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Yolo issue 4

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It's here just in time for Christmas! Hope you enjoy this edition. Wishing you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas, le gach dea ghui, Aoife and Chris

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  • 22 December 2014 Issue No:4

  • In the last issue of YOLO we had a feature about Eoin Barry and the

    urban art movement in Limerick. We were so inspired by Eoins

    work that we decided to paint the wall of the Pastoral Centre and

    look at the possibility of crea"ng some urban art of our own.

    So in October some enthusias"c young people got together to help us and in between the showers we managed to cover

    the wall (and each other) in paint. Thankfully Chris had foreseen the possibility of drips and spills and had made sure to cov-

    er the yard and Owen Butlers car!

    What none of us could have foreseen though was the miracle that occurred that day As we painted we no"ced that one

    sec"on of the wall didnt seem to be taking the paint and no ma,er how much paint we used or how hard we brushed this

    sec"on of the wall just refused to be painted. As we lled in the area around it we no"ced a shape forming we stood there

    open-mouthed and watched in silence and awe as the shape of man appeared the shape of a man with his arms out-

    stretched as if on a cross was it possible could it ac-

    tually be the shape of our Lord??? I mean it a miracle

    was going to happen in Limerick wouldnt it be here at

    the Holy Headquarters?

    Word has spread and people have already started to

    visit the wall but in order to be ocially registered as a

    place of pilgrimage we need a Va"can Ocial to come

    and examine the sight. Maybe Fr Liam could have a look

    when hes home from Rome? Also for the phenomenon

    to be considered a genuine miracle there does need to

    be some healing a,ached to it so if Niall Carmodys rash

    clears up then we might be in with a chance!!!!

    The writings on the wall!The writings on the wall!The writings on the wall!The writings on the wall!

    Its a miracle...Its a miracle...Its a miracle...Its a miracle...

  • The theme of our last Mass Rocks was remembrance and during the evening we wrote the names of those we have loved and lost on paper hearts and aached them to balloons which we released aer mass.

    Mass was celebrated by Chris and Bishop Leahy (aer some warm up dance exercises) and we had the debut of our new youth ministry band The Evangelists.

    They were epic and have been inundated with bookings ever since!! If you are inter-ested in booking them for your next holy event please contact their manager Aoife Walsh (not Michael OConnor!)

    Next Mass Rocks on Jan 31st 2015

    This year Muintearas osa celebrated their Scare at Halloween at the Scout Hall in Curraghchase and we

    have to thank John Corcoran and Mr Desmond and Scou"ng Ireland for allowing us to use the venue.

    We had a great night of games and dancing and everyone came in costume and really got into the spirit

    of the evening!

    Halloween in CurraghchaseHalloween in CurraghchaseHalloween in CurraghchaseHalloween in Curraghchase

  • Many are called but few are chosen for the noble voca"on of Anois Leadership. Every year we nd ourselves trawling through 1000s of CVs and recommenda"ons to nd those candidates that we feel have the requisite silks and talents necessary to survive a week with Chris and Aoife. (To be fair Aoife is the scary one, Chris is like a big puppy.) Those weve chosen (pulled from a hat!) have already begun the gruelling training process which includes a strict diet, a demanding physical t-ness programme and compulsory Mass a,endance over the next two months. One of our experienced leaders Amy Mulqueen had this to say about this years programme Ah lads, yeve completely lost the run of yourselves, like. In response to Amys comments wed just like to sayBring it on!!!!

    We recently held a training day for Eucharis"c Ministers with a fantas"c group of students from Castletroy College and their Chaplin Brenda Cribbin. 19 students a,ended and Ms Cribbin told us that there were 19 more students in school who also wanted to a,end. It was so encour-aging and arming to meet these young people who all wanted to give something back to their communi"es and to be witnesses for their faith. We congratulate and commend them for their commitment. (If you happen to meet any of them at Mass over Christmas please dont confuse them by opening your mouth and holding up your hands at the same "me! - Theyre only newbies!)

  • On November 5th I decided Id come in to work a li,le early so that I could hand in a Lourdes booking form. I was shocked to see a queue already in the yard at 7.30 when I arrived! Then I was further appalled to nd out that some people had been there all night! While we are delighted that so many young people want to travel to Lourdes with the Youth Pilgrimage we will have to look at the process of booking to ensure that youngsters arent out all night!!!

    Those who did secure a place on the pilgrimage should have received a le,er from Stephanie and for those of you who are on the wai"ng list, hang tough, youd never know what could happen and some plac-es are generally freed up once people get leaving cert dates etc.

    To those who joined me in the queue thanks for your pa"ence, good humour and understanding!

    If youre looking for us in Jan-uary well be in Thurles for

    three weeks of Anois! If you were a leader in previous years feel free to call and

    visit us, just give us a buzz rst! Tuesday night is Idol night ;) LOL

    31st January 2015@7pm

    Anois School Project Presenta>on Day

    March 7th 2015

    Training: January 9th 2015 10.30am to 4.30pm Leaders Night: 6th February 2015 @ 7pm

    Feb 7th 2015

    Venue and Times to be conrmed This full day training programme is suitable for Safe-guarding Reps, Sacristans, Parish / Diocesan Sta/Volunteers who work with Children or Young People. To book a place please contact the Pastoral Centre

    Pastoral Centre

    17th February

    Free Pancakes!

    March 17th 2015 Lets climb a mountain guys!

  • Wow look at that bun! I wish I could bake as well as Aoife!

    Aoifes yummy buns!

    Some special presenta"ons were made on the night. Karens work in the Pastoral Centre over the last 17 years was recognised and she received a special award for gymnas"cs (dont ask). Noel and Frank also received presenta"ons on the night and Aoife won the LDPC bake o!! Compe""on was erce but in the end she beat o Chriss Christmas Trees, Noirins ginger bread, Christys tray-bakes, Stephs Coconut Crea"ons, Brds beau"ful buns and Fionas wheat free (totally shop-bought) delights! Congratula"ons Aoife and well done on those lovely buns!

    Does anyone know these guys? They just showed up and ate everything!!

    Look out Christy Pra - you have compe>>on!

    At our celebra>on liturgy Laura, Mary and Paul shared their experience of the Pastoral Centre and we were humbled to hear what they had to say. We are so glad you and so many others

    have been part of the Pastoral Centre story.

  • Hello Everybody,

    Unfortunately I wont be answering any letters today. I did have a reply ready to go but apparently there was some

    legal concern. Something to do with defamation or slander. I dont really understand the ins and outs of it all I just

    wish theyd stop sending me to these conferences. Ive been flat out with anger management seminars and impulse

    control conferences. Honestly all this fuss just because I called someone a Oh hang on I think my phone is ringing!

    Have a lovely Christmas and be sure to go to Mass and confession and remember those less fortunate than yourselves!

    God Bless, Sr C x

    St Nicholas

    This year Pope Francis turned on the lights of the largest Christmas tree in the world in Gubbio, Italy. (Its actually lights in the shape of a tree on the side of a mountain!) When he turned them on he re-minded us that ligh"ng the light of the na"vity scene means that we want the light of God inside us. A Christmas without light, isn't Christmas he said, We need light in our soul, in our hearts, we need to forgive others and ensure that there are no enemies, because this brings shadows. We want the light of Jesus that is so beau"ful. I wish this for all of you as we light this light.

    December 6th is the feast of St. Nicholas. He was the bishop of Myra, in Lycia (now part of Turkey). The most popular story of St Nicholas tells of his kindness to a poor man and his three daughters. The father could not aord a dowry, which meant his daughters could never marry. St Nicholas wanted to help, but being too modest to do it publically (or to save them any embarrassment), he went to the house in the dark of night and threw three purses of gold coins through the window. Ac"ons like this gave Nicholas the reputa-"on of being a secret giver. It is said he would put coins in the shoes of those who leM them out at night. It is believed that St Nicholas is the man on which Santa Claus is modeled.

    Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, thieves, children and students what an eclec"c mix! He is also the patron saint of pawnbrokers, whose insignia of three golden balls represent the three purses of gold he gave to the poor man and his daughters.

    In medieval "mes nuns placed baskets of food and clothes anonymously at the door-

    steps of the needy on his feast day. Also young children would put out a shoe at night

    in the hope that the kind bishop might pay a visit and leave a surprise! As St. Nicholas is

    known as the anonymous benefactor, maybe we can look at the ways we can give.

    Could we take the opportunity to leave a small giM or token of apprecia"on for some-

    one, or do an anonymous favour for someone, to keep the tradi"on of St Nick alive!

  • You tube recommenda"on




    He who has

    not Christmas

    in his heart

    will not find it

    under a tree.

    (not to undermine Jordans bril-

    liance but we should point out that

    Roy L Smith may have said this

    first! Still though its a great quote,

    well done Jordan!)

    Why did Santa's helper see the doctor? Because he had a low "elf" esteem!

    What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? A Christmas Quacker!

    What do they sing at a snowman's birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow!

    How did Mary and Joseph know that Jesus was 7lb 6oz when he was born?

    They had a weigh in a manger!

    What is the best Christmas present in the world? A broken drum, you just can't beat it!

    How do snowmen get around? They ride an icicle!

    What did Adam say to his wife on the day before Christmas? It's Christmas, Eve!

    What carol is heard in the desert? O camel ye faithful!

    Why did no one bid for Rudolph and Blitzen on eBay? Because they were two deer!

    Some"mes we can get caught up in the shopping, nights out, and crazy consumerism that seems to go hand in hand with Christmas nowadays. Check out this link for a reminder of what Christmas is really all about.h,ps://

    Snowflake Reflections...

    Each snowflake is unique and each is beautiful

    Each snowflake is perfectly shaped for its journey and while the universal force of

    gravity gives them a shared destination, the expansive space in the air gives each

    snowflake the opportunity to take their own path.

    Snowflakes are temporary but they can make a huge difference to our world

    This Christmas remember that you are unique, you are beautiful and you can

    make a difference to the world around you and dont forget that while it may not

    seem like it you have everything you need for your journey Happy Christmas

  • Some>mes children get confused about the dierence between God and Santa Claus so

    this month we thought wed share some of the leers we received which demonstrates

    this confusion. Enjoy!

    Dear God

    I just wanted to thank you, 2 weeks ago I asked you could you find my dog and you did. Shes

    great right now and as happy as ever. Oh and its my birthday next week and I was wondering if

    I could get some of the things I asked for I would really like that.

    From a girl aged 9 County Limerick

    Dear God,

    I want a puppy.

    From a boy aged 6 Limerick City

    Dear Abba Daddy,

    I hope you are well and Jesus too. Do you have a sister or a brother? I have a

    sister and she is 10 years old. Please can you help starved children and their

    families get more food and water so that they will stay alive? Also can you turn

    me into a super hero like Ben 10 please?

    From a boy aged 8 Limerick City

    Dear God,

    You gave me to my mummy and daddy after a long

    wait. I love you God and if I wait will you give me a dog.

    From a girl aged 5 Limerick City

    Dear God,

    Thank you for my brother and sister. Thank you for my mum and dad even though my mum

    wont let me get a pet (for some strange reason) Thank you for my friends they are really nice.

    From a girl aged 8 Limerick City

    Dear God,

    First can you please send this message to Santa. Dear Santa, can I please have a surprise for

    Christmas, thank you. And (for God) can you make sure all of the children in Africa can get

    drink and food and of course a present too.

    From a girl aged 7 County Limerick

  • Firstly it is important to say that this song was in no way wri,en to encourage the new tradi"on of visi"ng 12 dierent pubs a pas"me that the Pastoral Centre ac"vely discourages! As my mother would say, It would be more in your line to do the 12 Churches of Christmas!

    And while most of us have struggled to remember the lines of this song and gure out what comes next, we probably arent aware that it may have been wri,en to help teach children the catechism. From 1558 un"l 1829, Catholics in England (and Ire-land) were not permi,ed to prac"ce their faith openly. It is believed that someone at the "me wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. Each of the numbers (1-12) and some of the elements in the carol were to help children remember a religious truth.

    The partridge in the pear tree represents Jesus because a partridge is willing to sac-

    rice itself to protect its young by feigning injury to draw away predators.

    The two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.

    The three French hens stood for the theological virtues, faith, hope, and love.

    The four calling birds were the four gospels of Ma,hew, Mark, Luke, and John.

    The five golden rings represented the rst ve

    books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah or the Pentateuch.

    The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of


    Seven swans a-swimming represented the sev-

    enfold giMs of the Holy Spirit.

    The eight maids a-milking were the eight bea"-


    Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the

    Holy Spirit.

    The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Command-


    The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven

    faithful Apostles.

    The twelve drummers drumming symbolized

    the twelve points of belief in The Apostles' Creed.

    And so you see each number men"oned in the song could be used to teach children a truth about our faith. Also it is good to know that 12 days of Christmas refer to the 12 days between Christmas and the feast of the Epiphany (January 6th).

    So now when you hear that your wayward friends(!!) are partaking in the 12 Pubs of Christmas, take the op-portunity to tell them the story, highlight the symbolism and teach them the song and surely by then they will be too "red to head o on such dodgy ac"vity. Equally use the opportunity to invite them on the new and ex-ci"ng craze called The12 Churches of Christmas!!

  • Gradua>ons Since our last issue of Yolo there have been many gradua"ons and we want to congratulate all those who have graduated. We hope that you had a lovely day and we look forward to the ways in which you will play your part in making the world a be,er place!

    Congratula"ons to Michelle Nicholas from Dooradoyle who re-ceived the Bonn Vere Foster award, for achieving rst place in Teaching Prac"ce and Curriculum Educa"on in the B.Ed programme. Is it any wonder Michelle was such a great Anois leader!

    MISU President, Niall Carmody BA (former LDPC placement student) with his grandmother Mary Nestor from Rathkeale, Co. Limerick who graduated as a primary teacher from MIC in

    Congratula>ons Tronide Triangle The 2014 Scoil na Tronide Naofa, Doon Anois Group, The Tronide Triangle won a special achievement award at the Garda Youth Awards for their Anois project earlier this year. In memory of their late teacher Mr Alan Feeley they raised money for Irish Organ Donors and the Donal Walsh Founda"on with their LiveLifeGiveLife appeal! They dedicated their award to Mr Feeley. Well done to Molly, Roisin, Mary, Michelle, Tadgh, Sean, Paddy and Ryan! So proud of

    you guys!!!!

    Congratula>ons too to Johanna OBri-en and Elaine ODwyer on their pro-duc"on of Im Not ADHD Im Bold! Showing at 69 OConnell St on Wednes-day 17th December at 8pm.

    Grease Congratula"ons to all involved in the Cecilian Musical Society's pro-duc"on of Grease in

    the Lime Tree Theatre. A special word of congratula"ons to ine Hogan, James Malone, Kate Hurley, Shanann OSullivan Glynn and Sadhbh McCoy who were brilliant (as usual ;))

    Happy Birthday Happy birthday in advance to Conor Keane who is celebra"ng his 21st over Christmas. Also two former St Fintans students Eimhin OMeara and Paul McNamara celebrated their 21st lately and Paudie#Hurley celebrated a signi-cant birthday earlier this month where do the years go! Happy birthday to one and all! I am sure many of you celebrated your 18th or 21st birthdays but we dont know who you are as we werent invited! Only mess-ing! Please let us know if there is a birthday we should ag in our next edi"on of Yolo. (March 28th)

    Sincere Sympathies We would like to extend our sympathy to Mar>ne Fitzgerald and her family on the sad and sudden death of her beloved son Teddy. Also we remember Cathal McCarthy and Mike, Ciara and Ka>e Reidy, and Kate and Sarah Ryan on the death of their grandmothers. Also we would like to sympathise with Dave Hayes whose close friend Mary and Aunt Winnie died recently. Also we remember Brendan a friend of Diarmaid Buckes who died suddenly. We hope you are all doing ok. Inevitably we mightnt have heard of bereavements you may have suered and if so we are sorry for any of the losses you have experienced.

  • Prepara>on: Prior to the service give young people four paper leaves. On one side each leaf has a word, hope, peace, joy and love. On the rst leaf they write something they hope for, on the second leaf they write an area in their lives or world that needs peace. On the third leaf they write the name of something that brings them joy and that they are grateful for. On the nal leaf could write the name of someone they love.

    Opening Hymn: Away in a Manger (or other)

    Opening Prayer: We gather in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen Lord, help us to slow down this Advent season and enter into the mystery that is Christmas, the mystery of your love, a love so great that you chose to become one of us so that we are never truly on our own. May we cherish this love and pass it onto others and in our own way bring the spirit of Christmas into each day of the year. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

    A Reading from the prophet Isaiah (9:1-6) Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. The people walking in dark-ness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. You have enlarged the na"on and increased their joy; you have sha,ered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlas"ng Father, Prince of Peace. The word of the Lord

    Psalm: Silent Night (or other)

    Advent Wreath Ceremony: Invite someone to light the candle of Hope. Invite people to come forward and put their hope leaves around the candle of hope. What they have wri,en can be face down. While doing this

    sing together the chant, Take, O take me as I am; summon out what I shall be; set your seal upon my heart and live in me.

    Prayer for Hope (Prayed together): Someone once said that when the world says, Give up, Hope whispers, try it one more "me. We pray for the

    people in our lives and world that are feeling hopeless at the moment. We pray that they will nd hope and we will try to give hope to those who

    need and may we never give up and nd hope to keep going when we need it most. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

    Invite someone to light the candle of Peace. Repeat the process

    Prayer for Peace(Prayed together): Someone once said that peace is not the absence of dicul"es and struggles but peace is the presence of God

    in the midst of the struggles that we face. We pray we will sense the presence of God in our lives and so nd peace in our hearts, peace in our

    homes, peace in our country and in the world. May we be peacemakers where possible and may peace break into the areas of our lives where we

    need peace most. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

    Reec>on: Read The Best GiM Be,y Werth

    Final Prayer

    Lord we have gathered to remind ourselves of the beauty of Christmas. A beauty that emerged in the midst of a cold and bleak stable during di-

    cult "mes. May this remind us that Christmas is for everyone but especially those going through dicul"es. May the giM of your love hidden in an

    infant be born in us and may this love remind us that we are never alone and give us the strength and courage to be all that we can be in a world

    that craves our light and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

    Final Hymn: Must be Santa! Or other Christmas Hymn!

    Invite someone to light the candle of Joy. Repeat the process.

    Prayer for Joy (Prayed together): Mark Twain once said, To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with. And so we pray for

    joy, the people and things that bring us joy and the way in which our joy is increased by being able to share it with others. May we be nd joy, be

    people of joy, be bearers of joy to others and never take for granted the people who increase our joy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Invite someone to light the candle of Love. Repeat the process

    Prayer for Love (Prayed together): Love is who we are and who we are becoming and so we pray that we will tap into that true essence of love

    that is within us all. May that sense of love give us strength and courage to be all that we are called to be. May we strive always to be the rst to

    love and reach out in love to all we meet. And just like joy, may we never take the people we love for granted. We ask this through Christ our Lord


    Light the Christ Candle

    Pray together; Lord you are at the centre of all that we are and all that we do. We have brought you our prayers for hope, peace, joy and love. We

    have laid them at your feet and pray that your light will guide and centre us. Wwe pray together: Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...