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Міністерство освіти і науки,молоді та спорту України

Відділ освіти Козелецької районної державної адміністрації

Чернігівської області

Формування граматичних навичок під час формування умінь письма

Із досвіду роботи вчителя іноземних мов

Деснянської гімназії

Петеліної Наталії Миколаївни



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1.Опис власного досвіду з реалізації проблеми «Формування граматичних навичок під формування умінь письма»


2.Матаріали з досвіду роботи:

а)система уроків з теми «Події минулих часів»


б)розробка позакласного заходу:

-засідання «Школи німецької мови»


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Опис власного досвіду з проблеми

«Формування граматичних навичок під час формування

умінь письма»

У методиці навчання іноземної мови під граматикою розуміють предмет, за допомогою якого засвоюють правила будови мови.

У навчанні граматики принципове значення має кінцева мета, яка ставиться перед учнями :знати граматику чи оволодіти нею, вивчити правила будови мови чи оволодіти ними.

Для того, щоб знати граматику, досить звернутись до якогось авторитетного видання, прочитати його і по можливості запам'ятати, що там написано. Оволодіти ж граматикою означає навчитись застосовувати відповідні правила на практиці. Одних знань тут не досить. Володіння правилами передбачає практичну діяльність, оскільки лише через діяльність їх можна засвоїти.

Основною метою навчання граматики іноземної мови у середній школі є формування в учнів мовленнєвих навичок. У зв'язку з цим істотне значення має питання відбору граматичного матеріалу, достатнього для реалізацій комунікативних цілей навчання в межах вимог, передбачених програмою.

Для реалізації проблеми я використовую наступні технологіі:

технології навчальних/розвиваючих ігор

технології модульно-розвиваючого навчання

комп΄ютерні технології

технології індивідуального та групового навчання

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технології проектного навчання

технології проблемного навчання

Роботу над формуванням граматичних навичок я починаю на початковому етапі .Для учнів 5-7 класів я застосовую граматичні ігри,які допомагають учням розуміти складні мовні явища англійської мови,та долати певні граматичні труднощі. Також граматичні ігри дають можливість створити природню ситуацію певного мовного зразка.

”Spot the differences”

Aim: To revise classroom objects and prepositions of place, structure there is/are


Materials:One set of materials,A or B,per student.

Instruction:1)Hand out the material to each student and tell them not to show their partner.Make sure Ss know what each object in the picture is.2)Student A says one thing about their picture.Student B tells them if their picture is different.

e.g.:A: There is a bin under the board. B :In my picture,there isn’t a bin under the board.There is a cupboard under the board.

”What are they doing?”

Aims:To practice Present continuous.


Materials:One set of materials,A or B,per student.

Instruction:1)Hand out the material to each student and tell them not to show their partner.2)Tell Ss they have a picture of the same place

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and the same people but that the people are doing or wearing different things.They have to try to find six differences between their pictures by describing the people in them and what they are doing,e.g.:A The woman is wearing a dress.

B In my picture she is wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

3)Monitor and note any errors.4)Check the differences as a whole class.

”Island rules”

Aims:To practice modals of obligation and prohibition(must/mustn’t/can/can’t)

Interactions:Groups of 11/groups of 2 or 3.

Materials:One rule card per student,one island card per pair/group of 3.

Instructions: 1)Hand out the rules cards to each student and tell them not to show theirs to anyone else.

2)Students mingle in groups of 11 and tell each other their rules.Ss cannot write anything down,they must just listen and try to remember.

3)When Ss have spoken to everyone in their groups,they get into pairs or groups of 4.

4)Hand out the island cards.Ss work together to remember what all the rules were and to complete the gapped sentences.

5)When Ss have written all the rules, they take the letters with asterisks below them and use these to find the name of the island(elephant).

”Find out”

Aims:To practice Past Simple questions.

Interactions:Groups of up to 8.

Materials:One card per student.

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Instructions:1)Ss look at the piece of information that they have and try to work out the questions they will need to ask to find out the rest of the information.

2)Ss stand up and mingle in their groups of 8 and ask and answer and fill in their information.e.g.:Where was this person born?

3)Ss ask and answer the 8 questions as a whole class.


Aims:To practise past simple on the topic of explorers.

Interactions:Ss work alone or in pairs.Materials are passed around the class.

Materials:One set of materials per student or pair.

Instructions:1)Practise expanding sentences from cues so that Ss know what to do.Write on the board:Yesterday I/play tennis and elicit the full sentence((Yesterday I played tennis).

2)Hand out the material and tell students to read through all the sections to make sure they understand everything.

3)Elisit how to expand the words given into a grammatically correct form and then tell Ss to complete the first box only to fold over the paper so that what they have written is hidden.

4)Ss pass their paper to the student on their left and,without looking at what was written before,complete the second section and again fold over the paper.

5)Continue untill all sections have been completed and then Ss open out the paper to read the story.Allow students to read out any particularly funny stories to the whole class.

”Make a question”

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Aims:To practise question forms.

Interaction:Groups of three.

Materials:One copy of the resource,cut up,per group.

Instructions:1)Place the question words in a pile,face down on the desk in front of the Ss and tell them not to look at them.

2)Ss divide the other cards equally between themselves.

3)One student in each group now picks up a question word from the pile and tries to put it with one of their endings to make a question.If this is possible,they lay the cards on the table and ask the questions to the other Ss in the group.If they can’t make a meaningful question,they put the question word at the bottom of the pile and the next student take a turn.

4)The game continues until one student has made questions from all five of their cards.

5)Monitor and correct question forms.

”Cross the river”

Aims:To practise present simple question forms.

Interaction:Small groups of three or four.

Materials:One set of the materials(and a dice)for each group.

Instructions:1)Tell Ss that they are going to try to get across a river by forming questions.

2)One student throws the dice.The number determines whether the question start with where,what etc.

3)The same student throws again to get the next word in the sentence (if they throw a 1 on the second throw ,they fall in the river and have to stop their turn).

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4)The student continues until they have either a)completed a sentence-in wich case they write it down,or b)landed on a word that would make a sentence ungrammatical,e.g.When does your friends…then it is the turn of another student.

5)Continue until all theSs have had 4 or 5 turns.The winner is the student with the most questions written down.

6)After the activity,go over the question forms with the class.

У подальшій роботі учні виконують більш ускладнені завдання з використанням певних граматичних структур,а саме:

1)Написання текстового повідомлення на тему “About Me” (вживання дієслова to be)

2)Написання листівки “My holidays”(using Present Simple/Present Cont.)

Task:Imagine you’re on holiday.Write a letter to a friend or yours answering the following questions:Where are you? What are you/your family doing? What is the weather like?

3)Написання і-мейлу.

4)Написання доповіді(a class survey)

Task:write a report about your class preferences.Ss choose one of these topics and think of 5 questions using Present Simple.

Sport(sports/teams/players) Music(styles/groups/singers) Cinema(films/actors/actresses)

e.g.: Do you like dancing? What styles do you like? Do you go to dance classes?

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Who are your favourite dancers?

Then Ss ask their classmates and write down their answers. After that Ss write a report about preferences of the classmates.

На уроках 8-9 класів я також формую граматичні навички та навички письма використовуючи ігри.

”Find the answer”

Aims:To practise Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Interactions:Groups of 4 students.

Materials:One copy of the resource ,cut up,per group.

Instructions:1)Distribute the answer cards equally between the students in the group and place the question cards face down on the table.

2)One student picks up the 1-st question card and reads it to the group.Ss have to try to find the correct answer in their hand.

3)Ss repeat the process until all the questions and the answers have been matched.The winner is the first student to get rid of the cards.

4)Elicit all the questions and answers to make sure the groups have completed the activity correct.

”The XP3Z4”

Aims:To practise first conditional on the topic of technology.

Interactions:Groups of 3.

Materials:One copy of the resource per group.

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Instructions:1)Hand out the resource to Ss.Tell them they are inventors and the XP3Z4 is their new invention.They must decide what it can do and can be as imaginative as they like.

2)When ready,Ss complete the sentences.Monitor and correct their use of the first conditional where necessary.

3)When finished,each group comes to the front of the class in turn and makes a sales presentation of their product.

4)Allow Ss to vote for the best idea.


Aims:To practise Past Simple and infinitive of purpose.


Materials:One copy of the resource per student.

Instructions:1)Hand out the resource to each student and tell them to look at the first section.Ss should make up a name and,if they like,draw a very simple sketch showing what the person looks like.

2)When finished,Ss fold over the paper so that the first section is completely hidden.Ss pass the paper to the student on the left.Without looking at the hidden section,Ss complete the sentence in the second section.Remind Ss that the character can be a male or a female and to choose the correct pronoun.

3)Ss fpld over the paper again and pass the paper to the left.Repeat the process until all the sections of the story have been completed.

4)Ss now find the story which they started and read it to themselves.

5)Ask Ss if they have any interesting or funny stories and allow those Ss to read them out to the class.

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6)Collect the papers in and note errors which can be looked at during this lesson.

У подальшій роботі для формування граматичних навичок учнів 8-9 класів я застосовую такі форми роботи:

1)To write a personal letter to a friend using a Writing Help (it’s a section which gives examples and help in terms of layout, useful vocabulary, linking and grammar checking).Students should follow the plan:

Introduction (some latest news,Past Simple/Present Perfect)

Main paragraph (what you’re doing in your free time-Present Cont.)

Reason to finish (modals “must/have to”)

Sign off.

As it’s an informal style of a letter they use informal linkers and contractions (Anyway/Well/By the way/Another thing; I’m sorry)

2) To write a story about a rescue for a magazine .Begin the story with Past Cont.e.g.:One Friday evening I was walking home from school).Write the story using Past Simple.

3)A description of a house.

Task: Design or describe your perfect house or flat. Use the construction “there is/are “ ,have/has got,would/wouldn’t.

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4)Writing of a diary or a blog(using Past Simple)

Task:To write one’s own diary or a blog for three days of last week.

Step 1:Make notes about 3 days last week.

What did you do with your family? What did you do at school? What did you do with your friends?

Step 2: Write a blog using the notes and the following linking words:after/before/during/later/suddenly/when.

5)Writing of a personal e-mail to your friend about your plans for weekends(arrangements/intentions) using Pr.Continuous/be going to.

Навчання граматики учнів 10-11 класів полягає в написанні текстів,активно вживаючи слова-зв’язки і певні граматичні структури.Велика увага приділяється побудові тексту,використанню тематичного вокабуляру,пунктуації.Учні старших класів мають вміти написати:

1)a formal/informal letter

2)a discursive essay

3)a book/a film review

4)a description of an event

Task:To write a discursive (for and against )essay on the topic “Banning Smoking”

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Use Second Conditional while listing arguments “for and against”banning smoking,e.g.If they banned smoking,the government would loose a lot of money from taxes on cigarettes.

Граматичні ігри:

“Mixed-up stories”

Interactions:3 groups.

Aims:To practise Past Simple and Past Continuous.

Materials:One copy of the materials,cut up,per student.

Instructions:1)Put the students into three groups and name the groups A,B,C.Give the Ss the verbs and the first part of their story.The SSs work together to decide which verbs go into the spaces in the story and in what form(Past Simple or Past Continuous)and then work together to guess what happened next.

2)Now change the groups so that Ss are in groups of three with one student from each of the original groups in each of the new groups.Give each group the remaining part of the stories,placed face down on the desk in a pile.

3)One student picks up the first card and reads it out to the others in their group.Whoever thinks it is a part of their story takes the card.

4)repeat the process until all the story parts have been collected.

5)Ss now work alone to order their story and write their verbs in the spaces in the correct form.

6)Elicit the three stories and correct where necessary.



Aims:To practise First Conditional.

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Materials:One copy of the material per student.

Instructions:1)Pre-teach kidnap(taking a person for money) and ransom(the money paid to get a kidnap victim back).

2)Hand out the question card to each pair and allow them five minutes to think of the ideas.Tell Ss they don’t have to be too serious,amusing ideas may be better than more realistic ones.

3)When ready,hand out the ransom note to each pair.They must complete it using the words given and their own ideas.

4)When finished,display the notes for other Ssto read or ask Ss to read them out.

5)Note any errors in forming conditionals,especially using unless.

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Система уроків з теми:

«Події минулих часів»


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Система уроків з теми «Події минулих часів»


Цілі: Освітня мета:Навчити учнів описувати події минулих

часів,сформувати уявлення учнів про нове граматичне явище Past

Simple,навчити робити проект на тему «Дитинство»,активізувати

лексичний/граматичний матеріал в усному та писемному

мовленні,розширювати лінгвістичний кругозір учнів.

Практична мета:Навчити учнів розпізнавати і розуміти граматичне

явище Past Simple та активізувати його вживання в усному та

писемному мовленні;розвивати навички всіх видів мовленнєвої

діяльності;вчити працювати в парах та малих групах.

Розвиваюча мета: Розвивати готовність до участі в іншомовному

спілкуванні,розвивати пізнавальний інтерес та пізнавальну

діяльність,розвивати самостійність у праці,здатність порівнювати

явища рідної та іноземної мови.

Виховна мета:виховувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної

мови,розуміння важливості оволодіння іноземною мовою та

потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

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Lesson 1The topic of the lesson.Life Stories.

Objectives of the lesson: to introduce and train new words on the topic


to develop communicating skills of the students

in short dialogues

to broaden students’ outlook



Good afternoon! I’m glad to see you. How are you? I’m fine.

Today we’re going to deal with the topic “Life Stories”.At the end of learning the topic you will be able to : learn how to say/write dates; listen to a description of a life story and complete the information;ask and answer about the past;do a report “A special day from my past”.

II.Main part of the lesson.

Lexical training Read and listen to the Key Words. Repeat the dates. Key Words:Dates

23 February 1988,5 August 2002,10 June 1964,28 September 2005,15 May 1955,17 January 2006,1 July 1998,25 December 2009,27 November 1982.

Choose the correct words and complete the rule.

a)We write/say “5 April 2005”.

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b)We write/say “the fifth of April two thousand and five”

Match the dates in numbers(a-e) and in words(1-5):

a)14/8 b)01/04 c)30/03 d)16/05 e)09/09

1)the first of April

2)the fourteenth of August

3)the ninth of September

4)the sixteenth of May

5)the thirtieth of March


Listen to the boy’s life story and complete the information:

1)His birthday is on 25 February.

2)His present was a toy airplane.

3)The holiday was in Spain.4)His mum’s birthday is on 22nd July.

5)The final was on 10th April.6)The score in the final was 64-63. The Boy’s Life Story

…oh,I’m really young in this photo.I think it was my seventh birthday…no,I was eight!So, that was on the 25th of February 1998.I had a birthday party at home with my friends…I was really happy.I remember my present from my parents.It was a toy airplane.It was great!We were in the swimming pool in Spain.My mum’s Spanish and we always stay with my grandparents for a month in the summer holidays.I remember that day because it was my mum’s birthday-the 22nd of July,2002.I was 12.This is a photo of me last year.I was in the school basketball team

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and we were the winners of the school league.The final was on the 10th

of April.It was a fantastic game!The score was 64-63.


Work in pairs .Ask and answer about the past.Think about these things and write down the questions:

Age School Class teacher Friends Holidays

Example: A)What do you remember about 1999?

B)I was eight.My teacher was Mr Robinson.

Think of a special day from your past.Answer the questions .Write two or three sentences.

What was the date?Where were you?What happened?III.Ending if the lesson.

Summing up

Our lesson is coming up to the end.I appreciate your today’s work at the lesson as you were very clever and imaginative students.To sum up our lesson answer the following questions using “Dates”:When does the year begin? When does the year finisWhat’s the date today When is your birthday?

Your marks for today’s lesson are… .

Home assignment

To write a story of your life using the dates(10 sentences)

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Lesson 2

The topic of the lesson. Nicole Kidman.

Objectives of the lesson: to get students to know about Nicole Kidman’s


to develop students’ skills in using Past Simple

in writing and speaking

to use grammar structures in sentences and

short dialogues

to develop students’ logical and critical thinking

to develop students’ skills in all-round discussions



Good day,everyone!I’m glad to see you.How are you? I’m OK.

Today the topic of our lesson is “Nicole Kidman” and you’ll be able to:

learn about Nicole Kidman’s early days;use grammar structure of Past Simple in practice; speak about your partner’s life when she/he was 6-9 years old;analize,generalize and compare the main idea of the material.

Now read out the stories of your life using the dates.Put in one or two false sentences and the other students should guess the false information.

II.Main part of the lesson.


Pre-reading activity:

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What do you know about Nicole Kidman? Guess the answers to these questions.

1)Where was Nicole Kidman born?

a)the USA


c)the UK

2)What was she like at school?

a)tall and shy

b)short and outgoing

c)plump and very popular

3)When was her first Hollywood film?




Read the magazine article from “2006 Star Profile”.

Post-reading activities:Check your guesses from the previous exercise.

This month…Nicole Kidman!We answer your questions about her early life.

Is Nicole Australian or American?

She has dual nationality.She was born in the USA but her parents were Australian. She lived in Sidney,Australia,from the age of four.


Did she like school?

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No,she didn’t.Nicole was very tall,pale and shy.Some girls didn’t like her and they called her names.She didn’t go to the beach with them-she went to the theatre!

What did she like doing when she was young?

She liked dancing and acting.Her first part was a sheep in a Christmas play when she was six.

Did Nicole go to acting classes when she was young?

Yes,she did.She took her first acting class when she was ten.

When did she first go to Hollywood?

She made her first Hollywood film in 1989.She won an Oscar for “Best Actress”

three years ago for “The Hours”


Look at the text and complete the table with the correct forms of the verbs like and go.

Regular verbs Irregular verbsAffirmative She liked

dancingand acting.

She went to the theatre.

Negative Some girls didn’tlike her.

She didn’t go to the beach.

Short answers

Questions Did she like school?

Did she go to acting classes?

Yes,she did.No,she didn’t.

What did she likedoing?

When did she first go toHollywood?

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Listen to the –ed- endings of the verbs(1-3) .Then listen to the verbs in the box and put them into the correct group(1,2 or 3).

1./t/:liked 2./d/:played 3./id/:hated


Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1)John Lennon and Paul McCartney met(meet)when they were(be) at school.

2)Bill Gates,head of Microsoft, started (start) his first computer company when he was(be) fourteen.

3)Michael Gordan,the world’s best basketball player, didn’t like (not like) basketball as a child-he preferred (prefer) baseball.

4)Beethoven wrote (write) his first composition wnen he was (be) ten.

5)Pele scored (score) two goals for Brazil in the 1958 World Cup final when he was (be)seventeen.

6)Albert Einstein didn’t pass (not pass) his physics exam at school.

Make questions about Nicole Kidman’s life.Then answer the questions.

1)Nicole’s parents/live in Canada?

2)go to school in the USA?

3)when/get her first theatre part?

4)go to music classes?

5)when/make her first Hollywood film?

6)when/win an Oscar?

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Make questions about your partner’s life when she/he was 6-9 years old.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.

e.g:-Did you have many friends? -Yes,I had a lot of friends.There were a lot of nice people in my first class . 1)have/many friends?

2)have/a pet?

3)where/spend holidays?

4)what/do in your free time?

5)play/musical instruments?

6)what sports/play?

7)what hobbies/have?

8)when/start school?

9)what subjects/like?


Now I suggest you to play a game “Missing information”(Додаток 1)

Aims:To practice Past Simple.


Materials:One copy of the text per student.One set of questions,cut up,per pair.

Instructions:1)Give the Ss the gapped text for them to read and make sure they understand it.2)Ss have half the question cards each(either odd or even numbers) and write the answers in their text.3)Ss now look

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in the unfilled gaps in the text and think of questions to ask to find the missing information.4)When ready,Ss ask each other the questions and,if they get them correct,their partner tells them the answer.If their question isn’t the same as the one written on the card,their partner can help them to try and phrase it correctly.

III.Ending of the lesson.

Summing up

Our lesson is coming up to the end.I appreciate your today’s work at the lesson as you were very active and creative.To sum up our lesson tell what facts you remember from the biography of N.Kidman.Your marks for the lesson are…

Home assignment

Complete the questions and write true answers.

1)Where(you/born) were you born?-I was born in …


3)How old(be/you)then?


5)When(you/have)your first English lesson?

6)(your class/use)……. “Challenges” last year?

Lesson 3

The topic of the lesson.The timeline.

Objectives of the lesson: to improve students’ knowledge and ability to use Past Simple on the topic

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to teach students to communicate in pairs

to improve the students’ speaking and writing skills

to show an importance of learning foreign languages

to practice students’ skills in scanning the information



Good morning,dear friends.I’m glad to see you.So,let’s begin our lesson.Today the topic of our lesson is “The Timeline” and you will be able to:make a timeline about your life and tell the classmates about it;use grammar structure of Past Simple in sentences and short dialogues;analyze,generalize and compare the main idea of the material; practice students’ skills in writing and speaking.

II.Main part of the lesson.


Look at the timeline. Make a similar timeline about your life. Include one false thing.

Work in pairs.Use your timeline and tell your partner about your life.Guess the false information.

e.g:A: I started school when I was four. B: True.

1992 was born in London


1994 went to kindergarten


1996 started school

1997 met my best friend



2000 went on holiday to Croatia


2002 began piano lessons


2004 won a piano competition

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A: I went to Croatia when I was eight. B: False. A: True! I went on holiday with my grandparents.

Now let’s play a game “Consequences”.(Додаток 2)

Aims:To practise Past Simple and infinitive of purpose.


Materials:One copy of the resource per student .

Instructions:1)Hand out the resource to each student and tell them to look at the first section.Ss should make up a name and,if they like,draw a very simple sketch showing what the person looks like.

2)When finished,Ss fold over the paper so that the first section is completely hidden.Ss pass the paper to the student on the left.Without looking at the hidden section,Ss complete the sentence in the second section.Remind Ss that the character can be a male or a female and to choose the correct pronoun.

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3)Ss fpld over the paper again and pass the paper to the left.Repeat the process until all the sections of the story have been completed.

4)Ss now find the story which they started and read it to themselves.

5)Ask Ss if they have any interesting or funny stories and allow those Ss to read them out to the class.

6)Collect the papers in and note errors which can be looked at during this lesson.

III.Ending of the lesson.

Summing up

Our lesson is coming up to the end.I appreciate your work at the lesson as you were very active and imaginative students.To sum up our lesson tell me what facts from biographies of your classmates surprised you most of all.

Your marks for today are the following…

Home assignment

Speak up about a timeline of a famous person.

Lesson 4

The topic of the lesson. A Project.

Objectives of the lesson:to teach students to write a project work

to practice students skills in scanning the information

to teach students how to analize , generalize and compare the main

idea of the material

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to expand the students knowledge of English


Good afternoon!I’m glad to see you.How are you?I’m fine.

Today we’re going to do a project work and by the end of the lesson you’ll be able to write a description of an old person’s childhood;use lexical units and grammar structures of Past Simple in sentences;to analize,generalize and compare the main idea of the material.

Now work in pairs.Discuss these questions about your life six years ago.

1)What time did you get up and go to bed?

2)What did you usually do at the weekend?

3)What TV programmes did you like watching?

4)What computer games did you play?

5)What music did you listen to?

6)Who were your favourite film and sports stars?

II.Main part of the lesson.


Write a description of an old person’s childhood.

Step 1Choose a person,e.g. your grandmother or a neighbour.Write questions to ask about his/her childhood.

When he/she was born Where he/she lived Family Television School

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Weekends Films Music

Step 2Interview the person.Make notes.

Example:lived in small flat-no central heating-small TV-didn’t have a computer

Step 3Look at the texts again.Write a similar description.Add a photo.

Example:His name is Martin and he was born in London in 1939.They lived in …

Step 4 Read your description to the class.

III.Ending of the lesson.


Our lesson is coming up to its end.I like your work and creative ideas at the lesson.Your marks are the following…

Home assignment.

Write a description of your mum’s/dad’s childhood.

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Guten Tag! Wir begrüβen Sie zu unserer Deutschschule!Wir studieren die deutsche Sprache nur ein halbes Jahr,aber wir können schon Deutsch kennen,lesen,Lieder singen,Gedichte lesen.Heute wollen wir Ihnen unsere Kenntnisse der deutsche Sprache zeigen.

I.Das ist unser Gymnasium.Jetzt machen wir die Reise in die Schule und sprechen über unser Leben hier.

Ich bin Schülerin und gehe in die Klasse 5-B.Unser Gymnasium ist nicht alt.Sie hat drei Stockwerke.Im Erdgeschoss sind eine Garderobe,eine

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Sporthalle,ein Speiseraum und das Direktorzimmer.Wir essen im Speiseraum und wir turnen in der Sporthalle.

Im ersten Stock sind eine Bibliothek,eine Aula und Klassenräume für Chemie,Biologie,Geschichte,Erdkunde und Ukrainisch.Wir lesen in der Bibliothek und wir spielen in der Aula.

Im zweiten Stock sind die Klassenräume für Fremdsprachen,Mathe und Physik.Im Hof ist ein Sportplatz.Dort turnen wir,spielen Fuβball,Volleyball,laufen und springen.Unser Gymnasium ist schön und sauber.

Das ist unser Deutschzimmer.Vorne an der Wand hängt eine Tafel.Vor der Tafel steht der Lehrertisch.Auf dem Lehrertisch steht ein Computer.

In der Mitte stehen Schulbänke.Dort sitzen die Schüler.Hinten an der Wand steht ein Bücherschrank.Links sind zwei groβ Fenster.Auf dem Fensterbrett stehen Blumentöpfe.Unser Deutschzimmer ist nicht groβ aber hell und sauber.

Wir lernen zwei Fremdsprachen:Englisch und Deutsch.Unsere Lehrerin heiβt Frau Petelina N.M..Ihre Stunden sind interessant.In die Stunden schreiben,sprechen,lesen und übersetzen wir.Die Lehrerin fragt und wir antworten auf Englisch und Deutsch.Wir machen auch Űbungen,schreiben Diktate,lernen Gedichte und singen Lieder.

II.Im Gymnasium finden wir viele neue Freunde.(діалог «Знайомство»)

_Hallo! Wie ist dein Name?

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_Hallo!Mein Name ist… .Und wie heiβt du?

_Ich heiβe… .

_Sehr angenehm!Wie alt bist du?

_Ich bin schon 11.Und du?Bist du auch 11 Jahre alt?

_Nein,ich bin 10 Jahre alt.

_Wie ist dein Telefonnummer?

_Mein Telefonnummer ist…

_Danke,gut.Bis bald!


III.Jetzt wollen wir Ihnen über unsere Familien zu erzählen.

A.Auf dem Foto ist meine Mutti.Sie heiβt… .Sie ist…Jahre alt.Meine Mutti ist Verkäuferin.Sie arbeitet in einem Kaufhaus.Meine Mutti ist sehr schön!

B.Das ist mein Vater.Er heiβt… .Mein Vater ist…Jahre alt.Er war Offizier.Mein Vater ist Programmierer von Beruf.Mein Vater arbeitet bei einer Firma.

C.Auf diesem Foto ist meine Tante.Sie heiβ Valentina.Sie ist die Lehrerin und sie arbeitet in unserem Gymnasium.

D. Das ist unsere Klassenlehrerin Frau Poljakova L.M..Sie ist die Wissenschaftlehrerin.Ich glaube,sie ist sehr schön. Lyudmila Mikolaivna ist immer hilfsbereit.Sie hilft uns die Hausaufgabe machen.Wir

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verbringen viel Zeit miteinander.Unsere Klasse geht oft auf Reisen und haben lustige Partei.Wir lieben unsere Klassenlehrerin.

IV.Unsere deutsche Unterricht sind sehr interessant.Wärend dieser Zeit haben wir viele Gedichte gelernt ung jetzt lessen wir für Sie Lieblingsgedichte.

1)Ich bin groβ

Du bist klein,

Wir sind lustig,

Das ist fein.

Ihr seid faul,

Sie sind fleiβig,

Alle sind wir aus Leipzig.

2)Es war eine Mutter

Die hatte vier Kinder:

Den Frühling,den Sommer,

Den Herbst und den Winter.

Der Frühling bringt Blumen,

Der Sommer den Klee,

Der Herbst bringt die Trauben,

Der winter der Schnee.

3)Wir wollen einen Kuchen backen,

Und müssen haben sieben Sachen:

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Eier und Butter,

Salz und Zucker,

Hefe,Milch und Mehl-


V.Und jetzt versuchen wir für Sie Cartoon stimmen.

“Es war einmal ein Hund”

Es war einmal ein Hund in einem Dorf.Er diente gut sein ganzes Leben lang,aber war er alt.Seine Gastgeber waren so freundlich und haben er geliebt.

Er konnte nichts tun.Der Hund nicht leben wollen.

Wolf:Gottes hilfe!Was machst du?Kletterst du die Bäume?

Hund:Ja,ich will den Vogel fangen.


Hund:Ich gehe spazieren.

Wolf:Aha.Die Gastgeber traten sie aus dem Haus?

Errinerst du dich,wie du mir gefolgt?

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Hund:Aber ich…

Wolf:Aha.Das ist- Arbeit.

Und mein Leben ist so hart,und niemand wird mir einen Knochen geben.

Jetzt bist du,wie ich.

Hund:Das Kind OK?



Und wurde der Hund wie vor leben,noch besser.Alles war vergessen schleiβlich.



Hund:Nein!Hast du Hunger?

Wolf:Und jetzt werde ich singen!

Aber jetzt werde ich singen unbedingt!

Hund:Du bist nicht böse auf mich.

Wolf:Danke schön.Komme wenn es Probleme gibt!

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VI.Und jetzt das Lied “Schnappi”

VII.Wir haben für Sie ein Theaterstück “Rotkäppchen” vorbereitet.

Es war ein Mädchen.Die Groβmutter schenkte ihr zum Geburtstag ein rotes Käppchen.Das Mädchen hatte das rotes Käppchen sehr gern und trug es immer.

So nannten sie alle das Mädchen Rotkäppchen.

Eines Tages sagte ihr die Mutter:

Mutter:Rotkäppchen,komm her!

Rotk:Was ist los,Mutti?

Mutter:Die Groβmutter ist krank.Bring ihr Milch und Kuchen.

Die Groβmutter wohnte weit.Rotkäppchen musste durch den Wald gehen.Im Wald war es schön:viele Bäume,Blumen und Vögel.Der Himmel war blau.Es war sonnig und warm.

Wolf:Guten Tag,Rotkäppchen!Wohin gehst du?

Rotk:Ich bringe meine Groβmutter Milch und Kuchen.

Wolf:Wo wohnt deine Groβmutter?

Rotk:Hinter dem Wald.

Wolf:Auf Wiedersehen!

Der Wolf lief schnell zum Haus der Groβmutter und klopfte an die Tür.

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Groβmutter:Wer ist da?

Wolf:Ich bin da,Rotkäppchen.


Der Wolf zog ihre Kleidung und legte sich ins Bett.Rotkäppchen kam zum Haus der Groβmutter und klopfte an die Tür.

Wolf:Wer ist da?

Rotk:Ich bin da,Rotkäppchen.


Rotk:Oma,warum hast du so groβe Augen?

Wolf:Um dich besser zu sehen!

Rotk:Oma,warum hast du so groβe Ohren?

Wolf:Um dich besser zu hören!

Rotk:Oma, warum hast du so groβe Arme?

Wolf:Um dich besser zu packen!

Rotk:Oma,warum hast du so groβe Zähne?

Wolf:Um dich besser zu fressen!

Der Wolf fraβ Rotkäppchen auch.Er war jetzt satt.Sein Bauch war voll und schwer.Er legte sich ins Bett und schlief.Er schnarchte so laut ,dass ihn ein Jäger hörte.Er kam ins Haus und tötete den Wolf.

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Da sprangen die Groβmutter und Rotkäppchen aus seinem Bauch.

Vielen Dank!Auf Wiedersehen!
