1 Do It Now! Vfejflfe^^Br Hsd teetb means bad di estion, blues, yyw JJKgfc and an unsightly appearance. It will m*am ftEP^ i_\ W~ cost you nothing to have your teetn ML JBrnrn^ 1 E examined. Our prices are moderate, >c"vNyR an(* l',e wor^ w'" be t'lo '>est- an<^ P er_ WLW y(\Ta3f> formed by the methods known to the NmL j.* <&&'' Qo,d Crowns- *5 VP Fu" Mates, $8 tip \u25a0SIIIIRPS™ Painless F.xtractlon. 50c YA.l*liVl^ I>I4IN rriVl^ PAKLOIW 14-17 SLOAN BUILDING. NORTH YAKIMA. WASH. PITHY PARAGRAPHS SIZED IT B. B. Treble went over to Walla Walla lust Friday on legal business. The present stress of weather is caus- ing all stock men to feed their herds. Robert Dunn shipped a car load of his hops to the London market yesterday. Piano pupils desired. Call on or ad- dress Mrs. Boyle, 513 south Third, ot Bert I>aughlin, the well known fruit man, leaves today for an extended stay at Marysville, Cal. .las. Pollock and Alexander Pollock, natives of Nova Scotia, were naturalized into American citizens on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn McPhee of the Na- ches, have been in the city several days in attendance upon their daughter. Miss Bessie, who has been quite sick. .lohn Oreen was up before Judge Tag- gard Monday charged with stealing a grip from a ]iurty at Toppenish, and was hound over to superior court in $500. Orville Orchard was lined $7."> and costs by Justice Tuggard last Monday for urawing a loaded revolver upon several parties, including Policeman Maupin. Win. Splawn and his crew have com- pleted the roundup of a large bunch of his horses from the Columbia range. He will winter them on his plane near old town. A committee consisting of (!. S. Vance. W. 11. lliire and Dr. I. Kvank. has been appointed by the local lodge of Klks to prepare a program for the celebration of Memorial day of the order, December (i. 11. W. l-'rieling started for Imperial. Cal.. la-l night in company with A. A. Manning mid family. X. I. Scribner of the Ahtunuin. ('has. Merwin of this city, and several parties from Sunnyside, who go to prospect the country. Mrs. •'. 11. Carpenter and daughter. Miss Florence Dennis, returned home Monday from Hut Springs, where they have -pent some time for the benefit of the health of the younger lady, who has lieen -Hireling from sciatic rheumatism. A stir of cxcilcnieut wa- occasioned on the new reservation ditch Saturday by the discovery of paying ipiantities of placer gold ill the sand as it was taken out of the canal. The precious metal wus found at a depth of about nine feet from the surface of the ground, and the particles were visibly mixed with the dirt a- it was taken upon snovela. The Union Thanksgiving services for Thursday, November 2li. will be held in the M. K. church at 11 a. in. Rev. A. IT. Henry will have charge of the services and the music will be furnished by Ihe Methodist choir and !!cv. 11. I. .lames will deliver the -cinioii. The offering for the day will be divided lietween the Deaconess hospital of tin- city and the lioinc finding association of Spokane, SPOKANE GRAIN CO. OF SEATTLE willpay the highest cash price for HAY, GRAIN and POTATOES. 1211 Western Aye., Seattle. MRS. ALICE KIMBALL BAYLOR will resume h.r class in VOICE CULTURE fONOAY, OCTOBER 5. 1903. Studio—Room 3, Wilson Block. ! I Stark Nursery Stock © IS THE BEST. Stark Bros.' Nursery is the old- est and largest nursery in the United States. If you contem- plate putting out any trees or shrubbery of any kind, berry bushes, grape vines, etc., write me. IT WILL PAY YOU. | W. D. Ingalls, \ ! Authorized Agent, S j NORTH YAKIMA. WASH. \ ; R. F. D. No. 4. \ The Ministerial alliance met- in the Presbyterian church Monday afternoon. Mrs. Davies of the home finding socie- ty of Spokane was present and spoke in the interests of that organization. Rev. H. I*. .lames read a paper on "The Christ We I'reach." It. was decided to meet regularly twice a month. The next meeting will be held Monday, Novem- ber 30. at. 2:30 p. m. It is hoped that all the ministers of the city and vicin- ity will identify themselves with the alliance. Mr. and Mrs. ('. |{. Harris have leased the I.as-well lodging house mi the west side anil will continue the business. The house consists of twenty rooms, with bath and electric lights mid ha- recently been furnished throughout. The new management took possession Tuesday an I have since been busy cleaning, reno- vating ami preparing for the better ac- commodation of their guests, Ml', and Mrs. Harris have resided in Yakima for the pa-t 18 years and have a large circle of acquaintances, Mr. i.asswdl and family will spend tbe winter in eastern Washington. The international Correspondence school of Scranton. I'a.. is one of the greatest factors in the higher education of the workmen mil professionals m America and i- recogniaed a- such by the iM-st authorities of foreign countries. In a recent address before the British asao- ciation lor the advancement of science in I.on lon. Kughiud. reference was made at length to the struggle for existence in model n communities in which the best educated come out Brat, In the international struggle for "the survival of the fittest," no nation equal* Ihe | United Stale- in Ihe amount of money devoted to education mid this i- sup- plemented bj tlie technical training of I a va.sl body of workers through the agency of the Internal iimal Coiicspon- ilciu-e school of Sciantoii. Pa. The I (' S. has over IUHI.IHSI -indents on its rolls and is the greatest correspondence school iii the world. 'Ihe local agent has mi exhibit at Koaf- drug -tore, which will pay any per-ou to \i-it. Highest market price paid for good | fat hogs. Coffin Bros. 40-tf A Policeman's Testimony. •I. X. Patter-on. night policeman of Nashua, la., writes: "l.a-t winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and triisl at least a half do/.en advertised icmc die-, cough medicine* mid had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds of a bot- tle eureo me. I consider it the greatc-t cough and lung medicine in the world." North Yaknia Drug Story. A. D. Sloan, proprietor. C. K. McEwen, the old time harness dealer is now located at No. 7 South l-;rst street. Repairing done. Changes in the Citizens' Ticket. Krank Horsley having declined to make the race for mayor, for business reasons. K. .1. Wyman has been selected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Wyman is too Well known as a business man to need any enconiuin at our hands. He has bad considerable experience in city af- fairs, at present filling the position of; president of the council. R. N. Harrison, at present a member of the council, has been selected to fill the vacancy caused by the declination of K. 0. Keek to run for councilman of the First ward. North Yakima Business College Notes. Our list of students who have en- tered recently includes the following: Commercial Department -Travis Man- ning, Carroll Roberts, Harry Tucker, Asa Hawkins. Ovid McWhortcr. and Clyde Kdwards of North Yakima: Otto (ioemmer of Sunnyside: Roy Matterson of the Moxee: 1,. T. VanSlykc of Wil- liston. North Dakota, and Harvey < lieen of Zillah. Sliorthand Department Bes- sie Lea and Iris McWhortcr of North Yakima; Ed. Biehn of Selah and Myrtle McMurry of Bickleton. I-ena Searl of Sunnyside. has gone home for a short vacation. She expects to return to her work in the Shorthand Department after Thanksgiving. \u25a0lohn Sanger is taking a week's vaca- tion to attend to business in Sunnyside and Prosser. We have had several call- lately from people residing in Kllcnshurg. Bickleton. Prosser, Parker Bottom and Zillah. and students from these places arc expect- ing to enter in the near future. The Youth's Companion in 1904. As the years increase The Youth's Companion endeavors to keep pace with theiu in all that is wise, beautiful and progressive, and not only to retain but to deserve the honorable and exception- ally high place it holds in the confidence and affection of three generation* of readers. The greatest living authors in all branches of literature continue to contribute to it. Among the Important series ol articles will be one on Ihe occupation of the farmer in many parts of the world—in England, in Ireland, in India, in Argen- . tilia. etc. The annual Announcement Number of The Youth's Companion, describing the principal features of The Companion's new volume, will lie sent to any address, Free. The new subscriber for 1804 will re ceive all the i-sues of The Companion] fm- the remaining vaeka of MUM free from the time of subscription! also The Companion Calendar for 1904, litho- graphed in twelve colors and gold. .. . .THE YOI'TH'S COMPANION.. . 144 Berkeley Street, Beaton, Ma—.! . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, 10-i tion, liniment or halm for Cuts, Corns. Burns. Boils, Sores. Felons. ITleers, Tet- j til. Sail Rheum, Fever Sores. Chapped j Hands. Skin Fruptions: infailibt- fori Files. Cure guaranteed, Only '2 r>c at C.I C. Case and North Yakima drug store. •if I dared. Miss Thimbleton "Yee,i \lr. Sawder." "If 1 dared 1 would ask you lo "Yes, yea, Mr. Sawder." "I would a-k you to lend me ii street-car ticket to ride home." A Good Name. Prom personal experience I testify I that DeWitt's little Earlj Risers arc mi-equalled a- liver pill. They are rightly named because they give strength and energy and do their work; with ease. W, I Baston, Boerne, Tex. Thousand- ol |K-ople an- Using theea tinj pills in preference to all othera, be cause they are so pleasant an.l effectual. They cure billioUsnceS, lorpid liver, | jaundice, sick headache, constipation. etc. They do nol purge and weaken, but ; cleanse and strengthen. Sold by C. C. Cll-c Groceries in Large Quantities. Heavy selling makes our -tuck of iliocciies always nice and fresh. Two, deliveries. Collin Bros. Department Store. 41-tf Kn/./.v Fred Say. Rusty, I've ionic! twelve luith lirkels. I'll be gciicrou- an' give you .ill hut four. I!u-1\ lialph Wot do I want of so iiiiiii\ | I don't expect tcr live eight vein- b Hirer. Harness and Saddlery. II yon are requiring anything in the, aliove lines call on me at my new store at 7 South First street. A good alack. I and honest pri.v-. Harness repairing. 37 tf. C. F MFvVFN. ' WOOD For a limited time will sell short wood for $2.50 PER LOj^ID In 5-load lots, delivered In ang part of the city. CHEAP WOOD. CASCADE LUMBER CO. TELEPHON 851. A Wise Man never jumps at conclusion?, but investigates before making a decision. Are you Looking for a Home . . If so, give me a chance to tell you some facts about Irrigated Lands . . . in California. I can be found at the lintel Bartlmlet, North Yakima, where I will show facts and figures that are worth looking into. H. W. FRIELING Immigration Agent, Southern Pacific Railway (\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a011l I "Any kind of fuel fy r=~^, ! burns successfully in M \u25a0 It 1 the Monarch firebox" [) )) i says tbe Monarch -f ~tJ@^L - ~~7h ' man, "hard coal, soft (f "^^*^llv/l I coal, wood, cobs, or il (Jiffi JK\ \S | lignite. Ashes or cm- u/'-aS' t V \""""N \ 1 tiers may be removed laß^ti =S_n___3 1 »\'' i by a slight turn of the \m. ' grate without disturb- yS Mff \\~ :~,z_____z_yrl Yy. J sitimi of the grate is "jSffir A K^TTr i -^ I / / W 1 determined liv an in- jnv. >^\ ?Nj^S^f.Ljl _/ .1 \ I dicator mi the front jßjjpT"'"—"<?f?/ .^.,, fe / 'F C | winch -how- if the .^V-'X Wm! \r^--i jrjj I side for wood or for .jl {I\\t^*t E^^U- 1^!7? _t //-- --i coal is upper in n st. {£*• \u25a0-. /^m^J-l * x \ ,' x -, <>*--<<C^' '"jr~ The fire is t-asilv con- trolled." [ Also a full line of Charter Oak Huitcis at prices that '.'antiot be l duplicated. Everything in Hardware. I 'VNOrthsCCOnd^— Ccmm^ftf^^^^ _________%.-'t ! ">m.'-r ' r~f^ ;-^ iiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiniiiiitiiii | EDISON I FAMILY THEATRE Week Commencing November 15. I I ;: Illustrated Song, ' You 11 Always B«- the Same.Swee! i Irlto M< S MR. JOHN VANSYCKLE. § 1 § \u2666J \u2666* SETTLING & BEAN, j; Cycle Kacing Treadle H ft Viiiniati-d Pictures : "Performing IVigs," '<irandiua and'..'.e Bad H.\ - 5 :: "Scarecrow Tramp." "The Astron I er's Dream." 8 ft —* 1 lOe and 20e. I "1.,- »• STRENGTH-GIVER, £ffil p „„^ JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE. and MEW

Yakima herald (Yakima, Wash.) 1903-11-18 [p ]natives of Nova Scotia, were naturalized into American citizens on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn McPhee of the Na-ches, have been in the city

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Page 1: Yakima herald (Yakima, Wash.) 1903-11-18 [p ]natives of Nova Scotia, were naturalized into American citizens on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn McPhee of the Na-ches, have been in the city


Do It Now!Vfejflfe^^Br Hsd teetb means bad di estion, blues,yyw JJKgfc and an unsightly appearance. It will

m*am ftEP^ i_\ W~ cost you nothing to have your teetn

ML JBrnrn^ 1 E examined. Our prices are moderate,

>c"vNyR an(* l',e wor^ w'" be t'lo '>est- an<^ P er_

WLW y(\Ta3f> formed by the methods known to the

NmL j.*<&&'' Qo,d Crowns- *5 VP Fu" Mates, $8 tip

\u25a0SIIIIRPS™ Painless F.xtractlon. 50c



B. B. Treble went over to Walla Wallalust Friday on legal business.

The present stress of weather is caus-ing all stock men to feed their herds.

Robert Dunn shipped a car load of hishops to the London market yesterday.

Piano pupils desired. Call on or ad-

dress Mrs. Boyle, 513 south Third, ot

Bert I>aughlin, the well known fruit

man, leaves today for an extended stayat Marysville, Cal.

.las. Pollock and Alexander Pollock,natives of Nova Scotia, were naturalizedinto American citizens on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. .lohn McPhee of the Na-

ches, have been in the city several daysin attendance upon their daughter. MissBessie, who has been quite sick.

.lohn Oreen was up before Judge Tag-gard Monday charged with stealing a

grip from a ]iurty at Toppenish, and was

hound over to superior court in $500.

Orville Orchard was lined $7."> and costsby Justice Tuggard last Monday for

urawing a loaded revolver upon severalparties, including Policeman Maupin.

Win. Splawn and his crew have com-pleted the roundup of a large bunch ofhis horses from the Columbia range. Hewill winter them on his plane near oldtown.

A committee consisting of (!. S. Vance.W. 11. lliire and Dr. I. Kvank. has beenappointed by the local lodge of Klks toprepare a program for the celebration ofMemorial day of the order, December (i.

11. W. l-'rieling started for Imperial.Cal.. la-l night in company with A. A.Manning mid family. X. I. Scribner ofthe Ahtunuin. ('has. Merwin of this city,and several parties from Sunnyside, whogo to prospect the country.

Mrs. •'. 11. Carpenter and daughter.Miss Florence Dennis, returned homeMonday from Hut Springs, where theyhave -pent some time for the benefit ofthe health of the younger lady, who haslieen -Hireling from sciatic rheumatism.

A stir of cxcilcnieut wa- occasionedon the new reservation ditch Saturdayby the discovery of paying ipiantities ofplacer gold ill the sand as it was takenout of the canal. The precious metalwus found at a depth of about nine feetfrom the surface of the ground, and theparticles were visibly mixed with thedirt a- it was taken upon snovela.

The Union Thanksgiving services forThursday, November 2li. will be held inthe M. K. church at 11 a. in. Rev. A. IT.Henry will have charge of the servicesand the music will be furnished by IheMethodist choir and !!cv. 11. I. .lameswill deliver the -cinioii. The offering forthe day will be divided lietween theDeaconess hospital of tin- city and thelioinc finding association of Spokane,


willpay the highest cash price for


POTATOES.1211 Western Aye., Seattle.

MRS. ALICE KIMBALL BAYLORwill resume h.r class in


fONOAY, OCTOBER 5. 1903.

Studio—Room 3, Wilson Block.! I

Stark NurseryStock © •


Stark Bros.' Nursery is the old-est and largest nursery in theUnited States. If you contem-plate putting out any trees or

shrubbery of any kind, berrybushes, grape vines, etc., writeme. IT WILL PAY YOU.

| W. D. Ingalls, \! Authorized Agent, S

j NORTH YAKIMA. WASH. \; R. F. D. No. 4. \

The Ministerial alliance met- in thePresbyterian church Monday afternoon.Mrs. Davies of the home finding socie-

ty of Spokane was present and spoke inthe interests of that organization. Rev.H. I*. .lames read a paper on "The Christ

We I'reach." It. was decided to meet

regularly twice a month. The nextmeeting will be held Monday, Novem-ber 30. at. 2:30 p. m. It is hoped thatall the ministers of the city and vicin-ity will identify themselves with thealliance.

Mr. and Mrs. ('. |{. Harris have leasedthe I.as-well lodging house mi the west

side anil will continue the business. Thehouse consists of twenty rooms, withbath and electric lights mid ha- recentlybeen furnished throughout. The new

management took possession Tuesdayan I have since been busy cleaning, reno-

vating ami preparing for the better ac-

commodation of their guests, Ml', andMrs. Harris have resided in Yakima forthe pa-t 18 years and have a large circleof acquaintances, Mr. i.asswdl andfamily will spend tbe winter in eastern

Washington.The international Correspondence

school of Scranton. I'a.. is one of thegreatest factors in the higher educationof the workmen mil professionals m

America and i- recogniaed a- such by theiM-st authorities of foreign countries. Ina recent address before the British asao-ciation lor the advancement of sciencein I.on lon. Kughiud. reference was madeat length to the struggle for existencein model n communities in which thebest educated come out Brat, In theinternational struggle for "the survivalof the fittest," no nation equal* Ihe

| United Stale- in Ihe amount of moneydevoted to education mid this i- sup-plemented bj tlie technical training of

Ia va.sl body of workers through theagency of the Internal iimal Coiicspon-ilciu-e school of Sciantoii. Pa. The I ('

S. has over IUHI.IHSI -indents on its rollsand is the greatest correspondenceschool iii the world. 'Ihe local agent hasmi exhibit at Koaf- drug -tore, whichwill pay any per-ou to \i-it.

Highest market price paid for good|fat hogs. Coffin Bros. 40-tf

A Policeman's Testimony.•I. X. Patter-on. night policeman of

Nashua, la., writes: "l.a-t winter Ihad a bad cold on my lungs and triislat least a half do/.en advertised icmcdie-, cough medicine* mid had treatmentfrom two physicians without getting anybenefit. A friend recommended Foley'sHoney and Tar and two thirds of a bot-tle eureo me. I consider it the greatc-tcough and lung medicine in the world."North Yaknia Drug Story. A. D. Sloan,proprietor.

C. K. McEwen, the old time harnessdealer is now located at No. 7 Southl-;rst street. Repairing done.

Changes in the Citizens' Ticket.Krank Horsley having declined to

make the race for mayor, for businessreasons. K. .1. Wyman has been selectedto fill the vacancy. Mr. Wyman is too

Well known as a business man to needany enconiuin at our hands. He hasbad considerable experience in city af-fairs, at present filling the position of;president of the council.

R. N. Harrison, at present a memberof the council, has been selected to fillthe vacancy caused by the declination ofK. 0. Keek to run for councilman of theFirst ward.

North Yakima Business College Notes.Our list of students who have en-

tered recently includes the following:Commercial Department -Travis Man-ning, Carroll Roberts, Harry Tucker,Asa Hawkins. Ovid McWhortcr. andClyde Kdwards of North Yakima: Otto(ioemmer of Sunnyside: Roy Mattersonof the Moxee: 1,. T. VanSlykc of Wil-liston. North Dakota, and Harvey < lieenof Zillah. Sliorthand Department Bes-sie Lea and Iris McWhortcr of NorthYakima; Ed. Biehn of Selah and MyrtleMcMurry of Bickleton.

I-ena Searl of Sunnyside. has gonehome for a short vacation. She expectsto return to her work in the ShorthandDepartment after Thanksgiving.

\u25a0lohn Sanger is taking a week's vaca-

tion to attend to business in Sunnysideand Prosser.

We have had several call- lately frompeople residing in Kllcnshurg. Bickleton.Prosser, Parker Bottom and Zillah. andstudents from these places arc expect-ing to enter in the near future.

The Youth's Companion in 1904.As the years increase The Youth's

Companion endeavors to keep pace withtheiu in all that is wise, beautiful andprogressive, and not only to retain but

to deserve the honorable and exception-ally high place it holds in the confidenceand affection of three generation* ofreaders. The greatest living authorsin all branches of literature continue to

contribute to it.Among the Important series ol articles

will be one on Ihe occupation of thefarmer in many parts of the world—inEngland, in Ireland, in India, in Argen- .tilia. etc.

The annual Announcement Number ofThe Youth's Companion, describing theprincipal features of The Companion'snew volume, will lie sent to any address,Free.

The new subscriber for 1804 will re

ceive all the i-sues of The Companion]fm- the remaining vaeka of MUM freefrom the time of subscription! also TheCompanion Calendar for 1904, litho-graphed in twelve colors and gold... . .THE YOI'TH'S COMPANION.. .144 Berkeley Street, Beaton, Ma—.!.

Bucklen's Arnica Salve.Has world-wide fame for marvelous

cures. It surpasses any other salve, 10-ition, liniment or halm for Cuts, Corns.Burns. Boils, Sores. Felons. ITleers, Tet- jtil. Sail Rheum, Fever Sores. Chapped jHands. Skin Fruptions: infailibt- foriFiles. Cure guaranteed, Only '2r>c at C.IC. Case and North Yakima drug store.

•if I dared. Miss Thimbleton "Yee,i\lr. Sawder." "If 1 dared 1 would askyou lo "Yes, yea, Mr. Sawder." "I

would a-k you to lend me ii street-carticket to ride home."

A Good Name.Prom personal experience I testify I

that DeWitt's little Earlj Risers arc

mi-equalled a- • liver pill. They are

rightly named because they givestrength and energy and do their work;with ease. W, I Baston, Boerne, Tex.Thousand- ol |K-ople an- Using theeatinj pills in preference to all othera, because they are so pleasant an.l effectual.They cure billioUsnceS, lorpid liver, |jaundice, sick headache, constipation.etc. They do nol purge and weaken, but ;cleanse and strengthen. Sold by C. C.Cll-c

Groceries in Large Quantities.Heavy selling makes our -tuck of

iliocciies always nice and fresh. Two,deliveries. Collin Bros. DepartmentStore. 41-tf

Kn/./.v Fred Say. Rusty, I've ionic!

twelve luith lirkels. I'll be gciicrou- an'give you .ill hut four.

I!u-1\ lialph Wot do I want of so

iiiiiii\| I don't expect tcr live eightvein- b Hirer.

Harness and Saddlery.

II yon are requiring anything in the,aliove lines call on me at my new store

at 7 South First street. A good alack. Iand honest pri.v-. Harness repairing.

37 tf. C. F MFvVFN. '

WOODFor a limited time will sell short wood for

$2.50 PER LOj^ID

In 5-load lots, delivered In ang part of the city. CHEAP WOOD.


A Wise Mannever jumps at conclusion?, but investigates beforemaking a decision. Are you

Looking for a Home . .If so, give me a chance to tell you some facts about

Irrigated Lands . . .in California. I can be found at the lintel Bartlmlet,North Yakima, where I will show facts and figures that

are worth looking into.

H. W. FRIELINGImmigration Agent, Southern Pacific Railway

(\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a011l

I "Any kind of fuel fy r=~^,! burns successfully in M \u25a0 It1 the Monarch firebox" [) ))i says tbe Monarch -f ~tJ@^L - ~~7h' man, "hard coal, soft (f "^^*^llv/lI coal, wood, cobs, or il (Jiffi JK\ \S| lignite. Ashes or cm- u/'-aS' t V \""""N \1 tiers may be removed laß^ti =S_n___3 1 »\''i by a slight turn of the \m.' grate without disturb- yS Mff \\~ :~,z_____z_yrl Yy.

J sitimi of the grate is "jSffir A K^TTr i -^ I / / W1 determined liv an in- jnv. >^\ ?Nj^S^f.Ljl _/ .1 \I dicator mi the front jßjjpT"'"—"<?f?/ .^.,, fe / 'F C| winch -how- if the .^V-'X Wm! \r^--i jrjjI side for wood or for .jl {I\\t^*t E^^U- 1^!7? _t //----i coal is upper in n st. {£*• \u25a0-. /^m^J-l * x \ ,' x -, <>*--<<C^' '"jr~

The fire is t-asilv con-

trolled."[ Also a full line of Charter Oak Huitcis at prices that '.'antiot bel duplicated. Everything in Hardware.

I 'VNOrthsCCOnd^— Ccmm^ftf^^^^_________%.-'t ! ">m.'-r ' r~f^;-^



Week Commencing November 15.

I I;: Illustrated Song, ' You 11 Always B«- the Same.Swee! i Irlto M< S


1 §\u2666J \u2666*


j; Cycle Kacing Treadle H

ft Viiiniati-d Pictures : "Performing IVigs," '<irandiua and'..'.e Bad H.\ - 5:: "Scarecrow Tramp." "The Astron I er's Dream." 8ft —*

1 lOe and 20e. I