Introduction Model Experiments Conclusion Zero-Shot Learning via Class-Conditioned Deep Generative Models Wenlin Wang Joint with Yunchen Pu, Vinay Kumar Verma, Kai Fan, Yizhe Zhang, Changyou Chen, Piyush Rai, Lawrence Carin Duke University, IIT Kanpur, SUNY at Buffalo February 6, 2018 1 / 27

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Introduction Model Experiments Conclusion

Zero-Shot Learning via Class-Conditioned DeepGenerative Models

Wenlin WangJoint with Yunchen Pu, Vinay Kumar Verma, Kai Fan, Yizhe

Zhang, Changyou Chen, Piyush Rai, Lawrence Carin

Duke University, IIT Kanpur, SUNY at Buffalo

February 6, 2018

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Introduction Model Experiments Conclusion


1 Introduction

2 Model

3 Experiments

4 Conclusion

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Problem of Interest

Many-Shot Learning

0 5 1510 20

AlexNet (2012)

Clarifai (2013)

GoogleNet (2014)

Microsoft ResNet (2015)

NUS DPN (2017)






Top-5 classification error on test set (ImageNet)



xtr 2 XTrain:

ytr 2 Y

xte 2 X

yte 2 Y

Test: Objective:

f : X ! Y

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Problem of Interest

Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL): ZSL refers to the problem ofrecognizing objects from classes that are not seen at trainingtime.

xtr 2 XTrain:

ytr 2 Y

xte 2 X

yte 2 Y 0

Test: Objective:

f : X ! Y 0

Y \ Y 0= ?

Sea Gull



Cormorant Cormorant



Loggerhead ShrikeLoggerhead Shrike

Knowledge transfer

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How to Transfer Knowledge ?1

Attribute as side information [11]

Wikipedia and WordNet [14, 17] as side information

1http://isis-data.science.uva.nl/tmensink/docs/ZSL17.web.pdf5 / 27

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Existing Auto-encoder based ZSL

Auto-encoder based non-linear models achieve state-of-the-artperformance [22, 10]Objective function includes 3 general terms:Loss(xn, yn) = β · D1(xn, xn)︸ ︷︷ ︸


+D2(g(xn), f (an))︸ ︷︷ ︸Supervision

+ λ · R︸ ︷︷ ︸Regularizer

D1 and D2 are distance measurements (e.g. L2 Distance), λand β are hyper-parameters, an = Ayn



Encoder Decoderxn xng(xn)

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Deep Generative Model for ZSL

y ∈ {1, ...,S, S + 1, ...,S + U} is a class from the seen or theunseen classesTraditional auto-encoder based method represents each classas a point in the latent space: f (Ay )Ours represent each class using a class-specific latent-spacedistribution: N (µy ,Σy ), where

µy = fµ(Ay ) and Σy = diag(exp (fσ2(Ay ))) (1)

Let θ to be the parameter of the encoder, φ to be theparameter of the decoder, ψ to be the parameter of f∗(·), for∗ = µ, σ2.

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Deep Generative Model for ZSL

Figure: A diagram of our basic model; only the training stage is shown here. In the above figure, a ∈ RM

denotes the class attribute vector (given). Red-dotted rectangle/ellipse correspond to the unseen classes. Note:The CNN module is not a part of our framework and is only used as an initial feature extractor, on top of whichthe rest of our model is built. The CNN can be replaced by any feature extractor depending on the data type

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Deep Generative Model for ZSL

Our model assumes the data aregenerated from the class-specificnormals, and we write down themarginal likelihood of the data as(we omit the subscript n)

log pθ(x) = log



= log




= log Eqφ(z|x)




≥ Eqφ(z|x) (pθ(x|z))︸ ︷︷ ︸reconstruction

−KL (qφ(z|x)||pψ(z|y))︸ ︷︷ ︸supversion

= Lθ,φ,ψ(x, y) (2)

Note we aim to maximizing theevidence lower bound (ELBO)Lθ,φ,ψ(x, y).

The variational auto-encoder (VAE) [9],as an unsupervsied model, assumes thedata is generated from po(z) ∼ N (0, I),the marginal likelihood of the data canbe similarly written as

log pθ(x) = log



= log




= log Eqφ(z|x)




≥ Eqφ(z|x) (pθ(x|z))︸ ︷︷ ︸reconstruction

− KL (qφ(z|x)||po(z))︸ ︷︷ ︸prior knowledge(unsupervised)

= LVθ,φ(x) (3)

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Deep Generative Model for ZSL

Margin Regularizer: promotes qφ(z|x) to be far away fromother class-specific distritions pψ(z|c), c 6= y , defined as

R∗ = minc:c∈{1..,y−1,y+1,..,S}


= − maxc:c∈{1..,y−1,y+1,..,S}

{−KL(qφ(z|x)||pψ(z|c))} (4)

since (4) is non-differentiable, we approximate R∗ as

R = − logS∑

c=1exp(−KL(qφ(z|x)||pψ(z|c))) (5)

It can be easily shown that

R∗ ≤ R ≤ R∗ + log S (6)

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Deep Generative Model for ZSL

Overall objective: the ELBO (2) together with the marginregularizer (5) asLθ,φ,ψ(x, y) = Eqφ(z|x)[log pθ(x|z)]︸ ︷︷ ︸


−KL(qφ(z|x)||pψ(z|y))︸ ︷︷ ︸supervision

−λ logS∑

c=1exp(−KL(qφ(z|x)||pψ(z|c)))︸ ︷︷ ︸



Prediction: Given a test input x, we first predict its latentembeddings z with the VAE recognition model, and find the“best” label by solving

y = arg maxy∈Yu

Lθ,φ,ψ(x, y)

= arg miny∈Yu

KL(qφ(z|x)||pψ(z|y)) (8)

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Variations - Transductive ZSL

Recall ZSL (Inductive ZSL)

xtr 2 XTrain:

ytr 2 Y

xte 2 X

yte 2 Y 0

Test: Objective:

f : X ! Y 0

Y \ Y 0= ?

Knowledge transfer

Transductive ZSL

xtr 2 XTrain:

ytr 2 Y

xte 2 X

yte 2 Y 0

Test: Objective:

f : X ! Y 0

Y \ Y 0= ?

Knowledge transfer

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Variations - Transductive ZSL

A naïve approach for leveraging the unlabeled inputs would beto add the following reconstruction error

Lθ,φ,ψ(x, y) = Eqφ(z|x)[log pθ(x|z)] (9)A better method is to introduce our self-training regularizer.Motivation: inductive ZSL model is able to make confidentpredictions for unseen class test inputs, and these confidentpredicted class distributions can be emphsized in theregularizer to guide those ambiguous test inputs.

data 1

data 213 / 27

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Variations - Transductive ZSLFirst, we define the probability of assigning an unseen class test input x i to classc ∈ {S + 1, . . . ,S + U} to be

q(x i , c) =exp(−KL(qφ(z|x i )||pψ(z|c)))∑c exp(−KL(qφ(z|x i )||pψ(z|c)))


Second, we define a sharper version of the predicted class probabilities q(x i , c)as

p(x i , c) =q(x i , c)2/g(c)∑c′ q(x i , c′)2/g(c′)


where g(c) =∑N′

i=1 q(x i , c) is the marginal probability of unseen class c. Notethat normalizing the probabilities by g(c) prevents large classes from distortingthe latent space.Third, we encourage q(x i , c) to be close to p(x i , c).

KL(P(X)||Q(X)) ,



p(x i , c) logp(x i , c)q(x i , c)


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Variations - Transductive ZSL

We have the following objective defined exclusively over theunseen class unlabeled inputs

U(X) =N′∑i=1

Eqφ(z|x i )[log pθ(x i |z)]− KL(P(X)||Q(X)) (13)

Finally, we combine (7) and (13), which leads to the overallobjective

N∑n=1Lθ,φ,ψ(xn, yn) + U(X) (14)

defined over the seen class labeled training inputs{(xn, yn)}Nn=1 and the unseen class unlabeled test inputs{x i}N


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We conduct experiments on the following datasets, (i) Animalwith Attributes (AwA) [12]; (ii) Caltech-UCSDBirds-200-2011 (CUB-200) [24]; and (iii) SUN attribute(SUN) [16].For the large-scale dataset (ImageNet), we follow [6], forwhich 1000 classes from ILSVRC2012 [19] are used as seenclasses, while 360 non-overlapped classes of ILSVRC2010 [4]are used as unseen classes.

Dataset # Attribute training(+validation) testing# of images # of classes # of images # of classes

AwA 85 24,295 40 6,180 10CUB-200 312 8,855 150 2,933 50SUN 102 14,140 707 200 10ImageNet 1,000 200,000 1,000 54,000 360

Table: Summary of datasets used in the evaluation

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VGG-19 fc7 features [20] is used as our raw inputreprensentation (D=4096).Default class attribute features are used for AwA, CUB-200and SUN.Word2vec [14] representation is used for ImageNet.λ=1 is set across all our experiments.Encoder qφ(z|x) and decoder pθ(x|z) are 2-layer multi-layerperceptron (MLP) with 500 nodes (1,000 for ImageNet).ReLU is used as the nonlinear activation function.Dropout with constant rate 0.8 is used to avoid overfitting.

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Inductive ZSL

We achieve state-of-the-art performance

Method AwA CUB-200 SUN Average Method ImageNet(Lampert et al., 2014)[12] 57.23 − 72.00 − DeViSE [5] 12.8ESZSL [18] 75.32± 2.28 − 82.10± 0.32 − ConSE [15] 15.5MLZSC [3] 77.32± 1.03 43.29± 0.38 84.41± 0.71 68.34 AMP [7] 13.1SDL [31] 80.46± 0.53 42.11± 0.55 83.83± 0.29 68.80 SS-Voc [6] 16.8BiDiLEL [25] 79.20 46.70 − −SSE-ReLU [29] 76.33± 0.83 30.41± 0.20 82.50± 1.32 63.08JFA [30] 81.03± 0.88 46.48± 1.67 84.10± 1.51 70.53ReViSE [22] 78.00 56.60 - -SAE [10] 83.40 56.60 84.50 74.83GFZSL [23] 80.83 56.53 86.50 74.59VZSL# 84.45± 0.74 55.37± 0.59 85.75± 1.93 74.52 - 22.88VZSL 85.28± 0.76 57.42± 0.63 86.75± 2.02 76.48 - 23.08

Table: Top-1 classification accuracy (%) on AwA, CUB-200, SUN and Top-5accuracy(%) on ImageNet under inductive ZSL. VZSL# denotes our model trainedwith the reconstruction term from (7) ignored.

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Transductive ZSL

We also achieve state-of-the-art performance

Method AwA CUB-200 SUN AverageSMS [8] 78.47 − 82.00 −ESZSL [18] 84.30 − 37.50 −JFA+SP-ZSR [30] 88.04 ± 0.69 55.81 ± 1.37 85.35 ± 1.56 77.85SDL [31] 92.08 ± 0.14 55.34 ± 0.77 86.12 ± 0.99 76.40DMaP [13] 85.66 61.79 − −TASTE [27] 89.74 54.25 − −TSTD [28] 90.30 58.20 − −GFZSL [23] 94.25 63.66 87.00 80.63VZSL# 93.49 ± 0.54 59.69 ± 1.22 86.37 ± 1.88 79.85VZSL? 87.59 ± 0.21 61.44 ± 0.98 86.66 ± 1.67 77.56VZSL 94.80 ± 0.17 66.45 ± 0.88 87.75 ± 1.43 83.00

Table: Top-1 classification accuracy (%) obtained on AwA, CUB-200 and SUN undertransductive setting. VZSL# denotes our model with VAE reconstruction termignored. VZSL? denotes our model with only (9) for unlabeled data. The ’-’ indicatesthe results was not reported

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Figure: t-SNE visualization for AwA dataset (a) Original CNN features (b) Latentcode for our VZSL under inductive zero-shot setting (c) Reconstructed features underinductive zero-shot setting (d) Latent code for our VZSL under transductive zero-shotsetting (e) Reconstructed features under transductive setting. Different colors indicatedifferent classes.

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Summary1 We present a deep generative framework for learning to predict

unseen classes, focusing on inductive and trandsuctive ZSL.2 Our framework models each seen/unseen class using a

class-specific latent-space distribution.3 Distribution method provides more robustness as compared to

othe existing ZSL method use point based distance metric.4 We achieve state-of-the-art results.

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Thank you !

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