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YOUR AQUARIUS VIRGO & WEALTH PROFILE - Amazon S3 · YOUR AQUARIUS VIRGO & WEALTH PROFILE Copyright © 2015 The Astrologer Inc. ... as a manicurist or hair stylist. If, like many Virgos,

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The Cosmic Collection: VIRGOYour Virgo Career & Wealth Profi le

How do the Astrological signs handle their fi nances? The answer changes dramatically from one Sun sign to the next: While some signs are impulsive with their cash, others are naturals at saving for that proverbial rainy day. Some signs are driven to make money, while others have an easy-come, easy-go relationship with jobs

and income. And as for investments, each sign approaches opportunities diff erently, whether with caution, optimism, confi dence or indecision. Read on to fi nd out how your Zodiac sign approaches all aspects of fi nances, from career to savings and investments and more.

Your Money Profi le OverviewVirgo is naturally practical, cautious and hardworking, and you tend to take a similar approach to your fi nances. Thus, building up your savings, setting up retirement accounts and making other plans for the future shouldn’t be a problem for you. But though you are also a hard worker, you may or may not have a high income. Since you tend to be quite selfl ess, you might stay with a low-paying job if you feel you’re really making a diff erence or helping someone in need. As for investments, you don’t jump into any opportunity without fi rst doing careful research. You’re attracted to sound, rather conservative strategies that promise to pay off over the long term. Don’t be afraid to take the occasional calculated risk, however. Knowing you, you’ll make an excellent choice based on extensive and detailed research.

When it comes to your fi nancial health, Virgo, your cautious, detail-oriented nature can be both a blessing and a burden. On the positive side, you rarely get into major fi nancial trouble. You keep careful track of your purchases and bills, you regularly set aside money for savings and retirement accounts, and you check your account balances frequently. Your diligence and frugal nature — along with an excellent credit

score — keep you and your money on track.

Your needs are modest, so even if you’re well-off , you may live below your means or in understated elegance. Honest and trustworthy, you’re a very hard worker, but you’re so humble that you may be chronically underpaid or under-appreciated. This is especially common in the service sector, where lots of Virgos fi nd employment. You’re adept at saving money when you set your mind to it, but you may lack the confi dence to make bold fi nancial moves that could lead to a major pay-off . It boils down to being overly cautious, as well as getting caught up in the small stuff and losing the perspective that a broader picture would bring. Don’t let this happen, Virgo.

Find the balance between detail and design. Recognize that you have high ideals but modest monetary goals. Granted, in your perfect world, there might be no need for money — some other, more enlightened rate of exchange would prevail — but this Utopia is little more than a fantasy. Your practical, down-to-earth nature demands that you establish fi nancial security so you can pursue more noble endeavors.

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What’s Your Money Motivator?Your money motivator tells you what gets your fi nancial juices fl owing and what makes your stream of income run dry. It will show you how others may view you through your fi nancial habits and give insight into what careers you may enjoy pursuing and why.

No spotlights for you, thank you very much! You prefer to operate behind the scenes, safely out of public view. There, you’ll work hard to improve circumstances for those less fortunate than yourself. Your incredible work

ethic, attention to detail and humility make you an attractive employee in almost any fi eld, but you’re especially drawn to the service industry, whether that means bartending or waiting tables, or a career in healthcare or public service. You would also make an excellent accountant, and your ability to understand complex systems could lead you into the fi eld of engineering or mechanics. Alternatively, you might fi nd yourself in the non-profi t industry or working to improve the environment.

Are You A Spender Or A Saver?You’re fastidious with your money. You balance your checkbook carefully, you pay your bills on time — in fact you can probably account for every penny you spend. You plan your purchases and meticulously track the returns on your investments. But you’re so busy with details that you might miss the big picture altogether. Still, that’s easy enough to remedy: just channel your principled, idealistic nature into your

investment strategy. Lend your fi nancial support to environmental companies or alternative health concerns — businesses that promote your ideals. Just don’t be so timid that you end up chasing the market. You’ve done your homework, so you can be confi dent in your choices.

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Your Ideal CareerSettling on a career path to pursue can be quite a tricky business. What type of work will make you feel happy and fulfi lled, as if you’re doing something meaningful with your life? Which job will provide the income and benefi ts you need to support the lifestyle of your choosing? Which profession will meet the ambition that swells within you, fulfi lling the image you have of yourself? Some of us are lucky enough to fi nd an occupation early and easily that feels like a natural fi t — one that utilizes our strengths while challenging us to develop our weaker points; one that is engaging and fascinating and a pleasure to show up to every day. But many of us are still searching for that perfect job that can become a career for life. If you’re in the latter category, read on to fi nd out about the gifts and strengths of your astrological sign that can translate into the perfect career for you.

Meticulous, detail-oriented Virgo is both keenly intellectual and highly service-minded. You thrive in a career that utilizes your facility with detail and organization, such as offi ce manager, copyeditor or personal organizer, or one that allows you to put your keen critical faculties to use, such as restaurant critic, Health Department inspector, accountant, editor or detective. You also love to be of service to others, and you’re naturally focused on issues of health; thus, you might enjoy working as a nurse, a dental hygienist, a nutritionist, or in some other area of health care, or, alternatively, as a manicurist or hair stylist. If, like many Virgos, you possess a facility with languages, you would do well as a writer or translator. Any career you choose should be one that off ers a certain amount of predictability regarding your schedule and income, since you work best within an established routine.

No other sign of the zodiac takes as much joy in service as yours, Virgo. That’s why any profession that includes the word “service” is appropriate

for you, and the list is long! Customer service, to begin with. Then there’s food service: cook, food prep, or baker, nutritionist, food research and development, growing or selling produce, and so on.

You’re also quite technical, able to handle complex sciences and details. That’s why careers in botany, food science or nutrition could call to you. Don’t forget the fi eld of health care, where an alarming number of Virgos work. You’ll fi nd them in hospitals, clinics and offi ces everywhere: doctors, nurses, medical technicians and aides, therapists, medical assistance, offi ce support, emergency services — every aspect of this huge fi eld is appropriate for Virgo. Veterinary work is also good, particularly for small animals. With your love of detail and natural administrative ability, bookkeeping and accounting are ideal for you, and you can make an excellent analyst or statistician. You can also handle complex machinery and can be very skilled at diagnosis and repair.

This mastery of detail is crucial in fi elds such as research, information technology and management, database analysis, software engineer, technical writing, research and architecture. Computer design, research, construction or repair could attract you.

Then, there’s public service, where many Virgos take pride in administering the laws and programs of the land. The non-profi t sector is another likely place of employment for service-driven, humble Virgo. You could cover all the bases and be a service coordinator! As a talented craftsperson, your skills could be in demand.

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Do You Lead Or Do You Follow?Leadership — based in natural power, courage and control, it’s a quality most people respect and many desire to possess. After all, who wouldn’t want to command a room as soon as they walked into it? We all want others to listen to us, to treat us with respect and to recognize our authority. But the world doesn’t just need leaders. It also needs followers — people who take direction well and comply with the rules; people who manifest others’ visions by carrying their ideas through to the fi nish. When it comes to getting great things accomplished, people rarely do it on their own. Instead, they join together in teams of leaders and followers — visionaries and those who bring those visions into reality. Thus, both leaders and followers are essential to progress. Are you a leader or a follower?

Virgo is the Sign of Service, which says it all. A natural follower, you’re compassionate and considerate; you take direction well, and you feel most fulfi lled when working selfl essly for someone you love or respect. Instilled with a strong sense of duty, you don’t shy away from hard work, especially not when it’s something you believe in. Your frugal nature and practical perspective make it easy for you to bring others’ grandiose ideas down to earth, where you can modify them into something feasible in the real world. Your tendency to be hard on yourself — harder than anyone else — makes you an excellent employee or team member, since you hold yourself to such high standards. Trustworthy and diligent, you always strive to do your best. You’re an asset to any group or team of which you’re a part.

What’s Your Job Interview Style?Job interviews tend to strike terror into the strongest of hearts, but knowing how to play to your strengths really does help. Here’s a quick and easy guide to your sign’s job interview style – what to showcase, and which “talents” might be best left un-mentioned! If you know your Ascendant sign, read that one too, because our Ascendant signs usually come across strongly in a “fi rst impressions” situation such as a job interview.

Meticulous, dutiful and immaculately presentable, as a Virgo you turn up for an interview on time, on form and on a mission to show this prospective employer exactly how you can help. Among the most reserved of all signs, however, your biggest

challenge is the fi rst impression you make – it can be diffi cult for you to speak up, make eye contact and really sell yourself, which is such a shame as you have so many skills to off er. Work hard on your confi dence in the days and weeks before the interview, because if you can crack that, you’ll do well. Once you start talking, you do relax, and that’s when your obvious integrity and talent starts to get noticed.

Do: Show your interest in what the position involves and how it relates to other jobs in the company.

Don’t: Apologize unnecessarily or off er up negatives about yourself.

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How Will You Retire?If we are very lucky and plan carefully, retirement can be a wonderful time of life. Retirement can mean diff erent ideas to each of us; some seek adventure, while others seek a peaceful quiet and contentment. Our astrological sign can direct us towards whatever retirement it is that we seek for ourselves. Your sign can direct you towards making the right choices for saving and investments, to neither rob from the present to pay for the future or living a devil-may-care, live for today lifestyle.

This sign is a natural-born saver, cautious and detail-oriented; they watch their fi nances like a hawk. Rarely, do they fi nd themselves in fi nancial trouble; they’re good with budgeting details and

careful with their credit, that’s on the plus side. But on the negative side, your greatest strength is your greatest weakness. Virgo lacks the gamblers nature and caution is your watch word, you shy away from high yield investments and sometimes obsess over details. Virgo being hard workers are known as moderate spenders. You’re practical down-to-earth nature should make saving for retirement a lot easier. As a Virgo, you seek perfection and while money might not be your primary goal, even perfection costs money.

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About the Author KELLI FOXKelli was fi rst drawn to astrology during her childhood in Sydney, Australia. As early as eight years of age, she began recording birth dates and Sun Signs for anyone willing to share. Kelli’s formal astrological studies began at the College of Humanistic Astrology. This led to her professional accreditation with multiple organizations including: National Council for Geocosmic Research (CA NCGR IV), Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PMAFA), International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR C.A.P.), and the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA).

Kelli is also the fi rst member of the Founders’ Circle of Kepler College, and is an emeritus member of its board of trustees. Kepler College is the fi rst college in the western hemisphere authorized to issue BA, AA and MA degrees in Astrological Studies.

In 2004, with Neptune on her descendant and transiting Pluto conjunct her natal Moon, she had a near death medical experience that left her in a coma and on life support for two weeks. Kelli was fortunate to survive and return from the other side. With new found life, her passion to share the knowledge of astrology with people everywhere was reignited.

Kelli views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. She sees her role as bringing this ancient science to our modern-day life through current technologies — from web sites to mobile phones and video screens.