
Направление подготовки: 032100.62 Востоковедение и африканистика (профиль: «Языки стран

Азии и Африки (Корейский язык)») (бакалавриат, 4 курс, 7 семестр; очное обучение)

Дисциплина: «Стилистика»

Количество часов 72 ч. (в том числе: лекции – 20, практические занятия – 16, самостоятельная

работа – 36), форма контроля: зачет.

Направление подготовки: 032100.62 Востоковедение и африканистика (профиль: «Языки стран

Азии и Африки (Арабский язык)») (бакалавриат, 4 курс, 7 семестр; очное обучение)

Дисциплина: «Стилистика»

Количество часов 72 ч. (в том числе: лекции – 20, практические занятия – 16, самостоятельная

работа – 36), форма контроля: зачет.


1. Style and stylistics. The definition of the terms stile and stylistics. The differentiation between lexical and literary stylistics. The definition of the terms expressive means and stylistic devices.

2. Stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary. The differentiation between neutral, literary and colloquial layers of the English vocabulary.

3. Types of meaning. Lexical expressive means (EM) and stylistic devices (SD). The differentiation between denotative, connotative and nominal meanings of the word. The definition of such SD as simile and metaphor.

4. Lexical EM and SD. The definition of such SD as personification, metonymy, synecdoche, antonomasia, hyperbole, understatement, litotes.

5. Lexical EM and SD. The definition of such SD as oxymoron, periphrasis, euphemism, zeugma, pun, irony, paradox, epigrams, allusion. The use of phraseological units.

6. Syntactical EM and SD. The definition of such SD as inversion, detachment, parenthesis, ellipsis, break-in-the-narrative.

7. Syntactical EM and SD. The definition of such SD parallel construction, chiasmus, repetition, tautological subject, polysyndeton, asyndeton, climax, gradation.

8. Phonetic EM and SD. The definition of such SD as alliteration, assonance, sound symbolism, rhythm, rhyme

9. Functional styles of the English language. The information about the fiction style and scientific-prose style.

10. Functional styles of the English language. The information about the style of official documents, the publicistic style and the newspaper style.

Ключевые слова: style , stylistics, types of meaning, lexical stylistic devices, syntactical stylistic devices, phonetic stylistic devices, functional styles.

Дата начала использования: 1 сентября 2014 г.

Автор: Сайдашева Эльмира Аглиулловна, доцент, кандидат филологических наук.


Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет

Институт международных отношений, истории и востоковедения



Конспект лекций



Сайдашева Э.А.

Стилистика: Краткий конспект лекций / Э.А.Сайдашева; Каз.федер.ун-т. – Казань, 2014. –ХХ с.


Курс стилистики современного английского языка имеет цель дать студентам как

теоретические, так и практические знания о предмете стилистики, о стилистической

структуре языка, о его функциональных стилях и выразительных средствах. Задачей курса

«Стилистика» является определение лингвистической природы стилистических средств

языка в их системе, определение функциональных возможностей этих средств, анализ и

описание характерных черт функциональных стилей современного английского языка.

Теоретический курс «Стилистика» расширяет кругозор студентов, служит

вспомогательным при изучении других филологических дисциплин, формирует навык

анализа языковых явлений, обеспечивает терминологическую базу для дальнейшей работы

над теоретическими дисциплинами. Практическое значение курса «Стилистика» состоит в том, чтобы углубить знания лекционного курса, развить у студентов умения распознать и

объяснить явления, характерные для стилистического уровня, выработать навыки

стилистического разбора и толкования текста.

Принято на заседании кафедры романо-германских языков и международной


Протокол № XX от XX.XX.2013

© Казанский федеральный университет

© Сайдашева Э.А.


Тема 1. Style and stylistics. The definition of the terms stile and stylistics. The differentiation between lexical and literary stylistics. The definition of the terms expressive means and stylistic devices. Varieties of language.

Annotation: the lecture includes the definition of such terms as: style and stylistics; stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary, the differentiation between lexical and literary stylistics. The definition of the terms expressive means and stylistic devices.

Key words: style, stylistics, English vocabulary, lexical and literary stylistics, expressive means and stylistic devices.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме;

1.1. General Notes on Styles and Stylistics. The subject of stylistics has so far not been definitely outlined. We speak of style in

architecture, literature, behavior, linguistics, dress and other fields of human activity.

The definition of the terms expressive means and stylistic devices.

Expressive means have a greater degree of predictability than stylistic devices.

1.2. Вопросы для самоконтроля.

1. What are the most powerful expressive means of any language?

1.3. Вопросы для дискуссии:

1. What are the expressive means of the language?

1.4. Задание для практики:

1. What fields of investigation does the subject of style apply to?

1.5. Глоссарий по теме 1.

Stylistics is a linguistic subject that studies the system of stylistic devices and expressive means of the language.

1.6. Использованные информационные ресурсы.

1.7. Список сокращений:

SD – stylistic device


Тема 2. Stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary: The differentiation between neutral, literary and colloquial layers of the English vocabulary.

Аннотация. the lecture presents the differentiation between neutral, literary and colloquial layers of the English vocabulary.

Ключевые слова: neutral layer, literary layer, colloquial layer, expressive means and stylistic devices.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме;

2.1. The differentiation between neutral, literary and colloquial layers of the English vocabulary.

The word-stock of any given language can be roughly divided into three uneven groups, differing from each other by the sphere of its possible use. The biggest layer of the English word-stock is made up of neutral words, possessing no stylistic connotation and suitable for any communicative situation, two smaller ones are literary and colloquial strata respectively.

Вопросы для самоконтроля.

1. What are the main layers of the English vocabulary?

2.2.Вопросы для дискуссии:

1. What do you know about the classification of the literary layer?

2.3.Глоссарий по теме 2.

Vulgarisms are words that exist below conventional vocabulary, and which are not accepted in polite conversation or writing, unless they serve an illustrative purpose.

2.4.Использованные информационные ресурсы.


Тема 3. Types of meaning. The definition of such SD as simile and metaphor. Аннотация: the lecture includes the definition of such terms as: types of meaning; simile and metaphor.

Ключевые слова: types of meaning, lexical expressive means and stylistic devices, simile, metaphor.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме.

3.1. Types of meaning.

So we can distinguish 3 main meanings in the word: denotative, connotative and nominal.


A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things. E.g. Our soldiers are as brave as a lion; Her cheeks are red like a rose.


Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics. E.g. The assignment was a breeze. (This implies that the assignment was not difficult.)

3.2. Вопросы для самоконтроля. 1. What are the three components of the stylistic meaning?

3.3.Вопросы для дискуссии: 1. What is the semantic structure of the word?

3.4. Задание для практики:

1. What groups are the words of the English language divided into?

3.5.Глоссарий по теме 3.

Connotative meaning is an additional meaning, materializing a concept in the word, but unlike lexical meaning, has no reference to the things or phenomena of the objective reality.

3.6.Использованные информационные ресурсы. 1.


Тема 4. Lexical EM and SD. The definition of such SD as personification, metonymy, synecdoche, antonomasia, hyperbole, understatement, litotes. Аннотация: the lecture includes the definition of such terms as: personification, metonymy, synecdoche, antonomasia, hyperbole, understatement, litotes

Ключевые слова. personification, metonymy, synecdoche, antonomasia, hyperbole, understatement, litotes.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы:

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме.

4.1. Personification

Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an idea or an animal is given human attributes. E.g. The wind whispered through dry grass.


Metonymy is based on a different type of relation between the dictionary and contextual meanings.


Synecdoche is a literary device in which a part of something represents the whole or it may use a whole to represent a part.

4.2. Вопросы для самоконтроля. 1. How can you define the term hyperbole? What types of hyperbole can you name?

4.3. Вопросы для дискуссии:

1. What is a metonymy? Give a detailed description of the device.

4.4. Задания для практики:

Exercise I. Study the following passages, pick out and analyze lexical stylistic devices. 1.They huddled together like birds in a storm, their flesh sagged over the unscrubbed tables on the dark back veranda, which looked over Herr Stroh’s untended fields.

4.5. Глоссарий по теме 4. Synecdoche is a literary device in which a part of something represents the whole or

it may use a whole to represent a part.

4.6.Использованные информационные ресурсы. 1.


Тема 5. Lexical EM and SD. The definition of such SD as oxymoron, periphrasis, euphemism, zeugma, pun, irony, paradox, epigrams, allusion. The use of phraseological units. Аннотация: The lecture includes the definition of such terms as: oxymoron, periphrasis, euphemism, zeugma, pun, irony, paradox, epigrams, allusion. The use of phraseological units.

Ключевые слова. oxymoron, periphrasis, euphemism, zeugma, pun, irony, paradox, epigrams, allusion. The use of phraseological units.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме.

5.1. Oxymoron

Oxymoron, plural oxymora, is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an opposite effect.


Periphrasis is the use of a longer phrase with descriptive epithets instead of a short and simple form of expressing the same thought.

5.2. Вопросы для самоконтроля. 1. What are epigrams? In what way do they differ from proverbs?

5.3. Вопросы для дискуссии:

1. How can you define the term oxymoron? Give a detailed description of the device.

5.4. Задания для практики.

Exercise IV. Comment on the stylistically relevant syntactical peculiarities in the following abstracts from “Mac- American” by J. Reed: 1. … Mac looked at me with some distaste. “I’m not a religious man”. He spat. “But I

don’t go around knocking God. There’s too much risk in it”. – “Risk of what?” – “Why, when you die – you know …” Now he was disgusted and angry.

5.5. Глоссарий по теме 5. Synecdoche is a literary device in which a part of something represents the whole or

it may use a whole to represent a part.

5.6.Использованные информационные ресурсы. 1.


Тема 6. Syntactical EM and SD. The definition of such SD as inversion, detachment, parenthesis, ellipsis, break-in-the-narrative. Аннотация: the lecture includes the definition of such terms as: inversion, detachment, parenthesis, ellipsis, break-in-the-narrative.

Ключевые слова: inversion, detachment, parenthesis, ellipsis, break-in-the-narrative.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме;

6.1. Inversion

Inversion is a literary technique in which the normal order of words is reversed in order to achieve a particular effect of emphasis or meter.


A specific arrangement of sentence members is observed in detachment, a stylistic device based on singling out a secondary member of the sentence with the help of punctuation (intonation).


Parenthetic words, phrases and sentences mostly evaluate what is said or supply some kind of additional information.


Ellipsis is a literary device that is used in narratives to omit some parts of a sentence or event, which gives the reader a chance to fill the gaps while acting or reading it out.

6.2. Вопросы для самоконтроля. 1. What is the difference between such SD as the detachment and the parenthesis?

6.3.Вопросы для дискуссии: 1. How can you define the term inversion?

6.4. Задания для практики. Exercise VII. Read William Shakespeare’s SONNET 116

and find the modifiers of rhythm that are used in the sonnet and comment on them.

6.5.Глоссарий по теме 6. Inversion is a literary technique in which the normal order of words is reversed in order to achieve a particular effect of emphasis or meter.

6.6.Использованные информационные ресурсы.



Тема 7. Syntactical EM and SD: The definition of such SD parallel construction, chiasmus, repetition, tautological subject, polysyndeton, asyndeton, climax, gradation. Аннотация: the lecture includes the definition of such terms as: parallel construction, chiasmus, repetition, tautological subject, polysyndeton, asyndeton, climax, gradation.

Ключевые слова. parallel construction, chiasmus, repetition, tautological subject, polysyndeton, asyndeton, climax, gradation.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме.

7.1. Parallel construction

Parallelism is the use of components in a sentence that are grammatically the same; or similar in their construction, sound, meaning or meter.


Chiasmus is based on repetition of syntactical patterns, but it has a reversed order in one of the utterances. Chiasmus is a reversed parallelism: a b, b a.


Polysyndeton - is an identical repetition of conjunctions: used to emphasize simultaneousness of described actions, to disclose the author’s subjective attitude towards the characters, to create the rhythmical effect.

7.2. Вопросы для самоконтроля.

1. What is the difference between polysyndeton and asyndeton? What is their stylistic function?

7.3. Вопросы для дискуссии: 1. How can you define the term polysyndeton?

7.4. Задания для практики.

7.5. Глоссарий по теме 7. Parallelism is the use of components in a sentence that are grammatically the same;

or similar in their construction, sound, meaning or meter.

7.6. Использованные информационные ресурсы. 1.


Тема 8. Phonetic EM and SD: The definition of such SD as alliteration, assonance, sound symbolism, rhythm, rhyme. Аннотация: the lecture includes the definition of such terms as phonetic EM and SD, that is the definition of such SD as alliteration, assonance, sound symbolism, rhythm, rhyme.

Ключевые слова. phonetic expressive means, stylistic devices, alliteration, assonance, sound symbolism, rhythm, rhyme.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме.

8.1. Phonetic EM and SD.

The most powerful expressive means of any language are phonetic.

Onomatopoeia (Sound Symbolism)

Onomatopoeia is a combination of speech sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced in nature, by things, by people and animals.


Rhyme is the repetition of identical or similar terminal sound combination of words.


Rhythm is the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables, more or less regular.

8.2. Вопросы для самоконтроля.

1. What purposes does rhythm serve?

8.3. Вопросы для дискуссии:

1. How can you define the term alliteration?

8.4. Вопросы для практики. Final test.

8.5. Глоссарий по теме 8. Sound Symbolism is defined as a word, which imitates the natural sounds of a

thing. It creates a sound effect that mimics the thing described, making the description more expressive and interesting.

8.6. Использованные информационные ресурсы. 1.


Тема 9. Functional styles of the English language. The information about the fiction style and scientific-prose style.

Аннотация. the lecture includes the information on such themes as functional styles of the English language, namely the fiction style and the scientific-prose style.

Ключевые слова: functional style, stylistic devices, expressive means, lexical means, phonetic means, grammatical means, vocabulary.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются

общие представления по теме.

9.1. Functional styles of the English language.

Functional styles (FS) are the subsystems of language, each subsystem having its own peculiar features in what concern vocabulary means, syntactical constructions, and even phonetics.

The Belles-lettres Style (The Fiction Style)

Sub-styles of the belles-lettres style are: poetry, prose, drama.

The Scientific-prose style

The main function of the scientific style: rational cognition and linguistic presentation of the dynamics of thinking.

9.2 Вопросы для самоконтроля. 1. What are the peculiarities of the style of poetry?

9.3. Вопросы для дискуссии: 1. How can you define the term Functional Styles of the English language?

9.4. Глоссарий по теме 9. Functional styles are the subsystems of the language, each subsystem having its

own peculiar features in what concern vocabulary means, syntactical constructions, and even phonetics.

9.5. Использованные информационные ресурсы.

9.6. Список сокращений:

FS – functional styles


Тема 10. Functional styles of the English language. The information about the style of official documents, the publicistic style and the newspaper style.

Аннотация. the lecture includes the information on such themes as functional styles of the English language, namely the style of official documents, the publicistic style and the newspaper style.

Ключевые слова. functional style, stylistic devices, expressive means, grammatical means, lexical means, phonetic means, vocabulary.

Методические рекомендации по изучению темы.

Тема содержит лекционную часть, где в разделе "Лекция" имеются общие представления по теме.

10.1. The Publicistic Style

Publicistic style is characterized by coherent and logical syntactical structure, with an expanded system of connectives and careful paragraphing.

The Newspaper Style

1) Not all the printed materials found in newspapers comes under newspaper style. Only materials which perform the function of informing the reader and providing him with an evaluation of information published can be regarded as belonging to newspaper style.

The Style of Official Documents

This FS is not homogeneous and is represented by the following substyles or variants: the language of business documents; the language of legal documents; the language of diplomacy; the language of military documents.

10.2. Вопросы для самоконтроля.

1. Point out the peculiarities and main points of the usage of the style of official documents.

10.3. Вопросы для дискуссии:

What are the peculiar features of the style of official documents?

10.4.Глоссарий по теме 10. The Publicistic Style is used in public speeches and printed public works which

are addressed to a broad audience and devoted to important social or political events, public problems of cultural or moral character.

10.5.Использованные информационные ресурсы. ●
