Page 1: تعلم واتقن الانجليزية -بسهولة

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رؿ ارم

. . اإلغ١ض٠خ ..


Easily , learn and be excellent at ,

.. English ..

. . Levels . . اؾب . .

........... ..

ؽغت levelsمغ ي زا اىزبة ٠ؾ اغضء٠ ؿب اضبفبد أخش

٠ض٠خ اؾشف ف١ و ب رؾزبع ززؿ رزم اغخ االغ غز اذاسط ،

، ؽبال و لاؾذ اغخ (Conversations)إ اؾبدصبد (Alphabet)األثغذ٠خ

اضشس٠خ ابخ ؾ١بح اؿبخ از رف١ذ و اغب ب (Grammar)االغ١ض٠خ

وب غزا أ ؾش ، ى ٠زى رى٠ اؾبدصبد اخبفخ ث ثب ٠بعت غشف

. ؾبدصبد اعدح ف زا اىزبة ، ثبالضبفخ

ؽؾذ وبي : اؾذاد

By : Heshmat Kamal

. ...................................

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6373468: ؽپذ ٵپبٷ د: ا٥لاك

ٽذ ٵپبٷ ؽ: اٹڂبو

ؽپذ ٵپبٷ : اٹغپ٤ اٹزڈوي

: اٹپج٦خ

األڇٹى : اٹج٦خ

2003/ 19286/// 2003/ 18867 :هٱټ االلا٣

977-17-1151-2/// 977-17-1140-7 :اٹزوٱټ اٹلڇٹ

Author : Heshmat Kamal Tel : 6373468

Publisher : Heshmat Kamal

Type setting : Heshmat Kamal

Press :

Edition : First

Legal deposit # : 18867 /2003 /// 19286 / 2003

I.S.B.N. :977-17-1140-7 /// 977-17-1151-2

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Contentsفشعذ ا

اي levelاضؼ


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the English Alphabet 1 6اٹؾوڇ٫ االثغلخ االځغٺيخ

pronunciation of someٱڈا٥ل ځ ث٦ اٹؾوڇ٫



important words and theirٵٺپبد څبٽخ ڇٽ٦بځچب



important words and theirٵٺپبد څبٽخ ڇٽ٦بځچب


2 10

Homonyms andٵٺپبد ٽزبثچخ ڇٽزواك٭بد



prefixes and suffixes 11اٹڈاث ڇاٹٺڈاؽ

time 12اٹڈٱذ

prepositions 3 14ؽوڇ٫ اٹغو

plural of nouns 16عپ٤ االپبء

Verb do 17

20 4ٵٺپبد ٽ٤ ؽوڇ٫ عو

prepositions with ازقلاٻ ؽوڇ٫ اٹغو ٽ٤ اٹڈٱذ



21 ث٦ ٱڈا٥ل اٹٶزبثخ

A, An and The 22

Verbs "be" and "have" 23

prepositions with 5 25 ٹپٶبٿازقلاٻ ؽوڇ٫ اٹغو ٽ٤ ا

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verbs 26أ٭٪بٷ

27 ٵٺپبد ڇؽوڇ٫ عو

28 ٽزڂڈ٥بد څبٽخ

questions 6 30أئٺخ

٥punctuation 31الٽبد اٹڈٱ٬

٥the apostrophe 32الٽخ اٹپٺٶخ ٹالپبء

countable andاالپبء اٹز ر٦ل ڇاٹز الر٦ل

uncountable nouns


pronouns 34اٹپبئو

gerund 7 35

37 ٽزڂڈ٥بد

adjectives and adverbs 38اٹ٢وڇ٫ ڇاٹٮبد

adjectives and adverbs 8 40اٹ٢وڇ٫ ڇاٹٮبد

43 علڇٷ الپبء ٽ٤ ٮبرچب

Tenses 44ٽٲلٽخ ٥ڀ األىٽڂخ

active andاٹپجڂ ٹٺپ٦ٺڈٻ ڇاٹپجڂ ٹٺپغچڈٷ ٽٲلٽخ ٥ڀ



Tenses 9 47األصخ

conjugation of verbs 51رو٬ األ٭٦بٷ

active and passive 10 55اٹپجڂ ٹٺپ٦ٺڈٻ ڇاٹپجڂ ٹٺپغچڈٷ

59 اپبء ڇٮبد علاڇٷ أ٭٦بٷ ڇ

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conditional if 11 62( اٹوخ)ٹڈ

wishes 64اٹزپڂ

letters 65فبثبد

Resume 66

Comprehension 67

direct and indirectاٹٶالٻ اٹپجبو ڇاٹ٪و ٽجبو


12 68

70 ٵٺپبد ٽزبثچخ ڇٽزڂڈ٥بد

Comprehension 72

conversationڈعل levelڇالؽ٠ اځڄ ٭ ځچبخ ٵٸ

level 3اثزلاء ٽڀ

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أٶو اهلل ٥ٺى ٽب٥لرڄ ٹ ٭ ارپبٻ څنا اٹٶزبة ٥ٺى أؽڀ ڇعڄ ، ڇڅڈ بٽٸ ٹٺغيءڀ

. levels، صټ رٲټ ٵٺڄ ٷ اٹبثٲڀ ٽ٦ب ، ٽ٤ ث٦ االب٭بد األفوډ

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ٻ ثلهاخ االځغٺيي ٭ ٽو ڇاٹپچغو ڇٵٸ ٽٶبٿ ، ٹٶ ڇأٱلٻ څنا اٹٶزبة اڅلاء ٹٶٸ ٽڀ چذ

ٮلڃ ٭ ٵٸ ؽبرڄ ، ڇٱل ها٥ذ ٭ڄ أٿ ٶڈٿ ٽجب ڇچال ڇ٭ ځٮ اٹڈٱذ بٽال الڂٲڄ ئ

٭ أي ٽغبٷ ، ڇثبمٿ اهلل ٶڈٿ څنا اٹٶزبة ځب٭٦ب علا ٹٶٸ ٷڅبٻ ، ڇٹٶڀ ثبٹج٤ الڈعل ٵزبة ٵبٻ

اء ٵبٿ اٹلاه بٹت ٥ٺټ ٭ ٽلهخ أڇ ٵٺخ أڇ ٽ٦چل أڇ كاه ٭ ٥پٺڄ ڇٵٸ ؽبرڄ اٹ٦بٽخ ڈ

ٽڈ٬١ ٭ أي ٽغبٷ ٥پٸ أڇ ؽزى اٿ ٵبٿ ٽله ، ٭چنا اٹٶزبة ځب٭٤ ٹٺٶٸ ٭ ٵٸ اٹپزڈبد ، ٭چڈ

. فالخ كهاز ٹٺ٪خ االځغٺيخ ٥ٺى ٽلډ ٥واد اٹڂڈاد

أڇ ثبة أڇ )ڇأرپڂى ٽڀ اٹٲبهئ اٹ٦يي أٿ لٱ ٭ ٵٸ ٵٺپخ ڇوا٥ ٥ڂل كهاخ اي ٭ٸ

٭ څنا اٹٶزبة أٿ ٲوأڃ ٽڀ أڇٹڄ ڇثبٹزورت ، ٭وثپب ٵٺپخ أڇ عپٺخ ڇاؽلح رچٸ ٹڄ كهاخ ( عيء

اٹٮٸ ٵٺڄ ، ثٸ ڇ٭ڈٷ أفوډ ٽجڂخ ٥ٺڄ ، څنڃ ځٲخ أفوډ ڇڅ أځڄ غت ٽ٦و٭خ أٿ اٹٺ٪خ

ٮل ٭ االځغٺيي ، ٽضٸ أي ٹ٪خ أفوډ ، ٵٺچب ٽجڂخ ٥ٺى ث٦ ، ٭چټ ٭ٸ أڇ عيء ٽ٦ڀ علا ،

conversationڇاما ٵبٿ اٹلاه ؾت أٿ ٶڈٿ ٽپزبىا ٭ اٹپؾبكصخ . ٭چټ أعياء أفوډ ٵضوح

grammar، ٭ٺ٦ٺټ أٿ اٹپؾبكصخ څ ٥جبهح ٥ڀ االځغٺيي ٵٺڄ، ٭ؾٮ٠ اٹٶٺپبد ڇاٹغپٸ ڇاٷ

٥ٺى ڇغت أب اٹزپوڀ. اٹپڈعڈكڀ ٭ څنا اٹٶزبة ٽڀ أڇٹڄ فوڃ ٹچټ أڅپخ ٭ اٹپؾبكصبد

الٿ ٭چپب وٲخ Oxfordأڇ Longmanڇٽڀ ٱبٽڈ ، ځ اٹٶٺپبد ٽ٤ اٹپ٦به٫ ڇاأللٱبء

. ٹڂ اٹٶٺپبد ثچڈٹخ

أهعڈ ٽڀ اهلل أٿ ب٥ل عپ٤ اٹلاهڀ ٹچنا اٹٶزبة ثؾت ٽبوډ اٿ ٭ڄ اٹقو ، ڇاٿ ٶڈٿ

. څنا اٹٶزبة ٹٮبئلح ڇفو ٦ت ٽو اٹؾجت ثٸ ڇٵٸ اٹڂب ٭ ٵٸ اٹ٦بٹټ

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Level 1 [Meena] (H.K.)

The English Alphabet

اؾشف األثغذ٠خ االغ١ض٠خ

Aa اڄ , Bb ث , Cc , Dd كي , Ee اي , Ff ا٫ , Gg ع , Hh ار , Ii آي ,

Jj عڄ , Kk ٵڄ , Ll اٷ , Mm اٻ , Nn اٿ , Oo أڇڃ , Pp ث , Qq ٵڈ , Rr آه , Ss

ىك Zz , ڇاي Yy , اٵ Xx , كاثٺڈ Ww , ٭ Vv , ڈڇ Uu , ر Tt , ا

أٽب ثٲخ اٹؾوڇ٫ ٭چ بٵڂخ ، a e i o u: څټ (vowels)اٹؾوڇ٫ اٹپزؾوٵخ

(consonants) .

. ڇٽڀ اٹوڇهي ؽٮ٠ څنڃ اٹؾوڇ٫ ثبٹزورت الزقلاٻ أي ٱبٽڈ

H.W 1 ) ثب ڇثبٹزورت ثبٹؾوڇ٫ اٹٶجوح األثغلخ ٵٺچب ٩اٵزت اٹؾوڇ٫

( ٭ ٵوا اٹڈاعت)ڇاٹ٪وح

,____box: ارپوٿ ٥ٺى افواط ٽ٦بځ اٹٶٺپبد اٹزبٹخ ٽڀ اٹٲبٽڈ ( 2

play____, escape_____,

(H.K.) [Meena]

Personal Pronouns [Meena] اضبئش اؾخق١خ

Singular (H.K.)

I أځب

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You أځذ اځذ ،

He (he, she, it = third



It اغبد أ )أ غ١ش اؿبل



We ځؾڀ

You اځزپب، اځزټ، أځزڀ

They (اؤش أ / عؽ ازوش /

(غ١ش اؿبل أ

H.W. What are the personal pronouns?

اٹڈاعت ٽبئو اٹقخ؟ اٵزجچټ ٽ٤ ٽ٦بځچټ ٭ ٵواٽبڅټ اٹ

دا٠ب اؽفع و وبد رقبدفه ، اوزجب شح اىزبة فزػ ص شح غ١جب زؾفع

.ؽغ خطه أروش اطك ع١ذا( االعزغبء) spellingاي

Pronunciation of Some Letters [Meena]

لاؾذ طك ثؿض اؾشف

B ٵپب ٭ (رى فبزخ)أؽ١بب ال رطكlamb ( . ؽپٸ)الٻ

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C 1) ٹڈ أرى ث٦لڅب رطك طe , i , y ڈاء ٵبځذ ٭ أڇٷ اٹٶٺپخ أڇ ٭ ڇچب ، ڇمٹٴ

( . ٽوٵي)ڂزو centre ، ( ؽڀ)ځب nice: ٽضٸ

ٵبد cat ، ( كڇهح)بٶٸ cycle، ٽضٸ hٹڈ عبء ث٦لڅب أي ؽو٫ آفو ٽب٥لا رطك نڇ (2

( . عوپخ)ٵواټ crime، ( ٱخ)

accept: ، رڂ األڇٹى ٳ ڇاٹضبځخ ؽت اٹٲڈا٥ل اٹبثٲخ ، ٽضٸ (cc) عبءد ضدعخ أٽب ( 3

( . زچټ)أٵڈى accuse، ( ٲجٸ)أٵجذ

: ڇرڂ ٳ ٽضٸ( ة( . جبو)رڈٳ chalk: رڂ ر ٽضٸ ( أ: h عبء ثؿذبأٽب (4

chemistry ڇرڂ ٽضٸ( ط( . ءٵپب)ٵپزوي :machine ( . ٽبٵڂخ)ٽبڀ

( ٽؾ)أڇڀ ocean:ٽضٸ أؽ١بب رطك ػ ( 5

( . ٥الد)ٽبٺي muscles: ڇأؽبځب ال رڂ ڇرٶڈٿ بٽزخ ٽضٸ

G 1 )ٵپب ٭ ثقفخ ؾبخ رطك طgold ىب رطك ، (مڅت)عڈٹلj ٹڈ أرى ث٦لڅبe

, i , y ٽضٸEgyptian ،edge .

٥الٽخ )بڀ sign، ٽضٸ ( الرڂ)٭زٶڈٿ بٽزخ ف ب٠خ اىخ n , th أر ثؿذب أٽب ( 2

(. ڈٷ)ٹڂش length، ( أڇ ابهح

أڇ ال رڂ ٽضٸ ( ة( . ٶٮ)اځب٫ enoughرڂ ٫ ٽضٸ ( أ: h أر ثؿذب أٽب ( 3

high ( ٥بٹ)څبي ،straight ( . ٽزٲټ)هذ اذ

H ٵپب ٭ أؽ١بب ال ٠طكhour ( ب٥خ)أڇه ،honest (. أٽڀ)أڇځذ

K اما عبء ث٦لڅب ال رطكn ٭ أڇٷ اٹٶٺپخ ٽضٸknife ( . ٶڂخ)ځب٬

L ٭ ث٦ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز ٭چب اٹزوٵجبد ال رطكalk , alf , ould ٽضٸchalk رڈٳ

[Meena] ( .ٽپٶڀ)ٵڈك could، ( ځ٬)څب٫ half، (جبو)

N اما عبءد ث٦ل ال رطكm ٽضٸcolumn ( . ٥پڈك)ٵڈالٻ

P ٵپب ٭ أؽ١بب ال رطكpsychology بٶڈٹڈع ، أٽب ٹڈ عبء ث٦لڅبh ٭زڂ ٫ ٽضٸ

phosphor ٭ٮڈه .

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S 1 )ٹڈ عبءد ثڀ ؽو٭ڀ ٽزؾوٵڀ ٽضٸ رطك صrose ( ڇهكح)هڇى ،disease كيي

ك أثو disappearٹپب رؤر ٭ ثلاخ ٵٺپخ ٽضٸ disٽڀ څنڃ اٹٲب٥لح ى ٠غزض، (ٽو)

( . قزٮ)

. usuallyٽضٸ jأؽ١بب رطك ( 2

(. پٴ)٭ fish ٽضٸ h ڇفبخ ٹڈ أرى ث٦لڃ ،(ٶو)ڈعو sugarٽضٸ أؽ١بب رطك ػ( 3

( . عيوح)آالځل islandٵپب ٭ أؽ١بب ال رطك( 4

T 1 )اما أرى ث٦لڅب رطك ػion ٽضٸaction ( . ؽوٵخ)أٵڀ

( . ج٦خ)ځزو nature ٽضٸ أؽ١بب رطك رؼ( 2

( . زپ٤)ٹڀ listenڇ ( ٽواها)أڇ٭ڀ oftenٵپب ٭ أؽ١بب ال رطك( 3

( . أة)٭بىه fatherڇ ( ٭ټ)ٽبڇ mouthأڇ م ٽضٸ رطك س hڇاما عبء ث٦لڅب ( 4

W ث٦لڃ ڇ ٭ أڇٷ اٹٶٺپخ اما عبء ٠طك الr أڇh ٽضٸwrite ( ٶزت)هاذ ،who څڈڇ

(. ٽڀ)

X ٹڈ أرى ث٦لڃ ؽو٫ ٽزؾوٳ ٽضٸ ٠طك عضexactly ( . ثبٹج)اعياٵزٺ

وبد بخ ؿب١ب

Important words and their meanings [Meena]

: ؾ١بح ؾبخ جثخ أ غؿخ ؿب ا٢ أخز وبد وض١شح االعزخذا ف ا

H.W. (وڇهي ؽٮ٢چټ علا علا ، اٹڂ ٽ٤ اٹپ٦بځ ٽ٤ االزچغبء)


It is very important to study them by heart, their

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pronunciation, meanings and their spelling. (H.K.)

Times of the day ألبد ا١ : dawn (day-break) اٹٮغو , sunrise وڇٯ اٹپ

, morning اٹجبػ , noon اٹ٢چو , afternoon ث٦ل اٹ٢چو , sunset ٩وڇة

today // ځ٬ اٹٺٸ midnight , اٹٺٸ night , اٹپبء evening , اٹپ

(اځچبهكح)اٹڈٻ , tonight څنڃ اٹٺٺخ , tomorrow ا٩ل , tomorrow night ٩لا ٹال

Week days [Meena] أ٠ب االعجؼ : Monday االصڂڀ , Tuesday اٹضالصبء ,

Wednesday األهث٤ , Thursday اٹقپ , Friday اٹغپ٦خ , Saturday اٹجذ ,

Sunday األؽل

Months اؾس : January ڂبو , February ٭جواو , March ٽبه ,

April أثوٸ , May ٽبڈ , June ڈځخ , July ڈٹخ , August أ٩ ,

September جزپجو , October أٵزڈثو , November ځڈ٭پجو , December كپجو

. (H.K.)

. ٽچپب ٵبٿ ٽڈٱ٦چټ ٭ اٹغپٺخ Capitalا ة ٵٸ أبٻ االجڈ٣ ڇٵٸ اٹچڈه كاپب ٶزجڈ الؽع أ

Seasons [Meena] (افقي)ااع : spring اٹوث٤ , summer اٹ٬ ,

autumn (fall) اٹقو٬ , winter اٹزبء

Cardinal Numbers األؾذاد األف١خ : One 1 , two 2 , three 3 , four 4

, five 5 , six 6 , seven 7, eight 8 , nine 9 , ten 10 , eleven 11 ,

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twelve 12 , thirteen 13 , fourteen 14 , fifteen 15 , sixteen 16 ,

seventeen 17 , eighteen 18 , nineteen 19 , twenty 20 , twenty-one 21 ,

twenty- two 22 .. .. twenty nine 29 , thirty 30 , forty 40 , fifty 50 ,

sixty 60 , seventy 70 , eighty 80 , ninety 90 , one hundred 100 , one

hundred and one 101 , one hundred and two 102 , two hundred and

one 201 , one thousand 1000 , one thousand and one 1001 , one

million (A million) 1000000 , two millions , one billion (A billion) .

Ordinal numbers [Meena] األؾذاد ازشر١ج١خ :

. أڇال theڇڅڂب ڂٶزت ثڂٮ رورت األ٥لاك اٹبثٲخ ، ڇالؽ٠ أځڂب الثل كائپب أٿ ځ٤

The first األڇٷ , the second اٹضبځ , --- third اٹضبٹش , --- fourth

seventh , اٹبك sixth , اٹقبٽ fifth --- , اٹواث٤ اٹبث٤ , eightth , ninth ,

tenth , eleventh , twelfth , thirteenth , fourteenth , fifteenth ,

sixteenth , seventeenth , eighteenth , nineteenth , twentieth , twenty-

first , twenty-second , twenty-ninth , thirtieth , fortieth , fiftieth ,

sixtieth , seventieth , eightieth , ninetieth , hundredth , hundred and

first , hundred and second , two hundred and first , thousandth ,

thousand and first , the millionth , the two millionth , the billionth ,

the last األفو , the last but one ٱجٸ األفو .

Once ٽوح , twice = two times ٽورڀ , thrice = three times صالس ٽواد ,

four times أهث٤ ٽواد , hundred times ٽئخ ٽوح .

Double اٹ٬٦ , triple 3 أ٦ب٫ , quadruple 4أ٦ب٫ , five fold 5 أ٦ب٫ ,

the centuple ٽئخ ٬٦ .

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A quarter = one fourth هث٤ , one third صٺش , half ځ٬ .

[Meena] (H.K.) Family and kindred اؿبئخ األلبسة

Father أة Mother أٻ Son اثڀ Girl ثڂذ

Daughter اثڂخ Brother أؿ Sister أفذ Boy ڇٹل

Husband ىڇط Wife ىڇعخ Baby ه٤ Man هعٸ

Child ٮٸ Aunt ، ٥پخ


Uncle ، ٥ټ


Woman اٽوأح

[Meena] Food األو

Meals ڇعجبد Oil ىذ Fruits ٭ڈاٵڄ Barley ٦و

Grains ؽجڈة Breakfast ٭به Lunch ٩لاء Potato ثب

Supper ٥بء Bread فجي Wheat ٱپؼ Flour كٱ

Honey ٥ٸ


Olive ىزڈٿ Grapes ٥ڂت Salad ٺخ

Milk ٹجڀ Rice أهى Water ٽبء Pickles ٽقٺٸ

H.W. Translation : Write the English meaning of the following words اٵزت

اٹپ٦ڂى االځغٺيي ٹٺٶٺپبد ارخ

هث٤ ڂبو ارڂڀ

اٹواث٤ ىڇعخ أهث٤ ٽواد

ىزڈٿ اٹضالصبء أٻ

اٹ٬٦ اٹجبػ ىڇط

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أة اؿ أفذ

Write the Arabic meaning of the following words

ٹٺٶٺپبد ارخ اٹ٦وثاٵزت اٹپ٦ڂى

Honey Child Twelve



Baby Wednesday

Aunt Five



Pickles Twice August



rice Autumn

G, L, S, T: اٵزت ٱڈا٥ل ځ اٹؾوڇ٫ ( 1: وؾىي ااعت ف ---

. ڇاٹپڈاټ ڇه اٹڂخاٵزت أبٻ االجڈ٣ ڇڄ( 2

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Level 2 [Meena] (H.K.)

: ا٢ أخز وبد وض١شح االعزخذا ف اؾ١بح ؾبخ جثخ أ غؿخ ؿب

H.W. (اځ ٽ٤ االزچغبءوڇهي ؽٮ٢چټ علا علا ، اٹڂ ٽ٤ اٹپ٤)


It is very important to study them by heart, pronunciation,

meanings and spelling.

The human body (H.K.) عغ االغب

Head اٹوأ Hair اٹ٦و Nose األځ٬ Beard ٹؾخ

Eye ٥ڀ Ear أمٿ Mouth ٭ټ Teeth أڂبٿ

Hand ل Leg هعٸ Back ه ١ڄ Tongue ٹبٿ

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Face ڇعڄ Skin عٺل Fingers أبث٤ Jaw ٭ٴ

Soul ځٮ Blood كٻ Spirit هڇػ Lips ٮب٬

Traveling اغفش

Airplane بئوح Train ٱبه Passport عڈاى


Vacant فبٹ

Ticket رنٵوح Arrival اٹڈڈٷ Departure اٹوؽٸ Brake ٭واٽٸ

Direction ارغبڃ Class كهعخ Speed و٥خ Tyre ٵبڇر

Customs اٹغپوٳ Inquiries از٦الٽبد Office ٽٶزت Ship ٮڂخ

Occupations [Meena] غبئف

Teacher ٽله Engineer ٽچڂل Doctor كٵزڈه Soldier ٥ٶوي

Judge ٱب Actor ٽپضٸ Lawyer ٽؾبٽ Driver بئ

Continents (H.K.) امبساد

Africa أ٭وٲب America أٽوٶب Europe أڇهڇثب

Australia أزواٷ


Asia آب

Countries and nationalities اذي اغغ١بد

Egypt ٽو Egyptian ٽوي America أٽوٶب American أٽوٶبځ

Palestine ٭ٺڀ Palestinian ٭ٺڂ Syria ڈهب Syrian ڈهي

Jordan األهكٿ Jordanian أهكځ England اځغٺزوا English اځغٺيي

France ٭وځب French ٭وځ China اٹڀ Chinese ڂ

Germany أٹپبځب German أٹپبځ Greece اٹڈځبٿ Greek ڈځبځ

Post office ىزت اجش٠ذ

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Letter عڈاة Stamp بث٤ Postage أعوح Sample ٥ڂخ

Fee اعوح Envelope ١و٫ Sender اٹواٸ Form ازپبهح

Banking (H.K.) أؾبي اجن

Cheque ٴ Account ؽبة Deposit ڇك٦خ Rate ٽ٦لٷ

Client ٥پٸ Loss فبهح Profit ٽٶت Loan ٺٮخ

Interest ٭بئلح Capital هأپبٷ Withdraw ؾت Broker پبه

Virtues and vices اشرائافضبئ

Patience جو Wisdom ؽٶپخ Faith اپبٿ Wise ؽٶټ

Fear فڈ٫ Lying ٵنة Envy ؽل Fool عبڅٸ

Architecture (ؾبسح)ؿبس (H.K.)

House ٽڂيٷ Room ٩و٭خ Bricks ڈة Design رپټ

Column ٥پڈك Steel ٺت Concrete فوبځخ Building ٽجڂى

Homonyms : ٽزبثچخ ٭ اٹڂ ڇاٹچغبء ڇٹٶڂچب ٽقزٺٮخ ٭ اٹپ٦ڂى ڇڅ ٵٺپبد .

Coarse فڀ Course [Meena] كهابد ، ٽٲوه

Pray (H.K.) ٺ Prey ٭وخ ، ٩ڂپخ

Lesson كه Lessen ٲٺٸ ، قٮ

Quiet څبكئ ، بٵذ Quite رپبٽب ، ځچبئب

To sail جؾو For sale ٹٺج٤

Lightning ثوٯ ، ابءح Lightening رقٮ٬

Might ٱلهح ، ٱڈح Mite ٥ضخ

Precede ج Proceed قوط ٽڀ ، ڂجض

Sealing فزټ Ceiling ٲ٬

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Stare جؾٺ Stair ٺپخ

Principal هئ ، ځب١و Principle ٽجلأ ، هأي

Site ٽڈٱ٤ ، ٽڈ٤ Sight ٽڂ٢و ، ٽچل

Tail مٸ Tale ٱخ

Synonyms :ٹٮخ ٭ اٹڂ ڇاٹچغبء ٹٶڂچب ٹچب ٽ٦ڂى ٽزٲبهة ڇڅ ٵٺپبد ٽقذ .

Current [Meena] ربه ٽبء أڇ ٵچوثبء Draught ربه څڈاء

Fingers أبث٤ اٹل Toes أبث٤ اٹٲلٻ

Habit ٥بكح ٭وكخ Custom ٥بكح عپب٥خ

Shade ( اٹغوٽضال)١ٸ Shadow ١ٸ ، فبٷ

Peel ( ثورٲبٹخ)ٲو Pare ( رٮبؽخ)ٶ

Mobile ٽزڂٲٸ Movable ٽزؾوٳ

Childish جبځ ، رب٭ڄ Childlike ث ىي األٮبٷ

Make ٦پٸ ، ڂ٤ Do (H.K.) ٦پٸ

ڇث٦ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز ؤر ٱجٺچب makeڇعل څڂب أٿ ځنٵو ث٦ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز ؤر ٱجٺچب ---

do .

Make : - a mistake فؤ, - a decision ٱواه, - a pizza ثزيا, - noise كڇخ, -

plans ف.

Do : - your homework ڇاعت, - some shopping واء, - me a favor ٽ٦وڇ٫.

Prefixes and suffixes اغاثك ااؽك

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أڇ عيء ٭ اٹڂچبخ پى prefixڇٵضو ٽڀ اٹٶٺپبد ب٫ اٹچب عيء ٭ اٹجلاخ پى


Prefixes --- ي اٹڈاث ٽضٸ أ: [Meena]

Bi (two) ex: bicycle كهاعخ. / Re (again ربځ, back هعڈ٣، ١چو ) ex: return


Tele (from far away ٽڀ ث٦ل ) ex: television رٺٮيڈٿ , telegraph رٺ٪وا٫.

Under (insufficient ٩و ٵب٭) ex: underpay ل٭٤ أٱٸ, underfed أٱٸ ٪ني .

Over (more than أٵضو ٽڀ) ex: overload ؽپٸ أٵضو ٽڀ, overtime اٹڈٱذ االب٭

Fore (before ٱجٸ) ex: foretell قجو ثبٹئ ٱجٸ ؽلڇصڄ.

-- Some prefixes give the meaning of negation, like: ث٦ اٹڈاث ر٦ اٹڂٮ


Im ex: impossible ٩و ٽپٶڀ، ٽزؾٸ / Dis ex: disconnect ٮٸ، ٮٴ ڇٺخ /

Un ex: unbelievable ال پٶڀ رلٲڄ / Mis ex: misunderstand ئ ٭چټ. /

Ir ex: irresistible ال پٶڀ ٽٲبڇٽزڄ / In ex: inactive ٩و ځ / Il ex: illegal ٩و


Suffixes --- اٹز رزقلٻ ٭ رٶڈڀ اپبء ڇمٹٴ ٽضٸ ٵٸ اٹٺڈاؽ :أي اٹٺڈاؽ

: ڇمٹٴ ٽضٸ ،ڇٮبد ڇ١وڇ٫ ڇڈ٫ ځلهچټ أب ٭ څنا اٹٶزبة

-an, ian ex: Egyptian, American (أٽوٶ، ٽوي) / -able ex: readable ( پٶڀ


-ness (kindness) جخ , -ship (friendship) لاٱخ , -hood (childhood)

(اعڂپب٥خ)ازواٵخ ism (socialism)- , فجبى ry (bakery)- , ٮڈٹخ , -ist

(scientist) ٥بٹټ , -ion (invention) افزوا٣ , -ation (information) ٽ٦ٺڈٽبد , -

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ance (ignorance) عچٸ , -ency (presidency) هئبخ , -r (maker) بځ٤ , -er /

-ar / -or (actor) ٽپضٸ .

H.W. Translation : Write the English meaning of the following words اٵزت

اٹپ٦ڂى االځغٺيي ٹٺٶٺپبد ارخ

أٽوٶب ٽچڂل ٽوي

بث٤ ٭بلح ٽ٦پبه

٦و ٹٺج٤ ل

پٶڀ ڇعڄ



ٺٮخ جخ كهاعخ

Write the Arabic meaning of the following words

ٹٺٶٺپبد ارخ اٹ٦وثاٵزت اٹپ٦ڂى

House Tele African

Profit Blood China

Wisdom Direction Lawyer

Unbelievable Form Fee

lesson letter Europe

Time (الذ)اغبؾخ

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اٹبث٦خ اٹ اٹب٥خ اٹضبٽڂخ ڇځنٵوڅب ڂؤفن وٲخ مٵو اٹب٥خ، ٭ ٽضبٷ ڇٹٶڀ ٽڀ اٹب٥خ

. ٵٸ فپ كٱبئ ڇمٹٴ ثبٹوٲزڀ اٹجوبځخ ڇاألٽوٶخ

British [Meena] American


In #s ثبٹپوي

Seven o'clock Seven o'clock 7:00 اٹبث٦خ

Five past seven Seven five 7:05 ڇفپخ عبثؿخ

Ten past seven Seven ten 7:10 ث٦خ ڇ٥وحب

Fifteen past seven Seven fifteen 7:15 بث٦خ ڇهث٤

Twenty past seven Seven twenty 7:20 بث٦خ ڇرٺذ

Twenty five past


Seven twenty


بث٦خ ڇځ اال 7:25


Half past seven Seven thirty 7:30 بث٦خ ڇځ

Thirty five past


Seven thirty


بث٦خ ڇځ 7:35


Twenty to eight Seven forty


اال رٺذ رب١خ 7:40

Fifteen to eight Seven forty


رپبځخ اال هث٤ 7:45

Ten to eight Seven fifty 7:50 رپبځخ اال ٥وح

Five to eight Seven fifty


رپبځخ اال فپخ 7:55

Eight o'clock Eight o'clock 8:00 رپبځخ

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So If someone asks: ٹڈ ؽل ؤٷ

What time is it? ٽب اٹڈٱذ / Or أڇ / What is the time now? ٽب څڈ اٹڈٱذ اٿ

We answer saying: [Meena] ځغبڇة ٱبئٺڀ

It is .. اٹڈٱذ څڈ / Or / The time is .. اٹڈٱذ څڈ /Or / The time now is .. اٹڈٱذ اٿ


H.W. ، أڇٱبد ثبالځغٺيي ثبٹؾوڇ٫ ڇثبألهٱبٻ اٵزت٭ ٵوا اٹڈاعت

6:00 اٹ 5:35ڇٽڀ 12:30اٹ ٥12خ اكٱبئ ٽڀ اٹ 5اٹب٥خ ٵٸ

Write the time every 5 minutes from 12 to 12:30 and from

5:35 to 6:00

Prepositions [Meena] ؽشف اغش

هڇ٫ اٹغو ٭ االؽبد صبثزخ ثچب ٽ٤ ٽ٦بځچب ، صټ ث٦ األٽضٺخ ٭ عپٸ ، صټ ػ ث٦ ڂؤفن

. ڂؤفن ٵٺپبد رؤر ٽ٤ ؽوڇ٫ عو ٽقزٺٮخ ٭ز٪و اٹپ٦ڂى ڇأب أٽضٺخ ٥ٺچب ٭ عپٸ

.soع١ى someoneأ اخزقبس (الرغ) زوش ثشعبء ا

.sthع١ى somethingاخزقبس

At (H.K.)

At present ٭ اٹڈٱذ اٹؾبو At the moment ٭ څنڃ اٹٺؾ٢خ

At first ٭ األڇٷ - last ٭ افو

- least ٥ٺى األٱٸ - most ٥ٺى األٵضو

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- once ٭ اٹزڈ ، ؽبال - hand ٭ ٽزڂبڇٷ اٹل

Look at ڂ٢و اٹى Gaze (stare) at جؾٺ ٭

Surprised at اځلڅ ٽڀ Shocked - لٻ ة

Amazed - ر٦غت ٽڀ Astonished - ر٦غت ، اځلڅ

Good - ٵڈ ٭ Bad - ڇؽ ٭

Excellent -


ٽپزبى ٭ Brilliant - الٽ٤ ٭

Clever - مٵ ٭ Slow - ثئ ٭

Quick - و٤ ٭ Hopeless - الهعبء ٭ڄ ٭

Pleased - ٦ل ة Angry - ٩جبٿ ٽڀ

Laugh - ؾٴ ٥ٺى Smile - جزټ ٷ

: ٭پضال ٹڈ٤ څنڃ االالؽبد ٭ عپٸ ځٲڈٷ

Look at this [Meena] أځ٢و اٹ څنا

She is busy at the moment اځچب ٽ٪ڈٹخ ٭ څنڃ اٹٺؾ٢خ

He is good (excellent, bad, .. ..) at English څڈ ٵڈ ٭ االځغٺيي

، toٽقزٺ٬ ٥ڀ ٽ٦ڂبڅټ ٽ٤ atٶڈٿ ٽ٦ڂبڅټ ٽ٤ " shout, throw"صټ ڈعل ٵٺپبد ٽضٸ ---

shout at so. (when being angry) / shout to so. (to (.H.K): ٭ڂٲڈٷ ٽضال


throw sth. at so. or sth.(to hit) / throw sth. to so. (to give it to: ڇٵنٹٴ ځٲڈٷ


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څڈ ى٥ ٹچټ : ، ٶڈٿ ٽ٦ڂبڅب He shouted at them صال ٹڈ ٱٺڂبٻ٫

. څ ؽل٭زچب ٹڄ : پڈٿ ٽ٦ڂبڅب she threw it to himڇٹڈ ٱٺڂب

ٹٺپٮوك اٹج٦ل That( 2 . ٹٺپٮوك اٹٲوت This( 1: څټ اعبء االؽبسح

3 ) These 4 . ٹٺغپ٤ اٹٲوت ) Those ٹٺغپ٤ اٹج٦ل

H.W. ٭ ٵوا اٹڈاعت ، اٵزت ج٤ ڈاثprefixes ٦ڈا ٽ٦ڂى اٹڂٮ

[Meena] .، صټ ٵٺپخ ٵپضبٷ ٹٶٸ ٽڂچټ

Translate into Arabic : روعټ اٹ اٹ٦وثخ

Look at this rice


He got at least two


Level 3 [Meena] (H.K.)

Prepositions ؽشف اغش

٭ څنا اٹجبة ڂؤفن ؽوڇ٫ اٹغو ٭ االؽبد صبثزخ ثچب ٽ٤ ٽ٦بځچب ، صټ ث٦ األٽضٺخ ٭

. ٹٮخ ٭ز٪و اٹپ٦ڂى ڇأب أٽضٺخ ٥ٺچب ٭ عپٸ عپٸ ، صټ ڂؤفن ٵٺپبد رؤر ٽ٤ ؽوڇ٫ عو ٽقذ

.soع١ى someoneأ اخزقبس (الغ)زوش ثشعبء ا

.sthع١ى somethingاخزقبس

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دا٠ب اؽفع و وبد رقبدفه ، اوزجب شح اىزبة فزػ ص شح غ١جب زؾفع

.ؽغ خطه أروش اطك ع١ذا( االعزغبء) spellingاي

About [Meena]

Excited about ٽضبه ؽڈٷ Worried - ٱٺ ثؤٿ

Troubled - ٽوة ثجت Upset - ٩ت ٽڀ أعٸ

Annoyed - ٽزب ٷ Sorry about آ٬ ثجت

: ٷ ٥ڀ ٽ٦ڂبڅب ٽ٤ ؽوڇ٫ عو أفوډ، ٽش aboutڇڅڂب أب ڈعل ٵٺپبد قزٺ٬ ٽ٦ڂبڅب ٽ٤

Care about so. or sth. چزټ ة / care for ؾت

Ask about ؤٷ ٥ڀ / ask for ٺت

Dream about (details رٮبٸ) / dream of (being sth. or doing sth.)

Hear about (details) / hear of (know that) / hear from (receive a letter

or a phone call)

Think about (details) (concentrate the mind on) / think of (remember)

By (H.K.)

Pass by پو ة Walk by پو ٽبب

Stopped by ڇٱ٬ ٥ڂل Drove - ٽو ڇڅڈ ٲڈك

- mistake ثبٹقؤ - chance ثبٹل٭خ

A play - ٽوؽخ ٵزجچب .. A book - ٵزبة ٵزجڄ. .

- all means ثٶٸ اٹوٯ - no means ثال أي ڇٺخ

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One - one ڇاؽل ڇاؽل - the way (H.K.) ثبٹپڂبجخ

Pay by cheque ل٭٤ ثٴ / pay in cash = pay cash ل٭٤ ٵب


For ever ٹألثل - God's sake ٽڀ أعٸ اهلل

- life ٹڈٷ اٹ٦پو - a while اٹى ؽڀ

Need - اؽزبط ٷ Reason - جت

- a walk امڅت ارپى - breakfast ٹٺٮبه

Famous - ٽچڈه ة - lunch ٹٺ٪ناء

--- [Meena] Blame so. or sth. for sth. / blame sth. on so. or sth. /

ex: everybody blamed him for the accident اٹٶٸ الٽڈڃ ٥ٺى اٹؾبكصخ /

everybody blamed the accident on him اٹٶٸ ځجڈا اٹؾبكصخ ٹڄ / (H.K.)

everybody said he was to blame for the accident اٹٶٸ ٱبٷ اځڄ غت اٿ الٻ ٥ٺى


--- It's time for school / he is going to school / now he is at school.


Increase - ىبكح ٭ Decrease - ځٲبٿ ٭

Rise - اهرٮب٣ ٭ Fall- ٲڈ ، ځٲ ٭

Believe - ئٽڀ ة - health ثؾخ

- a moment ٭ ٹؾ٢خ - English ثبالځغٺيي

- person قب - full ثبٹٶبٽٸ

Into (H.K.)

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Look (see) - ٮؾ Break - ٲزؾټ ٽٶبٿ

Run - الٻ ة Run - debt ازلاٿ


A cause - جت Photograph - ڈهح

Afraid - فب٬ ٽڀ Proud - ٭قڈه ة

Jealous - ٩ڈه ٽڀ Capable - ٱبكه ٥ٺى

Careful - ؽنه ٽڀ Tired - ر٦جبٿ ٽڀ

Healed - رټ ٮبإڃ ٽڀ Repent - زڈة ٥ڀ

- course ثبٹج٤ Instead - ثلال ٽڀ

A lot - ٵضو ٽڀ A piece - ٱ٦خ ٽڀ

It was nice of you (kind of you , good - , silly - , stupid -, ..) ٵبځذ ٵڈخ ٽڂٴ

To accuse so. of doing sth. / Man of his word , man of courage .

A matter of fact ٭ اٹڈاٱ٤ , a matter of opinion ٽڈڈ٣ هأي

On [Meena]

- foot وا ٥ٺى األٱلاٻ - occasion ٭ ٽڂبجخ

Congratulate - چڂئ ٥ٺ From now - ٽڀ اٿ ٭ب٥لا

I have spoken to her on the phone ٹٲل رٶٺپذ ٽ٦چب ٥ٺى اٹزٺٮڈٿ

I'm (I am) not on the phone yet , I haven't got a phone yet

To watch sth. on T.V. زٮوط ٥ٺى ؽبعخ ٭ اٹزٺٮيڈٿ

To listen to sth. on the radio [Meena] زپ٤ ٹئ ٭ اٹواكڈ

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On leave ٭ أعبىح / on holiday ٭ ٥ٺخ /on business trip ٭ هؽٺخ ٥پٸ / on a

trip / on a tour ٭ عڈٹخ بؽخ. (H.K.)

To live on money (or food) (اٹقجي)٪ ٥ٺخ اٹٮٺڈ /

To spend money on sth. ٥ٺى ئ و٫ ٭ٺڈ

Keep on / go on / carry on زپو ٭


- of kindness ٽڀ ثبة اٹجخ - of sight افزٮى ٥ڀ األځ٢به

- of print ځٮلد اٹج٦خ - doors ٭ اٹقالء

- of doubt ثلڇٿ ٴ Have it - اځچڈا اٹپڈڈ٣

To (H.K.)

- an end ٹڂچبخ - no end ثال ځچبخ

Look - چزټ ة، ٦زپل ٥ٺى According - ثڂبء ٥ٺى

Married - ٽزيڇط ٽڀ Engaged - ٽقڈة ٷ

Damage to a car رٶو ٹٺ٦وثخ / Invitation to a party (or a wedding) ٥يڇٽخ


Solution to a problem ؽٸ ٹٺپٶٺخ / answer to a question اعبثخ ٹٺئاٷ /

reply to a letter هك ٥ٺى اٹغڈاة / key to a door ٽٮزبػ ٹٺجبة

Complain to so. about sth. زٶ ٹق ٥ڀ ئ / (H.K.)

Prefer so. or sth. to so. or sth. ٮٸ ئ ٥ڀ ئ أڇ ٮٸ ق ٥ڀ ق

Up [Meena]

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Speak - رٶٺټ ثڈد ٥بٹ - to ٹ٪بخ

Use - زڂٮن ، ڂچٴ Bring - وث

Wake - ؾى Get - ٱټ ، اځزت

Give - زٺټ Keep - with بو ، غبهي


Satisfied - ٽٶزٮ ة Crowded - ٽيكؽټ ة

Our relationship with God must be perfect. ٥الٱزڂب ثبهلل الثل اٿ رٶڈٿ ٵبٽٺخ /

Pleased with so. ٽوڇه ٽ٤ ق أڇ ثق (pleased at sth. ٽوڇه ثئ)

Charge so. with an offence (with a crime) / Provide so. with sth. (H.K.)

H.W. Translate into Arabic روعټ اٹ اٹ٦وثخ

They care about her


He replied to the letter


Write the preposition used after these words: worry _______

a lot ____

Plural of nounsعؽ االعبء

. book , books٭ ځچبخ اٹٶٺپخ ، ٽضٸ sضؽ ثٮخ ٥بٽخ ، ٥ڂل عپ٤ االپبء (1

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ٽضٸ s ss sh ch x z: اما اځزچى االټ ثؤؽل اٹؾوڇ٫ ارخ ( أ: esضؽ ڇٹٶڀ (2

box , boxes .اما اځزچى االټ ثؾو٫ ( ةo ٱجٺڄ ؽو٫ بٵڀ ٽضٸhero , heroes

yٱجٺڄ ؽو٫ بٵڀ ، ڇمٹٴ ث٦ل ؽن٫ اٷ y٭ االپبء اٹز رڂزچى ثؾو٫ iesضؽ ( 3

٭ٲ ٤s ٱجٺچب ؽو٫ ٽزؾوٳ ر٢ٸ ٵپب څ ڇٿ yڇٹٶڀ ٹڈ اٷ story , stories [Meena] ٽضٸ


ٽضٸ ڇمٹٴ f, feث٦ل ؽن٫ اٷ vesرؤفن feأڇ fڇث٦ االپبء اٹز رڂزچ ة (4

half , halves / life , lives .(H.K.)

/ foot , feet / man , men ٽضٸ ڇمٹٴ صبثزخ أعبء ال ٠خضؽ عؿب ماؾذصټ ڈعل (5

son-in-law , sons-in-law .

. ٥Japaneseڂل عپ٦چب ٽضٸ العبء ال رزغ١شثؿض ا (6

brothersأؿ، brotherٽ٤ افزال٫ اٹپ٦ڂى ٽضٸ أوضش عؽڇٱل ڈعل ٱٺٸ اپبء ٹچټ (7

( . ٭ عپب٥خ ٽ٦ڂخ)أفڈح brethren،( أٲبء)أفڈح

. hope , happiness: ٽضٸ ١ظ عؽث٦ االپبء (8

. contents , trousersٽضٸ اغؽ دائب ف ف١غخڇاٹج٦ ٶڈٿ (9

. news , mathematicsٽضٸ ى دائب فشد sآخش ڇاٹج٦ ٶڈٿ (10

means/ ڇؽ ، ئ meanٽضٸ اعبء ٠زغ١ش ؿ اغؽ ف١ب ؾ افشدڇڅڂبٳ (11

. ثبئ٤ goods/ فو ، ؽڀ good/ وٯ ، ڇبئٸ

H.W. write the plural of the following words : (H.K.)

اٵزت عپ٤ اٹٶٺپبد ارخ

Pen _____, dish _______, factory _________, shoe

______, knife _______,

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Woman ___________, Chinese ___________, sister-in-


Verb "Do"[Meena]

(past)ڇاٹپب (present) ٭ اٹؾبو verb do (to do)څڈ رو٬ ب٠ ---

ڇاالعبثخ present٭ اٷ ڇٵٮخ ٥پٸ أئٺخ ثڄ pronounsٽ٤ اٷ ، (future)ڇاٹپزٲجٸ

: (ڇڅڈ ؽڂپب ز٦پٸ ٭ ٥پٸ أئٺخ ٦زجو ٵٮ٦ٸ ٽب٥ل) ٥ٺچب



(ٵٮ٦ٸ ٽب٥ل ٭ٲ أي ثپ٦ڂى څٸ ڇ٭ اٹڂٮ ٭ٲ) verb "Do"

Pres. Past Future Verb "Do" in the present (H.K.)

Questions Yes, No,

I Do Did Shall


Do I eat? Yes, you


No, you don't


You Do Did Will do Do you eat? Yes, I eat No, I don't eat

He Does Did Will do Does he


Yes, he


No, he doesn't


She Does Did Will do Does she


Yes, she


No, she doesn't


It Does Did Will do Does it eat? Yes, it


No, it doesn't


We Do Did Shall


Do we eat? Yes, you


No, you don't


You Do Did Will do Do you eat? Yes, we No, we don't eat

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They Do Did Will do Do they


Yes, they


No, they don't


( ف اؾبضش) أب آو؟ : األي ؿ اغؤاي

. present٭ اٷ s, es, iesكائپب ٽضٸ ث٦ ؤفنڇا he, she , itأڇال أٿ ( 1: الؽع ا٢ر

2 )Shall رٶڈٿ ٽ٤I, we رؤفن ٭ٲ أٽب ثٲخ اٹپبئوwill .

3 )I ٭ اٹئاٷ رزؾڈٷ اٹyou ٭ االعبثخ ، ڇاٹ٦ٶ ثبٹ٦ٶ ، ڇٵنٹٴwe ٭ اٹئاٷ

. ٭ االعبثخ ، ڇاٹ٦ٶ ثبٹ٦ٶ ( اٹغپ٤) youرزؾڈٷ اٹ

4 )don't څ افزبه(contraction of) ،do not ڇ ،doesn't څ افزبهdoes

not ڇ ،didn't ه افزبdid not . [Meena]

. ثبٹڂٮ ڈاء ٭ اٹئاٷ أڇ ٭ االعبثخ infinitiveاٷ اٹٮ٦ٸ ؤر ، does كاپب ث٦ل ( 5

"do"ڇ٭پب ٺ أٽضٺخ أفوډ ٥ٺى ازقلاٻ ---

Ex.: I do my homework. أځب أ٥پٸ اٹڈاعت _____

She does what is right . څ ر٦پٸ اٹؼ

He did what is right. څڈ ٥پٸ اٹؼ

They will do it. څټ ٦پٺڈځچب

H.W. Answer the following questions one time with Yes,

another with No

(.H.K) : أعت ٥ٺى األئٺخ اٹزبٹخ ٽوح ثڂ٦ټ ڇٽوح ثال

Does he drink tea? Yes, ______________ No,


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Do I need it? Yes, ________________ No,


,I, he، ٭ڂزج٤ ځٮ اٹقڈاد ، ڇڂٶزٮ ثبٹزج ٥ٺى pastڇثبٹڂجخ ٹ٦پٸ أئٺخ ڇأعڈثخ ٭ اٷ

they ٭پضال ځٲڈٷ ، :



Verb "do" in the past

Questions Yes (H.K.) No

I Did I eat bread? Yes, you ate bread No, you didn't eat


He Did he eat bread? Yes, he ate bread No, he didn't eat bread

They Did they eat bread? Yes, they ate bread No, they didn't eat


( ف ابض)آو خجض؟ وذ أب : األي ؿ اغؤاي

رپبٽب ، الځچټ ؤفنڇا pronounsٽضٸ ثٲخ اٷ past٭ اٷ he, she, it اٿ ( 1: ؽع ا٢رال

. futureڇال ٭ اٷ past٭ٲ ڇٹ ٭ اٷ present٭ اٷ s, es, iesاٷ

noڈاء ٭ اٹئاٷ أڇ ٭ االعبثخ ة infinitiveثؤر ٭ اٷ didث٦ل verb كاپب اٷ ( 2

H.W. Answer the following questions with Yes and No :

Did she work? Yes, _____________ No,


Did they see you? Yes, _____________ No,

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verb ٵٮ٦ٸ ٽب٥ل ٭ٲ ، ٹٶڀ ٽبٺ څڈ وػ ٷ "verb "Doاٿ ٵٸ ٽبج څڈ وػ ٷ الؽع

"Do" ٮ٦ٸ أڇ ٦پٸ"ٵٮ٦ٸ ٽب٥ل ڇٵٮ٦ٸ ٽ٦ڂبڃ" ( ڇمٹٴ ٭ اٷpresent ڇ٭ اٷ past ٭ٲ) :

( وفؿ ثؿ ٠ؿ/ وفؿ غبؾذ ) Verb "Do"



Questions Yes (H.K.) No

In the present

I Do I do my


Yes, you do your


No, you don't do your -


He Does he do his -- Yes, he does his -- No, he doesn't do his --

They Do they do their -


Yes, they do their -- No, they don't do their


In the past

I Did I do my work Yes, you did your -- No, you didn't do your


He Did he do his -- Yes, he did his -- No, he didn't do his --

They Did they do their


Yes, they did their -- No, they didn't do their


٭ اٹئاٷ ڇ٭ اٹڂٮ ٭ٲ )ٽورڀ ٭ ٵٸ عپٺخ do, does, didازقلاٽبد ( 1: الؽع ا٢ر

. ، ٽوح ٵٮ٦ٸ ٽب٥ل ڇٽوح ٵٮ٦ٸ ثپ٦ڂى ٦پٸ(yesٽ٤ ڇٹ

. (pronouns)ڇځٮ االٺڈة ځجٲڄ ٽ٤ ثٲخ اٹپبئو ( 2

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H.W. Answer the questions with Yes and No

Does he do it? Yes, _______________ No,


Did she do it? Yes, _______________ No,


ٵپب زؼ ٽڀ اٹغلڇٷ ، ٭ٲ "٦پٸ"ؤر ٵٮ٦ٸ ثپ٦ڂى "verb "Do٭بٿ futureأٽب ٭ اٷ

: ار

( وفؿ ثؿ ٠ؿ فمط) Verb "Do"

In the future (H.K.)

I Shall I do my -- Yes, you will do

your --

No, you'll not do your -


He Will he do his -- Yes, he'll do his -- No, he'll not do his --

They Will they do their


Yes, they'll do their -


No, they'll not do their


. ٽ٦ڂى ٦پٸ ٭ٲ ٵٮ٦ٸ ة "Do"ازقلاٻ ( 1: الؽع ب

. willڇ shall٭ اٹڂٮ ثزؤر ث٦ل notكاپب ( 2

H.W. Answer the questions with Yes and No (H.K.)

Will you do them? Yes,__________________ No,


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Shall we do them? Yes, _________________ No,


الؽع أ٠ضب ؾغخ بخ أب دائب ثؿذ اىبد ا٢ر١خ أر ثبفؿ ف س: ب

: (infinitive)اقذس

Shall , should , will , would , may , might , can , could , to .

Conversations [Meena] ؾبدصبد

Introducing : Hi , I'm Ahmed / hi Ahmed I'm Magdy (hi Ahmed my

name is Magdy) .

--- George , this is Aly , Aly this is George / nice to meet you Aly / nice

to meet u too , what do you do George ? / I'm a writer, and you? (what

about you?) (and what do you do?) / I'm an accountant . / Haven't we met

before? / yes, I think we have. (H.K.)

H.W. (C.W.) Pair practice : Each 2 introduce yourselves to

each other

(.H.K)ٵٸ اصڂڀ ٲلٽڈا أځٮچټ ٹج٦

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Then each 3 , 3ڇث٦ل مٹٴ ٵٸ

Level 4 [Meena] (H.K.)

: فزؿط ؿ خزف أ ؽ وبد أخش، ثؿض اىبد رأر ؽ ؽشف اغش اؿطف

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Back [Meena]

Get back اهع٤ Give back هع٤

Hold back اؽغي Throw - ٽ ٹٺقٺ٬ اه


Put out the - ٮئ اٹڂبه Set - to sth. أ٦ٸ اٹڂبه ٭

Set on - أ٦ٸ ځبها The - is out اٹڂبه اٮؤد


Get in اكفٸ - out أفوط

- off اڅوة ، افٺ٤ - on with غبهي

- through غزبى ٽڀ فالٷ - hold of ٲج ٥ٺى

- advantage of زٮڈٯ ٥ٺى - home هڇػ اٹجذ

Go (H.K.)

- after زج٤ - ahead ٵپٸ ٽبرٮ٦ٺڄ

- beyond زغبڇى - astray ٸ


- before ٦و ٥ٺى - up لفو

- down ٤ - out ورت

- hand on ٲج ٥ٺى - hold of پٴ


- at ڂ٢و اٹ - to چزټ ة

- into ٮؾ - out اؽزو

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- over ه٥خ زٮؼ ث - for جؾش ٥ڀ

- out for زوٱت - up ٮز ٥ٺى

- off ڈك٣ - about ڂ٢و ؽڈٹڄ

- down upon ؾڂٲو ، ز٦بٹى ٥ٺ - after ٦زڂ ة


Of - ځب٭٤ ، ٽٮل Out of - ثٸ از٦پبٷ

To – up زڂٮن ، ڂچٴ he used to ٵبٿ ٽز٦ڈك ٥ٺى

He is used to ٽز٦ڈك ٥ٺى

I used to get up early when I was a child, but now I don't.

أځب ٵڂذ ٽز٦ڈك اٿ ازٲ٠ ٽجٶوا ٹپب ٵڂذ ٮال ڇٹٶڀ اٿ أل

I am used to getting (to get) up early in the morning because I've done

this for so long. أځب ٽز٦ڈك أزٲ٠ ٽجٶواالځ أ٭٦ٸ څنا ٽڂن ٭زوح ڈٺخ

Drop [Meena]

Drop off ڂبٻ ، ؼ Drop in يڇه ، ؤر

I dropped the cup and it broke. اٹٶؤ ٲ ٽڂ ڇاځٶو

We couldn't take him all the way , so we dropped him off at the station.

. ٹټ ځز٤ اٿ ځڈٺڄ ٵٸ اٹو ٭ڂيٹڂبڃ ٥ڂل اٹپؾخ

My husband always drops off a few minutes in the afternoon. (H.K.)

. كٱبئ ٱٺٺخ ث٦ل اٹ٢چو( ؼ)ىڇع كائپب ڂبٻ

Why don't you drop in and see us sometimes. ٹپبما الرؤر څڂب أؽبځب ٹزواځب

At / on / in (time) [Meena] اعزخذا ؽشف عش ؽ الذ

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At : At 5:00 o'clock / at 11:45 / at midnight ٭ ٽڂز٬ اٹٺٸ / at night ثبٹٺٸ

/ at lunch time ٭ ڇٱذ اٹ٪ناء / at the week-end ٭ ځچبخ االجڈ٣ / at week-ends

at public holiday seasons / ٥ڂل اٹٶوپب at Christmas / ٭ ځچببد االڈ٣

ٹؾ٢خ٭ څنڃ اٷ at the moment/ ٭ ٭زواد اٹ٦الد اٹوپخ / at present٭ اٹڈٱذ اٹؾبو

/ at the same time ٭ ځٮ اٹڈٱذ / at the proper time ٭ اٹڈٱذ اٹٺټ / at the age

of ٭ ٥پو Ex.: We shall meet at 11:45 11:45ڂزٲبثٸ اٹب٥خ

On : (Simply we use "on" when we mean a specific day ځلٽب ځزقلٽچب ٣

ٽبه 12٭ On 12 March :(ځزٶٺټ ٥ڀ ڈٻ ٽؾلك / on Friday(s) (أبٻ اٹغپ٤)ڈٻ اٹغپ٦خ

/ on Friday morning(s) / on Sunday afternoon(s) / on Christmas day / on

any public holiday / on the third day (٭ اٹڈٻ اٹضبٹش) . (H.K.)

Ex.: They always have meetings on Fridays. كاپب ٥ڂلڅټ ٽٲبثالد ٭ أبٻ اٹغپ٦خ

In : (Simply we use "in" with months , years , seasons or any long

period) : in the morning(s) / in the afternoon(s) / in the evening(s) / In the

days of .. / In April/ in 1960 / in the winter / in the 18th

century 18٭ اٹٲوٿ /

in the 1970s 1980اٹ 1970ٽڀ / in the Middle Ages ٭ اٹ٦ڈه اٹڈى /

In a few minutes = few minutes from now [Meena]

In a week = in a week's time = a week from now

Ex.: I'll finish it in a few minutes. ؤځچڄ ٭ كٱبئ ٱٺٺخ

H.W. ٭ عپٸ اٹبثٲخ ٽڀ اٹٶٺپبد 3أكفٸ:Put 3 of these words in


Ex.: I went there on Monday morning. (H.K.)

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ثؿض لاؾذ اىزبثخ

Some Rules of Writing [Meena]

: ع١ذ أ زوش ثؿض لاؾذ اىزبثخ اجغ١طخ از رغبؾذب وض١شا ---

، زټ رٶواه اٹؾو٫ اٹبٵڀ األفو اما اىخ از١خ ثؾشف عبو لج ؽشف زؾشن (1

. drop – dropped , big – biggerٽزؾوٳ ، ٽضٸ أ٬ ٭ آفو اٹٶٺپخ ٽٲ٤ أڇٹڄ ؽو٫

، زټ اٹ٪بءڃ اما أ٬ ٭ آفو اٹٶٺپخ ٽٲ٤ أڇٷ ال٠طك eاىخ از١خ ثؾشف (2

، write – writingؽو٫ ٭ڄ ٽزؾوٳ ، ٽضٸ

ٽضٸ ce , geڇٹٶڀ ضزڂى ٽڀ څنڃ اٹٲب٥لح اٹٶٺپبد اٹپڂزچخ ة

Peace – peaceable , courage – courageous [Meena]

lie : ٽضٸ ، ingاما أ٬ اٹچب y، ڂٲٺجبٿ اٹ ieاىخ از١خ ثبؾشف١ (3

– lying , die – dying , tie – tying ،

اما أ٬ اٹچب أي ٽٲ٤ Iڂٲٺت اٹ ،لج ؽشف عبو yاىخ از١خ ثؾشف

. Beauty – beautiful , easy – easily , carry – carrier: ٽضٸ ، ٩ingو

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A , An , and The

A , An زقلٽبٿ ٹٺڂٶوحindefinite

. definiteرزقلٻ ٹٺپ٦و٭خ Theأٽب

--- An رزقلٻ ٱجٸ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز رجلأ ثؾو٫ ٽزؾوٳ(vowel) ڇڅټa e i o u ،

. رزقلٻ ٽ٤ ثٲخ اٹٶٺپبد A، أٽب an hour اما ٵبٿ ال ڂ ٽضٸ hؽو٫ ڇأب ٱجٸ

--- A , An ٹچپب ٽ٦ڂىone ، ڇٹٶڀ ٹ ٽ٤ ٵٸ )ڇثبٹزبٹ زقلٽبٿ ٽ٤ اٹپٮوك ٭ٲ

a، اال اما أٮڂب ٵٺپخ أفوډ ، ٭ال ځٲڈٷ ( uncountable nounsاٹپٮوك ڇفبخ ٵضو ٽڀ اٷ

bread ثٸ ځٲڈٷa loave of bread أڇa piece of bread .

--- A ٽضٸ و١خثزؤر ٽ٤ ث٦ ٵٺپبد رو اٹ ، :

a few weeks, a lot of people , a couple of sandwiches

ٽضٸ singular countable nounsٱجٸ اٷ A , The ٵنٹٴ ځزقلٻ ---

I've got a headache. Be careful of the dog.

The [Meena] ڇڅ رزقلٻ ، ثبفزبه ، ؽڂپب ځزٶٺټ ٥ڀ أبء ٽ٦وڇ٭خ ٹڂب ڇٹٺبٽ٤ .

٭پضال ، اما ٵڂب ځزٶٺټ ٥ڀ ئ ٽ٦وڇ٫ ٹٺٶٸ ٽضٸ ---

The police , the sky , the sun , the sea . (H.K.)

ؽلٲخ أڇ أي ٽٶبٿ ڇځزٶٺټ ٥ڀ ئ ڇأب اما ٵڂب ٭ ٩و٭خ أڇ ٽڂيٷ أڇ ٭ٸ أڇ ٽلهخ أڇ ---

. ٽ٦ڀ ٭ څنا اٹپٶبٿ

The Egyptian man , The American woman : ڇاب ٽ٤ اٹغڂبد ٽضٸ ---

ٽضٸ Theځزقلٻ الؽڂپب ځزٶٺټ ثٮخ ٥بٽخ ٥ڀ اپبء ٭ اٹغپ٤ أب ---

I love bananas. He likes flowers.

: ٭پضال اٹغپٺخ ، اما ٵڂب ځزٶٺټ ٥ڀ ق أڇ أٵضوٽبأؽبځب ٹڂب ڇؼٱل د the أب ---

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The owner and manager has come

: ٶڈٿ اٹپٲڈك ٭چب ق ڇاؽل ، أٽب اٹغپٺخ

The owner and the manager have come

. ٶڈٿ اٹپٲڈك ٭چب قڀ

كائپب رؤر ٽ٤ ٵٺپبد ٽ٦ڂخ ٽضٸ theځغل : ڇ٭ االزقلاٻ ٭ اٹؾبح ثٮخ ٥بٽخ ---

The cinema , the theatre , the radio

٭ ؽڀ ال ځغلڅب رزڈاعل ٽ٤ ٵٺپبد أفوډ ٽضٸ

Television / (all meals like) : breakfast , lunch , dinner , supper.

H.W.: Put the right article and /or word in the blanks, or

leave it blank :

:أڇ اٹٶٺپخ اٹپڂبجخ ٽٶبٿ اٹٮوا٩بد ، أڇ اروٳ اٹٮوا٧ ٵپب څڈ/٤ األكاح ڇ


We ate _____ breakfast together. أٵٺڂب اٹٮبه ٽ٦ب

They like _____grapes. څټ ؾجڈٿ اٹ٦ڂت

We went to _____cinema. مڅجڂب ٹٺڂپب

His father and _____teacher will go together. أثڈڃ ڇاٹپله

نڅجڈٿ ٽ٦ب

____lot of trees. ٵضو ٽڀ األغبه


Be careful of _____ bad cat in this garden. اؽنه اٹٲخ اٹوخ

٭ څنڃ اٹؾلٲخ

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Verbs "Be" and "Have"

present٭ اٹؾبو اٹج be , haveڅڈ علڇٷ ٭ڄ رو٬ األ٭٦بٷ اٹپب٥لح ب ٠ ---

simple ڇاٹپب اٹج ،past simple ڇاٹپزٲجٸ اٹج ،simple future


Be [Meena] Have

Present Past Future Present Past Future

I (H.K.) Am Was Shall be Have Had Shall have

You Are Were Will be Have Had Will have

He, she, it Is Was Will be Has Had Will have

We Are Were Shall be Have Had Shall have

You Are Were Will be Have Had Will have

They Are Were Will be Have Had Will have

: ڇڅ اٹب ٹپب ؾزڈڄ څنا اٹغلڇٷ (contractions)اخزقبساد ڇرڈعل


Be Have [Meena]


Past Future Present Past Future

I I'm --- I'll be I've I'd I'll have

You You're --- You'll be You've You'd You'll have

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He (H.K.) He's --- He'll be He's He'd He'll have

She She's --- She'll be She's She'd She'll have

It It's --- It'll be It's It'll have

We We're --- We'll be We've We'd We'll have

You You're --- You'll be You've You'd You'll have



--- They'll be They've They'd They'll


، ڇزټ اٹزپي ثڂچټ (she, itڇٵنٹٴ ) he hasڅڈ ځٮڄ افزبه he isالؽ٠ څڂب اٿ افزبه

: ڇٹٮچټ څناٿ اٹغلڇالٿ ڇاٹزپوڀ ٥ٺچپب ، ځ٦ ث٦ األٽضٺخ .ثچڈٹخ ؽت بٯ اٹٶالٻ

I am a teacher (أځب ٽله)ٽله أٵڈٿأځب

I was a teacher ٽله ٵڂذأځب

I shall be a teacher ٽله ؤٵڈٿ أځب

They were students څټ ٵبځڈا رالٽن

She will be a doctor څ زٶڈٿ كٵزڈهح

He has a car [Meena] ٥وثخ ٥ڂلڃڅڈ

He had a car ٥وثخٵبٿ ٥ڂلڃ څڈ

He will have a car ٥وثخ ٶڈٿ ٥ڂلڃ څڈ

We had books ځؾڀ ٵبٿ ٥ڂلځب ٵزت

You will have books ٶڈٿ ٥ڂلٵټ ٵزت( أځذ)أځزټ

H.W. روعټ اٹ االځغٺيخ: Translate into English [Meena]

څ رٶڈٿ ٶوروح ( 1

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څ ججخ ( 2


(.H.K)څټ ٵبځڈا ٽچڂلڀ ( 3


أځذ زٶزت اٹٶزبة ( 4

___________________ __________________________

څڈ ٥ڂلڃ ٥وثخ ( 5


څټ ٶڈٿ ٥ڂلڅټ ٵزت ٩لا ( 6


أځزټ ٵڂزټ ٺجخ ( 7


verb، ڇځزج٤ ځٮ االٺڈة ٵپب ٭٦ٺڂب ٭ علاڇٷ pronounٱجٸ اٷ verbڇٹ٦پٸ أئٺخ ، ځؤر ثبٷ

"Do" ٭ڂٲڈٷ :

1) Am I a teacher ? / Yes, you are a teacher. / No, you aren't a teacher.

2) Were they students ? / Yes, they were . / No, they weren't students.

3) Will she be a doctor ? / Yes, she will / No, she will not .

4) Has he a car? (Does he have a car ?) / Yes, he has a car / yes, he does /

no, he hasn't a car / no, he doesn't have a car. (H.K.)

5) Had we books ? (Did we have books ?) / yes you had books / Yes, you

did / no, you didn't have books / No, you hadn't .

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6) Will you have books ? / Yes, we shall have books / No, we shall not .

، پٶڀ أٿ ځؤٷ اٹئاٷ verb haveالؽ٠ أځڂب ٭ اٹئاٹڀ اٹواث٤ ڇاٹقبٽ أي ٭ األئٺخ ة

. verb doثوٲزڀ ، ؽش ٭ اٹضبځخ ازقلٽڂب

H.W. عبڇة ٥ٺى األئٺخ اٹزبٹخ ٽوح ثڂ٦ټ ڇٽوح ثال: (H.K.)

Answer the following questions , one time with Yes, another

with No :

Are you a doctor? Yes, ______________ , No,


Are you doctors? Yes, _______________, No,


Will they be drivers? Yes, _______________, No,


Shall I do it? Yes, _________________, No,


Conversation [Meena]

Meeting : Formal : Good morning (good ..) / good morning (good ..) /

How are you ? / I'm fine , thank you .

Informal : Hi , how are you today ? / fine thanks , what about you / ok.

(not bad) (feel tired) (H.K.)

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--- Hi Sheriff / Hi Zaki / where is Roushdy / he is at home, he has some

things to do and won't be able to meet us / ok. let us go and help him / that

is a good idea .

--- Hello John / oh , hi Ann / how is it going ? (how are you ?) (how are

you doing ?) / great (fine thanks) (ok.) , John , this is Sue my sister / hi

Sue / hi / and this is Mona her friend / hi Mona / hi John .

H.W. (C.W.) : Pair practice (each 2) / then each 3 (the last


( ٹٺغيء األفو) 3ٵٸ ارڂڀ زپوځڈا ٽ٦ب ، صټ ٵٸ

Level 5 [Meena] (H.K.)

In / At / on (position / place) [Meena] اعزخذا ؽشف اغش ؽ اىب

In : In a (in the) : room ٩و٭خ, building park ,ؽلٲخ garden , ٽؾٸ shop , ٽجڂى

ٱوخ -ٽلڂخ town ,ٽوٵڀ , country كڇٹخ , water ٽبء , sea ثؾو , river ځچو , row ٬,

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line ف -بثڈه , armchair ٵو ثنها٣, mirror ٽوآح , photograph ڈهح ٭ڈرڈ٩وا٭خ,

picture ڈهح, street به٣, sky پبء, book ٵزبة. (H.K.)

Ex: there is no one in the room. / I prefer to sit in the front row.

In : bed وو, prison غڀ , the hospital ٽزٮى.

At : at a (at the) : bus stop(s) ٽؾخ ارڈث, traffic light ابهح ٽوڇه, door

أٮٸ bottom of the page ,أ٥ٺى اٹٮؾخ top of the page ,جبٳ window ,ثبة

اٹبه٣ځچبخ end of the street , اٹٮؾخ , beginning of the street ثلاخ اٹبه٣ ,

back (front) of a group of people (of a building) ٽٲلٽخ أڇ ٽئفوح ٽغپڈ٥خ ٽڀ

meeting ,ٽئرپو conference ,ؽٮٺخ ٽڈٲخ concert ,ؽٮٺخ party // اٹڂب أڇ ٽجڂى

[Meena] ٽبر ٵڈهح football match ,ٽٲبثٺخ

Ex: Were there many people at the meeting?

at : home (the house) ٽڂيٷ, work ٸ٪, school ٽلهخ, university عبٽ٦خ, a

station ٽؾخ, an airport ٽبه. Ex.: He is at home څڈ ٭ اٹجذ

On : on a (on the) : ceiling ٲ٬, wall ؽبئ, floor أهخ , notice board ٹڈؽخ

,به left ,ٵو chair ,رواثيح table ,اٹو٫ اٹ٦ٺڈي top shelf ,ځغٺخ grass ,اال٥الځبد

right پڀ , left (right) hand side (األپڀ)اٹغبځت األو / on her nose ٥ٺى أځٮچب /

on a page ٥ٺى ٮؾخ //

--- A place is : on the coast ٥ٺى اٹبؽٸ (on a river ٥ٺى ځچو , on a road ٥ٺى

// ٥ٺى اٹو ٹپٶبٿ آفو on the way to another place , أڇ or , (اٹبه٣

His house is on the river. ثزڄ ٲ٤ ٥ٺى اٹڂچو

--- Corner : 1) In the corner of a room ٭ هٵڀ ٽڀ ٩و٭خ

2) At / on the corner of a street ٣ ٥ٺى ځبخ به .

--- front / back : 1) In the front / back of a car (or taxi)

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2) At the front / back of a group of people (building ٽجڂى / cinema ڂپب)

3) On the front / back of a letter (piece of paper) (ڇهٱخ)١چو عڈاة /٥ٺى ڇ

--- Arrive : 1) In a country or town.

2) At other places (school , work , the hotel , the party)

3) Arrive home. ڈٸ ٹٺپڂيٷ (H.K.)

--- The end (the beginning) : 1) At the end of (at the beginning of) a

place or sth. . Ex: At the end of the street / At the beginning of a book.

2) In the end (in the beginning) so. did sth. , or , sth. was done ,

Ex: In the end we decided to do it ٭ افو ٱوهځب ځ٦پٺڄ /

In the beginning I thought I would be able to do it , but I couldn't.

[Meena]٭ األڇٷ ا٭زٶود اځ برپٶڀ ٽڀ ٥پٺڄ ، ٹٶڂ ٹټ أرپٶڀ

--- To (places) : Go to Egypt , travel to America , go to the bank ,

return to Europe , fly to Moscow , walk to work , drive to the airport , sent

to prison , taken to the hospital , go to bed , go to a meeting.

--- Home : go home , at home , come home , get home , arrive home .

--- Go : on foot ٥ٺى ٱلٽٴ / by: car ٥وثخ, taxi ربٵ, train ٱبه , plane بئوح,

boat ٽوٵت, ship ثبفوح, bus أڇرڈث, bicycle كهاعخ, underground ٽزوڇ األځٮبٯ .

--- Get : get in (get out of) a car , taxi . [Meena]

Get on (get off) a train , plane , boat , ship , bus , bicycle , underground.

H.W. Put 4 of the previous words in sentences. Ex.: He

got in her car.

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1) ________________________ 2)


3) ________________________ 4)


Verbs [Meena] األفؿبي

أل٭٦بٷ څ أي ئ ٭ڄ ؽوٵخ أڇ ٥پٸ زټ ٽضٸ اٹج٤ اة

walk , run , speak , eat , write , drink .

٭ ؽڀ اٿ verbرٶڈٿ " ٥پٸ أڇ ٭٦ٸ ئ ٽ٦ڀ"أڇ ثبٺڈة آفو ځٲڈٷ اٿ أي ٵٺپخ ٽ٦ڂبڅب

.. . ..االټ ٵبٿ ٽغوك اټ ألي ق أڇ كڇٹخ أڇ أي ئ ٽؾڈ أڇ ٽبكي

.He drank water :، ٽضٸٽٮ٦ڈٷ ثڄ ڇڅڈ اٹني ٹڄ: زؿذ transitive( 1: ڇاأل٭٦بٷ ځڈ٥بٿ

2 )intransitive ڇڅڈ اٹني ٹ ٹڄ ٽٮ٦ڈٷ ثڄ ، ٽضٸ: الص :The water drops.

. ح٥پٸ أئٸ( 1: ، ڇڅ اٹز رب٥لځب ٭ Auxiliary verbsأفؿبي غبؾذح ڇڈعل ---

ڇ٭ رو٬ ( 4. (tenses)ڇ٭ رٶڈڀ أىٽڂخ ( 3. االعبثخ ٥ٺى أئٺخ فبخ ٭ اٹڂٮ( 2

: األ٭٦بٷ ، ڇڅ

Be, have, do, can (could), may (might), shall (should), will (would), must

. ڇٵٮ٦ٸ ٽب٥ل ٹ ٹڄ ٽ٦ڂى فب( 2. ثپ٦ڂبڅب ٵٮ٦ٸ ٽزٲٸ( 1: ڇڅ رزقلٻ

Let us take verb "Work" , with the pronouns, in the present, past and future

Pronouns Present Past [Meena] Future

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I Work Worked Shall work

You Work Worked Will work

He Works Worked Will work

She Works Worked Will work

It Works Worked Will work

We Work Worked Shall work

You Work Worked Will work

They Work Worked Will work

H.W. fill the following table in a similar way to this table with verb "eat"

(.H.K)" ؤٵٸ"اٽأل اٹغلڇٷ اٹزبٹ ثزٮ اٺڈة اٹغلڇٷ اٹبث ٽزقلٽب اٹٮ٦ٸ

Pronouns Present Past Future

I (H.K.) Ate

You Eat

He, She, It


، ؽ ( افطالؽبد صبثزخ)ب٠ وض١ش اىبد ازؾخ ؽ ؽشف عش زؾخ

: ع ؿب١ب، ادخبب ف

االفطالػ اؿ ثبؿشث (.H.K) ضبي ف عخ

Back up ڂل، ؤل I backed up him (him up) in what he said

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Blow up ٮغو They want to blow up the car

Break down جڈ، ٦ٸ The car broke down yesterday

Break in ٲزؾټ، لفٸ ثٲڈح A gang broke in the bank this morning

Break out چوة ثٲڈح A prisoner tried to break out of jail

Break up ٶو أڇ ڈٱ٬


They broke up all what he had

Bring up وث She brought up her children well

Close down ،ٲٮٸ فبٹ


His factory closed down

Come in لفٸ May I come in? [Meena]

Come down ڂيٷ After he had come down of the mountain, he

went home

Come up ٦ل، ٺ٤


He came up with a good idea

Count on ٦زپل ٥ٺى I count on your promise

Cry out وؿ، ؼ

ثڈد ٥بٹ

He cried out saying "help us"

Cross off ت، پؾڈ They crossed off his name

Cut down ٲٺٸ She tried to cut down swimming

Cut off ٲ٤ ڇٮٸ He cut off the book into pieces

Drive off ڈٯ ٹج٦ل Drive off this place quickly

Figure out ٮچټ، زقٸ Try to figure out what she means

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Fill in ٽألي Fill in this form please (H.K.)

Find out ٶز٬، ٦و٫ I can't find out what the cause is

Get in أكفٸ Get in the house and bring it to me

Get out أفوط Get out of my house

Get back اهع٤ Get back home and do your homework

Get through غزبى، پو


Can you get through this narrow door?

Go by پو ة When you go him, see what he does

Get up ڂچ، ٲڈٻ Sometimes I get up before 6:00 o'clock

Give away ٦، زقٺ


It is good to give away your old clothes to

the poor

Give up زٺټ، زڈٱ٬ You must have hope , don't give up

Grow up ڂپڈ I grew up in the country

Hang up ٲٮٸ اٹٶخ He hung up on me

Hold on ڂز٢و Hold on I'll call him

Lay before ٦و أٽبٻ Lay it before him

Lay up لفو lay up treasures in heaven

Let down قغٸ He let her down in front of her friends

Look at ڂ٢و اٹ Look at me

Look to چزټ ة He looked to the reward

Look into ٮؾ He looked into family matters

Look out ؾزو، واٱت Look out , it's dangerous

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Look for جؾش ٥ڀ look for my pen , I can't find it

Look up ،غلٮز ٥ٺى Loop up this word in the dictionary

Look off ڈك٣ I want to look him off before he leaves

Look about ڂ٢و ؽڈٹڄ Look about try to find something

Look after چزټ ة She looked after her father when he was sick

Pass away پڈد They passed away in a bad accident

Put off (put


ٮئ Put off the fire [Meena]

Send for وٸ ٭ ٺت We send for a doctor right after he had


Speak up زٶٺټ ثڈد


Speak up that we may hear

Take upon


ؤفن ٥ٺى ٥برٲڄ He takes upon himself to save her

Wait at قلٻ She waits at that table (H.K.)

Wait for ڂز٢و I've been waiting for you for 2 hours

Wait on قلٻ He waits on the Lord

Phrasal verbs with two (أڇ أٵضو ٽڀ أكاح)صټ أ٭٦بٷ ڇٵٺپبد ٽ٤ أٵضو ٽڀ ؽو٫ عو


االفطالػ اؿ ثبؿشث [Meena] خضبي ف ط

Come up with ( ٭ٶوح)ٺ٤ ة He came up with a good idea

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Keep up with الؽ، غبهي She couldn't keep up with him

when he was running fast

Look down upon


ؾزٲو، ز٦بٹى


He looks down on some poor


Cut down on ٲٺٸ She cut down on smoking

H.W. Write the Arabic meanings of any 6 of the previous

sentences :

1 ) __________________________2 )


3 ) __________________________4 )


5 ) __________________________6 )

_______________________ ____


زؾبد بخ

: اؿىظ ف ؽبالد ؿ١خ willثذي ٠shallى اعزخذا ( 1

--- We put shall instead of will when : (H.K.)

Promise ؾذ : You shall have the money very soon. زؤفن اٹڂٲڈك ٱوجب علا

Threat رذ٠ذ: If you do that again you shall be punishedاما ٭٦ٺذ څنا صبځب ز٦بٱت

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Order (command) أش، ف١خ : You shall not steal ال روٯ

Determination رؾذ٠ذ : The enemy shall not pass. اٹ٦لڇ ال غت اٿ پو

--- We put will instead of shall when :

Promise : We will send them a present. ڂوٸ ٹچټ څلخ

Willingness ر، ؾ١ئخ : I will pay at the rate you ask.ؤك٭٤ ثبٹپ٦لٷ اٹني رولڃ

--- Shall I? (Shall we?) , has often the meaning of "Would you like me

to ..?" ex: Shall I open the window?

--- Will you? , has often the meaning of "Would you like to .. ?"

ex : Will you help me to carry this bag?

: do (does , did)اعزخذابد ( 2

? questions :do you like itٹ٦پٸ ائٺخ ( ا

negative [Meena] :no, I do not like itٹٺڂٮ ( ة

for emphasis : yes, I do like itٹٺزؤٵل ( ط

to avoid repetition :he likes it and so do Iٹزغڂت اٹزٶواه ( ك

for politeness :please do comeٵڂڈ٣ ٽڀ األكة ڇاٹنڇٯ ( ڃ

ڇاالعبثخ اٹ٦بكخ ٥ڂچټ صټ do , does , didأٵضو ځؤر ثضالس أئٺخ ٭چټ ( ط)ػ اٹڂٲخ ڇٹو

(.H.K) :االعبثخ اٹز ٭چب رؤٵل

االعبثخ اؿبد٠خ [Meena] اغؤاي االعبثخ از ف١ب رأو١ذ

Do you like it? Yes, I like it Yes, I do like it (Yes, I do.


Does he like it? Yes, he likes it


Yes, he does like it

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Did they like it? Yes, they liked it Yes, they did like it

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Level 6 [Meena] (H.K.)

Questions األعئخ

. ڇڅنا وؽڂبڃ be, have, doځزقلٻ األ٭٦بٷ ( 1: ٹ٦پٸ أئٺخ

: ٵٺپبد ڇڅ ڇځزقلٻ ٵضو ٽڀ اٷ( 2

اىخ ؿبب [Meena] ضبي

1) Why ٹپبما Why did you do this?

2) How ٵ٬ How can this be?

3) Who (H.K.) ٽڀ ٹٺ٦بٱٸ Who are you?

4) What ٽبما ٹ٪و اٹ٦بٱٸ What is this?

5) Where أڀ ٹٺپٶبٿ Where is my book?

6) When ٽزى ٹٺيٽبٿ When is he coming?

7) Whose ٹپڀ څنا Whose pen is this?

8) Whom


ٱٸ اٹپٮ٦ڈٷ اٹپڀ ٹٺ٤ Whom did you give it to?

9) How much ٵټ ٹألبء اٹزى ال ر٦ل How much does it cost?

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10) How many ٵټ ٹألبء اٹز ر٦ل How many pens do we have?

11) How long ٵټ ٽڀ اٹڈٱذ How long will it take to do it?

12) Can څٸ أٱله Can I lift this up?

13) May څٸ ٽپٶڀ May I go out? (H.K.)

14) Should څٸ ٽڀ اٹپٮوڇ Should we wait for him?

( : ثڂٮ رورت األئٺخ)ڇاالعبثبد زٶڈٿ ٵبر

1) We did this to save his life (because we had to)

2) That is what happened . 3) I'm Medhat , the manager .

4) This is the report . (H.K.) 5) It is on the desk .

6) He is coming next Friday . 7) It is yours (It is your pen) .

8) I gave it to her . 9) It costs three dollars .

10) We have seven pens . 11) It takes two days to be done .

12) Yes, you can if you are strong enough . / No, you can't .

13) Yes, you may if you have finished your homework . / No, you may not

14) Yes, I think we better wait for him . / No, I think we better go.

H.W. [ 1] Answer the following questions:

1) How many books does she have?


2) What time is it now?


3) Whom are you talking about?

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4) What is in your hand?


5) Where are the bags?


[2] In your h.w. copy book , write 14 questions, using each

question word in each one of them and answer them with

every possible answer. (H.K.)

ئاٷ ٽزقلٽب ٵٸ ٵٺپخ ٭ اٹغلڇٷ ٭ ئاٷ 14٭ ٵواخ اٹڈاعت اٵزت

. ٽقزٺ٬ ، ڇعبڇة ٥ٺچټ ثٶٸ اعبثخ ٽپٶڂخ

Punctuation [Meena] ؾالبد الف

ڇٽڀ أڅټ ، capital lettersأي ٽزى ځز٦پٸ capitalizationڇځؤفن ٽ٦چب اٷ (1

: capitalsاٹٶٺپبد ڇاٹؾبالد اٹز ځزقلٻ ٭چب اٷ

ٵٸ أبٻ االجڈ٣ ڇٵٸ اٹچڈه ڇٵٸ األ٥بك ڇٵٸ اپبء األقب ڇٵٸ اٹلڇٷ ڇاٹغڂبد ، صټ

ڇ٭ ثلاخ اٹٶالٻ اٹني (Full stop)كاپب ٵٸ أڇٷ ؽو٫ ٭ اٹٮٲوح ڇ٭ اٹغپٺخ اٹغللح ث٦ل اٹڂٲخ

. ثڀ أٱڈا ٪وح

اپبء اٹڈاه٣ ڇاٹٮڂبكٯ ڇاٹڂڈاكي ڇاٹچئبد ڇاٹغبٽ٦بد ڇاألٹٲبة ڇاٹورت اما مٵود ٽ٤ صټ ---

: اټ بؽجچب أڇ ٽ٤ اٹپپى ، ٽضٸ

The Sheraton Hotel / but / we went to the hotel

ثبالب٭خ capital ؽوڇ٫ ، ٶڈٿ أڇٷ ؽو٫ ٭چب 3صټ ٭ اٹ٦ڂبڇڀ ، أي ٵٺپخ أٵضو ٽڀ ---

. "The Plural of Nouns"، ٽضٸ ألڇٷ ٵٺپخ

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، ڇرڈ٤ أبب ٹزٮٸ ثڀ ٵٺپبد أڇ عپٸ ٱوح ٽزڈا٭ٲخ أڇ [Comma]( ،)افقخ (2

ٽزٺٺخ أڇ ٺچب ؽو٫ ٬٥ ٽضٸ

I bought bread , milk , honey and grapes. (H.K.)

If you are right , I'm wrong . [Meena]

ڇرز٦پٸ أبب ٭ ځچبخ اٹغپٸ أڇ ٥ڂل [Full stop , or , Period]( .)امطخ (3

أي أڇٷ ؽو٫ ٽڀ اټ أڇ ث٦ اٹٶٺپبد ) initialsاځزچبء ٽ٦ڂى ٽ٦ڀ ، ڇ رز٦پٸ أب ٽ٤ اٷ

.The Y.M.C.A. is a good association: ٽضٸ ، abbreviationsڇاٷ ( األفوډ

[Question mark , or , Interrogation mark]( ؟ )ؾالخ االعزفب (4

. ڇرزقلٻ ث٦ل األئٺخ

ڇرزقلٻ ٭ ؽبٹخ اٹڂلاء أڇ اٹز٦غت ، [Exclamation mark])! ( اذاء ازؿغت (5

ڇڅ ٭ ؽبٹخ اٹز٦غت رغ٦ٺڂب ځپي اٹپٲڈك ٽڀ اٹٶالٻ ، ٥ڂڄ ٭ األئٺخ الٿ ٪خ اٹٶالٻ رٶڈٿ

أال جچخ ثبألئٺخ ، ٽضٸ

What a beautiful watch !

ڇزقلٽبٿ ٹزؾلل أڇ ؽو اٹٶالٻ [Brackets , or , Parantheses])) (( لعب (6

. اٹپٲڈك

ڇڈ٦بٿ ٱجٸ وك ٹٲبئپخ ٽ٦ڂخ أڇ ٱجٸ وػ أڇ ٱجٸ [The Colon]): ( امطزب (7

. ا٥بء أٽضٺخ ٹزڈؼ ئ

H.W. In your h.w. copy book, write a paragraph of at least

3 lines using all possible punctuation.

ڈه أڇ أٵضو ٽزقلٽب ٵٸ ٥الٽبد ڇٱ٬ 3اٵزت ٭ٲوح ٽڀ ٭ ٵوا اٹڈاعت

. ٽپٶڂخ

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The Apostropheؾالخ اى١خ العبء

the boy's bookٹپٺٶخ ئ ٹق أڇ اقب ٽضٸ apostropheأي ازقلاٻ ٥الٽخ اٷ

[Meena] . "ة اٹڈٹلٵزب" أي

'the girlsٽضٸ s ث٦ل اٷ apostropheځ٤ ٥الٽخ اٷ s٭ ؽبٹخ اٹغپ٤ اٹني آفوڃ

food أٵٸ اٹجڂبد"أي" .

أڇ أٵزو ٽ٤ ث٦ ، ځ٤ اٹ٦الٽخ ٽوح ڇاؽلح ٭ افو ، ٽضٸ ؽئ ه ؽخق١ ---

Mary and Magdy's car . ځ٤ ؾذح أؽخبؿ غؾخ أؽ١بء زؾبثخ هأٽب ،

. Mary's and Magdy's carsاٹ٦الٽخ ث٦ل ٵٸ ڇاؽل ٽضٸ

:ٽضٸ ofثٸ ځزقلٻ apostropheال ځزقلٻ ٥الٽخ اٷ ربثؽ ؾئ ؽئڇٹٶڀ ---

the leg of the chair ڇٹٶڀ څڂبٳ ازضڂبءاد ٱٺٺخ ٽضٸ هعٸ اٹٶو ، أي :

(a) Some places. (b) some expressions of time , take 's

ex : (a) Egypt's largest city is Cairo. / The city's old cinema was renewed

last month. (b) A night's rest. / Three hour's travel. / a week's vacation.

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N.B.: With some common nouns like "class , school , farm .. " , we don't

use 's nor "of" (H.K.) [Meena]

ex : The class teacher / A farm girl.

٩و اٹپٺٶخ ، ڇمٹٴ ٽضٸ apostropheڇڈعل أب ازقلاٽبد أفوډ ٹ٦الٽخ اٷ ---

څنڃ اٹقزبهاد رپى ثبالځغٺيي ) pronounsٽ٤ اٷ verb beازقلاٽچب ٭ افزبهاد

contractions ) ڇمٹٴ ٽضٸI'm افزبهI am .

H.W. روعټ اٹ االځغٺيخ:

څنڃ ٵزت ٽوټ (1

_______ ________________________________________

څنا ثذ مٵ ڇٽڂى ( 2


هعٸ اٹزواثيح ( 3


٭٦ٸ ڇاٹپٮوك اٹ٪بئت ٹٸ( ة. pluralاٹغپ٤( أ: ف ؽبالد ،طم Sؽشف اي

ٽ٤ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز رطك ط: apostropheڇ٪خ اٹپٺٶخ ( ط. third singularاٹپبه٣

he ( ة( . ٱ)ٵبر cats( أ: ٽضٸ P T K F H Sآفو ؽو٫ ٭چب

works ط( . څڈ ٦پٸ)څ ڇڇهٵ )Medhat's book ( ٵزبة ٽلؽذ)ٽلؽز ثڈڇٳ

( . واو)ثلى beds( أ: ٽ٤ أي ٵٺپخ رڂزچ ثؤي ؽو٫ ٩و اٹؾوڇ٫ اٹبثٲخ ٽضٸ رطك ص .

( . ٱٺټ ٽغلي)ٽبعلي ثڀ Magdy's pen( ط( . څڈ ٲڈٷ)ي يڅ he says( ة

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Countable and Uncountable Nouns االعبء از رؿذ از الرؿذ

Countable nouns [Meena] Uncountable nouns

Job ڇ١ٮخ Girl ثڂذ Blood كٻ Silver ٭خ

House ثذ Animal ؽڈاٿ Gold (H.K.) مڅت Music ٽڈٲى

Group ٽغپڈ٥خ Company وٵخ Engineering څڂلخ Air څڈاء

Computer ٵپجڈرو Project ٽوڇ٣ Information ٽ٦ٺڈٽبد Smoke كفبٿ

Apple رٮبؽخ Book ٵزبة Advice ځؾخ Bread فجي

Orange ثورٲبٹخ Bottle ىعبعخ Milk ٹجڀ Water ٽبء

: here is , here areڇٽ٤ there is , there areازقلاٽبرچټ ٭ عپٸ ٽ٤

There is an apple (orange). There is some milk (water).

There are some apples (oranges). There are some bottles of milk (of


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ٽ٤ اٹغپ٤ ، أٽب there are٭ اٹپٮوك ڇرؤفن there isځالؽ٠ څڂب اٿ االپبء اٹز ر٦ل رؤفن

. bottlesٽضٸ څباال ٹڈ أٮڂب اټ ٦ل there isاالپبء اٹز الر٦ل كائپب رؤفن

: ٿ اٹغپٸ ٵبر٭زٶڈ glassesٽضٸ pairأٽب ثبٹڂجخ ٹألبء اٹز رؤر ٽ٤ ٵٺپخ

There is a pair of glasses (trousers , shoes , socks). There are some

pairs of glasses (trousers , shoes , socks). [Meena]

ثلٷ here are، ڇځ٤ there isثلٷ here isڇٽڀ اٹپپٶڀ ٭ ٵٸ ٽبج أٿ ځ٤

there are ڇٶڈٿ ٵٸ ئ ٵپب څڈ .

H.W. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: اٽأل ٽٶبٿ اٹٮوا٩بد

ثٶٺپبد ٽڂبجخ

1) ______________ some pens. 2) _____________ a ruler.


3) There is ____________socks. 4) Here are


ڇمٹٴ ٽضٸ uncountableڇأب countableاٹز ٱل رزقلٻ ٠عذ ثؿض االعبء ---

hair ٭پٶڀ أٿ ځٲڈٷ ،a hair أڇ ٽضالbeautiful hair .

٭ االځغٺيي ڇٹٶڂچب ر٦ل ٭ ث٦ uncountableاٹز الر٦ل ٠عذ ثؿض االعبء ---

: اٹٺ٪بد األفوډ ، ٽضٸ

Advice , furniture , news , bread , behavior , trouble , traffic , work ,

luggage , baggage, weather , information , permission

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أي أځڄ پٶڀ اب٭خ څنڃ اٹٶٺپبد اٹبثٲخ ٭ څنا اٹغلڇٷ اٹپڈعڈك أ٥ٺى څنڃ اٹٮؾخ ٭ اٹغيء

أڇ advice، ڇ٥ٺى جٸ اٹپضبٷ ، ٥ڂل عپ٤ uncountable nounsاٹپڀ ٽڂڄ اٹقب ثبٷ

bread ځٲڈٷpieces of advice أڇ ځٲڈٷloaves of bread .

Saying good bye : Formal : Good bye / good bye , it was nice to meet

(see) you .

--- I wish you the best of luck . / same for you .

Informal : Bye (bye bye) (see you) / bye (see you) .

--- Keep in touch . / I will . (H.K.)

--- Have a good day (have a nice one) / you too .

At work : Excuse me , are you busy / oh, hi Mary I'm not working right

now , I'm just reading the newspaper , come in .

Pronouns اضبئش

: ٭ علڇٷ ڇاؽل ڇڅڈ أ٭ٸ ڇأچٸ أٺڈة ٹؾٮ٠ اٹپبئو اٹپچپخ أٿ ځ٦چټ

Personal pronouns

اضبئش اؾخق١خ



ضبئش اى١خ








the verb


After the





a noun

I أځب Me My Mine Myself

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You أځذ You Your Yours Yourself

He څڈ Him His


His Himself

She څ Her Her Hers Herself

It ٹ٪و


It Its Itself

We ځؾڀ Us Our Ours Ourselves

You اځزټ You Your Yours Yourselves

They څټ

Them Their Theirs Themselves

أڇٷ عيء څڈ اٹپبئو اٹقخ اٹز رؤر ٱجٸ اٹٮ٦ٸ : اغذي ب ٠أرف

(before the verb) ٽضٸI write ، صټ ٺچب اٹپبئو اٹقخ اٹز رؤر ث٦ل اٹٮ٦ٸ

(after the verb) ٽضٸthey gave me ، صټ پبئو اٹپٺٶخ اٹز رؤر ٽ٤ االپبء

(with nouns) ٽضٸthis is my book صټ پبئو اٹپٺٶخ اٹز رؤر ثلڇٿ اهرجب ثبټ ،

(without a noun) ٽضٸIt is mine صټ پبئو االځ٦ٶب ڇاٹزؤٵل اٹز رؤر ٭ ڈهح ،

. I myself saw him، أڇرؤر ٭ ڈهح اٹزؤٵل ٽضٸ I struck myselfاالځ٦ٶب ٽضٸ

[Meena] :د ب ف اغذي أوضش مي ضال ف اعزخذاب

I have a book , my father gave it to me , he himself gave it to me on

my birthday , it was his book but now it is mine. (H.K.)

أځب ٥ڂلي ٵزبة ، أث أ٥بڃ ٹ ، څڈ ثڂٮڄ أ٥بڃ ٹ ٭ ٥ل ٽالكي ، ٵبٿ ٵزبثڄ : ڇاٹپ٦ڂى څڈ

. ٹٶڀ اٿ أجؼ ٵزبث ڇ

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H.W. روعټ اٹ االځغٺيخ: [Meena]

څڈ أ٥بٳ ٵزبثڄ ثڂٮڄ ، ٵبٿ ٵزبثڄ ڇٹٶڀ اٿ اجؼ ٵزبثٴ ، ڇاځذ پٶڀ أب أٿ ر٦چب ځٮ

________________________________________________. اٹٶزبة ثڂٮٴ

________________________________________________ __________

ثڂڈ٥ڄ ٽپٶڀ ازقلاٽچپب ٽٶبٿ االپبء personal pronounsڇٽڀ اٹوڇهي ٽ٦و٭خ اٿ اٷ

، ٭پضال پٶڀ اٿ ځٲڈٷ (ڇڅنا اٹپٮوڇ اٿ ٶڈٿ ٽ٦وڇ٫ أال)

Ahmed is a teacher. Ahmed and George are teachers.

.He is a teacher. They are teachers ڇپٶڀ أٿ ځٲڈٷ

.The girl is beautiful. The cat is young ڇأب پٶڀ أٿ ځٲڈٷ

.She is beautiful. (H.K.) It is youngأڇ ځٲڈٷ

.She gave the book to Magdy. They asked Maryڇ

.She gave the book to him. They asked herأڇ

. ٽڀ اٹپچټ أٿ ځنٵو ٵٸ څنا الٿ ازقلاٽبرچټ ٵضوح علا

Level 7 [Meena] (H.K.)

Gerund (its pronunciation is djerend) :

A gerund is used : [Meena]

1) After certain prepositions (ث٦ل ؽوڇ٫ اٹغو ) :

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- He is interested in learning English . / - I'm accustomed to getting up


- We're looking forward to seeing you . / - She went on crying all the time


- They talked about solving the problems.

2) After certain expressions (ث٦ل ث٦ االؽبد) (go on , carry on , keep on

, be used to , got used to , no use , worth , give up , would you mind) :

- He kept on interrupting us. / - I'm used to getting up early.

- I got used to getting up early. (H.K.)

got، أي أٿ ٭ ثلاخ اٹز٦ڈك ځزقلٻ got used toأٵضو ٭ اٹز٦ڈك ٽڀ am used toالؽ٠ اٿ

. verb beأڇ ٦ڂ amصټ ث٦ل اٹز٦ڈك رپبٽب ځزقلٻ

- This car is nice , it's worth buying. / - There is no use trying this again.

- I don't feel like eating lunch. / - will you give up smoking.

- Would you mind giving it to me. [Meena]

3) Gerund is also used as a subject of a sentence (٭ اٹجلاخ أڇ ٵپجزلأ) :

- Learning English is very important. / - Driving quickly can be


- Swimming and walking are good exercises.

4) And as an object of a sentence when it (the gerund) comes after the

following verbs (ث٦ل أ٭٦بٷ) : (enjoy , like , dislike , love , hate , begin , stop

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, finish , avoid , appreciate , mind, consider , discuss , delay , go , hear ,

imagine , keep, give up , prevent).

- I'll go when I've finished doing my work. / - They enjoy praying.

- I can't imagine Magdy driving a truck. / - Stop talking.

- She likes walking. / - It started raining last night.

- Would you mind giving it to me. (H.K.)

H.W. روعټ اٹ االځغٺيخ :

څټ ٽچزپڀ ثلهاخ االځغٺيخ ( 1


څڈ ؾت اٹزپخ ( 2


څنا اٹجذ زؾ اٹواء ( 3


هكد رؤعٺڄ ٶڈٿ أ٭ٸ ڇٹٶڂڄ ز٦ٺ ثڂٮ اٹپڈڈ٣ اما أ ، ٱل ٶڈٿ ٦ت اغضء امبد ---

. ٹنٹٴ ٵزجڂبڃ څڂب

ڇڅڈ أٸ infinitiveاٷ ڇثڀ از٦پبٷ gerundڇڅڂب ٮٸ رڈؼ اٹٮوٯ ثڀ از٦پبٷ اٷ

أڇ gerund، ٭ڈعل ث٦ األ٭٦بٷ اٹز پٶڀ أٿ ځ٤ ث٦لڅب ( verb)أڇ ٽله اٹٮ٦ٸ

(infinitive to + ) ڇڈعل ث٦ أ٭٦بٷ أفوډ ز٪و اٹپ٦ڂى اما ٥ڂى اٹغپٺخ ،ثلڇٿ ر٪و ٻ

. to + infinitive))٥ڀ اما ڇ٦ڂب ث٦لڅب gerundڇ٦ڂب ث٦لڅب

: ٽبٺ څ أ٭٦بٷ ٽپٶڀ ځ٤ ث٦لڅب أي ٽڀ االصڂڀ ثلڇٿ ر٪و ٭ اٹپ٦ڂى (1

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Like , hate , start , begin , prefer

- She likes walking = She likes to walk

- It started raining last night = It started to rain last night.

٥ڀ اما ڇ٦ڂب ث٦لڅب gerund ڇٽبٺ څ أ٭٦بٷ ز٪و ث٦لڅب اٹپ٦ڂى اما ڇ٦ڂب ث٦لڅب (2

(to + infinitive) .

Stop , try

- He stopped playing . He stopped to play .

- Try swimming . Try to swim . [Meena]

: ځڈ٣ ٽڀ اٹزغوثخ أڇ االفزجبه أڇ اٹز٪و : ٶڈٿ اٹپٲڈك ثچب ( ingثبب٭خ )ؽش اٹغپٺخ األڇٹى

: ٽضٸ

I have had a headache for 2 hours now, I tried taking an aspirin but it didn't


ڇاؽلح أڇ ٭ أي ڇٱذ أڇ ثٮخ ٥بٽخ، ٹپوح: ٶڈٿ اٹپٲڈك ثچب (to + infinitive)ڇاٹضبځخ

: ٽضٸ

Try to be quiet when you come home late , everyone will be asleep. (H.K.)

٠ى ؾ اعبء ٭ افو ، څٶنا أب ingثبب٭خ gerundڇٵپب ٥پٺڂب اپبء ٭ اٷ ---

: ٭ ځچبخ اٹٶٺپبد ثبالضبفبد ازب١خ

To form nouns : we add suffixes (see page 11) , some of which are :

-ness (kindness) , -ship (friendship) , -hood (childhood) , -ry

(bakery) , -ism (socialism) , -ist (scientist) , -ion (invention) , -ation

(information) , -ance (ignorance) , -ency (presidency) , -r (maker) ,

-er / -ar / -or (actor) .

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H.W. Write the noun form of each of the following words :

Verb Noun Verb Noun

Make Inform

Build Do

Translate into Arabic:

I don't feel like doing it _______________________________________

They hate playing football ______________________________________


روعټ اٹ االځغٺيخ

____________________________________________ أځب ٽز٦ڈك أزٲ٠ ٽجٶوا

___________________________________________ څنڃ اٹٲخ رزؾ اٹواء

The Arabic Alphabet ؾشف األثغذ٠خ اؿشث١خا

اځغٺيي -ڇڅ وڇهخ ٭ ؽبٹخ اٹزوعپخ ٽڀ ٥وث الځغٺيي ، أي ٥ڂل ازقلاٻ ٱبٽڈ ٥وث

أ ة د س ط ػ ؿ ك م ه ى ٣ ٧ ٫ ٯ ٳ ٷ ٻ ٿ ڃ ڇ ي

ځجؾش ٥ڂچب ٭ ڇ٥ڂلٽب ځؾزبط ٽ٦و٭خ ٽ٦ڂى ٵٺپخ ٥وث ثبالځغٺيي ، ځوع٤ اٹٶٺپخ ألٺچب صټ

اٹٲبٽڈ ،

ځغلڅب " ٺ٦جڈٿ"، ڇٵنٹٴ ٽضال ٵٺپخ " ٪ٸ"ځغلڅب څ ڇٵٸ ٽزٲبرچب ٭ " ز٪ٸ"ٵٺپخ : ٽضبٷ

، ڇروعپخ "He works"ڇثبٹزبٹ رٶڈٿ روعپخ ز٪ٸ څ " . ٹ٦ت"څ ڇٵٸ ٽزٲبرچب ٭

. "They play"ٺ٦جڈٿ څ

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H.W. روعټ اٹ االځغٺيخ :(H.K.)

ٹٺپله ( زپ٦ڈٿ)اٹٺجخ ٪ڈٿ ( 1


اٹپ ٽٮل ٹٺغټ ( 2


Things to Know [Meena] : Subjects : A subject tells who or what is

doing the main verb . It can be a regular noun, pronoun or a gerund.

Appositives : An appositive is simply a noun phrase that defines the

subject. It must be identical to the subject and provide additional

information. A comma must immediately precede and follow the


Ex.: Aids, a highly infectious disease, causes death.

Modifiers : They describe or give more information about the subject,

verb, or other modifiers.

Ex.: Canada, which has a small population, covers slightly more territory

than the United States does. [Meena]

N.B. Adjectives are modifiers for nouns, and adverbs are modify verbs,

adjectives or other adverbs.

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Subordinations (modifying clauses) : They combine two or more

sentences into one sentence. The subordinate clause usually contains a

relative pronoun. Relative pronouns are :

Who / which / that / when / whose / where

Ex.: He plays with a ball. The ball is blue / He plays with a ball that is blue.

Conjunctions : They express a relationship between ideas.

There are two basic types of conjunctions :

1) those that show agreement between ideas, like : because / also / in

addition to / such as / as well as / as

2) Those that show disagreement between ideas, like : Although / but /

however / despite / in spite of / whereas

Conjuncion Patterns : like : either … or / neither … nor / both … and /

such … as / not only … but also

Joining wordsوبد اف

And / so / as well / both .. and / as well as / either .. or / neither.. nor / but /

not only .. but also (but.. also) / when / as soon as / because / as / since / to

/ in order to / so as to / so that (so.. that) / in order that / such a (an).. that

Ex : We may go either to Cairo or to Alexandria, we haven't decided yet.

Neither Ahmed nor George did the homework.

Mary is studying hard so that she may get high grades.

It was such an interesting book that I read it several times.

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Other expressions followed by a gerund : Responsible for doing

something / punish someone for doing something / capable of doing .. /

believe in … / known for … / accuse someone of … / committed to … /

succeed in … / excited about … / participate in … / take part in … / admit

to … / confess to … / blame someone for … / keep someone from … /

prohibit someone from … / forgive someone for something .

H.W.: In your h.w. copy book : 1) Put each of the

following words in a sentence : capable / either / although

/ because / when / who / but also .

2) Write a sentence with a gerund as a subject.

Adverbs اػشف

( . ڇٱزڄ)أڇ ٽٶبځڄ أڇ ىٽبځڄ ځٲڈٷ ثبفزبه ٥ڀ اٹ٢وڇ٫ أځچب څ اٹز رلٷ ٥ٺ ٵٮخ ؽلڇس اٹٮ٦ٸ

Adverbs are related to verbs , they tell : 1) how , 2) where , and , 3) when ,

the verbs are done.

1) How : like : fast , quickly

Ex: He runs fast. ٥خڅڈ ثغوي ثو / He did it very quickly.څڈ ٥پٺچب ثو٥خ علا

2) When : like : next , now , yesterday (H.K.)

Ex: Next thing you should do is this./ She went there yesterday. Do it now.

3) Where : like : nowhere , anywhere , here , there , out

Ex: I couldn't find it anywhere. / Come here. [Meena]

He ran slowly : ٽضٸ lyڇٽ٢٦ټ اٹ٢وڇ٫ ٭ االځغٺيي رڂزچ ة ---

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A friendly person : ٽضٸ lyڇٹٶڀ ڈعل ٮبد رڂزچ أب ة

Adjectives اقفبد أ اؿد

ڇڅ ال رزؤصو رقف أعبءر أي اٹٮبد أڇ اٹڂ٦ڈد اٷ descriptiveأڅپچب ڇاٹپ٦وڇ٭خ كائپب څ

red, young . (H.K.)ث٦لك أڇ ځڈ٣ اٹپڈڈ٫ ٽضٸ

ر٬ ٵپب ٱٺڂب _، (adverbs)أٽب اٹ٢وڇ٫ ، ر٬ اپبء (adjectives) اٹٮبد الؽع أ ---

: أ٭٦بٷ ، ٽضبٷ

H.W. Write 6 adverbs that say how a verb is done



Write 6 descriptive adjectives



ٮڈا adjectives، أٽب اٷ _______ ٮڈا adverbsاٷ : أو اغخ ا٢ر١خ


Conversations :

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Making suggestions : Shall we go swimming ? (let us go swimming)

(why don't we eat dinner there ?) (How about doing this ?) / Yes, sure

(that is a good idea) (it sounds great) (ok.) . (H.K.)

--- There is a football game at the stadium tomorrow , do you want to go ?

(would you like to go ?) (how about going ?) / yes, sure (I'd like to) (may

be) (I don't know) , what time is it? / at 7:30 / ok. see you there .

Asking for permission :

Asking for permission Giving the permission Refusing the


May I [Meena]

(can I)

(could I)

drink some water

Yes , sure (certainly)

(of course)

(here you are) (help


I'm sorry

(sorry I need it myself)

Do you mind if I

borrow your book?

No, of course I don't


(no problem)

Yes, I 'm using it right


(Yes , I need it)

Giving thanks : Thank you (thanks) (thanks a lot) (I appreciate your help)

/ you're welcome (you are very welcome any time) (my pleasure)

To agree or disagree : Do you agree with me ? (what do you think ?) (Is

that right ?) / I agree with you (I agree with all what you've just said

except ..) (yes, that's right) (exactly) (you are absolutely right) or Sorry I

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don't agree (I disagree with you) (I don't think so) ( that is not right

because .. ..) [Meena]

To ask for help : Could you help me ? (may you do me a favor ?) / yes,

sure (of course)

--- Would you mind doing this for me ? / no, I don't mind (yes , I'm sorry

I can't) (H.K.)

H.W. Practice all these conversations with any of your


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Level 8 [Meena] (H.K.)

Adjectives and adverbs

Adverbs اػشف

( . ڇٱزڄ)أڇ ٽٶبځڄ أڇ ىٽبځڄ ځٲڈٷ ثبفزبه ٥ڀ اٹ٢وڇ٫ أځچب څ اٹز رلٷ ٥ٺ ٵٮخ ؽلڇس اٹٮ٦ٸ

Adverbs are related to verbs , they tell : 1) how , 2) where , and , 3) when ,

the verbs are done.

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1) How : like : fast , quickly

Ex: He runs fast. He did it very quickly.

2) When : like : next , now , yesterday (H.K.)

Ex: Next thing you should do is this. She went there yesterday. Do it now.

3) Where : like : nowhere , anywhere , here , there , out

Ex: I couldn't find it anywhere. Come here.

He ran slowly : ٽضٸ lyڇٽ٢٦ټ اٹ٢وڇ٫ ٭ االځغٺيي رڂزچ ة ---

A friendly person [Meena]: ٽضٸ lyڇٹٶڀ ڈعل ٮبد رڂزچ أب ة

: (adverbs)اىبد ا٢ر١خ رؿزجش غشف ---

Where , when , how , why , before , after , while , since , there , rarely ,

seldom , should , had , little , not only , nowhere , no sooner , never

Examples : Rarely has he done a good job.

Seldom do I eat butter.

Should they come , we wouldn't go out.

Had he prayed , he would have succeeded.

Not only did he succeed but he also got the best grade.

Never will I do that again.

Nowhere could they find her.

Adjectives اقفبد أ اؿد

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ڇڅ رقف أعبءأي اٹٮبد أڇ اٹڂ٦ڈد اٹز descriptiveأڅپچب ڇاٹپ٦وڇ٭خ كائپب څ (1

. red, youngال رزؤصو ث٦لك أڇ ځڈ٣ اٹپڈڈ٫ ٽضٸ

2) Quantitative ڇٶڈٿ الٽڈڈ٫ ث٦لڅب كائپب ٽٮوك ٽضٸ و١خ ٮخ رجڀmuch , little

, some , enough .

3) Numeral ڇثبٹزبٹ ٶڈٿ اٹپڈڈ٫ ث٦لڅب ٭ اٹغپ٤ ٽضٸ ؿذدا ٮخ رجڀmany ,

few , three , no .

4) Distributive ٽضٸeach , every .

5) Possessive ڇڅټ اى١خأي ٮبد

My , your , his , her , its , our , your , their , whose .

6 )Demonstrative ڇڅټ االؽبسحٮبد : this ، ٹٺپٮوك اٹٲوتthat ٹٺپٮوك

ٹٺغپ٤ اٹج٦ل thoseٹٺغپ٤ اٹٲوت ، theseاٹج٦ل ،

7 )Relative ڇڅټ افخاٹٮبدwhat, which, whatever, whichever ex : I

had to wait for 4 hours , during which I watched a movie. 8 )

Interrogative ڇڅټ االعزفبٮبدwhat , which .

( اقفبد)ف١غخ ازفض١ ف اػشف اؿد

The Comparison of adjectives and adverbs [Meena]

( : اٹپٲبهځخ)٥ڂل ڇ٤ اٹ٢وڇ٫ ڇاٹٮبد ٭ ٪خ اٹزٮٸ

: ٭پضال ځٲڈٷ estأڇ erځزقلٻ ( ٽٲ٤ أڇ اصڂڀ)٭ اٹٶٺپبد اٹ٪وح ---

Rich , richer , the richest

ٹڈ ڇاؽل أ٩ڂى ٽڀ اٹٶٸ estٹڈ ڇاؽل أ٩ڂى ٽڀ آفو أڇ آفوڀ ڇاب٭خ erالؽ٠ اب٭خ

: ٽضٸ mostڇ moreأٽب ٭ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز ريل ٥ڀ ٽٲ٦ڀ ځزقلٻ ---

Wonderful , more wonderful , the most wonderful

أل٭ٸ ٽ٤ ا theڇالؽ٠ اځڂب كائپب ځ٤

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ڇاٹضبٹضخ رپى comparativeڇاٹضبځخ رپى positive( اٹپغوكح)ڇرپى اٹٶٺپخ األٺخ ---

superlative .

( ٭ ٽٲبهځزچب)ڇٽبٺ څڈ علڇٷ ٹج٦ اٹ٢وڇ٫ اٹپڂز٢پخ ٭ رٮٺچب ---

The following is a table of comparison of some regular adverbs :

Positive [Meena] Comparative Superlative

Fast Faster Fastest

Early Earlier Earliest

Quickly More quickly Most quickly

Hard Harder Hardest

High Higher Highest (H.K.)

( ٭ ٽٲبهځزچب)ڇٽبٺ څڈ علڇٷ ٹج٦ اٹ٢وڇ٫ اٹ٪و ٽڂز٢پخ ٭ رٮٺچب ---

The following is a table of comparison of some irregular adverbs :

Positive Comparative Superlative

Well Better Best

Badly Worse Worst

Late Later Latest (last)

Little Less (lesser) Least

Much (many) More Most

,Completely ٽضٸ ، ڇڈعل ث٦ اٹ٢وڇ٫ اٹز ال رؤر ٭ ٪خ اٹزٮٸ ---


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: ، ٽضٸ ٵٮبدڇپٶڀ أٿ رزقلٻ أب وػشفڇڈعل ث٦ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز پٶڀ أٿ رزقلٻ ---

Fast , cheap , high , short , fine , straight , bright , flat , free , sharp ,

hard , late , loud , real Ex: A fast car runs fast.

: adjectivesڇاٷ adverbs٭ ؽبٹز اٷ الؽع أ ---

ٵجٲخ اٹٶٺپبد ، أٽب اما ٵبٿ estأڇ erرؤفن ٽزؾوٳٱجٺڄ ؽو٫ Yاما ٵبځذ اٹٶٺپخ رڂزچ ة ( 1

: ٽضٸ Iڇځ٤ ٽٶبځچب yځؾن٫ اٷ yٱجٸ اٷ بٵڀڅڂبٳ ؽو٫

Grey , greyer , greyest / busy , busier , busiest

ڇٱجٺڄ ؽو٫ ٽزؾوٳ ، ځب٬٥ اٹؾو٫ yأٽب اما ٵبځذ اٹٶٺپخ رڂزچ ثؾو٫ بٵڀ ٩و اٷ( 2

big , bigger , biggest / hot , hotter , hottest: األفو ، ٽضٸ

: پٶڀ ازقلاٻ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز ر٦ڂ ٵپخ ٱجٸ ٽٲبهځخ اٹ٢وڇ٫ ڇاٹٮبد ، ڇمٹٴ ٽضٸ اٹٶٺپبد( 3

a bit / a little / much / a lot / far (H.K.)

ex : He is much (a lot) richer than her / this watch is much more expensive

than the other one / may you walk a bit (a little) more slowly / the

discovery was far more dangerous than we thought at first.

adjectivesثبغجخ قفبد

ٵپب ٱٺڂب _، (adverbs)ر٬ اپبء ، أٽب اٹ٢وڇ٫ (adjectives) أٿ اٹٮبد أمٵو ---

Ex : He speaks perfect Arabic. He speaks Arabic :ر٬ أ٭٦بٷ ، ٽضبٷ


صٺخ ڇزٶڈٿ اٹٺڈاؽ ، ڇڂٶزت ث٦ األٻ (suffixes) ااؽك پٶڀ ٥پٸ ٮبد ثٶضو ٽڀ ---

bold : [Meena]ثبٷ

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wonderful, patient, bored, blackened, reddish, tiresome, metallic, natural,

active, friendly, Egyptian, American, Chinese , secondary , partial,


: ٽڂز٢پخ ٭ رٮٺچباٷڇٽبٺ څڈ علڇٷ ثج٦ اٹٮبد ---

The following is a table of comparison of some regular adjectives :

Positive Comparative Superlative

Fast Faster [Meena] Fastest

Young Younger Youngest

Friendly More friendly Most friendly

Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful

Interesting More interesting Most interesting


: ٽڂز٢پخ ٭ رٮٺچباٹ٪و ڇٽبٺ څڈ علڇٷ ثج٦ اٹٮبد ---

The following is a table of comparison of some irregular adjectives:

Positive Comparative Superlative

Good Better Best (H.K.)

Bad (ill) Worse Worst

Little (uncountable)

Few (countable)

Less (lesser)




Near Nearer Nearest (next)

Much (many) More Most

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Far Farther (further) Farthest (furthest)

Late Later Latest (last)

Old Older (elder) Oldest (eldest)

Out Outer (utter) Outmost (utmost)

Up Upper Upmost

In [Meena] Inner Inmost (innermost)

Rectangular , correct:ڇڈعل ث٦ اٹٮبد اٹز ال رڈ٤ ٭ ٪خ اٹزٮٸ ٽضٸ ---

--- Sometimes we use two or more adjectives together , ex : Roushdy lives

in a nice new house .

ؽت اٹٶالٻ اٹپزقلٻ ، ing– ڇأ ed–ث٦ اٹٮبد رڂزچ ة ---

Some adjectives end in –ed or –ing like , bored and boring , for we say:

someone is –ed if something (or someone) is –ing , or , if something (or

someone) is –ing it makes you –ed , (H.K.)

ex : Zaki is bored with his job . / Zaki's job is boring .

Are you interested in buying a nice house ?

Did you meet anyone interesting at the club ?

Other adjectives that can end in –ed or –ing are : satisfied , worried ,

excited , confused , annoyed , astonished , amazed , amused , terrified ,

depressed , shocked .

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ied ٱجٺڄ ؽو٫ بٵڀ رزؾڈٷ اٹ Y ڇڅڂب أب ځالؽ٠ أٿ اٹٮبد اٹز رڂزچ ة

ٱجٺڄ ؽو٫ ٽزؾوٳ رجٲى ٵپب څ yرڂزچ ة أٽب اٹٮبد اٹز ، worried, terrifiedٽضٸ

. annoyedٽضٸ edڇځ٬ ٹچب

--- Sometimes we use adjectives after some verbs , especially be and get ,

ex : be patient , be careful , I'm getting hungry . [Meena]

H.W. څڈ أڈٷ ٽڂچب ( 1 :روعټ اٹ االځغٺيخ


څټ زٶٺپڈٿ اځغٺيي ثچڈٹخ ( 2

_________________________________ _____

څنا ٱپ أث عپٸ ( 3


څنا اٹٮزبٿ األٮو ٽوؼ علا (4


څ أٵضو جوا ٽڂڄ ( 5



H.W. Complete the following table : ٽٸ اٹغلڇٷ اٹزبٹ أٳ

Positive Comparative




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- 90-




The following is a table of some nouns and their adjectives :

Nouns اؿ Adjectives Nouns اؿ Adjectives

Accuracy كٱخ Accurate Honesty أٽبځخ Honest



٥لڇاٿ Aggressiv


Hunger عڈ٣ Hungry

Anger ٩ت Angry Joy (H.K.) ٭وػ Joyful

Anxiety ٱٺ Anxious Kindness جخ Kind



رٲ٬، ىڅل Ascetic Length ڈٷ Long



٭ ) ٽز٦ت

( اٹوأي

Bigoted Loneliness ، ڇؽلح



Boredom ٽٺٸ Bored /


Loyalty ڇ٭بء Loyal

Bravery غب٥خ Brave Maturity ځظ Mature

Cleverness مٵبء Clever Necessity أڅپخ Necessary



Confident Nervousne صٲخ


Nervous ٥جخ

Creation فٺٲخ Creative Outgo اٹقوڇط Outgoing

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Death ٽڈد Dead Patience جو Patient

Discipline ځ٢بٻ ، رچنت Discipline


Popularity ٦جخ ، چوح Popular

Energy بٱخ Energetic Probability اؽزپبٷ Probable

Equality ٽبڇاح Equal Rarity ځلهح Rare



Real ؽٲٲخ ، ڇاٱ٤ Faithful Reality صٲخ

Fluency الٱخ ٹبٿ Fluent Responsibi


Responsibl ٽئڈٹخ





Friendly Selfishnes لاٱخ


Selfish أځبځخ

Happiness ٦بكح Happy Shyness فغٸ Shy

Hard-work ٸ ثچپخ٪ Hard-


Stupidity ثالڅخ Stupid

Heat ؽواهح Hot Thirst ٥ Thirsty

Height اهرٮب٣ High Wisdom ؽٶپخ wise

Tenses [Meena] األصخ

simpleثبغجخ ---

Simple (Simple Tense)

Present Past Future

I eat I ate I shall eat

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You eat You ate You will eat

He (she , it) eats He (she , it) ate He (she , it) will eat

We eat We ate (H.K.) We shall eat

You eat You ate You will eat

They eat They ate They will eat

. ٭ٲ present٭ اٷ he, she, itثزؤر ٭ٲ ٽ٤ sاٿ اٷ ( ٵپب ٱٺڂب ٽڀ ٱجٸ) الؽع

H.W. Complete the following table like the previous one using verb

"Drink". وة"صٸ اٹبث ٽزقلٽب اٹٮ٦ٸ أٵپٸ اٹغلڇٷ اٹزبٹ ٻ "

Simple (Simple Tense)

Present Past [Meena] Future

I drink I drank I shall drink

You drink

He, she, it


غت ٽ٦و٭زچب ڇڅ اځڄ څڂبٳ ٭وٯ ثڀ ؾغخ بخڇڅڂب ---

، ڇثڀ present٭ اٷ he, she, itٽ٤ verbsاٹنڀ ؤرڈا ٽ٤ اٷ s, es, iesاٷ

: ، ٭پضال nounsاٹنڀ ؤرڈا ٥ڂل عپ٤ االپبء s, es, iesاٷ

He (she, it) : eats, enjoys, / goes, does, / carries, tries

Pen-pens, toy-toys, / dish-dishes, box-boxes, / factory-factories

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ٱجٺچب ؽو٫ بٵڀ ٭ٲ ، أٽب اما ٵبٿ اما ٵبٿ iesرزؾڈٷ ٷ Yڇالؽ٠ ٭ اٹوڀ اٹبثٲڀ اٿ اٷ

٭ٲ sٱجٺچب ؽو٫ ٽزؾوٳ رجٲى ٵپب څ ڇځ٬ ٹچب

( Key wordsالؽ٠ اٷ ) : أخز أضخأوضش simple tenseزض١ؼ اعزخذابد اي ---

He always writes letters to his friends.

Last week she wrote many letters to her friends.

I'll write a letter to him tomorrow. (H.K.)

ٽڀ ٱجٸ اٹني كهڂبڃ رٶڈٿ ثڂٮ االٺڈة ٹچنڃ اٹغپٸ اٹبثٲخ ، (ڇأعڈثخ)ڇٹ٦پٸ أئٺخ ---

1) Does he always write letters to his friends? / yes, he always writes

letters to his friends / yes, he does / no, he doesn't always write --

2) Did she write any letters to her friends? / yes, she wrote some letters to

her friends / yes, she did / no, she didn't write any --

3) Will you write a letter to him tomorrow? / yes, I shall / no, I shan't

the sun risesٽضٸ ٥factsڀ ؽٲبئ أب ٭چڈ زٶٺټ present simpleڇثبٹڂجخ ٹٸ ---

edؤفن vowelڇٱجٺچب yڇثبٹڂجخ ٹ٦پٸ اٹٮ٦ٸ ٭ اٹپب ، ځغل أٿ اٹٮ٦ٸ اٹني ڂزچ ة ---

iedڇځ٤ yبٵڀ ځٺ٪ اٷ ڇٱجٺچب ؽو٫ y، ڇاٹٮ٦ٸ اٹني ڂزچ ة play - playedٽضٸ

ڇ اٷ verbsاٹز رؤر ٭ ځچبخ اٷ Y، ڇمٹٴ جڄ رپبٽب ٽبٱٺڂب٥ڀ اٷ carry – carriedٽضٸ

nouns اٷ ڇadjectives .

ڇڅڈ ( shall, willثلڇٿ ازقلاٻ )پٶڀ ٥پٺڄ ثبٺڈة آفو simple futureڇثبٹڂجخ ٹٸ ---

. I'll eatڇاٹپٲڈك ثچب I am going to eat ٭ڂٲڈٷ ٽضال + going toزټ ة

رزقلٻ ٭ ؽبالد اٹپزٲجٸ going toڇٽڀ اٹپپٶڀ ازقلاٻ االصڂڀ ثلٷ ث٦ ، ڇٹٶڀ أؽبځب

اٹٲوت ڇأؽبځب رزقلٻ ٭ اصجبد اٹڂخ ٭ ٥پٸ ئ ٭ اٹپزٲجٸ أڇ اٹزق ٹٺپزٲجٸ أڇ ٭

It is going to be hot today [Meena] : اٹٶالٻ ٥ڀ ئ ٥ٺى ڇٴ اٹؾلڇس ٽضٸ

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level٭ اٷ اٹني ڂوؽڄ ) continuousڇثڀ اٷ going toثڀ ڇاؼ ڇثبٹج٤ اٹٮوٯ

.contٷ٭ ا ingأٽب اٷ ، goingرٶڈٿ كائپب ٭ going to٭ ing، ڇڅڈ اٿ اٷ (اٹٲبكٻ

: ، ٭ڂٲڈٷ ٽضالځٮڄ verbرٶڈٿ كائپب ٭ اٷ

I am going to eat (أځب آٵٸ ) , or أڇ , I am eating now (أځب آٵٸ اٿ)

I was going to eat (أځب ٵڂذ څآٵٸ) , or , I was eating (أځب ٵڂذ ثآٵٸ)

Active and passive اج غي اج ؿ

. tensesڇٹٶڂچټ اٺڈة ٵالٻ ڇ٭چټ tensesٹڈا active and passiveالؽ٠ اٿ اٷ

ڇفبخ اٹغيء األڇٷ ٭ڄ personal pronounsفب ثبٷ اٷاٹغلڇٷ څڂبځؾزبط أٿ ځزنٵو

. ڇڅٶنا himٷ رزؾڈٷ "he"ڇ ، meرزؾڈٷ ٷ "I"ؽش ځغل ٽضال أٿ

I Me (H.K.)

You You

He Him

She Her

It It

We Us

You You

they Them

Tenses Active Passive

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Sim. Pr He eats apples Apples are eaten by him

Pa I ate an apple An apple was eaten by me

Fu They will eat apples


Apples will be eaten by them


Words (verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs) end in "a consonant + y" ,

we change the Y to I , to add es or ed or er or est or ly / but the Y

remains the same when we add ing :

Ex : country – countries / study – studies / apply – applied / easy – easier –

easiest / heavy – heavily // but study – studying .


At home : Where is dad ? / he is in the kitchen / what's he doing ? / he

is reading / why is he reading in the kitchen ? / because Ahmed is

watching TV. in the living room .

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On the phone : Hello Omar / yes / this is Medhat / oh , hi Medhat / is

Ahmed there / no, he is not , he is at the supermarket / ok. I'll call him back

later . (H.K.)

--- Hello / hi Ann / is Mary there / sure , hold on she is listening to the

radio , Mary , it is for you .

--- Hello John , are you busy? / well I'm eating lunch right now , can I call

you back later / sure no problem .

About a trip : Hi Aly , how was your trip , I just talked to George and he

said it was really nice / nice ! I thought it was awful , the weather wasn't

very good , the people weren't friendly , and the hotel wasn't good at all /

was the food any good ? / Ya it was delicious . (H.K.)

At the airlines office : I'd like to go to New York on Tuesday flight / ok.

Madam / what are the departure and arrival times please ?

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Level 9 [Meena] (H.K.)

Tenses [Meena] األصخ

ثبٹڂجخ ٹألىٽڂخ ڂٶزجچټ ٵٺچټ ٽ٤ ث٦ صټ ځوؽچټ ٵٺچټ ٽ٤ ث٦ ، ڇمٹٴ ٹٺچڈٹخ ڇٹپٲبهځخ

ٽ٦چټ ٵٺچټ ٭ څنا pronounsٹخ أٵضو ڂؤفن ٽڀ اٷ ڇٹٺچڈ. ٵٺڄ ثج٦ ڇثبٹزبٹ ارٲبځچټ أٵضو

. ٽ٤ ث٦ اٹزجٲبد pronouns٭ٲ ، صټ ځزقلٻ ثٲخ اٷ "I"اٹغلڇٷ اٹزبٹ

رپبٽب ، الځڄ څبٻ علا ٭ اٹپؾبكصبد ( اٹٮٸ)ڇثوعبء االڅزپبٻ ثٮچټ ڇؽٮ٠ څنا اٹجبة

(conversations) څنا اٹٶزبةڇالځڄ ٽجڂ ٥ٺڄ ٵٸ األثڈاة اٹز رٺڄ ٭ .

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: أځڂب كائپب ڂقزو ث٦ اٹٶٺپبد ٵبر ( ثٸ كاپب ځنٵو) الغ

Present = pr. / past = pa. / future = fu. / past participle = p.p. / simple

= s. / continuous = cont. / perfect = perf. / verb = v. (H.K.)

52اثزلاء ٽڀ ٮؾخ past participle (p.p.)زغل علاڇٷ ٭چب اٷ : حؾظ

Tenses [Meena]

Simple (H.K.)


Pr. I eat ( everyday , sometimes , always , usually ,


Pa. I ate (yesterday , last night , in the past , ago)

Fu. I shall eat (tomorrow , next week , later) (H.K.)



V. be + --ing

Pr. I am eating (now , nowadays, today)

Pa. I was eating (while , as , when)

Fu. I shall be eating (tomorrow , at that time)



V. have + p.p.

Pr. I have eaten (already , just , almost , nearly , since ,

yet , not yet , ever , never , now , today)

Pa. I had eaten (before , after , when , until)

Fu. I shall have eaten (by) (H.K.)



V.have + been

+ --ing

Pr. I have been eating (for , since)

Pa. I had been eating (for , since , before)

Fu. I shall have been eating (for , on , after)

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. اضشس عذا ؽفع زا اغذي ال ع١ف١ذ وض١شا عذا

ڇٵٸ ڇاؽل ٽڀ .s. , cont. , perf. , perf. cont، (tenses 12)ىٽڀ 12ڇځالؽ٠ اځڂب ٥ڂلځب

keyرپى اٷ ڇثغڈاه ٵٸ ڇاؽل ث٦ ٵٺپبد ثڀ ٱڈڀ. .pr. , pa. , fuڅئالء األهث٦خ ٭ڄ

words ڇڅ اٹٶٺپبد اٹز رب٥ل ٭ رٶڈڀ څنا اٹيٽڀ .

. څڈ ث ، ٹ ٭ڄ اي ر٦ٲلاد ڇال أي وڇ ٹزوٵجڄ ڇٹنٹٴ پى ث .sاي --

أصبء .pa، أڇ ٵبٿ ٽزپو ٭ اٷ .pr٭ اٷ أٿ ڇڅڈ اٹپزپو ، أي أځڄ ٭٦ٸ ٽزپو .contاي --

أصبء ؽذس فؿ آخش أ أصبء .fuأڇ ٶڈٿ ٽزپو ٭ اٷ ، ؾ١ؽذس فؿ آخش أ أصبء لذ

. (am eatingٽضٸ ) verb ٭ ځچبخ اٷ ingصټ verb be، ڇٶڈٿ روٵجڄ ة لذ ؿ١

( اځزچى)أڇ ٥ٺ ڇٴ االځزچبء اٿ ، أڇ رټ ( ثڂزچ)ثزټ ڇڅڈ ٭٦ٸ ، ڇڅڈ اٹزبٻ ، .perfاي --

أڇ ( ڂزچ)أڇ زټ ، ؿ١ لذثبمبسخ ثفؿ آخش أ اٹپب ٭ أڇ ٵبٿ ٥ٺ ڇٴ االځزچبء

ڇٶڈٿ روٵجڄ . ؿ١ لذثبمبسخ ثفؿ آخش أ ٭ اٹپزٲجٸ ٶڈٿ ٥ٺ ڇٴ االځزچبء

. ( have eatenٽضٸ ) .p.pصټ اٷ verb haveة

اس افؿ ثذا٠خ أ ب٠خ ، ف١ ؿشف طي ذح اعزشڇڅڈ اٹزبٻ اٹپزپو .perf. Contاي --

ٽلح .fuڇ اٷ .paٽب څ ٽلح ازپواهڃ اٹ االٿ أڇ ٽزى ثلأ ، ڇ٭ اٷ .pr٭ اٷ. ز اذح

صټ verb have + beenڇٶڈٿ روٵجڄ ة. ازپواهڃ ٽڀ أڇ اٹ ؽلڇس ٭٦ٸ آفو أڇ ڇٱذ ٽ٦ڀ

ing ٭ ځچبخ اٹٮ٦ٸ ( ٽضٸhave been eating ) .

H.W. Complete the table using "drink" and one key word in each sentence




Pr. They always drink water (H.K.)

Pa. It

Fu. We

Continuous Pr. She

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V. be + --ing

Pa. He

Fu. You



V. have + p.p.

Pr. You

Pa. They

Fu. It



V.have + been

+ --ing [Meena]

Pr. We

Pa. He

Fu. You

أڇ ٥ٺ pronouns٭ علاڇٷ أفوډ ٽ٤ ثٲخ اٷ (tense)ڇاٿ ڂؤفن أٽضٺخ ٥ڀ ٵٸ ىٽڀ ---

.ر ؽشؽ simpleثبغجخ :څئخ أئٺخ ڇأعڈثخ ٹزڈؼ ٵٸ اٹزٮبٸ ثٲله االٽٶبٿ

: continuousح ثبغت ---


Present Past Future

I am eating I was eating I shall be eating

You are eating You were eating You will be eating

He is eating He was eating (H.K.) He will be eating

She is eating She was eating She will be eating

It is eating It was eating It will be eating

We are eating We were eating We shall be eating

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You are eating You were eating You will be eating

They are eating They were eating They will be eating

: ڇځٲڈٷ ٽضال

I'm praying now. أځب أٺ اٿ

They were playing yesterday when I met them. څټ ٵبځڈا ٺڈٿ ثبألٽ ؽڂپب


She will be walking tomorrow when you come. څ زٶڈٿ ثززپى ؽڂپب رؤر


: ؿ أعئخ أعثخ

Are you praying now? / Yes, I'm praying now / No, I'm not --

Were they playing yesterday when you met them? / Yes, they were playing

yesterday when I met them / No, they were not playing --.

Will she be walking tomorrow when I come? / Yes, she will be walking

tomorrow when you come / No, she'll not be walking --.

څڈ اٹپزپو .contاي ڇڅڈ أٿ ( 47)اٹٮؾخ اٹبثٲخ ڇٹٮچټ اٹپزپو أٵضو ، ځٶوه ٽبٱٺڂبڃ ٭

أصبء ؽذس فؿ آخش أ أصبء .paأڇ ٵبٿ ٽزپو ٭ اٷ ،( .pr٭ اٷ )اٿ أي أځڄ ٭٦ٸ ٽزپو ،

ڇٶڈٿ ،أصبء ؽذس فؿ آخش أ أصبء لذ ؿ١، .fuأڇ ٶڈٿ ٽزپو ٭ اٷ ، لذ ؿ١

. ( am eatingٽضٸ ) verb څبخ اٷ٭ ٿ ingصټ verb beروٵجڄ ة

H.W. complete the following table like the previous one using verb "play"

" ٺ٦ت"أٵپٸ اٹغلڇٷ اٹٲبكٻ ٽضٸ اٹبث ٽزقلٽب اٹٮ٦ٸ


Present Past Future

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I am playing (H.K.)


He was


It will be playing





--- N.B. : The present continuous is also used for the near future (like

going to), specially with verbs of movement like "go, come, leave"

Ex: Ahmed is coming here next week. / They are leaving for U.S.A. on


أي continuousاٹز ال رؤر ٭ اٷ (verbs)ڇغت ٽالؽ٢خ أځڄ رڈعل ث٦ األ٭٦بٷ ---

[Meena] :ڇٽڂچب ingالځ٬ ٹچب

Like , love , believe , hate , see , hear , understand , consist , contain ,

possess , belong , resemble , recognize , want .

ٽضٸ e ځؾن٫ اٷ eٹٮ٦ٸ ڂزچ ة ingڇڅڈ اځڄ ٥ڂل اب٭خ ٽڀ ٱجٸ ٵو ٽب ٱٺڂبڃ ڇالثل أٿ ځن ---

write - writing ڇ٥ڂل اب٭خ ،ing ٹٮ٦ٸ ڂزچ ثؾو٫ بٵڀ ٱجٺڄvowel ، ځب٬٥ اٹؾو٫

. get - gettingٽضٸ اٹبٵڀ ،

continuous tense، ٽپٶڀ ٶڈٿ اٹٮ٦ٺڀ ٭ اٷ past continuous٭ اٷ ---

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Ex: While he was reading , the children were playing . (H.K.)

: perfectثبغجخ ---


Present Past [Meena] Future

I have eaten I had eaten I shall have eaten

You have eaten You had eaten You will have eaten

He has eaten He had eaten He will have eaten

She's eaten (H.K.) She had eaten She will have eaten

It's eaten It had eaten It will have eaten

We've eaten We had eaten We shall have eaten

You've eaten You had eaten You will have eaten

they've eaten They had eaten They will have eaten

H.W. complete the following table like the previous one using verb "walk"

" پ"أٵپٸ اٹغلڇٷ اٹٲبكٻ ٽضٸ اٹبث ٽزقلٽب اٹٮ٦ٸ


Present Past Future

I have walked (H.K.)

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: ؿ أعئخ أعثخ

Have you prayed yet? / Yes I've already prayed. / No, I haven't prayed yet.

Had she written the report before he came? / Yes, she had written it before

he came. / No, she hadn't written it before he came. (H.K.)

Shall we have done the homework by 6:00 o'clock? / Yes, we shall have

done it by 6:00 o'clock. / No, we shall not have done it by 6:00 o'clock.

أڇ ( ثڂزچ)څڈ اٹزبٻ ، ڇڅڈ ٭٦ٸ ، ثزټ .perfاي ڇڅڈ أٿ 47 ٮؾخڇځٶوه څڂب أب ٽبٱٺڂبڃ ٭

ثبمبسخ ثفؿ آخش ٭ اٹپب أڇ ٵبٿ ٥ٺ ڇٴ االځزچبء( اځزچى)أڇ رټ ٥ٺ ڇٴ االځزچبء اٿ ،

ثبمبسخ ثفؿ آخش ٭ اٹپزٲجٸ أڇ ٶڈٿ ٥ٺ ڇٴ االځزچبء( ڂزچ)أڇ زټ ، ؿ١ لذأ

[Meena] ( have eatenٽضٸ ) .p.pصټ اٷ verb haveڇٶڈٿ روٵجڄ ة .ؿ١ لذأ


: perfect continuousثبغجخ ---

Perfect continuous

Present Past Future

I've been eating I had been eating I shall have been eating

You've been eating You had been eating You will have been eating

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He's been eating He had been eating He will have been eating

She's been eating She had been eating She will have been eating

It's been eating It had been eating


It will have been eating

We've been eating We had been eating We shall have been eating

You've been eating You had been eating You will have been eating

They've been eating They had been eating They will have been eating

H.W. complete the following table like the previous one using verb "talk"

" زٶٺټ"أٵپٸ اٹغلڇٷ اٹٲبكٻ ٽضٸ اٹبث ٽزقلٽب اٹٮ٦ٸ

Perfect continuous

Present Past Future

I've been talking


: ؿ أعئخ أعثخ

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Have you been playing here since 5:00 o'clock? / Yes. I have been playing

here since 5:00 o'clock. / No, I haven't been playing here since 5:00 , I've

been playing just for half an hour. (H.K.)

Had they been praying for 3 hours before we went there? / Yes, they had

been praying for 3 hours before we went there / No, they had not been ----.

Will you have been studying here for 5 hours by 10:00 o'clock? / yes, we

shall have been studying here for 5 hours by 10:00 o'clock / No, we shall

not have been studying ----. [Meena]

څڈ اٹزبٻ .perf. Contاي ڇڅڈ أٿ 47٭ ٮؾخ .perfect contڇځٶوه أب ٽب ٱٺڂبڃ ٥ڀ اٷ

ٽب ځ٦و٫.pr ٭ اٷ. ، ف١ ؿشف طي ذح اعزشاس افؿ ثذا٠خ أ ب٠خ ز اذحاٹپزپو

هڃ ٽڀ أڇ اٹ ٽلح ازپواځ٦و٫ .fuڇ اٷ .paڅ ٽلح ازپواهڃ اٹ االٿ أڇ ٽزى ثلأ ، ڇ٭ اٷ

٭ ځچبخ ingصټ verb have + beenڇٶڈٿ روٵجڄ ة. ؽلڇس ٭٦ٸ آفو أڇ ڇٱذ ٽ٦ڀ

. ( have been eatingٽضٸ ) اٹٮ٦ٸ

H.W. Answer the questions with Yes and No: [Meena]

Is he drinking water now? Yes, _________________ No,


Has she already eaten? Yes, __________________


Have they been praying for an hour now? Yes,


(H.K.) No,


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Were you talking when I called her? Yes,




Will they have eaten when I come? Yes,




Will you have finished eating when we come? Yes,




Do you always drink tea in the morning? Yes,




Will she have been studying for an hour when we go to her?





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- 108-

Conjugation of verbs رقش٠ف األفؿبي

أڇ (past participle)ڇاٹ اټ اٹپٮ٦ڈٷ (past)اٹ اٹپب ڇڅڈ رؾڈٸ اٹٮ٦ٸ ،

pronouns . [Meena]روٮچټ ٽ٤ اٷ

أڇ edأڇ dڇڅ اٹز رؤفن (regular verbs)( اٹٲبخ)ڇڅڂب ځغل األ٭٦بٷ اٹپڂز٢پخ

ied ٭ اٷ اځ ڇاٹضبٹش أ يس٭ اٹزو٬ اٷ past ڇ٭ اٷ past participle ٽضٸ : pray

prayed prayed ( اٹبمح)، ڇڈعل األ٭٦بٷ اٹ٪و ٽڂز٢پخ(irregular verbs) ڇٹ ٹچټ

. eat ate eaten : ٱڈا٥ل ٭ روٮچټ ٽضٸ

The following is a table of conjugation of some regular verbs(that take

d) :

Regular verbs (that take "d") Regular verbs (that take "d")



Past Past اٹپ٦ڂى




Past Past اٹپ٦ڂى


Advise ڂؼ Advised Advised Hope وعڈ Hoped Hoped

Agree ڈا٭ Agreed Agreed Like ،ؾت


Liked Liked

Arrange ورت ---d ---d Love ؾت Loved Loved

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Care ،٦زڂ


Cared Cared Manage لو ---d ---d

Continue زپو ---d ---d Prepare ،ؾو


---d ---d

Decide ٲوه Decided Decided Promise ڈ٥ل ---d ---d

Deserve زؾ ---d ---d Refuse و٭ ---d ---d

Hate ٶوڃ ---d ---d Struggle به٣ ---d ---d

Hesitate زوكك ---d ---d (H.K.) [Meena]

The following is a table of conjugation of some regular verbs(that take

ed) :

Regular verbs (that take


Regular verbs (that take






اؿ Past Past







اؿ Past Past





ئصو Affec







ز٦ٺټ Learn








Affor پل ، Affor Affor Need ؾزبط Need Need

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- 110-

d ٲله ded ded ed ed



٢چو ---ed ---ed Offen


٦ضو Offen












Offer ،ٲلٻ






Ask ؤٷ Aske




Plan ق Plane






چبعټ Attac






ز٢بڅو ---ed ---ed



زغڂت Avoi






ڂلٻ ---ed ---ed

Beg زڈٸ Begg




Resist ٲبڇٻ Resist




Blink وٽ Blink




Seem جلڇ Seem




Claim بٹت






Shop زڈٯ Shop






زٺ Clim




Slow جئ Slow







زؾٶټ ---ed ---ed Smell ټ Smell






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- 111-

na] t) t)



ٺت ---ed ---ed



Spell زچغى Spell










ڂبٱ ---ed ---ed Start جلأ Starte




Drop ٲ Drop




Step قڈ Stepp




End ڂزچ Ende




Stop ٲ٬ Stopp






زڈٱ٤ Expe








---ed ---ed

Fail ،ٲ








چلك ---ed ---ed

Float ٮڈ Float






ب٭و ---ed ---ed

Guess قپڀ ---ed ---ed Wait ڂز٢و Waite






ؾل ---ed ---ed Want ول Want




Heat قڀ ---ed ---ed Water ٲ ---ed ---ed

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- 112-



ڂڈي ---ed ---ed Wish زپڂى Wish




The following is a table of conjugation of some regular verbs (that take

ied) :

Regular verbs (that take "ied") Regular verbs (that take "ied")



Past اٹپ٦ڂى






Past اٹپ٦ڂى




Bury ل٭ڀ Buried Buried Reply غبڇة Replied Replied

Carry ؾپٸ Carried Carried Worry ٲٺ Worried Worried

Marry زيڇط Married Married [Meena]

The following is a table of conjugation of some irregular verbs :

Irregular verbs Irregular verbs



Past Past اٹپ٦ڂى




Past Past اٹپ٦ڂى


Am , is


ٶڈٿ Was Been Leave


زوٳ Left Left

Are (be) Were Been Lend ٲو Lent Lent

Bear ؾزپٸ Bore Borne Let غ٦ٸ Let Let

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- 113-

Beat وة Beat Beat Lie زپلك Lay Lain

Become جؼ Became Become Lie ٶنة Lied Lied

Begin جلأ Began Begun Lose ،قو


Lost Lost

Bend ضز Bent Bent Make ڂ٤ Made Made

Bet واڅڀ Bet Bet Mean ٦ڂ Meant Meant

Bid ؤٽو Bade Bidden Meet ٲبثٸ Met Met

Bid يل Bid Bid Pay ل٭٤ Paid Paid

Bind وث Bound Bound Put ٤ Put Put

Bite ٦ Bit Bitten Read ٲوأ Read Read

Bleed ڂي٫ Bled Bled Rebuild ٦ل ثڂبء Rebuilt Rebuilt

Blow ڂٮـ Blew Blown Ride وٵت Rode Ridden

Break ٶو Broke Broken Ring وٿ Rang Rung

Breed وث Bred Bred Rise ،ورٮ٤


Rose Risen

Bring ؾو Brought Brought Run غوي Ran Run

Build جڂ Built Built Saw ڂو Sawed Sawn

Burst ٮغو Burst Burst Say ٲڈٷ Said Said

Buy زوي Bought Bought See وډ Saw Seen

Cast ٺٲ Cast Cast Seek جؾش Sought Sought

Catch پٴ Caught Caught Sell ج٤ Sold Sold

Chide ڈثـ Chided Chidden Send وٸ Sent Sent

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- 114-

Choose قزبه Chose Chosen Set ،ڂ٢ټ


Set Set





Clung Clung Sew


ق Sewed Sewn

Come ؤر Came Come Shake چي Shook Shaken

Cost زٶٺ٬ Cost Cost Shine ٺپ٤ Shone Shone

Creep يؽ٬ Crept Crept Show ،٢چو


Showed Shown

Cut ٲ٤ Cut Cut Shrink ڂٶپ Shrank Shrunk

Deal ز٦بٽٸ Dealt Dealt Shut ٺ٪ Shut Shut

Dig ؾٮو Dug Dug Sing ڂ٪ Sang Sung

Do ٦پٸ Did Done Sink ٪ Sank Sunk





Drew Drawn Sit غٺ Sat Sat


Dream ؾٺټ Dreamt Dreamt Slay نثؼ Slew Slain

Drink وة Drank Drunk Sleep ڂبٻ Slept Slept

Drive ڈٯ Drove Driven Slide زيؽٺ Slid Slid

Dwell ٶڀ Dwelt Dwelt Smell ټ Smelt Smelt

Eat ؤٵٸ Ate Eaten Sow جنه Sowed Sown

Fall ٲ٤ Fell Fallen Speak زٶٺټ Spoke Spoken

Feed ني٪ Fed Fed Speed و٣ Sped Sped

Feel ٦و Felt Felt Spell زچغى Spelt Spelt

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- 115-

Fight زبعو Fought Fought Spend و٫ Spent Spent

Find غل Found Found Spill لٹ Spilt Spilt

Flee چوة Fled Fled Split ،ٮٸ

Split Split

Fly و Flew Flown Spread ڂو Spread Spread

Forbear و٭ /


Forbore Forborne Spring


أل٥ٺى ٲٮي Sprang Sprung

Forbid پڂ٤ Forbade Forbidden Stand ٲ٬ Stood Stood

Forget ڂى Forgot Forgotten Steal وٯ Stole Stolen

Forgive بٽؼ Forgave Forgiven Stick ٺ Stuck Stuck

Freeze غپل Froze Frozen Sting ٺن٧ Stung Stung

Get ؾو Got Got /


Strike وة Struck Struck

Give ٦ Gave Given Strive غبڅل Strove Striven

Go نڅت Went Gone Swear ؾٺ٬ Swore Sworn

Grind ؾڀ Ground Ground Sweep ٶڂ Swept Swept

Grow ڂپڈ Grew Grown Swim جؼ Swam Swum

Hang ڂ Hanged Hanged Swing زؤهعؼ Swung Swung

Hang ٦ٺ Hung Hung Take ؤفن Took Taken

Have ، پٺٴ




Had Teach ٦ٺټ Taught Taught


Hear پ٤ Heard Heard Tear پيٯ Tore Torn

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- 116-

Hide قج Hid Hidden Tell ٲڈٷ Told Told

Hit قج Hit Hit Think ٮٶو Thought Thought

Hold پٴ Held Held Throw وٽ Threw Thrown

Hurt ،و


Hurt Hurt Wear ٺج Wore Worn

Keep ،ؾٮ٠




Kept Weep جٶ Wept Wept

Kneel وٵ٤ Knelt Knelt Win ٶت Won Won

Know ٦و٫ Knew Known Write ٶزت Wrote Written

Lay ٤ Laid Laid

Lead ك ٲڈ Led Led

ڇاٿ ثوعبء ، ٱجٸ االځزٲبٷ ٹٺجبة اٹزبٹ ، اٱوأ څنا اٹجبة ٽوح أفوډ ؽزى الرڂبڃ أثلا ٹٶ ---

. چٸ ٥ٺٴ ٭چټ ٵضو ٽپب ؤر

Level 10 [Meena] (H.K.)

Active and passive اج ؿ اج غي

، أي tensesڇٹٶڂچټ اٺڈة ٵالٻ ڇ٭چټ tensesٹڈا active and passiveالؽ٠ اٿ اٷ

. اٿ اٹٶالٻ ٶڈٿ اٹٮب٥ٸ ٽ٦ٺڈٽب ٽڀ څڈ ، اڇ اٿ ٶڈٿ اٹٮب٥ٸ ٽغچڈال

څ أٿ ځ٦پٸ علڇٷ ٽڀ active and passive voicesأؽڀ ڇأچٸ وٲخ ٹٮچټ ڇارٲبٿ اٷ

ىء ڇٽ٤ رٶپٸ ط pronounsٽ٤ ر٪و ڈخ ٭ اٷ 47اٹپڈعڈك ٭ ٮؾخ tensesعلڇٷ اٷ

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ڇفبخ اٹغيء personal pronounsڇځؾزبط أٿ ځزنٵو أب اٹغلڇٷ اٹقب ثبٷ . ٭ اٹغپٺخ

. ڇڅٶنا himٷ رزؾڈٷ "he"ڇ ، meرزؾڈٷ ٷ "I"األڇٷ ٭ڄ ؽش ځغل ٽضال أٿ

I [Meena] Me

You You

He Him

She Her

It It

We Us

You You

they Them

Tenses Active Passive [Meena]

Sim. Pr He eats apples Apples are eaten by him

Pa I ate an apple An apple was eaten by me

Fu They will eat apples Apples will be eaten by them

Con. Pr He is eating apples Apples are being eaten by him

Pa I was eating an apple


An apple was being eaten by me

Fu They will be eating apples Apples will be being eaten by


Per. Pr He has eaten apples Apples have been eaten by him

Pa I had eaten an apple An apple had been eaten by me

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Fu They will have eaten


Apples will have been eaten by


p.c. Pr He has been eating apples Apples have been being eaten by


Pa I had been eating an apple An apple had been being eaten by


fu They will have been eating


Apples will have been being eaten

by them

، ٭ ( past٭ اٷ wasأي رؤفن ) itٽٮوك ٭ڂز٦بٽٸ ٽ٦چب ٵؤځچب An apple( 1: ؽع ا٢رال

ڇرؤفن present٭ اٷ haveڇ areأي رؤفن ) theyٵبځچب ځز٦بٽٸ ٽ٦چبعپ٤ ٫ applesؽڀ

will ٭future ) .

٭ڂغل verbثزب٣ اٷ past participle (p.p.)ٶڈٿ كائپب ٭ڄ اٷ passive voiceرٶڈڀ اٷ( 2

: أځڄ

. verb be + past participle (p.p.)ٽڀ passiveزٶڈٿ اٷ simple٭ اٷ

.verb be + being + p.pزٶڈٿ ٽڀ continuousڇ٭ اٷ

.verb have + been + p.pزٶڈٿ ٽڀ Perfectڇ٭ اٷ

.verb have + been + being + p.pزٶڈٿ ٽڀ .perf. Contڇ٭ اٷ

. ڇڅٶنا by meځزجلٹچب ة Iڇ by himٶڈٿ ثلٹچب he كاپب (3

H.W.Complete the following table like the previous one using verb "drink"

Tenses Active Passive [Meena]

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Sim. Pr You drink milk Milk is drunk by you

Pa She drank milk (H.K.) Milk was drunk by her

Fu We shall drink milk

Con. Pr You

Pa She

Fu We

Per. Pr You



p.c. Pr



، ثڂٮ اٺڈة اٹغلڇٷ اٹبث ، ٭ ٵٸ two objectsڇاالٿ ٹڂؤفن عپٺخ أڈٷ ٭چب ٽٮ٦ڈٹڀ ---

passiveٷ األىٽڂخ ، ڇڂغل وٲزڀ ٹ٦پٸ ا

Active (H.K.) Passive

She tells me stories Stories are told to me by her

I am told stories by her

I told them a story A story was told to them by me

They were told a story by me

They will tell us stories Stories will be told to us by them

We shall be told stories by them

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- 120-

She is telling me stories Stories are being told to me by her

I am being told stories by her (H.K.)

I was telling them a story A story was being told to them by me

They were being told a story by me

They will be telling us stories Stories will be being told to us by them

We shall be being told stories by them

She has told me stories [Meena] Stories have been told to me by her

I have been told stories by her

I had told them a story (H.K.) A story had been told to them by me

They had been told a story by me

They will have told us stories Stories will have been told to us by


We shall have been told stories by them

She has been telling me stories Stories have been being told to me by


I have been being told stories by her


I had been telling them a story A story had been being told to them by


They had been being told a story by me

They will have been telling us


Stories will have been being told to us

by them

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- 121-

We shall have been being told stories

by them

toأڇ to meڅنا اٹغلڇٷ څڈ ځٮڄ اٹغلڇٷ اٹبث ٹڄ ، ڇٹٶڀ ٭ٲ أٮڂب ٭ڄ الؽع ا

them أڇ . ..

ڇٽڂچټ ڈعل أب أ٭٦بٷ أفوډ ٽضٺڄ ، ، two objectsؤفن tellڇٵپب أٿ اٹٮ٦ٸ ---

give, ask, send, show, teach, pay

Ex: The men were paid 500$ by him to do the job. [Meena]

I was given two hours by him to make my decision.

ځٶزت ال passive٭ ٵٸ األىٽڂخ ٭ اٹغپٺخ اٹضبځخ ٭ اٷ ٽڀ اٹپپٶڀ ٵپب ځالؽ٠ اځڂب ---

"by --" ڇڅنا الٿ ٥لٻ ٵزبثزچب ٹڀ ٪و ئ ٭ اٹپڈڈ٣ بٹپب اځڄ ٽٮچڈٻ ٽڀ څڈ اٹٮب٥ٸ أڇ

. اٹپب اځڄ ٹڀ چپڂب ٽڀ څڈ اٹٮب٥ٸ

H.W.Complete the following table like the previous one using verb "teach"

Active [Meena] Passive

He teaches you English English is taught to you by him.

You are taught Eng. by him (H.K.)

We taught them Eng. Eng. was taught to them by us

You will teach her Eng.

He is teaching you Eng. Eng. is being taught to you by him

We were teaching them Eng.

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- 122-


He has taught you Eng.

. ڇڅنڃ ث٦ أٽضٺخ أفوډ ---

The room looks nice, somebody has cleaned it

The room looks nice, it has been cleaned (by somebody)

The room looked nice, somebody had cleaned it

The room looked nice, it had been cleaned (by somebody)

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- 123-

key wordsؽ اعزخذا حاغبثك داياال أخز ثؿض أضخ اظ

--- Every Sunday she tells them some short stories =

Every Sunday some short stories are told to them by her

--- While he was writing the letter , they came =

They came while the letter was being written by him

--- By 6:00 o'clock , I'll have told them a story =

By 6:00 o'clock a story will have been told to them by me

--- He has been writing the report to his manager for an hour now =

The report to the manager has been being written by him for an hour now .

--- The new hotel will be opened next month (H.K.)

--- That house is going to be painted after a week

--- leave him , he wants to be left alone

:active and passiveٽ٤ األىٽڂخ ڇاٷ should, must, ought to أؽبځب ځزقلٻ اٹٶٺپبد ---

--- Someone should have cleaned the house last Friday

The house should have been cleaned last Friday

--- Somebody must have stolen her car

Her car must have been stolen [Meena]

--- They ought to have cancelled the meeting

The meeting ought to have been cancelled

، passiveكاپب رؤر ٭ اٷ bornٵٺپخ ---

Where were you born? I was born in Cairo

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- 124-

How many babies are born in this hospital everyday?

: active and passive٭ اٷ ingازقلاٻ ---

I don't like people telling me what to do

I don't like being told what to do

It is said / He is said to: افشق ث١

It is said that he is 90 years old / He is said to be 90 years old.

It is believed that Noha eats one meal a day / Noha is believed to eat one

meal a day. (H.K.)

It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow / The strike is expected

to begin tomorrow.

It is reported that two people were killed / Two people are reported to

have been killed.

: ؾذ ؾ ؽئ

Magdy repaired the roof yesterday (he did it himself)

Magdy had the roof repaired .. (he got someone else to do it)

:ٵزت اٹغپٸ اٹزبٹخ ڇثڂٮ اٺڈة اٹغپٺخ اٹضبځخ ، پٶڀ اٿ ٿ

Have Object Past


We are having the house painted at the


Where did


have your hair



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Roushdy has


had a telephone installed in his flat

I want to have my



Coversation : When will she fix her car ? / It can't be fixed by just one

person / Will you help her? / she will be helped by her brother.

The following is a table of some verbs with their meanings , nouns and

their adjectives :




اؿ Nouns [Meena] Adjectives

Act ٦پٸ، پضٸ Action, actor, Acting, active

Affect ئصو Effect Effective

Amaze لڅ Amazement Amazed / amazing

Apostate ورل ٥ڀ


Apostasy Apostate

Bear ؾزپٸ Bearing (H.K.) Bearable

Beat وة Beat / beating Beaten

Blacken ك ڈ Black Black

Bleed ڂي٫ Bleeding Bleeding

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- 126-

Blow ڂٮـ Blow / blowing Blown

Bow ؾڂ، ڂؾڂ Bow / bowing Bowing

Break ٶو Break / breakage Broken

Build جڂ Builder / building Built / built-up

Care ٦زټ Care Careful

Choose قزبه Choice / choiceness Choice / chosen

Come ؤر Coming Coming [Meena]

Compete ڂب٭ Competition Competitive

Correct ؾؼ Correction, corrector Correct

Differ قزٺ٬ Difference Different (H.K.)

Do ٦پٸ Doing Done

Eat ؤٵٸ Eater Eatable / uneatable



غ٤ Encouragement / courage Encouraging /


Entertain ٺ Entertainment Entertaining



جلٷ Exchange Exchangeable

Excite ضو Excitement Excited / exciting



و Fly / flying Flying

Forgive بٽؼ Forgiver / forgiveness Forgiving

Grow ٽڈ ڀ Growth / grower Grown / grown-up

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Infect ٦لي Infection Infectious

Inform جٺ٨ Information Informative

Lose قو Loser / loss Lost

Make ڂ٤ Make / make-up / maker /


Made / made-up

Marry زيڇط Marriage Married

Organize ڂ٢ټ Organization Organized

Perfect غ٦ٺڄ ٵبٽال Perfection / perfectionist Perfect

Practice ،پبه


Practice Practical

Pride ٮزقو Pride Proud

Read ٲوأ Read / reader / reading Readable / Unreadable

Redden ؾپو Red Red

Regulate ڂ٢ټ Regulation / regularity Regular

Rise ٲڈٻ Rise / rising Risen

Save ڂٲن (H.K.) Safety Safe

Write ٶزت Writer / writing written

The following is a table of some verbs with their meanings , past, past

participle, nouns and their adjectives :

Verb اؿ Past Past



Noun Adjectiv


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Adapt زٶ٬ Adap








Adopt زجڂى Adop































Advis ڂؼ




Advice, adviser,










---d ---d advocate [Meena]

Afflict ،ت


---ed ---ed Affliction Afflicted



d ---d Amazement Amazing--- لڅ

Anoint ،پؼ


---ed ---ed Anointing,



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---ed ---ed Appointment

Bear ؾزپٸ /


Bore Born


Bearing Bearable



ied ---ied Beatification Beatified--- ڈة




ڇٹل ي


، ڂغت

Begot Begot


Begetting (H.K.)



d ---d Believer, belief believabl--- ئٽڀ






---ed ---ed Bestowal

Betray قڈٿ ---ed ---ed Betrayal,




ed ---ed Betrothal--- قت

Bind وث Boun




Blame ،ٺڈٻ


---ed ---ed Blame Blameful



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,ed ---ed Blasphemy--- غل٫


Bless جبهٳ ---ed ---ed Blessedness,




Bound ؾلك

( ٦

( ؽلڇك

---ed ---ed Boundary,








---d ---d Breath, breather Breathles


Cast ،ٺٲ


Cast Cast Cast, casting Cast







---d ---d Catechism,




ؾزٮٸ ---d ---d Celebration,







ة ئك ---ed,







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- 131-


Chase بهك ---d ---d Chase



قزڀ ---d ---d Circumcision Circumci






---ed ---ed Comfort,








---ed ---ed Command,













---ed Confessant,










---d ---d Consecration Consecra






---d ---d Contribution,






ٮل ---ed ---ed







Create قٺ ---d ---d Creator,



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- 132-


Do ٦پٸ Did Done Doer Done





---ed ---ed Darkness, dark Dark





---ed ---ed Deafness Deaf

Die پڈد ---d ---d Death Dead



٦پ ---ed ---ed Depth, deepness Deep

Defile ڂغ ---d ---d Defilement Defiled




/ ڂٲن


---ed ---ed Deliverer,









---ed ---ed Descendents,




ٺ ---d ---d Divorce,







---d ---d Donator,


Elect قزبه ---ed ---ed Elector, election Elect,


Encha ؾو، ---ed ---ed Enchanter, Enchanti

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- 133-

nt ٦ڈى enchantress,





Fast ڈٻ ---ed ---ed Fast, fasting













Free ؾوه ---d ---d Freedom Free

Guide ول ---d ---d Guide, guidance



قپو ---ed ---ed Leaven Leavene







---d ---d Legality,




Live ،ؾب


---d ---d life, living Living,



Love ؾت ---d ---d Love, lover Loving,




زؤٽٸ ---d ---d Meditation Meditati




قلٻ ---ed ---ed Minister,




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---ed ---ed Offence,








٢ٺټ ---ed ---ed Oppression,




Praise جؼ ---d ---d Praise Praisewo



Pray ٺ ---ed ---ed Prayer Prayerful



، ڂجض


---ed ---ed Procession,






زڂجؤ ---ied ---ied Prophecy,









ٺؼ ---ed ---ed Reformist,








---ed ---ed Representation,




Reveal ٦ٺڀ


---ed ---ed Revelation Revealin



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ڂچ ---d ---d Revival Revived

Revise واع٤ ---d ---d Revision Revised




وٽي ---d ---d Symbol,











---d ---d Terror,




Vote ڂزقت ---d ---d Vote, voter,




Level 11 [Meena] (H.K.)

Conditional If (اؾشط١خ)

٬ اٹضبځ ة ٶڈٿ اٹڀ presentٵبٿ ٭ اٷ ifاځڄ ٹڈ عيء اٹغپٺخ ث٦ل ( 1: ثجبخ علا ځٲڈٷ

will ٽضٸ ( ڇٹ اٹؾبو)، ڇٶڈٿ اٹپٲڈك ٵالٻ ٥ڀ اٹپزٲجٸ ،

If he prays , you will succeed.

، ڇٶڈٿ wouldٶڈٿ اٹڂ٬ افو ة pastٵبٿ ٭ اٷ ifڇٹڈ ځ٬ اٹغپٺخ ث٦ل ( 2

، ٽضٸ ( ڇٹ اٹپب)ٱڈك ٵالٻ ٥ڀ اٹؾبو اٹټ

If he prayed , you would succeed.

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ٶڈٿ اٹڂ٬ past perf. (or / past perf. cont.)٭ اٷ ifڇٹڈ ځ٬ اٹغپٺخ ث٦ل ( 3

، ڇٶڈٿ اٹيٽڀ اٹپٲڈك څڈ اٹپب ، ٽضٸ would have + past participleافو ة

If he had prayed , you would have succeeded.

If he had been praying , you would have succeeded.

H.W. Complete the sentences: [Meena]

If she eats, they


If we bought the house, he


If you had done it, he


If he had been working, she


څنڃ څ اٹٲڈا٥ل اٹضالصخ اٹوئخ ، أٽب فال٫ مٹٴ ٭پٶڀ اٹزٶٺټ ثؾت بٯ اٹٶالٻ ڇثؾت ---

أڇ ٵالٻ ٽٮزڈػ ٭ ؽوخ open conditionٽبٮچټ اٹبٽ٤ ، أڇ ٽپٶڀ اٹٲڈٷ اٿ فال٫ مٹٴ پى

: ؽٲبئ صبثزخ ، ڇمٹٴ ٽضٸ open conditionاٹزٶٺټ ثؾت ٽبٮچټ اٹبٽ٤ ، ڇ٭ اٷ

If you are right , I'm wrong

: ڇٽبٺ أٽضٺخ أفوډ ٥ٺى اٹٲڈا٥ل اٹضالصخ اٹوئخ ---

If he goes to the club tomorrow , I'll meet him.

If I were you , I would pray every time. (H.K.)

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If he had informed the police , he would not have been killed.

پٶڀ أٿ ځؤر ثبٹغيء األفو ٽڀ اٹغپٺخ أڇال ifڇځالؽ٠ أٿ ٭ ٵٸ څنڃ اٹغپٸ ، أي كائپب ٽ٤

٭ اٹغيء األفو ، ٽضٸ ifڇرٶڈٿ

I'll meet him if he goes to the club tomorrow.

ٽ٤ wereپٶڀ أٿ ځزقلٻ if، ٭پ٤ I ٽ٤ wereڇځالؽ٠ اځڂب ٭ اٹغپٺخ اٹضبځخ ازقلٽڂب

، ڇٹٶڀ ٽپٶڀ أب ځزقلٻ verb beثلٷ اٹزو٬ اٹ٦بكي ٷ (pronouns)ٵٸ اٹپبئو

اٹزو٬ اٹ٦بكي ، ٭پضال

.If he were at home , he would help herپٶڀ أٿ ځٲڈٷ

.If he was at home , he would help her ڇأب پٶڀ أٿ ځٲڈٷ

: رى وب٢ر ifؿ أعئخ ة

--- 1) What will you do if you have a lot of money? I'll buy a car.

2) What would you do if you had a lot of money? I'd buy a car. (H.K.)

3) What would you have done if you had had a lot of money? I would have

bought a car.

--- 1) If you have a lot of money , will you buy a car?

Yes, I will buy a car. No, I won't buy a car.

2) If you had a lot of money , would you buy a car?

Yes, I would. No, I wouldn't. [Meena]

3) If you had had a lot of money , would you have bought a car? Yes, I'd

have bought a car. No, I wouldn't have bought a car.

څڈ اٹؾبو ( 2)څڈ اٹپزٲجٸ ڇ٭ ځپوح ( 1)ڇٵپب ٱٺڂب ٽڀ ٱجٸ ، اٹيٽڀ اٹپٲڈك ٭ ځپوح ---

. ٹپب څڈ ا( 3)ڇ٭ ځپوح

: ڇڅ ڇأمٵو االفزبهاد اٹز رٶٺپڂب ٥ڂچب ٽڀ ٱجٸ ---

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1)I'll افزبهI shall .2 )I won't افزبهI will not .3 )I'd افزبهI would

. I had ڇافزبه

H.W. Answer the questions with Yes and No:

If he has good health, will he help her?

Yes, _________________________ No,


If they prayed a lot, would she give you some help?

Yes, _________________________ No,


If we had prayed, would they have succeeded? [Meena]

Yes, _________________________ No,


٭ٶڈٿ ٵٸ ئ ٵپب څڈ ، ځٮ اٹٲڈا٥ل ڇځٮ "if not"ثذي unlessڇٽپٶڀ ازقلاٻ

: اٹپ٦ڂى ، أٽضٺخ

If he doesn't work hard , they won't pay him.

Unless he works hard , they won't pay him.

If he didn't go out , we would visit him. (H.K.)

Unless he went out, we would visit him.

If I hadn't visited your brother , I wouldn't have seen you.

Unless I had visited your brother , I wouldn't have seen him.

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Sheriff can't hear unless you shout :ٽضٸ "except if" رؿ unlessڇأؽبځب ---

: wouldثلٷ ٽڀ ifٽ٤ could , mightڇپٶڀ أب ازقلاٻ ---

We could go out if it stopped raining.

She could get a job more easily if she could type.

We might have won if we'd played better. (we'd = we had)

If the weather hadn't been so bad , we could have gone out.

رپڂ )٢ٸ ٵٸ ئ ٵپب څڈ ، ڇٹٶڀ ٶڈٿ اٹپٲڈك څڈ اٹزپڂ ifثؿذ onlyڇاما أٮڂب ---

: ٭ اٹٮؾخ اٹٲبكٽخ ، ڇٹٶڀ ٵپضبٷ wish، ڇڅنا ڂلهڄ ٽ٤ ( ؽلڇس اٹئ

If only he was at home , he would help her.

Wishes [Meena] (and if only)

[1] If the wish is in the future, we use present simple tense after

"wish" . Ex.: It will rain tomorrow, I wish it doesn't rain.

[2] If the wish is in the present simple (or present continuous), we use

past tense after "wish" (H.K.)

Ex: 1) I am short , I wish (if only) I was tall (I wish I wasn't short)

2) I don't have a nice watch , if only I had this watch .

3) He always comes late , if only he would come early .

4) Omar and Aly are shouting, their father wishes they would stop arguing.

5) It is raining hard , I wish it would stop raining.

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--- 6) If the wish is fulfilled , there would be a consequence .

ex: We live far away from the beach , I wish we lived near the beach all

the time , then I could swim everyday .

[3] If the wish is in the past, we use past perfect tense after "wish"

Ex: 1) He ate too much , he wishes he hadn't eaten too much .

2) She came late , I wish she would've come early . [Meena]

--- 3) If the wish was fulfilled , there would have been a consequence.

Ex: I didn't know that Mary was ill , I wish I'd (I had) known that she was

ill , then I'd (I would) have gone to see her. (H.K.)

--- [4] love to / like to (would --) (ثپ٦ڂى اٹزپڂ ڇٹ ثپ٦ڂى ٽؾجخ)

1) I'd love to get a car . 2) I'd like to apply to work as .. .. .

3) She would like to buy a house .

جچخ ، conditional ifٽ٤ اٷ tensesالؽ٢ڂب ٽڀ ٵٸ ٽبج ، اٿ اٷ : ب ---

٭ اٹؾبو ( if only :1أڇ wishأڇ if، اي ٥ڂلٽب ٶڈٿ اٹٮ٦ٸ ث٦ل if onlyأڇ wishة

ٶڈٿ اٹيٽڀ ٭ اٹپب ڇ٥ڂلٽب ٶڈٿ اٹٮ٦ٸ( 2 .ٶڈٿ اٹيٽڀ اٹني ٲلڃ اٹپزٶٺټ ٭ اٹپزٲجٸ

ٶڈٿ ٥past perfectڂلٽب ٶڈٿ اٹٮ٦ٸ ث٦لڅټ ٭ اٷ ڇ( 3 .اٹني ٲلڃ اٹپزٶٺټ څڈ اٹؾبو

: اٹيٽڀ اٹني ٲلڃ اٹپزٶٺټ څڈ اٹپب ، ڇڅنڃ أٽضٺخ أفوډ ٹٺزڈؼ

I didn't know that you were ill. If I'd known that you were ill, I'd have

gone to see you.

I didn't know that you were ill. I wish (if only) I'd known that you were

ill, then I'd have gone to see you.

: زغ١ؽ و ف أضخ اؽذح زؾبثخ

1) If he goes to the club tomorrow, I'll meet him.

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Unless he goes to the club tomorrow, I'll not meet him.

I wish (if only) he goes to the club tomorrow, then I'll meet him.

2) If I were you, I would pray every time. (H.K.)

Unless I were you, I would not pray every time.

I wish (if only) I were you, then I would pray every time.

3) If he had informed the police, he would not have been killed.

Unless he had informed the police, he would have been killed.

I wish (if only) he had told the police, then he would not have been killed.

H.W. complete the following

If they went home, she would see them



I wish (if only)


اٹز ر٦ڂ only if، ڇثڀ wishاٹز ر٦ڂ if only ٠غت از١١ض ث١ : ح ؾظ ---

as long as , or , provided that , or , providing that ٽضبٷ ، :

You may use my car as long as (but only if) you drive carefully.

Letters [Meena]خطبثبد

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أي اٷ " اٹوح اٹنارخ"ڇڂٶزت عڈاة رٲلټ ٥ٺى ٥پٸ ، ڇڅڈ ثبٹج٤ ٶڈٿ ٽو٭ ٹٸ

"resume" ( أڇ اٷ"C. V." ) ڇٱل رقزٺ٬ اٹ٪خ ٱٺال ڇٹٶڀ األٵضو ازقلاٽب څڈ ، :

Dear sir or Madam,

I would like to apply for (to work for) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .

Sincerely yours

Magdy Youssef

Dear Sir (Dear Madam), (H.K.)ٽپٶڀ ځجلأ ة ---

: ثؤي ڇاؽلح ٽپب ؤر sincerely yoursڇٽپٶڀ ځقزټ ثلٷ ---

Yours sincerely / yours respectfully / respectfully yours.

ڇاٹزبهـ ، ( اٹپوٸ اٹڄ)، ٥ڂڈاٿ اٹپزٺټ Dear sir٭ڈٯ ٥ٺى اٹپبٷ ڇٽپٶڀ أٿ ځ٤ ---

. Dear sirٽپٶڀ أب ځ٤ اٹزبهـ ٥ٺى اٹپڀ أ٥ٺى ٽڀ ڇ

أڇ ثلائٺچب، ٥ٺى اٹبه، ڇځ٤ رؾزچټ اٹڈ١ٮخ أڇ sincerely yoursڇٽپٶڀ أٿ ځ٤ ---

. Job titleاٹورجخ اٹؾبٹخ

. ځٶپٸ ثٶزبثخ اٹڈ١ٮخ اٹپٺڈثخ ڇهٱټ ا٥الځچب Dear sirڇٽپٶڀ ٭ أڇٷ و رؾذ ---

: ٵٸ ٽب ٭بد ثبځڄ ٽڀ اٹپپٶڀ أٿ ٶڈٿ اٹغڈاة ٵبر خـ


12 Rameses St.

Cairo , Egypt

November 13, 2003

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to apply to work for (عچخ اٹ٦پٸ) , as a

"Construction Engineer", Job announcement # 1234. … …. ………

……… ………………………... …… ………… ………… …………… .

Respectfully yours

Magdy Youssef

Project manager

اغ١شح ازار١خ

Resume (C.V.) [Meena]

. resume٭ اٹ٦ڂڈاٿ ثلٷ ".C. V"الؽ٠ اځڄ پٶڀ ٵزبثخ

: ڇ٥بكح رٶڈٿ اٹوح اٹنارخ ٵبر

Name :

Telephone # :

E-mail address :

Mailing address :

Objective :

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Education :

Experience : (start with the most recent job or the current job , and write

the date , for instance :) (H.K.)

From: November 2001- To: Now (or may 2003)

(then describe your job)

…………. ……. …………. …..

………….. ………....

From: June 2000 – To: November 2001 [Meena]

……….. …………. ……..

……. ………. … ……………

Interests and skills :

H.W. There is a job vacancy for an accountant , and you

want to apply , write your C.V. and the attached letter.

Street directions : Excuse me , how can I get to ABC club? / go straight

ahead , make left at this coming square , then turn right on the second

street , it'll be on your left hand side .

Eating : I'll have big breakfast this morning / what will you have for

breakfast ? / bread and butter and fried eggs with sausages / tea or coffee ?

/ tea with milk please . (H.K.)

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Everyday life : Have the children left for school , honey ? / yes , they

have , darling . I'm going to make the beds and clean the living room . /

and I'll help some before going to work / oh yes , you must hurry , the

traffic is very heavy today .

-- How about going out for a walk after dinner ? / that is fine and

tomorrow we'll go to see some friends .

-- It's bedtime / not yet dad / ok. , come , take off your clothes and put on

your pajamas .

-- Where is he ? / At the bank / where is the bank ? / on 33 Ramses st.

-- That is a nice watch, where is it from, Japan? / No, from Italy .

-- Good morning mother / good morning son / where are my sandwiches ?

/ come and have breakfast at the table , it is better for your health .

-- Are you going downtown tomorrow ? / Yes, I am / may you get a train

ticket for I'll be working many hours all this week. / ok.

-- Now that the school year has come to an end, how will you spend the

summer vacation? / I'll go to U.S.A / who are you going to visit there? /

my family.

-- Do you want me to bring you anything for lunch? / No, thanks I had

eaten a sandwich before I left home.

-- Have you ever been to London? / Yes, I went there once and I have

travelled to U.S. many times.

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-- Are Ahmed and George doing their homeworks? / no, they aren't /

what are they doing? / they are playing on the computer / since when? /

they have been doing this since six o'clock (for 3 hours now).

Comprehension: The concept of love

The best thing in the world is to love God and love everyone

through or within our love for God.

It is great to love our parents, life partener, children, friends, and

everyone, and even our enemies. We should love them as we said , through

and within our love to God. Therefore, love should be wise and spiritual,

for there are kinds of false love that may cause harm and may destroy a lot

of things. True love wants always to give as to receive.

What may false love cause? _____________________________________


What is the greatest thing? ______________________________________


About the following topic: Virtues and vices with other concepts.

1) Write a dialogue between you and one or more of your friends (at least

5 lines).

2) Write an essay (at least 7 lines).

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Level 12 [Meena] (H.K.)

Direct and Indirect Speech

Statements 2) Questions 3) Commands (1: ڂلهڄ ٭ اٹضالس ؽبالد

: ٶڈٿ ؽت اٹغلڇٷ ار indirectٹٸ directڇثجبخ ځٲڈٷ اٿ اٹزؾڈٸ ٽڀ اٷ

Direct [Meena] Indirect

1 Present (simple, continuous) Past (simple, continuous)

2 Will (H.K.) Would

3 Past simple or present perfect Past perfect

4 Would + infinitive (اٹپله) Would have + past participle

5 Fact (ؽٲٲخ أڇ ڇاٱ٤) Stays the same (رجٲى ٵپب څ)

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: ٵبر indirectٹٸ directٽڀ اٷ ڇث٦ اٹٶٺپبد زټ ر٪وڅب أب

+ This – that / these – those / here – there / now – then ( at that time ) /

come – go, go – go, came-went, went-went / ago – before / today – that

day / tomorrow – the next day, the day after , the following day / yesterday

– the day before, the previous day / may – might . [Meena]

: ڇثبٹڂجخ ٹٺٶٺپبد ارخ ر٢ٸ ٵپب څ

Must , might , could , would , should , ought

األٽضٺخ اٹزبٹخ ٽورجخ ؽت رورت اٹٲڈا٥ل ٭ اٹغلڇٷ )األضخ ازب١خ رضؼ ز اماؾذ

: (اٹبث

1) Statements (said to -- / told -- that)

1) Mark said to me, "I am learning French" - direct

He told me that he was learning French - indirect (reported)

2) He said to Mary, "I will come tomorrow"

He told Mary that he would go the next day .

3) He said to me, "I finished my work"

He told me that he had finished his work .

4) He said, "If I had the money , I would buy a house" .

He said that if he had had the money he would have bought a house .

5) When what is said is a fact, it remains the same.

He said, "The triangle has 3 sides" (H.K.)

He said that the triangle has 3 sides .

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2) Questions (said to -- / asked – if, asked --, wanted to know )

--- Roushdy said, "What time do the banks close?"

He wanted to know what time the banks closed.

--- John said to me, "Are you playing now?"

He asked me if I was (were) playing at that time.

--- The policeman said to us, "Where are you going?"

He asked us where we were going

--- "Did you speak French?" He said to me.

He asked me if I had spoken French.

3) Commands (said to -- / ordered -- to , requested --to , asked -- to)

--- He said to me, "Go away"

He ordered me to go away [Meena]

--- He said to him, "Play the piano, please"

He requested him to play the piano.

--- He said to them, "Don’t shut the door"

He asked them not to shut the door.

All the previous examples are when what was said , was in the past

(said to), but if the act is in the present (say) or in the future (will say) , the

sentence does not change .

Ex: 1) He says , "This work is too difficult"

He says that this work is too difficult. (H.K.)

2) He will say, "This work is too difficult"

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He will say that this work is too difficult.

H.W. rewrite the following sentences in the indirect form: [Meena]

1) They said "We are students" / They


2) He said "I'll be playing football tomorrow"



3) She said "I've just finished"


4) we say "she is beautiful"


5) you will say "He is smart"


6) They said to me "Are you the English teacher?"



7) I said to him "Go away"


N.B .: 1) It is always better to use the direct speech, than the indirect


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2) It's not always necessary to change the verb when we change the

direct into the indirect speech (the reported speech) especially if we are

reporting (saying) something and we feel that it is still true or still

happening : (H.K.)

Ex: Ahmed said "I want to go to Egypt"

Ahmed said (that) he wants (or wanted) to go to Egypt.

Zaki said "I woke up feeling ill and so I stayed in bed"

Zaki said (that) he woke (or had woken) up feeling ill and so he stayed (or

had stayed) in bed.

:وبد زؾبثخ رض١ؼ افشق ث١ب ف ع

H.W. ( ضؽ و ف عخ أخشضشس ؾبخ )

Above / over : who live in the flat above you? / the lamp is over the desk

Near / beside / next to : our house is near the sea / we sit beside each

others / our house is next to the bank. [Meena]

Below / under (underneath) : the temperature is below freezing point / put

it under the table (H.K.) [Meena]

In front of / opposite / before : behave in a better way before the children /

our house is opposite the bank / put matters before God in prayers

Too / enough (too comes before the adjective but enough comes after it) :

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Magdy is too young to go to school

Magdy can't go to school this year because he is not old enough.

May / might : might is the past of may , and sometimes it is used when

there is less possibility , and also for politeness .

Ex : Where is your brother today? he may be at work.

What is he doing now? He might be watching TV.

Should (ought to) / must : [Meena]

You should (ought to) do it ر٦پٺچب( زؾڀ)اٹپٮوڇ

You must do it الىٻ ر٦پٺچب

Deed / work / job / occupation /

career (ځبٿٽچڂخ اٹؾبح اٹ٦پٺخ ٹال) /profession (ٽچڂخ االځبٿ اٹز كهچبأڇ رلهة ٥ٺچب) :

Ex : repent of your evil deeds / he wants to finish his work now / he wants

to get a good fulltime job / what is your occupation? I'm a doctor / he

started his career 3 years ago / teaching is a profession.

Leave / stop / forsake (leave forever) / quit (stop and leave) :

Ex : she left her book on the desk / you must stop this loud noise / they all

forsook him after he had become poor / he quit smoking

Speak / talk :

Ex : do you speak English / speak good things / it is I who speak /

I'll not talk much with you because I have something to do / this is he

whom you need to talk to .

Like / as : (like is followed by a noun or a pronoun / as is followed by

subject + verb)

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Ex : It is like the other one / like me (you, him, her, it, us, them) / like this

(that, these, those) / like someone (or something)

Write it as it is / just as I told you / stay as you are / as usual / as you


NB. Sometimes we also put a noun after as : 1) when we talk about

someone's job, or 2) how we use something

Ex : 1) He worked as a bus driver. 2) This hotel was used as a hospital.

"A few" , "many" and "a lot of" are used with countable plural nouns ,

ex: she bought a few pens

"A little" , "much" and "a lot of" are used with uncountable nouns

ex : please , I need a little rest.

Things to know

in case ؾؾب /in case of ف ؽبخ

After "in case" comes "subject + verb" , but after "in case of" comes


--- He wears two watches in case one of them stops.

We bought more food in case they came.

We rang the bell again in case they hadn't heard the first time.

--- In case of emergency , telephone this number.

duringث١ whileافشق ث١

After while comes "subject + verb" , but after during comes "noun"

Ex: He ate while he was watching TV.

He ate during the film [Meena]

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: ثؿض اىبد اعزخذابد

"need"اعزخذابد وخ

I need to rest. / I needed to rest / the house needs cleaning

I don't need to rest / I didn't need to rest / the house doesn't need

cleaning [Meena]

I needn't rest / I needn't have rested (it wasn't necessary but I rested) / the

house needn't cleaning.

: "mind"اعزخذابد وخ

Keep (bear, have) in mind to do it tomorrow

Keep (set) your mind on your work.

Turn (put) your mind to it.

She took her mind off her sorrow

Have you made up your mind yet? No, I'm still in two minds about it

He is out of his mind (he's mad)

I'm sorry , I broke the bottle . Never (don't) mind, we'll get another one.


At the airport : I'd like to check in for flight number 758 that is going to

London / ok., may I have your ticket and passport? / sure , here you are /

thanks , the boarding time is ten fifteen , and here is your boarding pass /

thank you .

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The customs : Which is your luggage ? / this is my luggage , two

suitcases and a handbag / have you anything to declare ? / yes I have a

mobile phone and some presents .

Ordering goods from a supermarket : Yes, please , I'd like some goods

to be sent to my home / sure sir , can I take your home address / yea, I live

in 33 Rameses St. , second floor appartment # 4 / good , and what would

you like? / I need a bottle of milk , three kilos of rice , one coffee creamer

medium size and a bag of sugar .

Tourism : Where are you from ? / I'm from Cairo, Egypt / oh, that's great,

I'd love to visit Egypt sometime / you're very welcome, and you'll find

good hospitality from all Egyptians there

At the railway station : Can I help you? / yes please, I'd like a ticket to

Aswan / what day and time ? / next Monday at 7:00 am. (in the morning) /

first or second class? / first class / ok. here you are / thank you / you're

very welcome. (H.K.)

At the doctor's clinic : Doctor , my eyes hurt me much / how long have

you had this? / for about a week now / don't worry , let me see / they get

red especially when I use the computer / I'll give you eye drops , you

should use it two times a day and everything will be ok. / Thank you.

Comprehension : How to spend leisure time :

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Leisure time can be useful or harmful. Among the useful things that suits

leisure time , to those who can read and like reading , is to read. It is

important to choose such a reading that is useful for building your

personality intellectually, spiritually and socially … .

Another method is listening, listen to your father and mother, to friends, to

cassette tapes and to the T.V., but in all this you should choose useful

things for you.

No objection at all to getting some entertainment , amusement, rest or

relaxation, for all these things are also useful and no one can continuously

concentrate, be serious, or be in tension all the time.

To summarize the whole matter , everything can be useful to me if I do it

the right way, in the right place and in the best time.

Is there a problem of getting some rest? ___________________________


What is useful for us? _________________________________________


Is reading useful to everyone? ___________________________________


About: How can we, easily, learn and be excellent at English

1) Write a dialogue between you and one or more of your friends (at least

7 lines). 2) Write an essay (at least 10 lines).

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Speaking English : [Meena] Now , after you have studied this book by

heart and have memorized everything in it , can you speak , read and write

English good? / yes, sure , not only good but very good , now I'm

excellent and brilliant at English / could you make up your own

conversations as you need in your daily life? / of course / will you help

others learning English? / sure, I will / will you do this honestly / Yes,

I promise to do it honestly , so that God may also help me when I'm in

need / very good , you are a good person , may God be with you / and also

with you sir / thank you / thank you sir very much .