Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

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Page 1: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ
Page 2: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

rom seventeen ןEducators

-= manzes ןחaplly sU Ihe discussions חi

;reתce confe ing the iUח le ~

• umanity וtfailh in that faith. The

t lו.a 10 mainta.;n t . despair

non-Jewish he oIו

'11""': 00 • of educators (,om the four

...... us is Widוin tIוaI the earth is proof se ora ~ a joinl and com

' mission 10 rehabIIitate humanity Ihat our people ~ itself and ensu מi

longer know hate and wח ...... _ iJllive i חם.~ stale of eternal peace and security

350 Panicipants spenl lhe ncxt thrcc wys discussing. gcnernlly 31 grcal dחqucslioning a

sity. whalן lhe cerltr3 תand with intc ןdcptl lenelS of Holocaust educatioo are and whclhcr

• Ihese cducators. from Argcntina . Poland . ia. Frnncc ~ any. Rus מnBritain. Australia. Ge

nd ן:. apan. Cyprus. I!;racl נ. Ila]y. Ihe U.S.A many olhcrs. share common g031 5. One premise was unanimous: there is a distincl

] 8y ichal Morris Kami

T he sClt ing is Yad Vashem's Vallcy

cd ןies. IlluminS ןuni תofl he Coml -negalilhs, gar ןslone זןrale ~ Jcru

iAscribcd with Ihc nilmes ,תngantu ish commulli s, many no longcr in נof

. 11nd SqU:lJ'C which ~ dוו:' nce, encin;lc xU.וt c

. ity conזinu fe and ןI on • unique ni ions and ~ • profe CJm. !;ןI Y of reli aייז

. is clectric 8mOSPheזt: The .ןj is presc cull

. Munnurs of Hebrew. English. Spanish .~ J .תali aוI .Genמan i$h וRussian. Po ticipatioo תaamongst others. ....·axing

of Lhe grand opening ofYad Vashcm's firsןf hiםg Ihc t סחinlemational confcrence . the Holocaust. Thc Ankor Childrcn's Choir

,' hestrn Oח: GOOnO "'" Caק> _ the rOF c ו.im:וdנת mcntal picces. Benny Hcndel's nstnנ;

drnan " werc ו:rcading of Ida Fink's "Thc M ing speeches מI. Thc ope מof the C\·c :uד all p

of Premier Bcnyamin NCl3nyahu. Min;stcr , r cרn ןןשlun H ןtion and Cullure. Zevl ו<of Educ

Ihe ח.ne ןEhud OI ן.erusalen נthe Mayor of ad ץtcmalioonl Council of מoflhe I rmaת Chai

Vashen1. Dr. Josef Burg, 3nd thc Chaim13rן. of the Yad Vashern Directoratc. Avncr Shalev

g מcnsi,·e. stimulati ןset the lone for threc in . 1unicalion ןvigorating days of cOlnr מand i

changc of i<!cas and programs eג: analysis and relatcd 10 Ho]o cau s l

. teaching and s tud ies -er Nct זPrimc Minis

an yahu. of Lilhuan;an -origin. and whose father

in-Iaw is the sole survi"or of an entire family frorn

. thc PoIish town of Bi]goraj

fI I , " '1

'\ , ,


I() Right: AI·ller וjII U זrH F ulni" a"d St,m ·)חShaln'. 8e

"hז. . m 1111111 H(Ululw )זוNelllll . 811'8 ! Olmt'rt. ) (/st' וEhul

/1 //)( AIII/ll וt ו/.eslie u ו

Human hislory bccomcs more and " aתd on ו.i between educa r:וCe a זnore

cata.<;trophe". said H.G. Wells in his lext coח Out]ine of History XV". Within the ~

of 20th-century history. the words of Ihis ction are all too real. and וfmasler of science

ponsibililY of זes as we near lhe next ern. the 350 . today's edUC310rs appears IIwesome

. tcachers nnd scholars frOln Ihe world over se]\'CS 10 facing ןתwho have commiltcd the

. this grand task, gathered al Yad Vashem ce on 1ת. for a thrce day confere ןJerusa]eI

Holoc3USl and education. In Ih is issuc we would like 10 present the broad spectrum of emphases 3nd aims of educa tion on the Holocaust throughout lhe worid as prescnted

. at the confcrcnce

The Gcrnflrn stlites that "He who saVC1> life sa\'es an cntire world". During the בton

. Shoah, a few brave individuals. non lews one another. risked וחwidely diffcrcnt fro

10 theirs and. at li mcs, thcir fumi]ies' lives weoutJine lhe complcx ~ S3\'e Jews. ln "200I

t Departmeת of Yad Vashem's סrt", ng וri and sti ." Thc Righleous 3mong the Nalions ~ for

SI3IUle of Limilntions" provides ~ The legiti n1acy for many counlries 10 relinquish all responsibility for harboring Nazi war

murder וhe crin1inals who 3J'C fCSponsible for of masses of Jews during WorId War 11. ltaiy's Pricbke Affair" is juSt onc example of how "

] a n3lion's popu lace deals wilh its n3liona 1ay act ןconscicnce and how a Icgal systen1 r

. in a similar spirit

rOOch rn.נc Prize. the M רןu:ןוFinally, the Boch Auction. itcms from Majdanck. a Hannukiya

. from thc Lod z ghctlo. etc, are reviewed

y on וThis Hannuka issuc rocusscs not on . a world which was dcslroyed. but ralher . presen\S glimlners of hope for a beller future

Confercnce. 8-9: Pricbke :7·2 •ן..()ן 1 :Righleous . 15: News ~ Album ·96 . ]2-14

16- 17: Buchman Prile • ]8: Disco\'cry 19: Fricnds • 20: Books & E\'enlS

Cover: A Hanlluki)'G salvaged . O rUillS 11ן GJlet ןe WarSa ון,," ra ן

) Yad Va" I,elll MUSelllll (

Page 3: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

E ~ erence on Holocaust education ןYad Vashem's jirst international con

Thc range and\,varicty of educalional ude of זthe multi מprograms rould be ken i

. acc 00 the second day נplook ltוat worksbops EdUC3tiOnaJ MnteriaJs Exhibition וhe from aתd

ay throoghout the enlire ןdisp סחwhich was • cxhibition included books 1lוe . oonference

lional ן:mullimedia programs. postcrs, educ k.its and other pedagogical

~ The-'"י"""• which inc!uded presenta • tions and queslion·and

answer sessions. enabled the partici ש:LS pםו gain aח

inlemational pcrspeclivc a forum of raising תiwiLh

ng problems, and aזi and sh ~ opponunity {O com מa

thc melhods. slructUl'e-and . conte nt s of programs

Imagine Ihc Yiddi sh • (l»e Lorely ~ "bm< ""'&

Chi ld) n by. chorus of cooduc1ed נch :זוxw:se J

nd Thkeo sato ז:re by the Re\ of the Holocaust Education

Hiroshima. whose מCenter i director is the Rcycrend

OHolocaust denialמ hcז ed Intemet. presenוby Rabbi Abraham Cooper. the A.ssociale

senthaJ Center. Los eןDean ol the Simon W' gelcs. Tbese are jusl a few cxample of תA

wilhi n an ~ tiplkity of JX'rspecli"e ןtbe mu Holocaust education םןholislic approach

. worl dw ide. p re enled and discus ed

"nce ~ m eduaJtion ronf 1וl''\נs\ the Yad מj חpo ooג s t ~ gat ~ / ~ J50 d

nתd .וגזtionsdr3nו:ui WOזkShOPS. . Leccun:s ow of formal and informal חa conSlant

l Religious 'eח discuSSK>ns charocrerized the e\

and philosophical delibernbons. exprcssions . of memory. modes of an and lilcrature

aOO mediums. וhods OO pedagogic me aceו multif sociological teaching dilemmas were 311 pan of Ihe in tel lectua l conlent of Ihese Ihree intensive days. Before you is but a minuscule seleclion of personali ties and focii at Ihe

: conference

Isuka : or Ihe סolo ו.: Ma Kollnar's "'Ords. -You nחxle Gcrman poel Ge

­? e feel ןחhear me speak. bUI do you hear coming 10 life in a Yad Vashem leclure by

. la Hope Levin eןProfessor Pan תaAmeric וhe

speaking on Ihe teaching of Ihe Holocousl perfonning orts: or studying the eמIhrough t

and the eXlremely ~ Doclor os God ~ nOlion re1evanl and controversial issue of mcdical

HolocaUSl וhe ethics 3nd eugenics in light of presenled by Dr. Louis Flanceboum and

sclf 0 HoIocaust ןןןfessor Michael Thalcr. hi Prס nd ;] ןsurvivor: or combol ing antisemil isn


intercsl amongsl Ihe third and founh חrise i on·Jewish. in this חgenernlions. Jcwish and

. crosses a11 disciplines וeresו period. and this in no longer be Caת Thus. HolocaUSI educalioo

individual good will of any one וtוe. 10 left up ion and Cullure., וaer of Educ ןMinis .heז leac

This ~ Zevulun Hammcr. aplly observes. the HolocausI and educalion סחconference

is mosl vj lal ... The issues impaned 811his only tcach חot וntbI t emphasize that we חeve

thc youth aboul whal happened 10 Iheir d חa ~ i tJוe dparenls. but 10 help mold חgra

s fu tures. Holoc:aust educabon 'חlheir childre whal וbUI abou .1וy about the pas חis not o

." the fUlure חbc i

Sha]em. Principa1 of ~ :; ~ t ~ 1ot ~~~ O ~ '::f":t ~ :: ~ " I ~ r...'\.J "", r School of HoIoc-e focן aiוח yחס ussed n cווSludies. thc cOllfere I]y חe זring cU חthree aspecIs: What is happe iח Ihe rca11n of cducalion .ו he iח troductloמ] W cducationa eווof <l nd fami1iurizalion wilh

tIוe a]ly. defining חprogrnms and lools. and fi cha11cnges of HolocauSI education as we

ccntury. The ilinerary was וentcr Ihe 21s structured in such a way thal each of lhese

athree perspeaives was addresscd daily byתeXlremely broad speclrum of educators in

. the field remendous וSays Shalem. MThere is a

and a necd 10 sludy ח.formatio חfor i וthirs confcrence. lוe ge idcas. During t חexcha rוd a

Yad Vashcm's role as a cenlral pivol for . futably clear eחi e3ןוJ !כec vily jןeducational ac • nOI only as a Icadi ng educationa1 inSlitute . Jerusa1em חis ]ocaled i וbut also because i

the מI i חppaזe capilal of Isrocl. This was a eווt IS from חg numbcr of panicipa חi 0ן\'erwhe1n s he1d חdiscussio lוe around lhe world. from t

and the manyenthusiastic וד:::e during the confen. and apprecialive Icllers fo11owingו he evcיח".

Page 4: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

E E N~i;"'"

­-adוrו yre nןa we possiblc ו;: a

il::יננצ i =. 0כ

110 .... IOC וO11 _y trata

A6' .)ז or of Dirז:ם • y Newman AוDc זP

<s dשS ocaנst e,,,reo[H ~I8וlolי S oשsession זbe ed .Uםiwiiiity tזeוIer' 11

Brilain wilh Ihe EdUC:atiםס HOIOCaUIt מO• ',.' of len years ago 1= .......... ." England מl.ic;a i 1 I .. RI'1

• n, sioc ..'יaיMiiii'יי _ ... IוlIdייייiI -יYIIiחוןכ

__t!םת dalcyםeוoו

~ W Itiה •• וaוrN IIN:ILIם : aro: וi.8111ון

• Ibere is

* 2Oth-cenlury is an

Jower for a Holocaust

-y for com ימסjor rcscarch m:ו

framework was o( Beit

his מwas i

d " 0"

of Ihe

he ; 10 became sensitized

three relaled aspeas: thc -g nו. response 10 human l

uoo rusuדt edy; his growing f d תhaving undergone school a

high school withoul menl.ion of the Holocaust ] developing persona ו:ever occuri ng: and

anger lowards the older ge neration who respond סוneglectcd their responsibility

during the Ho]ocaust. and subsequent] y 993. on complcling ] ןח. continued [0 do so

~E~A~ ...... WII :*םitווווl8Iucr FוiI& Tbc:

'" of ~ ..... -. .tיS IIIIY I ""נ ] 8r oח...,... lfUrt. ofוווFn סrVוII-י.

whoW ...... Yad_ .. I.OoMo * ........ וev םly i מוmeclilte lIe i ..... , 0 feuibillty aמd •

.... tbe מof Ibe HOIOCaUSt i mu -' Il Fזi .GeneוחI AוI<>mCY ,"* 0 [ ,

" ....... wi1Z TriaI usdו inilialld Ibe A ; 01 AdOIf he..wtterea חןIhe Mo s3d O

-iD1et מa1 I חן. n חEichm3 ~ rr""... national ~

confronl their hi חs ca חGerma .~ Holocau

gןםo A<Cadזנ~re;ן.oבbe GXו_

PסWiQa • Educational Consultanl. lhere i& interesl in tווCIatIt has ~ Shoah. eוםווו 50 ..,

ull or8bo fם> n. As a pקe for Ihis 10 ha feeling of guill passed down from

tiOם. tr.lting gener3tion 10 lhe second g cd. the subjecl wu ןaggres5ive and shan

,.... hand. many סdוer eוtouchabk. on U חu tQdeז םhe tion rejecl uמםthird ge וhe sters of

bc of guill and for us. educalors. this i5זoוresponsibilily זhe 1 ng poinl. Theirs זani s

usc thi aתd • feel SO/TOW .סry know their hist .. ~,, e 10 the- [u(u lנC referc חknowledge i

ltrnI ceו The educationa1 empbasi IS on !WO

aspect5: the victim (fewish) I perpelrator aSPeCוS. unj,'ttS3I וhe and perieחce. ex )Germ.תר(

Through tcacher in-service Iraining. the • al materials חdisseminalion of educatio

itali,'t: library ןtra\-elling exhibitions. rnullif3Ci and dalabase resources. the cenlcr reaches

us001 ו 10 edocalors in the ftcld. pupils. Holoca . survivors. and Olhers

, S ןזןuseU ןחGennany don'l need חPupils i ~

races they ha\'Cו ra311סשוcd Thcy nre confron .dו

wilh their family hislories. wilh which lhey musl cope personal]y. Howevcr. this Is nOI

-peninent 10 al] pupils. as Gennany is a mu]ti I SOCicly. For SOlne, Ihc תmigrn ןethnic and in

R A G u

S(.Aft. ו, li Keren ~ Dr. N

depanment וbe iנf head raficןי Fd HOkX:aנSt of cacIUתg T KIכIב<n the '"

-Seminary and Ihe the malic coordinalor of the confercnce. mainlains Ihal in Israel scarcely a day passes wilhout the

, Ihc mcdia חHolocauJiI bcing mcntioned i OraI and written. The lXISt dccude has witncssed

mes וhe ks whosc central bסo of 31kJח Ihe public r סthe deal wilh mcmory, pain. alicnation and . lraurnalic Holocaust materia] . Thc cinema

theater. and Iclevision capture our allcntion al l ages. with universa1 זand imaginations. a

he וd particu]arly lewish messages of חa em lhere וWithin lhe school sys .וocaus ןHo

on]y by ()חןmaתd. g, dc חincreasi תahas becn to del\'t: into the וs. teachers bul a1.so by pupi

search of חbreadlh of historical sources i g חand an in-deptb understandi rסOtS PerSOnaJ . of humanily's limitS. for belter and for WOfSC

hוThc increasingly growing numbers of yoo visiting Poland and Germany are

indication of whal Jack.ie חa Fe]dman. of th e Hebrew Univcrsity, maintains. of a

need 10 feel a"sense gnוןיחng10 of oneness. and a need ng סrmipםf c.105c circles; by

s hוis 'rite' the Israeli you וd

u.'> or וSla זhe advance from -onlookers 10 Ihal of em

10 powered witnesses. able tify wilh Ihe victims and חide

". ivors Ib kנr jun aתd Acoording 10 Keren. most high

ls dedical many more חhigh school stude hours than is strict ly requi red 10 prepare

Growing numbers jecוs. orienlated pro "rOOוS"

y Hokx:aust-related sוud of uni .... ersily stOOenlS courses. Ihe leacher Iraining curriculum

: HoIocaust וhe סחlsory studies comקJ includes Arabic for חIhe Holocaust i חסlexlbooks

pupil.'> have been pub]ished. and aתd leacher.i genernI. the subject "HoIocaUSl" has beoome חi

Our " ח,da. Says Kcre חpart of Ihe daily age ajor IaSk in educalion is 10 sel sludenlS free ןח

xieties so that they תafrom Holocausl·relatoo 'CS. \perspecזi fסrnתge U brood nןזסil f :גr. kנOk C:Uו

againsl ןזןThe sludies providc a waming syslc racism and Ihe slrenglh 10 fight il . Youths

." become sensilive 10 humanity as a whole


Page 5: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ


be Germany. when le . I abollוsa tbere is R&מt World War. In Ja

jן,~ ... equivatent 10 "Sh08h". Ho est beeז rs ovcr the putיeצ. n a rising inte

ubjecl ~ ered"' CDlכl8ll Many youms have eנוםA'יםcdia:שe aod bוthrough Iilerary wo

. Sugih SchiD6:r. etc SaוזPO Frank. cd tbe ,!'i10 _י .$ T Rev. Takeo

idו ng w ות!liוifl wזi • Ho]oc 2s years 3g0 " har "'IIווווIK Japane tiaוםis the Ch

the ~ etןי. Israel מ(The Dawn) i "' choir was doe to . _' 'T

O sing a ןa guesl end Ihe guest i Frank,Anne

well known i ;.~:~= 1 :ב::זs 'Fnוnks וbc exciled". Takeo

evedl מarniIc:זdווm, wartime hiding PIaCe in A thal Takeo will never forgcc. lbis friendship

5eaming process iן( stan of a self-13Ug eוtוwas the years tbe OVeז about the Holocaust. and and artifacts ~ Re\I. S 310 COUCCted phoIo

~ eוst Hol dטHis ai ocaזף SוWוס estabן aishמbition center dedicatcd to the me mpry ג.hi e

oflhe million and a half cbiJdren murdered as ~ e choia: of tfjroshim ווו. by the Nazis

. tal םhost cily for tbe center was 001 accide tbis וw tha kחe n 1 reached Hiroshirna I W)ןeי

250.000 this c ity חן. le pl ace זab was the sui Uoמa1 edUC3 תae wero k.illcd, and from peopו

symoolizes &he saliency of ~ context this ", human righ

cוd 11וםבho _ Olsulro Revoו lt!חנUןlו

tbe Jewish traga:ly סחihe museum's focus ~ the)'(Uh will be Urodoc:ed Iolroader

related to racism. bIind obedicnce 10 authorily CenוUrY rוeW eךווnues, aנnti ;nt prqumce. He

wjll be a cenlury of peace. The museum his new age and willleach the ןreprcsents

be1נY' . tbe value 6f pe3ce. Freedom ldreת chi ." righls hUmaת d חa

'fסPolish סחpeםed gedy hap וra sh '

lcs סPcamps were there. The , rs oוhe were wi . some heIPed victims.,

PC:זSOnaI Qו" f SiשםiOO וhe . גe. scoundrels Y were lenified inlo זjori _וhe.. while .זprofi

of Poles were umbcז ivily. A signfficanl n זxגss .~ OC(:upalion rna31 םso viclims of tbe Ger

eny 1bmaszewski נg 10 sor חAccordi • Polisb ncountef ~ of Wars3W Univ

0WזtS 1 daiJy baslS. [n many ןסמHolocaus וhe


T u F

lhe hnnds מinנains ice re סhare elective, the c . eachers ןdi vidual principSls ud חof Ihe i

will מo jןbe Iilua ןShulman believes Ihat states וoore year 2(XX) and lbaI וhe improve by

ory, due Iadמaוננsludies זwill make HolocaUS ors זs pressure o( educa 10ן Ihe. grass-roo

Cוו:tו.וCaUaוaI kX:וI their סח. throughoul the U.SA ~ .-O<1<s, II" ;!>""""י' ......,",,_

""",, __ gCrernI ..ו '''"'''''""""' he one ןu וlsuc מce ferc מHe adds Ihat a co

Ihalז ook"place al Yad Vashem is of greaזand c:mfidcnce StiעתJUS _ pides וi~ 3. ~

O Israel is זt push forward . "Bringing us gs iזbמllike tbis eveת An .זly importan b"eזneeג

ors from זlogether a large number of educa around the worid who, for the hmlimc, bave

expe­aםd th'C: opponunity to ex.change ideas . riences. Education becomes approadlable

with the panicipants becoming familtarized acilitie.s, services and richness of ( וh;e h וiw

lOO aI Yad Vashem. coוזcentr.l is htclו w וnaIםi.aJ to become שIe ad Vasbem gשbe dףA

r nise, and :גsharing ilS e חlved i ~ i סre m pericווו:cs als aOO ex maזeri exchanging ilS ideas.

ide Israel ". This wish is sוwith educators OU

will וpto be fulfilled as in 1997 Yad Vashe e in a number of the act' ities זpan.icipa

sl ~ of Hol מorganized by the Associatio . org izalions

ב Af'A"י

an Friends of I.smel. numbering Oוristi Thc OJm.!edby the Hcbrew-speaking Reverends ן

Otsuka and Takeo SaIO, was eslab­~ M -their words. "38 years after Kristal מlishcd, i . hip ;נךir leade זhe une 1995, uOOer נ. In ~ nachl

in Hiroshima וer Cen סחThe HolocaUSl Educat.i nlS ו:ude was opened. Since then over 10.000 s

. have visiled this ne.w and elaborate museum The purpose. of the museum is 10 show the

awful וhe young Japanese ofthe 21s1 century the Japanese מן. realilies of the pasl cenlUry

mention of the תסschool curriculum there is apanese alliance with נor of thc חHolocaust


Cenler for Hebrew nסhis studies at the Yaml , ford University, he. decided ~ O וaudies זS

O establish ן, with the suppon of bis family . Holocausc Memorial Centre ShaIסm the Beil

intensive one-day seminars rUתS Ceוזn:: Thc comparison 10 other 1םסb\:re is Iוoah. the S מO

enenWzabons about rncism םסmנוrderS. mass Peopk are very ~ and prejudice. Says Smith,

. t universal 'iYו the (ocus וtוa1 10 see Sנ.וrקiSed perience. If :גThe Shoah is a very Jewish e

-cwish people's expe נyou don't focus 011 the rience under the Nazi regime, yo si mply

or racism סוOtS dוe UndrנStand adequarely ן'can ening rסad towards olhers. In addition. by b

-the.race issuc thcre is a danger of the relaliv ization of the Shoah. If throogh the ensuing

n וhe , one Icnds to univenal issues חdiscussio . bil rם;pוmi onaג educati סur we have fulfilled

I myse lf, as many others. am becoming we arc still learning זincreasingly aware tha

arxIleaming וhow 10 Ieam about the Holocaus ." how 10 teach aboUI it

tJSA Dr. William Shulman, the Presidenl of

anizations. Oזg the Association of Holocausl t in the battle for making froח stands at the fore

y Holocausl sludies mandalזi oח~UוrOO lum cuתicu the stale

ed Sta1es. According זthe Uni is a process זShulman i זם

which fa lls victim 10 Ihe cal jןcal machine., poli iוpoli

oraI interests, lecז dealings. e 5 etc. Currenlly therc arc

es in the U.S.A. where ןsta Holocausl educalion is

is וmandatory. In 16 states i -recommended. Shulman com

es Ihe ןhat even wilhin Ihose 5 sta וts מme a וסg תized, leadi וandan:! s nסI curriculum is

lack of unifonnity in level, emphasis. and he only slale where ןersey is נaim. New sludies and leacher זmandalory Holocaus

New York, מן. training are.funded by the S8a1C __ 00 dqןםנdS_ r",,,,,,,,,,,,, 1I-.

uסesres:זS and stipends. Thi rתdmeaש hereו. g תi תarc no funds available for leachcI'-trai

, Programs depend on self- iniliated effons , g History חFaci ~ highly successful, וhe eXamPIe . Facing Ourselve.s". local Holocausl centers -Wash חHolocaust Memorial Museum i וhe or

ington. In those statcs where Holocausl Sl.udies

',8, "; ,

Page 6: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

o E E N

' ey nc buildinl ~ד'fh ב::;::: ' f:e dו< r ded by b

r ," :וi"'~ ,tIנוIןןt lth tIוI מi

Sי"סtנ ~ c( fו~

ereו11 ..

ew:ntS or :iaIוdנed re13 NCז". nce ו:a lack of toler

. said Dr Centre for Jewish ןmKap!

. iversity מU ns Icacher וnThc: CenU"C

:גתI de>.1ops CdUC360naJ prog dו\research and provides a

' br"')'. Aaxxmng 10 R:oIr,'';n ;) al the Cenlre deal wilh a

1 ;· ..... issues during lhe coursc of

t:J-כ~r. ~ n::;, ~ tio נ~reality and imPlement underslanding of Ihe commil bolh aCIS of good

. rnl courage סmmeaning of . According 10 Dr

Wol "'·inkel. (or Ihe can people ~ South A

bears a the Holoc aוז:t specially

m ssage זrcle van -within lhe South Af


is a core nOו dגת:


of discriminalion, ra and Ihe role of Ibc Mby

1!i-1O "'!ipו. H זhe panicular ca.se of Germany. Ihe מ'" . me ag ~ tbe uni'e

Cse eX[rern fוsocic I malignilies wa. tJ ~ווeוwas וSouth Africa i מs i ו:where ן.Ho]ocaus

." Apanheid

. survivor from 8rlczany. a IQwn near Lvov For o\'cr 11 )'CaB he direcled lhe Cc.nlcr for

. Holocausl Research of Nonhcm Califomia he world Iccluring וOUI'S וProfessor Thtller

. on medi ca l ethics and Ihe Holocaus l Thaler's personal experience has been a

ual וect fin his intel moו.i dYn:עniC and תוacוsignif oullook and in the uni\'ersal and educational

. HolocauSI וhe conclusioos Ihtll he draws from · As he says, "'Focing hislory. foci ng ourselvcs

I'JA דרf I'J ~ A ( A former teacher in both formal and

Tagemuler lודOgs.. N חeducalional setti סrזna1 f חi 1emorial ~ is Ihe Direclor of Ihe Holocausl

d. The Fund. established three years ago חFU by the Jewish communily. promotes programs

IS ןaimcd at Irnining IC3Chers :rnd teaching Sludel


d villag the elders חa b-ish li:כlrותcr still .... of

S stttcו any lIר ;aeתts resi wer nam ed after

· I Jewish citi םcווproml zens .d Ihere are

memory חוmonumentJ lreWD ~ o f Ihe Je'" s

. ughoul Poland Uוro

RכIand מitbסoks leX SctוooI tory ~ rnleon the hi זIhc lo""er IC\o'els concen זa 001 , s and gcnocide חcןwar cri חס, of Poland

al minorilies and חatiO חOI spenk of חdo e thcrcfזio omit me oזni nח g the Holocausז 1100 Ihe Jews. Three years ago lexlbooksסח

NabonaJ Socialism. the Hokx:aust and Jewish ere introduced in lhe final grade ' ..... taתce~ i ~

of high schools. the leacher diclaling the regards מr and Qrength of emp is i eןןn aןn

10 the Jews. Tomaszewski belic\es thal thcrc hin זon placed wi jן~ needs 10 be more inf

tory of ~ he entire hi ןIhc curriculu m about there wi]1 be an hisloric ו!ha מSh Jcws ~ Poli

conllnuum and dc .וdc h of u pח rstnnding .חןsiluation וhe .'iOBhip relOO\'ed, חce h1989ו. wi

e ·,tו.a y more books maת bivalent 3Jח became g with lhe Holocausl מi eaנ been published d

des םand wilh AatisemitiSffi. bUI this incl " t ~ Holocaust d8nials and other "revisioni

material a Acco '01 the Educntional Director

, useum. Alicja Bialccka ;ctנwiti u \ןof thc in the וddinite'increase in interes וttherc is

is וFor Poles", Alieja J>tates. "i ~ HoloeausL as a symbol וa greal ymboI .• y regard i

of man _ Polish leadership being A very 1arge ,-tIוere li\es זbcir 10 Iose זsrוthe r

.. visitOl'S o,"er reccnt }"eaJ"S pen:enl 'iUbjec( dוe 10 0 are exposcd are leenagers

lng of the brסaden ia and the רed through Ihc n . ory curriculum ןsehool his

­"'; .n ~ ,, ~ Isrneli youths v";s זhe וסWith regards Poland, Alicja was slighlly critical , "There

lhe Isracli groops eeת'\\ tact be! coח isn'l much re nre exccplions Uוe the Poles. a11.hough dתa

pן:ssOOץ )ש:\h:ו hcrs וe:וc ish Pסl nlle. Mnny וhe to a desire for the exch::mge of youז h bctwecח

he 1"'0 eounlries ז-and the devcl opmcח t ofaח

open channel -for commu . " nic3l io n


Page 7: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

E T u "">---F

•זE Hן ..ןרןךן;;ILL CON INUE UE


g מiמןar• iODlh ס:וfess; m of p spectnנ The academic community was rcpresented by a osive ovcrvicw ז-.he a com diמe ki, thus provi fוe וhe מfrom senior professors 10 leacbers i

l ages. There wu. pntra1 נaof Holocausl education at 811 Jevels and for student.'1 of i-ies ~ change of me גeits מi)' I חwas 001 o ןcven nטוch consensus Ihal the vatuc of s

on וiוuםk:lli ow of com חthc ICtual inilialion of conlacl and מalso i וand pedagogics, bU Yad VaJhem ז!ow must conlinue and grow, wil חbetween the participanu and thallhis

um COתIinu וal Ihe pupils an hiSlOOc and cult oןThe need 10 present .וaא<g as a medi תservi and aftcr lhe dUוing • ife before ןof the Jewish European oomnlunilies. dealing with Ihe

Holocaust. was 3nolher major theme roised aו ce thc confereמ. .e 11םוw:ry apparen bDCaיuniquety Jewish .$ זוIduring lhe sessions that the Holocaust must be rccognized and Iallg

oם.s impIicati UniיmSaI and devtlop the paתd" g so. the educalorcan e חexpenence; by doi ue liת con וסyוnece:ss;i ~ y. naע of lolerance, coexislcnce. and the combat againsl racism. Fi

and enhance the suppon, cooperalion and educaliona! and pedagogical dialogue wilh . ge of II)e conference mess::ו Yad Vashem, mak.ing use of its experuse, became tIX: cenlmJ . 1997 wil! be a rich and produclive year forYad Vashem and Holocausl edocalion

A bOOk. of the confcrence will be published during Ihe year; Yad Vashem's itinerary nd. Germany. tbe U.S.A's easl ::1 ו conferences and seminars in Engl ::ו includes education

da and Poland among many Olhers. Avner Shalev. Chairman of :ו. n ::ו and wesl coaslS. C closing session of the conference that וhe Directorate of Yad Vashem. declared al וhe

internabonaJ forum which will raise and discuss educatWnal 10::ות establish aחs there are pl Currenlly .מces programs and confere !מa tio ::ו e educ זproblems and dilemmas and initia

ure nnd agenda. are being discussed SlזUCt forum. its t.IוC: tbe date of the founding session of ding ןe penod of bui ךךן. Looking 10 lhe approoching cenrwy. Avncr Sha)ev declared

ting mu]ticodcd symbols on the Mount of Remembronoe v::ו additional memonals and culli ture tnוc g tOOIS which wil! s םis over. What we mUSI do now is 10 cancentrnle on devclopi

le knowledge of lhe Holocau51 and its memory for future generalions. We ::ו and dissemin . ndin$ and developing the educational infrastruclure ::ו shall do this in two ways; by exp

nd by establishing accessible ::ו . including Ihe complelion of Ihe new scbool building . archives for those who scek knowledge and relevant information Ihroughout the wor1d

inue 10 be dynamic זnd perpeluating memory ...,ill con ::ו Thus. the process ofrcnecling and responsive" . As a member of Ihe gcneration of educators responsible for fulure

Ihird and founh gcnernlions feel and l1וe~ . HolocauSI education. Shalev sumlnarizes know why they cry. are in constanl search for ways 10 connecl meaniogfully with lheir

." ily low3rds il should be ןhislory and 10 defi ne whaltheir pe rsonal re ponsibi HolocausI מOshem's first intemalional confercnce :ו. Yad V

ized eווזpI'w was invaluable for a number of reasons. I1 edטCabOn compkx rסונof Pa1ז w the Holocausl is an intcgralive סhy aו1נe c

dוe t pr ided ו. es wherever and however we may li\le iוidenti incenfive. lool s and energy for fulure work in thc eld, by

. aIOne nts thnt they are וxןici p:ו.tI demonstrating 10 cach of the 'sh the Shoah of the ו.ז:hוווopy. il was generally agreed u uוaI1 F aתd people was incomparnble 10 any olher human experien

ir the ruture generations שth ry are to leam about the hislס

ily as a whole. they m::וn of hU musl f3ce Ihe darkesl of ils

50 years. Perhaps by doing ilh :ו. the phrase. "Resloring f thc מity" will cont.ai גת:in hUffi

philosophicaJ :md educationaJ . deplh thal il warrants

hibil;on E.ז luctll;Olltll ft.l aleriais וET/le


H זR

ough. We mUSI ovcrcome hislory תis nOI e and al time ourselves. As a dOClor. 1 need

ling 10 my life loday :10 .ו deaI with i sues rel perience :כוemy past rconוe 10 Ieam 10 ove aמd

-contra oוaJ and histOf)'. h at times is in l diction 10 present-day dilemmns. We make a mistake when we view Ihe HolocauSI as

ting :ו. a separate value SYSlem. al ilS base neg . humanity. Thal's escapism. Unfonunalcly

il is vcry much a pan of humnnilY. wilh an cnlirely differcnl sel of values. and rootcd

~. being uוnan h וhc of COnCePוiOP in a differenl omוcd trna>f haו is w qtאSiסn ForThalerthc

who Were similar 10 doctors oזs. German docl the field of elhics מdwide and Icadcrs i ןwor

in medicine. inlo Nazi doclors? AcconJing 10 Thalcr. in a way Ihc Third Reich was a

10 crea&c וended program in hוblic heal ק.וl giaח

vanaנd ad 1תO!iI. ve prodטcti nוOSt the heallhiest, people on eanh, using the mOSI advanced medicallcchnology. Allhe ti me il was an objccI of envy in many countries lhal .... ere

loping ~ cbווםown r גendedeו eahhוgrarr\S lסrנ:ןlar parזicu with similar aims. However. in this

inslance. medical and biological concepts were used 10 legitimize Nazi idoology. and

played a centr.l1 dOCtOזS the ----~ -role nOI onl y in im

pl emenlin g these programs. bUI also in providi ng Ih e

-theoretical roun dations. Medicine and ils re la led

beCשr< PrOfeSSKנnS 'aR1S 10 the st.ate scח.

alone and tbe necds or Ihe indi vid ual became subservienllO

'C .... שst.ate. Th t.lוc: of וhose ; come 10 the rOIe of the doctor nnd the que:sOOn

ist separntely from the :כוeCan bioethics ~

elhics and cullure of lhe society in וgenera ts חstnunen i m:וjOr 'C. or are they ת.וwhich they

~? conlrol וof socia er. Ihese queslions ןAccording 10 Tha

have Iheir parallels IOOay. when genelic engineering. legaJizing euthanasia. doclOrs

ties in the allocation וiori as illds or lonure. p -of research funds and co efficienl consid

erntions for Ihe lerminaly ill are a numbcr ant in fhe מof the bu rning issues prcdomi

ethical milieu of Ihe medical v.'orld. When Ined ical e thi cs. the מchin g modcr ז:tC

. cia] case sludy וnHolocaust becolnes a c

-.,. .(

.! ,.

•• . o

Page 8: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

p~ffair : r ןP · b rle r .. e .

. al in Ihe I,alian mifilary ooun 'חe!or l Qfמ bkt! in R ~·חErich P

תן ~ 1ay the Ilalian military COuח charged Priebke with ~ןמy trםוthose commilting acts of violence and crucl murdcrs of innocent

( taנ ian cilizcns". Despiן rc Ihe severity of Ihe accusation. the mi1il3צeased the defendant. The judges ruled, wilh a majorily of IWQ נcourt re

rcgardless of the cxisting evidence proving Priebke's gui ll 100וnc. tha . a l ןdeni3bly. Ihc stat ute of limitati ons warr3 nts hi s acquit תu

clli added. tMt "Ihe dcfcndanl 'S 1ןilitary judgc. Agostino Quis חThc 10 r thc abi lily תתסc]i n3.liO תpcrsonality dcmon strales neilher an i

rle 1ן nVasheר

I נAberjie ןBy Gali

the counroom ח

T he three mililnry judges' sentencc echoed i

was being read 001: "The man i5 free". Wrath and fury וas i . group of young Jews who jam-packed the chambers זhe fired • y was outr1lgcd וalוilY throughout תJewish commU eזThe enli

ir reactioos rexhed thc highest echelons of govemment. causing וhe and . f וof )ustice himse וer MiniS וhe of thc accused's release by mוJ the defe . Erich Priebke. 83. a former 55 officerו .... 'ould remain in custody unti

. thc anger dissipatcd The "crdicI drawn at lhe Priebke lrial sel"\'cd as one of thc cenlral

. S which bcg3n over 50 years ago וones in thc series of e\'en וcomers i3n Underground ignited ןa ווhe 23rd of March, 1944.lhe וn ס

an וcxplosives in Ihe central streets of Rome. As a result. 32 Gern soldiers wcre inst3nlly killed. Italy. at Ihe time. was occupied by the

. aliation was immediate and cruel ןGerman army 3nd the latter's re Forevery German soldier's life. 10 Italian citizcns were condemned

. 10 de3th ims did not S3.tisfy Ihc וHowever, the murdcr of 320 innocent vic

German occupyi ng forces. As a waming. they executcd 15 additionn.l . 335 10 10lal of dcaths by revenge וpeople, bringing the sun

The victi ms includcd pcople randomly and savagely kidnappcd gsl חfrom Iheir abodes, political prisoners and of course. Jews. Amo

. thcm .... ·cre a l6-year-old youth and a 75-year-old man. both Jewish , a rock formation תThe prisoncrs .... 'cre Icd in groups of 5 10 a crevice i

ir necks from behind. The remainder וhe in וoוtforced 10 lmeel. and thcn s ers meanwhile had 10 awail lheir lum. listening 10 the חof the pri so

anguished cries ofthc murdcred. The following day those sti l1 a1ivc were ]ed 10 a site outside Rome and wcre shot in view ofthe cily

Gra\'cs (I1ןe r 10 be named Le Fosse eוwalls. This sitc of camage was la .) of Ardeati ne

d ils leading execulors חThe mastcrminds bchind the massacre a I-Colonel Herben Kapp1er and חwere two Nazi officers: Lieutena

1948 by Ihe חCaptain Erich Pricbke. Kapplcr was apprehended i ced 10 life imprisonment . The butcher's ןties and sentel arח liberalion

. enlion camp prior 10 trial וa Brilish de ותmale. Priebkc. escapcd fro ely for ycars under חsere aתd 10 live in Argcntina sccurely חסI חand WC

December 1995 he was cxtradiled 10 Ilaly al thc חן. e ןan תhis own . Italian authoritics' rcquesl


Page 9: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

to and during war; acts of racial and religious perseculion even if the זaUlhorized by Ihe slate or inlemalional al liances, whetheror nO

. c rim es break th e inter nal la w o f an y spe c if ic co untry The problematics of 3cquilting Erich Priebke became even more

ve panicipanl jןpronounced in lighl ofthe fact U1a1 he was nOl only an ac in the slaughler (two of Ihe viclims were murdered by Priebke's own hand). bul that he also played a far greater role by composing the lisl of victims and crossing their names out as lhe ki lling progressed. He

ber of Ihose תdid nol objecl 10 K:!.ppler's suggestion 10 enlarge the nUI . 10 be "punished" from 320 10 335 people

oul rזy As 10 Ihe claim of fear of repercussion on refusing 10 ca n the shooting !רe orders. Professor Sergio de Pergola ciles the fact thal w

umber of Gennan Calholic sold iers חwas al ils peak. Ihere were a . who refused 10 panicipale in Ihe aCI

Court of Cassalion, llaly's highesl coun. mel in October, and nוe relumed the case 10 the mi lilary court. rejecting ils aquittal on the

. grounds of bias. The mililary court hcld Ihal il was a civilian matter ntJy. a preliminary examining judgc will decide whether 10 relum uחe C

•. the case 10 the court of Cassalion

-Israel cooperates inter ' ' nationally to locate Nazis

The Pricbke Affair drew immedi ale inlemaןal onaJ allention. placing Priebke's acquil jז

al the cenlcr of an essenlial discussion as 10 the , S made by differcnl counlries 10 localc חeffO . apprehend and bring 10 trail Nazi war criminals

roff, Director of the Wiesenthal Center ג.וZןEphrain in Israel slates that currenlly effons are being concentrated on capturing Nazi war criminals and bring ing Ihem 10 trial. in particul ar those

. glish-speaking democracies תEin זJed who have SCI

. The maximum penally for a defendanl menl of cilizenship ןif proven guillY. is the annu

on jןonal extrndi teזna1i 10 in וiorנ expulsion. in addi aתd

10 50 thal anolher slate can bring Ihc criminal al. However. this phcnomenon is rare, with חI

on of John Dcmjanjuk who was extradited by the American pזi the exce . ed in Isracl וri orilies 3I1d וUau

Ephraim ZurolT cri licizes the Stale of Israel, stipulating thal lhe latter doesn'l do Ihe maximum 10 calch and bring 10 lri al Nazi war

. criminals onaJ jןeזn;:ן ief Superinlendent Avmham Davidowitt., head of the !nt וO

Section of Ihe National Unit of Criminal Investigation. whose work includes invesligating Nazi war criminaJs. states that the Slate of Israel cooperalcs on an inlernational level 10 locale and apprehend Nazi

through defined legal proceedings and is subject dOווe criminaJs. This is usl be clear, unequi"ocal proof ןre n nוe . 10 subslanuve jUdiciaJ criteria

crimes that can be confi nned by חIhat the SUSpeCIS were involved i . rel iable wilnesses countries. according 10 Davidowitz, apprehend and ןMany foreigl

try Nazi war criminals for ideological and praclical reasons. The er include a generally accepled view thalז lhe Holocaust is nO וfom

ibililY respoחs mOזaI iversa! תr a u ratlוe jusl an Ismcli, Jewish concem. but at each stale should deal וUat should be shared by al] countries, and וU

der its jurisdiclion. The pragmaucs ref1ecl a תwi th war criminals u generally accepted view lhallegislalively and judicial!y Ihere is no

Israeli תria! in a סתזpanicular advanlage 10 placi ng a war criminal cour1, and thal any court empowered with the right 10 Lry Nazi war

. crilninals will suffice

commit such crimes". and. co nsidering hi s impeccable behaviour for the paSI 50 years and

. advanced age, decided thal hc should be re]eased The Priebke verdiCl caused a Slonn in

. e Ital ian 3I1d intemational public opinion וUbolh fi re were Slatements made by Pricbke וhe Fucling e inlemaLional press. where he never וUhimself to

d in fac l תdenied his conneclion 10 the crime, a attempled 10 ex. plai n his actions by staling thal he was only following orders and panaking in mi lilary reprisals ordered by Hiller, which were

kilJing וhe 10 response מiand were eחוli וhe legaJ al . of 32 German so ldi ers by Ihe underground

ests זThe verdicI drew opposiuon nnd pro at וUfrom many lawyers and judges who claimed

recognize mass murder as זIlalian law does nO being subject 10 Ihe statule of li milations. and that al though the perpetrators c laimed Ihal the aCI was in response 10 the 11al ian sabolage. this

ing but an excuse for a bloo:lthirsty חoth was in facl . assacre ןn


The tremendous public response resu!ling from the sentencing 10 d sensitive quandary: Italy's abil ity תfu] a ןbrought 10 lighl a pai l

. ial ly during the Second World War ןxצ;: cope wilh ils paSI hislory. eS Professor Sergio de Pergola, direclor of the Instilule of Modern

Jewish Sludies allhe Hebrew UniversilY. Jerusalem. who was presenl in Italy during the Priebke Tria!s, slates Ihal Ihe Ilalian public has for years mainlained that Ihe Ho]ocaust is a Jewish-Gennan matter. "This

he Italian זc Ihal doubts were being aired conceming ןwas Ihe fi rsl tin Fascist Regime's role in lhe war, a past stained with the blood of lhis

pecuon וros re is a necd for in וhe 0Iher actS, and a general feeling thal aחd ." and soul searching on a nalional level

c verdicl casl a dark shadow over וUFor many in the Ila]i3l1 public legal syslem as a whole, and in panicular over this painful תalhe Itali

period in Iheir national history. There were those who claimed that a framework rז, ilitary COU ןחil was a mistake 10 bring Priebke to triaJ in a

3de that Ihe accused was only ןwhich would enable the claim 10 be n ead, he should have been tried for "crimes זacting under orders. Ins

againsl humanity", as specified in the Nuremberg Trials, which is nOl . subjccl 10 the statule of limilations

1I was slipulaled in the Nuremberg Trials thal obeying ordcrs is nOI a legitimale claim for the defense. Funhennore, it was staled thal

, slavemenl חcrimes againsl humnnily" include murder, annihilalion. e " populauon prior תaexile and other inhumane acts laken againsl a civili

Page 10: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ


/ o,' 3.1 J.J9!J6 Gmמr nf r א~' ( tמmr tוfflע n.rtint TodLW CJו

m996Thei, Ro)'al Hig l1eJlet

P,inctss Heltn Shah " Prince.rs Shah 01 NepoJ ;'סח') Ja

iנI 19. ,J990"'.roj1lbnaw. IIl1tr SiI'I t'CIC i

11.3.1996 P,ifM M,,,is er Ul lRnll rrl כeu8ווul זtt,\-" T ןo

lIIIltIMJ1 MnfftNfQI 5tJ19:9.1996 ו ThH 01 Babi Yar tזh/! massac 0 /י servict'

ooaIיץ .וmtQII Anmdi1fB tht u \iUIamז{'

lmmigrunr Afuorpllon, fוMinisttr ש"י'On ~ i Edtlsltin, H o/OCQUSI slln'i וII ץ

rrds ojJormtr Ukrainial1 וtJ and hu immigrallls

UOוriJ .traוN M,,,wrt{ U ןfוזir25.1J.I996P mo יD. Kucl


Page 11: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

011 141./'196 C' .. lofSIDjf Rtjmtr וא) lNnniS זGtntra

it! tJ/ 1וC . StoJ! o{ th,. Armtd F'OrrtJ

g ח'} YOf8tn L וGtnrra

.. ~-, nia נוtbA rנf tr תfinl 996/ .30.1'י Primt Pro!esJo( 'Sali Btriska

r 0/ S",tdtn" אsign M;"i ~ 6.2.1996 Fo n Walltn וuno Hjt

Min; Itr 1'/ Hto 0.1996/ .9ו t#וand, Dr. E. Bonl E11t!n 1ן!oI

99fi Primt Ministd 16.1 .ו 01 Ho/land. Wim Kok


d חtt A ,J0 / ,ו aJ! זon Chitfoj S חn29.10.1996 Gt Fon:ts. GtntraJ Horlmut 80ggtr

dזts. RirhlJ וLos .4ngt 1.9.1996ו "'o,vor n .. Rion/

M,niSltr ol';'";R 996/.1.1 " .י' fajr!נוס~~ ___ H""80ry.. G)'ofl) kltli

Page 12: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

n l G LIMMERS ה' e,p ~ st הM ~ he ~ s הdv הY ~

Close to 14,000 men, women & children have been

eilher lake or preservc life. This מpeop[e ca is Ihe crux of Ihe malter. Thus. I personally

SOCiOiOg;COJ aתd PSYd>OIOg;CaJ tו.: with <bו \ don features ofthese peop]c. and don't IJ)' 10 single

.~ characleriSLic eמout I1ny o FQr Paldicl, there has been no case

in hislory that has epilomized the .lוoah Altruism" as in the s ~ notion of

. and yet Ihe majority of Righteous M. respond ךwhen asked "Why

modestly. "What else could I have "? donc

-cing thei r con גiMany speak of f science, others. admilling that they held ccrtai n prejudices. abandoned

l such noUons when faced with the וa, immediacy o f saving human life

while others are unable 10 formulale thcir reasons inlo words.

ent for Ihe Righteous, and a חןIhe Depart Holocaust survivor who with his family was saved and hidden by a number of such pooplc bolh in France and in Swilzerland. has his

: own theory

by Michal Morris Kamiו

I. The fate חenl of a mome ן

A fragn

y in the וof an individual or fami this חhands of a person. who i

infinitesimal speck of time, like tJnuation CO1ז -er to ensure the ו:ןc:ג'י' G-d, has the

ife or pave the path 10 a most וof acl, oflen וdeath. This fata חcenai

ght. ttnנ nUJe with 00 time for ratiOOaI described as the purest form חhas bee

SlinCI. Thcrc are Ihose חof human i who deem the outcomc fale. Olhers

d divine willתyct aסזrs, the hU eh תn:lו u eסncת ter at its essence. hoו diת e g tו!

responsibility of the continualion • of the spe<:ies. irrespectJve of race . re li gio n. nalionalily or creed

early 14.000 men, women חThe and children officially recognized as Righlcoos among the NatJons by

beha1f of the Jewish מO. Yad Vashem d the State of Israel, were תapeople

me מetisoו teן"וencoש chaJlenged by this during the Shooh, throughout oocupied Europe. There is no one definilivc modcl of the Righteous among the

• Nations. Thei r social, economic political. religious and educational backgrounds differ broadly: many

. were productS of a liberal education ,OtlוerS al school. while aתd at home

upbringing and חauthoritaria חof a battered as chi ldren. The scholars Dr. Nehama Tcc and Dr. Samue l

cular paחi e וaOliner aucmptcd 10 isol characleristics in Ihe educational

d m1llurational backgrou nd of a 1תI

cross-section of Righteous among thc Nations. and reached opposing conclusions. Tec describes these individu1lls

-g nonconformists and indi חas generally bei vidualist in character: Oliner on Ihe othcr hand concludcs thalthey are well adjusled and committed members of society strongly

. s ןg to basic soc ial no rn חcon form i or of זDr. Mordechai Paldiel. Ihe Direc


וaBrik LeaIווbcr d-8 י'י--- ... .ווסוaוAlס:וiddנiIמ ..-• 1944 May מGbetto i vםo werc sllllJQled out oftb8 Ko • 1944 th. 2ך of MaKb ם-fo1lowiog tbe chiIcIRo's -aktio

. dOנiןוונ~...., ~~ D ..... opea ~ CI ,..........נ .. _._ • sbcJser in .Ieaf יתזVidiםI aםd soldien Genםaם g biת bri

LנחYlוiS מiIנםוו:C_ _lנidalטו_

Z.dIiווו, eוווr.ונוY. _ GCnםaם for du'ee yean.

SOIdierS. looting for dc-­eוווeוaםb__

bu' didווbe diSCDVer IOוTheBrib......s faחוilics.

• y faםנil Mazurili dנe 10 eIםנןנC-__ •

yogurt. poIatoes and brcad. wbicb מOiםg 4 cbildR:n surviv bטnkCrS Iis dug rwo Mazשi .moםcy Leab'I bזwas bougbl wi

• g םtbc premises. whicb WIS 10 save tbeir lives duri מOlIIOIbCr וbe ly .... Ioped i1עםbe f _ וet<וסKaוYשIוa

___ dווaICM: ..;ון, Abוrסa. ..... וbe eSPOCiaIIY dווa

october 1944. Tbe Rakevicius מibaatioעם tbe Russiaa Tbe Rakevicius tiםוC. Iנוddםring t viוi וסn04או ooati faaוiIY

.iי,nrו ..... ·ליוbe IO .... יייaerMR r.נiIieS MUםriזiו .... 8-1976. The Brik's מiwd ו=i וbey ...,...moo. wbicb fסr s '1srנcI t of Pוesidcn CשmJt become the oמוOWeמI ycar--old

Barak. baroמ CSllOl" A Prסf COשt, Supreme

L ני\'.~


Yad Vashem has Ihe honor and Ihe חly OOdy i חprivilege to be the o

commend this aתd worId 10 deaJ with Legally empowered .חphcnomeno

by law since 1953. this govemmentaJ d חrity weighs each approoch a thס au 11 ize a person as חrequest 10 recog " ions זhe Na זg חeous amo זRigh "

indi vidually. Thc process enlai ls a affidavit by the survivor, his חwritte

g חizations. describi חfamily or orga as spec ifically and accu rately as possible the aClions :md particulars

candidate. The repon is Ihen !וe of t -veri fied by Ihe expens of the de

I and prese nted 10 Ihe חpartme Commission for Ihc Dcsignation of the Righ[oous. composed of swvivors

sracli תןascholars and headed by aתd

by חded Supreme Coun judge. This body. fou light חblished i t::1962 ;>ו, was e. תYad Va.<;hem i

of [he growi ngly apparen[ complexi[ics of the eligibility for this honorable חסdeciding

. ed in the original ]aw חOI ootli ח• litle. Criteria . were sel

cous among the זRigh ~ ion זThc dist.inc on persons eזזed , by law. is [0 be conf ~ NatJons

. The ~ risked their lives 10 save Jews ~ who ngly knסwi t the individual th::ו centrnl criterion is

Ihe risk of זd directly saved Jcwish lives a חn ing his or her own. In Eastem Europe זrorfci

profusely publicized the execution GemוanS the he [ חi זof the death penalty for those caugh

Westem Europe חg 10 5a\'C Jews: i חact of tryi the penalז Y was imprisonmcח] and [he cOח-

their חique i חhese people is u זEach of " he זis precisely זway, as we al] 3re. Tha חOW

point. For us Jews. bcrcrl of answers. [hc . Holocaust wound is sti ll rdW and Ihrobbing

Y seek immediate re lief by painting a חMa urdereזsן ty were either n joוi the ma ~ WOrkI

and a few were good. They are ח.זor indiffere e perceived as the exceptions. By regarding tו!

ique חRighteous as conlaining heroically u and "sain[ly" qualities. nOI characterislic of

racize זh OS זIhe "average individual", we bo Y זpon.ion or humani pזo and cxoncrate a ]argc

from personal responsibility. However. ifwe regard the Righteous as ordinary peop1e. our

-m ncס u ::וndוed perspecti\'C becomes oomplica he Irulh. Ordinary זO זearer חable. but זrfO

• • < \,.,---tו \\ ""ז


e נlo!tl וo נClwirn Yaakov ח.t·OfIrmissio

altz prese/lIs '" ificate tQ ח~ a c

RighleQUS onrong

. s נlhe nOliol

Page 13: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

OF LIGHT recognized as Righteous among the Nations

Genn3n writer and poet wrole an open !cller Hiller condemni 10.ת ng Jewish persecutio

and for Ihis was senllo several concenlmlion ." camps·he was recognized

Maltz recal\s cascs penaining \0 children crgy ןwho wcre savcd by ffionastcries nnd c

dunng the war. These children were bapti7..ed

1QUnuUn ןAs the I .br.ועce Mounl of Remem זhe

1 ] is filled wilh trees, and in order 10 honor a are currently inscribed חame:s the Righteous, the

in Ihe Garden of Ihe Rightcous among Ihe Nalions. Those living in Israel receive state

e Ihe Jcwish Foundation for ןpcnsions. whi • fercncc Cסn tilcs and the Claims זרeGRightcous

•. based in Ihe U.S.A provide funds fo r needy Righteous among the nations

. worldwide Thcre arc many

• problems in thc de -termination of eligi

bi1ity for Ihis honor invo!ving lhe notions

,~ of "personal risk initiativc and direct "

. ~ invo l vemenl compensa1.ion". and "

Ihe acl ilse]f. The Chairman of the

r eחחfO ח.Commissio Suprcme COUJ1 judge Yaakov Ma]tz. who

-10 Ihe po חstepped i piace חsition 1aSI: year i

ofthechainnan of25 years. Supreme Coun

. judge Moshe Bejski ootlines thc difficu]tics

s 'חthe commissiO חi . work

g the חReal izi " difficu]ties. ] urged for more Slringenl and

11 . codified crileria lurned OUI that working wilh is as difficu]t as worki ng

withoul. What happens for example when . there is written documentation. say in a joumal

but the survivor is no longer alive-onl)' his grandson? Or. Ihe ofTspring of a Righteous

. e חindividual who were children at the li l OW claim that they too wcre involved חwho

the process of saving? We have many cases חi like Ihis from Easlem Europe. The notion of risk" difTers according 10 country and time ~

s. What of דןnand "danger" assumes man)' fO the Slovakian MP who pub]icl)' condemned the Nuremberg Laws in Parl.iament? He wa'>n'l recognized. On the other hand. a famous

. centration camp which. more oflen than nol . was also falal

addilion, it has 10 be proven thal the ]ח

iח dividual involved did nOI denו l>ח d a ח'(pensa1ion as a coodition חocוor 0Iher yוaזmone

from Ihat which 1וlifc-saving acl. apa Iוc for I butcd 10 the rescuc altempt The rescue וri con



ana Zelenskaya was recognized as aזi Scptember. 1996. T מI arions for S8ving the 4-year·old אg Ihe מs amo teoט a Righ

Luba Kogan by hiding her in her home in the Crimean mOdוer war. Luba's dוe PeninSUIa from 194] unti1 the end of

-י םalוetנbr.dweזuמby the Nazis. Following

war. Tatiana. a pro-tIוC • fessional singer and ac

..:!=-:<" tress. and her husband == r י""".iw.וd aעתafוbaו

in fulJ control ofFnmce GeתnanS late 1943. with the מן!iOUtheaslםn s 'Fraמce מimany Jews found refuge .)'ש and I ~ .. is -Ua1 ~וםי.e Villaו!e The "IiOח-

enlire community. led by tbe PaMor מIof how pוc exam Andre Trocme and his wife

y passed dי=וWtוO Magda. i • awayםscue bared a mas.s i:ח

ation 10 SaYC Jewisb IM:S. םוpoWilh the addilional aid of

CaוhObC aתd םוa'-י'יbOוh • organizalions and clergy

many Jews were smuggled n זerזaj uous חזothrough tbe

_ and ""'""" Ihe SMo; 5.000 II is estimaled that

. Jewish li"es were saved WtוO • I Dושie s cwsin, ·nx.דne T

s home מ'headed a chi ldre which hid Jewish children

arזeSted was ,0וamb0n Le מiand .... dcprdod., BUCh:nWaId GO<וaPO. and _ by Ihe

where he found his death in April 1944. Tbe village of and rOנe for it'i COnוmendCd Le Chambon-Sur·l..ignon was

many wcre individuaJly recognized as Righteous among . 1990 the Nations in

• -~--

.zll:.. the Russian authoribes

011 would take the child I tbat she was סטfinding

.OJewish. left tbe areaמ16. Luba w&'i rOkI זuming

""""'­~ ofberOOgim by Ihe "'" _ officiaJly "'"י""" .by Ihemות 1965

Luba's natund fatber שdil was discovered f ן~~ J!J I

had sUויו ived andזised a ncw family 3 .מן *-, ion. Luba met her father מan exci1.ing reu

001 decided to remain with her adopUve and raised [WO sons וnarried Luba .וs paren year she immigraaed LaSז . Israel מilive WtוO

and they atiaתa. T ~ lוer w IsnIeI with . live near Hifa


and raised as devout ChriSlians. AI the end y werc וhe church claimed that וhe , war tIוC of

nlS וןare surviving וhe and thus adOןXed kgal]y Dilemma: did the)' save .1ו look them 10 cou

soul? On חlential Chrislia סpa human or a d there were c lergy. who. in חIhe olher ha

defiance of Iheir superiors, sought oUllhe . and rclumed Iheir chi ldren 10 them sוparen

Judge MallZ doesn'( believe that these cases . human behavior מC31lteoch us major Iessons i

the commission has חסHowevcr. silling enabled him 10 witness exceptional acts of

Take Ihe case of the non·Jewish ~ humanit)'.

act mUSI be aUlhenlicaled by irrefutable evidence o( Ihe rescued persons or other

. e)'ewilnesses andlor va]id documenlation Other aspects examined include the origin

. of the conlact belween rcscuer and rescued 50 Ihe nature ofthe aid. Ihe motivalions in

able. Ihe Iype of וfar as Ihey are ascerlai l submitLing PeזSOn וhe gers faced. the age of daת

, recognition וhe g חreceivi מO. the evidence. ctc the person or fami]y (Ihe tit]e can be givcn posthumousl)') receives a specia]]y minted InedaI bearing hislher name. and a cen.ificate of honor; until ]990. a tree was p]anled on


Page 14: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ


sטr« f Pזo • ofYad Vashem oriaם Tbe Chief Hist _ • R;prn .K8ש. Jaותו8ו. ...... תdGbnd

cy durin& buוווani 1 of ~ s dוC ~ N8Iioas; "He dוC Ibc FOז HOIOCIטSt. dוe 01 YeII5 MiIו, •• jal aםd dוrt Ibc

is naנמr followiDg tbe Ho1ocaust. hi oםs li eוווngC ."1qCםdarY

......... .s kוו;aI 1942. Kanki. a 0ו:I0ber מICO\'atIy met .dםuסrוןemiuary of tbe Polisb uade lllioווsoוpni ZiOמiוI וnd BUםd dוe of םןt:נiiiilaliqיו

Iet PCOPIC ~ plc8dcd with K.anki 10 11וcy . PoIand מi_aIס.< koowhow .. 1cd

how aוXI us oזas being donc theתנ I וhelpless we are .. le

SIוakt:n lhISt be C:anIו dוt וIוaI WO1וd dוe oסndlbons, f Sזזoו

mUSl be aroused· (K.arski's :.:.=::::..:,.:: book ... Story of. S«rel

Swc". 1944). Thus ht was Iwice smuu'ed inlo Ibe

once inIO arוd gheםO. WוnaW . camp <bוdו Bdzr:c dוe ~ ViCiniIY dוe מicamp lחIוSiI •

mosalerrible dוe" 10 rםs plates be was wil bOItמן ו

imce aטd מangs". IS ht profoundly described to זhi ad vashem in october מץaI bis iea:ure i hUמdnוכk of

10 lhaI K.arski began ms campaign dוCn 1996. I1 was do anylhing else ןמ'Jewry. "1 could EUrOPeaם save

." do םןwhat I actuaJly began thaת Odוer

Karski dc:scribed his meetings with American Pl'esldenl RooseveJI and Brilish Foreign Sccrewy

..­... wו.... odוcB. """"Imany EdCמ AnIhony PrסVided Ir:adcn and JeWiSIנ PoIish dוe of nםSaP:S ttו:

had seen aI lוe s of whal תosive impressi nו;i j מWhis O . fiN twId

central meuage aI tbe leclure was ~ BUI K.arski ' those who anemptcd 10 univeBaJize ns10 :ו wam agai

""" Odש pnlleb .וbaו by clainUng _ .... r םde. tloםוםa E1ie Wic:seJ • • AU טoce murders. "1 q .' 811 Jr-ws wen vKlim ןbu ktlםו.s, Nu.is la8d v

desuucbon dוe means HOIOaשSו: . is Jewish oIocaשc. H • secood Woc1d War. U:I no nation tIוe of Jews during

10 aPPrOPriaIe this Jewish ~ gOVeנוזוnent h nor dוurc i denounced tht comptacency and Kaזsk .-pcrieוזcecג

llectuaJ. academic and cוreligious. in וhe si\·iIY of ק'לa.

POIand before and during תibierarchies ~ . m ל'iS('mili ןspuad An ~ face of wid ~ Ihe war in Ih

ho ~ remembrance of thcxe: ןeווever. he urged ~ H did וhousands 10 S3.\'e.Jews. aCד OUSan[b upooוfו riedו

. Y 10ן help Jews. v.ho \\'eft. noc. abandooed by humani of lives. as did tlוOU.SandS In Poland the Zegota saved

tIוe sur-Ligoon in Franc:e and boח-the village ofOwn Dani<; h peoplc among olhers. Thc Jews were nOI

l Jewish boys מaabandoncd by humanilY. I don'l w -girls 10 grow up feeling everybody hale<! lhem aתd . llhcm 10 have courage. 10 txlt"nd helping hands .uו I W"

.~ educalor מFor mc Ihis is imponanl as I am a


F s L G R E M M 1 lhe Holocausl. J. as Chairman. and

. by virtue of being a legal e:<pert objcclive. And aחd utral cתmust be

yel. during Ihc discussions 1 sensc Ih e depth of emOlion of my associales and their emp31hy and idenlificalion wilh each panicular

• caseM

L Yad VaWm Paldנe 10 According this program. COOrin10 בט is oommiued

which presenls inva]u3ble lessons herocs provide role ~ and whos

•. models for fUlurc generalions

d faclory manager who allcmplS ןJ9-year.-o 10 oblain medicine 10 snvc his il] Jcwish workers and is refused. Subscquenl1y. he

receivts dחillness a UוC infliClS himselfwith 10 them.. סחpasses וhen medication, which hc

in the same aCוed 1 wondcr how I woo]d havc silualion?M

e:<pands, MEach individua] is al .וMa]l ibeny 10 judge only ifhe were faced wilh ]

-idenlicaJ siluation. As head of II'Ie Com תamission. I face this problem regular1y. as I

a survivor וher am the only membcr who is nei fami 1מ ly who perished i זe<: nor part of a di

~ on IIIt! 7lh of AUgl/Sl. 1996. tl dt!d;cQןס Iht! Gurdt!nןס I;on

ht! R;ghlt!ous umollg Iht! / od 01ץ Olio"s 'oo! plucf: א

e \Wht!m, i" ,ht prtSt!Mt! of rו/QCIOrS, ,ht stcond ןbt!nt

/on/ily IשI of dIf: Sul roוiotו It'Ilf:

• hf:;r porf:tlIS , ןסin ho"or 5u/Ion 5u/lo" ond וnbroho וI

rom ן, Doro Abadi dt! 5ullon Js lסla. 'T'M 'K ~ nr ~ וocas. Co

namם dIf: llUiוז rot Gשdm of tht! ol,ht Righltlous an/ong /ht

rountrit!s. /() iתgoו:ror1ז oזioחsא

L. An extcnsive and imponanl project

~ of eוlU msו סemttionaJ n וeXI C 0 n ofthe Stu&es aI Yad Vashem;s .... R;ghreoos among the Nations u::<icon, covering

approximutcly 10 volumcs. which documcnts Ihoroughly and succincl ly the ivC!i 10 savc ןnames and storics of Ihe Ihousnnds of non-Jews who risked their

hcads Ihe projccl's מhg lhe Holocaust. Professor Yisrael GUlman. w מJews duri The Lexicon is divided by countries, wilh Ihe ~ slcering commillcc. exp]ai ns.

alphabetical order. A scientilie editor מRighleous among the Nations appearing i Tbe main corpus of the Lexicon will appear in .מyrזis responsib]c for eacb cou

English. while tווi eחivid d וry volumes are translaled in accoro.ance 10 the COtJn uaזof the panicular Righlcous among lhe Nalions. The volumes of each countty

. hislorical inlrodUCIionM aconlainמ

The \'o1umes covcring France. edited by Dr. Luciene Lazare, are nearing . Poland aתd • {ichman ~ Holl:md. ediled by Dr. Yosef סחhilc those ~ completion. . uction pnכd nlly in eשזrit Caemiavsky. are c וediled by Dr. Nahum Bogner and , IsraeJi SOOJ'Ct תam AuthorilY h.as received initiaJ funding from Vastוe The Yad

uction pnכd וhe l)ulch govemmenl has promised ilS suppon in וhe d recenlly תaNations of Holland. Yad Vashem וhe of lhe \'o!umes on the Righleous among

conlinues 10 scek financial back.ing from the European Communily, from . s חindividual cOtJnlries and various foundalio

As ~ Avner Sh3lev. Ihe Chairman o( Ihc Directorale ofYad Vashem. says. S by which the Jcwish people חof HYad Vashem 200 I H. Ihis projecl is a mea ןמוד

Ihose חNalions who were sourccs of lighl i וhe Ihank the Righteous among תaC

ajor source for rescarch 3nd has ןabysmally dark years. I1 is imponanl as a n caחce humanitari.an signili aתd llool ofhistorical ioחa educal מamonUlncntal ""Iue as

• for Ihe gcneralions 10 comeM


Page 15: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

\1 ." "011 \ \ 11 \ , .. )( .. \1 t .ו)(\ Ih :,! I·. \R"O (), "0111'.1.\ J,"O \01" 111 " 0"יו'ן t

-fony sוIn k:eeping wiih i year irndilioo. the reccntly pub]ished issuc ofYad

udes וVashem Sludies inc ating scholarly וstimu

gc raח anic]es on a widc -of subjccls. Thc geo

graphic and Ihcmalic nd סscope of the anicles

, oirs in Ihis 251h volumc is very brood ןmen nic]cs by Eliezer נ;] osophica וfrom Ihe phi

Schweid (on Jcwish idenlity fifly years after • Polish (חסBlonski חIhe Holocausl) and )a

tity in Ihc foce of lhe deslruclion חCalholic idc of Ihe Warsaw Ghetto), 10 Duro Schwart7. s

. C Cll mp ג:chilling nlemoir on thc Jnscnov nd the world :גmu Rellclions to the Holocausl

rcג: addressed by Gu]ie Nc'e תi:וcr Ar3d (An -nו'n Jewry). Jcremy Harris (BBC). Jud ilh ג:iC

>'<; st. וקrnchuti (P3IesIinian Jcwish וrelB:גu Tycb and Grnciela Ben-Dror{Argentinean Catholic

hcr anic]cs examine aspeclS of זO,) Church the Holocausl in Ihc Breslau area (Karol

y), Transnisrna (Dalia ונוceiJonca.. Alfred Kon .)G:גrti Ofcr). ILalian-held Yugoslavia (Yitzhak

Hungary (Asher Cohen), and Vi]na (Dina Porat). while a colleclion of teslimonies

ecls Ihe hope and Ihe tribu]ations of חre liberalion, The nexl issue of Sludies. undcr new edilor David Silberklang. wil] continue lhe high standards mainlained by oUlgoing edilor Aharon \Veiss. whilc also introducing several ncw features, such as an in-deplh book review section. A number of Ihc 3I1ic1es scheduled for inclusion in Ihis issue brcak:

. ncw ground in Holocaust rcsearch

1.' .r,j.


j" ~ ! .... v


I,II': llt ( ' \ 1 ()I{"O .'\ו}וI"O

" { t "0(' ''\\ I1 Z \It "01,, ( \1 ' ''0 "01', \'" \J \

egalion ןIn August 1996 an official dc composed of 24 cducalors from leading

from through­tiorוs HoIocaUSl education instilu oul Isrnel \'isited Auschwilz'S Museum and

s וEducalion Center. Thincen professiona . y.'ere from Yad Vashem

aim of the visil was 10 become beller 11וe tiona1 program and ג:educ זhe inled with ג:xqu

fessional קסa זrסmכte וסdשו. of the Center Sטff gucs ג:work:ing relationship wilh their co]le

in Poland. Thc visi t. well organized and nd around ג:varied. iocluded guided lours in

10 chers ,,'ere inlroduccd ג:Ihe camp. Thc te ar educational problcms and וicu וIhe par

g in Ihc field in Po]and. and חdilcmmas arisi . joinl problcms were raised by ihc t,,:o groups

The dclegation was highly impressed with level :גJ th and intelleclu mש' the cfficicncy. y.

. of the hosls


The final perspeclive is rOQled in Ihc i-Gcrman dialogue. l.srnel 's co]lecli\'e וIsrJ.e

pcוiences Wc ex ןmemory is laden with the tl3UI

, of Ihe savage annihilalion of ils pcople Parallel 10 Ihal sland Germany's younger gencralion.s. who allhough being bom 10 a

iIY. slill bear the colleclive mcmory :גJ new re I of Nazi Germany, This ג:hוperiod. anOוher of

rpencd by thc 3Clivilies of lhe hב. memory is s y Gemוan in gסזUPS isו. eo-Nazis and other rac

ity וloday. The foundnlions of this harsh rea ning poinl ג:I sl וely difficu ןcreale an extren

. ace וogue 10 take p וfor an Israeli-Gcrman dia In addition, since Ihe unificalion. Ihe

I Gcnnany bring a special E:גs lors from ג:edUC elcmenl 10 thc encountcr which may rcsu11

ny of the Icachcrs ג:nl :ןin furthcr inl.IOSpectiol ·; ucnccd by Ihe Soviel-slylc nnl חwcrc in

ZioniSI propaganda. which al limcs conlpared 00th cncmics ן.isn וZionism 10 Nalional Socia

ofthe Communist regilne. With Ihc fall of l1lsrncl bccamc approachablc ג:Ihe Berlin W

k:ing hordened ג:early human. brc וnd c ג:, stereolypes 3mongSl Ihe Easl Germans

These seminars allcmpt 10 localc modes of communicalion between Ihe younger generntions of the 1"'0 countrics. This dio1ogue is aimed at overcoming ingraincd prejudices

and menla1 barricrs. thus producing 0 vil ג:[loguc. and by doing ג:cultural and SOCi3] di

. 50. combaling racism facl thal these encounlcrs, which are 11וe

rpens the ג:srncl. sh וrecorded, tak.e place in significancc and meaning of Ihe history of

. the stale. ils CU]lure and its uniqucncss xe וcn p kו:גother lcachcrs' scminars have

this past ycar. including delegalions from Po]and. Ihe C.I.S, and Ihe U,S,A. amongsl

heזrs, and for Ihc firsl liI oן 1C. from Dcnmמ::ג.

NEWS (וו L )ו\ IIR"O 1 }ו)J('1 )(I ~ \I"I )ו \ O"·ו

1 ',, 1' \1)\ \sll \ ,>ו L וI·.I{\I'" s ,(

50 The Second World War endcd over has been a subjccl וyears ago. Sincc thcn i

. sludy throughoot Ihc world aתd of rescarch Yad Vashcln has stood at the rorefronl of

nd ג:ltempts madc 10 grnsp Ihe hiSlorical ג:s of the Jcwish person's c1ו:ח cxpcric ג:pcrson

. psed ג:strifc for su rvivol as hi s wor]d coll Sornc of Ihc unique and inlrigui ng cvents

this ycar wcre ןןth31 took: placc al Yad VashCI 1 seminars for schoollc3Chcrs ג:Ihc educaliOII

Iors from Ih c cily of ג:and olher educ d the Stalc of Bmndenburg חSochsenh3usen a

. in the formcr WI Gcnnany y. the I-1oIocausI: was presented נUcnl Acadeןז

Ihe victims' perspecLive. as mcmbers ןfron nation sclected by Ihc Germans 10 be ג:of

tOlally annihilaled, Thi s angle enabled a lion y.'ilh ג:process of empalhy and idcnlific

thc viclims, which was strengihened by the I of וencountcr wilh survivors. whosc reca

buted 10 a וri experiences con גו:their person \l deeper undcrsl:anding of ihc hisloricnl Cזs'eו,

clical ג:nd did ג:gogical ג:From the ped ion:גJ 'eS. the scminar provided profess \~

nd Ihe ג:lcachers וlools for both Ihc schoo y be וd individual וeducalors 50 that lhey wou

lplcx subjccI matler of ןe to hand]e lbe col וab ocauSI and aim 10 educale an entire וLhe Ho

gcnernlion which is nllcmpling 10 copc wilh . ils own difficu]1 nalionnl history

"O 1 )\ 1 \)(}ו "OL '\.·01"11 )\ 0"ו'. '\11 \t "O 'Jו( ;(,\ "O 1 (, \1 111' I{J ו(II ·וIII

" ' .. ... ' .... . "' S·'r 1 ' ..ן " Jr ~

' e ·•

dn'l imagine Ihal we'd remain וIn Sachsenhausen we cou ... ~

r inSlinct 10 survivc we did. and lived נt of Ot וS a resu ג:a]ive. bUI SCC our lives SPCI 10ן t hcrc in Isrncו. ~

. n ג:m Lanzm ג:These were Ihe elnpassioned words of Avrah .] who spokc on behulf of Ihe Sachscnhausen survi\'ors in Israe . ace al Yad Vashem in Oclober וat lheir galhering which look p

. 1996 e words "moו.i ic\ent of Israel. Ezer Weizman. spoke e Pזes eדוו

1 this firsl-lime evenl. The galhcring ג:lure 1:ג n ג:of a "ery person ofYad וCounci וlso addressed by Dr. Yosef Burg. The Chairman of the Inlemaliona ג:was

and .וusen in Israe ג:Vashcm. Eli Cam1C1 of lhe Jcwish Organizalion of Survivors of Sachscnh ntemalional Commiltee of the Prisoners of וry Genernl of the ג:Vemcr Handler, Ihe Secrel \

. hausen תSachse mps 10 be cstablished by ג:p was onc of the first concentration c ןusen can ג:h ןThe SachSCI

, II over Europc ג:the Germans in Gcrmany itself. Erecled in 1936.200.000 prisoners from lion in ]945, The ג:especially Ihe Sovict Union. passcd through Ihe camp until ils liquid

5.ooo and 18.000. o\'er וapproximalc nunlber of Jcws incarccraled in Ihe camp ]ies belween rtcr 1944:ג- 1945 mp in ג:ny of the prisoners arrived al Ihc c ג:ha]f of"'hom wcre murdcrcd. M

I look: place al ג:conditions at othcr camps, Amongst the chil1ing e\'enIS Ih ]:ג surviving lbe brul drcn picked וcdical cxperimenls committed on a group of 11 chi ןתchsenhausen werc Ihe ג:S

drcn survivcd וchi וןnd dispalched 10 Ihe camp, The ג:Ihe Auschwilz seleclioll proccss ןfron . ive in IsrJel וIhe lonurous acts and 4 currently

Page 16: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

& THE Tlle Bucllman Memorial Prize was awarded 10 Rulll Bondy

115 ". of the Jews' sold Ihei r sou!s 10 Sat3n limes ironic, bUI always וstyle is lucid, a

keeping with 8000Y'5 belief חunhampered. i 10 are so big you don', have sזLhat "Ihe fac

do them תay small words C נuse big words. on ". justice

Ihe detailed תigth of Ihis .... :o,k lies Stre1 ח'tו=

impoverished world that חdescriplions of a miח 1943 litant bUI culturally rich (i וO חi5

Lhere were 423 theatrical performaת ces iחquestion this raises וhe tlר wi deווCzech). combi

jecוs plicily. Ruth Bondy re ןof "the Elders'" con Judenrat, eוIhe notion of Edelstein. head of tJ

as a collaborator with foreknowledge of meמt judgc ן:Tererin's fa1e. lnSIead Bondy offers

that 15 more general and Iess dogmatjc. defining l Jews "true וar as thal of rזo Edelstein's chief e

10 their educalion and reasoning ... it never a! Ihe hatred Hitler and ותthem סחdawned

1001.: ... } hi s Nazi ideologues bore [them precedence even o\'er iheir desire 10 win Ihe

war. ,.Had the war ended in 1943",or even וhe

in 1944 ... lhe slubbom oplimism shown by have scemed so painful וhe Jews would nO ו

~ . or so naive an Pri ze for ןHaving received Ihe Buchn

, her lifelime's work, RUlh Bondy explained ~ 1 have always been aware of my obligation. "

survive, and 1 hope thal וthose who did no םו

prize that has been given 10 me will allow וhe me 10 conunue as long as my strength allows

] dreadfu וof tha ~ udy ofthe C\'Cnt. זsme 10. in the ~. period

Dr. Daniel Fraenkel received the award .~ for hi s book "On the Edge of the Abyss

Fraenkel considers the Zionist response bolh in Gcnnany and mandalory Palcstinc 10 Ihe

, anuary נfale of the Gennan Jews helween 1933 and 1938. Fraenkel perceives this period 10 be "the ]asl hislorical crossroads at which the course of cvcnts, bolh in Europe and in Palesline. Slill secmed 10 permil differenl

The question is whelher the fate ~ es, חOutCOI of Ihe Jews of Europe was the uppermoSI ZioniSI considcration while Ihe Zionisl movemenl sti]1 cnjoyed some freedom of

. d maneuver חchoice a g evidence חi ןFraenkel provides oompel

herent in Zionism's חg the problems i חdetaili perception of thc Diaspora when faced with

dangerous קושCCedenוed מasm of iוni tiseו An מas St3ICmcnl 'שioo Ben G חson. This is embodied i

-10 the Jewish Agency Executive after KriSlal

there was ~ alion is clear, חBondy's fasci no reason for a man nearing forty, a father of three children and withoul any expericnce

But .. ח!lS a parachUlisl, 10 undenake a missio ~., Enzo did

y published the Boתd later ~ Thineen y 'Elder of the Jews's; Jakob ~ monumen lal

t". This was writlcn חstad Edclslein ofThcresic is undersland ... lo ןIO make younger !srae ~

refute the stereotype of Jews going like 'sheep deזs the cliche that the 'El aתd 10 the s]aughter'

RUTHBONDY RUlh Bondy was bom in Prague in 1922. She received

OdOCaוiOO. y םul "'" in her words. -from life and books· as

Nw זhe 3 resull of 00n 00 educabon for

-Jews in Czecho . 1939 slovakia in

ly וBondy is curren ~ a מicngaged

researching and translating -Kamrad" a wspaper tMI was published in eמn's dוe chil

. 1942-44 w Terezin Gheno in ..... from "'EIde< ~ The followmg """""

,"Theresieחstadס.וf ofthe kws' Jakob Edelsrcin

i ~ ~.

t#8lf ל •

. ing oids, no nOlebooks adז no le ':וזThere K'e ' no penciJs ond no lextbooks. opart [rom ""'Ml

e other canlps brvught וזe craftsmen[mm t וזt [ he group o 01ז s: AI,j, the instructor ifו os g -older bo'j's, hod ot his disposal a Russian

language I'!.ft book, a geomet'Y book. and a , he counselors taughl [mm memory ז, Bibfe . on personol OCCOflllts from the ptJSt W!וזond d

ele oוJוJ שיboj"S \I'OS hו! t דhיriJe speak.er K שA[m , ho had panicipoted in the /932 Of'jmp;cs ·",

difficuJt to teoch tN dUJd1J!fI. timו!s as.wme ·\ו t / ponicuforfj' (he )'ounger ones K'ho did nOl

lije. concepts חןסremember an_\' olher sO ן rom )'esterdo)"s \I·orfd; to .fpeak 10 themןס

ptJ)menl/My 0ןס/IS וtU! ')/ n lhe on hו!' K ,tזU.HוeY

knew K'QS cigarenes or bread; 10 telJ IhemןסSO \,.!;ןחש a frסm ete K'ho came וamous ath ןa

, /Joor tMl tht!)'li\'ed on breod and potOloes " K't!re signs of KWth. rfושou 01 Bi hidו' lhings K

V .. d V .... Iד .. nד

By Jeremy $wimer

T he Jacob Buchman Fund was

1988 10 Paris in חeSlablished i acob Buchman's נcommemorate

d חwife and daughter, ESlher a Hannale. who perished in Ihe

Buchman fund annualy awards בbדHolocaust. IWO prizes 10 auLhors. an.ists and hislorians

g in relation 10 Lhe HolocaUSI. one is חworki ad Vashem, and the ץpresented in Israel by

, other in Paris th of November 2ך AI the ceremony on the

al Yad Vashem, Ihe Buchman Prize was presenled 10 Ruth Bondy and Dr. Daniel

­cסn Fraenkel. In commending Ms. Bondy's , Y Yehiel חfessor Len Prס s. the judges. וion tribu

Professor Yehuda Bauer. Professor Yisrael OutstaOOing " SוטC.d. Gunman. arx! Avner ShaJcY

I of Ruth Bondy's broad and varied וin a wrilings is her deep inlereSI in man's soul

which he ocquires :וre] his fate, nnd in the p aתd

e society in which he lives ו.h for himselfin The ~ of his own volit.ion or out of coercion.

. kel's work חof Dr, Frae חjudges' summatio .. ,i l ~ , noted, ~ the Edge of the Abyss חס"

self from preaching זrefrains and distances i applying wisdom in hindsight. As a result., aתd

onal iוexaminalion in a ra וhe lows נabook ו.he dתconsidered ma aחeח he r of the balance ofו

ism in חd y,'eaknesses of Zio חachievements a attcmpts 10 save וhe its organizcd actions and

Ruth Bondy arrived in Israel ~ cwry. נGennan . 1948, having survived the Terezin ghelto חi -g suc חBirkenau and Bergen-Belsen. Worki

for thiny year.> she זcessfully as ajoumalis . eclcd an impressivc arruy of 3ccolades ןcol

the subjecI of Ihe חסg חBondy's early writi 10 es she was laler ןIhen חסShoa louched

d in a direct חdevelop with a sharp insighl a thc essay "Rcmcmbcred as From ןת. manncr

a DiSlance" ( 1969) Bondy confronted Ihe dilemma ofhonoring six milתנ ews in aח lio

a "be an !sraeli ןsrael which set Ihe fonnu ! oUlsidc and a camp survivor in your own

~ . home. and perhaps nOI evcn there The Emissary - The Life ~ In 1976. wilh

tion ח, RUlh Bondy's atle ~ i חzo Sere חOf E tumed to the biogrnphy. and 10 lhe period of the Holocaust and lhe binh of Isrnel. Bondy

. Sereni's life from his binh in Rome arוs ch g חthrough his instrumental role in the foundi

of KibbulZ Gival Brenner. 10 his courageous relum 10 whal had bccome Nazi-occupied

. Italy and finally 10 his death in Dach3u


Page 17: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ


land Dr. Dalliel Fraenkel A enna, Ambassador וVחhcld i .חt Chrislies recent auction of the Maueroach Collectio

Committee with Edgar תRonald Lauder. who co-chairs the Intemaliona[ Auctio Bronfman. President of the World Jewish Congress, purchased 31 items on behalf

, which include painlings, skelches. and silver cuUery. Lauder himself ן.ofYad Vashen and Marjorie Federbush. Ex.eculive Vice President of Ihe Ronald S. Lauder Foundation. both

Ihe entire auclion and purchased ןthis projcct, were present throughou םןgreatJy commilted the חbeyond their original inlentions. Thc collecllon, slored by the Austrian Govemmenl i

posed of 8,000 items which 14ןןth-century Maucrbach Monastery ror the paSI 50 years, i5 COI , h3d been lOOled by the Nazis

Jcwish חmainly from Austria homes bctwecח 1938-1945 .

salc. which was UוC s of Prסceed lf of the וtbch חסcarricd out

Fcderation of Austrian Jewish Communities, are currenlly

ding at $14 million. and are תast -10 benefil nccdy Auslrian sur

vivors and Ihei r familics both -at home and abroad. thc rc

munit.ics that חbuilding of cOI . suffered from the Holocaust

. and Holocaust institutions " 1 200 Thc "Yad Vashem

includcs tb: cxp;msioo maSUכPlan , development of the museum aתd

r focus of the tו] Onc particu presentation וhc museum will be

of impressions of Jewish life bcfore the Shoah, which wi ll

t of the חemphasize the eXle desec ration , dcstruction and

the חthat was creatcd i חvacUUI urc by ו] d cu חJcwish people n

Ihe Nazis. In this sp irit. the Mnu crbach Co]lectio n is n representative of thc bourgcois

ity thnt exisled חJcwish commu Central Europe prior 10 Ihe חi

, Shonh

THE IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM WILL OPEN A HOLOCAUST WING ce of Ihc חd sign ifica חas 10 Lhe ccnlrality a

oזy British hisl aתd European חwithi usו Holoca Ihis ו;along with whal is 10 be leamed from i

g's cstablishmenl significs the universal חwi cnsions of Ihc Hotocausl and ils being ןחdi

the darkcst and grimmesl of ages in human ," hislory

Shalcv acceptcd Lord Bramell's invitation mU!iCum's UוC Board of Depulies of UוC 10 join

new wing, This body includes members of the inlemational community from the fields

ocademic וhc munication, the arts, and ןןof col -establishment; various organizations com

memoraling the Holocaust, reprcscnlnlives . of differcnl synogogue movcmen lS. etc

. Allied victory ovcr Nazi Gcrmany tIוe ng nרa.rki anenl penח They include the establishmenl of a

exhibit covering 1400 square melers usז Holoca . of floor spacc

Lord Bramell indicalcd that Ho]ocausl Studies have becn declared an inlegral pan of Lhe educalional cumculum in Brilain, and Ihallhe ncw wing wi!1 provide Ihe crucial hislorical teslimony needed 10 supplement

. demic studics וtthe ac Avner Shnlcv slaled thal hc regards, "the

10 decision taken by the British Govemmenl dcdicate an cnlire wing to thc Ho!ocauSI in one of Britain's leading nalional muscums

wilh lhe upmost importance. I1 is a slalelnenו


ve al l S(10 ן If l knew il was possible ~ nacht. Ihe children of Gennany by trnnsfening thcm

m by bringing וhc 10 England and only half of them 10 Erelz Yi sracl , J would choose the

kel identifies a historical חAnd so Frae ~ second. paradox, "Zionism, which had always wamed ofLhe d:rngcrof Anlisemitism" was "caughl unaware and unprepared in Ihe face oflhe

". mounling Nazi assault on Jewish exislencc tion of this parndox Fraenkel's וtIn his explan

. work is outstanding Fraenkel has clearly laid out his careful

and lhorough research, building an infonned urc of cvents crucial 10 our underslanding ןcpi

scquenlly his חof Gennan Jewish hislory. CO t rtaח book has been ocknowledged as an impo

ICXI forthose interested in the difficull dilemmas and insoluble problems that faced thc Zionisl

•. 11 the eve of World War סחovement ןn

DR. DANIEL FRAENKEL iel Fracnkel W3S bom in תaD

Haifa in 1945. His fa1her w3S Gcrmany and hi s חborn i

moLher in Russia. Fracnkel's background is academic. Hc has allaincd a BA in English Lilerature and History, MAs

in English Litcralure and Conternporary . Judaism and a Doclorale of Philosophy

will open ןs Imperial War MU$Cun 'Loתdon

, a Holocaust Wing hal1 Lord Edwin Noel Weslby ;נדaFie]d M r Commander-in-Chief of the חne Bramall, fO

British Anned Forces and currenl Director ofThe Imperial War Museum in Londo.ח

. visi tcd Yad Vashcm Lord Bramall was the pcrsonal guest of

. Ihc Chairman ofYad Vashcm's Direclorale Avner Shalcv, who volunteered Yad Vashem's

new HoIocaust tIוe in estabIishing ppסn ve su acזi l I.hi.ןן s important Briti sh museUI וtwi ng

Thc plans for the new wing. the first of ils Museum, were initiated תakind in any Europe

-ers;גry~ ni תntions ofthe 50th bזa ccle UוC during

Page 18: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ


An Urn{or IM asht!J Non )t!\I'ish I';clims ןQ

uJו Bn שdוCIog ~ A

ck concentration c<lmp was both a Jew ח:וPrisoner 1609 31 M:tid nd a political criח inaו. The righl ]cg of his navy·blue Irousers bore;ג l ג:

yc]]ow abovc a red. His ג:. Magen David composed of !wo triangles hnd lighlJy splatlcred 3!חlcrial, pai ןךuousers werc made from a hcavy I

palches hnd been needed (0 co\'cr holes aboul dחpocket areas a וthe (mn . both knees

a concentration aחd Majdanek. like Auschwitz. was 00th a death camp c passed Ihrough Majdanck. of which il ןcamp. Close 10 500.000 peop

360.000 died. Today lhe remai ns of Majdanck, which וis estimated ma ed as pan of 'חa suburb of Lub1in, Poland. havc becn prese חIs localed i

. or of Majdanek ןanenl museum. With Ihe assistance of the direc תna pe , Haviva Peled-Carmeli. Yad Vashem's Direetor of Anefacts' Retricval

period. The חI of objocls 10 Yad Vashem for a Io..year 10a חhas managed 10 bring a shipme . 200 1 10 build a new museum fo r Ihe year חwill (ealure in Yad Vashe m's pla חcollecl.iO

and the ~ Shulchan Aruch ~ lai ner included 4000 shoes, barbed wire. clothes, a חThe cO S13IUS of lhe gas was unknown unlil the eדח. unexpected quantity of 30 ki los of Zyklon B gas

. Ihat Ihe Gennan authorilies had detoxified il in June of this year deחחstaff al Majdanek confi One o( lhe suggestions for thc exhibilion is that IWO large 001 equal]y·sized cases wi ll be

11e . erecled in the entrance. side by side. In one will be 3999 shoes. and in thc other one shoeדn Ihrough the prcscntation of Ihese objecls is the personal. Thal is. that Ihese 10חו emphasis

are nOI ilems 10 be collcclively allribulcd (0 an anonymous 6 mil lion vicl.ims. bUI Ihat they be remembered as Ihe privale bclongings of individuals. A particular pair of Irousers וםare

was worn by a part icular pcrson. who was part of a specific famil y, and had led his own . individual life . B)1 J.S


ober 14th. 1996. wi th a breatht.aking bockdrop of Jerusalem's Ocו on Is, Ihe cornerstonc· laying cercmony o( the Canad ian Wing of ןhi

ul School fUf Holocaust Sludics look place. Presenl תIhc Intemalio were Dr. Joseph Burg. rnc Chainnan 10ן address the important even

. o(the Intemaliona]Council ofYadVashem. Mr. Hank Rosenbaum er תd AV תSociely (orYad Vashem. a תof thc Canadia תIhe Chairma

of Ihc Yad Vashem Direclorale. Also present תShalev. Ihe Chairma 1r. Dav id Berger. The ~ was Canada's Ambassndor 10 Israc] , H.E.

specia] guesl and spcaker of the occasion was Mr. Lcslie Dan. who . ponant projecl ןgh his gencrosity enabled the initialion of Ihis in וhrou . I preseח A delegalion of the Canadian Society (or Yad Vashem was a!so

The Canadi;ln Wing wil l develop innovative mul limedia and g programs. 11 will house ;1 pedagogic ccnler. inc]udi ng a חIcam i

allibrJ.ry. and <1 wealth ןguidance and counccll ing scclion. an educatioI ] e r:ו s and leaching <l ids on Ihe Holocaust. fmm IS חg progral חof leami

. and Ihe world over 'ef BI/rg ~ 0 r;gll/. Lesf;e 0 (111. YU / וf('/ III tז} F

• lerS/Olle חel ' /(/)'j,l g /l le CO /ו( olld A "Iler Sh

" I

nYac:1 Vasר h e rה'.ה[~. r.


A • liny l-i:mukkuh lamp, palm sized lcd 10 the muscum al Yad doruנ was

, Vnshem by lhe Belkovski family survivors from Lodz. The lamp

-is pa.rt of Ihe museum's exhibition. "Lodz Ihe La!>1 Ghetto". which doc umenled the daily life o( the ghcllo, Ihc lasl 10 survive on

. Polish soil p. sh3ped ןukkah lan וןaThe folding silvcr H

like a closed book, conlains 9 minialure oil presenled as ;שducts, olo"g wilh longs. II W

m Ch:ו.i !., udenrn נa gift 10 the head of the Lodz . Romkovski

ife Ihe essence of 10ן The lamp brings lS, taת by the gheuo inhabi SUזViVe וסggזe the stru

which was characlerized by small ·scale induslry. numerous workshops, and the

nue despite widespread iוoon וםnninatioo eוde heuס ity rate. G morזaI a high aתd famine. cold

life included soc ial. cultural and polilical actMbes. mainly centcred around the poIiUcal

and youth mo"cmenlS, and included Parו}eS. . d libraries תclandestine studies. Icctures a

r of rזe There were approximalely a qua a million Jews in Lodz on the eve of the

aking il the second ןSecond World War. n Polnnd. Lodz חlargesl Jcwish community i

llife r:ו for its rich Jewish Cullu תwas know . and lradition

lst ofMay. 1940, the LodzGhclto eןווon 64.000 ] was hcrmelically sealed off with

· i dוly cro'A-'ded cOI rוe Jews living under eXlrel lions. Over lime. thousands of Jews from olher areas of Poland and clsewhcre were crammcd inlo Ihe ghello. Many Ihousands died as a I\'SUJt of the poor sanitalion. causing

. Iyphus and slarvalion uary, 1942. the fir sl ghello תFrom Ja

deportalions look Jcws 10 the Chelmno dcath ( Ihe sitc where lens of thousands o .ןתקca

cal]y murdered. Thc GhetlO sו.i Jews were sadi eוlתAugust. 1944. w חwas linally ]Kjuidatoo i S senl 70.000ום lhc remaining תthe Germa

. lheir dealhs in AuschwilZ b)' G.A,

Page 19: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ

PubIb/I ו.. 67 :

" Y. _ 'J1!J fIfII ' Ho1oc-... Manyn' aad t&er-.דו

Audoomy ..............

C_"'rh Btq .bוeptו . COIUIdl: Dr ~ I

o/IIIe CAOinMונ Avner ShaIeV :~

rh ",c-י-Ib kוזוw:toוaho:lJiועתנ i8eת

li Amrami ~ 5«,.,." Gnrntd: 1

Me8bns 0/* Ya:I .anסmi Dr. Joel B יזוויOt«riונ:....

• i Beker ~ Dr. A ... SId .זAu N08dו Abraham DuvdeYani.

Dr. Nili GUtתWן, l אvGnyd. Prof. Yi . m Kubmty cוw m KJei.Q, Oוai . Ktrm

YOMi Pt'Ied Otומm. Liםda LabaL ShJOnוO Pudcr. lbOOI saporta. Dr. Shi '\00מוtsוםס

""""""'" ............ s.נ _ .Zborסwוb Eli Sו.amai.

~ 'lllEMAG

-_ ..-ו.Uס-: ""- .....Kamil ,Moתi r*r: M8dW rזיSntiDr

otוeת I C ןeעוו: NIrisors ~ E"ron Ga1iIו

I1IoI'Wו.m..tuiIIuf: Doril Reu Fו

icll beו) GaJil A :rimי W Jemny Swimer

t Boot RqוmDr. Rob RQ :oו

Lוnd8U 1..,..,. UJtOr. A\-j

maמGuו scindific AbDOr. Prof. Yivael

Avratwn AkUndו:r :bו Assisml I Bart.ai ItIcfוe

bar YebuditlמEpbraim Kaye

PaJditI MOזdeCbווו , [)r Sa1adו Sirncb8 --I Hadari Iתt ::כ""וgs PfIDI

Hanע,> חc 1 Tiram - Ta\-Or SaSSטn

Sbaום Ancta :1סלdIIeIitM

MLWn -Pסnונooi' וuוDnJp: Mi

. Ud J8ו A.R. Printi :bן l'זiaJe4

........ EIIIסזIIIAL

erus.akm Yad VaWm Magazinc נ n Yad Va5דcו1

l eונווsP.O. Bo. 3477. Jerusalcm 91034.l 972-2-6411849 : Tel: 912·2-6751666. Fax

ו SSא 079 '· 7 ' 99 19

,j j; ,j j; or ןIII year ןrll;I 996ן: a /

e Yad Vasl,ell1 Societies (יו

Je world ווaroulld

ad Vashem. led by Eli Zboro,,·ski. held its 3nnual dinner in ץThe American Sociely of • ecבתd311חe תa2001 Vision and RemembranceM had ~ No\'cmber. 1996. The fesli \-'e dinner. litJoo

General Chainnan of ihe occasion was .::dgar llרe . of Qver 900 guests. and was very successful er. President of ihe Claims 1'\1ן. Bronfman, Thc scnior gucsl of honor was Rabbi Dr. Isratl1\liI

Conferencc, Representing thc young leadcrship were the other gucsls ofhonor Cheryl and rוded commc utSזS itz and the dinncr's chainnen Israet Singer and 1\'lark \Vilf. The g ןI r1\1 ;נoshe Li

d 10 prepare for lhe מee oo Ihcir comn1itmenllO fl Yad Vashem 200l fl . slaling Ihe ןןand rcaffin corning generalions, and expressing Ihcir readincss to accepl responsibilily for Ihc cducalion

ng ncw vidco rזi dinner, Yad Vashcrn's sli 1רe Holocaust, AI t 1רe and pcrpelu .. lion of thc legacy of t . presentalion was scrccncd

g the ןd ofYad Vashem p:lid:l visil reccntly wilh hi 5 wifc . Durir ןA sen ior and 10yal fric r םdrawn belween the Chainn<ln of thc Dirccloralc ~ nl W:l Cןn gזcc 1g lour, all a וlprcssi,'c arK1 inspiri תi

nd מev, Ihe Ch:linnan of Ihe Amcncan Society, lo: li ZI)orowski וICln, Avner Shu וofYad V:ls 1ajor gift was promised for Ihe ereclion of Ihe Vi5ilors' Cenlcr ןd in which a r ןIhis clo.-.e rricl

n,,:e shall prepare futurc r.ו Mour11 of Ren1Cmb 1רe 1 at Yad Vashcnl, This OOilding :lllhc cntrance of . Cenler will be dcdicatcd 10 thosc who survived lhe Shooh eןךן, Vi5il00; for Ihcir vi5il 10 thc site

esscs and חg wit חwho through Ihc .. uthcnlic IC51imony oftheir tragedies servc as hislory's livi ' 00 stand alongsidc Ihc hiSlorians in rclaying Ihe Holocausl. As pan of fl2001", Ihc Visilors '" , llello the erection of Ihc ncw museum p.'1זa lers :llld wil! be OOill תeוCenler wi!1 span 400 5qUill'C

cant 5uppon for וrlisted signi חSkura , the American Society's Dcpuly Chainnan. c ןSan םuseuln ןnl of a computcnzed Icaming cenler. which wi!1 be p .. n of thc new n eןIhc CSlablishn

, paign for bui lding the new mUSCUln ןתcomplex. Hc, and Joe \Vilr, thc Ch:lirman of the ca various concepts of a numbcr of leading 1רe 1 e prcsentation of hו:lIri"ed in Israello panicipalc in

, archilecls for thc des ign of the new nlu sc um complex and Ih e Visilors' Center

of a :מcwo 1ןןi5sion, Icd by Hank Rosenbaum. within the fral ןThe Canadian Socicly's I • thrcc day intensivc sludy lour of Jsracllasl Oclober. visitcd Yad Vashcm. Thcy were gucsls

Na\'on cxpressed his ,תner h05ted by Israc!'s 5th Presidenl. ,\'itzchak Navo ןof honor at a dil , apprecialion of thc Socicty's activitics and suppon

1bcrs of thc ןer ןe n hוbcr. Simcha Salach panicipated wilh ןBack in Canada during No\'cn םtimedia וm's ncw nlu eוluded the presentation of Yad Vasl eוSociely in fl Holocaust WcckM

, which il gS with lending con1munity personnlitics woo cxpresscd 1ןCCtiI ןprogrnm, Snlach's visil included I

, l ןkeen inlcrcst in supponing y .. d Vashcr

Yad Vashem nnd David Gorodzinsky on Ihc ןulllbcr of mcclings bctweer ןFollowing a I • rcvival or the 1\1exican Society, SJן .lomo Lן; hat, Chaimlan ofthc Yad Vashcln Fouח dalio,ח

bcr זוI Embon visited 1\1cxico 10 promotc activities, A nur ~ d Y 3ן Sal:lch al ןcl ןtogcther wilh 8in of dorninanl ligures within the Jewish conlmunilY's !cadcrship agrccd 10 bccome illVolvcd in

1mittcc oflhe sociely and a gencrous gifl was prorniscd for Ihc LcClurc Hi:l Ihc execulive corן 11, of thc ncw Intcmational $<:hool of Holocaust Studics

iscd 10 suppon thc: ncw school significanlly, Thc Society is currenlly ןןl prט an has ןIda Feldn ם, I projcct aזdcliberaling on lhe adoption of thc school as its cenl

ahat, logcther wilh Simcha SaJach and Yoel Embon visiled ~ Last Oclober. Shlomo I • ilY ןOl1. Dr. Pablo Thalassinos. colnmul iוa's Minister of Educa ןt l)anan eוPanama wherc thcy n

leaders and sludents, A ncw exccutive commitlee was elcctoo with Dr. 7..ehava Rubin as ils th EI and Kol Sherit ha\'e promiscd 10 CSlablish 2 SCparalC ~ Chairwoman, Thc Associations

the communily 10 suppon aחd Harrari has taken upon himsclf חarship funds, R ... bl)i Zio ןscho Yad Vashem's efrons 10 transfer, re510re and relocate wilhin ils new museum complcx an

. Easlcm European synogogue which survived the Holocaust

Hague וhc w GheltOfl nt ~ w וhc A Day in ~ The Dutch Socicty recently opcned lhe cxhibil • munity Icadcrs and polilical ןתCity H .. II. in Ihc prescnce of a large audience including Jewish cO

, gurcs וr

C ofthe special gueSIS al thc חucl Pisar was O ןThc Prcsident of Ihc french Society, San • a reccnlly visitcd Francc whcre Ihcy תcha Salach and Zvi Da ןllcr. Sin ןcncan di l ןreccnl An

10 mel Ihc le<lders of Ihe French Sociely i:lnd other fricnds who had expressed Iheir desire e duralion ןוןirllcnsify thcirYad Vashcm ;IClivilic5. A nUlnber of gifts "'erc recci"cd throughout

. ds ןof Ihc visil from ncw fricl c Israeli Socicty hi:ls I'",\iscd supporl for a number of educational and lilcrary projccls ןוT •

. within Ihe frJmcwork oflhe Yad Vashem Foundalion ןתofYad V .. shc

Page 20: Yad Vashem Magazine #4 · 2016. 9. 15. · E ~ Yad Vashem's jirst international con ןerence on Holocaust education Thc range and\,varicty of educalional programs rould be ken i מ


" I \\ l' l 1: 1 1 ( \ I I () " ,

and Pטl 10מ gbet10s i depoזted 1945. Most wt:re

the death camps םוand the Ballic Stales. or Treblinka and Auschwiu·Birk.enau. from where only a handful retumed. ThOUS3nds

J.tion YנTerezin ilself. The prese מre died i סnI Ihese volumes scrvcs IIS מof their names i

derscores thc תIheir lasting memorial. and u nced (0 conunue the sacred task of gathering and commemoraling the namcs of Holocllust

. vicli lns

.' , .""._e ~ 8 o. .. WelJ ", •• d ' ............ וןIaCe take .. · .. rr- c rtIן Gebl ..-.ו M _ ...

rסlc ter. w םly • carpe lעC8W. Gebinia. origi Yiddi b wbich wcrc מI' and poems i מO

ed perfםi onמ otbearers. Cמcחז halls udמסIhe Cr.cQw מradio. He was murdered i

g wbich soם סkםow 1942. His besl מhctto i , becamc Ibe anlbem of Ihe Jewisb Polish

d מa." Flame מunderground. "Tbe Town i y olher works. will be perrormcd by מma

gcr and Ictrcsl םsi םIbe Jewish Norwclia wbose muJtilingual repenoire מKaha םeןBe

. stly Jcwisb tbemes oוםludes cמi the SII8dOW וbrt " .. nIAIdOוו, .. TIווe •

,. I81 םם.td. 1 ••• , b'II ~ D'a'." o ,. ' •••• ber 1. V.d Vu.,.' M8 .מ«e • dl "prll.Itt1 ... 1iוI .01 C8ll .... rו." • gs from Ibe Holocausl מOver 90 drawi

were chosen מ.by cbildre dOמe 30 including from Ibe permanenl colleclion of Y.d Vashem. Sbown are Ihe works of anisls

el Bak. Yehuda Bakoo and E Iber םSam Lurie. among many otbers. Tbe exhibilion includes Ihe screeniog. for Ihe firsl lime

• in Israel. of lbe 1990 animaled film. " Im . • crealed by MikK anna ~ prisoncd Dreams

The film is based on Ihc children's, . IO וdrawings from Ihe Terezin ghe

' 0 enati ... 1 C,,'eFeKe .וI וdIl ~ • ' ot HoIocau ,ו.,"" d ... 1 I ,...,םו I ..

dlu 0' V.d Vu.e •. in cooperalion ו.S Leo Bacck Instiw(C. willl1ke place eוJוwilh

1997 • ry .nו between the l8Ib-14tb of Feb al Yad Vashem. This year'!i Iheme will be

• y's Responsc!i 10 Nazi Anli וGcrman Socie ~ . 1933-1941-Jewish Policy

Miroslav Karny (ed .) Terezinska Pametni Kniha, Praha: Terezinsb Iniciativa,1995.

ume work \ס! This rwo-150.000 contai ns over

ames of Jews who were תimprisoncd in lhe Terezin

nl eוablishn זlwccn the lime of ilS es !:וe . ghello ration in spri ng lכc i ןaUlumn 194 1 and ils תi

! \ I '.. I "

nual מab of August. tbc S-4tb וthe S מO• Korezak םauםof J םserv COםUםeסמוraIiOם

bםO Trebli ווtbe orpbu cbildren sen aםd poוווsporוici 11וe ._ 1001< pIace .. Y8d

of Hotocausl survivon זebוםa nu טded jDCI

• who .. ere fellow colleagues of Korcz.ak . himset( KOn:םl )' orpbans cam:l for b aמd

wilh םio וcoopera מThe evenl .. a beld i . he Janusz Korczak Association in l!orael ו

Aharon Galo ka and Mosbe Kupfennaa • • be ZU5sman Prize וwere presenled .. ilh . ale Heinrich Zussman וbequeatbed b)' tbe

the מסook place וThe ceremon)'. which -or December .. Yad Vasbem. commeDd 4dו

ed tbe two anists for lheir work relaling or Dinכct • Omer oםi HoIocaust. Prof. M tIוe 10

of the Tel Aviv museum. and Dr. Michael • Levin of the BezaJel Academ)' of Arl

be panel of judzes. spoke II וmembers of . the event

• he onו 22nd of December. for tbe firsוYad Vasbem. a memorial service וtime I

of Jews tIוOUSaםdS of sמwas beld for tbe (C massacred in tbe Bozdaoovca death camp

which from ו.in Ihe Ukraine. Tbis even ke pllce annuaIJ)'. was in aזnow on will

• be A socialion of Im וh וwi מcooperalio Ministry eוJוaמd ne krנi U tIוe from jןןןsמזap

. of Immigranl Absorption. Thc Minisler • Yuli Edelstein. addressed lhe panicipanLCi

many of whom are $urvivors from the . Ukraine and a few from Bogdanovca itself -he film "Trlnsnestria ו• tbe ceremony וA

monie .. from jןes וEanh". including מoHell Ihe massacre and descriplioDC; of Ihe

. hown ~ horrors of Transneslria. was

Alexandre Safran, Re­sisling the Slorm. Ro­mania 1940-1947, Memoirs, (Fre n c h Iranslalion), Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1996.


ORM זsE חו- --"~

was SafחUן Alcxandre the chief Rabbi of Romania -

-Ihe com תduring Ihe mosllurbulenl years i . in his Ihinies ו.nn A young n .סry munilY's hisl

ian תg with olhcr Roma תRabbi Safran. alo the Jews וO protCC וJewish leaders. soughl

Romanians bOUו actions of mUזderOUS the mזסfiSI תs. and later from Commu תand Germa

nזזןeוta00 persecurioo. His memoirs cast lighl p 10ן rescue children from Transnistria. he

given 10 Jewish refugees from Hung3l)'. and Jewry afler the תO revivc Romania וons זre

-I work for the French וcan war. This is a signir . reading public

Shmue l Spector Editor) and Bracha (

0-(« Freundlich edilor), Lost Jewish Worlds, The

o mmunilies of ( , G rodno , Lid a , Olkieniki, Vishay

e ru sa l e m: Yad נ Vashem ,ך 996 .

hc Hoזו­c וly for pcople bom af ןEspecia deStו'OYed lOCaUSI.. acquiring a scnsc of WhaI WdS

he וs וe. which presen ןun וis difficull. This vo polilical. social and cullural hislory of fouז communilies in encycן opedic delail. is aת

g. The תi taחd imporunl source for such undcrs sil.e. from תcommunilies differed vaslly i

n:sidenlS to V1Shay roנ. y .so חeart Grodno with with roughlyו . he . (00. Yet for long pcriodsו

d of Ihe זeast one Ihi וןJews comprised a only the lext bul the וoon of each. N jןpopula

Y accompanying pholographs. express תa ןn the varicty of Jewish life in Easlem Europe

d go ןks shou תbefore Ihe war. A special lha 10 Dr. Fe lix and RUla Zandman for making

. e ןIhe publiculion of Ihis book poss ib