; what the united Methodist women do; how the United Methodist women support and grow its work; who can join the United Methodist Women and why should you join the United Methodist Women’s Local Organization. Now, it’s the responsibility of each Local Organization to help the women to learn and grow as they work toward the United Methodist Women’s “Purpose”. This can be done by furnishing books to read; attend events sponsored by the District or Conference and especially attend Mission u. There are scholarships given by both the District and the Conference especially for first timers and/or young people. I want to thanks all the Local Organizations for responding so well with your membership roll. In speaking with the Presidents or the Churches, I discovered there was some confusion on how to count your members. To clarify, once a woman becomes a member of your Local Organization she remains a member until she either passes or formally tell you she no longer wants to be a member. By the same method any women can join the United Methodist Women however she must choose to join. It would be great to have a time set aside as a membership and pledge meeting. Please, explain what it means to be a United Methodist Woman and have them sign the membership card. This way you have their telephone number, address and email address so you can keep in touch with them. This is also the best way to count your membership every year. Since you have to fill out a membership form for charge conference you should make copies of the same so that the President and/or Membership Coordinator have the forms already filled out. You can always update them as needed. You can also email this to your District Membership Coordinator. I am so blessed to be your Membership Coordinator. I would love to do whatever I can to help your Local Organization in whatever needs you have. Our District team is always there for you, so please feel free to call anyone of us.

‘Remember we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philippians 4:13’



[email protected] - Tel: 323.661.3374

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


May Jung


Dear Los Angeles District Local Organizations, Thank you for the entire Mission giving to the United Methodist Women. Our Pledge goal is $45,000.00. So far the Los Angeles District Local Organizations have send in for the 5 Star

Undesignated Mission Gifts total is 16,716.16. This means we need $43,372.84 by December 10. 2015.

The Los Angles has received the following 2015 Mission Giving:

Pledge $1,000.00

Special Mission Recognition $0

Gift of Mission $0

Gift in Memory $0

Mission Offering from LAD Event Offering $226.16

World Thank Offering $76.00

Other Mission Giving $325.00

No Malaria $0

Candle of Commitment $0

Thank you for all your support.


Save the Date! A Day of Giving March 23

March 23, 1869, eight women gathered at Tremont Methodist Episcopal Church in Boston, Massachusetts, and organized what would become

United Methodist Women. Celebrate their dedication and foresight with a special gift to United Methodist Women on March 23, A Day of

Giving. Go to

Giving is easy! Online at

By Phone at 800-278-7771 (8am-6pm EST)

Text Legacy150 to 41444 on your mobile device

By Check: United Methodist Women, Treasurer’s Office, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115

Gifts will go to The Legacy Fund to undergird the work of future generations of United Methodist Women.

“Giving Makes Mission Possible.”



Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


Subscribe to Pacific Waves, the Voice of our Conference United Methodist Women Team.

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The Birds T H V R S S E Z E P O T E Frenzy O N L E Y Z A F A P C I A I confess L D F A R R E B D U H I C Lifeboat T N C R H T C O O C K F C Marine I U O W L M I I T T O W E Notorious I O N I T Y R G A H E H B Psycho A B T N C O Z O O E T U E Rear Window O L P D T I B N N B A C R Rebecca Topez A L D O E E P I E I M Y A Rope W E N W F A R S R R O P E Saboteur D P W I A A S R U D F E B Spellbound E S L C M O H C Y S P C A Suspicion & Vertigo

Published in: January – April – June – September

Pacific Waves 2015 Subscription form - mail to Conference UMW Treasurer

Please print all information: Name:_ Address: City:_ State Zip+4 Phone: Email Church: District:

Amount Enclosed $______ Check # _____ Date received by Conference Treasurer:___________

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


NOMINATIONS Nomination’s Sister’s with Ex and Chair Joni Arlain

Greetings my United Methodist Women Sisters,

We are now at the beginning of the 3rd month of 2015, yet it feels like Christmas was just yesterday. And that’s a good thing, because Christmas comes with so much hope, joy and love!

Part of me is excited about this new role that I have as Chairperson of the L.A. District Committee on Nominations. But as I assume leadership in this post, I realize that one of my responsibilities is writing an article for the Party Line. Truth be told, that’s one of the responsibilities I forgot was on the list of my duties. But I lean on the joy I have experienced as a member of United Methodist Women, and the hope that is present in each and every day.

So as I look to the meaning and significance of serving in a leadership role in the organization of United Methodist Women (UMW), I reflect on scripture. As the UMW reaches out to find leaders, we ask you at our gatherings to complete a “Gifts & Graces” form. For we recognize that, “there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6) “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” (Romans 12:4-6)

The United Methodist Women is a place to let your gift(s) be love in action. As a UMW leader you have the unique opportunity to work with other women and empower them to take action and make a difference in their communities and in the world. You are part of a special sisterhood that works with you to develop leadership skills, to work for justice and peace as you grow spiritually through worship, Bible study, prayer and fellowship and service. Our purpose says, “to develop a creative, supportive fellowship.”

I invite to join Mrs. William Butler and Mrs. Edwin Parker, who back in 1869 stepped out on faith and made the decision to take the “lead” and make a difference. We are nearing 150 years of that commitment, and we need your partnership in leadership to carry us forward for another 150 years and more. We are part of an amazing “body” of 800,000+ women, and we need the “gift” of each and every woman as we continue in our work in mission blessed by God’s unconditional “grace.” Giving thanks for your gifts!!


Joni Arlain

Chairperson, Committee on Nominations Los Angeles District United Methodist Women

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015



IN UNITED METHODIST WOMEN? As a membership organization, you are invited to be involved in United Methodist Women leadership at the local, district, conference, jurisdiction or national level. Accepting a leadership role requires a commitment of time, energy and effort. But in return, you:

Develop a deeper understanding of mission

Grow spiritually

Make a difference in the lives of women, children and youth

United Methodist Women is a laywomen’s organization and only laywomen may serve as elected leaders. Presidents at all levels of the organization must be members of The United Methodist Church.


EQUIPPING WOMEN & GIRLS TO BE LEADERS United Methodist Women equips women and girls around the world to be leaders in communities, agencies, governments and churches. United Methodist Women provides and support leadership development of its members to give women of all racial, ethnic, language and economic groups the opportunity to realize their full potential and to participate in the life of the church and society. We offer leadership development, training and resources for:

Teen women and college/university women

Conference and district leadership of United Methodist Women

Hispanic, Korean and women of other language groups

Available Workshop Resources:

United Methodist Women 101:

History and Future on Behalf of Women, Children and Youth

Interactive learning about United Methodist Women's history and our role today in mission globally and here at home so that we can more effectively share how and what our Mission Giving supports in our mission work on behalf of women, children and youth.

Charting a New Course: Letting Younger Women Lead

Young women are ready and willing to step into leadership

In United Methodist Women! Young women are asking for mentoring, nurturing and support as they take on leadership roles.


Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


United Methodist Women Cal-Pac Conference & Los Angeles District

Local Organizations

Calendar of Events 2015-2016

*Sites to be determined – Contact any District Officer to Host an event. March 7, 2015, Revised.


January 31 Leadership Training - Local Organizations Wesley UMC District Team

February 21 Conference Mid-Winter Event Riverside UMC Conference Team

March 1 Party Line #1 (Deadline to submit article: 02-15-15)

Communications Coord

April 25 LAD Social Action Event Pasadena First UMC LA & Pasadena District Teams

May 30 Spiritual Growth/Quiet Disciples Event *TBD District Team

June 1 Party Line #2 (Deadline to submit article: 05-15-15)

Communications Coord.

June 19-21 UMC Annual Conference Redlands University Cal-Pac Conference UMC

June 20 UMW Luncheon @ Annual Conf. 12 Noon Redlands University Conference Team

July 23-26 Mission u, 3 Day School (Korean School July 23-25)

Biola University La Mirada

Conference Team

July 23 Conference/District Finance Meeting Biola University President and Treasurer

July 24 Conference/District MNO Meeting Biola University President and MNO Coord.

August 15 Party Line #3 (Deadline to submit article 08-01-15)

Communications Coord.

August 22 LAD UMW Mini Mission u Grace UMC District Team

September 26 LAD Annual Celebration Holman UMC District Team

October 24 Conf. District Leadership Training/ Annual Celebration

TBD Conference Team

November 21 LAD –UMW Christmas Celebration St. John’s UMC

District Team

December 1 Party Line #4 (Deadline to submit article 11-15-15)

Communications Coord.

January 30 2016

Leadership Training - Local Organizations *TBD District Team

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015


Crenshaw United



Annual Worship Service

“Preserving Our Legacy”

Guest Speaker

The Rev. Dr. Kathey Wilborn,

Superintendent, Cal-Pac West District


Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.

*********** Refreshments Immediately Following

3740 Don Felipe Dr. Los Angeles, CA 323 292-01

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015



DATES: July 23-25 - for Korean Language +++ July 24-26 All other Languages +++ Registration begins at 12:00 p.m.

*The English Language Participants will attend Only ONE study class. (Please select a first and second choice.) _______ Created for Happiness _______ The Church and People with Disabilities ________Latin America To ensure you get your first choice, REGISTER EARLY!! Make check payable to Cal-Pac UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Please Specify for all participants: Dietary, Special Disability Concerns: Vegan ___ Diabetic ___ Gluten ___ Other _________ Estimated Time of Arrival __________. This is my first time to MISSION u (yes) ____ (no) ____ Please send my confirmation letter by: US Mail: _____ EMAIL: _____ Registration Deadline: July 1, 2015

2015 MISSION u – ADULT & BRIDGING REGISTRATION FORM I will attend the following sessions

English Language $225 _____ Spanish Language $225. _____ Korean Language $225 _____ Tongan Language $225. _____

Bridging Class (See Class Description) $225 ________ Circle Age Group 18-23 or 24+________ Name __________________________________ Email _______________________________________ Address _______________________________City:___________________ State ______Zip_________ Cell #:____________________________________Home#:____________________________________ Church: _______________________________District:________________________________ Emergency contact person: _______________________________________________Phone:(_____)_________________________ I am chaperone for (youth you are responsible for) _______________________________________

Conference Officer ________ District Officer ________

YOUTH/CHILDREN REGISTRATION FORM (Circle Age Group) AGES: 7-10, 11-13 and 14-17 COST: $175.00

Name___________________________________________ E-Mail ________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________State ______________Zip_______________________ Cell _________________________________________Phone ____________________________________ Emergency Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________________________ Church ________________________________District __________________________________________ Please Specify: Dietary, Disability and other Concerns: Vegan ____Diabetic ____ Gluten _______Other ___________

My Chaperone Is ________________________________________________________________________



Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015



Responsively Yours: Relationships - a Key Layer of Mission

by Harriett Jane Olson

United Methodist Women's work has many layers. We don't just want to be a group of

women who get to know one another in deep ways, who stretch our thinking and our

theologizing as we read response, engage in the Reading Program and participate in

spiritual growth activities. We also want to be a group of people who act on what we learn.

This involves not just the risk of new knowledge, but it also involves the risk of examining

our own actions and patterns and then acting differently.

The changes we make are different for each of us. Some of the changes are personal -

perhaps recycling more, perhaps driving less or ridesharing more often, praying and reading

with the Prayer Calendar every day thinking differently about the strangers in our town or

about how women are referenced in the news. Some of the changes we make will involve

things that we do together. We make plans to reach out to new people, or strengthen the work of a national mission institution or

some other organization serving women, children and youth. We experiment with new ways of learning so that our meetings are

fresh and engaging. We come together to work on issues that are important to how women, children and youth are equipped to

flourish in the world today.

One of the things that is complicated about bringing new knowledge and growing faith to the things that we do together is

that these things have to be talked through. We need to invite others to journey with us, and know that they too are in their own

processes of learning and growing. Sharing what we learn, asking questions together, sharpening our ideas by engaging with a

team to test and refine them can be challenging processes, but they are essential to creating the shared commitment to mission

service and justice advocacy that helps United Methodist Women tackle difficult issues and make significant contributions.

Another layer of engagement is that our work is "with" people at the margins - not just "for" them. We are working with

organizations of people who have undocumented family members. We are engaging with women, children and youth at our

national mission institutions. We participate in Ubuntu journeys with Methodist and United Methodist sisters around the world as

they engage with the needs in their own places. Our regional missionaries are not sent to lead or manage particular service

institutions like hospitals and schools but to provide training, support and accompaniment for women in mission around the

world. This aspect of working "with" others has long been a feature of United Methodist Women's work, and it may be the part

that is most critical for long-term effect.

Our learning can help us to see differently, and our desire to be of service can make us inclined to "jump right in," but our

learning can also help us to listen and evaluate. The NGO (non-governmental organizations) world, just like our own history, is

littered with examples of seemingly obvious approaches to addressing complex problems that have not worked out as intended.

We are helped in our efforts by working with people within the context of a community - not just folks with a one-size-fits all

solution or study that doesn't take into consideration the impact of hunger, poor education or corruption on the lives of women

and children in our own neighborhoods or on the other side of the world.

Building relationships helps us to engage in work that, over time, tackles oppressive systems and supports the efforts of

women, children and youth to make their world, and ours, a better place. Thank God that we are in it together! May we keep

learning and leaning forward as part of God's beloved creation.

Harriett Jane Olson

General Secretary

United Methodist Women

[email protected]

Posted or updated: 2/6/2015 11:00:00 PM/Printed with permission.

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015



President Brenda Scott-Horn (Grace UMC) 6025 Bedford Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90056 (310) 645-1488 [email protected]

Co-Vice President Sandra Winston (St. John’s UMC) 212 W. Regent St. #4 Inglewood, CA 90301 (H) (310)-419-1106 (C.P.), (310)-569-9301 sandramwinston@aol .com

Co-Vice President Tina Raemon Pool (Crenshaw UMC) 8733 Dartford Place Inglewood, CA 90305 (310).673.7504 [email protected]

Secretary Linda J. Smith (Wesley UMC) 2601 E. Victoria Street Space 192 Compton. CA 90220 (310) 764-4981 [email protected]

Spiritual Growth Coordinator Treasurer Claudia Spears (Holman UMC) May Jung (Chinese UMC) 3984 S. Bronson Ave 4211 York Blvd. Los Ángeles, CA 90065 Los Ángeles, CA 90008 (C) (323) 717-4500 ( H) (323) 256-5818 (323).294.8622 [email protected] [email protected] Membership Coordinator Mission Education Coordinator Lois Price (Echo Park UMC) Patricia Whitman (St. John's UMC) 1662 1/4 Rodney Dr. 8748 S. Denker Ave.

Los Ángeles, CA 90027 Los Ángeles, CA 90047

(323) 661-3374 (323) 778-2985

[email protected] [email protected] Social Action Jennifer S.F. Lim (Culver Palms UMC) 800 West First Street, Suite 420. Los Ángeles, CA 90012 (213) 680.9332 [email protected]

Communications Coordinator Gina Eubanks (1

st Inglewood UMC)

P.O. Box 96 Paramount, CA 90723 (310).702.5413 [email protected]

Committee on Nominations - Chairperson Committee on Nominations Joni Arlain (Holman UMC) Patricia White (Crenshaw UMC) 1242 Meadowbrook Ave. 5218 Onaknoll Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90043 Los Ángeles, CA 90019 (323).299.4472 (323).933.6700 [email protected]

Committee on Nominations Committee on Nominations Cheryl Veal (Inglewood First UMC) Pat Thomas (Inglewood First UMC) 4403 W. 60

th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90043 616 E. Kelso Street Inglewood, CA 90301

(323).291.9079 (310) 677-7321 Committee on Nominations Committee on Nominations Patricia Barnett (Holman UMC) Jennifer Cecineros (Echo Park UMC) 421 S. Grevillea, Inglewood, CA 90301 1420 Waterloo St., Los Angeles, CA 90026 (323).867.7049 (213).463.5164

Note: Position Vacant - Come Join Us! “Program Resource Coordinator”.

Los Angeles District United Methodist Women Party Line March 2015







SAVE THE DATE: May 30, 2015 - Spiritual Growth/ Quiet Disciples Event

LADUMW – Communications Coordinator P.O Box 96, Paramount, CA 90723

[email protected]


June 2015 May 15, 2015

Keeping us Connected!

PARTY LINE A quarterly newsletter published by

the Los Angeles District UMW


That’s the “green way”)

Postal mail Subscriptions are $10.00 per year for 4 issues

Submit subscriptions order to May Jung,

LADUMW Treasurer

SAVE THE DATE: April 25, 2015 – Joint Social Action Day


