Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine

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Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi

National University, Ukraine


ChNU is one of the leading Universities in South-West Ukraine, located

in the centre of Ukraine-Romania-Moldova cross-border region


*One of the 24 regional centers of Ukraine, with the population of about 240 thousand people.

*Center of historical region of Bukovyna. First written

reference is dated by 1408.

*Multicultural city, populated with the representatives of over

80 ethnic groups, including Ukrainians - 75%, Romanians –

12,5%, Moldovans – 7,3%, Russian – 4,1%, Polish – 0,4% etc.

Chernivtsi in various languages

* Ukrainian - Чернівці

* English - Chernivtsi

* German - Czernowitz, Tschernowitz

* French – Tchernivtsi

* Dutch - Tsjernivtsi

* Romanian - Cernăuţi

* Russian - Черновцы

* Hungarian - Csernovic

* Czech - Černovice

* Slovak - Černovce

* Polish - Czerniowce

* Yiddish - טשערנאװיץ

* Armenian - Չերնովից

* Georgian - ჩერნივცი

Aerial view of Chernivtsi National University

City Hall

The most famous street for going for a walk –

Kobylianska Street

The Chernivtsi Theatre

Some historical facts about the ChNU

*Founded on October 4, 1875 by the Decree of Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph I

* In interwar period it was transformed into a Romanian University

* In 1940 it was reorganized into Chernivtsi State University with Ukrainian language of instruction

* In 1989 Chernivtsi University was named after the outstanding Ukrainian writer from Bukovyna Yuriy Fedkovych

* In 2000 the institution was conferred the status of National University

Economist Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Law scientists Hans Gross, Eugen Ehrlich and Karl Hiller,

Adolf Lenz and Franz Exner

Historian Raimund Friedrich Kaindl

Slavist Emil Kaluźniacki

Ukrainist Ștefan Smal-Stocki

Composer and writer Sydir Vorobkevych

Mathematicians Josip Plemelj, Hans Hahn, Nikolai Bogoljubow

Famous scientists

who worked at the ChNU

Today ChNU is …

*around 15 000 students

*1 200 Professors

*12 faculties

*2 institutes

*89 departments

*12 research Centers

*over 2,6 millions library items

Academic Faculties and Institutes

*Mathematics and Informatics

*Architecture, Construction, Applied and Fine Arts



*Foreign languages

*History, Political Science and International Relations


*Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work


*Philosophy and Theology

*Physical Education and Health

*Biology, Chemistry and Bioresearches

*Physical, Technical and Computer sciences

Degrees offered by ChNU


*Master of Arts

*Master of Science

*Master of Law

*Master of Theology

Candidate of Science

(PhD Degree equivalent)

Doctor of Science

Masters of art and science graduating

Research Centers

at Chernivtsi University

*Bukovyna Studies Center

*Ramon Hnatyshyn Canadian Studies Center

*American Studies Center

*Anton Kokhanovski Polish Studies Eastern School

*Euro-Atlantic Integration and Security Center

*Bohemian Studies Center

*German Language Studies Center “GEDANKENDACH”

*Slavic Studies Center

*Romanian Studies Center

* Jewish Studies Center

*Center for European Studies

Rector of ChNU

*Today the rector is a Doctor of

Science, Professor Stephan


International Activity

*ChNU is a full member ofEuropean University Association(EUA) and Magna ChartaUniversitatum.

*The University has partnershipswith over 124 higher educationand research institutions from 27countries.

*ChNU is involved in numerousinternational education andscientific projects, student andfaculty mobility programs and isopen to new internationalinitiatives

International Students

In 2014/2015 academic year we have international students from 10 countries enrolled at ChNU

The Architectural ensemble of the main University buildings –

former Bukovynian and Dalmatian Metropolitans

Residence is included to the UNESCO Heritage List (28.06.2011)

The architectural elements of the main University building

Why ChNU can be your partner?

* One of the 5 oldest Universities in Ukraine– the so-called “Classical University”

* One of the ten biggest UkrainianUniversities

* Highest level of accreditation

* Wide range of specializations

* Developed network of Research centers

* Exciting student life

* Participation in international projects andprograms

* Student exchange programs and scientificinternships at the partner-universities forthe university staff

A group of representatives from ChNU

involved in the project

D.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor,

dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and

Informatics, member of the Ministry of

Education and Science of Ukraine committee in

Applied Mathematics, member of the working

group developing Social Informatics standard.

Initiated and implemented many agreements of

cooperation between ChNU and different

higher educational institutions all around the

world in the spheres of science and education.

Ihor Cherevko

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the

scientific and methodological center for

monitoring and ensuring the quality of training.

Participated in the "national system of quality

assurance and mutual confidence in higher

education in Ukraine" (TRUST) under the

"Tempus" (516935 -TEMPUS-1-2011-1

FITEMPUS-SMGR of 15.10.2011) and funded

by the "European Commission. "

The organizer of the international scientific

conference "Quality of continuous education in

the integration processes: trends, challenges

and forecasts" (2-4 November 2015) in the

Chernivtsi University.

Maria Ivanchuk

Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate

professor, member of the working group

developing Social Informatics standard;

lecturer (teaches courses in Mathematics field

according to Bologna system requirements).

She was a member of the project 516935-


«National system of quality assurance and

mutual trust in higher education - TRUST»,

helped in developing the industry standard of

direction "Mathematics".

Olga Martynyuk

PhD student, experienced IT-developer.

Has comprehensive knowledge of various

programming languages, interpersonal

communication skills, strategic thinking,

creative thinking skills.

Participated in the international scientific

schools and conferences in Romania (Yassy,

Suceava) and Modlova (Chisinau).

Andrew Dorosh

Contact Information

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

2 Kotsiubynskyy Str.

58012 Chernivtsi, UKRAINE

International Office

Phone/Fax: +380 372 584 706

E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Web-site: www.chnu.edu.ua