Youcis Times

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Complete edition of Youcis Times created during workshops in several countries within our Comenius project

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About Ourselves

Hina Anwar My name is Hina Anwar. I come from Pakistan but now I am living in Scotland. I am 16 years old. I have been in Scotland one year. I have two brothers, one is older and one is younger. My big brother is 18 years old and my small brother is 9 years old. I live with my family in Scotland. My mother is a housewife and my father has a shop. I am a friendly person. I like making friends. I have many friends. They are all very nice. My hobbies are shopping, drawing and gardening. Sometimes I like cooking and watching TV.

Chrstine Hey, My name is Christine. I’m from Germany. I live in Hanover. I have one brother, he is 25 years old. My hobbies are go swimming, read a book or watching TV.

Katya Hi,My name is Katya. I am from Turkey. I am half Turkish half Dutch. I am 14 years old and I am in 8th grade. I am a journalist in our web magazine. I am a member of Comenius project. I like listening to rock music and reading books.

My favorite subjects are History and English. I have one little sister and I don‘t have any animal.

Aist÷ My name is Aist÷. I‘m from Lithuania. I live in Kalvarija. I‘m 18 years old. I enjoy dancing and singing. The most favourite lesson is maths. This year is the last one for me at school. I am interested in basketball. As you know, the basketball is the second tradition in Lithuania. Moreover, I‘m very glad of having an opportunity to participate in this Project. It is a new experience to me. If I had to describe myself I would say that I am a friendly and lovely person. ;)

Karolina My name is Karolina. I‘m 15 years old. I‘m from Lithuania. I learn at Kalvarija gymnazium. In school I like history. I live with my mom and dad. I have got a cat and a dog. I am friendly, helpful, outgoing and active.

Alex My name Is Alex, I am 15 years old and I live in Madrid. I am tall, blonde, I have got green eyes, I haven’t got any brothers or sisters and I live with my parents. My favourite hobbies are sports, specially martial arts. I practice Karate since I was 7 and Muay Thai. I love music too, i´m always listening to music. I love hip-hop, pop and r&b. My favourite singer is Akon. I love Italian food, my favourite food is pizza.

Evelina Hello!My name is Evelina Andriušaityt÷, I live in Kalvarija, Lithuania. I'm 17 years old. So, I will tell about me. I have got oval face, light blue eyes as sky and small nose, full lips. I love wearing casual clothes , T- shirt and jeans. Friends say that I am polite, friendly, kindhearted and out going. I am studying in Kalvarija gymnasium, in III class. I like singing, that is why I learn in music school. I have been playing the piano for 8 years. ...and singing for 3 years My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite basketball player is Šarunas Jasikevičius. He is popular in all Europe. In my life I have been to Latvia, Poland, Germany, Italy, Turkey and some other European countries.

Deividas Hello my name Deividas surname Pakarskas. I‘m 11 years old i’m from in Lithuania . I‘m live Kalvarija. I have sister she six years old ,her name Rugile. I like pop music and rock music.

Interview with 2nd Mayor Interviewer: How long have you been in this job? 2nd Mayor: I am in this job for 1,5 year. I: What do you do usually in this job? M: I help old people, children who don‘t have parents, animals. When there is a problem between two family they come to us and we try to

fix it. Also I am responsible of roads, parks, streets, buildings and school. Every month we have a meeting with board members and I am the head of this board. We talk about the problems we have and about budget. I: Do you enjoy this job? Why?

M: Yes I like it because I like helping people and communicate whit them. I: How many people live in Kalvarija? M: In town about 5000 people live. I: What do you do in ypur free time? M: In summer I like fishing, work in out side. In winter I usually read book in my free time. I: What does your family think about your job? M: My family is happy about my job and I think they are proud of me.

An interview with Claudia I: What is your Name? Where are you from? C: My name is Claudia. I’m from Spain.

I: What is your Workshop? C: Making a Video. I: What do you do in your Workshop? C: Take photos, make a video and draw something. I: It is like you image? C: Yes

I: Did you like your Workshop? Why? C: Yes, because it is funny. I: Could you explain in detail your experience in the Workshop? C: Interesting and good, because I talk whit persons. I: Have you meet any new People? Where are they from? C: Yes, from Turkey, Scotland, France and Germany. I: Thank you. C: You’re welcome.

An interview with Joel I: What is your name? Where are you from? J: My name is Joel. I’m from Germany. I: What is your Workshop? J: Sports and Activities.

I: What did you do in your Workshop? J: We play basketball and do “Power Point” presentations. I: Why did you choose this Workshop? J: Because I like sports. I: Is it like you image? Why? J: No, because we don’t do so much sports. I: Did you like your Workshop? Why? J: Yes of course. I love sports. I: Have you meet any new People? Where are they from? J: Yes, from Italy and Turkey. I: Thank you for the interview.

Interview with the director I: How long have you been the director of this school? D: I have been the director for 1 year and I will be 3 more years.

I: Do you enjoy your job? Why? D: I enjoy it. I like spending time with students and I am glad to have an opportunity to socialized with students. I: What was your job before this? D: I was a teacher in another school. I was also working with the director of the school. I: What do you do in your free time? D: I have two daughters. I like spending time with them. I also like reading books. My favorite hobby is cooking. I: How many student are in this school? D: More than 1000 students are in this school. They are from 7 to 18 years. I: Are there any activities that you do after school?. D: There are many activities that you can do after school. Like playing basketball.

Page 1 of YOUCIS TIMES Sofia Edition 2010


My name is Ingrid. I am the founder of the Young European Citizens project. Citizenship for young people means for me to give them opportunities in the school learning and the real life to meet and to make friends all over Europe. My name is Hans Walter. I am a teacher from Hanover. I have enjoyed this project because I like working with pupils from other countries and meeting colleagues from all over Europe. My name is Fulya. I am a grade 7 teacher from Istanbul, Turkey. I have enjoyed working in our web magazine team. It has been a great experience. My name is Bindi and I am a teacher from Glasgow, Scotland. This project has been a great opportunity to share ideas and learn from one another’s cultures and education systems. My name is Mantas. I am 15 years old and I am from Lithuania. I like playing basketball and working with computers. It is very important for me that I am a European citizen because I can travel to European cities and meet with other school students. So I can find friends from all over Europe. Hi! My name is Simon. I am 16 years old. I like acting and computer. I think that being a young European citizen is good for everyone who likes to know something new for Europe. I am Katya. I am 14 years old. I am half Dutch half Turkish. I live in Istanbul. I am a journalist in our magazine. I am a member of Comenius project. I have been to Lithuania and Bulgaria with this project. I really enjoy being a part of this project. Hello, my name is George Rumenov Mikov. I am 17 years old. I live in Sofia and I was born in Sofia. I have a little sister, and she is 5 years old. Her name is Elena. I like sports very much. I go to the national stadium, Vasil Levski, to do kick boxing and I love extreme sports very much like mountain biking and motocross. I enter competitions with my motor bike. I ride with my friends and have a lot of fun. My name is Martin Plamenov Petrov. I am 16 years old. For me, being a European citizen means a whole lot of study and job opportunities plans for a better future, chance for being an influence in the world. But it also means a lot of competition, so being a young European citizen is hard but it does have a lot of fun in it Hi. I’m Umut. I’m 16 years old. I’m from Turkey. I like playing computer games very much. It’s a great thing to be a young European citizen because we can go everywhere that we want to go.

I am Plamena Ziapkova and I am 15 years old. I live in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. I like going out with my friends, listening to my favorite music and the parties, of course. I like following fashion, but I have my own style. I am happy that I am European teenager, because I have my own ideas and I can explain them. I am very proud of that many people show me that I am an important part of their lives. Hi everybody, my name’s Sarah and I’m 17 years old. I like music and dancing and I’m interested in journalism. For me being a European student means being a more self-

confident and complete person as I can choose how to improve myself. Also, I know that in Europe my dreams will become true. My name is Vanina Davcheva. I am 16 years old and I come from Sofia which is the capital of Bulgaria. I enjoy listening to music and going shopping with my friends. I’m glad that I’m a young European citizen because I have everything I need to live freely in my mind, for example exploring ideas and opinions. Also I am able to find out more about what I am interested in.

Page 2 of YOUCIS TIMES Sofia Edition

Extreme SportsExtreme SportsExtreme SportsExtreme Sports

We chose to write about extreme sports because it has adrenaline in it and it is something different which unites people into a group with a common interest. I hope if I visit my new friends in their countries I will have the opportunity to practice these sports in their countryside, mountains and rivers. Mountain Biking

Mountain biking is a very interesting sport; it is great for adrenalin junkies because it is very dangerous. I have broken my arm, my leg three fingers and my shoulder. I go with my friends to the mountain to ride. The style is called downhill which means riding down off-road the hill off-road and we do some other styles like dirt jump. It is not a very cheap sport; my bike costs over 4200 levs. This sport is not for everybody.


This is an outdoor sport in which many speed junkies take part. It’s a mix of danger and pleasure. Most of the time you’re in the air and when you land you almost feel like you’re going to fall. The adrenaline is tremendous; sadly people do die in this sport in spite of all the safety gear they are wearing. Safety gear consists mainly of body protectors and a helmet which provides full protection to the head.

Water sports in Bulgaria- rafting

Bulgaria offers numerous dams, rivers and the Black sea which are suitable for water sports. Tourists who wish to experience an active holiday in Bulgaria have the opportunity to choose from rafting along the Struma River, canoeing and kayaking in almost all of the rivers and dams in the country. Divers can also enjoy dives to interesting wrecks and diving in different Open Water basins (dams and lakes and caves). Even if you are new to the water sports, don’t worry, numerous private instructors and schools can train you for your unforgettable active holiday in Bulgaria. Going on a White-Water rafting safari gives you the opportunity to see exciting parts of Bulgaria while you practice your favorite sport.

Page 3 of YOUCIS TIMES Sofia Edition

Jokes From Different CountriesJokes From Different CountriesJokes From Different CountriesJokes From Different Countries

We decided to put some jokes in our magazine. But that wasn’t as easy as we thought. We started to ask some pupils about jokes from their country but we couldn’t get nice results. So we tried to look at the internet. But they were too offensive (or rude!) to write them into our magazine. Here are the jokes we found: Bulgarian Jokes One Bulgarian from Gabrovo got on the roof of his house to fix it because it was a broken tile. At one slipped and began to fall down. However, falling down, he shouted to his wife: Woman, tonight you will cook only for two. The teacher asks: -Children, what you like the most in the museum? Ivan said: -The way Maria fell down the stairs!

The teacher tells to the students to paint their families. At the end of the class the teacher went to Pablo and asked him: -Pablo, why did you paint your father’s hair blue? -Well, I don’t have a bald pencil.

Lithuanian Joke

Petriukas came to school quite white. The teacher asks him: -Why are you so white, maybe ill? -No, my mother washed me today.

Turkish Jokes In a worldwide conference about the history of internet technology, the delegates share their countries ancient communication technologies. The French delegates say: "We have performed excavations in Paris and recovered ancient copper cables from 20 meters, that shows that the ancient French had cable internet connection". The Americans say "In our excavations in New York, we have found fiber optical cables at 30 meters, this shows that we had broadband connection in the ancient times." The Turkish delegate says "In our excavations we dug as deep as 50 meters but couldn't find nothing. That means that we had wi-fi at that time"

Image taken from http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/images/jokebook.gif

Page 4&5 of YOUCIS TIMES Sofia Edition

Interviews With Our FriendsInterviews With Our FriendsInterviews With Our FriendsInterviews With Our Friends

We have interviewed European students and teachers from all the countries in our project. We asked them common questions about themselves, cultures, favorite things to do and eat. The students were very excited and friendly. We took some photos and video clips of them. That was an unforgettable experience for all of us and we made new friends. Interviews with students and teachers from the project

Taken from Taken from Taken from Taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/visual_dichotomy/3623619145/http://www.flickr.com/photos/visual_dichotomy/3623619145/http://www.flickr.com/photos/visual_dichotomy/3623619145/http://www.flickr.com/photos/visual_dichotomy/3623619145/ under Attribution Licenseunder Attribution Licenseunder Attribution Licenseunder Attribution License

What does it mean to be a young European citizen?

Adam from Poland: It’s great thing because we can travel and see new countries almost for free and at the same time we learn about other cultures.

Mershid from Holland:

In fact it’s difficult to communicate with some students, because they don’t know English very well, but still I think it’s really fun.

What do you think life will be like in 10 years for young European citizens?

Adam from Poland: I think they will be much better educated and they will do their job better and easier than now.

Luis from France:

No, I think they will be the same because all the students want the same things.

In what ways does our project, Youcis, connect young European citizens like us with each other?

Patricia from Spain: Working in such a project, makes us a family, so in Bulgaria I feel like I am at home. Also I have made a lot of new friends and I have learnt new things about Europe.

Mershid from Holland: Of course it helps us to become more communicative and we have the chance to choose where to study, work and live.

What is the most valuable and enjoyable thing for you in this project?

Teun from Holland: The thing I like the most is the opportunity to meet new people, to travel and see different and absolutely new cultures. Mitko from Bulgaria: I love the fact that we can represent our country, nature and culture to other people, especially students, so they can visit Bulgaria again. Patricia from Spain: It’s so good that I can get to know all about Bulgarian culture and live with Bulgarians.

How do you feel in Bulgaria, did you liked it?

Deqa from Scotland: I liked it, I like the weather, the school and the students and I’d like to come again.

Lucy from Germany: Really nice, I like the weather and the nature so if I have the chance I’ll come again.

What is your favorite traditional festival in your country? Can you tell us about it?

Taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/abir82/3832653789/ under Attribution License

Dorothy from Romania: My favorite festival is on the 1st of December, the National day of Romania. We celebrate it with traditional dances. Ege from Turkey: The festival I like the most is on the 19th of May – the young people and sport day. We usually have a lot of concerts and we go out with our friends, we dance and we have a lot of fun. There are also a lot of sports competitions.

Emilis from Lithuania: Jonines- it’s a traditional name in my country, so we celebrate the name day - we look for herbs, we dress in traditional clothes, and we dance and sing.

Laura from Italy: Saut’ Agate is my favorite. It’s a religious festival, people sing and there is a religious ceremony. Naz from Turkey: My favorite festival is Zeytinli Festival. It’s a rock festival. A lot of rock bands come to play.

Finally, what is your message for our European students and our project?

Adam from Poland:

Do your job as well as you can! Mitko from Bulgaria:

Thank you for opportunity to participate in this project and I’d like to do it again!

Sven from Bulgaria: You must keep it real, that’s my message to all- just keep it real!

Page 6 from YOUCIS TIMES Sofia Edition

Page 7 from YOUCIS TIMES Sofia Edition 2010


Editors: Katya Paus Sarah Ardat Umutcan Hasanoglu Journalists: Vanina Davcaeva George Mikov Plami Ziapkova Mantas Zilys Photographer: Simon Bozhilov Front cover & Sports journalist: Martin Petrov Редактори: Катя Паус Сара Ардат Умутджан Хасаноглу Журналисти: Ванина Довачева Георги Миков Мантас Жилис Фотограф: Симон Божилов

Дизайн и Спортен журналист: Мартин Петров

YOUCIS TIMES Catania Edition 2011

February 21-26

Rights of the Children

An Interview with the Headmaster of “Boggio Lera”

What do you think about the project?

It’s a really nice project, but it’s

essential to mind two points: the first is

the respect for the people of other

countries; the second is the personal

continuity of this project as we all are

the European people.

What do you think about the

Convention of Children’s Rights?

It’s important to respect the rights of

the children, but they are not always

practised by people in general. The knowledge of the rights must be integrated into the ways of our


What are the biggest problems in your school and how are you solving them?

We have got a big school with a lot of students. School is a good forming ground for the work which needs

to be based on a good humanist relationship. We must do a job with professionality. We should strive for a

good relationship between teachers and students.

An Interview with the Comenius Coordinator of

“Boggio Lera”

How do you feel about our meeting in Catania?

Well ,I am really happy to host our 5th

Meeting here in Catania .As

regards the organization I have worked hard to arrange everything

as best as possible. To keep things comfortable for all of you.

How long did it take you to organize the conference?

It took me a good deal of time, but I did that sharing time with my

daily school activities and lessons.

How do you feel now that the conference has started?

I feel more relaxed because I have already prepared almost everything.

Did you feel tired when you started the preparation of the meeting?

Well, to be sincere I felt scared and shocked for the huge amount of work to do.


Maybe some of them but not all.

If you want to learn your rights read “The Convention on the Rights of the Child” by EU or UN


1. Not enough information about the Rights of the Child- Italy, Bulgaria

2. Toilet aren’t clean well- Italy, Bulgaria

3. School uniform-Turkey, UK

4. hair cut – Turkey, Bulgaria

5. “braking the right of relax. We have too much homework, projects and exam to do. So we haven’t

free time!” – Poland

6. NO SMOKING! inside the school buildings - Germany, Bulgaria, Italy

7. Not enough money for school facilities – Italy, Bulgaria

8. Everything is good – Lithuania, France

9. Smoking near school and use of drugs near to school – Spain

In different countries there are different rules in school. When I

went to the yard I saw pupils smoking ! I was amazed that they can

smoke in school. After that I met a pupil smoking in one of the

classrooms. But my Italian friends said that they are allowed to

smoke only in the yard! At that moment a Greek philosopher’s

thought cam into my mind: “If you give freedom to the people they

want more and more freedom without distractions.” We need

distractions in our lives to live normally without destroying ourselves and our

communities. Everything has to be done with a purpose and if you realize the

rules, stop working as we have to change the rule. We should understand the

new ideas and try to be positive about them. All these problems are similar

and need to be discussed by pupils and teachers in a local level, and we have

to try to make a difference. We should tolerate other ideas and respected


By Simon and Vasil from Sofia, Bulgaria.

YOUCIS Catania Workshops Sports



Farewell Party



Web Magazine

In these days, our workshop wrote many articles

about historical and cultural facts about Catania,

sports and pupils’ rights at school.

The first pupil was Fikri from Turkey of the sports

workshop. “ I think that this project is a good

opportunity to meet other people and to learn

about different traditions,” said Fikri.

We also interviewed some boys and girls from

different countries during their workshops about

our Comenius project and Catania.

We made the same questions to each pupil to see

whether there were differences between every


• What do you think about this project?

• What do you think about Catania? Do

you like it?

• Are you enjoying being here?

“Catania is a smaller city than Istanbul, but it is a

very nice city”.

These pupils are Yagmur and Vanesa from Turkey

and Germany, of the dance and music workshop.

“We think that this project is very interesting

because we have the chance to know Europe

better,” said Yagmur and Vanesa.

“ We like Catania very much and we are happy to

be here”.

This is Thomas from Romania of the video

workshop. “I think that this project is very

interesting for European relationships,” said


“ Catania is a great city and I like it!”.

The girl is Rossy from Bulgaria of the video

workshop. “I like this project very much because I

have the opportunity to meet nice people and to

know Italy,” said Rossy. “ I’m enjoying Catania

with my guest partner”.

The girl is Manon from France of the farewell

party workshop. “ I like this project because I love

speaking English, so I can learn it better,” said

Manon. “ Catania is different from my city, but I

like staying here”.

These pupils are Karolina and Rùta from

Lithuania. Karolina’s workshop is the farewell

party and Rùta’s workshop is cultural activities. “

We think that this project can help us to learn

English better,” said Karolina and Rùta.

“ Catania is a great city and there are very nice

boys! “.

This boy is Adam from Poland of the video

workshop. ”I really enjoy staying in Italy, in

particular in Sicily,” said Adam. “ I spent here a

beautiful time with my Polish and foreign friends

who I met in Bulgaria last year”.

This pupil is Soroor from Scotland of the video

workshop. “ I’m so excited to participate in this

project because it’s a great opportunity to know

other cultures and traditions different from my

country,” said Soroor. “ And I’m also excited to

stay here and to meet other pupils”.

This girl is Lizaveta from Spain of the drawing and

painting workshop. “ This project is very

interesting because I can establish different

friendships and I can learn English better,” said

Lizaveta. “ I’m enjoying being here. It is a

beautiful experience!”

This pupil is Daan from the Netherlands of the

drawing and painting workshop. “ I like this

project because I can know a new country, its

traditions and its culture,” said Daan. “ Catania is

a beautiful city because It has a great culture with

its monuments and its history”.

A Photo Report on YOUCIS WorkshopsA Photo Report on YOUCIS WorkshopsA Photo Report on YOUCIS WorkshopsA Photo Report on YOUCIS Workshops

Do you like your workshopDo you like your workshopDo you like your workshopDo you like your workshop? WhatWhatWhatWhat do you like about it?do you like about it?do you like about it?do you like about it?

Luca, 14, from Holland, in the

Farewell Party:

-YES! Its nice. It’s relaxing.

Andrea, 17, from Italy, in Sports:

-Yes, I do! I love doing sports exercises.

Iuhas, 16, from Romania,

in Dancing: It’s fun,

I like dancing!

Irem , 14, from Turkey, in Theatre playing:

-YES. I love meeting different people.

We act scenes about pupils’ rights.

Tomos, 14, from Romania, in Video production:- Yes , I do.

Taking videos and pictures is fun.

Natalia, 18, and Mateusz, 17, from Poland, in Drawing:

-Yes, we do. We can express

ourselves and our opinions on paper.

Alexandra, 16, Bulgaria,

in Culture activities : -Yes. Finding information and photos

about Catania, Sicily, and Italy.

Chengrui, 15, from the UK, in YOUCIS Web Magazine:

-Yes. Writing about the history of Catania.

By Simon and Vasil from Sofia, Bulgaria.

Sports in Catania

The most important sport in Catania is

football. People love football very much and

are proud of their team. A few years ago the

Catania team went up into the first division.

Catania won the match against Inter that

won the Champions League last year.

Football in Catania is very important.

Everybody plays it everywhere, especially the


The historical origins of football in

Catania date back to the year 1946 when

“Calcio Catania” was born.

The supporters sing this song at the stadium:

“We are Catania

Red and blue alè alè

Wherever we are with you.

We’ll sing forever…”

Waterball in Catania

The female waterball team in Catania is the

best in Italy and very important in the world.

It has won many awards: 18 Italian

championships. A lot of people in Catania

don’t know the waterball team even if it’s so

important in the world, often people only

care about football.

Sports in other countries


In Turkey the most important sport is

football. The biggest teams of football are

Besiktas, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray.

The second sport is basketball. The big team

is Fenerbahçe. The Basketball national team

won the silver medal at the world

championship last year.

A lot of people cheer for Fenerbahçe,

however Besiktas and Galatasaray are

important, too.


In Germany the most important sports are

football, basketball, volleyball, rugby.

Women tend to play volleyball, men do not.

Instead they prefer to play basketball.

Rugby and football is played by both.

The most important sport is football, in

Germany one of the most important teams is

Bayern Munich.

Bayern Munich has won a record of twenty-

one championships since the formation of the

league in 1963


The most important sports in Spain are

football, basketball.

The biggest football teams are Real Madrid,

Barcelona, Valencia and Sevilla, but in

basketball Real Madrid, Barcelona and

Cajalaboral are best.

The most important sport is football, a lot of

people cheer for Real Madrid more than for

the other team.

Last year Spain won the cup of the world


Sports in Italy

The history of the Italian

National Football Team

The Italian National Football Team (Italian:

Nazionale di calcio dell'Italia) represents

Italy in association with football and is

controlled by the Italian Football Federation

(FIGC), the governing body for football in

Italy. Italy is the second most successful

national team in the history of the World

Cup having won four titles (1934, 1938,

1982, 2006), just one fewer than Brazil. To

this tally they can add one European

championship (1968), one Olympic football

tournament (1936) and two Central

European International Cups.

The traditional colour of the national

team (as well as all Italian national

teams and athletes officially

representing Italy) is blue (azzurro, in

Italian), due to the "Azzurro Savoia"

(Savoy Blue), the colour traditionally

linked to the royal dynasty which

unified Italy in 1861, and maintained

in the official standard of the Italian


The history of the Italian

National Volleyball Team


The Italian men's national volleyball

team is the national team of Italy. It

dominated international volleyball

competitions in the 1990s and early

2000s, by winning three World

Championships in a row (1990, 1994

and 1998), six European

Championships, one World Cup (1995)

and eight World League (1990, 1991,

1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999 and

2000). They are the 6th best team in

the world, ranked by the FIVB as of

August 2008.

The history of the Italian

National Basketball Team

The Italian national basketball team is

the national team representing Italy.

It is administrated by the Federazione

Italiana Pallacanestro (Italian

Basketball Federation).

Italy has won 2 Gold medals, 4 Silver

medals and 4 Bronze medals at the

European Championships and 2 Silver

medals at the Olympic Games, and

has participated in 33 European

Championships, 8 World

Championships and 11 Olympic


Altogether, Italy has won more Euro

basket medals than any other country

that competes today.

The history of National

Water Polo

The Italian national water polo team

represents Italy in men's international

water polo competitions and is

controlled by Federnuoto (the Italian

Aquatics Federation). The national

men's team has the nickname


The Italian men's water polo team has

won 6 Olympic medals, 5 World

Championships, 5 World Cup medals,

and one World League medal, making

them one of the most successful

men's water polo teams in the world.

They have won a combined six

championships in those four

competitions, with the World League

being the only competition which

Italy has yet to win.

In Italy there are a lot of

competitions for different


The most important of these

competitions is the seria A , which is

the competition of football. The most

important competition of water polo

is the seria A1 .

The most important competition of

volleyball is the lega pallavolo, seria


We did a quick survey on

what people in YOUCIS


In the Comenius programme 22%

prefer football, 10% tennis, 2 %

kitesurfing, 2% baseball, 2% handball,

6% swimming, 2% surfing, 16%

basketball, 6% badminton, 18%

volleyball, 4% boxing, 6% dancing,

4% snowboarding, 4% rugby.

By Ciprian Ilut, Catania, Italy

Traffic Jams in Catania are one of the reasons

why pupils are late for school. But for me they

are not too big because real inner-city jams a

much bigger than Catania’s congestions.

By Simon from Sofia, Bulgaria

By Damiano Pagano – Liceo Scientifico Statale “E.Boggio Lera” Catania

It is very difficult to write about “Catania’s Heart” - Saint Agatha’s Week – from a

personal point of view because one feels a deep respect for religious traditions of a

community. But here is the story of Saint Agatha’s celebrations:

Sant’Agata is the saint patron of the city of Catania. Her festival is celebrated in

Catania from February, 4th to 6th every year. Citizens of Catania are very attached to

it. On these days it is not difficult to find people wearing a white uniform with a

black cap. In Catania this uniform is called

“Saccu” and it is the uniform of the devotees of

Saint Agatha. It’s an old tradition that the

devotees carry Saint Agatha around the city

touching the main streets of the ancient Catania,

such us Etnea Street or Plebiscito Street. To

prove their devotion lots of devotees carry huge

lighted candles on their shoulders. They say that,

when a person is truly devoted, he or she doesn’t feel any pain. While the saint patron

is going around the city, she is preceded by eleven candlemasses, in Italian

“candelora or cannalora”, which are huge

wooden buildings which contain a huge

candle. The candelmasses are carried by the

devotees. The smaller candelmas is carried by

four persons, while the bigger is carried by

twelve. The festivities attract thousands of

tourists from all parts of the world every year.

The celebrations are also considered the third

most important festival in the world. What characterizes it is the presence of much


The most important and

beautiful monuments of Catania

Catania is a city with a long history and full of important

events. And about this it’s full of important and

beautiful places or monuments . Because of this we

chose the most important : the Duomo of St. Agata , the

maximum “Vincenzo Bellini” theatre , the Elephant

Fountain .

The Duomo is located in the homonymous square and

is dedicated to the patron of Catania , St. Agata. It was

build for the first time in 1093 ( It is very old !!!), but

after many disasters it was rebuilt many times. The last

time is dating back to 1711. In that time it was built

following the Sicilian baroque stile. It is one of the most

beautiful churches of Sicily or maybe of all Italy.

The Maximum Vincenzo Bellini Theatre is an opera

theatre. It was built with the funds of the municipality

and was inaugurated in the evening of the 31th May of

1890. It is dedicated to the composer Vincenzo Bellini.

We can find that in Teatro Massimo Square, where

every Saturday many people go to have fun and drink


The Elephant fountain is the emblem of Catania , it is

commonly named u Liotru . Everyone in Catania knows

that statue. It has a stupid smile so is very funny .

Written by Mariano Pidone


The most important salty food is:

Arancini or arancine are fried (or, less commonly, baked) rice balls coated with breadcrumbs, said

to have originated in Sicily in the 10th century. The main type of arancino sold in Sicilian cafes are

arancini con ragù, which typically consist of meat, peas, rice and mozzarella. Many cafes also offer

arancini with butter, or specialty arancini, such as arancini with mushrooms and arancini with


Pasta alla Norma is a typical food of Catania. It is made with pasta ( usually “maccheroni” ),

tomato sauce, fried aubergine, salty ricotta and basil.

Spaghetti al nero di seppia is a famous dish with the black of “seppia”( a fish ) , a condiment used

for first plates made up of pasta.

Parmigiana is another famous dish made with fried aubergine, tomato sauce and cheese.

Caponata is a typical dish of Catania, it is distinguished from the others for the presence of these

ingredients: fried aubergines, red peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, pines kernel, basil, vinegar,

oil, salt and pepper.

The most important sweet food:

Cannoli are pastry desserts. Cannoli consist of tube-shaped shells of fried pastry dough, filled with

a sweet, creamy filling usually containing ricotta cheese and sugar.

Cassata is a traditional Sicilian cake made up of ricotta cheese, sponge cake, almond paste,

candied fruit and icing.

Olivette of Saint Agata are typical delights of Catania, prepared on January and February, during

the festivity of Saint Agata. They are delights with the same shape of olives, made with almond

paste, sugar and colored of green. But there is a variant of this sweet where the traditional

“olivette” are made with chocolate.

Places and Sights of Places and Sights of Places and Sights of Places and Sights of

Catania Catania Catania Catania The sea and the beachThe sea and the beachThe sea and the beachThe sea and the beach

Catania is the second biggest city in

Sicily and it is well served by highways.

Catania has got a lot of beautiful things

for example Catanian food ,Catanian

mountains ,Catanian history ,Catanian

sea and beach .

My favourite is the Catanian sea

because it is very famous for Italian

people and they call this sea the “Gold


In Catania, the Galatea Sea Palace is a

seafront property located at the foot of

Mount Etna, enjoying beautiful views of


The “Gold Sea” beach is so beautiful here

and the sea is clear and very blue .We

can see the stones in the sea, so I like

the Catania beach .

About About About About Mount EtnaMount EtnaMount EtnaMount Etna

In Classical Greek, Aetna in Latin, also known as (beautiful mountain) is an active stratovolcano on the east coast of Sicily, close to Messina and Catania. Its Arabic name was "the Mountain of Fire..From about 35,000 to 15,000 years ago, Etna experienced some highly explosive eruptions, generating large lava flows, which left extensive deposits. Ash from these eruptions has been found as far away as Rome, 800 km to the north. Thousands of years ago, the eastern flank of the mountain experienced a catastrophic collapse, generating an enormous landslide in an event similar to that seen in the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. The landslide left a large depression in the side of the volcano, known as 'Valle del Bode' (Valley of the Ox). Research published in 2006 suggested this occurred around 6000 BC, and can have caused a huge tsunami, which left its mark in several places in the eastern Mediterranean. It may have been the reason the settlement of Atilt Yam (Israel), now below sea level, was suddenly abandoned around that time.

These are pictures

of Mount Etna

Volcanic activity first took place at Etna about half a million years ago, with eruptions occurring beneath the sea off the ancient coastline of Sicily. About 300,000 years ago, volcanism began occurring to the southwest of the summit (centre top of volcano) then, before activity moved towards the present center 170,000 years ago. Eruptions at this time built up the first major volcanic edifice, forming a stratovolcano in alternating explosive and effusive eruptions. The growth of the mountain was occasionally interrupted by major eruptions, leading to the collapse of the summit to form calderas collapse of the summit to form calderas.

This is all about Catania' s sea, beach and

mountains … I like these and I like Catania

because here it is so beautiful …

By Chengrui, Glasgow, UK

Our Publisher’s Team

Hi, my name is Damiano. I’m 16 and I’m from Sicily. I enjoyed a lot this experience of

Comenius Project and I hope so much that I will have other possibilites to travel to other

European countries and to meet people with different cultures from mine.

I am Omerhan Caglar from Istanbul Turkey. I am a math teacher. I am very pleased being here.

Hi I’m Roberto. I’m 16 and I’m from Italy. I love my Bulgarian girlfriend, play basketball, play

piano and guitar and I like speaking English and Spanish.

Hi I’m Riccardo, I’m 17 years old, I’m from Italy. I like very much play the guitar and I’m going

to study it at university.

Hallo! I’m Vasil ,I’m 17 years old and I’m form Bulgaria .In my free time I like fishing and going

out with friends. My favorite sport is Football and my favorite team is Liverpool.

My name is Chengrui .I come from China . I came to Glasgow one year ago . I like

dancing and singing . My favorite sport is badminton. I like Chinese food . I like Catania

because here beside sea ,I like sea because in china my city beside the sea so I like sea

and like this times trip ….

I’m Rossana, I’m 18 years old. I’m an Italian student of “ E. Boggio Lera “ school. I live in the

centre of Catania. I love listening to music and going out with my friends. I’m very happy to

partecipate at this project because I study three languages and for this reason, it is a special

opportunity for my studies and my life. I have also the chance to know very nice people of

different countries.

Hi my name is Mario. I’m 17 years old. I’m an Italian student of “E.Boggio Lera” school. I’m

funny, pretty, intelligent, strong but above all I’m very modest. I like singing under the rain and

skydiving. My dream is to become the king of the universe and I hope to have success.

Hi! My name is Simon Bozhilov. I am from Sofia, Bulgaria. I am 16 year old. I like Surfing,

Windsurfing, driving and traveling.

Hi, I am Ingrid. I am from Hanover, Germany. I am the senior project coordinator of YOUCIS.

I love working with young adult students and teacher colleagues.

Hi, I am Hans-Walter. I am an English and Science teacher from Hanover. I am interested in

gliding, photography and in working with young people.

Hi, I am Ciprian. I am from Spain, but I was born in Romania in 1996 on a beautiful summer

day. At the age of 6 I went to Spain. I have one big sister. She is fifteen. I live with my parents

and my grandmother near Madrid. I like all kind of sports especially football and rollers.






























Hameln is a nice city less than fifty km far from

Hanover. It is famous for a legend based on

German legend by the Brothers Grimm. It talks

about the Pied Piper, and is known all over the


The Pied Piper`s legend

The legend narrates about the city of Hameln,

which was crowded of rats in the late 13th

century until a piper came in the city. He took

away all the rats playing his instrument. But

when he came back, the citizens refused to

give him the reward promised, so after few

days he came back again. While the

inhabitants were in church for the Service, he

started to play another pipe and he took all

children of Hameln with him as a revenge

against the Hameln` citizens.

The legend has a historic background, in fact,

in the 13th century there were a lot of rats

invading all countries in Europe, and, as a

consequence of that, there was also real rat-

catchers, but surely not with a pipe. The

legend of the children taken away maybe

comes from the name that was given to the

キミエ;Hキデ;ミデゲぎ さIエキノSヴWミ ラa デエW Iキデ┞ざが HWI;┌ゲW キミ that period a lot of nobles are supposed to

have recruited Hameln`s men.

In Hameln, from mid-May to mid-September,

there is an open-air performance about the

Pied Piper legend, as you can see in these

pictures, and it is every Sunday at 12:00.

Hameln town centre

In Hameln there are a lot of historical

buildings built by rich merchants living there.

Most buildings are made by delightful 16th to

18th century sandstone and half timbered


This is the Rattenfängerhaus (Rat-catcher

house) it is the oldest building in Hameln

Music Festival in Hanover

Hanover is very famous for music festivals

which take place in summer. A lot of music

groups come from all over Linden. The groups

play different kinds of music, such as Hip Hop,

Reggae, Rock, Jazz, Punk, R&B, Akustisch,

Deutschpop, Soul, Funk.

The founders of the festival say that the aims

of the initiative are to spread the sense of

community, of togetherness, of music love

among young people

Schmucki Festival is one of the festivals

organized in Hanover. It is three days festival.

One of the groups in the festival is Special

Case. Jacob who is the guitarist and Janek

Sharna is the keyboarder in the groups are

pupils in IGS Linden Hanover.

Jacob and Janek´s band

Places to visit in Hanover

If you come to Hanover there are some

interesting and important places that you

have to visit.

Some of them are more interesting than the

other ones but there are all important for the

history of Hanover. One of the most important

buildings is the MarktkirchWく Iデげゲ デエW ラノSWゲデ and biggest church in the town.

You can visit it in the old city of Hanover.

Another important church is the

Ägidienkirche. It was destroyed in the Second

World War ;ミS ┘;ゲ ミW┗Wヴ ヴWヮ;キヴWSく TラS;┞ キデげゲ a war memorial that you can visit on your own

without any guide. If you want to know more

about the history of Hanover you also can go

to the historical museum.

The next building you should visit is the old

city-hall in the old city, too. Some years ago

they built the new city hall. The new one was

built in the Maschpark next to the Maschsee,

the biggest lake in Hanover.

You can make a tour with a ship on it or you

can go swimming on the south-side of the


One of the most important things in Hanover

is the zoo.

It´s one of the biggest zoos in Europe.

TエW ┣ララ キゲ ミW┝デ デラ デエW HキェェWゲデ さTラ┘ミ FラヴWゲデざ キミ Europe the Eilenriede.

Iミ H;ミラ┗Wヴ ┘W エ;┗W デエW さHWヴヴWミエ@┌ゲWヴ G@ヴデWミざく These big gardens are the only ones

who ┘ラミげデ be edited by people. Today the

castle will be repair.

Diary of Monday

The Monday begins:

In the assembly hall our teachers saying

welcome to the people from the other

countries: Netherlands, Bulgaria, Italy, Turkey,

Poland, Rumania, Spain, Scotland, Lithuania

and France.

The different countries present themselves.

Scotland: Took a song from Justin Bieber and

changed the lyrics. They had masks of Justin

Bieber on here faces and sang their names.

Italy: They introduced and the wearer t-shirts.

On the shirts there were the words: WAR IS A


And they showed us a video of ニキSげゲ right and

that war is a crime.

Bulgaria: They presented their country with all

culture and nature and traditions and so on.

Poland: Tell us about Marie Curie. And we

learned something about this woman.


Showed us a video about Turkey.

Then we made in little groups many tours

around our school.

And after the lunch we saw a theatre. It was a

German fairytale ;ミS ┘;ゲ I;ノノWS さP┌ゲゲ キミ Bララデゲざく

In this fairytale there is a cat with boots who

had an adventure.

The theatre was very good and the most of

the kids from the other countries liked it.

After the theatre we showed our partner the

sights of Hanover.

All in all this was a very nice first day for us all.

Diary of Tuesday

Our school begins at 9 am.

And we worked in our workshop.

- Web Magazine

- Video Production

- Farwell Party

- Theatricals

- Sport

- Dance and Music

- Drawing and Painting

- Cultural Activities

- Book binding

After the workshops we are went to the zoo.

The people walked around the zoo, looked at

the animal and they ate something.

Diary of Wednesday

Our trip to Berlin.

The bus drove away at 7.30 am. After three

and a half hour we were at Berlin.

There we saw sights from this town and then

we went in different groups around.

We were at the German さB┌ミSWゲデ;ェざ ;ミS ┘W had a discussion of IエキノSヴWミげゲ rights.

We asked some people how they found


And they found Berlin very big and nice.

And all the people found the discussion very


The German さRWキIエゲデ;ェざ ┘;ゲ ┗Wヴ┞ ェヴW;デ because they were at the dome of this house.

After that we drove with a boat.

This is the German さRWキIエゲデ;ェざ and some

people were at this dome of glass.

Diary of Thursday

The school begins at 9.30 am because our trip

to Berlin.

We worked at our workshops.

And in the afternoon we went to the Museum

of History.

We saw many interesting things.

This museum is in three parts:

1. From principality to the kingdom

2. From market town to the fair site

3. The live at the land

A problem in this museum was that many

things was in German not in English.

Diary of Friday

Last day.

At 9 am we were at our workshops. And we

work at our presentations.

Iミ デエW ;aデWヴミララミ デエWヴW ┘キノノ ; さFarewell-ヮ;ヴデ┞ざ This week was a very nice week. We had to

see many things and it was so interesting.

And I think the German people learn very

much about different countries.

And it was a good experience for all!!!


Berlin is located in northeastern Germany.

Berlin has a humid continental climate

according to the Köppen climate classification

system. The city features a temperate climate.

With a population of 3.4 million people, Berlin

is Germany's largest city. It is the second most

populous city in Germany and the seventh

most populous urban area in the European


Berlin became the capital of the German

Empire in 1871. It was the symbol of Cold War

because it was divided in two parts, but when

the BWヴノキミげゲ wall was demolished it became

the capital and the symbol of Germany again.

Most of the pupils think that the city has an

interesting history. When we asked about

Berlin they all remember the Berlin Wall and

how it split the city during the Cold War.

River Spree: The Spree is a river that flows

through the Saxony, Brandenburg and Berlin

states of Germany, and in the Ústí nad Labem

region of the Czech Republic. It is a left bank

tributary of the River Havel and is

approximately 400 kilometers in length. The

source of the Spree is located in the Lusatian

Highlands on the Czech border. The name of

the river Spree was by Thietmar of Merseburg

recorded as Sprewa.

The students don´t remember much of

the trip because everybody was too tired

and the weather was bad.The most

common thing that they remember are the

bridges. In our opinion the best things

are the buildings around the river.

German Parliament: The Reichstag building is

a historical edifice in Berlin, Germany,

constructed to house the Reichstag,

parliament of the German Empire It was

opened in 1894 and housed the Reichstag

until 1933, when it was severely damaged in a

fire supposedly set by Dutch communist

Marinus van der Lubbe. The building was

made safe against the elements and partially

refurbished in the 1960s, but no attempt at

full restoration was made until after the

reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990.

The current Reichstag dome is a glass dome

constructed on top of the rebuilt Reichstag

building in Berlin. It was designed by architect

Norman Foster and built to symbolize the

reunification of Germany. The distinctive

appearance of the dome has made it a

prominent landmark in Berlin.

Everybody enjoyed the visit to the

Reichstag. They were amazed by

atmosphere in the building.They meet with

the minister of education and they were

excited.They asked their questions after

her speech.The pupil were honored

because they were sharing the same seat

with important ministers.

The Brandenburg Gate is a former city gate

and one of the main symbols of Berlin and

Germany. It is the only remaining gate of a

series through which Berlin was once entered.

Today, it is regarded as one of Europe's most

famous landmarks.

We saw the gate and we took pictures of the

gate.The pupils were excited in front of the

huge architecture.

Holocaust Memorial is a memorial in Berlin to

the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Building

began on April 1, 2003 and was finished on

December 15, 2004. The cost of construction

┘;ゲ ;ヮヮヴラ┝キマ;デWノ┞ オヲヵ マキノノキラミく

Students learned the history of the Holocaust

Memorial. They think that it looks like a maze.

Checkpoint Charlie (or "Checkpoint C") was

the name given by the Western Allies to the

best-known Berlin Wall crossing point

between East Berlin and West Berlin during

the Cold War. The Berlin Wall was built with

the intention of blocking people from

immigrating westward during the Cold War.

Checkpoint Charlie became a symbol of the

Cold War, representing the separation of east

and west. Soviet and American tanks briefly

faced each other at the location during the

Berlin Crisis of 1961.

Many of the students didn´t visit the place

because of the bad planning.The students who

visited the Checkpoint told us that everything

was too expensive and it was not so

important.They smelled the history.They

stepped over the place where the Berlin Wall

used to be.

Unter den Linden ("under the linden trees") is

a boulevard in the Mitte district of Berlin, the

capital of Germany. It is named for its linden

(lime in British English) trees that line the

grassed pedestrian mall between two


They walked along the street and very

impressed by the old styled buildings, the

university, the museum and the statues.

The Friedrichstraße is a major culture and

shopping street in central Berlin, forming the

core of the Friedrichstadt neighborhood. It

runs from the northern part of the old Mitte

district. Despite its central location, this area

remains relatively poor.

Nobody had enough time to go there.


EU Convention on Children╆s Rights

The article 38 of the Iラミ┗Wミデキラミ ラa IエキノSヴWミげゲ ヴキェエデ ゲ;┞ゲ デエ;デ さGラ┗WヴミマWミデゲ ゲエラ┌ノS ミラデ ;ノノラ┘ IエキノSヴWミ ┌ミSWヴ ヱヶ デラ テラキミ デエW ;ヴマ┞ざく Unfortunately, this article is not respected in

all ┘ラヴノSゲげ countries.

How to fight this problem fortunately there

;ヴW ;ゲゲラIキ;デキラミ ふノキニW さIラ;ノキデキラn to stop the use

ラa CHILD“OLDIER“ さぶ デエ;デ デヴ┞ デラ aキェエデ デエW organizations that use children as soldiers.

Every person who knows what happens in the

rest of the world has the duty to give a hand

to Humanitarian Organizations, because

children are our future and we must help

them to have the possibility to study, to live

without problems and to have a family that

loves them.

We chose the article 24: All children have the

right to the best health care possible, safe

water to drink, nutritious and healthy food, a

clean and safe environment to live and

information to help them stay well.

We chose this article because it expresses all

the essential needs of the children.

Article 14-hildren have the right to think and

believe what they want, and to practice their

religion, as long as they are not stopping other

people from enjoying their rights. Parents

should guide their children on these matters.

People should listen to children because in

their simplicity and naivety children are able

to be deep, in fact they are often much wiser

than adults.

Children should have their own right because

デエW┞ ;ヴW ラaデWミ さ┘キゲWヴざ デエ;ミ ;S┌ノデゲくく

Article 34-Abuse is a destabilizing event for

the personality of a child that is being built.

You can prevent this from happening to your

child having an open dialogue with children

that make them feel safe and understood.

Adults should always pay attention to their

children so they can notice if there is

something wrong.

Article 31-We choose this article because the

game is for the child a funny and easy way to

discover the world.

Article 2-This right is very important for all

children, it may be granted to all children

without any exception, without any distinction

or discrimination such as race, color, sex,

language, and religion. For children, no matter

the skin color, the religion that profess or the

family they came from.

Our group chose article 23, which is about

disabled children. This right says that every

child must have a suitable kind of education

and care, even if he has minor physical

opportunities, so he can live a full life.

We chose it because we think it represents an

キマヮラヴデ;ミデ ヴキェエデ デエ;デ キゲミげデ ラaデWミ ヴWゲヮWIデWS because people discriminate whatever is


We chose Article 13. Iデげゲ ;Hラ┌デ デエW ヴキェエデ ラa speech.

We chose it because it is very important to say

what we think iミ W┗Wヴ┞ ┘;┞ ┘W I;ミが H┌デ キデげゲ ;ノゲラ キマヮラヴデ;ミデ デラ ┌ミSWヴゲデ;ミS デエ;デ ┘W I;ミげデ ラaaWミS ラデエWヴ ヮWラヮノW ;ミS ┘W I;ミげデ キマヮラゲW ラ┌ヴ thought.

Article 17-Generally, children like watching

television. They like watching cartoons but

sometimes when they change the channel or

maybe on purpose they watch forbidden

programs, These programs are usually about

murders and crimes. The child who warches

デエWゲW ヮヴラェヴ;マゲが SラWゲミげデ ノW;ヴミ ェララS デエキミェゲく They learn how to kill a person or how to be a


Article 31-All children have a right to play

fames. We have chosen this right because we

think playing games is one of the most

important activities キミ ; IエキノSげゲ ノキaWく TエW┞ ┌ゲW their imagination while playing games and it

becomes a part of their personalities.

I know a boy who is always alone during the

break. When we are in the corridors, several

classmates slap him on the back or the neck,

H┌デ エW SラWゲミげデ ゲ;┞ ;ミ┞デエキミェく “ラマWデキマWゲが デエW┞ take his breakfast money away from him.

We want to help him. We have told him that

he can come with us.

I have a friend who lives in India and she is 6

years old. She has a problem because she

I;ミげデ ェラ デラ ゲIエララノく

“エW エ;ゲミげデ ェラデ Wミラ┌ェエ マラミW┞ デラ ヮ;┞ aラヴ エWヴ studies. She has to work every day to buy

some food and clothes for her and her family.

She is sad because ゲエW I;ミげデ ェラ デラ ゲIエララノ ;ミS she would like to have a better life in the


Article 28-Every child should be at school. The

children should be at school up to 16 years

ラノSく M;ミ┞ Iラ┌ミデヴ┞ IエキノSヴWミ デエW┞ Sラミげデ ェラ デラ ゲIエララノく TエW┞ Sラミげデ ェラ デラ ゲIエララノ HWI;┌ゲW they

Sラミげデ エ;┗W a;マキノ┞ デラ ノララニ ;aデWヴ デエWマ ;ミS デエWヴW are ゲラマW IエキノSヴWミ デエ;デ デエW┞ Sラミげデ エ;┗W enough money to pay for their school.

But in UK there government are really work

hard to send all children to be at school up to

16 years old.

But in some countries government and

guerilla group kidnap children and force them

to join army to fight and kill. In some other

countries people are very poor and cannot

send their children to school.

Our Team

PUPILS: Niklas Muns (Germany), Leonie Ramin

(Germany), Franziska Wilhelm (Germany), Max Zur

(Germany), Marco Giuffrida(Italy), Riccardo Privitera

(Italy), Alesandra La Rosa(Italy), Ayse Elif Kaya (Turkey),

Julian Karamfilov (Bulgaria). TEACHERS: Paul Cuppen

(The Netherlands), Giusy Lipera (Italy), Marjan

Raadschelders (The Netherlands), Javier Casado (Spain).

Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung (Mitteilung) trägt allein der Verfasser; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.