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talkingENGLISH Engels conversatie A1

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Table of contents

lesson 1 Introduction

Page 6

lesson 2 Improve your memory

Page 12

lesson 3 Daily Life at home

Page 20

lesson 4 Time flies!

Page 28

lesson 5 Travel

Page 36

lesson 6 The weather

Page 46

lesson 7 Health and the body

Page 54

lesson 8 Shopping

Page 62

lesson 9 At the restaurant

Page 72

lesson 10 Evaluation

Page 82

Extra Page 84

Key to exercises Page 93

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Welkom bij de cursus Engels Conversatie A1 van talkingENGLISH.

U hebt de stap genomen om te gaan werken aan uw Engels.

Het kan zijn dat u in het verleden een aantal jaren Engels onderwijs heeft gehad, maar

het is wat weggezakt en u wilt dit weer ophalen. Of misschien wilt u gewoon wat

schroom overwinnen om Engels te spreken.

Wij willen u helpen om uw persoonlijke doel te bereiken.

De lessen van de komende 10 weken zijn erop gericht om uw Engelse

spreekvaardigheid op een hoger niveau te brengen.

U zult merken dat er in de groep niveauverschillen zijn, maar laat u daar vooral niet

door ontmoedigen. Het gaat erom dat u uw persoonlijke leerdoel bereikt.


Elke les heeft een bepaald thema. Aan de hand van dit thema wordt de les vorm

gegeven. Door middel van diverse gevarieerde activiteiten oefen je het toepassen van de

taal (binnen het thema).

Natuurlijk ligt de nadruk op het spreken. Daarnaast komen lezen, luisteren, schrijven,

vocabulaire en Engelse uitspraak aan bod.

Verder besteden we aandacht aan strategieën hoe je een taal kunt leren beheersen.

Luistervaardigheid: De docent spreekt tijdens de les bijna uitsluitend Engels. Deze input

helpt u om later in de les zelf zinnen te formuleren. Daarnaast kunt u zelf thuis oefenen

in luistervaardigheid via media (Internet, TV) middels huiswerkopdrachten.

Woordenschat: Spelenderwijs wordt uw woordenschat verhoogd met tenminste 10

nieuwe woorden per les. Dit heeft u echter zelf in de hand. De niveauverschillen maken

dat niet iedereen dezelfde woordenschat heeft. Daarom bouwt u uw eigen ‘database’

van woorden die voor u nieuw zijn, tot een minimum van 100.

Spreekvaardigheid: De lessen bevatten veel gespreksoefeningen die in 2-tallen of in

kleine groepjes worden gedaan.

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Het lesmateriaal bestaat uit:

1. Een reader, de leidraad voor de 10 lessen van deze cursus. Het programma van elke

les wordt precies beschreven, zodat u kunt zien wat u in elke les kunt verwachten.

In de reader wordt af en toe verwezen naar geluidsfragmenten. U kunt deze

beluisteren via het studentengedeelte op de website van talkingENGLISH.

2. Vocabulary / chunks notebook.

Het vocabulary / chunks notebook aan het eind van elk hoofdstuk is een hulpmiddel

om je woordenschat te vergroten en ook om je voortgang bij te houden tijdens de


In tegenstelling tot een echt woordenboek, waarin woorden op alfabet te vinden

zijn, volgt dit woordenboek het cursusprogramma. Op deze manier leer je de

woorden in context.


Language ‘chunks’ zijn groepen van woorden of zinsdelen die we als aparte eenheid

kunnen beschouwen. Bijvoorbeeld, als we horen ‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’

dan weten we dat ‘Would you like …’ betekent dat de spreker iets aanbiedt aan de

ontvanger. We kunnen zeggen dat ‘Would you like …’ een language chunk is. Als we

elk woord apart analyseren verliezen we de betekenis.

Probeer tijdens het TV kijken of tijdens de les deze chunks te herkennen.

Probeer elke week minimaal 10 nieuwe woorden / chunks toe te voegen.

3. Toegang tot online informatie.

Op de website van talkingENGLISH is een apart gedeelte voor studenten van

talkingENGLISH. Op deze pagina vindt u extra informatie, links naar websites,

grammatica, etc.

Hoe kom ik bij de online informatie? Ga naar:


Would you like to meet your fellow students outside class? Go to our Facebook-

page/events, and press the ‘’JOIN’’ button. URL:

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1 st lesson


Lesson Aim: Get to know each other

Proverb for the week: Experience is the best teacher

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The teacher will introduce the course.

Structure, vocabulary/chunks notebook, diary, student website.

Writing exercise

Make notes of all the things you understand about the teacher’s


A. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

B. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

C. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

D. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

E. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

F. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

G. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Introduce yourself

Speaking Exercise Interview each other. Find a partner (someone you don’t know) and interview each other, using the question form below and on the next page. When you’ve finished, find another person you don’t know, introduce yourself and ask each other the questions. Take notes of the information you receive! You will introduce 1 person to the rest of the class.



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Questions: Possible answers:

1. What’s your name?

1. My name is …………………………..

2. Where are you from?

2. I’m from ………………………….

3. Do you have any

children /


3. Yes, I do, I have ………………..Their names

are: ……………………….

They live in …………………………………….

4. Do you work? What

kind of work do you

do? Do you enjoy it?

4. Yes, I do. I work at ………………….. as a


I enjoy it very much/no, I just work for the


No, I don’t

Hello Claudia, how

are you?

Hi Susan, I’m fine, how are you?

When I meet someone new, I

often feel nervous. How

about you?

I’d like to ask you some

questions. First, where are

you from?

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Questions: Possible answers:

5. What are your


5. I like to:


(Read – draw – paint - play a musical

instrument - listen to Music -

handicraft - knit embroider)

6. Why did you sign up

for this English


6. I signed up for this course, because ……….

‘I want to meet people and learn

English at the same time’

‘I want to be able to talk to my

family abroad’

‘I just want to brush up my English’

7. ………. 7. ……….

Speaking exercise

Introduce a person to the class.


This is Anneke

She’s from Zwolle

She has two children and three grandchildren

She likes to play the piano

She signed up for the course because she wants to brush up

her English


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Personal Aim for this course Formulate your Personal Aim for this course: at home

At the end of this course I want to be able to:





Make a word Bubble with the word:


Make a start with your Vocabulary Database, using your

Vocabulary / Chunks Notebook.

Evaluate the lesson by making a diary entry: what have you

learned this lesson?

How do you feel about speaking English? What are your


Check out the student’s page of the talkingENGLISH website.

Go to: and click on: the

flatmates. This is a series of cartoon clips. Listen to it

carefully, practice speaking by parroting. What is this

episode about? Write a short summary in your diary.

Read the study tips in the back of the book.



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Vocabulary / Chunks Notebook

Diary What have you learned?

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2 nd lesson Improve your memory

Lesson Aim: Tips on how to improve your memory

Proverb for the week: Let’s call it a day!

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Introduction: How was your week? What was your personal highlight of the week?

Report on homework.

The Present Simple Tense –

de gewone Tegenwoordige Tijd

In de present simple komt er bij

he, she en it een –s achter het

werkwoord. Dit geldt ook voor

namen van 1 persoon

Susan = she, dus: Susan loves


I like listening to music

You love comics

He/Jack likes his family

She/Susan loves tattoos

It hates strawberries

We hate gossip

You dislike your name

They adore pets.


Als een werkwoord eindigt op –y

krijgt dat werkwoord –ies bij he,

she en it.

I study at home – she studies at home

Let op!

Als er een klinker (a, e, i, o, u) voor

de –y staat, verandert de uitgang

niet in –ies, maar geldt de normale

regel: een –s achter het werkwoord

zetten bij he, she en it.

I buy a book – she buys a book

I play hockey – She plays hockey

De present Simple van To be en

To have

Veel voorkomende, onregelmatige


I am fond of dressing up

You are crazy about animals

He/She is into painting

It is interested in birds

We are fond of dancing

You are really into sports

They are fond of travelling

I have 2 daughters

You have a lovely dress

He/she/it has dark hair

We have a dog

You have a job

They have many friends

Extra Materials: Study Tips on the student page of the website

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Grammar Practice

Simple Present A. Geef de juiste vorm van de present simple: 1. John _____________ in a bank. (to work) 2. I usually _____________ on Fridays. (to go out) 3. We _____________ skirts and dresses. (to manufacture) 4. She _____________ English very well. (to understand) 5. He ________ not ________ in Breda. He _____________ in Putten. (to live) Homework 6. What time _________ you _____________ work? (to finish) 7. I __________ from Tuesday to Friday. I _______ not ________ on Monday. (to work) 8. What time _________ she _________ the bus in the morning? She usually ___________ the

bus at eight o’clock. (to take) 9. She _____________ my cousin. (to be) 10. Her parents ________ not _________ fish. (to like) Nederlanders hebben de neiging om de zg. –ing vorm te gebruiken, terwijl eigenlijk de gewone tegenwoordige tijd gebruikt moet worden. Wanneer gebruik je de een en wanneer de ander?

Wat is de betekenis van de onderstaande zinnen?

Gewone tegenwoordige tijd -ing vorm

John plays soccer. John is playing soccer

What do you do? What are you doing?

Leonard plays soccer every Tuesday Leonard is playing soccer on Tuesday

De gewone tegenwoordige tijd gebruik je als iets een feit of een gewoonte is.

Je gebruikt de –ing vorm als je iets van plan bent, als je het kunt vertalen met: ….

Hij is aan het …..

Je gebruikt de –ing vorm als iets een poosje duurt, het heet daarom ook wel de


Speaking exercise

Tell your neighbour what 5 activities you do every day. Which tense do you use? Simple

Present or Continuous?

Share your answers with the class.

Look around you and write 3 things you see happening.

Which tense do you use? Simple Present or Continuous?

Share your answers with the class.

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Do you have a good memory?

Look at the pictures and think of the English words for the items (if you don’t know a

word, look it up in your dictionary).

Try to remember each item in the picture.

Cover the picture and list/write down the things you can remember.

Compare your list with your partner. What things did you forget? Did you list anything

that’s not in the picture?

Check your score (next page)


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Over 13 correct You have an excellent memory. You didn’t cheat did you?

10-12 correct Good! You are sure you only looked for 2 minutes?

7-9 correct Not bad. Some special techniques can help you remember more


4-6 correct You forgot a lot of things. Were you thinking about something else?

1-3 correct Is your memory that bad? Maybe you didn’t concentrate.

Ideas to help remember

People’s names

0 Write down the name when you first


0 Try to remember the first letter of the


0 Try to think of someone with the same


0 Think of the place where you first met.

0 Think of something special about the


Important numbers

0 Write down the number once.

0 Write down the number several times.

0 Say the new numbers aloud several


0 Break the number down into smaller


0 Think of the buttons on the phone, and

make a pattern.

English Vocabulary

0 Say the new words aloud several times

0 Keep a vocabulary note book

0 Look at example sentences in a


0 Highlight new words

0 Write sentences using the words

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Speaking Activity

Talk with your partner about the ideas to help remember things.

1. What things do you find easy to remember, which things are

more difficult?

2. Which ways do you think are good ideas?

3. What do you do to help remember things?

Speaking Activity in pairs.

How easy is it for you to remember these things?

Ask your partner.

Appointments - birthdays - e-mail addresses

directions to get somewhere homework -

how an electrical appliance works - pin number

passwords - your keys

your purse - your wallet


“How easy is it for

you to remember


“It’s very difficult.

I’m always late for



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Group Work

Join another pair and discuss these questions:

1. What are the things you do to remember?

2. Will you use any of the ideas mentioned, in the future?

3. Did you ever forget something important? What happened?

4. How do you remember important things?

Try to think in English during the day. When you’re travelling by train for example,

look outside and mention all the things you see in English.

Think of the English words for objects and items in your house.

When you’re cooking dinner for example, think of the English names for the utensils

you’re using in the kitchen (spoon, frying pan, beater etc.). Also, have a look at a short

film on the Internet describing a kitchen. If you tend to forget: make small pieces of

paper, write the English word on it and stick it on the item or object you’re trying to


Use any other tips mentioned in the lesson to help you remember at least 10 new

words related to your home.

Make sure you write them down in your Vocabulary / Chunks Notebook.

Write a report in your diary. What have you learned? What are the obstacles?

Read the study tips in the back of the book.

Extra Materials: Link to website describing kitchen materials: on the student page of

the website

‘Last year, I forgot my best friend’s birthday. She didn’t talk to me for a week!”

“My friend once gave me

directions to her apartment, but I

got lost and called…”


‘Phone numbers are easy

to remember, but

passwords are difficult’.

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Vocabulary / Chunks Notebook

Diary What have you learned?
