Wouldn't This Shock You, Mr. Fan? THE INTRODUCTION OF SHIN GUARDS AND HEAD GEAR BY ROGER BRESNAHAN, GIANT BACKSTOP, MARKS AN ERA OF INVENTION IN BASEBALL. ?NEWS ITEM. SHE HANDS HUBBARD SOMETHING HOT BY JESSIE M. PARLTON. "East Aurora, N. V.," as Elbert Hubbard mystically remarked, Some time ago, "is not a place; It's v condition of mind!" That being tiie case, will some expe.it alienist \u25a0kindly swoop down on East Aurora end squelch the brainstorm raging thero? He would do humanity a lasting good nnd lie eligible to re- ceive a Carnegie hero medal. The other day we were compelled to hark to a new and decidedly unique ful mi nation from the Roy- qulvering, wondering nation this croft shop. liuooard sent out. to the message: "My wife. Alice Hubbard, is men- tally, morally and spiritually the superior of any woman in history, ancient or modern." This, from rra Elherta of the MISS JESSIE M. PARLTON. flowing locks In praise of the wom- an who destroyed his first wife's happiness and bore him children In defiance of all social and moral law, is a little more than the women of America can swallow. Elbert Hubbard follows up this fervid statement by poetically com- paring his wife to a certain brand of soap warranted !)'J.44 per cent Dure. Comparisons, as tho copy books teach us, are odious; in this in- stance they are odorous. Attached to the panegyric on this woman who was named by Mrs. Hubbard No. 1 as co-respondent in her divorce suit I* this bill of par- ticulars, quite In the manner of a thoroughbred put up for sale: "Alice Hubbard excels as moth- er, housekeeper, economist, meth- odlser, diplomat, financier, orator, writer, reformer, inventor, humani- tarian, teacher and philosopher." Shades of Aunt Sanianthy and the family cat! What woman does not excel in all Ihese lines, with the added virtue of a clean do- mestic record? The wife of any tendollar-a-week clerk can give Mrs. Hubbard No. 2 points on economy; as a flnanejer she can knock the spots off any Royerofter ever turned out. I know a frail little widow who bends over the washtnb daily to support :'> children. She could tell Alice Hubbard a thing or two about philosophy. Mrs. Suburban is a star diplomat when she entertains the uninvited friend hubby brings home with a pleasant smile and a can of corn. Every mother Is a reformer when she wields the slipper; exery house- wife an inventor. The woman who rescues the fam- ily cat from the baby's moist em- brace and hides Rover where the boys can't tie cans to his tail is a humanitarian. Every wife must perforce be an orator when her husband conies home at 2 a. m. speechless. There is not a married woman living who does not exercise liter- ary talent of the first order when she writes to her husband's rela- tives and manages to keep them all in a good humor. "Many women have done well," as can be verified by a reference to proverbs, but Alice Hubbard has overlooked a bet. Logic loses its' power and intellect its brilliancy when pure, child eyes gaze ques- lioningly at the mother who has stained them in the world's sight by her own sinful weakness. THE CITY LEAGUE Powell-Sanders met defeat once more at Natatorium park last even- ing. The Varney Mfg. Co. winning 7 to 4. Tracey, the good looking twirler for the grocers, couldn't control the mysterious things he tossed, and when he did control one the manufacturers straightened it out. AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York 7, Cleveland <>; Boston 4, Detroit 3; Washington 6, St. Louis 5; Philadelphia 11, Chicago 1. COAST LEAGUE. Portland .1, Los Angeles 1. PLOWS STREET BY STEAM Plowing with tho aid of a huge traction engine was inauguarted Ihis morning by Contractor H. L. Lilllenlbal on his grade job on Madison si. between Shannon and Montgomery ays. The ground is so stony that it is almost impos- sible to plow with horses, or pick it. About half a block was plowed successfully this morning, when the plow, being too weak to with- stand tbe strain, broke, Lillien- thai then purchased a heavier and stronger one and resumed the work. FLICK QUITS AND SHOCKS FANS Special Correspondence to The Frew CLEVELAND, 0., July 25.?1t \u25a0one rude person had hurled a bomb Into the camp of the Naps it could not have caused more con- sternation than the announcement of Elmer KHck that he intended to retire at tho close of the series With Washington. STRIKING POSE OF ELMER FLICK, STAR OUTFIELDER OF CLEVELAND AMERICANS, WHO RETIRES IN HEAT OF FRAY True, Flick has threatened to de- sert the diamond for the past 2 years, hut who In tho world ever dreamed that he would quit iv the thick of battle? He has been playing the greatest game of his life this season. He was the second Americau league hitter to reach the century mark in iho output of swats, and led Lhe league as a run-getter. In base-run- ning aud in extra base hits. As an outfielder Flick has no su- perior, and his retirement at this critical stage of the race will sorely cripple the Naps, especially during the absence of Manager Lajoie, who is suffering with a lame foot. "I am tired of the game," said Flick. "Moreover, I am not in good health. After playing ball for about 12 years, I feel that I have a right to retire." Flick Is wed fixed in a worldly way. He owns a farm, among oU*r thingi* TAKES NO MORE CHANCES. Bresnahan Weahs a Head Guard Since He Got Knocked Out. NEW YORK, July 25.?N0, the above is not 1 of the ancient guys who went gunning for the Holy Grail. It is merely a picture of Roger Brosuahan, catcher of the New York Giants, as ho appears in com- pany with his new ear mutt and headgear. The contraption was invented by Roger to prevent a recurrence of the accident In Cincinnati that so nearly cost him his life. SPORTING SNAP SHOTS Tommy Burns will show at the Spokane theater August 27. He has the "picture" of his knockout of Bill Squires. The picture is a mov- ing one and short. Tommy will box a few short rounds with a partner. The Infers Ml team won a purse of $10 and the gate recetipts by beating the Blacks at the park by a score of M to 5. A big crowd saw the game. Chick Roadnlght has resigned as head of the athletic committee of the Spokane Amateur Athletic club. It is understood that his work has not been altogether sat- isfactory. Tommy Burns announces that his wife is opposed to h.'s fighting a black. So it appears there is lit- tle chance for a match with Jack Johnson. The Pirates were the first to shut ottt Christy Mathewsou this season. Looks as though every fight pull- ed off nowadays has the fake fringe attached. Johnson says he was of- fered biy money to let Kit/, stay 6 rounds. The most successful pitchers in the National league are Brown. Overall, Lundgren, Corridon and Mathewsou. Judging by the list of wounded, some exhibition games in baseball are In the same class as sham bat- tles with real bullets. Walter Christie has returned from Europe and is ready for tho next Vanderbht cup race in the fall. Swlfe, the Wilkes-Barre twirler, has Invented a prohibition ball called the 'dry spitter." Joss, Hughes and Dygert are the only American league pitchers with 1 -Hit games to their credit this season. A silly season savant comes for- ward with lhe theory that the hu- man soul looks like an oyster. That ought to show why so many people get stewed. Only $13 For a New and Perfect GAS RANGE Connected Free Spokane Falls Gas Light Co. Heath Building. Tel. 30S. SPOKANE JULY 25.1907 SPOKANE LOSES LEMONFEST , ? Won. Lost. PC- Aberdeen 50 26 .65? Seattle 45 35 .563 Tacoma 49 39 .55J Butte 39 39 .50tJ Sflnkane 39 40 .493 Vancouver 19 62 .23<f The latest and most appropriate way of showing ones appreciation of the rottenness of an umpire's work is to get an armload of lemons and hurl them at him. at the same time emiting Infective and froth. That's the way they did at Seattle yesterday, anyway. Umpire Ralph Frary got a piece, of dirt in his eye (the sort that feels like a brick building) and' couldn't do a good Job on balls and strikes or anything. If he didn't get the aforementioned brick structure in his eye, something wa3 wrong with It, or else he had been loaded the night before. So the gang gave him a lemon shower. But the lemons didn't bother Frary In the least. He would quietly kick them away and go on until he stood in lemons as thick as snowdrifts. If they weren't they should have been. Spo- kane lost 0 to s?ignominy,s?ignominy, defeat, chagrin, all rolled in 1 pill. Pitcher Coy gave but 2 hits, lit- tle dinkey singles at that. He also struck out 6 and didn't pass a one. Killilay pitched for the Indians, al- lowed 8 hits, passed 5 and pounded 2 in the slats. One of them was "Nosey" Schafer. How Killilay could have missed his nose and hit him in the ribs is a wonder. Car- ney was back in right field and didn't make his customary fight noise. Bender, who had been hold- ing down the position, went behind the bat and did pretty good work, considering. At Vancouver Butte won 6 to 5 in the 11th inning. The Canadians got rattled in the ninth and allow- ed the Miners to tie them. Butte scored in the eleventh. At Tacoma yesterday Aberdeen won 1 tto 0. Brinker allowed Ta- coma only 3 safe hits. WOMAN CAPTURES BURGLAR TACOMA, July 25.?1n her home on South J st. Mrs. A. Olland dis- covered a burglar ransacking a room. The man ran with Mrs. Ol- land in pursuit. She chased him down to I st. where she overtook and seized him by the neck. When the police appeared she had nearly choked the burglar to death. »?< i FURNITURE CARPETS HARDWARE # A. D. McDonald Supply Co. 212-214 Riverside Aye. Parisian Dye Works Has no branch offices nor agents. Office 605 fcirst Aye. Phone 2137. . . . L. A. Lehmann NATATORIUM PARK NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, 50C TO $1.00 HOTEL MONICA OPPOSITE CITY HALL Corner Howard and Front PHONE 9062 WLEARU SOMETHING ff" ORTH WHILL Day and Night Classes. Knowledge of music not necessary. Western School of Piano Tuning and Repairing 222'/, DIVISION STREET Say BUDWEISER when you want "THE BEER" There le less profit to the dealer than when he sells any other but?You Get Quality 25c Per Bottle Band Concerts Afternoons 2P. M. Evenings BP. M. Moving Pictures Every Evening 8 to 10 p. m. Dancing Every Eve. 8 to 11 p m. Amusements Open Dally From Ito 11 P. M DUBININ'S 121 Howard Street Also Wall and Sprague PHne 731 CHUTES OPEN THIS WEEK DON'T SUFFER WITH HEAT. IT'B COOL AT The PFISTER THE ONLY FIRST CLASS FAMILY RESORT IN THE CITY. GRAND POPULAR CONCERT BY The Metropolitan Orchestra Finest Orchestra in Spokane The Talented Singer?the People's Favorite, MISS BEBSIE TANNEHILL, singing M. Witmark & Sons' latest publications, "The Door of Hope," greatest semi-sacred song ever written. "You're All the World to Me," from "The Parisian Model." "Take Me With You in Your Dreams." Other cafes never have, and never will, offer such a program as The Pfister. Admission free. Private tables for ladies and children. The Pfhter Palm Garden, 815 Sprague Avenue Grand concert every evening, 8 o'clock.. Matinee 3 p. m. Sunday THE AUDITORIUM tl. C. Hayward, Mgr. Tel. M. 1241. JESSIE SHIRLEY CO. S? PRESENTING BUNDAY irad all the week, with Saturday matinee "THE TWO ORPHANS" Prices ?Reserved, evening: 60c, 40c and 25c. Matinees?Adults, 25c; children, 10c. WASHINGTON THEATER Geo. C. Blakeslee, Manager HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE WEEK COMMENCING JULY 21, 1907 William H. McCart Donovan & Arnold Myles McCarthy and Aida Woolcott Redwood and Harvey Mabel Cassidy Morrisey and Rich Matinee every day. Two per- formances every evening. Prices 15 and 25 cents. Columbia Theatre Geo. M. Dreher, Mgr. Tel. 911. TONIGHT And Every Night This Week, Mat. Saturday, CURTISS COMEDY CO. In Fitzgerald Murphy's 4-Act Melodrama "BEWARE OF MEN" Prices?loc, 20c and 30c. Matinee 10c and 20c. Next week?"Sealed Lips." CITY LEAGUE BASEBALL NATATORIUM PARK SUNDAY, JULY 28 CUBS vs. POWELL-8 ANDERS UNION IRON WORKS VS. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Two Games ?One Admission. a. Grandstand Free * First Game Called 2:30. Baseball Suits See VARNEY HE MAKES 'EM 175 So. Howard St. Phone 2456. GO TO S. K. RUSH & CO. Dcalerg and manufacturers ot Harness and Saddles, Whips, Ilohes, Illankets. etc. It will pay you to call on us for anything In our line. Let us do your repair- ing. 918 Sprague Aye. Phone Main tttl STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the stockholders or the Ophir Gold ft Copper Mining Co. will be held at the office of the company, No. 5 S. Howard St., Spokane, Washing- ton, on the 27th day of July, 1907, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., for tbe pur- pose of ratifying and confirming the sale, exchange, leasing, bonding and mortgaging for the consideration of ninety thousand ($90,000) dollars, to be paid therefor within eighteen (18) months, and for ten per cent of the capital stock of a company to be organized, to Henry H. Arm- stead jr., made on the 15th day of June, 1907, at a meeting of the stockholders and trustees, of all of the following described property, theretofore belonging to said com- pany, and situated in Ophir Mining District, Powell county, Montana, to-wit: The Ophir lode mining claim, sur- vey No. 7501. The Ophir No. 2 lode mining claim, survey No. 7502. The Spokane lode mining claim, survey No. 7503. The Sunrise lode mining claim, survey No. 7504. The Katie Allen lode mining claim, survey No. 7507. And also to authorize the sale, conveyance, leasing, bonding and mortgaging to and by him of all the following described property be- longing to said company, and sit- uated iv said mining district, county and state, and which was Intended to be transferred to him by said stockholders and trustees meeting, in the resolutions passed thereat, and by the deed given for the before-mentioned property to him, to-wit: Tbe Ophir No. 3, and the Tiger quartz lode claim, and all leases, bonds, deeds and agree- ments with reference thereto, and also all of the rights of said com- pany in and to any property or property rights, situated in said Ophir Mining District, and You are hereby notified that the foregoing comprises all of the min- ing property and mining rights of said corporation, and especially all of the same situated iv said county and state; And you are further notified that said meeting will be held for the purpose of transacting any aud all other business which may come be- fore the same, and authorizing the sale, conveyance, leasing, bonding and disposing of, for money or stock in other corporations, any and all of the property of the com- pany, and the ratification and con- tinuation of all aud every act done by the stockholders meeting, or the trustees with reference to the sale, transfer, conveyance, exchange or disposal of any and all of the prop- erty of the corporation for money or siock in another corporation, or In a corporation to be organized, and the transferring, leasing, bond- lug or mortgaging of the same. Dated this 25th day of June, 1907. W F. MCCARTHY, Secretary. SING, FAT & CO. Importers and dealers In Chi- nese and Japanese Fancy aoods- Ladles' garments malo to oafier. 612 FRONT AYE. ClassifiedAdoertisemen ts\ Real Estate Inducements 4 room Mission finished bunga- low $1,500 A splendid 5 room place. .$1,750 Stricaly modern 6 room, on Sinto $2,000 A dandy suburban home of 5 rooms and 2 fine lots, 100x136.51250 Lots Lots $10 down sad $10 a month, with water In frost; graded schools, tele- phone* and electric lights; price $150 each. We can save you money oa city property of any description. Beauchamp ft Wonting Phone 46. 418 BXTEBSXDE AT. Extra good relikuishment to trade for city property. Five acres improved, 4 1-4 miles from Howard and Riverside, to trade for relinquishment. Two good lots in Corbin park; $950; terms. Five room modern house; close in; $2350; easy terms. Good farm in crop to trade for house; $4500. Six room modern, to trade for good relinquishment. All kinds of trades. W. E WEBSTER ® CO. 412 MOHAWK BLK. PHONE 9277 FOR SAL*. ?mm Will sell you oho** lots m I.W- X" i-w... m); reasonable, email pay- ment, perfect title, or will help you build a home. Some flue lots In Manito on terms. A rood home In Union Park: MM; oa*y terms. Choice lota Cannon Hill: close) In; part cash, balance, long" time; 8 per cent interest. GRAY ft MeCUNB. First Arena* and Wall Street HELP WAMTED?MALL SHOW CASE MAKERS WANTED, good wages, 9 honr day. Apply Harrild * Sons, WlO9-1U PaeiSo ay. ?14 WANTED FOR V. 8. ARMY?AbIe bodied unmarried men between the ages or 21 and 35: el Ozena of United States, of good character and tem- perate habits, wbo can speak, read and write English. For Informa- tion, apply to Recruiting Officer. 12» 1-2 Howard St.. Spokane. WE WANT TO UPHOLSTER, polish or repair your furniture. Prices reasonable Standard Up- holstering and Cabinet Works, 403 East Front. WANTED ?GOOD LADY OR gentlemen tailors and pressors. Come at once. Highest salary paid. Olympia Pressing Club, 43 Riverside corner Browne. HORSESHOEING. Charles Staley, Pacific avenue aat Bernard street lIS-M Positively highest price paid for cast oft clothing. N223 Stevens. M. 1711. Transfer. Freight, furniture, baggage and parcel delivery. Tel. 399. 210-0 COAL AND WOOD. PHONE 3391. DRESSMAKING AND SEWING. 02611 Division. Phone Main 7327. ?25' GOODYEAR QUICK SHOE RE- pair, 231 Riverside. Repaired while you wait. Shoes called for and delivered. Phone 1965. Spokane Press. 25 cents a month. $2650 6 room modern cottage, elec- tric chandeliers, gas, fine lawn and trees; lot highly improved; Heath's addition; $1,000 cash. City Real Estate For Sale W. P. NICHOLS Successor to Carr Bros. Co. $950 ?Extra fine lot on Fourteenth near Monroe St.; grade and walk. $1200 ?A strictly first class, well furnished rooming house of 21 rooms, well located. $250 and up?Vacant lots in all parts of the city; terms. $1775 ?A new 5 room modern; $275 cash and terms. ROOM 6 GALENA BLOCK PHONE 1723 $3000 6 room modern house, piped for furnace, fireplace, best of finish; Corbin park; terms to suit. $3600 New 6 room modern house, full basement and furnace, fin- ished in select curley fir; beatl- ful lot, 50x210; terms; Manito park. $2500 5 room modern cottage, beau- tiful location, North side; $1,000 cash. $9000 9 room modern house, base- ment and furnace, large hall, beamed ceilings, excellent view of city; Cannon hill; terms to Jult Babcock ® Moss 829 Riverside Tel. 3968 Pioneer Employment Company Late Peerless Emp. Co. HEADQUARTERS COOKS AND WAITRESSES Cooks, waitresses, dishwashers. Kitchen Helpers, Chaimbermalda, wanted all the time. 512 GRANITE BLDG. Phone 1199. Don't take "Busy" for an an- swer when you want 469 for we have two phones of the same number. INDEPENDENT MESSENGERS The Mason & Hamlin. Ivers APotd Kurtzmann, Oabler, Kroager. Starch. Capen and other good pianos; all strictly high grade, at reasonable prices and terms to suit. SPOKANE PIANO HOUSE D. Li. Bowers, Manager. Heath Block, 23 Monroe Street The Press is the only penny pa- per in the Inland Empire. We carry a full line of trusses and elastic bandages. Perfect fit guaranteed. $350 Soda Fountain for sale for $100. Good as new; only used one season. CLUB PHARMACY Special Attention to Prescriptions 302 Riverside Aye., cor. Bernard New Dessert Bldg. Phone 754. Spokane, Wash. You Can Build a Home that will be of ever Increasing value, one that will mean an income for life, by making the first payment on an irrigated tract at East Greenacres The first payment is all you need worry about ?the land will do the rest; the fluest Investment in the Spokane valley is awaitiug the man who grasps opportunities. Your first pay- ment is a small amount, the future payments the land will earn. It is the best investment for your money today. Let us prove it to you. Becher & Thompson 110 Stevens Btreet. Phone ISSS.

You, Fan? NATATORIUM PARK€¦ · Spo-kane lost 0 to s?ignominy,s?ignominy, defeat, chagrin, all rolled in 1 pill. Pitcher Coy gave but 2 hits, lit-tle dinkey singles at that. He

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Page 1: You, Fan? NATATORIUM PARK€¦ · Spo-kane lost 0 to s?ignominy,s?ignominy, defeat, chagrin, all rolled in 1 pill. Pitcher Coy gave but 2 hits, lit-tle dinkey singles at that. He

Wouldn't This Shock You, Mr. Fan?



"East Aurora, N. V.," as ElbertHubbard mystically remarked,Some time ago, "is not a place; It'sv condition of mind!" That beingtiie case, will some expe.it alienist\u25a0kindly swoop down on East Auroraend squelch the brainstorm ragingthero? He would do humanity alasting good nnd lie eligible to re-ceive a Carnegie hero medal.

The other day we were compelledto hark to a new and decidedlyunique ful mi nation from the Roy-qulvering, wondering nation thiscroft shop. liuooard sent out. to themessage:

"My wife. Alice Hubbard, is men-tally, morally and spiritually thesuperior of any woman in history,ancient or modern."

This, from rra Elherta of the


flowing locks In praise of the wom-an who destroyed his first wife'shappiness and bore him children Indefiance of all social and morallaw, is a little more than the womenof America can swallow.

Elbert Hubbard follows up thisfervid statement by poetically com-paring his wife to a certain brandof soap warranted !)'J.44 per centDure.

Comparisons, as tho copy booksteach us, are odious; in this in-stance they are odorous.

Attached to the panegyric on thiswoman who was named by Mrs.Hubbard No. 1 as co-respondent inher divorce suit I* this bill of par-ticulars, quite In the manner of athoroughbred put up for sale:

"Alice Hubbard excels as moth-er, housekeeper, economist, meth-odlser, diplomat, financier, orator,writer, reformer, inventor, humani-tarian, teacher and philosopher."

Shades of Aunt Sanianthy andthe family cat! What woman doesnot excel in all Ihese lines, withthe added virtue of a clean do-mestic record?

The wife of any tendollar-a-weekclerk can give Mrs. Hubbard No. 2

points on economy; as a flnanejershe can knock the spots off anyRoyerofter ever turned out.

I know a frail little widow whobends over the washtnb daily tosupport :'> children. She could tellAlice Hubbard a thing or two aboutphilosophy.

Mrs. Suburban is a star diplomatwhen she entertains the uninvitedfriend hubby brings home with apleasant smile and a can of corn.

Every mother Is a reformer whenshe wields the slipper; exery house-wife an inventor.

The woman who rescues the fam-ily cat from the baby's moist em-brace and hides Rover where theboys can't tie cans to his tail is ahumanitarian.

Every wife must perforce be anorator when her husband conieshome at 2 a. m. speechless.

There is not a married womanliving who does not exercise liter-ary talent of the first order whenshe writes to her husband's rela-tives and manages to keep them allin a good humor.

"Many women have done well,"as can be verified by a reference toproverbs, but Alice Hubbard hasoverlooked a bet. Logic loses its'power and intellect its brilliancywhen pure, child eyes gaze ques-lioningly at the mother who hasstained them in the world's sightby her own sinful weakness.

THE CITY LEAGUEPowell-Sanders met defeat once

more at Natatorium park last even-ing. The Varney Mfg. Co. winning7 to 4. Tracey, the good lookingtwirler for the grocers, couldn'tcontrol the mysterious things hetossed, and when he did control one

the manufacturers straightened itout.


New York 7, Cleveland <>; Boston4, Detroit 3; Washington 6, St.Louis 5; Philadelphia 11, Chicago 1.


Portland .1, Los Angeles 1.


Plowing with tho aid of a hugetraction engine was inauguartedIhis morning by Contractor H. L.Lilllenlbal on his grade job onMadison si. between Shannon andMontgomery ays. The ground isso stony that it is almost impos-sible to plow with horses, or pickit. About half a block was plowedsuccessfully this morning, whenthe plow, being too weak to with-stand tbe strain, broke, Lillien-thai then purchased a heavier andstronger one and resumed thework.

FLICK QUITS AND SHOCKS FANSSpecial Correspondence to The Frew

CLEVELAND, 0., July 25.?1t\u25a0one rude person had hurled abomb Into the camp of the Naps itcould not have caused more con-sternation than the announcementof Elmer KHck that he intended toretire at tho close of the seriesWith Washington.


True, Flick has threatened to de-sert the diamond for the past 2years, hut who In tho world everdreamed that he would quit iv thethick of battle?

He has been playing the greatestgame of his life this season. Hewas the second Americau leaguehitter to reach the century markin iho output of swats, and led Lheleague as a run-getter. In base-run-ning aud in extra base hits.

As an outfielder Flick has no su-

perior, and his retirement at thiscritical stage of the race will sorelycripple the Naps, especially duringthe absence of Manager Lajoie,who is suffering with a lame foot.

"I am tired of the game," saidFlick. "Moreover, I am not in goodhealth. After playing ball forabout 12 years, I feel that I have aright to retire."

Flick Is wed fixed in a worldlyway. He owns a farm, among oU*rthingi*


Bresnahan Weahs a Head GuardSince He Got Knocked Out.

NEW YORK, July 25.?N0, theabove is not 1 of the ancient guyswho went gunning for the HolyGrail.

It is merely a picture of RogerBrosuahan, catcher of the New

York Giants, as ho appears in com-pany with his new ear mutt andheadgear.

The contraption was invented byRoger to prevent a recurrence ofthe accident In Cincinnati that sonearly cost him his life.

SPORTING SNAP SHOTSTommy Burns will show at the

Spokane theater August 27. He hasthe "picture" of his knockout ofBill Squires. The picture is a mov-ing one and short. Tommy will boxa few short rounds with a partner.

The Infers Ml team won a purseof $10 and the gate recetipts bybeating the Blacks at the park bya score of M to 5. A big crowdsaw the game.

Chick Roadnlght has resigned ashead of the athletic committee ofthe Spokane Amateur Athleticclub. It is understood that hiswork has not been altogether sat-isfactory.

Tommy Burns announces that hiswife is opposed to h.'s fighting ablack. So it appears there is lit-tle chance for a match with JackJohnson.

The Pirates were the first to shutottt Christy Mathewsou this season.

Looks as though every fight pull-ed off nowadays has the fake fringeattached. Johnson says he was of-fered biy money to let Kit/, stay 6rounds.

The most successful pitchers inthe National league are Brown.Overall, Lundgren, Corridon andMathewsou.

Judging by the list of wounded,some exhibition games in baseballare In the same class as sham bat-tles with real bullets.

Walter Christie has returnedfrom Europe and is ready for thonext Vanderbht cup race in the fall.

Swlfe, the Wilkes-Barre twirler,has Invented a prohibition ballcalled the 'dry spitter."

Joss, Hughes and Dygert are theonly American league pitchers with

1 -Hit games to their credit thisseason.

A silly season savant comes for-ward with lhe theory that the hu-man soul looks like an oyster.

That ought to show why so manypeople get stewed.

Only $13For a New and


GAS RANGEConnected Free

Spokane Falls GasLight Co.

Heath Building. Tel. 30S.




Won. Lost. PC-Aberdeen 50 26 .65?Seattle 45 35 .563Tacoma 49 39 .55JButte 39 39 .50tJSflnkane 39 40 .493Vancouver 19 62 .23<f

The latest and most appropriateway of showing ones appreciationof the rottenness of an umpire'swork is to get an armload of lemonsand hurl them at him. at the sametime emiting Infective and froth.That's the way they did at Seattleyesterday, anyway.

Umpire Ralph Frary got a piece,of dirt in his eye (the sort thatfeels like a brick building) and'couldn't do a good Job on ballsand strikes or anything. If hedidn't get the aforementioned brickstructure in his eye, somethingwa3 wrong with It, or else he hadbeen loaded the night before.

So the gang gave him a lemonshower. But the lemons didn'tbother Frary In the least. Hewould quietly kick them away andgo on until he stood in lemons asthick as snowdrifts. If theyweren't they should have been. Spo-kane lost 0 to s?ignominy,s?ignominy, defeat,chagrin, all rolled in 1 pill.

Pitcher Coy gave but 2 hits, lit-tle dinkey singles at that. He alsostruck out 6 and didn't pass a one.Killilay pitched for the Indians, al-lowed 8 hits, passed 5 and pounded2 in the slats. One of them was"Nosey" Schafer. How Killilaycould have missed his nose and hithim in the ribs is a wonder. Car-ney was back in right field anddidn't make his customary fightnoise. Bender, who had been hold-ing down the position, went behindthe bat and did pretty good work,considering.

At Vancouver Butte won 6 to 5in the 11th inning. The Canadiansgot rattled in the ninth and allow-ed the Miners to tie them. Buttescored in the eleventh.

At Tacoma yesterday Aberdeenwon 1 tto 0. Brinker allowed Ta-coma only 3 safe hits.


TACOMA, July 25.?1n her homeon South J st. Mrs. A. Olland dis-covered a burglar ransacking aroom. The man ran with Mrs. Ol-land in pursuit. She chased himdown to I st. where she overtookand seized him by the neck. Whenthe police appeared she had nearlychoked the burglar to death. »?< i


A. D. McDonaldSupply Co.

212-214 Riverside Aye.

Parisian Dye WorksHas no branch offices noragents. Office 605 fcirst Aye.

Phone 2137. . . . L. A. Lehmann




Corner Howard and FrontPHONE 9062


Day and Night Classes.Knowledge of music not necessary.Western School of Piano Tuning

and Repairing222'/, DIVISION STREET

Say BUDWEISERwhen you want


There le less profitto the dealer thanwhen he sells anyother but?You Get


25cPer Bottle

Band ConcertsAfternoons 2P. M. Evenings BP. M.

Moving Pictures Every Evening8 to 10 p. m.

Dancing Every Eve. 8 to 11 p m.

Amusements Open Dally From Ito 11 P. M

DUBININ'S121 Howard Street

Also Wall andSprague

PHne 731





The Metropolitan OrchestraFinest Orchestra in Spokane

The Talented Singer?the People's Favorite, MISS BEBSIETANNEHILL, singing M. Witmark & Sons' latest publications,"The Door of Hope," greatest semi-sacred song ever written."You're All the World to Me," from "The Parisian Model.""Take Me With You in Your Dreams."

Other cafes never have, and never will, offer such a programas The Pfister. Admission free. Private tables for ladies andchildren.

The Pfhter Palm Garden, 815 Sprague AvenueGrand concert every evening, 8 o'clock.. Matinee 3 p. m. Sunday

THE AUDITORIUMtl. C. Hayward, Mgr. Tel. M. 1241.

JESSIE SHIRLEY CO.S? PRESENTING BUNDAYirad all the week, with Saturday


"THE TWO ORPHANS"Prices ?Reserved, evening: 60c,

40c and 25c.Matinees?Adults, 25c; children,


WASHINGTON THEATERGeo. C. Blakeslee, Manager



William H. McCartDonovan & ArnoldMyles McCarthy and Aida WoolcottRedwood and HarveyMabel CassidyMorrisey and Rich

Matinee every day. Two per-formances every evening.

Prices 15 and 25 cents.

Columbia TheatreGeo. M. Dreher, Mgr. Tel. 911.


And Every Night This Week, Mat.Saturday,


In Fitzgerald Murphy's 4-ActMelodrama


Prices?loc, 20c and 30c. Matinee10c and 20c.

Next week?"Sealed Lips."






Two Games ?One Admission.a. Grandstand Free*

First Game Called 2:30.

Baseball SuitsSee VARNEY


175 So. Howard St. Phone 2456.


S. K. RUSH & CO.Dcalerg and manufacturers otHarness and Saddles, Whips,Ilohes, Illankets. etc. It will payyou to call on us for anything Inour line. Let us do your repair-ing.

918 Sprague Aye.

Phone Main tttl


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat a special meeting of the

stockholders or the Ophir Gold ftCopper Mining Co. will be held atthe office of the company, No. 5S. Howard St., Spokane, Washing-

ton, on the 27th day of July, 1907,at 7:30 o'clock P. M., for tbe pur-pose of ratifying and confirming the

sale, exchange, leasing, bonding andmortgaging for the consideration ofninety thousand ($90,000) dollars,to be paid therefor within eighteen

(18) months, and for ten per centof the capital stock of a companyto be organized, to Henry H. Arm-stead jr., made on the 15th day ofJune, 1907, at a meeting of thestockholders and trustees, of all ofthe following described property,theretofore belonging to said com-pany, and situated in Ophir MiningDistrict, Powell county, Montana,to-wit:

The Ophir lode mining claim, sur-vey No. 7501.

The Ophir No. 2 lode miningclaim, survey No. 7502.

The Spokane lode mining claim,survey No. 7503.

The Sunrise lode mining claim,survey No. 7504.

The Katie Allen lode miningclaim, survey No. 7507.

And also to authorize the sale,conveyance, leasing, bonding andmortgaging to and by him of allthe following described property be-longing to said company, and sit-uated iv said mining district,county and state, and which wasIntended to be transferred to himby said stockholders and trusteesmeeting, in the resolutions passedthereat, and by the deed given forthe before-mentioned property tohim, to-wit: Tbe Ophir No. 3, andthe Tiger quartz lode claim, andall leases, bonds, deeds and agree-ments with reference thereto, andalso all of the rights of said com-pany in and to any property orproperty rights, situated in saidOphir Mining District, and

You are hereby notified that theforegoing comprises all of the min-ing property and mining rights ofsaid corporation, and especially allof the same situated iv said countyand state;

And you are further notified thatsaid meeting will be held for thepurpose of transacting any aud allother business which may come be-fore the same, and authorizing thesale, conveyance, leasing, bondingand disposing of, for money orstock in other corporations, anyand all of the property of the com-pany, and the ratification and con-tinuation of all aud every act doneby the stockholders meeting, or thetrustees with reference to the sale,transfer, conveyance, exchange ordisposal of any and all of the prop-erty of the corporation for moneyor siock in another corporation, orIn a corporation to be organized,and the transferring, leasing, bond-lug or mortgaging of the same.

Dated this 25th day of June,1907.

W F. MCCARTHY,Secretary.

SING, FAT & CO.Importers and dealers In Chi-

nese and Japanese Fancy

aoods- Ladles' garments maloto oafier.


ClassifiedAdoertisemen ts\Real Estate Inducements4 room Mission finished bunga-

low $1,500

A splendid 5 room place. .$1,750

Stricaly modern 6 room, onSinto $2,000

A dandy suburban home of 5rooms and 2 fine lots, 100x136.51250

Lots Lots$10 down sad $10 a month, with

water In frost; graded schools, tele-

phone* and electric lights; price $150


We can save you money oa city

property of any description.

Beauchamp ft WontingPhone 46. 418 BXTEBSXDE AT.

Extra good relikuishment totrade for city property.

Five acres improved, 4 1-4 milesfrom Howard and Riverside, totrade for relinquishment.

Two good lots in Corbin park;$950; terms.

Five room modern house; closein; $2350; easy terms.

Good farm in crop to trade forhouse; $4500.

Six room modern, to trade forgood relinquishment.

All kinds of trades.



FOR SAL*.?mm

Will sell you oho** lots m I.W-X" i-w... m); reasonable, email pay-ment, perfect title, or will help youbuild a home.

Some flue lots In Manito on terms.A rood home In Union Park: MM;

oa*y terms.Choice lota Cannon Hill: close) In;

part cash, balance, long" time; 8 percent interest.

GRAY ft MeCUNB.First Arena* and Wall Street


SHOW CASE MAKERS WANTED,good wages, 9 honr day. Apply

Harrild * Sons, WlO9-1U PaeiSoay. ?14

WANTED FOR V. 8. ARMY?AbIebodied unmarried men between the

ages or 21 and 35: el Ozena of UnitedStates, of good character and tem-perate habits, wbo can speak, readand write English. For Informa-tion, apply to Recruiting Officer.12» 1-2 Howard St.. Spokane.

WE WANT TO UPHOLSTER,polish or repair your furniture.

Prices reasonable Standard Up-holstering and Cabinet Works, 403East Front.

WANTED ?GOOD LADY ORgentlemen tailors and pressors.

Come at once. Highest salarypaid. Olympia Pressing Club, 43Riverside corner Browne.


Charles Staley, Pacific avenue aatBernard street lIS-M

Positively highest price paid for castoft clothing. N223 Stevens. M. 1711.

Transfer. Freight, furniture, baggage

and parcel delivery. Tel. 399. 210-0


DRESSMAKING AND SEWING.02611 Division. Phone Main

7327. ?25'

GOODYEAR QUICK SHOE RE-pair, 231 Riverside. Repaired

while you wait. Shoes called forand delivered. Phone 1965.

Spokane Press. 25 cents a month.

$26506 room modern cottage, elec-

tric chandeliers, gas, fine lawnand trees; lot highly improved;Heath's addition; $1,000 cash.

City Real Estate For SaleW. P. NICHOLS

Successor to Carr Bros. Co.$950 ?Extra fine lot on Fourteenth

near Monroe St.; grade andwalk.

$1200 ?A strictly first class, wellfurnished rooming house of21 rooms, well located.

$250 and up?Vacant lots in allparts of the city; terms.

$1775 ?A new 5 room modern;$275 cash and terms.


$30006 room modern house, piped

for furnace, fireplace, best offinish; Corbin park; terms tosuit.

$3600New 6 room modern house,

full basement and furnace, fin-ished in select curley fir; beatl-ful lot, 50x210; terms; Manitopark.

$25005 room modern cottage, beau-

tiful location, North side; $1,000cash.

$90009 room modern house, base-

ment and furnace, large hall,beamed ceilings, excellent viewof city; Cannon hill; terms toJult

Babcock® Moss

829 RiversideTel. 3968

Pioneer EmploymentCompany

Late Peerless Emp. Co.


Cooks, waitresses, dishwashers.Kitchen Helpers, Chaimbermalda,wanted all the time.

512 GRANITE BLDG. Phone 1199.

Don't take "Busy" for an an-swer when you want

469for we have two phones of thesame number.


The Mason & Hamlin. Ivers APotdKurtzmann, Oabler, Kroager. Starch.Capen and other good pianos; allstrictly high grade, at reasonableprices and terms to suit.

SPOKANE PIANO HOUSED. Li. Bowers, Manager.

Heath Block, 23 Monroe Street

The Press is the only penny pa-per in the Inland Empire.

We carry a full line of trussesand elastic bandages. Perfect fitguaranteed.

$350 Soda Fountain for salefor $100. Good as new; only

used one season.

CLUB PHARMACYSpecial Attention to


302 Riverside Aye., cor. BernardNew Dessert Bldg. Phone 754.

Spokane, Wash.

You Can Build a Homethat will be of ever Increasing value, one that will mean anincome for life, by making the first payment on an irrigated

tract at

East GreenacresThe first payment is all you need worry about ?the land will

do the rest; the fluest Investment in the Spokane valley isawaitiug the man who grasps opportunities. Your first pay-ment is a small amount, the future payments the land will earn.It is the best investment for your money today. Let us prove

it to you.

Becher & Thompson110 Stevens Btreet. Phone ISSS.