Page 1: 高中基础 (2247 期 20150414) 7 版 Finland to Abandon Teaching by Subjects

高中基础 (2247 期 20150414) 7版Finland to Abandon Teaching by Subjects

Page 2: 高中基础 (2247 期 20150414) 7 版 Finland to Abandon Teaching by Subjects

1. What does PISA stand for?

Programme for International Student Assessment

Programme for International Student Assessment

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Here is one part of the PISA reading test. Try to get the answers.

Peanut Allergy AlertLemon Cream Biscuits

Date of alert: 04 FebruaryManufacturer’s Name: Fine Foods LtdProduct information: 125g Lemon Cream Biscuits (Best before 18 June and Best before 01 July)Details: Some biscuits in these batches may contain pieces of peanut, which are not included in the ingredient list. People with an allergy to peanuts should not eat these biscuits. Consumer action: If you have bought these biscuits you may return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund. Or call 1800 0340241 for further information.

Peanut Allergy AlertLemon Cream Biscuits

Date of alert: 04 FebruaryManufacturer’s Name: Fine Foods LtdProduct information: 125g Lemon Cream Biscuits (Best before 18 June and Best before 01 July)Details: Some biscuits in these batches may contain pieces of peanut, which are not included in the ingredient list. People with an allergy to peanuts should not eat these biscuits. Consumer action: If you have bought these biscuits you may return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund. Or call 1800 0340241 for further information.

Supermarket Notice

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Question1: What is the purpose of this notice? A. To advertise Lemon Cream Biscuits. B. To tell people when the biscuits were made. C. To warn people about the biscuits. D. To explain where to buy Lemon Cream Biscuits.

Question2: What would you do if you had bought these biscuits? Why would you do this? Use the information from the text to support your answer.

Question 3: Why does the notice include “Best before” dates?

Ask for my money back because the manufacturer tells me to.

To identify the batches.

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2. Do you know the top five countries or regions in the PISA rankings in 2009 and 2012?

2009 2012

1. Shanghai, China Shanghai, China

2. Korea Singapore

3. Finland Hong Kong, China

4. Hong Kong, China Taipei, China

5. Singapore Korea

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3. How much do you know about Finland’s education system?

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While reading

Complete the sentences according to the article.

With ______1______ cancelled gradually, Finland is going to

teach by phenomena instead of by subjects. The ______ 2 ______ is

one course that will be taught in the future. Pasi Silander doesn’t

think old ways of teaching still have much ______ 3 ______ in the

21st century. The country needs a more ______ 4 ______ where

teachers work out the curriculum together. Hopefully, it will have

been expanded throughout Finland by 2020 when fewer students

______ 5 ______ about the purpose of learning the subjects.

traditional lessons

European Union

practical purpose

collaborative system

make complaints

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Answer the following questions. 1. Why do teachers in other countries go to Finland in

large numbers?

2. What is the possible change to Finland’s basic education?

3. Who doesn’t support the idea of teaching phenomena?

4. What else will the teachers who agree to “co-teaching” get?

Because they want to learn from Finland which always ranks near the top in PISA.

It is considering abandoning teaching by subjects.

Teachers who have been teaching single subjects their whole careers.

They will get a small bonus on top of their salaries.

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Language study

Replace the underlined parts with the words from the article.

1. There is no solution that will completely get rid of the possibility

of theft.

2. The Nobel Prize is admired as one of the best and most

important awards in the world.

3. They are proposing big and important changes to the tax system.

4. The social security system needs to be improved in a more

effective way.

5. This vaccine (疫苗 ) is already used as a normal part of the job.






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Sentence structure

The new system is much more collaborative,

forcing teachers from different areas to come

up with the curriculum together.

本句中 forcing是现在分词作结果状语,即主句导致了非谓语动作的发生。除了现在分词外,动词不定式结构 only to do也可表示结果,一般是指与主观意愿相悖的结果。

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Translate the following sentences with the phrases above.

1. 我们匆忙赶到车站,却发现末班车已经开走了。

2. 他的父母在战争中去世,使他成为了一名孤儿。

3. 昨夜雨下得很大,造成了整个山区洪水泛滥。

We got to the station hurriedly, only to find that the last train had left.

His parents were killed in the war, making him an orphan.

It rained heavily last night, causing severe flooding in the whole mountain area.

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After reading Do you think teaching by phenomena

outweighs teaching by subjects? What are the

advantages and disadvantages of these two

types of education? Make a list and discuss it

with your classmates. Advantages Disadvantag
