Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide

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  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide


    Young people under the age of 25 are the main victims of road traffic crashes worldwide. More young people aged between 15-29 die from

    road crashes than from HIV/AIDs, Malaria, Tuberculosis or homicide. This means that road crashes are a serious threat to youth no matter

    where they are. There are certain factors that put young people are particular risk, they are explained here.

    What do we know?

    The statistics are clear and there is no doubt that the crisis facing young people is very real:

    Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds, causing more deaths than HIV/AIDS or Tuberculosis.

    Over 30% of those killed and injured in road traffic crashes are less than 25 years old.

    Among drivers, young males under the age of 25 years are almost three times as likely to be killed as females of this age.

    Most young people killed by road traffic injuries live in LMICs and are vulnerable road users pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and

    users of public transport.

    The socioeconomic condition of a family affects the likelihood of a child or young adult being killed or injured in a road traffic crash.Those from economically poor backgrounds, in both richer and poorer countries, are at greatest risk.

    But why are young people at increased risk of road injury?Three main factors come together to put youth at more risk of road traffic crashes worldwide: age, inexperience and gender.This is in

    addition to the factors that put all age groups at greater risk, including lack of laws for road safety, insufficient law enforceforement and worn

    out roads and vehicles. We must also consider the environmental context , for example, roads that do not cater to the needs of all road users

    such as pedestrians and children; pedestrians and cyclists sharing the road with motorized traffic; insufficient enforcement of safety laws.

  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide



    There are many things happening in a young person's body when they are growing up, especially during their teen years. At a young age,

    young people:

    Are less able to assess risk

    Test their boundaries more than other groups

    Overestimate their abilities

    Have a high level of senstation seeking behaviour

    Are influenced by their peers

    Furthermore recent research indicates that the parts of the brain responsible for decision making may be still under development until well

    after the teenage years, also impacting on the behavior on the road. These reasons on top of the use of alcohol and/or drugs in traffic, not

    using a seatbelt or wearing a helmet, driving at high speed make young people vulnerable. In short, young peoples high risk levels are a

    product of both who they are and the environment in which they exist.


    New drivers need to think about their driving actions more than those who have more experience in driving. Constantly thinking about their

    driving actions can cause mental overload and distractions. On top of this, young people are less able to perceive hazards, control the vehicle

    or make driver decisions with confidence. This all leads to a higher risk of crash injury both on and off the road.

    Also social norms, including peer influence and the rebellion in youth culture can affect the behavior while acting on the road. For many

    young people, their friends (peers) are the most important people in their lives and are often also their primary source of

    behavioral norms. Teenagers can be led by what is considered cool, not necessarily what is safe. Peer pressure can mean thatyoung people

    are more likely to behave in a risky manner on the road, both as novice drivers or riders, and as pedestrians.


    All around the world, males are more inclined to risk-taking and sensation seeking behaviour. Males are more likely to overestimate theirabilities. Young men are almost three times as likely to be killed as their female counterparts. Young males take more risks, for

  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide


    example young men likely to drive at excessive or inappropriate speeds, are less likely to wear their helmets and not using seatbelts.

    Furthermore different testosterone levels partially explain the different behavior between young men and women.

    What can you do about it? Read theYouth and Road Safety ActionKitfor a starting point!

    An NGO based in Hyderabad, India set up to create awereness of road safety and change attitudes ofthe youth on the roads. SOCH is an initiative to alter the mindset, attitude and behaviour of the people

    and educate the younger generation on following traffic regulations and being safe on the roads.

    Roads today are not what they used to be. They are more crowded with traffic, and everyone seems to be in so much of a

    hurry. The result: many die on our roads each day and many more seriously injured. The loss is totally unnecessary. While

    we have the money to buy the latest cars, two wheelers and other vehicles what is lacking is a concern for others who share

    the same roads with us, courtesy and responsible behaviour on roads.

    No matter how much money is spent on infrastructure, technology and enforcement, we will never be safe on our roads

    until our attitudes and behaviour change.

    Our children imitate and learn from us. The question we need to ask ourselves now is: are we being good role models for

    them on the road? Are we teaching them the important life skill of keeping themselves and others safe on the roads or are

    we just teaching them how to get away with breaking rules.


    Our goal is to campaign to meet this modern day challenge and contribute to the governments objective of reducing

    deaths and injuries on our roads. With traffic forecasted to rise at the rate of 80% in the next 14 years it will be outrageous

    if we do nothing at this point.


    Our long term goal and vision at SOCH is to facilitate the evolution of a more safety conscious society who would at all

    times be alert and road safety oriented.

    Road Safety: How Youth Can Help Create Awareness





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  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide


    Sheila Atieno, from Kenya, always tells her students to look both ways before crossing the street.

    She understands the importance of careful ly navigating roads. When she was 11, she lost a close friend. He was on his way to school when his life was taken by

    a speeding truck. So Atieno, now 26, decided that it was time to take action. She became a Coordinator of the African Region for YOURS,a global youth-led

    organization dedicated to road safety issues. She is also a leader of a group in Kenya calledYOURS-K. Its mission is to use all means possible to ensure that all

    road users arrive safely to their destinations.

    Road incidents are thenumber onecause of death for youth worldwide according to the UN Campaign for Global Road Safety. The economic cost of road

    accidents in developing countries is estimated to be at least $100 billion a year. Because of the staggering number of road accidents each year, this decade has

    been declared as theUN Decade of Action (2011-2020) for Road Safety. The UN has identified10 reasonswhy road accidents are more dangerous than we

    think. According to the report, road accidents kill more people than malaria and 90% of casualties occur in developing countries.

    The good news is that the number of deaths related to road accidents can be preve nted and reduced. All sectors of society need to be involved, government,

    private sector, and communities, said Marc Sanford Shotten, Senior Transport Specialist at the World Bank. Youth can take responsibility in their hands by

    becoming role models.

    Atieno is one those role models. She organizes workshops in Kenya to raise awareness about road safety. In December 2011, she organized The 3,000 Shoe

    Parade,a powerful illustration of the ramifications of road accidents. The group placed shoes along the parade path to help represent the 3,000 Kenyans killed

    every year in road crashes.

    The biggest challenge is trying to change their (youths) attitude on road safety, said Nellie Ghusayni, YOURS Program Officer based in Lebanon. Also, in

    low-and middle-income countries, young people dont have cars; most of them walk to school and work. Pedestrian safety is a key issue.

    Pedestrian safety is the theme of the second UN Global Road Safety Week, which will be celebrated May 6-12, 2013. Organizations, governments and a ll

    interested in the issue are encouraged to plan national and local events to generation attention and action around pedestrian safety.

    So what can you do to increase your road safety? YOURS has published the Youth and Road Safety Action Kit!,a toolkit meant to encourage and inform young

    people from around the world. The illustrations below, produced by YOURS, show some of the steps young people can take to be more visible to drivers and

    help prevent accidents.
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    Source: YOURS

    Atieno believes that road accidents can be decreased drastically when the international community, local governments, and civil society come together and work

    with youth. Youth are great advocates. They should demand road safety laws in their communiti es, so they can go to school, and be safe. Youth can lobby

    and educate decision-makers and ask for road safety, said Atieno.

    What can you do in your community to raise awareness on road safety? Have you had any experiences like Sheila Atieno had? We want to hear your ideas,

    experiences, and the challenges you face when it comes to road safety. Share your comments below.
  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide


    Younger generation is more practical than older generation

    Home>Group discussion> Younger generation is more practical than older generation

    -Rajmeet Ghai

    ith the advancement of technology, luxury and a palette of options available, the younger generation are naturally practical. They need not take

    extra efforts to a practical approach.


    They are optimistic and ambitious. Earlier on, people fell easily for emotions whether it was for family or friends. Todays youth can equally balance emotions. Science has made life very easy for the generation today. Accessing someone today isnt as difficult as it was earlier, when people relied

    on telegrams!

    Even though the younger lot is considered to be impatient, their impatience is because they dont want to waste time.

    The young generation wishes to explore all possible horizons. Thanks to the social networking sites, younger generation is more enterprising. Their ides are practical. Due to the adverse competition, their practical perspective leaves with no time for ethical issues like ego, arrogance, emotions etc.


    Most of the times over smartness shown by youngsters put them in trouble. Older generation has seen life and hence they know the pros and cons of every situation. They have a natural ability to do so. Older generation can better judge people since they have met so many in their life. Due to their over practical nature, it puts them more in depression and hence suicide rates are more. It is seen that most of the crimes are committed by the younger generation who get influences from TV and cinema. At times the greed of money and publicity makes them do something they are not supposed to. Older generation being more practical and intelligent can easily point out the difference between wrong and right.

    All said and done, a generation gap will always persist. Youngsters of today will drive the world tomorrow. With the advancement of technology and

    ease of living, generation to come will be even more practical!

    Thinking Difference between Younger Generation and OlderGeneration

    When we talk about thinking, then in todays fast changing scenario, the younger generation become more practical,

    more wild, more assertive and ambitious then the older generation. Now days, Success become a buzz word in

    between the younger generation and younger generation is trying to achieve this word at any cost. Now, the question is

    arises that What is the major reason behind this deep difference? Lots of conclusions are also there but I think over

    ambition, greed of money, glamour world attraction is the major reasons behind this difference.
  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide


    Due to these reasons, we have to face lots of problems like suicide rates have gone up, which is a matter of concern.

    The crime rate is also going on and it is done by between 16 to 22 years old younger childrens, which is not good at all.

    In most of the crimes we found that most of the students or children have done crime in the first time of their life. This is

    not good news at all. The cut throat competition encourages our younger peoples to develop the new strategies to take

    instant decisions, and decide their own future direction as they want. There is no sense of satisfaction and contentment

    in young generation. Now, if we are talking about older generation then in earlier, the fame, money and satisfaction was

    come with their maturity level and with their age also. Older generation have more practical experience. Famous

    Today, Forgotten Tomorrow is the main aim of todays generation.

    I think, this topic is an everlasting topic and a very long topic which give a lot of conclusion. We can t deny the age factor

    and the age difference also but there are some factors that are responsible like todays easy made life make younger

    generation life so easy. They (young people) can easily know what is the current affair, who is online, what are new

    invention and many more. I admit that sometime the younger generation becomes more over board but it is also

    important for them to respect their older generation thoughts. So, I can safely said that younger generation is far ahead

    than their previous generation isnt.

    No win, no fee, no fuss.

    V2V equipped cars can detect vehicles around it as well as it'sown position, heading and speed - and the government thinks it

    can cut road deaths instantly

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    V2V technology allows cars to communicate with each other to prevent accidents
  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide


    Everybody knows that the road is a dangerous place - but what you may not realise is how much safer it has become.

    The Government has been collecting road accident statistics since 1926 and the highest ever numbers of road casualties in

    the UK were recorded in 1934 - 7,343 deaths and 231,603 injuries.

    By 2012 the number of deaths had fallen to 1,754, despite the number of cars soaring to 28.7million.

    And the statistics continue to improve.

    The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents attributes most of this to local authority road safety programs, police,

    "government-led strategies" and technological advances in vehicles.

    The future of roads...

    The technological wave thats swept our offices and homes is now taking to the road, and government agencies, safety

    organisations and car manufacturers are thinking of new ways to use it to protect us from ourselves when we get behind the


    In the US, the government recently announced plans to make carmakers equip new cars with Vehicle to Vehicle technology -

    this lets cars communicate with each other in ways that have been impossible until now.

    What is V2V technology?

    V2V equipped cars will be fitted with a radio beacon that continually transmits the car's position, heading, speed and other


    At the same time, it will receive the same data from other vehicles nearby, as well as data from road signs and other sources.

    Along with cameras and sensors built into the vehicle, and sophisticated software, the car will effectively know much more

    about the road its on than the driver possibly could.

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that V2V communications could prevent up to 80% of the

    current accidents that dont involve alcohol or mechanical failure.

    Its estimated that the technology will add no more than a couple of hundred pounds to the price of car manufacture.

    Can you make a claim?

    If you've had an accident on the road, find out if you can make a claim today. It's simple, just take the 30 second test below

    and find out how much you could be entitled to or call the team direct on freephone: 0800 740 8782

    No win, no fee, no fuss.

    global | road safetypreviousnext
  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide


    Grover gives a thumbs-up to safe streets for children

    everywhere.Childrens Education Initiatives Around the World | Safe streets for children everywhere

    Its never too early to educate children about road safety. As passengers and pedestrians, on bikes and when playing

    outside, children are frequent traffic participants. To make safety a positive and shared family experience, Grover isflexing his diplomatic skills as a global Road Safety Ambassador for the United Nations Decade of Action for RoadSafety 20112020 initiative.

    In 2010, Sesame Workshop became a member of the Global Road Safety Partnership, a coalition of government andbusiness groups committed to raising awareness of traffic safety among all road users. With a vision to make theworlds roads safe for children and families, our mission is to make road safety awareness a top-of-mind issue amongroad users, especially families with young children and establish a new mindset for the next generation of drivers.

    A major step in the right direction has been the creation of three public service announcements (PSA), produced bySesame Workshop. Broadcast in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East since May 2011, each PSAfeatures an animated Grover buckling up or putting on a helmet, then giving a thumbs-up the universal signal ofreadiness among pilots, astronauts, and racecar drivers.

    Taking our street-smart mission even further, weve created guidelines for educators, parents, and contentproducers(download the Education Framework for Road Safety),full of practical strategies that help make safety afamily priority and put children in the drivers seat when it comes to inspiring safe road and driving behaviors amongfamily and friends.

    In March 2012, we created the Elmo Stays Safe campaign in Australia, which launched to raise public and parentalawareness of the importance of children playing in safe areas. The campaign utilized a number of resources, including aPSA on driveway safety and an outreach toolkit which can be downloaded on ourwebsite.By September 2014, we willhave added a radio PSA and interactive app to accompany the toolkit and reach even more children in Australia.

    Most recently, in April 2014 we also launched a similar outreach campaign in Costa Rica reaching over 4500 children.An evaluation report on the effectiveness of the campaign will be out later in the year.

    Sesame continues to remain committed to global road safety and working with vested partners to support the mission.
  • 7/21/2019 Young People Under the Age of 25 Are the Main Victims of Road Traffic Crashes Worldwide


    Major support for Sesame Workshops Road Safety initiative is provided by the FIA Foundation, Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria and the Transport Accident Commission of Australia, andHolden. Additional support is provided by the Global Road Safety Partnership, Kidsafe Victoria, Michelin, theInternational Transport Forum, COSEVI, and Ministerio ObrasPublicas y Transportes.