Youpaper Science Alert – ISSUE 2 – 22. November 2015

Youpaper Science Alert Issue 2 - Travelling To Mars, Noah's Ark, Richard Feynman

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Ever wondered how to get to Mars? Or how Richard Feynman got that smart? And why no ones tells that Noah's Ark has been found?

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Youpaper Science Alert – ISSUE 2 – 22. November 2015

First of all, thank you to all the people who read the first issue and thank you to everyone who contributes to youpaper.org. Without the help of all the people all over the world contributing to youpaper.org and Youpaper Science Alert, all this would not be possible. Also, thank you to everyone who commented on Facebook on one of our posts. Thank you to everyone who shared our first issue on Twitter, Facebook or put it on one of their stacks on issuu.com. On the first day, Youpaper Science Alert reached 150 reads on ISSUU. We are proud and believe it’s a milestone for Youpaper.org. We will publish more frequently in the future and will publish new issues of Youpaper Science Alert every or every second week. We still look for more authors and will go print as soon as we feel we reached a point where it makes sense to go print. In the next weeks it will be our agenda to increase our fellowship and to post great content. We believe that science should be open to anyone. So, why make it sound insanely complicated and boring when it can also be exciting and vivid? We are not a normal science magazine, we are not your science teacher, we are not here to bore you, we are here to entertain you. Especially in such difficult times as right now, with ISIS approaching Europe, climate change worsening, and refugees coming from all over, we want to make you realize that earthly matters are important but not everything in our world. We hope to inspire

you to do great things yourself and to get involved with science. It does not matter what science you do, it does not

matter if you do research on jellyfish or tsunamis. What matters is that our world makes progress. In this issue we will

cover a range of different sciences in order to give you a broader view. Again, I hope you can enjoy reading this issue

as much as you enjoy reading all the other content online!

Leon Chaudhari CEO, Founder & Editor Youpaper.org


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Welcome to the 2nd ISSUE of Youpaper Science Alert!

Travelling To Mars Just Got Easier

NASA wants to send astronauts to Mars regularly. A group of MIT researches now

has a revolutionary idea how to lower the cost of an expedition to Mars. What

still might sound like science fiction could soon be true - NASA plans to send

astronauts to the moon before they go to Mars. Researches from Keito University,

Japan, and California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Los

Angeles, United States, believe that expeditions to Mars could be a

routine soon. But why the moon?

NASA has currently two alternatives to choose from.

One is to send the spaceship from Earth directly to the

moon. Unfortunately, this attempt would cost a lot of

fuel because machines, fuel itself, and other goods

for the long journey to Mars must be brought out of

the gravitational force of earth. The second

alternative is to stop at the moon, get fuelled up

there and then head off to Mars. The spacecraft

would then be 68% lighter when leaving earth. The MIT

calculated that every kilogram of cargo would currently

cost NASA $10,000 – too much for NASA.

The lunar South pole might contain a large amount of water-ice reserves which

could be transformed into fuel. Unfortunately the ice is trapped in corners of

craters that never see the light of day. In order to mine the ice, new

technologies must be invented and tested. The Russian Federal Space Agency

as well as the European Space Agency already issued several research


Currently, the MIT believes that this could be the most cost efficient plan in order

to send humans to Mars on a regular basis:

1. Send equipment to the moon

2. Establish a mining base and fuelling facility on the moon

3. Send humans in spacecraft to moon in order to fuel up

4. Send them to Mars!

Moon © Leon Chaudhari Mars: 火星(mars)是 河系 http://news.k8008

Noah’s Ark Has Been


Already a few years back in 1959,

Turkish army captain Llhan

Durupinar discovered a large, boat-

like shaped object near the Turkish

border to Iran at an altitude of

around 1920 meter. The terrain was, as you can already guess, quite rocky

and hard to access. Wryly, the boat-like shaped object that they found,

did not really excite them. No wood was found even though biblical texts

state Noah’s ark was completely made of wood (and perhaps a few nails).

Turkish army captain Llhan Durupinar knew about the biblical texts, its

association with Mount Ararat in Turkey and of Noah building the ark. On

his first expedition Durupinar took photos of the object and sent negatives

to Dr. Brandenburger at Ohio State University, USA. What Brandenburger

said, astonished him. The first part of the survey was to examine the object

and take its measurements. The shape looked like a hull of a ship. “I have

no doubt at all, that this object is a ship. In my entire career, I have never

seen an object like this on a stereo photo.”, Branderburger told Durupinar

in a letter.

Several years after Durupinar’s mission, a second mission aimed to exlore

the sighting. What they found was even more astonishing. Radar scans

showed that the object underground was actually made of wood which

just petrified over the thousands of years.

Biblical accounts state that Noah’s Ark supposedly had six stories. After

years of research, the scientists believe that these six stories actually

existed but fell into each other because of the overlying sand and rocks

which accumulated over time.

Noah’s Ark http://www.viewzone.com/noahx.html

Many scientists believe that the original position of the object has been

about 300 meters higher; And that just because of an earthquake the

object moved from the mountain top to a nearby valley.

In the last couple of years, researchers used GPR (Ground Penetrating

Radar) in order to get a closer look on the shape of the object and to

evaluate whether it has really once been a ship or some other natural

phenomenon. What they found astonished them. They did not just

confirmed that the object is a boat but also found the skull of an eagle, cat

hair, and several other manmade structures inside the boat.

Many scientists, religious or not, are still wondering whether this object

could really be Noah’s Ark or just some other boat. Striking evidence could

be the structure of the boat itself. In biblical texts, it is being described as a

six floored boat with rectangular top decks. GPR scans now confirmed that

the boat has indeed rectangular top decks in order to survive massive


Now, it is up to you whether you believe this boat is Noah’s Ark or not.

Even though it might not be Noah’s Ark, it’s still a discovery like no other.

Noah’s Ark 2 http://www.viewzone.com/noahx.html Noah’s Ark 3 http://www.viewzone.com/noahx.html

How To Understand Anything By Knowing

Less – The Richard Feynman Technique

Mastermind. Ladies Man. And Winner of the

Nobel Prize 1965. Richard Feynman was one of

the most renowned and brilliantly thinking

physicist of all times. When Feynman was asked

where his brilliance would come from, he gave

insights into what we call the “Richard Feynman


Feynman was known for his brilliancy of

connecting two fields with each other, the so-

called bridging process. Feynman believed he could not be the smartest person

on earth and he knew that he just had a limited amount of time. So, he looked

for a way to use his time more wisely and to learn as much as possible in little

time. Despite his vivid mind, Feynman had an immense interest in emerging new

technologies and recent discoveries. From 1959, Feynman taught at the

California Institute of Technology (Caltech), where he wrote the widely known

“Feynman Lectures on Physics” in 1961/62.

At that time, Feynman walked every other week to all departments of the

institute to ask for whatever came up in the last week. Because Feynman has

already been known as one of the most influential scientists in human history,

students tried to impress Feynman and gave him the real detail. But, that’s not

what Feynman wanted. As soon as someone showed him formulas, he refused

and asked for a more simple explanation. Feynman knew that the only way he

could stay up-to-date was to only care about the basics and leave space for

own thoughts. In his mind, over-determination, especially in one subject, leaves

no space for any new discoveries.
