Ordln nce 2011· 08 AN ORIl)INANCE TO MAKE TEMPORARY APP OPRIATIONS FO· THE NEXT YEAR'S ExPEN S AND OTHER exPENDITURES Of THE VILLAG OF AsHVILLE, STATE Of OHIO, iAS a> UPON THE CERTIFICATE OF ESTIMATED REOU CES ISSUES ¥ TH PICKAWAY CGUNTY BUDGET COMMISSION FO THE FISCAL YEAR B -GINNINGJANUARY 1, 2012, AND DECLARING AN EM GENCY. New, Therefore, be It ResowN mythe Council 0f the Vm8G8of Ashvlne, State of Ohl6 the following: That the 2012 Appropriation Ordinance is h reby designed to reflect the Certifieaie of Estimated Resources. sueh amendments amounts and $pendtng t .gets are listed In Exhlt:>lt1, which shall beeGme part of this ordinanet. Idon Two; Th t the "Nof1.l!)jndingNarrative tor the 2Q12 Budget· remaric:I defin" as an Indication of manaoement's intended allocation of amounts approved by Council and that it does not indicate the legal level of centro! established by CounCil." S,ctlon Ibm; That the V~lage Council hereby at:rth0rizesthat fund m ybe expended for coffee, meals, refreshments and lor other amenities for muniGipalafficers, employees or other persons with the approval of the Mayar or VA and certified bVFisca1Officer for payment. Section Four; The Village Fiscal Offi¢er Is hereby authorized to mall, payments from any of the for8ioing appropriations and to make suPJ1)lertlental appropriations between ·Objed ft codes within the same -Fund" and ·Program· area as provided bV the Ohloevised Code (ORC) with the exception of ·Object· codes 500 and eM from which only the Mayor and/or Vill•• e Administrator are autharized to approve expendlturQ or supplemental apprapriations. That the V1HageCouncil hereby authorizes that the fiscal omcer can expend funds far employees salaries and benefls as reflected In the appropriation budget indicat s in Exhibit I. And the Village Fiscat ()fflcer is hereby autharlzed ta dnIw warrants on the Vi_age lreasury for payments from any of th fOfeGainllJa~priatians upen receiving proper certificates and vouchers therefGfl , approved by the Council or offICersauthorized by law to approve the same, or an ordinance or resolution at council to make the xpentiiiture; provided that na warrar\ts shatl be drawn ar paid for SI~ariesor wages except to persons emplaytd by auth0rity af and in accordance with law or ardin.nee. PfCi)vldedfurther that the appro~lons for conting neies can anly be expended upon vote at two-thirds of Council for items of expense oonstitutinQ a leoal obligation against the village, and for PUlJlGsesather than thase covered bVother speolflc 8ppro.prIatlofls herein maE1e. SteSIgn Fldj That this ardinanee is hereb¥ declared to be an emel1ency measure n cessary for the preservation af the public peace, health anCiisaf~ of the Munlapality and its inhabitants for the reason that there exists an imperative neees It,y far the e rliest put:>lieMlonand distribUtion of current Replacement Pages to the officials and resiciienls of In Municipality, $0 as to fleilitat administration, daily operation and avoid practical and legal entaAGlements,and shall go Into futl force and effect immediately upon Its passage by Council. P ED THIS the1i lh DAY C\ T' DAl!:lJQcON)JGQ)0l0 L~ \I DA1I: _- ~ijiiilil" 1IIIIIIfiiiI1lli'1

ytd 2011 b - Ashville, Ohioashvilleohio.gov/.../Finance/2012TempExpPassedin2011-08.pdf · that the appro~lons for conting neiescan anly be expended upon vote at two-thirds of Council

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New, Therefore, be It ResowN mythe Council 0f the Vm8G8of Ashvlne, State of Ohl6 the following:

That the 2012 Appropriation Ordinance is h reby designed to reflect the Certifieaie of EstimatedResources. sueh amendments amounts and $pendtng t .gets are listed In Exhlt:>lt1, which shall beeGmepart of this ordinanet.Idon Two;Th t the "Nof1.l!)jndingNarrative tor the 2Q12 Budget· remaric:I defin" as an Indication of manaoement'sintended allocation of amounts approved by Council and that it does not indicate the legal level of centro!established by CounCil."S,ctlon Ibm;That the V~lage Council hereby at:rth0rizes that fund m ybe expended for coffee, meals, refreshmentsand lor other amenities for muniGipal afficers, employees or other persons with the approval of the Mayaror VA and certified bVFisca1Officer for payment.Section Four;The Village Fiscal Offi¢er Is hereby authorized to mall, payments from any of the for8ioingappropriations and to make suPJ1)lertlentalappropriations between ·Objedft codes within the same -Fund"and ·Program· area as provided bV the Ohloevised Code (ORC) with the exception of ·Object· codes500 and eM from which only the Mayor and/or Vill•• e Administrator are autharized to approveexpendlturQ or supplemental apprapriations. That the V1HageCouncil hereby authorizes that the fiscalomcer can expend funds far employees salaries and benefls as reflected In the appropriation budgetindicat s in Exhibit I.

And the Village Fiscat ()fflcer is hereby autharlzed ta dnIw warrants on the Vi_age lreasury for paymentsfrom any of th fOfeGainllJa~priatians upen receiving proper certificates and vouchers therefGfl ,approved by the Council or offICersauthorized by law to approve the same, or an ordinance or resolutionat council to make the xpentiiiture; provided that na warrar\ts shatl be drawn ar paid for SI~ariesor wagesexcept to persons emplaytd by auth0rity af and in accordance with law or ardin.nee. PfCi)vldedfurtherthat the appro~lons for conting neies can anly be expended upon vote at two-thirds of Council foritems of expense oonstitutinQ a leoal obligation against the village, and for PUlJlGsesather than thasecovered bVother speolflc 8ppro.prIatlofls herein maE1e.SteSIgn FldjThat this ardinanee is hereb¥ declared to be an emel1ency measure n cessary for the preservation af thepublic peace, health anCiisaf~ of the Munlapality and its inhabitants for the reason that there exists animperative neees It,y far the e rliest put:>lieMlonand distribUtion of current Replacement Pages to theofficials and resiciienls of In Municipality, $0 as to fleilitat administration, daily operation and avoidpractical and legal entaAGlements,and shall go Into futl force and effect immediately upon Its passage byCouncil.P ED THIS the1ilh DAY C\

T' DAl!:lJQcON)JGQ)0l0 L~ \I

DA1I: _-

~ijiiilil" 1IIIIIIfii iI1lli'1


1112912011 4:40 PM Printed 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget Page 1 of 7 Exhibit I

Fund J Progam 2012 Temporary Appropriation BudgetDescription I Object # Object Program Fund Non-binding Narrative for 2012 Budget

Account Name Account Code Total Total Total FOR MEMORANDUM USE ONLY (Guidelines)

at he r - Perso na I Se rvlces 1000-110-190-0000 $406,834 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Emplovees Retirement System 1000-110-211-0000 $7,550 Part-time times 17.63%

Medicare 1000-110-213-0000 $5,899 Sal anes tim es 1.45%

Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund 1000-110-215-0000 $79,536 Salaries times 19.55%

MedicallHospitalizationNision 1000-110-221-0000 $76,786 Adjustment from New Contract

Dental Insurance 1000-110-223-0000 $4,382 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 1000-110-225-0000 $8,914 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 1000-110-252-0000 $1,000Uniforms and Clothinq 1000-11 0-270-0000 $9,043Other - Employee Fringe Benefits 1000-110-290-0000 $2,,074Traininq Services 1000-110-348-0000 $2,500Other - Other Contractual Services 1000-110-399-0000 $25,3g9Other-Other confracnra: Services (Court Fines Arrest Authority Fund) 1000-110-399-1000 $2,007Operating Supplies and Materials 1000-110-420-0000 $17,448Repairs and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 1000-110-433-0000 $9,272 Vehicle MaintenanceFuel, Oil, & etc, 1000-11 0-439-0000 $37,457 Fuel an~ Oil

Other - Capital Outlav 1000-110-590-0000 $22,000 Cruiser Payments

Other - Other 1000-110-690-0000 $43,963 S45,600.bO added- as .dlscretionary amount with Mayor approval-, , . I

Electricity 1000-130-311-0000 $37,210Other - Other 1000-130-690-0000 $10,562.. , , , .


Payment to Another Political Subdivision 1000-210-640-0000 $28,029 Health Department Adjustment

Other - Other 1000-210-690-0000 $0, , . : I

Other - Other Contractual Services 1000-290-399-0000 $2,,000 Indigent Burials

Other - Other 1000-290-690-0000 $0

• - , . III

ooeratlnn Supplies and Materials 1000-31 0-420-0000 $4,358Other - Other 1000-310-690-0000 $1,000 SI ,000 added as discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval

, . :

at he r - Perso na I Se rvlces 1000-320-190-0000 $6,140 Represents a 1% increase and 27 PaY-periods

Ohio Public Emplovees Retirement System 1000-320-211-0000 $860 Part-time times 14.00%

Social Security 1000-320-212-0000 $443 Some staff may use a an alternative to OPERS

Medicare 1000-320-213-0000 $89 Sal anes tim es 1.45%

Med icaJlHospita lizat ionNi s ion 1000-320-221-0000 $0De nta I Insu ran ce 1000-320-223-0000 $0Workers' Compensation 1000-320-225-0000 $178 Group Discount Fee plus BWCUniforms and Clothinq 1000-320-270-0000 $400Utilities 1000-320-31 0-0000 $6,924at he r - Oth er Co nt ractu al S ervi ces 1000-320-399-0000 $3,084Operating Supplies and Materials 1000-320-420-0000 $17,677Other - Capital Outlav 1000-320-590-0000 $2,000Other - Other 1000-320-690-0000 $5,000 $5,000 added <IS discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval

- , ."

Utilities 1000-330-310-0000 $3,904 Museum Utilities

Other - Other Contractual Services 1000-330-399-0000 $343 Used to assist the Museum

Other - Other 1000-330-690-0000 $1,000 $1,000 added as disc renonary am 0 unt with Mayor or VA approval, .

at he r - Perso na I Se rvlces 1000-410-190-0000 $11,526 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods & P Z Inspector

Ohio Public Emplovees Retirement System 1000-41 0-211-0000 $1,614 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 1000-410-213-0000 $167 Sal anes tim es 1.45%

MedicallHol;pitalizationNision 1000-41 0-221-0000 $2,948 Adjustment from New Contract

1112912011 4:40 PM Printed 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget Page 2 of 7 Exhibit IFund J Progam 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget

Description I Object # Object Program Fund Non-binding Narrative for 2012 BudgetAccount Name Account Code Total Total Total FOR MEMORANDUM USE ONLY (Guidelines)

De nta I Insu ran ce 1000-410-223-0000 $212 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 1000-410-225-0000 $299 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Professional and Technical Services 1000-410-340-0000 $1,000 If profession services a re needed

Other - Other Contractual Services 1000-410-399-0000 $2,972 Extra Legal Fees & P & Z Cod e Update

Other - Other Contractual Services CEDA 1000-410-399-1003 $21,891 CEDA Money

Other - Other Contractual Services JEDD 1000-41 0-399-1 004 $1,000Operatinq Supplies and Materials 1000-410-420-0000 $531 JEDD Money

Operating Supplies and Materials CEDA 1000-410-420-1 003 $1,000Operatinq Supplies and Materials JEDD 1000-410-420-1004 $1,000Other - Other 1000-41 0-690-0000 $5000 S5,OQO-addedas discretion a amount with Ma or or VA a roval

Total Planning and Zoning/Building Dept. $51,160~~....m ____________0

Other - Personal Services 1000-561-190-0000 $8,026 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Emplovees Retirement System 1000-561-211-0000 $1,124 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 1000-561-213-0000 $116 Sal anes tim es 1.45%

MedicallHospitalizationNision 1000-561-221-0000 $2,948 Adjustment from New Contract

De nta I Insu ran ce 1000-561-223-0000 $212 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 1000-561-225-0000 $167 Group Discount Fee BINC

Garbage and Trash Removal 1000-561-398-0000 $298,365 Inc Iudes facto rin9 th e new rate

Other - Other Contractual Services 1000-561-399-0000 $2,949 Contract Legal Fees

Other - Other Contractual Services Harrison Township 1000-561-399-1561 $0 End BiIIin9 fo r Harrison Towns hipooeratlno Supplies and Materials 1000-561-420-0000 $9,836Operating Supplies and Materials Harrison Township 1000-561-420-0000 $0 Adjustment from New Contract and County Auditor

Other - Other 1000-561-690-0000 $5,000 S5,OOOadded as discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval- .. : ..Other - Personal Services 1000-610-190-0000 $90,523 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Emplo:Yees Retirement System 1000-610-211-0000 $12,673 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 1000-610-213-0000 $1,313 Sal anes tim es 1.45%

MedicallHospitalizationNision 1000-61 0-221-0000 $31,468 Adjustment from New Contract

De nta I Insu ran ce 1000-610-223-0000 $1,698 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 1000-610-225-0000 $1,895 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Uniforms and Clothinq 1000-61 0-270-0000 $992Other Capital Outlay 1000-610-590-0000 $7,502Other Misc. 1000-610-690-000 $6,045 Extra Funds added for salt.

Traffic Signs and Signals 1000-650-420-0000 $2,000at he r - Oth er Co nt ractu al S ervi ces 1000-670-399-0000 $3,040 Sidewalks Grant

Other - Other 1000-670-690-0000 $10,000 bll'll r,tDm:',tt.r Sjd~",~lh310.000;Jdd~d~~dimMiani1"'I illTUHmt ""itbH~l'\lrDr I/~ ~prmlst reets De a rtm ent Total $169,149Salary - Administrator 1000-710-131-0000 $22·,689 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Salaries - Adrnlnlstrator's Staff 1000- 710-132-0000 $13,543 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Salary - Mayor 1000-710-161-0000 $11,641 Represents a 1% Increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Emplovees Retirement System 1000-710-211-0000 $6,702 Salaries times 14.0%

Social Security 1000-710-212-0000 $500 Some staff may use a an alternative to OPERS

Medicare 1000- 710-213-0000 $694 Sal anes tim es 1.45%

MedicallHospitalizationNision 1000-71 0-221-0000 $16,609 Adjustment from New Contract

De nta I Insu ran ce 1000- 710-223-0000 $891 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 1000-710-225-0000 $808 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 1000-710-252-0000 $257Other - Other Contractual Services 1000-710-399-0000 $36,135 P3 Membership s Solicitor

Operatinq Supplies and Materials 1000- 710-420-0000 $1,639Repairs and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 1000-710-433-0000 $150 For Administrative use of vehicleFuel, Oil, & etc, 1000- 710-439-0000 $320 For Ad minlstratve use of vehlcle

ry pp

1112912011 4:40 PM Printed 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget Page 3 of 7 Exhibit IFund J Progam 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget

Description IObject # Object Program Fund Non-binding Narrative for 2012 BudgetAccount Name Account Code Total Total Total FOR MEMORANDUM USE ONLY (Guidelines)

Other - Capital Outlay 1000-71 0-590-0000 $2,500 Funds for Mayors DiscretionaryUse

Other - Other 1000- 710-690-0000 $15,000 $15,000 added as discretionaryamount with Mayoror VA approval

AdministrativelMa or Total $130,079Salaries - Council 1000-715-111-0000 $19,605 Representsa 1% increaseand 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 1000-715-211-0000 $2,745 Salariestimes 14,0%

Social Security 1000-715-212-0000 $534 Some staff may use a an alternativeto OPERS

Medicare 1000- 715-213-0000 $502 Salanes times 1A5%

MedicaliHospitalizationNision 1000-715-221-0000 $52,,057 Adjustment from NewContract

De nta I Insu ran ce 1000- 715-223-0000 $2,547 Adjustment from NewContract

Travel and Transportation 1000-715-252-0000 $773Ot he r - Oth er Co nt ractu al Servi ces 1000- 715-399-0000 $24,207 P3 MembershipAdded for $5,500 & Solicitor$2,250Operating Supplies and Materials 1000-715-420-0000 $1,431Repairs and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 1000- 715-433-0000 $135 For LegislatPJeuseof vehicle

Fuel, Oil, & etc, 1000-715-439-0000 $265 For LegislatiWiuseof vehicle

Other - Other 1000- 715-690-0000 $10,000 $ 10, 000 added as dlsc renonaryam0 unt with Mayoror VA approval

Legislative Total $114,802Ot he r - Perso naI Se rvices 1000-720-190-0000 $13,543 Representsa 1% increaseand 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 1000-720-211-0000 $1,(\96 Salariestimes 14.0%

Medicare 1000-720-213-0000 $196 Salanes times 1A5%

MedicallHospitalizationNlsion 1000-720-221-0000 $4,713 Adjustment from NewContract

De nta I Insu ran ce 1000-720-223-0000 $424 Adjustment from NewContract

Workers' Compensation 1000-720-225-0000 $286 Group DiscountFee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 1000-720-252-0000 $200Other - Other Contractual Services 1000-720-399-0000 $6,799Operatinq Supplies and Materials 1000-720-420-0000 $1,126Other - Other 1000-720-690-0000 $5000 S5,OOO-addedas discretiona amountwith Ma or orVA a rovalMa ors Court Total $34,184Salary - ClerklTreasurer 1000-725-121-0000 $22,335 Represents a 1% increaseand 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 1000-725-211-0000 $3,127 Salariestimes 14.0%

Medicare 1000-725-213-0000 $324 Salariestimes 1A5%

MedicallHospitalizationNision 1000-725-221-0000 $7,060 Adjustrnentfrom NewContract

De nta I Insu ran ce 1000-725-223-0000 $424 Adjustment from NewContract

Workers' Compensation 1000-725-225-0000 $234 Group DiscountFee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 1000-725-252-0000 $463Other - Other Contractual servlees 1000-725-399-0000 $1,063operatlno Supplies and Materials 1000-725-420-0000 $697Other - Other 1000- 725-690-0000 3000 Ad d ition a I fu nd in added as dtscretlonar amount with Ma or or VA a I'ClYaI

C Ierk Treas u rer $38,727Salaries 1000- 730-190-0000 $10,000 Students

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 1000-730-211-0000 $1,035Social Security 1000- 730-212-0000 $0 Some staff may use a an alternative to OPERS

Medicare 1000- 735-213-0000 $145 Sa Ia ries tim ea 1.45.1)'(1

Workers' Compensation 1000- 730-225-0000 $23 Group Discount Fee pius BWC

Utilites 1000- 730-31 0-0000 $18,717Telephone 1000- 730-321-0000 $7,958Other - Other Contractual Services 1000- 730-399-0000 $26,983Operating Supplies and Materials 1000-730-420-0000 $5,264Other - Capital Outlay 1000-730-590-0000 $30,407 Police Station Enhancements

Other - Other 1000- 730-690-0000 $15,000 515:000 added as discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval. • 0 . . .E Ieel ion Expen ses 1000- 735-345-0000 $500 E lectio n E>:pen se Added

Other - Other 1000- 735-690-0000 $500o. . . . III

ry pp

$ pp

1112912011 4:40 PM Printed 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget Page 4 of 7 Exhibit I

Fund J Progam 2012 Temporary Appropriation BudgetDescription I Object # Object Program Fund Non-binding Narrative for 2012 Budget

Account Name Account Code Total Total Total FOR MEMORANDUM USE ONLY (Guidelines)

Tax Collection Fees 1000- 740-344-0000 $3,759 Co u nty Au d ito r Tax Co llectlo n Fee

1000-140-690-0000 $5,000

· , . . . ,-Aud iti ng Servi ces 1000- 745-342-0000 $8,157Other - Other 1000-745-690-0000 $5,000 Additional Funding for Auditing by Fiscal omcer

- - , . . .. . -at he r - Perso na I Se rvlces 1000-755-190-0000 $24,807 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Emplovees Retirement System 1000-755-211-0000 $3,473 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 1000-755-213-0000 $360 Sal a nes tim es 1.45%

Workers' Compensation 1000-755-225-0000 $509 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 1000-755-252-0000 $206Other - Other Contractual Services 1000-755-399-0000 $43,307 RITA 2609 S60447 RITA 2008 $10074 GOATA $500 Legal Fees S1500

ooeratlno Supplies and Materials 1000-755-420-0000 $3,098 Postag e $1500 Su ppl les s1000Other - Capital Outlay 1000-755-590-0000 $500Other - Other 1000-755-690-0000 $5,000 $5,000 added as discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval. . "

Other - Capital Outlav 1000- 765-590-0000 $500I . . .. II

Principal 1000-850- 710-0000 $24,251Interest 1000-850- 720-0000 $3,044I- • .Transfers - Out 1000-910-910-0000 $0I- • . ',I

Contingencies 1000-930-930-0000 $107,979 .contingencies

Co nt inqen c ies - Con st ructio n Rese rve 1000-930-930-5000 $78,560 Estate Mon ey Rese rve

Contingencies - Captlal Reserve 1000-930-930-5001 $70,502 Ashville Captlal Money Reserv

· . - I·. ~ .~ " ....• • • ~. • " • • : " : J • J

at he r - Perso na I Se rvlces 2011-620-190-0000 $31,751 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Emplovees Retirement System 2011-620-211-0000 $4,445 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 2011-620-213-0000 $460 Sal a nes tim es 1.45%

Med icaJlHospita lizat ionNi s ion 2011-620-221-0000 $14,l1e Adjustment from New Contract

De nta I Insu ran ce 2011-620-223-0000 $849 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 2011-620-225-0000 $670 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Uniforms and Clothinq 2011-620-270-0000 $1,089Other - Other Contractual Services 2011-620-399-0000 $27,879Operatinq Supplies and Materials 2011-620-420-0000 $13,583Repairs and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 2011-620-433-0000 $15,491Fuel, Oil, & etc, 2011-620-439-0000 $8,162Other - Capital Outlay 2011-620-590-0000 $3,000other - other Contractual Services for street Cleaning, Snow S ICE! Removal 2011-630-399-0000 $6,902 Street Cleaning

Operati ng Supplies and Materials for Street Cleaning. Sncv, &: Ice Rernoval 2011-630-420-0000 $11,124 Snow & Ice Process in 9

ooeratlno Supplies and Materials 2011-640-420-0000 $500Operatinp Supplies and Materials Traffic Signs & Sigrtals 2011-650-420-0000 $12,994 Traffic Signs & Signals

Other - Other 2011-650-690-0000 $47,597 $47,243 added as discretionary amount v-fth Mal/or or VA approval.. - . - .. :.. II , II ,

Operatinq Supplies & Materials Street Maintenance & Repair 2021-620-420-0000 $500 Street Mai nte nan ce & Re pal r

Other - Capital Outlay Street Maintenance & Repair 2021-620-590-0000 $629 Street Mainten~nce & Repair

Electricitv Traffic Siqnals, slnns 2021-650-311-0000 $742 Traffic Signals. Signs

Operatinq Supplies and Materials 2021-650-420-0000 $500 Traffic Sig nal s, Sig ns

Other - Capital Outlav 2021-650-590-0000 $10,205

1112912011 4:40 PM Printed 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget Page 5 of 7 Exhibit I

Fund J Progam I 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget IDescription I Object # Object Program Fund Non-binding Narrative for 2012 Budget

Account Name Account Code Total Total Total FOR MEMORANDUM USE ONLY (Guidelines), , - : :0

at he r - Oth er Co nt ractu al Servi ces 2041-310-399-0000 $1,000Other - Other Outlay 2041-310-690-0000 $2,683- , , ',I •• , " - " " " ..Other - Other Contractual Services 2042-320-399-0000 $0Bulldlnqs and Other Structures 2042-320-530-0000 $0- ,- , - ',I •• '.1 '.'Other - Other Contractual Services 2081-110-399-0000 $0Operatinq Supplies & Materials Street Maintenance & Repair 2081-620-420-0000 $70,- " ,

I "I ,

Streets, Hiqhwavs, Curbs and Sidewalks 2101-610-396-0000 $1,930Operating Supplies and Materials 2101-610-420-0000 $1,876Other - Capital Outlay 2101-610-590-0000 $75,510, , , -

Other - Other Contractual Services 22 71-110-348-0000 $830,- " , ..

I ".. I .. ,

at he r - Oth er Co nt ractu al Servi ces 2901-610-399-0000 $33,5461m -lll: , , , , . I : . , '-

ooeratlnn Supplies and Materials 2902-640-420-0000 $9,019, , I ', .. ',4.

Other - Capital Outlay 2903- 790-590-0000 $36,989: , , , , : ,I

at he r - Oth er Co nt ractu al Servi ces 2904-720-399-0000 $385Operating Supplies and Materials 2904-720-420-0000 $0Other - Capital Outlay 2904-720-590-0000 $793

, , , . : :

Grant Contract ua I 4201-800-399-0000 $796,187- , , , .. .' .. I: •• : :

Grant Contract ua I 4202-800-399-0000 $0.: , , , , ',I •• '.1 '.'Other - Personal Services 5101-531-190-1000 $37,638 Represents a t % increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 5101-531-211-0000 $5,269 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 5101-531-213-0000 $546 Salaries times 1.45%

MedicallHospitalizationNision 5101-531-221-0000 $8,464 Adjustment from New Contract

Dental Insurance 5101-531-223-0000 $509 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 5101-531-225-0000 $721 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 5101-531-252-0000 $152Other - Other Contractual Services 5101-531-399-0000 $4,320ooeratlno Supplies and Materials 5101-531-420-0000 $809Other - Other 5101-531-690-0000 $1,000 S1.000 added as discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval

Other - Personal Services 5101-532-190-0000 $8,026 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 5101-532-211-0000 $1,124 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 5101-532-213-0000 $116 Salaries times 1.45%

MedicallHospitalizationNision 5101-532-221-0000 $2,948 Adjustment from New Contract

De nta I Insu ran ce 5101-532-223-0000 $212 Adjustment from New Oontract

Workers' Compensation 5101-532-225-0000 $167 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 5101-532-252-0000 $0at he r - Oth er Co nt raetu al Servi ces 5101-532-399-0000 $398ooeratlno Supplies and Materials 5101-532-420-0000 $2,854Other - Capital Outlay 5101-532-590-0000 $0Other - Other 5101-532-690-0000 $1,000 51.000 added as discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval

at he r - Perso na I Se rvices 5101-533-190-0000 $59,860 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 5101-533-211-0000 $8,380 Salaries times 14.0%

1112912011 4:40 PM Printed 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget Page 6 of 7 Exhibit I

Fund J Progam 2012 Temporary Appropriation BudgetDescription I Object # Object Program Fund Non-binding Narrative for 2012 Budget

Account Name Account Code Total Total Total FOR MEMORANDUM USE ONLY (Guidelines)

Medicare 5101-533-213-0000 $868 Salanes times 1.45%

Med icaJlHospita lizat ionNi s ion 5101-533-221-0000 $26,063 Adjustment from New Contract

De nta I Insu ran ce 5101-533-223-0000 $1,698 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 5101-533-225-0000 $1,345 Group Discount Fee plus BWCTravel and Transportation 5101-533-252-0000 $0Uniforms and Clothing 5101-533-270-0000 $1,008Utilities 5101-533-310-0000 $31,437Telephone 5101-533-321-0000 $5,099Traininq Services 5101-533-348-0000 $0Other - Other Contractual Services 5101-533-399-0000 $28,051 Net'd to add up to $17,367,

Other - Other Contractual Services Water Tower Payment 5101-533-399-0001 $21,500 The Amount forTower Maintenance is $27,960

Operating Supplies and Materials 5101-533-420-0000 $67,717Repairs and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 5101-533-433-0000 $4,779Fuel, Oil, & etc, 5101-533-439-0000 $4,632Other - Capital Outlav 5101-533-590-0000 $31,644 Emergency Fund Based Upon OhioEPA Recommendation

Other - Other 5101-533-690-0000 $3,742 Emergency Fund Based Upon OhioEPA Recommendation:Other Debt Service Principal 5101-850-710-0000 $30,983 Principal fo rWater TOI'I'erOPWC 2940 and 2941

Other - Debt Service Interest 5101-850-720-0000 $2,407 Intsrest for 2940 and 2941

Other - Debt Service 5101-850- 790-0000 $0Water Total $432,118.16 $407,487 $407,487at he r - Perso na I Se rvlces 5201-541-190-0000 $37,638 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 5201-541-211-0000 $5,269 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 5201-541-213-0000 $546 Salanes times 1.45%

MedicaliHospitalizationNision 5201-541-221-0000 $8,464 Adjustment from New Contract

De nta I Insu ran ce 5201-541-223-0000 $509 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 5201-541-225-0000 $a25 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 5201-541-252-0000 $200Utilities 5201-541-31 0-0000 $0Telephone 5201-541-321-0000 $0Training Services 5201-541-348-0000 $0at he r - Oth er Co nt ractu al Servi ces 5201-541-399-0000 $1,862Operating Supplies and Materials 5201-541-420-0000 $697Repairs and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 5201-541-433-0000 $0Fuel, Oil, & etc, 5201-541-439-0000 $0Other - Other 5201-541-690-0000 $1,078 S1,078 added as discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval

Other - Personal Services 5201-542-190-0000 $8,026 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 5201-542-211-0000 $1,124 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 5201-542-213-0000 $116 Salaries times 1.45%

MedicallHospitalizationNision 5201-542-221-0000 $2,948 Adjustment from New Contract

Dental Insurance 5201-542-223-0000 $212 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 5201-542-225-0000 $167 Group Discount Fee plus BWC

Travel and Transportation 5201-542-252-0000 $0at he r - Oth er Co nt ractu al Servi ces 5201-542-399-0000 $155Operating Supplies and Materials 5201-542-420-0000 $2,645Other - Capital Outlav 5201-542-590-0000 $0Other - Other 5201-542-690-0000 $1,000 S1,000 added as discretionary amount with Mayor or VA approval

at he r - Perso na I Se rvices 5201-543-190-0000 $63,251 Represents a 1% increase and 27 Pay-periods

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 5201-543-211-0000 $8,855 Salaries times 14.0%

Medicare 5201-543-213-0000 $917 Salanes times 1.45%

Med icaJlHospita lizat ionNi s ion 5201-543-221-0000 $31,46a Adjustment from New Contract

De nta I Insu ran ce 5201-543-223-0000 $1,698 Adjustment from New Contract

Workers' Compensation 5201-543-225-0000 $1,394 Group Discount Fee plus BWCTravel and Transportation 5201-543-252-0000 $0

1112912011 4:40 PM Printed 2012 Temporary Appropriation Budget Page 7 of 7 Exhibit I

Fund J Progam 2012 Temporary Appropriation BudgetDescription I Object # Object Program Fund Non-binding Narrative for 2012 Budget

Account Name Account Code Total Total Total FOR MEMORANDUM USE ONLY (Guidelines)

Uniforms and Clothinu 5201-543-270-0000 $1,459Utilities 5201-543-310-0000 $58,366Telephone 5201-543-321-0000 $6,203Training Services 5201-543-348-0000 $144Other - Other Contractual Services 5201-543-399-0000 $78,971Operating Supplies and Materials 5201-543-420-0000 $44,856 Bonded Chemleal Increase

Rel'lairs and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 5201-543-433-0000 $3,937Fuel, Oil, & etc, 5201-543-439-0000 $3,002Other - Capital Outlay 5201-543-590-0000 $24,141 I & I Capital Outlay is $40,000 balance used for emergencyfundln'g

Other - Other 5201-543-690-0000 $12,158 S12,158added as dlscrenonaryam0 unt with Mayoror VA approval

Other - Debt Service Principal 5201-850- 710-0000 $108,970Other - Debt Service Interest 5201-850-720-0000 $27,159Transfers - Out 5201-91 0-91 0-0000 $41,396. , " :1 : : : : :

Other - Capital Outlay 5701-800-590-0000 $324,120Transfers - Out 5701-910-91 0-0000 $0Advances - Out 5701-920-920-0000 $0. . , ..... : I I

Other - Capital Outlay 5702-800-590-0000 $241,378Advances - Put 5702-820-920-0000 $0.. . , . " : :

Utility Distribution Systems 5703-800-399-0000 $548.. . , .- . , I . , .:

at he r - Oth er Co nt raetu al Servi ces 5704-800-399-0000 $40,726ooeratlno Supplies and Materials 5704-800-420-0000 $5,029Other - Other 5704-800-590-0000 $126,417Other - Other 5704-800-690-0000 $103,000 5103,000 added as discretionaryamountw~hMayororVA approval

Other - Debt Service 5704-850- 790-0000 $2,003. I ~~~ ..- ..Principal 5721-850- 710-0000 $14,900Interest 5721-850- 720-0000 $26,496

••• I : - - : " '"

Other - Debt Service 5741-850- 790-0000 $25,000:rn r~"1• ~ -, n. II III III

Other - Debt Service 5742-850-790-0000 $25,000~ I· ~ . In II III III

Deposits Refunded 5781-599-61 0-0000 $885Deposits Applied 5781-599-620-0000 $22,505I . ~• . , 'I 'I

Professional and Technical Services 9901-790-340-0000 $17,592I

Total It : '" $5;433,564The Village Council authorizes that funds maybe expended for coffee, meals, refreshments and lor other amenities for municipal officers, employees or other persons,The Village Fiscal Officer is authorized to draw warrants on the Village Treasury for payments from any of the appropriations upon receiving proper certificates and vouchers, approved by the Councilor officersauthorized by law, or an ordinance or resolution of council to make the expenditure; provided that no warrants shall be drawn or paid for salaries or wages except to persons employed by authority of and inaccordance with law or ordinance. All interest earned by the Village of Ashville unless indicated differently by the Ohio Revises Code (ORC) will be applied to the General Fund, Provided further that theappropriations for contingencies can only be expended upon vote of two-thirds of Council for items of expense constituting a legal obligation against the village, and for purposes other than those covered by other