THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1888 A TIME SAVER Prepare biscuit or muffin dough when convenient. Set in cool place and bake hours later ifyou wish. You save time in using Doable Tested Doable Action KC BAKING POWDER Same Price Today as 44 Years Ago 8$ ounces tor BSe You can also buy Af. 11 XO ounce can for X#« IUII Xf ounce can for Xfo MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT I See by The Gazette Edward Beckstrand was made a member of the Q. J. Gwany Club men’s music organization at Mac- ales ter college last week. I’ve proved it to my own satis- faction—“You can’t buy a better Ist line Tire at any price,” than Gamble’s Crest—and they didn’t cost me standard prices, either. 30,000 miles run and more left in ’em yet—4.so/21 Tire and Tube, $8.65—30x5 Truck, $18.95. 42 The last regular meeting with program of the Woman’s club was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. D. W. Gold. During the business meeting plans were made for the annual meeting to be held Monday evening, May 6, at the home of the president, Mrs. C. L. Lynn and Mrs. A. P. Falk, chair- man of the new program commit- tee, presented outlines for the course of study for next year. Mrs. Gold reviewed the life of Helen Petrova Blavatsky as told by C. E. Bechofer Roberts in her book, “The Mysterious Madame” and Mrs. Gottlieb Kuenzli dis- cussed “The Passionate Pilgrim” by Gertrude Marvin Williams which described the life of Annie Besant. Both women were known as magnetic leaders. Mrs. John Groetsch and daugh- ter of St. Paul and Mrs. George Pettis of Renville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Pettis Satur- day. Teacher Called Home By Death of Father Miss Elizabeth Adams, music teacher in the local schools, was called to her home at Jasper Fri- day afternoon because of the death of her father, Arthur H. Adams, 64. Funeral services for Mr. Adams, prominent Jasper lumber dealer, were held at the home Sunday at 2 p. m. and the body was taken to Logan, lowa, his old home, for burial. Besides his wife and daughter, Elizabeth, Mr. Adams is survived by a son, Arthur, a student at the University of Minnesota, and an- other daughter, Mrs. Harold Pal- mer of Philadelphia who formerly taught here. Mrs. Frank Gooding of Rochest- er will arrive Saturday to be an Easter guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Park- er D. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. William Kenney left Wednesday morning for their home at Bloomington, Illinois af- ter spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bollum. Mrs. Earl Rowland of Los An- geles, California, the former Lor- etta Kolbet, was operated on for appendicitis Monday morning at the Redwood Falls hospital. Miss Dessymore Whiting came here Friday from Young America where she teaches to spend her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whiting. Morgan Boy Wins in Dairy Judging Meet Friends gathered at the home of Harry Hepner Saturday eve- ning to surprise him on his birth- day. A pleasant evening was spent with five hundred being played at three tables. Mrs. S. V. Warner of Hutchin- son, Mrs. C. O. Nygaard and daughter, Verna, of Litchfield visited Wednesday and Thursday at the M. L. Pettis home and also attended the meeting of the East- ern Star Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. E. Palmer (Ellen Horr) came from Litchfield Sunday mor- ning to spend a few days at the C. H. Burmeister home and to visit Mr. and Mrs. William Ken- ney (Edna King) of Bloomington, Illinois at the E. H. Bollum home. Neal Madsen, Morgan, of the Spotlights 4-H club, who has been doing post graduate work at the University Farm school, won first place in the Jersey class of the dairy judging contest which is sponsored each year by the Breed- ers’ association. Neal won second place in the entire dairy judging contest. He was presented with a medal by the Jersey Breeders’ associa- tion at the banquet given by the Dairy and Livestock club of the school of agriculture which was held in the party dining hall of the university. About 50 students took part in the judging contest. Middle Creek Mr. and Mrs. George Mantzke and children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mantzke and family of Minneapolis were here Sunday to help celebrate the forty-fourth wedding anniversary of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mantzke. Middle Creek—Rev. and Mrs. O. S. Monson and son, Richard, went to Bemidji Saturday to at- tend the funeral services of Rev. Monson’s grandmother. Mrs. Edward Lueck and son, David and Mrs. John Prodoehl and daughter, Ethel, spent several days with their parents at Lam- berton. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Clay of Northwood, lowa motored here Saturday. Mr. Clay returned to his home Sunday and Mrs. Clay remained here for a week’s visit with her brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bur- mester. Mrs. Edith Steinkamp returned to Minneapolis Tuesday after spending the past two weeks with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kurtz and family spent Sunday afternoon in North Redwood. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Brandt of Dovray spent Sunday in this vici- nity. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Draeger and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Al- mond Schroeder and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schroed- ed and son and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schroeder and family spent Monday evening at the Herman Schroeder home in Danube, the occasion being Mrs. Schroeder’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaffney and son, Howard, were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mrs. Mary Gaffney and daughter. THE REDWOOD GAZETTE, REDWOOD FALLS, MINNESOTA CHURCH NEWS' Vesta, Seaforth, Milroy Presbyterian Churches Rev. Robert Alexander, Pastor Services on next Lord’s day will be as follows: Vesta: Morning worship 9:30 a. m. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Sunrise prayer meeting of the Christian Endeavor at 7:30 a. m. No evening service. Seaforth: Sunday School 10:30 a. m. The C. E. society meets at 7:15 p. m. Easter Sermon at 8 p. m. Un- ion Lenten Service on Good Fri<- day at 8 p. m. Vesta and Milroy Cordially in- vited. Milroy: Sunday School 10 a. m. Program at 11 a. m. closing with the Easter sermon. “He is no here: for He is risen, as he said.” Matt. 28:6. C. E. Society at 8 p. m. Redwood THEATRE Evangelical Church O. S. Monson, Minister. North Redwood: Thursday, April 18 Ronald Colman and Loretta Young in CLIVE OF INDIA Also Short Subjects Admission 10c—25c Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Worship Service 11:00 a. m. Holy Community will be observed. Rev. J. U. Heidinger will preach. The choir will present the can- tata, “Zion” on Good Friday eve- ning at 7:45. An offering for conference mission will be receiv- ed. Fourth Quarterly conference on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. All conference members are requested to be present. Middle Creek: Worship Service 9:30 a. m. Rev. J. G. Heidinger will preach. An Easter program will be giv- en during the Sunday School hour at 10:30 by the Junior depart- ment. Sunday School 10:80 a. m. The North Redwood choir will render the cantata “Zion” Sunday evening at 7:45. An offering for conference missions will be re- ceived. Fourth Quarterly conference on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock at North Redwood. Annual conference April 29 - May 5 at Mankato, Minnesota. You are always welcome to worship with us. Church of Christ “The Church of Kindness” Easter services will be as follows: Sunrise service with Miss Louise Storts leading at 6:30 a. m. Breakfast at 7. Bible School Rally 10 a. m. There will be some special num- bers and a sacred decision service. An Easter candy egg will be given to each child present. Morning worship 11 a. m. A great audience is anticipated. At 2 p. m. Miss Stella Sutton will be united in marriage to George Gibson at the church. Friends are welcome to be present at the mar- riage of these two young Chris- tian church members. . “Go Tell the Brethren” rehear- sal immediately following the wedding ceremony. Baptismal service at 7 p. m. followed immed- iately by a glorious C. EL rally. An Easter play “Go tell the Brethren” will be given at 8 p. m. Sunday will be Roll Call day, and also Enlistment Day for the Summer Loyalty Campaign. An interesting gift will be given to each family represented Sunday evening. Rev. Martin will preach at the Presbyterian church Wednesday of this week. Rev. Linn will preach at the Church of Christ Thursday evening and Rev. Jone- son at the Methodist church Fri- day evening. All these services beginning at 8 p. m. All Welcome—Always. Oscar Joneson, Pastor First Presbyterian Church Rev. J. P. Linn, Pastor The Sunday School will hold its Easter services at 10 a. m. with E. H. Bollum has been ill for the past week at his home. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Mickelson are the parents of a girl bom Sunday, April 14. Mrs. Rud Stensvad entertained the members of the Birthday club Wednesday evening. Mrs. Thomas T. Erickson and daughter of Tracy were callers here Monday afternoon. E. J. Bunge of Chicago spent several days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bunge. Rev. Mack and family from Sanborn visited at the German Lutheran manse Monday. Henry Dornfeld, Frank Dorn- feld and Rev. E. A. Birkholz were at Morton on business Monday evening. Miss Hazel Scott of Mapleton arrived Saturday to spend Tier Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Scott. Mrs. W. T. Willcox and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lightfoot and family of Olivia visited Mrs. Janet Wil- son at Clements Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O’Callag- han and family moved here from Sundown last week and are occu- pying the Henry Woelke house on East Chestnut street. Miss Loma Baikie was a mem- ber of the fish group when the Women’s Aquatic league present- ed “Antarctic Antics” as a spec- ial feature of its annual exhibition Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in the swimming pool at Macales- ter college. Here’s a great cure for spring fever—l 6” Four Blade Ball Bear- ing Lawn Mower $4.95 —50' Single Braid Garden Hose $3.20 —Win- dow Screening 12 mesh black wire 26,” 4*&c ft.—Garden Rake and Hoe, both for 98c. Gamble Stores. The Ladies Aid of the Metho- dist church met Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. George T. Freyer. After the busness meeting, Tudine Johnson gave a reading “Bright Blue Eyes”. As- sisting as hostesses were Mrs. G. W. Ellison, Mrs. Pearl Meeks, Mrs. R. W. Whyte and Mrs. F. W. Stanton. wi 1 w “That’s Our House!” It’s going to be new inside . . . good looking out- side, up-to-date, comfortable livable ... And while the improvements are being paid for, we'll be enjoying the house that became a home! If you do not have the funds available now to pay for the improvements you would like, then SEE US. We will gladly show you how you can do the things you have been wanting to do. NO RED TAPE—NO UNNCESSARY EXPENSE- NO COMMISSIONS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD OR IMPROVE YOUR HOME Redwood Falls Building and Loan Association D. W. Gold, President F. W. STANTON, Secretory (April 4-11-18) CITATION FOR HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT AND FOR DISTRIBUTION. Estate of John Henriksen State of Minnesota, County of Redwood, ss. In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of John Henriksen. Decedent; The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the final ac- count and distribution of the estate of said decedent: The re- presentative of the above named decedent, having filed in this court his final account of the ad- ministration of the estate of said decedent together with his peti- tion praying for the adjustment and allowance of said final ac- count and for distribution of the residue of said estate to the per- sons thereunto entitled. THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of Red- wood Falls, in the County of Red- wood, State of Minnesota on the 6th day of May, 1935, at 10 o’clock a. m., why said petition should not be granted. WITNESS, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 30th day of March, 1935. A. R. A. LAUDON, (Court Seal) Probate Judge. Clague and Barnes, Attorneys for Petitioner, Redwood Falla, Minnesota. 40-3 (April 11-18-25) CITATION FOR HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT AND FOR DISTRIBUTION. State of Minnesota, County of Redwood, ss. ! In Probate Court. Estate of Paul Borte In the Matter of the Estate of Paul Borte, Decedent; The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the final ac- count and distribution of the estate of said decedent: The re- presentative of the above named decedent, having filed in this court her final account of the ad- ministration of the estate of said decedent together with her petition praying for the adjustment and allowance of said final account and for distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons thereunto entitled. THEREFORE, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby cited and required to show cause, if any you have, before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of Redwood Falls, in the County of Redwood, State of Minnesota on the 6th day of May, 1935, at 10 o’clock a. m., why said petition should not be granted. Witness, the Judge of said Court, and the Seal of said Court, this 4th day of April, 1936. A. R. A. LAUDON, (Court Seal) Probate Judge. A C. Dolliff, Attorney for Petitioner. 41-3 ts Friday and Saturday April 19 and 20 A BIG DOUBLE SHOW Tim McCoy in THE REVENGE RIDER Jack Holt, Mona Barrie and Jackie Searl in UNWELCOME STRANGER Two shows only 10c—15c SUNDAY and MONDAY April 21,22 WnX» ROGERS J h*± RICHARD CROMWELL V#\’ .tiriE&K GEORGE BARBIER \ Ijane Darwell Slim Summerville* Produ<td by Sol M. Wurttcl 9 I Suggtittd by the book by Walter B. Pitkin \ cuuuiiuous Show Sunday, Starting at 1:30 p. m. Added—Sport Reel, Color Cartoon and Krazy Kat Comedy. Adm. 10c—25c Afty Time Tuesday, April 23 Robert Taylor and Virginia Bruce in Times Square Lady Also Bank Night and Comedies Admission 10c and 25c Wed., Thurs, April 24, 25 Alice Faye and James Dunn in George White’s 1935 Scandals Also Comedies and Short Subjects Admission 10c and 25c COMEDY CARNIVAL Every Saturday Afternoon 2:30 11 Reels of Fun for Kids from 6 to 60. Admission 10c and 15c an assembly of the entire School and their friends. A short Easter program will be given by the schools. The offering of the School will go to Foreign Mis- sions. Morning worship 11 a. m. The subject of the sermon will be “The Crux of Christianity”. The music will be Easter music. The young people of the church will meet at 7 o’clock in the mor- ning for their Easter Services. Breakfast will be served, which will be followed by their Easter services. The leader of the meet- ing will be Miss Gertrude Smith. C. E. Meeting of both Juniors and Intermediates will be held at 7 in the evening. Easter evening services will be at 8 o’clock. The combined choirs of the church, consisting of the morning and evening choirs will sing their Easter Sacred service. The Redwood Falls Commandery will be our guests for the service. PALM SUNDAY SERVICES Sheridan’s St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Rev. G. Schuetze, Pastor Thursday, April 18: English communion services at 8 p. m. Friday, April 19: German serv- ices with holy communion at 10:30 a. m. Sunday, April 21: Joint Ger- man-English Easter services at 9 a. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Seaforth St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Rev. G. Schuetze, Pastor Friday, April 19: German serv- ices with holy communion at 9 a. m. English services with holy com- munion at 8 p. m. Sunday, April 21: Joint Ger- man-English Easter services at 10:30 a. m. Church of St. Catherine (Catholic) The First Presbyterian church had another Red Letter day in its history Sunday. The church was packed for the Palm Sunday and communion services. The choir sang an anthem “Jerusalem” and Mrs. S. B. Duea and Mrs. R. V. Ochs sang “The Palms” as a duet. The organ and piano were both used in the prelude and offertory. It was one of the largest com- munion servces conducted by the present pastor. Thirty-four per- sons were received into the church. Five of these came by let- ter, and 29 came by confession of faith and renewal of vows. Rev. Geoffrey O’Sullivan, Pastor Sunday masses at 8 and 10 a. m. Evangelical Church Rev. J. Rutgers, Pastor Wabasso: Easter worship service at 9:30 a. m. Special music by the dou- ble quartet. Sermon by the past- or. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. The Easter pageant, “The Cross of Light,” will be presented Sun- day at 8 p. m. New Avon: Sunday School 10 a. m. Easter worship service at 11 a. m. Special music by choir. Ser- mon by the pastor. On Friday evening of this week the young people will present the bible drama, “The Half of My Goods” at 8 p. m. Annual congregational business meeting Tuesday evening, April 23, at the home of Henry Leusch- er. “He is not here, He is risen, as He said.” You are welcome to the little church on the hill, in New Avon. Redwood Falla Phone 2374 W. L. HARDY General Contractor Wen Built, Low Priced Homes nans, Specifications and Estimates For Any Type of Building. KNOW What your building will east before you start it. Get uj bid an the complete Job, in- cluding all labor and mater- ial. Year Repair Work and Odd Jobs Done by Day Week or Contract When Yon Mood Yaw Wort Completed to n Harry SEE “WES” PAGE ELEVEN Lutheran Church of Delhi Rev. Christ Anderson, Pastor Easter Sunday, April 21: Serv- ice at 3 p. m. March 1935 Volume Third Greater Than ’32, ’33, ’34 Combined Retail deliveries of Ford V-8 cars and trucks in March totalled 126,783 units, the largest month’s sales volume since June, 1930. The March total was more than double the volume of retail deliveries in March 1934. Retail deliveries for the first quarter totalled 293,318 units, or 116 per cent more than the 135,634 units delivered in the first quarter of 1934. The first quarter total was 33 per cent greater than the combined totals for the first quarter in 1932, 1933, and 1934. Gazette Want Ada get results. PROTECT By Insurance The Right Kind of Insurance, properly written, will cover any loss you may have— Fire - Tornado - Hail - Automobile - Liability - Compensation - Life and Accident We will be glad to give you rates and suggestions on any insurance problems that you may have. TELEPHONE 503 Smith Agency, Inc* REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE REDWOOD FALLS, MINN. 1,1


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Page 1: You KC POWDER


A TIME SAVERPrepare biscuit ormuffin dough when convenient.Set incool place and bake hours later ifyou wish.You save time inusing

Doable Tested Doable Action

KC BAKING POWDERSame Price Today as 44 Years Ago

8$ ounces tor BSeYou can also buy

Af. 11 XO ounce can for X#«IUII Xf ounce can for Xfo


I See by The Gazette

Edward Beckstrand was madea member ofthe Q. J. Gwany Clubmen’s music organization at Mac-ales ter college last week.

I’ve proved it to my own satis-faction—“You can’t buy a betterIst line Tire at any price,” thanGamble’s Crest—and they didn’tcost me standard prices, either.30,000 miles run and more left in’em yet—4.so/21 Tire and Tube,$8.65—30x5 Truck, $18.95. 42

The last regular meeting withprogram of the Woman’s club washeld Monday evening at the homeof Mrs. D. W. Gold. During thebusiness meeting plans were madefor the annual meeting to be heldMonday evening, May 6, at thehome of the president, Mrs. C. L.Lynn and Mrs. A. P. Falk, chair-man of the new program commit-tee, presented outlines for thecourse of study for next year.Mrs. Gold reviewed the life ofHelen Petrova Blavatsky as toldby C. E. Bechofer Roberts in herbook, “The Mysterious Madame”and Mrs. Gottlieb Kuenzli dis-cussed “The Passionate Pilgrim”by Gertrude Marvin Williamswhich described the life of AnnieBesant. Both women were knownas magnetic leaders.

Mrs. John Groetsch and daugh-ter of St. Paul and Mrs. GeorgePettis of Renville were guests ofMr. and Mrs. M. L. Pettis Satur-day.

Teacher Called HomeBy Death of Father

Miss Elizabeth Adams, musicteacher in the local schools, wascalled to her home at Jasper Fri-day afternoon because of thedeath of her father, Arthur H.Adams, 64.

Funeral services for Mr. Adams,prominent Jasper lumber dealer,were held at the home Sundayat 2 p. m. and the body wastaken to Logan, lowa, his oldhome, for burial.

Besides his wife and daughter,Elizabeth, Mr. Adams is survivedby a son, Arthur, a student at theUniversity of Minnesota, and an-other daughter, Mrs. Harold Pal-mer of Philadelphia who formerlytaught here.

Mrs. Frank Gooding of Rochest-er will arrive Saturday to be anEaster guest of her son-in-lawand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Park-er D. Sanders.

Mr. and Mrs. William Kenneyleft Wednesday morning for theirhome at Bloomington, Illinois af-ter spending a week with Mr. andMrs. E. H. Bollum.

Mrs. Earl Rowland of Los An-geles, California, the former Lor-etta Kolbet, was operated on forappendicitis Monday morning atthe Redwood Falls hospital.

Miss Dessymore Whiting camehere Friday from Young Americawhere she teaches to spend herEaster vacation with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whiting.

Morgan Boy Wins inDairy Judging Meet

Friends gathered at the homeof Harry Hepner Saturday eve-ning to surprise him on his birth-day. A pleasant evening wasspent with five hundred beingplayed at three tables.

Mrs. S. V. Warner of Hutchin-son, Mrs. C. O. Nygaard anddaughter, Verna, of Litchfieldvisited Wednesday and Thursdayat the M. L. Pettis home and alsoattended the meeting of the East-ern Star Wednesday evening.

Mrs. H. E. Palmer (Ellen Horr)came from Litchfield Sunday mor-ning to spend a few days at theC. H. Burmeister home and tovisit Mr. and Mrs. William Ken-ney (Edna King) of Bloomington,Illinois at the E. H. Bollum home.

Neal Madsen, Morgan, of theSpotlights 4-H club, who has beendoing post graduate work at theUniversity Farm school, won firstplace in the Jersey class of thedairy judging contest which issponsored each year by the Breed-ers’ association. Neal won secondplace in the entire dairy judgingcontest.

He was presented with a medalby the Jersey Breeders’ associa-tion at the banquet given by theDairy and Livestock club of theschool of agriculture which washeld in the party dining hall ofthe university. About 50 studentstook part in the judging contest.

Middle CreekMr. and Mrs. George Mantzke

and children and Mr. and Mrs.Frank Mantzke and family ofMinneapolis were here Sunday tohelp celebrate the forty-fourthwedding anniversary of their par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mantzke.

Middle Creek—Rev. and Mrs.O. S. Monson and son, Richard,went to Bemidji Saturday to at-tend the funeral services of Rev.Monson’s grandmother.

Mrs. Edward Lueck and son,David and Mrs. John Prodoehl anddaughter, Ethel, spent severaldays with their parents at Lam-berton.

Mr. and Mrs. Rex Clay ofNorthwood, lowa motored hereSaturday. Mr. Clay returned tohis home Sunday and Mrs. Clayremained here for a week’s visitwith her brother-in-law and sis-ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bur-mester.

Mrs. Edith Steinkamp returnedto Minneapolis Tuesday afterspending the past two weeks withher daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kurtz andfamily spent Sunday afternoon inNorth Redwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Brandt ofDovray spent Sunday in this vici-nity.

Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Draegerand daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Al-mond Schroeder and daughters,Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schroed-ed and son and Mr. and Mrs.Harry Schroeder and family spentMonday evening at the HermanSchroeder home in Danube, theoccasion being Mrs. Schroeder’sbirthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaffneyand son, Howard, were Sundayafternoon guests at the home ofMrs. Mary Gaffney and daughter.


CHURCH NEWS'Vesta, Seaforth, MilroyPresbyterian Churches

Rev. Robert Alexander, PastorServices on next Lord’s day will

be as follows:Vesta:

Morning worship 9:30 a. m.Sunday School 10:30 a. m.

Sunrise prayer meeting of theChristian Endeavor at 7:30 a. m.No evening service.

Seaforth:Sunday School 10:30 a. m.

The C. E. society meets at 7:15p. m.

Easter Sermon at 8 p. m. Un-ion Lenten Service on Good Fri<-day at 8 p. m.

Vesta and Milroy Cordially in-vited.

Milroy:Sunday School 10 a. m.Program at 11 a. m. closing withthe Easter sermon.

“He is no here: for He is risen,as he said.” Matt. 28:6.C. E. Society at 8 p. m.


Evangelical ChurchO. S. Monson, Minister.

North Redwood:

Thursday, April 18Ronald Colman and

Loretta Young inCLIVE OF INDIA

Also Short SubjectsAdmission 10c—25c

Sunday School 10:00 a. m.Worship Service 11:00 a. m.Holy Community will be observed.Rev. J. U. Heidinger will preach.

The choir will present the can-tata, “Zion” on Good Friday eve-ning at 7:45. An offering forconference mission will be receiv-ed.

Fourth Quarterly conference onSaturday evening at 8 o’clock. Allconference members are requestedto be present.Middle Creek:Worship Service 9:30 a. m.Rev. J. G. Heidinger will preach.

An Easter program will be giv-en during the Sunday School hourat 10:30 by the Junior depart-ment.Sunday School 10:80 a. m.

The North Redwood choir willrender the cantata “Zion” Sundayevening at 7:45. An offering forconference missions will be re-ceived.

Fourth Quarterly conference on

Saturday evening at 8 o’clock atNorth Redwood.

Annual conference April 29 -

May 5 at Mankato, Minnesota.You are always welcome to

worship with us.

Church of Christ“The Church of Kindness”

Easter services will be as follows:Sunrise service with Miss

Louise Storts leading at 6:30 a. m.Breakfast at 7.Bible School Rally 10 a. m.

There will be some special num-bers and a sacred decision service.An Easter candy egg will be givento each child present.Morning worship 11 a. m.

A great audience is anticipated.At 2 p. m. Miss Stella Sutton willbe united in marriage to GeorgeGibson at the church. Friends arewelcome to be present at the mar-riage of these two young Chris-tian church members..

“Go Tell the Brethren” rehear-sal immediately following thewedding ceremony. Baptismalservice at 7 p. m. followed immed-iately by a glorious C. EL rally.

An Easter play “Go tell theBrethren” will be given at 8 p.m. Sunday will be Roll Call day,and also Enlistment Day for theSummer Loyalty Campaign. Aninteresting gift will be given toeach family represented Sundayevening.

Rev. Martin will preach at thePresbyterian • church Wednesdayof this week. Rev. Linn willpreach at the Church of ChristThursday evening and Rev. Jone-son at the Methodist church Fri-day evening. All these servicesbeginning at 8 p. m.

All Welcome—Always.Oscar Joneson, Pastor

First Presbyterian ChurchRev. J. P. Linn, Pastor

The Sunday School will hold itsEaster services at 10 a. m. with

E. H. Bollum has been ill forthe past week at his home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Mickelsonare the parents of a girl bomSunday, April 14.

Mrs. Rud Stensvad entertainedthe members of the Birthday clubWednesday evening.

Mrs. Thomas T. Erickson anddaughter of Tracy were callershere Monday afternoon.

E. J. Bunge of Chicago spentseveral days last week visitingMr. and Mrs. L. O. Bunge.

Rev. Mack and family fromSanborn visited at the GermanLutheran manse Monday.

Henry Dornfeld, Frank Dorn-feld and Rev. E. A. Birkholz wereat Morton on business Mondayevening.

Miss Hazel Scott of Mapletonarrived Saturday to spend TierEaster vacation with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Scott.

Mrs. W. T. Willcox and Mr. andMrs. Dale Lightfoot and familyof Olivia visited Mrs. Janet Wil-son at Clements Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry O’Callag-han and family moved here fromSundown last week and are occu-pying the Henry Woelke house onEast Chestnut street.

Miss Loma Baikie was a mem-ber of the fish group when theWomen’s Aquatic league present-ed “Antarctic Antics” as a spec-ial feature of its annual exhibitionTuesday and Wednesday eveningsin the swimming pool at Macales-ter college.

Here’s a great cure for springfever—l6” Four Blade Ball Bear-ing Lawn Mower $4.95 —50' SingleBraid Garden Hose $3.20 —Win-dow Screening 12 mesh black wire26,” 4*&c ft.—Garden Rake andHoe, both for 98c. Gamble Stores.

The Ladies Aid of the Metho-dist church met Thursday after-noon at the home of Mrs. GeorgeT. Freyer. After the busnessmeeting, Tudine Johnson gave areading “Bright Blue Eyes”. As-sisting as hostesses were Mrs. G.W. Ellison, Mrs. Pearl Meeks,Mrs. R. W. Whyte and Mrs. F. W.Stanton.

wi 1w

“That’s OurHouse!”

It’s going to be new inside . . . good looking out-side, up-to-date, comfortable livable ... And while theimprovements are being paid for, we'll be enjoyingthe house that became a home!

If you do not have the funds available now topay for the improvements you would like, then SEEUS. We will gladly show you how you can do thethings you have been wanting to do.




Redwood Falls Buildingand Loan Association

D. W. Gold, President F. W. STANTON, Secretory


FINAL ACCOUNT AND FORDISTRIBUTION.Estate of John HenriksenState of Minnesota, County of

Redwood, ss. In Probate Court.In the Matter of the Estate of

John Henriksen. Decedent;The State of Minnesota to all

persons interested in the final ac-count and distribution of theestate of said decedent: The re-presentative of the above nameddecedent, having filed in thiscourt his final account of the ad-ministration of the estate of saiddecedent together with his peti-tion praying for the adjustmentand allowance of said final ac-count and for distribution of theresidue of said estate to the per-sons thereunto entitled.

THEREFORE, YOU, ANDEACH OF YOU, are hereby citedand required to show cause, ifanyyou have, before this court at theProbate Court Rooms in theCourt House in the City of Red-wood Falls, in the County of Red-wood, State of Minnesota on the6th day of May, 1935, at 10 o’clocka. m., why said petition shouldnot be granted.

WITNESS, the Judge of saidCourt, and the Seal of said Court,this 30th day of March, 1935.

A. R. A. LAUDON,(Court Seal) Probate Judge.

Clague and Barnes,Attorneys for Petitioner,Redwood Falla, Minnesota. 40-3



Redwood, ss. ! In Probate Court.Estate of Paul BorteIn the Matter of the Estate of

Paul Borte, Decedent;The State of Minnesota to all

persons interested in the final ac-count and distribution of theestate of said decedent: The re-presentative of the above nameddecedent, having filed in thiscourt her final account of the ad-ministration of the estate of saiddecedent together with her petitionpraying for the adjustment andallowance of said final accountand for distribution of the residueof said estate to the personsthereunto entitled.

THEREFORE, YOU, ANDEACH OF YOU, are hereby citedand required to show cause, if anyyou have, before this court at theProbate Court Rooms in the CourtHouse in the City of RedwoodFalls, in the County of Redwood,State of Minnesota on the 6thday of May, 1935, at 10 o’clocka. m., why said petition shouldnot be granted.

Witness, the Judge of saidCourt, and the Seal of said Court,this 4th day of April, 1936.

A. R. A. LAUDON,(Court Seal) Probate Judge.

A C. Dolliff,Attorney for Petitioner. 41-3 ts

Friday and SaturdayApril 19 and 20



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COMEDY CARNIVAL Every Saturday Afternoon 2:3011 Reels of Fun for Kids from 6 to 60. Admission 10c and 15c

an assembly of the entire Schooland their friends. A short Easterprogram will be given by theschools. The offering of theSchool will go to Foreign Mis-sions.Morning worship 11 a. m.

The subject of the sermon willbe “The Crux of Christianity”.The music will be Easter music.

The young people of the churchwill meet at 7 o’clock in the mor-ning for their Easter Services.Breakfast will be served, whichwill be followed by their Easterservices. The leader of the meet-

ing will be Miss Gertrude Smith.C. E. Meeting of both Juniors

and Intermediates will be held at

7 in the evening.Easter evening services will be

at 8 o’clock. The combined choirsof the church, consisting of themorning and evening choirs willsing their Easter Sacred service.The Redwood Falls Commandery

will be our guests for the service.PALM SUNDAY SERVICES

Sheridan’s St. John’s EvangelicalLutheran Church

Rev. G. Schuetze, PastorThursday, April 18: English

communion services at 8 p. m.Friday, April 19: German serv-

ices with holy communion at

10:30 a. m.Sunday, April 21: Joint Ger-

man-English Easter services at 9a. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m.

Seaforth St. Paul’s EvangelicalLutheran Church

Rev. G. Schuetze, PastorFriday, April 19: German serv-

ices with holy communion at 9a. m.

English services with holy com-munion at 8 p. m.

Sunday, April 21: Joint Ger-man-English Easter services at10:30 a. m.

Church of St. Catherine(Catholic)

The First Presbyterian churchhad another Red Letter day in itshistory Sunday. The church waspacked for the Palm Sunday andcommunion services. The choirsang an anthem “Jerusalem” andMrs. S. B. Duea and Mrs. R. V.Ochs sang “The Palms” as a duet.

The organ and piano were bothused in the prelude and offertory.

It was one of the largest com-munion servces conducted by thepresent pastor. Thirty-four per-sons were received into thechurch. Five of these came by let-ter, and 29 came by confession offaith and renewal of vows.

Rev. Geoffrey O’Sullivan, PastorSunday masses at 8 and 10 a. m.

Evangelical ChurchRev. J. Rutgers, Pastor

Wabasso:Easter worship service at 9:30

a. m. Special music by the dou-ble quartet. Sermon by the past-or.Sunday School 10:30 a. m.

The Easter pageant, “The Crossof Light,” will be presented Sun-day at 8 p. m.

New Avon:Sunday School 10 a. m.

Easter worship service at 11 a.m. Special music by choir. Ser-mon by the pastor.

On Friday evening of this weekthe young people will present thebible drama, “The Half of MyGoods” at 8 p. m.

Annual congregational businessmeeting Tuesday evening, April23, at the home of Henry Leusch-er.

“He is not here, He is risen, asHe said.”

You are welcome to the littlechurch on the hill, in New Avon.

Redwood Falla Phone 2374

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Lutheran Church of DelhiRev. Christ Anderson, PastorEaster Sunday, April 21: Serv-

ice at 3 p. m.

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Retail deliveries of Ford V-8cars and trucks in March totalled126,783 units, the largest month’ssales volume since June, 1930. TheMarch total was more than doublethe volume of retail deliveries inMarch 1934. Retail deliveries forthe first quarter totalled 293,318units, or 116 per cent more thanthe 135,634 units delivered in thefirst quarter of 1934. The firstquarter total was 33 per centgreater than the combined totalsfor the first quarter in 1932, 1933,and 1934.

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