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The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ▪ September 19, 2021 | 1 6280 N. Sauganash Avenue ▪ Chicago, Illinois 60646 ▪ Phone: 773-736-6060 ▪ Fax: 773-736-6099

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2 | Queen of All Saints Basilica ▪ Chicago, IL

What a glorious day we were blessed with for our Oktoberfest and Parish Ministry Fair last Sunday. In bright sunshine we came together on the field to celebrate our community in the Eucharist and then through food, fun and music. Our ‘Mass on the Field’ provided many of our parishioners who were confined to their homes an opportunity to come out and join fellow parishioners and celebrate, especially in the Eucharist. On behalf of all present and those who wished they could be there I want to ex-press my deep gratitude to everyone who contributed to a day that was enjoyed by all. I especially want to express my gratitude to the Men’s Club, under the leader-

ship of its president Roman Viere and Ben Camarda who provided us with brats, thuringers and hot dogs… to the Filipino community for the delectable desserts… and to Dave Keating and his band, all of whom are parishioners, who regaled us with lively music perfectly fitting for such a special event. Thank you all for making this a day to remember! For the past year and a half most of our ministries had to find ways to keep the interest alive or in some cases suspend their activities due to the pandemic. The Parish Pastoral Council planned the “Parish Ministry Fair” to help us re-engage in one or more of the many ministries in the parish. Thank you to Bernie Henry and the entire Parish Pastoral Council for their efforts. The ‘Mass on the Field’ was the center of our celebration. I am grateful to Dr. Ken Sotak, the singers and instrumentalists for helping us lift our voices in joyful praise. I want to offer a special thanks to Paul Scavone who coordinated not only today’s celebration, but all of our liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Finally, a big, big thank you to our volunteers, the Scouts and our maintenance department for your help in making this day a huge success. – THANK YOU!!! As we kick-off the many ministries of the parish, it is important when we celebrate Catechetical Sun-day this weekend, to remind ourselves that our primary ministry is to celebrate and share our faith. This is the reason we exist. As Pope St. Paul VI said, ‘the Church exists to evangelize.’ As pastor of this wonderful community, my primary responsibility is the spiritual welfare of the flock entrusted to me – to teach and preach the Word. I am grateful to the Pastoral Staff of the parish, our Director of Faith Formation, Erika Tate (please see a report from her on the next page), our Coordinator of Reli-gious Education, Jenna Kaszycki, our Principal Emily Carlson and the many catechists and volunteers who help me fulfill this sacred duty. The Faith Formation Program at Queen of All Saints depends on the stewardship of dozens of cate-chists and volunteers, men, women and older teens, throughout the year. Although the role of cate-chist may take on many hats at various times, catechists are first and foremost a model for children, teens and adults of all ages of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. By agreeing to be a cate-chist, they join a long line of dedicated men and women who have answered God’s call to share their faith with others. Finally, as we celebrate Catechetical Sunday, I am grateful to our parents who are the primary teachers in the faith formation of our children. Together we join in support of our parents and children to the best of our ability. Blessings!!

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The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ▪ September 19, 2021 | 3

A Note from the

Director of Faith Formation - Erika Tate

This weekend the Church celebrates Catechetical Sunday. On this day the cate-chists of our parish are formally commissioned and blessed as they start a new year of passing on the faith to others. This year the USCCB has declared 2021’s catechetical theme as “Say the Word and My Soul Shall be Healed.” We will recall these words from the Mass as we say them directly before walk-ing up to receive the Eucharist. But we should also realize that these words mean more. It is through God’s word that our soul is healed. It is when we know God intimately and personally that God can begin to heal our soul. A major role of a catechist is to help others know and love God. After a trying 18 months, what could be more healing for the soul than passing on and learning about the love of Christ? I must say, thank goodness for our catechists and all they do for our parishioners. Their love of the faith is a true gift and example for all of us. In the past 18 months our catechists have gone above and beyond. Our QAS school teachers taught in person with masks, plexiglass, hand sanitizer, and an attention to social distancing. Through all of the difficulties of the pandemic they were still able to bring the beauty of the Catholic faith to our chil-dren. I was able to witness this directly with our second grade teachers, Mrs. Adamczyk & Miss Har-ris, and their students as they prepared for First Communion in the spring. While the school was able to do in-person learning, many of our other ministries had to move to online platforms. The religious education program served our parish by offering classes via zoom. They were able to bring the children the faith into their homes. The creativity and enthusiasm led by our Coordinator of Religious Education, Jenna Kaszycki, and her religious education team of cate-chists allowed for our parish children to grow stronger in their faith in a fun and dynamic way. This year we are happy to state that religious education classes will be held in person. While following all safety requirements we are excited to be back in the physical classroom and the basilica with the walking rosary, All Saints Day activities, Christmas pageant and Christmas crafts, Bible searches, Sta-tions of the Cross, and have special guests such as Fr. Simon and Fr. Jesudas. SPRED, Youth Ministry, and RCIA primarily met online last year. Under the wonderful direction of Sandy Dilla-Hammer, SPRED was able to do an ice cream social online with their SPRED friends. Youth Ministry held an online retreat, offered in-person teen Masses, and was able to do social-distance-friendly service opportunities and Masses. Our youth minister, Morgan O’Leary deserves ex-tra praise for putting together all the youth ministry opportunities with her new baby, Avery, in tow. Lastly, RCIA welcomed 5 amazing women into the Church at Easter. One of the RCIA team members stated “this felt like one of the best years for candidate engagement! And I can’t believe it was all online.” I am grateful for all of these ministries for being able to make connections through the screen. I am overjoyed to state that SPRED, Youth Ministry, and RCIA will be meeting in-person this year. I know all of our catechists from QASRE, QAS School, SPRED, RCIA, & Youth Ministry are excited to be masked and in person to share the faith. As a new catechetical year begins let us lift up our pray-ers for them as they do as Jesus asked - to spread the Gospel to all.

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KNOW SOMEONE WHO… • Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? • Was baptized Catholic or in another Christian denomination as a

child, but has not celebrated the sacraments of confirmation and Eucharist?

• Curious about the love of Jesus Christ? R.C.I.A. is the perfect place for you! The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) helps prepare adults to enter into the fullness of the Catholic faith. We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For information please contact Erika Tate at [email protected] or 773-286-1939.


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If you are interested in signing up or learning more about one or more of the QAS Ministries, please use the QR code to the right or click on the following link:

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Youth Ministry

Pill Bottle Collection

Youth Ministry is collecting empty pill containers for Matthew 25: Ministries in Ohio. This

organization works to keep pill bottles out of landfills by recycling or donating them to third world countries where they can be reused. Please drop off any clean, empty pill bottles that you may have to the back of the church (black bin labeled "Youth Ministry Pill

Container Collection"). The collection will end on October 4. View here for more info on the collection and the ministry:

Upcoming Events

September 19 - Youth Ministry Mass at 4pm, Benedict Center Chapel September 26 - 7th Grade Family Mass at 9am October 3 - 2nd Grade Family Mass at 9am October 4 - Pet Blessing at 4:30 pm basilica field October 9 - Anointing of the Sick at 5pm Mass October 10 - Youth Ministry Mass at 4pm October 17 - First Grade Family Mass at 9am

7th Grade Families

Please save the date for our 7th Grade Family Mass on Sunday, September 26th at 9am. Reception to fol-low on the Holy Name Room patio (weather permit-ting).

Attention Lectors

All lectors, please let Paul Scavone know of any con-flicts for the months of October, November and De-cember. Please call the rectory at 773-736-6060 or email Paul at [email protected] no later than September 19th.

Anointing of the sick We will celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick during the 5pm Mass on October 9. We invite you to be anointed if you are suffering from illnesses such as chronic pain, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, alcoholism, infirmity of old age, about to undergo ma-jor surgery, mental illness, anxiety or depression. Pet Blessing In Honor of

St. Francis of Assisi

We will have our annual pet blessing on Monday, October 4th at 4:30pm on the basilica field. Bring your dogs, cats, turtles, ferrets, rabbits, etc. for a special blessing. If it rains, we will meet under the porte cochère.

QAS Basilica Walking Tour … continued

Basilica Pavilion and Bell The first symbol of a basilica is the "canopeum" or "ombrellino.” In English it is more properly called the pavilion. Only churches of basilican rank are al-lowed to possess and display this papal emblem. It is a large ornamental um-brella with alternating stripes of bright scarlet and yellow silk terminating in scallops of contrasting colors attached to a wooden umbrella. The silk canopy drapes beneath an ornate finial, a large ball topped by a cross, both in gold. The tintinabulum or basilican bell is another sign of basilican status. Probably used in early times to announce the pope's arrival or a papal procession, it is now ornamental. The small bell is enclosed within an elaborate baroque frame. The wood carving at the top surmounted by a golden cross includes the papal tiara and crossed keys.

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The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ▪ September 19, 2021 | 9

Sunday Collections

September 1 to September 8, 2021

Donation Type Amount Users Envelopes $16,332.13 292 Loose Donations $2,067.00 n/a Electronic Giving $13,471.33 262

Total $31,870.46 Fiscal YTD Total $277,138.88

Today’s Readings

“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” - Mark 9:35 Jesus teaches us that we are called to love one another. Love involves sacrifice. Sacrifice is a word that many of us don’t like to hear. We think it means that we must give up something that we want. However, the literal meaning of sacrifice is “to make holy,” from the words “sacer,” sacred, and “facere,” to make. In other words, we make our lives holy by sharing our gifts in the service of God.

Thank You!

We know that not everyone will be able to attend Mass in person, including for reasons of being in a vulnerable population. Our alternatives for giving remain in place. We welcome those who can drop off their weekly envelope at the rectory, or mail their envelope to 6280 N. Sauganash Ave., Chicago, or arrange some form of electronic giving. The best way for electronic giving is to arrange regularly scheduled donations through our GiveCentral portal. Please go to our parish website at, click on the GiveCentral logo and follow the easy prompts or scan the QR code here to get started.

PRAYER FOR Late Summer

Lord God, as we prepare for the transitions of the season, of routines becoming regular, signs of schools beginning to emerge, and traffic patterns getting heavier, help us to appreciate the sacred rhythms in our lives. Give us the wisdom to make our hearts be still, much as the late summer wind is still, so that we may listen to the gentle words you speak to us. Help us understand that you alone are the source of every good gift, of the vast array of our universe, and the mystery of each human life. And help us see that we are called to be good stewards of all the gifts you have entrusted to us, tending them faithfully and responsibly so they may ultimately be returned to you with increase. In this time of year while a measure of summer’s stillness remains, speak to our hearts, guide us in your Son’s ways, and through your Spirit, give us the strength to proclaim your justice and peace in our every day words and deeds. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

If You Have An IRA If you are 70½ or older and have an IRA, you may qualify for a charitable giving opportunity directly from your IRA. • You are now allowed to make direct transfers

from an IRA to Queen of All Saints Parish. • This transfer will count against your Minimum

Required Distribution. • This is an ideal situation even for those who do

not itemize deductions since the withdrawal is not considered taxable income.

• Our parish will receive 100% of your transfer. ● You can transfer up to $100,000 annually.

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Sunday, September 19 (Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Catechetical Sunday) All Sunday Masses will be offered for the people of Queen of All Saints and the benefactors of our endowments for the school and the parish Monday, September 20 (St. Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, St. Paul Chŏng Ha-sang) School Endowment Fund benefactors, QAS homebound, George Stegmaier, Dr. Clifford H. Miller, Lynn Schoenrock Readings: Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday, September 21 (St. Matthew) Deceased members of the QAS Widowed Group, Eileen Stegmaier, John T. Kelly, Dr. Emmanuel Onyeali, Billy VanSickle, Ed & Dorothy Lewandowski, Such, Golojuch & Kryca families, Peter & Tony Uehlein, Arrington & VanSickle families, Barbara Jenkinson, Rev. William McNulty, Kay Ambrosio Readings: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 Wednesday, September 22 Basilica Fund members, Ruth Stegmaier, Gaspar & Ria Erdelyi, Paul Bennett, the Onyeali children, Marie Kilroy Readings: Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6 Thursday, September 23 (St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio)) Salvy Monastero family, James Wren, Antoinette Nicpan, Jenny Marshall Readings: Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Friday, September 24 Helen & Jerry Martin, Claudia Reardon, Curt Shaffer, Loretta Stone, Bernie Finnegan, Sr. Readings: Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Saturday, September 25 (Blessed Virgin Mary) Mary Minelli & Florence Caponigri Parrillo, Zenaida Lacsamana, Jose Luis Sandoval, Jr., deceased members of the Caponigri, Minelli & Parrillo families, Kevin J. Schack Readings: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45

Please Pray for Our Recently Deceased Carmen Rosales Alberts

Kevin J. Schack

Baptized into the Faith

Lucas Xavier Babao Culas Son of Louie & Xyla Babao Culas

Harper Ann Engel

Daughter of Gregory & Maribeth Grobbel Engel

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Pastoral Staff Pastor…………….……….…………….Rev. Simon Braganza Pastors Emeriti…………...…………..Rev. Msgr. John Pollard

Rev. Msgr. Wayne F. Prist Associate Pastor ………………………..Rev. Jesudas Gudime Residents………….……………………..Rev. Michael Cronin

Rev. Edward D. Grace Director of Faith Formation ………………………..Erika Tate Coordinator of Religious Education..………...Jenna Kaszycki Director of Music …………………….…….Dr. Kenneth Sotak Director of Liturgy………..…….…………….....Paul Scavone Youth Minister………………………..……...Morgan O’Leary Rectory Hours Monday-Friday……..………..………..…….9:00am - 4:00pm

Please call or email us before visiting the rectory. Telephone Numbers Rectory………………………………………....773-736-6060 Parish FAX……………………………….…….773-736-6099 School/Preschool………………………...……..773-736-0567 Religious Education Office………………….....773-286-1939 Accounting Office Business Manager……………………..……….Gerald Farrell Accounting Assistant……………………....Kate Dombrowski Parish Office Staff Administrative Assistants……………….… De Anne Glomski

Pam Hautzinger Mary Morley

Buildings and Grounds Ralph Meschewski, Bobby Brooks, Jonathon Hernandez, Eric Martinez, Victor Miranda, Ken Skokowski Queen of All Saints School Pre K-3 through Grade 8 Principal……………………...………………...Emily Carlson Assistant Principal…………………………….….Amy Moore Administrative Assistant ……….………………….Ida Segreti School Secretary………...……………………..Laura Asplund Visit Our Website Queen of All Saints Basilica…………… Queen of All Saints School…………… Facebook…………..…Queen of All Saints Basilica - Chicago Instagram…………………………………..…….@qasbasilica Contact Info Address………...6280 N. Sauganash Ave., Chicago, IL 60646 Rectory phone number.…………...…………….773-736-6060 Rectory fax number…………..…………………773-736-6099 Email ………………………………[email protected]

Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil …………………..…………………….5:00pm Sunday…...…………..……….7:00, 9:00, 11:00am, 12:30pm

Daily Mass Monday-Friday…….…………………....………6:30, 8:30am Saturday………………………………………...……..8:00am Holy Day Masses Please consult the parish bulletin or website for the Holy Day Mass schedule The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday………...…After the 8:00am Mass until all are heard To Register in the Parish Please contact the rectory office………….…...773-736-6060 The Sacrament of Baptism Queen of All Saints rejoices in the incorporation of new members into the Body of Christ through the sacrament of baptism. If you are a registered parishioner, please come to the rectory during business hours to schedule your child's baptism, or visit our website for our baptism dates and the baptism registration form. The sacrament of baptism for infants is celebrated on Sundays. A baptismal preparation class for the parents is required. Please contact the rectory with any questions or for further details. If an adult or a school age child seeks baptism, special arrangements should be made with one of the priests. The Sacrament of Matrimony Queen of All Saints helps couples prepare not only for their wedding day, but also for the lifelong commitment of living a Christian marriage. Parishioners of Queen of All Saints Basilica who are baptized and free to marry in the Catholic Church may celebrate their marriage in Queen of All Saints Basilica. Couples from Queen of All Saints seeking marriage in Queen of All Saints Basilica should contact one of the parish priests at least six months prior to their intended date of marriage. The couple must meet with one of the priests before the date for the marriage can be confirmed. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick The sacrament of the anointing of the sick is not just a sacrament for those who are at the point of death. As soon as one of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him or her to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived. Therefore, any member of the faithful who is seriously ill because of sickness or advanced age may properly receive this sacrament. Find Us on Social Media

Facebook - Queen of All Saints Parish - Chicago Instagram - @qasbasilica

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512158 Queen of All Saints Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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Today’s Readings

First Reading - The wicked say: With revilement and torture let us put the just one to the test (Wisdom 2:12, 17-20). Psalm - The Lord upholds my life (Psalm 54).

Second Reading - The wisdom from above is full of mercy and good fruits (James 3:16-4:3). Gospel - Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me (Mark 9:30-37).

Please join us online for Sunday Mass at Click on “QAS Mass Online.” We livestream Mass at 5pm and 9am.

Recorded Mass is available after 6pm on Saturday.

S 19, 2021 - T -F S O T The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.

- James 3:18

Celebrant Schedule

September 25 & 26 5pm - Fr . Rober t Heidenreich

7am - Msgr . John Pollard 9am - Fr . Simon Braganza 11am - Fr . Jesudas Gudime

12:30pm - Fr . Edward Grace

Wedding Banns

Hayley Johnson & Eric Bielinski Jessica Norton & James Moore

Jacqueline Murphy & Joseph Mendicino, Jr. Samantha Moser & Beau Teubel

Justine Wagner & William Winger

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