
Petition; W. e Sqv Sto* the Prooosed t^wefit&te Q ecanAc< 2a4

Walmer Gqebera flouring treyetspffient 14{N}+ tow cost hotses that atc currentlyproposed to &€ built in lilalrner Heighb conncctirg ln Eeettmrca $ffest,

tr No tc rnure crime in Walmer lfei3frts.2 ,Ho to ?{ffi,tag0Fllsldl potsibk fficre €ar$ dty and night ir qrt streeg'

3 I*o to nalue depreci*tian for harrs a*d properties.

4 ilo to uiolent shaker/prgtirefviolence aad bun$ng of t$es h Walmer Heights.

5 t{o ta mare trnire pofltttianfra*rr proposed site.

6 f{o to drug d:alers and gang wars in lifalmer Heig*tts

f No to higher insurance rates as resslt of Ggebera Hou:ing Developmem-

I tto to ryor* treftiam/ong€rtisfi in Wfur lktgf*.9 luo to 56m rt ps bouse /tlzfx' shsrH r&rF b* Sub rsrted po*sible now residents.

lOWe say nEtocotEt3$t traft day atd ftbhl.11 l&E to dstroying Wdnrer tleirfrs a rscl peace*S Srt to livs al it trmsrtlr ig'

12 t|o to constant pedestrian trtffic, no *i& walls far tl*m and dogs ulill h€

barking constantly due to tfris. The possibAEty of dsath to pedestrtam or colliding

with pedsuiar h *o gnirg to b tffiy l*sft b€€tls€ thcre k no dde Yalks in

ilelghts Wolmer.lf ltrb lrrypenstoyou and ars fuund gultt? in the resuhing

de*h of a Fede*trian if rdll besdedGrlg*k lpr*icide maximu*nsentgrce ofL5 years deFen*ng on t}re mertts eadr sf ttt* ceis. Afi llfafm*r Heights

r:esHeilts that will h qathtelf affected either directly cr indirecdy are

allonrud to $gn thb *ftteon in frotesl a* @bra t*ot]*rg gcilrehpffi€ffi'

tbA S$etius bflLt-4eJ 3 fioflt4

/r coto

A St&*,i t crtme4 lfriarrs


wsffiffiT! )r.

Grcn,rrrd Fbor, Bay$rEslaHslcrmdFld.ltrrneranHEE2abeOr 6001

Potu21?y,2 tPotEbbefi6(ffiSofiAfticaT: +27 (O)'tl flB4€mF: +27{o)41 5G},{8C}

e [email protected]



I wish to regist€r 6 an lnteresned ard Afiecied Party and/or b,ring to the aser{ion of SRK C-nsulting the folkmling commenb (pl€ase

use dditioral sfleets d paper if re@ired)-

Attention: Wanda ltrarab Email: wmara0s@eft co:a

(ln order fur your orfuct deilaib b be captured on our dahbae - Pkaae fill out tre sheet bdor)

,^rr l{ ,r.,v)riDrNirii-y lZrl}ucti Tw t f'h".-,, l>u il6-tcru,\D iN(r Llct dar rti Mrlre,tlrles 0/,v< L',4/i)Qt!ilr);6.,

G,s ,fvrac,.x., c-,. s- ( rr-i ,"r,: i ",i-.: Tlri ilar:A Bii(i)us{,oF R Lnck ot: {2-ristrLrr? F205-]n"t-1na. t+nu_ef Ao::_ltt"s; .l ua , Hnu,: rt

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i'T n"., HPiros*) t, inf(Zclir(-rNh f+:-(*:'l'{.r.,s,*o fn-ro lH;-i - irinrru n t^r t'r,: *e Pi'orrts Hn u e I*u ss1".-ri?-llil*-i--,-x rnsin l{"*'ot

i,lanedRespontent Nc; ,- [lnff-U a..{ Trtle: MaOrgaisation / Cornpdr!,: -J{6,^ti EMPLoy,iDt{atleof kr&erest CCuC€ff-r\r:- b 6]ssibi: n. i t,.r t^.JA,^rn,;,t iL"- I G t-t 1-S

Postal Acldress: q fiqv€u fL>hJfixw1,gq \-l,i i C* i.t i-S P.F

tostalCodq Gc:VQ -

Tdephone Nurnber O l-t I 3 Gt I ak >FmimibNurnber: Ot<t'2,6t't'7 lr'Mobite Nuntbec

-,*,.;H"*rCoy> s-.iL 7> kuy@Nehr:oi^rtf . (v.Le,

7z iD,, fi Eils; llt,z ('utt4 t t<r',. 0. Tt ui 7tt:

RRf ur,S lL 'l)€ iJ 6 i^c-t f m,iD i L,,-') C" vPrrt(l,Lt<157 I./.r,,',.-s i"( r,t.r,; a €. a i a r fn ;zc r,N (j l?*ane r.


Marais, Wanda

From: Janine Lee <[email protected]>

Sent: 07 October 2014 03:21 PM

To: Marais, Wanda; Gardiner, Rob

Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


To whom it may concern

This is to voice my objection to the above.

Firstly I must put on record that the first time I heard about this was when I saw an article in the latest PE EXPRESS


Then last week I received a pamphlet in my mail box calling for objections to be sent to SRK before 12 noon on the


of September (I ONLY RECEIVED THIS IN THE FIRST WEEK IN OCTOBER) Impossible to meet this deadline.

I would like to object for the following reasons:

While I have no problem with the provision of housing for those who need it I do believe that the aesthetics of the

suburb or area need to be taken into consideration. I don’t believe this would be the case with the above


The development would also put further stress on the already old and failing infrastructure.

There would be an increase in traffic both pedestrian and road.

I am also concerned that to accommodate extended families that shacks would be built onto these houses thus

increasing the numbers way beyond the capabilities of the infrastructure mentioned above.

I question the sustainability of the project, IE: can those who receive these houses sustain them in keeping with

aesthetics of the area. Should this not be done it would result in a massive devaluation of the houses in the suburb

of Walmer Heights …a RATE PAYING area.

Please confirm receipt of this email and that I am listed as an objector.

In addition please could you clarify if the above is LINK HOUSING ? …..if not what exactly is LOW COST HOUSING ??.

Yours sincerely

Janine Lee




TEL: (W) 041 3911307

CELL: 083 413 1307

EMAIL: [email protected]
