YMOBILITY Project Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe Dr. Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa University of Latvia Department of Human Geography 09/09/2016 Vienna HORIZON 2020 The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

YMOBILITY Project Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for … · 2018. 2. 13. · YMOBILITY Project Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and

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Page 1: YMOBILITY Project Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for … · 2018. 2. 13. · YMOBILITY Project Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and

YMOBILITY Project Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for

individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe

Dr. Elīna Apsīte-Beriņa University of Latvia

Department of Human Geography

09/09/2016 Vienna

HORIZON 2020 The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

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Outline of the presentation

–  Drafting the project: •  partners

•  goal

•  objectives, outcomes

•  workflow

–  The research –  Youth migration –  Concluding remarks

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Partners of the project

Project start data: 1 March 2015

Duration: 36 months Project webpage: www. ymobility.eu

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

No Participant short name

Participant organisation name Country

1 (Coord)

UNIROMA1 Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies, Sapienza University of Rome


2 UNIBI Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University


3 UAL Department of Geography, History and Humanities, University of Almería


4 UCC Irish Centre for Migration Studies, University College Cork


5 LU Department of Geography, University of Latvia


6 UB Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest


7 MIM Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Malmö University


8 IFSAS Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences


9 SURREY Faculty of Business Economics and Law, University of Surrey

United Kingdom 1

10 US Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex

United Kingdom 2

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Partner countries and migration flows

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Migration flows to be analysed using primary data ORIGIN

DESTINATION Germany Sweden UK Ireland Italy Spain

Latvia n n



Romania n n





Slovakia n



Spain n



Ireland n

Italy n

n n



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The goal

YMOBILITY addresses the following issues: •  identifying, and quantifying, the main types of international youth

mobility in the EU, and their key characteristics; •  understanding what determines which individuals do and which do

not participate in international mobility as personal and professional development strategies: their motives, migration channels and information sources;

•  analysing the individual outcomes in terms of both employability and careers and non-economic terms;

•  analysing the territorial outcomes for the regions of both origin and destination, in economic, demographic and cultural terms;

•  differentiating between short-term and long-term outcomes, taking into account return migration and future intentions to migrate;

•  identifying implications for policies in migration but also of education, the economy and housing.

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Project objectives

To establish the extent to which individuals consider international mobility to be a key strategy for mediating significant lifecourse transitions: • school-to-work, • unemployed-to-employed • youth to independent or ‘full’ adulthood. The latter is understood as implying partnership formation, having children, and establishing a ‘home’. Who does, versus who does not, migrate as a lifecourse-enhancing strategy.

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Project objectives To provide a comprehensive overview and quantification of the main types of youth mobility in the EU, focusing particularly on differences between and within three main categories: •  students •  higher skilled •  less skilled workers. How do they differ in terms of: •  their frequency, duration, and geography •  motivations •  socio-economic characteristics •  willingness to take risks?

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Project objectives

To identify the outcomes of youth mobility for individuals in terms of: • their lifelong portfolio of skills and competences • their social welfare and health • the formation of more European and/or cosmopolitan identities • the transition from youth to ‘full adulthood’.

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Project objectives •  To analyse the short- and long-term regional

implications of youth mobility for both sending and destination regions, that is taking into account not only emigration, but also return migration and circulation, as well as flows of social remittances.

•  To understand, and provide typologies of, how individuals would respond to contrasting future migration scenarios, reflecting changing structural and personal circumstances, and the resulting future regional implications.

•  To provide evidence-based recommendations for migration and flanking policies that will help to maximise the opportunities, and minimise the costs, associated with youth mobility for individuals, labour markets and regions.

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Workflow •  WP1 – Youth mobility: definitions and typologies

High income, destination: Germany, Sweden, UK; High income, destination and origin: Ireland, Italy, Spain (medium high); Medium income, origin: Latvia, Romania, and Slovakia.

•  WP2 – Youth mobility: definition of research methodologies

•  WP3 – Youth mobility – on the move: data and information collection

•  WP4 – Information sources, channels, motivations and risks

•  WP5 – Youth mobility – individual, economic and social outcomes: skills and competences, welfare, social identity

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Workflow •  WP6 – Youth mobility: territorial outcomes

•  WP7 – Youth mobility – towards the future: intentions, scenarios and simulations

•  WP8 – Youth mobility – towards the future: policy recommendations

•  WP9 – Dissemination, exploitation and communication of results and citizens’engagement

•  WP10 – Project Management

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Individual/household and territorial outcomes of youth mobility

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Aggregate idealized human capital (HC) outcomes of youth mobility

HC redistribution Skills acquired abroad

Impact on HC stocks: destination

Impact on HC stocks: origin

Brain Drain

? + − Brain Waste

none none − Brain circulation + + +

Brain Training + +

+ (if


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The research design

•  Secondary data for the whole of the EU •  Primary quantitative data (large-scale surveys) •  Qualitative data (interviews) •  Policy analysis •  Experimental methods -to assess how individuals will

respond to different scenarios of future economic and social change.

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Software for innovative research methods

The Mouselab is widely used in psychology and behavioural economic research but a novelty in migration research. It is a flexible (online based) data collection tool. It collects answers to specific questions: •  quality of life •  crime rate •  attitudes towards immigration •  wages •  monthly living costs •  climate •  unemployment rates •  work permit

Maps information search and decision making by participants Exports participants choice to the Excel.

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Target sample survey size

Country/1 Sample size Germany 5000

Ireland 2000

Italy 5000

Latvia 2000

Romania 2000

Country/2 Sample size Slovakia 2000

Spain 5000

Sweden 2000

UK 5000

TOTAL 30,000

(minimum 200 individuals with intra-EU mobility experience per country)

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In-depth interviews by country and region

Country In-migrants Returned migrants in core regions

Returned migrants in peripheral regions


Germany 100 NRW, Berlin 10 Rhineland-Palatinate 10 Mecklenburg 120

Ireland 60 Dublin 10 Dublin 10 South West 80 Italy 40 Rome 20 Rome 20 Apennines 80 Latvia 40 Riga 40 East/North 80 Romania 60 Bucharest/West 60 North-East 120

Slovakia 30 Bratislava 30 Western 60 Spain 40 Madrid 40 Madrid 40 Andalucía 120 Sweden 40 Malmö/Lund 40 UK 140 London 140 TOTAL 420 220 200 840

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Demographics of Youth migration

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Demographics of Youth Migration

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Demographics of Youth Migration

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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Demographics of Youth Migration

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in Europe

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International youth migration

Source:  Central  Sta8s8cal  Bureau  of  Latvia,  h@p://www.csb.gov.lv/    

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Source:  Na8onal  Sta8s8cs  of  the  top  host  countries  of  Latvian  migrants  

Emigration waves and top destination countries

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Concluding remarks

•  Change of destination – more search for new opportunities and new destinations to fulfil the expectations;

•  Change of motivations -from unemployment to better prospects in labour market and need to pay housing mortgage payments;

•  Change of pull factors – from higher income and new experiences to better work conditions and career growth;

•  Demographic structure has been affected by out-migration and increasing ageing population;

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Concluding remarks

•  Most often returnees value flexibility and self-confidence, accept different cultures and diversity, think critically, solve problems, manage financial-related matters, being open –minded and to improve language skills;

•  In general, migration is perceived as valuable and enriching experience;

•  Low-skilled labour migrants mentioned working experience, work culture and language as the most important benefits;

•  High skilled valued international environment and self-esteem;

•  Group of students who returned mentioned critical thinking, professional skills and widening of ones’ social circle as very important experiences.

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