L^l --ii*. iiara-h -frrflF"T SfcK&fssafciift !•*%•. «\. w .__ MM, - * * • i*«>> J*_ of lie town t «v*nl debtor,,. .-_ ' Iff,SWMWHI^ W»«»n- £Sw_t^ *1«in$S , T ,,, . , ,. fffOMCB of' or*.t ^ i r t o ^ O f ^ ^ , * ? , ^ ^ ^ „ . to &>•*<«' l « e f th* revised try •**• tit M*M Nog*•« judge t|« it*l Judicial otreert In mid *J*t«. notice !» h*r«hy •*!*• «I.»»*^" reuairtttg altthe creditor* of Ii. ft. »A|i©»_M,o£ih* towoof Fulton, Hook county, WW lug for ' " — .latute. of Wi**e_*in. ofthe circuit eoui Rook county, wuiaoniio, an in*or»*ut debtor," betrmnV i tea** *f la* aol for the r*llef of (Molvon; , r , . l , l,.' ' " #»MI Y. Iiiiiising, Altwny, Or Ktlwnrct M ,. New York eltyt «ii or b»ftir* th gj** 8 IJouwVtmlWIag, cl»| the ily of street, ,gu»t, 1861. v O. Y. LANKIiNO, f«Sl em > KjMouto*ofthe *fil «r Mary McLean. rfiftrtlort*: o# -niiWATfi OF NEW YORK. JL by the giaoa »f God free' ewMiulepeiwWi » *" person* ailnrc-tled In the entat* of Jam** '*• DevKUon, line of the town of Ovid In the couuty of Beneca and »t»t«ofNew York, deceased. „__„_* Yo* lw*.e»oh,or youar* hereby •it** •jal»f»tt«« to be.Wld appear left efbYe our surrogate of thaooiW'i s offl«« In the village of Ovid in 9*Jd eewtty, oil the Had day of August, 1801, at ten ty Of Wefieca, - at hi* office itt ^the aotbegr*«ta_. Dai* Jan****.'.Mi. h m ftw 1- 1*. T O W N * , i»*f tor P«i„ic**v. rinlri PEOPLE IH,' f HE STATE OK NKW YoRK, 1. to«3r«eoJim«**i>d John T. Jon**, of Due*, Cud- da eMnty, N. .Y i Eleanor Welkin*, ofDeerRold, Onei. «* oounty, aioresaid : Kill* Jouo«e»d Margaret Jone* hi* Wife, of Pleasant w o v e , lie* Moine* oounty, Iowa) David Jo«e»> of gala. North Wale*. Great Brltam; Jane Kiln, of Manchester, England; atul _Jlxaboth rllia, Kl. h« Kills, Ann Kill* and Thosa* Kill*, of Nottk Walea, aiiirftiaul, whoko particular piaoes of re*i4euo* are un- known and cannot be aacerlalned, diligent enquiry kavw in* been mad* to aaoetialu the *ai8e, widow, heir* M law, and neat of kin of John R, Joue*, deeeaud Wheroaa, Gedwelladar Kwharda, ha* thia day offered the l**t will and tenement of th* aald John H June*, lat* of th* city of lltica, in the eounty of Oueala, <l«cea*ed, for irobate u a will of real and pertoltal **• late, before Henry M, Burehard *utroi»ie of th* county orOneida; yon at* therefore hereby cited to appear be forothe «aiJ turrogateathio office in Utiea, in the county oi Oneida, on th* ITtu day of Auguat, IHdl, at lu o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend to the probata of •aid will. Given under the hand and official teal ol the paid «ur- li.. fl.| rogate, at lltica, in *aid ooanty, thia loth day ortune, A. Dy 18M. Je3B»W HENtl«" M. BllRCHAHI), Rurro«*le. lit (IK PKOPLROPTHK sirfATH uV tikw VOKX, A to Mary Hiono, widow, reahling in Hopkintoit; William U. Aahtoo, reakUu* in Br**her, both in the eottixty of St. Lawrence, N. Y | Rlisa Aahton, re*iding at Merry worth Ceelle, in th* oovnty of K*nt in theklni- doui ol Great Britain; Robert Aahton and William Aah> ton, retidiag In Canada Rait, place unknown, and can Rot be aacertained ; Mveral children of Rlua Kenedy, deceaaed, who at* auppoeed to re*M* at or near Mon- treal, Canada Knal, they at* of full age, but the number of them, and their itamea are unknown, and cannot be aacertained; aeveral children of Fanny Kennedy, «•- ecaaftd, their nantea, number and raeidenc* are un- knowu, and cannot b* aacertained, all of full age, heir* at law and next of kin to John Aahton, late of llupkmion aloreaaid, deceaaed, greeting: Whareaa, Robert Stone, a lagatee named in a oar- lain mirumeni in writing, purporting to be lb* laat will and testament of John Aaaton, late of th* town of Hop- kiuton, in tb* county o( St. Lawrence ana trnte of New York,d«cea*ed| na* mad* application to th* aurto- gate of eur county ofHt. Lawrence, to have aai* Inalru- ... mi in writing ptov*d and reaotded n* a will of real and paraonal *atat«; yon are therefore hereby oitedto appear betor* the aald surrogate, at th* court houie in the village oi Canton In th* aald county, on th* &8th day of Auguat 1641, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, then ami lliare to alteud to th* ptabat* of said will. oi v on undsr th* land and teal of oaace of our aald aur- rogam.at Ooavernaur, in aald county of St. Law- II i. rl.) recce, thi* gtt day of June m th* year of our Lord one Ihoutaud eight hundred and*Uly-OB*. je»oV K D. SMITH, Surrogate. MiMK PKOPLR OP"TUB STATE OF NEW YORK, J to Martha Lake, who reaid** at Porter, Niagara county, N V.| William Lake, who reside* at Littln Palks, Herkimer oonnty, N. Y'; Jama* Lake, whore- aidea hi Hottonvllle, Outagamie county. Wisconsin; Nancy Marahall wire of Jarnea Marshall, whose last known .place of resilience w u Eureka, Winnebago county, Wisconsin, but whose present plan* of resi- dence cannot ba ascertained; and George 0. Lake, who reaid«a at Loekpert, N lagara aouHiy, N. Y., heir* and n.m of kin of Oeorg* Lake, lat* of Potter in the county of Niagara, deceased, greeting: Wtiereaa, Peter Simmon*, or the town of Porler in the eounty of Niagara, bath lately mad* application to our aurrogat* of tb* eounty of Niagara, to have a certain m- eirumanl in writing, relating to both teal afMpersonal es- tal*, duty ptoved a* tb* laat will and testament of said tteorg* Lak«, d*o«aaed; yon aiuteaeh of you are hereby 'ii..( and requiredpereonally to appear before the aurro- i, in of our county of Niagara, at th* aurrogate'a office, ,a l<o*knart, on Monday the tnh day orSepteuibet, 1861, at 10 •i ll f.l'».k In th* forenoon of that day, to attend the probata of th* said instrument aa th* laat will and testa- inr lit of the said decease'.!. In witness whereof, bav* canted the seal ofofnee of our *ttrr*gat* to b* hereunto affixed. Wit IL. 0.) a***, George W. Row*u, aurrogate of onr said aouniy, at Lookpor t, lb* 10th day of June, A, I). o'clock in lap forenoon of tbat'day, Hieji and there to at tend tlitt ii aeltlcuient of the account* of Jnmea D« Mott, executor, and Snphronin Bavidaon. executrix of the la-1 will «n,I lestaitient of the taid detJeMed. - In testimony whereof, wa hava oaumsd the aeal of of- fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witiieaa, George Frankllrt, surrogate of said [L. 8.) eounty, at Ovid, the sixth day of May, In Hie year of our Lord ope thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, _jrnyt8 8m ui'.OROU FRANKLIN, Sutrogete. N oflOK TO OH BDITORS^-Notice i* hereby given aeeerdieg to tnw, mid in pursuance of an order of the apiivgaio of Oniiirio eoumy, to all persons having claim* or tTvuiniida agaiusi S V. R. Mallory, late of tb* village of Oittiuiidnigu*, deccuacd, that they are required to i! • inii.t the same, with th* voucher* In support them . of. to Thomas M. u well, eHUninUtiaior of natddecea*. ed, at bis ultioe in the villnajp of tlanandaiguu, Ontario comity, N. V., on or before in *1 day of October next. UaiesflheilMiluy of Match, W'l- ' T T CALEB VAN BUiSBR, THOMAS M. MOWKLL, mhS8 6m Surviving Administrator*, ft*. fi )a»»»w », W, aWWaW.tsiT|Wta4« rpHK FK6FLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, I by th* grace *f God do* and independent, to the next of kin of Chriatian Uouta, late of the town of Look- pott in th* county of Niagara, deceased, graetlng: Yon are hereby oiled and required to appear before our surrogate of oar couuty of Niagara, in our aurrogat* court, on th* *1 day of September, IWI, at ten o'clock lu the forenoon of that day, at th* aurrogau'* office, In I .o.:kp.>r t, then anal ih*r* to lake upon yourselves and each of yonrtelv**, ilu) administration of Hi* goon, chattel*, credits and effect* of said deceased, *r show cause why the i s m *h*uld act lie granted to Peter It. Aikin, of Locxport, aforesaid, who baa applied therefor, as a creditor oi aai* deceased. la testimony whereof, we hav* eauxea th* acgl of oale* of oar said surrogate t* be hereunto af- axed. Witnaas, G*org* W. Bowen, aurrcgate it, .* I *f th* said eounty at Lockport, the Kith day of June, in th* year of our Lord ouethousuud eight huudredenaei.xOr.un*, O. W. BOWEN, r»ylr>«at Surrogate. ^^ifwthKW 1 rnS'ii¥ji^it of JTEWYORH; I to all persons interested in th* estate of Sterling Graves, tale of the town of Rutland in the county of Jelfnrson, deceaxed, send greeting, You arid each of yon are hardy cited and required rsonalty to be an* appear before our surrogate of th* unty of Jeflersoit, at hi* offiee, in Watcrtown, in said persona county o, «••—savsaj as I»W»»I <*» ..-.«,.v H •*• -«™ ounty, on the 1st nay of October, It'll, at tea o'clock Ut the forenoon of that day, then and litem to attend the neiilouient of tbeaceotait of Etastnua D- Allen, a* the executor of th* last will aad Malaancnt of the saul Bier- ling Graves, deceased, lu testimony whereof, wu liato c*u*ed th* aeal of office of said surrogate te be hereunto affixed. (L. 8 ] Witness, Milton H. Meiwiu, svrrogula of our »*id county, at Watcrtown in *aid county,"" the .'oili day of June, A. D. 1861. |V»1in M. H. MERWIN, Surrogate r s t i ^ 1'K.OPl.fc OF THE STATE OF NEW-VoRR, * by Hi.: grace ol God free and independent, to the next uf kin and all person* Interested m the estate of Rebecca Heoox, late of the town of Pendleton in the county of Niagara, daeeased, greeting: You are hereby cited and required to appear before our eurrogate of our county of Niagara, in our aitrrogate court, on the 7tliday of October, IHtll, at III o'clock in Hie torenoon of that day, at the aurrogat*'* office, in fork port, then and there to attend the laal *eltlement of the accouata of Illy**** K. Uecox, administrator of, fee , of said deceaaed In testimony whereof, we nave caused the aeal of of. lice ot our aald surrogate to be hereunto affixed Wltneaa, George W. Bowen, surrogate of laid %L. ••] county, at Lockport, the leilti day of June, in > the year of our Lore on* thousand eight hun- dred and sixty .one. je»3oi __ ». W. BOWKN, Surrogate. rpHE PEOPLE OF THR STATE*OF NEW YOKK I by the grace of God free ami independent, to the next of kin, and all persons interested in the estate ol Delia T HeCox, late of the town of Pendleton in the county of Niagara, deceased, greeting; v'mi are hereby cited and required to appear before cut fcUrrogate of onr county of Niagara, in our surrogate court, Pit the 7thday ofOolober,18ol, at tuoVLock in the Lire noon of that day,at the surrogate's office,in Lockport then and there to attend the anal settlement of the ac- count* of Ulysses K. llecox, administrator of, esc, of aid deceased. lu testimony whereof, wo have oauud the eeal of of- rice of our aald surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, George W. Bowen, surrogate,of me ji M.| mid couuiy, at Lockport, the Mlb day of June, in the year of our Lord on* ijumioiul eight hun- dred aud suty one. i e » 3m O. W. BOWEN, Ika/roggjc T HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK to Mm y; o' iiriei. widow of Richard O'Brien, J O'Brien wife of John p'Brien, severally rest ne m (r ut n I (Jantou in the county of St. Lawrence, N. Y.; and to Rictiarsi O'Brien, whoa* place of residence Is unknown, and caunot be ascertained, hers at law and next of kin to Richard O'Brien, late of Madrid in the county of Si Lawrence, afoteaaid, deceaaed, greeting: Win:teas, John Young, executor named in a certain tnetrument in writing, purporting to be the laat will and i > ii.im.ii! of Richard 0'Brien,late oi'llot town of Madrid in the county of Ml. Lawrence and state of New York, deceased, ha* made auplicaiton to the surrogate of our county ut St. I<awrence, to haveaaid instrument in wil- ling proved and. reeetdea ee a will ol real and personal estate ; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before the said eurrogate, at the court house tit the village of i' ni...i in Ike aald County, on the tSih day of August, i HI, at 10 O'clock in the forenoon, then and there to at- tend to the probate of said will. Given under the band and seal of office of our said sur- rogate, at Gouveriieui ol aaal county of St. (L. S.) Lewrenee,ihia9$ih day ot Jt-iem4beyearofaur lord one thousand eight nuiuucd ann sixty.one. j e » « » _ Urp. SMITH Surrogate. ,. „ti; fKOi'f.H OF THE STATU OF NEW YORK, X by tbegracooffJorltVe* and iiulepemlew!, to Nun. uy Mekeol, Susan M. Squire, Kneline l.lckly amll'lnlin 11...»i.'.i, all off the town 'of Putnam Valley in the county *"" i.iinj Wright J, Gorton,of fleaeseecounty, Mich- William H. Cole and John E. Cole.botli oflowu of I'lilu.iu igan conniy, Wiaconain; Mary K;_Jenkini,_of"'Madison fit. iscousiat Msign'rot Aim White, of Snuk county, Wis urn; and Northrop Hall, of the town of I'uinam Vul K w cousin ley, aforesaid, Ike apeclal guardian of Emeline White, a minor, teaidiug nt tauK coanty, Wiiconsin, acini (reeling : W hcreaa, CyrsteB. Herton. of the town of putnam Vat. ley in the county of Panism, has lately applied to our •ar- rogate of the eounty of Putnam, to have a certain Instru- ment in writing, relating to real aud personal estate, duly proved aa th* last will and testament of Isaac Hot- ton, late of the town of Putnam Valley, in the .county of Putnam, deceased; therefore, you and each of you are cited to appear before our eatd surrogate, at hi* office in the village of Carrael in the county of Punutut, on the llih day of August, 1861, at to o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend to the probate of the said laat wilt and le*t**e*ttt* In testimony whereof, th* surrogate of our aald county ha* hereunto affixed the aaal of the surrogate's It,. 8.) court of aaid coanty of Putnam, this lOili day of Jam* one thousand eight hundred and sixty.one je8S«W RYDER, Surrogate. _ - - _ ) T » ORB_«TORB--Notioe of application _ . lor the discharge of an insolvent front his debts, pur- suant lo th* provision* of the third article of the first title of the tftb chapter of the second part of the revised slat- ate*. CHASLKB H. WEBB, of the city of ttochetler in the eoumy of Monroe, an insolvent debtor, individually, and as one of the talc firm of Sheldon ft Webb. Notice first published Juno «7tb, KWt. Creditor* ui appear before boo. John C.Ok—ssssM.0, county Judge bftlt* cotiuly bf Monroe, M hieeffi**, la the city of Rochester, in iaid oouuty, on the fish day uf (September, 1801, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of thai day, lo ahow cause, if any they have, why aa assignment should not be made of aald in- solvent's estate, and he be discharge'! from M* debts, jeOT Mlw ' ' ••' ^ ' N OTICE TO ORBDITORB-Nollee of _ppHo*I«*_. for the discharge of an iatolveut from hi* debt*, pur- saaiit to U>* provi-wia bf th* third article of the fir*! tide of the (UlSof-pw «t th* aeednd put of th* revlwd atht- "'oGILVl* U BBUttDON, ef the elty of Rochestet la ,h.°co«T;^M<a-i**V•» lnaUve.t debu^r iudividnally, and as one ofthe late trra of Sheldon * Webb. Notice _»t pubSiSI-MuiS% »«»L S^'SUVRE.I.S 1 ' for. L « * S C-__ga-a»»o, ^ » t - J e d g . ^ , ^ ly of Monroe, at hi* office in thee •aid cot x_._._ .__ _ * __ o'clock said eoumy, on the Uth day of SajSeinber, 1861, at IM th*y have, why an waigumeul •bbltld l"'t bo «amle of •aid insolveat'a **tile,aiid It* be d4»cb»r|fial itom hu d,bu. x ;;| ' V ! J; . I ,.,, II ^,. I* 8 * 1Uw TTiSB#MOPU*4>F THE STATMOFNEWJfOKK, 1 to itli pen"!** Interested in the estate of i,»eob 8. GletyliMe ** Hs» ssn-a efOtra in th* eotuity of Mom- •^ r «S?K»r#'TO"."«_»__.»y eKedaiil .eqtoe-i ilock at Ike HMMS-** oi a at th* hii*ls«iaV_««_to ««s <^wtom*~!f*f!igg!^ ****** day of Uci *W.,__iJF having applies!"for *»*h general .elitemaul ' t t*ati»i~y what**!, w* nava catamd u****dof oar '-'ae<xinoi«aideotiuiy to bekMtanio *.« <Sm*tX wh»»«a ffiTlK C»»in'*^ po«»tjjMi* ^a*l!iai>(int|re« M*«isiisainy,a* tate -mage oi aodSjHy^nta.' B- HTOUSTINIY, N OVICE of appliciinou for the discharge of ail tnspl- vent iVotn hi* debts, pursuant in the provisions bf the third article of the arst title uf the fifth chapter ofthe scooud part ofthe revised statutes. . ^ , . EDWIN K. '.REMAIN, ofthe oily of Now York, In- solvent. Notice first published May 19,1881. Creditors to appear before the htm Geurge O. Barnard, one ofthe .ustices of the New York supreme court, at the cham- bers of said court, in the oily hull building, city of New York; tin IheVWInl ay of July, 1861, at 10 A.M., to ahow cause, If any they have, why said insolvent should not ninke en assignment, unit be discharged from hlatlalng. Now York oitjr, May IDth, 1W11. B. P SAWYER, Alt'y for Insolvent, myloHIW: No. Id Wall-at.iN.Y.. "|VHK PEOPLE OF 'HIE STATE OP NEW YoT«B, I to the creditors, legatees, heirs at law, next of km, and all peWMm* iftlaieste-'lil the estate ttfJahex Goodell, late of the oily of Buffalo, in the county of Brie; de- ceased. . 11 v r . . . . You and each of you are hereby city, notified andre- nuired, tobe and apiear belbrea surrogate's court, lo be held at the auirogate'a office in the city of Buffalo, in Erie county, on iriu I'll day of September next, at ten O'clock'in the IbrChooii oFihat day, then and thereto attend the fiiiul settlement of the account* of Hbfatlo Shumwiiy and Moves Bristol, exeoutot* of the last will and testament of ihe »aid deceased. lu loitiutotiy wneroof, We have caused the seal of of- Ii..! of our said surrogate to he hereunto affixed. IL- S I Witness, Charte* Cs Severance, surrogate of our sitid comity, at hia office, the lath day of '••• M*y,t8«1. ' ' c. 0. SEVERANCE, myiriin _ Surrogaie. OT10F. oi'iipulminimi to. the iti«ch'a/ge of mi nisol- vent tioitt |u* debts, pursuant to the provisions of the third article ofthe lirsl title ofthe Ii fill chapter ofthe second part ofthe revised statutes. JOHN MaMAHON. ofthe city ofSchenectady in the county of Schenectady, M. t". Notice first published May loth, 1861. Ofciiitor* to appear betor* nou, Ste- phen II Johnson, county judge ofSchenectady county, at the city oiNolieno'tniy, on 'ho ,'ituli day of July, 1861, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to snow cause, if any they have, whyvnt assignment should not bo made of said in- solvent'* estate, and ho lie discharged from hi* debt*. , A. S, JOHNSON, Alt'y for Inaolvenl, myl» 10w Byractue, N. Y- lil OTICE oi* APT"lil0Af iOoTf-r Ac dV*cliifJe^ftii IT Insolvent from his debl*, pursuant to the provisions of article third, title first, chapter tilth, part second of the Revised Statute*. BENJAMIN F. BALLARD, of the oily of Brooklyn, insolvent. Notice first published the 16th of May, 1801. Creditor* lo appear before the Hon Samuel Garrison, county judge of King* county, at his chambers at the city hall, city of Brooklyn, un the ~5th day of July, 1861, at 10 o'clock in tile fUreiioon. , ' myidlOw BKNJAMIN F^BALliARD, In*olvem._ r i t H E p i o P L B OF TUK STATE OK N E W YORK, I by Ihe grace of God free and independent, to all to whom thaxe present shall come, or may concern, and espenally to William Cunningham and Aim K. Cun- ningham, hi* wife, of t o oily Uf PuUHhkeepsio, county of Dutcbeas and stale of New York, and to Snvannn Stack, ol couuty Lellrim, Ireland, greeting: You,,and each of you, aro hereby cited personalty lo be aud appear at u surtogatc'a court to be held before our surrogate of the county of Dutches*, at his office in Pouglikeepsie, iu salil Dutchess county, on the twentieth day of Nuventber, A. 1)., 1801, at leno'clock in the fore- noon of that titty, then and there, to attend lb* final set- tlement of the iicuouuis of Edward Beach, aa the exe- cutor of the laat will and testament of George B. P. Black, decjussd, and hereof fail not. In testimony whereof, wo have caused the seal of of. k«* ol our said surrogate to ho hereunto affixed. Witness, Peter Dorland, eaqplre, surrogate of [It. S.J our said couuty of Dutch**', at Pouiilikcepsie, thi* fourteenth day of May, in th* year of our I.OHI olio ihoiniiml eight hundred mid sixty one inyltem PETER DORLANO, Surrogate. npw»'pEoriiK OF TBESTATE OF NEW YORK, I hy ih... griicn oi i.i»i free and independent, to the cii'diims, next uf km, and nil other peisou* inierastcd in the e*tate of Marg-tret 8- Lc Fevrc, lat* of the town vi New Uochelte, in the county of Westelicster and state aliiresaid. deceased, ititevtale,' *eatL*vCei«iig: . i You and caoli uf you lire hereby cileoand required settlement of the aciomtta of I'ro.spor Le Fevre and Chalfceriuii Foster, aa the uduiinistruioia of the (aid tie Censed. , | In testimony whereof, we have caused thesonl of the said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Robert II. Coles, surrogau of said county, at [L. 8.) the town of Winie Pluina,thc Stun day of April, in tin-, year of our Isord one thousand eight Int.,- [Ircdmui si sly.one. ii|-:o.:,o II. II. COLES, Surrogate. A T a Surrogate's Court hold at the eerrogate'a office m tlm town uf Cauuiulttigua, in ami for the county ot Ontario, on lite U7tU day of April, A. D„ 18ffl~-I're«ei>t Orson itciijniiiin, Surrogute. In the mailer of the (elate of Piuleiftuii Stiles, doceased. On rcniliiigiinit tiling- the petition of Jane E Stiles, oftiiit \e.viiik, in the county uf Wayne, one of the heirs and next of kin of Piitleiu ,ni Stiles, late of the town of Mniudo- .in, lu tlio couuty of Ontario, deceased, iutes- tate, it Is ordered that' En pursuance or the prayer of the •aid petitioner, U t i l e s .Mosher, tliu fttlministrator of the gdoila; crililli'l» iojl creiliis of :lio *«id lutesutu, pjsrr •unaily bo um| appca r befoio the sprrugate of ihe cuuuty oi Ontario,'at his oiiice in ijanuodtiigu*,. in said counly, on ihp filth ilay of August uesj, ^t |cit o'clock in the forenoon ot' thin day aiid render tin account ol hi* pro ceodings, al a'ueh adiniiiisuntiir ns afuresoldjOr sjww cause why im uiini'ii. t should not bo issued against hnn and in,* bond hopriMtccuicii, . , „ ,, mirl.3m ORSON BENJAMIN, Surrotate. r i W , PBoiutKOF THE STATB OF NEWyoSf!, X to Frederick Sell-, of the stuic of Iowa, comity and town unknown; aid Barbery Weaver wife of Nichols* Weaver, of Port Colhorne, Cauda Weal, heir* and uexi ot kin of Jnhii (feorge Meii/, late of tho town of Amherst in the eottuiy of Erie, deceaaed. Whermtsy Michael itiMt,., u tirotlmt- of aafit deceased, has ap|ilted to tho sniio-mto lifllfo imld coimly Of Erie, for llic, proof of tho said will, whioh will rei.il.na to reul and persona} estate; y6i|ftte therefore hereby cited to npnear 1 belofe the saiu *UfrOgate, al lit* offibe in lite city oflltilTalo, In aald, county, pit |he 13th day of August next, at It) o'ctuck in the forenoon, io nttoud the probato of ihe sdlilwill. . ' Given muter the bund ami official seal of the Hid snr- [L, H.I roggte, at hit office in said conbty,thisD7lh day ol June, IStft. |yI6w ti _ C,C. SEVERANCE, Surrogate. A 'J' a Surrogate'* Court, held In and tor the eounty or Colombia, ut the *urrogute'* offioe, In the city of Hudson, on the Utrtnyof July, A D . isnil Prcacut, Chart** nssnisiyn. aurroyate. In the matter of the up - ;ilt.-sii,m of l-Mwiit B. Williams, sole administrator of, Ac . of Niiriiinii W. Willi ims, ilmvasci), intestittc, fot authority toiuoitgagci lease <ir sell ihe real eetaicoi'said deceased for ihe paytiient of Ins debt*. - On mailing mid lll'uig the applioiitioiiof Ed will II. WiL liniiis, solo mliuiiii-irnloi. of alt and singular the goods, Chattel* and credits of Norman W. Williams, late of the copttfy of Coluiribia,deceaaed, intestate, for authority to mortgage*, lease or cell the real e*tai*of the aald ia- tor'th.. |,iiyoii..i't of his debt..;, it is ordercil that all per- sons interested hi tlm o.taie of the said Norman W. Williams, deeeased, appear befbro the surrogate of the county 0/ Columbia^ nt his office hi the city of Hudson, on tho Huh day of Abgutt next, at to o'clock in ihe fore- in ion oi that day, teen and there to show cans* why authority should not be gitren to the laid admiili* rator to in 'rtgage, lease or sell so iitin-h ot the real estate of tha said Nm man W . Williams, deo«asesJ, us shall be nc- ceiaary t« pay hi* debt*. . . • ' i Ji OHAS. EHSEI^TVN, Snrrogal*- Joltn-0. Hugelioofii, Proelor for Pet tloner. l y j 6W \|0'1'U,'I'. of appliiMlion for Ihe itisuhurgo of uu iilsol- Ls| vent from lua ilcliis, purauont lo the provision* of the thud article of Ihe first title ofthe fifth chapter of Ihu aecohd part of lite revised statute*. rx* ROBERT » FANNlNG.ofthooityofBrooklyn,in- solvflnl, Notice firstpublised May 3, 1801. Creditors to appear before lion. Snutuel Garrison, coanty judge of King* counly,, at hi* chamber*, ui the oily hall, in the oily uf Brooklyn, on the Itlieeuth day of July, 1861, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. i i. * • » . B. G, WATERS, Att'p for In«olvem, i niVS 10w 86 Nassau: st., New York. and bounded an_ deicVibVd a* %nowh.'to witi On tho sonth hy tho line aonnratlng the town ofUoeyutu.ua ftout A»*|d(ltownef-leilihjhoin:>oii the west by liSine• of John fill i.i .-l 'Oorneliu* V. Baker; oil Ihu norllt by Innds of John Tho«|p»»iHe,»d*'n the,. *i by I ,c Hudson Hiver, couiainiiigabouFMTOy-lhie* ooMs of Imid. • Which aforoaald luiiil I •ball fell ut public amnion, at the Ro- tunda of Ihe Merchant* ! Exchange in tlte city of Albany, i; on the l.'ith day of August, 1861, nt IS o'ctcck, noon, ol Ihatd^y Dated Albany. July 1st, 1801. ,f. W. VAN ALSTYNH, Sheriff of*Albany county. ByJosi'K Cllgiott, Deputy Shorift' jylOw ttUPabMB COUHT-State of New Yotk- -County ul i3y Albany—frwrndt LTen I'.yek mid BHrcntTeA Hyclr and I'm out '•'• E. Brottk, hiaooramiilee, <Vc, and Han- nah Ten Eyck wife of aald Conrudt 1. Ten Eyck, plain- litis, against Mary Top Eyok, Peter Rea arid Sarah Boa his wife, lliircnt Teu Eyck, lid, and John Ton Eyok, de- fendant*. In pursuance of an order o( tho sbnremo court made In the above action on the9Sthday ufJune, leoLend uf tho aiaiiiio in auch case made and provided, notice is hereby given to kit person* luiviuK niiy gclterhl lienor lucumbraneo by judgment, decree Or otherwise, on the undivided share or interest of any of the parties iu the premise* hereinafter referred to and described, to pro- duce to me, on or before the I6th day of August, 1801, at my office No. 67 Slate street, In the city of Albany, proof of their respective liens nud encumbrances, togeth- er with satisfactory evidence ofthe amount due there on, and to specify the nature of such eucuntbroncea and the date* thereof reapecively. Tho premise* reterred to, ate described aa follow*, vial All that oertain farm, piece or, parcel of land, lying in the town ofCoeyman*, In anid county, and bounded us follows: beginning at a •take get iu the southeast .101 nor uf land belonging to Jacob Parish) llieuca along h'eliuo south eighty-two degrees west twenty.five chain* and twenty-Tour link* to a «take at the junction of two atone fences; thence north eighty-two degree* and thirty mi- nute* west, nine chain* And lifty.si\ link* to a *tnkc and stones; theuuo south nine chains pud seventy-eight links to the burying ground; tliencc north eighty one degree* and fifty imnutcs west to the public highway) tne. en along the same, south seven degrees west seven chaies) thenoe south thirty one degrees eust *ix chain* and thirty five links to a ban wood slump; thence north eighty-nine degree* and thirty mhiiiiu* eu-n, seventeen chums and fifty links 16 th* «ouihWc»t ciirncf uf tho gnr. den; thenoe north (Ourieen degrees mid twenty ininuicn east nine chains and sixty -lour link* lu a atutio wall; thenoe north eighty-six degreos nud twotuy mhtutca ensi iwciiy-scvcn chains to a stake ; theiico north ten chafna and forty link* to tho placa of begmnuig; coulaiu-' lug fifty-five aerea of lanii, more or less. r * Also, all that certain piece of land in said town, on the north aide of the highway lending from Manhattan Hook lo Coeyrauu'a Landing, beginning ut itstuko in the boundary of Beeeher Holmes; thence south one degree west sixteen chains and five link* to a slake sot on the uoitii side of the said highway; tinmen along it north fifty-nine degree* and fifteen minute* wett nine chains and thirty-eight links to a make; thence north thirty-eight degrees and thirty minute* west, Ihrue chain* ami seventeen link* to a stake [ thence north one degree east teu chain* and eighty-live link* to a stake) thence east ten chains and sixty links to a, siaku ; ihenoe suiuh fourteen degree* west two chain* and eighty links to ,* stake and stuncs; thence east iiiuety-ouc link* to the pleee of beginning, eouiniu ng seventeen and nineteen one-hundredth aore* of land. Also, all that certain dwelling house end lot of land, situate, tying and being in said town, am) near the vil- lage ot Coeyinun's Landing, beginning ut the highway leading west from tho Albany and Greini lurttpiko roati, at the souihwest corner of lauds formerly owned by Ja- cob Parish) and running thenoe westerly along the said highway to the lot of Baohol Carrie, formerly ; thence northerly along the east hounds of said lot, to lands of Jacob Purieti. formerly; thence eastorly to the nurtlieusi corner of iho lot herein described; thence a mllicttaterly along land* formerly owned by Jaeub Parish, to tho place of beginning, (excepting and reserving therefrom a lot released by Jacob C. Ten Eyck to Mary Luudmau, and a iui convoyed by John II. Cussan lo James Nelson, and a lot oonveyed by said Sarah Ten Eyok to John Sickler ) 111 \ SIIAFER, Referee. Israel Lawton, Alt'y for Pl'll's, Cueyiunn'e Landing. jyl 6w r p H E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK," I. to nil persons interested in the estate of Esther P. Lewis, late of tho county uf Chautauqua, deceased, send greeting i Yuu and cueh of you are hereby cited mid required personally to be and appear before uur surrogate of tho couuty ot Chautauqua, at his office in the village of Muy vtllo, in said eounty, on the Dili day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and lucre lo attend the final seulemenl of the account* of E?.n- riah M. Spink, a* the executor of the last will and testa- ment of the said Either P, Lewis, deceased. lu tostituony whereof, we have caused tb* seal of office of our surrogate to bo hereunto affixed, [L. s.| \Vlinc»s, George A. Greene, surrogate of suit! county, at May villi-, the si-iih day of June, A. D. 1801. GEO. A. GREENE, Surrogate, C. F. Miitluiinu, Alt'y, Frcdoiiiu, N. Y. jyl 3m FlMlE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF" NiV\v^YOKK, 4- wall poison* interested in the estate of Pardon T. Lewis, tato of iho county of Chautauqua, deceuscd, •end greeting: Yon and each of you arc hcnib) cilod and required personally to be and appeur before our surrogate pf tho county ol Chiiuiitiiqiiu, at his office in Iho village of Mfty- ville, in said county,on tho Dili day of October next, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of Ihat day, then and there in attend the final settlement of the account* of Charles F. Maitoson. a* the executor ol the last will and testament ofthe said Pardon T, Lewis, deceased. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of- fice of upr surrogate lo be hereunto affixed.— (L. 8 ] Witness, George A, Greene, surrogate uf suid couiitv, at Muyviilo, the 3}ih day of Juno, A. Jl». 1801. GEO. A, GREENE, Suriogato. C. F. Malie»on, Alt'y, Freduniu, N. Y. jyl 3m rilHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YOHK, JL to Igitorix KeUer, ol'the city of Cincinnati, statu of Ohio, oue of the heirs end next of kin of Joseph Keffcr, late ofthe town of Eden in tho county of Erie, deceased VVhereaa, Frederick Hurler, u legatee naiiied in the last will and testament of the suid Joseph Koft'or, da- eeased, has applied io the surrogate of the suid county of Erie, for the proof uf tho said will, which wilt relates to personal estate; yuu are therefore hereby cited to up- ppw before the suid surrogate, at hi* office in the eitv of'Buffalo, in aai.d coanty, on the 14th day of August next, at 10 o'clock in'ihu ib,cnvuii, to ailentl the prohnio ot tho suid will. Given under the hand and ofliuial soul of the said snr- IL. S.J rogate, at his office in said county, this S7th day fit Jjfne, 1861. jy!6w ______ SEVERANCE, Surrogate. r|MlE PEOPLE W^gT^fjj^STiflilTtV~YTTilK, of mat nay, at too suiivavim * v ~ v *? ;ir.i_-_r_«# «r ilia and then and there to aUeud the - finali »enlenient ol ih» account* ofthe executed bfaatodeeeaAed. ,. • ft In testimony whereof, we have caused It o acul oi uillco of our surrogote to b« hereuniii < I ' » • j y3 3.11 MOSES WARM KM. Burr<.gato._ l"'«uTa,nre.*o1.of J™, ,ir 0 \creby cited '«"«'•T/'"' 1 lit the tot eniion of that nay, men aim mere w -».M>»« »ST soltleiiiciit of the aoootlut of Almon '/.. Hmith, ad- iiiinistiuioi' ofthe good*, chuiiolt liiul cretllt* of tho aald Nancy A. Smith, decerned. In testimony whereof, wa have caused the aeal of office of our taid surrogate tb be UoroUnto nf- [L. 8,1 fixed. Wltiies*, HnrveyT». smith, sdtrogate or •'•,• out said eounty, at tho^nrro^ate'* Offioe, lit said iipllil 3iu oPun^UiiV^nd.^0^1^^^ il«gi« o r cli far wwefo,._..... , on the 3d day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend tho set- , tinmcui of Ut* account of Jacob M. Bullion, aatbe «""'•- ouiw'oftn* estate of the said decease I In to»llmony, wlmi col, wo have oauaed the seal of of- fioe of our anid surrogate, to be hereunto affixed. Witni R " •- - '— "•* IL. «.] ooint! Jurwi littiiilrcil and sixty-one xty-one. AMOS G. HULL, Unrrogato ,*.,.--., ,.--.,-... -i-*n*!*i*-Jh- rlrewATB Spro'f Union Village, Washington..cnun- ."piriTt Hilton Fi»^i»M*« M » Sweet with 01 WIL LE OF THE STATU OF NEW;YOBK, II'HE PKOPLKOFTHE STATE OF NEW YORK, JL by the gone*,of God frep nipl ndepeitdeut, to; 111* CTodftotvte f ghie«i iteittWltin, arid all other per.on.lu- terc*ted in ihe estate ef Sampl tjbadeajyno, late ofthe town of Newcastle, iu theoeeiit^df Westchester aud iwsed, send greeting : ,. , : Yuu aid each of foiP af* hereby «tt_d aild fdqtiited state aforesaid, deceit petsonally to be and appear before'our surrogate of the counly of Westchester, nt hi* office in the town of. While Plaijis. on the JtipUj Vlfy dr,tj|aptenibe»„l*»l, «ti nine o'clbot iu the. ioreliooh'of'thnt day, then aiid there to attend the settIo|rte»t of Ihe. account* of Jem* Rydet and l'eicr J. Coutaui, us executors of the last sviil and leslnmimt of Ike said deceased. ','.,> Ill testiinuny whereof, wo have cau'ed the aeal of the saul surioguie tulle licieiuilo nllixed. Witness, Robert 11. Cide* auitogalo of aifcl ciutity, nt (,L. B-l ,h e ,ow " uf White Pltiiits, Ihe Uihilay uf Feb- |'".i'li in the year, of our Lord one thousand eBrbf haelred and •ixiy-one. ! fel* 6m R. II. COLES. Surrogate. f JMfE PEOPI>; oVT(tb HTXTft"^)P~NRWYoRP, I by tlm giuei-. ol' i•..'.I free and iiulopeudiju!, lo ail p.-1 tons interested in the estate of Arteniu* Dresser, late ofthe town of Seinprouius, Cayuga County, deceased, greeting: Yuu and each ol you ar* h»reby (sited and requited poi i.ou.tliy to be and appear before our surrogate of our county of Cayuga, ui hi* office in Auburn, ut until county, on Iho tit -a day of October next, at leu o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, io attend th* lioni settle- ment of the accounts of Juhii W, Dresior, sole udiuiul*.. ii-nioi- ut Am, ofthe aaid deoeaied, and hereof fall not. In testimony wliereof, wo hdv" eudsed tt|0 sent uf of.' lu-e oi out midxoVtogatn to be hereunto affixed. Witatws, Win. U. Woodin, surrogate of Mid tL. 8.) ootuily, ox Auburn, iho l|8ili day ot Juuo.inlh* year or bar Lord One thuusaiid eight hundred and sixty.one: i -..iu •'"••"•» '* '"" iyllim ,i WM. ». MfOODIN, SuTrogate.j 7piiE PEOPLE OF THE m'ATvToP NWJFYOWK, to the creditors, legatees heirs at law, next of kin, he estate of l'liili; niicnstur iii tho conn ••iitit ill persons mt)..-.-t.-.i (it the estate of Philip VVeatherwax, late or fhe town of Lancaster in the coun- ty 01 Erie, doctiajiDd. : , ,, . ' Von and o .oh ni you it-o hewby cited, notified and m. quired to be mid appear before a surrogaie'* ouirt, to be MM a* the surrogate'* ufiico lu the city uf Buffuo, in Erie opuuly, on the 30ih day of July next, at 10 p'elook |n thoi"oreta»pJ'.|J!»l.day, tb*ita'id there tut attend the final *t!leiitint oTltie accounts of Eli W. Choale, al- mlnistr »lor oi die good*, obaitel* ana eredtu of ihe said lit testl'topuy-Whereali wo hav* caused the »e*lofof. nqe of our said surrogate lo be hereunto affixed, III. S.I WuoeshChorleaO.rioveraJioc^urrugaieofoar ] emu county, al hi* cilice th* V3d day of April, «paS3m '-''',',.'".'' C. Oi SEVERANCE,Surrogate. T M B P E » f t E W ' T l l E S T A T E OF N E W YORK, ii* the grace of God free aiid independent, to all Person* inierested in the eataia of tferinan 'li'lmrn. late of tlte^iiy of Now YeWde-etuied, »« creditor*, lego- tee*, tiext of km, or otherwise, *end greeting; ' YBtiatld.eaohvf yopara hereby oiled aud required Miutiy v> k* a'Md'aftkiar betor* bur surrogate or the ty, of Now York, at hisoillce lu the city uf New VoA, j« the oth day:;ol oetuher next, ni eleven o'cliatk m tb* fpretioon of i h u day, then and there to attend the *aal litileinent ofthe account or proceeding* of Jan* Stat. Thor**ai«tie Thorn, John B Slpvensanil Sam. itt A. FoxiTlFbteculrlx and executor* of the laat will and leatnineiil of said deceased. , , la tefiliuoiiy whereof, we have eau*ed the »eal of of- : •**>*}• *tlld aturrof at* to'be heremito alfixad.-s ! Wtuieaa Kdwara 0. W**l, «»»., surrogate ot JL. B.l gHMH' eounty, at the city of New Yorfc the 3d day of April, in the year of onr Lord on* W_iT,»iUT»I*t*. »(*«P» tkoUMad eight h*'nd*redatitl •l««y_on* itnesa, AnioaG. Hull, surrogate of our »aid awy, at Hie ylUngn "I Fnltuii, the slSfh day uf no, iu the year of bar Lord one thousand eight mired it ' JL Jo Peter Fish, of V\ ty, N. Y*.t mlltort Fiahj'mnry/tun -weoiwuoo. "«,-- lliilll Sweet, Howiand Fisll, J i , ftiui Eligiabnlh Fiith, all ofoMoreau,Saratoga,eounty,.N. Y.i,W.nllor Fi»li, of Oregon oily, stnlo ol' Oregon ; and Joseph M. Fish, uf l'rincctoii, Wisconsin; and Lemuel B. I'ikc, csif, of Saratoga Spring*, apuciul gu»rdi»u,of Ward Fish, Jane Fish, Sarah Fiab, Kattbe* Ffill, Henrietta Fish, (Caro- line Fiati n"d Pliebo, Aim Fijh. minora, and allof Moreau, ntoresuiii; heirs and next or kin of Joslntn Fish, lute of the town ol'Morouu in the oouuty of Huiatogii and suite ofNe*'YorMideceased,^^ grbelingi ' = ' > ' ! Whereas, Mary Flap, of the town of MoreaUi b"d Mnyhow Rico, of the town of Northumberland in the cniituy of Saratoga, ulbrysuid, cxcitiitilx and exo-utor ntiuicii In the last will ana loatnmoui of the said Joshua Fish, deceased, have mndo application to tho miringiiio of said eounty of Sstut*ga, tp have aaid. will, which >*•' lutes to both real ana periwiial estate, proved otiid.ad- initicd to probate; you and each of you mo theVefnre hereby ciicd to appear betor* the aald surrogate, ut his Office in tlie village of Sarnlogn Springs, in said county of Saratoga, on,tho '.Will day of August, 1801, ut 10 o'- clock |ry.;M., lo »tteml )l|c prjof tind probate of said Wdl- lit w.tticss whereof,"we have caused iho seal of office of our said »urrogat* to bo hereunto affixed,-- IL. S.J Wilnos*. Cornelius A. Wttlili'on, aurrognto of sidd county of Sarnlogn, al tho villtttro of Sorato- gu Springs, the 91th day of June, 18(11. jySOw L j c - in WALDRON, Surrogate. 'IMIB PEOpidi OF' T-WTBTAVSJ OF NEW YORK, JL tc Sally Puuicroy, whuse ulaoo of residence la un- known, ono ol ilio helfa mq next of (.in nfCluriua Crocker, late of tho tuwn of Walerford In ihe oouuly of Sariuuga and state ol Now York, decease,!, greeting: Whereas, John Jlouao mid Mary C. l.ilis, of Waler- ford in the ootuity of Saratoga, N. Y , Itcira at law and nexl of kin of said Clarissa tirocker, deceased, and John H. Adams, of Bristol, CoiiilOetioul, Nuitoy II. Swan, of Columbia, l^giiuuclicut, and bib.a 0. Oleic,ot Ilatlford, OoiinaoticMiTlielraatlaw, naxfof kin mid legatee* na. •iitit in tlm Inst will hud testament of the raid Clarissa Crocker, deceased, Itnvo mad* application lo tho aurro- gnto of aaid county of Saratoga, to have sul'l will, which relates to both real and personal estate, proved and ad- mitted to urobilin ; you tiyo therefore hereby cited to appear before Iho aaid minoguiii, at hjs office h) the vil. luge of Walerford in said county of Snraioga, on the isth day of Aitgu.it, 1861, at 10 o'clook A M , to attend the proof and probate of said will, aud also loshowcause wliy loiter* of adailltlatration with said will annexed, should not bo grunted to said John House. In witness whereof, we have caused the seal of office f our said surrogate lo be hereunto utllsed. [L. S J Witness, Cornelius A. Wuldron, surrogate of said county of Saratoga, at the village of Wa- , i teftord, the 1st day of July, 1881. |y3 6vy 0. A. WALDRON, Surrogate. mSifiMiT'LVri^'TB'B STATEIJF NIJ^TORS; X. lo .tunics Allen, residing ut Verona, Oneida counly, IM. Y.j Alinira Crip, en, residing rtt llnlhibiii, Saraioga counly, N. Y.j Sophroiia Emerson wife of Avery Emer- son, residing in ihe state of Indiana, but at what par- ticular place 1* unknown, the heirs at law nud next of kin of i'.liliu Allen, lute of Cayuga cuuuty, deceased", whose tinmen, number and place* of residence is un- known; Junto* Alien, William Allen, Svroptn Allen, Dolly Allen, Sarah Allen, Rebecca Allen and Perlina Allen, residing in Iho town of Mason nud *t ,lc of Michi- gan j Franklin Willnrd and Morgan W. Willnrd, residing at Cinclnalli, state of Ohio; Erastus Willnrd, icsidnig in the siitiu of Wisconsin, but nt what pariicular place is unknown j Susan Wlllard luld Sophtona Wescott, resi- ding in the alvlb of Aiieltlgiiii, but at what piirticulur place 1* unknown, the heirs itt law upd next uf kin of Nancy Arnold, deceased, whoso names unit plums of residenco are unknown; John A. Wnldrou, esq., of wa- lerford, Saratoga puuniy, N. Y., special guardian of the following named minors, to wit: the said heirs nn+gw and next of kin of Elihu Allen, deceased, James Allen, William Allen, Sorepta Allen, Dolly Allen, Sarah Allen, Itobec ui Allen, Perlina Allen, Fjankltu Willatd, Mor- gan W. Willnrd, Ernstu* Wlllard, Susan Willatd, So- phroiia We»ooit, mid the heir* ut law hud next uf kin of Nancy Arnold, deceased, heir* and next of kin of Lydia Hull', lute of tho town of Bslhnoii In tho counly of Murn- loga and state of New York, deceaaed, greeting: Wliereo*, William T. Oiloil, of tho town of Mll- Ipn, in the county of Saratoga, aforesaid, executor iiiiiuod in Iho lust will anil tostuinunl oi lite said Lydia Huff, ileoeasedi has mndo application in iho sur- rogato of said counly of Huf atogn, in liuvo said will, which relates to both real mill personal culate, prnved and admitted tu probate ; you and ench of you ore therefore heicby oiled lo appear before Hie said surro- gate, at his office in Iho village of llatUton Spn, in mud r-IMIB :__-_-„., . . . . 1 by Iho grace of God tree ami liulepenUoiil, lo Helen Prelum, lbs Wife of Henry Prosion, Sarah t-risbio tlte wife of Enoch Frlsbje, of Bridgewuter iu the county of William* aiid slate of Ohio) Barah Stocking tho wile of Tiuuiihy W. Slocking of lire slnio of Michigan; and r i t H E l'KOI'ss-. . , . . . . r _. by tlm grace of God free and indepeltdeqt to the Creditor* next of Kin and all person* interested in Ihe ca tate of William Dillon, late of the city of Tmy, in llu> ciiiiiii y of Ki'iiiu. I'liim-, ttec*a*ed t . You are hereby cited to appear before our surrogate of our mutiny in Itensselaer, in our ton rogate'* courtj on th* 16th day of September, 1861, at ten o'clock lu the forenoon of ihm day, at the surrogate'* ollicn in tha elty of Troy, then and there to attend the final sniilcinciit of the account* of the administrator and administratrix of said deceased. In testimony whereof, we have caused tha seal of pf; See of our aurrogat* to be liti hereunto affixed. [L. S.] Witu**», Mose* Warren, aurrogat* bf»ald coun- ty, aj, the ciiy of Troy, the Uth day of Match) mill.') «m '. : MOSEH WARREN, Burrogato. i f Is'UE PEtSpLE O ^ ' m E B T A T E 6 ¥ N E W YORK, .1 by the grace of God fi.no and independent, to all persons interested in ihe estate of William 11. Powell; lat* of the oity of New York, deocased, «• oredilora, noitt of kin, ur oilier wise, scud greeting: i : You nnd b»en of you aro hereby oiled and tequirel personally to be and unpeur before our surrogate of the county of Naiw York, hi hi* office in tho oily of New York, on the thi day of October next, pi iiln veil o'clock In the forenoon of thai day, then and thorn to attend tha final settlement of tho aooount of prooeeding* o'f GeotgolL Powell, us administrator of the good*, chattel* nud cred- its of Said djUfagsed. ' r In testimony whereof, w* have chimed tli« seal of office.of *a.id surroijatpto be hereunto affixed. Which fhall hot be thuk pteacnted for r'odembtlbh niid payment, wiililn the time ilnis Bpcclli.d, will cea*6 fo be a charge dptjit thh t««d» in the tmndaof ilio Buperintenil- ent lor ihailpnypoee, •', jyl) in n ^U._yAN_DYCK,8uperInteiitloni, fVioTIOK uf apiiiicniloii for liie d'i'seiintgo of ait oiaui- i.1 vent from hi* debt*, pursuant to the proviiiona uf the third article of tlte Sr«t tllte.of Iho fifth chdpter of the second part of tho revised ttatulo*. WILLIAM H. WILSON, of the pity of New York, Insolvent. Notice first published July 10,1861. Credit- or* to appear before Iho linn. O. I*. Duly, mm of ihu judges oi the court ol common ptci.ni, nt tlta chamber* of the saidenurt, in tho city hall, oily of Now York, on tho iMd day of August, 180i. at Wo'clock A. M. of that day. O. P. WETMORE, Alt'y for Insolvent, - iylgow 84A81 Nassau.SL_ N OTtOK of appncntilui for tho ittichargo of s W H F- TABER, an iiutolvciii, from lita debts, piiraitnnl to the provision* of the third article of the first till* of tho fifil^ohant. ri .,.-___,..» .... ,ii_ar._ Wiinass, Edw'ard < Vest, eoiiuirp, surrogate county of Snraluna, on Hie Dili day of Septernber, 1861, nt 10 o'clock A. hi.,' — ' •' ' " •' — - ' ' said will. at 10 o'clock A. h'(.,'to attend llic "proof and probate of Stephen B. l'ouid, of Lyons iu Ihu county of VVhyne and state of N. Y., special guaitllan of Lewis Parker, Sophia Parker ami Bumoiit Parker, minor* uitil , llic age of twenty-one yeurs, heirs and next of kinof Josopli Adams, deceased. Whereas, Richard Billion, of the town of Williamson, in the oouuly uf Wayne, lias ltttely upptieilto our sur- rogate of our eounty of Wayuo, for proof of ihu will of Joseph Adams, late of Willlaiusoii, uforusalil, deuensed, Whioh relates to both real mid personal euiutiii there- fore, you and each of you ure cited mid required lo ap- fear £l the office of tho said surrogate in tho village of -you* iu «aiil county, on ihe Itlllt day of August uoit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of mild day, to aiiend the pro- bate of said wilt. In testimony whereof, we havo caused th* seal nl tif- fin* pi our said surrogate to be hereto ai!ixcd.~- yViiuess, Lynmii Sherwood, surrogute of the S.] county Of Wayne, at the surrogate's office fpHiTPEOFLE OF J . by the gr»c,e ol Ot FT Hall and Mary A. chclscn, Mass.; Ale said counly, th* twenty *i*tlt day of June, In the year of our Lord ono llious'und eight hundred and sixty-une. jyUOw . LYMAN SHERWOOD, Burrogaie. jta BTA¥E 6^. TfJ jEvy YIOBBJ lotl free and independent, tu Juhii .. hjs wife, seveinUy residing at r.»,,«..,, ...vxuuder M. ilcijiiiuu, rcaiiliugai Jin. plowood, Mass.; and Gabriel Van Cult, residing to the city of New York, Ihe special guurdiuu of David F, Keil- tnan, a minor, residing al Maplewoud, Muss., iho heir* and next of kin of George A. Rtilmuu, deceased, send greeting: Whereas, George W. Motion, of the city of New York, has lately applied to our surrugtilo of the comity of Mow York, to hay* a rurtuiii insiiiimojii in writing, icTuiiiig to both reul and personal estate, duly proved i>» D'o la*t will and leslament of George A. Riid- man, late of Iho pily of New York, deceased; there- fore, you and eacli of you nf p cited to appear before uur said snrfoga.le, at his uffico ui th* oily of New Yurk, un th* I.Uth day ot September next, at Mi o'clook ill the forcnooii of that day, then and there to attend lo lite pro- bate ofthe said last will and tesiumunl. . •-. .i .:. t a ._*• .„ ^umiaamuw the ed in witness whereof, wo have oausoil the soul of uffico of oijt- said surrogate lo be hereunto affixed. [L. S-] Willies*, Cornelius A- Wuldron, surrogute of said county of Saratoga, nt the village uf Wa- lerford, the 1st day of July, 1861. jy3 0w C A. WALDRON, Surrogate, ' iMfE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; JL by thp grftpe Of God free and independent, to the next (if Kin, and all persons interested la the estate of Allen lint's, Into of Ihe town uf Somerset ill tho coimly of Niagara, licensed, granting; You are lierobv ditod and required lu appear before uur surrogate of our couitiyof Niagara,in our surroguto court, on Iho Mist day ol October, J8III, al (0o'clock in the forenoon of that day, al the surrogate's office in l^ick. port, llicn liiul there lo intent! ihu jintil sellleincnl of llic uecount* of Guy C- Humphrey and Surnli 0. Hong, nd- roinisiraior mid uilmniisiratrix of, A c , of suid deceased, lu testimony whereof, we have caused the aeal of of. bee of our said surrogate lo be hereunto affixed, Witness, George W. Bowen, surrogate of Ihe [I, M.| said county, al LtKikpoit, iho first day uf July, in Ihe year of our Lord one thousand oighl hun- dred ai)dsi,xty.oiie. _jy4 3m a .. v y BOWEN. Surrogate. \ f Oi'fcK of ttpiilienlion liir iho ui'sohnrge oi "tin insuf. J.D yoiit debtor for the purpose of exonerating Ins per- son from imprisonment, pursuant In the provisions of Ihe 3th article of till] 1st li'llo of lll|(* 3th chapter of lite Sd purl of the revised stntute*. JI l.llJM KANTBOWISCH of the city of Now York, insolvent. Notice first published uth day of July, Ivil. Creditor* to appear before the lion, John T. Ilolfiiiau, recorder Ofthe oily nud coun'y ol New York, ut Ins u - ficu, No 03 Wall street, in said city of Now York, on the 31st day of August, 18111, til ten o'clock m tho lore- noon uiid bliow cause why tin assignment of tlm siiid in- solvent's estate should not bo muilo unit his person thereafter bo exempted from arrest or imprisonment by reason uf any debts in istug upon contract previously mad* in his individual capacity or in his late firm's name of J. Kuntrowisoh * Bruthor, nnd if In prison, why he should not be discharged from hi* imprisonment. JOHN COOK * SON, Atl'ys for Insolvent, jy 0 6W III Nnssail-st., N. Y. nPEKHS of County Court and Court of Sessions in and X for tlm County of Westchester, for tho year 1601.— 1 do hereby appoint lerin* of tho county court and court of sessions for tlte county of Wepiohostcr, for the yeur 1801, to bo held n* follow*: The gouerul terms of said courts will bo held al the court house In White Plains on lite second Tuesday of March, and on the third Tuesday of December: and at the court house i i Bedford on the first Tuesday of June, and on the first Tuesday of October: ut which tern * a grand and petit jury will he required to attend. Terms of the counly court, for Iho bearing of nppetils, and for lit* trial uf.issue* of luw, uttdfor iho heating anil decision of motions and other proceedings, will lie held al the court house in White. Plain* on the first Tuesday of February, and on the third Tuesday of October) tout at iho uourt hoino in Bod ford oil Iho first -Tuesday of IL. B.J of our said county, at tho city of Now V'orki'iho ' (llih day of* June, in the -year of opt Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. t i ..«. je883ro . Ei-WTC, WiM'. Swrogata; rTVmrHsmwTWs^^^^ JL to the creditors, next of kill, and rill persons Inte- rested in tlte (slate of Mary D Bedell, late ofthe city of Brooklyn, Kings county, deceased, greeting: You uiid each of yon are horeby oiled and required tp appear biforii out surrogute of tne county of King*, ut his office in the oily hall in the eity of Brooklyn, on the 16th day of July next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, and to attend ihe final settlement of the account of David Fui'innii, us adiuiliislraloi of tho goods, chattel* anil cre- dits of Mary l» Bedell, deceased. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of. lice ol our said surrogute to be hereuuto affixed, Wiiiwaii, Uoswoll c Hruiuufd, esq., surrogate [L. 8.) of ottf said oounty, at the oily of Brooklyn, the Oilt day of April, in Ota year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, tiutl of our independence the eighty-fifth. ap!3 3m _____ R. C. BRAINARD, 8urrogate._ f|iRE PEOPEE'OF'THE STATE OF Nisvv YORK, X by the grace of God firee and independent, fo all per- sona Interested in the estate of Asa Webstet, late ofthe town of Western In tho eounty of Oneida, deceased, greeting: I > , ' You are hereby cited to appear before qnr surrogate of our cuuuty of Oneida, in our surrogate'* court, on the 6th day of August, 1861, ut 10 o'clock in the forenoon of linn day, ut Iho surrogate office in Rome, thou and there to intend the final sitiilciuin t of the ncaount* of Henry Oi-eiiH a* sole oximutur of Iho last will and losiuniont ol said deceased. In testimony whereof, we have caused th* aeal of of- fice of our said surrogato tobe hereunto affixed. Witness, Henry M. Burchatd, esq., surrogate of ,'L. 11,1 said oounty, at Rome, the id day of April, In th* your of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty oue. , upl? 3m HKNRY M. BIIKCUAUI), Surrogate, B '"" ANK l)^ARTMENt-"Aiba«y,Ta*rc"h 1st, Ibfll", Notion I* hereby given, pursuant to chapter 930 of the laws of I it-W, that Ilia olrotllmiiig note* issued to The Bank of Sing Sing, a Bunking Association at sing Slug, Westchester oounty, will be redeemed at par by the Su- perintendent of the Banking Department) at Ihe New Yurk State Bank, Albany, fur six years fruln this date, and not thereafter. The outstanding utiles of said Bank, must he presented as aforesaid for redemption within six years from tho date of this notice) and all note* which shall not bo thus presented for redemption and payment, within ihe time thus speoiAed, will cease tobe a oharge upon the fund* in tho hand* of the Superintend. cut for Hint purpose. .' * mill 6m | JAMES M. COOK, Superintendent. riiifflj FE<3»LB O F T H E S T A T F O F N B * Yolui, X by Iho graoe Uf Ootl (Vfe Md jndepend*»t. to George Apptebee, Nelson Applobce, Robovf Abiilebee ami Amanda Swartwout, residjhg in WeslertoJ N. Y.) Caroline Carr, residing in Coeynians, N, Y.j and John Milton Apiiiciieo, residing at Loiio Rfdge, Illinois, cliiir drcn of John Applebec, deeeased, and who are all the heirs at luw and next of kill of John Applobec, Into of the town uf Westerlo in the comity of Albany, deceas- ed, greeiingi whereas, Robert Applebee, of the town of Westerlo in tho county of Albany, has lately made application to our surrogate of the county of Albany, to have a cer- tain instrument ill writing, relating to real and personal •••'into, duly proved as the lust will and tesiumom of said John Applebee, deceased) yuu and cueh of you are hereby cued and required personally tobe and appear before our aald surrogate, at his office in the oily of Al- bany, on the 30th day of August, at ten o'clock iu the IOITIID'II ol Unit day, then and there to attend to the pro- bate of said Instrument as the last will and testament of said deceased. In testimony whereof, we have eaused the seal of of. lino of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed, [I.. B.l Wilness, Justus llaswoll, surrogate of out said county, at Iho city of Albany, the 4th day of July, A. D. 1801. jyjt__*r_| JUSTUS HASWEI,L, Surrogate. S uMtWE'coTfiiiCKIiigs Oounty.—Eiiis. M. M5 Culloeh, ligst, John Unrulier ant"' Gardner hi* Wife, William Gardner and Joanna Gardner his wife, William R. tll.ill'ird, Henry Itolmumn, Henry E. Insley, George B. Ripley, survlvur of Calvin J. Spear, deceas- ed; John L,Bharjni, Ulysses B. Brewsier and Henry B. •lull, survivor* of John P. iiiic. deceased; Frederick A Blossom, The Long island Bank, William 8. Hun mum, President of ll'O Long Island Bonk, William B, lli| * David W. Biggins, Dwight Spencer, Daniel Martin. President of ll'O Long Island Bonk, William B. Higgins, David W. Biggins, Dwight Spencer, Daniel Martin, John 1). Iloontbeok, James a. Wallace, Thomas Burlington Muy, and on Tortus of I Iho lirst Tuesday of August. S IS Jyl 6w ojiiiwony wuereoi, tne surrugaio oi uur sum con ty tut* bprouutu affixe.d njs soiil w office, t J iHihduy of June, ono thousand eight htiudi EDW. 0. WBfiT. Surrogaie, iVOl'li:!'', of the appllcaiiuu tor the disciiurge ui tin i J insolvent from his debts, pursuant to the proviaioits of Hie thud oi ip.-lo of the first lute of the fifth elmptor of the second part of therevked statutes. GF.ORGE H. ALLEN, of tt^e oily of Brooklyn, cnun- ty of Kings and slate of N. Y, Nuiico lirsl published the •Jd day of July, IHoi. Creditor* lo appeur before the lion Samuel Garrison, counly judge iu luid fur Ihe coun- ty of Ku/gs, at hia chamber*, oily hull, city of Brooklyn, un the ,'ltlth day of Auguat next, at 10 A, M. jy* low ' g. ih ALLEN, Iimolvent. rf\m pi-ioPLE OF'TRR" S'fAWo'F"N'BVV'TOBK, |. to I'uiil lliiicholoi', who resides ill England, luilui what plado i* unknown, and cannot bo ascertained, heir at taw and next of km of Jacob Batehelor, decea- sed. Whereas, Arthur S. Copemau, has litis day Ottered th* Inst will and HMI.IUI nit of the said .In job Batehelor, late ofthd otty of Utiea, in ihe county ol'Oneuls, deven- scd, for probate a* n will of real and peraoital estate, before Henry M. Bprohard, surrognio of theoouiily pf Onenlii; you are therefore hereby oiled to appear ba- tons the sail) surrogute, at hi* office In Uttca, iu Ihe coimly of Oneida, on the anh dny or August, 1801, at ten oi'olook in the forenoon Of l|nal day, to attend to Iho pro- Giyen under the hand mid official seul of Ilu aald sur- rogate, at Clinton in said county, thi* lifth o.ay ofJune, A; 1).1861 ^ bate of stilll will iyenunder tL. .. ... . __. [L. SI rogate, at Clinton In eind county, thi of Juno, A. D. 1861. IQJW HENRY M BURCI1AHD, Surrogote. ffvHE PBOpLE OF THE STATE OF flBW YORK, X by iho* grabs of God lYee and indepon lent, to all p<r«ons interested in ihe estate of Abner Beiiudiel, Dtte of Ihe oily of New Yurk, deceased, as creditois, le- gatees, next uf kin, Or otherwise, Send greeting: Yon and each of yon are hereby cited and required personally |n bo niiJ appear before our surrogate of the county of Ijl»¥ VY'ki al hi* otilce iu tho elty of N*«ty York, on llto lljth day of yajjuary noxt, at II o'clock lu Ut* forenoon of thai day, then end imno to attend the final soitlciiietii ofthe uecount Of proceeding* of Plrasltts 0. Kauadici, as executor of the last will and tesium,,, • of said deceasw- . In testimony whereof, Vi> have caused th* seal of of- fice of said surrogaie ui be heretuito affixed. Witues*, Edward C. West, esq., surrogate of [L H.J'oursald county, at the oily uf New York, the 97th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. - j y l 6rr7 ~ tvPW. C. WEST, Surrogate. <; ; rrtHE PEOBLBOF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, I by th* grace uf Gnd free and independent, tu So- ph b> Hamilton, widow of Dav(.l Hamilton, Into of she lowuof Wal#-yll»t, dcoen«_d j: Onlhariiip A. Banilwn, Helen S, Haiuilioii, iluughiers of suid deceased, residing at WWtervliet, Albany count}', N: Y,; and Jm^a P. Hltahc,ock wife of Charles Edvyiti fHichs9«k,rp,8uliognt San Franolrco, Caliloriiia, and who ure all Iho heir* nt law nnd next of kin of David Bamlttpn, itiio ofthe .town ofWaterVltMintaacdutilyof Albany, deceased, greet Whereas. Sophia Hamilton, Of the towiiof Wat«f»(lpl ip the counly of Albany, hu* lately mdde npplication in our surf ognte of ihe coanty of Albany, to have it eeitaiu iiisiriiineiit i^,i writing, relating to rant and personal es- tate, dul y proved *# tlm last will and loaiutucnt Of aald David Hamilton, deocased ; you nnd each Of you mo hereby oiled aud required perioniMiy to be nud appear before our said surrogate, ut hi* olBca lit th* Oily of Alliany, on ihe SWth day of August next, «t 10 o'cloo* iii th* forenoon of that day, then and there to attend to the probata of said Ipstrument a* the last will and tc-sln iiient of said de,oe*s*d. In lesiiutuiiy whereof, wo hav* caused the seal of of- : lieu of our said atiii'iigitiu to im hmmmio ullixc.il. Witness,'Justus HasWcll, «urfogtito of our suid IL. S.I county, ut the eity of Albany, the first day of July, A. U. 1861. , , . i iy36w J .J: U 1'_ U ' S 'IASWKLL, Snrt'Ogntn. J. to I nltd Mr* the county court for thi) hearing of nil mat- ler* oilier Hum appeals, and tho trial of issues of faci, will also he held al the court house in White Plains on thp third Wednesday of every munlli. Dated January 1st, ftlll. '. ' W. II. ROBERTSON, jyb 4w Wejtcliosier County Judge, WE^^oPi_E'o^''TOE'sTATE6E' , 'NE\V^b'Kh^ Mr*. Maria smith aud Isubolla Smith of Delhi; s. Mary Ann Smith, of Deposit, Delaware couit. ty; llurriei F.Kifiith of Qwego, 1'ioga county, N, Y.j anil to Joseph Smith ot Ifijillesnnlio |lm, Placer coun- ty, Califonna. , You are hereby cited and required personally to ho and appear belbre out surrogate of our county of Dela- ware, at his office in the village ol Delhi, in said county, on Iho '.unit tluy- of August next, at ten o'clock in Hie fore- noon, lo attend th* probate of the last will and testament of rial and pergonal estate of James Smith deceased, which will then uiul them bp idlered for thai purpose, on iho application uf Jams* II. Smith tin executor in said will. Given under the hand and seal of oftloo of our said sur. [L. S.J rugate, at Hie village of Delhi aforesaid, the al day of July, 1861. jy6 6w WM. GLKABON, Surrogate. rjpHB PK0W,E*1)F"T1(ESTA1'B OF NBVV Y01IK, I. by the grace of God free and Independent, tu nil person* interested iu the estate of Adoniram Buss, Into uf Iho town of Rome, counly Of Oneida, deceased, a'?, 01 '"?* Yuu ore hereby cited to appear befuro our aurroguto of our oOMuty of,Oneida, itt our surrogaie'* court, on the 3d day of September, 18ol,at 10 o'clock in the forenoon uf Ihat day, at lite surrogate office in Ho ue,limn and there to *how cause why letters of administration of all mid sin. gtilin thogowl*, olintli'l't and credits of said Adoniiuiu Bus*, deceased, should not be granted to Jay Huiha- way of to some other proper person. In testimony whereof, V * ln,tvn caused the seal Of of- fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. (L. S.) Willie**, Henry IU. Blirohard, esq., surrogate of said oouuty, at Clinton, the first tiny of July,iu lit* yeur of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred andsixty-one. iyfl6w HENRY M. BURCHARD, Surrogate. n 11IE Plsoi'i<E W THfi "s'i'A'H. (if "NEwvtiHKJ X to James Hook of Ankenytown, oounty of Kims and Ntulo of Ohio, lieif iii law and nexl of kin of Daniel Rock, deceased. . Whoreaa Woik'krd Perkins l»a« thi* day oDercd the last will aiid testament of the suid Daniel Rook, late of iho town uf Camtloti, in the county of Oneida, deceased, tor probate as A will of real and personal estate, before Homy M. Biirclinid, suirogaioof tlie oounty of Ouciuu; you ure therefore hereby cited to appear before the sunt | surrogate, nt his office iu Rome, In the county of Oneida, on the third day of SOpierobor, 1S01, ut 10 o'clock In ihe forenoon of that day, to attend to the probate of said will. ,, ,, , Given under tho bund and official,seal of the said sur- [L, S.| i-iigaio, at Rome, iu laid county, this second day of July, A !>., 186L - .*•' jytlllw , HENRY M. JHJItUUAKI), Surrogate. rpHE PEOW*. 0** 'f 1I)_ S T A f E 6 F N E W YORK, JL tu llotihoii I'enltc, of Vim Ilouosvilln, Herkimer offiiitily, N«w Yofllj Lohioi Pcaxo, of Rookford) Illinois) Eii-iibeih Peake, of.Knltonyille, Montgomery, counly, New York) Sarah A. MoEwcn- Of Grand Itupitla, Michi- I gan; Chnuiiey Tutilo uiul AWgnl Tuille, his wife, of i Chicago, Illinois) Aloiwo Failing *iid Churloiie Fulling, *._lj w(ro,of0aweg«: ^ " " "- ' rah Itoyey.his wue, liijlfi Street.rjr, of Oefroll, Alichigan) William F. Tut- ' " BtlnmaxTOO, M(ohis T in I PEOPLB OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by tlie grace of God free and Independent, to Ihe ..,.: llto..', mi.t utliiii, nnd all other persons Interested in tlte estate of Gilbori Onion, late of the town of Yon- keta, in the oounty of Westchester and (tale aloteaaid, deceased, Intestate, send greeting: You mid each of you are hereby oiled and required personally to be and appear before our Surrogate of the oounty of Westchester, at hi* offiee in the town of White Plains, on Ih* 7lh day ef October, 1861, at nine o'clook in the forenoon of ihat day, Ihm and there to attend Ihe settlement of Ih* accounts of Jan* Law. relic* and Thorn** O. Partington, a* the administrators ofih**att4******d. ' - .< I i.» I _ J « , JJ • ' In teatlmouy wh*t*of, we have caassd tk* *e*l of the •aid »prrog*te to be hereunto affixed. Wltnaw, IL. 8.1 lloMrt II.TJole*, snrrogal* of saidaottaly. at the ^ town of Whit* piaiu*, th* 1*1 day of July, in th* yaar of our l»*rd, one tiiuusand sight _«»*ff<M4»i#ly-oit*, _ _ t - - . Chicago, Illinois) AIOIOJO Falling and Charlolto Falling. •his; wife, of Oswego, New York) William P. Hovey and Surah Itoyey.bia Wife, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Wit- llaift Streetrjr; of llcfroit, Michigan) William F. Tut- tla, of Kiluiunnoii, Micbigiii)) Mvri|ii Coloney and Joaeph'ue Coloney, bis wito, of!A|exa)tdnn, IJouglu* counly, Minuosoia, heirs at law and next of km of Wil- liam P. 1'cuko, deceased. Whoreaa, Rabeoca. Pen)(eJiaa this day offered ih* last will and 'testament of iho *Wd William f. peako,lule of town of Westmoreland) in the county of Oneida, do, cea*ed, for probate as a will of feat and personal estate. Iiufom flenry M. Bnrflliatd, surrogato of the conniy of Oiioldtti you are therefore hereby Cited to appear betoro the said surrogate at his offioe In Clinton, in the county uf Oneida, on the'»"h day of /.ugtiai, inn, at 10 o'clook nt the forenoon of Hun day) to attend to the probata of said Will- ,'.! "' i . i ' ' '•'"''' '• . Given under ihe hand and official seul of the ssi 1 sur- (L.IB.J rogate, at Clinton .to said county, this 1st day TT F of July, A. 1>. 1861. ,!•! " jy6f)w JBKNRV M. BUBCHARB, Surrogate, rwWStftVf^OjrVHV STATE (W NEW YGRKi X by ihegtaoeof God free und Independent, lo all per- sons iutorefted in the e*ta;o of MsVIa H. Sandford.late of th* oily bf New York, deceased, u* eredttor*. next Of kin, or otherw»»b, send grboliitg: ', ~ yonnnd «»ohofyon T are hereby cited and required nerho'nall" ,to be aiid^nnpear before our surrogate of theoouiuyiofNeWiYpjrlti at his offloe lit thoeUyof New York, on. the Will dayol Ociober nexii nt eleven o'clock »ttha foreiMi'it of thnt day, Ihen and there to at- tend iho final sotllentontof the.accountof proceedings of Harriet Baudford. ns administratrix ofthe good*, chattel* and ored of»aiddeo*u»ed, _,,.., , Iii tcbiimouy wuereof, we have eaused the seal «f of. He* of said *nrrogato to be hereunto affixed. i W i W!_!>- 1 $ ,w * , ' 1 ,' °.' *>,<•>«• aati-i surrogate of IL. 8.1 odr ««ld dodjily, at tho oity «f New York, the , Bit day of July, in th* year of our Lord one UiaMand tight inindrett and elxty.mie. tfqiT^J™.', W»f^f'^»W,fMir«*»W. i/. iisisiivpuKi ..„,,,,.« >.,• . , miouc, a x.oiiun ,/niiuin>oii, Robert Marcher, Alfred Marcher, Moritx Marcus, Isaac Durliicb, Hamilton Beany, Peier P. Demurest, Amos Woodruff, Tlioinrxon Smith, John W, Wlltson, Isaac Ho'liugs, Contnd /.oixer, lliiueo H. Williams, Theodore Young, I homas Belts, assignee of William Gardner.— Ameuded Snminons tor relief. (Com. not scr.) To the ih Icnilnnls, Thniuin Belt", asslgneo of William Gardner, and Henry E.'lusley. You aro hereby *uni- inoned and required to answor the amended eompiuint iu this notion, which will be tiled m the offioe of Iho Clerk ot the county of Kings, m ilmiliiy Hull, m tho city of Brook- lyn, nnd to verve n ctpyof your answer to the said eom- piuint on the subscribers, nt their office No. 41 Wall struct, iu the clly bf New York, Wnblh twenty day* of. let the sirvieo of tlii* summoi'S oil you exclusive of ihe day of such service; and if yon lull to answer the Mid complaint within iho lime aforesaid, the pliimtilf in thi* action will apply to the couit (oi the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated May ill, 1861. BilAlNARD A RlCb', Plaintiffs Attorneys, 41 Wall street, New York. The amended complumt in the above entitled action wa* filed in the office of the Clerk of King* conniy, on May Vi, 1801 Jill AINAMD * RICE, jy86w Plaintiff's Attorney. riMlfi PEOPLE 0 i ' "THK STATE (')i' NEVV YoTtK*; .1. to Sarah Merrit and llenjamiu Merrit, of the town of Genesee, Allegany couuty, N. Y.; Francis Main and Sheffield Main, of Porlville, Cattaraugus county, N. Y.j Batlisheba Buteil, Frederick Biitennnd FredeiioKC-Bu. ten, of Milton, Hock county, Wisconsin ; Benjamin C. Bulen, whose reSidpnco (s unknown) Francis M Baton of Hock county, Wisconsin; Murt'iu C. Buten, supposed to be married to oue Clark, whose place of residenoo, and llto ii of the husband of satrf Martha are un known; nnd William C. Ilingliam, guardian Of Frcdu rick 0. Buten, heirs and next of kiiior Joseph Edwards, late of the town of Ward, in the county of Allegany, decoasod. Wheroaa, Joseph Edwards, Jr., sole exeoutor named in Iho last will and testament of lite said JosephEd- ward', deeeased, ha* applied to ihe surrogate of the said counly of Alloganv, for tho proof of tho said wili, which will relates to teal end Personal estate; you are there- fore hereby cilod to appear beforo the said, surrogate, at his ofiioe in the village of Belmont, in said Oounty, on the 20th dny of August, 1801, at II) o'clock lu Ih* fore- noon, to uiimitl the probate ofthe said will. Given under Ihe hand nud official sent ofthe sgidsur- (Ii. M. | rogale. at his offioe in said couuty, llns 3d d*y of duly, im. jvR 6w WOLOOTT HATCH, Surro|rato. r'|-i„KT^JlB^OT'Ti.E B'-ATEOFNEW YORK, X to all poisons Interested in the estate of George G. Diidi-i-icl, Into uf tho county of Columbia, deceased, sond greeting: You uiul each of you are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county of Columbia, at his office in iho eity of Hudson, on the fill day of Ootoper next, at Ip o'clock m Die forenoon of Unit day, then nnd there to attend the final settlement of tho lU'oimnt* of Theodore fy]i|ier and, Henry Bnilth, administratorsoflhesaid George G.Dederick, deceased. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of. lieu of our sail surrogate 11 be hereunto affixed. [L. S.J Witness, Charles Esselstyn, esq., *urrogate of laid counly, at the oily of Hudson, this 3d day of July, 1861. jy8 3m OHAS. ESSELSTYN, Surrogate, q^?Pa>brLitWWis~BfivrB OE NEW YOBK, X by th* graco of God free and Indepeiiilnut, Iff Johuitii Blotiei i nnd Barbara hi* wife, severally residing in Iho oity ef New York) Huniguiida Got*, Johann Got*, and J.ihnnnavOots, severally residing nt Ebuet, Bava- ria, the widow, heirs and next bf kin of Johann Got*, de ceased, sand greeting: Whereas, Joseph A. Nesieler, ofihoollyofNew York, has lately applied to our surrogate of the eounty ot New York to have a certain instrument in writing, relating to both real and personal estate, duly proved us the last will and testament of Johann Gets, late of the city of New Yurk, deeeased; therefore, you aud each of yon are cited to appear beforo our said surrOgato, at his office iu the oity of New York, un Ihe tOth day uf September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend lo the probate of the said lust will and testament. In testimony whereof, the surrogate of our said county has hereunto affixed hia seal of offioe, the 3d day [L. S.J ol July one thousand eight hundred and sixty- iy» 6w°^' KpW. 0.. Wff8T, ftatflgl r |Ml 10 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, I to the creditors, legatees, heirs at law, next of kin, and tdl pursuit* interested in Ihe estate of Ira A. Blossom, late of ihe city of Buffalo, in th* county of Erie, da- ceased. You, and each of you are hereby cited, notified and required, to be and appear before u surrugale'a court, to be In-Ill at the surrogate's office, in the city of Buf- falo, in Erie county, on the 8th day of August next, at lu o'clock, in ihe forenoon of that day, then and titers to attend tho hind settlement ofthe accounts of James N. C Smith and William Levering, Jr., executors pi the Inst will and testament ofthe said deoeaied. In testimony whereof, we have caused th* seal of of- fice of our surrogate to be hereunto affixed. [L- S,J Witness, ChnrlesC. Severance, surrogate of our said county, ni his office the sioihduyof July, lbfll. CO. SEVERANCE, jy,8 4w Surrogato. 11 .HE PEOPLE OF THE STAPH OF NEW YORK, X to oil persons interested 111 thp estate of Eliza- beth Van Patten, deocased, into of iho oily and oounly of Schenectady, greeting: On tho application of Betsey Burt, aole excouirlx of, Ac, of said ilcccujcil, to render« final aocount of all her proceedings, you and each of you aro hereby cited to appear before our surrogate of our county of Schenecta- dy, nt his oltlco in Iho oily ofSOiienectady,on tlte 3dday of October next, at HI o'clook in thp forenoon, to attend tliefinalsettlement of tlm account* of said Betsey Burt, ns such executrix. Given under the hand ami seal of office of our aald ant fL.' SiJrogate, tuhvoih day of July, ltiot. Jy0|3w:" \ H. J^flN80N,C,0MntyjrtiKlge. N OTIOWW BSSOLOTIONO? LIMITED PART- NERMHIP.'-Tlin limited psnnership, pursuant If) th* provisions of the revised statutes of New York, heretofore existing between Ihe niiilcisigiunl, William P. Bemarest and George A. Middleton, as general part- ners, and Edmund A. Smith, as special partner, all of the oity ol Now York, under the name, firm and stylo of " Demurest lc Middlcioii," for ih* purpose of conducting Ihu business of" Shoo and Leather Filidiug,'^ iii tho eity ofNew York, wni this day dissolved by mutual oonsent; the suid Edmund A. Smith having withdrawn frtiinsaid firm. Dated New York, July 1st, A.' 1>. 1861. WILLIAM P. BEMAREST, GEORGE A. MIDDLETON, j)B4w KDMUND A. SMITH. . w .IE Pf»FLE OF THE STATE OF NEW VOftC X by iho grace of nod ii.m and inileiwmleiit, to the legatees and next of gut Of James Wright, lat* ofthe city of N»% York, deceased, semi greeting: * . ' You ar* hereby oiled and required p*r«p»elly |o,M nnd appear before out surrogate of Ihe counly of N_W York, at It) i office in ihe oily of New York, on the 11th day of September next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to ahow cutw» why letters of administration, with the will •nne-ed, on tlieestatoof said deceased, should not bo granted to Stephen p. Rus- set, puWl» administrator in the oity of New York. ;''•_" In toslimony whereof, we have oeused the IMl.of'of- to* of laid lurrugato to In) hereunto anxea,— _ IffilMiei*, Edward 0 . West, esj,, surro'ghie of, IL. ».] oar aald oounty, at the oily of New York, U«* • i I B day of Jultr, in theyear of t thousand No .'ohnniiir of tho second part of the tevised slut mos. utipo «t«J nbblished •>^_,JW'h, }Wl. Creditojs s to rio em- appear before hdn. Jdnto* Shlildon, eopnty Judge of J3 county, at hi* ohamhera iu the city oi Buffalo, Bepte ber p,3d, 180L at 10 o'cluok in the forenoon, . , , , ,, BETH Pi TABER, Petitioner. Humphrey lc Parsons, Attorneys, jyiottiw N OTICE OF ApWdCATlON fur Die disciiarge of nil insolvent from his debt*, pursuant to th* provision* of the third article of the first title of the fifth chapter ofthe leooiid part of the Revised Statutes, GILBERT N. MARSHALL, Insolvent. Notice first VOTX, __._ . - - e, . .J owt hfoa'qnp I eight hundred and sixty-en*. •~ |M>W-, i?7^fp(i)ri»|»tt, published July 10, lS'll. Creditors to appear beior» teL: Samuel Garrison, county iudvo gt ;;i m, B county, ai chniiiber* of tlta Kings conniy court, at the eity hall in tlie «i|y of JirpPklyi'i on thp 83d day of Sopiauiher, 186|, at 10li A. M,, to show biiuse why mi assigmnOni pf tho estate of the said insolvent shontd not be made, mid he lis disoluirgod froni hi* debts, pursuant to said statute. GEQRGE BE FOREST LORD, t Attorney for Insolvent, JylOlOw W MorOhants'Exchange, N.Y. riM'ik PEOPLEOFTIIE STATE OPVEW'YORK, JL by the graoe of God free ai|id Independent, Id ffoii. ben Beat, supposed to reside ,iu Illinois, son ot Jacob Best, deoeuVcd, grctitlng: ' Whereas, the Said Jacob Beat,'late Of lite town of Mi- inn, in the county of liutiibciis, deceased, as is alleged hits lately died,leaving a last will u id tcuiiitiicnl nud m.iliml rulutmg tu real and personal estate) and Alexander Best and Thomas I, Best, exooutors therein named, have ap- plied to the surrogato ol said county for the proof theie- of; you are hereby Otter! to appear at a surrogate's court tobe held before our'suVtognto, In said county, at his offioe in Poughkucpsie, on the 3d day of September next, A, D. 18111, nt (eu o'clock in the forenoon of Hint day, then and there to attend the probate ofthe last will and testament and codicil thereto, of said deceased. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of- fice or our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Peter Borland, surrogate of said eouu- [L. S.J ty, this eighth day of July, in the year of onr Lord Que thousand eight hundred uiul sixly-ouc. - ^fKTKR pCiULANI.'Burrniato. Tiilliunn tc Lord, Att'y*, Poilghkoepsle, Jylf) Ow A t a meeting of ilia Hoard of Director* olf^he Water town and Rome Rail Road Company, held at tie St. Niohulus Hotel, In the City of New Yoik, on tho -Itii day of July, 1801, tho following resolution waj jf ' W puny liiii dam and Watcrtown Rail Road, aud annexed the same to and consolidated it with its own road, and ha* also determined to extend lis line of road to the St. Lawrence rlyor, at Ogtlensbnrgh, tlm* establishing its main trunk line of r*aa from Home through VYntoitown to Qgdeiis- burgb, Therefore, Resolved, pursuant to chapter 973 of the laws of lBtii, that the name o| this Corporation bo ohaiiged, and thai on and after the 83d dny of August next, its name shall be tlie " Rome, Watcrtown and Og densuurgh Rail Road Company.'' We hereby certify that Iho foregoing Is a copy of the proseodings. and of all the proceedings uf iho Board of Directors of lite Watcrtown and Rome Rail Road Com- pany, making n change In the iinine of said Ooippatiy Now• Yorli, III Ihf. first tl sir cl.on Ihu !»l day* Of May, 1861, np.io.nling the subscriber sold referee >u this ac- iliin, I tin iiereoy gk« notice to all nemon* having*ny general or spun,fin Hen or incumbrances on th* undivi- ded share in- iiiimi si of any of the parlies to this actjom. iu the real estate hereinafter ttiehltoned, and the •uiijeet matter of thi« partition, by judgment, deer**, dov.se, trturtKUge, or otherwise, lo produce.before ntu, the sub- ftciibet, ni No. lb Nassau strest, lu th* eity of New York, on Or before Thursday, th* Wthdsy Of August, 1861, at 3 o'clock P. M. "f saw day, proof of th* re- spect ve iiiitoiiui* of all such liens nnd incumbrances, mid the dat' • thereof, together w thsali'faJtory evidence Of the amount doe thereon, and to appear *".d establish their claim* as above mentioned, Or they will lie forever parrad from fulur* recovery, The premises referred to, are described In the compluiul in said action, a* fol- lows: 1st. All that oertain lot, piece or parcel pf ground, ying and being m the Seventeen ih (late Eleventh) ward pfthociiyoi New York, now kpoVrn as No »T6E«si Tnirtcttilh *lroei, and known and distinguished on a Certain map filed in the office'of he regitier o/llie oity »ndc pntyofNew York, made by BamnelS- Doughty, ally surveyor, marked T Hi, and a untied ji Map showing n division of part of ihe estate of Nicholas W. Sluy ve- lum.deceased, among his belts, situated In tho Eleventh watduf Ihe oily of New York, May, 1834,11 as 4«8 (num- ber four hundred and twenty-eight), situate, lying and being on the sondierly side of East Thirteenth atreel, between Avenue A and Bin said ol.y, and is bouudc' nud described as follows, via; on thornnm ', n front by i'hirteenlh.sireeli on Iho '<"^!iin're«r by n M known o( n said mor> »• g l (number four hundrad *n« mlft ofi tne east by a lot known on said mapns 4D3 (number fiiuf hundred mid twenty-111110): and on th* west by a lot known on said map *s 447 (number (bur hundred and twenty-raven), containing in breadth in i>«u- twoniy- llvc feet, and 111 rear twenty-five leei; and in depth un each side one hundred and three feet three inch**, a* by reference lo said map may mora fully appear.' al. Also, al. that certain half lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate, tying and being in lite 17th (tale tith) ward of the oily of New York, and now known a* num- ber !178 East 1 .'(lli 1.11 eel, mul known nnd designated"on the ii'iiicsaid ntap as 4<p (niiiulic'r four bundled and twenty-nine); hounded 011 the east by lot 4)0 on said map; on iho west by the ulmvo described lot (4S*); and on tho south in rebt by lot 401 mi sujil uiiip, tnuicrui it in* in lirciullli I.i front IfS feet, and in rear iii feel nud I J.' inphes, end 07 (Oct v>< luetics deep on each side, with *n ea emont 01 allcy-way running lo the snoot 61 feet Tj. inches lit length and threo feet Wide on the westerly side of the trout half of snld lot; together with the buildings standing 011 said preini os Baled New York, ens,' Ihp'Wutofiowh and Borne li'aii itViil Coin. t purchased mid become the owner of tlte Pom- Iii'witness wlinrcuf, the President wild Seoretary of said Corporaiiun have hereunto affixed its cor. IL. B.J porate seal, and subscribed their names, this 4th d»yof July, A. D^lSdl. WM. C. PIEltltEPONT, President. jylO 6w R. E. HUNGERFORD, Secrelory. r n H E PEOPLE OF THE BTATE OF NEVyTyoRlv", X by the grace of God free nud indppcndeiu, to all 10 whom Iheso presents shall come, or may oonoern, and especially to Penelope Cros*, Gorniantown, Phojnix Cms*, Mary C, l.tuhor, and Hiiinuel Cross, of Clermont, and all of Columbia county, N. Y.j Augustus L. Cross, Susan Kenyon and Joanna P. llnvi/.unl, of Albuny coun- ty, N. Y j and Joseph H, Cross, of Red Hook, Dutches* eoumy, N. Y j Diana Watson, of Portsmouth, Newport county, gnd John II, Cfoss, of RI|Hde Island, greeting: You artd each' of you are hereby cued porsonnlly to be and appear at a surrogate's court to be held before eur surrogate of tft* county of Dutohess, at his office in Puughkeep»ie, itt 'aid Hutches* ppui|ty, pn th* four, tecinh ilny Of f Ictolier, A. I), Itilit, at ton o'clook in the forenoon of Unit day, then and there 10 attend the final accounting til' Bitinttol Cross, 11* executor of the estate of John H. Cross, deocased, and hereof fail not. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of- fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Peter Borland, esquire, surrpgnte of [L. B.) our aaid county of Dutches*, at Poughkeepsie, this eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixiy- ono. )y!0 3m PETER DORLAND, Surrogate. nPHB PEOPLE 6jfTHE 'STATE OF NEW YORK, X by the grace of God free and independent, 10 all per- sons interested lu the estate of Robert H. Wn nils, lute of the city of Albany, deceased. You are hereby cited to appear beforo our surrogaie of our oounty of Albany, in Our surrogate'* court, on the 14lh day uf Outoher nexl, nl 111 o'clock in the foreituun of that day, at tho surrogate office iu the city of Albany, then and thorn to attend the final settlement of the ac- count of the administratrix °i said deceased. In testimony whereof, we hava caused the seal of of- fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed Witness, Justus Haswell, esq., surrogate of Ihe [L. B.J said cuuuty, at the oity of Abtiuy, the Uth duy uf "'•'" '" r of our kord July, In lite jy It 3i sbtiii bandied and »ixiy-one "ISTI Ollf J itii ll' ope thousand _lli!!-£ ^I'^-W^y*' Surrogate. K 'OTlCE OV APl'LlCATlOfTfor the discharge of an insolvent from his debts, pursuant to tho pruvisioii* of the third artiole of the first title of the filth chapter uf the second part of the Revised Statutes. FREDERICK WELLMAN, uflhc city of New York, an insolvent debtor. Notice first published July llih, 1801. Creditors to appear before lion. John T- HofTmsn, recorder of the city of New York, at his chamber* No. 63 Wall street in the city 1 f New York, on the -1st day of September. 1861, al 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause why mi assignment should not be mode of said insolvent's estate, and he be dt?chatged from his debts. JAMES McOAY, Alt'y for Inso vent, JylllOw ... , No-IsCeutre.si., New York. fVWi PEOPLE OF"_HR STATE OF NEW YOBst, 4- by Hip gniiiu of God free uiul independent, to Susan Lewis. " - y •- — ••* " '- ' ' ' .-••--, . Hemy t,eo aiid Hauiiuh bis wife. Joseph Duel ' * "lewis. and Ellon his wife, Henry Lewis, Samuel A," Le~- Leopold Jacobs and Betsey If his wife, severally (rest, ding in tho city of NewYprk; Philip Lewis, residing at Son Francisco, Califorii'a) Frederiok Lewis, rest. ding at Ciiiohuuii, Ohm; and Gabriel Van Coll, residing In tlie oity of New York, the special guurdiuu of Ashcr Benjamin end Hannah Benjamin, miuiirs, residing lit Philadelphia, l'cnii.; Rebecca Jackson, Ada Jackson, Ellen Jackson, Anne Jackson and Hu hel Jackson, mi- nors, severally residing in the city of New York, aore- aaid, th* widow, heirs and next of kin of I .owls Lewis, deceasod, send greeting: ' - Whoicim, Sumuel A. Lewis, of ihe city of New York, has lately applied to our surrogate ofthe county of New York, to have a certain instrument 111 writing, relating to both real and personal istntc, duly proved as the last will unit testament of Lewis Lewis, line of ihe oily ofNew York, deceased) therefore, you and cueh of you are cited tu appear bofure our eaid surrugate, at his of- fice.In thecityof New York, on the Huh day of Sep- tonilier next, at ten o'ctopk in tho foron On of ihat duy, then and thereto attend u> the probaio ofthe said last will mid testament. In testimony whereof, the surrogute of our said county has hereunto affixed his seul uf office, the liih IL. B.J day of July, one thousand eight hundred and •ixty-one. Jyll6w EBW. Q. WEST, Surrogate^ T HE p"EOT'LE OF' THE 8 T A T E O F NEW~YORK*, 10 Charlotte Thomas, residing ill ihe oily of Bruok- lyn; John F. Lloyd, residing In the city uf Providence, Rhode Island, the children of Frlsbio Lloyd, deceased, .whose names and places of residence are unknown ami cannot upon diligent enquiry be ascertained, Wh. reus, John Frisby Lloyd,of llio ciiy of Providence, has lately applied in uur surrogato of the county of Kings, tn have a certain instrument in writing bearing dale the 90th day of December, 1800, relating to reul and personal a*lute, duly proved as tho lost will and testa- ment of Francis Thomas, late oftlie city of Brooklyn, de. ceased; wheref -re yon and each of you are cited and re- qulredto appear before our said surrogato at hi* office in In* eity hall,iu the oily of Brooklyn, on ihe third day of September next, at 10 o'clock 111 ihe forenoon, and at- tend the probate of tho said last will anil testament. In witness whereof, Uoswoll C. Brainard, esquire, ii surrogate of our suid coputy, has hereunto af- IL. K.J fixed his seal of offiee, the «t)ih day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-une, and of our independence the eighly-fiflh. Jyll 8w _ _ . . R- 0. BRAINARD, Surrogate, r\ ,HE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF NEW YORK, X 10 Parmelia Word, John Vffnrd, and Charles tlf- ford, who reside at Lee, Oneida oounty, N. V.; Nicholas A. IJ/lotd, who resides at Mn.-.ervii. Marshall county, lowgj Steplien IL B. flljord, who resides itt Princeton, Illinois; JiMhtu Curler and Polly Carter his wife, who reside at Coiislaiitia, Oswego county, N. Y.| Patience Miteliell, woo resides at Fecaloliio, Illinois ) John Hee- wir and Sitrnh Seewir his wife, Abel L. Reed and Nun t y Reed his wife, and Lilibiu Colloit, who reside at iitwreucc, Kansas; Alfred tlazon, who resides at Dix- on, Illinois) William MoOune and Almirn McCune his wife, who reside at Sterling, Illinois j and William L. Gartners, (special guardian of Libbie Collon, a miner,) who reside* at Clinton, Oneida county, N. Y., widow, heirs at law and next of kin of Oharies Uifoid, deceased.' Whereas, Charles lliiiuil, has this day offered the last will and testtnneiit of the said Charles tlfl'oid, late ofthe towitof Lfe, in the county of Oneida, deoeas- ed,for probdte as a will of rest and personal estate, before Henry M. Burchard, surrogate ofthe county of 1 meld a; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before Ihe aaid abrogate at hi* office in Rome, 111 the county of Oneida', orfthe 3d day ofWepiember, 1861, at lOo'clopk in the forpDpoit of that d*V, to attend to the probate of Mia will. * ... • :•• ' .'i • . . • Given under the hand npd official seal ofthe said sur- IL. S.J rogato, at Clinton, ip said county, toil Oth day ol July, A. D.186I. Jyl.Ow a y i f t V ; . ! . , JiURO|Ti>BP,'tMtrTetBl«, QIIERIF*"!* BALE.ii-By Virtue fifan execution to me O directed nnd delivered) Itt an notion in the Supreme Court, I shall sell st public amnion, un the Mat duy of August, 1861, at HI o'clock noon, at the Rotunda of the Merchant'* Exchange, In the city of Albany, alt the ea- tat*, tight, till* and interest which Tennis Fiansburgh had on the 2JSih day of April, 1861, or at any time there- after, lit that oertain farm or lot of lahd situnto in the town of Berne, In ihe county of Albany, and State bf N e w York and described as lot number four hundred and alxiy.fonr, in th* Manor of Rensselaerwyck, being the same premises which Were conveyed by Stephen Van Rensselaer to Daniel Fiansburgh, by a grant 111 fee resorving rent, dated May fllh, 1105. July 61I1, Hill. TJROMAS W. VAN ALSTYNE, Sherif , of .Albany county. By Leonard Chamberlain, Deputy. jft lawtd^ 3 rfflETBOP„B OF r THE BTA'PEIIF NKVVYORK, I. to dll persons Interested fit the estate of Nicholas clioonovcr, late ofthe town of Tioga in trie county of Tioga, deceased, send greeting! You and enoh Of yon arc hereby cited and required, pOraonalty to be and appear bofure our county judge ol the county of Tioga, at his office in the vlllago'of Owe- go, ill said copniyi on the 3lst day of Augusi, I861( at 10 o'clook in the forenoon of that day, then and there 10 at. tend the final settlement of the aooounis of Samuel HohoqiiOver, u* iidiniuistrtilor, f c , 0| Nichulaa Bohoon. oyer.ileceaaed." 1 t, - > . . , ,, In testimony whereof, we have pauset) tho seal of the anrrogat'e Oodrtof said county of Tioga, tobe jierepitto affixed. Witness, Tljo*. Patrington, (Is, B.J ooiMityJndgeof said county, at itWttOj to said , ' eoiiaiy/th* «3d day ofMay, A. B. 1861 , . 1.4 .!P!W.l THOS. FARItlNGTON, mys_ am County Judge mid Surrogato. FtftEl pKOPiSsTlF THE STATi: OF NEW YOKK, I to the orotlilor* and next' uf km Of Peter Miller, late ot the county of Columbia, deceased, send greeting: You and eueh ofyou ate hereby cited and required pui-tiOhiilly l" be and nppoar before onr surrogate Of the county of Columbia, al bl* office,, in Ihe city of Hudson, on the twenty-sixth day of Augutt nexl, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the final settlement of the accounts of William Ellioit, surviving lidmiiii'itii.lm-oflho imiil I'IIKI-Mlltoi, II.I.I.MMI'I. ' tu tosliiuouy whereof, we'have caused the seal of of fioe ot'our kaid surrogato to be hctouuto affixed. [L B.J Witness, Chaile* Esselstyn, e»q., surrogate pf aald eounty, »l HUdson, this *3d day of May, 1861. -•-•-. ' '-iv* :, ' / '• •• ft WyMv- CHiAB. EBSELSTVN! Surrogate. V] ()TIOE.rrBy order of petty O. Kllawbrtb, •uffogaie JLN ' uf Clinton county, notice la hereby given "ccotdiug folaw,to airparaons having' bloiins against llosweil 4. Weed, lat* of Platllbufgn, dece»»ed, ihatBthy are require^ (RHaaiMt the saaie, with the vouchor* thereof, to Ihe sulnuriber*, al the office,of Smilh.M, Wjj*d,ju JiatWhurghj OK or before the IS1I1 day *f Oetuiier, Itol. Detcil April'*1,1*61. ,_ ... >~J»"sei, *r. SARAH A, WEED, •M1T1I MWJIBD, .. Adpatohjuator*. o'ctoelt in the torenoon of'tWtor^aiS'ihs'raV,.*..* tend the aeitlement ofthe accotmUof Join, J* yn -»'.,V: F. Builerwxitth, as the txeeutor* of the list win ..'J testament ef Iho paid deceased".™'" "' """"* 1 "' In telllrnony whereof, we have caused fhe m-ai rfo •aid «errogale to Ukareama •»..!• iS.r n *' Robert H. . . _ . H«t*rt HrSol**, "orrogale"ol'»,','ui0,^''" ,! "i [L. B.J Ihe town of While Plain,, the Uth dav „,"/' " in Ihe year of our Lord one thouss,,H ?• hundred and •ixty-one. aout .„c , l|k , J »"»- « • « • jSOUSB, 8o„og.„ N OTICE OF APPLICATION to. Ih. dlsch.,,, „,. insolvent from hi*debt*, pursuant 10 ihe h?_,, "" ler of Ihe secrftid part of the revised statu e* ° f ' l, « , "P- RICHARD VAN VEOHTBN. « ,, nuMi ,._, June W, 1861. Credlio,* to appca, fc*fo.e th, I) H (Heotg* G. Barnard, one of the Judge, of the ,„„,."' court, at the chambetiof **|d cotiri, city h°l"T," « New York, ot» the «th day of A „, „ ,. ' JM|f, , ',;>"/ lu the forenoon of that day, to (how eaurc wl » . , c * •ignniciit .honld 1101 be made of the aiid liii.,lve„?_ **• tab, aud he be discharged An- El._.•..- _ "'" »< . __ _»__• — P » "O lllSOIl ta'a, and he be discharged from his debis, nu .elf »iatute, JOSEPH CARR, Att'y for ti;i July 6,1661. A'lai'ison Nash, Attorney for Plainliff. M." ULSHOEPFF.R, Refetea. jyll lawld 'I-iHE PEOP1J4 OF THE STATE OIJ NEW YORK. X by the graco of God free ami independent, to Jul in Cox, ^——• Stafford and Eliza his wife, severally residing in the city of New York) John Cox, a lumber of deoea,- uel Cox, John Boiinelly,'Peter Donnelly nnd Mm y lion nelly, whose several places of residenoo upon diligerii enquiry made, calinot bo ascertained, the wijlww, iicna unit next ol'kui of Waller Cpx, deceased, send greeting: Wherous, Thomoji Rutherford, of the oity of New York has ltttely dpplied 10 our lunosaio of iho county of New Yorkjiti have a certain Instrument in wi'liing, relating to both rsnl and porsonnl estate, duly proved as the last will and testament, of Walter Cox, lale of ihe oity ofNew York, deeeased; therefore you uitdpu.cli ofyou sire cited to uppear before our said.-mregale, at his office in the city of New Yprjf, op the lofh day of September next, al ten o'clock ih ihe ion noon of that day, men and there to iitiiii.tl to the probate of the said last will and testa- ment. In tustiiitouy whereof, the surrrgate of our said county has hereunto affixed his seal of offiee, the -a |L. fl.J day uf July, one thonsand eight hnudred and sixty.one. jylSOw EPW- C WEST, Surrogate OTATE OF NEW YORK—SUPREME C O U R T - O Cottuiy of Ontario.-—Jesse II Cowen, plaintiff, agi. Albert 11 linger and Caroliue linger his wife, Edwin C- Gulick, The People's Bank of the city of New York, Franklin Beard, and 11cm y C. Swift. Summons for re- lief. To Edwin 0. Gulick, one of the above named defend- ants : You are heivby summoned lo unswer the com- plaint of the above named plainliff, which will bo filed 111 the office of the Clerk ofthe counly of Ontario, and to serve it copy of your unswer on the subscriber, nl his offioo In the village of Caiiandaigua, New Yurk, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exolu- slvo o'f ihii day of service, or the pleintitf will apply tu the Court fpr the relief demanded in the comn'uliit. Da- ted July8th, 1861, _ HENRY M. -IELD, •'liiln'.lil 's Attorney, CnuunJiiiguu, N Y. Tu said defendant: You will please lake notice ihat the complaint of suid plaintiff, 111 llila action, was duly filed in tho office of tho Clark of the county of Ontario, mi the ninth duy of July, 1861, jvliUw If, M- P'ELD. Plfi's Aii'y riIHE"PEOPLE OF THE STATE OFNEW YORK, X to Solomon R. Howlett. of Yteka in the slalo uf California; Horatio G. Howlelt, of W*st Paw Paw, in Iho state uf Illinois; Parley L. Uowlon, of Springfield, in lite stale of Illinois ; Myron P Howlett, of Mansfield iu tho slate if Ohio; Mary E. Howlett, of Barraboo, in the stale of Wisconsin) Harvey C. Howielt of tho town of Onondaga, Onondaga counly, N. Y.; Alfted A. How lett and George R. Conk, Iho speoial guardian for Henri II. Howlett and Pliebo Luura Howlett, minors, severalty ofthe city of Syracuse, Onondaga county, N. Y.; Ce- Icstut II. wi'o of Thomas itnhjiisun, of the towii of Gcdtles, Onondaga comity, N. Y., and Prances C. wife of William Gardner, uf the oily and county of Oswego, N. Y., greeting: Whoreas, Laura Howlett, the executrix named iu a certain instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Parley Howlett, fate of the town and county of Onondaga and stale of New York, deoea. sed, has this day made application to the surrogate of pur cuunly of Onondaga, to nave said instrument in wri- ting proved end recorded ns a will of real and personal estate ) you ure therefore hereby cited 10 appear before the said surrogato, at his office In the city of Syracuse, 111 ihe said county of Onondaga, un the y.kldtiy uf August next, ut ten n'oluck iu the Torenuun, then and there lo iiitiuitl to the probate of said will. Given under the baud and seal of office uf our suid sur- rogate, at Syracuse, lu said counly of Oiiou- [L, S.J doga, (his 8th day of July, in iho year of our 1,01 d one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. jyllflw H. D. LUCK. Surrogate. ri-iilK PEOPLE OF" THE STATE OF NEW YOKKI X lo all persons interested itt the estate of HhQJa Miller, late of 1)10 town of Loydeu, in ihe county ofLew- is, deeeased, send greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited and required, personally lo be ano appear before our county jnigo of tho oounty of Lewis, ul his office in tho village of Low- Ville, in suid county, on the 7ih dayofOclobcr, 1861, at 10 o'clook 111 the forenoon of ihat day, then and there to at- tend Ihe sellleincnl of Ihe account of llilcy I'm sons 11 oil Jonathan Bacon, as the executors of the tast will and testament of the said Rhode Miller, deceased. lit icslipiony whereof, wo have caused the seal of our surrogate's court, to be hereunto affixed. Wit- JL. S.J ness,llenry fit. Turner, county judge of our sai I county, at Low villi-, 111 said county, on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1801. (Copy.| HENRY E. TURNEU, . Jyl3 3m LewUCo. Jadge. ft MI E VFSi-ITEyF THE"lTl«TE"6irivTKW"\ Xiwi X by ihe grace of God free and uidepeiidont, to all to whom these presents shall come or may concern,and es;ioctnliy to Charles Vail, Temperance Maynard, Joel King, Jeremiah King, Grace Corwin, Mary CurWIu. Laura wigsiits. Caroline Yullatn, Clarissa Wiggins. Ellon Harris, Lueretin Selsson, who reside at Green Port, Long Island, N. Y.; Newel Vail, at Orient, I/nig Island, N. Y.) Lucretia Newbury, Russia, Herkimer counly, N. Y.; Jercminh Baker, Albert Baker, Clayton S. Baker, David Baker, latum Henry, Qrace Pilinau, Harriet Rouinson, Adeline Brigham and Clarissa Baket residence unkn wn, greeting: Whereas, Muy mud Baker, the executor of Ihe last will and to8iument of Polly Nowb'ury, deceased, has this day offered the suid will for probate before Ezra Graves, surrogate of the county of Herkimer; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before the said surrogate, at his office in Ihe town of Herkimer, in the county of Herkimer, 011 the SOth day of August, 1801, at ten o'clock ill the forenoon, to attend, if you see fit, the probate of the said will, and ahow cause, if any you have or know, why the same should not be admit- ted to probate, and proved as a will of real and personal property according 10 law. Given under the hand and seal of office of our said [L. S.J surrogate, at Herkimer, in said county, on the 10th liny of July eighteen hundred and sixty-one jyl.'lliw (Copy.) EZRA GRAVES, Surrogaie. "-IM1E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, X by tho graoe of God free aud independent, 16 all to whom those presents shall come or may concern, and especially to Serena Kipp, Cordelia Stewart, Andrew J. Wuldorf. John W. Wnldorf, Catharine E. Shook, Philip II. Waldorf, Regina .stickle. Belinda Waldorf Cordelia Holdridge, William K. Holdrldge, Julia Hol- dridge, Catharine tloldridge,childrcn and grand-children of Christopher Waldorf, deceased, and heirs at law and legatees of John W Waldorf, deceased; and to Benja- min B. Huffman, John W, Hoflman, Timothy Uoran, Hcnty Lumherl'and Alfred Allcndurf, greeting: You and eaob of you ar* hereby cued personally to be nnd appear at a surrogate's court 10 be held before our surrogate Of the county of Dutchess, «t hi* office in Poughkeepsie, in said Dutchess counly,on the thirteenth (13lh)dayuf August, A. D , 1801, at tsn o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the final settlement nnd accounting of William Waldorf and Bobert C. Maesonneau, executors of John II. Waldorf, deceased, and hereof fall not. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of. fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed |L. M.J Witness, Peter Dirland, esquire, tdrrogateof our said couuty of Dutchess, at Poughkeepsie, this third duy of May, in the yeat of out kotd one thousand eight hundred aud sixty.one, A. I>., itOI. myOSni I'l.TI'.ll IXMILANl>,Mm rogate. ritHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK, •'• by the gtace of God fiAo and independent, 10 all persons interested in the estate of Samuel 8. Peek, de- ceased, greeting: YoU are hereby cited to appear before our surrogate of our county of Albany, In our Surrogate's court, on the 18th day ol September nexl, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of thai day, at the surrogate office in the city of Albany, then and there to attend the final settlement ot the ac- counts of EIIKa Peek, admiiustratrix of the goods, Ac, Of Said deeeased. In testimony whereof, we have eaused the seal of of- fice of our said surrogate tu be hereunto affixed. 1 Witness, Justus Haswell, esq., surrogate of the |L. H.J snld county, at the oily of Albany, the 16th day of June, in the year of our Lord one ihouaand eight hundred and sixty-one. je!7 3m JUSTUS .BA.^Wjj^L.jSarTogate. ..., !: .,8r;*,»,'i.KiAP ' >w* T HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God tree and iitdcpendenl, to Tracy Pardee ind Henrietta Osboiiic.ol thejtowit of llaiavia 111 the eounty of Gene*ee and Mat* of N. Y.| Uaao B. Par- dee, Mary Jane Pardee and Fidelia A. Pardee, ofthe town of Elba, in aaid comity of Genesee ; Harriet Os- borne, of the city of Albany in the county *f Albany, iu the suite of New York; Laura Baker, of Kalamazoo In the county of Kalamaeoo in the state of M M u m ; end Martha Oriswold, of Allegan in the county of Allegan in •aid state of Michigan) and George B. Priuglc, of the town of Batavia in th* county of Genesee' and state of New Yorki special guardian of Morrison Pardee, Getty Pardee, Nelson Pardee and Laura Pardee, minors, heirs at law and next of kin of Isaac Pardee, late ofthe tuwn pf Elba In the county of flenesee, deceased, greei- ingi - > , . You and ench of yon are hereby cited aud required personally to be una appear before our surrogate ol 0111 oouuty of Genesee, at hi* office in Batavia, in *aid counly, on the 6th day of Auguit, 1661, at 10 o'cluok in the forenoon of lhatday, to intend Ihe proof and probate 01 the last will and leslament of aald deoeaied, which relate* 10 both real and peranum estate, and it presemed for proof and probate by Robinson Smiley, executor therein named, and hereof fail not. In testimony whereof, we have eaused the seal of of- fice 0! our said surrogaie tube hereunto affixed. Wllue**, Motes Taggort, surrogate, of said (Is. B.J counly, at Batayi*, thp 8f|h day of Jnpe in the year of 0111 Lord one thousand eight bun- dled and sixiy-pne. JeSSflw MOSES TAGQ.ART. Surrogate. r-IMIB PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK* X by the grace of God free aud independent, tu all persons Interested in Ihe estate of Betsey Nurse, late ofthe city of Utiea in the county of Oneida, deceased, greeting! You are hereby cited lo appear before our surrogaie of onr county Of Oneida, in our surrogate's churl, on the SMthdny of September, 1861, at 10 o'clock in tlte fore- noon of that day, *i the surrogate'* office, in Uliea, then and there to attend the final settlement of the ac- counts of Jacob Hum, as executor of the last Will and testament ot said deeeased. In testimony whereoi, we hav* eaused the aeal of offioe Of.eur laid surrogate to be hereunto af- - sat- day . ..,_ „ Ihniniaild eight hundred and sixty-une. ie!7 .'(in HENRY M. IIURCHAHt). Surrogaie OTJCK OP APPLICATION for the discharge of an , insolvent from Ms debts, pnriuatit to the provision* ef the third article of the first title of the fifth Chapter of the second pari of the revised statute*. GEO. H. ALLPiN, ofthe oily "f Brooklyn, county of King* and •late or New York. Notice first published tha I61I1 day of June, 1861. C«d,itotP towpaar before thpJtoJt.JSainuel Garrison, eounty Judge <\fKing* com). ty, ft. his chambers at fhe ei'y hall, oily of Brooklyn, on th* Kith day of July next, at to o'eloc* itt ih* fi««- WtnV ! |«J» « r . , OKVKVH M. A W M iMtlreat. 11 w « Jill ,-nuiuony pivsvvi, w« SST« CaUSCO til* SCSI offioe Of pur aaid surrogute to be hereunto fixed. Witnesa, Henry M. Burchard, esq., s (I.. B.J rogate of said oounty. at Clinton, tlie loth < of J 111.10, in the year of our Lord »ue thousi IN jc^llw H<V-riui. "uam , 0 §»W fandley i'yi.Oit i!.iun.y, N. V iJHvi-, l*ur.m A. Unvif, ttvy y-'M )T>avi(i J ,r*vi{.»irff' at BouUiv.U Y.; SHinuel w . JJavm, I'rej. 1 U 8t. Jjawrenc© county, N. v., Alary A Locke. rcsiHiJ*. aiCfownPoioi* N. Y.} Mills T. 5fc(c. rositli,,, iHTu' J lortield, | ^ . H.; Oiivia Mtartaoe, reildnifr m T loitinif; at •aiuimg, Mlf,[lU Martha Thorup-oii. 'reaidiug'i.l Ti< uniiiJitu-'Vl' ounty, N. V.: fclijan R. DwU ami Klvira M uZ MN.M »rntil>:lM.rough. Vt.rAiuo-. JJ $ '"' reikliit,* a. Binfihafutun, iS. Y j K, W. s((jt_^* Point. N. Y.j Milk. A»<•.., ga.11; Marti iox oounty Well. rMMiiur *» Uiiwhaiuiuu. n, x \ ft, \v, Ht0(;k» <n-ml|mO WlUoO, MVMully re«.<_m# at P..r: l l . r l MirlHKttii; Samuel J. KceiRoM.TMldin* ut :A*< UMI :' Mieliigaitj Kliaubeih Moil wain, ratHling at T[(:Mm N. i.{ Hhoda 8j>rncer. .Mldlngat Sidney. N. Y . j„i._ Kjfloaton. residing at Hull ford, N. Y.; and Ovurg. I Nurlhrttp. r.'iidiii* at Uniglianiion, N. Y ., »(H-C »t, .,;,rij tan of Hicltard *S. Ijildrelh, and And Town, tevernh r «< aiding at Ticonderogn. N. Y.; ami Bartwall II. Uuuituj reaidliig at Crown Point, N. Y-, minora above Hi. .«« offourtacn yearn, n a n of kid to fytaey Kan ford. ui« \r Binghamton, dep$ai«U> \Ylie»:*fc», Oe'mun Hubbard. Jr., «x«-utor of tin> ]ut J 'HI of aaid drooawd) nuj thia day atmlied to xho »uiro< ate'aQourt of tha oounty of llronme, vo have tlie sunn roved and recorded ai. u wiii of teaj nnd p«r_ooal ci- tato; you are therefora hereby cited to apnev tiofor« the aaid oo^rt, at tlie ofllca of the eounty judge, in tiie VtlleABeo/Mtnghamlonj in tad county, on the 3d day of Auguat. ittOI, ut 10 o'clock in the forenoon. toaiteftdU* ^roofof»aid will. Oiven under the surrogated aeal of aaid county, si [U 8.] Binghamton. tbia laid Uny of .Tune. W l . WJI. nesa, (Copy.) If. 8. OUItSWOM), je20^\V County .Tod/.' IV OTU/K of tbo ftppli'caiion for tha dlachttage or HU ia, 1 1 soiyeut f(ombi«*lebta, pwrauuutto the nrovixtom o( thu third arlicte of the Iii -t title of tho unh ehapitrr ol the second part of the revitsud Rtututes. HOOERW. PKAHK, of Syrftcuae. in»olv^nl..^'<Mil| first nubnahvd May Km, lBtil. Oreonora to nppear !>.. lore Hon R Woolwovth,Onondaga eouni) judge, . ; t,,, oftice in Syracuse, in said county, August 20th. \mi. a; 10 ft'oloek, A. M. OKA . A MAVFM. myi-7 10w Atty'a for laaolvenl, Syraenae. ,\. V 7 r ftfi' w w c i . ortm srATH UP N>.W \ 0)U I to Patty C«lkiin wife of Minor O-Jkina, residing »i Mexico, Oswego county, N. Y j Milly Joiiiiaun w..c of Olark Johnson, residing atCortlandvillc, Cnrtland com.. ty* N- Y., Ira It, Ouinming,, Jane M. Johnsou, rvs;,|,,l( at ForetUvi'le. Cliauuug.ua count), IS.*»Y; Stepm.* Morse, Mary pierce. Amanda Green hiid Jut.;. sultt residing at Plumb, Venango couuty, _*enn*ylv_nia; j tn . Tweed wife of Seymour Tweed, residing ai Grs> - i Mills, Crawford county, Pennsylvanm; Joim Mors**. , . . aiding ii. thu state of lliinoiw; Ira It. Cammnigs. res:d:it| Ut Anpleton, Wisconsin } Alinira McPh_r«on. rf«idj,I at Afierion, St. Louis couuty, Missouri; Mt»ry L)HV«_» MJh i Laur»Sloiiebargei', res din;; m Iowa eny, Inn, \v,i. lium Cutttmiugs, Cyulluu Curnmings and Alfred Cum. miiigs, residing iu Knc or Huron county, OHIO , Mucin F. Oumntiiigs nud Aineliu Horn, so etuiiy reudui; at VUca, N. V,: aud K. M. Pardee, esq., atiompy ai ,iw residing at Fulton, N. Y.,apectai guardian i.u i.e-.-jri.' «uua CummiugM, a luiuor, r«»iding at Utiea, N. V . h.iri and next of km of Ilibbaid Cftnumgs, .-HISS of Uie town ofltastiugs in the counly of Oswego, <_ecca»f«J, .ead greeting: Whereas, Betsey Curnmings, ol tlie town oi llmi n^i, in the county of Oswego, has lately made aitpkcauos to our surrogate o/ lh# county of Oswego, loliuy, ftc„. tain instrameut in writing, relating to real and p*'*oi__; estate, duly proved as the last will and testament of mid liibbard Curnmings, deceased ; you nnd each <>i you art hereby oiled and required personally to be and appeti iMfbre our said surrogute., at bis office in the \•••age uf Fulton, in said .ounty of Oswego, on the -J»;h d.) of July in >,t, at 10 o'clock in tha forenoon oi iii&i duy. isen S \\[\ there to attend to the probate ol said .nsirumem ai io last willand testament of laid deceased. In teslitnony whereof, we have caused tlte «cw: of of fice (>' our said surrogate's court of t_.*_ cou.iij of Oswego, lo bo li«ieniito affixed. \ \ linen, NU S.] Amos 0. Hull, surrogate of Hie said couit y. i\ the village of Fulton in *>aid eounty (lit T,il day of M,ay in the year una thou.Hnd cighi hundred and sixty one. A MOW i., HI i.i, Je7 flw lSurn>ifnte of OSVVCKO dmiiiy ^OT'KKMK^C^UK^—Ciuniy'ol Madi.oii, nntic oi O New York.—Sidney Hivcuburgli, egalnst Hemsn 11 PlirlpH. MIMMOWII- f'M money. To III.IM»H H Phelps, (fefeojttanl: You aro herv by Miin- raoned to answer the comploinl ••( Sidney Kivei.uurjtfc, plaintilf, H copy of wlucii •-..><• filed in the <flU-eoi mi Olork of Madwon counly, on ibu 4th day of June, IM1, and to serve a copy of y<<ur answer on the tubscriter ii his otfice in the village of On.idu, Madisoncou ty, New York, wnbin twenty day. aller the service oi iliusum. mous, exclusive of the day of service, or the p «i..i._ will take judgment agni st you (oj iive hundred ur.d eighty-two dollars unu oiglay-live fents (fJMi.86), wilt interest from date, besides costs. Dated Oneida, Jung ft, 1861, 1. N. MBSMNGKR. v je6 tiw Plain'iff's Attorney, O.-sidn. N V I 'HIVEOJPLB OF THK 8TATF OKNKU VuRK to Adelia wife of Thouius R Dftvi*. t loll ago. «no Peter Van UaasbecK, the special guurdmn of Sarah C, HanuAb and Josephine Ituley, or tlie mwn • f Olive, JKIiiwbelh wife of'lsunis H. Van Betwchoten. Jane \vn« of John OOlispie, and Lemuel Hulcy, all of Hurley, Ul- sfe/ county, N. Y.j Jaco I-JS Dulay, the heirs ut lav of John Bulcy, and of 8 Ily wife of Bodine Brown, deees. aed, whose niraes and place* of reside see upon diligent enquiry cannot be iu.eei laine I, greeting: You and each of you aro hereby cited to appear at . surrogate court, lone held before our surrogate oi u.« county of Dialer, at his oltiec in the village ol Kings',,*, in said county, on the -.Mil duy of July IHXI, in i n o'oloc-t Ul the forenoon of that day. Lien and tl.ere ID attend (if you See lit) the probate of the last wu, aad leslament of Benjamin lsuley, trite of the town of Olive, Ulster oouuly, deceased, prwentcd t> our surrogate to be proved and recorded as a wdl oi isai And personal estate, iu pursuance j)f tlie stuiutc, on tn« application or Klizubeth Buley, lha executrix immed therein, lu testimony whereof, wa have eauxed the seal of office of our -Hid surrogate to bo hereunto af- fixed. Witness, James M. Cooper, surrogate of [I.,. 8.] our said county of Ulster, at U ing*iou, tlu« Hi.rd day of Juno, in the year of our ]_urd oat thousaud niglu hundred uud siity-one. IcQ « w J. M. COUl'Klt, Surrogau S UFREME COURT.—James Brown, John C. H-n eioft Davis, trustees, and l>-iuiel Crew, plss.i-i.iZ_, against the New York and Krie l.Rilrond Company and Joseph Walker. Uriah J. Hmith nnd William T. tiooksr, trustee)!, defendant* Judgment iu the i.itt. mort5tgs suit. To all creditors of ilte above namrd defen- am*, the New York and Erie Hailroad Company, hav.rig debts unsecured, By virtue and In pursuance of the direction* eontsmsrf in the decree or judgment of the supreme court, in us above entitled aetiou, entered the ninth day of Juns, m the year oue thousand eight hundred and six<y, !•> whioh it WM among other mtitters, deereed, adjud(sd and directe-lhat in order to enable the referee iiisrsui named to make • speedy and Rnel determination snt. report in regard to the uimeourcd deid- of tho aaid ^cw York and Erie Hatlroad Compuny therein rcurrsd tu, so that the same may bu fn,ully and speedily Hurt- talned aOer the six months specilied in ihe act of tint Slate, passed April 4, 1BW, f»id referee was suiborued to advertise in six different papers for the present*""" of said debts of eueh ereditors, by a my and st s ptsc< to pe by him tliereiu named, which eh"!! n-t bs isui than six months After the day of the sale of the res! «*• tate; andclaimsofcredilorsnot presented to said rsferea in writing, stating the iimount and nature ihercoi, by ihe expiration or ihe time given lo eaid nonee, s' ooid not be entitled to be heard or allowed by esud reftres. Ahd that it should be iho duly of aaid referee loussr such claims presented and finally determinr, the sunmnl of such unsecured debts, and the owners thereof, with- in the period of ninety days after th* expiration of ui nolioc for the preaentation thereof; nnd to report the same without delay. And that the trustees under the said amicable agreement should heemuied io 1<» pre- sent apd heard by counsel at the reference nstossi<i claims, t»nd also of tlm act nf the. fetaie of Ney' Vork, pasted Ajprit % 1MB,«miUed "An aci in addition t<> ur act relating In the foreclosure and sale of the New York and Erie Railroad," patsed April 4, 1300, public none* is hereby given to all creditors ofthe above namcii tie- feud ants, the New York and Erie Hailroad Oim,|>iny, having unsecured debt* against said company, to present their claims in writing, slating the amount and u-iur< thereof against said company, to me, the subscriber, m« referee named Jn said decree or judgment, itt my offtca, No. Vfl< NHMUU slu-cl, in the city oTNew York, on or be- fore the Wth day of July, IBtil, and that any such claim- ant making default in presenting his claim withm the time above speoifted, will not be entilltd to he heard ot allowed by rue ae such referee. l>ated New Yoik, June 10, 1801. 1'HIU) T. UUGULEt), Referee, ^el5 7W No. 9.5 N assau nut:. New Yurk. T HE r U O F U i OF THK STATU OK NEW YOKK, to Thtorlore Pox, Jn inns l-'n. n ml 'f liomas Httwan, of tb* town of AuiHiiiilniii, in the coutity of Moiiigure- ery; Gharlea Fox and Kliaa Hinitli, wife of Thorns. Hniltli, of f.nilie, in tlm itate of Miotilgan ; ami lli-i." Fox, Who** |>la/in of resilience Is iiiikiiuwn, IIHHB si luw an* next of Kin of Mary M. Stewart, late of the *ms town of Anuterdam, iu tlie eounty of M..i,i - ceasedi , Yuu end t'tinli of yon are hereby cited ami requited personalty to be and appear before our county iuii^e a' our counly of Montgomery, a« Btirrnaate, at the court Iinine, In th* village of Fonda, in said county, on th* Milt day of July, 19(11, al 1(1 o'clock in the forenoon ef that day, then and there to attend the probate of tlie lam will and testament uf Hi* said Mary M. Stewart, dc- eeased, whioh will r*lil*s to both real end personal ei- tate, Charles Uevendorf, »n executor named iu mul will, having applied for proof of the same. In testimony whereof, we bar* cautod Ih* seal of onr turrogat* a courl of aaid eounty, to be lieteum* affixed. Witness, K.H. Cushuey, county judit {!.. KJ of our oounty of Montgomery, at the village of Fonda, in said eoumy, the U.M day of M»r i* theyear of our 1,'ini one Ihousninl etclu lisn- dii'if and *ixty-on*. R. H. OUSH.VKY, J*l'i6w MonigometyCouely Jurlje, *;* rpHE FEOPI.E OF THE sipATE OF NEW YOHK, JL by the grace of Ood free and independent, to th* creditors, next of km, ami nil persons interested H tits e.lnle ol Isaiah Attsliu, lat* of the town of Pittalown in tlie county oi Kentselaer, deceased Y'ou urc^ereby eited to appear before our •urro(jsi* of our couiirji of Henwirlaei, In our auiroKate'i conn, Uie 4«h day *f Septeutoer lfkii,at lOo'olockm me fore- noon of that day, al the «urrogate'» office in ihe city of Troy, and then and there to attend the final settlement or the account* plUhe adiniuUtrator and administratrix ol said deocased' s Iu testimony whereof, we have caused the »erl of of- fice df our surrogate to pe hereunto sltueO tli. S.J lYiUl***, Mo*** W*rr*n, *urrogaie of **.td coinity, »llh»citydfTroy,lhel8ilidayof Jufl*, 1»01 1*14>>» -(OfBES WAKKEM. Sunmsis. fwroTicB OF APPLICATION for the discharge of»» 11 in.. .Iv, nt from hi* debt*, pursuant to the provision* of the third article of the first title o l ^ e fifth chapter oi u* second part Of the revised statute*. tJHABI.ES KAMHI.EH, imoivent. Nolioc first pu»- lnhed Jun* Kill, 1861. Creditor* to nppear bi'ie Oeorg* O. llainai-d, on* of Ih* Justice* ol in* •aprem* court, at tlie ohambere ofthe •uprenteoourt. at in* Csif Hall in Ih* eity of New York, on the 3Uih day oi July, 1881, at l*n o'olock in the forenoon, to aliow c*u>s, " any they have, why an alignment of aaid in*nvent • •state should not he made, anil he be dneharged froia hie debt*. ANUREW HLAKE, Attorney for Insolvent, _.•" __________' "•»*•••• "veeir New York elty TwO'rtO_TI*~AW|.VOA'*roN &r tl,e'ais«hai»Vot"sJ L1 insolvent from his debts, pursuant to Ut* provistuns °t Ih* third article ofthe oral title of Ihe fifth chapter of is* second part of the revised limuti. JOSEPH BTHAD88, of the city of Brookl/n. »i»*->v-rf- ually aid a* a member of th* lato firm of strtuu a JUhar. NyllM ftrai paWislied on th* Wilt day of J » « . 1M1. Cr*ditor» »o *pp*ar before |h* llou. Samuel (i»i- l**n, cos.my )M(* or It in gte •" - • neoar Mid iri»<M**|il *V«Mlfl'.;«ol u»ti* •!< »**i|' •»•).> "?.'* mMltmSmVMiVt. New York, Tsn* Wih, isei. •B...IP. BAWYUH, Attoraav for Insalveni, Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Ylie»:*fc», Oe'mun Hubbard. Jr., «x«-utor of tin> ]u 21/Albany NY...L^l --ii*. iiara-h -frrflF"T SfcK&fssafciift !•*%•. «\.w.__ MM, -* * i*«>• > J*_ of lie town t «v*nl

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Page 1: Ylie»:*fc», Oe'mun Hubbard. Jr., «x«-utor of tin> ]u 21/Albany NY...L^l --ii*. iiara-h -frrflF"T SfcK&fssafciift !•*%•. «\.w.__ MM, -* * i*«>• > J*_ of lie town t «v*nl

L l - - i i * . iiara-h -frrflF"T


!•*%•. «\.w.__ MM, - * * • i*«>>

J * _

of l i e town t «v*nl debtor,,. .-_

' I f f , S W M W H I ^ W»«»n-

£Sw_t^ *1«in$S , T ,,, . , ,. fffOMCB of' or*.t ^ i r t o ^ O f ^ ^ , * ? , ^ ^ ^ „ . to &>•*<«' l « e f th* revised

try •**• tit M*M Nog*•« judge t|« it*l Judicial otreert In mid

*J*t«. notice !» h*r«hy •*!*• «I.»»*^" reuairtttg altthe creditor* of Ii. ft. »A|i©»_M,o£ih* towoof Fulton, Hook county, WW lug for ' " —

.latute. of Wi**e_*in. ofthe circuit eoui

Rook county, wuiaoniio, an in*or»*ut debtor," betrmnV i tea** *f la* aol for the r*llef of (Molvon;

, r , . l , l , . '

• • ' "

#»MI Y. Iiiiiising,

Altwny, Or Ktlwnrct M , . New York eltyt «ii or b»ftir* th

g j * * 8 IJouwVtmlWIag, cl»| the

ily of street,

,gu»t, 1861.

v O. Y. LANKIiNO, f«Sl em > KjMouto*ofthe *fil «r Mary McLean.

rfiftrtlort*: o# -niiWATfi OF NEW YORK. JL by the giaoa »f God free' ewMiulepeiwWi » * " person* ailnrc-tled In the entat* of Jam** '*• DevKUon, line of the town of Ovid In the couuty of Beneca and »t»t«ofNew York, deceased. „ _ _ „ _ *

Yo* lw*.e»oh,or youar* hereby •it** • j a l » f » t t « « to be.Wld appear left efbYe our surrogate of thaooiW'i

s offl«« In the village of Ovid in 9*Jd eewtty, oil the Had day of August, 1801, at ten ty Of Wefieca,- at hi* office itt ^the

aotbegr*«ta_. D a i * Jan****.'.Mi. h m ftw 1- 1*. T O W N * , i»*f tor P«i„ic**v.

r i n l r i PEOPLE IH,' f HE S T A T E OK NKW YoRK, 1 . to«3r«eoJim«**i>d John T. Jon**, of Due*, C u d -

da eMnty, N . .Y i Eleanor Welkin*, ofDeerRold, Onei. «* oounty, aioresaid : Kill* Jouo«e»d Margaret Jone* hi* Wife, of Pleasant w o v e , lie* Moine* oounty, Iowa) David Jo«e»> of gala. North Wale*. Great Brltam; Jane Kiln, of Manchester, England; atul _Jlxaboth rllia, Kl. h« Kills, Ann Kill* and Thosa* Kill*, of Nottk Walea, aiiirftiaul, whoko particular piaoes of re*i4euo* are un­known and cannot be aacerlalned, diligent enquiry kavw in* been mad* to aaoetialu the *ai8e, widow, heir* M law, and neat of kin of John R, Joue*, deeeaud

Wheroaa, Gedwelladar Kwharda, ha* thia day offered the l**t will and tenement of th* aald John H June*, lat* of th* city of lltica, in the eounty of Oueala, <l«cea*ed, for irobate u a will of real and pertoltal * * • late, before Henry M, Burehard *utroi»ie of th* county orOneida; yon at* therefore hereby cited to appear be forothe «aiJ turrogateathio office in Utiea, in the county oi Oneida, on th* ITtu day of Auguat, IHdl, at lu o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend to the probata of •aid will.

Given under the hand and official teal ol the paid «ur-li.. fl.| rogate, at lltica, in *aid ooanty, thia loth day

ortune, A. Dy 18M. Je3B»W HENtl«" M. BllRCHAHI), Rurro«*le.

lit (IK PKOPLROPTHK sirfATH uV tikw VOKX, A to Mary Hiono, widow, reahling in Hopkintoit; William U. Aahtoo, reakUu* in Br**her, both in the eottixty of St. Lawrence, N. Y | Rlisa Aahton, re*iding at Merry worth Ceelle, in th* oovnty of K*nt in theklni-doui ol Great Britain; Robert Aahton and William Aah> ton, retidiag In Canada Rait, place unknown, and can Rot be aacertained ; Mveral children of Rlua Kenedy, deceaaed, who at* auppoeed to re*M* at or near Mon­treal, Canada Knal, they at* of full age, but the number of them, and their itamea are unknown, and cannot be aacertained; aeveral children of Fanny Kennedy, «•-ecaaftd, their nantea, number and raeidenc* are un-knowu, and cannot b* aacertained, all of full age, heir* at law and next of kin to John Aahton, late of llupkmion aloreaaid, deceaaed, greeting:

Whareaa, Robert Stone, a lagatee named in a oar-lain mirumeni in writing, purporting to be lb* laat will and testament of John Aaaton, late of th* town of Hop-kiuton, in tb* county o( St. Lawrence ana trnte of New York,d«cea*ed| na* mad* application to th* aurto-gate of eur county ofHt. Lawrence, to have aai* Inalru-... m i in writing ptov*d and reaotded n* a will of real and paraonal *atat«; yon are therefore hereby oitedto appear betor* the aald surrogate, at th* court houie in the village oi Canton In th* aald county, on th* &8th day of Auguat 1641, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, then ami lliare to alteud to th* ptabat* of said will.

oi v on undsr th* land and teal of oaace of our aald aur-rogam.at Ooavernaur, in aald county of St. Law-

II i. rl.) recce, thi* g t t day of June m th* year of our Lord one Ihoutaud eight hundred and*Uly-OB*.

j e » o V K D. SMITH, Surrogate.

MiMK PKOPLR OP"TUB STATE OF NEW YORK, J to Martha Lake, who reaid** at Porter, Niagara

county, N V.| William Lake, who reside* at Littln Palks, Herkimer oonnty, N. Y'; Jama* Lake, whore-aidea hi Hottonvllle, Outagamie county. Wisconsin; Nancy Marahall wire of Jarnea Marshall, whose last known .place of resilience w u Eureka, Winnebago county, Wisconsin, but whose present plan* of resi­dence cannot ba ascertained; and George 0 . Lake, who reaid«a at Loekpert, N lagara aouHiy, N. Y., heir* and n.m of kin of Oeorg* Lake, lat* of Potter in the county of Niagara, deceased, greeting:

Wtiereaa, Peter Simmon*, or the town of Porler in the eounty of Niagara, bath lately mad* application to our aurrogat* of tb* eounty of Niagara, to have a certain m-eirumanl in writing, relating to both teal afMpersonal es-tal*, duty ptoved a* tb* laat will and testament of said tteorg* Lak«, d*o«aaed; yon aiuteaeh of you are hereby 'ii..( and requiredpereonally to appear before the aurro-

i, in of our county of Niagara, at th* aurrogate'a office, ,a l<o*knart, on Monday the tnh day orSepteuibet, 1861, at 10 •illf.l'».k In th* forenoon of that day, to attend the probata of th* said instrument aa th* laat will and testa-inr lit of the said decease'.!.

In witness whereof, w» bav* canted the seal ofofnee of our *ttrr*gat* to b* hereunto affixed. Wit

IL. 0.) a***, George W. Row*u, aurrogate of onr said aouniy, at Lookpor t, lb* 10th day of June, A, I).

o'clock in lap forenoon of tbat'day, Hieji and there to at tend tlitt ii aeltlcuient of the account* of Jnmea D« Mott, executor, and Snphronin Bavidaon. executrix of the la-1 will «n,I lestaitient of the taid detJeMed. -

In testimony whereof, wa hava oaumsd the aeal of of­fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witiieaa, George Frankllrt, surrogate of said

[L. 8.) eounty, at Ovid, the sixth day of May, In Hie year of our Lord ope thousand eight hundred and sixty-one,

_jrnyt8 8m ui'.OROU FRANKLIN, Sutrogete.

N o f l O K TO OH BDITORS^-Notice i* hereby given aeeerdieg to tnw, mid in pursuance of an order of

the apiivgaio of Oniiirio eoumy, to all persons having claim* or tTvuiniida agaiusi S V. R. Mallory, late of tb* village of Oittiuiidnigu*, deccuacd, that they are required to i! • inii.t the same, with th* voucher* In support them . of. to Thomas M. u well, eHUninUtiaior of natddecea*. ed, at bis ultioe in the villnajp of tlanandaiguu, Ontario comity, N. V., on or before i n *1 day of October next. UaiesflheilMiluy of Match, W'l- ' T T CALEB VAN BUiSBR,

THOMAS M. MOWKLL, mhS8 6m Surviving Administrator*, ft*.


)a»»»w » , W , aWWaW.tsiT|Wta4«

r p H K FK6FLE OF THE STATE OF N E W YORK, I by th* grace *f God do* and independent, to the

next of kin of Chriatian Uouta, late of the town of Look-pott in th* county of Niagara, deceased, graetlng:

Yon are hereby oiled and required to appear before our surrogate of oar couuty of Niagara, in our aurrogat* court, on th* *1 day of September, IWI, at ten o'clock lu the forenoon of that day, at th* aurrogau'* office, In I .o.:kp.>r t, then anal ih*r* to lake upon yourselves and each of yonrtelv**, ilu) administration of Hi* goon, chattel*, credits and effect* of said deceased, *r show cause why the i s m *h*uld act lie granted to Peter It. Aikin, of Locxport, aforesaid, who baa applied therefor, as a creditor oi aai* deceased.

la testimony whereof, we hav* eauxea th* acgl of oale* of oar said surrogate t* be hereunto af-axed. Witnaas, G*org* W. Bowen, aurrcgate

it , .* I *f th* said eounty at Lockport, the Kith day of June, in th* year of our Lord ouethousuud eight huudredenaei.xOr.un*, O. W. BOWEN,

r»ylr>«at Surrogate.

^^ifwthKW1rnS'ii¥ji^it of JTEWYORH; I to all persons interested in th* estate of Sterling

Graves, tale of the town of Rutland in the county of Jelfnrson, deceaxed, send greeting,

You arid each of yon are hardy cited and required rsonalty to be an* appear before our surrogate of th* unty of Jeflersoit, at hi* offiee, in Watcrtown, in said

persona county o, «••—savsaj as I » W » » I <*» . . - . « , . v — H •*• -«™ • ounty, on the 1st nay of October, It'll, at tea o'clock Ut the forenoon of that day, then and litem to attend the neiilouient of tbeaceotait of Etastnua D- Allen, a* the executor of th* last will aad Malaancnt of the saul Bier-ling Graves, deceased,

lu testimony whereof, wu liato c*u*ed th* aeal of office of said surrogate te be hereunto affixed.

(L. 8 ] Witness, Milton H. Meiwiu, svrrogula of our »*id county, at Watcrtown in *aid county,"" the .'oili day of June, A. D. 1861.

|V»1 in M. H. MERWIN, Surrogate

r s t i ^ 1'K.OPl.fc OF THE STATE OF NEW-VoRR, * by Hi.: grace ol God free and independent, to the

next uf kin and all person* Interested m the estate of Rebecca Heoox, late of the town of Pendleton in the county of Niagara, daeeased, greeting:

You are hereby cited and required to appear before our eurrogate of our county of Niagara, in our aitrrogate court, on the 7tliday of October, IHtll, at III o'clock in Hie torenoon of that day, at the aurrogat*'* office, in fork port, then and there to attend the l a a l *eltlement of the accouata of Illy**** K. Uecox, administrator of, fee , of said deceaaed

In testimony whereof, we nave caused the aeal of of. lice ot our aald surrogate to be hereunto affixed Wltneaa, George W. Bowen, surrogate of laid

%L. • • ] county, at Lockport, the leilti day of June, in > the year of our Lore on* thousand eight hun­

dred and sixty .one. j e » 3 o i __ » . W . BOWKN, Surrogate.

• r p H E PEOPLE OF THR STATE*OF N E W YOKK I by the grace of God free ami independent, to the

next of kin, and all persons interested in the estate ol Delia T HeCox, late of the town of Pendleton in the county of Niagara, deceased, greeting;

v'mi are hereby cited and required to appear before cut fcUrrogate of onr county of Niagara, in our surrogate court, Pit the 7thday ofOolober,18ol, at tuoVLock in the Lire noon of that day,at the surrogate's office,in Lockport then and there to attend the anal settlement of the ac­count* of Ulysses K. llecox, administrator of, esc , of • aid deceased.

lu testimony whereof, wo have oauud the eeal of of-rice of our aald surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, George W. Bowen, surrogate,of me

ji M.| mid couuiy, at Lockport, the Mlb day of June, in the year of our Lord on* ijumioiul eight hun­dred aud su ty one.

i e » 3m O. W. BOWEN, Ika/roggjc

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK to Mm y; o ' iiriei. widow of Richard O'Brien, J

O'Brien wife of John p'Brien, severally rest ne

m(r ut nI (Jantou in the county of St. Lawrence, N. Y.; and to Rictiarsi O'Brien, whoa* place of residence Is unknown, and caunot be ascertained, hers at law and next of kin to Richard O'Brien, late of Madrid in the county of Si Lawrence, afoteaaid, deceaaed, greeting:

Win:teas, John Young, executor named in a certain tnetrument in writing, purporting to be the laat will and i > ii.im.ii! of Richard 0'Brien,late oi'llot town of Madrid in the county of Ml. Lawrence and state of N e w York, deceased, ha* made auplicaiton to the surrogate of our county ut St. I<awrence, to haveaaid instrument in wil­ling proved and. reeetdea ee a will ol real and personal estate ; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before the said eurrogate, at the court house tit the village of i' • ni...i in Ike aald County, on the tSih day of August, i HI, at 10 O'clock in the forenoon, then and there to at­tend to the probate of said will.

Given under the band and seal of office of our said sur­rogate, at Gouveriieui ol aaal county of St.

(L. S.) Lewrenee,ihia9$ih day ot Jt-iem4beyearofaur lord one thousand eight nuiuucd ann sixty.one.

j e » « » _ Urp. SMITH Surrogate. , . „ t i ; fKOi'f.H OF THE STATU OF NEW YORK, X by tbegracooffJorltVe* and iiulepemlew!, to Nun.

uy Mekeol, Susan M. Squire, Kneline l.lckly amll'lnlin 11...»i.'.i, all off the town 'of Putnam Valley in the county

*"" i.iinj Wright J, Gorton,of fleaeseecounty, Mich-William H. Cole and John E. Cole.botli o f lowu

of I'lilu.iu igan conniy, Wiaconain; Mary K;_Jenkini,_of"'Madison fit.

iscousiat Msign'rot Aim White, of Snuk county, Wis urn; and Northrop Hall, of the town of I'uinam Vul

K w cousin ley, aforesaid, Ike apeclal guardian of Emeline White, a minor, teaidiug nt tauK coanty, Wiiconsin, acini (reeling :

W hcreaa, CyrsteB. Herton. of the town of putnam Vat. ley in the county of Panism, has lately applied to our •ar­rogate of the eounty of Putnam, to have a certain Instru­ment in writing, relating to real aud personal estate, duly proved aa th* last will and testament of Isaac Hot-ton, late of the town of Putnam Valley, in the .county of Putnam, deceased; therefore, you and each of you are cited to appear before our eatd surrogate, at hi* office in the village of Carrael in the county of Punutut, on the l l ih day of August, 1861, at to o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend to the probate of the said laat wilt and le*t**e*ttt*

In testimony whereof, th* surrogate of our aald county ha* hereunto affixed the aaal of the surrogate's

It,. 8 . ) court of aaid coanty of Putnam, this lOili day of Jam* one thousand eight hundred and sixty.one

je8S«W RYDER, Surrogate.

_ - - _ ) T » ORB_«TORB--Notioe of application _ . lor the discharge of an insolvent front his debts, pur­suant lo th* provision* of the third article of the first title of the tftb chapter of the second part of the revised slat-ate*.

CHASLKB H. WEBB, of the city of ttochetler in the eoumy of Monroe, an insolvent debtor, individually, and as one of the talc firm of Sheldon ft Webb. Notice first published Juno «7tb, KWt. Creditor* ui appear before boo. John C.Ok—ssssM.0, county Judge bftlt* cotiuly bf Monroe, M hieeffi**, la the city of Rochester, in iaid oouuty, on the fish day uf (September, 1801, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of thai day, lo ahow cause, if any they have, why aa assignment should not be made of aald in-solvent's estate, and he be discharge'! from M* debts,

jeOT Mlw ' ' ••' '

NOTICE TO ORBDITORB-Nollee of _ppHo*I«*_. for the discharge of an iatolveut from hi* debt*, pur-

saaiit to U>* provi-wia bf th* third article of the fir*! tide of the (UlSof -pw «t th* aeednd put of th* revlwd atht-

" ' o G I L V l * U BBUttDON, ef the elty of Rochestet la ,h.°co«T;^M<a-i**V•» lnaUve.t debu^r iudividnally, and as one ofthe late trra of Sheldon * Webb. Notice

_»t pubSiSI-MuiS% »«»L S^'SUVRE.I.S1' for. L « * S C-__ga-a»»o, ^ » t - J e d g . ^ , ^ ly of Monroe, at hi* office in thee •aid cot x_._._ .__ _ * __ o'clock said eoumy, on the Uth day of SajSeinber, 1861, at IM

th*y have, why an waigumeul •bbltld l"'t bo «amle of •aid insolveat'a **tile,aiid It* be d4»cb»r|fial itom hu d,bu. x ;;|' V

!J;.I,.,,II ,. I*8*1 U w

TTiSB#MOPU*4>F THE STATMOFNEWJfOKK, 1 to itli pen"!** Interested in the estate of i,»eob

8. GletyliMe ** Hs» ssn-a efOtra in th* eotuity of Mom-

• ^ r « S ? K » r # ' T O " . " « _ » _ _ . » y eKedaiil .eqtoe-i

ilock at Ike HMMS-** oi a at th* hii*ls«iaV_««_to ««s

<^wtom*~!f*f!igg!^ ****** day of Uci *W.,__iJF having applies!"for *»*h general .elitemaul

' t t*ati»i~y what**!, w* nava catamd u****dof oar '-'ae<xinoi«aideotiuiy to bekMtanio

* . «

<Sm*tX wh»»«a

ffiTlK C»»in'* po«»tjjMi* a*l!iai>(int|re« M*«isiisainy,a* tate -mage oi

aodSjHy^nta.' • B- HTOUSTINIY,

N OVICE of appliciinou for the discharge of ail tnspl-vent iVotn hi* debts, pursuant in the provisions bf

the third article of the arst title uf the fifth chapter ofthe scooud part ofthe revised statutes. . ^ , .

EDWIN K. '.REMAIN, ofthe oily of Now York, In­solvent. Notice first published May 19,1881. Creditors to appear before the htm Geurge O. Barnard, one ofthe .ustices of the New York supreme court, at the cham­bers of said court, in the oily hull building, city of New York; tin IheVWInl ay of July, 1861, at 10 A.M., to ahow cause, If any they have, why said insolvent should not ninke en assignment, unit be discharged from hlatlalng. Now York oitjr, May IDth, 1W11.

B. P SAWYER, Alt'y for Insolvent, myloHIW: No. Id Wall-at.iN.Y..

" | V H K PEOPLE OF 'HIE STATE OP NEW YoT«B, I to the creditors, legatees, heirs at law, next of km,

and all peWMm* iftlaieste-'lil the estate ttfJahex Goodell, late of the oily of Buffalo, in the county of Brie; de­ceased. . 11 v r . . . .

You and each of you are hereby city, notified andre-nuired, tobe and apiear belbrea surrogate's court, lo be held at the auirogate'a office in the city of Buffalo, in Erie county, on iriu I'll day of September next, at ten O'clock'in the IbrChooii oFihat day, then and thereto attend the fiiiul settlement of the account* of Hbfatlo Shumwiiy and Moves Bristol, exeoutot* of the last will and testament of ihe »aid deceased.

lu loitiutotiy wneroof, We have caused the seal of of-Ii..! of our said surrogate to he hereunto affixed.

IL- S I Witness, Charte* Cs Severance, surrogate of our sitid comity, at hia office, the lath day of

' • • • M*y,t8«1. ' ' c . 0 . SEVERANCE, m y i r i i n _ Surrogaie.

OT10F. oi'iipulminimi to. the iti«ch'a/ge of mi nisol-vent tioitt |u* debts, pursuant to the provisions of

the third article ofthe lirsl title ofthe Ii fill chapter ofthe second part ofthe revised statutes.

JOHN MaMAHON. ofthe city ofSchenectady in the county of Schenectady, M. t". Notice first published May loth, 1861. Ofciiitor* to appear betor* nou, Ste­phen II Johnson, county judge ofSchenectady county, at the city oiNolieno'tniy, on 'ho ,'ituli day of July, 1861, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to snow cause, if any they have, whyvnt assignment should not bo made of said in­solvent'* estate, and ho lie discharged from hi* debt*.

, A. S, JOHNSON, Alt'y for Inaolvenl, myl» 10w Byractue, N. Y-

lil OTICE oi* APT"lil0Af iOoTf-r Ac dV*cliifJe^ftii I T Insolvent from his debl*, pursuant to the provisions of article third, title first, chapter tilth, part second of the Revised Statute*.

BENJAMIN F. BALLARD, of the oily of Brooklyn, insolvent. Notice first published the 16th of May, 1801. Creditor* lo appear before the Hon Samuel Garrison, county judge of King* county, at his chambers at the city hall, city of Brooklyn, un the ~5th day of July, 1861, at 10 o'clock in tile fUreiioon. • , '

myidlOw BKNJAMIN F^BALliARD, In*olvem._

r i t H E p i o P L B OF TUK STATE OK N E W YORK, I by Ihe grace of God free and independent, to all

to whom thaxe present shall come, or may concern, and espenally to William Cunningham and Aim K. Cun­ningham, hi* wife, of t o oily Uf PuUHhkeepsio, county of Dutcbeas and stale of New York, and to Snvannn Stack, ol couuty Lellrim, Ireland, greeting:

You,,and each of you, aro hereby cited personalty lo be aud appear at u surtogatc'a court to be held before our surrogate of the county of Dutches*, at his office in Pouglikeepsie, iu salil Dutchess county, on the twentieth day of Nuventber, A. 1)., 1801, at leno'clock in the fore­noon of that titty, then and there, to attend lb* final set­tlement of the iicuouuis of Edward Beach, aa the exe­cutor of the laat will and testament of George B. P. Black, decjussd, and hereof fail not.

In testimony whereof, wo have caused the seal of of. k«* ol our said surrogate to ho hereunto affixed. Witness, Peter Dorland, eaqplre, surrogate of

[It. S.J our said couuty of Dutch**', at Pouiilikcepsie, thi* fourteenth day of May, in th* year of our I.OHI olio ihoiniiml eight hundred mid sixty one

iny l tem PETER DORLANO, Surrogate.

npw»'pEoriiK OF TBESTATE OF NEW YORK, I hy ih... griicn oi i.i»i free and independent, to the

cii'diims, next uf km, and nil other peisou* inierastcd in the e*tate of Marg-tret 8- Lc Fevrc, lat* of the town vi New Uochelte, in the county of Westelicster and state aliiresaid. deceased, ititevtale,' *eatL*vCei«iig: . i

You and caoli uf you lire hereby c i l eoand required

settlement of the aciomtta of I'ro.spor Le Fevre and Chalfceriuii Foster, aa the uduiinistruioia of the (aid tie Censed. , |

In testimony whereof, we have caused thesonl of the said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Robert II. Coles, surrogau of said county, at

[L. 8.) the town of Winie Pluina,thc Stun day of April, in tin-, year of our Isord one thousand eight Int.,-[Ircdmui si sly.one.

ii|-:o.:,o II. II. COLES, Surrogate.

AT a Surrogate's Court hold at the eerrogate'a office m tlm town uf Cauuiulttigua, in ami for the county

ot Ontario, on lite U7tU day of April, A. D„ 18ffl~-I're«ei>t Orson itciijniiiin, Surrogute. In the mailer of the (elate of Piuleiftuii Stiles, doceased.

On rcniliiigiinit tiling- the petition of Jane E Stiles, o f t i i i t \e.viiik, in the county uf Wayne, one of the heirs and next of kin of Piitleiu ,ni Stiles, late of the town of Mniudo- . in , lu tlio couuty of Ontario, deceased, iutes-tate, it Is ordered that' En pursuance or the prayer of the •aid petitioner, U t i l e s .Mosher, tliu fttlministrator of the gdoila; crililli'l» iojl creiliis of :lio *«id lutesutu, pjsrr •unaily bo um| appca r befoio the sprrugate of ihe cuuuty oi Ontario,'at his oiiice in ijanuodtiigu*,. in said counly, on ihp filth ilay of August uesj, ^t |cit o'clock in the forenoon ot' thin day aiid render tin account ol hi* pro ceodings, a l a'ueh adiniiiisuntiir ns afuresoldjOr sjww cause why im uiini'ii. t should not bo issued against hnn and in,* bond hopriMtccuicii, . , „ ,,

mirl.3m ORSON BENJAMIN, Surrotate.

r i W , P B o i u t K O F THE STATB OF N E W y o S f ! , X to Frederick Sell-, of the stuic of Iowa, comity

and town unknown; aid Barbery Weaver wife of Nichols* Weaver, of Port Colhorne, Cauda Weal, heir* and uexi ot kin of Jnhii (feorge Meii/, late of tho town of Amherst in the eottuiy of Erie, deceaaed.

Whermtsy Michael itiMt,., u tirotlmt- of aafit deceased, has ap|ilted to tho sniio-mto lifllfo imld coimly Of Erie, for llic, proof of tho said will, whioh will rei.il.na to reul and persona} estate; y6i|ftte therefore hereby cited to npnear1 belofe the saiu *UfrOgate, al lit* offibe in lite city oflltilTalo, In aald, county, pit |he 13th day of August next, at It) o'ctuck in the forenoon, io nttoud the probato of ihe sdlilwill. . '

Given muter the bund ami official seal of the Hid snr-[L, H.I roggte, at hit office in said conbty,thisD7lh day

ol June, IStft. | y I 6 w t i _ C , C . SEVERANCE, Surrogate.

A'J' a Surrogate'* Court, held In and tor the eounty or Colombia, ut the *urrogute'* offioe, In the city of

Hudson, on the Utrtnyof July, A D . isnil • Prcacut, Chart** nssnisiyn. aurroyate. In the matter of the up -;ilt.-sii,m of l-Mwiit B. Williams, sole administrator of, Ac . of Niiriiinii W. Willi ims, ilmvasci), intestittc, fot authority toiuoitgagci lease <ir sell ihe real eetaicoi'said deceased for ihe paytiient of Ins debt*. -

On mailing mid lll'uig the applioiitioiiof Ed will II. WiL liniiis, solo mliuiiii-irnloi. of alt and singular the goods, Chattel* and credits of Norman W. Williams, late of the copttfy of Coluiribia,deceaaed, intestate, for authority to mortgage*, lease or cell the real e*tai*of the aald ia-tor'th.. |,iiyoii..i't of his debt..;, it is ordercil that all per­sons interested hi tlm o.taie of the said Norman W. Williams, deeeased, appear befbro the surrogate of the county 0/ Columbia^ nt his office hi the city of Hudson, on tho Huh day of Abgutt next, at to o'clock in ihe fore-in ion oi that day, teen and there to show cans* why authority should not be gitren to the laid admiili* rator to in 'rtgage, lease or sell so iitin-h ot the real estate of tha said Nm man W . Williams, deo«asesJ, us shall be nc-ceiaary t« pay hi* debt*.

. . • ' i Ji OHAS. EHSEI^TVN, Snrrogal*-Joltn-0. Hugelioofii, Proelor for Pet tloner. l y j 6W

\|0'1'U,'I'. of appliiMlion for Ihe itisuhurgo of uu iilsol-Ls| vent from lua ilcliis, purauont lo the provision* of

the thud article of Ihe first title ofthe fifth chapter of Ihu aecohd part of lite revised statute*. rx*

ROBERT » FANNlNG.ofthooityofBrooklyn,in-solvflnl, Notice firstpublised May 3, 1801. Creditors to appear before lion. Snutuel Garrison, coanty judge of King* counly,, at hi* chamber*, ui the oily hall, in the oily uf Brooklyn, on the Itlieeuth day of July, 1861, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. i i. *

• » . B. G, WATERS, Att'p for In«olvem, i niVS 10w 86 Nassau :st., New York.

and bounded an_ deicVibVd a* %nowh.'to witi On tho sonth hy tho line aonnratlng the town ofUoeyutu.ua ftout A»*|d(ltownef-leilihjhoin:>oii the west by liSine• of John fill i.i .-l 'Oorneliu* V. Baker; oil Ihu norllt by Innds of John Tho«|p»»iHe,»d*'n the,. *i by I ,c Hudson Hiver, couiainiiigabouFMTOy-lhie* ooMs of Imid. • Which aforoaald luiiil I •ball fell ut public amnion, at the Ro­tunda of Ihe Merchant*! Exchange in tlte city of Albany, i; on the l.'ith day of August, 1861, nt IS o'ctcck, noon, ol Ihatd^y Dated Albany. July 1st, 1801.

,f. W. VAN ALSTYNH, Sheriff of*Albany county.

ByJosi 'K Cllgiott, Deputy Shorift' jylOw

ttUPabMB COUHT-State of New Yotk- -County ul i3y Albany—frwrndt L T e n I'.yek mid BHrcntTeA Hyclr and I'm out '•'• E. Brottk, hiaooramiilee, <Vc, and Han­nah Ten Eyck wife of aald Conrudt 1. Ten Eyck, plain-litis, against Mary Top Eyok, Peter Rea arid Sarah Boa his wife, lliircnt Teu Eyck, lid, and John Ton Eyok, de­fendant*.

In pursuance of an order o( tho sbnremo court made In the above action on the9Sthday ufJune, leoLend uf tho aiaiiiio in auch case made and provided, notice is hereby given to kit person* luiviuK niiy gclterhl lienor lucumbraneo by judgment, decree Or otherwise, on the undivided share or interest of any of the parties iu the premise* hereinafter referred to and described, to pro­duce to me, on or before the I6th day of August, 1801, at my office No. 67 Slate street, In the city of Albany, proof of their respective liens nud encumbrances, togeth­er with satisfactory evidence ofthe amount due there • on, and to specify the nature of such eucuntbroncea and the date* thereof reapecively. Tho premise* reterred to, ate described aa follow*, vial

All that oertain farm, piece or, parcel of land, lying in the town ofCoeyman*, In anid county, and bounded us follows: beginning at a •take get iu the southeast .101 nor uf land belonging to Jacob Parish) llieuca along h'eliuo south eighty-two degrees west twenty.five chain* and twenty-Tour link* to a «take at the junction of two atone fences; thence north eighty-two degree* and thirty mi­nute* west, nine chain* And lifty.si\ link* to a *tnkc and stones; theuuo south nine chains pud seventy-eight links to the burying ground; tliencc north eighty one degree* and fifty imnutcs west to the public highway) tne. en along the same, south seven degrees west seven chaies) thenoe south thirty one degrees eust *ix chain* and thirty five links to a ban wood slump; thence north eighty-nine degree* and thirty mhiiiiu* eu-n, seventeen chums and fifty links 16 th* «ouihWc»t ciirncf uf tho gnr. den; thenoe north (Ourieen degrees mid twenty ininuicn east nine chains and sixty -lour link* lu a atutio wall; thenoe north eighty-six degreos nud twotuy mhtutca ensi iwciiy-scvcn chains to a stake ; theiico north ten chafna and forty link* to tho placa of begmnuig; coulaiu-' lug fifty-five aerea of lanii, more or less. r *

Also, all that certain piece of land in said town, on the north aide of the highway lending from Manhattan Hook lo Coeyrauu'a Landing, beginning ut itstuko in the boundary of Beeeher Holmes; thence south one degree west sixteen chains and five link* to a slake sot on the uoitii side of the said highway; tinmen along it north fifty-nine degree* and fifteen minute* wett nine chains and thirty-eight links to a make; thence north thirty-eight degrees and thirty minute* west, Ihrue chain* ami seventeen link* to a stake [ thence north one degree east teu chain* and eighty-live link* to a stake) thence east ten chains and sixty links to a, siaku ; ihenoe suiuh fourteen degree* west two chain* and eighty links to ,* stake and stuncs; thence east iiiuety-ouc link* to the pleee of beginning, eouiniu ng seventeen and nineteen one-hundredth aore* of land.

Also, all that certain dwelling house end lot of land, situate, tying and being in said town, am) near the vil­lage ot Coeyinun's Landing, beginning ut the highway leading west from tho Albany and Greini lurttpiko roati, at the souihwest corner of lauds formerly owned by Ja­cob Parish) and running thenoe westerly along the said highway to the lot of Baohol Carrie, formerly ; thence northerly along the east hounds of said lot, to lands of Jacob Purieti. formerly; thence eastorly to the nurtlieusi corner of iho lot herein described; thence a mllicttaterly along land* formerly owned by Jaeub Parish, to tho place of beginning, (excepting and reserving therefrom a lot released by Jacob C. Ten Eyck to Mary Luudmau, and a iui convoyed by John II. Cussan lo James Nelson, and a lot oonveyed by said Sarah Ten Eyok to John Sickler ) 111 \ SIIAFER, Referee.

Israel Lawton, Alt'y for Pl'll's, Cueyiunn'e Landing. jy l 6w

r p H E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF N E W YORK," I. to nil persons interested in the estate of Esther P.

Lewis, late of tho county uf Chautauqua, deceased, send greeting i

Yuu and cueh of you are hereby cited mid required personally to be and appear before uur surrogate of tho couuty ot Chautauqua, at his office in the village of Muy vtllo, in said eounty, on the Dili day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and lucre lo attend the final seulemenl of the account* of E?.n-riah M. Spink, a* the executor of the last will and testa­ment of the said Either P, Lewis, deceased.

lu tostituony whereof, we have caused tb* seal of office of our surrogate to bo hereunto affixed,

[L. s . | \Vlinc»s, George A. Greene, surrogate of suit! county, at May villi-, the si-iih day of June, A. D. 1801.

GEO. A. GREENE, Surrogate, C. F. Miitluiinu, Alt'y, Frcdoiiiu, N. Y. jyl 3m

FlMlE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF" NiV\v^YOKK, 4- wal l poison* interested in the estate of Pardon T. Lewis, tato of iho county of Chautauqua, deceuscd, •end greeting:

Yon and each of you arc hcnib) cilod and required personally to be and appeur before our surrogate pf tho county ol Chiiuiitiiqiiu, at his office in Iho village of Mfty-ville, in said county,on tho Dili day of October next, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of Ihat day, then and there in attend the final settlement of the account* of Charles F. Maitoson. a* the executor ol the last will and testament ofthe said Pardon T, Lewis, deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of­fice of upr surrogate lo be hereunto affixed.—

(L. 8 ] Witness, George A, Greene, surrogate uf suid couiitv, at Muyviilo, the 3}ih day of Juno, A. Jl». 1801.

GEO. A, GREENE, Suriogato. C. F . Malie»on, Alt'y, Freduniu, N. Y. jyl 3m

r i l H E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YOHK, JL to Igitorix KeUer, ol'the city of Cincinnati, statu of

Ohio, oue of the heirs end next of kin of Joseph Keffcr, late ofthe town of Eden in tho county of Erie, deceased

VVhereaa, Frederick Hurler, u legatee naiiied in the last will and testament of the suid Joseph Koft'or, da­eeased, has applied io the surrogate of the suid county of Erie, for the proof uf tho said will, which wilt relates to personal estate; yuu are therefore hereby cited to up-ppw before the suid surrogate, at hi* office in the eitv of'Buffalo, in aai.d coanty, on the 14th day of August next, at 10 o'clock in'ihu ib,cnvuii, to ailentl the prohnio ot tho suid will.

Given under the hand and ofliuial soul of the said snr-IL. S.J rogate, at his office in said county, this S7th day

fit Jjfne, 1861. j y ! 6 w _ _ _ _ _ _ SEVERANCE, Surrogate.

r |MlE PEOPLE W^gT^fjj^STiflilTtV~YTTilK,

of mat nay, at too suiivavim * v ~ v *? ;ir.i_-_r_«# «r ilia and then and there to aUeud the - finali »enlenient ol ih» account* ofthe executed bfaatodeeeaAed. ,. • ft

In testimony whereof, we have caused It o acul oi uillco of our surrogote to b« hereuniii < I ' » •

j y3 3.11 MOSES WARM KM. Burr<.gato._

l"'«uTa,nre.*o1.of J™, , ir0 \creby cited '«"«'•T/'"'1

lit the tot eniion of that nay, men aim mere w -».M>»« »ST soltleiiiciit of the aoootlut of Almon '/.. Hmith, ad-iiiinistiuioi' ofthe good*, chuiiolt liiul cretllt* of tho aald Nancy A. Smith, decerned.

In testimony whereof, wa have caused the aeal of office of our taid surrogate tb be UoroUnto nf-

[L. 8,1 fixed. Wltiies*, HnrveyT». smith, sdtrogate or •'•,• out said eounty, at tho^nrro^ate'* Offioe, lit said

iipllil 3iu

o P u n ^ U i i V ^ n d . ^ 0 ^ 1 ^ ^ ^

il«gi« orcli

far wwefo,._..... , on the 3d day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend tho set-

, tinmcui of Ut* account of Jacob M. Bullion, aatbe «""'•-ouiw'oftn* estate of the said decease I

In to»llmony, wlmi col, wo have oauaed the seal of of­fioe of our anid surrogate, to be hereunto affixed. Witni R " • - - ' — "•*

IL. «.] ooint! Jurwi littiiilrcil and sixty-one xty-one.

AMOS G. HULL, Unrrogato , * . , . - - . , , . - - . , - . . . -i-*n*!*i*-Jh-

rlrewATB Spro'f Union Village, Washington..cnun-."piriTt Hilton Fi»^i»M*« M » Sweet with 01 WIL


II'HE PKOPLKOFTHE STATE OF NEW YORK, JL by the gone*,of God frep nipl ndepeitdeut, to; 111*

CTodftotvtefghie«i iteittWltin, arid all other per.on.lu-terc*ted in ihe estate ef S a m p l tjbadeajyno, late ofthe town of Newcas t l e , iu theoeeiit^df Westchester aud

iwsed, send greeting : ,. , : Yuu aid each of foiP af* hereby «tt_d aild fdqtiited

state aforesaid, deceit

petsonally to be and appear before'our surrogate of the counly of Westchester, nt hi* office in the town of. While Plaijis. on the JtipUj Vlfy dr,tj|aptenibe»„l*»l, «ti nine o'clbot iu the. ioreliooh'of'thnt day, then aiid there to attend the settIo|rte»t of Ihe. account* of Jem* Rydet and l'eicr J. Coutaui, us executors of the last sviil and leslnmimt of Ike said deceased. ' , ' . , >

Ill testiinuny whereof, wo have cau'ed the aeal of the saul surioguie tulle licieiuilo nllixed. Witness, Robert 11. Cide* auitogalo of aifcl ciutity, nt

(,L. B-l , h e , o w " uf White Pltiiits, Ihe Uihilay uf Feb-|'".i'li in the year, of our Lord one thousand eBrbf haelred and •ixiy-one. !

fel* 6m R. II. COLES. Surrogate.

f JMfE PEOPI>; oVT(tb HTXTft" )P~NRWYoRP, I by tlm giuei-. ol' i•..'.I free and iiulopeudiju!, lo ail

p.-1 tons interested in the estate of Arteniu* Dresser, late ofthe town of Seinprouius, Cayuga County, deceased, greeting:

Yuu and each ol you ar* h»reby (sited and requited poi i.ou.tliy to be and appear before our surrogate of our county of Cayuga, ui hi* office in Auburn, ut until county, on Iho tit -a day of October next, at leu o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, io attend th* lioni settle­ment of the accounts of Juhii W, Dresior, sole udiuiul*.. ii-nioi- ut Am, ofthe aaid deoeaied, and hereof fall not.

In testimony wliereof, wo hdv" eudsed tt|0 sent uf of.' lu-e oi out midxoVtogatn to be hereunto affixed. Witatws, Win. U. Woodin, surrogate of Mid

tL. 8.) ootuily, ox Auburn, iho l|8ili day ot Juuo. inlh* year or bar Lord One thuusaiid eight hundred and sixty.one: i - . . i u • ' " • • " • » ' * ' " "

iyl l im ,i WM. » . MfOODIN, SuTrogate.j

7piiE PEOPLE OF THE m'ATvToP NWJFYOWK, to the creditors, legatees heirs at law, next of kin,

he estate of l'liili; niicnstur iii tho conn

••iitit ill persons mt)..-.-t.-.i (it the estate of Philip VVeatherwax, late or fhe town of Lancaster in the coun­ty 01 Erie, doctiajiDd. : , , , . '

Von and o .oh ni you it-o hewby cited, notified and m. quired to be mid appear before a surrogaie'* ouirt, to be MM a* the surrogate'* ufiico lu the city uf Buffuo, in Erie opuuly, on the 30ih day of July next, at 10 p'elook |n thoi"oreta»pJ'.|J!»l.day, tb*ita'id there tut attend the final *t!leiitint oTltie accounts of Eli W. Choale, a l -mlnistr »lor oi die good*, obaitel* ana eredtu of ihe said

lit testl'topuy-Whereali wo hav* caused the »e*lofof. • nqe of our said surrogate lo be hereunto affixed,

III. S.I WuoeshChorleaO.rioveraJioc^urrugaieofoar ] emu county, al hi* cilice th* V3d day of April,

«paS3m '-''',',.'".'' C. Oi SEVERANCE,Surrogate.

TM B P E » f t E W ' T l l E STATE OF N E W YORK, ii* the grace of God free aiid independent, to all

Person* inierested in the eataia of tferinan 'li'lmrn. late of tlte^iiy of Now YeWde-etuied, »« creditor*, lego-tee*, tiext of km, or otherwise, *end greeting; ' YBtiatld.eaohvf yopara hereby oiled aud required

Miutiy v> k* a'Md'aftkiar betor* bur surrogate or the ty, of N o w York, at hisoillce lu the city uf N e w

VoA, j « the oth day:;ol oetuher next, ni eleven o'cliatk m tb* fpretioon of i h u day, then and there to attend the *aal litileinent ofthe account or proceeding* of Jan* Stat . T h o r * * a i « t i e Thorn, John B Slpvensanil Sam. itt A. FoxiTlFbteculrlx and executor* of the laat will and leatnineiil of said deceased. , ,

la tefiliuoiiy whereof, we have eau*ed the »eal of of-: •**>*}• *tlld aturrof at* to'be heremito alfixad.-s ! Wtuieaa Kdwara 0 . W**l, «»»., surrogate ot

JL. B.l g H M H ' eounty, at the city of N e w Yorfc the 3d day of April, in the year of onr Lord on*

W_iT,»iUT»I*t*. »(*«P» tkoUMad eight h*'nd*redatitl •l««y_on*

itnesa, AnioaG. Hull, surrogate of our »aid awy, at Hie ylUngn "I Fnltuii, the slSfh day uf no, iu the year of bar Lord one thousand eight mired it '

JL Jo Peter Fish, of V\ ty, N. Y*.t mlltort Fiahj'mnry/tun -weoiwuoo. "«,--lliilll Sweet, Howiand Fisll, J i , ftiui Eligiabnlh Fiith, all

ofoMoreau,Saratoga,eounty,.N. Y.i,W.nllor Fi»li, of Oregon oily, stnlo ol' Oregon ; and Joseph M. Fish, uf l'rincctoii, Wisconsin; and Lemuel B. I'ikc, csif, of Saratoga Spring*, apuciul gu»rdi»u,of Ward Fish, Jane Fish, Sarah Fiab, Kattbe* Ffill, Henrietta Fish, (Caro­line Fiati n"d Pliebo, Aim Fijh. minora, and allof Moreau, ntoresuiii; heirs and next or kin of Joslntn Fish, lute of the town ol'Morouu in the oouuty of Huiatogii and suite ofNe*'YorMideceased,^^ grbelingi ' = ' > ' ! Whereas, Mary Flap, of the town of MoreaUi b"d Mnyhow Rico, of the town of Northumberland in the cniituy of Saratoga, ulbrysuid, cxcitiitilx and exo-utor ntiuicii In the last will ana loatnmoui of the said Joshua Fish, deceased, have mndo application to tho miringiiio of said eounty of Sstut*ga, tp have aaid. will, which >*•' lutes to both real ana periwiial estate, proved otiid.ad-initicd to probate; you and each of you mo theVefnre hereby ciicd to appear betor* the aald surrogate, ut his Office in tlie village of Sarnlogn Springs, in said county of Saratoga, on,tho '.Will day of August, 1801, ut 10 o'­clock |ry.;M., lo »tteml )l|c prjof tind probate of said Wdl-

lit w.tticss whereof,"we have caused iho seal of office

of our said »urrogat* to bo hereunto affixed,--IL. S.J Wilnos*. Cornelius A. Wttlili'on, aurrognto of

sidd county of Sarnlogn, al tho villtttro of Sorato-gu Springs, the 91th day of June, 18(11.

jySOw L j c - in WALDRON, Surrogate.

' IMIB PEOpidi OF' T - W T B T A V S J OF N E W YORK, JL tc Sally Puuicroy, whuse ulaoo of residence la un-known, ono ol ilio helfa mq next of (.in nfCluriua Crocker, late of tho tuwn of Walerford In ihe oouuly of Sariuuga and state ol N o w York, decease,!, greeting:

Whereas, John Jlouao mid Mary C. l.ilis, of Waler­ford in the ootuity of Saratoga, N. Y , Itcira at law and nexl of kin of said Clarissa tirocker, deceased, and John H. Adams, of Bristol, CoiiilOetioul, Nuitoy II. Swan, of Columbia, l^giiuuclicut, and bib.a 0 . Oleic,ot Ilatlford, OoiinaoticMiTlielraatlaw, naxfof kin mid legatee* na. • •iitit in tlm Inst will hud testament of the raid Clarissa Crocker, deceased, Itnvo mad* application lo tho aurro­gnto of aaid county of Saratoga, to have sul'l will, which relates to both real and personal estate, proved and ad­mitted to urobilin ; you tiyo therefore hereby cited to appear before Iho aaid minoguiii, at hjs office h) the vil. luge of Walerford in said county of Snraioga, on the isth day of Aitgu.it, 1861, at 10 o'clook A M , to attend the proof and probate of said will, aud also loshowcause wliy loiter* of adailltlatration with said will annexed, should not bo grunted to said John House.

In witness whereof, we have caused the seal of office f our said surrogate lo be hereunto utllsed.

[L. S J Witness, Cornelius A. Wuldron, surrogate of

said county of Saratoga, at the village of Wa-, i teftord, the 1st day of July, 1881.

|y3 6vy 0. A . WALDRON, Surrogate.

mSifiMiT'LVri^'TB'B STATEIJF NIJ^TORS; X. lo .tunics Allen, residing ut Verona, Oneida counly,

IM. Y.j Alinira Crip, en, residing rtt llnlhibiii, Saraioga counly, N. Y.j Sophroiia Emerson wife of Avery Emer­son, residing in ihe state of Indiana, but at what par­ticular place 1* unknown, the heirs at law nud next of kin of i'.liliu Allen, lute of Cayuga cuuuty, deceased", whose tinmen, number and place* of residence is un­known; Junto* Alien, William Allen, Svroptn Allen, Dolly Allen, Sarah Allen, Rebecca Allen and Perlina Allen, residing in Iho town of Mason nud *t ,lc of Michi­gan j Franklin Willnrd and Morgan W. Willnrd, residing at Cinclnalli, state of Ohio; Erastus Willnrd, icsidnig in the siitiu of Wisconsin, but nt what pariicular place is unknown j Susan Wlllard luld Sophtona Wescott, resi­ding in the alvlb of Aiieltlgiiii, but at what piirticulur place 1* unknown, the heirs itt law upd next uf kin of Nancy Arnold, deceased, whoso names unit plums of residenco are unknown; John A. Wnldrou, esq., of w a ­lerford, Saratoga puuniy, N. Y., special guardian of the following named minors, to wit: the said heirs nn+gw and next of kin of Elihu Allen, deceased, James Allen, William Allen, Sorepta Allen, Dolly Allen, Sarah Allen, Itobec ui Allen, Perlina Allen, Fjankltu Willatd, Mor­gan W. Willnrd, Ernstu* Wlllard, Susan Willatd, So­phroiia We»ooit, mid the heir* ut law hud next uf kin of Nancy Arnold, deceased, heir* and next of kin of Lydia Hull', lute of tho town of Bslhnoii In tho counly of Murn-loga and state of New York, deceaaed, greeting:

Wliereo*, William T. Oiloil, of tho town of Mll-Ipn, in the county of Saratoga, aforesaid, executor iiiiiuod in Iho lust will anil tostuinunl oi lite said Lydia Huff, ileoeasedi has mndo application in iho sur-rogato of said counly of Huf atogn, in liuvo said will, which relates to both real mill personal culate, prnved and admitted tu probate ; you and ench of you ore therefore heicby oiled lo appear before Hie said surro­gate, at his office in Iho village of llatUton Spn, in mud

r-IMIB : _ _ - _ - „ . , . . . . 1 by Iho grace of God tree ami liulepenUoiil, lo Helen

Prelum, lbs Wife of Henry Prosion, Sarah t-risbio tlte wife of Enoch Frlsbje, of Bridgewuter iu the county of William* aiid slate of Ohio) Barah Stocking tho wile of Tiuuiihy W. Slocking of lire slnio of Michigan; and

r i t H E l'KOI'ss-. . , . . . . r _ . • by tlm grace of God free and indepeltdeqt to the

Creditor* next of Kin and all person* interested in Ihe ca tate of William Dillon, late of the city of Tmy, in llu> ciiiiiii y of Ki'iiiu. I'liim-, ttec*a*ed t .

You are hereby cited to appear before our surrogate of our mutiny in Itensselaer, in our ton rogate'* courtj on th* 16th day of September, 1861, at ten o'clock lu the forenoon of ihm day, at the surrogate'* ollicn in tha elty of Troy, then and there to attend the final sniilcinciit of the account* of the administrator and administratrix of said deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused tha seal of pf; See of our aurrogat* to be liti hereunto affixed.

[L. S.] Witu**», Mose* Warren, aurrogat* bf»ald coun­ty, aj, the ciiy of Troy, the Uth day of Match)

mill.') «m '. : M O S E H WARREN, Burrogato. i

f Is'UE PEtSpLE O ^ ' m E B T A T E 6 ¥ N E W YORK, .1 by the grace of God fi.no and independent, to all

persons interested in ihe estate of William 11. Powell; lat* of the oity of New York, deocased, « • oredilora, noitt of kin, ur oilier wise, scud greeting: i :

You nnd b»en of you aro hereby oiled and tequirel personally to be and unpeur before our surrogate of the county of Naiw York, hi hi* office in tho oily of New York, on the thi day of October next, pi iiln veil o'clock In the forenoon of thai day, then and thorn to attend tha final settlement of tho aooount of prooeeding* o'f GeotgolL Powell, us administrator of the good*, chattel* nud cred­its of Said djUfagsed. ' r

In testimony whereof, w* have chimed tli« seal of office.of *a.id surroijatpto be hereunto affixed.

Which fhall hot be thuk pteacnted for r'odembtlbh niid payment, wiililn the time ilnis Bpcclli.d, will cea*6 fo be a charge dptjit thh t««d» in the tmndaof ilio Buperintenil-ent lor ihailpnypoee, • ' ,

jyl) in n ^U._yAN_DYCK,8uperInteiitloni,

fVioTIOK uf apiiiicniloii for liie d'i'seiintgo of ait oiaui-i . 1 vent from hi* debt*, pursuant to the proviiiona uf the third article of tlte Sr«t tllte.of Iho fifth chdpter of the second part of tho revised ttatulo*.

WILLIAM H. WILSON, of the pity of N e w York, Insolvent. Notice first published July 10,1861. Credit­or* to appear before Iho linn. O. I*. Duly, mm of ihu judges oi the court ol common ptci.ni, nt tlta chamber* of the saidenurt, in tho city hall, oily of Now York, on tho iMd day of August, 180i. at Wo'clock A. M. of that day.

O. P. WETMORE, Alt'y for Insolvent, - i y l g o w 8 4 A 8 1 Nassau.SL_

NOTtOK of appncntilui for tho ittichargo of s W H F-TABER, an iiutolvciii, from lita debts, piiraitnnl to

the provision* of the third article of the first till* of tho fifil^ohant. ri . , . - _ _ _ , . . » . . . . , i i _ a r . _

Wiinass, Edw'ard < Vest, eoiiuirp, surrogate

county of Snraluna, on Hie Dili day of Septernber, 1861, nt 10 o'clock A. hi . , ' — ' •' ' " •' — - ' ' said will. at 10 o'clock A. h'(.,'to attend llic "proof and probate of

Stephen B. l'ouid, of Lyons iu Ihu county of VVhyne and state of N. Y., special guaitllan of Lewis Parker, Sophia Parker ami Bumoiit Parker, minor* uitil , llic age of twenty-one yeurs, heirs and next of kinof Josopli Adams, deceased.

Whereas, Richard Billion, of the town of Williamson, in the oouuly uf Wayne, lias ltttely upptieilto our sur­rogate of our eounty of Wayuo, for proof of ihu will of Joseph Adams, late of Willlaiusoii, uforusalil, deuensed, Whioh relates to both real mid personal euiutiii there­fore, you and each of you ure cited mid required lo ap-fear £l the office of tho said surrogate in tho village of

-you* iu «aiil county, on ihe Itlllt day of August uoit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of mild day, to aiiend the pro­bate of said wilt.

In testimony whereof, we havo caused th* seal nl tif­

fin* pi our said surrogate to be hereto ai!ixcd.~-yViiuess, Lynmii Sherwood, surrogute of the

S.] county Of Wayne, at the surrogate's office

f p H i T P E O F L E OF J . by the gr»c,e ol Ot FT Hall and Mary A. chclscn, Mass.; Ale

said counly, th* twenty *i*tlt day of June, In the year of our Lord ono llious'und eight hundred and sixty-une.

jyUOw . LYMAN SHERWOOD, Burrogaie.

j t a BTA¥E 6^. TfJjEvy YIOBBJ lotl free and independent, tu Juhii .. hjs wife, seveinUy residing at

r . » , , « . . , , ...vxuuder M. ilcijiiiuu, rcaiiliugai Jin. plowood, Mass.; and Gabriel Van Cult, residing to the city of New York, Ihe special guurdiuu of David F, Keil-tnan, a minor, residing al Maplewoud, Muss., iho heir* and next of kin of George A. Rtilmuu, deceased, send greeting:

Whereas, George W. Motion, of the city of New York, has lately applied to our surrugtilo of the comity of Mow York, to hay* a rurtuiii insiiiimojii in writing, icTuiiiig to both reul and personal estate, duly proved i>» D'o la*t will and leslament of George A. Riid-man, late of Iho pily of New York, deceased; there-fore, you and eacli of you nf p cited to appear before uur said snrfoga.le, at his uffico ui th* oily of New Yurk, un th* I.Uth day ot September next, at Mi o'clook ill the forcnooii of that day, then and there to attend lo lite pro­bate ofthe said last will and tesiumunl. . • - . .i . : . t a . _ * • .„ ^umiaamuw

the ed

in witness whereof, wo have oausoil the soul of uffico of oijt- said surrogate lo be hereunto affixed.

[L. S-] Willies*, Cornelius A- Wuldron, surrogute of said county of Saratoga, nt the village uf Wa­lerford, the 1st day of July, 1861.

jy3 0w C A. WALDRON, Surrogate,

' iMfE P E O P L E OF T H E S T A T E OF N E W Y O R K ; JL by thp grftpe Of God free and independent, to the next (if Kin, and all persons interested la the estate of Allen lint's, Into of Ihe town uf Somerset ill tho coimly of Niagara, licensed, granting;

You are lierobv ditod and required lu appear before uur surrogate of our couitiyof Niagara,in our surroguto court, on Iho Mist day ol October, J8III, al (0o'clock in the forenoon of that day, al the surrogate's office in l^ick. port, llicn liiul there lo intent! ihu jintil sellleincnl of llic uecount* of Guy C- Humphrey and Surnli 0. Hong, nd-roinisiraior mid uilmniisiratrix of, A c , of suid deceased,

lu testimony whereof, we have caused the aeal of of. bee of our said surrogate lo be hereunto affixed, Witness, George W. Bowen, surrogate of Ihe

[I, M.| said county, al LtKikpoit, iho first day uf July, in Ihe year of our Lord one thousand oighl hun­dred ai)dsi,xty.oiie.

_jy4 3m a . . v y BOWEN. Surrogate.

\ f Oi'fcK of ttpiilienlion liir iho ui'sohnrge oi "tin insuf. J.D yoiit debtor for the purpose of exonerating Ins per­son from imprisonment, pursuant In the provisions of Ihe 3th article of till] 1st li'llo of lll|(* 3th chapter of lite Sd purl of the revised stntute*.

JI l.llJM KANTBOWISCH of the city of Now York, insolvent. Notice first published uth day of July, Ivil. Creditor* to appear before the lion, John T. Ilolfiiiau, recorder Ofthe oily nud coun'y ol New York, ut Ins u -ficu, No 03 Wall street, in said city of Now York, on the 31st day of August, 18111, til ten o'clock m tho lore-noon uiid bliow cause why tin assignment of tlm siiid in­solvent's estate should not bo muilo unit his person thereafter bo exempted from arrest or imprisonment by reason uf any debts in istug upon contract previously mad* in his individual capacity or in his late firm's name of J. Kuntrowisoh * Bruthor, nnd if In prison, why he should not be discharged from hi* imprisonment.

JOHN COOK * SON, Atl'ys for Insolvent, jy 0 6W III Nnssail-st., N. Y.

n P E K H S of County Court and Court of Sessions in and X for tlm County of Westchester, for tho year 1601.—

1 do hereby appoint lerin* of tho county court and court of sessions for tlte county of Wepiohostcr, for the yeur 1801, to bo held n* follow*:

The gouerul terms of said courts will bo held al the court house In White Plains on lite second Tuesday of March, and on the third Tuesday of December: and at the court house i i Bedford on the first Tuesday of June, and on the first Tuesday of October: ut which tern * a grand and petit jury will he required to attend.

Terms of the counly court, for Iho bearing of nppetils, and for lit* trial uf.issue* of luw, uttdfor iho heating anil decision of motions and other proceedings, will lie held al the court house in White. Plain* on the first Tuesday of February, and on the third Tuesday of October) tout at iho uourt hoino in Bod ford oil Iho first -Tuesday of

IL. B.J of our said county, at tho city of Now V'orki'iho ' (llih day of* June, in the -year of opt Lord one

thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. t i ..«. je883ro . Ei-WTC, W i M ' . Swrogata;

rTVmrHsmwTWs^^^^ JL to the creditors, next of kill, and rill persons Inte­rested in tlte (slate of Mary D Bedell, late ofthe city of Brooklyn, Kings county, deceased, greeting:

You uiid each of yon are horeby oiled and required tp appear biforii out surrogute of tne county of King*, ut his office in the oily hall in the eity of Brooklyn, on the 16th day of July next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, and to attend ihe final settlement of the account of David Fui'innii, us adiuiliislraloi of tho goods, chattel* anil cre­dits of Mary l» Bedell, deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of. lice ol our said surrogute to be hereuuto affixed, Wiiiwaii, Uoswoll c Hruiuufd, esq., surrogate

[L. 8.) of ottf said oounty, at the oily of Brooklyn, the Oilt day of April, in Ota year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, tiutl of our independence the eighty-fifth.

ap!3 3m _ _ _ _ _ R. C. BRAINARD, 8urrogate._

f|iRE PEOPEE'OF'THE STATE OF Nisvv YORK, X by the grace of God firee and independent, fo all per­

sona Interested in the estate of Asa Webstet, late ofthe town of Western In tho eounty of Oneida, deceased, greeting: I > , '

You are hereby cited to appear before qnr surrogate of our cuuuty of Oneida, in our surrogate'* court, on the 6th day of August, 1861, ut 10 o'clock in the forenoon of linn day, ut Iho surrogate office in Rome, thou and there to intend the final sitiilciuin t of the ncaount* of Henry Oi-eiiH a* sole oximutur of Iho last will and losiuniont ol said deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused th* aeal of of­fice of our said surrogato tobe hereunto affixed. Witness, Henry M. Burchatd, esq., surrogate of

,'L. 11,1 said oounty, at Rome, the id day of April, In th* your of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty oue. ,

upl? 3m HKNRY M. BIIKCUAUI), Surrogate,

B'"" ANK l)^ARTMENt-"Aiba«y,Ta*rc"h 1st, Ibfll", Notion I* hereby given, pursuant to chapter 930 of

the laws of I it-W, that Ilia olrotllmiiig note* issued to The Bank of Sing Sing, a Bunking Association at sing Slug, Westchester oounty, will be redeemed at par by the Su­perintendent of the Banking Department) at Ihe New Yurk State Bank, Albany, fur six years fruln this date, and not thereafter. The outstanding utiles of said Bank, must he presented as aforesaid for redemption within six years from tho date of this notice) and all note* which shall not bo thus presented for redemption and payment, within ihe time thus speoiAed, will cease tobe a oharge upon the fund* in tho hand* of the Superintend. cut for Hint purpose. . ' *

mill 6m | JAMES M. COOK, Superintendent.

riiifflj FE<3»LB OFTHE S T A T F O F N B * Yolui, X by Iho graoe Uf Ootl (Vfe Md jndepend*»t. to George Apptebee, Nelson Applobce, Robovf Abiilebee ami Amanda Swartwout, residjhg in WeslertoJ N. Y.) Caroline Carr, residing in Coeynians, N, Y.j and John Milton Apiiiciieo, residing at Loiio Rfdge, Illinois, cliiir

drcn of John Applebec, deeeased, and who are all the heirs at luw and next of kill of John Applobec, Into of the town uf Westerlo in the comity of Albany, deceas­ed, greeiingi

whereas, Robert Applebee, of the town of Westerlo in tho county of Albany, has lately made application to our surrogate of the county of Albany, to have a cer­tain instrument ill writing, relating to real and personal •••'into, duly proved as the lust will and tesiumom of said John Applebee, deceased) yuu and cueh of you are hereby cued and required personally tobe and appear before our aald surrogate, at his office in the oily of Al­bany, on the 30th day of August, at ten o'clock iu the IOITIID'II ol Unit day, then and there to attend to the pro­bate of said Instrument as the last will and testament of said deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have eaused the seal of of. lino of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed,

[I.. B.l Wilness, Justus llaswoll, surrogate of out said county, at Iho city of Albany, the 4th day of July, A. D. 1801.

jyjt__*r_| JUSTUS HASWEI,L, Surrogate.

SuMtWE'coTf i i iCKIi igs Oounty.—Eiiis. M. M 5 Culloeh, ligst, John Unrulier ant"' Gardner hi*

Wife, William Gardner and Joanna Gardner his wife, William R. tll.ill'ird, Henry Itolmumn, Henry E. Insley, George B. Ripley, survlvur of Calvin J. Spear, deceas­ed; John L,Bharjni, Ulysses B. Brewsier and Henry B. •lull, survivor* of John P. iiiic. deceased; Frederick A Blossom, The Long island Bank, William 8. Hun mum, President of ll'O Long Island Bonk, William B, lli| * David W. Biggins, Dwight Spencer, Daniel Martin. President of ll'O Long Island Bonk, William B. Higgins, David W. Biggins, Dwight Spencer, Daniel Martin, John 1). Iloontbeok, James a. Wallace, Thomas Burlington

Muy, and on Tortus of I

Iho lirst Tuesday of August.

S IS Jyl 6w

ojiiiwony wuereoi, tne surrugaio oi uur sum con ty tut* bprouutu affixe.d njs soiil w office, t

J iHihduy of June, ono thousand eight htiudi

EDW. 0 . WBfiT. Surrogaie, iVOl'li:!'', of the appllcaiiuu tor the disciiurge ui tin

i J insolvent from his debts, pursuant to the proviaioits of Hie thud oi ip.-lo of the first lute of the fifth elmptor of the second part of therevked statutes.

GF.ORGE H. ALLEN, of tt e oily of Brooklyn, cnun-ty of Kings and slate of N. Y, Nuiico lirsl published the •Jd day of July, IHoi. Creditor* lo appeur before the lion Samuel Garrison, counly judge iu luid fur Ihe coun­ty of Ku/gs, at hia chamber*, oily hull, city of Brooklyn, un the ,'ltlth day of Auguat next, at 10 A, M.

jy* low ' g . ih ALLEN, Iimolvent.

rf\m pi-ioPLE OF'TRR" S'fAWo'F"N'BVV'TOBK, | . to I'uiil lliiicholoi', who resides ill England, luilui

what plado i* unknown, and cannot bo ascertained, heir at taw and next of km of Jacob Batehelor, decea­sed.

Whereas, Arthur S. Copemau, has litis day Ottered th* Inst will and HMI.IUI nit of the said .In job Batehelor, late ofthd otty of Utiea, in ihe county ol'Oneuls, deven-scd, for probate a* n will of real and peraoital estate, before Henry M. Bprohard, surrognio of theoouiily pf Onenlii; you are therefore hereby oiled to appear ba­tons the sail) surrogute, at hi* office In Uttca, iu Ihe coimly of Oneida, on the anh dny or August, 1801, at ten oi'olook in the forenoon Of l|nal day, to attend to Iho pro-

Giyen under the hand mid official seul of Ilu aald sur­rogate, at Clinton in said county, thi* lifth o.ay ofJune, A ; 1).1861 ^

bate of stilll will iyenunder tL. .. . . . . _ _ .

[L. S I rogate, at Clinton In eind county, thi of Juno, A. D. 1861.


f fvHE PBOpLE OF THE STATE OF flBW YORK, X by iho* grabs of God lYee and indepon lent, to

all p<r«ons interested in ihe estate of Abner Beiiudiel, Dtte of Ihe oily of New Yurk, deceased, as creditois, le­gatees, next uf kin, Or otherwise, Send greeting:

Yon and each of yon are hereby cited and required personally |n bo niiJ appear before our surrogate of the county of Ijl»¥ VY'ki al hi* otilce iu tho elty of N*«ty York, on llto lljth day of yajjuary noxt, at II o'clock lu Ut* forenoon of thai day, then end imno to attend the final soitlciiietii ofthe uecount Of proceeding* of Plrasltts 0 . Kauadici, as executor of the last will and tesium,,, • of said deceasw- .

In testimony whereof, Vi> have caused th* seal of of­fice of said surrogaie ui be heretuito affixed. Witues*, Edward C. West, esq., surrogate of

[L H.J'oursald county, at the oily uf New York, the 97th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. -

jy l 6rr7 ~ ™ tvPW. C. WEST, Surrogate. <;;

rr tHE PEOBLBOF THE STATE OF N E W YORK, I by th* grace uf Gnd free and independent, tu So­

ph b> Hamilton, widow of Dav(.l Hamilton, Into of she lowuof Wal#-yll»t, dcoen«_d j: Onlhariiip A. Banilwn, Helen S, Haiuilioii, iluughiers of suid deceased, residing at WWtervliet, Albany count}', N: Y,; and Jm^a P. Hltahc,ock wife of Charles Edvyiti fHichs9«k,rp,8uliognt San Franolrco, Caliloriiia, and who ure all Iho heir* nt law nnd next of kin of David Bamlttpn, itiio ofthe .town ofWaterVltMintaacdutilyof Albany, deceased, greet

Whereas. Sophia Hamilton, Of the towiiof Wat«f»(lpl ip the counly of Albany, hu* lately mdde npplication in our surf ognte of ihe coanty of Albany, to have it eeitaiu iiisiriiineiit i ,i writing, relating to rant and personal es­tate, dul y proved *# tlm last will and loaiutucnt Of aald David Hamilton, deocased ; you nnd each Of you mo hereby oiled aud required perioniMiy to be nud appear before our said surrogate, ut hi* olBca lit th* Oily of Alliany, on ihe SWth day of August next, «t 10 o'cloo* iii th* forenoon of that day, then and there to attend to the probata of said Ipstrument a* the last will and tc-sln • iiient of said de,oe*s*d.

In lesiiutuiiy whereof, wo hav* caused the seal of of-: lieu of our said atiii'iigitiu to im hmmmio ullixc.il.

Witness,'Justus HasWcll, «urfogtito of our suid IL. S.I county, ut the eity of Albany, the first day of

July, A. U. 1861. , , . i iy36w J . J : U 1 ' _ U ' S 'IASWKLL, Snrt'Ogntn.

J. to I nltd Mr*

the county court for thi) hearing of nil mat-ler* oilier Hum appeals, and tho trial of issues of faci, will also he held al the court house in White Plains on thp third Wednesday of every munlli. Dated January 1st, ftlll. '. ' W. II. ROBERTSON,

jyb 4w Wejtcliosier County Judge,

WE^^oPi_E'o^''TOE'sTATE6E','NE\V^b'Kh^ Mr*. Maria smith aud Isubolla Smith of Delhi; s. Mary Ann Smith, of Deposit, Delaware couit.

ty; llurriei F.Kifiith of Qwego, 1'ioga county, N, Y.j anil to Joseph Smith ot Ifijillesnnlio |lm, Placer coun­ty, Califonna. ,

You are hereby cited and required personally to ho and appear belbre out surrogate of our county of Dela­ware, at his office in the village ol Delhi, in said county, on Iho '.unit tluy- of August next, at ten o'clock in Hie fore­noon, lo attend th* probate of the last will and testament of rial and pergonal estate of James Smith deceased, which will then uiul them bp idlered for thai purpose, on iho application uf Jams* II. Smith tin executor in said will.

Given under the hand and seal of oftloo of our said sur. [L. S.J rugate, at Hie village of Delhi aforesaid, the al

day of July, 1861. jy6 6w WM. GLKABON, Surrogate.

rjpHB P K 0 W , E * 1 ) F " T 1 ( E S T A 1 ' B OF NBVV Y01IK, I. by the grace of God free and Independent, tu

nil person* interested iu the estate of Adoniram Buss, Into uf Iho town of Rome, counly Of Oneida, deceased,

a'?,01'"?* Yuu ore hereby cited to appear befuro our aurroguto of our oOMuty of,Oneida, itt our surrogaie'* court, on the 3d day of September, 18ol,at 10 o'clock in the forenoon uf Ihat day, at lite surrogate office in Ho ue,limn and there to *how cause why letters of administration of all mid sin. gtilin thogowl*, olintli'l't and credits of said Adoniiuiu Bus*, deceased, should not be granted to Jay Huiha-way of to some other proper person.

In testimony whereof, V * ln,tvn caused the seal Of of­fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed.

(L. S.) Willie**, Henry IU. Blirohard, esq., surrogate of said oouuty, at Clinton, the first tiny of July,iu lit* yeur of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred andsixty-one.

iyfl6w HENRY M. BURCHARD, Surrogate.

n 11IE Plsoi'i<E W THfi "s'i'A'H. (if "NEwvtiHKJ X to James Hook of Ankenytown, oounty of Kims and

Ntulo of Ohio, lieif iii law and nexl of kin of Daniel Rock, deceased. .

Whoreaa Woik'krd Perkins l»a« thi* day oDercd the last will aiid testament of the suid Daniel Rook, late of iho town uf Camtloti, in the county of Oneida, deceased, tor probate as A will of real and personal estate, before Homy M. Biirclinid, suirogaioof tlie oounty of Ouciuu; you ure therefore hereby cited to appear before the sunt

| surrogate, nt his office iu Rome, In the county of Oneida, on the third day of SOpierobor, 1S01, ut 10 o'clock In ihe forenoon of that day, to attend to the probate of said will. ,, , , ,

Given under tho bund and official,seal of the said sur-[L, S.| i-iigaio, at Rome, iu laid county, this second day

of July, A !>., 186L - .*•' jytlllw , HENRY M. JHJItUUAKI), Surrogate.

r p H E PEOW*. 0** 'f 1I)_ S T A f E 6 F N E W YORK, JL tu llotihoii I'enltc, of Vim Ilouosvilln, Herkimer offiiitily, N«w Yofllj Lohioi Pcaxo, of Rookford) Illinois) Eii-iibeih Peake, of.Knltonyille, Montgomery, counly, New York) Sarah A. MoEwcn- Of Grand Itupitla, Michi-

I gan; Chnuiiey Tutilo uiul AWgnl Tuille, his wife, of i Chicago, Illinois) Aloiwo Failing *iid Churloiie Fulling, *._ljw(ro,of0aweg«: ^ " • " "- '

rah Itoyey.his wue, liijlfi Street.rjr, of Oefroll, Alichigan) William F. Tut-

' " BtlnmaxTOO, M(ohis

Tin I PEOPLB OF THE STATE OF N E W YORK, by tlie grace of God free and Independent, to Ihe

. . , . : llto..', mi.t utliiii, nnd all other persons Interested in tlte estate of Gilbori Onion, late of the town of Yon-keta, in the oounty of Westchester and (tale aloteaaid, deceased, Intestate, send greeting:

You mid each of you are hereby oiled and required personally to be and appear before our Surrogate of the oounty of Westchester, at hi* offiee in the town of White Plains, on Ih* 7lh day ef October, 1861, at nine o'clook in the forenoon of ihat day, Ihm and there to attend Ihe settlement of Ih* accounts of Jan* Law. relic* and Thorn** O. Partington, a* the administrators ofih**att4******d. ' - .< I i.» I _ J « , J J • '

In teatlmouy wh*t*of, we have caassd tk* *e*l of the •aid »prrog*te to be hereunto affixed. Wltnaw,

IL. 8.1 lloMrt II.TJole*, snrrogal* of saidaottaly. at the ^ town of Whit* piaiu*, th* 1*1 day of July,

in th* yaar of our l»*rd, one tiiuusand sight _«»*ff<M4»i#ly-oit*, _ _ t - - .

Chicago, Illinois) AIOIOJO Falling and Charlolto Falling. •his; wife, of Oswego, New York) William P. Hovey and Surah Itoyey.bia Wife, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Wit-llaift Streetrjr; of llcfroit, Michigan) William F. Tut-tla, of Kiluiunnoii, Micbigiii)) Mvri|ii Coloney and Joaeph'ue Coloney, bis wito, of!A|exa)tdnn, IJouglu* counly, Minuosoia, heirs at law and next of km of Wil­liam P. 1'cuko, deceased.

Whoreaa, Rabeoca. Pen)(eJiaa this day offered ih* last will and 'testament of iho *Wd William f. peako,lule of town of Westmoreland) in the county of Oneida, do, cea*ed, for probate as a will of feat and personal estate. Iiufom flenry M. Bnrflliatd, surrogato of the conniy of Oiioldtti you are therefore hereby Cited to appear betoro the said surrogate at his offioe In Clinton, in the county uf Oneida, on the'»"h day of /.ugtiai, inn, at 10 o'clook nt the forenoon of Hun day) to attend to the probata of said W i l l - , ' . ! " ' i . i ' ' ' • ' " ' ' ' '• . Given under ihe hand and official seul of the ssi 1 sur-(L.IB.J rogate, at Clinton .to said county, this 1st day TT F of July, A. 1>. 1861. ,!•! "

jy6f)w JBKNRV M. BUBCHARB, Surrogate,

rwWStftVf^OjrVHV STATE (W NEW YGRKi X by ihegtaoeof God free und Independent, lo all per­

sons iutorefted in the e*ta;o of MsVIa H. Sandford.late of th* oily bf New York, deceased, u* eredttor*. next Of kin, or otherw»»b, send grboliitg: ' , ~

yonnnd «»ohofyonTare hereby cited and required nerho'nall" ,to be aiid^nnpear before our surrogate of theoouiuyiofNeWiYpjrlti at his offloe lit thoeUyof New York, on. the Will dayol Ociober nexii nt eleven o'clock »ttha foreiMi'it of thnt day, Ihen and there to at­tend iho final sotllentontof the.accountof proceedings of Harriet Baudford. ns administratrix ofthe good*, chattel* and ored t« of»aiddeo*u»ed, _,,.., ,

Iii tcbiimouy wuereof, we have eaused the seal «f of. H e * of said *nrrogato to be hereunto affixed. i WiW!_!>-1$,w*,'1,' °.' *>,<•>«• aati-i surrogate of

IL. 8.1 odr ««ld dodjily, at tho oity «f New York, the , Bit day of July, in th* year of our Lord one

UiaMand tight inindrett and elxty.mie. tfqiT^J™.', W»f^f'^»W,fMir«*»W.

i/. iisisiivpuKi ..„,,,,.« >.,• . , miouc, a x.oiiun ,/niiuin>oii, Robert Marcher, Alfred Marcher, Moritx Marcus, Isaac Durliicb, Hamilton Beany, Peier P. Demurest, Amos Woodruff, Tlioinrxon Smith, John W, Wlltson, Isaac Ho'liugs, Contnd /.oixer, lliiueo H. Williams, Theodore Young, I homas Belts, assignee of William Gardner.— Ameuded Snminons tor relief. (Com. not scr.)

To the ih Icnilnnls, Thniuin Belt", asslgneo of William Gardner, and Henry E.'lusley. You aro hereby *uni-inoned and required to answor the amended eompiuint iu this notion, which will be tiled m the offioe of Iho Clerk ot the county of Kings, m ilmiliiy Hull, m tho city of Brook­lyn, nnd to verve n ctpyof your answer to the said eom­piuint on the subscribers, nt their office No. 41 Wall struct, iu the clly bf New York, Wnblh twenty day* of. let the sirvieo of tlii* summoi'S oil you exclusive of ihe day of such service; and if yon lull to answer the Mid complaint within iho lime aforesaid, the pliimtilf in thi* action will apply to the couit (oi the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated May ill, 1861.

BilAlNARD A RlCb', Plaintiffs Attorneys, 41 Wall street, New York.

The amended complumt in the above entitled action wa* filed in the office of the Clerk of King* conniy, on May Vi, 1801 Jill AINAMD * RICE,

jy86w Plaintiff's Attorney.

riMlfi PEOPLE 0 i ' "THK STATE (')i' NEVV YoTtK*; .1. to Sarah Merrit and llenjamiu Merrit, of the town

of Genesee, Allegany couuty, N. Y.; Francis Main and Sheffield Main, of Porlville, Cattaraugus county, N. Y.j Batlisheba Buteil, Frederick Biitennnd FredeiioKC-Bu. ten, of Milton, Hock county, Wisconsin ; Benjamin C. Bulen, whose reSidpnco (s unknown) Francis M Baton of Hock county, Wisconsin; Murt'iu C. Buten, supposed to be married to oue Clark, whose place of residenoo, and llto ii of the husband of satrf Martha are un known; nnd William C. Ilingliam, guardian Of Frcdu rick 0 . Buten, heirs and next of kiiior Joseph Edwards, late of the town of Ward, in the county of Allegany, decoasod.

Wheroaa, Joseph Edwards, Jr., sole exeoutor named in Iho last will and testament of lite said JosephEd­ward', deeeased, ha* applied to ihe surrogate of the said counly of Alloganv, for tho proof of tho said wili, which will relates to teal end Personal estate; you are there­fore hereby cilod to appear beforo the said, surrogate, at his ofiioe in the village of Belmont, in said Oounty, on the 20th dny of August, 1801, at II) o'clock lu Ih* fore­noon, to uiimitl the probate ofthe said will.

Given under Ihe hand nud official sent ofthe sgidsur-(Ii. M. | rogale. at his offioe in said couuty, llns 3d d*y of

duly, im. jvR 6w WOLOOTT HATCH, Surro|rato.

r ' | - i „ K T ^ J l B ^ O T ' T i . E B ' - A T E O F N E W YORK, X to all poisons Interested in the estate of George

G. Diidi-i-icl, Into uf tho county of Columbia, deceased, sond greeting:

You uiul each of you are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county of Columbia, at his office in iho eity of Hudson, on the fill day of Ootoper next, at Ip o'clock m Die forenoon of Unit day, then nnd there to attend the final settlement of tho lU'oimnt* of Theodore fy]i|ier and, Henry Bnilth, administratorsoflhesaid George G.Dederick, deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of. lieu of our sail surrogate 11 be hereunto affixed.

[L. S.J Witness, Charles Esselstyn, esq., *urrogate of laid counly, at the oily of Hudson, this 3d day of July, 1861.

jy8 3m OHAS. ESSELSTYN, Surrogate,

q ^ ? P a > b r L i t W W i s ~ B f i v r B OE N E W YOBK, X by th* graco of God free and Indepeiiilnut, Iff

Johuitii Blotiei i nnd Barbara hi* wife, severally residing in Iho oity ef New York) Huniguiida Got*, Johann Got*, and J.ihnnnavOots, severally residing nt Ebuet, Bava­ria, the widow, heirs and next bf kin of Johann Got*, de ceased, sand greeting:

Whereas, Joseph A. Nesieler, of ihoollyofNew York, has lately applied to our surrogate of the eounty ot New York to have a certain instrument in writing, relating to both real and personal estate, duly proved us the last will and testament of Johann Gets, late of the city of New Yurk, deeeased; therefore, you aud each of yon are cited to appear beforo our said surrOgato, at his office iu the oity of New York, un Ihe tOth day uf September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend lo the probate of the said lust will and testament.

In testimony whereof, the surrogate of our said county has hereunto affixed hia seal of offioe, the 3d day

[L. S.J ol July one thousand eight hundred and sixty-

iy» 6 w ° ^ ' KpW. 0.. Wff8T, ftatflgl

r |Ml 10 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF N E W YORK, I to the creditors, legatees, heirs at law, next of kin,

and tdl pursuit* interested in Ihe estate of Ira A. Blossom, late of ihe city of Buffalo, in th* county of Erie, da-ceased.

You, and each of you are hereby cited, notified and required, to be and appear before u surrugale'a court, to be In-Ill at the surrogate's office, in the city of Buf­falo, in Erie county, on the 8th day of August next, at lu o'clock, in ihe forenoon of that day, then and titers to attend tho hind settlement ofthe accounts of James N. C Smith and William Levering, Jr., executors pi the Inst will and testament ofthe said deoeaied.

In testimony whereof, we have caused th* seal of of­fice of our surrogate to be hereunto affixed.

[L- S,J Witness, ChnrlesC. Severance, surrogate of our said county, ni his office the sioihduyof July, lbfll. C O . SEVERANCE,

jy,8 4w Surrogato.

11 . H E PEOPLE OF T H E STAPH OF N E W YORK, X to oil persons interested 111 thp estate of Eliza­

beth Van Patten, deocased, into of iho oily and oounly of Schenectady, greeting:

On tho application of Betsey Burt, aole excouirlx of, A c , of said ilcccujcil, to render« final aocount of all her proceedings, you and each of you aro hereby cited to appear before our surrogate of our county of Schenecta­dy, nt his oltlco in Iho oily ofSOiienectady,on tlte 3dday of October next, at HI o'clook in thp forenoon, to attend tlie final settlement of tlm account* of said Betsey Burt, ns such executrix.

Given under the hand ami seal of office of our aald ant fL.' SiJrogate, tuhvoih day of July, ltiot.

Jy0|3w:" \ H. J^flN80N,C,0MntyjrtiKlge.

NOTIOWW BSSOLOTIONO? LIMITED PART-NERMHIP.'-Tlin limited psnnership, pursuant If)

th* provisions of the revised statutes of New York, heretofore existing between Ihe niiilcisigiunl, William P. Bemarest and George A. Middleton, as general part­ners, and Edmund A. Smith, as special partner, all of the oity ol Now York, under the name, firm and stylo of " Demurest lc Middlcioii," for ih* purpose of conducting Ihu business of" Shoo and Leather Filidiug,'^ iii tho eity o f N e w York, wni this day dissolved by mutual oonsent; the suid Edmund A. Smith having withdrawn frtiinsaid firm. Dated N e w York, July 1st, A.' 1>. 1861.


j )B4w KDMUND A. SMITH. . w . IE P f » F L E OF THE STATE OF N E W VOftC X by iho grace of nod ii.m and inileiwmleiit, to the

legatees and next of gut Of James Wright, lat* ofthe city of N»% York, deceased, semi greeting: * . '

You ar* hereby oiled and required p*r«p»elly |o,M nnd appear before out surrogate of Ihe counly of N_W York, at It) i office in ihe oily of New York, on the 11th day of September next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to ahow cutw» why letters of administration, with the will •nne-ed, on tlieestatoof said deceased, should not bo granted to Stephen p . Rus­set, puWl» administrator in the oity of New York. ; ' ' • _ "

In toslimony whereof, we have oeused the IMl.of'of-t o * of laid lurrugato to In) hereunto anxea,—

_ IffilMiei*, Edward 0 . West, es j , , surro'ghie of, IL. » . ] oar aald oounty, at the oily of New York, U«*

• • i I B day of Jultr, in theyear of t thousand

No .'ohnniiir of tho second part of the tevised slut mos. utipo «t«J nbblished •>^_,JW'h, }Wl. Creditojs s to

rio em-

appear before hdn. Jdnto* Shlildon, eopnty Judge of J3 county, at hi* ohamhera iu the city oi Buffalo, Bepte ber p,3d, 180L at 10 o'cluok in the forenoon, .

, , , , , BETH Pi TABER, Petitioner. Humphrey lc Parsons, Attorneys, jyiott iw

NOTICE OF ApWdCATlON fur Die disciiarge of nil insolvent from his debt*, pursuant to th* provision* of

the third article of the first title of the fifth chapter ofthe leooiid part of the Revised Statutes,

GILBERT N. MARSHALL, Insolvent. Notice first

VOTX, __._ . - - e, . .J owt hfoa'qnp I eight hundred and sixty-en*. •~ |M>W-, i?7^fp(i)ri»|»tt,

published July 10, lS'll. Creditors to appear beior» teL: Samuel Garrison, county iudvo gt ;; im ,B county, ai chniiiber* of tlta Kings conniy court, at the eity hall in tlie «i |y of JirpPklyi'i on thp 83d day of Sopiauiher, 186|, at 10li A. M,, to show biiuse why mi assigmnOni pf tho estate of the said insolvent shontd not be made, mid he lis disoluirgod froni hi* debts, pursuant to said statute.

GEQRGE B E FOREST LORD, t Attorney for Insolvent,

JylOlOw W MorOhants'Exchange, N . Y .

riM'ik P E O P L E O F T I I E S T A T E O P V E W ' Y O R K , JL by the graoe of God free ai|id Independent, Id ffoii.

ben Beat, supposed to reside ,iu Illinois, son ot Jacob Best, deoeuVcd, grctitlng: '

Whereas, the Said Jacob Beat,'late Of lite town of Mi-inn, in the county of liutiibciis, deceased, as is alleged hits lately died,leaving a last will u id tcuiiitiicnl nud m.iliml rulutmg tu real and personal estate) and Alexander Best and Thomas I, Best, exooutors therein named, have ap­plied to the surrogato ol said county for the proof theie-of; you are hereby Otter! to appear at a surrogate's court tobe held before our'suVtognto, In said county, at his offioe in Poughkucpsie, on the 3d day of September next, A, D. 18111, nt (eu o'clock in the forenoon of Hint day, then and there to attend the probate ofthe last will and testament and codicil thereto, of said deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of­fice or our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Peter Borland, surrogate of said eouu-

[L. S.J ty, this eighth day of July, in the year of onr Lord Que thousand eight hundred uiul sixly-ouc.

- ^ f K T K R pCiULANI.'Burrniato.

Tiilliunn tc Lord, Att'y*, Poilghkoepsle, Jylf) Ow

At a meeting of ilia Hoard of Director* olf^he Water town and Rome Rail Road Company, held at t ie

St. Niohulus Hotel, In the City of New Yoik, on tho -Itii day of July, 1801, tho following resolution waj jf '

W puny liiii dam and Watcrtown Rail Road, aud annexed the same to and consolidated it with its own road, and ha* also determined to extend lis line of road to the St. Lawrence rlyor, at Ogtlensbnrgh, tlm* establishing its main trunk line of r*aa from Home through VYntoitown to Qgdeiis-burgb,

Therefore, Resolved, pursuant to chapter 973 of the laws of lBtii, that the name o| this Corporation bo ohaiiged, and thai on and after the 83d dny of August next, its name shall be tlie " Rome, Watcrtown and Og densuurgh Rail Road Company.''

We hereby certify that Iho foregoing Is a copy of the proseodings. and of all the proceedings uf iho Board of Directors of lite Watcrtown and Rome Rail Road Com­pany, making n change In the iinine of said Ooippatiy

Now• Yorli, III Ihf. first tl sir cl .on Ihu !»l day* Of May, 1861, np.io.nling the subscriber sold referee >u this ac-iliin, I tin iiereoy g k « notice to all nemon* having*ny general or spun,fin Hen or incumbrances on th* undivi­ded share in- iiiimi si of any of the parlies to this actjom. iu the real estate hereinafter ttiehltoned, and the •uiijeet matter of thi« partition, by judgment, deer**, dov.se, trturtKUge, or otherwise, lo produce.before ntu, the sub-ftciibet, ni No. lb Nassau strest, lu th* eity of New York, on Or before Thursday, th* Wthdsy Of August, 1861, at 3 o'clock P. M. "f saw day, proof of th* re­spect ve iiiitoiiui* of all such liens nnd incumbrances, mid the dat' • thereof, together w thsali'faJtory evidence Of the amount doe thereon, and to appear *".d establish their claim* as above mentioned, Or they will lie forever parrad from fulur* recovery, The premises referred to, are described In the compluiul in said action, a* fol­lows:

1st. All that oertain lot, piece or parcel pf ground, ying and being m the Seventeen ih (late Eleventh) ward

pf thoc i iyo i New York, now kpoVrn as No »T6E«si Tnirtcttilh *lroei, and known and distinguished on a Certain map filed in the office'of he regitier o/llie oity »ndc pntyofNew York, made by BamnelS- Doughty, ally surveyor, marked T Hi, and a untied ji Map showing n division of part of ihe estate of Nicholas W. Sluy ve­lum.deceased, among his belts, situated In tho Eleventh watduf Ihe oily of New York, May, 1834,11 as 4«8 (num­ber four hundred and twenty-eight), situate, lying and being on the sondierly side of East Thirteenth atreel, between Avenue A and B i n said ol.y, and is bouudc' nud described as follows, via; on thornnm ',n front by i'hirteenlh.sireeli on Iho '<"^!iin're«r by n M known o(n said mor> »• g l (number four hundrad *n« mlft ofi tne east by a lot known on said mapns 4D3 (number fiiuf hundred mid twenty-111110): and on th* west by a lot known on said map *s 447 (number (bur hundred and twenty-raven), containing in breadth in i>«u- twoniy-llvc feet, and 111 rear twenty-five leei; and in depth un each side one hundred and three feet three inch**, a* by reference lo said map may mora fully appear.'

al . Also, al. that certain half lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate, tying and being in lite 17th (tale tith) ward of the oily of New York, and now known a* num­ber !178 East 1 .'(lli 1.11 eel, mul known nnd designated"on the ii'iiicsaid ntap as 4<p (niiiulic'r four bundled and twenty-nine); hounded 011 the east by lot 4)0 on said map; on iho west by the ulmvo described lot (4S*); and on tho south in rebt by lot 401 mi sujil uiiip, tnuicrui it in* in lirciullli I.i front IfS feet, and in rear iii feel nud I J.' inphes, end 07 (Oct v>< luetics deep on each side, with *n ea emont 01 allcy-way running lo the snoot 61 feet Tj. inches lit length and threo feet Wide on the westerly side of the trout half of snld lot; together with the buildings standing 011 said preini os Baled New York,

ens,' Ihp'Wutofiowh and Borne li'aii itViil Coin. t purchased mid become the owner of tlte Pom-

Iii'witness wlinrcuf, the President wild Seoretary of said Corporaiiun have hereunto affixed its cor.

IL. B.J porate seal, and subscribed their names, this 4th d»yof July, A. D^lSdl.

WM. C. PIEltltEPONT, President. jylO 6w R. E. HUNGERFORD, Secrelory.

r n H E PEOPLE OF THE BTATE OF NEVyTyoRlv", X by the grace of God free nud indppcndeiu, to all 10

whom Iheso presents shall come, or may oonoern, and especially to Penelope Cros*, Gorniantown, Phojnix Cms*, Mary C, l.tuhor, and Hiiinuel Cross, of Clermont, and all of Columbia county, N. Y.j Augustus L. Cross, Susan Kenyon and Joanna P. llnvi/.unl, of Albuny coun­ty, N . Y j and Joseph H, Cross, of Red Hook, Dutches* eoumy, N. Y j Diana Watson, of Portsmouth, Newport county, gnd John II, Cfoss, of RI|Hde Island, greeting:

You artd each' of you are hereby cued porsonnlly to be and appear at a surrogate's court to be held before eur surrogate of tft* county of Dutohess, at his office in Puughkeep»ie, itt 'aid Hutches* ppui|ty, pn th* four, tecinh ilny Of f Ictolier, A. I), Itilit, at ton o'clook in the forenoon of Unit day, then and there 10 attend the final accounting til' Bitinttol Cross, 11* executor of the estate of John H. Cross, deocased, and hereof fail not.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of-fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Peter Borland, esquire, surrpgnte of

[L. B.) our aaid county of Dutches*, at Poughkeepsie, this eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixiy-ono.

)y!0 3m PETER DORLAND, Surrogate.

n P H B PEOPLE 6 j f T H E 'STATE OF NEW YORK, X by the grace of God free and independent, 10 all per­

sons interested lu the estate of Robert H. Wn nils, lute of the city of Albany, deceased.

You are hereby cited to appear beforo our surrogaie of our oounty of Albany, in Our surrogate'* court, on the 14lh day uf Outoher nexl, nl 111 o'clock in the foreituun of that day, at tho surrogate office iu the city of Albany, then and thorn to attend the final settlement of the ac­count of the administratrix °i said deceased.

In testimony whereof, we hava caused the seal of of­fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed Witness, Justus Haswell, esq., surrogate of Ihe

[L. B.J said cuuuty, at the oity of Abtiuy, the Uth duy uf "'•'" '" r of our kord July, In lite

jy It 3i sbtiii bandied and »ixiy-one


Ollf J itii ll' ope thousand

_lli!!-£ ^I'^-W^y*' Surrogate.

K'OTlCE OV APl'LlCATlOfTfor the discharge of an insolvent from his debts, pursuant to tho pruvisioii*

of the third artiole of the first title of the filth chapter uf the second part of the Revised Statutes.

FREDERICK WELLMAN, uflhc city of New York, an insolvent debtor. Notice first published July l l ih, 1801. Creditors to appear before lion. John T- HofTmsn, recorder of the city of New York, at his chamber* No. 63 Wall street in the city 1 f New York, on the -1st day of September. 1861, al 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause why mi assignment should not be mode of said insolvent's estate, and he be dt?chatged from his debts. JAMES McOAY, Alt'y for Inso vent,

Jyl l lOw ... , No-IsCeutre.si., New York.

fVWi PEOPLE O F " _ H R STATE OF N E W YOBst, 4 - by Hip gniiiu of God free uiul independent, to Susan Lewis. " - y • - — ••* " '- ' ' ' . - • • - - , . Hemy t,eo aiid Hauiiuh bis wife. Joseph Duel

' * "lewis. and Ellon his wife, Henry Lewis, Samuel A," Le~-Leopold Jacobs and Betsey If his wife, severally (rest, ding in tho city of NewYprk; Philip Lewis, residing at Son Francisco, Califorii'a) Frederiok Lewis, rest. ding at Ciiiohuuii, Ohm; and Gabriel Van Coll, residing In tlie oity of New York, the special guurdiuu of Ashcr Benjamin end Hannah Benjamin, miuiirs, residing lit Philadelphia, l'cnii.; Rebecca Jackson, Ada Jackson, Ellen Jackson, Anne Jackson and Hu hel Jackson, mi­nors, severally residing in the city of New York, aore-aaid, th* widow, heirs and next of kin of I .owls Lewis, deceasod, send greeting: ' -

Whoicim, Sumuel A. Lewis, of ihe city of New York, has lately applied to our surrogate ofthe county of New York, to have a certain instrument 111 writing, relating to both real and personal istntc, duly proved as the last will unit testament of Lewis Lewis, line of ihe oily o fNew York, deceased) therefore, you and cueh of you are cited tu appear bofure our eaid surrugate, at his of­fice.In thecityof New York, on the Huh day of Sep-tonilier next, at ten o'ctopk in tho foron On of ihat duy, then and thereto attend u> the probaio ofthe said last will mid testament.

In testimony whereof, the surrogute of our said county has hereunto affixed his seul uf office, the liih

IL. B.J day of July, one thousand eight hundred and •ixty-one.

J y l l 6 w EBW. Q. WEST, Surrogate^

THE p"EOT'LE OF' THE 8TATEOF NEW~YORK*, 10 Charlotte Thomas, residing ill ihe oily of Bruok-

lyn; John F. Lloyd, residing In the city uf Providence, Rhode Island, the children of Frlsbio Lloyd, deceased, .whose names and places of residence are unknown ami cannot upon diligent enquiry be ascertained,

Wh. reus, John Frisby Lloyd,of llio ciiy of Providence, has lately applied in uur surrogato of the county of Kings, tn have a certain instrument in writing bearing dale the 90th day of December, 1800, relating to reul and personal a*lute, duly proved as tho lost will and testa­ment of Francis Thomas, late oftlie city of Brooklyn, de. ceased; wheref -re yon and each of you are cited and re-qulredto appear before our said surrogato at hi* office in In* eity hall,iu the oily of Brooklyn, on ihe third day of September next, at 10 o'clock 111 ihe forenoon, and at­tend the probate of tho said last will anil testament.

In witness whereof, Uoswoll C. Brainard, esquire, ii surrogate of our suid coputy, has hereunto af-IL. K.J fixed his seal of offiee, the «t)ih day of June,

one thousand eight hundred and sixty-une, and of our independence the eighly-fiflh.

Jyl l 8w _ _ . . R- 0 . BRAINARD, Surrogate,

r \ ,HE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF N E W YORK, X 10 Parmelia Word, John Vffnrd, and Charles tlf-ford, who reside at Lee, Oneida oounty, N. V.; Nicholas A. IJ/lotd, who resides at Mn.-.ervii. Marshall county, lowgj Steplien IL B. flljord, who resides itt Princeton, Illinois; JiMhtu Curler and Polly Carter his wife, who reside at Coiislaiitia, Oswego county, N. Y.| Patience Miteliell, woo resides at Fecaloliio, Illinois ) John Hee-wir and Sitrnh Seewir his wife, Abel L. Reed and Nun

ty Reed his wife, and Lilibiu Colloit, who reside at iitwreucc, Kansas; Alfred tlazon, who resides at Dix­

on, Illinois) William MoOune and Almirn McCune his wife, who reside at Sterling, Illinois j and William L. Gartners, (special guardian of Libbie Collon, a miner,) who reside* at Clinton, Oneida county, N. Y., widow, heirs at law and next of kin of Oharies Uifoid, deceased.'

Whereas, Charles lliiiuil, has this day offered the last will and testtnneiit of the said Charles tlfl'oid, late ofthe towitof Lfe, in the county of Oneida, deoeas-ed,for probdte as a will of rest and personal estate, before Henry M. Burchard, surrogate ofthe county of 1 meld a; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before Ihe aaid abrogate at hi* office in Rome, 111 the county of Oneida', orfthe 3d day ofWepiember, 1861, at lOo'clopk in the forpDpoit of that d*V, to attend to the probate of Mia will. * ... • :•• ' . ' i • . . •

Given under the hand npd official seal ofthe said sur-IL. S.J rogato, at Clinton, ip said county, toil Oth day

ol July, A. D.186I. Jyl .Ow a y i f t V ; . ! . , JiURO|Ti>BP,'tMtrTetBl«,

QIIERIF*"!* BALE.ii-By Virtue fifan execution to me O directed nnd delivered) Itt an notion in the Supreme Court, I shall sell st public amnion, un the Mat duy of August, 1861, at HI o'clock noon, at the Rotunda of the Merchant'* Exchange, In the city of Albany, alt the ea-tat*, tight, till* and interest which Tennis Fiansburgh had on the 2JSih day of April, 1861, or at any time there-after, lit that oertain farm or lot of lahd situnto in the town of Berne, In ihe county of Albany, and State bf New York and described as lot number four hundred and alxiy.fonr, in th* Manor of Rensselaerwyck, being the same premises which Were conveyed by Stephen Van Rensselaer to Daniel Fiansburgh, by a grant 111 fee resorving rent, dated May fllh, 1105. July 61I1, Hill.

TJROMAS W. VAN ALSTYNE, Sherif , of .Albany county.

By Leonard Chamberlain, Deputy. jft lawtd^

3rfflETBOP„B OFrTHE BTA'PEIIF NKVVYORK, I. to dll persons Interested fit the estate of Nicholas clioonovcr, late ofthe town of Tioga in trie county of

Tioga, deceased, send greeting! You and enoh Of yon arc hereby cited and required,

pOraonalty to be and appear bofure our county judge ol the county of Tioga, at his office in the vlllago'of Owe-go, ill said copniyi on the 3lst day of Augusi, I861( at 10 o'clook in the forenoon of that day, then and there 10 at. tend the final settlement of the aooounis of Samuel HohoqiiOver, u* iidiniuistrtilor, f c , 0| Nichulaa Bohoon. oyer.ileceaaed." 1 t, - > . . , , ,

In testimony whereof, we have pauset) tho seal of the anrrogat'e Oodrtof said county of Tioga, tobe

jierepitto affixed. Witness, Tljo*. Patrington, (Is, B.J ooiMityJndgeof said county, at itWttOj to said

, ' eoiiaiy/th* «3d day ofMay, A. B. 1861 , . 1 . 4 . ! P ! W . l • THOS. FARItlNGTON,

m y s _ am County Judge mid Surrogato.

FtftEl pKOPiSsTlF THE STATi: OF N E W YOKK, I to the orotlilor* and next' uf km Of Peter Miller,

late ot the county of Columbia, deceased, send greeting: You and eueh ofyou ate hereby cited and required

pui-tiOhiilly l" be and nppoar before onr surrogate Of the county of Columbia, al bl* office,, in Ihe city of Hudson, on the twenty-sixth day of Augutt nexl, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the final settlement of the accounts of William Ellioit, surviving lidmiiii'itii.lm-oflho imiil I'IIKI-Mlltoi, II.I.I.MMI'I. ' tu tosliiuouy whereof, we'have caused the seal of of

fioe ot'our kaid surrogato to be hctouuto affixed. [L B.J Witness, Chaile* Esselstyn, e»q., surrogate pf

aald eounty, » l HUdson, this *3d day of May, 1861. • -•-•-. ' '- iv* :, ' / '• •• ft

WyMv- CHiAB. EBSELSTVN! Surrogate.

V ] ()TIOE.rrBy order of petty O. Kllawbrtb, •uffogaie JLN ' uf Clinton county, notice la hereby given "ccotdiug f o l a w , t o airparaons having' bloiins against llosweil 4 . Weed, lat* of Platllbufgn, dece»»ed, ihatBthy are require^ (RHaaiMt the saaie, with the vouchor* thereof, to Ihe sulnuriber*, al the office,of Smilh.M, Wjj*d,ju JiatWhurghj OK or before the IS1I1 day *f Oetuiier, Itol. Detcil April'*1,1*61. ,_ . . . >~J»"sei, *r.


.. Adpatohjuator*.

o'ctoelt in the torenoon o f ' tWtor^a iS ' ihs ' raV, .* . . * tend the aeitlement ofthe accotmUof Join, J* y n-»' . ,V: F. Builerwxitth, as the txeeutor* of the list win ..'J testament ef Iho paid deceased".™'" "' " " " " * 1 " '

In telllrnony whereof, we have caused fhe m-ai rfo •aid «errogale to Ukareama • » . . ! • iS.rn*' Robert H. . . _ . H«t*rt HrSol**, "orrogale"ol'»,','ui0,^''",!"i

[L. B.J Ihe town of While Plain,, the Uth dav „,"/' " in Ihe year of our Lord one thouss,,H ?• hundred and •ixty-one. aou t .„c , l | k ,

J » " » - « • « • jSOUSB, 8 o „ o g . „

NOTICE OF APPLICATION to. Ih. d l sch . , , , „ , . insolvent from hi*debt*, pursuant 10 ihe h?_, , ""

ler of Ihe secrftid part of the revised statu e* °f'l ,« ,"P-RICHARD VAN VEOHTBN. N « « , , n u M i , . _ ,

June W, 1861. Credlio,* to appca, fc*fo.e th, I)H

(Heotg* G. Barnard, one of the Judge, of the ,„„ , ." ' court, at the chambetiof **|d cotiri, city h°l"T," « New York, ot» the «th day of A „, „ ,. ' J M | f , , ' , ; > " / lu the forenoon of that day, to (how eaurc wl » . , c * •ignniciit .honld 1101 be made of the aiid liii.,lve„?_ **• tab, aud he be discharged A n - El ._ .• . . - _ " ' " »< . _ _ _ » _ _ • — — P » "O lllSOIl ta'a, and he be discharged from his debis, nu . e l f »iatute, JOSEPH CARR, Att'y for ti;i

July 6,1661. A'lai'ison Nash, Attorney for Plainliff.

M." ULSHOEPFF.R, Refetea. jyll lawld

'I-iHE PEOP1J4 OF THE STATE OIJ N E W YORK. X by the graco of God free ami independent, to Jul in

Cox, ^——• Stafford and Eliza his wife, severally residing in the city of New York) John Cox, a lumber of deoea,-

uel Cox, John Boiinelly,'Peter Donnelly nnd Mm y lion nelly, whose several places of residenoo upon diligerii enquiry made, calinot bo ascertained, the wijlww, iicna unit next ol'kui of Waller Cpx, deceased, send greeting:

Wherous, Thomoji Rutherford, of the oity of New York has ltttely dpplied 10 our lunosaio of iho county of New Yorkjiti have a certain Instrument in wi'liing, relating to both rsnl and porsonnl estate, duly proved as the last will and testament, of Walter Cox, lale of ihe oity ofNew York, deeeased; therefore you uitdpu.cli ofyou sire cited to uppear before our said.-mregale, at his office in the city of New Yprjf, op the lofh day of September next, al ten o'clock ih ihe ion noon of that day, men and there to iitiiii.tl to the probate of the said last will and testa­ment.

In tustiiitouy whereof, the surrrgate of our said county

has hereunto affixed his seal of offiee, the -a |L. fl.J day uf July, one thonsand eight hnudred and

sixty.one. jylSOw EPW- C W E S T , Surrogate

O T A T E OF N E W YORK—SUPREME C O U R T -O Cottuiy of Ontario.-—Jesse II Cowen, plaintiff, agi. Albert 11 linger and Caroliue linger his wife, Edwin C- Gulick, The People's Bank of the city of New York, Franklin Beard, and 11cm y C. Swift. Summons for re­lief.

To Edwin 0. Gulick, one of the above named defend­ants : You are heivby summoned lo unswer the com-plaint of the above named plainliff, which will bo filed 111 the office of the Clerk ofthe counly of Ontario, and to serve it copy of your unswer on the subscriber, nl his offioo In the village of Caiiandaigua, New Yurk, within twenty days after the service of this summons, exolu-slvo o'f ihii day of service, or the pleintitf will apply tu the Court fpr the relief demanded in the comn'uliit. Da­ted July8th, 1861, _ HENRY M. - I E L D ,

•'liiln'.lil 's Attorney, CnuunJiiiguu, N Y. Tu said defendant: You will please lake notice ihat

the complaint of suid plaintiff, 111 llila action, was duly filed in tho office of tho Clark of the county of Ontario, mi the ninth duy of July, 1861,

jv l iUw If, M- P'ELD. Plfi's Aii'y

riIHE"PEOPLE OF THE STATE O F N E W YORK, X to Solomon R. Howlett. of Yteka in the slalo uf

California; Horatio G. Howlelt, of W*st Paw Paw, in Iho state uf Illinois; Parley L. Uowlon, of Springfield, in lite stale of Illinois ; Myron P Howlett, of Mansfield iu tho slate i f Ohio; Mary E. Howlett, of Barraboo, in the stale of Wisconsin) Harvey C. Howielt of tho town of Onondaga, Onondaga counly, N. Y.; Alfted A. How lett and George R. Conk, Iho speoial guardian for Henri II. Howlett and Pliebo Luura Howlett, minors, severalty ofthe city of Syracuse, Onondaga county, N. Y.; Ce-Icstut II. wi'o of Thomas itnhjiisun, of the towii of Gcdtles, Onondaga comity, N. Y., and Prances C. wife of William Gardner, uf the oily and county of Oswego, N. Y., greeting:

Whoreas, Laura Howlett, the executrix named iu a certain instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Parley Howlett, fate of the town and county of Onondaga and stale of New York, deoea. sed, has this day made application to the surrogate of pur cuunly of Onondaga, to nave said instrument in wri­ting proved end recorded ns a will of real and personal estate ) you ure therefore hereby cited 10 appear before the said surrogato, at his office In the city of Syracuse, 111 ihe said county of Onondaga, un the y.kldtiy uf August next, ut ten n'oluck iu the Torenuun, then and there lo iiitiuitl to the probate of said will.

Given under the baud and seal of office uf our suid sur­rogate, at Syracuse, lu said counly of Oiiou-

[L, S.J doga, (his 8th day of July, in iho year of our 1,01 d one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.

jy l l f lw H. D. LUCK. Surrogate.

ri-iilK PEOPLE OF" THE STATE OF NEW Y O K K I X lo all persons interested itt the estate of HhQJa Miller, late of 1)10 town of Loydeu, in ihe county ofLew-is, deeeased, send greeting:

You and each of you are hereby cited and required, personally lo be ano appear before our county jnigo of tho oounty of Lewis, ul his office in tho village of Low-Ville, in suid county, on the 7ih dayofOclobcr, 1861, at 10 o'clook 111 the forenoon of ihat day, then and there to at­tend Ihe sellleincnl of Ihe account of llilcy I'm sons 11 oil Jonathan Bacon, as the executors of the tast will and testament of the said Rhode Miller, deceased.

lit icslipiony whereof, wo have caused the seal of our surrogate's court, to be hereunto affixed. Wit-

JL. S.J ness,llenry fit. Turner, county judge of our sai I county, at Low villi-, 111 said county, on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1801.

(Copy.| HENRY E. TURNEU, . Jyl3 3m LewUCo. Jadge.

ft MI E VFSi-ITEyF THE"lTl«TE"6irivTKW"\Xiwi X by ihe grace of God free and uidepeiidont, to all to whom these presents shall come or may concern,and es;ioctnliy to Charles Vail, Temperance Maynard, Joel King, Jeremiah King, Grace Corwin, Mary CurWIu. Laura wigsiits. Caroline Yullatn, Clarissa Wiggins. Ellon Harris, Lueretin Selsson, who reside at Green Port, Long Island, N. Y.; Newel Vail, at Orient, I/nig Island, N. Y.) Lucretia Newbury, Russia, Herkimer counly, N. Y.; Jercminh Baker, Albert Baker, Clayton S. Baker, David Baker, latum Henry, Qrace Pilinau, Harriet Rouinson, Adeline Brigham and Clarissa Baket residence unkn wn, greeting:

Whereas, Muy mud Baker, the executor of Ihe last will and to8iument of Polly Nowb'ury, deceased, has this day offered the suid will for probate before Ezra Graves, surrogate of the county of Herkimer; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before the said surrogate, at his office in Ihe town of Herkimer, in the county of Herkimer, 011 the SOth day of August, 1801, at ten o'clock ill the forenoon, to attend, if you see fit, the probate of the said will, and ahow cause, if any you have or know, why the same should not be admit­ted to probate, and proved as a will of real and personal property according 10 law.

Given under the hand and seal of office of our said [L. S.J surrogate, at Herkimer, in said county, on the

10th liny of July eighteen hundred and sixty-one jyl.'lliw (Copy.) EZRA GRAVES, Surrogaie.

"-IM1E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF N E W YORK, X by tho graoe of God free aud independent, 16 all

to whom those presents shall come or may concern, and especially to Serena Kipp, Cordelia Stewart, Andrew J. Wuldorf. John W. Wnldorf, Catharine E. Shook, Philip II. Waldorf, Regina .stickle. Belinda Waldorf Cordelia Holdridge, William K. Holdrldge, Julia Hol-dridge, Catharine tloldridge,childrcn and grand-children of Christopher Waldorf, deceased, and heirs at law and legatees of John W Waldorf, deceased; and to Benja­min B. Huffman, John W, Hoflman, Timothy Uoran, Hcnty Lumherl'and Alfred Allcndurf, greeting:

You and eaob of you ar* hereby cued personally to be nnd appear at a surrogate's court 10 be held before our surrogate Of the county of Dutchess, «t hi* office in Poughkeepsie, in said Dutchess counly,on the thirteenth (13lh)dayuf August, A. D , 1801, at tsn o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the final settlement nnd accounting of William Waldorf and Bobert C. Maesonneau, executors of John II. Waldorf, deceased, and hereof fall not.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of of. fice of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed

|L. M.J Witness, Peter Dirland, esquire, tdrrogateof our said couuty of Dutchess, at Poughkeepsie, this third duy of May, in the yeat of out kotd one thousand eight hundred aud sixty.one, A. I>., itOI.

myOSni I'l.TI'.ll IXMILANl>,Mm rogate.

ritHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK, •'• by the gtace of God fiAo and independent, 10 all

persons interested in the estate of Samuel 8. Peek, de­ceased, greeting:

YoU are hereby cited to appear before our surrogate of our county of Albany, In our Surrogate's court, on the 18th day ol September nexl, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of thai day, at the surrogate office in the city of Albany, then and there to attend the final settlement ot the ac­counts of EIIKa Peek, admiiustratrix of the goods, A c , Of Said deeeased.

In testimony whereof, w e have eaused the seal of of­fice of our said surrogate tu be hereunto affixed.

1 Witness, Justus Haswell, esq., surrogate of the |L. H.J snld county, at the oily of Albany, the 16th day

of June, in the year of our Lord one ihouaand eight hundred and sixty-one.

je!7 3m JUSTUS .BA.^Wjj^L.jSarTogate.

...,!:.,8r;*,»,'i.KiAP ' >w*

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF N E W YORK, by the grace of God tree and iitdcpendenl, to Tracy

Pardee ind Henrietta Osboiiic.ol thejtowit of llaiavia 111 the eounty of Gene*ee and Mat* of N. Y.| Uaao B. Par­dee, Mary Jane Pardee and Fidelia A. Pardee, o f t h e town of Elba, in aaid comity of Genesee ; Harriet Os­borne, of the city of Albany in the county *f Albany, iu the suite of New York; Laura Baker, of Kalamazoo In the county of Kalamaeoo in the state of M M u m ; end Martha Oriswold, of Allegan in the county of Allegan in •aid state of Michigan) and George B. Priuglc, of the town of Batavia in th* county of Genesee' and state of New Yorki special guardian of Morrison Pardee, Getty Pardee, Nelson Pardee and Laura Pardee, minors, heirs at law and next of kin of Isaac Pardee, late ofthe tuwn pf Elba In the county of flenesee, deceased, greei­ingi - > , .

You and ench of yon are hereby cited aud required personally to be una appear before our surrogate ol 0111 oouuty of Genesee, a t hi* office in Batavia, in *aid counly, on the 6th day of Auguit, 1661, at 10 o'cluok in the forenoon of lhatday, to intend Ihe proof and probate 01 the last will and leslament of aald deoeaied, which relate* 10 both real and peranum estate, and it presemed for proof and probate by Robinson Smiley, executor therein named, and hereof fail not.

In testimony whereof, we have eaused the seal of of­fice 0! our said surrogaie tube hereunto affixed. Wllue**, Motes Taggort, surrogate, of said

(Is. B.J counly, at Batayi*, thp 8f|h day of Jnpe in the year of 0111 Lord one thousand eight bun­dled and sixiy-pne.

JeSSflw MOSES TAGQ.ART. Surrogate.

r-IMIB PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF N E W YORK* X by the grace of God free aud independent, tu all

persons Interested in Ihe estate of Betsey Nurse, late ofthe city of Utiea in the county of Oneida, deceased, greeting!

You are hereby cited lo appear before our surrogaie of onr county Of Oneida, in our surrogate's churl, on the SMthdny of September, 1861, at 10 o'clock in tlte fore­noon of that day, *i the surrogate'* office, in Uliea, then and there to attend the final settlement of the ac­counts of Jacob Hum, as executor of the last Will and testament ot said deeeased.

In testimony whereoi, w e hav* eaused the aeal of offioe Of.eur laid surrogate to be hereunto af-

- sat-day

. . . , _ „ Ihniniaild eight hundred and sixty-une.

ie!7 .'(in HENRY M. IIURCHAHt). Surrogaie

OTJCK OP APPLICATION for the discharge of an , insolvent from Ms debts, pnriuatit to the provision*

ef the third article of the first title of the fifth Chapter of the second pari of the revised statute*.

GEO. H. ALLPiN, ofthe oily "f Brooklyn, county of King* and •late or New York. Notice first published tha I61I1 day of June, 1861. C«d,itotP towpaar before thpJtoJt.JSainuel Garrison, eounty Judge <\fKing* com). ty, ft. his chambers at fhe ei'y hall, oily of Brooklyn, on th* Kith day of July next, at to o'eloc* itt ih* fi««-WtnV ! |«J» « r . , OKVKVH M. A W M iMtlreat.

11 w «

Jill ,-nuiuony — pivsvvi, w« SST« CaUSCO til* SCSI offioe Of pur aaid surrogute to be hereunto fixed. Witnesa, Henry M. Burchard, esq., s

(I.. B.J rogate of said oounty. at Clinton, tlie loth < of J 111.10, in the year of our Lord »ue thousi


j c ^ l l w H<V-riui .

"uam , 0

§»W fandley i'yi.Oit i!.iun.y, N. V iJHvi-, l*ur.m A. Unvif, ttvy y-'M

)T>avi(iJ,r*vi{.»irff' at BouUiv.U Y.; SHinuel w . JJavm, I'rej.

1 U

8t. Jjawrenc© county, N. v . , Alary A Locke. rcsiHiJ*. aiCfownPoioi* N. Y.} Mills T. 5fc(c. rositli,,, iHTu' J

lortield, | ^ . H.; Oiivia Mtartaoe, reildnifr m T

loitinif; at •aiuimg, Mlf,[lU Martha Thorup-oii. 'reaidiug'i.l Ti< uniiiJitu-'Vl' ounty, N. V.: fclijan R. DwU ami Klvira M uZ M N . M »rntil>:lM.rough. Vt.rAiuo-. JJ $ '"' reikliit,* a. Binfihafutun, iS. Y j K, W. s((jt_^*

Point. N. Y.j Milk. A»<•.., ga.11; Marti iox oounty

Well. rMMiiur *» Uiiwhaiuiuu. n, x \ ft, \v , Ht0(;k»

<n-ml|mO WlUoO, MVMully re«.<_m# at P..r: l l . r l

MirlHKttii; Samuel J. KceiRoM.TMldin* ut :A*< U M I : ' Mieliigaitj Kliaubeih Moil wain, ratHling at T[(:Mm

N. i.{ Hhoda 8j>rncer. .Mldlngat Sidney. N. Y . j„i._ Kjfloaton. residing at Hull ford, N. Y.; and Ovurg. I Nurlhrttp. r.'iidiii* at Uniglianiion, N. Y ., »(H-C »t, .,;,rij tan of Hicltard *S. Ijildrelh, and And Town, tevernh r«< aiding at Ticonderogn. N. Y.; ami Bartwall II. Uuuituj reaidliig at Crown Point, N. Y-, minora above Hi. .«« offourtacn yearn, n a n of kid to fytaey Kan ford. ui« \r Binghamton, dep$ai«U>

\Ylie»:*fc», Oe'mun Hubbard. Jr., «x«-utor of tin> ]ut

J'HI of aaid drooawd) nuj thia day atmlied to xho »uiro< ate'aQourt of tha oounty of llronme, vo have tlie sunn roved and recorded ai. u wiii of teaj nnd p«r_ooal ci­

tato; you are therefora hereby cited to apnev tiofor« the aaid oo^rt, at tlie ofllca of the eounty judge, in tiie VtlleABeo/Mtnghamlonj in tad county, on the 3d day of Auguat. ittOI, ut 10 o'clock in the forenoon. toaiteftdU* ^roofof»aid will.

Oiven under the surrogated aeal of aaid county, si [U 8.] Binghamton. tbia laid Uny of .Tune. W l . WJI.

nesa, (Copy.) If. 8. OUItSWOM), je20^\V County .Tod/.'

IV OTU/K of tbo ftppli'caiion for tha dlachttage or HU ia, 1 1 soiyeut f(ombi«*lebta, pwrauuutto the nrovixtom o( thu third arlicte of the Iii -t title of tho unh ehapitrr ol the second part of the revitsud Rtututes.

HOOERW. PKAHK, of Syrftcuae. in»olv^nl..^'<Mil|

first nubnahvd May Km, lBtil. Oreonora to nppear !>.. lore Hon R Woolwovth,Onondaga eouni) judge, . ; t,,, oftice in Syracuse, in said county, August 20th. \mi. a; 10 ft'oloek, A. M. OKA . A MAVFM.

myi-7 10w Atty'a for laaolvenl, Syraenae. , \ . V

7 r ftfi' w w c i . ortm srATH UP N>.W \ 0 ) U I to Patty C«lkiin wife of Minor O-Jkina, residing »i

Mexico, Oswego county, N. Y j Milly Joiiiiaun w..c of Olark Johnson, residing atCortlandvillc, Cnrtland com.. ty* N- Y., Ira It, Ouinming,, Jane M. Johnsou, rvs;,|,,l( at ForetUvi'le. Cliauuug.ua count), IS.*»Y; Stepm.* Morse, Mary pierce. Amanda Green hiid Jut.;. sultt

residing at Plumb, Venango couuty, _*enn*ylv_nia; j t n . Tweed wife of Seymour Tweed, residing ai Grs>-i Mills, Crawford county, Pennsylvanm; Joim Mors**. , . . aiding ii. thu state of lliinoiw; Ira It. Cammnigs. res:d:it| Ut Anpleton, Wisconsin } Alinira McPh_r«on. rf«idj,I at Afierion, St. Louis couuty, Missouri; Mt»ry L)HV«_» MJhi Laur»Sloiiebargei', res din;; m Iowa eny, I n n , \v,i. lium Cutttmiugs, Cyulluu Curnmings and Alfred Cum. miiigs, residing iu Knc or Huron county, OHIO , Mucin F. Oumntiiigs nud Aineliu Horn, so etuiiy reudui; at VUca, N. V,: aud K. M. Pardee, esq., atiompy ai ,iw residing at Fulton, N. Y.,apectai guardian i.u i.e-.-jri.' «uua CummiugM, a luiuor, r«»iding at Utiea, N. V . h.iri and next of km of Ilibbaid Cftnumgs, .-HISS of Uie town ofltastiugs in the counly of Oswego, <_ecca»f«J, .ead greeting:

Whereas, Betsey Curnmings, ol tlie town oi llmi n i, in the county of Oswego, has lately made aitpkcauos to our surrogate o/ lh# county of Oswego, loliuy, ftc„. tain instrameut in writing, relating to real and p*'*oi__; estate, duly proved as the last will and testament of mid liibbard Curnmings, deceased ; you nnd each <>i you art hereby oiled and required personally to be and appeti iMfbre our said surrogute., at bis office in the \•••age uf Fulton, in said .ounty of Oswego, on the -J»;h d.) of July in >,t, at 10 o'clock in tha forenoon oi iii&i duy. isen

S \\[\ there to attend to the probate ol said .nsirumem ai io last willand testament of laid deceased. In teslitnony whereof, we have caused tlte «cw: of of

fice (>' our said surrogate's court of t_.*_ cou.iij of Oswego, lo bo li«ieniito affixed. \ \ linen,

NU S.] Amos 0 . Hull, surrogate of Hie said couit y. i\ the village of Fulton in *>aid eounty (lit T,il day of M,ay in the year una thou.Hnd cighi hundred and sixty one. A MOW i., HI i.i,

Je7 flw lSurn>ifnte of OSVVCKO dmiiiy ^OT'KKMK^C^UK^—Ciuniy'ol Madi.oii, nntic oi O New York.—Sidney Hivcuburgli, egalnst Hemsn 11 PlirlpH. MIMMOWII- f'M money.

To III.IM»H H Phelps, (fefeojttanl: You aro herv by Miin-raoned to answer the comploinl ••( Sidney Kivei.uurjtfc, plaintilf, H copy of wlucii •-..><• filed in the < flU-e oi mi Olork of Madwon counly, on ibu 4th day of June, IM1, and to serve a copy of y<<ur answer on the tubscriter ii his otfice in the village of On.idu, Madisoncou ty, New York, wnbin twenty day. aller the service oi iliusum. mous, exclusive of the day of service, or the p «i..i._ will take judgment agni st you (oj iive hundred ur.d eighty-two dollars unu oiglay-live fents (fJMi.86), wilt interest from date, besides costs. Dated Oneida, Jung ft, 1861, 1. N. MBSMNGKR.

v je6 tiw Plain'iff's Attorney, O.-sidn. N V

I ' H I V E O J P L B OF THK 8TATF OKNKU VuRK to Adelia wife of Thouius R Dftvi*. t loll ago. «no

Peter Van UaasbecK, the special guurdmn of Sarah C, HanuAb and Josephine Ituley, or tlie mwn • f Olive, JKIiiwbelh wife of'lsunis H. Van Betwchoten. Jane \vn« of John OOlispie, and Lemuel Hulcy, all of Hurley, Ul-sfe/ county, N. Y.j Jaco I-JS Dulay, the heirs ut lav of John Bulcy, and of 8 Ily wife of Bodine Brown, deees. aed, whose niraes and place* of reside see upon diligent enquiry cannot be iu.eei laine I, greeting:

You and each of you aro hereby cited to appear at . surrogate court, lone held before our surrogate oi u.« county of Dialer, at his oltiec in the village ol Kings',,*, in said county, on the -.Mil duy of July IHXI, in in o'oloc-t Ul the forenoon of that day. Lien and tl.ere ID attend (if you See lit) the probate of the last wu, aad leslament of Benjamin lsuley, trite of the town of Olive, Ulster oouuly, deceased, prwentcd t> our surrogate to be proved and recorded as a wdl oi isai And personal estate, iu pursuance j)f tlie stuiutc, on tn« application or Klizubeth Buley, lha executrix immed therein,

lu testimony whereof, wa have eauxed the seal of office of our -Hid surrogate to bo hereunto af­fixed. Witness, James M. Cooper, surrogate of

[I.,. 8.] our said county of Ulster, at U ing*iou, tlu« Hi.rd day of Juno, in the year of our ]_urd oat thousaud niglu hundred uud siity-one.

IcQ «w J. M. COUl'Klt, Surrogau

SUFREME COURT.—James Brown, John C. H-n eioft Davis, trustees, and l>-iuiel Crew, plss.i-i.iZ_,

against the New York and Krie l.Rilrond Company and Joseph Walker. Uriah J. Hmith nnd William T. tiooksr, trustee)!, defendant* Judgment iu the i.itt. mort5tgs suit. To all creditors of ilte above namrd defen- am*, the N e w York and Erie Hailroad Company, hav.rig debts unsecured,

By virtue and In pursuance of the direction* eontsmsrf in the decree or judgment of the supreme court, in us above entitled aetiou, entered the ninth day of Juns, m the year oue thousand eight hundred and six<y, !•> whioh it W M among other mtitters, deereed, adjud(sd and directe-lhat in order to enable the referee iiisrsui named to make • speedy and Rnel determination snt. report in regard to the uimeourcd deid- of tho aaid ^cw York and Erie Hatlroad Compuny therein rcurrsd tu, so that the same may bu fn,ully and speedily Hurt-talned aOer the six months specilied in ihe act of tint Slate, passed April 4, 1BW, f»id referee was suiborued to advertise in six different papers for the present*""" of said debts of eueh ereditors, by a my and st s ptsc< to pe by him tliereiu named, which eh"!! n-t bs isui than six months After the day of the sale of the res! «*• tate; andclaimsofcredilorsnot presented to said rsferea in writing, stating the iimount and nature ihercoi, by ihe expiration or ihe time given lo eaid nonee, s' ooid not be entitled to be heard or allowed by esud reftres. Ahd that it should be iho duly of aaid referee loussr such claims presented and finally determinr, the sunmnl of such unsecured debts, and the owners thereof, with­in the period of ninety days after th* expiration of ui nolioc for the preaentation thereof; nnd to report the same without delay. And that the trustees under the said amicable agreement should heemuied io 1<» pre­sent apd heard by counsel at the reference nstossi<i claims, t»nd also of tlm act nf the. fetaie of Ney' Vork, pasted Ajprit % 1MB,«miUed "An aci in addition t<> ur act relating In the foreclosure and sale of the New York and Erie Railroad," patsed April 4, 1300, public none* is hereby given to all creditors o f the above namcii tie-feud ants, the New York and Erie Hailroad Oim,|>iny, having unsecured debt* against said company, to present their claims in writing, slating the amount and u-iur< thereof against said company, to me, the subscriber, m« referee named Jn said decree or judgment, itt my offtca, No. Vfl< NHMUU slu-cl, in the city oTNew York, on or be­fore the Wth day of July, IBtil, and that any such claim­ant making default in presenting his claim withm the time above speoifted, will not be entilltd to he heard ot allowed by rue ae such referee. l>ated New Yoik, June 10, 1801. 1'HIU) T. UUGULEt), Referee,

^el5 7W No. 9.5 N assau nut: . New Yurk.

THE r U O F U i OF THK STATU OK NEW YOKK, to Thtorlore Pox, Jn inns l-'n. n ml 'f liomas Httwan,

of tb* town of AuiHiiiilniii, in the coutity of Moiiigure-ery; Gharlea Fox and Kliaa Hinitli, wife of Thorns. Hniltli, of f.nilie, in tlm itate of Miotilgan ; ami lli-i." Fox, Who** |>la/in of resilience Is iiiikiiuwn, IIHHB si luw an* next of Kin of Mary M. Stewart, late of the *ms

town of Anuterdam, iu tlie eounty of M..i,i -ceasedi ,

Yuu end t'tinli of yon are hereby cited ami requited personalty to be and appear before our county iuii^e a' our counly of Montgomery, a« Btirrnaate, at the court Iinine, In th* village of Fonda, in said county, on th* Milt day of July, 19(11, al 1(1 o'clock in the forenoon ef that day, then and there to attend the probate of tlie lam will and testament uf Hi* said Mary M. Stewart, dc-eeased, whioh will r*lil*s to both real end personal ei-tate, Charles Uevendorf, »n executor named iu mul will, having applied for proof of the same.

In testimony whereof, we bar* cautod Ih* seal of onr turrogat* a courl of aaid eounty, to be lieteum* affixed. Witness, K.H. Cushuey, county judit

{!.. KJ of our oounty of Montgomery, at the village of Fonda, in said eoumy, the U.M day of M»r i* theyear of our 1,'ini one Ihousninl etclu lisn-dii'if and *ixty-on*.

R. H. OUSH.VKY, J*l'i6w MonigometyCouely Jurlje, *;*

r p H E FEOPI.E OF T H E s ipATE OF NEW YOHK, JL by the grace of Ood free and independent, to th*

creditors, next of km, ami nil persons interested H tits e.lnle ol Isaiah Attsliu, lat* of the town of Pittalown in tlie county oi Kentselaer, deceased

Y'ou urc^ereby eited to appear before our •urro(jsi* of our couiirji of Henwirlaei, In our auiroKate'i conn, Uie 4«h day *f Septeutoer lfkii,at lOo'olockm me fore­noon of that day, al the «urrogate'» office in ihe city of Troy, and then and there to attend the final settlement or the account* plUhe adiniuUtrator and administratrix ol said deocased' s

Iu testimony whereof, we have caused the »erl of of­fice df our surrogate to pe hereunto sltueO

tli. S.J lYiUl***, Mo*** W*rr*n, *urrogaie of **.td coinity, »l lh»citydfTroy, lhel8i l idayof Jufl*, 1»01

1*14>>» -(OfBES WAKKEM. Sunmsis.

fwroTicB OF APPLICATION for the discharge of»» 1 1 in.. .Iv, nt from hi* debt*, pursuant to the provision* of the third article of the first title o l ^ e fifth chapter oi u* second part Of the revised statute*.

tJHABI.ES KAMHI.EH, imoivent. Nolioc first pu»-lnhed Jun* Kill, 1861. Creditor* to nppear b i ' ie Oeorg* O. llainai-d, on* of Ih* Justice* ol in* •aprem* court, at tlie ohambere ofthe •uprenteoourt. at in* Csif Hall in Ih* eity of New York, on the 3Uih day oi July, 1881, at l*n o'olock in the forenoon, to aliow c*u>s, " any they have, why an alignment of aaid in*nvent • •state should not he made, anil he be dneharged froia hie debt*. ANUREW HLAKE,

Attorney for Insolvent, _ . • " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' " • » * • • • • "veeir New York elty

TwO'rtO_TI*~AW|.VOA'*roN &r tl,e'ais«hai»Vot"sJ L1 insolvent from his debts, pursuant to Ut* provistuns °t Ih* third article ofthe oral title of Ihe fifth chapter of is* second part of the revised l i m u t i .

JOSEPH BTHAD88, of the city of Brookl/n. »i»*->v-rf-ually aid a* a member of th* lato firm of strtuu a JUhar. NyllM ftrai paWislied on th* Wilt day of J»« . 1M1. Cr*ditor» »o *pp*ar before |h* llou. Samuel (i»i-l**n, cos.my ) M ( * or It in

g t e •" - • neoar Mid iri»<M**|il *V«Mlfl'.;«ol u»ti* •!< »**i|' •»•).> "?.'* m M l t m S m V M i V t . New York, Tsn* Wih, isei.

•B...IP. BAWYUH, Attoraav for Insalveni,

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