Your Title Here "Time" Jason Mingay Graphic Design: New Media Year 2

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Your Title Here "Time"Jason MingayGraphic Design: New MediaYear 2

1. Field of study |Where will your work be situated, and what function will it fulfill? Describe your chosen subject area.

My work could be situated in many places including on websites and at design shows. It’s function is to express the significance of time. Time is precious yet many people wish time away when they will later look back and wish for that time back.

2. Design Problem/Question |Identify a design problem or question. Is the problem significant? Can Graphic and New Media design contribute and if so, how? Who is the target audience?

To research, develop and to finaly use a combination of visual and audio design to show the affects of time

What is time? Show time through graphic audio-visual medium

3. Context |What is the wider social, cultural, historical, economical context for your project?

Mainly younger people tend to wish time away. For example a 15 year old will wish he was 16 and a 16 year old would wish he was 17 and so on. Or you would say that you cannot wait for the week to end without thinking about the valuable time they you are wasting if that wish were to come true.

4. Rationale |Why is project important to you and to Graphic Design: New Media?

Graphic Design: New Media is based around time. Each project or brief is allocated a specific amount of time to be finished in

5. Methods |Describe how you are planning to carry out your project.

I will begin by researching into time and different techniques in which time can be portrayed. Some of the methods I have considered so far are using audio, visual and possibly hdr/high contrast videos

6. Skills Evidence | Describe the practical and theoretical skills necessary to carry out the project.

Depending on my chosen outcome I may need skills in after effects, cinematography, sound recording, video recording

7. Predicted Resolutions | Describe what you are working towards producing.

The most likely outcome I am willing to produce is a video consisting of both audio and visual. I could also produce some still imagery.

8. Bibliography | Use the Harvard Method to compile your references.

9. Plan of Work | Propose a plan of work to show how you will achieve your project, week by week and day by day.

BriefYour Title Here "Time" Jason Mingay

Graphic Design: New MediaYear 2

Field of StudyThe work will be situated at shows and online. A sensor suit which when moved in a certain way (elbows, fingers, knees etc) activates and plays video samples creating a track.

Design problem / QuestionHow to make video samples more interactive. The problem is not signigicant but can be enjoyable for both the audience and person creating the sounds.


RationaleThe problem is important to graphic design: new media helping to progress video samping music and help getting the audience involved and more interested.

MethodsUsing video samples, a senor suit and a computer to activate and play short video clips based on movements made by the suit.

Skills EvidenceSkills of puttings video samples together to create a tune. musical talent. Coordination between the suit and video samples.

Reverse Engineering

Field of StudyThe work will be situated at shows and online. A sensor suit which when moved in a certain way (elbows, fingers, knees etc) activates and plays video samples creating a track.

Design problem / QuestionHow to make video samples more interactive. The problem is not signigicant but can be enjoyable for both the audience and person creating the sounds.


RationaleThe problem is important to graphic design: new media helping to progress video samping music and help getting the audience involved and more interested.

MethodsUsing video samples, a senor suit and a computer to activate and play short video clips based on movements made by the suit.

Skills EvidenceSkills of puttings video samples together to create a tune. musical talent. Coordination between the suit and video samples.

Eboman Spacial Sound Sculpture

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Theories on TimeI began to research into the different way in which time can be portrayed through a visual means

Henri-Louis Bergson (French pronunciation: [bɛʁksɔn] 18 October 1859 – 4 January 1941) was a major French philosopher, influential especially in the first half of the 20th century. Bergson convinced many thinkers that immediate experience and intuition are more significant than rationalism and science for understanding reality.

Bergson distinguishes between two forms of time: pure time and mathematical time. Pure time is real duration. Mathematical time is measurable duration. Real time is continuous and indivisible. Mathematical time is divisible into units or intervals which do not reflect the flow of real time.

According to Bergson, real time cannot be analyzed mathematically. To measure time is to try to create a break or disruption in time. In order to try to understand the flow of time, the intellect forms concepts of time as consisting of defined moments or intervals. But to try to intellectualize the experience of duration is to falsify it. Real duration can only be experienced by intuition.

In the intellectual representation of time, a succession of distinct states or events is presented as a spatialized form of time. Time is conceptualized as an ordered arrangement of defined events, rather than as an endless flow of experience in an indivisible continuity. The intellect analyzes time as having measurable duration, but the flow of real time can only be known by intuition.

Einstein proved that time is relative, not absolute as Newton claimed. With the proper technology, such as a very fast spaceship, one person is able to experience several days while another person simultaneously experiences only a few hours or minutes. The same two people can meet up again, one having experienced days or even years while the other has only experienced minutes. The person in the spaceship only needs to travel near to the speed of light. The faster they travel, the slower their time will pass relative to someone planted firmly on the Earth. If they were able to travel at the speed of light, their time would cease completely and they would only exist trapped in timelessness. Einstein could hardly believe there were physicists who didn’t believe in timelessness, and yet the wisdom of Einstein’s convictions had very little impact on cosmology or science in general. The majority of physicists have been slow to give up the ordinary assumptions we make about time.

Henri Bergson Quotes

Albert Einstein

“Know how to live the time that is given you”Dario Fo

“We are time’s subjects, and time bids be gone”William Shakespeare

“Time is what prevents everything from happening at once”Albert Einstein

“Lost time is never found again”Benjamin Franklin

“Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them”Dion Boucicault

“The time I kill is killing me”Mason Cooley

“There’s time enough, but none to spare”Charles W. Chesnutt

“Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life”Alan Lakein

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

One way of photographing time is ‘Solargraphy’

Solargraphy is the art of catching the sun’s path through a pinhole camera.

These photos can come out looking really good, however you need to leave the pinhole camera in the same place for at least a month which is more time than I have to complete this project.

Another good way of showing the affects of time is through decay. The decaying of food, animals, or meat in general.

Filming and speeding up the decaying process could be a great way of showing the consequences of time and could be shown in a relatively short film.

Ways Of Showing Time

Solargraphy Decay

I began to research into the different way in which time can be portrayed through a visual means

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Ways Of Showing Time

HDR videos look amazing and is a technique I could possibly use for my video.

In image processing, computer graphics, and photography, high-dynamic-range imaging (HDRI or just HDR) is a set of techniques that allow a greater dynamic range of luminance between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than current standard digital imaging techniques or photographic methods. This wide dynamic range allows HDR images to more accurately represent the range of intensity levels found in real scenes, ranging from direct sunlight to faint starlight

Another way of showing time in a short video is time lapsing.

This is a really good way of fitting hours, days or even weeks worth of footage into a short amount of time.

HDR VideoTime Lapse

I began to research into the different way in which time can be portrayed through a visual means

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

From going to the Doug Foster exhibition and seeing the BOB piece, I was given the idea of looking into abandoned buildings. Abandoned buildings can show what can happen to different things when left to the mercy of time.

Part film, part sculpture, part geometric puzzle with a cyclical, Möbius strip structure, BOB indulges our innate appetite for symmetry and rhythm by following the relentless footsteps of a man in a repetitive rut.

The fact that there are an infinite number of BOBs walking this corridor becomes obvious early on. It may take a little longer to work out whether we are following one BOB on his endless journey or following alternate BOBs up and down the same small section of corridor.

Doug Foster Abandoned Buildings


I went to an exhibition in London called ‘In The Naughty Chair’ by Doug Foster.There was some really interesting stuff there that used both visual and audio language. My favourite piece was a film of a man walking down a never ending corridor.

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

West Park Mental AsylumWhere I study in Epsom, I knew about an old abandoned mental asylum which was deserted in the mid 90’s. I took a trip to this abandoned asylum to take some pictures and experience first hand the affects of time. The affects time had on this building incuded peeling wallpaper, moss, decaying furniture and wood, smashed glass and general wear and tear.

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Clock AnimationDuring my visit to west park mental asylum I was constantly in the search of a clock, I liked the idea of finding a decaying old clock hanging from a wall which I could use in a stop motion where the hands would be spinning around really fast as if time was rushing past. I didn’t find a clock on my first two visits to the asylum but on my third visit I was lucky enough to come across a clock which was almost exactly as I pictured it.

I searched around the asylum in hope that I could find a hook or ledge which I could hang the clock from to do the stop animation. I had no luck finding anywhere to hang the clock from so I settled for the next best thing, which was to lean it against a wall showing a decayed hallway in the background.

I set up the clock and camera and began the stop animation, moving the hands by hand a bit at a time while taking pictures each time. I managed to continue this for a while and managed to get the clock going from 12.00 to 2.00. By this time it was beggining to get dark and the photos started coming out a slightly different colour to the originals.

I decided to take photos of each of the hour hands at each of the numbers on the clock face and to continue the rest of the animation at home by photoshop.

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Clock AnimationI wanted to film the decay of food but realised that food can sometimes can weeks to decay and therefore decided that, with the time I had left, I could not manage to do this. Instead, I decided that the quickest way to show the affects of time on food would be to melt ice cream. Due to the weather currently being cloudy and not hot enough to melt the ice cream, I decided to melt it using a hair dryer.

These are some screen shots of the first video I made of ice cream melting. The only problem with this video is that rather than the entire ice cream melting into a liquid, the top half broke off, meaning that when I sped up the video it seemed the top half just vanished suddenly.

I made this second video with the ice cream laying down rather than being held up, in hope of the entire ice cream melting and none of it breaking off. I like the sinister affect it created in the way it appears to be bleeding. However a couple of times throughout the video, either the camera or paper, which the ice cream was laying on were moved, meaning that a few times in the video there is a jump in the position of the ice cream.

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Time LapseMainly for filler footage, I wanted to do a few time lapse’s to include in my final video. The two time lapse’s I could think to do were clouds moving through the sky and a sunrise.

I decided to wake up early and film the sunrise at Epsom Downs where you can see a view of London.My bad luck continued when I woke up to find it raining and misty. I decided to film in anyway as you could still see some of the London lights. However when the sun rose it was then too misty to see any of London.

I left my camera filming the sky for about 40 minutes. I had a problem with my camera where it was trying to focus the whole time meaning it was zooming slightly in out out continuously throughout the video. It doesn’t show too much watched in normal time but in the video below I have sped it up and the focusing is viewable.



Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Room affected by timeThis idea was taken from looking through the photos I had taken from the West Park mental asylum. I thought that it would have been good to have been filming one of the rooms since it was first abandoned to then watch the sped up footage from then to now to see the changes.I then decided that it could also work the other way, so I decided to alter one of the images on photoshop to make it look new again and to then create a video showing the transformation between the two.

This idea was taken from looking through the photos I had taken from the West Park mental asylum. I thought that it would have been good to have been filming one of the rooms since it was first abandoned to then watch the sped up footage from then to now to see the changes.I then decided that it could also work the other way, so I decided to alter one of the images on photoshop to make it look new again and to then create a video showing the transformation between the two.


Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Room fade videosBelow are the videos I created showing the change between the clean, photoshopped room and the original aged room.

I created this second video with the idea that the aging is spreading through the room at a fast rate.I planned to add sound to this video of a heavy light getting switched off as each section darkens and ages. The sound of a heavy light turning off gives the impression of somebody leaving to go home and leaving the building.

This is the first video I made of the clean room changing into the room affected by time.The problem with this video is that I tend to focus on the ground the whole time during the video rather than looking around the room and noticing the other changes



Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Story BoardBefore I began to edit together all my footage to create my final video outcome, I wanted to decide on how I wanted my video to look and feel. Throughout this project, I always pictured my video having the look and feel of an old movie with scratches and hair marks.Below are some images and stills from videos which overall give a good idea of how I would like my video to look and feel.

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Look and FeelBefore I began to edit together all my footage to create my final video outcome, I wanted to decide on how I wanted my video to look and feel. Throughout this project, I always pictured my video having the look and feel of an old movie with scratches and hair marks.Below are some images and stills from videos which overall give a good idea of how I would like my video to look and feel.

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2

Final Video

It starts with a shot of the floor The camera pans up and out to reveal a clock with it’s hands spinning quickly

Amoungst the clouds, the ice cream video is shown and the camera pans across it

As the camera continues to pan to the left, the ‘room fade’ begins

Once the ‘room fade’ has finished the room fades out to an almost black screen

A clock is dropped and smashed. The footage is then reversed and the clock dissappears.

The video then fades to the sunset footage The clock animation fades in through the sunset while the camera is panning to the left

As the camera is panning to the left the ‘room fade’ footage fades in

The camera then zooms into the top left corner and fades into the cloud time lapse

Your Title Here "Time" Jason MingayGraphic Design: New Media

Year 2