Yokogawa Electric Corporation <ISD-MASP-S04027 R1> Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation <25 Nov. 2004> November 25 2004 Step 2 Vigilant Plant Step 2 Vigilant Plant Alarm Management Alarm Management Yasunori Kobayashi

Yokogawa Electric Corporation Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation November 25 2004 Step 2 Vigilant Plant Alarm Management Yasunori Kobayashi

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Page 1: Yokogawa Electric Corporation Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation November 25 2004 Step 2 Vigilant Plant Alarm Management Yasunori Kobayashi

Yokogawa Electric Corporation

<ISD-MASP-S04027 R1>Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation<25 Nov. 2004>

November 25 2004

Step 2 Vigilant PlantStep 2 Vigilant PlantAlarm ManagementAlarm Management

Yasunori Kobayashi

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1. Why now alarm mgt. ? (15min)

2. AAASuite (10min)

3. Alarm reduction service (10min)

4. Application example (20min)

5. Integrated plant safety mgt. solution (5min)

6. Conclusion (10min)

7. Q&A Discussion (5min)

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1. Why now alarm mgt. ?

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3 Reasons

Why Yokogawa Now Focuses on Alarm Mgt. ?

1. Most customers increase a budget for safety ensuring

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A Refinery– The plant trip caused US$24M of production loss

and plant damage– Alarm flooding occurred for 5 hours prior to the

plant trip caused an oversight of important alarm by operators

B Chemical plant– The plant trip caused 5 days production loss

(US$1.5M)– An operator accepted a low flow alarm without

appreciating its significanceC Petrochemical plant– The compressor trip caused 2 days production loss

(US$0.5M) and huge plant damages– Six weeks prior to the trip there had been an alarm

on high axial displacement which the operators accepted but did not investigate. Three days prior to the trip there was a second similar alarm which also was not investigated.

Many plant hazards happen due to alarm related problems,and most customers increase a budget for alarm management

Ref. CRR166, Health & Safety Executive, 1998

1. Most customers increase a budget for safety ensuring

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1. Most Customers Increase a Budget for Safety Ensuring

Popularization of Six Sigma philosophyA loss caused by plant trip/damage is greater than a profit achieving by improvement of plant throughputReduce nuisance alarms to avoid hazardous plant situations

Labor cost

Law materialCost Utility cost



Cost ofapology AD

Cost ofcompensation

for damage

Cost forproduct



Cost oftransportation


Cost of plantmodification

Cost forDisaster restoration


Cost ofinsurance

Direct and indirect losses by plant trip

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3 Reasons

Why Yokogawa Now Focuses on Alarm Mgt. ?

1. Most customers increase a budget for safety ensuring

2. Major customers lead alarm mgt.

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1. Pablished in March 1999

2. A gude to design, management and procurement

3. For safer and more cost-effective operation

4. Major customers-led philosophy• BP, Shell, ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, Dow, BASF,


5. Desirable # of alarms : 1alarm/10min-operator• European average : 1 alarm/2min-operator

EEMUA = The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association

EEMUA No.191 Alarm Systems

2. Major Customers Lead Alarm Mgt.

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# of Alarms at Your Customer’s Site

ExxonMobil, Singapore (YEA)


Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (YME)


Kalgoorlie Gold Mines, Australia (YAU)


Posco BTX, South Korea (YKO)


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3 Reasons

Why Yokogawa Now Focuses on Alarm Mgt. ?

3. Only Yokogawa has unique and practical weapons

2. Major customers lead alarm mgt.

1. Most customers increase a budget for safety ensuring

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3. Yokogawa Has Unique and Practical Weapons

1. We have full-automatic alarm mgt. tool

SixSigmaDMAIC + +


Full solutions(from field to MES)


2. We have alarm reduction service

3. We have integrated safety mgt. solution

+ +

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Our Competitors like Matrikon, PAS, etc.

1. They have manual alarm mgt. tool only

SixSigmaDMAIC + +


Full solutions(from field to MES)


2. They have methodology and report tool only

3. They can’t provide integrated safety mgt. solution

+ +

which imposes tedious engineering works on customersto reduce nuisance alarms

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1. Competitive alarm reporting tools never solve the alarm flooding situation !

EventAnalyst (Honeywell), ProcessGuard (Matrikon), AMO Plus (PAS), etc.

2. Competitive alarm management tools impose tedious re-engineering works on production people !

ACM (Honeywell), ACE (PAS), etc.

3. Competitor does not have total solutionsto solve the root cause of alarm occurrence !

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Message from Konishi-san

Nobuaki KonishiGeneral Manager

System Marketing Centre

Timing couldn’t be better !

All system sales should utilize our uniqueness and innovativeness of alarm management solutions to win the competitions.

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2. AAASuite

See IA Booklet #17Yokogawa’s AlarmManagement Solutions

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What is AAASuite ?

3. Alarm enhancementRealize safer and morecost-effective operation

AAASuite only shows operators meaningful alarms.

# of



AAASuiteimplementation procedure

2. Alarm Optimization

1. Automatic Nuisance Alarm Suppression

3. AlarmEnhancement

2. Alarm optimizationOptimize alarm settings based on a change of process conditions

1. Automatic nuisance alarm suppressionSuppress the repetition of nuisance alarms using existing DCS functions

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2.1 Automatic Nuisance Alarm Suppression

Typical Nuisance Alarms suppressed by AAASuite





4. Repeating Input Open alarm– Over range– Minor transmitter problem

5. Chattering Annunciator– Insufficient DCS sequence program





3.3. Oscillating HI and LO alarm

– Sub-optimal PID parameter settings





Not recovered2.2. Longstanding false HI or LO alarm

– Sub-optimal alarm hysteresis setting




1.1. Repeating HI or LO alarm

– Tight alarm threshold setting– High-frequency fluctuations on a PV– Noise on a PV– Repeated action of on-off control loops– Device malfunction

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How AAASuite suppresses the repetition ?





Tag is registered



4. Repeating Input Open alarm– Set Alarm Off (AOF) to corresponding alarm– Set Alarm On (AON) to corresponding alarm

5. Chattering Annunciator– Set Alarm Off (AOF) to corresponding Ann– Set Alarm On (AON) to corresponding Ann







3. Oscillating HI and LO alarm– Set Alarm Off (AOF) to corresponding alarm– Set Alarm On (AON) to corresponding alarm

Scale HI






2. Longstanding false HI or LO alarm– Change a threshold to SH/SL temporarily– Revert a threshold to original value soon





1. Repeating HI or LO alarm– Change a threshold to stricter value– Revert a threshold to original value

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2.2 Alarm Optimization (Optional)










1. Dynamic alarm settingsDownload optimum alarm thresholds to FCSUpload current alarm thresholds to AAASuite

2. Static alarm suppressionSet Alarm Off (AOF) to specific tag group when process is upsetSet Alarm On (AON) to specific tag group when process is recovered





PL Upset

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2.3 Alarm Enhancement

Longstanding Input Open Alarm

Longstanding HI Alarm








Alert Alert Alert






Alert Alert AlertAlert

1. Automatic re-notification alert for longstanding true alarms– Prevent possible oversight– Longstanding HI or LO alarm– Longstanding Input Open alarm

2. Automatic predictive alert for critical HH or LL alarms– Prevent ESD situations

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3. Alarm Reduction Service

See IA Booklet #11Yokogawa’s Total Solutionsfor Alarm Reduction

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Six SigmaDMAIC

Methodology : Six Sigma DMAIC Step

Set the goals should be achieved.1 alarm/5min-operator# of operator actions/5min-operator

Measure Alarm&Eventsand relevant process datain order to assessthe current situation andidentify the root cause ofalarm occurrence.

Analyze the acquired datato identify the root causeand improvements should be takenfor alarm reduction.

Execute the improvement actions.

Control the results ofthe improvementto maintain them.If the goal has not beenachieved yet,Go to the Define step again.

Best practical and effective methodologyto realize “No alarm, No manipulation plant”

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Root Causes and Improvement Actions

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How to Convince Your Customer ?

Show possible benefits– Risk prevention

• Estimate possible risks from HSE report

– Manpower saving• Operators, engineers

– Improvement of work environment

Contact to customer’s mgt. level– Need top-down method

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HSE CRR166 Incident Report

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4. Application Example

See ARC Web Pagehttp://www.arcweb.com/Events/webforums/archive.asp

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EVAL Company of America

EVAL Company of AmericaFounded in 1983, Pasadena, Texas facility start up in 1986Wholly Owned subsidiary of Kuraray Company Ltd.Manufacture and market EVAL Resins(Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol copolymer resins)

The PlantContinuous & Batch chemical plant3 Polymer Lines and Distillation SectionsRegular product grade changeoversYokogawa CENTUM CS installed4 Shifts of operators, 24hrs/7days operation2 board operators/shift6900 analog+digital inputs/operator– 5,000 I/O per DCS Board Technician– 1,900 PID Control loops per DCS Board Technician

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The Problem

Many controllers are controlled within 1% of the set point, for the high and low alarm settingsOther controllers are controlled within 5%

Target Typical bench mark in Europe

Typical bench mark in Japan

Manageable One alarmin five minutes per operator

One alarmin two hours per 100 inputs

Desirable Less than one alarmin ten minutes per operator

Less than one alarmin four hours per 100 inputs

Bench marks

Audible alarms disabled– Operators were missing critical alarms– Alarms were disappearing from display– Increased safety hazards

19,241 average alarms per day (11,378 analog, 7863 digital)33.4 alarms/5min-operator (European bench mark)11.6 alarms/2hrs-100inputs (Japanese bench mark)

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The Approach


Refer to Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology

Use Yokogawa solutions– Experienced consultancy– Exaplog: Event analysis package

• Alarm KPI reporting• Alarm interactive analysis

– AAASuite: Online execution engine• Automatic alarm repetition suppression• Dynamic alarm optimization

– CENTUM re-engineering• Unnecessary alarm elimination• Alarm settings modification

Alarm suppression

Analysis tool

Involve all related people– Experienced operator– Process/Control engineer– DCS/Instrumentation engineer– Maintenance engineer

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Define Step

Original: 33.4 alarms/5min-operator (9,621 alarms/day-operator)

Target: 1 alarm/5min-operator(288 alarms/day-operator)

Means 97% alarm reduction

Target Typical bench mark in Europe

Typical bench mark in Japan

Manageable One alarmin five minutes per operator

One alarmin two hours per 100 inputs

Desirable Less than one alarmin ten minutes per operator

Less than one alarmin four hours per 100 inputs

Bench marks

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Decide on a solution based on difficulty, manpower and cost– Fundamental improvement

• Re-engineering– Immediate improvement

• Automatic suppression by AAASuite

Measure and Analyze Step

Identify the root causes– Field related– Alarm settings and control strategy

related– Operator skill related– Process design related

Field related5%

Alarm settings20%

Sequence table20%

PID tuning10%


Top20 alarms

Next20 alarms

Field related


Alarm settings





PID tuning



Analyze top 40 alarms using Exaplog

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Improve Step (Fundamental re-engineering)

Field related04NAN203 (Digital): Bad sensor, Alarm Off was setT132023B (Analog): Out of service, Tag was eliminatedF51040 (Analog): Out of service, Alarm Off was setIA-DEWPT-HIGH (Digital): Bad sensor, Alarm Off was set02NAN205 (Digital): Bad sensor, Alarm Off was setL31220 (Analog): Out of service, Function block was disconnected

Alarm settings and control strategy relatedF1103A: Change deviation parameterF1103B: Change deviation parameterF12030: Change deviation parameterF13031: Change deviation parameterF13032: Change deviation parameter

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Average 19241 (before improvement)

Average 1885 (after improvement)





8/15 8/28


Process Changeover

Improve Step (Fundamental re-engineering)

90% alarm reduction

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Longstanding false HI (LO) alarms suppressionF11380 LOT11060 HI, LOF11070 HI

Oscillating HI-LO alarms suppressionCN1109BA (19 days)F1311A (9 days)CNR1101MEOH (22 hours)CN1108KNA (2hours)F13031 (30 min)

Repeating Input open alarms suppressionF12280

Repeating digital alarms suppression02NAN13102NAN198

Repeating HI (LO) alarms suppressionTuning AAASuite

Improve Step (Suppression by AAASuite)

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Average 1885(Fundamental improvement)

3807 3896



Process Changeover

Average 1312(Automatic suppression)

Improve Step (Suppression by AAASuite)

30% alarm reduction

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Control Step

AAASuite continues to manage alarms

– Tune the AAASuite settings for our process

Repeat process with the next highest set of alarms

Re-evaluate alarm settings for control loops

Repair instrumentation where problems were identified

Evaluate dynamic alarm settings for control loops (process changeover)

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93% alarms reduced– 33.4 -> 2.28 alarms/5min-operator

not yet at goal of 1 alarm/5min-operator

– Looking to achieve with implementation of dynamic alarm settings for control loops (process changeover)

Alarm management does work

Has allowed EVALCA to analyze and correct alarms

Management now understands and fully supports the value of alarm management and that it is a continuous on-going process

This service achieves credibility with customer and triggers a replacement to CS3000

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Achieved Benefits

AAASuite has allowed the operators to not turn alarms off, alarms have become more meaningful.

Monetary losses are always a concern but a safety or environmental event could be a life time of pain and costs.

Operators now have more time to attend to true process concerns.

Don’t have to deal with nuisance alarms saving resources both monetary and personnel.

The problem of important alarms being turned off has been alleviated reducing potential risk.

The alarm analysis application has allowed us to reduce the paper trail we used to track the alarm events.

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6. Conclusion

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What Alarm Reduction Service Brings Us ?

1. New sales toolfor existing customers to make new business opportunity logically and proactivelyfor non-Yokogawa customers to show Yokogawa’s uniqueness and innovativeness

2. Achieve credibility with customers

3. Make new profit as consultancyUtilizing remaining manpower in SSB/Operations

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What is Required ?

Description Responsibility

Clear packaged solutions consisting of products and consultancy services

Marketing/Business Development

Active sales as a part of solution selling


Commitment from SSB/operations to provide the manpower to execute the alarm management studies/projects


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Reference Pricing

One day analysis service (Feasibility Study)– Price: $2,000 (CENTUM, mXL), $3,000 (Others)– Gather historical messages (1 week data)– Analyze messages using Exaplog– Submit a report which shows

• Alarm performance based on EEMUA benchmark• Alarm reduction possibilities

Alarm reduction consultancy (Pay first)– Price: From $20,000 (5 days=40 hrs)– Give consultancy based on Six Sigma DMAIC step– Package, installation, engineering and training are not included

Package selling with consultancy (Pay later)– Price: Package fee + 20%

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Thank you for your attention.

Commitment means building the future to last.

No Alarm, No Manipulation !