Zaphiris Et Al. - 2004 - Exploring the Use of Information Visualization for Digital Libraries - New Review of Information Networking

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  • 7/30/2019 Zaphiris Et Al. - 2004 - Exploring the Use of Information Visualization for Digital Libraries - New Review of Informat





    Panayiotis Zaphiris, Kulvinder Gill, Terry H.-Y. Ma,Stephanie Wilson and Helen Petrie

    This paper presents the findings from a study conducted to explore the current and

    future use of information visualization (IV) for digital libraries (DL). A series of query

    techniques and participatory design workshops were employed with the goal of actively

    involving users in identifying the key characteristics and applications of IV for DLs. The

    methodology employed, key findings and overall conclusions are presented and



    The work reported in this paper is the outcome of a study we conducted to

    investigate the current use of information visualization (IV) techniques by the

    joint information systems committee (JISC) services in the UK and future possible

    uses of such techniques in digital library (DL) applications. One of the key

    objectives of this project was to actively involve users (through the use of

    Participatory Design) in the development of low fidelity prototypes that illustrate

    the use of IV for web-based, end-user oriented DL services.

    The paper first presents the theoretical foundations for IV and DLs. It then

    explores the link between these two fields and finally describes the methodology

    employed, the results obtained and the overall conclusions and recommenda-

    tions of the project.

    Theoretical Foundations

    In recent years a number of influential IV techniques have been developed

    and found application in different domains (e.g. starfield displays (Albert and

    Shneiderman 1994a), Bead (Chalmers and Chitson 1992) and self-organizing maps

    (Lagus et al. 1996).

    New challenges in IV emerged with the increasing use of the World Wide

    Web. Many visualizations have been developed for the purpose of browsing large

    collections of online documents, or large data sets (e.g. FilmFinder (Albert and

    Shneiderman 1994b)). In addition, the use of different information visualization

    techniques for navigation (Spence 2001) have recently been the focus of anumber of studies (Zaphiris et al. 2002; Bederson and Schneiderman 2003).

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    What is Information Visualization (IV)?

    Card et al. (1999) define visualization as:

    The use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of data

    to amplify cognition. (Card et al. 1999)

    They define IV as

    The use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of

    abstract data to amplify cognition. (Card et al. 1999)

    The main goals of IV are discovery, decision making, and explanation. IV is

    useful to the extent that it increases our ability to perform these and other

    cognitive activities. In visualization, abstractions are based on physical space,

    whilst non-physical information such as financial data, business information,

    collections of documents, and abstract conceptions may also benefit from being

    presented in a visual form.

    In the information age, where the volume and use of online information is

    increasing, there is a need for new forms of presentation and manipulation of

    electronic data. Tufte (2001) described two fundamental rules for visual display:

    . Maximize the data-ink ratio, i.e. every drop of ink, or pixel on your screen,

    ought to be information bearing. Anything that appears simply for decoration

    should be removed.

    . Maximize information density, i.e. prefer displays with more rather than

    less information.

    Tufte (2001) also observes that maps are a superior means of applying

    these rules, as they convey more information per square unit of display area than

    other presentation techniques.

    It is thought that visualizing information by representing the semantic

    relationships (through metaphors like spatial proximity and visual links), can

    facilitate the development and application of the users cognitive map of the

    information space (Egan 1988; Vicente and Willeges 1988; Hook et al. 1996). Thismakes the task of searching and browsing for information similar to that of real

    world navigation. For example, map overviews (as an aid to hypertext navigation)

    have been found to benefit users (Vicente and Willeges 1988; Sein et al. 1993;

    Stanney and Salvendy 1995). Furthermore, the use of virtual environments takes

    the notion of visualization one step further by providing full, real-time

    interactivity and the ability to view the relationships between objects from an

    unlimited number of perspectives (Cribbin 2003).

    Information Visualization (IV) and Digital Libraries (DLs)


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    lingual collections of documents that are distributed and accessed worldwide.

    Given the fact that they are becoming the main repository of mankinds

    knowledge, the design of user-friendly interfaces to access, understand, and

    manage DL content has become an active and challenging field of study (Fox and

    Urs 2002).

    With the ability to share worldwide collections of information, DLs have

    become one of the common means for sharing and disseminating information by

    individuals or groups that select, organize and catalogue large numbers of


    According to Borner and Chen (2002), our primary means of accessing DLs

    today are search engines that retrieve very large numbers of documents relevant

    to our search terms. However, search interfaces lack the ability to support

    information exploration, making it increasingly difficult for scientists andpractitioners to gain a macro view of DLs, to locate germane resources, to

    monitor the evolution of their own and other knowledge domain, and to trace

    the influence of theories within and across domains.

    The increasing availability of online information makes it necessary for

    librarians and information professionals to efficiently and effectively catalogue

    the large amount of documents produced (Borner and Chen 2002). There is a

    need for new tools that will assist scientists and researchers to identify and

    manage all these useful information resources.

    The Application of Information Visualization (IV) to DigitalLibraries (DLs)

    In applying IV to DL interfaces, the aim is to shift the users mental load

    from slow reading to faster perceptual processes such as visual pattern


    According to Borner and Chen (2002), there are three common usage

    scenarios for visual interfaces to DLs:

    1. To support the identification of the composition of a retrieval result,

    understand the interrelation of retrieved documents to one another, and

    refine a search.

    2. To gain an overview of the coverage of a DL and to facilitate browsing.

    3. To visualize user interaction data in relation to available documents in order

    to evaluate and improve DL usage.

    Furthermore, Borner and Chen (2002) give suggestions on effective design

    and research directions in information visualization and on how visualizationcould assist DLs:


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    . Provide new means to interact with data, for example, to provide an overview

    of what is covered by a DL, enable users to filter out relevant documents

    and to examine relationships among those documents.

    . Good labeling to ensure that the selection of meaningful words and their

    display would not be over plotted.

    . To provide multiple perspectives to one data source.

    . To support searching of text, image, video, spatial data.

    . Personal baskets for users to store previously selected document sets.

    . Usability and usefulness studies are needed to improve interfaces and to

    specify what does and does not work.

    . Strong collaboration among librarians and programmers will help to improve

    the design usability of interfaces considerably.

    When designing DLs, designing meaningful overviews so that patterns canbe easily recognized, creating comprehensible interfaces to specify what they

    want, and providing effective displays of search results are real challenges. The

    visual information seeking mantra by Ben Shneiderman:

    Overview first, zoom and filter, then details on demand. (Shneiderman


    This provides a good starting point. By interpreting this mantra, a remarkably

    diverse set of research and commercial interfaces (Card et al. 1999; Shneiderman

    1998; Reed and Heller 1997) demonstrating the use of IV in DLs has been


    Digital Library (DL) Tasks and Information Visualization (IV)

    Three key tasks in DLs are searching, navigating and browsing. We describe

    below the link of IV with these tasks:


    Search results from DLs are often displayed as a textual list, with 10/20

    items per page. Shneiderman et al. (1999) proposed a framework that increases

    clarity and user control while it reduces inconsistencies in text-search user

    interfaces. This allows designers of specific systems to offer a variety of features in

    an orderly and consistent way. Users begin the search process by considering

    their information needs and clarifying their search goals, after which they are

    ready to employ a computer-based system for the four phases: formulation (what

    happens before the user starts a search); action (starting the search); review of

    results (what the user sees resulting from the search); and refinement (whathappens after review of results and before going back to formulation).


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    Shniederman et al. (1999) suggested the use of a two-dimensional display

    with continuous variables to view several thousands search results at once. It has

    been applied to a digital video library, a legal information system and to a

    technical library using the ACM Computing Classification System.


    In terms of navigation, research in information visualizations (Card et al.

    1999; Shneiderman 1998; Bederson and Shneiderman 2003) produced a

    remarkably diverse set of interfaces.

    Two important strategies employed to achieve efficient navigation are:

    1. Two-dimensional visualizations.

    Two-dimensional visualizations with meaningful axes have been an effectivevisualization strategy because thousands of items can be shown at once.

    Typical axes make use of continuous variables (e.g. relevance or publication

    date) or categorical variables (e.g. language or name of journal). The labels on

    such axes are cues to searchers and may contain valuable information if they

    are ordinal variables.

    2. Browsers for hierarchical data sets.

    Hierarchical structures are common nowadays and very often successful, (e.g.

    Yahoo!). Hierarchies have the potential to reduce complexity by organizing

    related information into comprehensible structures. Hierarchies are typicallyshown by textual lists of one level at a time, by node-link diagrams, cone trees

    (Hearst and Karadi 1997) or an outliner in which levels and branches can be

    expanded and contracted (Nation et al. 1997).

    Graphical Interface for Digital Libraries (GRIDL) (Shneiderman et al. 1999)

    adopts these two important strategies by combining the use of hierarchical

    browse tool with a two-dimensional visualization. This combination preserves

    visual overviews and enables users to rapidly comprehend search results.


    According to Shneiderman (1997), tasks can range from specific fact-finding

    to more unstructured open-ended browsing of known databases and exploration

    of the availability of information on a topic.

    Several techniques have been developed in the last few years focusing on

    interfaces that allow users to browse and search collections of information.

    Example include: the dynamic queries (Ahlberg and Shneiderman 1996), visual

    information seeking (Ahlberg and Shneiderman 1994) and query previews (Doanet al. 1996; North et al. 1996).


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    feature a visual representation of a database (typically with a scatterplot or

    starfield display), a visual representation of a query using a collection of widgets

    (e.g. sliders), and tight coupling between these two components. Users browse

    the database by interacting with the interface widgets. Each change produces a

    new query, the results of which are immediately and continuously shown in thedisplay, supporting a progressive refinement of the search, continuous reformu-

    lation of goals, and visual scanning to identify results. Query previews also deal

    with large distributed databases, and use previews of the data to maintain real

    time feedback and limit access to the network.

    Participatory Design

    Participatory design (PD) (often termed the Scandinavian Challenge

    (Bjeknes et al. 1987)) refers to a design approach that focuses on the intended

    user of the service or product, and advocates the active involvement of users

    throughout the design process. User involvement is seen as critical both because

    users are the experts in the work practices supported by these technologies and

    because users ultimately will be the ones creating new practices in response to

    new technologies (Blomberg and Henderson 1990).

    Blomberg and Henderson (1990) characterize the PD approach as

    advocating three tenets: (a) The goal is to improve the quality of life; (b) The

    orientation is collaborative; (c) The process is iterative.We hypothesized that the use of such an approach as a means of

    requirement acquisition through prototyping would achieve high quality of data

    and would also motivate our participants to share freely their views and opinions

    about the use of IV in DLs.

    We now present the methodology we followed and our key findings.


    The main objective of this project was to engage in the development of IVlow-fidelity prototypes. Prototypes were developed for each of the four

    categories of Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) services that were

    considered during the project: Portal, Image, Bibliographic and Geospatial


    The JISC was established as an advisory committee, working on behalf of

    funding councils to provide and support the implementation of Information and

    Computing Technologies (ICTs) in further and higher education. They have

    already achieved many of their goals by providing expertise, independent advice,

    guidance and key resources to help institutions throughout the country deliver ahigh level of service.


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    environment providing secure and convenient access to a comprehensive

    collection of scholarly and educational material (JISC, 2002a). With this aim it is

    essential that all resources are successfully managed and presented in the most

    coherent way.

    The Information Environment (IE) is composed of a number of services each

    falling under one of four key categories:

    . Portals (Resource Discovery Services)

    . Bibliographic Services

    . Geospatial Services

    . Digital image libraries

    A key concern for JISC is the wide variety of users needs and the usability

    of their services:

    Users do not all want to access information in the same way but will require

    a diverse range of views of resources in order to satisfy their needs (JISC 2002).

    IV is considered one of the ways to enhance the usability of services.

    Portals (Resource Discovery Services)

    Portals are a single point of entry. Characteristic examples of portals include

    yahoo!, etc. Resource Discovery Service (RDS) improves the current

    search engines and offers better search accuracy for the users by using theirprofile information.

    Bibliographic services

    Bibliographic services contain databases in a form of an organized

    collection of information. The database contains descriptive information (citation

    and subject headings) for publications, such as books, periodical articles,

    videotapes or government documents. The structure of the database generally

    consists of the following information:

    . Index / includes citation and subject headings, also known as descriptors, for

    each publication. Catalyst, the librarys online catalogue is an example of an

    index database.

    . Abstracted Index / includes the citation, subject headings (descriptors) and

    a summary of the content of the publication.

    Geospatial services

    One of the key geo-spatial services provided by JISC is Digimap, one of the

    f f i t l lib i h d l i f ti i th W ld Wid


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    static maps stored on their database, but also quickly generate maps on the fly in

    relation to the users specific needs.

    Digital image librariesThe number of images available on the Web was estimated in 1997 to be

    between 10 and 30 million (Eakins and Graham 1999), a figure that we can

    assume has vastly increased in the last five years. Digital image libraries are now a

    key resource in retriving such images over the Internet.

    Experimental Design

    Representative users were recruited to participate in PD sessions. In total 22

    individuals were recruited to take part in these sessions. Six were present for the

    Portal, Images and Bibliographical services and four for the Geospatial service.

    Care was taken so that users participated in the design of prototypes for services

    in which they had good expertise (e.g. librarians together with students

    participated in the Bibliographical session).

    All sessions were fully equipped with the necessary stationery i.e. colored

    pens, pencils, felt tips, scissors, card, paper, acetates, overhead projector, post-it

    notes etc to help the participants in getting their thoughts on paper. The sessions

    were also video recorded and photographed.

    The structure for each session was as follows:

    1. Welcome and introduction: Participants were welcomed and asked to read

    and sign a consent form.

    2. Introduction to information visualization: A high-level introduction to

    information visualization was presented. The introduction also outlined

    common misconceptions regarding information visualization.

    3. Introduction to the service: An introduction to the particular service was

    provided (for instance, a description of a portal along with specific examples

    of portal sites).

    4. Requirements gathering: The first activity of the session focused on getting

    the participants to start thinking about the service that they were looking

    at. The technique used here was that of affinity diagramming. Affinity

    diagramming is a simple and effective method to gather a number of ideas

    that are then organized by grouping related items together (Institute 1996).

    A specific scenario was given for each service and the participants were

    required to individually brainstorm ideas on post-it notes in terms of what

    information and/or functional requirements users have. The participantswere asked to restrict themselves to one idea per post-it note.

    Th i i h k d l h f h i i d


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    already been placed on the board. This was repeated until all of their ideas

    were put on the board.

    The facilitator then led the participants in naming the groupings by reading

    out all the requirements per category and giving the opportunity to the

    participants to reshuffle the requirements to other categories if needed.Participants also highlighted any relationships that existed among the


    Thirty minutes were allocated to this activity.

    5. Documentation on information visualization techniques: Samples of

    information visualization techniques were given to the participants to

    browse for five minutes. The techniques were not discussed with the

    participants to prevent any bias.

    6. Paper-based prototyping in pairs: The participants were asked to work in pairsto sketch design ideas using some form of information visualization for the

    given scenario using the ideas that had been generated in the previous activity.

    They were asked to restrict their designs to one of the categories and not

    design a whole interface for the entire web site (for example concentrating

    on the search function).

    The participants were allowed to refer to the documentation provided and

    use any or none of the techniques illustrated.

    Thirty-five minutes were allocated to this activity but, depending on the

    stage reached by the participants, an additional ten minutes could be


    7. Presentation of initial designs: Each pair presented their design explaining how

    it worked and where information visualization techniques were applied.

    8. Final prototype: To develop the final prototype, each group was asked to

    choose one of three options: (a) work in existing pairs on the same prototype;

    (b) work together as a whole group developing one prototype to the next level;

    (c) work together as a whole group starting afresh and developing a new


    All groups chose to work together either developing an existing idea and

    taking characteristics from other prototypes on board or developing a new

    prototype combining methods/techniques or thinking of new ways to

    present the information. The groups were given 40 minutes to design their



    As an illustration of our overall results from this study we present in this

    ti l th fi di f th ti i t d i i f th t l


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    Portals: Requirements Gathering

    The hypothetical scenario setting given to the participants was:

    JISC is a public organization that supports further and higher education.

    JISC has released a tender to develop a new portal site aimed at students infurther and higher education to provide information and resources on Music. The

    tender requires you to: identify the requirements of the site i.e. what users want

    in terms of information and functionality.

    Figure 1 shows the findings from the affinity diagram exercise. The

    participants proposed twelve main categories of functionality/content for this

    service (namely: setting, classifieds/second hand instruments, concerts and

    tickets, online music, intercultural music, communications, news, further informa-

    tion and outside links, learning music, information about artists, musical genres,

    search) with a number of elements under each category.The participants also established some relationships among the categories/

    items between news (charts), intercultural music (charts across the world) and

    online music (download music and audio samples).

    Portals: Paper-Based Prototypes

    The participants worked in pairs taking the findings of the requirements

    gathering into consideration to design an idea by applying some form of

    FIGURE 1

    Portals affinity diagram.


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    Group 1:

    The purpose of this design (Figure 2) was to track specific music journals

    across the world.

    . The dots on the world map represent cities.

    . The selection criteria are presented below the map. The user can select

    the country they wish to find music journals for, the timeframe (1960 /1970),

    the chart level (e.g. top ten), and the Genre (e.g. pop, jazz, folk etc).

    . The results are displayed in a color-coded format and symbols on the map.

    . It is possible to filter out information and have the information presented

    in different views. The user can zoom in and zoom out at a continent and

    country level.

    . Data between countries can be compared, and viewed using the

    other visualization methods such as histograms, bar charts, pie charts etc

    by manipulating the criteria.

    . A pop-up window appears to view details of selection e.g. top ten charts in

    New York.

    The design was inspired by two information visualization techniques:

    d (D t l 2001) d i D f f d i

    FIGURE 2

    Portals Group 1.


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    represented in the map. Users adjust the widgets to form composite queries and

    the map elements are then shaded in response to the query. Zooming interfaces

    allow the user to smoothly zoom into the visualization in order to view more

    detailed information and to zoom out for overview information.

    Group 2:

    The purpose of this design (Figure 3) was to demonstrate the sales of

    albums and concerts worldwide.

    . The user can search for sales or concerts worldwide by selecting the

    appropriate tab/link at the top of the page.

    . The user can zoom in to continent, country, city, town via the worldwide map.

    . The search settings on the right help refine the criteria, as once the userhas selected the desired location they can search by period (1990/1994),


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    number of sales, genre and similar music. The combo boxes expand to allow

    the user to select/refine the search criteria.

    . The results are immediately displayed in the bottom left hand box. The

    squares, triangles and circles represent albums, singles and DVD sales,

    respectively. The Y axis shows the number of sales and the X axis shows theyear it was published. (The triangles etc are not grouped together because

    they are similar but because they have similar number of sales.)

    . The labels represent the different groups (genres) and are placed on the

    display for easier selection.

    . On selecting a label, further information is provided on the right beneath

    the search settings.

    The design was inspired by the following information visualization

    techniques: dynamaps (Dang et al. 2001), zooming, excentric labeling (Feketeand Plaisant 1999), and Shneidermans FilmFinder (Ahlberg and Shneiderman

    1994) application. Excentric labeling is a technique whereby objects in the

    general neighborhood of the cursor are labeled dynamically. FilmFinder was an

    early example of a dynamic query interface. The user is presented with a two-

    dimensional scattergram representation of the dataset which they can filter

    dynamically using alphaslider widgets and can also zoom in and out.

    Group 3:

    The purpose of this design (Figure 4) was to learn about music from

    different cultures.


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    . Selecting a location zooms in to select a city, town.

    . Information can also be searched using the search on the top right. If search

    is used, the map will zoom in to the selected city.

    . Details on the right hand side of the screen are empty until a user selects

    a location.. When a user selects a location, e.g. Egypt, the Associated Genres appear in the

    top right hand side of the screen.

    . On selecting one of the options provided in the Associated Genres window

    further details are provided in the pop-up window shown below.

    This design was also inspired by the dynamaps (Dang et al. 2001) and

    zooming IV techniques.

    Portals: Final Prototype

    Finally, the participants worked in a group of six to design the final set of

    prototypes (Figures 5 and 6).

    The first prototype was an enhancement of Group 2s prototype comparing

    the number of songs reaching number one.


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    . The globe presents an overview of the information; the selection of an area

    will zoom in to country, city, and/or town. A user selects two areas e.g.

    Australia and U.K to compare the song and the place it appeared in the

    chart. The results are displayed in the bar chart.


    If the user enters the interface via the globe, they can further refine theirsearch using the timeframe on top of the bar chart.

    . Alternatively the user may enter their criteria using the search settings which

    are presented in the top right hand corner.

    . On selecting a particular entry from the bar chart specific information about

    that song is presented under the search settings e.g. singer, email, lyrics,

    number of weeks in top ten.

    . Changing the criteria immediately updates the bar chart.

    . The problem outlined by the participants was that too much information

    is presented for small screens.

    The design was inspired by the following information visualization

    FIGURE 6

    Portals Combined Prototype 2.


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    The second version was an enhancement of Group 3s concept attempting

    to show information on music from different cultures.

    . The globe presents an overview of the information; the selection of an area

    will zoom in to country, city, and/or town.. On selecting a particular area, the pie chart will show music from that culture

    and will illustrate where in the world that music is listened to/produced. The

    legend will show the percentage.

    . The search settings allow a user to further refine the criteria. For example,

    by selecting Egypt as the country, Arabic as the culture and music produced

    in 2000, the pie chart will depict all Arabic music across the world.

    . Changing the criteria immediately updates the pie chart.

    The design was inspired by the following information visualization

    technique: dynamaps (Dang et al. 2001) and zooming.


    In our view the key finding of this study is the fact that it has demonstrated

    the benefit of involving users and other key stakeholders in the design of

    interactive DL services.

    Through our study we found that all stakeholders had valuable suggestions

    and input to make when it comes to designing IV techniques for DLs.

    Key Findings

    1. Our participatory design sessions through input from users and other

    stakeholders developed representative paper prototypes of IV techniques

    and methods that are applicable to specific web-based, end user-oriented

    JISC services.

    2. Our participatory design results section specifically proposes which IV

    techniques have been suggested for which type of JISC service (portals,

    images, bibliographic or geo-spatial).

    Specific Findings

    We noticed that the majority of participants of our focus groups, although

    involved in their majority with the development and maintenance of JISC

    services, were not familiar with IV. Participants in the geo-spatial focus groups

    were more familiar with IV as this area is considered to be closely related to the

    discipline of Geospatial information.There were misconceptions with participants thinking that IV is simply

    b t 3D d i t l lit S ti i t d th t IV


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    The majority of participants thought that visual presentations (e.g. maps)

    are useful in assisting their search when using DLs. Both stakeholders and end

    users were interested in exploring how the relationships between results could

    be display / i.e. how the results generated correlate between each other and

    how users could compare the results at a glance. They thought that IV might behelpful in contributing towards this issue.

    For geo-spatial libraries, experts in geo-spatial information systems stressed

    that the ideal geo-spatial libraries do not only shows the GI data but make it able

    to link and correlates the GI data with non-GI data / national service/data (e.g.

    economic and social data, census data) in order to assist them in their research.

    But in order to do this, it will takes an extensive among of afford by all relevant

    agencies (especially owners of the data sets).

    Participants of the portal, images and bibliographic focus groups, also

    raised the issue of designing applications that show relationships among data,

    and these relationships need to be obvious and represented visually.

    Zooming was by far the most popular technique applied to the prototypes

    followed by dynamaps. Zoom enables users to magnify specific aspects of the

    site, whereas dynamaps permits users to manipulate information from a set of

    widgets (options) to simultaneously present the data on the interface. The

    common ground for both of these techniques is that the user controls the level of

    detail that is presented.

    Based on the results of the participatory design sessions we can

    recommend that the following techniques should be further investigated in

    terms of appropriateness, usability and accessibility:

    . Portals: dynamaps and zooming.

    . Images: graphical interface for DLs, PhotoMesa image browser and

    generalized query previews.

    . Geospatial: zooming.

    . Bibliographical: graphical interface for DLs.

    The participatory design method was a cost-effective approach to get

    feedback on how IV can be applied to web services. Participants were eager to

    provide their views and insights in designing user-friendly IV interfaces.


    This project was funded by the JISC Information Visualisation Foundation Study



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    Dr Panayiotis Zaphiris, Centre for HCI Design, City University, London, EC1V

    0HB, UK. Tel: '44-(0) 20-7040-8168; Fax: '44-(0) 20-7040-8859. E-mail:

    [email protected]


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