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English Listening / Level 3

Unit 30 – Shopping 

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comentarios, preguntas o sugerencias visita nuestra página web: valoramos mucho tu

opinión. ¡Buena suerte! Katie y Tom

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In this unit you’re going to develop your listening around the topic of shopping. Let’s get started.

Listening Task 1

Listen to Tom and I talking about shopping habits and shopping in different countries.

•  Give two differences I mention between my shopping habits in the UK and Spain.

TOM: Katie, where do you do the majority of your shopping?

KATIE: Erm...do you mean like erm...household goods?

TOM: Yeah, household, grocery shopping.

KATIE: Yeah, erm...

TOM: And household goods.

KATIE: Well, that’s really quite interesting because it’s changed, quite a bit since I came to Spain.

Erm, in England, I used to go...I’m ashamed and embarrassed to say...

TOM: Tesco.

KATIE: I used to go, well, a combination of either Tesco or more often Asda, which is owned by

Wal-Mart , who are really, really naughty and bad for the whole planet, and everything...but erm...

TOM: Cheap.

KATIE: Very, very cheap, erm and actually it’s been quite interesting coming to Spain and noticing

how...supermarkets in England, for a lot of products are actually cheaper than Spain, whichsurprised me, a lot. Erm, but anyway, I used to do...you know, at least once a week, erm, my sort of

weekly shop and buy all my...all...almost everything in the same place – toiletries, fruit and

vegetables...you know, all the sort of...cupboard goods like rice and pasta, and all that kind of stuff,

and even sometimes clothes and shoes.

TOM: And when did you do your weekly shop? With everyone else, on a Friday evening before the


KATIE: (laughter) No, but that’s another thing I really notice the difference in, and it’s...I’m kind of

torn, because the difference is, in England, all the big supermarkets, all of them, even in small

towns, very small towns, are twenty four hours, open twenty four hours a day.

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TOM: That’s ridiculous.

KATIE: Yeah. But it’s extremely convenient and I was like, What? The supermarket shuts at what

time? You know, so...

TOM: But don’t they get drunk people going after the pub sometimes?

KATIE: Oh, well, yeah.

TOM: Pushing trolleys into...

KATIE: They have security guards on them.

TOM: ...products.

KATIE: But erm, no I mean I’ve...on occasion I’ve done my shopping at one o’clock in the morning.

Erm it’s brilliant! No queues...

TOM: I think my sister used to go, in the middle...because she’s a fire-fighter, she used to go in the

middle of the night after shifts finished sometimes and, she was like, Oh it’s totally empty, the

supermarket at four in the morning.

KATIE: Yeah. And you, you know, no...no bashing into people with your trolley, just gently stroll

around...erm, but yeah, so I used to do that and, I would occasionally, go to the market and get fruit

and veg but, you just don’t...w...what with spending a lot of time doing things like commuting in

England, you don’t really have the time and there aren’t that many local shops. Anymore.

TOM: Well they’ve been killed by the big out of town supermarkets, certainly outside of London in

err more provincial towns, like where I’m from, Oxford, they...all the villages, all the people go to

these giant hypermarkets, that are on the motorways and the main roads outside of the towns

and...they...all the local shops have died out, you know...

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: ...you’ve just got charity shops and a few other shops now in the centre of these small

market towns, they call them...

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: ...and err, yeah they’re just...and it’s just a shame.

KATIE: I mean erm, it’s a real shame and I hate it, and I did used to make a conscious effort, where

possible, to go and buy things from local shops, but they aren’t actually there, you know. And that’s

one thing that’s really, really noticeable and very, very nice about Spain. I love the fact that you

have, a fruit and vegetable shop...

TOM: Yeah.

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KATIE: ...an underwear shop, err, you know, a shop that seems to sell nothing but towels, erm, a

shoe shop...

TOM: And you get better fruit and veg...

KATIE: ...a butcher’s...

TOM: ...in the...in the fruit and veg shop.

KATIE: Yeah. I mean that’s a prime example, you know even in the small town where I’m staying,

there are two butcher’s, two obviously very good butchers and a separate fishmonger.

TOM: Mmm.

KATIE: You know, you have to go to a sort of...posh1, snazzy


TOM: Yeah. I don’t know why. I think it’s, there’s higher car ownership in the UK as well, so I


kind of deli somewhere to get...just

meat sold, or just fish sold, because everybody just goes to the supermarket.

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: ...I think that might have something to do with it, a lot more people in Spain for example,

have motorbikes and bicycles still...

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: ...err well there’s lots of cars here as well but, it’s still higher in the UK.

KATIE: Yeah, and th...and those supermarkets in England are usually, out of town, so yeah you

normally need a...not always but you often need a car. You know, so people will go and do...a

monthly shop.

TOM: But it has, I mean it really has killed the, the sort of heart...of lots of... of lots of...

KATIE: The High Street, yeah.

TOM: ...the High Street, the town...small towns.

KATIE: ...it’s been reported in Britain, quite a lot of, you know, death of the High Street , and erm...

TOM: But I...I read recently that it’s reversing now, and that...

KATIE: Mmm, there’s a bit of a backlash3

TOM: ...people were...hate going out to these giant...sort of car parks with...two mile long parking

lots, and err...you know, it’s just, it’s really horrible, I don’t like it actually at all, I’d much go to a

fruit shop like in Barcelona, and, and buy my fruit once a week and then go to a supermarket

maybe once a month and buy all the...all the, rice and pasta and, things like that.


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KATIE: Again I’m embarrassed to say it, but I absolutely love going to the supermarket. I could

spend hours in there, and I frequently do. I get into trouble, because I like to go down every single

aisle4, regardless of whether I want anything from it, erm...and I’m also a real sucker



for...I don’t

know if they do this here, but erm, in England they have what they call BOGOF .

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: What’s that?

KATIE: You’ve never heard of BOGOF s?

TOM: No.

KATIE: Buy One Get One Free.

TOM: Oh, yeah.

KATIE: B-O-G-O-F. Buy One Get One Free.

TOM: I’ve heard of that.

KATIE: So it’s called a BOGOF  deal, and you know, what happens is, you...you’re going to buy, I

don’t know...toilet roll, and then...suddenly you end up leaving the supermarket with forty six rolls

of toilet roll...(laughter) because it was a BOGOF , you know. Or...

TOM: But then...

KATIE: ...buy one get one free or...

TOM: ...yes, you do end up spending more then you, needed to...

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: ...every time.

KATIE: I mean ultimately it’s...cheaper I suppose. But again, it’s cost versus personality in the

shopping stakes I suppose.

TOM: Yeah.

Listening Task 1 – Answers

So what were some of the differences between my shopping habits in the UK and Spain? In the UK I

could go to a supermarket any time of the day or night, and I used to get nearly all my shopping

 from one shop, which is different to Spain.

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Listening Task 2

Now listen to Alec and then Donnie talking about themselves and shopping.


Have you ever bought the same thing as the first speaker, Alec?

•  What was Donnie’s reason for doing more shopping?

ALEC: OK the last thing that I bought was erm, some pyjamas. Erm, unconventional pyjamas

because when I arrived here it was really cold, at night, which I was surprised about, erm, so I

bought a sweater and some tracksuit bottoms, that matched, from erm, the second-hand shops

that are here, called Humano or Humana...in total it was six Euros, for the sweater and the tracksuit


DONNIE: Well my New Year’s resolution this year, was to go to the supermarket more often. That

might sound like a strange choice for a New Year’s resolution, but it’s because, I think, one of the

financial problems I had last year was going to too many cafés, and having too many sandwiches

between...between err...teaching classes or...having a coffee here and a coffee there and a

bocadillo there. Err, so going to the supermarket more often was...was something I decided to do,

and...I was very happy to discover that near my house, there’s a, very well stocked supermarket, err

which has an incredible variety of fruit and vegetables and frozen foods, cheese and meat, dairyproducts and everything. Erm, and trying to go weekly and fill up the bags and bring them back and

fill up the...the kitchen with different things is, is something that I’ve been really pushing myself to

try and do, I know it sounds pathetic6


, but err it’s been good, and I’m enjoying it, I’m cooking more,

and...err, it’s much, much cheaper, err, to...to shop at the supermarket than it is to eat out, so

here’s hoping that we can do that, so maybe we can celebrate that by going for a sandwich and a

coffee at the café afterwards. (laughter)

Listening Task 2 - Answers

Have you ever bought the same thing as the first speaker, Alec? Well maybe you have bought

 pyjamas before, but have you ever bought second hand ones - one that somebody else has worn


What was Donnie’s reason for doing more shopping? To stop spending so much money in cafés.

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Listening Task 3

Now here are Amanda and Cathy.


What question are they both answering?

AMANDA: Well the last purchase I made was, at the market, the food market, there’s a...a great

err, market close to my house that I frequent almost daily. I think in total, I spent around twenty

five, maybe thirty Euros, I (laughter) ...I tend to get carried away at the market, (laughter) and err,

they have some artisanal erm, products and fancy stuffed olives and things that I...I really like, so I

bl...I blew a bit of money on some err, some good foods for later.


CATHY: Erm, I don’t actually really like to go shopping that much, I...I’m much more of a

spontaneous7 shopper, so for me it’s really exciting to see something that I like, and well maybe

think about it for a while, I’m not like really impulsive8


but, buy it in the moment instead of going to

go shopping with friends because that for me is really not fun and actually it’s pretty stressful for

me. And, I don’t really like the environment of shopping. But the last thing I bought was actually a

pair of shoes, but I bought it online, erm, because I have very big feet for Spanish women and it’s

very difficult for me to find shoes. So I have these pairs of shoes that I’ve been buying, err for years

and years and I just bought a different colour and I ordered it online instead.

Listening Task 3 – Answers

What question were they both answering? The question was; What the last thing you bought?

Listening Task 4

Now Tom and I are back and this time we are talking about clothes shopping.

•  What do Tom and I have in common?

KATIE: So, we just talked about, erm, offers in supermarkets that encourage you to buy more or

buy things that you don’t even need or want, but erm...you end up buying them...erm, anotherthing...actually I’m not bad at this, but sales. What do you...do you like going to the sales?

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TOM: No I absolutely hate them.

KATIE: (laughter)

TOM: There’s no two ways about it, I really can’t stand them, and I fact I’d rather pay double, and

wait until everybody’s left the shops.

KATIE: (laughter)

TOM: It’s just I can’t cope with it, it makes me...I can survive about thirty minutes during the sales

and the worst thing is, when you...you’re going into shops, you can’t move, everybody’s pushing

everyone out of the way...

KATIE: And the clothes are all in a humongous, great big pile anyway.

TOM: Yeah, you can’t find your...my size is invariably gone every time anyway, so you fight yourway there, you get elbowed


KATIE: Really?

and hit...and they’ve got banging techno music playing in the

background, which is supposed to encourage you to buy, but it just gives me a headache.

TOM: Often in some of these, sort of, younger shops, I guess.

KATIE: Younger! Listen at you. How old are you?

TOM: Yeah, sorry I’m not going to comment on that anymore, I might give away my age, but

yeah...no I like...I don’t...I like banging techno music but not...

KATIE: Not in the shop.

TOM: ...during the sales, when I can’t move and I’ve got claustrophobia.

KATIE: I hate the sale as well. Well, I like the sales when I just happen to find something very, very

quickly, but I cannot, I can’t do the...you know when the Janu...in England it’s the January sales, and


TOM: Yeah, they have them here as well.

KATIE: ...yeah, the whole street, everyone’s got a sale on, you can’t move and there’s, kind of,

people battering each other with handbags and barging around.

TOM: It’s a big...shit fight. Isn’t it? That’s what some people say.


KATIE: And recently actually, it was just, Christmas gone in the UK, erm...

TOM: Oh they...it ended in fight...no it was one of the Apple Stores actually it was in the news...

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KATIE: Well several, several things happened. Someone punched10

TOM: They’re my socks!

somebody in the face, because

they jumped the queue outside...

KATIE: ...some great big err, department store, you know, like people will...again I don’t know if it’s

the same here, people will camp out on the pavement...overnight, so that they can be first in the


TOM: Yeah they do that here as well I think a bit, erm, but I mean, you know you can understand it

in a time of economic crisis, that people do all their annual clothes shopping during the sales, so

you know, it’s the one time to buy everything for their family, their children, erm and so I...I mean,

there’s a lot of activity during the sales in Spain at the moment...

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: ...and I don’t know whether it’s the same in the UK...

KATIE: Well, well actually, you know, it used to be that there was one sale a year maybe two, so

there was the sale in January, aft...you know because everyone...they’re trying to stimulate11

TOM: Well, they’ve got this thing called, is it Black Friday  now? That they’ve...

growth after Christmas because everybody’s bought every...thing they can think of, and spent all of

their money and put loads of things on credit, so nobody really buys anything in January so...there

used to be, that was the only really big sale of the year, the January sales.


TOM: ...brought over form The States, and they had it in Spain and I think they...they do it in

London now as well maybe, where...I think it’s one of the Fridays just before Christmas,

and...basically they...everything goes half price in all the shops and it’s just, it’s really to stimulate

that last big, buying frenzy before...before Christmas.

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: Err, and it’s usually the day of the year where they do the most business...

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: ...the shops, I think.

KATIE: Well, well now, it just seems...it literally, you seem to see...discounts and sales in most

shops, most of the time at the moment, you know, it’s no longer a...an annual event, or...twice a

year there’s a big sale, it’s...seems to be every couple of months.

TOM: Well they’re all going out of business, basically...

KATIE: Yeah.

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TOM: ...the High Street, err, certainly is really suffering. What’s the first thing that you do when

you’ve got no money? You stop going and buying new clothes. I mean...

KATIE: Yeah. Exactly.

TOM: You know, you’ve still got to buy your food and your essentials, but clothes, you know...most

people, buy clothes as a kind of luxury thing a lot of the time, or a fashion accessory...

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: So, they stop shopping, so you’ve got to stimulate that business somehow.

KATIE: Yeah.

TOM: So permanent sales, I think are...here to stay.

KATIE: Well that’s unpleasant, because that means queuing and barging around, and waiting at tills

is here to stay. I shall be avoiding the shops forever now. That’s it!

TOM: Me too.

Listening Task 4 – Answers

What do Tom and I have in common? We both hate shopping in the sales.


Well done, that was some good listening practice on the topic of shopping.

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Extra Materials


If you want to practise your listening skills even more, here are some extra questions for you. The

answers are at the end of this document. If you get any wrong, you can look at the transcript to

check why.

Listening 1

Why does Tom think British people go to big supermarkets?

What does BOGOF mean?

Listening 2

Has Donnie succeeded with his New Year’s resolution?

Listening 3

Does Cathy carefully plan what she is going to buy?

Listening 4

When is Black Friday?

What bad thing happened at the sales in the UK?

Vocabulary – Getting the meaning from context

When you listen to natural speech, there are lots of spoken expressions you can learn. Here we’ve

taken some of the most interesting ones from the conversations. Complete the following exercises,which will help you learn and remember these words and expressions.

Look at the sentences from the recording and try to find a word or phrase to match the definitions

below them.

...no bashing into people with your trolley

...I blew a bit of money

...she used to go in the middle of the night after shifts sometimes

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...people battering each other with handbags

...because they jumped the queue 

Two informal words that mean hitting someone or something______________and____________.

A phrase that means to go in front of someone who is waiting in a line._____________________

A word that means to waste or spend without thinking or worrying about


A word for work hours that can often be at night or not office hours.________________________

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Extra Materials - Answers


Listening 1

Why does tom think British people go to big supermarkets? Because they drive more and so can go

to big out of town stores.

What does BOGOF mean? Buy one, get one free.

Listening 2

Has Donnie succeeded with his New Year’s resolution? Yes – he’s saving money and enjoying it.

Listening 3

Does Cathy carefully plan what she is going to buy? No, she is spontaneous.

Listening 4

When is Black Friday? One of the Fridays before Christmas. 

What bad thing happened at the sales in the UK? Somebody got punched.


Two informal words that mean hitting someone or something. Bashing and battering.

A phrase that means to go in front of someone who is waiting in a line. Jump the queue. 

A phrase that means wasted or spent without thinking or worrying about it. Blew some money .

A word for work hours that can often be at night or not office hours. Shifts.

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Vocabulary Glossary

1 posh (adjective, informal ) - pijo

2 snazzy (adjective, informal ) - elegante

3 backlash (noun) – reacción violenta 

4 aisle (noun) - pasillo

5 sucker (noun, informal, pejorative) - imbécil

6 pathetic (adjective) - patético

7 spontaneous (adjective) - espontáneo

8 impulsive (adjective) - impulsivo

9 elbowed ( past participle) - dado un codazo

10 punched ( past simple) - golpeó

11 stimulate (verb) - estimular