yEW-YORK TRIBÜM- Wpilli at Uta Stark Bar «_..«*.... Ars a e. ia». »... YJMTrsM Note»...«vs.i >2 ... «i.-t.u K-.M« »«.*>.' to.bS.WUllSa r«rui»r«..*. as Iswb'Vhl» Ufa a Tío«'., i ¦>». do.«VSU*sV>| IBBCaairo Ce. t." y to.M Se NOTICES. raajíNriMxiiH're o*«--» phbi.ibh- Wlel h'l* «a '-t. 1- - .<..-«. Mwii. i ti mtmmommou N. r. Nrw-Yoaa "Waren r>. t», AT l*i«T«t«*«».-Tb .1 ,-.k holder» of to« North- weal C«.* fer Vêtit 0~S»e»«y »re hart .y norifi-sd tb.t . si,.*t'.ag «nil behold si tbs. l~.ee ut lb« C-tupaoy 44 Hs «.>».«.day, iMh Ai.,.net-.a i.o'e'or.kA M «y order. .SI fawJw DANIP.L «. HART, .ect'tery A O. «ADO» R M'Nurai.TLkCK or tri B.I1 »I r I. t T K . . HT AsVs Kyle B apptavr- H«bt-Ker»-n Flute. Ill Broadway, batos-i Cur.'«id lid D»> ». New V"r« Rltso. u.ai.afactur.« f late» of every d««:r pion whleM si« IB all ees»» warrant**. .-,/'(.»': tr y\*rrm.m\\\r, I.IBrary and Kendlu« «erstti, CllataaBaii, oorser Be.»mau and Ntmu a « .17 uuu vo¬ lvía», aast all iba beat Liteta/y «ad Seieottfic Periostea«., A.ericas on« Pur-1gn Conatoat addition« of new wnts C!«rk,gMeitt»'v.o fee $1. and «.ml anaaal dae. Si M«r- abasitV B«»d ober«1 «aaaal »ah»«riosloe, eritttl'»« tbam la Bll the Brlvilaga«, RJ. Ros»-, osas from 1'.. AM to l< I'M By iTder. OEO. PKCKHAM ml- les Rae. See Meioantlle Lto. As*oclstics. tr bottom la herr-byS» «lieu that Book« will be ep.aad lor ««awerieti« a to tb« Capital Suck of 'i . " Peru Bal leo «n»B- . l-oad Cmpauy' in tb» City if New¬ Tek, by W. J HOI.MAN. of Misml Co U ca Mond*y. «lay t, IBS», to b«t k.pt apeo fi.r aa r.drfio 'e tarro of rim« R..«r B*r o»ol. jp.iu tb» o.sount required al the tima ut eabacriblug. caZ* i«'.f r«~ Kaaad-lllll Water-« are Hrtrrnt. T . Ii * B»w WaterCar» e*teWl*Br»eot, on «beaati'a1 emlaenre In N ,r'n»'i.pton, Ma«» ( a »t'l« from tb» village The Batidlo.« roils n re ¡re l*-»-i «o« hundred riem«, bsslag th" (BIDS that wer» forioerlt otad (or »he Knuad Hi'l Schon. Tba g-oi.nd» Bra fr ti ftoriy to hits »ne» ta «starr, with Bail» th-o twvnty living «pr'Bg», whene. the bath» are wall «applied with watar Dr.. C A Ha'l of Northsm»- too and J A Can ¡r.l-ig« la«, of Hootim, nave irnmamale »barge ' tb. Medirá' ¡ep.trn.n», witt. tb« daily tvouuBal B«d aassi«r«nee of I r S B *t o«>ti»sril. lai« of lbs M«t»< ebaaatu Hospital st Wurrwi«r »ad Capt. Br«wtl«r. lots of ibe Manaioa Hoasse *. Soperlnte- der t Tbs location t.«rib-ne» ««labrlty wlib ktstily » to- m».»»»ne il.grr. is t«M«iii a tivR.tiro.d from New- Tor«, Albaey or Boat» a, by «a if y day'» rida ; and lii« lacaetloa to tatkr thi« ois» only a aup.rior rol real lor laral'd». whalher da.lrlag Hydropathic traermeut or olh erwtae, bat »Is» to m»ke It « raoet «gr«««bl« ressort for psr.oi Iravellag for health or plenaare, <r for geatlemeu and familia« golag into tba eoantsy for a Hammer releso- Hob A more lowitin» locality cannot be und lo ti.» ITsltsd Stetes.«ad osa ueeiaregtwao thattne e.tablub- meat will be rendeieo « moat des rahi a«id comiortabl« resort for tb» iteker» sot only of health bat recre.rion Leiter» «MpBBSBd to either of the Pbydcton« «A Nortb- ari pton, or ¡«quiri.» asad« of A. Clark, Eiq. 0. S Hois!, Button will reo«v« prou.pt attsntion. Nortbas-ptKsa. Ms«* Peb _. laAd mi'lrawif SCHOOLS. PERTH ¿MB O Y SElvUNART. PAREN Pa HaVíNO BON » of co«r*e« habtu lor a. mn tbty would tacaren iboiongh presta-.«int. for r.l «-g-«,r bsilst m, «r« rasp.ctfuliy isviied 'aqalrs aft« ib« -Di¬ li» Of tbl« lB«tl!U"l«-li. Thal.etioo, »ffordlorfoeiHtle» for »e« j«(b1og »le»- »sbI aad pro»Bshi»tly be«'«hf.il asid nUly ."¦. SMitble to N«wTork aud PbH«d«!phl« », .r ..boat Mus lailrsxv» Teros» .'5 lier .«*»i.a ->( t. «-« -<. 'or » i«_rl sod t sillon, with ase of batik« fer Es«!)«'- tiud.is Tbe Surnuser Bessiea at.s stoaacuaaoe «va Wednesday MsyS Clriru'oi'sr«tb rV u. «orne .uni aad tsMtlmontais may be bad 'Jtitt* . .«sees u«, Jst.cb Cbsicb Cbapel, uc of th" Pi seals' P.-si.»»- - isae a»a«e u> tb» P»eulty of tbs College of fÍM-r r .'-laoaMm Kev David Mule, D D. Rew Pa «. >h (it.DD E(l»»betbtown ; iUxweli L. Coll. Oj. i i ... .... Ml. J.tii.» W. Al«x*ndar, D D. i Raw t. S«.mm Btswrh, Rev Dor.-au Duutar, l'-i Va n. A 11*1- .c«. Bar. lasob Abbott, R.v. Oorbaw D A-.-- ¦«. Robert «.ai» T 4.U.. R WctOK.rrt E..i O. ft. »>«'ie. !-.. K.q Re. -s .«»r Hawee«, E»q Charla« E. l'i.-ra.i. M D Wm fi.' ard. M D N«w York Natbsn'e! Dana. E«q B'Xt.n jw J.on MeOow.il, D D Ruban B Potter K.q Pbil<- «sipbia. Wm B Whiuhaad. > ... SnSoik. Va ; Joho V Deaal», Eat) Wagrom, Md ; Cl.»». U.U..ni, E.q New OrUon«; Raw J. B. H'roll. n Noteh.g. Kev Ar-rsybum Uol.ey. Riohboro, Ptt. S. K WOODBRIHOK, »jo »w_g. Q. WCW)D B RI DOrV_ SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL POR YOUNG LIDIES At Richmond. Sts'en Is'aid THE NPHINU SfcriHION of ihi. Sch-ol will c n.- asauoa on Monday tba 1st day of May Two vacBu- .lea »»Utlng. the aitentioa «f parent» who de.lre foi th r d»u.tue « . i«iir«d oud pi.«_«ot »Itu.uon. where tbeir coi».» will be »ttrci y guarded tad a thorough Engliih «a. .r-.atioo (Ivan. Il solioiud. Tba most re.peuabie rsfer- enea» gira«, for farther Information addie«« al lea* S D STEPHENS, Bichn.ond. Richmond Co NY. INSTITUTION OK MEÜSHS JACOB AND JOHN B. C. ABBOTT. to*. TBB Ut. . II- s or liil-sc 1.AD1AS, >3b Honai-i»i «. New-Yotk. TUB 81'M .TIE H TEK.n of ihi» initttatiun will .oaoosense Monday, April 17, and continu« without laterswiawiori »util Use last of June Oulhe l»t of Mr the lu»ntu'n>a «ill be remostad lo Bl«ecker-«t a few door» »..»st Broadway._ afl 3aw4w* rP~¦> AMANTIH1 . 11 M.I. PAM1LY BOARDING 1 SCHOOL, (for ladt sue youi.« gentlemen,! at Parilp i toy. Morn» Co N J. w.thru half an .ui'a drive of the Estas sod Dover Railroad, li in full op« rat n «mi op-i to the inssaetioa of lb« pahite. Clu«ee are to pregraa» m Arithmetic. Algebra, Oiom.rty, Survey log, (tbe»retio«' aud praatiool.) tba I.alia and Preneh I.at guage». Natural Pbllosupby, Perspective Dicwmg, _c Parts i and ga»r- dian« wisblag tu »»cura a pl««»«»nt, bealtbful and ¦»(. ion»- tl. a for tbeir »on» and word«, wh.ro their phyaieal. tii't- tal and asoral syducotion will receive due »tten'ton. are In¬ vited to attend the pnblie «axeinluation, whioh will c<im- m»sos us Moac.y, April 3, and will ek»a with public .peeking oa W«d~e«0Aw th« iili to ootntmac» »i in A M Th» favorable »t«'» of the patronage ha* leiluced the Sroprlslorto eost/asi f-«ra«.iit of », hoot-rooms tudep.n- sol of tb* m»-_ sd'.fles.iVo be Snlibsd lot uso by the drat Of May. Eipeoae* far ibe Summer Term of -i week», inclurim* board, lodging, woabing, light, and ordinary tuition. Bll»', {layoal* qeartsily la advance. French, Moale aud Draw- o». »su* Ittrttricri W C. H W»ddell.E»q Kagea» Bugort, E*q J«dg» A. Vanderasnol, lleorge T. Cohb. Km Dr. C. A. L-«e, BoamoB Low«. Esa Jn*eph Hyde, Esq Rev. R. S Cook. CyraiMeeoB. D D New York City Dr. L A Smith, H N. Brla«aede. D.D Newark ; Rev. Joba Kord oud Jodge RedrewCobb, v»r«ippanv Circular« will t»w (ssrimh.-i on «prali.-attn pcr«tpaid. tp tba proprietor, SILAS METCALP, or to hi» Auooioia T»»tcb«r, CHARLE« DROWN. N. B.Th« Suiaiat.Tsrm will commence on ThunSav May 1. PaBsirralsv, Pabiaory 16, IMS. f TbtsttateasssI of hi f'ts< fot tan It.rtm ) Mr. 8ll_s Mtrcatv ha* had »barg« of the Kindarhook Aaadaasy for many tear* and discharged hi* re»poo»lbl* i »tisse to tba *»u»faeiion ul oil. 11* a gentl«ma. of rostat and unqueatu n |sall««diB bia profeta iswatd, Aasresrtl. IMT. BUABDINU M'HOOl, 1KVINU IN" ri n 1 K T«nyiown. N Y .Tb« Sumn.ar Term will open ««a Moedoy tba lat of May, wnb a in« and lmprowrd " «».' Sattoa of tba clo»«>> > J ,a«i lie D«p*rlm«Bt, e. . . »<iuB« l»d» of »av»» and elrht -, i-str» of »go, will be ..lab- ll»b«d is sonnaelios with tb« In« Italioo Th.ait.nl, of parent« aod goadun» r«»p»ctfal'y iBwii*« to th« paiupl« «rtCireui». futiht» year, U. be obtain¬ ed of »ssy of tba pair«»» of th« li-.iiru'«, of Claik 4 ABssUb, ¿VS Broad» ay. or of lb* und.t.igoed. WM. P. LYON, A. M Principe. .*___11 u _y*_î__n 111'_ _ WAMOINC»".»CHtllll. EOit HOVs at Middle town, Casan-Tba i.tb Su-siuser 9-.«io« of Si a trek» will oa mm«a«a M.y * ebasg« $n', ia ad vane« A limited aomsai of aapiU itwils witn th» piiarlpal »od receive asreaial sera Yoaag lad» o»a encoded to sod from «th«¦ «i. C'renlar» sad mtaoM lofumittloo of R«w. H. Chot*, U M*Akouot._" |«g tasykj D. H CHA-sE. ErittCÖrAi. TOI.LRíIIVtR iñ.Utata. Siapl* too. Staea l.lard Raw THOMAS LOWELL, Prln- .IpaL Tbs Sarawet lera» will eommence oa .»-.. ltt of M»y TB* sutineii' papll« Itmltsd to thluy. Cot»- logase, eeatalatog fall por loo lor« may had by appiy- lag 'S Mr. Bbsppard. book »tor», 191 Broadway, Pbihp Rsrroir», Em «gWsjli-esi ti.ary J. Beam»«. St. Broad woy, sad Wat B. Townaeed, Eapre** Balidtag». 112 Braadwar- las« FAMILY BiwAMDING iSIHtMlL POR BOYÍ, R Rsat, Ct -ihi» fsShoai; n lo< ated io a »«¡-«««at « 11 t«. i It « -i« oa «taa hneof Use Hoe»at-«eic Railroad,»i» bout-«' blgbsbarastsi and anqaMtionttd lnt«gily. every way «m- lt>«Btlv qsoliSadiabl» profe*»iuo. M VAN BL'KEN. L'odstewas«, A«gu.t S, 17 jet ew<«od- B »». e »..a» Mww-Yaa*. TBa »*»¦¦¦» tarai w.sl r-.es..« «so*. rs«a Tba aaaahat *t «u«iU -liswitad it, » Um cisy. aad bksw be «oao ay» »at^*«a tea bssaa at II M. »ltd ïa'sloo« etaa* It» «-»««aetaal la tbe «My, aad evay ba «»»r» '.*» sy» Bsvtwsaata« bear» IS M oadte'esaa« P M ' --*- E. «load. Hea e, »road *ay or will al. OS tbo.e'aaviug tbeir «ddiaaa Was« Waabvlagwi. aloes. Clrealor», with .-. .t-.-.t o* may b«id at ib« paral'« book-wora. 18*»s*| Broad woy, or by oddre««loti la's« Prlaclpsl Kent. Ct ^_«)_,.~ A-tHKEI, Pl'Lt.fR.A M PMseleal BOlatPlNO tRCUOOL ROM ftOfts ai Wiliea. Conoeeticut -Th.i »ebool n not targe The papil» Orstaogbt by lb» Princip»l Dol'y oral «\*.eia«««r»giwBB tsf a buainesa »ad proctual ch»r»ct«r Ste»trt»»t two .tog* !>". direct :o th« «ch.»ol. Ksr« fbr »soy* Jsn oeota- Tsrats. «»as bsadred dollar» per y«ai Pooil« rseeiv«»» «i aas tita«. Arronirmeat» can be mtri* with S B Siurgta*. HiChasVbam-at N Y. ABEL W H IT Lim K. Prmoipal »»/W«woi*-R»w.JobBhu.iib, R»v Wm H «aa#a, Wil »aw, Coao-, Bakimta Dikaaiaa, Coatioliai« iXriea ol It-JT;_ _-_¦_!_£- AY lattii'lHsSl.-l'nd-r tba dtnrciio« of th« l.adl-. Ißoltm* »aerad Hern, 134 Bleecker. our. I oorws>e-it. N Y Sfbe IaBtUeaef tba B«_>r*d Heart b»v» tbe bo»or of tn- for-ttag thou rilead», laai they have scuuleees.' t. lb» kled reaaesl for lbs wubltsoaisal of B dsy «chool ta Us «BTtr «_fBsw-Y«»»»_ Tba swatssn of Wseotlea wiU be parausd es tba »%e.r «pisa that adoptad Ib all the bosaswof th» Sacred »te. Tba lUi«s will be piepared to reeelv« peplis oa tbs «»ps_ Marab. Ma «BIM will be raaeived ander years of ags, at r aaowa thlrtaa«. TbbMS.A'lesao» w.sSi tkt KlMHrtti . TvilloB. a'* So par r aeart.r, to ads/aaea; Piaaeh, 4-4, do. i Hi.it, 111' lu Drawing sad Palatial lo wat«,- coloriv él", do. uld lio* T^lT*«»rTi^V>IK^T-Th«'Hmo^ S««»ii»B <( mT. « A\*t A. SiargW K.'Biiiisg Ccbuol 'or j»ung lad I at Stauilord, Ca-BO. wir oouier»aere oa Monday, litot May Bast- CSbbIsii «'»Hug taiBi ord isfaraatf. mow be bad by add'sMe-og M"« ; .ui»««, oi oa as-n»u*itou at S. Ray- sot*» btsob »lo«-e, 10 Buwasj. auasfut¦(. ( M*¦-'«*_» '»«». _^__'__!____ TEFAlÜsRlIvriTTiri lJr__"_ 1 CuhA.» Co C^ - HI SB es-os« os t* ^ ***¿< ^*vj_l».*: a>_i»ai|hl «VoUiaisg Isii ls'fvrmotxia"with wfc»iaaaa «ba taas Om o...;.«- at ib« Uwin.t. of M AkK H NEWMANR CO .;¦*» Hrasstdway.alsToby aJdresr-agibe PllDCipal.lCwnw.il Hi .', . I'jiit,. mtt 1.* «||ee|^BBBB^y.w^^.m___^._ PEMHI'kM »LAÏ-Mf*- W.«W. ..'.,« ,.,. aod »then wottM '.iBSbaati» have died lit tb» cavaj «arwee of tb» >J»il»idStBt.«. aboarse-filedtopea.loa^wlU H.rj il io ba'raalv«"'»»« to«»py *l »l| Hut,. al lw« W .».«frsBl «Hlrl »b M -Pur »a»» the âatira «vsacbiaeiy «¡f » iueAfa»»V««u .».w.w U^paay, 1st* ca-l*Ua«. «w MHL* MABH.ll Naw-ast N. Y. __ts5»_îfei»^iHs ai»«*«, iss chaaa- btifwie» esy-ala» HURBT t, pro» Uae.sa malar i.L-OTHIN«--.. üPBINO * SU-vs_h__B 'I.Mi aT Till ( TY Cl.iM MINU V ai;r H<>' ¡ 1()«2 *^TO«N-»TB__,T, oppceits iheesd NirtiiDnteh (a»»U.from ti to $10 Pate».I-ora ti tu Vi Veev«. . «r.roalto $3 AjaboU «sau for fl. I «,_> n. ti P SMITH, m-Pulum-ci. l.«P«KTAfrT TO~fii8 PUBLIC.-'. M Üc 1r f.KOY A CO 2M- ,rt»tdway. cep, .«it» Park Fosnt- !' *«o. w'.t. 1rM«j»r'«a'!t -all artaaatloa to tb*tr »tl-naive and»» I truenl «.f r»»d / mad* Ovtrco«'» ar.« Co»»«« a a, - > and Boy'* Clothing of «--«»y «».nety A ««lor «and cU 'h. «hieb they are now eeilio» at coat, i' -ir c-hj«««! Ok '¦. B_rp«oa mftrnt «tack oa haad IWote Use aat of »'«'.luary in o»d-r to make raasa f'.r the rrpung ! Tbey ara scl -uad» and trimmed etjua. 10 tboee made to ore,., and a less peí i ¦ any **tabii«b» nie-n' I ih» _._. »«iaraet«,r and «tanO'nt to me tily .».»., if R~kA~U\'nAUÍt tJAlTi.KNTea.-VVa aie now eell- .Sg »r **ieor ve Meek or ready-made overcoat«. . ..reet and fn<« e<«au, par.ta.oon», Veato». txiyt' .ack* «i .. . -c »ill a larie a_«»oitmeot n*«e»t i -, :i*a» artinlaa cotnpneing «carfs eran i ..'»;», .jipen ».. «* « ,li»cocnt of 25 per cení . m ord-r V) redoc» »'.oca «ri . to ,e eapir»ti..n fpr»seot «ioparte«'»blp, P»h 1, 1841 Thoee r»<iuirtng ¦» ,i"._t for the VV'ioter ihonld examine th» »eairlir eot. WM T JEN NINOM k CO 2*1! Rmailway, American HoteL C'I.iiTIIh, ( A"»-*I.TIHI(K*«. v.,ti... k,. Vf ma v e-e.* «>r pas!» a, ._ i««w «a» they cao '. «-oegnt In the city w üi ih» .',,:. a«1»tr,-tee of «i»,»e'i,i, Ir'.n, whf. n«»y ba rallrtd ipon the mott fe»ni««n»iv» goods, a' -*i! B>< adwav. 1'nVVI JfcNMNU.a «V, CO IVI KraT <|LaLITY R_A_Y MADE GARMENTS.. r compiisii.« tprin« tiver-eot'i, d-eet ar,d l«a_ roat». pan-aiuou«. ve»t», equal to cuitom work, at »31 Broadway. m2- _JENNINGS k »O. ¿¦"IRaaT QI'A I.ITY ready mad» Oermeet». cooipri*- r mg drett too f oca c«»»r». pan'ali^n». «_.'«. IwnieM BtSI Broadway. VI »I IBWNIWQ» k CO H OK tSKNTLE.TII'.yi HKAK-l «.« u,-.K.I,V,« Oc»«!« loi Mpilog w»»i. ar 791 broad-ay, American II- tel .1 r.NNI *.'i..*i «V CO. »mV ifO(Mi>. CF. HARKI*», 46 Eschaoge-plaee, offer« for sal» . Brown __aatli <. a«.d Sauting., 7-8 and 1-4 wid«. of t ... .«_»:, baow* « y ,»s Blew»-»»» Kniriu.«» and 8le»'ln«». a-4, 4 4, 5-4, b-4, 10-4, 7«". anrl 1-i. »I»>e, «/( varl'.u« w»ll »«i «wn s'y »s ..-.li.oi.o Hi «e *nd VV mi« Print*- Ob floe and o.» un, e.loihs. ano of va"»us pattern» ..«»i OMM 'r«di«o b.«.e. Ortos« and White Print*.On fin» aa« medium clothe of vtr.oui and ». w pat'ern«. o" eaeea Menro Caeaiineres. of various quant!*«. etD- r « oalan *nJ mtxiu«»» footed Dril* of rhe.Soffolk and Sta-k MilUmaaef-rtar*. do I)o_sk",s. of ditfeie-t vuaiitiee. do Hambres do do Pape Cámbrica, aMorted quollt..*. VV hite Canton Flwoele Black twilled V'-.t Paddints . «too Yarn. .w pr.r-.e-f Priât Cloths, k. Ac. mlOsxi^tf \[HI|MI ( a-"»I »I'ftKJt "Of varios* »jnalit.e* i" co ors and iijlxUr»*. fo' »»1« by mil II K HARRf.d, Ej-riartge-place Fi>"K BltUvV7»-*»H"_Ti Tl *4Ue4- Very haods.me. ii,r . I. of C T HaMRIi. F.arhans» pl«c«. u.-l LI ht Í»XJ LLit- lu8'o*e and lor «ale t«y .»Si_C V H VRRIM 46 P.x.-n«t.g»-pl«ee P-i > ¿ToLoltKO JBTÑ*í--llaonfa.T_rod.b> the York and LaooUla M.l a. all bl«aee*»ed c , ,.-.. r r »ale by ¦.-I , r rfARRH, Eschanse-plac». BKOWN l"OTTOM!*i-2(«jbBie»Soutbwich4 4 hrown «fteetti'M 10' b«!e» (¦;!?!« Mi'li B « 4 hr iwn Sh»stfni». So do Equitable and tageviiie A 4-4 brown Sheet- ¡to do R'-elinghamand Pak. Alto4 4brrwn?hee' ng». t| do l'r. rhe.ter and Hope »I and So in. do. I ," do Rerwick aod Warwick 1-loch do. I , jMBk-aaad L-dh*rv:-2iech d. for itl» l.y » I, . _«*dl1 H k Cu So and S2Pine-«t. VVÄLTIIAU COTTON**-«" ct-e» Waitham H . » hlrtaced, i«« do VV'aiih.m pillow c»»e bleached, _" do Wallben. E bletehed, .«« d Wa iham H hee'led, iodo VA'alrham R bleached haie« VV«|tb«m B brown, »Odo VVtliha. K brown, 2Etdi VVa<tham H bowo. for »ale by ni_-aK.SvilTII A CO oil aud .»» Pin»-»t. MAB-BBTlLLB KI.KAi IIKl» lliKil)*» -Sotmt. ir.e vartou« widibt manufactured hv Muim.i'l« Co. ji.t received. For aale by NE-iMlTH A CO. a_ ga aid H Pln».f r. MÜSIC, LETTEK, AND PAMPHLi.T PKK-.KKV'rK.-Tiii» IUÍ0 it de- .igoed for Hi lilin» of mutic. leitert, pamphlet« snd newspaper*, inatead ol the . rd'nerv mode of filing letter« m «crap íkk ka 11 it »o c'inairucied- iy rrean« of a back .ocureu by wire.h»t each latter or »beet of mutie n » !¦«- p, d in wiili care and i»rared perfectly .. ¦* Uen botind ; »i«l au lodes for ine rMri»»««' leiter«, fiom whom receiv¬ ed and ih- uarne» i.r pinces of mu.ic co««t»ioed wittiir. e»u ba retened lo. and can be made from the tirtt piece« to the end of the loluti e .- «baa full, they can be aliprad out wi«h ea»e aod, if de«irable, made ready for ihe binder, .¦id ibeu oou.meiice a low »erie» Thnv prevent the pec.tmt utril ti >i« n«-ii< imii. «solledor loei Iheyare bound m a iie.i had duiabls »tyle, fit for the parlor or c«iuriiiug-li iu-e Maoataatarad «my by J. II. CHKKsMAN, Book binder, 55 Gold »t R, Y. Cooley, Kee»e «i«. iiiil. Ageote, I'JI P-ioadway, oor I'e> i. Be« York mSl tf GAS PITTING. JA S. PIIILBIN rt»«jectiu!iy inform their frleod« aod . the pubic, that BSVIag baa« reqieatcd by ih« Mam HtTTa«« _I*--Li<;hi C"Mr*MV. t«» eug»*e«nih* DmFii- tiag butine.», they 1»»h laten the w.irk-eho'p.oftice, Ao laieiy oeenpie |, in» tnpany, 17». Mercer «t one door h»low Ble»eker-»t. and are i ow prepare«! to atland lo or¬ nen |a ihtt deeai'inent of bntinoae, in all lu branche» T ney intend to Bee* «>n hand an as«,.riment of the be« at»d _4__ Rattern. . bracket», pendaui». man«.,» ornamani«. ibaedoltor«, Aa manufactured by .\le««r« COBMBLIDI I Id, Oil lamp«. i-riand»li-r», «Ve alie'.d to burn ga». A .o, ga» fixture« laten down cleaned, lebromed lac- q.-r, 1 P.uinbing attended toa» fnrrnerlv, at S D»y-»t and ','6 M »i fer»'. 0«>*e', tor g>a fitting left at it Dev-et will he attenced to t«i tnptly. Th»y ier"et i«. Hie Manhattan Oa«- Ln'ii Compai y, ,n«J i>« Ih«» following g^i.i leu,en, aon e i', un are Oire-rm» of the Company: James Dna'd- »oa. E«q H»nrv Yonog. E'q Ja«. » Roo««»»ir. E»q M «- . î.Tay.or E-q Dante! B Peatin.K.q Of. H Smlth E«q N B" Pkii.ultr «t'"ni on panl to nttlng up dwelllni», .ion», public balldlago. Be steady ocoupied, well ton», in ir"»'» « f I'tH'dinc »A if THE PUBLIC ARE- CAI'TIOVKU sHAIVMT BEING MHLED In regard (o MINlATl R-. SOLAR LAMPS, by (ho«« nea'.eia who have not originally to name thHr article«, nov have eulerpii.e « nouaih to advariise them, but are r-i»ao enooah t «ell lamp« by a name they «tole from We hereby rbal'eme them to prndooe a lamp p.«»»e»ting any of the a'vaniage» of our ju»'ly c-lebraied lamp. Wr ehaHeege ih.-in to pr< luce aivthiif deserving tbe name of Minia¬ tur« Solar Lamp VV* ar- »nie nifufwiuni, »4 6t- ENUU OTT A bUMBEB, Mai Elm tt ne«rl Canal DOMESTIC GOODS. DWVI.r.Y h H KMAN innoven trom 81 C-dar-.t. to -I Lih-rty »t »heran.*» be found a larga etork of brown and bUaehed Slieeiloi», No'ihero and Southern Cotl,.n Vain, Lamp ai d Chandler'« Wirk. Twins, Sloaf. l'aient do Wa dug. Carpet VVarp, Batt«; alto IJI lb« No. IB black Cotton Yarn i all of which will be »old at the In «eat maik»t price«, lor ea»h Dealer» are particularly invited to call aod examine Ih» «trk. whether tbey pur ohaaam-not. DAVV'LEY «k. PL'RMaN. mlMi-rerd UVV* 24 Liberty *t TO BODSEEEEPEBS IN' OENEhAL-Ju.l received a (<M«d «npplv of French Wille«*««»*,! .n-iating of Tr»v»lin«, Work and Fancy B lakeie , «lib a good a-eorimem of tioti«»ke»pmg arnc'e», tiu aod Jap.ntrd ware AI»o. for aale a variety of Rird«, Ion« and »holt Canarieao'f alloolor». from $i _. fib «pair; i' t ihe rt+tt Mocki««« Bird» in ih» r'l» Onto, a variety o' C«»»», Ac Ac l.«.«.it|'r VV ||INK 4* Third av N Y SANFORD BROTHERS, CASHTAII.Oitli*«'..i.7Pu!u«u »I Boat '. ri-raldOl-ee l,i«t leie t.(i Bh-«u'irnl aed choice a»tortm»nt o( Clothe« Caaain e-e« and Veetmge, which «ill l«a mad* to m"i at very lataaaaka» prie»« ml¡ Ina" Oc n 11 si, INFORMS HIS PATIENTS thaï ht» boor» of alteodanc« at the office are now f r. in lu to i o'clock, Moeday. WrdL**-ay and Friday. 6R3 Broadway._B»9 l_" ICE TOR SALE. w Ton« of le* for Sale. AT HUDSON, Columbia Co. by lilA to'l_ _MfARTHl'R A SON. nPHB MBW.YOMB. AND t«A«7«BB<-TIBB sKTÏîi 1 Lead Co «re now receiving from ih«lr fact ry an as .ûrtuient of WMti Lead, coruprising tb» »everal grade» of ,.'asa».rted siic.l package*, »it Dry Whit* L«ed-Pore, «lira and No. 1, packase* from.600 to ¡M«.' Iba earb. Oroand la oil.Pure in east».x»i Ibe eaeb. Pure Iscuii.-tai Iba, *a*A Pur* in o»»k«..t'«« lit» each. r>oet«»*r«-*». .-tW __*.._ Nm '5 «as*.iaa, » «ad î> lea eacA K«*r«i in a»*k».M> to Mb Ibe tec!i. »_*... la «««a.-no I*'lb* «il Nil le ea»k».-US ta r_»i lb*, eaeo «No 1 la v«,..SA to let« lb* each Th» c.n»ltta> ot «hie U-ad I* warra_*ad aayaai ta «ay tn«t* and BS give entire »an.l'aotion, or tt maybe re¬ to n-d ana tri», timney refandod, with any aSpen**» la- «orred. .lAMI«'.*, Mi t Lull OH, I'leeloent n<l(!|.nD-VV .i Krtii.i tt cor. Maldtt» let». 01 R"kI TI »SlFÔïCri I.ÖTS~Vo«teli »uhj»rt to rietiattoa by tk» M»»"h i l-cer -Every »»«»eel from » ftM«)gr. port, having paweoier«: and every »»asel haviog had. dam« ker t»-t.|e ai.y case of Small Po» .or Infec- tioue or coo .-.»,. o¡_uvc- «iriiti't at «ay time. All »«.«*'.» trotn Buy po«t, la IB* ordlea-y paeaage fro*» which ittey diqii p,.s sou'h of Cape ll»nl..pen.arriving ka- tweee tb» -1st day of May and the loth dsy of October. Aud al! vetee!« fron, any pl«e* (tncludlai Islnnd») to Asia, r the Medii*-r»r.eeu. or fiom any of tbe VV***t India, Bahama, Bermuda, or Wee'ern Islands, or from . i.y plae« in Amarica, In ir.e orlinary »«-«sage froai which the» £-** *o.ih i>( O o, gin. arriving between tbe 1st day ol A»nl and ibe l«l day of N -vein«»«' »I Im _ALEX B WHIT1NQ Hea'rh Ofh ->t '|H> .>tlIP~t>V%>BR*4 A«U MASTEfcä OF VES- I Í.EI.S - IS n W arden* Office, No 101 w^ji.., -The Port Warden* «ul citarte. b*i»»ft«r, ibe folio»,»g fiées, vis : For aar-0 »urvty on board of any ».**.!, ua tb* hatch«, nr cargo. . tl .*« Fo. «ten »urvry «.u dair.agisd g>od« on tb« wharf ot IB «tor*. 1 SO . For oaee. t«a»«a ot> a*» v«ra»*l deanoed »»til to pro¬ co»« to .».. 2 ie Of, - i »n fiow»7o'c ock A M to » o'e't*«k P. M ROBERT T N0BR1S. ( erk Marl».-, .Mi. _i -- <IU»VV V \HF.H, . »HOW I' A ¦»»..!*. I A larga baad Su«.,w Caeaa eor.»tani:y -o B*_d, ul B-.-w («tee us« I evdt A a«. Sbow Cata» taba lo enU at |e at M. J KARL'S, otó Broutae-ai »ear lb» Hewetv. _ el _-* / 'YKI » .V. Ilr-I llaV t O. ¿AO W »RKIlOl St t. «M asMktKaa st rt.»-V,rl. ssaaea f'.\*H i.'- r .«i"k,^t_rV"Í5i«*ne-tieR-g* b- «-»' atlB »w CYKIf- W. FIF.LO -, CO 1-1 f.»ek«rt»_-.t. MAKKK8 PREPARE!» COCOA ANÜ CHOCOLATE I* VhKH'Mf (X 4»« PA-TK. tS.»«r« Brota« B l'ti..,iit(l,,vi..a,., k -WALTER BAKER. Oa'tb«-»» er Nia .a»«ul«o<urer-lt*.eabove w-li k»-«»« aiti«l». baa . .'d ttnt ».rwcrKiier« bis ao!« tgeet* for theit «al» ia « city and Hr ....in a «u for tb« tale if »aker A Ber-ih-r». N. B klaea a-< NorAt'k Co Chuaolata. aad ot.a. aitrle« i. n>» ..,, ;,... A mtrau supply al«a» . oa b*ai,a-»*l fur »al» i* i,,«« ta «ait ««nh«»... .».j«;.» XixAY f. 3ontb-e«. pt-BJ«_WH UIMI H H>iri'RK'«fi-i1»_l ¦.Wi¬ tt*- «xi/kuiaiuuiip aad lataai style ai«d rsaUera*. for «ale b»y a_a| J W SOI'TllAfcir..'» Rmadwav. UUFA BBII-_T_oAUîPa tûjnuikjt aru« .. toi*ai*by -Ta» J. VV. .VOC'T-LlCB lfM Artaadway _BOOK i RAD ti. THE LITE OF HBNBY CL_T BROLUUl Du'A'N TO THi: PRtt»tNl 1 r is- «r r,- i -»« og ... - i,-'. Wt ..-ecu. Fall boaad la cloth, 5/1 txrtit. Tbi. Edldoe eeaulo», in »ddiHut. to wti»'. »» . talned :u (armer Ed lau»», just on« third more rastrar aa« UUSIMN Hoot at Ba.uruor«».Ttr i^ ay Ki-r» ."¦ .. ... th. I'.. n-r.ra T «'»-. H' w tii» Wblg» were Betset d-TBe ry,.,a * ¦-». L.^rty Par-y »cd Mr. riirne, Pa.ie I.toe»-Ftsad», ty* ta.Pub ic Coo«_eo«» o M- C »y Tt« Con.equenc«. of the r'.lectl .n-The »". »r. DiW romi»e..c.d- -. "V* M -., -Twinry 61BI- CoBi'e»«.T«_.tT atd tbe 3.D- irSrrtB-MasW la cloo-tt o' Mr C'»,-In.*«.nc- of ib» D.v, loss of h'S Frieod»-Hs» AAf'~ on R*e«lv cg . \asvfro_ L_ieiof Teon-¦. ." u .f Mr Cls« at sablas» Mr. Clsy Vulti Ms« O'Ieaa« «ad St. L0UI.-A Mnrerre»iu'*>t.'»u Noi.csl.Hi» Appeal m b-balf of K~i.ub.ag l-eia*d_ Sucottaei or . M'aies.Been» '¦.'.'-y". Coy recelés« aew.ofb-._s,.- . Ds«t_-_ -ne;. ol Toylor saaoareis« tbs Ewao» M Cías j nr.i.the rVite.t- aut Lp'.eopal Ch«rcb-H . \ »Il 1. Ci e M«>-Adare». of tie New Tort Daleaalas.Ml Clay . L- None* of Mr Cl«) . Resolution* al Lex- îogrootc the Mexican Wai-Tbe Reiponic (/cm Ib* 1=0- :PMr C'Uv In Wiahtngton -Ml» Ad".«*« £<>.»- r,««ai¡(.(. Society-H1« Appesr»ne.e 10 ib» t»«p'-ine '"»'> -VaiUlB« Wh"e H,.o«B-Aneedole-.r. ..»Ph-iadslphlS -N.»-»siik-Mr sVcMi--ha' iBeeea e A4 r.-»r.«¡io-Mr C»y r.rened »t C«_t- Uardeo-H'» Spe-eh-De»th _r Mr Adaan-Mr. Clay in New-York »-d br. Departure tu Home. .. Mr Cia» . Prof.«.-.jrial Ca-eer-Oireftost'c» Marshall » op ,,un al him-Per.r.s.»¡ ne'.ai¡.-Hi. PopaLtits «nd the it-Trait. ol Chs-acreí -K,ch«tc M Jobo« «s» Eu ogy «ipoo him-Mr. Cía«'» hsb 1 nf L.fs-Hi« « ifs mu cl.:idren-D.)s-a«'lc »nd Beeiel R«r«at«en» -Conclis- , i-r t, .... jisaotaaetto Agtaota ut.i niVwils (iKKKLLV Ji McfcLRATH, Publisher». A l-HOr. AGASSIZS tECTUBES. .'. INTRODUCTION ta the waSw of Keterel .-laet-eriesof Lectora»da varad n. tbe Halle, the Co.- lein of Phye'clao« omi Suigeou». New-1 or-.. Agu»n. (Repoiud fer The Tnbanal I' ourueroutea.ravia»«. AJ»o a Bmgraph.col ootics of tbs kalbet, two. as Priée 2_eeat». or whaofl remitter» by mail at ou.- n,i 1.e t«ril(»»ad 6v« copies T - i>!**-H8 on .~h cotJ 1«, «tenu tor ans diataoca *..-.' «er. Tb« Lecture» inty a,*- . ..btoioeii from oay igeota. tU«wRWfcBW ... lY 5. Mi.ri.RATH. VIEWS OP ASTBONOIWY, PCBLISHEO THIS MORMNG-See I.. :«r«s, Itv-rod «state the Merc, .til- Library Ataoet.tioo (it New Tork By I P Ni.m.LLD Prof.». .r of A«iron- 0«ny to (».. l'nnr.rsity of .»:«.«,. v PrAe* 0 cent* bb-Í OREELEY A McELUATH. Tribune Bu'ln.n.« ABAOO'S LECTUBES ON ASTRnN'-.vlY- A r-w -ton of it,e«e popnUr Lecture» now in pre»« »nd will be retdy in » few d»y» All orders srlli be sitsaSVd as as sa .»'h» woik It ready ¡»7| OREELrV A M-KLRATH. PoMlih.r». "EWBANK! TBE !«IXTH NO. U| RWBANK on Va »ter M »eh Ines «r d M.rhinery in (r-ii'rh:. it renuy this mo.Bing |'r o. . 1 c-nli a nun brr. r?e »» noie wort to be romp eted laaigbi BBasbaiB B». k awasber* may .i; eataiaed Por »ale by a'l Cheap Bookseller*, al DWkSW rnor. Mitchells lectukes. SIX LECTURES ON A»rK('NOMY,«.a .ev-r.d in ih» Clly o' .'¦'. - V.-r«.'-, f. sfssai M month of December, iK¡7. P«il.l,»hed in pampli «yomolete; pnce ¿i> cent*. For »ale by all cheap publitheia j 15_011EELEY - McKl.HAT JUST PUB LÏSHED, PART XVI Bt.iihwB't« »ha i.*peet tt Prsc'ieal Med¬ icine and t»jr»ery, a hilf yearly Jojrn.l nanlaining a Retroipective View of every Discovery and Improve. in- r.i 111 the Medical 8e.iet.ee Th«s de»rm of thi» work to collect and prêtent to the practitioner, orce in ewery ¦is, month», »»accinct and r e, »ble.i 1.-eat of»uch lmprove- ment» and disc vere. have been mad. tn Medic il Set enoe. in any part .,f the world, within that tima, and rh»at, too, a* nearly ¦.» po««i»ilK, «n tmt Isngu.jte of those «In mar'e such di.rovene. St improvement». .0 thai, by » reierence to this work, any pn»»ici»n m»y h»v« at I . C'iiinn»nd, at a trill ng «BBL a Ml »nil c .inplete »utumary of sil thai Be«» Bad valu.-ln in the Mea cal world, with¬ out »uhjecting h:m».;!f either to the expenae eg lab I .earthing through the v»iiou»j inrual» »ud o»w medicsl work, toa« are baieg daily l«auwl Terina.The first lb N'«_ ( r eipht ye^». «v.. on yesr li.ireMter, *1 W{ »ingle No». 75 el»., lnv»riably In ad» va-ice. Coinmaoced in January, 1140. l'u^ntied in L«.ndr-n in July and January ol every yea«- and r.publi»hed in New- Yoikr.y [!"»tl| DA.NIi.L ADrlK. K'7 Kultonat. WOMAN AND HER DISEASES from UM ...' Mm grawe, «dsp'-ed to her tnsttucti 'ti in the natural law» nf b.r *v»tem »ni ail «he disease» of rer criuc« part Idward H. Dixoc, M D i«p ''.'"». »'x»h Tt.i«work coitain« ac'.mpleie review o( me o.-s! 1 un» »nd p-ige«. of Piol»p»u«, and ell .mer u.eruo ri ... : nt». ,u l.oguage adapted to every read«ar. Th«t reiigiou«, and da.iy pre... l.aae e»pr.»»ed ih. biiili«.t »entimeut» of thi» valuablewoik. It i-sn lent bujnd t-i any psrt of this 1. -»«i-i, »t a pistsin post-paid, and cash order» ouiyattended to. For »»la by CHIRLES 11 RIN.J. rn/? MW_p|n.» corner .-f Jeha-a- »ni Pr >^w»y. ""Xpöpölä tbeatise ADDRESsi D TO IuINOMEN, c.ni»nn< plete review of the ntt«in, »yrop'om» »nd pi .»re»» of every known «BBMBI I rl ol l»e c in«equence« ol ear.«» aim K-lf abuse in every clasi of li'e, in language adapted to «.wery rcder.by Eiward II. Il.aoii, M D. BB Price Si. K.'glnh cdillou The medical aad daily près* in every p«i-t f IM try have expre*»ed the Bsgbsat sasUBtaat» «I tin» value- bin work. Ic can ba »ent hriimd in any part «if the I n red State» at » po»'»ge ( f \S eer'«. PoetBBl« and e,«»h order« ocly «ireoeed to Vuriilg by CHARGE*« II RINO. m/7 M'-'-lFlm' cor. .¡r.ho sl »nd Broodway. HonTico_.T~nisT I^ORMARCH -TsHfc hORTICl rURlST is edited t»y A J. Dowulng. devoted «jatirsl« to li". i'ciijtura. Th« Msrch No ju»t received. Suh.cnprion pr'.-e '»'* per year. Ai»o. th» Culttv»tor (or M«rch, eliled bv LutherTueker T « ik devotid I- Agriealtara. Sub«c.ripiton price é per year. January Mo, e.BseaaSB lbs eolBMB Sut-- aeriptioiii of both woiki rseaiwad by ml MAUK H '-FUMAN it CO 'I Broadway. TÜPPEH'S NEW WORK. JI'.ST RECEIVED H.M ÏKM »» -M .r- dcppirgl trr.rn the pen th»t «.ol» " Pr. v«-hl»l I'ht sanphy," I.e. Ice, with a fine portroll ot th» eottinr, for «a by lif HL'STINGTON A SAVAGE, -If, P«»..ri »t NY. COAL. OA Kil I'KR TON-NI'T CO\L-Pe»eh Orchard, «5*X mW\f rted A«n, «nd Schuylkill Whit. A»h, f sr .«:. at tbe above low price ; large «lie, and delivered icieenei from ih» yard Arulv 1. T STOKES D1CRERSON, 107 Ar.thony-st. «1 tf near Broadway. C'sOAlt UÏfSÏtllAUl.INl«!..TtTe be.t frseh BsiBsd / Peaeh Oreb»«d (red Mb) Coal now being ducharged at tbe toot of Kiomt. N. R. and delivered at *4 7S per too for tbe large «ize Nul. and Ra (. r Siove, Egg, or Brolen, and 25 ot». additional if »c-eened CrWBt 'he yard. Dealer» »applied Bt a «nw prie», a' corner nf King and Orneowtob ala. |mlblm| PETER CLIN TON C"s|IAls-Pe-sch Orchard. Rad A»h, all under cover and /dry, re »ereen»-d and delivered to any party of the elty, from my yard». 111.1 Bi.w.rv. and corner t(».nuier.'ey and Bedford »ta. Large Nut, ttsà 00; Stove, Egg and Broken, .»a '0, Chemut.RS Ml AI»o. L'bigo, Itlvarpnoi, Comberload, ke. o«.» eenta I»m Lointheboaw. |lf3tn*| J ACOB WEEKS. JR. CniïsTiTMrwK« TirAÑ^irirñKiir^^t^!«} dl»oh*ri-i'g thi* d*y from the »eh'sonsar laanel. Stove and Kg« a' the low price of RS -¿A. All C>«_ from yard cry. under ouver and warranted beet qaant« 1 »rd V14 Wa*b- ¦artoe-«t nssor Spr ng. lay |n.s Iro >. Kl.RRIOAN C' (IAI. HrvUll'tU TO Sl'MMhK PKICEB.-Paoeb Orehord and Lalsah, oil »ire« Abi 14f_T STOKES DK'KKRSON. I"7 Anthony»». COAL... n«J t. «a --rat «,utuu Uwersea., «-.¡»i. ox* for.a'.bv -»"li ML'BRAi, NRM.YOKK A .Mi Hill. KAIl.tsOAD COM¬ PANY -Tb* Stockholder*o( the New-York and En» Railroad Company are hereby notified that an tnatallmeut of ten dollar» par »bare on oil shannon whlob the pay- mem« heretofore made do out »xeeod eighty five dollar». required to be ot* ot the uttice of the Com pony, No. ._> Walt-strset.oa or ba'ore tb« i_th doy of April next. By order of th« DrsKiron. NATHANIEL MARSH. Secretory. New-York M»reh I- «nl;l I«,. NeW.JKKMEY »IIM'I« rO.YlPANY.-Mock- holden thtt hove nol paid ibe in»t»iiu..nt .aliad (or. pava'.le l»t o," Nowemb«r. :!»-i7, are hereby notified in»! .otd oa»e»*c.eu( of « ue aoiiisi- per »bars wi be received ot tb« Compeer'. otTtCss. at the nine in Hod.oa Co. oe»r Ballavi.la. or et tb» ag*"sr. ** Soath W .rth-.r. Pbiladel - ».efoea Iba ISO. day of AartV .__. By ordag os* the Bostftlol Dtf*«_ia. A. MARTÍN, Tre_".rer. m LA *w«xxl ("'^TITi^WTrí »tl.'i» sV I'd.Tl: CHI» «t otfaTfareol» ^Wntai i'agser«.A (sin *««wi_aetoi all kind». Priming P.pwr» «.f wswlc-o» »«re« }Ivdw»r« Papet» ad » Hanging P«o«t».While, btown. «re«n. hacT. Ac. Wrapping P«per«.Suaw ami Ragot all s-BMsi C iloi-ii Papei«. Tb« basst. a»»orti_ei.t in market. Sheoit la| P«p«r«- Hoo«e. »b'p and tarred* Titeo. Papan. Rio., pink, yellow, gteen and allotted. S»oe Paper«».White e*-d ai«ort»e I . B'.acbteg Powder -2 ,-a.as of the bc*t «j-Jlllty. Alum.Otound sud crude. SodsvA.b ÍA too« Ba's Rope C itttn_», Ragw, Pel'iog». Tw'n«. »ad » fall BtanrtmaBt if all kiadi of P»p«t *l»nu(«ctorer»rn»t»ri»,» «I t'w_ CtgMUII NI«>*A) H KN1TI KK.-Pi»»- iink.tds. y g.-riir.» Bui pat-», alau. haui.imai font» and eolia«- tion plate«, maoufociu.el and for »a « wni|...i» «ad re¬ tail, ai b Bussing . ip, by Ll'Cll'3 HART, «so lw Lai. B ardmao S Hart T.ABI.K AMITtRA .»rii(l>«..-Brr*_snlaipoooi, voii.ty of aia*a. msaulac nred sad f »r a«'« «u a ho.e- . »|. and tetail, at. Bar ug«..p. b) IT ILS HART. svA lw_Late B.ardr-an k Hart ÍpXtTEU 1 ANOLK-sl IC_H.-B.itanr.ia («.led _a«t« r«edl«-cK-k«, new a «¿at arm, fir ». e .- o Bs'iiM.ip, k> LUCIO?« HART. «vi lw_T »-. Bcssirdirno S Hare C~-»AfH ¡-»'d tôt B»le Rote Caitieo. old Kp,*. ,'d J Caavasa. Oessy Bsgn.g». »it» sas, end all other bird o' paper mar» «f» turen .t., » » T SS.V» :-mr rVKI'ltV sV|»'I.H_stl 1. H.t» . .- Â. H. GALT. &CÖ7- PIANO «vt.KTK wVAREROOMI »3d IOsj Tbui «weiioe. Ki-trr of Thi.- teeBlb »L mil tf -a. -s.y , tfgJ^TjH« . 3 t 7 7 .flAfail r(lHTk>,-.-|isc_iiM»i par- tiaastH Piaas« arl. fisd M lo tbalr «draa- 'V* t « »1 . . . Maaar»«., I** /attooat |Wr«t of »truaaway.'i A faaaral ssa»rlsiiaatorMa.-».i«sB,-rjd iu-*rvo^j Plsosstaaa- itaattv 00 bao i. wb'ah wir» no «old 'oar f-.r t.b provtsd sopar Daoiorw ««; -lia-ii ,.« ,:.. r lena«. wsw'»w » » . ». ....., ifÉ_______K .TVf PIA.*»!» ivOKTK if AM r'A4 Y t --.. t ,. .svdw» Ao aatlraiy aaw «rtialc. w»riaai«»d aapa rlevin tosa i.'«i»ise» 'jtaa« s.jcsa l«.»- gtsr thoa.oj otiw to nto, utad« witbo paaallor htup froer«, obwiatiBg ts« «.Isjaatua to a était« ».siaiea. A vnctos easi.aty wt.l be «iwaa w'iti «aeo latuetaaat, oat wt-ao Bay doabt o* to tbeu ««».uy <. »a»r««a«d. Use p»»s_-a ¦»«y be wr»*.*«s'* aotfl t»«fc ¦' r.\Y k 0.0*31 fit It IH nmmm*. «M «Ma Rrs*áw»y MED1CLM-S. DE. T0WNÄ_5ND*S »ABSAP-J-ILLA ml MlBBBtf t '«r ri;e Th« m^a- os_.adl-s-y Mec; - i m- v*'*.'"" TauJ.-fru.-f ' P- i. V.f H3'l_-_1'.'._.. cA-ay»» w.'/,__iu!rr n«s/f-_««-.d s«_»*-r»»T re any .- .. >«'»»l*»«l.'M|.|l«fP'-li iieteat-e .e^e'.tJifa-'ng (V IVflE Oi.r-.AT BEA.-TV AND »l'PERU 'RITT of l-i» .»«.-tapen: a over al" itrer m-Ht-ine» is. that wh'l* lt eradi-at-s _at a «eue. it in» gorates the body. It le oa* of tbi very b»et SPAIN! AND 91-MER MEDICINE-I Ever kaowo u aot oaiy pinfie* in* «bol* »y»tare, sad .'.rene-D.--. ri»* p-tr-on. l.ui tt c.tmtesi «»., r«'i«««i «-»«-A ptaoa t pow»r -«.eeeeeeti hy no other rn»d!c.ne And ,. « succès«. It bta «i*»l-V* y*«r». more rhan lt>t'««i -. '.«ver» cacea of ¦»..»a«- »! a*t .. » !: h»«.»T«.d the live» o' more th»a 5JBS» ehildrao . »la goat M 1(1 (MKI CAVkTBsl op flEBZBAL 0EB1LIT. AND ' V\ aNT IOT L»r Town*eni . 8«r*«par:ii« mvy». «..-.a weol* »y»- .....,- ; .- it- t .,»... '.. ;.»r «a»ri/y by th» efT»ct« f n.--'c ne r io«-..i»re-b>a c «tuant led in youth, or Hi» *xcee»ive irdu «c-ceaf lv« pa*» -".*. .ad brae«bl » a g*a»r» pn». -.»i pnaHraUon oaf Uta »ei- von« system, ia*» » «u,i of .««ai.«a», latotin. laaae riñe», pre'natu. «ieeay aed deeiina, u«-»leai*g Iowa-«* f»tai dura-» Ctn.umpie..cae .. «Mi-faly ta*»or»d -ty Uli» pi»»»»-'. reme-Jy Tbl« S»r**F*-vt!ls is far «uperkr to ", ,NVIO«i»RATIB<l CORDIAL. A* It renew» «a« I jv»«cr*«e» the »yster,. g.ve« act.vity to the lia»»* and «srreegta to tb* rat..nlar system, in a BBOOt .atraorJ aary d»«iee. C0NSUBTPTI01V CURED. «amr n- - "t* e«,ftaana. ."",. i»»pit.»» r_« »* am ed. /JVen- oAtlu. C*i^«i»_«pti»a. Lier lon.ai.l, Cold, alarrk, i »w|.'. -I»r*i_», *f«tri»g of h,**A. «.'»rrarii in tht rhest, B-etxr fluoh. .VigVi -sr.il«. Ptßemk or frotut* Kxpeeta- rut.n, Pas.m m !\e .aie. At ha-e been and can te cured. SPITTING Bf.OOi) V .»a, April . Or. T wi-rap. 1 v*rily be . » t_et " huitetr t-i« -r-ans throoih Provident, ol s«."r.| o.y -ave for »ever«! year« han a bad cou»n. it Iveeatne wo-«e »r.d w MB. Al .a« I raned l»rre quaniitie» t.l ¿it ««et», «ni was sr-a ., daatliUttad and . od did not expect to nv«a I nave ... « »a».tat time, and tnere ha« a wtadi Hal chani» beeo «I I tea Du»tm« ui wa.« »n over list a ¡n« e'«o_ri h.a. You eau w-ll irnatrine ma° Itimhi Your b't «Vt. VVM Kl'.*i«r L,..'.- Catbertae-et. RHEUMATISM. Thltiion.;, than four thoatand e«»e« f V. Dr. T.iwneenl» «ar»apari'l« ha» cnr»-. T.l- moat Kv»,< and chronic ease» are weekly eiadicated by it» extra..rJ nary virtu.« Iltee» f .«_¦lags E»q on» of the as«1«iart« In the Li' nate A«ylum, oi-ckweli . Island, n the gentleman »pok-o of the following letter ti '. l.i.a«io.Sept II, !«47. Dr. Towaitiso.J*ru, Sir I h »re luSered terribly frr nine year« witn the Rheumatism eonaiderable of tbe nine Ic'jL'd no' eat. »leap or wal«. I bad the ara i es«,ng paint, and my iimbe were terribly »wolien. I bave OMd four bottle» of your áarsap-r. ¡a, ar i tney bava d ine me more tKai, one ttjoneand doilar« »totIk of good 1 « n so inu-h heti»r.indeed. 1 am »oiireiy relieved. Yo* are at liberty to u*e thi» for the bea« 91 -ted Your», re.p-ttfu lv. I I'MMINOB fits! pits: pits: Dr. Town»»nd, not bavi.g toted .»ariaparliia la eaaea of Pi*«, it et«ur«e never reeoinmend-il :¦. and wa« »urpn.ei .(¦ receive ih» l.i..'Wrt frei au intelligent and reepec'aii.e Farmer in VV««tcbest«r County FoaoH.M. Aurait 1.1. 1847. Dr. To«m»eod De«r Sir.I h«.\e » utile «til »even J«ir» t »t», who ha» been »everal yare efP.ici»d with Kl'a. we tried «i«n-«t everything for her. hut wttbouttu«.- SOOS; at last, a though we coin hod co rseoosa is onr »Ir« il»** lor caaes ¡ike hers, we thought, »he wa« in vert delicate health, we would »tve her ».iii.e of your Sanara-i. ». «.«.d aia very g td we did, f rite«' .torrd ber «tren.th. but »h« ha» bed no return rf the Kit», to oat «reat pleasure and surpri-e She fut t Irogged sod hearty, for whicii we feel grateful Yo«j:«,re»p-ctfuii«. JOHN BL'TLER, Jr FEMALE MBDICIMB Dr. T..wi'ien«.'« "ar»«p»r;lla»a»"vereiin »od »peed» core lpt1 n. «l»rieiii,»s«. Piulaian« Uteri, Co»ti»»ne»», Pile» Leu«5«irihT-».ob«iruct«d .«rdirtteuliMe««- «uruation. and for the gai-ral pratretion of lh" «y«ten, .r,o matter wbeth»r tbe retu.t of inherent etu«» «r so_Oaa, rr«« doe*d by irrei'ilar.'y ., «t or accideu'. Noihugraohe more Mrerieta» than It» ir.-.'g"r»tiug effect» ««u the human frame, l'eriooe all weakneee and lasittude, from ta«in» n ar once become robust and.full of energy under ils influ¬ ence. It in m»'lately counteract* the nt*rv-le««nes« of ti.e female fr«ma, which the great cauea of barrenness I. w... ». t 1.» ».p»<-**-«i of «a. in »hi of »u >. . a »m. ture, to exhibit cerrifte.ai». o' eures pertormec. f,nt we can a «sore th» »ffi.c'ed, that hundreds of caees hase been re- p rt-tl la Th«in»a_d» of catee where families have !>«ei, w ihotit c, iJdrer,, a'ter utlng a few hottl»» «if thte in- valuable medic ce, have been ble»»ed wlih fine, healidy .TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES Th « K.v'-*ct of Sarsaparille baa been e_pr«*»«ly pre- pared in .eii-renrn to fen«ale coriipl»,nn No lema e who na« rea«,n to tuppoe» »he apprcaching th.: critical t«-- ! rl.id,''ie ''«m«/ life.' «hi.uld i,e»l« ct lo irle it, it »veativ» BM any of lb» numerous mat horril,ie ¦- to '. h h leinale« are »ut,j»ot at th.» time ol i'te j 1'hi« ji»n«id etey te t*tmn*m fot '...trat yean by u>,ng Ihn mid,, nr > ,r la it lee» valuable for th.»e who are ».'- proactun» w< mauhood. it calculated lo »s»i»t ns'.ir». by iuii-»en.rg trie» blood and invigorating the SOSs.BS. B- dee«, thle «nadlelae lavaleabli for ail ti.« de:i«*at« di»- r**e* to which wotn-n ar» sab It brace« l_0 »'i, > tyat»iu eoew» permanently rh» oetura! ener. .«.. hy rrrnoviiiit the inipuritiee of the body. c>t fartiiniulatinw r«, produce tuteequei.t leaxation, wlne'i lo» !.¦» >.; BBMfl in-dir ne' ta»»«! inr '»male w«a«i,.«« an « riiaease. By o»'ng Blew bottle» o.' I'll» mcdl cine, B any ... v»ie and pa afal »urgical opération» may be p«ev OBEAT SLEM1BOTO MOTHERS ANU CHILDREN ll la t"n talet-i and most erlecloai medicine for pumytng th» system and relieving the sud-r'as a'tendant upon cnild-bii'h »v»- disc« veired. It s'rergtbens b.itli the moth¬ er «n ehild, prevenr» pain and disrate, iocre.ee« and en- riche, the food BaSOO who havs as«4 If I '«indie- S entable It hi«hiy nsel«,. r, it. -'1er oe»> n»m»rt. it prevent» «ii»«»»«:» attendant upon chi.d- I cj»tive«.e»«. piles cr imp«, »we i. .1 the feet, detpondency, heartr, irn vomiting, pel- m ¡be back and min«, tslee liai..». n»inoi :'.,.«. BM u re.u.elin« ihe ie- oreiion» aid ooaatiSIBi lb* BtrS-latior. it ha* no roa*i It ne.uiy in I'll» iiie«'ieliii» i*, It always la!» and the in«.«t neníate u»e it uto.t «-»»«ssfslly »arj f»w cast» require «any Otaal ined.ci- e .n SnBB* a II.n-. 1 «.!or Oil. or » uaefu Exer«-'»« '.u ih» opeu a!', »ill li|i!,t food wtih thte medicine, will alway» maure a »afeaod ea*y confineD«»»' BEAUTY AND HEALTH. Côwmniica. SB.Ik, and a variety ol t re| araioi.» general¬ ly lo n»e. w hen applied to ihe face. ve< y a«. n »poll It of iitleautv. They aloae tbe pores of tbe »kiu, and cheik me circulation, which, when nature not thwarted by d!.».»* or powd«r. or tbe »kin Inflamed by the »lk»'ie» uttari in » ,ap». be-a-tifle« It« own production In the hu m tn face divine." »» well In the garden of rich and da lieately tinted sad vir legated dowen. A free, ictlve and healtby circula: »¦ of the fluid», or the courting of the pu », -ich blood ro the exlre«ul'.le». that which paint» th« countenance to the moat exq'ieite beauty. It thai which m paru the indescribable shsd»s and lis she» of love- lln-se that all admire, hut none can «i»»eribe. This beauty ie the offspring »fiui/uo.not of pencder or i' «i| Il there Is not a free and h»a!thy circulation there is r.o b»auty If ihe lady fair . driven »no«, if she pair t and use oo»met!c» »nd the blood thick, cold and impur*, »be It not beautiful. If »he be brown or yellow, ant there!» pure and active blood, it givee a rich bloom to tbe cheek», and a brilliancy to ther eye* that faacina'laj. Thl* why tb. Souih»rn, and especially the Spanfah la¬ dies, are so much admired. Lad'r» in the North who take but l.tt!» extrcis». or ar. confined la cloe* room», or have «pt.ile.i 'heir complexions bv the application ol deleteri- oui mixtures, if thev with to reíalo e asticity itttep, buoyant spirits, sparkling »yesand beautiful roio, kksjea» they «bon,d ate Dr. Townaand't rJartapariila. Thoutand« who have tried it are more than taii.tied are del',lie!. Ladle» of every drier ¡pi ion crowd our office daily. NOTICE TO THE LADIES. Thia» that imitate Dr Towoeenda .Sarsaparille, have In- vi.'iably called their »tad ag«-"il Henudy for Females ko. Be. and have copied our bill» and circulare «hieb relate lo th» complain!« of women, word for word.other meo wn nut up medicine, hav». «inee me »reat »ucees. <l Dl Townsena . Sanapanlia in eomplaint» Incident to '«rale» recommended tbe'r«' aith mgh ptevlouily iu»y did aot. A of thai« Mtxturee, Pill«, fc.-.. ar* injurio»« to t-- male«, they aggravate due»-«, an-undermine the con- stllntloD. SCROFULA CURED. Tbl» caitiicat« «.onc.uslveiy pro .e« ttiat tbl» !_r»»p»r! la ha» perfect »ontrol over tbe nost obetioaie di»ea»e* of tbe Blood. Three person» cured tn one bouse unpreee- deuted THREE CHILDREN Da. TowMtiNo Jarar Sir. I bave the p least re to Inform ym that three of my children have been cared of the Scrof¬ ula by the a«* of your excellent medicine They were af- dieted very «e»«r»ly with bad «ore«; have tak«n only (dor bottle«; It took them «way. for which I feof myself ander gmtobligation. Your» rMOecr'ul V, ISAAC W. CHAIN !«t> Wooeter-al. OPINIONS OP PHYSICIA.SS Dr. Towns»Dd taalmntt daily r*e«lvingord*ri from pby- llcian« in ditierent parti f th« Unloc. Thit it to eerti'y that we, the and»rilin*d, Physician* of t»e«-rtyol «.«any Baa« la nataenia e«s. praaulka- Dr Toa asead» Hs_«a«*rliU. aad ralieve it to be oa. *f tb« most va.uab-9 pie,.«_.- alioct in lie ;.¦».-_*!_ H. r PL'UNO. M.D. J WILSON M.D. & B RRIOOe. M D. A.baay. Aprlil. 1W7. P t. ELMENDOR/. M.D CAUTION. Owing io the great suc«m* and lauaeoee tale of Dr. TownMod'i Sarsepart! a, a naaiber of men who «er» 'or merly our AgenU, have cosntaanced meb'ng Saraaparllia .. r...x:ra. Biters. Eatostou af Yellow Dock. _e- Tbey generally put it up ia tb» mum* »haped bottlea. .ud «rime of them have «oleo sad copied oar «dv.-rtise- B e.t«; they ar* only «orta.*es lasiUUoB*. aod »hould be avoided. Pi ocpai office. lJu Kultac-t«, aaa Building. N Y ; Red fiiog A Co. » 8_a«_s-st .««.toa Dyoti a Son». 11. North S»cond-»t Philadelphia; ». S Reaae. Drjia'.st. Baltimore P M Co-en. Chatiestoa; Wright A Co. LSI *~ksrttei Bt N O tob South P**rl-*» Akkaay a,- by all the principe Drugiier« «od Merebaat» i*««tally t_toaska>el the I'aited Star»«. We»r In »at aad th» Canada. ¿If MW_.gtf :m* ^¡h\V-VÜKK UtXllifOPATIlIC DISPENSARY V? n.iHiii opaa «til* xaVaday« eieepted) at 12 BOlook, M A «o at lt /oasak . on Sa_u day. for tb« uaatment of Sargsoei cat«-. Pav»ic_u»a ATTiaissca-A,«.«««», Dn. Birbyand Birlo«; TM'«.-g, Bia «.*'¦ *D1 Taylor, H r/«wita». Dr». Sa.w aad Bow»«-! "_.«_> ¡i-, wr(»ht aa-t Bolle. *¦"_»», Dr« Hawk, aad alien. Satnramt, Dr*. Jalo, Baya-.'. McVi»_«_r «.«. Carer \VATKItlï«t_r«l»TAIII l-li'IKVT, .""-. ».¦ vv .- -I). TRAU at «aw »alergiag Lis tec mt_oda- ,..«t,l«. geagjal »dim nal room«, » it- . gym- eaaiam for i«aoar «xeraiar. t..;, , n;-e_ up pr«v:.u»io ._. «r«t f May It. T. «jypl ct thl« ,y»t*ui t* N.'h ecu'* it-eostefjaaeraliy In f»vsr« of all kind* tbe -airr.eat B prom« knj «, r..t. Mo«' o'rbeootj.- * «..«-_« aad »-¡.cr.ii .o r-na.e. a;.' .jeedily a_d per: -*«.. reilataed. Cblidre. pi«dl»ew»*d tu uie- **** if° ^_î___,*1' -».'to'-'-.»'! >n. aod yneng person« «ho i e a. ,*lra«a , alt pr«a* .r-a.t: ,r»r,. aeuaa babits.may >*»t*»*iy (Bprcved aad irv-t.t,rated »by by » Jed.»loa» * .* .* ."M Ba at eea&bi s*d «ith «eurrec. t.gime. aad »v.: »Ofta»! earn:it.. B H_Bavtr»etara»d Ibe fi«-»i Hydr patnte lrslr.ui on a A>ii*We«-aW»»_*«1agSe't-r.iad s«v»ral years io«s._b!'.h- ' .»..»»*i»t__ «it» ««cieetikc bads. Dr T die- r.*lr-_a.i-eo««tii«»norsrrri«-uiy with 'no. ptemdtay i««oettha, _t« «Mt* sal <j<a__a,«.oiet*p V-ar-ie* bouse« U"-t____**IM U U'*'e: «--". ,!-d >»:>.'.»»« ib-meelve* or .«an ta* tie», «apue» that, i«eora>«« or ny » cr*»» . r***_lt-_*r '¦-¦''' .-.i,'. n.a U' ( 'OOBWIV-V HIHIKINfl.Od Ti« Roo« nsa-i. ,_îs*_?**..,1, f i'ot s*w "-"'. »«* "".." a * « ..vare*'is <| ecu. io-«'« oi«r twenty eqaara*. for 1)3 7s .jar .«,«_». and war.«anted Ooxdwm« Pat**t Hydro- r»«aaay « Cameni 8e«saUUng OMUae a baadewne, eteap «iSgat «yrtd g«_tt>ta roof, aeiiber pileb aor gi-«»l its.* us I Sf***.*'*-__. **«»?*r«a«j«aiial «Bae.iaeo* at GOOD » s » «ts*i-w«£tr^ .* '^^jrSmT IIOISES TQU-fs_ _.. T(, , F- ¦'«. FOR «AALB-At Wi ... ¿Tick boos«, wiihla tbr«a ailoulst» w».k of the ¦a*** i « a-«'»e - , r, - nty'f New V'ttk rorlsr-s. itrs it tb» firry Isnust, assess,«** .__-,. mlrnTiO LET. 'r.itn 1st d May. bs't ot » Ian si m~ »..-,- h. ass « Ht«e»»aB »t eoasti'.tBg of twi p*-:««r* I **_¦.#0 thf, s.. . ,,_ -.s, fcsM'ng d««.r». bock by-rent. ro. u.» »« d'latt of oo .nier eol.ar R««t<».'". N B A ¡. .-'...«.» p»a»e« tft« door. In-air» at ' ¦ No-fik.t_» VVA>TRD-Poi » small »choi, '.n the v'clnityof Hn-vswaj, ket-e.« k'.n-t» »ad Poartaaath**¦ two .rarsrii «nmirremeatln. «¡r . SlaaBaasr» or part « b-t.«» coatuning roans« as above- Addre»» A. II 1- Baa _»_____ £1*350 HKiT TO LET « »Odern Ur-r tioisae Ab:a/«*.i_ Pia.--. Troy «» r-.r .wo *r.re res»«. leq-i'r- fh HAINES, I« Charle»-»« tUH M__________ r'¿m~TÍÍ LET.it« ,a« leni'ii $*.>.h»u»e B arl »t i.nrd eaal ol BroaSway. laqait« si U Sec- *»i,.d.r _«6 St- ÊTO LKT OK l.KA-iK- A hoow» .'«.«-»r-d d-c». r.geihec wttn «bout «n »c-ee of cho'ee land, » tirtl- r«te «taad B>r bailees« Rent very low oed pc*»ee llt.B imit>rci«reiy \l«o. to let or leswe. ¦ browo »t M nhe »toce fa vor aM y kaown tn th. eity W»t«»r -my Inqa're of W'M J RO'IME. «¦ a Market, «-r corner ,i i w I E'ghtb eweaaa._«-i im» T'l LKT.T« e lwo-«stnry buck h-ioae *4 MÖ7t«-r.-»t. tSBE. T'l LKT.T e two-«t<iry biKk hjua« M-it Bf-_ Tba I « u«wly painted and iboroaghly IS> wr"*- i :toj of so ander eel'«*. Heal sad back baaem.ot. with pantile» between front and bfk l a .ire« rein« »nd p.n'rl». oo »««.nd Bear, a I room« »n »me. t «ether w th the Ciotoo water io ba«e- ,.- . re.irabie and convenient reeide-c« »i «i \r.<\ i:«« a i'eesyi *S -'. M HOI.-K TO LI r ,- <ry nandtng a fall view of in. b«y »r.» h»rb-.r. í mlnnres' walk from the feiry ard li minute«' 'r m Wall-at. R-rut tSi*. Ap- i « c F DIR A NT .'I \V«I «t.__'___. Em i.l'T si- . »as tbre»-»ory Boasts. corear - . I a Avenu-, weil . tun-- -7 .r dr» ( -ris. o-i«r li.j«i- r»-« Il haa a large room l'i lh«t ««sc.nti «.ory.nit ra i \ »<a the l'pper part of t Srr»»t Ht »renne ..F.'lR «r. i Waverlv Pia. ¦4 2w* înTs > LKT ~From T«rM âyTïn Fourth«! next bine. fcsh-, i «'¦«, oae two etory home.rent t jm ¦-Un- :-. <. r-' .«e. msrble mtnti-s snd fsshlon« »M. grues »il through Als» Crotón water tu, with link Bad «til« pip* eompl'-'e. T on» or tw.» «mall g*oieet ftmltia* will - let at *oS0. Hub->n ballt owe yeas Tb«re « a »tattle convenient can ecr.ommod»ie .' or Ht« wagon ro-ni For ps'i'-nisrt pleoae apply to m. PULS BR JWN, 366 Bowery, c r M FOR MALE, OK TO I.KT-wslsaMa pnTpertv «t Msahaiiann',.. BBM I'tng or thr.e ht» ground, frr»nnng rood » a *t r ef Cnw II»«- -, si Oo the same i. a .' tad fer ester« A «»¦; »toty frim» «' -1|. V- Th'» iia gr»od «'aud for carry- mg on a large b-it'rre«» in «eat, wtvd, feed, -C The New York mi A'-sirj _gllllH_ paiaei resr tb» preaisB» I »ad It in c.ine « f c ¦nttrue',oD. There a good wh»rf w «h'n a »hurt d:tt»n.-». For 'errr»« _c »pplv on the or io J. L KNAPP IDE, :w lei »Ve.l-.t. Êl'AHMIN'K.ST.-T.» let.t"«' i ¡.e~»7d . «rl»p-.d for any telatl ha«toe«».haini rh- thiril bouts from Bleecter. north ilde. Apply »l 1~ dr. o n _al 1.* ÊTO LET- A nek rTHiiuing in the tear of 11 and f. Lsurem.t. soluble for a faetoty or work.hop Inquire of S. WEEKS, H Mtr'ontt. before I o clock. A M or «Trlween 1 and It} P M_mi Im* TO LET.The »a»e«nenl SI Br.ndwsy. »¦ excel- rut lo.atlcn for a boot ot trunk mike«-. ra.tatf WM T JENNIN08A C-> «ff*k^T<i"1JÎ1T-Store ii Bowery, occupied fur the _»t ¿_j_ «1 ye»ra by l.ita'o Reed, a* »m-aiahii». A fir»l- ¦^^ r i'e »(»ti i for a pr iv-«i n »r. r- W uid be let fur ;i ¦ sths f.-.-m th» frat «a» sfaaatMar, r ye»r Rent .A ¦" In »uir« if JOHN BAM : IJ t »I. up »talr». at« 2m- _ TO I.KT- To Litetaiy, Moral and Reliai »ao- ne new, pletssnt »nd convenient Lecture- room of the City lointute. Ill Al ««yet. Can be bad «lagt n the ueek D-sng'i'er» of Teroper.inc« will find Ir a pleasant room in which to hold their after¬ noon meen nr» m.*7 2w* c f-' TO IJIIOt KHH TaLet,tb law«*«tareeeraarof Barrow «r. and Newark evnae, formerly occupied by John Amten. a grocery »tore. Al«n, larg« »tor-«dj ¡iniiig. »aitable for clothing or dry g ..ft »tore. Celler and »table may be hid with bi.h the »t re. Also.For »ale 1 or ) new brick honiei within S all u'.* wall. "1 Jeriey City feiry. Po..eiilon given tmmerii»-.,' ail the atH'.e pi p«rtw, lDQ¡itro ofDAVIU JONES, tlte tl oBBsa «io-.. m\* 2w FARMS FOR SAU;. Milillí MALE.-A (arm III «. . it of t.i-s Cityol "¿' cotiiMnlng Si»- acre». It »aid to be one of s Banal valaeala t.run iu Celambta Coaaly.th« word»' it) mated to worth at least I _IdlQtfI T. I. HALL -i-s Rrnvtw.r SrOK 1SALB OR r\l HANOI for City Pro¬ perty. A farm ol about o. acre», pleaaantly »iluaied on I.i.ng lalaad I nnor» ride tit in th. city by rait rosd on the farm there ia a gxid hnu»-. k'tehen, barn and .'her ¡i' bailding», a »¡.id well ot waie' si ihe door, «n orehsij ¦:' »pp.». cherrie*. pearhe*. pear* »nd quince», »nd . variety of ahrnhhery, (og-tber with the crop» now I ia the ground. Twoihirdiof the m ¡oey can rem« n on tarf"-r psri.oulars in-iuir» o* 22-i [r.-.w BBOtl .-«,1 ;.n< «t. ni would he let low H a good liUdnt m.l .'iv. _______________________________ TREES: TREES!! TREES!!! a A LllKIE LOI' t'K A1LANTHI á and Peach of ail k I id. »» .'li h Si. y -Il- r v.i leite» I Ft Uli and OrtiO» in-n- .i lire« also. BOB large A.paragu» K'st'ti Apply to Mr. 'Ill RTEWAET, OBI Oea-H ndr-rl and Twenty »ntnanl Kr «hin avrn.t.. aad JOBEPH LODOE Nnrieryman and Land.«ape O-rdrr-er, Morrinnia De¬ pot, in Har'en,, N. V N B -J. I. in acknowle«(girg past favor» ht-g i't i kg Ml I .. con'lnuei planting and Isylag ot C ty »nd «r.burbsn («stner.i in m-d-»m sty1. _riB aw' IlMHaUKAlMsJE. KNK K Kit HOI KKK PIRr". INSl'RANCE COM¬ PANY O* NKlA-yoRR.ottic« M Wsit-at.-Csi ital -. i.i.sn. -ilriiinaliy inciirporatsMl in 17HH .Thi. company cont nnei to in.ure «gainst lue» and damage by ht- m ÜM nu «t favorable term»i it» operation» are eontiued ehiefly loth» City of New-York ond It» immediate proxiui'ty. Aillo»».»» adjusted and paid with prnuptne»»and Üb-rtilty. UtRHCTORS. Gorge Ireland. John Oothout, George ArcnUrlot, R-t.-rt R.-nioa, John Campbell. Oeorge Con.lin. Joehua Bru»h, Robert L. Stuart, John 'Jray, Boitu Moore, Kdwsu-d Cook, Aaher lliley, Antbony Lamb, Adorn Nome, Robert Kermtt. Benin C>e Formt, William Tucker, Chas. P. L.v.rich, Anthony Chardon, L-at laC.Hainereley,William Hrowalng Alsx Lawrence. William E. Deaa, Henry Klsworth. UEOROE IRELAND, Pte»id»nt. A B. McDonald, Seeretory N-w-Ynrk. Oct. 2. 1-17._«y| OKFICKOF "TIIKHOPK HÜTCAL LIVE Iniur.a'e Coropsny,'' ri Wail-iL M«»rllm-r Büllúlngl New-Y.ra, IMh Msrc.h. 1847. T.-.i. In»i>iiiiii.u.ln«-orporstedtn I8M.with a Itrsssrsl and p«rp«atual charier, a,.d duly orsrami-d according lo l»w. Da» commeiir-o lu«» l.uilae»» of Lifel-jiunnrn, on lb« Mil- lu»' principle»; the eel prohi* t.-tag d'vlded »onus.iy .rncsrst inn linired, »rrcmiinj; lo the act of Incorporation. T'l« rat-»» o'prtairlum« conform with the utage of other itntirr r.ompanlei.'or the ronwenlence of partiel Icnrlog who would prefer to p»y the premium« by InilAllmenit.it lefl t«j their optl si when ihe preailain eic.edi .».'¦. te p«y oQ««-hslf In ra»»i, »nd i«»c«.re piytneui.,( lb« r-»ldue In !. inirji'i»,'¡y *a »pprovod nulo hearing lctere»! »I g per .-em. Tit- live» «| married mea may ne tn»are«J for liie benefit « w:.-«a".i rhlldren, «o that upon the deeryaaeof ihe lr«nr«t.; the w'fe If llvliig...'if Dot, Iben lilt chlld'eD «nil r-crlve t ie «vmisurji p»yaul- by ihr« po.l-y, fr'se _d clrsar of «cy «*l»lm by the eredilorsof thed--«-ta For tie rrtiai-r »»vurliy of pssrile» iasi.ri"g w'.ih ihl» cc.upsuiy, tne Trosiras« hove provided oo Indetroliy fund, io lbs amount c <i¿b,0OOf mett («srjinol may accrue upon poltet«»» tstrar-d i«y «he di_p»ny which Is to remain, unit! »capi-.slBi-iserlir.y th»t oiiiount (holt b»we bean re¡allied fTom the receipt of preralumt, when U will be co longer c-<--»»»ry, »cd may tie wltbd»»w... The follow'tog a lt»t of ih« Orh«-er» »ad Trudee» for lbs SBdiiog year.v:x ¥P.(_ STKL«. :i»i_»uie> Wswsd, Sir» Wjcnt, Cjain.-ey Ayres, aimsx.Baldwin, Joaepb 8. Nooes. Pnllip M. Oaiplu. D.:r,l» P-rklns, Ro»well Hoyt, Wni L. Brewer, J j.m A. D»w»«oporl.9»m'l R- Hatierlee, Jame« Dlmoo, A.fi'r i!. Dana, C. H. Btsardne-, Chat «Vhltll-wey, Charles J. Taylor, Jono W. Leadi, Jeiepb 0. IN »rroB, Alex'r Hamilton, Alex'r N. Holly, Si.«pheo B. Provint, JaineiT Se ...r « r. T Misai Tr:«a«>. üsveoporl. ALEXANDER N HOLLY. Preildaai JOHN W. LEc.t*», AssUaanl Prseidenl. JOHN A. DAVF.NPORT, V!ea PrsMtdeat iO-EPH B. NONICS, Actoory. ROM W EL- isOVT. Aaeratory. WM. WELLB. Oaoeral AajssA Daau, Woudrasf k Itssonard, Keqi. Co>ua*tsliori and At- '.ornawa ef tba C<.rspany for Me w-Yerb. Wm m. Ki«scr, E»e C«s«a r i-a a\o. «, M. L>. soil A. Coa-a BalL M. D Pbyttclaos. He-lleai Es- a t oed Al7l«er« of the Company f-»r N-w-Tork. C M_BCB| Ayo», M. D. Paysl-ioa «_4 Medical Adwiier fer «tamforil BlVllaodtf i.kc;\i« i\oik i.s. BY OKHKH of Hon. Mlcbaal Uloaoeffer, FI m Ju .<- _( Nrrw-Ynr» c'ommoa Pino», noli«-, berehy <iwe ., pitauat.l io ihta m >«.»i.,n»i'f ihe »Ulule ouiboiiziag ot- ie« hment» ogoln.t »s»c<>r,4ing, coere.lssd and ooo ra«'deni dsstiitir». ir-ol ao oiUsChmeat ha« i««u«sd «-slnst u.« «-»laie .jf DAVID ParK. a liai d «a» ot ihe «laie of Tracassée, and lhai toe some wiii 1ms »old for ibe payment of bu debía, un- leaa h- oppf «r and discbarge »urh atiac.bu.ant. according o .aw within nine month« from «.he Ant puhitrailoa of lb» coitt-e, »nd (bai Usa payment ««f saw d«*0u tue to him by any parson within ibt» Slate,«tod Wedeilwery lo him or .»««.ofsuy proper.), rtssi or personal, wtlbtn this Bute tse.uogtng in h m, at.J ihe -.rar»fer ufany such prop¬ erty by hi«, «re forbidden by law, and ore vetd..Ooie-1 Um ¿IJdayof Ja.j. HENRY E DAVIEB. jrit law»«ts,_Attorney for Altacblng Creditor VOTICE-to parseanc» of ao order of Andrew B. iaHci County of Kings, notice ia hecrhv river, to all person* bavin» claim« agaicwc IN. iot« jl the City ol Brut-kl>a a »aid 1'o^r.yr. u«ce_te«, to pressent tlse asme wit.i -.he isa.luis toereol to one or the tubecribei» at hi» odice No. tt _ourli »i-eet. to the City of ?mfm- York, on or belors iL« twtn-.e'h day < >ct H, !»g7. .'. >.: I«' .\ } Admiontraior» IN I'l K-l INi 11 of ao ordar of thVaurro»aU of ibe ¦' nor.by irisa to »II aer- .un« having ^.».ras _aalo.t TllADDKI'-» t} BENEDICT, preesot rh« ( to the »ubs-riber, at h . o_ic«. No. »9 Wali-vUeat. ia lbs City of Naw-Ycrk. oo or before tb» eighth day ol July noAC-Deled New-fork,ih» six-h d»y of Jaaaory. ltg« V M;ÇLA I'AMBEET. ¿»«caror. 1\ 1*1 MMI* AMC H "t »«.oruerei she _«tj»ate of tea Couaty ol Ne-ar y jtk. ihi'Ic» '. heiaby »t»«» m »It p«j. »o«t 1 »vug claim» »aawai DANIEL LLIVaN, lata of . tsrraated, to p-evrsl tbs .an . wltu labaerlber*. »t tb» ttor» of .»eirg« McBrtê«, Jr N. Hi Broaaway.t« the Ctty of New- \ nk ,.a o- l..f tb« ist-entre'li ».»of Saptwosber next- Doled Now Yuca. to. itiih da. of Mateo. Id-OS JACOB HABVI.Y I_, ml? tawoso O-oROE M.BEIDE. Jr.» E*s«aton. g MH'NTIMi^MtM mr OI'SK-s, .>*., .V,. ¿V a- Itbn» » vagi»tv cf aatterae let aalsb* i. W. »imUCE. Br-osdw», -A- .»r.»d » I*«- B* .... Kerry ...VVb-». lit»* «T privtie re»;«oM_». «-. .-.---¦ , »ti m «h f ABM S70Ral. -e»r ib« preunue«, or of VA. "TUf-M .t N V ¦6 It £KOR íaÁLB-Tba >ew a-foij bro«. «toa*. ooa. . -.. ,1 Eghie,núi»t between l.'vioi p i»ce»od the P.urtl.-.venu. u the .**-* ..». of the «e.in* cbar«cl«r. ji»t ttortea - Enisbed wirb »II «he n-odsro itnproven«eo(», loeie«ilng ttur»i lu e-.»ry »'««ry. bot-air fur«,Mo. .tatuar» and Ki«nn« ma.-b«e mantel*, «te fcs. The piu-nv ing haa'been done by itlji » kad «Bjr*t *Ob- tiaal a manner. D ¦ . Apply u ÊI-OK *»AI.K < HE Al' -Anea' w«ii bol. «toiy boai a»ple**_»tne bord, wiih.u uiiuu:-» :.*. Ooehaf the purchase money can reman on moni»ge for a turm of .ear«. A| .... N ithdeventb »t. between .-._ Third vv ¡toi «rgl £-1 W AI'K, >. J. PMOPBRTV r m-"orto let -T'.e b «««i .«« lot b«~ Broa« »i. N*w*'k. N J Th- . -. de»p and ¡.'i fret «id* The he-um . two «Jtîry fr««*ne building with kitrhea attached a 'B good r«p»ir. Th» g.rden se "«''.. . ver *ty of Irait »ree« »raee vine«. A-* the l'ieati« n i»«iihlna few rr, j' « walk of the new êpot lately eaiabliili d. from which the « elT.ne: hourly for ih'» »ity The »bov» prop-r- at'd m a pleasant and beeithy p*rt of the cv. t » t»»y det'r»-« » '»»-»ne«« for s »mail «Ta-l'y. Ap- p y to THEODORE STOLT. Mercnaot«' Eitb*B»eB«_k. . -r ..no CQN'MT A. N"»LE. In W»ter »t. AT PKlVT«ÍTB^7«rí._-rr* tw«v.torv cotiag* fi»n'e bou»» with b*«emei.'. anil a'tie, filled in with bri-k. »n,l l ¦¦' ft kn «"« -«'« We», , icr I »tee, hotwire i N'Glb and Tenth Ave**«» ; boa*« -.«nda in «i i!-.» modera »tvl», -. - a gr»t»*. hath r !!. ».-ti -tan ro « lioalan apply H Are».,eeer. 7 OTOOtt. PTphK MILL. FOR BALK, *: R~ mi nidal*. u.,«a notili of P*'.er- *»n. » :'> thirty sire» of lan.i.ouedwelliii. htueeaad « n»n tbond.oee of water a'. a;i»«a»on» lodrive fcor laspa eaime« i un', and day Teruneaiv Por flrther pait.eu'ers irq/n'» of . r a DERRICRSON, l WS. KOK «Al.làf.Koir building lot» on th* Ninth- PI .. Apply t.» ellw» I BI.K.r Kl.K. Aueti meer. 7 Kr« » I M\ P ritlV ATI SAM. -Tke iw tiliTy" «¿d »ilic ;.,... betue »ad leeta I, SI Vssisai it I.»*»« .ill expue, May. 1 groa ad teat, ár.uf hooa* fi I in» by 10 ft. nie cf lot Id ft 1 in» by M ft. E, Eor particular», »pply to A J. ULEECKEK. aJ Auctl, »er. 7 h AT PRIVATB -ai.E the sou'li side o' Do« liuidie« and .»eien.e'titli it. o feel ei«t of Thud-avenue, each let a- by Part of the purchase rr,iiney can remain on bond and r'Mg«. Kor term», Ac »pply to v BLEECKER. Aucllcn««r,T Broad-«t SKOIt BALI I taeboyol Ne« coatainlsg »hour >i «erv*. Tb.e hou»e, (wlm- double,) the utbuil urg and fe, c»» are new. The place coutair.« a va'l-ty of fruir» and grape», »od th« » lew ¦ h. IM un»urpH»rd For particular«, loqn'/eol KDVVIiK BUTTON, 75 William-.t. or M the pren i*e» of T S BVRRETT._ ill la« mm BOH *»ALK-A beautiful eoontry r»«ldei«c», f«>r H Bey pernio wuhinr to reside in the country Bod do ^^"u«ii,»»s in rh« city The place le »liuatad on th» bank« ol the Badana Kiver, within half a mile ol the .teamboat landini a'. Yonker«. On the place 1»a good cot- tt.e BO.*¦ coach-hone, f. tilt of ai kind«, U arre« of '»,d Kor aertleals-s laaeire of Mi lo'tN RashkoR». at the ...eamh.iai «aadiBg« or of Mr FREDERICK KRdVVS We* S»i-,,'»-.rth st N Y mrnttW El of lluutingu-ri, L. I. «lUat» at the bead of the H »y. a go, «1 iw .-s'o-y dwelling home, bara and other aaseeasr] outbuildings, gn-den stock««d with peach and plum tiens, itiawberry, grope vine». Ac a «out IJ a.'ree of l»«d it aa high »ta'e of cultivation M can be made. MofOIt.d d»r». «led lfw»n««.l rr-r pirn oila'« I«i,|Uire .' B 'ALT-BS. ,'n th, preon.»«, «r ol VVOOIHICLf« fc Co. -07 front-»I N»«. Yml [<_gl_«sed* | E VVA-TEBl HII.I.I A H*«Hl KUH I'KOPKIITY toVilie »ery lov. -One two »lory »nd aide bou»» lu I»eon- aid-»t.- lot l-> feet by 10«,' hnua« '. fuet by By, nearly sew, containing II rooraa.price #1,1'»'.four huuird can remelu i.'rrgaln A so on» new ln-.'-il-ii »nd atlic h ,u»» with a.it hen ami one or two ,'a ground, cornel if Eavsa auti Amalee »i. near the Ooih'c church, Intimi.. D MANJEIl. soraoi ol Grand »nd Pourlh «t» VV :\. 1 ari'.t urali ti,I lni* *\%%KX I'KIVATK raAI.K.-Th« blgbl« «nuhed ^H two si rv and atic brick bouse aid l,t :K harir.inst ^Theh'U» i. *"> hy .*>n feec »* iih IJinoliwall« and »u'> C' Uar. having attached a tine two story tea-room I. by ,ui '. by ,lay'»-_i!rk lu the ii.olt «ii'.|la«ulal con- v-nunl aud c«.stly maiiner. Crotón wittr intitxiuced tooutfhuul the house with hot n«,d cold hath». B7BtST «- sand iiiarbltt wash.'ands In the «eeon.-t story The fsatSiaoba»by 100fepfc Th» whole preni »e» are lo the in«,st r««nipl» » and p-ifert order, «..'"" may re r-ain «,u hoiKi »r-d mor'tai») \f d ?«i/ed Por farthe'par¬ ticular» sppiy lo A J. RLEKCKEK, Au-''oueer, in-1 7 h road-it C'l.I P'1'IÍÑ, MTATKNTALiANI»"- FOR .SÄTE. a dw ll'o< h"u» h' f.-el «quare, '«»»id* a plana all round, "." fe»t from ihe water, witb a comniapcin. io i'.y. Bay and tbn Narrout; thn boute -iily linithed, the room« large, with reilinga of II -t ,,n h. rlr»t floor, and the basement cmtainln«. bastde kitchen, cellar, panflet and bathing-r om, abundant ¦_> c'.m'Dodation for me«!,ct A lot of «and of diineus'ous .ieeire«! by the purehM»r wijl (Old wi.h the h n«o. Al*o, cltage Ute« »nd bulling lot«, either »ingle or In pareel» may he preforrei Th* «tin«!ion of IMS propt-r'y n the most centra! In lb« .n p-ovtni part of lío- isian.i ; aud it believed no pntp- ertyfn Ihe seigbboikooe of thjruy presents (»vorable an opportunity for i..v»tt!iieut. Appiy t, W. W VAN WAO EN fcN, Is \Va!l»Uor mln !m OF.O B ROLLINS. «7 VS'a.i ,t ÊTO VIKHI HANI«», IIKIMl ANII'Htnd Man- ulacturer» .Mercbanr» wishing bcaull'ul bu'lding si', s. mechanic« and manufacturer, de.ir.iu« of »n.'. localities are regueai-d to call on the uo«i»r»it««««l at .' '.V.li.t or Ooe il «u ired and Eighteenth »t ilarlem. whj offer» fir «ale a large number of pare«» and of ain.Ie lot« very cheap »nd on mod favorable term». No place in Ihe .'cited Stale» offer« th« turn* ad vantage« »s th la property «itusted aa ft is at Harlem «ithin three-quarter» of a hour» rid« by tai'car» <r «tagM luonini »very 15 minutée to tb* b«a*t market in the w«rld. both for the itapl» and '.ha manufactured »r ucle. be»i,le haviri on each i,de a river navigable at all -««««.n« o' the year for veeetie of the larieet olas»; thnre are chur«he* of «very Chri*tl«n d»no»niuat'oo. and la'te »tihooie io «bleb children receive a g »id education ft. at any charge. Sirae of th«»e lois may be bad without pay !"« any money down, the purchaser Impr.ivlus the «am« Vtsuufaotu en c«n have buildins» pu' up f ,r their accoin modation on favorable term». Maebaniea will find plenty of work in lb« vicinity. N. H. Th* fare to Harlem (by .ommutation) no inure Ihio to Tweoty-thlrd.t by (be omnibuses ISAAC DOUOHfY. To Let, . fae'ory Toa.I on One Hundred and Twenty- a!.:,",»t »ear Railroad. lineid* M.VIII.I.H FOU BALM« ta r-ais^taTtJ" l«t and"iT.7- medial* po««e»«'oo giveu-The new factory build- in.'« and «ratal privilege», eituatel on Murderer« Creek, Orange Co. State of New-York, being one B Ik» fi om New-VV'indair and Cornwall Landing, foarmilaat from Nawhurr «nd a qua'ter of a mile from »loop navigation well known aa the bnurf Mill«. The property contitt» ,,f .m acre» of land « new A-itory brici build'ag i'.i feet B* -to. a Urge d weliing-hout». b«,iL put up la-.t teuton unàe. the »uperlniendenoa and dnec- tioo of Mr C. Leonard. M a eott of #<s,ooii, and eight good hulldiag« for work bantlt or lor other pur p,ses, and fruit treeeof all kind, on la* premftea The whole will be »oi.i a bvgalo. or will be lea»« i («vorab!« term» «reel Improvement» are goiui i«i In the d.aad - Hudeou River a«,d New-lfork k K'ie Railroad* ar* in the vicinity, and when finished will furoun ea.y communication lrjr-i the mil,» to lb* city of New York The prermiei can be *e«u M any time, and a* it Is nit ex peeled any one will parcha** witio.it »««mining th« .«farth pr, petty, a farther d»»,-ription il deemed uonace-i»ry. fur term» and other l'articulait apply at mil tf MRS O. B MILLER A Cil I In w,.»r..i N Y BIM. Il A.»IM KXPRKrtM- riVB ,'iAV LINE gROM THILA- DELTU1A TO ElTT»HLROH-Th« uuder»i/ued will leee'pt for merchandia« oy the bIkivo- named la.t liée tt fin Inweat current rat.-* (Joode in¬ tended for th» line «ill be loaded in the ear» of the ma.i p«*««n<fr train wlncb leave« Fhllad»lphia at midnight, aud % rive« in (;h«mb«r«burg (half-way to Piin-ergb,1 id twelve hour». F «at wegoe«. «Bleb travel day ton c|ghL are loaded itimediareiy, upon the Brrival of the emit, sad arrlv» io Pittsbarga in four day.«, mailing five day? fr»m Pbiladespbi« and »lx frote New Tcrk. >l«k pack..«. " «3 ..hain't E1V« 0«y Zxpnut Urn* -If tf WM TYaO.M. Aseet, i" »V «set «treat H. V ] PATKMJ-hISi' IIAII.MOAII " 1VV Lat« Arr»n|BU3»iit, Toa "friday, Octobet 1 \ofJ. Leave r»T«»Jo«» DeroT. N-w-Yoas » o'clock, A.M. c:oek, A M- lllo-eloek. A. M. 1-» tfeuxik, f. M. s o'slock, P. M. I it o'eIc»sk. P. M. ON SUNDAY*». Leave« PatenoB Wtpot at New York at I o'clock, A. M. ilaeo. A. M. I . clock, F. M. I l| o'eloek, P. M. P-saengsr» are advlMd to at toe Ferry . few uilaste. .t"'.' «w,e» r.l »t»»«:n(0| Al.lt \> Y dk .«( llfiifci TaTÜV ¡RAILROAD COMPANY-Merch«. 'd:«e «ill be recaiv«»d by r_e tiyjtt Company at Aibaoy. and transported u> Buffalo and inter¬ medíale placas by railroad, on and after tit* l«t of Novem¬ ber, proximo Printed ___ of Pn:««, tear be bad ea .ppllcatio* to ISAAC NEWTON, ;n Or*enwich-»i, or *. Livingston k Weil*'» Exprès* OtBc*. 10 Wallart. N. Y. A'I communication* In nlaüoo to 'roight maUen A, kasav rausx ba Mdreseed U> E. FJ9TER, Jr Sse'y. Aibaov. Oeeaaer -it, ¡847. .jo ¿ rk Joe mal ,f Comm>ra< «ill g'rirt »-ijT _»rK.NlN(;-i»lr THBÏ Ve.N.»SVLVaMA ta- ¦ALfaUM -awigha-o'«" ...targn -Th* uaferngn«* woald IlISSilIfoill v e.tata «hi. pen. mat on ia»r gr*t of March. n«vi nttaa «ill rt».im»«i forth« pre.Hit *ee«oe to Pitt». » th« Pea*«>ivani*Canal« aad Railroad.. (Jo««« mai»»i |.r tbi* Lin* will ., furw»rd«d waft glcat «.« pauh »ad at lit* low«t lornat r.te. S, e..mn,i«do*a o; -»-dtB« g «od« frot, Fittshunh A '..of ¦*»*«>_ Pa,-kft> « . piutburgb daiiy at to «.«ti. « ii.vnie, at Lcuia. Mara P- »¦" . . . . Lire ».aCaasvl '_^_»l_r-' ION A,»ui. io W»,iat. N. V. l4»*PpJBBBjBjBBa. IlkUUVVAKK, «vUl.|-;-T«»OI ., HL-J-Ji*.- CBablb«/ lutle. .!*:.*. ' a M .o (Jet-,« k -tul«. I,upoii-r and U«a «_»er*i _»ea!ar In Eog,i*b. n«rui»i aad Amencaa Hard «a-*. Celery. Edge "k.i k* _ fiH- ,-«K Ophelia dp U*it*d States Hot*I, New V. t.a2ct Ht .»!«, »'. lb« loweet niaiket rat«» beside article« _nd to baidwara «t»rre- *P**r'i mi, , pit ... i -:ri<»c«'-*awi; rtsuttle« ataabib»*. b'««-A lead p..;i a»d sand tia-lbisi lead alp« pumps tot w*. . *ed ei.lernt; hydraulic rar«, Switcb «atar of Ayr, Mia-oeit ac«i Ark«n«a« oil t.oue eooBOr«' tooi« by Atborrton. C. rger. Horloa, Bailo« A Baldan atid oiuere (warraatedl ; ea«aBataAaie* tvoiai ooop.r«' traae hoop«, n.«i», bow.le. cu***, S.C , -.,««. n»d ekig-ear- paat.r*' tool«, b;«-b»ui'B*' lo-l. , faiesisg ard garden BtaaelB uuiver Ml «beeaa t botolier.' luola , i tb-aat aak- .».' iriram ng» hi um «ad ¦blp-bu'ittaie' Bar* «rarB ¡ Iroa. bra«, cop p»r aid ««eel «Ira ekaet brsM ¡ «.king BtaaJe paleoi bo Al, be. i geovte« U_|1«_ otl «-BBi«latBBW<«_aVY COXaVKYANCEfi .sT~*~s^«'ís.* LAU MAIL LIMIT, ««-._ J^^j^agïT «t.«n «. d NewYork, wi»_r..t,tr,fl~,¿¡ Th. . ERBILT. (..»I b'.-.« ^y Massai tii-iKTTi, c*p- rotter, will ¦ 'i ,ng_o«| Ibe se»*«, ¡B eooBBOl'OB with the «Ar nirgtoa »r.i Ir»««, J-o.-- »ni B.s*wn *.rd Pro*i«1«fct k«liro*_», Vav.rg N.%. Tork daily, .v.-fl».« «aceatsd. freos pier Nm b Kir« at 5 o'clock. P. M and Mtoongioa at »«/««W,f tt.m apoo tlse arrivai «vf (he mail lr»'n ( om Boatos. These <te*m«r« tsT« uoiurpaaaed la «peed, sp>eDder«y coir, fort, bavin« -echo' Un m t* lArr-c .re modi priwgi. [ berth Cor MI. persone, besids tar,-« pr.wa» rc-otm» fa»r faiDlIie* sod parlor*. Toa «lo.meta or'ortiivsred by the .noir «sparie-ft^M^ ood wf'l «isorten _M pos**«- betws~»a Ni»T »k «ni Be» toa fron« i| us .buure, tberrby »rrlvlog In bswip . tías««« a»! the l.n.« lu.i.imsar m ri*w-ï«srk. Mswtk, .- ata »a« Weet s .1 .¦¦ .. ."° K*"» Tbe C VsNlO KBILT will leave Nsw-York. 1 esda». Thur«ví»y sal S»t«jrr*y. Lsav» »uialag'oii. KooUj. ' . TheMAr'sACII('''ETT3 *HI leave New» York Xtisj, r_y »..d Fr.day. Leave St-Blegta/O. Titade», Ti nr» »y a.d -SatirdíJ. N B P.«»enger»-¡n ihr »-rl .»I f the »t- om*rt ai «xa in." - w«r»ee-«r« .«- B*d»l - y ib »he ipieedid Baiiroad «Cor» to Provide»t» and Bo'too »«Car «svoinpaii.-a th. »cambist IfMel lo «ni fr r. II .'"n. i- ts»e onarir- of the baggage Fo« paa»ase. berth.. ítala r«..ns*, or íre-glt BpB.'itetiea m»y i e toad» to rb» Agents o i tits wharf, and at tb«««..», ______ .PKÓÍ»LIÍ,**l LIMChTKA »l(îll\fs| '. .R ALBANY, doiiy. Sende«» «»optad. V rough diieet-At 6 o'clock, P. M (row ir- p er betw -en CurlUnd Sot L t-»rly .'« Hie««.!*«* ISAAC NEWTf'.N. C.pt «'.li.mll p.y will Isars.ia Monday, Widaesdiy «ad Friday »venias». Bt S o'r. St«aoih .at «¡»MIRAL,C.;t Ahm lliteheo<k.wi!r»owe on Tue.day Thu »day ead S.turdsy «tomt.n 6 o'.loek Ar .*> c'c'o'X P M londi'ig »t Intermedia'' placas - f. -.t ol Karrlay M til AMERICA ('»M Thrs N l!u,'**, M«»y, Wed^eaday, Frld«y «ad *Jand»y af¬ ternoon», tt .1 o a ¦»tramU «. a AMT * Cl, M* C»pt 3 Orerbsgh. will leave oo Tuesday, Tbur*d»y and Satui«.»«/ »ttrruoo»», »t s o'clock. Tns »bow* hot'« will »t »It tim-» arrlw« io Albaay ia unt,l» ti e fr ll.e morning car. f r ibe lut ni H'sst- Pre .1st tok«a ar «Btsder.te <.>. ami none tta-B»fte«A 1* K All persson» »i-r t.sibi« liusllr « an» o( Ubs ttoauoflh.» e, wilboal . vrr.usu cr-ec from in» Caa- . r r »aasrwsa or frsitM apply on board lbs best», te f ( -i :il i,r/ at theoi.;e. n the wNarf » ¦OK»V.»OKH,AI.HA>V AND1KOY l_ n- lor Alb«Bt and Troy direct, from Pl«r "a' ll.e fo«» uf (.ortlanri-H P»rioat taking this boat will ii u Htm (.» take lb« »srlts»t ¦. ;,, Bufbls, ami north to dtralors. Lok« (Jerga and Charopl.'n praeeure »m_»BS«l EMPIRE. C.pt W W Tupper, tni« «ven., t .i i. ,ic g| II -rular data Tuesday y »öd tiStardaf ¥ t i".»«»«- Ac »iply-'ti botud, or to . s CHAMeERLIN.at oft Be th-wlarf- Fr.-it.t matt be put la ebarge tt »he tr««ght a».nt. or tbe . "iiptusy win o.'t be rrsssmitibl 'or lo. al _ -fT.s»_|«l.asM.Ki.1l KIT»»-Ml M Nul " » 'î^gy. ll.Y- Evaa.i.« Ht« for Alb«ny throagb ^^"""r'.'-tlt R b-n. n t .fir,, abov. Barclay Hr.amer RIP VAN WIN M.V, Cap« rsamoal-chayler, w'll ¡eavsoa Moedsy. Wed ««day and Friday, at b e'eioek, f M Fei pa.i.g« «i I t'ght «pply on board.or 'oil T STANLEY, at the of ;,-.». n the d.»ok. Th» h r»« wi'l ar»ive » »Il tut.«^ n am p'« lime for th» M.iroing Tt»iu East or West. Freight taken at moderate ate« All Ml »Oil» »te f.-rbld trmttng thi» b.ist with»! t writ- (- n out r 'r- lb« Captain ¡ .' tf l*oi i;iikli:i-»ii LINK OF 'a A ROE »-The tsari«« CLINTON CAM. .Wlllal«, e.e.y .Vton.1«» IXC HANOI, ( s," It »ekitn. eiery Thirtdiy POniHMTEPSIE, i »t t II rt »a,eve. Retardas», «i o'clock P M. fien» foot Murr»«r »t f. r ps»»et g-r« »nd freight The above Barge« ore rgsnily funnelled with »tau . it »ml c rniortabls cabins, aod era SI pi-ss!y Rtr-d op for the -.««'.«rt and convsnisuee of pas- semeii. Arriva at Pon« k.e;,»i. in tiui« lor th» »tag»» lo »bar jo, i'lii-s Plain«, and Ne* -Milfoid, aTlIK I'KOKII roli.-sOl- NTEAt» tOATt wiiblag U.U. h ¡eg would do "well to pay » vitii on board th« . iMMta Nissrara. Mountaineer, (1 it er nor. Th..ma. Powell. Job« Puller. Ami.irai. Hay rstst«, «ao ii-.. end «aaoslo« M- Boass » Inpioved Psteut Ooiig Bell, e»pec'»:.y «td- -ted f.«r stesoif..'», put up neat »nd s'r..«rg. »nd warrant*.) for one year A variety of the»* Bell* will be eonitantly kept on hand for th. »tx-ominodatma «if c.pta'n» ami pio s.n-ti ia luiusf at a dlttaucc, by H H « or AI Aus-at New- York N B . N¦« p.-son au'h.irig-d to eonrr.ct for woe» in my name, I a tend to it in perton m_i 'su .(.ITK'K-Iiu and after Unwiutiar I«. '! in.'.he irtsm-ii bfATEN IBLANDEB rtiti ai l.'iiwi. Urn* <iit'rn .'. I, Bad IB. A Mi I.' M land P M Ihm w-i. Ik « and II A M and »¦ V M IM IHIS. PtTTHBrKt.il TUAVKI.. I-VIJ». INCINNATI AND 1'ITT-trll HO H l>Al Jfct »TKAM rACEET I."."»1' This la "dep ¡nd»ct Lui» .1 I'-aii.-ri w ornr. th» lariMt, iwlfteic bed fiii'»hed »nd lu-ni.lird, »' .1 »i p.»a« ,»rful boat« on the water» of the We»t The Itrgh-at wane» »re paid for ihe »e-vce» of the he»ttusd nisil .«perienced men engaged in the rlv.r I' »in*»». Th» ttaa aasaaea ia ep rattnal »i year», ha« c-itrieu nearly ft «pie, without d itng rh , a rliieai i«ijary to their pertiru. Tn- propr stirs challen«« rumparisoa i"rh sny p.t»so«-r lie« tti th« I. ntou for safety r-«n.»rlly »nd sp-ed All that money ran procure h been M" »ided firth's «aifaiy. cotnlort and c. «i-en -n«. it pssaeog«r«. The b-at» leave I'm.burgh for Claetaastl »»follóse» »(«..f,«».MCNONOAHKLA.C. tfioue ,.... HiwKRNIA.No «, Idi.nRlioe' l»i HV.i..«.,(iy..NEW F.NOI.ANI), No. ¿. Samu- I'eaa / le... BRILLIANT R I ilrsc» .CI.IPPFK. "¡. .'. N Cirokl ...MErldRNOEE .>. Coip tmndau.ISAAC NKWTON. A <) Masr.» Ilf ,'n. Ran ki.nh AMI Kill K RAILROAD Vynisg- .1., lagrnsrafs Two |'_««-,iger Ttalii» e»cn way daily "n (.«.day, n 1 uitil larther notice, th» ear» an- b aM will run »a (o iBtv« Fa !'»5a..rsi rus.Leave Now York (foot of Duaai-M ) at 7 AM and « P M. _«B»a I*. r.J-ivi» alb o'clock A M and JP.M. L-ave OlKvill« Bin ,n A M and i lis P M M ddl» t«wn il i A M «u.l A lu P. M. O »heu ot 7 .'. A M »od «t 7 Í.S A M and 4 W P. M. Ex. »|-t f r pera..oil haggage. whrn plv.ed in the hand» if rh. bsuygsMS-iiiaater. the Compaoy will oo' i.« reaeoMi- ¦ia fur any artiste ^al upon Ibe p »ae-iK-r il oc tralu, utile«« r-c-', i»d for l.y the ouït atitiijiK.-d B^.ut. Fo* Famoiir-Leav» New-York at A o'clock. P M pei h»tg-«S«inue' M»t»li, Henry Huydam. Jr. and Dunkirk ).'«v. Port Jeivl» at »o'clock. A M. Il C SEYMOI R.HnpermteBdeaL HOL HATO.NIC RAILROAD. The »teenier NIAlíA- RA, Cáptala i. Hrovk*. it will ,,-ave New-York fron the pies fool ol Market «ireet, DAILY, at (_ o'c'oct A M. «äiiotioyiexeepted.) for BRIDOKPoBT, wneia postwo- get» lake the eiegant and coinmoHiosa ear« of lb« Hoa- .atoni» Railrosvl arriving as dial« Lin« at U 'Ii and m) ai P. M .-»rag.» run In connection with the esus to L-e. Le nul, Old Slockbridge Curtuvlli«, W,n«ied and Norlolk. Also, to Litcbfield. Woodbury, Danhury snJ Bathal. XT No »g-nt of thli Cntnpany luthor g"d to tsk» charge of Rpeele, l'....k Notei, or v»l»able papers.or te rsceire them (or Us_i.porttr.oB oa soy condition Freight r-ce..-d al eise <(*|-*.t. f.-.t «.f Market.' from s o'clock A. M U.l n o'clock P fd. Positively not »fter thai h'iur_O M PERKY. A «wot OnAea on the Piar. KITf/.A It MTÎÏf<ssWîs AÑO SOMERvlLLE RAILROAD-RoUir» duting tb« p«st ittniD wiih » h««sy H Rail -WINTER ARRANOEMENT.-Leave by N. X Railroad, foot of l'onle--.-it. at 4 A.M. and 3 P M. U»v» by «tssunoost from Pier l North U'ver, at in«) e'«ln«k A M. (freigiit 1rs.o,| ano .si o'clock P M ABTON, W|i_e»barr», Manch Chunk, Pa. km Leave try »,.« osornlng une by Railroad. For irai* »pity to» f> ri'sPr fBae.barit»' II 41 I «astl ot If »IOKItl-a AND KHHKX MAIL« RllAH.-Hi.''rr ArranfimtH .. ,U« 1 alter M mdsy. Nov H. ". th« freight trata, (o which a poaswngar carl« attached, sail uni larther nolle« leave Morinalowa ot I A. M. N«wark .t VI P. M. Th« P««««cg«r Train* leave New-York I 0 clock A. M JP. M. Leave Newark Ht ocKck A at 1 P. M. _«»»« Morri.towo 7 o clock A M. I P. M. Pt**sng»r» by the morning train to Morn»', wn will *r» rive iher-at l. j o clock, where »tage» will balo t'.táltmt to eoovay them to Sehooley'» Mouotalo, Washlngtoi, awil* widare »nd Eaatca doily; to Owogo, Milfird, Nrvrto», Hlanlsop« sud .Su .-»»itriy on Monday». W-dr.»«*ityl IS» Friduyi; and to It.»-«.»way Hover, uparla and Newtose» Taetsday«, Thuraday» ood ¿tatardawi ; each I.»» re'.»'»t»l the f'lllowing day» to meet tbe P M train for New-York. A stage will aiao leave for R««ktng Ridg« »»try »»»«tag. on tbe arrival of th« car» *t Morri.tow». By a line rec.nrl- ei«abl'.«hed, a »tage l»»reiMorriit»«t fot the Delaware W »ter (>» in -t -troudaborg,. Stssbcps, J'ionaioii'iig, Coiarabia and Blaii*»»¦*, aw»r> Tsssdsj*. Th «r*dt> and Saturday oe th» arrivabof *n> A m\ ttmm trota N Y. Ratenotas on tbe slternste -r«. .*._.*_ leave» Stroadooorg at 1 _. M to meet tb» P f. cBtaBsj»* Morri.tosm. PO*«ssbger« go UiroBgh to and from Jets», '-'". ul'b«Bl ihangiug cox». Oa leaving the eity, Mew)-g*r« -1" .»?" poett their »isurgoge In the ear at tbe foot of «Ceft.sod-*- wbsrs an agent will be le attendance to receive it. Ail pockagee or bandl-. ism be entered oa th« «ray-bill. or tbe Company «rill oot boil iheme» v-t re.ponatrsl». Freight will be forwarded lnsme<ti»re'y to Morrr.tew» from Albany Bastln by Stephan» k C.n.iit » Daily Trsas portation Line to Newark, or from the Trans-jortatio» Othce o' tha N. J. R ft. A Tr*~*P«rt*Uoo Comp^oy. tost ' I. '-! ry-.t | nl| IBA POPP. Ruper.n'. ud«»t¦_ V«-W AKHAM1KS1ENT TO }fll 1'raiil Koti.'A Hi.» I.1MS Cio»il- "sail, by Motoiag olid Evaalag Irait» from Nsw-Yorb. Pbusvdelphis, Beuiasoi* out Cambar- .atsd, «t ,1b.,-.'. daisy. Pastsengei» bsvlng a eboi«ie ot »ay ot oigbt trawoi ov*r ibe Hiu. mo«, by tbe Orast I »itsd Stoles Moll and Posaeager Rooi« Throagb in *' bjor» f'oasNow Yoik to Piu«burt_ ood Wbeeltog. Us.kc. Cine, ai.aii. 1st. Loula. New Orlesas, sad Uss Bosib »*«t f*fft. Foaaeo.er» gui.« direstiy liiroagb ky the L' »totes MaliTraass. * Laove New. York, foot of Lib«rtv-«t- a». A M aad 4| P M for Phi ad.ipbiaasdaoaassl wilb lie«« for Balus-or«, Lease Pbiiodslpbta by In P M train for Baitl-sar* »r.d arnro iD tlm« to coneet with 7| A M troto tat PUtabargb «ad Wbeclisg, going directly unoa«_>wiinoat delay. Leave Pbilaeolpeie, by Rn. rot i from tbe «yoraar ot Elateetb ood Market-ate. at 8«J A. U for Belli more s>»d a.-nv« ia lima te »ouuaei w.li » P. M (rala ttt Piiuh irgk .od VVbeelieg. ood rig itreetly througb w'thoat dolor Laawe Phiiaoaiphia By «..smbu«' a( .'! F M. (rom D^sk» st wharf Sunday« eaceotetl.) aad ludíala Bosllinoci The only .me c. .S.r,'ay fi.,m Pbi.adeiplsl» lui ¦sola bv Iroad, at 101 M. Ltssv« __i:ii_oie at 71 A M oc I 1 I' M. daily by e aud On.o Roi.road (.-»vi Camberiarsd «if M. ood «A.M. by daily Lu«« ol tua Netto-«! K.a aad alisod io'.on C.iiipanie«. oa* on vein Plttrbuigbor Wbee.u» »«at I -i«g ». a.atniag P-»«'t.gc'« Ut liitb-.to lose la« ., -bJ.J b«w «Btodnru- i¦'.' wtawke.t» at iliowa*.i le.aad ihstrtyt uaiy mile« of stag'»» oa lb* whole tuaie. F'i'M-c'a»* »teaaits-v.» leave I'lit-uugc and Wb^asf te.i.aaly.ood passeager» ore fo'worded wiibuat Oom)m -laeicBaii «ad all oiber puru la th* iw'k a., We * ff T*r.i N.'.ie* !-TickeU are not eue ,a Naw-_ P«ust»rsgei-*(or Basll-sor«, Pittsburgh or Wo-re.ssg. Tbls atrt baeoui-. nec.asa y on accoaaf. ol tev« *oa*»*Clr>g ti:*»t»l« New-Yoit, iuf (itber'.itt-e, n «tin of («.eh t«»a*iS .«¡ppoatng tbey wer« «ntr.u jo«, ta »m- ârat-clas. it «jt.» id Bailir«re sod the f %**: They bt\* oo oaoact'oo with at For thm jgh tlekett by -hi. real», apply la Phil» .t the R.:,, «ad unte*, o -roar of Mora.t aad E«ev»_ alA.AtjiatoTb'nl-ai.oroB board «Ceomboai. D->ctat F»ra ttr. t.. It trout Phtledelpnie io Pitubura», #Dj »Ahes.lsi( «) y, wiia itiepr«»nle«sofat_spiBgstr .~" aad rasarniog «eats tt piee-«rs For (a the* ts >.__> J. !.. BLKBiMEl. r_î'!.î-_!_sr*ww,u"'

yEW-YORK TRIBÜM- BOOK Wpilli assess,«**tba proprietor, SILAS METCALP, or to hi» Auooioia T»»tcb«r, CHARLE« DROWN. N. B.Th«Suiaiat.Tsrm will commenceonThunSav May 1. PaBsirralsv,

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Page 1: yEW-YORK TRIBÜM- BOOK Wpilli assess,«**tba proprietor, SILAS METCALP, or to hi» Auooioia T»»tcb«r, CHARLE« DROWN. N. B.Th«Suiaiat.Tsrm will commenceonThunSav May 1. PaBsirralsv,

yEW-YORK TRIBÜM-Wpilli at Uta Stark Bar«_..«*.... Arsa e. ia».

»...YJMTrsM Note»...«vs.i >2 ... «i.-t.u K-.M«»«.*>.' to.bS.WUllSa r«rui»r«..*. asIswb'Vhl» Ufa a Tío«'., i ¦>». do.«VSU*sV>|IBBCaairo Ce. t." y to.M Se

NOTICES.raajíNriMxiiH're o*«--» phbi.ibh-

Wlel h'l* «a '-t. 1- -

.<..-«. Mwii. i ti mtmmommou N. r.

Nrw-Yoaa "Waren r>. t»,AT l*i«T«t«*«».-Tb .1 ,-.k holder» of to« North- weal C«.*fer Vêtit 0~S»e»«y »re hart .y norifi-sd tb.t . si,.*t'.ag«nil behold si tbs. l~.ee ut lb« C-tupaoy 44 Hs«.>».«.day, iMh Ai.,.net-.a i.o'e'or.kA M «y order..SI fawJw DANIP.L «. HART, .ect'tery

A O. «ADO» RM'Nurai.TLkCK or triB.I1 »I r I. t T K .

. HT AsVs Kyle B apptavr- H«bt-Ker»-n Flute.Ill Broadway, batos-i Cur.'«id lid D»> ». New V"r«Rltso. u.ai.afactur.« f late» of every d««:r pion whleM si«IB all ees»» warrant**. .-,/'(.»':

tr y\*rrm.m\\\r, I.IBrary and Kendlu« «erstti,CllataaBaii, oorser Be.»mau and Ntmu a « .17 uuu vo¬

lvía», aast all iba beat Liteta/y «ad Seieottfic Periostea«.,A.ericas on« Pur-1gn Conatoat addition« of new wntsC!«rk,gMeitt»'v.o fee $1. and «.ml anaaal dae. Si M«r-abasitV B«»d ober«1 «aaaal »ah»«riosloe, eritttl'»« tbam laBll the Brlvilaga«, RJ. Ros»-, osas from 1'.. AM to l<I'M By iTder. OEO. PKCKHAMml- les Rae. See Meioantlle Lto. As*oclstics.

tr bottom la herr-byS» «lieu that Book« will beep.aad lor ««awerieti« a to tb« Capital Suck of 'i . " PeruBal leo «n»B- . R« l-oad Cmpauy' in tb» City if New¬Tek, by W. J HOI.MAN. of Misml Co U ca Mond*y.«lay t, IBS», to b«t k.pt apeo fi.r aa r.drfio 'e tarro of rim«R..«r B*r o»ol. jp.iu tb» o.sount i» required al the tima uteabacriblug. caZ* i«'.f

r«~ Kaaad-lllll Water-« are Hrtrrnt. T . Ii *

B»w WaterCar» e*teWl*Br»eot, on «beaati'a1 emlaenreIn N ,r'n»'i.pton, Ma«» b» ( a »t'l« from tb» village TheBatidlo.« roils n re ¡re l*-»-i «o« hundred riem«, bsslag th"(BIDS that wer» forioerlt otad (or »he Knuad Hi'l Schon.Tba g-oi.nd» Bra fr ti ftoriy to hits »ne» ta «starr, withBail» th-o twvnty living «pr'Bg», whene. the bath» arewall «applied with watar Dr.. C A Ha'l of Northsm»-too and J A Can ¡r.l-ig« la«, of Hootim, nave irnmamale»barge ' tb. Medirá' ¡ep.trn.n», witt. tb« daily tvouuBalB«d aassi«r«nee of I r S B *t o«>ti»sril. lai« of lbs M«t»<ebaaatu Hospital st Wurrwi«r »ad Capt. Br«wtl«r. lotsof ibe Manaioa Hoasse *. Soperlnte- der tTbs location t.«rib-ne» ««labrlty wlib ktstily I» » to-

m».»»»ne il.grr. is t«M«iii a tivR.tiro.d from New-Tor«, Albaey or Boat» a, by «a if y day'» rida ; and lii«lacaetloa I« to tatkr thi« ois» only a aup.rior rol real lorlaral'd». whalher da.lrlag Hydropathic traermeut or olherwtae, bat »Is» to m»ke It « raoet «gr«««bl« ressort forpsr.oi Iravellag for health or plenaare, <r for geatlemeuand familia« golag into tba eoantsy for a Hammer releso-Hob A more lowitin» locality cannot be f« und lo ti.»ITsltsd Stetes.«ad osa ueeiaregtwao thattne e.tablub-meat will be rendeieo « moat des rahi a«id comiortabl«resort for tb» iteker» sot only of health bat recre.rionLeiter» «MpBBSBd to either of the Pbydcton« «A Nortb-ari pton, or ¡«quiri.» asad« of A. Clark, Eiq. 0. S Hois!,Button will reo«v« prou.pt attsntion.Nortbas-ptKsa. Ms«* Peb _. laAd mi'lrawif


PAREN Pa HaVíNO BON » of co«r*e« habtu lor a. mn

tbty would tacaren iboiongh presta-.«int. for r.l «-g-«,rbsilst m, «r« rasp.ctfuliy isviied s» 'aqalrs aft« ib« -Di¬li» Of tbl« lB«tl!U"l«-li.Thal.etioo, »ffordlorfoeiHtle» for »e« j«(b1og I« »le»-

»sbI aad pro»Bshi»tly be«'«hf.il asid nUly ."¦. SMitble toN«wTork aud PbH«d«!phl« », .r ..boat Mus lailrsxv»Teros» .'5 lier .«*»i.a ->( t. «-« -<. 'or » i«_rl sod t sillon,

with ase of batik« fer Es«!)«'- tiud.isTbe Surnuser Bessiea at.s stoaacuaaoe «va Wednesday

MsySClriru'oi'sr«tb rV u. «orne .uni aad tsMtlmontais may

be bad a« 'Jtitt* . .«sees u«, Jst.cb Cbsicb Cbapel, uc ofth" P iseals'

P.-si.»»- - isae a»a«e u> tb» P»eulty of tbs College offÍM-r r .'-laoaMm Kev David Mule, D D. RewPa «. >h (it.DD E(l»»betbtown ; iUxweli L. Coll.

Oj. i i ... .... Ml. J.tii.» W. Al«x*ndar, D D. i Rawt. S«.mm Btswrh, Rev Dor.-au Duutar, l'-i Va n. A 11*1-.c«. Bar. lasob Abbott, R.v. Oorbaw D A-.-- ¦«. Robert

«.ai» T 4.U.. R WctOK.rrt E..i O. ft. »>«'ie. !-.. K.qRe. -s .«»r Hawee«, E»q Charla« E. l'i.-ra.i. M D Wmfi.' ard. M D N«w York Natbsn'e! Dana. E«q B'Xt.nJ» jw J.on MeOow.il, D D Ruban B Potter K.q Pbil<-«sipbia. Wm B Whiuhaad. > ... SnSoik. Va ; Joho VDeaal», Eat) Wagrom, Md ; Cl.»». U.U..ni, E.q NewOrUon«; Raw J. B. H'roll. n Noteh.g. Kev Ar-rsybumUol.ey. Riohboro, Ptt. S. K WOODBRIHOK,»jo»w_g. Q. WCW)D B RI DOrV_


THE NPHINU SfcriHION of ihi. Sch-ol will c n.-

asauoa on Monday tba 1st day of May Two vacBu-.lea »»Utlng. the aitentioa «f parent» who de.lre foi th rd»u.tue « . i«iir«d oud pi.«_«ot »Itu.uon. where tbeircoi».» will be »ttrci y guarded tad a thorough Engliih «a..r-.atioo (Ivan. Il solioiud. Tba most re.peuabie rsfer-enea» gira«, for farther Information addie««al lea* S D STEPHENS, Bichn.ond. Richmond Co NY.INSTITUTION OK MEÜSHS JACOB AND JOHN

B. C. ABBOTT.to*. TBB Ut. . II- s or liil-sc 1.AD1AS,

>3b Honai-i»i «. New-Yotk.TUB 81'M .TIEH TEK.n of ihi» initttatiun will

.oaoosense u« Monday, April 17, and continu« withoutlaterswiawiori »util Use last of June Oulhe l»t of Mr thelu»ntu'n>a «ill be remostad lo Bl«ecker-«t a few door»»..»st oí Broadway._ afl 3aw4w*

rP~¦> AMANTIH1. 11 M.I. PAM1LY BOARDING1 SCHOOL, (for ladt sue youi.« gentlemen,! at Parilp

i toy. Morn» Co N J. w.thru half an .ui'a drive of theEstas sod Dover Railroad, li in full op« rat n «mi op-ito the inssaetioa of lb« pahite. Clu«ee are to pregraa» mArithmetic. Algebra, Oiom.rty, Survey log, (tbe»retio«'aud praatiool.) tba I.alia and Preneh I.at guage». NaturalPbllosupby, Perspective Dicwmg, _c Parts i and ga»r-dian« wisblag tu »»cura a pl««»«»nt, bealtbful and ¦»(. ion»-

tl. a for tbeir »on» and word«, wh.ro their phyaieal. tii't-tal and asoral syducotion will receive due »tten'ton. are In¬vited to attend the pnblie «axeinluation, whioh will c<im-m»sos us Moac.y, April 3, and will ek»a with public.peeking oa W«d~e«0Aw th« iili to ootntmac» »i in A MTh» favorable »t«'» of the patronage ha* leiluced the

Sroprlslorto eost/asi f-«ra«.iit of », hoot-rooms tudep.n-sol of tb* m»-_ sd'.fles.iVo be Snlibsd lot uso by the drat

Of May.Eipeoae* far ibe Summer Term of -i week», inclurim*

board, lodging, woabing, light, and ordinary tuition. Bll»',{layoal* qeartsily la advance. French, Moale aud Draw-o». »su*Ittrttricri W C. H W»ddell.E»q Kagea» Bugort,

E*q J«dg» A. Vanderasnol, lleorge T. Cohb. Km Dr. C. A.L-«e, BoamoB Low«. Esa Jn*eph Hyde, Esq Rev. R. SCook. CyraiMeeoB. D D New York City Dr. L A Smith,H N. Brla«aede. D.D Newark ; Rev. Joba Kord oud JodgeRedrewCobb, v»r«ippanvCircular« will t»w (ssrimh.-i on «prali.-attn pcr«tpaid. tp

tba proprietor, SILAS METCALP, or to hi» AuooioiaT»»tcb«r, CHARLE« DROWN.N. B.Th« Suiaiat.Tsrm will commence on ThunSav

May 1. PaBsirralsv, Pabiaory 16, IMS.f TbtsttateasssI of hi f'ts< fot tan It.rtm )Mr. 8ll_s Mtrcatv ha* had »barg« of the Kindarhook

Aaadaasy for many tear* and discharged hi* re»poo»lbl*i »tisse to tba *»u»faeiion ul oil. 11* i« a gentl«ma. of

rostat and unqueatu n

|sall««diB bia profetaiswatd, Aasresrtl. IMT.

BUABDINU M'HOOl, 1KVINU IN" ri n 1 KT«nyiown. N Y .Tb« Sumn.ar Term will open ««a

Moedoy tba lat of May, wnb a in« and lmprowrd " «».'Sattoa of tba clo»«>> > J ,a«i lie D«p*rlm«Bt, e. .


»<iuB« l»d» of »av»» and elrht -, i-str» of »go, will be ..lab-ll»b«d is sonnaelios with tb« In« ItaliooTh.ait.nl, of parent« aod goadun» 1» r«»p»ctfal'y

iBwii*« to th« paiupl« «rtCireui». futiht» year, U. be obtain¬ed of »ssy of tba pair«»» of th« li-.iiru'«, of Claik 4ABssUb, ¿VS Broad» ay. or of lb* und.t.igoed.

WM. P. LYON, A. M Principe..*___11u_y*_î__n111'_ _WAMOINC»".»CHtllll. EOit HOVs at Middle

town, Casan-Tba i.tb Su-siuser 9-.«io« of Si a trek»will oa mm«a«a M.y * ebasg« $n', ia ad vane« A limitedaomsai of aapiU itwils witn th» piiarlpal »od receiveasreaial sera Yoaag lad» o»a encoded to sod from «th«¦ «i.C'renlar» sad mtaoM lofumittloo of R«w. H. Chot*, UM*Akouot._" |«g tasykj D. H CHA-sE.

ErittCÖrAi. TOI.LRíIIVtR iñ.Utata. Siapl*too. Staea l.lard Raw THOMAS LOWELL, Prln-

.IpaL Tbs Sarawet lera» will eommence oa .»-.. ltt ofM»y TB* sutineii' papll« I« Itmltsd to thluy. Cot»-logase, eeatalatog fall por loo lor« may b« had by appiy-lag 'S Mr. Bbsppard. book »tor», 191 Broadway, PbihpRsrroir», Em «gWsjli-esi ti.ary J. Beam»«. St. Broadwoy, sad Wat B. Townaeed, Eapre** Balidtag». 112Braadwar- a« las«

FAMILY BiwAMDING iSIHtMlL POR BOYÍ,R Rsat, Ct -ihi» fsShoai; n lo< ated io a »«¡-«««at « 11 t«.i It « -i« oa «taa hneof Use Hoe»at-«eic Railroad,»i» bout-«'

blgbsbarastsi and anqaMtionttd lnt«gily. every way «m-lt>«Btlv qsoliSadiabl» profe*»iuo. M VAN BL'KEN.L'odstewas«, A«gu.t S, 17 jet ew<«od-


»». e »..a» Mww-Yaa*. TBa »*»¦¦¦» tarai w.slr-.es..« «so*. rs«a Tba aaaahat *t «u«iU -liswitad it,

» Um cisy. aad bksw be «oao

ay» »at^*«a tea bssaa at II M. »ltd ïa'sloo«etaa* It» «-»««aetaal 1» M« la tbe «My, aad evay ba«»»r» '.*» sy» Bsvtwsaata« bear» a« IS M oadte'esaa«P M a» ' --*- E. «load. Hea e, »road *ay or will al.OS tbo.e'aaviug tbeir «ddiaaa a« d» Was« Waabvlagwi.aloes. Clrealor», with .-. .t-.-.t o* may b« b«id atib« paral'« book-wora. 18*»s*| Broad woy, or by oddre««lotila's« Prlaclpsl Kent. Ct^_«)_,.~ A-tHKEI, Pl'Lt.fR.A M PMseleal

BOlatPlNO tRCUOOL ROM ftOfts ai Wiliea.Conoeeticut -Th.i »ebool n not targe The papil»

Orstaogbt by lb» Princip»l Dol'y oral «\*.eia«««r»giwBBtsf a buainesa »ad proctual ch»r»ct«r Ste»trt»»t two

.tog* !>". direct :o th« «ch.»ol. Ksr« fbr »soy* Jsn oeota-Tsrats. «»as bsadred dollar» per y«ai Pooil« rseeiv«»» «i

aas tita«. Arronirmeat» can be mtri* with S B Siurgta*.HiChasVbam-at N Y. ABEL W H IT Lim K. Prmoipal»»/W«woi*-R»w.JobBhu.iib, R»v Wm H «aa#a, Wil

»aw, Coao-, Bakimta Dikaaiaa, Coatioliai« iXriea ol

It-JT;_ _-_¦_!_£-f«AY lattii'lHsSl.-l'nd-r tba dtnrciio« of th« l.adl-.Ißoltm* »aerad Hern, 134 Bleecker. our. I oorws>e-it. N Y

Sfbe IaBtUeaef tba B«_>r*d Heart b»v» tbe bo»or of tn-for-ttag thou rilead», laai they have scuuleees.' t. lb»kled reaaesl for lbs wubltsoaisal of B dsy «chool ta Us«BTtr «_fBsw-Y«»»»_Tba swatssn of Wseotlea wiU be parausd es tba »%e.r

«pisa a» that adoptad Ib all the bosaswof th» Sacred »te.Tba lUi«s will be piepared to reeelv« peplis oa tbs

«»ps_ Marab.Ma «BIM will be raaeived ander i» years of ags, at r

aaowa thlrtaa«.TbbMS.A'lesao» w.sSi I» tkt KlMHrtti . TvilloB. a'* So par r

aeart.r, to ads/aaea; Piaaeh, 4-4, do. i Hi.it, 111' lu

Drawing sad Palatial lo wat«,- coloriv él", do. uld lio*

T^lT*«»rTi^V>IK^T-Th«'Hmo^ S««»ii»B <( mT. «

A\*t A. SiargW K.'Biiiisg Ccbuol 'or j»ung lad Ia« at

Stauilord, Ca-BO. wir oouier»aere oa Monday, litot MayBast- CSbbIsii «'»Hug taiBi ord isfaraatf. mow be badby add'sMe-og M"« ; .ui»««, oi oa as-n»u*itou at S. Ray-sot*» btsob »lo«-e, 10 Buwasj.auasfut¦(. ( M*¦-'«*_» '»«». _^__'__!____

TEFAlÜsRlIvriTTiri lJr__"_1 CuhA.» Co C^ - HI SB es-os« os t*^ ***¿<^*vj_l».*: a>_i»ai|hl «VoUiaisg Isii ls'fvrmotxia"withwfc»iaaaa «ba taas Om o...;.«- at ib« Uwin.t. of M AkKH NEWMANR CO .;¦*» Hrasstdway.alsToby aJdresr-agibePllDCipal.lCwnw.il Hi .', . I'jiit,. mtt 1.*«||ee|^BBBB^y.w^^.m___^._

PEMHI'kM »LAÏ-Mf*- W.«W. ..'.,« ,.,. aod »thenwottM '.iBSbaati» have died lit tb» cavaj «arwee of tb»>J»il»idStBt.«. aboarse-filedtopea.loa^wlU H.rj il ioba'raalv«"'»»« to«»py *l »l| Hut,. al lw«W .».«frsBl «Hlrl »b M -Pur »a»» the âatira «vsacbiaeiy «¡f» iueAfa»»V««u .».w.w U^paay, 1st* ca-l*Ua«. «w

MHL* MABH.ll Naw-ast N. Y.

__ts5»_îfei»^iHsai»«*«, iss chaaa-btifwie» esy-ala»HURBT t, pro»


i.L-OTHIN«--..üPBINO * SU-vs_h__B

'I.Mi aT Till( TY Cl.iM MINU V ai;r H<>' B»

¡ 1()«2 *^TO«N-»TB__,T, oppceits iheesd NirtiiDnteh

(a»»U.from ti to $10Pate».I-ora ti tu Vi

Veev«. . «r.roalto $3AjaboU «sau for fl. I «,_> n. ti P SMITH, m-Pulum-ci.l.«P«KTAfrT TO~fii8 PUBLIC.-'. M Üc1r f.KOY A CO 2M- ,rt»tdway. cep, .«it» m» Park Fosnt-

!' *«o. w'.t. 1rM«j»r'«a'!t -all artaaatloa to tb*tr »tl-naive

and»» I truenl «.f r»»d / mad* Ovtrco«'» ar.«Co»»«« a a, - > and Boy'* Clothing of «--«»y «».netyA ««lor «and cU 'h. «hieb they are now eeilio» at coat,i' -ir c-hj«««! Ok '¦. B_rp«oa mftrnt «tack oa haad IWoteUse aat of »'«'.luary in o»d-r to make raasa f'.r the rrpung

! Tbey ara scl -uad» and trimmed etjua. 10 tboee made toore,., and a less peí i ¦ .« any **tabii«b»nie-n' I ih» _._. »«iaraet«,r and «tanO'nt to me tily .».»., if

R~kA~U\'nAUÍt tJAlTi.KNTea.-VVa aie now eell-.Sg »r **ieor ve Meek or ready-made overcoat«.

. ..reet and fn<« e<«au, par.ta.oon», Veato». txiyt'.ack* «i .. . -c »ill a larie a_«»oitmeot n*«e»ti -, :i*a» artinlaa cotnpneing «carfs eran i

..'»;», .jipen ».. lí «* « ,li»cocnt of 25 per cení. m ord-r V) redoc» »'.oca «ri .

to ,e eapir»ti..n fpr»seot «ioparte«'»blp, P»h 1, 1841Thoee r»<iuirtng ¦» ,i"._t for the VV'ioter ihonld examineth» »eairlir eot. WM T JEN NINOM k CO

2*1! Rmailway, American HoteL

C'I.iiTIIh, ( A"»-*I.TIHI(K*«. v.,ti... k,. Vf mav e-e.* «>r pas!» a, ._ i««w «a» they cao '. «-oegnt In the

city w üi ih» .',,:. u« a«1»tr,-tee of «i»,»e'i,i, Ir'.n, whf.n«»y ba rallrtd ipon a« the mott fe»ni««n»iv» goods, a' -*i!B>< adwav. 1'nVVI JfcNMNU.a «V, CO

IVI KraT <|LaLITY R_A_Y MADE GARMENTS..r compiisii.« tprin« tiver-eot'i, d-eet ar,d l«a_ roat».

pan-aiuou«. ve»t», equal to cuitom work, at »31 Broadway.m2- _JENNINGS k »O.

¿¦"IRaaT QI'A I.ITY ready mad» Oermeet». cooipri*-r mg drett too f oca c«»»r». pan'ali^n». «_.'«. IwnieM

BtSI Broadway. VI »I IBWNIWQ» k CO


u,-.K.I,V,« Oc»«!« loi Mpilog w»»i. ar 791 broad-ay,American II-tel .1 r.NNI *.'i..*i «V CO.

»mV ifO(Mi>.CF. HARKI*», 46 Eschaoge-plaee, offer« for sal»

. Brown __aatli <. a«.d Sauting., 7-8 and 1-4 wid«. oft ... .«_»:, baow* « y ,»s

Blew»-»»» Kniriu.«» and 8le»'ln«». a-4, 4 4, 5-4, b-4, 10-4,7«". anrl 1-i. »I»>e, «/( varl'.u« w»ll »«i «wn s'y »s

..-.li.oi.o Hi «e *nd VV mi« Print*- Ob floe ando.» un, e.loihs. ano of va"»us pattern»

..«»i OMM 'r«di«o b.«.e. Ortos« and White Print*.Onfin» aa« medium clothe of vtr.oui and ». w pat'ern«.

o" eaeea Menro Caeaiineres. of various quant!*«. etD-r « oalan *nJ mtxiu«»»

footed Dril* of rhe.Soffolk and Sta-k MilUmaaef-rtar*.do I)o_sk",s. of ditfeie-t vuaiitiee.do Hambres do do

Pape Cámbrica, aMorted quollt..*.VV hite Canton FlwoeleBlack twilled V'-.t Paddints. «too Yarn. .w pr.r-.e-f Priât Cloths, k. Ac. mlOsxi^tf

\[HI|MI ( a-"»I »I'ftKJt "Of varios* »jnalit.e*i" co ors and iijlxUr»*. fo' »»1« bymil II K HARRf.d, 4« Ej-riartge-place

Fi>"K BltUvV7»-*»H"_TiTl *4Ue4- Very haods.me.ii,r . I. of C T HaMRIi. 4« F.arhans» pl«c«. u.-l

LI ht Í»XJ LLit- lu8'o*e and lor «ale t«y.»Si_C V H VRRIM 46 P.x.-n«t.g»-pl«ee

P-i >¿ToLoltKO JBTÑ*í--llaonfa.T_rod.b> theYork and LaooUla M.l a. all bl«aee*»ed c , ,.-.. r r »ale by

¦.-I , r rfARRH, Eschanse-plac».

BKOWN l"OTTOM!*i-2(«jbBie»Soutbwich4 4 hrown«fteetti'M

10' b«!e» (¦;!?!« Mi'li B « 4 hr iwn Sh»stfni».So do Equitable and tageviiie A 4-4 brown Sheet-

¡to do R'-elinghamand Pak. Alto4 4brrwn?hee' ng».t| do l'r. rhe.ter and Hope »I and So in. do.

I ," do Rerwick aod Warwick 1-loch do.I , jMBk-aaad L-dh*rv:-2iech d.

for itl» l.y »I, . _«*dl1 H k Cu So and S2Pine-«t.

VVÄLTIIAU COTTON**-«" ct-e» Waitham H. » hlrtaced, i«« do VV'aiih.m pillow c»»e bleached, _" doWallben. E bletehed, .«« d Wa iham H hee'led, iodoVA'alrham R bleached I» haie« VV«|tb«m B brown, »OdoVVtliha. K brown, 2Etdi VVa<tham H bowo. for »ale by

ni_-aK.SvilTII A CO oil aud .»» Pin»-»t.

MAB-BBTlLLB KI.KAi IIKl» lliKil)*» -Sotmt.ir.e vartou« widibt manufactured hv Muim.i'l« Co.

ji.t received. For aale by NE-iMlTH A CO.a_ ga aid H Pln».f



.igoed for Hi lilin» of mutic. leitert, pamphlet« sndnewspaper*, inatead ol the . rd'nerv mode of filing letter«m «crap íkk ka 11 it »o c'inairucied- iy rrean« of a back.ocureu by wire.h»t each latter or »beet of mutie n » !¦«-

p, d in wiili care and i»rared a» perfectly .. ¦* Uen botind ;»i«l au lodes for ine rMri»»««' leiter«, fiom whom receiv¬ed and ih- uarne» i.r pinces of mu.ic co««t»ioed wittiir.e»u ba retened lo. and can be made from the tirtt piece«to the end of the loluti e .- «baa full, they can be alipradout wi«h ea»e aod, if de«irable, made ready for ihe binder,.¦id ibeu oou.meiice a low »erie» Thnv prevent thepec.tmt utril ti >i« n«-ii< imii. «solledor loei Iheyarebound m a iie.i had duiabls »tyle, fit for the parlor or

c«iuriiiug-li iu-e Maoataatarad «my byJ. II. CHKKsMAN, Book binder, 55 Gold »t R, Y.

Cooley, Kee»e «i«. iiiil. Ageote, I'JI P-ioadway, oor I'e> i.

Be« York mSl tf

GAS PITTING.JA S. PIIILBIN rt»«jectiu!iy inform their frleod« aod

. the pubic, that BSVIag baa« reqieatcd by ih« MamHtTTa«« _I*--Li<;hi C"Mr*MV. t«» eug»*e«nih* DmFii-tiag butine.», they 1»»h laten the w.irk-eho'p.oftice, Aolaieiy oeenpie |, in» c« tnpany, 17». Mercer «t one doorh»low Ble»eker-»t. and are i ow prepare«! to atland lo or¬

nen |a ihtt deeai'inent of bntinoae, in all lu branche»T ney intend to Bee* «>n hand an as«,.riment of the be« at»d_4__ Rattern. . bracket», pendaui». man«.,» ornamani«.

ibaedoltor«, Aa manufactured by .\le««r« COBMBLIDII Id, Oil lamp«. i-riand»li-r», «Ve alie'.d to burn ga».A .o, ga» fixture« laten down cleaned, lebromed lac-q.-r, 1P.uinbing attended toa» fnrrnerlv, at S D»y-»t and ','6

M »i fer»'. 0«>*e', tor g>a fitting left at it Dev-et will heattenced to t«i tnptly. Th»y ier"et i«. Hie Manhattan Oa«-Ln'ii Compai y, ,n«J i>« Ih«» following g^i.i leu,en, aon e

i', un are Oire-rm» of the Company: James Dna'd-»oa. E«q H»nrv Yonog. E'q Ja«. » Roo««»»ir. E»q M «-

.î.Tay.or E-q Dante! B Peatin.K.q Of. H Smlth E«qN B" Pkii.ultr «t'"ni on panl to nttlng up dwelllni»,

.ion», public balldlago. Be steady ocoupied, a« well a»

ton», in ir"»'» « f I'tH'dinc »A if


(o MINlATl R-. SOLAR LAMPS, by (ho«« nea'.eiawho have not originally to name thHr article«, nov haveeulerpii.e « nouaih to advariise them, but are r-i»ao enooaht «ell lamp« by a name they «tole from r» We herebyrbal'eme them to prndooe a lamp p.«»»e»ting any of thea'vaniage» of our ju»'ly c-lebraied lamp. Wr ehaHeegeih.-in to pr< luce aivthiif deserving tbe name of Minia¬tur« Solar Lamp VV* ar- h« »nie nifufwiuni,»4 6t- ENUU OTT A bUMBEB, Mai Elm tt ne«rl Canal

DOMESTIC GOODS.DWVI.r.Y h H KMAN innoven trom 81 C-dar-.t. to

-I Lih-rty »t »heran.*» be found a larga etork ofbrown and bUaehed Slieeiloi», No'ihero and SouthernCotl,.n Vain, Lamp ai d Chandler'« Wirk. Twins, Sloaf.l'aient do Wa dug. Carpet VVarp, Batt«; alto IJI (« lb«No. IB black Cotton Yarn i all of which will be »old at theIn «eat maik»t price«, lor ea»h Dealer» are particularlyinvited to call aod examine Ih» «trk. whether tbey purohaaam-not. DAVV'LEY «k. PL'RMaN.mlMi-rerd UVV* 24 Liberty *t

TO BODSEEEEPEBSIN' OENEhAL-Ju.l received a (<M«d «npplv of FrenchWille«*««»*,! .n-iating of Tr»v»lin«, Work and Fancy

B lakeie , «lib a good a-eorimem of tioti«»ke»pmg arnc'e»,tiu aod Jap.ntrd ware AI»o. for aale a variety of Rird«,Ion« and »holt Canarieao'f alloolor». from $i _. fib «pair;i' t ihe rt+tt Mocki««« Bird» in ih» r'l» Onto, a variety o'C«»»», Ac Ac l.«.«.it|'r VV ||INK 4* Third av N Y

SANFORD BROTHERS,CASHTAII.Oitli*«'..i.7Pu!u«u »I Boat '. ri-raldOl-ee

l,i«t leie t.(i Bh-«u'irnl aed choice a»tortm»nt o(Clothe« Caaain e-e« and Veetmge, which «ill l«a mad* tom"i at very lataaaaka» prie»« ml¡ Ina"

Oc n 11 si,

INFORMS HIS PATIENTS thaï ht» boor» of alteodanc«at the office are now f r. in lu to i o'clock, Moeday.

WrdL**-ay and Friday. 6R3 Broadway._B»9 l_"

ICE TOR SALE.w Ton« of le* for Sale.

AT HUDSON, Columbia Co. bylilA to'l_ _MfARTHl'R A SON.

nPHB MBW.YOMB. AND t«A«7«BB<-TIBB sKTÏîi1 Lead Co «re now receiving from ih«lr fact ry an as

.ûrtuient of WMti Lead, coruprising tb» »everal grade» of,.'asa».rted siic.l package*, »it

Dry Whit* L«ed-Pore, «lira and No. 1,packase*from.600 to ¡M«.' Iba earb.

Oroand la oil.Pure ineast».x»i Ibe eaeb.Pure Iscuii.-tai Iba, *a*APur* in o»»k«..t'«« lit» each.r>oet«»*r«-*». .-tW __*.._Nm '5 «as*.iaa, » «ad î> lea eacAK«*r«i in a»*k».M> to Mb Ibe tec!i.»_*... la «««a.-no I*'lb* «ilNil le ea»k».-US ta r_»i lb*, eaeo«No 1 lav«,..SA to let« lb* each

Th» c.n»ltta> ot «hie U-ad I* warra_*ad aayaai ta «aytn«t* and BS give entire »an.l'aotion, or tt maybe re¬to n-d ana tri», timney refandod, with any aSpen**» la-«orred. .lAMI«'.*, Mi t Lull OH, I'leeloent

n<l(!|.nD-VV .i Krtii.i tt cor. Maldtt» let».

01 R"kI TI »SlFÔïCri I.ÖTS~Vo«teli »uhj»rt torietiattoa by tk» M»»"h i l-cer -Every »»«»eel from »

ftM«)gr. port, having paweoier«: and every »»asel havioghad. dam« ker t»-t.|e ai.y case of Small Po» .or Infec-tioue or coo .-.»,. u» o¡_uvc- «iriiti't at «ay time. All»«.«*'.» trotn Buy po«t, la IB* ordlea-y paeaage fro*» whichittey diqii p,.s sou'h of Cape ll»nl..pen.arriving ka-tweee tb» -1st day of May and the loth dsy of October.Aud al! vetee!« fron, any pl«e* (tncludlai Islnnd») to Asia,

r the Medii*-r»r.eeu. or fiom any of tbe VV***tIndia, Bahama, Bermuda, or Wee'ern Islands, or from. i.y plae« in Amarica, In ir.e orlinary »«-«sage froai whichthe» £-** *o.ih i>( O o, gin. arriving between tbe 1st dayol A»nl and ibe l«l day of N -vein«»«'

»I Im _ALEX B WHIT1NQ Hea'rh Ofh ->t

'|H> .>tlIP~t>V%>BR*4 A«U MASTEfcä OF VES-I Í.EI.S - IS n W arden* Office, No 101 w^ji.., -The

Port Warden* «ul citarte. b*i»»ft«r, ibe folio»,»gfiées, vis :

For aar-0 »urvty on board of any ».**.!, ua tb* hatch«, nr

cargo. . tl .*«Fo. «ten »urvry «.u dair.agisd g>od« on tb« wharf ot

IB «tor*. 1 SO .

For oaee. t«a»«a ot> a*» v«ra»*l deanoed »»til to pro¬co»« to .».. 2 ieOf, - i »n fiow»7o'c ock A M to » o'e't*«k P. M

ROBERT T N0BR1S. ( erkMarl».-, .Mi. _i --

<IU»VV V \HF.H, . »HOW I' A ¦»»..!*. I A largabaad Su«.,w Caeaa eor.»tani:y

-o B*_d, ul B-.-w («tee us« I evdt A a«. SbowCata» taba lo enU at |e at M. J KARL'S, otó Broutae-ai»ear lb» Hewetv.

_el _-*

/ 'YKI » .V. Ilr-I llaV t O. ¿AO W »RKIlOl Stt. «M asMktKaa st rt.»-V,rl. ssaaeaf'.\*H i.'- r .«i"k,^t_rV"Í5i«*ne-tieR-g* b-«-»' atlB »w CYKIf- W. FIF.LO -, CO 1-1 f.»ek«rt»_-.t.

MAKKK8 PREPARE!» COCOA ANÜ CHOCOLATEI* VhKH'Mf (X 4»« PA-TK. tS.»«r« Brota« B 1«l'ti..,iit(l,,vi..a,., k -WALTER BAKER. Oa'tb«-»»er Nia .a»«ul«o<urer-lt*.eabove w-li k»-«»« aiti«l». baa. .'d ttnt ».rwcrKiier« bis ao!« tgeet* for theit «al» ia« i« city and Hr ....in a« a «u for tb« tale if »aker ABer-ih-r». N. B klaea a-< NorAt'k Co Chuaolata. aadot.a. aitrle« i. n>» ..,, ;,... A mtrau supply al«a» .

oa b*ai,a-»*l fur »al» i* i,,«« ta «ait ««nh«»....».j«;.» XixAY f. 3ontb-e«.

pt-BJ«_WH UIMI H H>iri'RK'«fi-i1»_l ¦.Wi¬tt*- «xi/kuiaiuuiip aad lataai style ai«d rsaUera*. for«ale b»y a_a| J W SOI'TllAfcir..'» Rmadwav.UUFA BBII-_T_oAUîPa tûjnuikjt aru« .. toi*ai*by-Ta» J. VV. .VOC'T-LlCB lfM Artaadway


BROLUUl Du'A'N TO THi: PRtt»tNl 1r is- «r r,- i -»«

og ... - i,-'. Wt ..-ecu. Fall boaad lacloth, 5/1 txrtit.Tbi. Edldoe eeaulo», in »ddiHut. to wti»'. »» .

talned :u (armer Ed lau»», just on« third more rastrar aa«UUSIMN

Hoot at Ba.uruor«».Ttr i^ ay Ki-r» ."¦ ..

... th. I'.. n-r.ra T «'»-.H' w tii» Wblg» were Betset d-TBe ry,.,a * ¦-».

L.^rty Par-y »cd Mr. riirne, Pa.ie I.toe»-Ftsad»,ty* ta.Pub ic Coo«_eo«» o M- C »yTt« Con.equenc«. of the r'.lectl .n-The »". »r. DiW

romi»e..c.d- -. "V*M -., -Twinry 61BI- CoBi'e»«.T«_.tT atd tbe 3.D-

irSrrtB-MasW la cloo-tt o' Mr C'»,-In.*«.nc- of ib»D.v, loss of h'S Frieod»-Hs» AAf'~ on R*e«lv cg .

\asvfro_ L_ieiof Teon-¦. ." u

.f Mr Cls« at sablas» Mr. Clsy Vulti Ms« O'Ieaa««ad St. L0UI.-A Mnrerre»iu'*>t.'»u Noi.csl.Hi» Appealm b-balf of K~i.ub.ag l-eia*d_Sucottaei or . M'aies.Been» '¦.'.'-y".

Coy recelés« aew.ofb-._s,.- . Ds«t_-_ -ne;. olToylor saaoareis« tbs Ewao» M Cías j nr.i.the rVite.t-aut Lp'.eopal Ch«rcb-H . \ »Il 1. Ci e M«>-Adare».of tie New Tort Daleaalas.Ml Clay . L-None* of Mr Cl«) . Resolution* al Lex-

îogrootc the Mexican Wai-Tbe Reiponic (/cm Ib* 1=0-

:PMr C'Uv In Wiahtngton -Ml» Ad".«*« £<>.»-r,««ai¡(.(. Society-H1« Appesr»ne.e 10 ib» t»«p'-ine '"»'>-VaiUlB« Wh"e H,.o«B-Aneedole-.r. ..»Ph-iadslphlS-N.»-»siik-Mr sVcMi--ha' iBeeea e A4r.-»r.«¡io-Mr C»y r.rened »t C«_t- Uardeo-H'»Spe-eh-De»th _r Mr Adaan-Mr. Clay in New-York »-dbr. Departure tu Home. ..

Mr Cia» . Prof.«.-.jrial Ca-eer-Oireftost'c» Marshall »

op ,,un al him-Per.r.s.»¡ ne'.ai¡.-Hi. PopaLtits «nd theit-Trait. ol Chs-acreí -K,ch«tc M Jobo« «s»

Eu ogy «ipoo him-Mr. Cía«'» hsb 1 nf L.fs-Hi« « ifsmu cl.:idren-D.)s-a«'lc »nd Beeiel R«r«at«en» -Conclis-, i-r t, .... jisaotaaetto Agtaotaut.i niVwils (iKKKLLV Ji McfcLRATH, Publisher».


.'. INTRODUCTION ta the waSw of Keterel.-laet-eriesof Lectora»da varad n. tbe Halle, the Co.-lein of Phye'clao« omi Suigeou». New-1 or-..

Agu»n. (Repoiud fer The Tnbanal I'ourueroutea.ravia»«. AJ»o a Bmgraph.col ootics of tbskalbet, two. asPriée 2_eeat». or whaofl l» remitter» by mail at ou.-

n,i 1.e t«ril(»»ad 6v« copies T - i>!**-H8 on .~h cotJt» 1«, «tenu tor ans diataoca *..-.' «er. Tb« Lecture» intya,*- . ..btoioeii from oay igeota.tU«wRWfcBW ... lY 5. Mi.ri.RATH.


Itv-rod «state the Merc, .til- Library Ataoet.tioo (itNew Tork By I P Ni.m.LLD Prof.». .r of A«iron-0«ny to (».. l'nnr.rsity of .»:«.«,. v PrAe* 0 cent*bb-Í OREELEY A McELUATH. Tribune Bu'ln.n.«

ABAOO'S LECTUBESON ASTRnN'-.vlY- A r-w -ton of it,e«e popnUr

Lecture» I» now in pre»« »nd will be retdy in » fewd»y» All orders srlli be sitsaSVd as as sa .»'h» woikIt ready ¡»7| OREELrV A M-KLRATH. PoMlih.r».

"EWBANK!TBE !«IXTH NO. U| RWBANK on Va »ter M »eh Ines

«r d M.rhinery in (r-ii'rh:. it renuy this mo.Bing|'r o. . 1 c-nli a nun brr. r?e »» noie wort to beromp etedlaaigbi BBasbaiB B». k awasber* may .i; b» eataiaedPor »ale by a'l Cheap Bookseller*, al DWkSWrnor. Mitchells lectukes.

SIX LECTURES ON A»rK('NOMY,«.a .ev-r.d in ih»Clly o' .'¦'. - V.-r«.'-, f. sfssai M

month of December, iK¡7. P«il.l,»hed in pampli«yomolete; pnce ¿i> cent*. For »ale by all cheap publitheia

j 15_011EELEY - McKl.HAT

JUST PUBLÏSHED,PART XVI Bt.iihwB't« »ha i.*peet tt Prsc'ieal Med¬

icine and t»jr»ery, a hilf yearly Jojrn.l nanlaininga Retroipective View of every Discovery and Improve.in- r.i 111 the Medical 8e.iet.ee Th«s de»rm of thi» work1« to collect and prêtent to the practitioner, orce in ewery¦is, month», »»accinct and r e, »ble.i 1.-eat of»uch lmprove-ment» and disc vere. o» have been mad. tn Medic il Setenoe. in any part .,f the world, within that tima, andrh»at, too, a* nearly ¦.» po««i»ilK, «n tmt Isngu.jte of those«In mar'e such di.rovene. St improvement». .0 thai, by »reierence to this work, any pn»»ici»n m»y h»v« at I .

C'iiinn»nd, at a trill ng «BBL a Ml »nil c .inplete »utumaryof sil thai i» Be«» Bad valu.-ln in the Mea cal world, with¬out »uhjecting h:m».;!f either to the expenae eg lab I.earthing through the v»iiou»j inrual» »ud o»w medicslwork, toa« are baieg daily l«auwlTerina.The first lb N'«_ ( r eipht ye^». «v.. on yesr

li.ireMter, *1 W{ »ingle No». 75 el»., lnv»riably In ad»va-ice.Coinmaoced in January, 1140. l'u^ntied in L«.ndr-n in

July and January ol every yea«- and r.publi»hed in New-Yoikr.y [!"»tl| DA.NIi.L ADrlK. K'7 Kultonat.

WOMAN ANDHER DISEASES from UM ...' Mm grawe,

«dsp'-ed to her tnsttucti 'ti in the natural law» nf b.r*v»tem »ni ail «he disease» of rer criuc« partIdward H. Dixoc, M D i«p ''.'"». »'x»hTt.i«work coitain« ac'.mpleie review o( me o.-s!

1 un» »nd p-ige«. of Piol»p»u«, and ell .mer u.eruo ri ...

: nt». ,u l.oguage adapted to every read«ar. Th«treiigiou«, and da.iy pre... l.aae e»pr.»»ed ih.

biiili«.t »entimeut» of thi» valuablewoik. It i-sn b« lentbujnd t-i any psrt of this 1. -»«i-i, »t a pistsinpost-paid, and cash order» ouiyattended to. For »»la by

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plete review of the ntt«in, »yrop'om» »nd pi .»re»» ofevery known «BBMBI I rl ol l»e c in«equence« ol ear.«»

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try have expre*»ed the Bsgbsat sasUBtaat» «I tin» value-bin work. Ic can ba »ent hriimd in any part «if the I n redState» at » po»'»ge ( f \S eer'«. PoetBBl« and e,«»h order«ocly «ireoeed to Vuriilg by CHARGE*« II RINO.m/7 M'-'-lFlm' cor. .¡r.ho sl »nd Broodway.

HonTico_.T~nisTI^ORMARCH -TsHfc hORTICl rURlST is edited t»y

A J. Dowulng. devoted «jatirsl« to li". i'ciijtura. Th«Msrch No ju»t received. Suh.cnprion pr'.-e '»'* per year.

Ai»o. th» Culttv»tor (or M«rch, eliled bv LutherTuekerT « ik i» devotid I- Agriealtara. Sub«c.ripiton priceé per year. January Mo, e.BseaaSB lbs eolBMB Sut--aeriptioiii of both woiki rseaiwad byml MAUK H '-FUMAN it CO 'I Broadway.


trr.rn the pen th»t «.ol» " Pr. v«-hl»l I'ht sanphy," I.e.Ice, with a fine portroll ot th» eottinr, for «a by

lif HL'STINGTON A SAVAGE, -If, P«»..ri »t NY.

COAL.OA Kil I'KR TON-NI'T CO\L-Pe»eh Orchard,«5*X mW\f rted A«n, «nd Schuylkill Whit. A»h, f sr .«:.

at tbe above low price ; large «lie, and delivered icieeneifrom ih» yard Arulv 1.

T STOKES D1CRERSON, 107 Ar.thony-st.«1 tf near Broadway.

C'sOAlt UÏfSÏtllAUl.INl«!..TtTe be.t frseh BsiBsd/ Peaeh Oreb»«d (red Mb) Coal 1» now being ducharged

at tbe toot of Kiomt. N. R. and delivered at *4 7S pertoo for tbe large «ize Nul. and Ra (. r Siove, Egg, orBrolen, and 25 ot». additional if »c-eened CrWBt 'he yard.Dealer» »applied Bt a «nw prie», a' corner nf King andOrneowtob ala. |mlblm| PETER CLIN TON

C"s|IAls-Pe-sch Orchard. Rad A»h, all under cover and/dry, re »ereen»-d and delivered to any party of the elty,

from my yard». 111.1 Bi.w.rv. and corner t(».nuier.'ey andBedford »ta. Large Nut, ttsà 00; Stove, Egg and Broken,.»a '0, Chemut.RS MlAI»o. L'bigo, Itlvarpnoi, Comberload, ke. o«.» eenta I»m

Lointheboaw. |lf3tn*| J ACOB WEEKS. JR.

CniïsTiTMrwK« TirAÑ^irirñKiir^^t^!«}dl»oh*ri-i'g thi* d*y from the »eh'sonsar laanel. Stove

and Kg« a' the low price of RS -¿A. All C>«_ from yard cry.under ouver and warranted beet qaant« 1 »rd V14 Wa*b-¦artoe-«t nssor Spr ng. lay |n.s Iro >. Kl.RRIOAN

C' (IAI. HrvUll'tU TO Sl'MMhK PKICEB.-PaoebOrehord and Lalsah, oil »ire« Abi14f_T STOKES DK'KKRSON. I"7 Anthony»».

COAL... n«J t. «a --rat «,utuu Uwersea., «-.¡»i. ox*for.a'.bv -»"li t» ML'BRAi,

NRM.YOKK A .Mi Hill. KAIl.tsOAD COM¬PANY -Tb* Stockholder*o( the New-York and En»

Railroad Company are hereby notified that an tnatallmeutof ten dollar» par »bare on oil shannon whlob the pay-mem« heretofore made do out »xeeod eighty five dollar».i» required to be ot* ot the uttice of the Com pony, No. ._>Walt-strset.oa or ba'ore tb« i_th doy of April next.

By order of th« DrsKiron.NATHANIEL MARSH. Secretory.New-York M»reh I- «nl;l I«,.

NeW.JKKMEY »IIM'I« rO.YlPANY.-Mock-holden thtt hove nol paid ibe in»t»iiu..nt .aliad (or.

pava'.le l»t o," Nowemb«r. :!»-i7, are hereby notified in»!.otd oa»e»*c.eu( of « ue aoiiisi- per »bars wi be receivedot tb« Compeer'. otTtCss. at the nine in Hod.oa Co. oe»rBallavi.la. or et tb» ag*"sr. ** Soath W .rth-.r. Pbiladel

- ».efoea Iba ISO. day of AartV .__. By ordagos* the Bostftlol Dtf*«_ia. A. MARTÍN, Tre_".rer.m LA *w«xxl

("'^TITi^WTrí »tl.'i» sV I'd.Tl: CHI» «t otfaTfareol»^Wntai i'agser«.A (sin *««wi_aetoi all kind».

Priming P.pwr» «.f wswlc-o» »«re«}Ivdw»r« Papet» ad » w»

Hanging P«o«t».While, btown. «re«n. hacT. Ac.Wrapping P«per«.Suaw ami Ragot all s-BMsiC iloi-ii Papei«.Tb« basst. a»»orti_ei.t in market.Sheoit la| P«p«r«- Hoo«e. »b'p and tarred*Titeo. Papan. Rio., pink, yellow, gteen and allotted.S»oe Paper«».White e*-d ai«ort»e I .

B'.acbteg Powder -2 ,-a.as of the bc*t «j-Jlllty.Alum.Otound sud crude.SodsvA.b ÍA too«Ba's Rope C itttn_», Ragw, Pel'iog». Tw'n«. »ad » fall

BtanrtmaBt if all kiadi of P»p«t *l»nu(«ctorer»rn»t»ri»,»«I t'w_

CtgMUII NI«>*A) H KN1TI KK.-Pi»»- o» iink.tds.y g.-riir.» Bui pat-», alau. haui.imai font» and eolia«-

tion plate«, maoufociu.el and for »a « wni|...i» «ad re¬tail, ai b Bussing . ip, by Ll'Cll'3 HART,

«so lw Lai. B ardmao S Hart

T.ABI.K AMITtRA .»rii(l>«..-Brr*_snlaipoooi,voii.ty of aia*a. msaulac nred sad f »r a«'« «u a ho.e-

. »|. and tetail, at. Bar ug«..p. b) IT ILS HART.svA lw_Late B.ardr-an k Hart

ÍpXtTEU 1 ANOLK-sl IC_H.-B.itanr.ia («.led_a«t« r«edl«-cK-k«, new a «¿at arm, fir

». e .- o Bs'iiM.ip, k> LUCIO?« HART.«vi lw_T »-. Bcssirdirno S Hare

C~-»AfH ¡-»'d tôt B»le Rote Caitieo. old Kp,*. ,'dJ Caavasa. Oessy Bsgn.g». »it» sas, end all other

bird o' paper mar» «f» turen .t., » » TSS.V» :-mr rVKI'ltV sV|»'I.H_stl 1. H.t» . .-

Â. H. GALT. &CÖ7-PIANO «vt.KTK wVAREROOMI»3d IOsj Tbui «weiioe. Ki-trr of Thi.-teeBlb »L

mil tf

-a.-s.y ,tfgJ^TjH«

. 3 t 7 7.flAfail r(lHTk>,-.-|isc_iiM»i par-

tiaastH Piaas« arl. fisd M lo tbalr «draa-'V* t « »1 . . . Maaar»«.,

I** /attooat |Wr«t of »truaaway.'i Afaaaral ssa»rlsiiaatorMa.-».i«sB,-rjd iu-*rvo^j Plsosstaaa-itaattv 00 bao i. wb'ah wir» no «old 'oar f-.r t.bprovtsd sopar Daoiorw ««; -lia-ii ,.« ,:.. r lena«.

wsw'»w » » . ». .....,

ifÉ_______K.TVfPIA.*»!» ivOKTK if AM r'A4

Y t --.. t ,. .svdw»Ao aatlraiy aaw «rtialc. w»riaai«»d aaparlevin tosa i.'«i»ise» 'jtaa« s.jcsa l«.»-

gtsr thoa.oj otiw to nto, utad« witbo paaallor htup froer«,obwiatiBg ts« «.Isjaatua to a était« ».siaiea. A vnctoseasi.aty wt.l be «iwaa w'iti «aeo latuetaaat, oat wt-aoBay doabt o* to tbeu ««».uy <. »a»r««a«d. Use p»»s_-a¦»«y be wr»*.*«s'* aotfl t»«fc ¦'

r.\Y k 0.0*31fitIt IH nmmm*. «M «Ma Rrs*áw»y


-¦ ml MlBBBtf t '«r ri;eTh« m^a- os_.adl-s-y Mec; - i m- v*'*.'""

TauJ.-fru.-f ' P- a» i. V.f H3'l_-_1'.'._..cA-ay»» w.'/,__iu!rr n«s/f-_««-.d s«_»*-r»»T re any.- .. >«'»»l*»«l.'M|.|l«fP'-li

iieteat-e .e^e'.tJifa-'ng (V

IVflE Oi.r-.AT BEA.-TV AND »l'PERU 'RITT of l-i».»«.-tapen: a over al" itrer m-Ht-ine» is. that wh'l* lt

eradi-at-s _at a «eue. it in» gorates the body. It le oa* oftbi very b»et

SPAIN! AND 91-MER MEDICINE-IEver kaowo u aot oaiy pinfie* in* «bol* »y»tare, sad.'.rene-D.--. ri»* p-tr-on. l.ui tt c.tmtesi «»., r«'i«««i «-»«-A

ptaoa t pow»r -«.eeeeeeti hy no other rn»d!c.ne And i»

,. « succès«. It bta«i*»l-V* y*«r». more rhan lt>t'««i

-. '.«ver» cacea of ¦»..»a«- »! a*t.. » !: h»«.»T«.d the live» o' more th»a 5JBS»

ehildrao . »la goatM1(1 (MKI CAVkTBsl op flEBZBAL 0EB1LIT. AND

' V\ aNT IOTL»r Town*eni . 8«r*«par:ii« mvy». «..-.a I« weol* »y»-

.....,- ; .- it- t .,»... '.. ;.»r

«a»ri/y by th» efT»ct« f n.--'c ne r io«-..i»re-b>a c «tuant

led in youth, or Hi» *xcee»ive irdu «c-ceaf lv« pa*» -".*.

.ad brae«bl » a g*a»r» pn». -.»i pnaHraUon oaf Uta »ei-

von« system, ia*» » «u,i of .««ai.«a», latotin. laaae

riñe», pre'natu. «ieeay aed deeiina, u«-»leai*g Iowa-«*

f»tai dura-» Ctn.umpie..cae .. «Mi-faly ta*»or»d -tyUli» pi»»»»-'. reme-Jy Tbl« S»r**F*-vt!ls is far «uperkr to

", ,NVIO«i»RATIB<l CORDIAL.A* It renew» «a« I jv»«cr*«e» the »yster,. g.ve« act.vity to

the lia»»* and «srreegta to tb* rat..nlar system, in a BBOOt.atraorJ aary d»«iee.

C0NSUBTPTI01V CURED.«amr n- - "t* e«,ftaana. ."",. i»»pit.»» r_« »* am ed. /JVen-oAtlu. C*i^«i»_«pti»a. Lier lon.ai.l, Cold, alarrk,i »w|.'. -I»r*i_», *f«tri»g of h,**A. «.'»rrarii in tht rhest,B-etxr fluoh. .VigVi -sr.il«. Ptßemk or frotut* Kxpeeta-rut.n, Pas.m m !\e .aie. At ha-e been and can te cured.

SPITTING Bf.OOi)V .»a, April .

Or. T wi-rap. 1 v*rily be . » t_et "

huitetr t-i« -r-ans throoih Provident, ol s«."r.| o.y-ave for »ever«! year« han a bad cou»n. it Iveeatne

wo-«e »r.d w MB. Al .a« I raned l»rre quaniitie» t.l¿it ««et», «ni was sr-a ., daatliUttad and

.od did not expect to nv«a I nave

... « »a».tat time, and tnere ha« a wtadi Halchani» beeo «I I tea Du»tm« ui wa.« »n

over lista ¡n« e'«o_ri h.a.You eau w-ll irnatrine ma° Itimhi

Your b't «Vt. VVM Kl'.*i«r L,..'.- Catbertae-et.

RHEUMATISM.Thltiion.;, r» than four thoatand e«»e« f

V. Dr. T.iwneenl» «ar»apari'l« ha» cnr»-.

T.l- moat Kv»,< and chronic ease» are weekly eiadicatedby it» extra..rJ nary virtu.«

Iltee» f.«_¦lags E»q on» of the as«1«iart« In the Li'nate A«ylum, oi-ckweli . Island, n the gentleman »pok-oof the following letter

ti '. l.i.a«io.Sept II, !«47.Dr. Towaitiso.J*ru, Sir I h »re luSered terribly frr

nine year« witn the Rheumatism eonaiderable of tbenine Ic'jL'd no' eat. »leap or wal«. I bad the arai es«,ng paint, and my iimbe were terribly »wolien. Ibave OMd four bottle» of your áarsap-r. ¡a, ar i tney bavad ine me more tKai, one ttjoneand doilar« »totIk of good1 « n so inu-h heti»r.indeed. 1 am »oiireiy relieved. Yo*are at liberty to u*e thi» for the bea« 91 -ted

Your», re.p-ttfu lv. I I'MMINOBfits! pits: pits:

Dr. Town»»nd, not bavi.g toted m» .»ariaparliia laeaaea of Pi*«, it et«ur«e never reeoinmend-il :¦. and wa«

»urpn.ei .(¦ receive ih» l.i..'Wrt frei au intelligent andreepec'aii.e Farmer in VV««tcbest«r County

FoaoH.M. Aurait 1.1. 1847.Dr. To«m»eod De«r Sir.I h«.\e » utile «til »even

J«ir» t »t», who ha» been »everal yare efP.ici»d withKl'a. we tried «i«n-«t everything for her. hut wttbouttu«.-SOOS; at last, a though we coin hod co rseoosais onr »Ir« il»** lor caaes ¡ike hers, we thought, a» »he wa«

in vert delicate health, we would »tve her ».iii.e of yourSanara-i. ». «.«.d aia very g td we did, f rite«'.torrd ber «tren.th. but »h« ha» bed no return rf the Kit»,to oat «reat pleasure and surpri-e She !» fut t

Irogged sod hearty, for whicii we feel gratefulYo«j:«,re»p-ctfuii«. JOHN BL'TLER, Jr

FEMALE MBDICIMBDr. T..wi'ien«.'« "ar»«p»r;lla»a»"vereiin »od »peed» core

lpt1 n. «l»rieiii,»s«. Piulaian« Uteri,Co»ti»»ne»», Pile» Leu«5«irihT-».ob«iruct«d .«rdirtteuliMe««-«uruation. and for the gai-ral pratretion of lh" «y«ten, .r,omatter wbeth»r tbe retu.t of inherent etu«» «r so_Oaa, rr««doe*d by irrei'ilar.'y ., «t or accideu'. Noihugraohemore Mrerieta» than It» ir.-.'g"r»tiug effect» ««u the humanframe, l'eriooe all weakneee and lasittude, from ta«in» n

ar once become robust and.full of energy under ils influ¬ence. It in m»'lately counteract* the nt*rv-le««nes« ofti.e female fr«ma, which I« the great cauea of barrennessI. w... ». t 1.» ».p»<-**-«i of «a. in »hi of »u I» >. .¦ . a »m.

ture, to exhibit cerrifte.ai». o' eures pertormec. f,nt we can

a «sore th» »ffi.c'ed, that hundreds of caees hase been re-

p rt-tl la n» Th«in»a_d» of catee where families have!>«ei, w ihotit c, iJdrer,, a'ter utlng a few hottl»» «if thte in-

valuable medic ce, have been ble»»ed wlih fine, healidy.TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES

Th « K.v'-*ct of Sarsaparille baa been e_pr«*»«ly pre-pared in .eii-renrn to fen«ale coriipl»,nn No lema e whona« rea«,n to tuppoe» »he i» apprcaching th.: critical t«--

! rl.id,''ie ''«m«/ life.' «hi.uld i,e»l« ct lo irle it, a» it I«»veativ» BM any of lb» numerous mat horril,ie

¦- to '. h h leinale« are »ut,j»ot at th.» time ol i'tej 1'hi« ji»n«id etey te t*tmn*m fot '...trat yean by u>,ng Ihnmid,, nr > ,r la it lee» valuable for th.»e who are ».'-

proactun» w< mauhood. a» it i» calculated lo »s»i»t ns'.ir».by iuii-»en.rg trie» blood and invigorating the SOSs.BS. B-dee«, thle «nadlelae i» lavaleabli for ail ti.« de:i«*at« di»-r**e* to which wotn-n ar» sab

It brace« l_0 »'i, > tyat»iu eoew» permanently rh»oetura! ener. .«.. hy rrrnoviiiit the inipuritiee of the body.c>t w« fartiiniulatinw a» r«, produce tuteequei.t leaxation,wlne'i i« lo» !.¦» >.; BBMfl in-dir ne' ta»»«! inr '»malew«a«i,.«« an « riiaease. By o»'ng Blew bottle» o.' I'll» mcdlcine, B any ... v»ie and pa afal »urgical opération» may bep«evOBEAT SLEM1BOTO MOTHERS ANU CHILDREN

ll la t"n talet-i and most erlecloai medicine for pumytngth» system and relieving the sud-r'as a'tendant uponcnild-bii'h »v»- disc« veired. It s'rergtbens b.itli the moth¬er «n ehild, prevenr» pain and disrate, iocre.ee« and en-

riche, the food BaSOO who havs as«4 If I '«indie-

S entable It i» hi«hiy nsel«,. r, it. -'1er oe»>n»m»rt. a« it prevent» «ii»«»»«:» attendant upon chi.d-

I cj»tive«.e»«. piles cr imp«, »we i. .1 the feet,detpondency, heartr, irn vomiting, pel- m ¡be back andmin«, tslee liai..». n»inoi :'.,.«. BM u re.u.elin« ihe ie-

oreiion» aid ooaatiSIBi lb* BtrS-latior. it ha* no roa*iIt ne.uiy in I'll» iiie«'ieliii» i*, It !» always la!» and

the in«.«t neníate u»e it uto.t «-»»«ssfslly »arj f»w cast»

require «any Otaal ined.ci- e .n SnBB* a II.n-. 1 «.!or Oil. or» 1« uaefu Exer«-'»« '.u ih» opeu a!', »ill li|i!,t

food wtih thte medicine, will alway» maure a »afeaod ea*yconfineD«»»'

BEAUTY AND HEALTH.Côwmniica. SB.Ik, and a variety ol t re| araioi.» general¬

ly lo n»e. w hen applied to ihe face. ve< y a«. n »poll It ofiitleautv. They aloae tbe pores of tbe »kiu, and cheikme circulation, which, when nature i» not thwarted byd!.».»* or powd«r. or tbe »kin Inflamed by the »lk»'ie»uttari in » ,ap». be-a-tifle« It« own production In the hum tn face divine." »» well a» In the garden of rich and dalieately tinted sad vir legated dowen. A free, ictlve andhealtby circula: »¦ of the fluid», or the courting of thepu », -ich blood ro the exlre«ul'.le». I» that which paint»th« countenance to the moat exq'ieite beauty. It I» thaiwhich m paru the indescribable shsd»s and lis she» of love-lln-se that all admire, hut none can «i»»eribe. This beautyie the offspring »fiui/uo.not of pencder or i' «i| Il thereIs not a free and h»a!thy circulation there is r.o b»autyIf ihe lady 1» fair . driven »no«, if she pair t and useoo»met!c» »nd the blood I» thick, cold and impur*, »be Itnot beautiful. If »he be brown or yellow, ant there!» pureand active blood, it givee a rich bloom to tbe cheek», anda brilliancy to ther eye* that 1» faacina'laj.Thl* i» why tb. Souih»rn, and especially the Spanfah la¬

dies, are so much admired. Lad'r» in the North who takebut l.tt!» extrcis». or ar. confined la cloe* room», or have«pt.ile.i 'heir complexions bv the application ol deleteri-oui mixtures, if thev with to reíalo e asticity itttep,buoyant spirits, sparkling »yesand beautiful roio, kksjea»they «bon,d ate Dr. Townaand't rJartapariila. Thoutand«who have tried it are more than taii.tied are del',lie!.Ladle» of every drier ¡pi ion crowd our office daily.

NOTICE TO THE LADIES.Thia» that imitate Dr Towoeenda .Sarsaparille, have In-

vi.'iably called their »tad ag«-"il Henudy for Females ko.Be. and have copied our bill» and circulare «hieb relate loth» complain!« of women, word for word.other meo wnnut up medicine, hav». «inee me »reat »ucees. <l DlTownsena . Sanapanlia in eomplaint» Incident to '«rale»recommended tbe'r«' aith mgh ptevlouily iu»y did aot. A

of thai« Mtxturee, Pill«, fc.-.. ar* injurio»« to t--male«, a« they aggravate due»-«, an-undermine the con-stllntloD.

SCROFULA CURED.Tbl» caitiicat« «.onc.uslveiy pro .e« ttiat tbl» !_r»»p»r!

la ha» perfect »ontrol over tbe nost obetioaie di»ea»e* oftbe Blood. Three person» cured tn one bouse '» unpreee-deuted

THREE CHILDRENDa. TowMtiNo Jarar Sir. I bave the p least re to Inform

ym that three of my children have been cared of the Scrof¬ula by the a«* of your excellent medicine They were af-dieted very «e»«r»ly with bad «ore«; have tak«n only (dorbottle«; It took them «way. for which I feof myself andergmtobligation. Your» rMOecr'ul V,


Dr. Towns»Dd taalmntt daily r*e«lvingord*ri from pby-llcian« in ditierent parti f th« Unloc.Thit it to eerti'y that we, the and»rilin*d, Physician*

of t»e«-rtyol «.«any Baa« la nataenia e«s. praaulka-Dr Toa asead» Hs_«a«*rliU. aad ralieve it to be oa. *ftb« most va.uab-9 pie,.«_.- alioct in lie ;.¦».-_*!_


A.baay. Aprlil. 1W7. P t. ELMENDOR/. M.DCAUTION.

Owing io the great suc«m* and lauaeoee tale of Dr.TownMod'i Sarsepart! a, a naaiber of men who «er» 'ormerly our AgenU, have cosntaanced meb'ng Saraaparllia

.. r...x:ra. Biters. Eatostou af Yellow Dock. _e-Tbey generally put it up ia tb» mum* »haped bottlea..ud «rime of them have «oleo sad copied oar «dv.-rtise-B e.t«; they ar* only «orta.*es lasiUUoB*. aod »hould beavoided.

Pi ocpai office. lJu Kultac-t«, aaa Building. N Y ; Redfiiog A Co. » 8_a«_s-st .««.toa Dyoti a Son». 11. NorthS»cond-»t Philadelphia; ». S Reaae. Drjia'.st. BaltimoreP M Co-en. Chatiestoa; Wright A Co. LSI *~ksrttei BtN O tob South P**rl-*» Akkaay a,- by all the principeDrugiier« «od Merebaat» i*««tally t_toaska>el the I'aitedStar»«. We»r In »at aad th» Canada. ¿If MW_.gtf :m*

^¡h\V-VÜKK UtXllifOPATIlIC DISPENSARYV? n.iHiii opaa «til* xaVaday« eieepted) at 12

BOlook, M A «o at lt /oasak . on Sa_u day. for tb«uaatment of Sargsoei cat«-.Pav»ic_u»a i« ATTiaissca-A,«.«««», Dn. Birbyand

Birlo«; TM'«.-g, Bia «.*'¦ *D1 Taylor, H r/«wita». Dr».Sa.w aad Bow»«-! "_.«_> ¡i-, wr(»ht aa-t Bolle.*¦"_»», Dr« Hawk, aad alien. Satnramt, Dr*. Jalo,Baya-.'. McVi»_«_r «.«. Carer

\VATKItlï«t_r«l»TAIII l-li'IKVT, .""-. ».¦vv .- -I). TRAU at «aw »alergiag Lis tec mt_oda-

,..«t,l«. geagjal »dim nal room«, » it- . gym-eaaiam for i«aoar «xeraiar. t..;, , n;-e_ up pr«v:.u»io._. «r«t f May It. T. «jypl ct thl« ,y»t*ui t* N.'h ecu'*

it-eostefjaaeraliy In f»vsr« of all kind* tbe-airr.eat B prom« knj «, r..t. Mo«' o'rbeootj.-

* «..«-_« aad »-¡.cr.ii .o r-na.e. a;.' .jeedilya_d per: -*«.. reilataed. Cblidre. pi«dl»ew»*d tu uie-**** if° ^_î___,*1' -».'to'-'-.»'! >n. aod yneng person« «ho

i e a. ,*lra«a , alt pr«a* .r-a.t: ,r»r,. aeuaa babits.may>*»t*»*iy (Bprcved aad irv-t.t,rated

»byby » Jed.»loa»

* .* .* ."M Ba at eea&bis*d «ith «eurrec. t.gime. aad»v.: »Ofta»! earn:it..B H_Bavtr»etara»d Ibe fi«-»i Hydr patnte lrslr.ui on

a A>ii*We«-aW»»_*«1agSe't-r.iad s«v»ral years io«s._b!'.h-' .»..»»*i»t__ «it» o« ««cieetikc bads. Dr T die-

r.*lr-_a.i-eo««tii«»norsrrri«-uiy with 'no. ptemdtayi««oettha, _t« «Mt* sal <j<a__a,«.oiet*p V-ar-ie* bouse«U"-t____**IM U U'*'e: «--". ,!-d >»:>.'.»»« ib-meelve*or .«an ta* a« tie», «apue» that, i«eora>«« or ny » cr*»» .

r***_lt-_*r '¦-¦''' .-.i,'. n.a U'

( 'OOBWIV-V HIHIKINfl.Od Ti« Roo« nsa-i.,_îs*_?**..,1, f i'ot s*w "-"'. »«* "".." a * «

..vare*'is <| ecu. io-«'« oi«r twenty eqaara*. for 1)3 7s

.jar .«,«_». and war.«anted Ooxdwm« Pat**t Hydro-r»«aaay « Cameni 8e«saUUng OMUae a baadewne, eteap«iSgat «yrtd g«_tt>ta roof, aeiiber pileb aor gi-«»l its.* i» us ISf***.*'*-__. **«»?*r«a«j«aiial «Bae.iaeo* at GOOD » s »

«ts*i-w«£tr^ .* '^^jrSmT

IIOISES TQU-fs__.. T(, , F- ¦'«. FOR «AALB-At .»

Wi ... ¿Tick boos«, wiihla tbr«a ailoulst» w».k of the¦a*** i « a-«'»e -

, r, - nty'f New V'ttk rorlsr-s.itrs it tb» firry Isnust, assess,«** .__-,.

mlrnTiO LET. 'r.itn 1st d May. bs't ot » Ian sim~ »..-,- h. ass « Ht«e»»aB »t eoasti'.tBg of twi p*-:««r*

I **_¦.#0 thf, s.. . ,,_ -.s, fcsM'ng d««.r». bock by-rent.ro. u.» »« d'latt of oo .nier eol.ar R««t<».'".

N B A ¡. .-'...«.» p»a»e« tft« door. In-air» at '

¦ No-fik.t_»VVA>TRD-Poi » small »choi, '.n the v'clnityofHn-vswaj, ket-e.« k'.n-t» »ad Poartaaath**¦ two.rarsrii «nmirremeatln. «¡r . SlaaBaasr» or part «

b-t.«» coatuning roans« as above- Addre»» A. II 1- Baa


£1*350 HKiT TO LET « »Odern Ur-rtioisae 1« Ab:a/«*.i_ Pia.--. Troy «» r-.r .wo *r.re

res»«. leq-i'r- fh HAINES, I« Charle»-»«tUH M__________

r'¿m~TÍÍ LET.a» it« ,a« leni'ii $*.>.h»u»eB arl »t i.nrd eaal ol BroaSway. laqait« si U Sec-

*»i,.d.r _«6 St-

ÊTO LKT OK l.KA-iK- A hoow» .'«.«-»r-d d-c».

r.geihec wttn «bout «n »c-ee of cho'ee land, » tirtl-

r«te «taad B>r bailees« Rent very low oed pc*»eellt.B imit>rci«reiy \l«o. to let or leswe. ¦ browo »t M

nhe »toce favoraM y kaown tn th. eity W»t«»r-my Inqa're of W'M J RO'IME.

«¦ a Market, «-r corner

,i i w I E'ghtb eweaaa._«-i im»

T'l LKT.T« e lwo-«stnry buck h-ioae *4 MÖ7t«-r.-»t.tSBE. T'l LKT.T e two-«t<iry biKk hjua« M-it

Bf-_ Tba I « u«wly painted and iboroaghly IS>wr"*- i :toj of so ander eel'«*. Healsad back baaem.ot. with pantile» between front and bfkl a .ire« rein« »nd p.n'rl». oo »««.nd Bear, a

I room« »n »me. t «ether w th the Ciotoo water io ba«e-,.- . re.irabie and convenient reeide-c«

»i «i \r.<\ i:«« a i'eesyi *S -'.

M HOI.-K TO LI r,- <ry nandtng a fallview of in. b«y »r.» h»rb-.r. í mlnnres' walk from

the feiry ard li minute«' 'r m Wall-at. R-rut tSi*. Ap-i « c F DIR A NT .'I \V«I «t.__'___.Em i.l'T si- .¦ . c« »as tbre»-»ory Boasts.

corear - . I a Avenu-, weil. tun-- -7 .r dr» ( -ris. o-i«r li.j«i-

r»-« Il haa a large room l'i lh«t ««sc.nti «.ory.nit ra

i \ »<a the l'pper part oft Srr»»t Ht »renne

..F.'lR «r. i Waverlv Pia.¦4 2w*

înTs> LKT~From T«rM âyTïn Fourth«! next bine.fcsh-, i «'¦«, oae two etory home.rent tjm¦-Un- :-. <. r-' .«e. msrble mtnti-s snd fsshlon«»M. grues »il through Als» Crotón water tu, with linkBad «til« pip* eompl'-'e. T on» or tw.» «mall g*oieetftmltia* will - let at *oS0. Hub->n ballt owe yeasTb«re « a »tattle convenient can ecr.ommod»ie .' or

Ht« wagon ro-ni For ps'i'-nisrt pleoae apply to

m. PULS BR JWN, 366 Bowery, c r

M FOR MALE, OK TO I.KT-wslsaMa pnTpertv«t Msahaiiann',.. BBM I'tng or thr.e ht» 8» ground,frr»nnng e» rood » a *t r ef Cnw II»«-

-, si Oo the same i. a .'

tad a« fer ester« A «»¦; »toty frim»«' -1|. V- Th'» iia gr»od «'aud for carry-

mg on a large b-it'rre«» in «eat, wtvd, feed, -C TheNew York mi A'-sirj _gllllH_ paiaei resr tb» preaisB»

I »ad It in c.ine « f c ¦nttrue',oD. There t» a good wh»rfw «h'n a »hurt d:tt»n.-». For 'errr»« _c »pplv on the

or io J. L KNAPP IDE,:w lei »Ve.l-.t.

Êl'AHMIN'K.ST.-T.» let.t"«' i ¡.e~»7d. «rl»p-.d for any telatl ha«toe«».haini rh-

thiril bouts from Bleecter. north ilde. Apply »l 1~dr. o n _al 1.*

ÊTO LET- A nek rTHiiuing in the tear of 11 andf. Lsurem.t. soluble for a faetoty or work.hopInquire of S. WEEKS, H Mtr'ontt. before I o

clock. A M or «Trlween 1 and It} PM_mi Im*

TO LET.The »a»e«nenl SI Br.ndwsy. »¦ excel-rut lo.atlcn for a boot ot trunk mike«-.ra.tatf WM T JENNIN08A C->

«ff*k^T<i"1JÎ1T-Store ii Bowery, occupied fur the _»t

¿_j_ «1 ye»ra by l.ita'o Reed, a* »m-aiahii». A fir»l-¦^^

r i'e »(»ti i for a pr iv-«i n »r. r- W uid be let fur ;i¦ sths f.-.-m th» frat «a» sfaaatMar, r ye»r Rent.A ¦" In »uir« if JOHN BAM : IJ t »I. up »talr».at« 2m-


TO I.KT- To Litetaiy, Moral and Reliai u» »ao-

ne new, pletssnt »nd convenient Lecture-room of the City lointute. Ill Al ««yet. Can be bad

«lagt n the ueek D-sng'i'er» of Teroper.inc«will find Ir a pleasant room in which to hold their after¬noon meen nr» m.*7 2w*


f-'TO IJIIOt KHH TaLet,tb law«*«tareeeraarofBarrow «r. and Newark evnae, formerly occupiedby John Amten. a« a grocery »tore.

Al«n, larg« »tor-«dj ¡iniiig. »aitable for clothing or dryg ..ft »tore. Celler and »table may be hid with bi.h the»t re.

Also.For »ale 1 or ) new brick honiei within S all u'.*wall. "1 Jeriey City feiry. Po..eiilon given tmmerii»-.,'o» ail the atH'.e pi p«rtw, lDQ¡itro ofDAVIU JONES,

tlte tl oBBsa «io-.. m\* 2w

FARMS FOR SAU;.Milillí MALE.-A (arm III «. . it -» of t.i-s Cityol"¿' cotiiMnlng Si»- acre». It I» »aid to be one of

s Banal valaeala t.run iu Celambta Coaaly.th«word»' it)mated to b« worth at least I

_IdlQtfI T. I. HALL -i-s Rrnvtw.r

SrOK 1SALB OR r\l HANOI for City Pro¬perty.A farm ol about o. acre», pleaaantly »iluaiedon I.i.ng lalaad I nnor» ride tit in th. city by rait

rosd on the farm there ia a gxid hnu»-. k'tehen, barn and.'her ¡i' bailding», a »¡.id well ot waie' si ihe door, «n

orehsij ¦:' »pp.». cherrie*. pearhe*. pear* »nd quince»,»nd . variety of ahrnhhery, (og-tber with the crop» now

I ia the ground. Twoihirdiof the m ¡oey can rem« n on

tarf"-r psri.oulars in-iuir» o* 22-i [r.-.wBBOtl .-«,1 ;.n< «t. ni would he let low H a good liUdntm.l .'iv.



a A LllKIE LOI' t'K A1LANTHI á and Peach ofail k I id. »» .'li h Si. y -Il- r v.i leite» I Ft Uli and OrtiO»in-n- .i lire« also. BOB large A.paragu» K'st'ti

Apply to Mr. 'Ill RTEWAET, OBI Oea-H ndr-rl andTwenty »ntnanl Kr «hin avrn.t.. aad JOBEPH LODOENnrieryman and Land.«ape O-rdrr-er, Morrinnia De¬pot, in Har'en,, N. V N B -J. I. in acknowle«(girg pastfavor» ht-g i't i kg Ml I .. con'lnuei planting and Isylag ot

C ty »nd «r.burbsn («stner.i in m-d-»m sty1. _riB aw'


PANY O* NKlA-yoRR.ottic« M Wsit-at.-Csi ital-. i.i.sn. -ilriiinaliy inciirporatsMl in 17HH .Thi. companycont nnei to in.ure «gainst lue» and damage by ht- m ÜMnu «t favorable term»i it» operation» are eontiued ehieflyloth» City of New-York ond It» immediate proxiui'ty.Aillo»».»» adjusted and paid with prnuptne»»and Üb-rtilty.

UtRHCTORS.Gorge Ireland. John Oothout, George ArcnUrlot,R-t.-rt R.-nioa, John Campbell. Oeorge Con.lin.Joehua Bru»h, Robert L. Stuart, John 'Jray,Boitu Moore, Kdwsu-d Cook, Aaher lliley,Antbony Lamb, Adorn Nome, Robert Kermtt.Benin C>e Formt, William Tucker, Chas. P. L.v.rich,Anthony Chardon, L-at laC.Hainereley,William HrowalngAlsx Lawrence. William E. Deaa, Henry Klsworth.

UEOROE IRELAND, Pte»id»nt.A B. McDonald, SeeretoryN-w-Ynrk. Oct. 2. 1-17._«y|

OKFICKOF "TIIKHOPK HÜTCAL LIVEIniur.a'e Coropsny,'' ri Wail-iL M«»rllm-r Büllúlngl

New-Y.ra, IMh Msrc.h. 1847.T.-.i. In»i>iiiiii.u.ln«-orporstedtn I8M.with a Itrsssrsl and

p«rp«atual charier, a,.d duly orsrami-d according lo l»w.Da» commeiir-o lu«» l.uilae»» of Lifel-jiunnrn, on lb« Mil-lu»' principle»; the eel prohi* t.-tag d'vlded »onus.iy.rncsrst inn linired, »rrcmiinj; lo the act of Incorporation.T'l« rat-»» o'prtairlum« conform with the utage of otheritntirr r.ompanlei.'or the ronwenlence of partiel Icnrlogwho would prefer to p»y the premium« by InilAllmenit.itI» lefl t«j their optl si when ihe preailain eic.edi .».'¦. tep«y oQ««-hslf In ra»»i, »nd i«»c«.re piytneui.,( lb« r-»ldueIn !. inirji'i»,'¡y *a »pprovod nulo hearing lctere»! »I gper .-em.Tit- live» «| married mea may ne tn»are«J for liie benefit

« w:.-«a".i rhlldren, «o that upon the deeryaaeofihe lr«nr«t.; the w'fe If llvliig...'if Dot, Iben lilt chlld'eD«nil r-crlve t ie «vmisurji p»yaul- by ihr« po.l-y, fr'se _dclrsar of «cy «*l»lm by the eredilorsof thed--«-taFor tie rrtiai-r »»vurliy of pssrile» iasi.ri"g w'.ih ihl»

cc.upsuiy, tne Trosiras« hove provided oo Indetroliy fund,io lbs amount c <i¿b,0OOf mett («srjinol may accrue upon

poltet«»» tstrar-d i«y «he di_p»ny which Is to remain, unit!

»capi-.slBi-iserlir.y th»t oiiiount (holt b»we bean re¡alliedfTom the receipt of preralumt, when U will be co longerc-<--»»»ry, »cd may tie wltbd»»w...The follow'tog 1» a lt»t of ih« Orh«-er» »ad Trudee» for lbs

SBdiiog year.v:x ¥P.(_ STKL«.:i»i_»uie> Wswsd, Sir» Wjcnt, Cjain.-ey Ayres,aimsx.Baldwin, Joaepb 8. Nooes. Pnllip M. Oaiplu.D.:r,l» P-rklns, Ro»well Hoyt, Wni L. Brewer,J j.m A. D»w»«oporl.9»m'l R- Hatierlee, Jame« Dlmoo,A.fi'r i!. Dana, C. H. Btsardne-, Chat «Vhltll-wey,Charles J. Taylor, Jono W. Leadi, Jeiepb 0. IN »rroB,Alex'r Hamilton, Alex'r N. Holly, Si.«pheo B. Provint,JaineiT Se ...r « r. T Misai Tr:«a«>. üsveoporl.

ALEXANDER N HOLLY. PreildaaiJOHN W. LEc.t*», AssUaanl Prseidenl.JOHN A. DAVF.NPORT, V!ea PrsMtdeatiO-EPH B. NONICS, Actoory.ROMW EL- isOVT. Aaeratory.WM. WELLB. Oaoeral AajssA

Daau, Woudrasf k Itssonard, Keqi. Co>ua*tsliori and At-'.ornawa ef tba C<.rspany for Me w-Yerb. Wm m. Ki«scr,E»e C«s«a r i-a a\o. «,M. L>. soil A. Coa-a BalL M. D Pbyttclaos. He-lleai Es-a t oed Al7l«er« of the Company f-»r N-w-Tork.C M_BCB| Ayo», M. D. Paysl-ioa «_4 Medical Adwiierfer «tamforil BlVllaodtf

i.kc;\i« i\oik i.s.

BY OKHKH of Hon. Mlcbaal Uloaoeffer, FIm Ju .<-_( Nrrw-Ynr» c'ommoa Pino», noli«-, i» berehy <iwe .,

pitauat.l io ihta m >«.»i.,n»i'f ihe »Ulule ouiboiiziag ot-ie« hment» ogoln.t »s»c<>r,4ing, coere.lssd and ooo ra«'denidsstiitir». ir-ol ao oiUsChmeat ha« i««u«sd «-slnst u.« «-»laie .jfDAVID ParK. a liaid«a» ot ihe «laie of Tracassée, andlhai toe some wiii 1ms »old for ibe payment of bu debía, un-

leaa h- oppf«r and discbarge »urh atiac.bu.ant. accordingo .aw within nine month« from «.he Ant puhitrailoa of

lb» coitt-e, »nd (bai Usa payment ««f saw d«*0u tue to himby any parson within ibt» Slate,«tod Wedeilwery lo him or

.»««.ofsuy proper.), rtssi or personal, wtlbtn thisBute tse.uogtng in h m, at.J ihe -.rar»fer ufany such prop¬erty by hi«, «re forbidden by law, and ore vetd..Ooie-1Um ¿IJdayof Ja.j. HENRY E DAVIEB.jrit law»«ts,_Attorney for Altacblng Creditor

VOTICE-to parseanc» of ao order of Andrew B.iaHci i« County of Kings, noticeia hecrhv river, to all person* bavin» claim« agaicwc

IN. iot« jl the City ol Brut-kl>a a»aid 1'o^r.yr. u«ce_te«, to pressent tlse asme wit.i -.heisa.luis toereol to one or the tubecribei» at hi» odice No.tt _ourli »i-eet. to the City of ?mfm- York, on or belors iL«twtn-.e'h day < >ct H, !»g7.

.'. >.: I«'.\ } Admiontraior»

IN I'l K-l INi 11 of ao ordar of thVaurro»aU of ibe¦' i« nor.by irisa to »II aer-

.un« having ^.».ras _aalo.t TllADDKI'-» t} BENEDICT,preesot rh«

( to the »ubs-riber, at h .o_ic«. No. »9 Wali-vUeat. ia lbs City of Naw-Ycrk. oo orbefore tb» eighth day ol July noAC-Deled New-fork,ih»six-h d»y of Jaaaory. ltg«

V M;ÇLA I'AMBEET. ¿»«caror.

1\ 1*1 MMI*AMC H "t »«.oruerei she _«tj»ate of teaCouaty ol Ne-ar y jtk. ihi'Ic» '. heiaby »t»«» m »It p«j.

»o«t 1 »vug claim» »aawai DANIEL LLIVaN, lata of. tsrraated, to p-evrsl tbs .an . wltu

labaerlber*. »t tb» ttor» of.»eirg« McBrtê«, Jr N. Hi Broaaway.t« the Ctty of New-\ nk ,.a o- l..f r« tb« ist-entre'li ».»of Saptwosber next-Doled Now Yuca. to. itiih da. of Mateo. Id-OS

JACOB HABVI.Y I_,ml? tawoso O-oROE M.BEIDE. Jr.» E*s«aton.

g MH'NTIMi^MtM mr OI'SK-s, .>*., .V,. ¿Va- Itbn» » vagi»tv cf aatterae let aalsb*

a»i. W. »imUCE. IÄ Br-osdw»,

-A- .»r.»d » I*«- B*

.... Kerry ...VVb-».

lit»* «T privtie re»;«oM_». «-. .-.---¦ , »ti m «hf ABM S70Ral. -e»r ib« preunue«, or of VA. "TUf-M

.t N V ¦6 It

£KOR íaÁLB-Tba >ew a-foij bro«. «toa*. ooa.

. -.. ,1 Eghie,núi»t between

l.'vioi p i»ce»od the P.urtl.-.venu. u I« the .**-*

..». of the «e.in* cbar«cl«r. ji»t ttortea -

Enisbed wirb »II «he n-odsro itnproven«eo(», loeie«ilngttur»i lu e-.»ry »'««ry. bot-air fur«,Mo.

.tatuar» and Ki«nn« ma.-b«e mantel*, «te fcs. The piu-nving haa'been done by itlji » kad «Bjr*t *Ob-tiaal a manner. D ¦ . Apply u

ÊI-OK *»AI.K < HE Al' -Anea' w«ii bol.

«toiyboai a»ple**_»tnebord, wiih.u uiiuu:-» -» :.*. Ooehaf

the purchase money can reman on moni»ge for a turm of

.ear«. A| .... N ithdeventb »t. between.-._ Third vv ¡toi «rgl

£-1 W AI'K, >. J. PMOPBRTV r m-"ortolet -T'.e b «««i .«« lot b«~ Broa« »i. N*w*'k. N J

Th- . -. de»p and ¡.'i fret «id* Thehe-um t« . two «Jtîry fr««*ne building with kitrhea attacheda 'B good r«p»ir. Th» g.rden se "«''.. . ver *ty of Irait»ree« »raee vine«. A-* the l'ieati« n i»«iihlna few rr, j' «

walk of the new êpot lately eaiabliili d. from which the« elT.ne: hourly for ih'» »ity The »bov» prop-r-at'd m a pleasant and beeithy p*rt of the cv.

t » t»»y det'r»-« » '»»-»ne«« for s »mail «Ta-l'y. Ap-p y to THEODORE STOLT. Mercnaot«' Eitb*B»eB«_k.

. -r ..no CQN'MT A. N"»LE. In W»ter »t.

AT PKlVT«ÍTB^7«rí._-rr* tw«v.torv cotiag*fi»n'e bou»» with b*«emei.'. anil a'tie, filled in withbri-k. »n,l l ¦¦' ft kn «"« -«'« We»,

, icrI »tee, hotwire i N'Glb andTenth Ave**«» ; boa*« -.«nda in

«i i!-.» modera »tvl»,-. - a gr»t»*.

hath r !!. ».-ti-tan ro

« lioalan applyH Are».,eeer. 7 OTOOtt.

PTphK MILL. FOR BALK, *: R~ mi nidal*.u.,«a notili of P*'.er-

*»n. » :'> thirty sire» of lan.i.ouedwelliii. htueeaad« n»n tbond.oee of water a'. a;i»«a»on»

lodrive fcor laspa eaime« i un', and day TeruneaivPor flrther pait.eu'ers irq/n'» of


KOK «Al.làf.Koir building lot» on th* Ninth-PI .. Apply t.»

ellw» I BI.K.r Kl.K. Aueti meer. 7 Kr« » I

M\ P ritlV ATI SAM. -Tke iw tiliTy" «¿d »ilic;.,... betue »ad leeta I, SI Vssisai it I.»*»«.ill expue, May. 1 groaad teat, ár.uf

hooa* I» fi I in» by 10 ft. nie cf lot Id ft 1 in» by M ft.E,Eor particular», »pply to A J. ULEECKEK.

aJ I« Auctl, »er. 7 h

AT PRIVATB -ai.Ethe sou'li side o' Do« liuidie« and .»eien.e'titli it.

o feel ei«t of Thud-avenue, each let a- byPart of the purchase rr,iiney can remain on bond and

r'Mg«. Kor term», Ac »pply tov BLEECKER. Aucllcn««r,T Broad-«t

SKOIt BALI I taeboyol Ne«coatainlsg »hour >i «erv*. Tb.e hou»e, (wlm- i«

double,) the utbuil urg and fe, c»» are new. Theplace coutair.« a va'l-ty of fruir» and grape», »od th« » lew

¦ h. IM i» un»urpH»rd For particular«, loqn'/eolKDVVIiK BUTTON, 75 William-.t. or M the pren i*e»of T S BVRRETT._ ill la«mm BOH *»ALK-A beautiful eoontry r»«ldei«c», f«>rH Bey pernio wuhinr to reside in the country Bod do

^^"u«ii,»»s in rh« city The place le »liuatad on th»bank« ol the Badana Kiver, within half a mile ol the.teamboat landini a'. Yonker«. On the place 1»a good cot-tt.e BO.*¦ coach-hone, f. tilt of ai kind«, U arre« of'»,d Kor aertleals-s laaeire of Mi lo'tN RashkoR».at the ...eamh.iai «aadiBg« or of Mr FREDERICKKRdVVS We* S»i-,,'»-.rth st N Y mrnttW

Elof lluutingu-ri, L. I. «lUat» at the bead of the H »y.a go, «1 iw .-s'o-y dwelling home, bara and other

aaseeasr] outbuildings, gn-den stock««d with peach andplum tiens, itiawberry, grope vine». Ac a «out IJ a.'reeof l»«d it aa high »ta'e of cultivation M can be made.MofOIt.d d»r». «led lfw»n««.l rr-r pirn oila'« I«i,|Uire.' B v»'ALT-BS. ,'n th, preon.»«, «r ol VVOOIHICLf« fcCo. -07 front-»I N»«. Yml [<_gl_«sed* | E VVA-TEBl

HII.I.I A H*«Hl KUH I'KOPKIITY toVilie»ery lov. -One two »lory »nd aide bou»» lu I»eon-aid-»t.- lot l-> feet by 10«,' hnua« '. fuet by By, nearly

sew, containing II rooraa.price #1,1'»'.four huuird canremelu oí i.'rrgaln A so on» new ln-.'-il-ii »nd atlich ,u»» with a.it hen ami one or two ,'a ground, cornelif Eavsa auti Amalee »i. near the Ooih'c church, Intimi..

D MANJEIl. soraoi ol Grand »nd Pourlh «t» VV :\.1 ari'.t urali ti,I lni*

*\%%KX I'KIVATK raAI.K.-Th« blgbl« «nuhed^H two si rv and atic brick bouse aid l,t :K harir.inst^Theh'U» i. *"> hy .*>n feec »* iih IJinoliwall« and»u'> C' Uar. having attached a tine two story tea-room I. by

,ui '. by ,lay'»-_i!rk lu the ii.olt «ii'.|la«ulal con-v-nunl aud c«.stly maiiner. Crotón wittr intitxiucedtooutfhuul the house with hot n«,d cold hath». B7BtST

«- sand iiiarbltt wash.'ands In the «eeon.-t story ThefsatSiaoba»by 100fepfc Th» whole preni »e» are

lo the in«,st r««nipl» » and p-ifert order, «..'"" may rer-ain «,u hoiKi »r-d mor'tai») \f d ?«i/ed Por farthe'par¬ticular» sppiy lo A J. RLEKCKEK, Au-''oueer,

in-1 7 h road-itC'l.I P'1'IÍÑ, MTATKNTALiANI»"- FOR .SÄTE.a dw ll'o< h"u» h' f.-el «quare, '«»»id* a plana allround, "." fe»t from ihe water, witb a comniapcin.

I« io i'.y. Bay and tbn Narrout; thn boute I»-iily linithed, the room« large, with reilinga of II

-t ,,n h. rlr»t floor, and the basement cmtainln«. bastdekitchen, cellar, panflet and bathing-r om, abundant ¦_>c'.m'Dodation for d« me«!,ct A lot of «and of diineus'ous.ieeire«! by the purehM»r wijl b« (Old wi.h the h n«o.

Al*o, cltage Ute« »nd bulling lot«, either »ingle or Inpareel» a« may he preforreiTh* «tin«!ion of IMS propt-r'y n the most centra! In lb«

.n p-ovtni part of lío- isian.i ; aud it I» believed no pntp-ertyfn Ihe seigbboikooe of thjruy presents *» (»vorablean opportunity for i..v»tt!iieut. Appiy t,

W. W VAN WAOEN fcN, Is \Va!l»Uormln !m OF.O B ROLLINS. «7 VS'a.i ,t

ÊTO VIKHI HANI«», IIKIMl ANII'Htnd Man-ulacturer» .Mercbanr» wishing bcaull'ul bu'ldingsi', s. mechanic« and manufacturer, de.ir.iu« of »n.'.

localities are regueai-d to call on the uo«i»r»it««««l at .''.V.li.t or Ooe il «u ired and Eighteenth »t ilarlem.whj offer» fir «ale a large number of pare«» andof ain.Ie lot« very cheap »nd on mod favorable term».No place in Ihe .'cited Stale» offer« th« turn* advantage« »s th la property «itusted aa ft is at Harlem«ithin three-quarter» of a hour» rid« by tai'car»<r «tagM luonini »very 15 minutée to tb* b«a*t marketin the w«rld. both for the itapl» and '.ha manufactured »rucle. be»i,le haviri on each i,de a river navigable at all-««««.n« o' the year for veeetie of the larieet olas»; thnreare chur«he* of «very Chri*tl«n d»no»niuat'oo. and la'te»tihooie io «bleb children receive a g »id education ft. atany charge. Sirae of th«»e lois may be bad without pay!"« any money down, the purchaser Impr.ivlus the «am«Vtsuufaotu en c«n have buildins» pu' up f ,r their accoinmodation on favorable term». Maebaniea will find plentyof work in lb« vicinity. N. H. Th* fare to Harlem (by.ommutation) I» no inure Ihio to Tweoty-thlrd.t by (beomnibuses ISAAC DOUOHfY.To Let, . fae'ory Toa.I on One Hundred and Twenty-

a!.:,",»t »ear Railroad. m« lineid*M.VIII.I.H FOU BALM« ta r-ais^taTtJ" l«t and"iT.7-

medial* po««e»«'oo giveu-The new factory build-in.'« and «ratal privilege», eituatel on Murderer«

Creek, Orange Co. State of New-York, being one B Ik»fiom New-VV'indair and Cornwall Landing, foarmilaat fromNawhurr «nd a qua'ter of a mile from »loop navigationwell known aa the bnurf Mill«.The property contitt» ,,f .m acre» of land « new A-itory

brici build'ag i'.i feet B* -to. a Urge d weliing-hout». b«,iLput up la-.t teuton unàe. the »uperlniendenoa and dnec-tioo of Mr C. Leonard. M a eott of #<s,ooii, and eight goodhulldiag« for work bantlt or lor other pur p,ses, and fruittreeeof all kind, on la* premfteaThe whole will be »oi.i a bvgalo. or will be lea»« i

(«vorab!« term» «reel Improvement» are goiui i«i In thed.aad - Hudeou River a«,d New-lfork k

K'ie Railroad* ar* in the vicinity, and when finished willfuroun ea.y communication lrjr-i the mil,» to lb* city ofNew YorkThe prermiei can be *e«u M any time, and a* it Is nit

ex peeled any one will parcha** witio.it »««mining th«.«farthpr, petty, a farther d»»,-ription il deemed uonace-i»ry.

fur term» and other l'articulait apply atmil tf MRS O. B MILLER A Cil I In w,.»r..i N Y


uuder»i/ued will leee'pt for merchandia« oy the bIkivo-named la.t liée tt fin Inweat current rat.-* (Joode in¬tended for th» line «ill be loaded in the ear» of the ma.ip«*««n<fr train wlncb leave« Fhllad»lphia at midnight,aud % rive« in (;h«mb«r«burg (half-way to Piin-ergb,1 idtwelve hour». F «at wegoe«. «Bleb travel day ton c|ghLare loaded itimediareiy, upon the Brrival of the emit, sadarrlv» io Pittsbarga in four day.«, mailing five day? fr»mPbiladespbi« and »lx frote New Tcrk.>l«k pack..«. " «3 ..hain't E1V« 0«y Zxpnut Urn*-If tf WM TYaO.M. Aseet, i" »V «set «treat H. V


1VV Lat« Arr»n|BU3»iit, Toa"friday, Octobet 1 \ofJ. Leave

r»T«»Jo«» DeroT. N-w-Yoas» o'clock, A.M. c:oek, A M-lllo-eloek. A. M. 1-» tfeuxik, f. M.s o'slock, P. M. I it o'eIc»sk. P. M.

ON SUNDAY*».Leave« PatenoB Wtpot at New York at

I o'clock, A. M. ilaeo. A. M.I . clock, F. M. I l| o'eloek, P. M.

P-saengsr» are advlMd to b« at toe Ferry . few uilaste..t"'.' «w,e» r.l »t»»«:n(0|

Al.lt \> Y dk .«( llfiifci TaTÜV¡RAILROAD COMPANY-Merch«.'d:«e «ill be recaiv«»d by r_e tiyjtt

Company at Aibaoy. and transported u> Buffalo and inter¬medíale placas by railroad, on and after tit* l«t of Novem¬ber, proximo Printed ___ of Pn:««, A« tear be bad ea.ppllcatio* to ISAAC NEWTON, ;n Or*enwich-»i, or *.Livingston k Weil*'» Exprès* OtBc*. 10 Wallart. N. Y.

A'I communication* In nlaüoo to 'roight maUen tí A,kasav rausx ba Mdreseed U> E. FJ9TER, Jr Sse'y.Aibaov. Oeeaaer -it, ¡847. .jo ¿rk Joe mal ,f Comm>ra< «ill g'rirt »-ijT

_»rK.NlN(;-i»lr THBÏVe.N.»SVLVaMA ta-¦ALfaUM -awigha-o'«"

...targn -Th* uaferngn«* woald IlISSilIfoillv e.tata «hi. pen. mat on ia»r gr*t of March. n«vinttaa «ill b« rt».im»«i forth« pre.Hit *ee«oe to Pitt».

» th« Pea*«>ivani*Canal« aad Railroad.. (Jo«««mai»»i |.r tbi* Lin* will ., furw»rd«d waft glcat «.«pauh »ad at lit* low«t lornat r.te. S, e..mn,i«do*a o;-»-dtB« g «od« frot, Fittshunh A

'..of ¦*»*«>_ Pa,-kft> «. piutburgb daiiy at to«.«ti. « ii.vnie, at Lcuia. Mara

P- »¦" . . . . Lire ».aCaasvl'_^_»l_r-' ION A,»ui. io W»,iat. N. V.

l4»*PpJBBBjBjBBa. IlkUUVVAKK, «vUl.|-;-T«»OI .,HL-J-Ji*.- CBablb«/ lutle. .!*:.*. '

aM .o (Jet-,« k -tul«. I,upoii-r and U«a_» «_»er*i _»ea!ar In Eog,i*b. n«rui»i aadAmencaa Hard «a-*. Celery. Edge

"k.i k* _ fiH- ,-«K Ophelia dp U*it*d States Hot*I,New V. t.a2ct Ht .»!«, »'. lb« loweet niaiket rat«»beside article« _nd to baidwara «t»rre-*P**r'i mi, , pit ... i -:ri<»c«'-*awi; rtsuttle« ataabib»*.b'««-A lead p..;i a»d sand tia-lbisi lead alp« pumps totw*. . *ed ei.lernt; hydraulic rar«, Switcb «atar ofAyr, Mia-oeit ac«i Ark«n«a« oil t.oue eooBOr«' tooi«by Atborrton. C. rger. Horloa, Bailo« A Baldan atidoiuere (warraatedl ; ea«aBataAaie* tvoiai ooop.r«' traaehoop«, n.«i», bow.le. cu***, S.C , -.,««. n»d ekig-ear-paat.r*' tool«, b;«-b»ui'B*' lo-l. , faiesisg ard gardenBtaaelB uuiver Ml «beeaa t botolier.' luola , i tb-aat aak-.».' iriram ng» hi um «ad ¦blp-bu'ittaie' Bar* «rarB ¡ Iroa.bra«, cop p»r aid ««eel «Ira ekaet brsM ¡ «.king BtaaJepaleoi bo Al, be. i geovte« U_|1«_ otl«-BBi«latBBW<«_aVY

COXaVKYANCEfi.sT~*~s^«'ís.* LAU MAIL LIMIT, ««-._

J^^j^agïT «t.«n «. d NewYork, wi»_r..t,tr,fl~,¿¡Th. .ERBILT. (..»I b'.-.« ^y

Massai tii-iKTTi, c*p- rotter, will ¦ 'i ,ng_o«|Ibe se»*«, ¡B eooBBOl'OB with the «Ar nirgtoa »r.i Ir»««,J-o.-- »ni B.s*wn *.rd Pro*i«1«fct k«liro*_», Vav.rg N.%.Tork daily, .v.-fl».« «aceatsd. freos pier Nm b Kir«at 5 o'clock. P. M and Mtoongioa at »«/««W,f tt.mapoo tlse arrivai «vf (he mail lr»'n ( om Boatos.These <te*m«r« tsT« uoiurpaaaed la «peed, sp>eDder«y

coir, fort, bavin« -echo' Un m t* lArr-c .remodi a» priwgi.[ berth Cor MI. persone, besids tar,-« pr.wa»

rc-otm» fa»r faiDlIie* sod parlor*.Toa «lo.meta or'ortiivsred by the .noir «sparie-ft^M^

ood wf'l «isorten _M pos**«- betws~»a Ni»T »k «ni Be»toa fron« i| us .buure, tberrby »rrlvlog In bswip . tías«««a»! the l.n.« lu.i.imsar m ri*w-ï«srk. Mswtk, .- ata »a«Weet s .1 .¦¦ .. ."° K*"»

Tbe C VsNlO KBILT will leave Nsw-York. 1 esda».Thur«ví»y sal S»t«jrr*y. Lsav» »uialag'oii. KooUj.

'_¦ .

TheMAr'sACII('''ETT3 *HI leave New»York Xtisj,r_y »..d Fr.day. Leave St-Blegta/O. Titade»,

Ti nr» »y a.d -SatirdíJ.N B P.«»enger»-¡n ihr »-rl .»I f the »t- om*rt ai «xa

in." - w«r»ee-«r« .«- B*d»l - y ib »he ipieedid Baiiroad «Cor»to Provide»t» and Bo'too

»«Car «svoinpaii.-a th. »cambist IfMel lo

«ni fr r. II .'"n. i- ts»e onarir- of the baggageFo« paa»ase. berth.. ítala r«..ns*, or íre-glt BpB.'itetiea

m»y i e toad» to rb» Agents o i tits wharf, and at tb«««..»,______

.PKÓÍ»LIÍ,**l LIMChTKA »l(îll\fs|'. .R ALBANY, doiiy. Sende«» «»optad.V rough diieet-At 6 o'clock, P. M (row

ir- p er betw -en CurlUnd Sot L t-»rly .'«

Hie««.!*«* ISAAC NEWTf'.N. C.pt «'.li.mll p.ywill Isars.ia Monday, Widaesdiy «ad Friday »venias».

Bt S o'r.St«aoih .at «¡»MIRAL,C.;t Ahm lliteheo<k.wi!r»owe

on Tue.day Thu »day ead S.turdsy «tomt.n 6 o'.loekAr .*> c'c'o'X P M londi'ig »t Intermedia'' placas

- f. -.t ol Karrlay Mtil AMERICA ('»M Thrs N l!u,'**,

M«»y, Wed^eaday, Frld«y «ad *Jand»y af¬ternoon», tt .1 o a

¦»tramU «. aAMT * Cl, M* C»pt 3 Orerbsgh. willleave oo Tuesday, Tbur*d»y and Satui«.»«/ »ttrruoo»», »t

s o'clock.Tns »bow* hot'« will »t »It tim-» arrlw« io Albaay ia

unt,l» ti e fr ll.e morning car. f r ibe lut ni H'sst-Pre .1st tok«a ar «Btsder.te r» <.>. ami none tta-B»fte«A

1* K All persson» »i-r t.sibi« liusllr « an» o( Ubsttoauoflh.» :¡ e, wilboal . vrr.usu cr-ec from in» Caa-


r r »aasrwsa or frsitM apply on board lbs best», a» te

f ( -i :il i,r/ at theoi.;e. n the wNarf »

¦OK»V.»OKH,AI.HA>V AND1KOYl_ n- lor Alb«Bt and Troy direct, from Pl«r"a' ll.e fo«» uf (.ortlanri-H P»rioat taking

this boat will ii u Htm (.» take lb« »srlts»t¦. ;,, Bufbls, ami north to dtralors.

Lok« (Jerga and Charopl.'nt» praeeure »m_»BS«l EMPIRE. C.pt W W

Tupper, tni« «ven., t .i i. ,ic g| II -rular data Tuesdayy »öd tiStardaf ¥ t i".»«»«- Ac »iply-'ti botud,

or to . s CHAMeERLIN.at U« oft Be th-wlarf-Fr.-it.t matt be put la ebarge tt »he tr««ght a».nt. or tbe. "iiptusy win o.'t be rrsssmitibl 'or lo.al

_ -fT.s»_|«l.asM.Ki.1l KIT»»-Ml M Nul" » 'î^gy. ll.Y- Evaa.i.« Ht« for Alb«ny throagb^^"""r'.'-tltR b-n. n t .fir,, abov. Barclay Hr.amer RIP VAN WINM.V, Cap« rsamoal-chayler, w'll ¡eavsoa Moedsy. Wed««day and Friday, at b e'eioek, f M Fei pa.i.g« «i

I t'ght «pply on board.or 'oil T STANLEY, at the of;,-.». n the d.»ok. Th» h r»« wi'l ar»ive » »Il tut.«^ n am

p'« lime for th» M.iroing Tt»iu East or West. Freighttaken at moderate ate«

All Ml »Oil» »te f.-rbld trmttng thi» b.ist with»! t writ-(- n out r 'r- lb« Captain ¡ .' tf

l*oi i;iikli:i-»ii LINK OF'a A ROE »-The tsari«« CLINTON CAM..Wlllal«, e.e.y .Vton.1«» IXC HANOI,

( s," It »ekitn. eiery Thirtdiy POniHMTEPSIE,i »t t II rt »a,eve. Retardas», «i o'clock P M. fien»foot Murr»«r »t f. r ps»»et g-r« »nd freightThe above Barge« ore .» rgsnily funnelled with »tau

. it »ml c rniortabls cabins, aod era SI

pi-ss!y Rtr-d op for the -.««'.«rt and convsnisuee of pas-semeii. Arriva at Pon« k.e;,»i. in tiui« lor th» »tag»»lo »bar jo, i'lii-s Plain«, and Ne* -Milfoid,

aTlIK I'KOKII roli.-sOl- NTEAt»tOATt wiiblag U.U. h ¡eg would do

"well to pay » vitii on board th« . iMMtaNissrara. Mountaineer, (1 it er nor. Th..ma. Powell. Job«Puller. Ami.irai. Hay rstst«, «ao ii-.. end «aaoslo« M-Boass » Inpioved Psteut Ooiig Bell, e»pec'»:.y «td- -tedf.«r stesoif..'», put up neat »nd s'r..«rg. »nd warrant*.) forone year A variety of the»* Bell* will be eonitantlykept on hand for th. »tx-ominodatma «if c.pta'n» ami pios.n-ti ia luiusf at a dlttaucc, by H H « or AI Aus-at New-York N B . N¦« p.-son I» au'h.irig-d to eonrr.ct forwoe» in my name, a« I a tend to it in perton m_i 'su

.(.ITK'K-Iiu and after Unwiutiar I«.'! in.'.he irtsm-ii bfATEN IBLANDEB

rtiti ai l.'iiwi.Urn* <iit'rn .'. I, Bad IB.A Mi I.' M land P MIhm w-i. Ik « and II A M t» and »¦ V M IM


Jfct »TKAM rACEET I."."»1' This la"dep ¡nd»ct Lui» .1 I'-aii.-ri :« w ornr.

th» lariMt, iwlfteic bed fiii'»hed »nd lu-ni.lird,»' .1 »i p.»a« ,»rful boat« on the water» of the We»t TheItrgh-at wane» »re paid for ihe »e-vce» of the he»ttusdnisil .«perienced men engaged in the rlv.r I' »in*»». Th»ttaa aasaaea ia ep rattnal »i year», ha« c-itrieu nearly

ft «pie, without d itng rh , a rliieai i«ijaryto their pertiru. Tn- propr stirs challen«« rumparisoai"rh sny p.t»so«-r lie« tti th« I. ntou for safety r-«n.»rlly»nd sp-ed All that money ran procure h a» been M" »idedfirth's «aifaiy. cotnlort and c. «i-en -n«. it pssaeog«r«.The b-at» leave I'm.burgh for Claetaastl »»follóse»»(«..f,«».MCNONOAHKLA.C. tfioue

,.... HiwKRNIA.No «, Idi.nRlioe' l»iHV.i..«.,(iy..NEW F.NOI.ANI), No. ¿. Samu- I'eaa/ le... BRILLIANT R I ilrsc»

.CI.IPPFK. "¡. .'. N Cirokl...MErldRNOEE .>. Coip

tmndau.ISAAC NKWTON. A <) Masr.» Ilf ,'n.

Ran ki.nh AMIKill K RAILROAD

Vynisg- .1., lagrnsrafsTwo |'_««-,iger Ttalii» e»cn way daily "n (.«.day,

n 1 uitil larther notice, th» ear» an- b aM willrun »a (o iBtv«Fa !'»5a..rsi rus.Leave Now York (foot of Duaai-M )

at 7 AM and « P M._«B»a I*. r.J-ivi» alb o'clock A M and JP.M.L-ave OlKvill« Bin ,n A M and i lis P M M ddl»

t«wn il i A M «u.l A lu P. M. O »heu ot 7 .'. A M »od«t 7 Í.S A M and 4 W P. M.

Ex. »|-t f r pera..oil haggage. whrn plv.ed in the hand»if rh. bsuygsMS-iiiaater. the Compaoy will oo' i.« reaeoMi-¦ia fur any artiste ^al upon Ibe p »ae-iK-r l« il oc tralu,utile«« r-c-', i»d for l.y the ouït atitiijiK.-d B^.ut.Fo* Famoiir-Leav» New-York at A o'clock. P M pei

h»tg-«S«inue' M»t»li, Henry Huydam. Jr. and Dunkirk).'«v. Port Jeivl» at »o'clock. A M.


RAILROAD.The »teenier NIAlíA-

RA, Cáptala i. Hrovk*. it will ,,-ave New-York fron thepies fool ol Market «ireet, DAILY, at (_ o'c'oct A M.«äiiotioyiexeepted.) for BRIDOKPoBT, wneia postwo-get» lake the eiegant and coinmoHiosa ear« of lb« Hoa-.atoni» Railrosvl arriving as dial« Lin« at U 'Ii and m) ai

P. M.-»rag.» run In connection with the esus to L-e. Le nul,

Old Slockbridge Curtuvlli«, W,n«ied and Norlolk. Also,to Litcbfield. Woodbury, Danhury snJ Bathal.XT No »g-nt of thli Cntnpany 1» luthor g"d to tsk»

charge of Rpeele, l'....k Notei, or v»l»able papers.or tersceire them (or Us_i.porttr.oB oa soy conditionFreight r-ce..-d al eise <(*|-*.t. f.-.t «.f Market.' from s

o'clock A. M U.l n o'clock P fd. Positively not »fter thaih'iur_O M PERKY. A «wot OnAea on the Piar.

KITf/.A It MTÎÏf<ssWîs AÑOSOMERvlLLE RAILROAD-RoUir»duting tb« p«st ittniD wiih » h««sy

H Rail -WINTER ARRANOEMENT.-Leave by N. XRailroad, foot of l'onle--.-it. at 4 A.M. and 3 P M. U»v»by «tssunoost from Pier l North U'ver, at in«) e'«ln«k A M.(freigiit 1rs.o,| ano .si o'clock P M

ABTON, W|i_e»barr», Manch Chunk, Pa. kmLeave try »,.« osornlng une by Railroad. For irai* »pityto» f> ri'sPr fBae.barit»' II 41 I «astl ot f» If

»IOKItl-a AND KHHKX MAIL«RllAH.-Hi.''rr ArranfimtH .. ,U«

1 alter M mdsy. Nov H. ". th«freight trata, (o which a poaswngar carl« attached, sailuni larther nolle« leave Morinalowa ot I A. M. N«wark.t VI P. M. Th« P««««cg«r Train* leave New-York I0 clock A. M JP. M. Leave Newark Ht ocKck A at1 P. M. _«»»« Morri.towo 7 o clock A M. I P. M.Pt**sng»r» by the morning train to Morn»', wn will *r»

rive iher-at l. j o clock, where »tage» will balo t'.táltmtto eoovay them to Sehooley'» Mouotalo, Washlngtoi, awil*widare »nd Eaatca doily; to Owogo, Milfird, Nrvrto»,Hlanlsop« sud .Su .-»»itriy on Monday». W-dr.»«*ityl IS»Friduyi; and to It.»-«.»way Hover, uparla and Newtose»Taetsday«, Thuraday» ood ¿tatardawi ; each I.»» re'.»'»t»lthe f'lllowing day» to meet tbe P M train for New-York.A stage will aiao leave for R««ktng Ridg« »»try »»»«tag.on tbe arrival of th« car» *t Morri.tow».By a line rec.nrl- ei«abl'.«hed, a »tage l»»reiMorriit»«t

fot theDelaware W »ter (>» in -t -troudaborg,. i» Stssbcps,J'ionaioii'iig, Coiarabia and Blaii*»»¦*, aw»r> Tsssdsj*.Th «r*dt> and Saturday oe th» arrivabof *n> A m\ ttmmtrota N Y. Ratenotas on tbe slternste d» -r«. .*._.*_leave» Stroadooorg at 1 _. M to meet tb» P f. cBtaBsj»*Morri.tosm.PO*«ssbger« go UiroBgh to and from Jets», '-'". ul'b«Bl

ihangiug cox». Oa leaving the eity, Mew)-g*r« -1" .»?"

poett their »isurgoge In the ear at tbe foot of «Ceft.sod-*-wbsrs an agent will be le attendance to receive it.

Ail pockagee or bandl-. ism be entered oa th« «ray-bill.or tbe Company «rill oot boil iheme» v-t re.ponatrsl».Freight will be forwarded lnsme<ti»re'y to Morrr.tew»

from Albany Bastln by Stephan» k C.n.iit » Daily Trsasportation Line to Newark, or from the Trans-jortatio»Othce o' tha N. J. R ft. A Tr*~*P«rt*Uoo Comp^oy. tost' I. '-! ry-.t | nl| IBA POPP. Ruper.n'. ud«»t¦_

V«-W AKHAM1KS1ENT TO}fll 1'raiil Koti.'A Hi.» I.1MS Cio»il-"sail, by Motoiag olid Evaalag Irait»

from Nsw-Yorb. Pbusvdelphis, Beuiasoi* out Cambar-.atsd, «t ,1b.,-.'. daisy. Pastsengei» bsvlng a eboi«ie ot »ay ot

oigbt trawoi ov*r ibe Hiu. mo«, by tbe Orast I »itsdStoles Moll and Posaeager Rooi« Throagb in *' bjor»f'oasNow Yoik to Piu«burt_ ood Wbeeltog. Us.kc. t»

Cine, ai.aii. 1st. Loula. New Orlesas, sad Uss Bosib »*«tf*fft. Foaaeo.er» gui.« direstiy liiroagb ky the L' »totesMaliTraass.


Laove New. York, foot of Lib«rtv-«t- a». -« A M aad 4|P M for Phi ad.ipbiaasdaoaassl wilb lie«« for Balus-or«,Lease Pbiiodslpbta by In P M train for Baitl-sar* »r.d

arnro iD tlm« to coneet with 7| A M troto tat PUtabargb«ad Wbeclisg, going directly unoa«_>wiinoat delay.Leave Pbilaeolpeie, by Rn. rot i from tbe «yoraar ot

Elateetb ood Market-ate. at 8«J A. U for Bellimore s>»da.-nv« ia lima te »ouuaei w.li » P. M (rala ttt Piiuh irgk.od VVbeelieg. ood rig itreetly througb w'thoat dolorLaawe Phiiaoaiphia By «..smbu«' a( .'! F M. (rom D^sk»

st wharf Sunday« eaceotetl.) aad ludíala BosllinociThe only .me c. .S.r,'ay fi.,m Pbi.adeiplsl» lui

¦sola 1« bv R« Iroad, at 101 M.Ltssv« __i:ii_oie at 71 A M oc I 1 I' M. daily by

e aud On.o Roi.road(.-»vi Camberiarsd «if M. ood «A.M. by t«

daily Lu«« ol tua Netto-«! K.a aad alisod io'.onC.iiipanie«. oa* on vein Plttrbuigbor Wbee.u» »«at I

-i«g ». .« a.atniagP-»«'t.gc'« Ut liitb-.to lose la« ., -bJ.J b«w

«Btodnru- i¦'.' wtawke.t» at iliowa*.i le.aad ihstrtytuaiy 7» mile« of stag'»» oa lb* whole tuaie.

F'i'M-c'a»* »teaaits-v.» leave I'lit-uugc and Wb^asfte.i.aaly.ood passeager» ore fo'worded wiibuat Oom)m-laeicBaii «ad all oiber puru la th* iw'k a., We *

ff T*r.i N.'.ie* !-TickeU are not eue ,a Naw-_P«ust»rsgei-*(or Basll-sor«, Pittsburgh or Wo-re.ssg.Tbls atrt c« baeoui-. nec.asa y on accoaaf. ol tev«

*oa*»*Clr>g ti:*»t»l« New-Yoit, iuf (itber'.itt-e,n «tin of («.eh t«»a*iS .«¡ppoatng tbey wer« «ntr.ujo«, ta »m- ârat-clas. it «jt.» id Bailir«re sod the f%**: They bt\* oo oaoact'oo with atFor thm jgh tlekett by -hi. real», apply la Phil»

.t the R.:,, «ad unte*, o -roar of Mora.t aad E«ev»_alA.AtjiatoTb'nl-ai.oroB board «Ceomboai. D->ctatF»ra ttr. t.. It trout Phtledelpnie io Pitubura», #Dj

»Ahes.lsi( «) y, wiia itiepr«»nle«sofat_spiBgstr .~"

aad rasarniog «eats tt piee-«rs For (a the* ts>.__> J. !.. BLKBiMEl.
