Standard 5. Scholarship: Research, Creative and Professional Activity by Lena Jayyusi with Alia Yunis and Nadia Rahman Standard 6. Student Ser- vices by Renee Everett with Micaela Moraes Standard 7. Resources, Facilities and Equipment by Matt Dyck with Wil McCarthy and Andrea Juhasz Standard 8. Professional and Public Service by Wil McCarthy and James Piecowye Standard 9. Assessment of Learning Outcomes by Badran Badran and Gael- le Duthler By Badran Badran In preparation for the official ACEJMC pre-site visit to our Col- lege in February 2013, several CCMS faculty and staff were involved in the research and writing of a preliminary overview of the college during fall. This collaborative effort was modeled on the nine ACEJMC accrediting standards. To ac- complish this task, the College Accreditation Office had con- tacted colleagues with a particu- lar expertise and/or interest during spring of last year, asking them if they would be ready to write their respective parts. Drafts for each section were prepared in October, which was followed by a College confer- ence in November where each author(s) presented their part and faculty voiced their opinions and suggestions. After further editing by the accreditation office staff, all sections were merged into one document. Dean Marilyn Roberts was the editor of this document which started small, then grew larg- er and larger each day. The final document will have the following parts after an intro- duction by Dean Roberts: Standard 1. Mission, Gov- ernance and Administra- tion by Marilyn Roberts Standard 2. Curriculum and Instruction by Badran Badran with Jack Hillwig. Standard 3. Diversity and Inclusiveness by Ode Amaize and Faye Kotsi. Standard 4. Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty by Da- vid Bulla Faculty, Staff Complete Preliminary Overview MasterCard's Devereux Addresses Alumni, Students By Renee Everett On November 21, 2012, the College of Communication and Media Sciences (CCMS) hosted a speaker presenta- tion, followed by an organiza- tional meeting, for the first CCMS alumni chapter. This marks the first attempt to organize this group into a functioning alumni chapter. The speaker was Patricia Deve- reux, Group Head of Corporate Philanthropy & Citizenship for MasterCard Worldwide and was provided by GolinHarris, UAE. Ms. Devereux is responsi- ble for the development, imple- mentation and growth of Mas- terCard’s global philanthropic strategy. A group of approximately 40 students and alumni attended. Following Ms. Devereux’s dis- cussion, alumni stayed and held a brief organizational meeting. A president was cho- sen and a travel/study pro- posal was discussed as a fu- ture project. Zayed University—College of Communication and Media Sciences Monday January 14, 2013 Volume 2, Issue 3 ACCREDITATION CCMS Calendar ACEJMC’s pre- site visit is scheduled for 24th till 26th Feb- ruary 2013 in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Middle East PR Conference 2013 will be held Feb- ruary 3rd & 4th in Dubai ZUMEFF 2013 will take place on April 30th & May 1st in Abu Dhabi Middle East Event Awards is scheduled for May 22 in Dubai. Update Mastercard’s Patricia Devereux Welcome to the third edition of the CCMS Accreditation Newsletter

ZayedUniversity—CollegeofCommunicationandMediaSciences ... · raphy, CV/Resume and best Arabic and English prod-ucts. The program provides ... Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab

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Page 1: ZayedUniversity—CollegeofCommunicationandMediaSciences ... · raphy, CV/Resume and best Arabic and English prod-ucts. The program provides ... Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab

Standard 5. Scholarship: Research, Creative and Professional Activity by Lena Jayyusi with Alia Yunis and Nadia Rahman

Standard 6. Student Ser-

vices by Renee Everett with Micaela Moraes

Standard 7. Resources,

Facilities and Equipment by Matt Dyck with Wil McCarthy and Andrea Juhasz

Standard 8. Professional

and Public Service by Wil McCarthy and James Piecowye

Standard 9. Assessment

of Learning Outcomes by Badran Badran and Gael-le Duthler

By Badran Badran In preparation for the official ACEJMC pre-site visit to our Col-lege in February 2013, several CCMS faculty and staff were involved in the research and writing of a preliminary overview of the college during fall. This collaborative effort was modeled on the nine ACEJMC accrediting standards. To ac-complish this task, the College Accreditation Office had con-tacted colleagues with a particu-lar expertise and/or interest during spring of last year, asking them if they would be ready to write their respective parts. Drafts for each section were prepared in October, which was followed by a College confer-ence in November where each author(s) presented their part and faculty voiced their opinions and suggestions. After further

editing by the accreditation office staff, all sections were merged into one document. Dean Marilyn Roberts was the editor of this document which started small, then grew larg-er and larger each day. The final document will have the following parts after an intro-duction by Dean Roberts: Standard 1. Mission, Gov-

ernance and Administra-tion by Marilyn Roberts

Standard 2. Curriculum

and Instruction by Badran Badran with Jack Hillwig.

Standard 3. Diversity and

Inclusiveness by Ode Amaize and Faye Kotsi.

Standard 4. Full-Time and

Part-Time Faculty by Da-vid Bulla

Faculty, Staff Complete Preliminary Overview

MasterCard's Devereux Addresses Alumni, Students

By Renee Everett On November 21, 2012, the College of Communication and Media Sciences (CCMS) hosted a speaker presenta-tion, followed by an organiza-tional meeting, for the first CCMS alumni chapter. This marks the first attempt to organize this group into a functioning alumni chapter.

The speaker was Patricia Deve-reux, Group Head of Corporate Philanthropy & Citizenship for MasterCard Worldwide and was provided by GolinHarris, UAE. Ms. Devereux is responsi-ble for the development, imple-mentation and growth of Mas-terCard’s global philanthropic strategy.

A group of approximately 40 students and alumni attended. Following Ms. Devereux’s dis-cussion, alumni stayed and held a brief organizational meeting. A president was cho-sen and a travel/study pro-posal was discussed as a fu-ture project.

Zayed  University—College  of  Communication  and  Media  Sciences

Monday January 14, 2013 Volume  2,  Issue  3


CCMS Calendar

ACEJMC’s pre-site visit is scheduled for 24th till 26th Feb-ruary 2013 in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Middle East PR Conference 2013 will be held Feb-ruary 3rd & 4th in Dubai

ZUMEFF 2013 will take place on April 30th & May 1st in Abu Dhabi

Middle East Event Awards is scheduled for May 22 in Dubai.


Mastercard’s Patricia Devereux

Welcome to the third edition of the CCMS Accreditation Newsletter

Page 2: ZayedUniversity—CollegeofCommunicationandMediaSciences ... · raphy, CV/Resume and best Arabic and English prod-ucts. The program provides ... Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab

The College’s National Advisory Council (NAC) in Dubai recently held its first meet-ing for this academic year. In her welcom-ing remarks, Dean Marilyn Roberts stressed the importance of the NAC and its support-ive and advisory roles to the College. Next, the NAC approved its terms of reference and confirmed the appointment of Mr. Fran-cis Mathews, veteran journalist and Editor-At-Large of the Gulf News newspaper, as the NAC/Dubai president for a two-year term. With CCMS Associate Dean Renee Everett and faculty present, Dean Roberts

gave a state of the College overview, including highlights of the College’s strategic planning process. Associate Dean Everett talked about the College’s internship pro-gram and the evolving rela-tionship with its alumnae. Next, Dr. Badran Badran in-formed the NAC members that the College has recently been re-accredited by the

International Advertising Association (IAA) for a second term and described the College’s efforts in preparing for inter-national program accreditation with the U.S.-based Accrediting Council on Educa-tion in Journalism and Mass Communica-tion (ACEJMC). After lunch, the NAC and faculty engaged in a conversation about Emiratization and what employers are currently looking for in a communication and media graduate. At the end of the meeting, NAC members toured the new du multimedia lab.

College’s National Advisory Council Holds Meeting in Dubai

College Deans Visit CCMS

Page 2


The college recently welcomed two distinguished international academic visitors who were in Dubai to attend an international meeting; Susan King - Dean, John Thomas Kerr Distinguished Professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, UNC Chapel Hill and Yuen Ying Chan - Director and Professor of the University of Hong Kong's School of Journalism and Media Studies. The guests also attended part of a faculty meeting.

NAC meeting in Dubai

Page 3: ZayedUniversity—CollegeofCommunicationandMediaSciences ... · raphy, CV/Resume and best Arabic and English prod-ucts. The program provides ... Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab

“Accreditation   is   among  various   outside   influences  when   developing   an   ideal  journalism   curriculum.   The  value   of   journalism   stand-­ards   for   undergraduate   pro-­grams  has  been   studied  and  is   still   debated.   This   study  discovers   views   of   opinion  leaders   in   U.S.   journalism  programs,   as   surveyed   pro-­gram  directors   give   reasons  for   being   accredited   or   not.  The   most   important   reason  

for   schools  with,   or   obtain-­ing   accreditation   is   reputa-­tion   enhancement.*   But  many   directors   question  accreditation’s   value.   Some  perceive  the  cap  on  journal-­ism  credits  that  students  can  take   as   a   limitation   of   stu-­dent   development   and   a  hindrance   to   responding   to  increasing   media   industry  convergence.” Editor:   Other   top   reasons  given  include  “accreditation  

process   leads   to   valuable  data   to   make   program  stronger”  and  “accreditation  is   mandated   by   university  leadership.” Abstract   of   “Reputation  Cycles:   The   Value   of   Ac-­creditation   for   Undergradu-­ate   Journalism   Programs,”  by  Blom,  R.,  Davenport,  L.  and   Bowe,   Brian.   Journal-­ism   and  Mass   Communica-­tion   Educator.   67   (4),   392-406.  

students to exercise technol-ogy skills and exhibit their best communication content and projects. Integrated Stra-tegic Communications and Converged Media students are leading the way by add-ing branding and by integrat-i n g Y o u T u b e a n d SoundCloud. The ePortfolios use WordPress CMS because of its open code develop-

By Jack Frizzell. In 2012-2013, the College of Communication and Me-dia Sciences continues to improve its display ePortfo-lio program. All students publish a professional biog-raphy, CV/Resume and best Arabic and English prod-ucts. The program provides an essential baseline web-publishing experience for

ment, collaborative communi-ty and commitment to rapidly releasing new versions based on the latest web and mobile standards. In creating their display ePortfolios, students use their web and mobile con-tent and communication skills to advance practice in their specialization and con-tinually improve our commu-nity.

Study Reveals Reasons for Seeking Accreditation

E-Portfolio Training Underway

Task Force on AEJMC in the Global Century

21st century. Task force members have considered structural changes to sup-port global partnerships, expand international membership, emissaries and delegations to scores of journalism associations around the world, and ex-pand international circula-tion of its journals. All this is designed to im-

prove discourse among AEJMC scholars and scholars abroad. AEJMC shall benefit enormously from forging ahead with overdue global reforms.” Prof. Charles Self is a former CCMS International Advisory Board member. Guest Editorial, International Communication Research Journal, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, Fall 2012.

A 15-member Task Force on AEJMC in the Global Century, six of whose members are based out-side of the U.S., was re-cently formed. It is chaired by Prof. Charles Self, past AEJMC president. According to Self, the task force “can help align AEJMC with the changes sweeping the globe in the

Page 3

Volume 2, Issue 3

Recent Publications (Middle East Focus) Axford, B. (2011). Talk About a Revolution: social Media and the MENA Uprisings. Globalizations, 8 (5), pp. 681-686. Bhuiyan, S. (2011). Social Media and Its Effectiveness in the Political Reform Movement in Egypt. Media Educator, 1, August. pp. 14-20. Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab Uprisings of 2011: research Notes. Journalism, 12 (5), pp. 647-659. McDaniel, A. (2011). News from the BBC, CNN, and Al Jazeera: How the Three Broadcasters Cover the Middle East. American Communication Journal, 13 (1), pp. 1-2. Prasad, K. (2011). New Media and Public Relations in Oman: Embracing Innovation in the Digital Era. Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition, 6 (1), pp. 53-57. Zeng, L. & Tahat, K. (2012). Picturing Terrorism through Arabic Lenses: A Comparative Analysis of Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya. Asian Journal of Communication, 22 (5), pp. 433-448.

Page 4: ZayedUniversity—CollegeofCommunicationandMediaSciences ... · raphy, CV/Resume and best Arabic and English prod-ucts. The program provides ... Cottle, S. (2011). Media and the Arab

CCMS Publications