ZEPHYR Breeze Of Hope. GLOBAL WATER OVERCOMING hunger, disease, and poverty ...WITH WATER Issue #1 August 2009 1


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A magazine about world problems and what we can do to solve them.

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ZEPHYRBreeze Of Hope.

GLOBAL WATEROVERCOMING hunger, disease, and poverty...WITH WATER

Issue #1August 2009


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ContentGreen Peace

Our Ocean In Crisis:Whaling 101


Murder By Numbers

Farm Sanctuary:Rescue,Education,


11Their mission;

one village at a time:Nicaragua & Guatemala

Global Water

6Heart For Africa

Project Canaan:A Place For Hope10

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Green PeaceWhaling 101Whaling is the deliberate slaughter of whales (any and all species). Commercial whaling be-gan back in the 1900s and continued decimat-ing whale populations for decades. Species of whales have a slow reproductive rate. So, once a particular whale species was no longer easy to find (because most had been killed) whalers moved on to another species.

Finally, in 1986 the world realized that whaling had to end in order to save the remaining whales and a moratorium was implement-ed to halt commercial whal-ing, indefinitely.

Effects of Whaling are Long-Lasting

But, the story doesn’t end there. Whaling was so rampant for so long that many species of whales may

never recover. In the United States, the North Atlantic right whale has a lonely population of about 350. The blue whales of the Antarctic are at less than 1% of their original abundance. West Pacific grey whale populations are the most endan-gered of the world’s great whales, hovering on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining. And, endangered whales have many obstacles to face in these modern times—global warming, pollution, noise and ship strikes. Overfishing threatens their food supply

and whales are at risk of entanglement in fishing gear. Another obstacle whales face are the countries that continue whaling and refuse to comply with the mora-torium—our international friends in Japan, Iceland and Norway.

Why Won’t they Hang up Their Harpoons?

Two countries—Iceland and Norway— have flat out ob-jected to the moratorium and now hunt whales in the North Atlantic. Although, in August of 2007 Iceland’s fisheries minister announced he will not issue any more commercial whale-hunting quotas. With no market for the whale meat, Iceland’s whaling has not been profit-able. This is a good first step for Iceland, but we won’t be satisfied until the minister announces he’s hanging up the harpoons for good!

This brings us to Japan. Each year the Japanese whaling fleet hunts hun-dreds of whales (many endangered species such included) in the name of “science.” That’s right, the Japanese government has been using a loophole in international law to continue commercial whal-ing under the pretext of research. And this season, Japan has announced plans to hunt a total of 1,035 whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary alone (935 minkes, 50 endangered fin and 50 endangered humpbacks).Japan hunts whales in the Antarctic and the North Pacific under the guise of “scientific research.” However, the whale meat is packaged for sale in restaurants and supermar-kets in Japan, and even included in school lunch programs there. And the Fisheries Agency of Japan freely admits that the objective of the “research” whaling program is to re-store full-scale commercial

whaling. So then the commercial nature of Japan’s whaling opera-tion is undeniable

Stopping the Slaughter

Expectations for that the recov-ery of whale populations have been based on the assumption that with the International Whaling Commission’s moratorium on com-mercial whaling, their place in the oceans is as secure as it was a

‘The whale meat is packaged for sale in restau-rants and super-markets in Japan, and even in-cluded in school lunch programs.’

hundred years ago. Sadly, with the continued whal-ing by Japan, Norway, and Iceland, this assumption is no longer valid. This is why we believe that commercial whaling – by any name - must be stopped once and for all.

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Global Water

NicaraguaVillage of San Cayetano Project

This project consists of building a new spring catchment system to replace an old spring systemhat has failed.There are 29 families (approximately 145 people) living in the area; 15 families will directly benefit from a new spring system; 14 families live above the elevation of the spring and we are looking at the possibility of funding the installation of a hand-dug well and rope pump for them; this would be accomplished while the spring catchment system was being built.

Village of Balsamo ProjectThis area has 30 houses and 32 families (approximately 160 people) living in the area. This is another old spring catchment system that has failed; there are three springs in the area that have been given by their owner to the village that could be connected together for the villagers; one spring in particular is strong (with a flow rate of 1.4 gal minute; checked May (2007).The distance from the springs to the village is modest at approximately 1.2 kilometers. This village also needs 30 la latrines as the ones being used are 11 years old and at least sixhouses have no latrines at all; currently there is not enough money to buy these latrines (latrines cost $380 apiece).

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GuatemalaVillage of El Mirador ProjectThis here project includes the creation of the spring catchment system for the majority that go off of the villagers and rain go to see catchment tanks (with two interconnecting piping be-tween roofs and tanks) for about 10 of the village homes. This new project will also install a water source and repair the water piping of al aundry table (or pila) that should be used by villagers, but is currently inoperable.As described in the GW Trip Report – Spring 2007, the inoperable case of li laundry table facility causeswomen to do their laundry from a puddle of next to the road where pesticide sprayers

are eventually it is filled (and then overflow). It’s def-finatly an accident waiting too happen.

Village of KalampatzomThis project has been designed to create a water lite system for a village that is very spread out and located on two of theadjacent ridgelines. The new system includes building a new spring catchment system, laying a pipeline from the spring to a large distribution tank above the village, constructing several stream cross-ings, building a chlorinator on top of the distribution tank, and finally running water lines from the dis-tribution tanks to two centralized

water point sites near the village population centers (one water point on each rid-geline). The two centralized water points will supply water for the village until funds care available for a second phase of the project which will build water taps at each home site.

Healthy Schools ProgramThis new and wonderful new program in Guatemala run by the Appropriate Technology Program in the Peace Corps; an “Appropriate Technology” Peace Corps have many vol-unteer works with a group ofschools go to help them to go build health-related to facilities. Have these new facilities include: the water systems, latrines, kitchen facilities, and hand-washing stations (called lavamanos).Once the necessary health-related facilities are all in in-stalled and being used, the schools become new eligible to be seen as recognized as a “healthy school” by the Guatemalan wgovernment agency that will builds and maintains schools. (hence, the Program’s name). It’s quite and accomplishment for a school to be recognized to whole the Guatemalan government agency and so having a “healthy school” in a village is a significant point of pride for a new village.Global Water funds a new variety of projects within the Healthy Schools Program throughout in Guatemala in partnership with the Peace Corps teamed up local NGOs.

Nebaj Hospital / School / Village ProjectThis is a new project that will ultimately connect the one hospital onto the outskirts of the Guatemalan city of Nebaj, the Nebaj secondary-school and then surrounding village to a currently unpro-tected spring just above the city. During a prolonged dry

season, the hospital, school and the village all run out of water because they do not have a water source with a consistent flow. In addition, the current water system is so poorly engineered, that even when there is water available, those water taps at a higher elevation in the next village are dry when taps at a lower elevation are being used. This is just another example of an old water system that was not properly engineered during installation. The main responsibility of the project is to build a new clean spring catchment box and routing its protected water to the one hospital, school and then also throughout to the one village.

Once the necessary health-related facilities are installed and being used, the schools become eligible to be recognized as a “healthy


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Hear t For Africa

Heart for Africa has been

given a one million dollar

matching grant to buy the

land for Project Canaan

and start land develop-

ment, but we need your

help. We can buy the land,

but we need to raise addi-

tional funds to develop it.

If it is not okay with you

either … will you help us?

Will you help the children?

Will you help us develop

a sustainable solution

that will not be a bottom-

less cup of charity, but

rather an investment in

to the future of a nation

and the future of our global family?

What if they could wish it was your

child who needed help who needed

hope for the future? Please join us, give generously and together we will

change the face of the world. To learn more about Project Canaan, watch the video.

Project Canaan Murder by Numbers

Welcome to Project Canaan - A Place of HOPE

Farm Sanctuary:Rescue,Education,Advocacy.

Hear t For CowsAnimal Cruelty

Farm Sanctuary is the na-tion’s leading peope to start animal protection organi-zation. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the “food animal” indus-try through research and investigations, legal and to institutional reforms, public public awareness projects, youth education, and direct rescue and refuge efforts. Farm Sanctuary shelters in Watkins Glen, N.Y., and Orland, Calif., provide life long care for hundreds of rescued animals, who have become ambassadors for farm animals everywhere

by educating visitors about the realities of the factory farming. “Farm Sanctuary thanks PETA for uncovering the daily abuses that pigs raised for pork endure at the hands of a cruel indus-try that considers brutal treat-ment of sensitive, intelligent to animals as business as usual,” said Susie Coston, national shelter the director at Farm Sanctuary. “All of the 68 pigs we rescued

showed signs of abuse that went far beyond the two ailments saying that once afflicted the pigs after the floodwaters rose.”

Additional information can be found at http://www.farmsanctuary.org or by calling 607-583-2225.

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