Page 1: 智慧電子應用設計導論 (1/3) Arduino Programming Language

Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan 1

智慧電子應用設計導論 (1/3)Arduino Programming


Chin-Shiuh Shieh (謝欽旭 )

Department of Electronic Engineering

National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan

Page 2: 智慧電子應用設計導論 (1/3) Arduino Programming Language

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Arduino Programming Language

• Arduino – Tutorials–

• Arduino - Reference –

• Arduino – Libraries–

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• setup()

• loop()

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Structure - Control Structures

• if• if...else• for• switch case• while• do... while• break• continue• return• goto

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Structure - Further Syntax

• ; (semicolon)

• {} (curly braces)

• // (single line comment)

• /* */ (multi-line comment)

• #define

• #include

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Structure - Arithmetic Operators

• = (assignment operator)

• + (addition)

• - (subtraction)

• * (multiplication)

• / (division)

• % (modulo)

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Structure - Comparison Operators

• == (equal to)

• != (not equal to)

• < (less than)

• > (greater than)

• <= (less than or equal to)

• >= (greater than or equal to)

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Structure - Boolean Operators

• && (and)

• || (or)

• ! (not)

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Structure - Pointer Access Operators

• * dereference operator

• & reference operator

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Structure - Bitwise Operators

• & (bitwise and)

• | (bitwise or)

• ^ (bitwise xor)

• ~ (bitwise not)

• << (bitshift left)

• >> (bitshift right)

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Structure - Compound Operators

• ++ (increment)• -- (decrement)• += (compound addition)• -= (compound subtraction)• *= (compound multiplication)• /= (compound division)• &= (compound bitwise and)• |= (compound bitwise or)

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Variables - Constants



• true | false

• integer constants

• floating point constants

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Variables - Data Types• void• boolean• char• unsigned char• byte• int• unsigned int• word• long• unsigned long• float• double• string - char array• String - object• array

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Variables - Conversion

• char()

• byte()

• int()

• word()

• long()

• float()

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Variables - Variable Scope & Qualifiers

• variable scope

• static

• volatile

• const

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Variables - Utilities

• sizeof()

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Functions - Digital I/O

• pinMode()

• digitalWrite()

• digitalRead()

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Functions - Analog I/O

• analogReference()

• analogRead()

• analogWrite() - PWM

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Functions - Advanced I/O

• tone()

• noTone()

• shiftOut()

• shiftIn()

• pulseIn()

• pulseIn(2,HIGH);

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Functions - Time

• millis()

• micros()

• delay()

• delayMicroseconds()

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Functions - Math

• min()

• max()

• abs()

• constrain()

• map()

• pow()

• sqrt()

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Functions - Trigonometry

• sin()

• cos()

• tan()

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Functions - Random Numbers

• randomSeed()

• random()

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Functions - Bits and Bytes

• lowByte()

• highByte()

• bitRead()

• bitWrite()

• bitSet()

• bitClear()

• bit()

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Functions - External Interrupts

• attachInterrupt()

• detachInterrupt()

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Functions - Interrupts

• interrupts()

• noInterrupts()

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Functions - Communication

• Serial

• Stream
