Phone ,1.83 .• ,1.'15 URKET .. '1.00 .. ,1.00 Hc •••• I8C •.. lISe .. ,1 .• .••• 18c .... 2ISc .... aoc .... aoc .... aoc .... aoc .... 25c .... 2I5C .... 25c ••.• Zc ... 28c N . St. .0 1-+1 ) E ROO T E R S' C! II. every purchase of U.OQ re will ·glve absolutel,. free Gld Rooters' Cap. Everr I get one and wear it to this Co. lling oung Men's Mlat· Its from Fashion $15 to $20 ling 11t., a Style effect iemptec1 1n ready-. --Shown 1n Bra. ,eckS and to $30 ling the Enallah .... od$3.00 OF IOWA., IOWA. CITY, IOWA., THURSDAY, SBPTlilMBER 80, 1915. No.9. , . . . . .. . .. .. ....... . .... . ••• aa •••• aa •••••• Y.M.C.A. MEMBERSPIP CONTEST WITH AMES NOW ON Your Membership Application Helps AMES HAD 700 MEMBERS LAST YEAR IOWA HAD 500 "NUFF SED" ••• ...... ______ . __ ._ .••.. __ . _______ ... _. _ _._---w._. ____ .... •••• ____ . __ .. ________ •... ___ . __ . __ .... _____ . __ ._. __ ..... ____ __ .. _._ .... .. _ .... __ .. _. __ . ___ ... __ .... _ .... .- ____ .. -... __ . .- __ . ___ ... ___ ...... _. ___ . __ .. _ .... __ ... _ SATURDAY WORK tpLLEGE OF EDUO&TION WILL )mET DEMAND OF TEAOHERS. . DR. PELZER iMADE PRESIDENT llecomes Head of PoUtical 8cienC6 Olub, 8ncceedlng the Late .Judge EmlID McOlain. STEINER Will SPEAK OHOSEN FOR FIRST VESPER 8E'R- VIa&-OOME8 NEXT 8UNDAli TO VISIT SOUTEn¥.EST AGAIN Professor Fleming Must Go Back In October to Oontinue Work on IrrIgation Dispate. BELIEVES IN WORKING GEORGE OO88ON, '98, GilVE8 RE- PORTER BIT OF PHILOSOPHY. J .... nn.. Oct. "9, OIaases Meet tiD { I'ak.,. \Plaee of Dr. B. F. RaIl ot Prof. B. P. Fleming or the engin: tIa)'8 There Is ' Plenty of Make Use of Vacant Tbne. 1 At a recent meeting of the execa- Korthwelltern Whom Ulneu collere wi1l return to the for the Man Who U8e8 tive committee of the Political Bci- ' sbuthwest toward the middle of Octo- Keepe Away. His AbWtyI Saturday, Oct. 9, tne ence club Dr. Louis Pelser of the ooU8le of education will ofter cours- of history was chosen to I ber to look after the Irrigation dis- pute on which he has been workin'g for the government during the sum- .. to meet the needs of ttlachers, Univer.tt ,y authorities anMuwced fill the office of president, made va- , I yesterday an important change in "I believe in the good old fash- prmcipals, and superintendents who are regularly employed during the cant by the death of Judge Emlin f th I ' programme 0 e vesper se" ce McClaiu." Upon the actlon of the which ts to be held in the auditorium mer. loned theory of work," said George A ' board consisting of Professor 'Cosson, attorney general and candi- qrat part of the week, and at- U,Dd classes, eIAept on Saturaa)'tr. The purpose Is to give opportunity same committee the following per- Fleming, a government representa- next Sunday afternoon at ':30. sons wili be invited to membership Uve of the reclamation service, and a Dr. "H. ' F. Rall, of Northwe8terq in the club: Prof. Norris A .. Brisco, representatiYe of the people con- date for the repu1 bllcan nomination for governor, when asked yesterday afternoon what advice he could give to university students. "First take care of your health and then devote tor completion of work necessary for University, who was to have ' been 'cerned was tol"llled to determine the Dr. F. S. HaYnel, Dr. Ernest Horn, C. the speaker, Is unable to I be present an advanoced degree or for required H M din' H P t .eOlt of _ bTlgatlon project affect- . oore, an ',n. rea on. on account of llIness. This word realdeuce work for graduatioJil. first regular ,?Deetlng of the was received only a day or tlVo ago 160,000 acres of land in Califor- your time to some productive pursun The courses offered_ are adaptecl to the needs of four groups of tpachers: first, thoae wh'b hav,e not cpmPleted requirements for a first gtade teacher's certificate; second, clDb witt be held at the'1101l1e of ' nia and Arizona and involvinl an ex- by . ofe.uor G. T. W. Patrick who is in Jlfe. Prof F E Horack on "onday Oc ( penditure of more than $7,000,000. .. , .... ,- chairman of the committee on V6l- "There is a wave of chlld leglsla- tober 11. On this date Professor Honck w111 read a paper on "The Legislation of the Thirt:y...Sixth Gen- those who desire merely to continue per services. It was found, however, that Pro res- An effort is being made 'by the peo- tion sweeping over the !Count17 that pIe to have $4,000,000 taken frODI will be of great benefit to women and -the !Cost of the project. It was to ar- children In factories and sweat shops. or eral Assembly." .or Edward A. Steiner, of Grinnell bitr,te their proposal and various )College, was available; and arrange- laws because we 'belleye in giVing the We are making these child labor II graduates the study of. ¥l,lcational engineering and legal dlfficultiell, problems; third, those who desire , RO<n'ERS IpeciallCOurses in botany, psychology, VISIT IOWA ments were immediately cODICluded ' child his childhood But in some In- FIELD -that the board was formed. . I to bring him here to deliver the ser- stances these go to extremes and I Owing to a failure of the board to IIolltical economy, manual training, domestic science, and political sci- mono Join In ' Practice of Song and yen.- agree, it was dissolved 'by the secre- See VarsitJ Team In Action. Widely Man. 'taJ')' of the interior. Professor El- ___ Dr. $teiner needs no introducti°f wood Mead. of the Univerait)L.of Call- do not believe that a child should not be taught to do any work until he is sixteen. Two Hour Cla8Iies. Eight hundred rooters met on IQwa , to a university audience, haViJlg fornia and Professor Fleming have "I want to see young men and YQung women use the abllity and the equipment with which God and nat- ure have endowed them. Too many foung persons are inclined to rush through college and through life tn a These cla8Bes will be for the most Field yesterday afternoon and prac- spoken here a number of times in re- ,been selected to join with the person- part two hours in length; and class- ,tlced songs ' and yells. Various can- cent years. He Is a noted writer on al representatives of Secretary Lane .. in a given subject wUl meet every didates for the cheer-leadership sociological questions and has made a new investigation of the subject. other Saturday. The courses wUl be IBhowed their abiUty. The new Iowa a num' ber of interesting studies on :Part of the work has been completed dtteen Saturdays In length and will ' song was sung. It promises to be very One of his best knoWJl ' but the most difficult part remains. liTe generally, two semester hours books i8 "On the Trail of the Imml- , popular. It haa a catching melody ,edit. In this way a teacher at- and clever words. grant." ,nding eveJ')' Saturday during the The varsity went through a ' fast The programme will also be feat- .,.ar, will earn a maximum of eight ured · by special music, furnished by for the benefit ot the root- I'-ourll of credit. the 'faculty of the school of music. ers. Though the attendance was Registration Is taking place in the The chaplain will be the Rev. Mr. some hundreds less than was expect- relJBtrar's office. The fee is five dol- ad by the Hawkeye clu'b the ad- iars a iYear for undergraduates, tor graduates no fee is charged. but .vance showing of enthusiasm wall greater than it has ,been for some Houston, newly chollen pastor of tne local Congregational chureh. superfluous way. As !Chairman of AMEs Y. M. O. A. FAR ADEID the bar examination board I see. many law students and many of them Leads In Membe1'IIbJp Oampa.ign by cannot or do not even · fill out their 400 Men but Is BehIDd . on FInance. ' applications completely. How can such a man be exact in the practice Qf law? It was announced at Oloae Ball Few Men Use Talent. last night that the Ames Y. M. C. A. "There are few men who actually 'rIME TO years, . and a strong rooters' organ- j4'lRST 0L.\8S TICKET IS8UED reports a membership of 670 with a use what talent they have. It is very. to back the team seems IUI- ___ 'total subscription of $179. The 10- very rare indeed that at least some I -- Dr" Albert H. BeUeld and A.8Blstants ",ured. I Bmpbaaize Study of . Diseases. ELECT .PHARMACY OFFICERS cal Y. M. C. A. also reports a mem- measure of succees does not ICOme to "Independents" of Senior OIass An- bership Qf 200 and subscriptions the man who exerts himself to the noUDce Stub iBarron 88 Their Oandidate for President. amounting to $460. A large group best of his natural ability. In the of men are working on this cam- present day it Is extremely difficult --- Third and fourth year students The junior pharmacy class has I paign. to fill important positions with men UDder the instruction of Dr. elected officers for the coming year Class politics made its first appear- "Dad" Elliot spoke to a group of who are not worrying more about ¥. Belteld, head of the newly creat- as fololws: :preSident, Charles Carter, ance in the open yesterdar when cir- men at the regular midweek meet- their pay envelopes than about the ed department of Children's diseases ShQshone, Idaho; vice president, culation of posters of "The Inde- ing a, bout the memberShip campaign. 'Work they are doing. In almost ev- Ind his assistants will make ex- Clarence Hefner, Sioux City; secre- tpendent Ticket of the Senior Class" "Stub" Barron, who presidecl over the ery walk of lite the most valuable . buatlve stUdies of the child, its diet tary and treasurer, Earl Ryan, · was begun. meeting, made a speech endorsing the service is that which is given outside ,and diaeales, , devoting this .yeal" aumeston; class delegate, Harold J. The candidates listed are: for Y. M. C. A. and its work. of the contract." about four times as much time to Tierney, Fort Dodge; yell leader, president, Stub Barron; . for vice Mr. Cosson spoke last evening at this phase of their study as hereto- Harvey P.Currier, Sheffield, lll. preSident, Cornelia Prentiss; for re- · DR. O. P. HOWARD TO RET1.JRN the W. C. T. U. convention now in 1 lore. cording secretayr, Magdalene Frey- --- s98sion in . lowa City, on the ' subject, The sixth floor of the new west VARSITY WIN8 FROM FRESHMEN for corresponding secretary, A telegram from Dr. C. P. Howard "The New Democracy". He leavell " Winr the university hospital is The varsity defeated the freshmen , Helen Dowlln; for treasurer, F. A. of the department of theory and !today for Moulton where be will 1118d e:rcluslvely for this purpose easUy last ni&ht in , the sec. ond scrim- jBarriqklow; ' for e,1ass delegate, practice of medicine announces that make an address. &ad Includes In Ita equipment. a lun mage ot the ,.ear, scoring three Grover Jacobson. he will return to the State University Th" attorney general was gredu- pa rl 9l'. l1DlD&sium, playground, and touchd'owns in fifteen minutes of In the appeal which follows the of Iowa late in the winter. ated from the law department in the milk modlfytn, laboratories for play. The practice was generally list of candidates It Is suggeBted that Dr. Howard has been on the west- IClass of 1898. At that time the law the lICientlflc care of their little more satisfactory tha.n of the night the ticket represents athletilca, liter- ern battle front in Europe with ean- school was In the Old Capitol 'buUd- """41. before. aJ'Y. acholutlc, ani 80elal activities. adian medical .... ('Continued on page . 3.) .. .. .............................. ., ............ ... .. .. .... · .. ............... - .................... ... ........ .............. i- I ,.. , ,\ IOWA FIELD Pusltball ADMISSION· 15c '" , . -, , 4:30 II I ... ...... ....... J .... ... ' .. .... ...................................................... .... .. . -.

Y.M.C.A. MEMBERSPIP 700 MEMBERS LAST YEAR AMES Your …dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1915/di1915-09-30.pdf · 2013. 1. 7. · Owing to a failure of the board to IIolltical economy,

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Page 1: Y.M.C.A. MEMBERSPIP 700 MEMBERS LAST YEAR AMES Your …dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1915/di1915-09-30.pdf · 2013. 1. 7. · Owing to a failure of the board to IIolltical economy,



.• ,1.'15


.. '1.00

.. ,1.00


•••• I8C

• •.. lISe .. ,1 .• .••• 18c

.... 2ISc

.... aoc

.... aoc

.... aoc

.... aoc

.... 25c

.... 2I5C

.... 25c

••.• Zc

... 28c


. St.

.0 1-+1

) E ROO T E R S' C!

II. every purchase of U.OQ re will ·glve absolutel,. free Gld Rooters' Cap. Everr I get one and wear it to

this ~g Co.

lling oung Men's Mlat· Its from Fashion $15 to $20

ling 11t., a Style effect iemptec1 1n ready-. --Shown 1n Bra. ,eckS and str1pe~ to $30

ling the Enallah .... r~;;'



, .

. . . . . . .. .. ....... . .... . ••• aa •••• aa ••••••


WITH AMES NOW ON Your Membership Application Helps



.~.) •••...... ~. ______ . __ ._ .••.. __ . _______ ... _. _ _._---w._. ____ ....•••• ____ . __ .. ________ •... ~. ___ . __ . __ .... _____ . __ ._. __ ..... ____ ~. __ .. _._ .... _._.~ .. _ .... __ .. _. __ . ___ ._~_ ... ~_._._. __ .... _ .... .-____ .. -... __ . .-__ . ___ ... ___ ...... _. ___ . __ .. _ .... __ ... _




llecomes Head of PoUtical 8cienC6

Olub, 8ncceedlng the Late .Judge

EmlID McOlain.




Professor Fleming Must Go Back In

October to Oontinue Work on

IrrIgation Dispate.



J....nn.. Oct. "9, OIaases Meet tiD .!~

{I'ak.,. \Plaee of Dr. B. F. RaIl ot Prof. B. P. Fleming or the engin: tIa)'8 There Is 'Plenty of Opportunl~ Make Use of Vacant Tbne.

1 At a recent meeting of the execa- Korthwelltern Whom Ulneu ~rlng collere wi1l return to the for the Man Who U8e8

tive committee of the Political Bci- ~ 'sbuthwest toward the middle of Octo-Keepe Away. His AbWtyI Saturday, Oct. 9, tne ence club Dr. Louis Pelser of the

ooU8le of education will ofter cours-departm,~nt of history was chosen to

Iber to look after the Irrigation dis­

pute on which he has been workin'g

for the government during the sum-.. to meet the needs of ttlachers, Univer.tt,y authorities anMuwced fill the office of president, made va-, Iyesterday an important change in th~

"I believe in the good old fash-

prmcipals, and superintendents who

are regularly employed during the cant by the death of Judge Emlin f th I 'programme 0 e vesper se" ce McClaiu." Upon the actlon of the which ts to be held in the auditorium

mer. loned theory of work," said George

A 'board consisting of Professor 'Cosson, attorney general and candi­qrat part of the week, and canno~ at­

U,Dd classes, eIAept on Saturaa)'tr.

The purpose Is to give opportunity

same committee the following per- Fleming, a government representa-next Sunday afternoon at ':30. •

sons wili be invited to membership ~ Uve of the reclamation service, and a Dr. "H. 'F. Rall, of Northwe8terq

in the club: Prof. Norris A .. Brisco, representatiYe of the people con-

date for the repu1bllcan nomination

for governor, when asked yesterday

afternoon what advice he could give

to university students. "First take

care of your health and then devote

tor completion of work necessary for University, who was to have 'been 'cerned was tol"llled to determine the Dr. F. S. HaYnel, Dr. Ernest Horn, C. the speaker, Is unable to Ibe present

an advanoced degree or for required H M din' H P t .eOlt of _ bTlgatlon project affect-. oore, an ',n. • rea on. on account of llIness. This word

realdeuce work for graduatioJil. Th~.', first regular ,?Deetlng of the was received only a day or tlVo ago

~ng 160,000 acres of land in Califor- your time to some productive pursun The courses offered_are adaptecl to

~eet the needs of four groups of

tpachers: first, thoae wh'b hav,e not

cpmPleted requirements for a first

gtade teacher's certificate; second,

clDb witt be held at the'1101l1e of 'nia and Arizona and involvinl an ex-by . ofe.uor G. T. W. Patrick who is

in Jlfe.

Prof F E Horack on "onday Oc (penditure of more than $7,000,000. • .. ,.... ,- chairman of the committee on V6l-

"There is a wave of chlld leglsla-

tober 11. On this date Professor

Honck w111 read a paper on "The

Legislation of the Thirt:y...Sixth Gen­those who desire merely to continue

per services.

It was found, however, that Pro res­

An effort is being made 'by the peo- tion sweeping over the !Count17 that • pIe to have $4,000,000 taken frODI will be of great benefit to women and

-the !Cost of the project. It was to ar- children In factories and sweat shops.

or eral Assembly." .or Edward A. Steiner, of Grinnell

bitr,te their proposal and various )College, was available; and arrange- laws because we 'belleye in giVing the

We are making these child labor •

II graduates the study of. ¥l,lcational engineering and legal dlfficultiell, problems; third, those who desire ,RO<n'ERS

IpeciallCOurses in botany, psychology, VISIT IOWA

ments were immediately cODICluded 'child his childhood But in some In-FIELD -that the board was formed. .

Ito bring him here to deliver the ser- stances these go to extremes and I Owing to a failure of the board to

IIolltical economy, manual training,

domestic science, and political sci­


mono Join In 'Practice of Song and yen.- agree, it was dissolved 'by the secre-

See VarsitJ Team In Action. Widely ~own Man. 'taJ')' of the interior. Professor El-___ Dr. $teiner needs no introducti°f wood Mead. of the Univerait)L.of Call-

do not believe that a child should

not be taught to do any work until he

is sixteen.

Two Hour Cla8Iies. Eight hundred rooters met on IQwa ,to a university audience, haViJlg fornia and Professor Fleming have "I want to see young men and

YQung women use the abllity and the

equipment with which God and nat­

ure have endowed them. Too many

foung persons are inclined to rush

through college and through life tn a

These cla8Bes will be for the most Field yesterday afternoon and prac- spoken here a number of times in re- ,been selected to join with the person­

part two hours in length; and class- ,tlced songs 'and yells. Various can- cent years. He Is a noted writer on al representatives of Secretary Lane

.. in a given subject wUl meet every didates for the cheer-leadership sociological questions and has made ~n a new investigation of the subject.

other Saturday. The courses wUl be IBhowed their abiUty. The new Iowa a num'ber of interesting studies on :Part of the work has been completed

dtteen Saturdays In length and will 'song was sung. It promises to be very ~mmigratlon. One of his best knoWJl 'but the most difficult part remains. liTe generally, two semester hours books i8 "On the Trail of the Imml-, popular. It haa a catching melody ,edit. In this way a teacher at- and clever words. • grant."

,nding eveJ')' Saturday during the The varsity went through a 'fast The programme will also be feat-.,.ar, will earn a maximum of eight ured ·by special music, furnished by

~orJrout for the benefit ot the root-I'-ourll of credit. the 'faculty of the school of music.

ers. Though the attendance was Registration Is taking place in the The chaplain will be the Rev. Mr.

some hundreds less than was expect-relJBtrar's office. The fee is five dol- ad by the Hawkeye clu'b the ad-iars a iYear for undergraduates,

tor graduates no fee is charged. but .vance showing of enthusiasm wall

greater than it has ,been for some

Houston, newly chollen pastor of tne

local Congregational chureh.

superfluous way. As !Chairman of

AMEs Y. M. O. A. FAR ADEID the bar examination board I see.

many law students and many of them

Leads In Membe1'IIbJp Oampa.ign by cannot or do not even ·fill out their

400 Men but Is BehIDd .on


'applications completely. How can

such a man be exact in the practice

Qf law? •

It was announced at Oloae Ball Few Men Use Talent.

last night that the Ames Y. M. C. A. "There are few men who actually

'rIME TO P~VENTION years, . and a strong rooters' organ- j4'lRST 0L.\8S TICKET IS8UED reports a membership of 670 with a use what talent they have. It is very.

~zation to back the team seems IUI- ___ 'total subscription of $179. The 10- very rare indeed that at least some I --Dr" Albert H. BeUeld and A.8Blstants ",ured.

I Bmpbaaize Study of ~'s .


cal Y. M. C. A. also reports a mem- measure of succees does not ICOme to "Independents" of Senior OIass An-

bership Qf 200 and subscriptions the man who exerts himself to the noUDce Stub iBarron 88 Their

Oandidate for President. amounting to $460. A large group best of his natural ability. In the

of men are working on this cam- present day it Is extremely difficult ---Third and fourth year students The junior pharmacy class has I paign. to fill important positions with men

UDder the instruction of Dr. Alb~rt elected officers for the coming year Class politics made its first appear- "Dad" Elliot spoke to a group of who are not worrying more about

¥. Belteld, head of the newly creat- as fololws: :preSident, Charles Carter, ance in the open yesterdar when cir- men at the regular midweek meet- their pay envelopes than about the

ed department of Children's diseases ShQshone, Idaho; vice president, culation of posters of "The Inde- ing a,bout the memberShip campaign. 'Work they are doing. In almost ev­

Ind his assistants will make ex- Clarence Hefner, Sioux City; secre- tpendent Ticket of the Senior Class" "Stub" Barron, who presidecl over the ery walk of lite the most valuable

. buatlve stUdies of the child, its diet tary and treasurer, Earl Ryan, ·was begun. meeting, made a speech endorsing the service is that which is given outside

,and diaeales, ,devoting this .yeal" aumeston; class delegate, Harold J. The candidates listed are: for Y. M. C. A. and its work. of the contract."

about four times as much time to Tierney, Fort Dodge; yell leader, president, Stub Barron; . for vice Mr. Cosson spoke last evening at

this phase of their study as hereto- Harvey P.Currier, Sheffield, lll. preSident, Cornelia Prentiss; for re- ·DR. O. P. HOWARD TO RET1.JRN the W. C. T. U. convention now in 1 lore. cording secretayr, Magdalene Frey- --- s98sion in . lowa City, on the ' subject,

The sixth floor of the new west VARSITY WIN8 FROM FRESHMEN ~er; for corresponding secretary, A telegram from Dr. C. P. Howard "The New Democracy". He leavell

" Winr o~ the university hospital is The varsity defeated the freshmen ,Helen Dowlln; for treasurer, F. A. of the department of theory and !today for Moulton where be will

1118d e:rcluslvely for this purpose easUy last ni&ht in ,the sec.ond scrim- jBarriqklow; 'for e,1ass delegate, practice of medicine announces that make an address.

&ad Includes In Ita equipment. a lun mage ot the ,.ear, scoring three Grover Jacobson. he will return to the State University Th" attorney general was gredu-

parl9l'. l1DlD&sium, playground, and touchd'owns in fifteen minutes of In the appeal which follows the of Iowa late in the winter. ated from the law department in the • ~. milk modlfytn, laboratories for play. The practice was generally list of candidates It Is suggeBted that Dr. Howard has been on the west- IClass of 1898. At that time the law

the lICientlflc care of their little more satisfactory tha.n of the night the ticket represents athletilca, liter- ern battle front in Europe with ean- school was In the Old Capitol 'buUd-

"""41. before. aJ'Y. acholutlc, ani 80elal activities. adian medical .... ('Continued on page .3.)

;=========~============~==~====~'==~~=='l =~==~~~~~~==========~~ .. ~~_ ======~~~~~~_ ~~====~~~~~ .. ~~====~~~~~~~~~~==~.====~ _ .............................. ., ............ ~~ ... ·~~Ii-.. ~ ~ .. ~ .... · .. ~· ............... -.................... ~" ... ~~~ ........ ~ .............. i-

, ~' ~". I~ I

,.. , ,\ IOWA FIELD Pusltball To~Day ADMISSION·

15c '"

, . -,

, 4:30 II

I ~ ... ~., .l~ ...... ~~ ....... J .... ~ ... ' .. ~ .... ~ ...................................................... ~~:o~~.'~~~~~.·l~~ .... ~~ .. . • -.

Page 2: Y.M.C.A. MEMBERSPIP 700 MEMBERS LAST YEAR AMES Your …dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1915/di1915-09-30.pdf · 2013. 1. 7. · Owing to a failure of the board to IIolltical economy,

~ .


TIle New. aad EdItorial MaUer Pr&o

pIINd b,. 8tacteaa. In tile ()ouae

In .J01ll'DAllal..


.Itol''' Kote-Thll II the final In­ata1lment of an editorial reprinted from The New Republic. The Dally Iowan hu featured It In the hope of ca..... a hUtiOD. Whether there II a reaction and, If there II, the na­tare of It, w11l IndIcate to a certain extellt the truth 01' antrath of the new takeD.


Greater Value Giving SHOULD VISIT


Suits and Overco'ats Made For Us By

Hlrah-Wlckw1re and Kuppenhelmer ,

$17.60 to $30.00 ExcepUonal Values at These Prices $10.00 • $12.60 • $16.00

iii sure and see us when >,ou need a Sweater Coat Hat -8h1rt Neckwear Bath Robe Cap Glo". HomelY Iowa Blankets

, Plllow Covers or Bannera

, I. CO .. VItIOHT 11111 TN. MOU •• CW I(U ..... "H ......

"The under .... duate can lcarcely

be Iblamed for relpondlng to a sYltem

which 10 strongly relembles his

IPorts, or for bending hll energlel to

playing the game right, rather than

.... mU.tln' the Intellectual back-

1I'0und of hll teachers. So Itrongly

hu this .portlng technique been ac·

qulred by the college that ev,n when

the undergradnate lacka the .port­

IDa lnatlncl and doe. become Interest­

ed In Id8&l. he is apt to find that lie

baa only drawn attention to hll own

precoclty and cauted amuled notilce


rather than respect. In Iplte of the M1&roRTUNE8 OF POLITICS Kansas Industrlalllt: It Is ,ener-

elealre of tnltrootorl to let ,them- "Each candidate pledgee hlmleU ally aimltted III the United Btatel

.. Ivea oyer to their Illudents, In spite to work tor the beet Interelts of the that tile rest of 'lie world Ia at odu

of & real effort to break down tho whole clasa--aa they have In the put, with the divine pla. of tltlnp &ad

.. clul-coaaclou.ne .... of teacher and which fact permits UI as a senior well on Its roall to the eterJl8l Ibow-

student. the gulf between their stU- ICla .. to relpectfully prelent," etc. WOWI.

tudes II too fll;Ddamental to be easll), Thll Is the .. en lor ticket way of bridged. UnleN It i. bridged, ho~ expreuln" It. Of cou-e, it -uld Doel quality appeal to ~u' It

.. .g W It doea 7e. wiU fUad It I. every &r-

ever, the under,raduate Is lett in a han been said "themselves as he" tiel. we 'IITe. The KercJlaa~'. IOrt ot Peter Pan condiUon, lookin, 'and "to as a .enlor clUI relpectfully roll SALJIl-ilhitarl •• It, In fille back to Ilil schoolboy 1fte and carry- present". Why let the Infinitive coadltion. R. B. Walker, Jl8 ~ So.

In, alon, his schoolb07 Intere,ts wltll suffer'

him. In.tead ot antlclpatin, his

gradnate or profeilional Itudy or hll J.<'IIIIft' PROGRAMME ONOONOED



CATIIOLIO 8'l'UD11W'lW l'f0'ftCB acttle life. What should be an In­

trodooUon to protesalonal or busi­

neu life in a world ot urgent polltlc-

Friday enning the Ulen'l literary The C. F., U. and NawlDlII-n locieU. socletiee will give their tlrst pro- will give a joint reception to all

CatlioUc Ita •• t. in Sueppel' • .&.udl­grammes of the year at their respec- torlum Friday evenln, at 8 o''Olock.

al and IOclal INues, and the acqulr- ttve halls. The programmel are ar­

In, of Intellectual tooll with Wblch ranged to start at eight. The public

All are eamestl,y urged to attend.

to meet their demandl, becomel a is cordially Invited to attend each wllh to announce their annual "tr7-IOrt of tequeltered retreat out of Friday night. outs" which will be I held MoUda,.

evening, October fourth, 8 to 11 p. m. which to jumll from boyhood Into a Irving Inltitute's programme will

badly-pre,ll&red' middle age. be:

"The college will not really get the Vocal solO-I. Rubenstein.

undergraduate until It 'becomea more Debate-B. Frank and A. O.

For information pleaie conauit Mill Lucy GUDIOlIe, at regl.trar'1 of­fice. We allO requeat that you regil­tel' your name with lieI'.

conacioul of the !COntralt ot 1U own 'Brown VI. R. J. Shaw and A. E. Turn- !II.-.--------... philosophy with hll Iportlng phttolo- ar. •

p,hy and tacklel his bornh Amerl- Readlng-C. Cooper.

C&nllm. leu mercifully, or until It Speech--.Francll Pattenron.

mak. colle,e lite l.s like that of an PhUomathean', programme wlll be

undar .... duate country club, and practically enemporaneoul. Zeta­

more of an Intellectual worklhop gathlan's has not yet been an-

where men and women In the fire of nounced.

Solicit Boarders For Your Own Board

See S11'E. Wash.

their youth, with conflicts and ============================= ............... 11 ... an. ambltt ... r-s-._!d!II_~ =~~~ =:.,,:.n~n;:· .. : I Jefferson Billiard Hall I ~'''''It ........ __ 1 ~'ana BarliefSllOp

mad. ' .... dent of the Rate anly ..

lt7 ftfteea , .... &101" tile CllerolE"

Times exclalml In lpeaklDs of Preal-

C.~A Schmidt, Prop. Iowa City, Iowa

d_t' lbobrld.. ______ I. ___ IYillYilI!f.lIYilRII_.1II'

Dancing Scb~l Company' fAA" '. A~ory 2:30 . to 5:00 Saturday Afternoon

• • at the •. \



Thurs. and Fri. w




Young , I) ." , ...

'Romance A Drama of Ro.antic


Shoea here-8tew&J~·'.

WAlf'l' ADS FOR SALE-:-Cadet unUora,

.ood condition. gray. Ille 3. or Inquire at Yetters .

• LOST-Waterman lelf-tUlIa.

taln pen. Finder pleale' . Iowan office.

LOST-Pi Beta Phi arrow. 1147 .

LOST-On Iowa Field, a bun~ keys. Finder return to Iowan

DR. HENRY MORROW. n.in_ 12 ~ South OlIDtDn 8&J

Opposite Camp .... 9-12 HoUl'll

DR. LOLA Hours: 10 to 12 A. M.

2 to 7 P M. Sunday 5 to '6 P. 1rI.

Telephone 931 218 1-2 Wuh.


0HAR~E8 Jl'ELZEN MODeJ to lOAD on all ldn4I ~

SecurIty 126 So. Dubuque Street

Pr8ettce Limited to the Ere.

. Nose aIId Thorat DR. FRANK L. LOVE

Phones: Omce, 661; Residence, Paul-Helen BuUdlng

Iowa OltT. 10".

DB. 'I. WARD IleIltlati

Johnson County Savin,. Bank · Telephone 327

.JOHN G. HUIilLLBR, Me Do PbyaJdaa &ad SaraeoD '

Phonel: 87 R 1 87 it * Residence 417 II. Bloomlngto."

DB W. H. DONOVAN' , Special .tte..doD Py_ to E,e, .. ,

Nose aDd Throat Omce, Johnson Co. Bank Bldl.

Rooms 315-320 Phone 106 R 1 Reeldence 10. R I

At tlte Gard~n Theatre

Next Sunday




'It'. & pr CON



tl VENG, IWlI'BLI IL 'l'OV.A.]

'. J!

Page 3: Y.M.C.A. MEMBERSPIP 700 MEMBERS LAST YEAR AMES Your …dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1915/di1915-09-30.pdf · 2013. 1. 7. · Owing to a failure of the board to IIolltical economy,

SALE-:-Cadet ldftion, gray, Ille 38 it Yetters. ~

-Waterman lelf-tlll", I. Finder pleale lea,. mce.

-Pi Beta Phi arrow.





VIRGINIA VALL NRY MORROW, DB1m1'. I~ South OlintDn I&J Opposite Oampua.



ALWAYS WJ:LCOD" The 50 0ig8l' that Never

D1aa.ppointa Rol1l'ii

A>LA OLABK-MIGIIBLL urs: 10 to 12 A. M. '

2 to 7 p. M. Inday 5 to 6 p, M. e 931 218 1-2 Wuh.


JIII\R.uES FELZElf b loan on all Idndl elf

Security 11Jo. Dubuque Street

IAmJteII to tile BJe, Nose aiId Thorat L FRANK L. LOVE Olftce. 661; Residence, aul-Helen BuUdlng bwa O1t7, Iowa

DR.~. WARD Delat18t

lounty Savinp Bank 'Telephone 327 -

At til. 3eft Theatre :xt Sunda,


Oleat' Havana. 10e Cigar


You don't reaJise Smoke H0118e Welcome UD­til you taste our entertAinment. When you do, the beaten path will grOw deeper by your pa.- BBU ARE SWEJlTS

of every kind from Milk Chocolate Hug' to

Jordan Almonds BEIOH'S

EPICURB Assollnun

I J' tronage. , 5cCigar OWL 5c OIGAR

'It's a proud nickel that buys an Owl' OONW AY OIGAR 00. DIST.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Our new store at the .Jefferson corner is now open. Adopt the motto "Meet Me At R&cine's". Ha.ve your taxi stop there. Study your :french book for the other fellow. Study your :French lesBon on our cushions a.ny time.

And on the other hand-profit by our stock off~. By keeping on band the best of aU well known .bra.nda of cig&l'8, tobacco, pipe ao­C8S80ries, a.nd all articles known to smokers, I am able to maiDta.iD aad run two of the fiD.e~ clpr stores in the state.

Will pleu.t, wh&teYet your taste, for there a.re inonf 1dnd8 t.han iD &111 other box We Recommend

The Na.tional Smoke . LaPREI'EU~OIA

OIGARS laay to Smoke lasy to Like

. Baay to Buy Try the BBB in &


lIy fountain ftxturea are superb in that theT ¢fer the best of opportunities for exoellent service. This incl'" the mall beldnd the fiD . Be's an expert.


5cCigar I!rrincible Shapes

DJm RACID, Agent G

, 1

Pollow the well be&teD..path to ltAOINB'8 "ClGn 8i'OUS

YOIl are Kidding yourlelf when think our Meal Tickets don't


)'oa '01,.., TIM.......... (COlltillllH "'0-. JAge 1.) " , . ing. "I remember that .urs was one

n.._ ' ! I lof the lar .. classes that had grad u-_ qual.ty appea to you? It .' 4081 )'ou ... 111 ftild it In every ar- ated up , to tlult time." 'Mr. CossoDj

tIeIe we ~. The MerehlNlts'.~' turning to tecollecdoDl. "I did

'01\_ are ktddtlg yourleir ".hell not join a literary socletfbut nefped ft. think tur Mial T1.cketll . do~'t organize a debaUn, club, We m"t In _I JOa money. TIle .ercbaDu!. • roo. tbat did not COlt tlI an,..

, • tblug and helel a debate every week. r"urteell 1ears we havtj proved to That soclet, ... later named the

.tadentW thM The ilerctttllitl' '!

Ileal 'Jickets are an Ec01l'Omy, \MCClain debating SOCiety. after the a qu'1fty and ""Ice ot the late Emlta IIDClain,"


GIRL "II eolDiar_ , Watch . ' 8ti:cl.'~f Paper for , AilnoneelDent.

LeI' 'Wu1'e HIM. General Coslon still takes an ac­

tive interest in the university's at­

t&'irs. "I think the leglllature

a great mistake when, .. few years

It ...,.... ......... e 160 acre.

land near the city tor campul pur­

posel for ,14,000, he Observed

"Since th,en almost ~ half a mUllon

hal bee1l spent." .,Iert Theatre. Mr. COIIOD. .. Id t&at be ft8 eaUs­

.. --------... 'tied with the prolreu of hi' candl­ciao,. for tile pyernonlllp of 10 ...

He II '-.... 'ard wort to fill hll schedule ot appolDtmlllti.

BlWONIAlf stili'" fIIaLIIIIt1rBD

The re,ular ~eetlD' ot tbe &acon­

ian club will be held In ph1llca lec­

ture room Friday, Oetolaer 1 at 1; 30

,. m. Proteaol' i. 11'. Relll, of the

department of aa'themattat .w read

a Piper atltl "'!'he Va,tattotl of

an Inlul'aaoe 'ollqJ'. The public

Ii cordlany tATtled.·

The Kappa BllDla frat.Blty wUl

enttrfala at a .W~I Hrt7 frida:r

• 1

I "Quality Tella."



Class Officers President

STUBBARRON ' Vice-President

CORNBLIA PRENTISS Recording-Secretary

MAGDALEN. tUYJ)BR Correspondiuc: Secretary

BELlS Dl>WLIN Tl'eiaurer



8eldors:-The lDdependent Senior ticket is aslring for your l11J.r.rt on the grounds that evel'J member on ticket represents cert&i.n re~ University activities. Go over the aboVe Jist of candidates again, carefully. See if e •• ry petson I1aa not contributed abundantly to every University &etivity-athletics, literary, scholaatio a.nd socia.l. Furthermore, each candi­date pledges hiJpelf to work for the belt inter­uti lJf tile _Ie «ie'S &I they have in the pal\ -whtch tact ~ts u 8& senior claaa . to felpicttully present their various candidacie~ fUr your oouidera.tion.

aT_lDl, Oct. 8, ta tbelr neW: bome on _111!1~~~.~ __ ""' ______ 1!11111~~~~ __ ~~~~~~~~.~_: ....... _____ .~.- Dubuque IUNt.

Page 4: Y.M.C.A. MEMBERSPIP 700 MEMBERS LAST YEAR AMES Your …dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1915/di1915-09-30.pdf · 2013. 1. 7. · Owing to a failure of the board to IIolltical economy,

~ ,





Game Called at 10 O'clock P. M.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . . . ..... ..... . .... .




A Better Blouse

J At $2.00

"The Avenging Conscience" Six-Reel Feature

With Henry Whitehall and Blanche Sweet staged by D. W. Griffith

New Models on Sale Tomorrow SHOWS START AT 2:00, 3:45, 5:30. 7:15, 9:00

We could not be too fu180me in our praise of Wehrorth Blouses for they are so very appeaUng in all that goes to make a Bloule de­sirable, that words to describe them seem utterly Inadequate. We must ask that you see thele Waists, to real1&e how lood the, are. We feel that in buying thele Blouses at U.OO JOu are pannI conaJd­era.blyless than Waists of a Uke charac.ter, would ordJnarl, cost, It bought elsewhere.

team consisting ot a captain and the per104.

twenty men. If the ball crosses one of the side Iowa's long Une of literal1

The same men may participate In lines, it is ,brought in fifteen yards,

W elworth Waists Are Sold Here Exclusively.

ad •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. . ..... .

both the first and second periods but

this Is not reQ. uired.

Th6 whole of each class is eUgible

in the third period. The third period

shall take place regardless of the re-

sult of the first two periods.

each side lines up five yards from occasions will be brought to a

the ball, and the ball is put into play tonight when Zeteg1l.thian i by the referee. will have its annual freshman

Only street and tennis shoes shall er.

be allowed. The gathering

Close Hall and a large Any effort on th~ part of either

has been arranged; iIllClbding At the 'beginning of each period the class to prevent the entrance to the spee,ches, and toasts followed bJ

JUiliLOGG ANNOUN0E8 RULES lined by Director Kellogg yesterday participants shall Une up, each field, or the participation of any freshments.

are as follows: along his own ,goal Une. At the sig- member of the other class, shall sub- strictly informal and will be l''--sblllen Sophomore Pushball Con- There shall be three periods. nal "Play" of the referee, each side . " . - ject ~he offending !Class ,to a forfeit- ,reshmen ot all colleges ot the

te8t Toda)' Will Consist of Three The first shall start ,at 4: 46 p. m., shall rush toward the ball which has

Perioda of 1P1a,. Wednesday. been placed in the !Center of the tield.

The length of each period shall be ·mach side wlll endeavor to push the

The freshmen and sophomores 10 minutes, no time taken out. ball over the goal ot the other side ;

will clash on Iowa Field this after- .Intermisslon between,the first ·an,d each goal to count one pOint. In

noon In the annual .pushball contest. second periods shall be five minutes. case the ball does not cross either

The aUalr wm take place at 4: 30 0'- eBtween the second and third perl- goal line, or In case of a tie In num­

clock and Directors Kellogg and ods, ten minutes. .ber of goals made, the period shall

Schroeder will act as officials. In the first and second periods be decided against the Iide on whose

The rules of .the contest as out- each class shall be represented by a territory the ball rests at the end of

Varsity Six Hundred

I F you want the snappiest overcoat you ever put your

frame into, you'll get one of Hart Schaffner & Marx Varsi­ty Six Hundred models. They are new in idea, and n~w in the smart little to u c h e s of style which mak~ clothes distinctive, and unusual.

Come and see the new over­coats; there's nothing like them anywhere else. At $25 you'11 see some very rich fab­rics; and very smart styles.

COAS'IS' The New Way Store

. ~

The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes

ure of the contest.

THE BOSTON Shoe Repairing Shop





C_ In IIIcIIM u. WI IOu what thl. "'_

w. do not cobble ..... w. r.bulld th.m.

W. u .. the f_


JOE SIMPSON 12a So. Dubuque ~trt'et

Telephone Red 440

t:; .,



,We l)se Only Oak Soles

T. Dell Keney .... ~ ... "The Old Reliable"

Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing ....

Call and see us on our new students' rates on pressing.

211 E. College St. Telephone 17

Buy a Yea GameCaU

.. .

~~~VfY WORK l \




Noted Hen Constitute

~W In.es~ate Cor

1IJgbft' EducaA

Des Moines, Ia., Oct.

cational survey c.omml

federal government

charge of the survey

etate edulCational inst

meet in Washington, D.

plan for its work in low

It is probable that th

th~ commission will pe

the Iowa instituions w

'time and spend J)erhaps

over the situation.

The commission alre

.iderable to work on, 1

the buildings and clas

much valuable data Se(

a visit of Dr. S. P . C:

ment specialist in high

and through his ~orreSI

State Board Pl

This survey, it will be

II being undertaken at ;

the state board of edu(

view to improving and

efficient the work at

,tltutions, Not only ,

mittee go into the ph~

ment of the institutions

study the extension w(

dertaken Iby our state e atttutions; they will 01

tendance at the variou

determine whether or n

as are too small to jUi

Ing maintained and 01

too large. • Iowa is the first stat

a complete survey of il

Instituions on the part

States government. It

lay that not alone are

of the state board an:

prove benefbcial to the

but the government c lDlious to prove the ef

department. .

Noted Men on

The commission is

lOme of the most distil

Cltors in this country.

to Commissioner Claxtc

ehalrman, the followi

bera: Dr. Kendrick C. 1

of the college of libel

'el'l1t, of Illinois; Dr.

Surhes, president Mial

Ohio; Dr. BaUey, forn

the college of agrleultt

UnlYerBity; Dr. James B

of the ooltele of liberal

UlllveJ'lity; Mra. H. "W

reau of education, at

. capen, IpeelaUlt In hlgl

'Dr. Godfrey, ;president

IUtute, Phlladelphla.