1 J J J A A A N N N U U U A A A R R R Y Y Y , , , 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 8 8 8 Copyright 2017-2018 EDITOR: L ROBINSON EDITOR IN CHIEF: KATHY ROBINSON Y Y Y O O O U U U N N N G G G E E E A A A G G G L L L E E E S S S - - - C C C A A A T T T T T T L L L E E E R R R A A A N N N C C C H H H T T T O O O U U U R R R S S S If you missed this one, you passed on a wonderful experience. The tours for pilots and ground crew involved with the annual Young Eagles event keep getting better and better. Everyone who took the time to participate this year was rewarded with a tour that could not have been bought, borrowed or stolen. We got an inside view into Florida cattle production that very few are privileged to encounter, especially folks who live over on the coastal ridge far removed from the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). We truly got the best tours of a huge agricultural industry in Florida. Florida ranks 10th in the nation for the number of beef cattle in production. Who would have thunk?

YYYOOOUUUNNNGGG EEEAAAGGGLLLEEESSS- … provided by the First Baptist Church of Belle Glade complete ... The primary reasons for the Young Eagles event is to expose ... Amie Pitts-Head

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YYYOOOUUUNNNGGG EEEAAAGGGLLLEEESSS---CCCAAATTTTTTLLLEEE RRRAAANNNCCCHHH TTTOOOUUURRRSSS If you missed this one, you passed on a wonderful experience. The tours for pilots and ground crew involved with the annual Young Eagles event keep getting better and better. Everyone who took the time to participate this year was rewarded with a tour that could not have been bought, borrowed or stolen. We got an inside view into Florida cattle production that very few are privileged to encounter, especially folks who live over on the coastal ridge far removed from the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). We truly got the best tours of a huge agricultural industry in Florida. Florida ranks 10th in the nation for the number of beef cattle in production. Who would have thunk?


The sky was pristine as we all made our way by air and ground to AirGlades Airport (21S). It was a bit chilly by Florida standards but WAY better than most of the nation. Bryan Miller lifted from Tampa Exec in 20 degree temps to fly his PT 17 south as did Jeff Edwards in his Great Lakes from Spruce Creek. Brrr! Nothing that several layers of clothes, leather jackets and lined gloves couldn’t handle? Some of the boys & girls flying from afar (Jon Rising, Robert Obert & Ginny & David Whitley) invested the additional time and resources to come down the day before. We all got tied down and gathered in the FBO lounge while I turned up the heat on the thermostat. Our organizer, Willie Lee, brought several boxes of freshly made donuts to consume. Next year we’ll make provisions for abundant quantities of hot coffee. There are always ways to improve the plan and execution of one of these events. #1 improvement-hot coffee upon arrival, especially if it’s cold. We rounded up the herd of cats, took roll call and loaded up the buses provided by the First Baptist Church of Belle Glade complete with drivers at no cost to our endeavor. Our drivers, Jeff Hawkins, Tom King and Daryl Person, donated their time to escort us during the two day event. While we wanted this to be a first class experience, we also wanted to preserve funds that could be distributed to the scholarship recipients of the Glades Agricultural Scholarship Fund (a 501-C3). We have NO administrative costs associated with this fund and we attempt to distribute 100% of contributions to worthy kids. The primary reasons for the Young Eagles event is to expose kids to the possibility of aviation as a career as well as encourage them to get an education and participate in the Agribusiness in the EAA. The scholarship fund is a way to help promote this objective. If you would like to help with this fund, send your tax deductible check made payable to the Glades Agricultural Scholarship Fund at 50 Airport Road, Belle Glade, Florida 33430.


Once the buses were loaded, we headed to the Hilliard Brothers Ranch to meet our guide and seasoned cattleman, Buck Henry , who gave us our first inside look at what is required to raise beef cattle in Florida in a conventional manner. This is not an easy task and requires a lot of attention to detail and cost savings where ever possible. While at the Ranch, we wandered the 8000 acre property to view the herds of cattle and deer roaming the land. We saw a lot of old Florida landscapes.

If you want to read an excellent historical fiction book about old Florida, pick up “A Land Remembered” by Patrick Smith. I promise you won’t read it once. It includes how the original settlers of Florida got into the cattle business.


We headed back to “The Cabin” at Hilliard Brothers HQ for a lunch of Wagyu Beef hamburgers and all the sides. “The Cabin” is highly understated with this name. You really had to be there to fully appreciate the grandeur of the place. This is no cabin. Joe Hilliard was good enough to open up this facility for our use at lunch. This was the most tastefully done “hunting lodge/office/meeting facility” I’ve ever seen. And that is an understatement. The pictures herein do not do it justice. Spectacular is a better adjective to use. Our group was privileged to experience this tour and facility. There are many folks who have lived their whole lives in the EAA who have never experienced this place.


After this excellent lunch prepared by Wayne Smith and crew, Wayne gave us a little history of the Hilliard Brothers operation going back to the early, early 1900s.




Our published schedule was holding as we departed Hilliard Brothers for our trek to the Jackman Florida Wagyu Beef Ranch. Justin Jackman invited us to see what it takes to produce this high quality beef and had his general manager, Mark Hoege, flew all the way from Oregon to enlightened us as to the process from the beginning of the introduction to the US of 154 pure bred Kobe/Wagyu Beef Cattle from Japan. Producing this high quality, sought after beef has been challenging. Getting the original stock acclimatized to US conditions and finding the right cross breeding techniques and breeds has been a work in progress. This is a highly genetics based operation that is closely controlled to produce the best traits of the Wagyu Cattle in the final product. Thanks to the persistence and the proper managing of the process by Justin and his general manager, Wagyu Beef is becoming more and more popular, available and sought. See the “Classified” for pricing @ the Ranch.


Still on time with our original published schedule, which was amazing, we headed back to the hotels to freshen up before the final and rare experience of the day. We loaded the buses once again at 1730, took roll call and headed to the U.S. Sugar Dunwody facility west of the airport. Another spectacular meeting place awaited us. Thanks to Judy Sanchez-Senior Director of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Jennifer Black-Community Relations Manager, and Hillary Hyslope-Director of the Clewiston Chamber of Commerce, we were granted access to another spectacular venue not normally accessible. US Sugar sponsored the “de-icing hour” which lasted through dinner. The Hendry County Cattlemen’s Association headed by Trip Widden prepped some tender, delicious and expertly grilled, huge rib eye steaks along with ALL the trimmings. Again this was done at bare cost and funded by the Florida Cub Flyers. No one went away hungry after this delicious meal.


Judy Sanchez spent a few minutes before dinner telling us what was, is, and will be going on with US Sugar along with an over view of the importance of the Agribusiness in the EAA and the positive impact on the food supply for the population east of the Mississippi.



As you might have guessed from the description so far, the day was packed with activity. The schedule surprisingly went as planned and we were back in the hotel at the hour posted so we could get a good night’s sleep for the next day’s activity, the Young Eagles event at Belle Glade. What a day we experienced. A lot of memories made. Did I mention that if you missed this, you REALLY passed up a spectacular event? Everyone was up bright and early the next morning ready for the buses which promptly arrived at 0730 at the hotel. We loaded up and headed to AirGlades to unleash the aeroplanes and head to Belle Glade. Those who were ground bound made their way by car. We all arrived about the same time with a beautifully clear sky and chilly temps. The eager Young Eagles had begun to arrive and the EAA Chapter 203 folks quickly set up to get them registered and the pilots

signed in. The Chapter 203 volunteers do this all the time so they are very adept at getting things organized and getting things moving in the right direction. We owe Rick Golightly and his gang big time for helping out with this event. Without their and EAA’s support, we could not make this worthwhile event

happen. As the planes arrived from all around the State and lined up awaiting the next step, Tyler Ulrich of Van Wagner Aerial Media arrived, set up his banner pick up and made the catch to tow the welcoming banner overhead. At the same time, the Palm Beach Sheriff’s aerial unit arrived in their helicopter for the kids to tour. The PBSO also had a presence to let the kids know of the opportunities available within that fine organization. To add to the excitement, Palm Beach Fire Rescue showed up with their equipment to display and talk with the kids. All of this overseen by Sgt John Whelan and crew of the PBSO assured a safe environment for all attending.


While this was occurring, the local FFA-4H and other kids continued to arrive from around the EAA. Thanks to the considerable efforts of Clyde Carter of Carter Electric, lights and electricity were supplied to the Aerial Crop Protection Hangar for the display tables and materials to be easily seen. The City of Belle Glade (Beverly Scott) was instrumental in providing tables, chairs, PA system and bleachers for the event. Several of the major agribusinesses set up displays to enlighten the attendees of the many opportunities available to these local kids after graduation from high school and college. Those with a presence and supporting this effort were, US Sugar, Florida Crystals, Everglades Equipment, Glade and Grove Equipment and Sugar Cane Growers Co-Op. A great debt of gratitude is extended to these wonderful sponsors. Rick Golightly began the pilot briefing as the Young Eagles continued to arrive. Safety was the number one topic with ground handlers being assigned to each pilot to escort the kids and their parents to the “hot zone” where planes were loaded and fired up for the flights. The pilots had all received the flight route and points of interest information prior to the day and this was further discussed to make sure everyone was on the same page. 24 planes in the air circumnavigating the route made it essential that everyone knew the flight plan. The air was fairly calm on this pristine but chilly winter day and we only had a slight cross wind on the new 09/27 runway. The “seasoned” pilots easily handled the situation as most had decades of flight experience under their belts. With the great participation of pilots from the Florida Cub Flyers, Florida Antique Biplane Association, OFFC (Old Farts Flying Club) and Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), we able to do do 45 Young Eagles orientation flights all around the Belle Glade area fairly quickly. By noon we had managed to fly all the kids and took many of the parents aloft to experience what their Young Eagles had experienced. The pilots generously offered their planes, skills and resources to accommodate everyone who wanted to experience general aviation flight.


The Young Eagles Program is a great way to introduce youngsters to the realm of flight. Not only do they receive a flight log and certificate, but they become eligible to take the on line private pilot tutorial provided by Sporty’s Pilot Shop for free. And EAA will pay for them taking the FAA Private Pilot Exam once they pass the test. This is a great first step toward becoming a licensed pilot. After the flying, we all made our way over to Glades Day School across the busy Gator Blvd with the help of the PBSO on duty to control traffic. Glades Day School, Amie Pitts-Head of School and staff have enthusiastically supported our Young Eagles events from the beginning four years ago. There we enjoyed expertly BBQ’d chicken sponsored by Johnny Tellechia of Florida Crystals and prepared by Richard Cheek. The Glades Day School Future Farmers of America served the delicious food. Following our delicious lunch we loaded up the beautiful vegetable gift basics supplied by Bedner Farms and prepared by Megan Bedner Thompson of Howard Fertilizer & Chemicals and joined the zephyrs for our flights toward our home nests. A hectic couple of days of education, fun and service coming to an end.




I thought our group might like my PIREP on the new CC FX3. I got to spend an hour or so in the FX3. I probably have about 2000 hours in CC the last 4 years so I'm pretty proficient in one. This is a real nice bird. It is completely tricked out except for small brakes and little 29s. It took me a little time to get in tune with it as it has a longer stick, G series flaps and is 150 lbs

heavier then my SS so muscle memory and feeling the plane was a little off on take off. I got take offs down to 100'+/- and landing under 150' with virtually no brakes. It's one of those things you just have to go fly to appreciate. What it lacks in STOL over the light SS I think it makes up for it in its speed, smooth and quiet performance. It basically will T/O and land short, fly slow, fly fast, burn 4 gph goofing off locally or push it up to 9 gph and cruise 125+ listening to XM radio getting some where. Pretty Damn Nice.

190hp. CS prop. Cruise 130mph. 2000GW Yellow arc now at 140. VNE 170

363 Cubic Inch Displacement & Fuel Injection It a 150 lbs heavier

All composite prop already red lining.


We’ve set the date for the Florida Cub Flyers overnight adventure at Quail Creek Plantation on AAAppprrriiilll 222111ttthhh. All the accommodations have been set aside for the Florida Cub Flyers. Make your reservations ASAP to insure you have a place to lay your head that evening as the day and night will be filled with activities. You won’t want to be driving home after the booze cruise through the outback of QCP. Flying home won’t even be an option as the 1400’ pasture runway is no place from which to depart after sunset.

If you’ve never experienced one of our overnights at QCP, this is the time to get on board. Don’t miss this opportunity. Call today and make your reservations: 863 763 2529. Tell them you’re part of the Florida Cub Flyers/Clay Crackers group.





Frank Noble-President 863-467 5209

[email protected]

Chuck Kinberger-Vice President 561-747-8785

[email protected]

Lou Amato-President-Immediate Past President 239-248-8632

[email protected]

Sarah Tyler – Secretary/Treasurer 954-809-4840

[email protected]

Tom Wood 863-287 9663

[email protected]

Larry Robinson-Executive Director 561-732-3250

[email protected]



All information contained herein is believed to be correct. However, it is intended to be for informational purposes only and is not to be relied upon. You are reminded that Federal Air Regulations Part 91 places primary responsibility for ensuring the airworthy condition of an aircraft on the owner or operator. Any person who maintains, modified or otherwise changes an aircraft must do so in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and all applicable FAA regulations. You should independently verify any of the information contained herein. No warranty is expressed or implied. The Florida Cub Flyers, Inc. does not project or accept any responsibility for participation by readers of the “Cub Tales”, non members or members at fly-ins listed in this issue. This publication is produced as a medium of communication for those Cub enthusiasts and members of The Florida Cub Flyers, Inc. The Florida Cub Flyers, Inc. is a 501C6 corporation incorporated in the State of Florida. It’s purpose is to promote the preservation, restoration and safety of flying Cub aeroplanes. Membership in FCF,Inc. is open to all “Cub” owners, whether or not the airplane is airworthy. A Cub is defined as an aeroplane with the word “Cub” in the official name.

EEE---MMMaaaiiilll DDDiiisssccclllaaaiiimmmeeerrr The FCF newsletter and meeting notices are distributed via e-mail on the Internet. These transmissions contain information, which is intended for the sole use of the recipient or authorized representative. Any person who receives these e-mails by mistake shall immediately notify the sender and destroy it. E-mail transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be error-free as information could be intercepted, altered, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept any liability for damages caused by the fraudulent alteration of this message including, without limitations, damages caused by any virus transmitted by it.

FFFCCCFFF MMMEEEMMMBBBEEERRRSSSHHHIIIPPP AAAPPPPPPLLLIIICCCAAATTTIIIOOONNN NAME:_____________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________ CITY: _____________________COUNTY:______________ STATE:_______ ZIP CODE:____________PHONE:_(_____)_________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________ FAX#: _________________Cell:_________________________ OCCUPATION : (If Retired, From What?)______________________ AIRCRAFT OWNED:____________________________________

For Regular Membership-Must Be A Cub IS THE AIRCRAFT LICENSED?: ______ “N” NUMBER:___________ NAME & MODEL CUB TO APPEAR ON YOUR NAME BADGE: __________________________________________________ MY SPONSOR:________________________________________



FLORIDA CUB FLYERS, INC. 10906 Denoeu Road-Boynton Beach, Florida 33472




For members of Florida Cub Flyers, the classified section will be free for aviation

related services and products. Send a picture, business card and ad to

[email protected]. This requirement will be imperative for Associate Members.

NNOOWW AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE:: - Authentic Piper L-4 one inch and one-half inch size stencil sets. Cut on

actual WW II stencil machines. For more information, contact Ken Wilson, 2324 East Florida

St., Evansville, IN, 47711-4812 - Ph. no. 1-812-477-7176 - e-mail - [email protected].





reproduce the original Cub/Sensenich

prop decal . Cost is $13 a set. Any

interest, let me know. Jim Lyons

[email protected]


FOR SALE: 77 OZARK MT ACRES on BULL SHOALS LAKE takeline in Ozark Co, Missouri. Parcel has hundreds of Govt land on 3 sides. It’s like having your own State Park on your doorstep. This all wooded tract has a site for

airstrip & is very private. CALL TODAY for pic,s of this GREAT parcel. Asking only $149,000 (Terms if needed). Also have a VERY REMOTE 41 acre parcel just East of the 77 ac. across Spring Creek for ONLY $60 K

also with frontage on the Lake’s takeline. Bob Obert, Inglis, Fl 352 239 0415

EEEMMMBBBRRROOOIIIDDDEEERRREEEDDD PPPAAARRRAAAPPPHHHEEERRRNNNAAALLLIIIAAA On a fairly regular basis I receive requests for Florida Cub Flyers paraphernalia. To satisfy this demand, I’ve set up a “store front account” with Queenboro Shirt Company so that you can order “stuff” directly.

http://floridacubflyers.qbstores.com Use this link to set up an account with Queensboro and order from the selected items shown. I’ll also be sending out special offers from Queensboro as I receive them.


863-228 0972 Strip Steaks: $30.00/ Pound

8 Ounce Sirloin: $16.50/ Pound Hamburger Patties: $6.50/Pound