You Don't Need To Spend Money On A Travel Agent Thanks To These Tips

You Don't Need To Spend Money On A Travel Agent Thanks To These Tips

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When planning your trip, you should shop around for the best deals! Different travel agents and websites have access to different discounts. Also, when discounts are not available, booking directly with an airline or hotel will typically get you a better rate. Make sure to check with various travel agents, travel websites, and also directly with airlines and hotels to get the best rate that you can.

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Page 2: You Don't Need To Spend Money On A Travel Agent Thanks To These Tips

Have you heard horror stories about traveling from your family or

friends? Chances are, whatever misfortunes they experienced could have

been prevented had they done their homework on traveling. In the

following article, you are going to be given advice that could save you

from having a horror story of your own.


When planning your trip, you should shop around for the best deals!

Different travel agents and websites have access to different discounts.

Also, when discounts are not available, booking directly with an airline or

hotel will typically get you a better rate. Make sure to check with various

travel agents, travel websites, and also directly with airlines and hotels to

get the best rate that you can.

If you've been travelling long distance with

kids, stop at a playground or park before

you get to the hotel, to let them run off

some pent up energy. Another thing you

can do is to hit the pool, as soon as you get

to the hotel. This will help keep them

quieter while you're in the hotel. Not only

will you appreciate the peace but the other

guests will, as well.

If the cleanliness of the hotel you have chosen is a concern for you, use a

clean T-shirt as a pillowcase. While you may not be able to fix the sheets,

you can at least stay clothed. Your face is what you need to protect the

most, so always have a clean shirt on hand!

Page 3: You Don't Need To Spend Money On A Travel Agent Thanks To These Tips

Spend more money on a better hotel than the one that's cheap, but may be

in a bad area. Cheap prices draw customers, but remember they also draw

shady people too. Spend a few dollars extra and book a hotel that is in a

better area with better reviews to boot.

If you have a smart phone, check for useful travel and language related

apps before you leave home. Having the ability to find a well-reviewed

hotel or restaurant while in an unfamiliar city can help to make your trip

more enjoyable and memorable. There may also be phrasebooks and

translation apps that can make communication much easier.

After you drop off your items in your hotel room, step back outside. To

prepare for an emergency, count the number of doors between your room

and the emergency exits. You want to be able to get out safely and if you

are unable to see, you will need that number. You may want to have a

flashlight handy, as well.

When you are looking for a hotel to stay in, never settle on the first one you

find. It is important to call a number of different hotels and ask for their

rates so that you know you are getting the best deal. Also, you can look on

the Internet for other customers' reviews.

In conclusion, traveling stories can be hard to hear sometimes. If the person

you heard these stories from had taken the time to learn more about

Page 4: You Don't Need To Spend Money On A Travel Agent Thanks To These Tips

traveling, it is possible these experiences could have been prevented. Now

that you have read this article, you are more prepared for your next

traveling adventure!

One final tip for travelers visiting Auckland, New Zealand. It's best to stay

somewhere central. Auckland has a lot to offer and being central is the best

option if you want to experience the best of it. My hotel pick is the Mercure

Hotel in Auckland. It's well located and not very expensive.

For more travel tips you may click here.