You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

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Page 1: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

You have to be taught to be second

class; you’re not born that way.

--Lena Horne

Page 2: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Teachers who care accept no excuses.--William Glasser

Page 3: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

We…believe that one reason so many high school and college students have so much trouble focusing on their studies is because they don’t have a goal, don’t know what all this studying is leading to. – Muriel James & Dorothy Jongeward

Page 4: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

The only thing that separates successful people from the ones who aren’t is the willingness to work very very hard. --Helen Gurley Brown

Page 5: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages. --Virginia Woolf

Page 6: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. -- Albert Einstein

Page 7: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away. --Gene Roddenberry

Page 8: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

I believe it is prompt accountability for one’s

choices, a willing acceptance of

responsibility for one’s thoughts, behavior, and actions that make one’s soul powerful. -- Alice


Page 9: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Without hard work and personal discipline, students will fail no

matter how we improve schools.

– William Glasser

Page 10: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

In a nutshell, whatever a teacher can do to increase the value of learning to students and to help students hold optimistic and positive expectations about their own ability to succeed, will aid motivation. -- K. Patricia Cross

Page 11: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

I think goals should never be easy; they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time. --Michael Phelps

Page 12: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Where you are doesn’t matter; it’s about where you’re going. --Will Smith

Page 13: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Alone we can do so little . . . together we can do so much. --Helen Keller

Page 14: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Our second worst assumption as teachers is that if we don’t cover something in class, the students won’t learn it. Our worst assumption is that if we do, they will. --Richard Felder

Page 15: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Love thy neighbor as thyself, but choose your neighborhood. – Louise Beal

Page 16: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Children often become what their parents tell them they are. -- Thomas Gordon

Children often become what their

parents tell them they are.

-- Thomas Gordon

Page 17: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Only the educated are free.--Epictetus

Page 18: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I will remember, involve me and I will learn.--Benjamin Franklin

Page 19: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne
Page 20: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in students. --John Ciardi

Page 21: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne

I have discovered I always have choices and sometimes it’s only a choice of attitude. -- Judith M. Knowlton

Page 22: You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. --Lena Horne