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LibraryOF THE

University of NortK Carolina

This book was presented by the

family of the late


President of the University of North Carolina

froiu 1876 to 1890

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I 9 02




YacketyYagkP II b I \ s h e d b y

The Fraternities and the Literary So-

cieties of the University of North


Nineteen Two

ioloiui JEbomas Stepfjcn Kenan,

;i. 5?., iHfu,

;;i IToithy Keprcsfittatirc of ti\t £ovaI ^lliimni of

the llnirtrsity, it is ciiv pleasure to

^c^icate this hoof.

HON. THOS. S. KENAN,Ex-Attorney General, Class of KsoT

Sketch of Col. Kenan

Thomas Stephen Kenan was horn near Kenansville, in DupUn County, North

Carohna, on the twelfth day of February. 1838. His preparation for college was

gotten at the "Grove Academy" at Kenansville. under Rev. James M. Sprunt. Hetook the Freshman course at Wake Forest College, but the following year, 1854, he

entered the Sophomore Class at the Fnivcrsity of North Carolina, and graduated

with the elas.s of 18.57,

For two years after graduation he attended Judge Pearson's Law School at Rich-

mond Hill. He received his County Court license in December, 1858, and his Su-

perior Court Ucense in December, 18.59, and entered innnediatcly upon the practice

of law in Kenansville.

At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, a company of volunteers, the Duplin Ri-

fles, was promptly organized, with Mr. Kenan as captain. This company was mus-

tered into service for si.x months; at the expiration of that time it was reorganized

and assigned to the 4.3rd Regiment of State Troojis, antl Captain Kenan was elected to

the colonelcy of this regiment. He served until the Battle of Gettysburg; here he

was wounded and captured, and was kept a prisoner of war until hostilities ceased.

Since the war, Colonel Kenan has been almost constantly in public life, in the

service of his State. He was member of the then House of Conunons from Duplin in

1865-66, and in 1866-67. In 1868 he was candidate for Congress. In this same

year he married Miss Sallie Dortch, of Abertlcen, Mississipi)i. He changed his resi-

dence to Wilson, N. C. in 1869. For two terms he was Attorney-CJeneral of North

Carolina, from 1876 to 1885. At the jiresent time he is Clerk of the Supreme Court

of North Carolina. A man of broad culture and scholarly attainments, and a speaker

of rare force. Colonel Kenan is reckoned among the highest in the legal profession

in the State. He has at the same time a charm of maimer which gains him wide


His love for the I'niversity has always been prominent ; there are few under-

takings for her advancement in which his influence is not felt. For many years he

has been a trustee of the University. His election to the Presidency of the General

Association of the Alumni of the University is an indication of the esteem in which

lie is held as an ahnnnus.

The University of North Carolina

Chartered in 1789 bv the (jeneral Assembly of North Carolina


Light Bkie and White.

Ch eers

Yackety Vack! H'Hay! H'Rayl

Yackoty Vack! H'Kay! H'HayCarolina 'Varsity!

]^ooni Rah! Boom Kah!


Boom Rah Ray


Boom Rah Ray


Carolina 'Varsity


Ssi3ss ! Boom


Tar Heel!

Unix'ersity Officers


Supervisor of the Lihrari/.





Supervisor of Grounds.

Francis Pre^stox N'KXAiii.i:, Ph.D.

EiiEX Alexander. Ph.D.. LL.D.

Louis Rouxd Wilson, A.B.

Charles Thomas Woollen.

Willie Thomas Patterson.

Richard Hexry Battle, LL.D.

.John Franklix Pickard.

Facts About the Historv of the University of North

Carolina, Which Students and Alumni

Ought to Know

liV KKMP 1'. BATTLE, '49.

HK jjatriots of 1776. in the darkest period of the HevMlution.

in the constitution of the new state commanileil the < '.cneral

Assembly to establish the I'niversitx


The charter was grantetl in 1780.

The chief agent in i^rocurinfr the chartei'. and .startinu' the in-

stitution on its career was William Richardson i)a\ie. a iirachi-

)f Princeton, a dashing cavahy officer in the Revolution. Coni-

ai\-general under (Jreene. a member of the Federal Constitutional

I'ention of 1787. Governor of the State. HrigatUer-general ofthel'nited

jf^!*^ States in the contemplated war with France, sjiecial minister to France

to avert that war. an able lawyer and eloquent orator. " tlie l"atiiii' nf tiie

University." The coiuity of Davie and the Davie Poplar are his only luonuiuonts in

Xorth Carohna.

The first named in the charter was Sanuiel Johnston, then Governor.

The first meeting of the trustees was in Fayetteville, December 18th. 1780. The

chairman was Charles John.son. who had fotight for the Pretender at Culloden.

This meeting .started sul>scri]3tion papers for rai.sing money to erect buildings.

The largest sulj.scribers were Alfred Moore, afterwards Federal .Judge, and William

Cain, ancestor of our Profes.sor of Mathematics, $200 each.

The first President of the Board elected Xoveniber loth. 17'.)(). was William Renoir,

a hero of King's Mountain, then speaker of the Senate. He vias the last sur\ i\or of

the Charter trustees, dying in 1838.

The first benefactor was Benjamin Smith, afterwartls Governoi-, who i:a\c |)at-

ents for 20,000 acres of land to be located in We.st Tenne.ssee. then in the po.<session of

the Chickasaw Indians. Their claim was afterwards extinguished and in 1S35 tlie

lands having been much injured liy the earth(|uake of 1812. were sold for S14.000.

Smith Hall (our library). Smith Island, and Smithville (now Southport' were

named in his honor.

By a vote of the Trustees, the L'niversity was to be located within fifteen miles of

C'yprett's (now Prince'.s) Bridge over New Hope, or the road from Raleigh to Pittsb<jro.

The coiiiniissiDiiers to choose the site within the tiiirty mile circle were Frederick

Hargett, Senator from Jones, chairman; Alexander .Mebane, afterwards Member of

Congress, of Orange; James Hogg, merchant of Hillshoro; William H. Hill, afterwards

Member of Congress, New Hanover; Davitl Stone, afterwards Governor and U. S.

Senator; Willie Jones of Halifax, member of the Congress of the Confederation.

The donors of the site were Col. John Hogan. Benjamin Yeargin, Matthew and Wil-

liam McCauley, James Craig, Alexander Pi]3er. Christopher Rarbee, John Daniel.

Mark antl Hardy Morgan.

The corner stone of the first l)uilding, tlic (>l(l Ivist, was huil by (irand Master

William Richardson Davie on the Tith nf ( »ctiibcr. ITOli. The hits nf the \-illage were

sold on the same day by auction.

The original name of the place was New Hope Chapel Hill, there ha\'ing been on the

Pittsboro road before the Revolution, a chapel of the Church of England.

The doors were opened for students January 1.5th, 1795. Governor Richard ] )obbs

Spaight and a number of State officials but not one student, were present.

The first .student arrived on February 12th. 1705—Hinton James of New Hanover

afterwards A.ssistant State Civil Engineer.'

There was no President at first. The first Principal, styletl " Presiding Professor,"

whose department was called that of Humanity, was David Ker, a graduate of Trinity

College, Dublin ; afterwards a judge of the Mississippi Territory.

Jose]:)h Caldwell, a first honor Princeton man, who had been Professor of Mathe-

matics since the fall of 1776, and for several years Presiding Professor, was madePresident in 1804. He continued to hold that oflfice until his death in 18.35, except

four \ears. 181.3-17. when at his request Re\-. Robert H. Chapman was made Presi-


Dr. Caldwell was an active advocate of publir scIukiIs and railroads. Caldwell

County was named after liim.

The chief part of the endowinent of the Iniversitw which was lost in the Civil

^^'ar. was from land warrants, to be located in ^^'est Tennessee, which had been

granteil to ofificers and soldiers of the North Carolina Continental troops, who had

died without heirs. After Tennessee became a state she claimed these escheated

warrants. The Legislature of North Carnlina donated h(>r claim to the University

and our agent. Archiliald 1). Murphey. was fin'cc 1 b\- the Tennessee Legislature to

.give two-thirds of them to two Tennes.see colleges.

After paying for the old West Building an! putting (in a third story on the Gld Ivist

there was left an endowment of about .SlSO.OOd.

Dr. ElLsha Mitchell, Professor of Chemistry. .Minei-ahigy and Geology,who lost his

life on Mount Mitchell, the highest peak of the Hlack Motmtains, in 1857, was from

1817 to 1825, Profes.sor of Mathematics. He was then transferred to the Chair of

Chemistrv to succeed Denison Olmsted.

The first state Geological survey of Xorth Carolina was by Denison Olmsted in

1824 and then by Dr. Mitchell, when it was discontinued.

Rev. Dr. James Phillips was Professor of Mathematics from 1826 to 1867. when

he fell dead on the rostrum in Gerrard Hall, when he was about to offer up prayers.

His son, Rev. Dr. Charles Phillips, who was many years Professor of Mathematics

and Civil Engineering, was chairman of the faculty 1875-'76, the first year of " the


The University is the only Southern State University not closed during the war.

It was clo.sed when the old faculty was turned out in .July. 1868: reopened Janu-

ary, 1869, closed again February, 1871.

By the Constitution of 1868 the Board of Education elected the trustees. Byconstitutional amendment in 1874 the election was given to the General A.ssembly.

The trustees then elected reopened the doors in September, 1874.

The greatest number of students before the war was in 1857-8. 461, of whom 168

were from other states than Xnrth Carolina. The greatest number since the war

was in 1900-01, 529.

have Ijeen as follows


The Presidents of the Universit

Joseph C.\ldwkll, D.I)..

Robert Hett Chapman. D.D..

Joseph Caldwell, again,

David Lowrey Swaix. LL.D..

Solomon Pool, D.D.,

Kemp Plummer Battle, LL.D.,

George Taylor Winston, LL.D.. .

Edwin Anderson Alderman, LL.D..

Francis Presto.n ^'ENABLE, Ph.D..

1804-' 13.




1868-' 74.






University Calendar, 1 901-1902

June 2.


SiDiihn/. Baccalaureate Sernidii.

MoikIiiii. Debate between the Rcprcsinitatives of tlie Pliilaiithmpic and

Dialctic Literar>- Societies.

JiiNF. 4. Tupsday. Meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Anniversary of Alumni.

Senior Class Day.

June o.

Senior Speaking.

Walfusday. Commencement.

September 9-14.


Septemher \K 1(1. 1

September 12.

September 14.

October 12.

October 12.

November 28.

Christmas. Rece

I'^xaniinations for the Removal of Con-

for Admis-

Monday to Saturday


10, 11. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday

sion into the College.

Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday

Thursday. Lectures begin.

Saturday. Assignment of Rooms.

Saturday. University D.\y.

Saturday. President's Reception.

Thursday. Th.\nksgiving D.w.

from Deceml)er 23. 1001. to Januar>- 2. li)0


J.\NU.\RV 2, 3, 4. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Registration.

J.\Nu.\RY 3. Thursday. Assignment of Rooms.

Fei!RU.\ry 22. Washington's Birthday.




Charles Brantley Aycock. Go\emor, President ex-officio of the Board of Trustees.

Richard Hexry Battle. .... Secretary and Treasurer.

Members ot the Board


Alexander Boyd Andrew^s. Jacob Battle.

Richard Henry Battle, LL.D., Joseph Pear.son Caldwell.

Julian Shakespeare Carr, William Henry Day,

Warren Grice Elliott. Henry Elias Falson,

AUGUSTUS Washington Graha.m. Alfred AVilliams Haywood.Edmund Jones. Thomas Alexander McNeill.

Thomas Williams Mason, Paul Barringer Means.

Lee S. Overman, James Parker,

Thomas Buckner Pierce, Louis Julien Pkot. M.I)..

John Andrews Ramsay, James Sprint.

AiiNF.R Alexander, ^LD.


Christopher Thd.mas Bailev.

James Edmunds Boyd,

Charles Alston Cook,

John Thomas Hogan.

Thomas Jefferson Jkro.mi:.

Thomas Franklin Lloyd,

Robert Brl'ce Peebles.

Harry Skinner,

Elihu Anthony White,

Ed.mond Spencer BLACKiiiKN.

William Hyslop Su.mner I^urgw vn,

John Washington Graha.m,

John T. B. Hot)VER.

James Barlow I^lovd.

James Montraville Moodi ,

James Bion Schulken.

Zebulon Baird Walser.

Stephen Otho Wilson,

Francis J)onni:ll Winston.

George Edwin Butler,

Ben Franklin Dixon, M.D.,

Rufus Alexander Doughton,Stephen Porter Graves,

Francis W. Hancock,

Virgil Stuart Lusk,

Edward Hughes Meadows,


Claudius Dockery.

Hiram L. Grant.

Robert Terelius Gray,

Thomas Bernard Keogh,William Thomas McCarthy.

Benjamin Sidney Mitchell.

Nathan Alkxaxdkr Ram.sf:v, Wallack W. Rt)Li,i.\s.

Alfred Mhore Scales, Frank Shepherd Spruill,

David Alexander White.


Kemp PLVMiMER Battle. LL.D..

Bennehax Cameron,

John William Fries,

William Anderson Guthrie,

Thomas Stephen Kenan.

James Alexander Lockhart,

Jame.s Dixon Murphy,

Frederick Philips,

Charles Maxly Stedmax,

Hexrv Weil,

Fauius Haywood Busbee,

Charles Maxly Cooke,

Robert McKxight Furmax.I'^DWARD Joseph Hale,

Richard Henry Lewis, M.D.,

James Smith Maxxixg,

Jesse Lixdsay Patterson,

James Augustus Roebling,

*Henry Clay Wall,AVii.i.iam Th(irnton Whitsett.

Standing Committees ot the Trustees

Kxecutive Committee

(ioVERNoK Charles Brantley Aycock, . Chuirman.

Alexander B. Axdrews, Thomas S. Kexax.

Richard H. Battle, Richard H. Lewis,

Fauius H. Busbee. Frederick Philips.

.hi.iAN S. Carr, \'irgil S. Lusk.

.I<ihx AV. (!raham, Zehulox B. Walser.

Committee of Visitation

John W. (Iraham. ..... Chairman.

Paul B. Meaxs, Claudius Dockery.


*The legal term of office expires Xoveniber 80 of the year indicated.

Sy)efacultyFrancis Preston Venable. A.M.. Ph.D. Pn^^idrnt and Projessor of Thcirdica/


Student University of Virginia, is, 4; University of Bonn. 18/ D; Ph.D.,

University of Gottingen, 1881 ; attended the University of lierlin, 1889.

Fellow of London Chemical Society ; member of ( iernian Chemical Society


American Association for the Advancement of Science. Professor of

Chemistrv. University of North Carolina. 1880 to 1900. Philanthropic

Society, "J/i/^. Has" pubUshed "(JuaHtative Analysis." "History' of

Chemistrv," "Inorganic Chemistry "'(in conjunction with Prof..I. L.Howe),

"Development of tlie Periodic Law."

Kemp Plummer Battle, LL.D.. Alumni Professor of History.

A.B.. University of North Carohna. 1849: Tutor in Mathematics, 1850-54;

A.M.. 1852; LL.D., Davidson College. 1879; Corresponding Member of the

Historical Society of Maryland ; Corresponding Memlier of the Historical

Society of Alabama; Member Convention, 1861; Presiilent Chatham

Railroad Comjjany, 1862-66; State Treasurer. 1866-68: President. North

Carohna Agricultural Society. 1869-72: Secretary and Treasurer. Univer-

sity of North Carolina. 1874-76; President University of North Carohna,

1876-91 ; Professor of History, 1891 : has pubhshed much valuable matter

on the history of North Carolina ; among otliers. " History of the Supreme

Court of North Carohna," " Early History of the City of Raleigh." " Colon-

ial Leaders of the Church of England." "History of tlie University of

North Carolina," ant! sketches of the lives of Hon. A. M. Lewis. R. P.

Dick. Z. B. \'ance, John Manning, and other historical monographs.

.Joseph Au.stin Holmes, B.S., State Geologist ami Lecturer on the Geology of North


B. Agr. (Cornell) 1881 : B.S. (Ibid.) 1888. Fellow of the (icological Society

of America: Memljer of the American InstittUe of Mining Engineers;

Professor of Geology and Natural History. l'niversit>- of North Carolina,

1881-92. Has publi.-^hed a numlxn- of rejiorts and l)ulletins on tlio Geology

of the State.

JcsHUA Walker Gore, C.E., Professor of Physics.

Student, Richmond College: C.E.. University of Mrginia. 18,5; /'L. Phil-

anthropic Society; Fellow in Mathematics. .Johns Hopkins University,

1876-78; Professor of Natural Science. Southwestern Baptist University,

1878-81 ; Assistant in Mathematics, University of Mrginia, 1881-82.

Thomas Hume, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Eiu/lish Language and Literature.

A.B., Richmond College; Graduate, University of Virginia; D.D., Rich-

mond College; LL.D., Wake Forest College; Philanthropic Society; Chap-lain in Confederate Army ; Princijjal Petersburg Classical Institute and of

Roanoke Female College, Danville, Va.; Professor of Latin and EngUsh,

Chesapeake College; Professor of Latin and English. Norfolk College; is

author of "Hints and Side Lights to the Study of Shakespeare," and re-

views on Shakespeare, Milton, the English Bible, and on Educational Sub-


Walter Dallam Toy. A.M.. Professor of Germanic Language and Literature.

A.M., Universitv of A'irginia, 1882; Universitv of Leipsic. 1883; University

of Berlin, 1883-84; University of France (La Sorbonne) Paris, 1885; Col-

lege de France, 1885; -V'/'; Philanthropic Society; is the author of a

number of textbooks of Modern Languages.

Eben Alexander, Ph.D.. LL.D.. Professor of Greek Language and Literature.

A.B., Yale, 1873; Ph.D., Maryville, 1886; LL.D., University of North Caro-

hna, 1893; */''/i, '/)', Skull and Bones, Dialectic Society ; Instructor in

Ancient Languages, University of Tennessee, 1873-77; Professor of An-cient Languages, 1877-86 ; Professor of (ireek. University of North CaroMna,

1886; on leave of absence, 1803-97; serving as United States Minister to

Greece, Roumania and Servia.

WiLLL\M Cain, A.M.,C.E., Professor of Mathematics.

A.M., North Carohna Military and Polytechnic Institute; Member Ameri-can Society of Ci\dl Engineers; Philanthropic Society; Professor of Mathe-matics and Engineering, CaroUna Military Institute, 1874-80; same.

South Carolina Mihtary Academy, 1882-89; Professor of Mathematics,

University of North Carohna, 1889; has pubhshed works on Applied

Mathematics, mainly: two volumes on "Theory of Youssoir Arches";one volume on "Solid and Braced Arches"; one volume on "RetainingWalls," one volume on " Stresses in Bridges," and one volume " Notes onGeometry and Algebra.

Richard Henry Whitehead, A.B., M.D., Dean of the Medical Department at Chapel

Hill, and Professor of Anatotny and Pathology.

A. H., Wake Forest College, 1886; M.I).. University of Virginia. 1887; /i-L

Dialectic Society; Demon.strator of Anatomy, University of ^'irginia,

1887; Contiibutor to Medical .lournals, and author of MeiHcal Textbooks.

Henry Horace Williams, A.M., B.D., Professor of Philosophy.

A.B., A.M., Universitv of North CaroUna, 1883; B.D., Yale, 1888; WilsonFellow. Harvard. 1889; Professor of Philosophy, Trinity College, 1885;

Professor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, 1890; Member of

Harvard Philosopliic Club, Philanthropic Society, <Ph-.

Henry \'an Peters Wilson, Ph.D., Professor of Biology.

A.B., .lohns Hopkins. 1883; Ph.D., 1888; Member of Johns Hopkins AlumniAssociation; member of American Society of Naturahsts; member of

American Morphological Society ; member of Boston Society of NaturalHistory; Assistant U. S. Fish Commissioner, 1889-91; Professor of Biol-

ogy, University of North Carolina, 1891; author of Bulletins L'. S. Fish

Commission, and articles on Embryology in the .loiu'nal of Morpholog3^

Collier Cobb. A.M.. Professor of Geology and Mineralogy.

A.B. (Harvard) 1889; A.M., (Ibid.), 1894; officer Union Pacific Expedition to

Fossil Fields of Wyoming, 1899; member Boston Society- of Natural His-

tory. National Geographical Society; Harvard Natural History Society.

American Association for the Advancement of Science; Fellow of the

Geological Society of America ; member Sons of the Revolution, WataugaClub, Technology Club of Boston; Assistant in Geology, Harvaril, 1889-90;

Instructor in Geology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1890-92;

Instructor in Geology, Boston University, 1890-92 ; Assistant in the U. S.

Geological Survey, 1886-92 ; Superintendent of City Schools, Wilson, N.

C. 1896; Lecturer in State Normal Schools, 188-1-88; has published school

map of North Carolina. Geography of North Carolina (several editions).

" Recent Facts in Physical Geography," and " Recent Geographic Events"

also author of articles in Poimlar Science Monthly Cieograiihical Maga-zine. Journal of School Geography, etc.. besides articles in New Yorkand Boston papers.

Charles Staples Maxgum. A.B., M.D.. Professor of Materia Medica.

A.B., University of North CaroUna, 1891; :M.I)., Jefferson iledical College,

Philadeljjhia." 1894; /-'I'. Gimghoul ; President Hare Medical Society of

Philadelphia; Assisstant Demon.strator of Anatomy, Jefferson Medical

College, 1894-95.

Edward \'erxox Howell, Denn of the School of Plianiiacii ami fVo/c.wo;- of Pharmacy.

A.B.. Wake Forest College: Ph.G.. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy: -AK,


Marcus Cicero Stephens Noble. Superiiitnidcnl nj the Summer School ami Professor

of Pedagogy.

Student University of North Carolina, Davidson College: Mason, Philan-

thropic Societv, /i-; Commandant of Cadets. Bingham School, 1879-82:

Superintendent City Schools. Wilmington. N. C. 1882-98; State Institute

Conductor, 1882-90; author of •'Wilhams' Beginners' Reader"; North

Carohna Supplement of Maury's Geography, co-editorof"Davies' Stand-

ard Arithmetic."

Hexrv Farrar Lixscott. A.M.. Vh.D.. Professor of Latin La iigKagc and Literature.

A.B.. Bowdoin. 1892; A.M.. (Ibid.), 1893: Ph.D.. University of Chicago,

1895; <PI!h; -^J'/'; Fellow University of Chicago. 1893-95; Instructor.

Brown University, 1895-96; member of the Philological Association, the

Oriental Society, and the Archaeological Institute of America ; has pub-

lished "Studies in Mcta])lasm and Syncretism," ami various articles in

the Classical Review, and Proceedings of the American Philological Asso-


James Camerox Mac Rae, LL.D., Dean of the Law School and Professor of Law.

LL.D.. University of North Carolina; Attorney at Law; Judge of Superior

and Supreme Courts of North Carolina : Philanthropic Society.

Charles Basker\xlle, Ph.D., Smith Professor of General and Analytical Chemistry.

B.S., University of North Carolina, 1892; Ph.D. (Ibid.) 1894; Graduate in

Chemistry, University of ^'irgima, 1890; Post Graduate Fellow, \'an(ler-

bilt University, 1891; Fellow of the London Chemical Society; Fellowof the American Association for the Advancement of Science; MasterMa.son; AH<I>; JI\E\ Gimghoul; Philanthropic Society; President NorthCarolina Section American Chemical Society; member German Chemi-cal Society; member Society of Chemical Industry; has published a num-ber of articles on subjects in chemistry, in Journal of the American Chem-ical Society, London Chrmiccd Neics, and Chemiker Zeitung; and "SchoolChetnistrg.


LsAAC Hall Mannin'i.:. M.D.. Profissor of Physiology.

Academic and Meilical Student. University of North Carolina, 1890-95;M.D., Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, 1897; in hospital work,Brooklvn, 1897-98; Phvsician. Atlantic Coa.st Line Railroad HospitalWork, "1898-00. In charge of A. C. L. Hospital Rocky Mount, N. C.

1900-01. Profe-s.sor of Phvsiologv, Universitv of North Carolina,


Charles Alphonso S.mith, Ph.D., I'mfissor of Knglish Loiigiuhy.

Hubert Ashley Rovster. A.B.. .M.D., Dean of the Medical Department at Rah igli

and Professor of Gynecology. Raleigh, N. C.A.B., Wake Forest College, N.C., 1901 ; M.D., L'niversity of Pennsylvania.

Philadelphia, 1894; House Surgeon, Mercy Hospital, Pittsburg, Pa..

1894-95; One of the visiting staff Re.x Hospital; Surgeon-in-charge. St.

Agnes' Hospital for Women and Children; Surgeon to Southern Railway


Meml)cr Raleigh Academy of ^le<Hcinp, Medical Society of the State of

North Carolina ; Tri-State Medical As.sociation of the Carolinas and "\'ir-

ginia; Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association; American Med-ical Association, N. C, Academy of Science (Southern): /i-J; '/'•^-; Med-ical Fraternity (University of Pennsylvania.)

Wiscoxsix Illixciis Royster, M.D., Professor of Medicine.

Agustus Washixc;t()x Kxhx, M.D., Professor of Surgery.

Richard Hexry Lewis. ^1.1).. Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Lecturer on Gen-eral Hygiene.

Kemp PLU^LMER Battle, Jr.. .\.B.. M.D., Professor of Diseases of th< Ear.XoseandThroat.

THc^^L\s RuFFix, D,C,L,, Associcde Professor of Law and Equity.

Stuilent, I'niversity of North Carolina, LL.B., Georgetown University;

LL.M., Georgetown Uni\ersity; D.C.L.. Columbia I'niversity; .VJ'ii.

Gimghoul.Alvix Sawyer Wheeler, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry.

A.B., Beloit College; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard; Graduate Student University

of Chicago, and Cornell University. Philanthropic Society, IWII.

Assistant, Harvanl University. As.sociate Professor of Chemistry.University of North Carolina, 1900.

Charles Lee Raper, A.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics.Student in Ti'inity College antl Columliia University; Professor, Greens-

lioro Female College ; Fellow in Cohmiliia I'niversity ; Lecturer in BarnardCollege, Columbia University. Has published "The Church and Private

Schools of North Carolina,'' "NortliCarolina: A Royal Province," several

book reviews in the Magazines; Alxmt ready for tlie press, "A Study in

English Colonial Government."

James Dowdex Bruner. Ph.D., Associate Professor of Romance Languages.

A. B.. Franklin College. 1888;.\ssistant in Latin. Georgetown College. 1885-86:

Instructor in ilodern Languages. Franklin College. 1887-89: Student

in Paris, 1891 ; Student in Florence, 1892: Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Universi-

ty, 1894; As.sistant Professor of Romance Languages. L'niversity of

Illinois, 189.3-4 : Profe.ssor of Romance Languages, L'niversity of Illi-

nois, 1894-95; As.sistant Professor of Romance Languages and Litera-

tures, University of Chicago, 1895-99; Philanthrojjic Society.

Archibald Hexdersox, A.M.. Ph.D.. Instructor in Mathematics.

A.B.. A.M.. Ph.D.. Universitv of Xorth Carohna; Dialectic Society;

Gimghoul: ^.V; .WP.

Tho.mas Jame.s Wilsox. Jr.. Ph.D.. Instructor in Latin.

A.B.. University of Xorth Carolina. 1894; Ph.D.. (Ibid). 1899. First Presi-

dent .^6**: Dialectic Society.

George McFarlaxd McKie. Instructor in Expression and English.

Ciraduate of the Emerson School of Oratory:

Edward Kidder Graham. Ph.B.. Instructor in Engli.'^h.

Ph.B.. Univcrsitv of Xorth Carolina; Dialectic Society; Gorgon's Head


lAK; .iH<l>.

William Staxlev Berxard. A.B.. In.'^lructor in Greek.

A.B., Univer.sitv of Xorth Carolina, 1900: Philanthropic Society: Gimg-houl; *-I«,

James Edward Mills, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry.

A.B.. Davidson College. 1896; A.M.. Daviilson. mill)- I'h.l).. University

of Xorth Carolina, 1900; /i-.

James Edward Latta, .\,M.. Instructor in Phi/.'iics.

Ph.B.. 1899; A.M.. 1901.

Clarexce Albert Shore. B.S., In.^tructor in Biology.

B.S., 1901; -i/:, iH'l'. Dialectic Society,

Edward vox dex Steixex, Instructor in Physical Culture.

Graduate of the Department of Physical Training. International ^^ M. C. A"

Training School, Springfield. JLiss.. 1900. Physical Director. \. M. C. A.,

Xorthampton, Mass., 1899-00. Phvsical Director, Y. M. C. A.. Cum-berland, Md.. 1900-01.

Palmer Cobb. Ph.B., histructor in Mexlern Languages.

Ph.B., 1901; J/i/^ .^«*.

Andrew Watsox Goodwix. M.D., Instructor in Clinical .Medicine.

Henry McKee Tucker, M,D,, Lecturer on Obstetrics and Diseases of Children.

Jame.s William McGee, Jr., M.D., Chief of Dispensary.

Robert Sherwood McGeachy, A.B.. M.D.. Assistant in Surgery and Gynecology.

Bexjamix Franklin Page, Assistant in Pharmacy.

Richard Xixon Duffy, '02, Assistant in .M(ithemedics;Gorg.on's Head, - ^ ;^^''.

Marvin Hexdri.x Stacy, '02, A.^sistant in Mathematics.

Robert Gilliam L.\iifiiTEH. '02, Assistant in Geology. J h I-; HM>, (iorgon's Head.

Robert Arthur Lichtexthaeler. '02. Assistant in Geology.

RoYALL Oscar Eugexe Davis, Ph,B„.4ss/s/oHf in Chemistry. Ph,B., 1901.

Brext Skixxer Draxe. '02. Assistant in Chemistry, JA A'; .iw*; h.VA'; Gimghoul.

Hugh Ham.mond Bennett. '03. Assistant in Chemistry. <I>AH.

Dorman Steele Thompson. Ph.B., Assistant in Biology. Ph.B.. 1901. 1^'^'.

James King Hall, A.B.. Assistant in Engli.'^h. A.Vi., IQ0\, AH'P.


Instructors in the Summer SchoolFraxcis M. Osborne, A.M., Instructor in English.

Special Instructor in the Summer School 1902.Alex.\nder CiR.\H.\M, A.M., (Superintendent Charlotte School.?), Instructor in Physi-


Edward P. Mo.ses, A.M., (Superintendent Raleigh Schools), Instructor in Readingand Primary Work.

George A. Grimsley, A.M., (Superintendent Greenboro Schools), Instructor in English.Ernest P. Mangum, A.M., (Superintendent Wilson Schools), Instructor in Geography.Thomas R. Foust, B.E., (Superintendent New Bern Schools), Insti-uctor in Arith-

metic and Algebra.

J. E. Matheson, (Superintendent \h\rhani Schooh), Instructor in Latin.George F. Atkinson, Ph.B., (Cornell Univer.sity), Lecturer in Botany.Thomas Gilbert Pearson, S.B., (Guilford College), Lecturer in Ornitholo<iy.Benjami.v Sledd, a. M., (Wake Forest College), Lecturer in English.D. H. Hill, A.M., (A. &M. CoWege), Lecturer in English Literature.EuLER B. Smith, (Georgia State Normal School), Instructor in Enqlish GrammarW. R. Garrett, Ph.D., (Peabody Normal College), Instructor in Histon/.J. Lu.strat, Bach, es Lett., (University of Georgia). Instructor in French.Margaret A. Johnston, B.A., (Beaufort Kindergarten Training School), Kinder-


Franklin Sherman, Jr., (State Entymologist), Lecturer in Zooloi/ij.

Charles Ledley, (Mar\-land State XurmalCollege), In.-itructor inSlogd.

Lecturers to the University— i 901-1902June, 19U1.

September 25, 1901. Mr. A. W. HA^VKs, "Sunsliine."October 12, Unircrsity Day, Col. T. W. Mason, '58, Orator.November 15, Mr. W. Hinton White, " Au.straha."No\ember 22, Prof. H. F. Finscott, Ph.D., " Poetic Art in \irgirs Aeneid "

January 3, 1902, Mr. E. C. Foster, " Liquid Air."January 16, Prof. Wm. Cain, " Mathematics HLstoricallv Considered."January 23, Alfred Night.

Prof. Thomas Hume, D.D., LL.D., "Alfred, the Teacher-King."Prof. Ja.mes C. MacRae, LL.D., " Alfred, the Lawmaker."

lEiiRrAKv 14, Dr. Paul B. Barringer, "Some Pending Problems in Hygiene."February 20, Prof. Thomas Hume, LL.D., "From Mystery t.i Sliakcsj)eare."February 27, Prof. Collier Cobb, " Sand Reefs of the North Carolina Coast "

March 13, Prof. C. L. Raper, Ph.D., "The South Economicalh- Transformed "

March 30, Prof. H. A. Rovster, M.D., " Muscle."April 7, President C. D. McIver, "The Educational Movement in North


Preachers to the UniversityJune, 1901. Baccalaureate Sermon, Rev. Carter H. Jones.

Rev. E. PENDLETfJN Jones.Rev. T. J. Ogburn.Rev. J B. Dunn.Rev. C. S. Blackwell, D.D.Rev. a. J. Graham.


She Gollege op

(-Ir,ts ^ Sciences

Fraxcis Preston Yenahle, Ph.D.

Eben Alex.\xder. LL.])..



Graduate Students

Resident For Degree

George Chadbourn, B.S.,

WiLLi.\M Stanley Bernard, A.B..

Palmer Cobb, Ph.B.,

Royal Oscar Eugene Davis, Ph.B.,

RicH.vRD Lindsey Ellington, B-S.,

John Chrlstoph Blucher Ehringhaus, A.B.,

Gertrude J.\mes, ....James ED^VARD Latta, Ph.B., A. M.,

Metrah Makely, Jr., A.B., .

Adolphus William.son Mangum, Litt. B.,

Aldert Smedes Root, B.S.,

Clarence Albert Shore, 15. S..

John William Turrentine. Ph.B..

Louis Round Wilson, A.B..














Arch Turner Allen, Ph.B.,

Lester Van Noy Branch, B.S.,

Charles Paul Coble.Isaac Foust Harris, B.S., .

Alice Edwards Jones,Francis Juat, M.D.,

Jay' Dick Lentz, Litt. B.,

Jacob Warshaw, A.B.. (Harxanl)





]Vilt7nngtoii. N. C.

Greenville, X. C.

Danmlle, Va.

Columbia, S. C.

Rfidsville, N. C.

Elizabeth City, N. C.

Chapel Hill, N. C.

Chapel Hill, N. C.

Edeuton. N. C.

Chapel Hill, N. C.

Raleigh, N. C.

Winston Sedetn. N. C.

Burlington, N. C.

Lenoir. N. C.

Statesville. N. CBrooklyn, N. Y.Gilmer's Store, N. C.

.\i u- Haren, Conn.Raleigh, N. C.

Aberdeen, N. C.

Concord. N. C.

Paris. France.

The Class of


Class History

m \' (Icsin- is to write a histoiy of the present

Senior Class. I say desire, l.iecause neither

I noi- an\- one ean give an adequate account

of the subject in hand. The history has

lieen written upon minds and in characters. The life

that this class has led since it came together in the

fall of 1898 has been a life of inward growth and

strength gathering. There has as yet been little out-

ward manifestation of the latent energy stored liy

contact with men and books. If the historian could

get at these inner changes, he would have material for volumes. As this is impos-

sible the liest that can lie done is to relate a few insignificant incidents of out-

wai-dly une\'entful college life; but to accept these incidents as representative of

what the class has done or is capable of doing would be unwarrantable.

It is now close upon four years since, with timid step and beating heart, themem-

liers of the class of '02 first came together upon the college campus. To us those

years have seemed short indeed. We can testify that time flies in Chapel Hill as

well as elsewhere. The pa.ssing time has not failed to firing changes, nor to leave its

inark upon each and every one of our class. At first we numbered nearly a hundred.

Now we are reduced to little more than half as many, though we have been joined by

se\-ei-al stuilents who were not with us at first. It is useless to deny that we were

Fresh. Before our journey to Chapel Hill was ended we heard and were alarmed at

gloomy tales of the trials and tribulations our predecessors had undergone at the

hands of certain teachers, and the predictions were that we would catch it hot and

hea\'y. So tlark was this side of the jncture made to apjiear that we wondered if we


could ever meet the exactions of the faculty. Actual experience con\-inced us that

the dangers were overdrawn. Our courage rose and brought with it stronger faith in


None of us mil ever forget the scenes of rejoicing and mirth when Mrginia was

defeated on the gridiron in the fall of 1898. The torchhght-and-tin-horn pro-

cession, and the bonfire (in the making of which mainly our Fresh energy was em-

]jloyed) are firmly fixed in our memories. When Washington's Birthilay came

around we did not fail to receive our share of medals, with snow balls thrown in

for good measure. When vacation came we all went home glorying in Soph-liood.

^'acation cjuidkly passed away. After our return, class politics was a topic of much

interest. This interest culminated in the never-to-be-forgotten Sophomore election.

Since that time our college days have jws.sed along much as before, plea.santiv and


Now we see between us and Commencement only a few short months. Our

college career is approaching an entl. AMiile we all are looking forward to the

time when we shall enter upon our life's work, still we feel a lingering regret that

the time will soon have conic when the class of '02 will separate, never to meet as a

whole again. Looking back over our college days, we see where we might have

done better in many respects; but on the whole we may congratulate ourselves

upon the results attainerl. In class work "02 has made a record of which she need

not be ashamed. The Alplia Thrta Phi has received more recruits from this class

than from any class in the past. Many inter-society and inter-collegiate del^aters

have come from our ranks. Football and basel^all have been heartily supported by

'02, which has furnished many nf tiie l)i'st men (in all the teams. In all i)ha.ses

of college life the cla.ss has done its part. Let it be the dut\- of every due to see tiiat

the standard here maintained shall not be Idwei-eil in the Wdrlil tliat lies jjefore us.


'= ',/ Wr

1;t1fn>"T7^'»^r^s!opA>,nS''^"'^^J/•?i^«^tJ*>^ 't»Ci»*-.-v-t»^i7'^*^*T'7?:sr^3(

Class Roll and Statistics

Aberxethy, Claude Oliver. I'li.!'. Chapel Hill, N. C.

Age, 21 years; Weight, 14"2 Ihs. ; height, 5 feet 10 inches; Vice-

President of Class (3); Philanthropic Society; Manager of

Univensity Press Co. ; Historical Society ; Y. M. C. A.

Ad.\ms. Thaddf.us Awasaw, Ph.B Finch, N. C.

Age, 24 ; weight, 160 lbs. ; height, 6 feet 1 inch. Secretary of class

(3); Philanthropic Societv; Shakespeare Club; Semi-AnnualDebate (2); Scrub Debate (3); Vanderbilt Debater (4).

Ballard, David Clark, A.B Louisburg. N. C.

Ph.B.; age, 20; weight, 140 ll)s. : height, 5 feet 8 inches; Philan-

thropic Society; Yackety Yack Kilitor (3); •^W'/'; Class Foot-

ball Team (3); Shakespeai-e Clul).

Br EM, Tod Robi.nson, Ph.B., Charlotte, N. C.

Ph.B.; age, 22; weight, 205 lbs.; height, 5 feet 8 inches; -V;

Ginighoul; W.VA'; 111'; Assistant Manager Football Team (3);' Varsity Football (3 and 4); Scrub Football (2); Scrub Base-

ball (1," 2 and 3).

Burgess, James Lafayette, B.S., Libeiiy, N. CAge, 28 ; weight, 145 lbs. ; height , 5 feet 9 inches ; Track Team (2)


Dialectic Societv.

Browx. Wai.tkr Monroe. A.B Liberty Store. N. C.

Age. 29: weight, 13.5 lbs. : height, o feet 7 inches: Eloii. A.B.. 1S99:

Y. M. C. A.

Bell, Bexj.\min. B.S Wilmington. N. C.

Age, 20 ; weight, 1 18 lbs. ; height, 5 feet 8 inches ; Dialectic Society


Y. M. C. A.: Historical Society; Shakespeare Club; Secretary

Class (1); Tar Heel Editor (3 and 4): Secretary and Treasurer

Press Association (3) ; President Press Association (4) ; Secre-

tary and Treasurer General Atliletic A.s.sociation (4); Marshal

Georgia-Carolina Debate (3).

Btjsbee, Christi.\x.\ Raleigh, N. C.

Byrxes, Ch.\rles Met( alfe. B.S Natchez, Miss.

Age. 20 years; weight, 140 lbs.; height. 5 feet 7 inches; --V;

Treasurer of German Gub (3): Yackety Yack Editor (3);

Shakespeare Club.

Byxu.m. Mixxa CrKTi.>. Ph.D Lincolnton. X. C.

Carr. Albert Marvin, Ph.B Durham. N. C.

Age 22 years; weight. 165 lbs.: height, o feet 10 inches: -^'/':

6Ml\ 111'; Gimghoul; German Club: Ca]). Class Football Team(1); AssistantManager 'Var.sitv Foot!)allTeam (2); Scrub Foot-

ball Team (2); 'Varsity Football Team (3 and 4): Cap. Football

Team (4); Sub Fullback All Southern Football Team (4) ; Vice-

President General Athletic Association (3); Advisory Commit-tee (3 and 4) ; Chief Ball Manager (4) ; Shakespeare Club ; Secre-

tary German Club (2); President German Club (4).

Chastaix, Rufus Bex.iamix, A.B Bracetown. X. C.

Age, 28 years; weight 145 lbs. ; height. 5 feet 11 inches: Dialectic


Cheshire. .Joseph Blouxt. Jr.. A.B Raleigh, X. C.

Age. 19 vcars; weight, 125 His.; heiglit. 5 feet 6 inches; XT;

Shakespeare Clul); "*-i.

Draxe, Brext Skixxer. A.B Eclenton. X. C-

Age. 20 years; weight. 165 lbs. ; height. 6 feet. M^E; HXE; AH'D;

Gimghoul; Philanthropic Society; Class Football Team (1);

As.sociate Editor Tar Heel (2); Eilitor-iu-Chief Tar Heel (2);

Business Manager Y'ackety" Yack (2) ; Sub-Marshal. Commence-ment 1901; Editor-in-Chief Tar Heel (3) Editor-in-Chief Yacke-ty Yack (3); Assistant in Chemistry (3); Shakespeare Club:

Historical Society.

Duffy, Richard Nixon, A.B Xeii: Bern. X. C-

Age. 19 vears; weight, 135 lbs.; height. 6 feet H inches; Gorgon's

Head; -.V; AH<1>; German Club; Phi Society; Holt Medal in

Mathematics '01 ; Sub-Marshal '01; :Mandolin Club.

DrxcAX. Julius Fletcher. A.B., Beaufort. X. C.

Age, 20 years ; weight, 145 lbs. ; height . 5 feet 6 inches ; Philanthrop-

ic Society: Shakespeare Club ; Historical Society.


Everett, Simox Justice, Ph.B Palnu/ra. X. C.

Age, 23 years: weight. 160 lbs.; height. 6 feet: Inter-Society

Debate (3) ; Comnieneenient debater (3) ; Philanthnipic Society


Debater's prize (3) -.Magazine Editor (4) : Y.-vckety Yack Editor

(4) ; Class Football Team (2 and 3) ; Shakespeare Club.

G.\RREX. G.\RDXER M.\Riox, Ph.B Buciia ]'ista. X. C.

Age. 32; weight. loO; height, 5 feet 8 inches: Y. M. C. A.: Dia-

lectic Society.

(joDWix. Robert Lixx, B.S Dunn. X . C.

Age. 24 years; weight, 204 lbs. ; height, 6 feet 3 inches; Piiihinthrop-

ic Society; Class Football Team (2).

Ferrell, Johx Atkixsox, B.S ( 'liiitmi. X. C.

Age, 21 years; weight, 170 lbs. ; height, 5 feet 11 inches; Philan-

thropic Society ; Histoiical Society ; Shakespeare Chili ; Class

Football Team (1. 2 and 3) ; Cap. Junior Team; Scrub Football (3).

Gr.\ves. Louis, A,B Chap, I Hill. X. C.

Age, 18vears; weight, 150 lbs. ; height, 5 feet 10 inches; /^'/'; AH't'-^

III-.HXK; Gorgon's Head ; Class Football Team (1) ; Scrub i^ase-

ballTeani (1 and 2); •\"arsity Football (3 and 4); Sub Ball .Man-

ager (2).

Gr.w, Eugexe Price, A.B., Win.'^ton-Sulcm. X. C.

Age, 21 years; weight, 160 lbs.; height. .5 feet 6 inches; Dialectic


Gregory, Quextix, A.B Halifax. X. C.

Age, 21 rears; weight, V2r> lbs.; height, 5 feet 5 inches; -^'Z'; Class

Football (1,2 and 3); Gimghoul; Phi Society; Sub-Marshal (3)


Shakespeare Club : Historical Society ; German Club.

Groom, M.\rv Chapel Hill. X. C.

Groom, Pixckxey BRi>.\DFn;LD. Pn.ii Chapvl Hill. X. C.

Age. 22 years; weight, l.iO lbs.; height, 5 feet i) incb.es; Dialectic


Hexdersox, Johx Steele, Jr., A.B S(ili.-<huri/. X. C.

Age, 20 years; weight, 140 lljs. ; height, c feet 11 inches: -.\; w.W-';

111-, AHd); cia.ss Football Team (2 and 3); Gimghoul; ScrubBaseball (1, 2 and 3); Di Society: Editor Hellenian (2).

Hutchisox, Robert Stu.\rt, Ph.B Cliarlotte. X. C.

Age, 20 years; weight, lo.5 lbs.; height, 5 feet 9 inches; President

Mecklenburg Society; -.-I A'; Gimghoul; Class Football Team(2 and 3); Cia.ss Secretary (1); Di Society; Shakespeare Club.

Jox.\s, Ch.\rles Andrew, Ph.B Barklcy. X. C.

Age, 24 years; weight, 170 lbs.; height, 5 feet 8 inches; Class

Prophet, (3) ; Inter-Society Debater (1) ; Class Football Team (3)


Y. M. C. A. ; Di Society; Historical Society; Shakespeare Club.

Le.mly, Fred Hexry, B.S., Winslon-Salem. X. C.

Age, 21 years; weight, 135 lbs.; height, 5 feet 7 inches; -VIA';

German Club; Gorgon's Heatl.


Lewis. Ivey Formax, A.B Rakujh. N. C.Age, lOyears; weight. 13.5 lbs. ; height. 5foct lOJ inches: /^'/;H.\7:,':

111'; AHi/'; Gorgon's Head; Assistant Manager Baseball Team(3) ;

Chief Marshal (3) : Phi Society; Y.^ckety V.\ck Editor (S) ;

Editor of Tar Heel (3) \ President .J«*; Editor-in-Chief of .1/«f/o-

~'i'"p; Class Double in Tennis (2); Class Tennis Champion (3 and4); Historical Society.

Merritt. Rohert Am.sei, A.B Chapd Hill. N. C.Age. 24 years; weight 140 lbs.; height. 5 feet 10 inche.s; \ice-

Pre-sident Senior Class; Annual Det)ate(3); Di Society; Shakes-peare Clul).

Moss. Eugexe Grissom. B.S Wilton. X. CAge. 23 years; weight. 140 lbs. ; height. 5 feet lU inches; Chemist

Journal Club; Sub-Marshal (3); Phi Society; A.ssistant Busi-ness Manager Tar Heel (4).

Oliyer. Thom.\.s Clifford, B.S Charlotte. N. C.Age. 21 years; weight. 165 lbs.; height, 6 feet ; I )i Society ; Shakes-

peare Club.

Pritch.\rd, Birdie Chnprl Hill. X. C.Reid. Fr.\xk Abdox Luxsford, A.B., Grijfith.s. X. C.

Age, 24 years; weight, 145 lbs.; height, 5 feet 9^ inches; ClassFootball Team (3); Y. M. C. A.; Shakespeare Club; DiSociety.

RoHERTs. Guy Yerxo.v. Ph.B Walnut Bun. X. C.Age, 25 years; weight, 175 lbs. ; height, 6 feet 2 inches; Scrub FootballTeam (2); Declaimer's Medal (2); '^arsity Football Team(3) ; Commencement Debater (3) : Di Society.

RojiiNs, Hexry Morixu.Ph.B Ashboro. X. C.Age, 21 years; weight. 135 lbs.; height, 5 feet lOJ inches; JW*;Commencement Debater (3); Di Society; Class Essayist (3);Historical Society; Y.\ckety Y.\ck Editor (4).

Sallenuer. Edward Di-xcax. Ph.B San.s Soaci. X. C.Age. 23 years; wci,ght. 156 lbs.; height, 5 feet 10 inches; Secre-

tary Historical Society; Assistant Business Manager Tar Heel (3):Commencement Debater (3); Class Footl)all (3); Maga-zine Editor (3); Phi Society; Shakespeare Club ; Business Man-ager Tor i/crf (4).

Short. Hexry Blouxt, Jr., A.B Wibninnton. X. C.Age. 19 years; height, 6 feet 2 inches; weight. 170 lbs.; Magazine

Editor; Yackety Yack Editor; Washington's Birthilay Orator;ATii; German Club; Class Football (2 and 3); Semi-AnnualDebater (2); Annual Debater (3) ; YacketyYack Editor (3 and4); Shakespeare Club; Phi Society.

Smith. James Thomas. A.B Pinerille. X. C.Age, 21 years: weight. 145 lbs.: height. 6 feet 1 inch: Di Society;

Shakespeare Clulj ; Y. M. C. A.

Stacy, Marvin- Hexdrix. Ph.B Morveii.Age. 24 years: weight. 140 lbs. ; height. 5 feet 9 inches: Di Society;

Scrub Debater (3) ; Pre.sident Class (4) : Farmer.

Stafford, William Faris, A.B Burlington.Age. 22 years: weight, 140 lb.s. : height. 5 feet S-J- inches; Shakespeare

Club: Manager Class Baseball Team (.3): ATil; HX/:-, 111-;

Gorgon's Head.

Sterx, Da-\td Poxy, Ph.B Scotland Xeck.Age, 19 years; weight. 135 lbs. : height. 5 feet 8 inches; -If**; Cla.ss

Pre.sident (3); Cla.ss Mce-President (2): Inter-Society (1 and 2);Georgia Debater (3); Johns Ho]ikins Debater (4); Phi Society;Shakespeare Club.

Stevens, George Phifer, A.B Mattheu-s,Age, 22 years: weight, 137 lbs.; height, 5 feet 8 inches: .1^*;

Class Football Team (3) ; Recording Secretary Y. M. C. A. (3):Scrub Baseball (3) ; Dialectic Society.

Stevexsox, Re.stox, A.B., Wilmington.Age, 19 years; weight, 12.5 lbs.: height. 5 feet 6* inches; .^«*:

-AE-^ Shakespeare Club : Dialectic Society.

VViLLcox, JoHX, A.B., Carbonton,Age, 21 years; weight, 162 ll)s. ; height, 5 feet 9 inches ; Class Foot-

bail Team (3); 'Varsity Baseball Pitcher (2 ami 3); ShakespeareClub,

Williams. Buxtox Barker. A.B Ridgeway.Age. 20 years ; weight. 12.5 lljs. : height. 5 feet 5 inches ; Philanthrop-

ic Society; Shakespeare Chib,

Williams, Robert Raxsom, A,B., Nndon.Age. 18 years; weight, 175 lbs.; height, 6 feet; AH<I>\ Georgia De-

bater (3); Johns HopkinsDebater (4) ; Class Football Team (1,2and3); 'Varsity Football Team (4) : Declaimer's Medal (l);Pres-ident Class (2): Semi-Annual Debate (2); Managing Editor ofTar Heel (3) ; Class Propliot (4) : Y. M. C. A. ; Dialectic Society.

Worth. Tho.mas Clarksox, B.S \shboroAge. 21 years; weight. 150 liw.; height. 5 feet 8 inches: Secretaryand Treasurer of Athletic Association; .Vl'il; w.VA'; //2': Gimg-houl; Class Football Team (1 and 2) : Capt. Class Football Team(2); Manager 'Varsity Baseball Team (3): VA\\nY H,Uenian{2).

N. C.

N. C.

X. C.

N. C.

N. C.

A'. C.

N. C.

N. C.

X. C.

Class of 1903

ColorsGrccu and Gold


Kah! rah! rah! dreciiand Gold!Rah! rah! rah! Rough and bold

Rah! rah! rah! Rah! rah! rah!





Bynum. Curtis Ashley, Lincolnlon, N. C.

Dialectic; -.-I A'; ASiP; Inter-Society Debater (2) ; Editor YacketyYack (2)]'Alitor Magazine (3) ; Georgia Debater (3).

Calder, Milton, Wilmington. N. C.

-AE; Gimghoul; Gerniaii CIul) :AHi/\

Carr, "William Frederick, Durham, N. C.

ZV; III- HXE; Gimghoul: German Club: First ^'ice-P^esi(lent

Class (1); Class Football Team (2); 'Varsity Baseball Team (1)

and 2) ; 'Varsity Scrub Football Team (1 and 2) ; 'Varsity ScrubFootball Team (3); A.ssistant Manager of '^'arsity Football

Team (3).

Cates, Claude Holt, WakuUu. Fin.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A.

Clement, Edward Buehler, ..... Salisbury. N. C.


Clement. Hayden, ........ Salisbury. X. C.

-A; Ciernian Club; Shakespeare Clul); Manager of Class P'ootball

Team (3) ; Chief Cheerer (3).

Cobb, Whitfield, Chapel Hill, N. C.

Collins, Robert Beatty, Dixie, N. C.

Dialectic; Class Football Team (3) : Y. M. C. A.

CiMMiNG, Preston, .Jr., ....... Wilmington. X. C.

Philanthropic; -Vm-, ii(p.4-^ German Club; Shakespeare Club (3).

Cauble. David Zimri Barkley, N. C.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A.; Statistician Class (3); Sub. Marshal (3).

Everett, Reuben Oscar, Palmyra, N. C.

Philanthropic; Class Football Team (2); Editor Yackety Yack(2) ; Class President (3) ; Associate Editor Tar Heel (3) ; Mar-

shal Vanderbilt Debate (2) ; Commencement Debater (3).

Ferrell, John Atkinson, ...... Clinton. A'. C.

Philanthropic; Class Football Team (1 and 2); Captain of Class

Football Team (3) ; Historical Society.

For.sT, Frank Lee, Graham. N. C.

Scrub Baseball Team (1 and 2); Scrub Football Teain(l) ;'\'arsity

Football Team (2 and 3); Track Team (1); Second \'ice-President

Class (3).

Gallaway, Gaston Gilbert, ..... .Mount Airy, \. C.

HHII-^ German Club; Class Football Team (1 and 2); Editor.

Yackety Yack (3) ; Glee Club (3) ; Dramatic Club (3).

Gant, Kenneth, Burlington, N. C.

Dialectic; Historical Society; Class Football Team (1, 2 and 3);

Class Baseball Team (2) ; Manager of Class Baseball Team (3).

Giles. .John Reston, Wilmington. N. C.

.Vl'ii- Philanthropic; Yackety Yack Editor (3); Member Glee

Club (3); Greek Prize (2).

Glenn, Marshail Renfro Ashi'iille, N. C.

Dialectic; Class Football Team (2); Y. M. C. A.

Gold. Th(jmas Jackson, ........ Shelby. N. C.

Dialectic; Cla.ss Football Team (3).


GoRDOx. William Jones . Chapel Hill. \. C-

Dialectic: -.-(A': H\/:- Gorgon's Head; Class Poet (1); President

(2) :CIass Baseball Team (land 2 ): Class Football Team (3); .Jw*;

Captain of Class Baseball Team (3).

Graham, George W. Jr., Charlotte, N. C.IN; //J"; S.\7v; Gorgon's Head;- German Club; Scrub

Baseball Team (1 and 2); Manager of Class Football Team (2);

Manager of 'Varsity Baseball Team (3); Class Statistician (2);

Shakespeare Club.

Gw'vx. Thomas Lenoir. . . Springdale. X.C./'/'; //i"; «.VA'; Gimghoul; German Club; First \'ice-President

Class (2) ; A.ssociate Kditor Tar Heel (2) ; Editor of YacketyYack (2).

Ha.mulix. John Kxapp Magnolia. X. C.

Philanthropic; Class Orator (3).

Hassell. Francis Sylvester Williamston. X. C.

Philanthropic ; A .}; Inter-Societ}' Debater (2); Commencement

l)el)ater (3); Scrub Debater (3).

Ha\vi;>. l^DMcxu Alexander, Jr.. \tkinson. X. C.

I'hilaiithro]iic: Shakesjieare Cluli: Historical Society.

Haywiiod. Alfred Williams, Jr., Haw River. X. C.

Dialectic; ^'/"; //-; <^-VA'; Gorgon's Head; German Club; Sec-

retary Class (1) ; Rssayist Class (2) ; Shakespeare Club; .-IW*.

Heard. Willis Otter. ....... Charlotte. X. C.I.ii:; Sub. Ball Manager.

HerriX(.. Robert WiTHiXGTox Harrell's Store. X. C.

Philanthr(i]iic: Scrub Debater (2); Associate Editor Tar Heel (3);

Y. M. C. A._; fieorgia Debater (3); i»0.

Holland. Hazel, Charlotte. X. C.

Dialectic; JAA'; German Club; Managing Editor 7'«r //ef/ (3);

Editor Yackety Yack (3) ; Vice-President Mecklenliurg Asso-ciation (3) ; Shakespeare Club.

Holt. Earle Pexdleto.x. ...... ( )f(A- Ridge. X. C./.'/'; Ill'-, Gorgon's Head; Class Football Team (1); Captain Class

Football Team (2); 'Varsitv Baseball Team (1 and 2); Captainof 'Varsity Baseball Team' (3).

Horxer. James Wiley, Henderson, X. C.

Philanthropic ; A .-) ; Historical Society ; Editor of Yackety Yack(2) ; Associate Editor Tar Heel (3) ; Shakespeare Club.

HisKE. Bartholo.mew Fuller FayeUeinlle. N. C.

Philanthropic: -.-lA'; Shakespeare Club.

JoxEs, (JKORGE Lyle Franklin, X. C.

Dialectic : Historical Societv ; Class Football Team (1 and 2) ; '\'ar-

sity Football Team (3); Y. M. C. A. : Chief Marshal (3).

JcDO. Zeiulox \axce Entio, X. C.

Philanthrf)])ic; Best Declaimer of Philanthropic Society (1); Inter

Societv Debater (3) : Treasurer of Class (3); \'ice-President of

Y.M.C'.A. (3).

Lassiter, Robert Gilliam, Oxjord. N. C.

JAA'; W;V£; Gorgon's Head: Assistant in Geoldgv (2 and 3).

McAdex, Johx Henry, Jr., Charlotte, N. C.

lAi:-, 111'; Class Football Team (2); Class Baseball Team (2);

Vacketv Yack Editor (8).

McT-EAX, Sylvester Brown Miixton. X. C.


McRae. .Iohn .\i,hi:rt White Stone. N. C.

1 )ialeetie ; Inter-Society Debater (2) ; Business Manager of Yackety\.\iK (3); Associate Editor Tor Heel (3): Historical Society;'

\'. M. C. A.

McFadyen, Henry Richard Clnrkton. N. C.

Philanthropic; Y. M. C. A.

jMdrkhead, James Eathrop, Durham, N. C.

/.'I': Gimghoul; ^A/-': '"^^: German Club: Official Scorer (1 and

2) ; Manager of Class Football Team (2) ; Class Orator (2) ; Cla.ss

Baseball Team (1 and 2); Floor Manager of October German (3).

Mi)KR()\v. RuFus Clegg, C>ak,><. N. C.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A.; Ai-i<l>.

XicHiiLs, James Jacksox [.^hen'lle, N. C.

HHII; German Club; Class F(Mitl)all Team (2); 'X'arsitv Foot-

ball Team (3).

Parker. Lester Leonidas, Monroe, N. C.

Dialectic; Inter-Societv Debater (3); Y. M. C. A. ; CommencementDebater (3).

Pearson. JdSEi'H Edmund Riygsbee, N. C.

Dialectic; V. M. C. A.

Peirie. Tho.mas Buckxer, Jr., llV/r.wic. A^. C.

Philanthropic; Shake.spearc Cluli.

Ramsey. Josei-h Brxx. Roek;/ Mount, X. C.

Philanthro])ic: J/iA': W.\7.'; (iorgon's Head; German Club; Sub.

Ball Manager (2); Class Football Team (1 and 2);

Captain Class Baseball Team (2); Statistician Class (1); Track

Team (1 and 2) ; Captain of Track Team (3) ; Captain of Scrub

Football Team (3) ; Historian Class (2) ; Editor Vnirtr.iiti/ Maiia-

zine (3).

RaNEY. FraXK TiLLEY Clui pel 11 ill . X . C.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A.

Ross, Thomas Howard Charlotte, X. C.

RouxTREE, Jack Rouert, . .... Brooklyn, X. Y.

Philanthropic;-.V; German Club; Cla.ss Poet (2); Business Mana-

ger of Yackety Yack (3) ; Associate Ivlitorof I'nirersiti/ Maga-zine (3) ; Y. M. C. A.


Sirley, Guy Clarence Louifirilh, Ky.

Dialectic (3).

Skixxer, Joshua Johx, H(rtjord. X. C.

Philanthropic; Class Football Team (3); Secretary of Commence-ment Debate (2); Secretary of Inter-Society Debate (2); Mem-licr of Press As.sociation (.3); Sub. Marshar(3).

Smather.-., Willi \.m Frank Waynisvillc, X. C.

'/-JW; German Club; Sub. Ball Manager (2); Treasurer of Class

(2): 'Varsitv Football Team (2); '\arsitv Baseball Team(2); Sub. Marshal (3).

Stf:vexs, Harry Pelham Goldsboro, X. C.

Philanthropic: Yacketv Yack Editor (3) : Sub. Marshal (3) ; Shakes-

peare Club (3).

Stewart. Roaph Sidxev, ........ O.K.. S.C.

Dialectic ; Best Declaimer of Dialectic Society (2) : '\'arsity ScrubFootball (2 and 3) ; A.ssociate Ivlitor of Magazine (3) ; First ^'ice-

President Class (3) ; Historical Society : V. M. C. A. ; Commence-nicnt Deljater (3).

Thuki'. Ja-Me.s Battle Rocky .Mount, X. C.

.T.JA'; //J; W.VA; Gorgon's Head; German Club; Secretary Class

(2); Track Team (1 and 2); Manager of Track Team (3).

I^'ader February German.Tii.MLixsox. Jacob, ... . . ... Tr//.s()/(, .V. C

Philanthropic; Historical Society: Shakespeare Club.

TiRXEU, Henry Gray Rakish. X. C.

Z'l;lll\ Gorgon's Head; "'l'-^: (k-rman Cluli: Sub. Ball .Manager

(2); Vice-President Cla.ss (2).

iRciiHART, Burges, Jr.. ....... Lfici.slon, X. C.

A.J : German Club; Class Foottiall Team (2 and 3).

I'/./.KLL, FL()^ I) Harold. ........ Bciton. X. C.

Philaiithri)])ic; Secretary of Shakespeare Club.

Walker. Xathax WiLsox Poplar Branch. X. C.

Philanthropic; Essayist Class (3): Historical Society; Associate

Iv lit or of Tar Hed (3).

Waixwricht, IOric Ross Boirnxnis Bluff. X. C.

Dialectic: Hi.storian Cla.ss (3).

Ward. Georce Rouert. ........ Safe. X. C.

Philanthro])ic : Secretary Class (3).

Wellkk. HriiEHT Ray.mdxd ir(7(/()/i, .V. C.

'I'JH- iKhA,

Wv.va:. Whitmel HiLi IlilUhoro. X. C./.'! H\i:-jlil)A,

WiiriAKER, WlLLL\.M AsHURY, Jr.. ..... ir//).s/()/(. A'. C.

Dialectic: A.ssociate Editor University Magazine (3).

Whitehead, Ja.mes Samuel, ....... Wihon. .V. C.

J.-IA'; 111; W.\7-.'; Gorgon's Head; Ciernian Club : \ ice-l'r(>sident

Class (1): Cla.ss Prophet (2); Manager Aarsity Fudtliall Team (3);

Class Baseball Team (2).

^^'HITEH^RsT, Harold, ........ Xeirliem. X. C.

Philanthropic: Shakespeare Club.

Wii.LciiX. Jesse Womiu.E. ....... .I'lifnatn. X. C.

Dialectic; V. M. C. A.

WiLLcox. Ge(jrge Willl\m. ...... ('(irliiintdii. .V. C.

Cla,ss Baseball Team (2): Sub. 'Varsity Basel)all Team (3).

Wood, Walter Poole. Elizaheth City. X. C.

Philanthropic; Class Poet (3); Historical Society; Shakcs|)eare

Club; V. M. C. A.

Class of 1904


Blue and Old Gold.

Motto" \'irtute vt opera."


Ri].. Rah. Rah

Rip. Rah. Roar

We are the class

Of 1904!


C.RAHAM Kenan.

F. H. Gregory.

Henry Lee,

S. T. Peace,

\'. A. .1. Idol, .

A. M. Noble, Jr.,

Wilson (!. Lamb, Jr.,

.1. H. Tall\ferro,

L. H. JoNrJS,

M. R. Graham, .

A. G. Brenizer. .


First V ice-Prcsiden i


Second T 'ice-President.










Adhkrholt, Junior Erxest Chcm/rillcDialectic; Y. M. C. A.

Allard. Greex Haywood, Oxford. Mass.Philanthro]3ic.

Archer, Frederick Charles Chapel Hill.

Philanthropic ; Mandolin and ( luitar Cluli : Class Football Team (2).

Archer, Gray, . . Chaprl Hill.

Bass, Spencer Pippen, TarJiin-d.

--'V; Philanthropic: German Cluh: Track Team (1): Class Foot-ball Team (1); Scrub Football Team CD.

Beall, Thomas Settle, Giren.<<boro

HoHAWdX, I'hjNEST ]Vlll.<!/<))l-Slll,m.


Brkxi/.kr, Addison Gorgas, ... .... ('liiirli)tti


-••I/-'; Essayist Class (1); Historian Cla.ss (2); (ierman Club.Briiwkh.Jamks Frederick Winsion-Salem.


C.\Ti,KrT. CiKoRtiE FiTZ HuGH - . . . Wihrunginn.Claytor, Xuma Reid, Uninr.v'ti/ Statioti.

V. M. C. A.Cain, W. S Aslurille.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A.CoiiJi, .John Vines, . OhI Sparta.


Cochran, Xash Spencer, Trmj.Dialectic; Class Football Team (2).

CocKK, ,Jere Ellis Asheville.IIHII- 111-; 'Varsity Baseball Team (F): German Clulx

Cor NCI I., luiwARD Augustus Conoho.Philanthropic.

Cox, Alisert Lyman Pcnclo.-A/:-, Philanthropic ; German Clul) ; Captain Class Football Team

(1); Pre.sident Class (1); Track Team (1): '^"ar.sity Footliall

Team (2).

Craven. "Walter Gluyas, Bristmr.Dialectic; Class Baseball Team (l);Class Football Team (1 and 2).

Dameron, Edgar S. W., Hobton.Philanthropic; Y. M. C. A.; Inter-Society Deliater (2).

Danieels, Virgil Clay'ton Merrit.Philanthropic.

Deal, Georgio Sommersville, Franklin.IIHII_

De Lanev, James Lester U'ardlaw.Dialectic; Class Football Team (1 and 2); Y. M. C. A.

Dunn, William, Jr ^'eu• Birn.JA A'; Philanthropic: German Club; Dramatic Club; Y. M. C. A.


Editor Yackety Yack (2).


Eagles, William Wootex, Crisp.


Frost, Harry Barber Proridivcc. R. I.

Y. M. C. A.; Dialectic; Class Football Team (2).

George, Johx Francis, ^'''"' Ba-n.


Grady, Allen Wooten, Angle.

Philanthropic ; Y. M. C. A.

Graham, Xeill Ray Charlotte.

Class Team Baseball (1); Class Prophet (2).

Graham, William Archibald Warrenton.

Class Baseball Team (1).

Gregory, Fletcher Harrison, Halifax.

Z'l'\ Statistician (1); 1st Vice-President Class (1) ; Class Football

Team (1 and 2); Class Baseball Team (1).

Haigh. Severn Green Fayctteville.


Haxes, Fred Moir Win.^ton-Salem.

Dramatic Club; -M'-: II-: Gorman Chib: Captain Cla.ss Base-

ball Team (1).

Harper, Ralph Moore Kinston.

Philanthropic; Y. M. C. A.; Inter-Society Debater (1).

HicKER.soN, Thomas Fkllx Ronda.


Holt, LA^VRENCE Shackhelfdrd, .Ir Burhniiton.

A -J; Dialectic; German Club; Y. M. C. A.

Hooks. William Ed\vard Fremont.


Hoover. Homer Leach Thomasrille.

Class Football Team (1).

HdRXADAY, Junius Armixiu.s, . . .... Oakdale.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A.

Huxt. Lloyd Raixey Lexington.

hi; Dialectic: Track Team.L)(,L. \'irgil a. .J

High Point.

IIK.i; Y. M. C. A.; Dialectic; Inter-Society Debater (2).

Irwix, ,Iames Prestox Charlotte.

IIK.^: Dialectic; Track Team (1); Class Ba seball Team (1); Captain Class Football Team (2); Class Football Team (1).

James, Charlie Greenville.

't'J»; Philanthropic.

Johnston, George Anderson, Chapel Hill.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A.

Jacocks, William Picard, Windsor.

A.J; Philanthropic; 'Varsity Football (2); Declaimer Medal (1).

Jones, La\vrence Haughton, ....... Ashenlle-

HHII; Class Poet (2).

Kexax, Graham Kenansrille.

lAK; 111'; Philanthro])ic; German Club; Class Orator (1);

President Cla.ss (2 1: Y. .M. C. A.


Knox, John, Jr., .Rannleburg.Dialectic; Class P^notball Team (1 and 2) ; Y. M. C. A.

Lamb, Wilson Gray, Jr Williamston.-'.V; Philanthropic; German Club; Class Essayist (2).

Latta, Albert Whitehead, ........ Raleigh.-•V; Cierman Club; 1st Vice-Pre.«i(lent Class (1).

Lee, William Henry . Wmjnesville.<I>A»; Dialectic; Class Historian; 2n(l Vice-President Class (2);

Editor Yackety Yack (2) ; Dramatic Club.

Long, Jacob Elmer, Graham

McIver, Evaxder McNair, JonesboroDialectic ; Y. M. C. A.

McXiDER, George St. Clair, Chapel Hill.-•V; Secretary Class (1).

Mann, Wade Hampton, Saiapahaw.Dialectic ; Y. M. C. A.

Marriott, William McKim, ... . Baltimore. Md.hA.

Moore, Andrew Jackson Greenerille.UKA

; Philanthropic.

Moore, Jesse Lee Patterson.

Class Football (1) ; Scrub Football Team (2).

Moore, Leonidas John, Jr., ...... . Xeic Bern.

Morrison, Theodore Danidson, . . . . . . Asheville.lAE.

Noble, Albert Morris, Jr Selma.Philanthropic; Class Orator (2).

Noble, Robert Primrose Selma.Philanthropic; Class Football Team (1 and 2) : Class Ba.seball Team (1).

Oldham, George Willis 7>fr-

Class Ba.seball Team (1).

Osborne, Willie Ewell Green.<iboro.

Peace, Samuel Thomas 0.xford.

KA Philanthropic ; Y. M. C. A. ; Manager Class Baseball Team (1)


Class Baseball Team (1) ; Class Football Team (2) ; Captain Class

Baseball Team (2); Class Prophet (1); Secretary (2) ChampionClass Tennis Doubles (1 and 2): Editor Yackety Yack (2):

Editor Tar Heel.

Pearson, Clifton Morganton.A'lil-^ Dialectic; German Club.

Pearson, John Henry, Jr Morganton.ATil; Dialectic.

Pemberton, Edmund James, Fayetterille.

ATil; Philanthropic.

Pharr. Melborn Earl Wilkeshoro.Dialectic.

Rankin, Willie Calvin .Mlevmnee.Dialectic.

Ray, Edward ilbam:.


Robins, Sidney Swain Axheboro.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A. ; Inter-Society Debater (1) ; Editor YAfKi:-

TY Yack (2).

Ross, John William Slloam.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A. ; Scrub Football (2).

Russell, Charles Phillips RockiDf/ham.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A. ; Historical Society ; Class F"oot ball Team (2).

Sawyer, Ernest Linwood, Elizabeth Cit;/.


SiFFORD, Ernest, .......... Churlotte.

Dialectic; Mandolin Club.

Smith. BtRTOX Hoyle Charlotte.

IIh A Class Baseball Team (1).

Starxes, Braxd Ashrrille.

Dialectic ; Y. M. C. A. ; Class Football Team (1).

St.\tox, Marshall Cokb, 'Jdrbon).

Z'l; 111'; Philanthropic: (ierman Club.

Stevenson, William Hollister .^'"'• Bern.

- .\ ; German Club.

Stewart, Hamiltox \'erxox Greeii.^boro.


Suttox, Theodore Kixo Cundor.

Class Football Team (2).

Smith, Walter Lee Wiu.'iltin-Salem.

Dialectic; Cla.ss Football Team (1 and 2).

Taliaferro, Juliax Hamiltox Chdrlolle.

I'.n:; 111'; Statistician Class (2); Cerman Club (2).

Wilson, Walter Clair WiL'^cn .\Iill.<^.


Wixstead, Hexry Woodixo, I.tii!<burti.

Philanthropic: Y. M. C. A.

WiNSTOX, James Horxer, Durham./'/; Philanthropic; Manager Class Football Team (2) ; V. M. C. A.

Champion Class Tennis Double (1 and 2) ; Champion Class

Single Tennis (1 and 2); Class Team Baseball (1); Editor

Y.\CKETY Yack (2); Dramatic Club.

Yi;LVERTOX, PaliL (iald.'ibnro.

'I'JH; Class Baseball Team (1).

Statistics 2d Year Optional

Barnard, Harry Fraxklix, Franklin.

Dialectic; Y. M. C. A.

DrxHAR, Clarexce Leech rille.


JoxEs, Ale-xaxder Hamilton, ........ Acton.

/.'I': 111-. 2nd \-ice-President Class (1): Cla.ss Football Team (1).

: Y. .M. C. A.


Class Poet (1)

LoCKHART.])ial(Ttic: V. M. C. A.

Newtcin. Spruxt.I'hilanthroiiii'

Ni'Nx. Jamios Hkxrv,(iennan Clul):

OdoM. HlCLEX Ldiise,

Skix\i;r, Harrv, Jr..

I'Ai:-, (iernian Club:«.\/;.

Smith. William Hoptox, Jr.,

y-'f; German Club; Class FooTaucir. (Jkorcie Levy.Thii.MA>. (IeoRCE (ilLLETT. Jr..


Westfkldt, Fleetwood Hunt,J A/.-; HX/-; German Club.

X'ar.sity Fnotball (2).

Team (1 an:l 2).


New Bern.

Baltimore, Md.Greenville.





The Freshman Class, 1905


A. M. MrLioAN,

Fresh Class History

Dkak Mr. ICditur:

As 1 have been asked to write a history of tiie

noble class of nineteen five I will try to do so. as weall like to do as we are told.

We are glad to have a chance to tell yon what a

lireat class we are, because some people ilon't seem to

know that we are here, because they ilon't notice us,

except those horrid Sophomores, and we \\-ish they

didn't because they say we are a peter class: and wedon't think that is nice one bit.

We have been here a longtime now and we don't

get homesick much any more. We all try to look like

Cash and Cooley because they don't ever look home.sick ; they are so big and brave


When we first got here they told us the Seniors and ,Iiniiors.said that jieople shouldn't

bother us, and the Sophomores said they would not. We thought thev were mightv

nice to do that, and we really got so that we thought we hail as much right to whistle

on the Campus as anybod\'. Init they treated us horrid then, and evervbodv .said wewere fresh, so we .stoppeil.

W^e don't think it is a bit nice the way they treat us anil talk about us. We wish

they treated us Hke the girls do at the B. F. U. They kiss the new girls and are awful

nice to them. They diil start to be nice to us, the Sophomores, I mean, not the girls.

They were going to give us a watermelon feast, we only paid 25 cents apiece, but they

said some wicked Juniors stole the watermelons, so we didn't get any.

We are beginninng to like it here, though, except that sometimes some horrid Sojih-

omores, we think treat us bad and we think that Horace puts water in the milk they

feed us. And we don't like it to snow, because we are afraid to go on class, and Dr.

Alexander says we will be expelled if we don't go on class.

We like to please our teachers, and we are going to learn a whole lot and l)e great

and good men. We hope all other classes will be as nice and gentle as we are. Weare going to be kind to the new boys next year, because we believe in the golden rule,

all excejit Sturtevant and Parsons. From vour loving little friend.


The Class of 1905

Alli;\, Claudk, . ...Amkk, William (!rav,

Archicr, Jamks McAlwaixe,

I5aili:v, Frank Roskburgh,

]5aird. Thomas Carroll,

Baldwin, Kemp Leopold,

Barnhardt, Charlk>s Carroll,

]iEsT, Edward Lee,

Blackwell, Calvin Simeon, Jr.


Boone, Samuel Bell,

BowEN, .Jesse CJrav,

Brigman, Lixdo,

Britton, TiiEdDoRK (Iarfield.

Brown, Th(imas I-;dwl\,

l^RVAN, Roderick Adams,

BiRTdx. David Ranie,

Cannon, James William. Jr.,

Carr. Claidorn MacDoweli..

Cash. 7'homas Ha.miltcin.

Cathey. William Cecil.

Cheshire. John.

Cook, Marshall Edwards,

Cox, Francis Augu.stus,

Cox. John Robert.

Daniel, I^rasmus Alston. Jr.,

Da\is, Henry Wiley,

Jlmerson, Horace Mann, Jr.,

P]xuM, James Thomas.

Fawcett, Thomas Garxi:tt.

Fisher, William, Jr.,

Greensboro, N. C.

Liberty. N. C.

Monroe. N. C.

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Valle Cruces, N. C.

Grove, N. C.

Whit.'iett. N. C.

Maplerille, N. C.

Wilmington, N. C.

Bostic. N. C.

Jackson, N. C.

Pantigo. N. C.

Rockingham, A'. C.

Brthd. X. C.

Wihnini/ton. N. C.

Curtilage, N. C.

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Concord. X. C.

Durham. X. C.

Smith Grove. X. C.

Dixie, X. C.

Tarboro. X . C.

Warrenton , X. C.

Penelo, X. C.


Airlie, X. C.

Salisbury. X. C.

Wilmington, X. C.

Snow Hill. X. C.

Mount Airy. X. C.

P< nsacola. Flu.

FoGLE, Paul Ernest,

Gilmer, Joe Brauxer,

GoDBEY, Paul Stephen, .

Grant, Lemuel Clayton,

Groome. Bailey Troy,

Gudger, Hubert Barnard.

HAY^vo(JD, Hubert Benbury,

Heartt, William Alexander.

Hester, Addison Reed, .

Hicks, Oscar Vernon,

Higdon, Thomas Bragg,

Hill. Thomas.

Hill. William Poindextkr. .Jr..

Hines. Julian Colecjate. .Jr..

Hooks. Willia.m Jmjward.

Hiii>\er. Hiimku I,each. .

Howard. .Jasper \'i<t. )R.

Howard. .James William.

Howie. Sa.muel Stephen.

HowLK, Eugene I^ond,

Hud.son, Frank Simms,

Hughes, Harvey Hatcher.

Jacobs, Harry Hyman, .

Jones, Hamilton McRarv.

Jordan. Stroud.


King. Albert Hill.




]a'a. liv.rT. Krnkst Hodges.

Lewis. Henry Stuart.

Lin DAT. Jules,

Long, Irving Cone.

McAden, Thomas Cowan.


Winston-Salem. N. C.

Waynesville, A". C.

Harmony, N. C.

Wilmington. A'. C.

Chapel Hill. A. C.

A.'iheviUe. X. C.

Raleigh. A. C.

Hillsboro. A. C.

Kernersville. X. C.

Goldsboro. A. r.

Higdonrille. X. C.

Hillsboro. X. ('.

Winston-Sahin. X. C.

Morren. X. ('.

Fremont, X. C.

Thomasville. X. ('.

/\//(.S'/(l». .V. ('.

R<H'k Spriiiij. X. ('.

Monroe. X. C.

Raleigh. X. C.

Cassville. Tenn.

Grorer, X. ('.

Winston-Sahm. X . C.

Warrenton. X. C.

Caldwell In.^titutc.

Carthaqe. X. C.

Chapel Hill. X. C.

Oxford, X. C.

Aulander. X . C.

Davidson River. X . C.

I'ldiiii/ra. .\ .('.

.Jack.son. X. ('.

Greensboro. X. ('.

Ashville. X. C.

Charlotte. X. C.

Rutherjordtoii. X. C

McKay, William Mijore,

McLeax, Alfred McKetchan

McLeax, John Tyler,

McMuLLEN, Harry,

McPher.sox, Samuel,

Martix, Earle Wall,

Meare.s, Thomas Davis, Jr.,

Miller, Charles Walter,

Miller, James Clarence,

Miller, William Gray,

Mitchell. John Wat.son,

Moore, Thomas Jefferson,

Moses, Hubert Henry,

Murphey, Ja.mes,

Nichols, Austin Flint,

Nixox, Kemp Battle,

Norman, John Rice,

Orr, Nathan Jordan,

Parsons, Thomas,

Patterson, Joseph Flax.xe.

Patton, George,

Pearce, Robert Strange.

Peeler, Adam Samuel,

Perrett, Walter Kenneth,

Perry, Rex William,

Phillips, Fred, Jr.,

Philips, Henry Hyman, .

Robertson, Foye, .

Robertson, Judge Buxton,

Ross, John William,

Ross, Zone Hardy,

Ross, Otto Bescens,

Rouxtree, Louis Gustavus,

Shore, William Thomas,.

Simpson, Evander,


Norval, N. C.

Dunn. N. C.

Dunn, N. C.

Edenton. N. C.

Hodman's Mills. N. C.

Morven, N. C.

Wilmington, N. C.

Sutherlands, N. ('.

Wayncsville. N. C.

Siloam, N. C.

Winton. N. C.

Greenei'ille, N. C.

Raleigh. N. C.

Morganton. N. C.

Rnxhoro. N . C.

Liucolutnn. N. C.

Halifax, N. C.

Charlotte, N. C.

Rockingham, N. C.

New Bern, N. C.

Elan College, N. C.

Fayetterille, N. C.

Faith, N. C.

Whitsett, N. C.

Hart.'O'ille, S. C.

Tarboro, N. C.

Tarbor0. N. C.

Chapel Hill. N. C.

Hartshorn, N. C.

Siloam. N. C.

Pinkneif, N. C.

Charlotte. N. C.

Brooklyn. N. Y.

Charlotte. N. C.

Roseboro, N. C.

Clarkton, N. C.

Sloan, Charles Henry, .

Speight, Joe Powell,

Stephens, William Telfair

Sturdivant, George Oscar,

Tabor, George LeRoy,

Taliaferro, Walter Robertson, Jr..

Taylor, George Floyd, .

TowNSEND, Newman Alexander

Troy, Eugene Bumpus, .

Tyson, John Jayner,

Vaughan, John Henry,

Wade, James Lloyd,

Whitley, Wade Hampton,

Wilson, Ronald Bonar,

Wilson, John Kenyon, .

Wilson, William Miller,

Woodruff, BERRY^L\^ Kdwaru

Wright, Isaac Clark,

Worth, Henry Venahle,

Wrenn, Clement,

Yelverton, June Hugh,

Yopp, Charles Robinson.

Belmont, N. C.

Wrendale. N. C.

Raleigh, N. C.

Rushing, N. C.

Sxvain, N. C.

Charlotte, N. C.

Magnolia, X. C.

Raynhart;. S. C.

Chapel Hill. X. C.

Greenerille. X. C.

Siloam, X. C.

Dunn, X. C.

Pantigo, X. C.

Greensboro, X. C.

FMzaheth City. X. C.

Rock Hill, S. C.

Darlington. S. C.

Coharie, X. C.

Asheboi-o, X. C.

Mount Airy. X. C.

Fremont. X. C.

Wilminfitoti. X. C.

First Year Optional Students

Aycock, Frank 11\yard, .

Barnard, Harry Franklin.

Berry, Harriet Morehead,

Burns, Jerome Grindall,

Cannon, Gabriel,

Cannon, Martin Luther,

Cooley, James Pixckney,

Davis, Lorenzo Breeton,

Dunbar, Clarenck,

Edens, Clarence Morgan,

Gafford, John-.

Fremont. X. C.

Franklin, X. C.

Chapel Hill, X. C.




Cherokee, S. C.

East Bend, X. C.

Leachxnlle, X. C.

Rowland. X. C.

Wilmlnfilon. X. C.

Harrisox, Arthur Warrex.

Hester, Addisox Reed .

Irwix, Herbert,

King, Claude Herbert.

McCuBHixs, P'raxk,

Malusox, William Thomas,

MosER, Arthur Lee,

MuLLis, Greex Raymoxd,


OsHoRXE, Ephraim Brevard.

Pavxe, .James Harvey.

Peirce. Christopher Peirce.

Phi PI'S, .loK Sauxuers,

Ross. Charles,

royall. xormax xorris,

S.\tterthwait, Clement, Jr.,

Sweeney, Joseph Norcom,

AViLEY, AxxiE Shannon,

Woollen. Charles Thomas.

Flymouth. X. C.

Charlotte, X. C.

Greenville. X. C.



Hickory, X. C.

Albans, X. C.

Fremont. X. C.

Charlotte, X. C.

Chapel Hill. X. C.

Wilmington. X. C.

Greensboi-o. X. C.

Asheboro. X. C.

Florence. S. C.

Waynesville, X'. C.

Wilmington. X. C.

Salisbury. X. C.

Win!<ton-Sa!cjn. X. C.

The -School|



Fra\( !>• Pri.ston X'kxahli:. Ph.D..

Joshua W'alkkr (Iore, C.E.,



Students in the School of Mines


T[[^he Schoolo! Ipjjw


Francis Preston Vexable, Ph.D.,

Ja.mes Cameron MacRae, LL.l).,



Officers ot the Senior Class

Thaddeu.s AVixfield Jones,

Francis Asbury Gudger,

Charles Everett Thompson",

Charles Wesley Saj'P, .

(Ieorge Spe.\rs Reynolds,

Philip Hall Busbee,

Stephen Arnold Douglas,


Fir,^t Vice-President.

Second Vice-President.

Secretary and Treasurer.


Class Orator.

Class Poet.

Officers of the |unior Class

Thomas I^oftin AVright,

(Iastox Wilder Taylor,

(\v\ N'krnox Roberts,

AA'ii.LiAM Kldridge Ross,

1 )a\ id Troy Joyce,

Edward Augu.stus Hammoxd,

Julius Browx,


First 1 'ice-Presid( nt.

Second Vice-President.

Secretary and Trca.iurer.


Class Orator.

Class Pott.


Students in Law


Bu.w, Jamks Philips, S.B.. l.SOO,

Co^vPER, Guy Vernox,

Edwards, Martin Luther,

Glenn, John P'razier,

Harris, Henry S.,

Jones, Thaddeu.s Winfield, Jr.. S.H.. lOOO,

Kluttz, Whitehead,

Lane. I^iamamin Hiasun. A.H.. 1899: AM.. 1901

Nelson, Kdoar Joseph,

Reynolds, George Spears,

Rodman, Wiley' Groom,

Sapp, Charles Wesley,

Smith, David Baird, Ph.B.. 1S97,

Smith, Holland,

Smith, Walter Douolas,

Thompson, Charles I-Iverett, Ph.B., 1900.

J" nior


Barrett, Roscoe Conkling, A.B.. Wnkc Forest. 1900,

Bernard, Silas Garrett,

Brooks, Bernard Alexander,

Brown, Julius,

Brownlee, Eugene,

BusiiEE, Philip Hall, A.B., 1901,

Cocke. William .Iohnstox,

Cook. Lioox Thov,


Davis, Furman Eaves,

Dickinson, Metus Troy, A.M., Trinitfi,

Douglas, Sjephen Arnold, A.B.. Gvimirtou't). liioi,

Durham, Augustus Conn,

Ehrixghaus, Johx Christoph Blucher, A.B., 1901,

FoLGER, John Hamlin,


FuRR, Thomas Gib.sox,

GuDGER. Francis Asbury,

GwYX. James Alfred. Ph.B.. 1896,

Hammond. Edward Augustus,

Hudson. Thomas Franklin,

Hyams. William Washington,

IviE. Allan Denny,

Jar\is. Raymond Preston. S.B., Cohniihiim. '99,

Joyce. David Troy,

Land, Edward Mays. A.B.. 1899,

Lemmoxd, Reuben Weddington,

Luther. Watson Lenoir,

McLntosh, Leland Carson. A.B.. Woke Forest. 1899,

McLean, Sylvester Brown,Palmer. Jude,

PiTTiLLo, Robert Albert. A.B., Ruthirjonl. 1896,

Roberts, Guy \'ernon,

Rose, Charles Grandlson, A.B.. 1900,

Ross, AVilliam Eldridge,

Schroder, John C. I).,

Spell, Amos Purdie,

Smathers. William Frank,

Starr. Albert Luther. A.B.. I.inoir. 1896,

Taylor. Gaston Wilder,

Thompson. Dorman Steele. 1'h.B.. 19(J1,

Watson. Xeil McKay,WooDALL. James Lynn,

WooTEN, Frank Marion,

Wright. Thomas Loftin. S.li.. 1897.

The SchoolOF Medicine


P'raxcis Preston Vexablk, Ph.D., President.

Richard Hexrv Whitehead, AB.. M.D., Dean of the Department ot Chapel Hill.

Dean of the Department at Raleigh.Hubert Ashley Rovster, A. P., M.I).

Officers of the Class of

The Medical Class of 1902

Alexander. Ebkx, Jr

Ai,i;.\AM)KR, K. G..

Basnicht. T. G.,

Battle, T. P..

CouxciL. W. W..

Flemixc, M. S..

Gkahanl a. W..

Graha.\l 1). S.,

Guthrie, M. C..

Hall. J. K., .

Holt, T. J.,

LoWKRV, J. R,.

Orr. C, C,

Orr, X. A.,

Sharpe. F. L.,

Stanley. J. H.,

Ward. .1. E., .

Chapel HUl.



Rocky Mount.








L ounty Line.




Four Oaks.


The Medical Class of 1903

Best, J. H.,

BOxNXER. K. P. B.,

Brooks. B. l'..

CnoK, (). IL,


CoPPEDGE, T. 0..

Cranmer, J. B.,

Crumplkr, J. M..

DiMMITTE, .1. A..


Donnelly. John,

Farrar. M. K..

Fenner, E. F.,

Floyd, J. L.,

Fuller, R. R..

Gibson, J. S..

Gibson, M. R..

Harper, .J. H.,

Harrison. H. H.,

Herrino, R. a..

Hewitt. .1. H..

Hovis. L..

Johnson. L. F..

Kafer, O. O..

Moore. C. E.,

Moore, J. X.,

Murphy. W. A..

Xewell. L. B.,

Xdrman. J.,

Parker, J. W..

Plummer, a. L..

Pritchard, a. T.,

Ross, J. K.,

Stevens, R. S.,

Stone, J. A.,

Saunders, J. H.,

Steinen, E. von den.

Stringfield, S. L.,

Sutton, C. W.,

Spruill, F. W.

Webb, L. S.,

Wyatt. J. L.

of c.)l2SvPins^ey ^


Francis Prkston V'enablk, Ph.D., .

Edward Vernon Howell, A.B., Ph.G..



Class Officers

Page, Benjami.n Franklin.

McKesson, Walter Louis,

King, Harris Lewter, .

Fox, LuDOLPH Glenn,

RHODf:s, Thomas Floyd,



Secretary and Treasurer.



Class of 1902

Ahrens, a. G., Greene, J. G.,

Bolton, J. C, Hudson, J. E.,

Bitting, N. D., McDonald, A. M.

BuLLucK, D. A., McNeil, G. M.,

Fox, D. G., Page, B. F.,

Callaway, C. E., Trotter, L.,


Class of 1903

Barnes, E. W., McKesson, L. W.

Barnes, H. A., Moore. W. C.,

Bear, M., Patthrson, A.,

Cochran, G. T., Perry, A\'. M.

Earl, O. P., Rhodes, T. F.,

Gl'lick, ,I. W., Rowland, .J. W.

King. }i- L.. Rice, W. C.

Short, F. B.

The Summer School


FRAXCI8 Prestox Vexable, Ph.D.,Marcus Cicero Stephexs \oble.



Students in

Alexaxder, Margaret. .

Bagby, Bulus,Bagby, Irak Maie.Ball, L. W..Barrett, Roscoe G..

Basox, Mary C,Berwick, Allex I.,

Bi.sHop, A. H.,

Blair, Axxa M.,

Bradle. Emma,Broadhurst, Edgar 1)..

Br(>gdex, W. J.,

BuRtiE.ss. Julia E.,

Chambers, Woodfix A.. .

Cheshire, Elizabeth Toole,Cheshire, Kate,Clark, Joaxna.CoHX, Emma E..

CuTHBERTsox, Daisy.Carsey, Mary C, .

Davi.s, R. I.,

Devereux, L. M.,

DOCKERY, FraXCES.Do\\D, (). W..Duxlap, Mamie,Fawcette, L.\ura,

FousT. Thomas R.,

Gray, Mixxie G.,

Hardixg, H. p..

Heath, Mollie H., .

Hexdersox, Katherixe M..

Hill, A. BHOLEMAX, HaLLIE.HoLLAXD, Mrs. Hughes,Mortox, Bessie M.,Howie, S. SHume, Mary G.,

Hutchisox, Sudie a.,

Irelaxd, Etta,Jenkixs, F, p..

Jerkixs, Mrs. Su.sax C.

the Summer School

Chapel Hill.







Thomasinlle, Ga.Raleigh.














Neir Bern.


Netr Bern.

New Bern.


Rockingham.Durham.Neir Bern.


Monroe.Chapel Hill.




Neir Bern.

JoH-xsox. Mary 1'..

JoNAfS, C. A.,

JoHxsnx. K. M.,

Jones, Mrs. AV. Y..

Lambeth. Jilia R..

Laxe, B. B..

Lane, Lila,

Laxe, W, C,Lawrexce, E. B.,

LadleY, Charles W.,LiCHTEXTHALER, RdHERT W.,

L(A\-RY, A. W.,McC'lixtock, Jaxie P.,

McIXTOSH, L. C,McKi.MMox, Kate, .

McLeax, John Alexaxder,McNeilly, Lee,MacRae, Fraxcis. .

Maxgu.m, a. W.,Marsh, Mary W.Matthews. Katherixe. .

Middletox, Stella E.,

Miller. Hexdersox H.. .

MoiiDY, Mary,Nash, Sri:.

Newu(ild. X. C,OsBORXi:, .Josephine A., .

Pa.steur, Mariax a.,


Prhhard, Mrs. Rosa Halt,Reddlxg, Florence,Redford. Mattie.Roberts. .1. W.. ,Ir.,

RoBERTsox, Ella M.,

Sheep, S. L..

SxHTH, Hexry Brower,Smith, Louis Herbert, .

S.MiTH, Thomas Harley, .

Stafford, Susie,

Stallixc;, Ma(;(;ie,

Staxijack, Mrs. Ma.mie T.,

Strowd, Thomas W.,Taylor, Martha Rodema.Teasley. Bessie A..

TiLLETT. ,J. A..

Trotter. Miss Axnie,Tucker, Mahel Reade,Watsox, I'^leaxor, .

Whitaker, Myrtle M..

Whitaker. Sallie Pickett.



SummemUe.Morehead C'itfi.

Bynum.Chapel Hill.

Mt. Vernon Springs.



Baltimore. Md.Winsioii-Salem.

Union. S. C.






Chapel Hill.

Chapel Hilt.


New Bern.

Warsan:Mt. Plea.sinnt.





Ocala. Fla.


Smith field.


Chapel Hill.


Elizabeth Citij.






Sanford.Chapel Hill.




Bethel Hill.






A?-THUTl WORTH UARfll&OH . 1905

Delta Kappa Epsilon

Founded 1 844, at Yale


Crinison, JMuc and Gold.

Fraternity Journal: The Delta Kappa Epsilon Quarterly.

Roll of Active Chapters

Phi. Yale Inivensitv, 1S44Theta. Bowdciin College, 1844Xi, Colby University. 1845Sigina, Aniher.st College, 1846

Gamma, X'anderbilt University, 1846

Psi, Univensity of Alabama, 1847

Upsilon, Hrown University, 18.50

Chi, University of Mississippi, 1850

Beta, University of North Carolina, 1851

Eta, University of Virginia, 1852Kap])a, Miami University, 1852J>anil)da, Kenvon College. 1852Pi, Dartmouth College," 18.5.3

Iota, Central Universitv of Kentuckv,1854

Aljiha Alpha, Middlebury College, 1854( >mifron, I'niversity of Michigan, 1855l'43silon. Williams College, 1855Rho, Lafayette College. 18.55

Tau. Hamilton College, 1856

Mu, Colgate Universitv, 1856Nu, College of the City of New York, 1856Beta Phi, University of Rochester, 1856Phi Chi, Rutgers College, 1856Psi Phi, De Pauw University, 1866Gamma Phi, Wesleyan University, 1867Psi Omega, Rensselaer Polvtechnic Institute, 1867Beta Chi, Adelbert College! 1868Delta Chi, Cornell University, 1870Delta Delta, Chicago University, 1876Phi Gamma, Syracuse University, 1871


Gamma Beta, Columbia College, 1874Theta Zeta, University of California, 1S76Alpha Chi, Trinity College, 1879Phi Epsilon, Universit^ of Minnesota,

1880Sigma Tail, Massachusetts Institute

of Technology, 1890

Tau Lambda, Tulane University, 1899Alpha Phi, University of Toronto, 1900Delta Kappa, University of Pennsyl-

vania, 1900Tau Alpha, McGill University, 1901Sigma Rho, Leiand Stanford Universitv,


Alumni Associations

Delta Ka])pa I'^jjsilon Clul) of New York City

Delta Kapjsa I<]psilon Association of New EnglandThe Northwestern Association of Delta Kap])a Ejjsilon

Delta Kappa Ep.silon Association of Detroit

Delta Kappa Epsilon Association of the Pacific Coast

Delta Kappa Ep.silon Association of WashingtonDelta Kappa Epsilon Association of Rhode Island

Delta Kappa Epsilon Association of Buffalo

Delta Kappa Epsilon Association of Kentucky

Delta Kappa Epsilon Association of Cleveland

Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of the Northwest

Eastern New York Association of Delta Kajjpa


Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of Rochester

Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of Connecticut

Missis.sippi Valley Alumni Association of Delta Ka])pa p]psilon

Chattanooga Southern Association of Delta Kappa Epsilon

Western Michigan Association of Delta Kappa Epsilon

Harvard Association of Delta Kappa Epsilon

Delta Kappa Epsilon Association of Central New ^'ork

Indiana Delta Kappa Ep.silon

Mountain Association of Delta Kappa Ep.silon

Western Massachusetts Delta Kappa Epsilon Alumni A.ss'tion

Wisconsin Alumni Association of Delta Kappa Epsilon

Delta Kappa Epsilon Association of Central Tennessee

Delta Kappa Epsilon

Beta Chapter

Established 1851

Frater in Urbe

Edavari) Warrkx .Mykrs, A.B., 1895.

Fratres in Facilitate

Fraxcis Prestox \'kxakle Ph.D., I'resitlentof the I'niversity,

Charles Baskerville, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry.Palmer Coish, Instniotor in Modem Languages.

Fratres in Universitate

Post (jraduate

JoHX Christdph Blucher Ehrixghaus, Metrah Makely, ,Jr.

Class ot T902

Brkxt Skixxek Draxe.

Class of 1 9oji

Ri)I!ERT CilLLL\M LassITER, HaZEL HoLLAXD,Joseph Buxx Ramsey.

Class of 1904

FLEfiTwooD Hunt Westfeldt, ^^ILEIAM Duxx, Jr..

George C!illett Thomas, Jr.

LawWiley Croom Rodmax, Stephex Arn'old Douglas,George Lumpkix Cuxxixgham, Fraxk Marion Wooten.


Joseph Hurrard Sauxders.

Beta Theta Pi

Eta Beta Chapter

Founded in 1S52, as Star of the South Seven Fraternity; Consolidated

with Beta Theta Pi, 1889

Prater in Urbe

Rev. William H. Meade. D.U.

Frater in Facultate

Alvix Sawyer Wheeler.

Active Members


James Alfred Gwvx. William Wa.shington Hyams.

Francis Asburv Gudger.


Arthur Thomas Pritchard, Henry Hill Harrison.


Charles Ernest Gallaway'.


Herbert Irwin.

Class of 1903

James Jackson Nichols, Gaston Gilbert Gallawav.

Class of 1904

Jere Ellis Cocke, Lawrence Hacghton Jones,

George Somersville Deal.

Beta Theta Pi

Founded at Miami College, 1839

Chapter Roll

Eta. Harvard

Upsilon, Boston

Beta Iota. Amherst

Nil Epsilon. Wesleyan

Beta Sigma. Bowdoin

Beta Delta, Cornell

Beta Zeta. St. Lawrence

Xii. Union

Beta Eta. Syraeiise

Ali)ha Sipna. Dickinson

Phi, Pennsylvania

Beta Chi. Lehigh

Eta Beta. North Carolina

Phi Alpha, Davidson

Beta Beta, Missis-sippi

Beta (Jmicron. Texas

Beta Xn, Cincinnati

Beta Kai)pa. ( )hio

Psi, Bethany

Alpha ]'2ta, Deni.son

Beta Alpha, Kenyon

Beta I'si. West X'irginia

Pi, Indiana

Iota, Hanover

Alpha Xi. Knox

Kappa, Brown

Beta Eta, Maine

Alpha Omega. Dartmouth

Phi Chi. Yale

Beta Gamma, Rutgers

Sigma, Stevens

Beta Theta. Colgate

Al|)ha Al]iha. Coliunbia

( lamnia. Washington-Jefferson

Alpha Chi. .Johns Hopkins

Alpha I'psilon. Pennsylvania State


Zeta. Haniiiden-Siilni'v

(Jniicron, \'irginia

Eta. Centre

Beta Laniinla. Xaiiderliilt

Alpha, Miami

Beta, Western Reserve

Theta, Ohio Wesleyan

Alpha Clamma. Wittenburg

Alpha Lamhda. Wooster

Theta Delta. Ohio State

Delta, De Pauw

Tau, Wabash

Lanitxla. Michigan

Alpha Beta, Iowa Chi, Beloit

Alpha F-psilon, Iowa Wesleyaii Laiiilida Rho, Chicago

Kho, Xortli "Western Aljjha Pi, Wisconsin

Alpha Delta, 'Westnunster Beta Pi, Minnesota

Alpha Zeta, Denver Alpha Xu, Kansas

Zeta Phi, Mi.ssouri Alpha Tau, Nebraska

Omega, California lieta Tau, Coloradi)

Alpha Iota, Washington Lambda Sigma, Leland Stanford

Beta Omega, Washington State Alpha Xu, Stanford

Alumni C'-hapters

Akron. O. Aslieville. X. C. Boston, Ma.ss.

Charleston. W. Va. Chicag.i. 111. New York City.

Cincinnati. (). Cleveland. O. Cohuulnis. ().

Denver. Culo. Gale.sburg. 111. Hamilton. O.

Indiana])olis, Ind. Kansas Citw .Mo. Los Angeles. Cal.

Memphis. Tenn. ]\Iiami Count\-. O. Milwaukee. Wis.

Minneapolis. Mimi. Xashvillc. Tenn. Philad(>lphia. I'a.

Pittsburg. Pa. Portland, Me. Provi<lence. ]{. I.

St. Louis, Mo. San Antonio, Texas. San Francisco, Cal.

Sioux City, la. Springfielil. ( ). Syracuse, X. Y.

Terre Haute, Ind. Toledo, O. Washington. D. C.

Wheeling, W. \'a. Zanesville. ().


Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Founded at the University ot Alabama, in 1856

Colors Publications(Jld (Idlil ami I'ur]ile. The Record anil Phi Alpha (Secret).

Province AlphaI'niversity of Maine (Maine Alpha), Orona, Maine.Boston University (Massachusetts Beta-Upsilon), Boston, Ma.ss.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachu.setts lota-Tau), Boston, Mass.Harvard University (Massachusetts Gamma), Cambridge, Mass.AVorccster Pol^'technic Institute (Massachusestt Delta), Worcester, Ma.ss.

Province BetaCornell Univer.sity (New York .\lpha), Ithaca, N. Y.Columbia University (New York Mu), New York, X. Y.

St. Stephen's College (New York Sigma-Phi). Annandale-on-Hudson, X. Y..\lleghenv College (Pennsvlvania Omega), Meadville, Pa.

Dickinsoii College (Pennsvlvania Sigma-Phi), Carlisle, Pa.

I'ciiiisyh'ania State College (Pennsylvania Alpha Zeta), State College. Pa.

Hucknell University (Pennsylvania Zeta), Lewisburg, Pa.

Gettysburg College (Pennsylvania Delta), Gettysburg, Pa.

University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Theta), Philadel])hia, Pa.

Province GammaUniversity of A'irginia (\"irginia ()niicron), Charlottesville. \'a.

Washington and Lee University (\'irginia Sigma), Lexington, \'a.

Univer.sity of Xorth Carolina (.\orth Carolina Xi), Chapel Hill, X. C.

Davidson College (Xorth Carolina Theta), Davidson College. X. C.

Wofford College (South Carolina Gamma), Spartanburg, S. C.

University of Georgia, (Georgia lieta), Athens, Ga.Mercer University (Georgia Psi), Macon, Ga.I'juory College (Georgia Epsilon), Oxford, Cia.

Georgia School of Technology (Georgia Phi), .\tlanta. Ga.

Province DeltaUniversity of Michigan (Michigan Iota-Beta), Ann .-^rlior, Mich.

.•\drian College (Michigan Alpha), Adrian, Mich.

Mt. Union College (Ohio Sigma), Alliance, ( )hio.

Ohio Wesleyan University (Ohio Delta), Delaware. Ohio.

University of Cincinnati (Ohio Hpsilon), Cincinnati, Ohio.

Ohio State University (Ohio Theta), Columbus, t)hio.

Franklin College (Indiana Alpha), Franklin, Indiana.

Purdue University (Indiana Beta), Lafayette, Indiana.

Northwestern University (Illinois Psi-Omega), Kvanston, 111.

University of Illinois (Illinois Beta), Urhana. 111.

Province Epsilon

Central University (Kentucky Kappa), Richmond. Ky.Bethel College (Kentucky Iota), Russellville, Ky.Kentucky State College (Kentucky Kp.silon). Lexington, Ky.Southwestern Presbyterian University (Tennes.see Zeta), Clarksville. Tenn.Cumberland University (Tennes-see Lambda), Lebanon. Tenn.Vanderbilt L'niversity (Tennessee Nu), Nash\'ille, Tenn.L'niversity of Tennessee (Tennes.see Kappa), Knoxville, Tenn.University of the South (Tennessee Omega), Sewanee, Tenn.Southwestern Baptist University (Tennessee Eta), Jackson. Tenn.University of Alabama (Alabama Mu), Univer.sity, Ala.

Southern L'niversity (Alabama Iota). Greensboro. Ala.

Alabama Polytechnic Institute (Alabama Alpha-Mu). Auburn. .\la.

Province Zeta

Lniversity of Mi.ssouri (Mi.ssouri Alpha). Columbia. ^lo.

Washington University (Missouri Beta). St. Louis, Mo.University of Nebraska (Nebraska Lamlxla), Lincoln, Xeb.University of Arkan.sas (Arkan.sas Alpha-l'p.silon), Fayctteville, .Ark.

Province EtaUniversity f)f Colorado (Colorado Clii). Boulder, Col.

Denver L'mversity (Colorado Zeta), I)en\er, Col.

Leland Stanford. Jr., University (California Alpha), Palo .Alto, Cal.

University of California (California Beta), Berkeley, Cal.

Province ThetaLouisiana State University (Louisiana l^isilon). Baton Rouge, La.

Tulane University (Loui.'^iana Tau-U]isilon). New Orleans. La.

Univer.sity of Mississippi (Mississi])pi Oamnia), University, Mi.ss.

University of Texas (Texas Rho). .Austin. Texas.

Alumni Associations

Boston. Ma.ss.,

Atlanta, Ga.,

AlUance, Ohio.,

Chattanooga, Tenn.

Greenville, S. C.Cleveland, Oliio.,

Worcester. Ma.ss.,

Birmingham. Ala.,

Louisville. Kv..

New ^'ork City.

Augusta, Ga.,

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jack.son, Miss.,

Knoxville, Temi.,

New Orleans, La..

San Franci.sco. Cal.

Denver, Col..

Macon, C!a.,

Pittsl)urg. Pa.,

Savannah. Ga.,

Chicago, 111.,

Kan.sas City, Mo.,

Detroit, Mich..

Washington, D. C.

St. Louis. Mo.,

Wilmington, N. C.

North Carolina Xi Chapter

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Established, 1857; Suspended, 1S62 ; Reestablished, 1886

Fratres in Facilitate

F.DWARD \'i;rx()\ Hi i\\ 1:1,1,. Ph.G.. AAi..

J-^DWARD Kidder Graham, 1'h.B., '08.

Clarence Albert Shore, IIS.. '01.

Fratres in Universitate


Jame.s Philips Henx. K.S.. '99,


Euex Alexander, .Jr.. .\,H.. '01.

Sameei. Laxair Strincfield,

Class of 1902

RoliERT StEART HlTCHISDX,Fred Hexrv Le.mlv.

R EST( )X Stevexs( I.X,

Class of 190;;

(Jraham Harris Axdrews. \\'ii.lis (


iter Heard.Greex Ram.sey Berkeley. Bartholomew Fuller Huske,Curtis Ashley Byxum. ,Iohx Hexry McAdex, Jr..

MiLTox Calder, James Battle Thorp.Wilijam .Ioxes Gordox, Ja.mes Samuel Whitehead,

Class of 1904

Tho.mas Settle Beall, (!raham Kexax,Addisox Gorgas Brexizer, Theodore Davidsox Morrisox,Albert Lymax Cox, Harry Skixxer, Jr,,

Fred ^Ioir Haxes, Juliax Hamiltox Taliaferro.

Summer Session

Ar(^hibald Currie.

Zeta Psi

Founded in 1846 at the University of the City of New York



Roll of Active Chapters

I'hi, riiiv('rsit>" of Cit\- of New ^Drk.

Zeta. Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts.

Delta, Rutgers College, New Brunswick. New Jersey.

Sigma, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Chi, Coll)\- rni\-<'r.sity, Waterville, Maine.

Ep.siIon. Brown I'mversity, Providence, Rhode Island.

Kappa. Tufts College. College Hill. Mass.

Tan. Lafayette, ]']aston, Penn.

rpsilon. I'niver.'^ity (}f North Carolina. Chapel Hill. N. C.

Xi. I'niversity of Michigan. Ann Arbor. Michigan.

Lambda. Bowdoin College. Brun.swick. Maine.

Beta. University of Mrginia, Charlottes\-ille. \'a.

Psi. Cornell Univer.sity. Ithaca. N. Y.

Iota, L'niversity of Cahfornia, Berkeley, Cal.

Theta Xi, University of Toronto, Toronto, (Jntai'io.

Alpha, Columbia College. New York City.

Alpha Psi, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

Nu, Case School of AppUed Sciences. Cleveland. Ohio.

Eta, Yale University. New Haven. Connecticut.

Mu. Leland Stanford I'niver.sity. Palo Alto. California.

Alpha Beta. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minn.

Alumni Associations

Central Asscciatidii of Zeta P.si. 8 Wot 20th Street. New ^'ork City.

Pacific A.ssociatioii of Zeta P.si. 310 Pine Street. San Francisco. Cal.

Northwestern As.sociation of Zeta P.si, 306 Opera House Block, Chicajic

Capital Association of Zeta Psi. 8 Iowa Circle. Washington. 1). C.

Philadelphia Association of Zeta Psi. 2)07 Walnut Street. PJiiladelpliia.

Upsilon Chapter

Kstablished 1858. Suspended 1868. Reorganized 1885

Chapter Color


Frater in Facilitate

Chari,i;s Staples Mamiiai. I'li.l-!.. M.l ).

Class of 1901

Phii.ii' Haij. lirsiiKK, Aldicrt S.mkdks R(jot.

Class of 1902

ALiiERT .Marvin Carr. J(>^^l;l>H Hlouxt Chkshirk. Jr..

IvKY Forkmax Lkwis, Quextin Crecory.

Class of 190']

Wjlliam Frederick Carr, Ja.mes J.athkdp Moreheau,Henry (Iray Tirxer. Thomas Lexoir Gwyx.

Whefee Hill Welb. Alfred Williams Haywood.Lnns Craves,: ];arle Pendleton Holt.

Class of 1904

Marshall Conn Staton, .Iames Horner Winston,Alexander FIamii.ton .Tones. Fletchpir Harrison Gregory,

\\'lLLIAM HoI'TdX SMriH.


Alpha Tau Omega

Chapter Roll

Province I : Alabama and Georgia

Alabama Alpha Iqisilon, A. and M. College, Auburn.

Alabama Beta Beta, Southern University, GreenslK^ro.

Alabama Beta Delta, Uni\ ersity of Alabama, Tuskaloosa.

CJeorgia Alpha Beta, University of Georgia, Athens.

Georgia Alpha Theta, Emory College, Oxford.

Georgia Al])ha Zeta, Mercer Univer.sity, Macon.

Georgia Beta Iota, School of Technology, Atlanta.

Province II: California, Colorado, Louisiana and Texas

California Gannna Iota, University of California, Berkeley.

Colorado Gamma Lambda, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Louisiana Beta Ep.silon, Tulane University, New Orlean.s.

Te.xas Ganuna Eta, I'nivcrsity of Texas, Austin.

Province III: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Nebraska

Illinois Gamma Zeta, University of Illinois, Champaign.

Indiana Gamma (ianuna. Polytechnic Institute. Terre Haute.

Michigan Alpha Mu, Adrian College, Adrian.

Michigan Beta Kajjpa, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale.

Michigan Beta Omicron, Albion College, Albion.

Nebraska Gamma Theta, I'niversity of Nebraska. Lincoln.

Kan.sas Alpha Beta, I'niversity of Kansas. Lawrence.

Province IV: Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and \'ermont.

Maine Beta Up.silon, Univer.sity of Maine, Orono.

Maine Gamma Alpha, Colby College, Watcrville.

Massachusetts Gamma Beta, Tufts Ciill(>g(\

Rhode Island Ganmia Delta, Brown Uiiivcrsit}-, Pro\idence.

A'erniont Beta Zeta. Uni\('i-sit\- of \'ci-iiiont, liurliiiuton.

Province V: New York and Pennsylvania

New York Alpha Oiiiicron, St. Lawrence University, Canton.Xew York Alpha Lamhila, Columbia University, Xew York.Xew York Beta Theta. Cornell University, Ithaca.

Penn.sxlvania Alpha Iota. ^luhlenberg College. Allentown.Pennsylvania Alpha Upsilon. Penn.sylvania College. Gettysburg.

Penn.sylvania Alpha Pi, W. A* J. College, Washington.Penn.><ylvania Tau. University of Penn.sylvania. Philadelphia.

Province VI : North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia

North Carolina Alpha Delta. University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill

North Carolina Xi. Trinity College. Durham.South Carolina Beta Ni. College of Charleston.

\"irginia Delta, University of \'irginia, Charlottesville.

Province \"II: Ohio

( >hio Alpha Nu. ]\It. Union College. Alliance.

Ohio Alpha Psi. Wittenberg College. Springfield.

Ohio Beta l^ta, Wesleyan University-, Delaware.( )hio Beta Mil, Wooster University, Wooster.( )hio Beta ( )niega. State University. Columbus.( )hio (lanima Kapjia, Western Reserve University. Cleveland.

Province VI II : Tennessee

Tenne.ssee Alpha Tau, S. W. Pres. University. Clarksville.

Tennessee Beta Pi. \'aiiderliilt University, Nashville.

Tennessee Beta Tan, S. W. Bajjtist University, Jackson.

Tennessee Lambda, Cumberland College, Lebanon.Teiniessee Omega, University of the South, Sewanee.Tennes.see Pi, Universitv of Tennes.'iee. Kno.wille.

City and State Alumni Associations

Allent<iwn .\lnnini .\ssociation. .\o. !l South .5th St., .\llento\vn. Pa.

Augusta Ahiiniii .Association. .Augusta. Ca.Birmingham .-Mumni Association. Montgomery-. Ala.

Pxtston Alumni Association, Lexington. Mass.

Chicago Alumni As.soeiation, Chicago, 111.

Cle\eland Alumni As.soeiation. Cleveland. ( i.

Dallas Alunuii A.ssociation, Dallas, Texas.Dayton Alumni .Association. Dayton. O.

District of Columbia -Alumni A.ssociation. AVashington, D. C.

fJeorgia Alumni A.ssociation, Atlanta, (la.

Louisville Alumni A.s.sociation. Louisville, Ky.New York Alumni A.ssociation, 149 Broadway. New York City.

Pittsburg Alumni A.s.sociation, Pittsburg, Pa.

Tennessee .Alumni .Association. 229 North College Street, Nashville.

Texas Alumni .Association, Dallas, Texas.


Alpha Delta Chapter Alpha Tau Omega

Kstablished 1879

Colors Flower01(1 Cu .1. 1 aiK 1 Sky 15luc. White Tea Pxise.

Fratres in Facilitate

Thomas Ruffix. Joskph Hvdk Pratt.

Fratres in Urbe

R. S. McRak, .Iamks C. .M(1!ak. Jr.

Fratres in Universitate


f!i;()]!(iK Chadi!(UR\.

Class of 1902

Tud.MAs C. Worth.

William F. Stafford. Hi;\rv P.. Siiorn'. Jr.

Class of 1 903

Prkstox Cr.MMixt;, Jr..

JoHX R. fliLKs. JU-RKi; H. Hriikiers.


Edmuxd J. Pemi!i:rtox, Cliftox Pkarsox,

Sevkrx C. Haich, Jonx H. Pkarsox, Jr.


Kappa Alpha (Southern)

Founded at Washington and Lee University, 1865.


01(1 CuM anil Crini.'^oii.


Kappa Alpha Journal anil Special Mcsst iii/cr (Seci'ot.)

Roll of Active Chapters

Al]iha, Washiii.utiin and Lee riiivci-sity, Lcxiiiiitini. ^a.

tiainiua, L'niversity of Georgia, Athens, (la.

Delta, Wofford College, S])artanburg, S. C.

l-^psilon, ]-jn(jry College, ()xforil, (!a.

Zeta, Randoljih-Macon College. Asliland. \'a.

]",ta. Richmond College. Riehinond, \a.

Theta. Kentneky State College. Lexington, Ky.

Ka]i]ia. Mereer Uniyersity, Macon, Cia.

Lanil)da, University of Mrginia. Charlottesville. \'a.

Xu, Polytechnic Institute. A. i\: M. College, Auburn. Ala.

Xi. Southwestern l"ni\ersity. Ceorgeto\vii, Texa.s.

(hnicron. University of Texas. Austin, Texas.

Pi. Universit}- of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.

Sigma, Davidson College. Mecklenburg Count}-, X. C.

Upsilon, University of Xortli Carolina, Chapel Hill, X. C,

Phi, Southern University, Oi-eensijoi-o, Ala,

Chi, Vanderbilt University. Xashville, Tenn.

Psi. Tulaiic University, Xcw Orleans, La.

( )niega. Centre C'lJleoe, Danville, Ky.

Alpha-.AJpha. University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.

Alpha-Beta, I'niversity of Alaliania. University, Ala.

Alpha-Gamma, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.

Al])ha-r)elta, ^^illiam Jewell College, Liljerty, Mo.

Alpha-Kpsilon, S. W. P. University, Clarksville. Tenn,

Alpha-Zeta, William and .Mary College, Williamsburg, Va,

Alpha-IJa, We.stiiiin.ster College, Fulton, Mo,

Aljiha-Theta, Kentneky Univei'sity, Lexington, Ky,

Aljjha-Iota. Centenary College, Jaekson, La.

Alpha-Kajipa. Missouri State University. Columbia. Mo.

Alpha- Lambda, .lohns Plopkins University, Baltimore. Md.

Alpha-.Mn, .Mill.saps College. Jaek.son, Mi.ss.

Alpha-Xn. Colnmbian Universit\', Washington, 1). C.

.\lpha--\i. University of California, lierkeley. Cal.

Alpha-( »microii. Univer.sity of Arkan.sas, Fayetteville, .\rk.

.\lpha-l'i. Lelaml Stanford, .Ji'.. University. Stanford University, P. ()., Cal

Alpha-Rlio, University of West \'irginia, .Morganstown, W. \"a.

Alpha-Sigma. Georgia School of Teehnology, Atlanta. Ga.

Alpha-Tan. Ham])(len-Sidney College, Ham]3den-Sidne\-, \a.

Al]3ha-Upsilon, Univei'sity of Mississip])i, Unix'ersity. Mississippi.

-M]dia-]*hi. Trinity College. Durham, X, C.


Upsilon Chapter

Kappa Alpha

Fratres in Facilitate

J. W, Cdui;. C.i:.. K. H. Whitehkad, M.D.

Fratres in Universitate

LawGeorge A'erxon CmvPER,

James Roscirs Mitcheel,

]''d\VARD MaYII J,AM).



Leone Blrxs Xew ele.


Dan II) Archie Ik'EEUf k.


Class of 1903

James Wiley Horxer,

]5i"RGEs Urqi-hart, .Jr.,

Fraxcis 8vl\'ester Hassele.

Class of I 904

Samuel Thomas Peace. ^^ILLIAM I'li ard Jacocks.

Lawrexce Shackleford Holt,

"William ^It Kim ^Iarriott, Lloyd Raixey Huxt.


Alumni Chapters

.Xdi-I'olk, Va., Richmond, Va., New York Citv.

Kak'ish, X. C. Macon. Ga., Mohik', Ala..

DaHa.'^. Tex.. Franklin, La.. Lexington. Kv.,

IVtensburf;-. \'a.. Talladega. Ala., St. I^oui.s. Mo.,

San Francisco, Cal., Alexandria, La., .Jackson, Miss.,

Atlanta. (\ii.. Hampton. Xewport Xcws. \'a.. Cliattanf)oga. Tcnn

Montgonierv. Ala., Angu.sta. Ga., Stannton. \'a..

Jack.sonville, Fla., Meridian. Mis.s.

State Associations

Kappa Alpha State Association of Mis.souri.—C. T. Jackson. President: L D.

Mullinax, Secretary and Treasnrer; G. M. Christian. Historian.

Ka]i|)a Alpha State Association of Georgia—Julian B. McCurrv. President: P..

L. Crew, Mce-President ; W. G. Solomon, Secretary: G. 1). Blomit. Treasurer.

Kappa Alpha State Association of Kentucky—R. C. Stoll. President: W. ().

Sweeny. Mce-President : Xathan Elliott, Secretary; "William C. Smith. Treasurer.

Kappa Alpha State Association of Alabama—J. A. Henderson, President: J.

H. Skeggs. Nice-President : J. B. Farrior, Secretary.

Kappa Alpha State Association of Xorth Carolina—H. A. Foushee, President:

C. M. Cooke. Jr.. \ice- President : dc Roulhac Hamilton, Secretary; R. S. McGeachy.


chapter Secretaries

>4 W. J. Turner, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, \a.I' Ralph A. Graves, Kappa Alpha House, Universitv of Georgia. Athens, Ga.J A. E. Law, Kappa Alpha Cottage, Wofford College, Spartanburg. S. C.

/^ Carlisle Hixtox Lewis, Emory College, Oxford, Ga.

•^ R. K. Mortox, Kappa Alpha Hou.se, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, \'a.

// .JoHX B. SwARTWouT, Richmond, ^'a.

>-' Hugh Wood, Lexington, Ky./' Boyd Morri.s, Mercer Univer.sity, Macon, Ga.

^ A. S. BuFORD, .Jr., University of \'irgiiiia, Charlottesville, Va.-V W. W. Dixsmore, Kappa Alpha Hou.se. Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Au-

burn, Alabama.

- T. S. Barcus, Kajjpa Alpha House, Southwestern I'niver.sity, (ieorgetown,


" A\'iLLis Keller. University Hall. Au.stiii. Tex.

'' S. Bartow Strang, Univer.sit.v of Tennes.see, Knox\ille, Tenn.- H. A. Johnston, Davidson College, Davidson, N. C.

I' ]). Archie Bulluck, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.'/' Robert E. Ses.sioxs, Kappa Alpha House, Southern Univer.sitv, Circen.s-

boro. Ala.

\ Taul B. Kern. KaiJi)a Alpha Hou.-^e. X'anderiiilt fniversity. Nashville, Tenn.'/ R. H. Plaisance, Jo.sephine and Brainard Street.s. New Orleans, La.

i-< tRiE W. Long, Centre College, Danville, Ky.

^-^ ^^'. K. \\'hkless. Ka])pa Alpha House. L'niversity of the South. Sewanee,


^-/>' Henrv p. White, University of Albania, University, Ala.

^-^' Fred. Ratzburg, Kappa Alpha House, Louisiana State l'niversity. BatonRouge, La.

-UJ Charles Hughes, William .Jewell College. Liberty, Mo.^-l' Byron J^reard, Southwestern Presbyterian University, Clarksville, Tenn.A-/. ]], Randolph Bird, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.

^-11 R. S. Branch, We.stminster College, Fulton, Mo.Uw Matt. S. Walton, Jventucky University, I^exington, Ivy.

U/ Charles A. Holcombe, Centenary College, .Jack.son, La.

•U/i Carter Alexander, Mis.souri State University, Columliia. Mo.

U I J-;d\vin T. Dickerson. Kappa Alpha Hou.se. .Johns Hopkins Univer.sity, I^alti-

more. Md.

Phi Delta Theta

Founded at Miami University, 1848

Colors PublicationsArdent and Azure. Scroll and I'lil/iulliiiii (8(>cret.)

Chapter Roll

Alpha Province

,AIainc Alpha, Colhy I'liivorsity. Watorville. Me.Xow Hampshire Alpha, Dartmouth CoIIcro. Hanover, X. H.Vermont Alpha, University of \'erniont, Jiurlinston, \i.-Ala.ssaehu.sett.s Alpha, Williams College, Williamstown, Mas.s.

:\Iassacliiisctts Hcfa, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.Khode I.sland Alpha, Hrown I'niver.sity, Providence, R. I.

\ew York Alpha, Cornell Tnivensity, Jthaea, N. Y.New York Beta, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y.New York Delta, Columbia Uni\er.sity, New York, N. Y.New York I'^j^silon, Syi'acuse I'niver.sity, 8yracu.se, N. Y.J'enn.sylvania Alpha, LafaA-ette College,' l-kston. Pa.JVnnsylvania Beta, I'emisylvania College, (ietty.sburg. Pa.Peim,sylvania Ganuna, W ashington and .Jefferson College, Washington, Pa.JVnnsylvania JJelta. Allegheny College. Meadville, I\i.

JVimsylvania J^'psilon, Dickinson College. Carlisle, Pa.I'eiHi.sylvania Zeta, I 'niversity of Pennsylvania, I^hiladelphia, Pa.Pennsylvania F.ta. I.ehigh I'niversity, South IMhlehem, Pa.

Beta Province

Mrginia Beta, University of \irginia. Charlotte.sville, Va.\irginia (lannna. Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, \'a.

\irginia Zeta, M'asliington and Lee Univei'sit\-. Ue.xington, \'a.

North Carolina Beta. University of North Carolina, Chajx-l Hill, N. C.Iventucky Alpha, Centre College, Danville, Kv.Iventucky Delta, Central I'niversity, Richmond, Ivv.Tennessee Alpha. \'an(.lerbilt University, Nashville,' Teim.Tennessee lieta. University of the South, Sewanee. Tenn.

Gamma Province

Georgia Alpha, I'niver.sity of Georgia, Athens, Ga,(ieorgia Beta, lunory College, O.xforil, CJa.

Georgia Ganuna, Mercer Universitv, Macon, Ga.Alabama Alpha, Univer.sity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala.-Alabama Beta, Alabama I'olvtechnic In.stitute, Auburn, Ala.

Delta Province

Ohio Alpha, Miami University. Uxfoi-d. ()hi(i.

( )hio Beta. ( )hi() Wesleyan University, 1 Jelawarc ( )hi(i.

Ohio Gamma. Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.

Ohio Zeta, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Ohio Eta, Case School of Applietl Science, Clevelanil, ( >.

t)hio Theta, I'niversity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, ( )hio.

Michigan Alpha, University of Michijfan, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Epsilon Province

IiKhana Alpha, Indiana Univer.sity, Bloomington, Ind.

Indiana Beta, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind.

Indiana Oamma. Butler College. Irvington. Ind.

Indiana Delta. Franklin College. Franklin. Ind.

Indiana I'^psilon, Han(ner College, Hanover, Ind.

Indiana Zeta. DePauw University, Grcencastle, Ind.

Indiana Theta, Purdue I'niversity, Lafayette, Ind.

Zeta Province

Illinois Alplia. Northwestern Univer.sity. l^vanston. 111.

Illinois Beta, Chicago University. Chicago. 111.

Illinois Delta. Knox College. Galesburg, 111.

Illinois Eta, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.

lUinois Zeta, Lombard College, Galesburg, 111.

Wisconsin Alpha. University of' Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.

Minnesota Alpha, I'niver.sity of Minnesota. Minneapolis. Minn.

Iowa Aljiha, Iowa Wesleyan University. Mt. Pleasant. la.

Iowa Beta. Uni\ersity of Iowa. Iowa City. la.

Missouri .Xlpiia. University of Mi.'^souri, Columbia, .Mo.

Missouri Beta, We.stminster College, I'ulton, Mo.Missouri Gamma, Washington I'niversity, St. Louis. .Mo.

Kansas Alpha, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.Nebraska Alpha. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.

Eta Province

Louisiana Alpha, Tulane University, New Orleans, La.

Texas Beta. University of Texas, Austin, Tex.Texas Gamma, Southwe.stern University. Georgetown. Tex.

Theta Province

California Aljjha, University of California. Berkeley. Cal.

California Beta. Leland Stanford. .Ir.. University. Menlo Park. Cal

Washington Al])ha. Uni\-ersity of Washington. Seattle. Wash.

N. C. Beta Chapter

Organized 1885

Frater in Urbe


Frater in l^'acultate

William Staxlev Bernard.

Class of 1903

Hugh Hammond Bexxett. William Fraxk Smatheus.

HiuERT Havmdnd Weller.

Class of 1904

Felix Thomas Hkkersox, Charlie James,

William Hexrv Lee, Pail W. Vklvehtox.


luCIOXI-: 15rii\\ NLKE.


Jdhx Doxxellv. James F.eaii Wvatt.

WaLTIOH \\'(inTKX CfirxciL.


Fraxk Bvaru Short.

Sigma Nu.

Founded at the Virginia Military Institute in 1869

Colors Flower Journal

Gold. Black anil White. White Rose. Delta.

Chapter Roll

First Division

lieta, 1870, I'niversity of \'irgiiiia, Charhittef^villc. \'a.

]:p.siloii, 1883, Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va.

Lambda, 1882, Washington and Lee University. Lexingtcm, \a.

Psi. 1888. I'niversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. X. C.

Beta Tau, 1895, North Carolina A. and M., Raleigh. X. C.

Second Division

Tiu'ta, 1S74. I'nix-er.sity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Ala.

I |)sil(in. LSSt). University of Texas, Austin, Texas.

Phi. 1887. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. La.

Beta Theta. 1890. Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical. .\ui)urn. Ala.

Beta Phi. 1888. Tulane University. Xew Orleans, La.

Third Division

Sigma, 1886, Vanderbilt University, Xashville, Teiin.

Omicron. 1884. Bethel College. Ru,ssellville. Ky.

Zeta. 188.3. Central University. Richmond. Ky.

Fourth Division

Xn, 1884. University of Kansas. Lawrence. Kan.

Rho. 1886. Mis.souri State University, Columbia, Mo.

Beta Mu, 1893. State l'niver.sity of Iowa. lowa^City. Iowa.

Beta Lambda. Central College. Fayette. Mo.

Beta Xi, 1894. William .lewell College. Liberty. Mo.

Gamma Va-a. Colorado .S'hool df Mines, Gcilden, Col.

Fifth Division

Pi, 1884, Lehigh rnivcrsity, South Bethlehem, Pa.

]k>ta Sigma, 1898, Univer.sity of N'ermont, Btirlington, Vt.

Gamma Delta, 1900, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J.

(iamma l^psilon. La Fayette College, East on. Pa.

Sixth Division

(iannna Alpha, 1896, Georgia School of Technology Atlanta, Ga.

lOta, 1884, Mercer University, Macon, Ga.

Kap])a, 1881, North Georgia A. and M., Dahlonega, Ga.

Mu, 1873, L'niversity of Georgia, Athens, Ga.

Xi, 1884, Emory College, Oxford, Ga.

Seventh Division

Beta Beta, 1890, DePauw l'niversity, Greencastle, Ind.

Beta Eta. 1892, L'niversity of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.

lieta Zeta, 1891, Purdue L'niversity, Lafayette, Ind.

Beta Iota, 1892, Mt . L'nion College, Alliance, ( ).

Beta Nu, 1891, Ohio State University, Columlms, ( ».

lieta L'psilon, 1895, Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind.

Gamma Beta, Northwestern L'niversity, L^vanston, 111.

Ganuna Gannna, 1895, Albion College, Albion, Mich.

Delta Thota. 1891, Lonil)ard Lnivcrsitv, Galesburg, 111.

Eighth Division

Beta Chi, 1891, Leland Stanford. Jr., University, Palo Alto,

Beta Psi. 1892, L'niver.sity of California, Berkeley, Cal.

Ciamma Chi, 1896, l'niversity of Washington, Seattle, 'Wash

Gamma Zeta, 1900, University of Oregon, Eugene, ()regon.


Psi Chapter of Sigma Nu

Alkxander. Kmory (Iraham.

Bass. Spexcer Pippex,

Brem. Tod Rokix.

Byrxes. Charles Metcalfe,

Clemext. Edward Biehler.

Clemext. Havdex.

DuFFV. Richard Xixdx,

CIeorge. John' Fraxcis,

Gilmer, Joseph Brauxer.

Graham. George Washixgton. .Jr..

Hexdersox. .IdHx Steele. Jr..

Hendersox. Archibald.

KuTTZ. Whitehead.

Lamb, Wilsox Gray, Jr.,

Latta. Albert Whitehead,

LoXG. Jacob Im.mer.

McKessox, Louis W\\ltox,

MacXider, George St. Clair.

MacXider. William deBerxiere,

Murphy, William Ale.xander,

RouxTREE. Jack Robert,

Stevexsox. William Hollister.

Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity

Founded at the University of Virginia March ist 1868.

Colors Publication

old (iold aii;l (iariiPt. Shii'hl mid lUmiumd.

Active Chapters

Alpha. University of Mrginia, Charlottesville, \ a.

Beta. Davidsciii Cdllose. David.son. X. C.

(ianinia, William and Mary College, Williamsbin'p;, N'a.

Zeta, University of Tenne.ssee, Knoxville, Tenn.

Theta, S. W. P. University, Clarksville. Tenn.

Iota, Hanipden-Sidney College, Hanipden-Sidney, Va.

Kappa, Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.

Mu, Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. C.

Nu, Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C.

Oniicron, Richmond College. Richmond, ^ a.

Pi. Washington and Lee. Lexington, ^'a.

Rho. Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.

Sigma. \'anderbilt University. Nashville, Teim.

Tau, University of X. C, Chapel Hill, X. C.

Upsilon, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Aul)urn, Ala.

Phi, Roanoke College, Salem, \'a.

Chi, I"niversity of South, Sewanee, Tenn.

P.si, Georgia Agricultural College, Dahlonega, (!a.

Omega. Kentuck>- State College, Lexington, Ky.

Alpha-Al|)ha, Trinity College. l!urham. X. C.

Alumni Chapters

Alumnus Alplia,

Alumnus Beta,

Alumnus Gannua.

Alumnus Delta,

Almiinus Epsilon,

Ahnniuis Zcta,

Alumnus Eta,

Alumnus Theta,

Alumnus Iota,

Richmond, Va.

Mem-phis. Tom.

White Sulphur Spriuy.'i. ITr.s/ Va.

Charleston, N, C.

Norfolk. Va.

Dillon. S. C.

.\t}v Orliaus. l.o.

Dallds. VVav/.s-.

Knoxriile. 'Jinn.

Tau Chapter

Established at University of North Carolina 189-

Fratres in Universitate

Class ot" 1904

Iamks Prkstox Irwix. Axdrkw Jacksox Mciork.

Erxicst Fraxki.ix Hi)iiAXX(ix, BrRTiix-Hd'i i.K .Smith,

N'iRdIL A. J. luoL.


(Ikoruk Si'kars Hkvxoi.ds.


.Iame.s Whartux (In.K k. Jr.. Thdmas Fu)vd Rhodes.


Class ot 1 90^5

Oswald Ottmar Kaff.r, Alphevs "Wood Disosway,Hamxkr Carsox Irwix.

Class ot 1902

Xathaxiei. Aeexaxdkr Orr, Charles C'ollixs ( )rr.

Members of Other Fraternities

Not having Chapters at the University of Xorth Carohua.

Kappa Sigma

Charles Graxdison Edse, Law.

Sigma Chi

Thatidets AVixfiei.i) J(im;s. I,aw.

Zbc Xiterar^ Societies

The Philanthropic Literary Society

MottoMrtuc, Liberty, anil Science.

JHl''. doors of the rnivensity were fonnall>' opened for the admission of

students on the r2th day of February, 1795. On Aiio;ust 1st of the

same year was formed the Concord Society, a division of the Debat-inji Society, formed three weeks before that date. Just a year

later, ahiiost at the same time, the names of the two Societies

were changed: the Debating Society became the Dialectic, andthe Concord, the Philanthropic, For a while, it was allowable to

lie a member of both societies; Hinton James, of Xew Hanover,

the Hrst student enrolled at the Univer.sity. was one of these; when duplicate

membership was forbitlden, he elected the Philanthroiiic.

The first meeting of the Concord Society was held August 10. 1711.5. TheSociet}- thus originaterl continued its regular weekly meetings until 1868, when it

was suspended during the dark days of the University. Immediately upon the

re-opening of the University in 1875, it resume 1 its meetings, and has ever continued

to increase in ardor an I zeal.

Since their Ijeginning, the two Societies have lei almost parallel existences, andthe\- ha\e ever been essential factors in the University's hfe. For many years, while

membership of one or the other of them was compulsory for all stuilcnts, the moral

government of the University was put entirely into their hands. Probably in no Col-

lege's history is there a similar case, where so much confidence and authority has been

given to the student l)ody b>- the faculty. This system, though not from its failure to

succeed in every way, has in recent years been (.liscontinued, and membership in the

Societies is no longer compulsory-.

This makes conditions, as is readily seen, decidedly more to the advantage of

the societies. The memberiship is now confined to students who have a desire to

take advantage of the opportunities afforded by the Societies 'for the development

of literary and oratorical ability and the cultivation of friendship.

The record of the Philanthropic Society is a proud one. The walls of her beauti-

ful iiall are covered with fine ]iortraits of her sons who have made their names famous.

Here the faces of many who have been of weight in the Senate halls of their State

and of their country, leaders in the church, in the legal profession, in industry, leaders

in every walk of life, look down upon the visitor. The influences which developed

these great men are still at work, and are probably stronger toda>- than ever before.

Never before has such appreciation been shown for the achievements of our inter-

collegiate debaters, and never before has there been such earnest rivalry for the

honor of representing the Society and the I'niversity in the debates. It is a

significant fact that the number of contestants for these appointments tluring the

past year was but little less than twice as great as in any previous contests.

'The outlook is bright. There is no doul)t but that the Philanthropic Society

is continuing, and will continue to send forth from her halls sons whose works will

honor her, their Univer.sitv, and their State.

Philanthropic Literary Society

Abernethy, CO. .... Chapil Hill.

Adams, T. A., . . • • t'^ >"'!'

Iiiter-Sodfty Debater (1): Vaiidcrbilt l)el)atcr (4)

Archer, F.,

Aycock, r. B.,

All.\rd, H. a.,

B.\LL.\RD. D. C, .

Best, B. S.,

B.^lss, S. p..

Be.\r. Moses,

BrjsT, B. S.,

Boxner, K. p. B..

Bl.\ckwell, R. C,Boone, S. B.,

BUSBEE, P. H., .

Brooks, B. T'.,

Brooks, 15. A.,

l^URGESS, J. L.,


Cook, M. E.,

Cobb, J. \'.,

CoiTXfiL, ]v A.,

Cox, A. L.,

Cox. .1. H.,

COOI.KV, .J. P..

C; -MMixi:, P.. Jr.,


]).\MEROX, ]0. S. W.,

]).\XIELS, V. C.Daxiel, E. A..Jr.,

Drank, B. S.,

Duxx, W., Jr.,

Duncan, J. F.,

Duffy, R. N.,

l^HRIXCHAUS. .1. C. ]-5.

Eagles, W. W..

Everett, K. ().,

Editor Yackioty Wkck (3).

I,il)rar\- .\ssistaiit.

Inter-Society Debater (1 ;

Inter-Society Deliater (2).

litor-in-Cliief ^'aikkt\ ^'A('K (3).

Busines.s Manager Maydiiiic ('])

Chapel Hill.













N. C.

X. C.

N. C.

N. C.

Mass.X. C.

X. C.

X. r.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

Xatchez. .U/.s.s.


Old Sparta,




W ihnington.






AV'fc Berne,


Xew Bern.

Eli!(d,eth Citt/.



Conimencenient Debater (3) : I^litor Vackety Vack (2)

I-;vERETT. J. J.. ...... I'idmi/ra

Editor of Vackety Yack (4) : Editor <if Magazine (4) Inter-society

Debater (3); Conimencenient Debater (3).

Ferrell, J. a., . . . . . - Clinton

X. C.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

s. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.

X. C.



(iRADV, A. W.,Graham. W. A..

Gregory, Q.,

GoDwix. R. L..

Grant, L. C,Giles, J. R..

Hamblix, .1. K..

Harper, R. M.,

Library Assistant (4).

Amjlr. N. C.

Wairriituii. N. C.

Halifax. N. C.

Dunn, N. C.

Wilmington, N. C.

Wilmington, N. C.

M(i(/noli(i, N. C.

Kinston, N . C.

. Intor-Society Debater (1): N'anderbilt Seruli Debater (2).

Hassjoll, F. S., .... Williamston, N. C.Iiiter-Society (2): ComnuMicemont (.'!): .Jdliiis Hopkins Scnili Debater (3).

Ha-wes, E. a., Jr., ..... Atkinson, N.C.Herrim;, R. W.

Herrixc, R. a.

Hewitt, J. S..

HdOKs, W. ]•:.,

Horner, J. \V.,

HusKE. B. v..

Harrisox, a. W.,Hicks, O. Y.,

Holtox, R. C,HowLE. E. B.,

Howard, J.,

Heide, S. S., .

Jacock.s, W. p.,

James, Charlie,JuDi), Z. v.,

Jordan, S.,

Kenan, G.,

King, C. H.,

Latta, J. p]..

Lamb, W. G., Jr.

Lassiter, B. K.'.

Lewis, I. ¥.,

Georgia Scrub Deljater (2) : (ieorgia Debater (3)

Bland. N. C.

Inter-Sofiety Debater (3).

Wafer Valley. Mi.s.s.

Norfolk, Va.Fremont. N. C.

Oxford, N. C.

Fayetteville, N. C.

Plymouth, N . 'C.

Goldshoro, N. C.

Oh/nipia, N. C.

Raleiijh, N. C.

Kinston. N. C.

Wilmington, N. C.

Windsor, N. C.

Greenrille, N. C.

En no. N. C.

Calda-ell Institute, N. C.

Kenansnlle, N. C.

GreemiUe, N. C.

. Durham, N. C.

Williamston, N. C.

Oxford, N. C.

Raleigh. N.C.

Lewls, H. SMcFadyex, H. C.R.;

McKoY, W.M.,McLeax, J. T.,

McLeax, a. M.,

McMuLLAX, Harry,McDonald, A. M.,

Mitchell, J. W,,Mallisox, W. T.,

Moore, A. J.,

Moss, E. G.,

Newton, S.,

Nichols, A. F.

Noble, R. P..

Editor of Yackety Yack (3); Editor-in-Chief Magazine (4j.

Georgia Scrub Deljater.

Jackson, N. C.

Cameron, N. C.

Norrall, N. C.

Dunn, N. C.

Dunn, N. C.

Edenton, N. C.

LaGrange. N. C.

Winton, N. C.

Washington, N. C.

Greenville, N. C.

Fajelle, N. C.

Xenia, N. C.

Roxboro, N. C.

Selma, .V. C.

NiZELL, F. H.,

Noble, A. M.,


NoRMAX, J. R.,

Palmer, J.,

Peace, S. T.,

Pexder, S. T.,

Pearce, R. C,Peirce, T. B., Jr.,

Perry, R. W.,Pembertox, E. J.,

Privi, M. S.,

RAM^iEY, J. B.,


Magaziiif Editor (3).

Magazine Julitor (3).

Goldsboro, N.Selma, N.

Halifax, N.Halifax. N.

Gulf, N.Oxford. N.Oxford. N.

Fayeitcrille. N.Warsaw. N.

Hartsrille, S.

Faiicttrrille. N.Fai/titcviUc. N.

Rocki/ Mount. X.

Brooklyn. S. 1


Ro.sE, Z. J.,

Sawyer, E. S.,

Sallexger, E. D., .

Comnicnci'iiient Dcliatcr (?>). Minjtnitic VASiMPtsox, E.,

SiXGLETARRY,Skixxer, J. J.,

Speiglet. J. P.,

Statox, M. C,Stephen*, H. P., .....

Ivlitdr Vacki;ty Vack (3).

Stephen, M, T., .

Stern, 1)., ......Intcr-Socictv Dcliatcr (2). {!e(iro:ia Deb,

.tdliiis Ildpkiiis Debater (4).

Short, H. II. .Ir.. . . .

.l/oya^Nfc Editor and ^A(KKTY \a(R Ivliti

Inter-Society Debater (3).

Washington's Birthday Orator (4).

Taylor, G. F., . . .



TOMLINhlGX, J., ......To^vxsEXD, N. A,, .

Tysox, J. J.,

W.\RD, G. R.,

Walker, N. W., .....Wade, J. S.,

Whitley, W. H.,

WlLSOX, ,]. K., . . . . .

WiLsox, W. C, .

Winston. J. H.,

Brookh/n. \.Fremont. N.

Elizabeth City. N.Sans Souci. N.

itor (3).

Ro.'ieloir. N


(lark.'^ton. N.Hertford. N.Wondale. N.Tarhnro. .V.

Goldsboro. \.

. Ralciyh. .V.

Scotland Neck. S


Iter (3).

Lake Moceainan. .V.

ir (4).

Wright, L C,Wood, W. p.,

WlXSTED, H. W.,Whitehurst, H.,

Williams, B. B.,

Yelverton, H.,

Inter-Society Debater (2).

. Maiinolia. N


Wil.^on. N.Raynham, N.Greenville, N.

Safe. N.Poplar Branch. N.

Dunn. N.Panteyo, N.

Elizabeth City, N.Wilson Mills, N.

Durham. N.

Cohort, N.Elizabeth City, N.

Leashurq, N.New Bern, N.Ricigeway. N.Fremont. N.

The Dialectic Society


Motto" Love III- \'iRTiK AM) S( 'I i:\cK."

Tin; Dialectic Literary Society was founded in the year 1795 and

fdi- over a century has been an integral part of the I'niversit}'.

Since the inauguration i)f the first President the regular suc-

cession has been niaintaineil. In 1868 when the University was

about to pass into alien hands. Hon. Wm. H. Battle was chosen

President and the other offices of the society were filled by other loyal alumni.

These officers were in.structed to reorganize whenever the friends of the Univer-

sity should again secure control. The reorganization took place at the reo])ening

of the University in 1S75.

The aim of the organization is to di'\-elop to a iiigher degree the oratorical

ami debating powers of the students, promote useful knowledge, an 1 to cultivate

lasting friendship among its members.

The cai'eer of the society has l)een one of usefulness and honor of which we are

justl}' proud. It would be impossible to estnnate of how much value the Dia-

lectic and its sister societ\'. the Philanthropic, have l)een to the Univen^ity.

The Dialectic Hall contains the finest collection of portraits in North Caro-

lina. the.se being the likenesses of distinguished members. The names of (lovern-

ors. Judges, Congressmen, Caliinet Officers, Foreign Ministers, a President of the

United States and others distinguished in many profe.s.sions, may be foimd among

those who have jjarticipated in the exercises of the Dialectic Society and afterwards

testified to its thorough training by their careers of usefulness, for in the words

of Ralph Waldo Emerson " It is the raw material out of which the intellect molds

her .splendid products." ilay the society be able to adapt itself to ever changing con-

ditions, so as to exert upon its future members the same magic power that gave us a

Mangum and a Polk, a Hadger. and a ^'ance.


Members of the Dialectic Society

Amick, W. G., ..... . Liberty, N. C.

AxDREAV.s, G. H., ..... Raleigh, N. C.

Barn.\rd, H. F., ..... Franklin. N. C.

B.^RXH.\RDT. C. C, ..... Whiisett. N. C.

Inter-Societv Debater (1).

B.\iRD, T. C, . . .'

. . Valle Crucis. X. C.

Bell, Bexj.\min, Jr., . . ; . Wilmington, N. C.

Berkeley, G. R., . . ... Atlanta. Ga.

Bexxett, H. H., .... Wadesboro, N. C.

Baldwix, K. L., . . . . Grove, N. C.

BiTTixG, N. D., .... Rural Hall, N. C.

Brigm.\x, Lixdo, .... Rockingham. N. C.

Browx, T. E., . . . . Wilmington, N. C.

Byxum, C. a., .... . Lincolnton. X. C.

Marshal Washington '.s l-Sirthday Exercises (2).

Mar.shal Wanderbilt-Carohna Debate (2), Georgia

Debater (3),

^ : f^y

', ^^.J'^^

(!ud(;p:r, H. B., .

Moore. J. L.,

Morrow, R. C,MosER, A. L.,

MuLLis, G. R.,

Nixox, K. B..

(UlVER. T. C.J'arkkr, L. L.,

Commencement Debater (3)

Marshal Vanderbilt-Carolina Debate (2).

Parsox.s, T. L.,

Pearson, J. E.,

Pearson, J. H., Jr.,

Pattox, G. M..

Peeler, A. S..

Perrett, W. K..

Pharr. W. E.,

Inter-Society Debater (2).

Phipps, J. S.,

Plu.mmer, a. L.,

Raxey, F. T.,

Ray, Edward.Rankin, W. C,Reid. F. L.,

Rice, W. C.RoHixs. H. M..

Commencement Debater (3).

Business Manager Vacketv Vack (4).

Robins. S. S..

Inter-Society Debater (1). Editor Vai ketv Ya( kR(ii;erts. G. \'..

Commencement Deitater (3). Declainiers' Medal

RobERT.SOX, J. B.,

Ross. Charles,Ross. .1. W..Ross. (). ]>,..

Ru.ssELL, C. P.,

Shore, W. F., .

.Sibley, G. C,Sifford, Ernest,Sloax, C. H.,

Smith, ,J. T.,

Sta. Y. M. H.,

Georgia Scrub I)('bat('r (3i. Ivlitor Min/itiiiK (4).

Starxes, B.,

Stevens, G. P.,

Stevexsox. R.,

Stewart, H. ^'..

Stewart. R. S..

Winner Declaimers' Contest (1). Conunenc

Patterson. X. C.

Oaks, N. C.

Hickory, N. C.

Albans, N. C.

Lincolnion, N. C.

Charlotte, N. C.

Lane's Creek, N. C.

Rockingham. \. C.

Riyysbee. N. C.

Morqanton. A'. C.

Eton Colleqe. N. C.

Faith. N. C.

Whitsett. X. C.

. Wilkcsboro. X. C.

Greensboro. X. C.

Jones' Mine. X. C.

. Chapel Hill, X. C.

Union, X. C.

Allcmance, X. C.

Griffith, X. C.

Si/clney, Florida.

A.'^helxn-o. X. C.

A.^hcl>oro. X. C.


Walnut Run. X. C.


Hartshorn, X. C.

Asheboro. X. C.

Silnani. X. C.

Charlotte. X. C.

Rockingham, X. ('.

Charlotte, X. C.

Louisrille, Ky.Charlotte, X. C.

Hrlmont, X. C.

Pimritle. X. C.

Morren, X. C.

Asheville, X. C.

Mathews, X. C.

Wilmington, X. C.

Greensboro, X. C.

O. K., S. C.

Debater (2).


Sturdivaxt, G. 0.. . . . MarsJuilville.

SwAix, J. ]]., . . . . Democrat.

SwixK, W. L., . . . . Winstan-Salem.

Thompsox, D. S., ... Statrsnllc.

Inter-Society Debater (2). Coininenei'inent Debater (3).

Editor Magazine (3 and 4). Business llanaoer Magazine (5)

TndY, E. B.,

TURREXTIXE, J. W.,Vaughx, J. H.,

Waixwright, E. R.,

Wilcox, John,Williams, R. R.,

Genrfi'ia Debater (3).

Declainicrs' Medal (1)

Wilson, R. \i..

AViLspx, W. M.,

Wrenn, Clem,Woodruff, B. E..

Scnii-Annual Debate (2).

Johns Hojikins Debater (4).




Bowman's Bluff,



N. C.

N. C.

N. C.

X. C.

X. C.

X. c.

N. C.

X. c.

X. c.

X. c.


Rock Hill.

Mount Airy.


X. c.

s. c.

X. c.

s. c.

Public Exercises of the Philanthropic

and Dialectic Literary Societies


Tenth Semi-Annual Inter-Society Debate, December ", igoi.

Qukry: Rcsnlrai "That the United States shoulil .-iive Cul)a Ahsc.hite


Affirmative. Negative.

(Dialectic). (Philanthropic).

Virgil Austix Jasper Idol, '04. Edgar S. W. Damerox, '04.

Lester Leoxidas Parker, '03. Zebulox N'axce Judd, '03.

wox BV the affirmative.

fi'^ashington's Birthday Exercises, February JS, igo2.

Music 1)V the I'nivcrsitv Guitar anil Mandolin Club.

Oratio.v: "The American Democracv. .Henry Hlhuxt Short, Jr., '02.


( )rati(>x :" The Relation of the I'niversity Student to the State."

Allax Dexxy Ivie, Law.


Address: "The American Mo^•em('nt ami Washinnton." Chari.es Lee Kaper. Ph.D.

Eleventh Semi-Annual Inter-Society Debate, April, igo2.

(^uery: 7?c.so/i'C(/, " That North Carolina sliould have a Conqmlsory School Law."

Affirmative. Xegathe.

(Philanthropic). (Dialectic).

James Piikxey Cooley. '05. Charles Carroll Barxhardt. '0.5.

James Horner Winstox, '04. Welhorx Earl Pharr. '04.

Otber Organizations

Alumni Association

President. Col. Thomas Stephen Kenan. '.57. Raleigh. X. C.

Secretary. Henry Adolphns London. 'G.5.

Secretary of the Alnnnii. .James Cole Tavliir. "77.

Local Alumni Clubs and Associations

The University of North Carolina Club of the City of New York

Hdx. Augustus Van Wyck, '64, President.

De Lagxel Haigh. '81, . . Vice-PresideiU.

Ralph Henry (!ravi;s, '97, . Secretary and Treasurer.

The Raleigh Alumni Association

Joseph Juhx Branch Batchelor, '45. President.

"William Joseph Peele. 79, . . . Secretanj.

The Mecklenburg Alumni Association

Col. Hamilton Chamberlain Jones. '58, . President.

Henry Xeil Pharr, '81 Vice-Pre.ndent.

CiEORGE Gillett Stephens, '96,. . Secretary.

Frank ^IcRee Shannonhouse, '96, . Treasurer.

The Winston Almnni Association

John 'William Fries. '(iS. President.

Rev. Rohert Erne.st Caldwell. '78. Vice-President.

Charles Faucett Tomlinson, '95, . . Secretary and Treasurer.

The Ashcville Alumni Association

Julius Caesar Martin, '85. Presideid.

Marion Charles Millender, M.D.. '82. Vice-President.

Louis Milton Bourne, '87,. . . Secretary and Treasurer.

Haywood Parker, '87.( r- ^ /-t j,

, c! ij 'no ,Executive Committee.

Alfred Smith Barnard, 9.i, \ ...The Atlanta, (la., Alumni Association

Michael Hoke. '9:5. M.D.. . President.

Van Astor Batchelor, "96.. Secretary.

Andrew Allgood Holmes. '01,. . Treasurer.


Alpha Theta Phi


IvEY FoRKiiAN Lewis, ...... President.

David Clark ]-5allard. ..... SecreUirj/.

RniiERT Ransom Williams. .... Tnasurrr.



iMiEX Alenaxdicr. LL.D., Henry Farrar Linscdtt. Ph.D.

RegularClass 1892.

"Class 1894.

Charles Baskerville, Ph.D., Thomas .James A^'ilson, Ph.D.

Class 1S9S.

Archibald Henderson, Ph.D., Iujwakd Kidder (Iraha.m, A.M.

Class 1899.

John Rice Doxnell'i', A.B.

Class 191)1.

DoRMAN Steele Tho.mtson, A. P., Clarence Albert Shore, B.S.,

J. C B. ]']hrin(;hais, A.n., Palmer Cohu. Ph.B..

William Alexander Murphy, A. 15.. James Kinc Hall, A.l'.

Class 1902.

IvEY Foreman Lewis, |)\\n) Clark Ballard,Robert Raxsom A\'illia.ms. I^rext Skixxer Draxe,

Hexry Morixc Robins, Loi'is CIraves,

^Iah\tn HendriX Stacy, .Iohn Sti;ele Hkxdersox, Jr..

1)a\id Poxy Sterx. (Ieor(;e Phifer Stexexs,Richard Xixon DrFFY. Rioston Stevenson,

PioBEirr A.MsKi Mi:rrjtt.

Class 1903.

Ci'rtis Ashley Bynum, Miltox Calder,Alfred Williams Haywood. Jr., Johx Henry McAdex, Jr..

Rl'Fl'S CleCC iloRROW. ]^ARTH0L0MEW Ft'LLER Hl'SKE,William Joxes (Jordox, Robert Withinctox Herrixi


Order of Gimghouls


Xg zobucf iifo- pruz tcoil v<>8 vaivo ivtymuf .zertbzt tiejsf tf evfey fsk

annfpo lib pfuasfika.

Valmar XIII.


105. Marvin Carr, "02. R.

196. Thomas Clarksox Worth, '02. K. D. S.

197. Brent Skinner Drank, '02, W. S. 8.

200. RoBKRT Stiaht Hitchisdn. '02. K. M. K.


126. Charlks Haskkrvii.lk. Ph.D.. I'rojissor of Chemistry.

1.56. .Iames a. (iwvx, \.]i.. Law.

16.5. Francis A. GuD(;er. Ldir.

170. Charles S. Mangi'm. M.D../^ro/V.ssor of Physiolo<iy and Materia M((lica-

174. .\r(Hibai.d Henderson, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.

ISO. i;. Vernon Howell, Professor o} Pharmacy.

192. l^BEN Alexander, Jr.. .\.U.. .^fetlicine.

193. William S. Bernard, .\.\\.. Iii.'itructor in Greek.

194. Tod Robin Brenl '02.

198. John Steele Henderson, '02.

199. QuENTiN Gregory, '02.

201. Thoma.s Ruffin, Professor of Law.

202. Green Ramsey Berkeley, '03.

203. Milton Calder, '03.

204. William Frederick Carr, '03.

205. Stephen Arnold Douolas, Law.

206. Thomas Lenoir G\\ yn, '03.

207. James Lathrop Morehead. '03.

208. Charles Grandison Rose, Law.

The Gorgon's Head

Emory Graham Alexander,

Philip Hall Busbee,

Rkhard Nixox Duffy,

William Jones Gordon,

Edward Kidder Graham,

George Washington (.raham, Jr..

Louis Graves,

Alfred Williams Haywood, Jr.,

Earle Pendleton Holt,

Thaddeus Winfield Joxks, Jr.

Robert Gilliam Lassiter,

Fred Henry Lemly,

IvEY Foreman Lewis,

Metrah JIakely, Jr.,

Joseph Buxn Ramsey,

Aldert Smedes Root,

William Faris Stafford,

James Battle Thorpe,

Henry Gray Turner,

James Samuel Whitehead.

Psi Chapter of Theta Nu Epsilon

Established 1893

Post Graduate

Metrah Makely, Jr.. Aldert Smedes Root.

Class of 1902

Tod Robin Brem.

Thoma.s Clarksox Worth.

John Steele Henderson, Jr.

Alhert Marvin C\rr.

Brent Skinner Drank,

IvEY Foreman Lewis,

William Faris Stafford.

Class of 1901

William Frederick Carr.

George Washington CIraham. Jr..

James Lathrhi- Mdrehead.


Tho.mas Lenuir (IWVN.

Alfred Williams Haywood,

Joseph Bunn Ramsey,

Jame.s Battle Thorpe,

Whitmel Hill Wehb.

LawJames Alfred fhvYN,

Francis Ashltry (Judger,

1'hilip Hall Busbee.

MedicalEmory (Iraham Alexander, I-^ben Alexander, Jr.

Sophomore Fraternity of Theta NuEpsilon

Founded at Weslevan, 1870

Chapter Roll

Alplia. Weslevan I'liiversity.

Jieta, Syracuse University.

Ganniia, Union College.

Delta, Cornell University.

]']psilon, University of Rochester.

Zeta, I'niversity of California.

Kia, Madi.son University.

Theta, Kenyon College.

Iota, Adelbert College.

Ka])pa, Hamilton College.

Kappa. Second, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Lambda. Williams College.

Mu, Stevens In.stitute.

Nu, Lafayette College.

Xi, Amherst College.

Omicron, Rutgers' College,

ri, Pennsylvania State College.

l"]i.silon, I'niversity of Alichigan.

Pi, Second, Lehigh University.

Omega, Alleghany College.

Rho, Dickin.soii College.

Sigma, ^Vooster University.

Phi, Hucknell Univei'sit>-.

P.si, University of North Carolina.

Chi, University^City of Xew York.


Order of Pi Sigma

Post Graduate

Philip Hall Busbee, Metrah Makely, Jr.,

Aldert Smedes Root.


Tod Robin Brem, Albert Mar\i\ Carr,

John Steele Hkxderso.v, Jr., Ivey Foreman Lewis,

William Faris Stafford, Tho.mas Clarkson Worth.


Graham Harris Andre\\"s, William Frederick Carr,

George Washington Graham, Jr., Loi'is Graves,

Thomas Lenoir Gwy.x, Alfred Williams Haywood, Jr.,

Earle Pendleton Holt, John Henry McAden, Jr.,

James Battle Thorpe, Henry (!ray Turner,

James Samuel Whitehead.


Jere Imj.is CofKE, Fred Moir Hanes.

Alexander FL\milton Jones. Graham Kenan,

Marshall Cobb St.\tox, Julian Hamilton Taliaferro.


Emory Graham Alexander, Samuel Lanair Stringfield.


Francis A.sbury Gudger, Thaddeus Winfield Jones, Jr.


University German Club

Ebex Alexander, Jr.

E. G. Alexander,G. H. Andrews,S. P. Bass,

B. Bell, Jr.,

G. R. Berkeley,T. R. Brem,A. G. Brenizer, Jr.,

B. H. Bridger.s,

J. P. BUNN,C. M. Byrnes,M. L. Calder,A. M. Carr,W. F. Carr,J. B. Cheshire,Hayden Clement,J. E. Cocke,A. L. Cox,S. A. Douglas,R. N. Duffy,Willl\m Dunn, Jr.,

J. C. B. Ehringhaus,R. L. Ellington,

A. M. Carr. .

F. H. Lemly,Benjamin Bell, Jr..

J. I>. Morehead,J. L. Morehead,S. L. Stringfield,G. G. Gallaway,J. B. Thorpe,A. W. Haywood,A. G. Brenizer. Jr.,

J. A. GWYN,T. L. (;\\YN.

F. M. Hanes,

MembersErnest Gall.\way,G. G. Gall.\way,G. W. Graham,QuENTiN Gregory,Francis Gudger,J. A. GwYN,T. L. GwYN.F. M. Hanes,H. H. Harri.son,

A. W. Haywood,J. S. Henderson,Hazel Holland,L. S. Holt, Jr.,

T. W. Jones,Graham Kenan,W. G. Lamb,A. W. Latta,¥. H. Lemly,J. E. Long,Metrah Makely, Jr.

W. D. MacXider,J. L. Morehead,W. A. Murphy,





Leader October German.

r Floor Managers.

Leader February German.

- Floor Managers.

Leader April Gertnan.

r Floor Managers.

J. J. Nichols,J. H. NUNN,I. J. Pearson,A. T. Pritchard,J. B. Ramsey,A. S. Root,C. G. Rose,J. R. Rountree,H. B. Short, Jr..

Harry Skinner, Jr.

W. F. Smathers,W. H. Smith,M. C. St.\ton,

S. L. Stringfield,R. Stevenson,J. H. Taliaferro,J. B. Thorpe,H. G. Turner,B. Urquhart,F. H. Westfeldt,J. S. Whitehead,J. H. Winston,P". M. WOOTEN.

Charles Baskerville,Archibald Henderson,C. S. Mangum,


A. S. Wheeler,W. S. Bernard,]•'.. \'. Howell,

Thomas Ruffin,Palmer Cobb.


The Guitar and Mandolin Club

Charlks Thuaias Woollk.v, ..... Leader.

Thomas Floyd Rhodks Busitiess Manager.

First MandolinsRichard Nixo.x Duffy, Sa.mikl Ski.wkr Hicide,

John Rkstox (iiLKs. Benjamin Bell, Jr.

Second MandolinsThomas Floyd Rhodes, Guy CLARExrE Sibley,

Ernest Sifford, Jules Lindau,

Paul Ernest Fogle.


Gaston Gilbert Gallaway, Henry \'ENAiiLE Worth,

R. Clarence Holton, Thomas Felix Hickerson,

Frederick Charles Archer, James Murphy,

Robert Arthur Lichtenthaeler.

University Quartette

Charles Staples Maxcum. M.]).,

First Tenor.

Francis Asiury Gudger,

Secoiul Tenor.

Gaston Gilbert Galla\vay.

Fir.s:t Bd.^s.

John Christoph Blucher ]-]hringhaus,

Second Bihss.

The Chapel Choir


Palmer Cobb, Ph.B.

First Tenor


Second Tenor

W. G. Lamb, Jr., W. K. Osborne,

G. P. Stevexs.

C. Hixes.

First Bass

G. G. Gallawav, R. C. Holtox.

Second Bass

E. S. W. Damerox, W. H. Maxx.

The Round Table


George McFarlaxd McKie, . Secretory.

Executive Committee

Charles Lee Raper, Ph.D., Henry \'an" Peters Wilson". Ph.D.

George McKie.

Meets monthly for the di-scussion of topics of current intere.st.


November—Subject: " Life on the East Side of New York, " Presented by Mr. Raper.

December—Subject: "Electricity at the Pan-American Exposition." Presentedby Mr. Gore.

January—Subject: "The Phenomena of Artificial Parthenogenesis," Presentedby Mr. H. V. Wilson.

March—Subject :" Early History of the University, " Presented by Mr. Battle.



North Carolina Historical Society

K. P. Battlk. LI..D.

Dr. C. L. Raper,

.M. ('. S. XoiiLi;.

E. 1). Sallkncjicr,



7';7 ().v(nvr.


Papers Read

"The Iiiipeaehnicnt of William Blount."—By ]). P. Stern.

"The Great Seal of the State of North Carolina."— Hy Dr. Battle.

"Shemian'.s Mareh Through North Carolina."— H\ II. M. Ivobins.

" I.if(> of William Lenoir."—By H. ^'. Stewart.

"The (Quakers in North Carolina."—By J. Tonilinson.

"The Sherman-Johnston Capitulation."—By J. H. J'earson.

"Early Life and Career of Johnston Blakely."—By Dr. Battle.

" Aw Account of Sherman s Army While l'jicam])eil Near Kaleigh."

—By Profe.s.sor Noble.

"A Sketch from the Hi.story of the I'niver.sity."—By Dr. Battle.

"Conflict between Executive and the JiCgislative Colonial Times."

—By Dr. Rajjer.



Dr. Hexry Van Peters Wilsox.Dr. Alvin Sawyer Wheeler,Dr. Francis Preston ^'ENABLE,

Dr. Charles Baskerville,


T 7ce-President.

Permanent Secretary.

Recordimi Secretary.

Papers Read During the Past Year

135th Meeting, May, 1901

Prof. William Cain. C.E.

Prof. Charle.'i Ba.skirrille. Ph.D.

Transit Methods for Laying Sower GradesAcid of Crv.stallization,

The Probable Comjilexity of Thorimn,The Recent Geological Fonnatious of the Mississii^pi \-Mey, Prof. Joseph Austin

Holmes, B.S.'

136th Meeting, October, 1901The ^'alue of " Zero divided by Zero."

. Prof. William Cain. C.E.The Work of the Beaufort Laboratory of the U. S. Fi.sh Commission, for 1901.

Prof. Hinrtj Von Peters Wil.'^on. Ph.DOn the Exi.stence of a New Element, Associated with Thcn-iinn,

I'rof. Chorlfs Ra^krrriUi-. Ph.D.

137th Meeting, November, 1901Cold Light,

p,.,^f j,,,/,^,„ j,-^,/^.^,^. ^,^^,.., ^, ^.

A Short-Cut tor Percentage Calculations, Prof, lulirard Vn;,o„ How,!/. Ph.G.

138th Meeting, January, 1902

Prof. Collier Cobb, A..M.: andMr. .Joseph Hyde Pratt. Ph.D.Mr. .fo.'^'ph Hyd, Pnill. Ph.D.

Recently Discovered Minerals in North Carolina, [-

Arizona, Its Mineral AVealth,

139th Meeting, February, 1902The Pressure of Light, Mr. .fames Ed,rord Lotto A BNineteenth Century Geometry,

. . Mr. Archibald Heodrrsoo Ph DAb.solute Properties of Molecules,

. . .1/,-. .fomrs Edward Mills. Ph.D.


The Shakespeare Club

Thomas Humk. D.D., L.L.I) President.

E. K. Grah.^m, Ph.B., .... Vice-President.

J. C. B. Ehringhaus, A.B., . Secretary.

Papers Read During 1901 — 1902

" The Sources of the Henry the l\ and Henry the \' Trih)gy."

J. T. Smith.

"The Method of Development of Hal's Character."—A. W.

Haywood, Jr.

"The Variety of Iii<;redieiits in Falstaff's One Character."—C.A.


" The T>ondon of Shakespeare and the London of today."—Dr. Hume.

"Maeterlinck and the Drama of SusflPstion."—Dr. Henderson.

"The Supernatural Sdlicitins: in .Maciieth."—B. F. Huske.

"The Perfect Cnurticr: The InHui'iH'c of This Literature."— L. R.


"A Review of (lodwinV .\e\v Theory of Shakespeare's Sonnets."

—J. C. ]1 l':hrin,!ihaus.

" The Influence of the I'jarh- Mysteries on the Passion Play of Olier

Ammergau."—Miss Groome.

"Reflection of Elizabeth's Eiiiilaiid in Hamlet."

Ij. L. Clwyn.

"The Lifluence of the Xovcl on the Drama."—iliss Stone.

Moliere, Beaiunerchais. Sheridan.— Louis Graves.


The Moot Court

Hox. Jami:s Camkrox Mai Rae, . Judge of i^wprrmc Court.

Summer Term

WiLKV Croom R(i1)Ma\. . Judge nj Superior Court.

Charlks Wi;sli;y Saim>, .... Solicitor.

Hexrv Harris, ...... Clerk.

Charlks I^xkrett Thomi'sox, .... Sheriff.

Marti X Jathkr Edwards. .... Coroner.

Fall Term

Charles (Iraxdison Rose, . . J udgi oj Superior Court.

George Spears Reixolds, . . . Solicitor.

James Alfred fiwvx, ..... Clerk.

Thaddeus WiXFiELD JoNEs, .... Sheriff.

Erxest Hrownlee, ..... Coroner.

Spring Term

]':dgar .Insioi'H \elsox, . . Juetgc of Superior Court.

Allax Denxy S\-ie Solicitor.

Berxard Alexaxder Brooks, . . . Clerk.

JoHX Fra/.ier Glkxx, ..... Sheriff.

Sylvester I^rowx McLkax, .... Coroner.


The ''Journal Club"

Meets every Thursday afternoon for the discussion of periodical Hterature on

Chemical Industries.


Prof. Charles Baskerville,

Prof. Amix Sawyer Wheeler,


Secretary and Treasurer.

MembersCharles Ba.skerville, Ph.D., Eugene Grissom Moss,

Hugh Hammond Bennett, Aldert Smedes Root,

Royal Oscar Eugene Davls, John Willl\m Turrentine,

Fred Henry Lemly, Hubert Raymond Weller,

James Edward Mills, Ph.D., Alvin Sawyer Wheeler. Ph.D.

The Wilmington Club





M. Bear,



Ben.iamin Bki>l, Jr.,

Calder, Etc., Etc.,

Sutton, Short, (ioRooN,



Spiritual Director.

Minister Plenipotentiary to the I'nirersity.

Torch Bearer.



Adrisory Committee,


and Board of Directors.

Freaks in Embryo.

Boaters of the Club.

SheMecKlen-burg Club


Black and Red.

R. S. Hutchison,

Hazel Holland,

T. R. Brem.

N. A. Orr,








E. G. Alexander.

T. R. Brem,

A. G. Brenizer, Jr.,

W. C. Cathey,

R. B. Collins,

W. W. Craven,

John Donnelly,

A. W. Graham,

D. S. Graham,

E. K. Graham,

G. W. Graham, Jr.,

N. R. Graham,

L. W. Hovis,

Hazel Holland,

W. O. Heard,

R. S. Hutchison,

H. C. Irwin, Jr.,

Herbert Irwin,

J. P. Irwin,

J. H. McAdex, Jr.,

T. C. McAden,

L. B. Newell,

T. C. Oliver,

C. C. Orr.

N. A. Orr,

N. J. Orr,

E. B. Osborne,

F. A. L. Reid,

J. K. Ross,

O. B. Ross,

W, T. Shore.

B. H. Smith,

Ernest Sifford,

J. T. Smith,

G. P. Stevens,

J. H. Taliaferro,

W. R. Taliaferro, Jr.

J. Knox, Jr.

yi ft

The Young Men's Christian Association of the University of North Carolina

was organized in May. 1860, with James Kelley, '60, as its first pre.sidcnt. In the fol-

lowing year the infant association was robbed of its best members by the cruel war,

and not until 1876 was there any reorganization. Then came forwanl several earn-

est toilers for the Master, .such as J. H. Southgate and E. L. Harris, the latter of

whom has recently gone to his reward.

In March, 1886, the State Convention met at Chapel Hill. This meeting

seemed to give a new impetus to the association. The Student Volunteer Move-ment .soon received into its ranks a large number of Christian students of the

University. Thus the association has continued to grow until it has reached its

present extended sphere of Christian .service.

Its work is now, as has been intimated, broad in its scope. Being as it is the

only religious organization in the University, this as.sociation has as its mission every

phase of Christian development. For the accomplishment of this purpose its

leaders have tlevised various plans for procedure.

Probably the device that reaches the greatest number of students is the one

of securing from time to time public speakers. These speakers consist of the pastors

of the various churches of Chapel Hill, ministers from different parts of the state,

traveling secretaries of the Association, returned missionaries, and such other

Christian workers as can be secured.

A department which has as its object general spiritual development is the

semi-weekly prayer-meeting. This, however, is more limited in effect, as fewexcept members attend. The meeting held on Tuesday evening is usually con-

ducted by one of the members. The meeting on Thursday evening is an informal

prayer service of some fifteen or twenty minutes.

Another important factor of the work of the association is the Bible and Mission

study classes. The.se classes meet once a week, usually on Sumlav. More than

half the members of the association belong to one or more of these classes. In all

the Bible work a deep interest is manifested, and leaders are being trained for efficient

Christian service.

But the young men do not confine this work wholly to the University. Thecry from Macedonia has reached their ears and touched their hearts. They havegone out into the surrounding country and there organized and furnished with

proficient teachers several Sunday schools. These schools are attended by vast

numbers of diligent and appreciative students of the Great Teacher.

The work thus sketched is growing in every department. With its body of

earnest, consecrated Christian workers, its rapidly increasing membership and its

broadening field of work, the Young Men's Christian Association of the University

of North Carolina stands for far more than ever before in its historv.

A. 1). I VIE,


C. A. Bynum,

G. P. Stevens,

W. H. M.^NN,




Corresponding Secretary.

Recording Secretary.



Devotional CommitteeR. M. Harper.

J. \'. HOW.ARD,

Chas. Ross.

Bible Study.

A. L. Reid,

A. W. Grady,

F. T. Raney.

Missionary Foreign Missions

L. R. Wilson, L. L. Parker,

J. K. Ross, J. S. Gibson,

E. S. W^ Da.meron. F. S. Hudson.

Local Missions

G. M. Garren,

C. A. Bynum,

H. R. McFadyen.

MembershipF. A. L. Reid,

G. P. Stevens,

Z. Y. JuDD.

Hand-BookL. R. Wil.son,

W. H. Mann,J. E. Latta.


J. E. Latta,

R. C. Marrow,

C. A. Bynum.

W. H. Manx.


F. A. L. Reid, G. M. Garren.



Southern Inter-Collegiate Athletic


MembersThe A. and M. College of Mississippi. The University of Georgia,

The Auburn Polytechnic Institute. Ala.. The University of Mississippi.

Clemson Cf)llege. S. C, The University of Xashville. Tenn.

Cunilierland Uiii\i'rsity. Tenn.. The University of Xorth ("ai-(ilina,

Mercer University, Ga., The University of the ^^diith. Teini..

Southern University. Ala., The University of Texas.

Tulane University. La.. \'anilerl)ilt University. Tenn..

The University of Alabama, The A. and M. College of Texas.


W. L. Dudley,


W. M. RiGGS,



Secretary and Treasurer.

Executive CommitteeW. L. Dudley, W. M. Riggs,

A'anderbilt University. Clemson College.

A. L. BoNDUR.\XT, A. H. Pattersdx,

University of Mississippi. University of Georgia.

Ch.\rles Baskerville,

University of Xorth Carolina.


The Athletic Association of the Uni-

versity of North CaroHna


James Kixg Hall,


Tod Robinsox Brem,


Thomas Clarkson Worth,

Secretary and Treasurer.

Advisory Committee

Charlks Baskerville, Ph.!).. for the Boaril of Trustees.

Edward Kidder Graham, A.M., for the Faculty.

James Alfred Gwyx, A.B., for the Post-graduate Members.

JoHX Steele Hexdersox, for the Under-graduate Members.

Fraxk Lee Fou.st, Captain of the Football Team.

\\illl\m Frederick Carr, Manager of the Football Team.

Earle Pexdletox Holt. Captain of the Baseball Team.

George Washixgtox (!raham. Manager of the Baseball Team.

Joseph Buxx Ramsey, Captain of the Track Team.

James Battle Thorpe, Manager of the Track Team.



Charles Orlaxdo Jexkixs, Yale, '94.




Ernest vox dex Steixex.


T. R. Brkm,

F. L. FdvsT,

M. Makely,

G. L. JoxES,

A. L. Cox,


' R. R. Williams,

^ A. W. Graham,

A. R. Hester,

J. K. Cocke,

L. Graves,

W. F. Smathers,


A. M. Carr,

H. M. Joxes,

W. F. Carr,

W. P. Jacocks,

E. P. Holt,

J. W. (iULICK,

G. W. (iRAHAM,

K. (Iaxt,



The Record of the Football

Team of 1901

The record of the past year's football team, despite the twodefeats which closed the Season is gratifying in the highest degree,

and one which all who know the story of the development of theteam take pride in. It is a desire that the University at large

may know and appreciate what was accomplished by tliem. that

prompts this history.

At the reopening of the University, when camlidates for the

team were called out, very few of them were old players, and mostof the new applicants were entirely inexperienced in the game. Theproljlem which presented itself to the management was the develop-

ment of a team which would be worthy to represent the University.

out of almost entirely raw material. That was what the>" workedfor—a team worthy to represent the University; a winning team

was. too ambitious a hope. Osborne. Bennett, MacRae, and the mighty Graveswere not with us; Smathers and Brem were disabled. Of the giants of the jjast

year's team only Council and Foust remained.

The candidates, both old and new. realized from the beginning that their task

was a difficult one. and they gave themselves heartily to the training and coaching.

For a long while, the only encouragement the Coach would give to inquiries after

the development of the team was that " he never saw more wiUing material."

Too much credit cannot be given to the able Coach of the team. Mr. Charles O.

Jenkins, of Yale, and to those of our young almnni who gave up everything for

a while to come to the a.ssistance of the team. Chief among the.se were Messrs.

Geo. H. Stephens, and George Graham, the latter the " Scrub's'' coach. Neither

can too much praise be given the " Scrub " team. Without their constant attendance

and earnest work, the '\arsity could not have developed into the fine machine it

was. And last, but far from least, the way in which the student body supported

and encouraged the team, cheering their efforts alike in victory and defeat, will

remain to all among the most pleasant memories of the season.

The season opened with easy victories over Oak Ridge. A. and M.. and Guilford.

On November 1, the team left for the South. The next day they easily defeated

Georgia by a score of 27 to 0.

At Auburn. Ala., on the following Montlay, they played their first hard gameagain.st the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The struggle was a severe one in

which neither side could cross the other's goal. The game was won, by a score

of 10 to 0, by two beautiful drop kicks from the field, by Graves, Carolina's quarter-


In Raleigh, a week later, A. and M. was again defeated, 30 to 0, and then camethe ^'irginia game. Our team was then in the pink of condition, and prepared to

do its be.st. Let us jiause and briefly compare the two teams.

Carolina's team averaged, per man, 157 pounds. The average weight of the

Virginians wa.s variously given by them, as from 178 to 183 pounds; they thusoutweighed our team at least twenty pounds to the man. Our team played a fast,

snappy game; the Mrginia team, a heavy series of line-plunging plays. It wa.s

evident to all that the game was to be a contest between quickness and sheer weight.

The game was played in Norfolk, Va., November 23rd. Carolina started into

the game with a rush that took the heavy ^'irginian.s off their feet, and carried

the ball over for a touchdown in the first four minutes of play. Mrginia succeededin crossing our goal line only once during the first half, and at the beginning of thesecond half the score stood 6 to 6. Then began one of the hardest struggles for

supremacy ever witnessed on a Southern gridiron. About the middle of the first

half, a steady down-pour of rain began, and the field was soon slippery with mud.This was a serious handicap to our cjuick starting, which was our main dependence.By the use of the heavy tackle and guard-back formation, the Mrginians broughtevery man into play, and each time did our line charge against them and hold therunner for a moment on the line, until his heavy support by sheer weight crushedback our line, and he fell forward for a gain of only his length. Each time, ourmen stood there with a sublime courage, and endeavor to check the onslaught.

But it was useless. They could only attempt to keep the score down. The final

score stood 23 to 6.

Barring weight, it was the generally expressed opinion that tlie teams wereevenly matched, and that Carolina played by far the better football.

The .season, thus far successful from the highest point of view, was brought to adisappointing close in Charlotte on Thanksgiving Day, with a defeat from ClemsonCollege, 22 to 10. The game was hardly seriou.sly considered, and looked forwanlto as a sure victor}- by the University at large. But the South Carolinians enteredthe game with an aggressiveness and successful trickiness which so surprised ourplayers, that they had no trouble in winning out. They thus placed themselvesin one game in a class higher than they have ever before occupied.

During the season our team won si.\ games out of eight, scoring 192 points to.

their opponents' 45. The season was a successful one, from the point of viewthat college men should look at it.—that of true sport. We have never had a teamdo so much, with so little promise of success at the beginning of the year. It morethan demonstrated its worthiness to represent the University, ami the excellentfootball it played, despite its serious handicap of being probably the lightest teamwe ever had, is a source of pride to everyone who knows football. The team wasmade of the right kind of stuff through and through.

The Med-Pharmacv Team

Center . ]?arxes.

Lrft Giianl McXeill.

Ri(/ht Gminl Cochrax.

L(jt Tiirki, GiBSdx.

Ril/f't Tnckl, Xi.RMAX.

Kafer axd Pattersox. Mummers.

Aeexaxuer. Ciiptdiit.

I.ijt End Harrisox axd Suttox.

Hiijlit Kiiil Sauxders.

(JiKirfirhdeh .Mel >iixai,d.

Lr/I Haljl„i,k Aeexaxdkr.

h'i<llll Il(llj}litck VviA.VM AXD FeXXER.

Fiilllxirk. Pattersox.

Siihsfitiitr. Demmitte.

The Junior Team

Manayei; Clkment.

Captain, Ferrell.

Center Skinner.

Left Guard Best and Everett.

Riyht Guard Short and Savain.

Lejt Tackk Collins and Jones.

Ri<lht Tackh' Jonas.

Left End Kerner.

Right End CiAUS AND SlIiLEY.

Quarterback ( ;ord( )N.

Left Halfback Ferrell.

Right Halfback Cold and Ross.

Fullback, Frquhart.

The Sophomore Team

Miniiujir. WlNsTiiX

Cdjihiiii. Irwin.

Center Knox.

Left GiKiril DkL-Wicv.

Riylit Guard XoJiLK.

Left Tnckli Pk.mk.

RiyJtt Tackle CoCHK.WK.

Fiillhaek. Frust.

SuhMltutes: Ross AM) Hrs^KLI,

/-*'// /Tfirf Cr.wex.

Ni(jhl End Irwix.

Quartir Back (lRi;(i()RY.

Lift H(dfhiiek Smith,

/t'^;//// Hal/hack I^ass.


The Freshman Team

Manager, Carr.

Captain. I^mersox.

Center . Hhidk. 'Left Em! A\'ils()N.

Lejt Guard I^ecuett. Ru.iht End Robersox.

Right Guard Pnii>ps. Lejt Hidjliark Hii.e.

Lift Taekle M(Cv\:n\ss. Right Haljliack TdAVNsEXD.

Right Taekle M'yilTLEY. Quarterhaek 1-:mers()N.

Eullliaek. Meares.

Suhstitutdi: Hr(i\vx. A\'iiRTii and Oshorne.

The Baseball Team for 1902

Sirnnd Ratfonaii

Third Bnsema))

Short Stop

Left Fielder .

Center Fielder

Eiilht Fielder


Mamuier—CJeorci-; Washington- Graham, Jr.

Assistant Matiiujer— Fri;i) Mdir Haxes.

Walter Wooten Council.

JJdHN Wilcox,

I NoRcoM Sweeney.

Earle Pendleton Holt.

Jkhk I'^LLis Cocke.

William Frank Smatheris.

William Fred Carr.

John Donnelly.

Archibald Wright (Jraham.

Alexander Milton McDonald,

Cidcher .


First BdsetiHiii (Capiuin)

j Fielder, John- Steele Henderson, Jr.

I Catcher. George William Willcox.

Record ot the Team ot 1901

*Car(ilina vs. Lafayette 2— 2

" Lafayette 4—8" A. A; M 31— .8

" Cleinsou U—" Clenison 2—2" Lehigh 13— 2

" Lehigh 2—13" Cornell 10— <)

*) Four Iiuiinjis—Kain.

Carolina vs. Georgia 12—


" " Georgia . 1(1—(J

" " ^'irginia 2—


' :\Iarylan(l 9—7' Maryland S—


" (ieorgia 10—


" Georgia Tech. . . . 6—Carolina as. Georgia 40—


Schedule ot the Team tor 1902

March 20^( »ak liidge, at Chai)el Hill. X. C.

' 24—Lafayette, at Chapel Hill, X. C.

" 25—Lafayette, at Chapel Hill. X. C.

" 27—Galladet, at Chapel Hill, X. C.

29—Clemson, at Charlotte, X. C.

31—Lehigh, at Winston, X. C.

Ajiril 1—Lehigh, at Chapel Hill. X. C.

5—Cornell, at Chapel Hill. X. C.

12—16—Georgia, at Chapel Hill, X. C.

17—Georgia, at Chapel Hill, X. C.

18—\"irginia, at Chapel Hill, X. C.

19—X'irginia, at Raleigh, X. C.

22—Richmond College, at Chapel Hill, X. C.

" 30—Bingham School, at Chapel Hill, X. C.

ilay 3—\irginia. at Charlottesville, \a..

6—Wofford Cf)llege. at Spartansbiirg, 8. C.

7—Clemson College, at Clemson. S. C.

8—Georgia, at Athens, Cia.

9—Mercer, at Macon, Cia.

10—Georgia Techs., at'Atlanta, Ga.

The Scrub Baseball Team



First Base

Second BoKc

Third Bnsi

Short Stop

Left Field

Center Field

ni;/ht Field

Geii. w. ^^'lLLcox.

\ B. H. Smith.

i A. R. Hester.

A. T. Prit(H.\rd.

L. (Jraves.

C!. W. Graham. Jr.

Jxo. Cheshire.

A. W. :\Ia\gum.

Thus. Hi i.e.

W. P. Jacdcks.


Class Baseball Team

Law Baseball Team

Catcher Hammond.


Pitchers \ Roberts.


I, Brooks.

First Base Carr.

Second Biisc (!\vv\.

Substitutes: Cook. Tavlor. IvLrTTZ.

Manager. Brooks.

Third Base Ramsey.

Short Stop (Captain) Reynold.s

Le/t Field Li'THER.

Center Field Joyce.

Rifjht Field DorcLAs.

Class Baseball Teams

Sophomore Baseball Team

Mdiiiiiiir. Xkwtox.

Catch CIraham. ?)rd Base Wlx.STOX.

Pitch fiRAHAM. X. R. Short Stop Cirkciiry.

\xt Base {Captain) Peack Right FicUl Xciu.i;.

'2i\(J Base Irwix Center Field ( )i,1)Ham.

/,(// Firlit. Smith.

Substitutes: Xdulk. A. M.. C'ox. Houvkr.

Tl^ACm-TEAThe Team tor 1901

Cnptain Francis Moork (Jshorne.

Manaqcr CIrkicx Ramsky I^krkki.ky.

Preston Irwin.

Walter Wdoten Cm-xcii..

William Clinton Linvilli;.

Record o\ the Team tor i 90 1

At the Annual Meet of the Southern IntereoUefiiati' Athh-tic Association. Mav17-18. 1901. Tulane University. New Orleans. La.

Teams represented— N'anderbilt. Tulane. Texas, and Xorth Carolina.

100 Yard Ihish Osborne (1), Irwin (2)

220 Yurd Ihif'h Irwin (1), Osborne (2)

Mile Run I^krkeley (.3)

Broad Jump I.inville (2) .

Pole Ydiilt LiNviLLE (1). Council (2)

Shot Put Council (1)

Hammer Throw Council (1)

Summari/:—Carolina won 41 jjoints. \'anderl)ilt 'A'

Carolina thus won the Chanipionshi]) of the South.








Tulane 27. Texas 4.

The Team for 1902Captain. Joseph Hunn Hamsey.Manai/cr. JamKs Battle Thorpi:.

Schedule for 1 902The Annual Meetiiij; of the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association, May

it and 10. 1902, \'anderl)ilt I'niversitv. Nashville. Tenn.


class Champions

Senior Class

Champion in Sinf/lcx ....... I. F. Lewis.

Champion in Douhlfs Lewis .\xd Stevenson.

Junior Class

Chdinpion in Singles ....... Loris Gr.wes.

Chnmpniii ill Doiihlis GR.^VES .wd \Vhitehe.\d.

Sophomore Class

Champion ill Siiiiili:<i . . . . J. H. Winston.

Champion in Doiihirs ...... Win.stun .\nd Pi:.\ce.

Freshman Class

Champion in .S'/zii/Zcs ....... H. M. E.merson.

Champion in Doublts . . . . Emerson .\nd Philu-s.

University Publications

Editors Yackety Yack,


I-iRKNT Skinn'kr Drank '(12. Plii. Eilitor-in-Chuj.

Hknrv MnRixc Hciinxs '02. Pi. BiiKiiicsx .^latutt/cr.

Jaik P,(iHi;Kr Rnr\TRi:i-. 'Oo -A. Hu.'^iiiiss Manager.

Sl.MiiN .IrsTls lOx KRKTT '02. I'lli.

Harrv Pklham Sti;\ k\s '03. Phi.

Hknrv l^LorNT SudR-r, Jr.. '02. Plii.

(li:(iR(w-; LvLi; Junks 'Oo, Di.

Hazkk Holland '(«. Di.

.SiDNKY Swain H(ii;ins '04. Di.

AViiJJA.M Dunn. Jr.. '04. J/iA.'.

John Hknry McAdkn. Jr.. '(«. -J/',

Charlks Collins Orr. McA.. III\A.

(Iaston (Iii.i;krt (Iali.away '03. /''"A

William Hknry Lkk '04. 'I'Ji^.

Jamks hornkr ^^lNsToN "04. y-'i'.

Samikl Thoma-^ Pkack. '04. A J,

John ]^;ston (Iilks '03, iTil.



The University Magazine

Published Monthly b.y the Philanthropic and Dialectic Literary Societies

Founded i 844

IvEY F. Lkwis 'U2. (Philanthnjpic) . Editor-in-Chief.


S. J. Everett. '02, H. B. Short. Jr., '02,

J. B. Ramsey, '03.


R. S. Hutchison '02, R. S. Stewart '03,

C. A. Byxu.m '03.

DoRMAX S. Thompson '01, (Dialectic) Business Manager.

Tar Heel

The cifficial or.iiun of the University Athletic Assofiaticui. rulil'.shed every Thursday

Fall Term

Hrknt S. Draxe, ( . . . . Editnr-inChiij.

.]. C. 11 Ehrixghaus. (

J. C. B. Ehrixghaus. I . . . MiuKuiiiui Editur.

Ha /.EL HoLLAXD. f

J. A. McRaE, \{. (). 1-:VKRETT.

R. M. Herrixg. v.. M. Land.

J. W. Horner.

E. D. Sai.lenger. .... Business MaiuK/u:

E. G. Moss, . . . Assislaut Business MuN/K/d-.

Spring Term

,1. C. H. Ehringhavs. . . . E(lilor-in Chief.

Hazel H(.>llaxd, .... Mdiitu/infi Editor.

K. (). Everett, .\. ^^. Walker,

S. T. Peace, IV S. Best.

E. 1). Sallexger, . . . Business Manager.

E. G. Moss, A-isistant Business Manager.


The University Record

The I'nii'rrsitij Record was cstalilishi'd in 1S96 liy the Faculty anil .students

of the University. The purpose of this publication is to irive a complete record of

the more important events of University life. It also aims to keep the Alumni in

communication with the I'ni\'('rsit>' and thus hind them more closely to their Alma

Matei'. The lia-itnl is now in its fifth \-olume and its xnXw to the University has

been eminentl>' demonstrated. It is issued ijuarterly muler the manafiement of

a committee a]ipointed by the Faculty.

Journal of the Elisha Mitchell

Scientific Society

The Journal icprcseiits the Science l)e])artinent of the rniversity of Xuith

CaroHiia. It was established l)y the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society in oi-der

ti) publish the results of scientific investigation in the laboratories of the I'liiAcrsitv.

It is now in its eighteenth volume. The first was published in 1884 under the

management of Professors Graves. Philips and Harris. The University of North

Carolina is the only institution of the South that has maintained a publication of

this kind. The Jouriidl has now over four hundretl exchanges from twenty-five

different countries, .some of whicli are piililislied by the most inqiortant scientific

.societies of the world. The Jouriud stands as a memorial of what tlie rni\ersit\-

has contributed to the world's stock of scientific knowletlge and is a worthy monu-

ment of the great man whose name it bears.

University Press Association

Organized 1897

J. Va>. Latta.

Whitkhi;ai> Kluttz.

Bicx.iAMiN Hi:ij„ Jr..






' ^



Georgia-Carolina Debates

1 !•()•_'.

Remlral: " Tliat DtMiioi'ratic Institutions in the L'nited States are in Dangerfrom the Growino; Power of CentraUzation."

Affirmative. Neg.\tive.North Carolina. fleorptia.

C. A. Hym-.m, R. W. Herrixi;. W, M. Hartv. ,J. D. N. MrCARTNHv.DEliATE wox liV (;eoR(;ia.


Re.siilved: "That Conihinations of Capital. Commonly Known as Trusts, are

more Injurious than Heneficial."

Affirmative. Xecative.( leorgia. .\orth Carolina.

(IdoDRKH, McIvEs. 1). P. Stern, R. R. Williams.DERATE WON HY GEORCIA.


Resolved: " That the Knglish System of Government is Better Suited to a Freeand Self-governing People than that of the United States."

Affirmative. Xegative.Georgia. North Carolina.

R. H. Smith, C. K. Weddincton. ]). P. Parker, W. H. Swift.DEBATE WON BY NORTH (_'ARoLIN.\.


Resolaed: "ThatUnitetl States Senators should be Elected Ijy Direct ^'ote of

the People."

Affirmative. Nec:ative.Georgia. North Carolina.

P. H. DoYAL, I. L. TisoN. E. D. Broadhurst, T. C. Bowie.DEBATE WON BY' NORTH COROLIN.\.



Resi:)Lvi:d: " That the United States Annex Hawaii."


(Jeoi-fiia. Xorth Carolina.

J. S. Roberts. W. F. I'psh.wv. J. G. I^rogdex, E. K. C;r.\h.\m.



Resolved: "That the Swiss Principle of Initiative and Referendum l)e Incor-

porated into Our System of Government."Affirmative . Xecative .

Xorth Carolina. Georgia.

H. G. Connor. Jr.. 1). B. S.mith. C. M. Walker. C;eo. Jackson.DKHATK WON BY GEORGIA.

Vanderbilt-Carolina Debates

T. A. AD.X.MS. CHAS. KOSS.1902.

Resolved: " That Feijeral Governments Should ( )wn and Operate Railroads

Aefirmath K


Xegative .

\'anderl)ilt. Carolina.

Frank Seav. W. .M. H..ARn. C. Ross. T. A. Adams.NORTH CAROLINA WON.


Resolved: "That the Combination of Capital. l)y Means of the Trust i>v Coi

Ijination. is an Kcononnc and Social .Ailvantage."'

Affirm ATI \e. XE(iATivE.

For Carolina. For \'anderbilt.

H. B. Lane. W. H.Swift. T. R. Reeves, R. H. Scott.



Resol\ed: "That tiie Fnited States shoulil not Retain Pcnnan(>nt Control

the Philippines."


For \'antlerl)ilt. For Carolina.

Carl Monk. H. C. Crooks. W. S. I^ernard. Whitehead KluttNorth Carolina wo.n.


Johns Hopkins-North Carolina Debate


Resolved: "That .Mi)ilcrii Trusts Threaten the Future WeH'are of the American


AFFmM.\TI\K . Xe(;.\tive .

Johns Hopkins. North Carolina.

H. B. Stoxk. H. W. Pl.^ccemever. D. P. Stern. Pi. I!. Williams.


ITn H Xiterarv X^cin.

The Classes


lU'hold the Se'iiior. \Yhat r.n ;.ir

( )f solemn wisdom in his stare


So much he knows that we should fear

To say a word while he is near.

He knows he knows; 'tis his chief aim

To put less learned folk ti) shame:

And nothing gives him mure delipht

Than quoting books to pmxe he's riuht.

(iirls do not like him. for they say

He knows far too much more than lhe\-.

Hut do not fear him; some day yim

May be a 1 'am 'd Se.iior too.

The Junior is not so grim ;

His knowledge does nut tmuble him.

Hut .still he always knows enousih

To run a most stupendous bluff.

He knows just what t(i !<ay to please

The ladies; so he is with et.se

A favorite. Sometimes, 'tis said.

This plea.sant treatment swells his head.

Commencement pa-st. though, it grows sinal

He sees 'twas not his charms at all.

His charm while with the ladies lay

Hut in his " rag" he gave away.


Observe the Sophomore, m}- child


How innocent ! How sweetly mild


Yet men—a fact we should deplore

Full many crimes lay at his door.

Despite this earnest air so plain.

They say things of his idle brain

That you or I would think unkind.

He has one great task on his mind.

He takes the Freshman, weak and slim,

And tries to make a man of him.

That next year he may grow to he

As great and gooil a man as he.

The feeble Fresh does not deserve

Much notice here—few words will serve,

He smokes a cigar when he can

And thinks he looks like a big man;

And to be mannish he essays

In many other silly ways.

Yet all these things, I grieve to say,

His greenness all the more display,

The ven' vilest, even Wheeze,

Revile the Freshman when they please.

Child, may you never be so small


The Fresh-man is no man at all.

The House That Ven Built

This is the house that Ven liuilt.

This is the Fresh

That came ti) tlie h(nise tliat N'en liuilt.

This is the Math

That was took by the Fresh

That came to the house that \'en built.

This is Major William Cain

That blinded the Fresh

That took the Math,

When he came to the house that Ven built.

This is the Soph with the look of scorn

That whistled the Freshman all forlorn,

That was blinded on Math by Billy Cain,

When he came to the house that \^en built.

This is the Junior with gladsome hantl

That silenced the Soph with the shrill refrain.

And booted the Freshman all forlorn.

That was blinded on Math bj' Billy Cain,

Wlien he came to the house that Ven built.

This is the Senior all shaven and scrubbed,

With his handsome front right newly tubbed,

That helped the .Junior of cheerful mein,

That rebuked the Soph with the look of scorn,

Whose whistle brought out the blush of shame

On the downy cheek of the Fresh forlorn

That was blintled on Math by Billy Cain

When he came to the hou.se that Ven built.

This is

Hut here I must have pity


And sadly close this changing ditt_\-.

Which is true, as you'll .see if you come to the city,

Wliere stands the house that \'on liuilt. A Story Without Words


Mr. Flaherty's Visit to the Hill

With Apologies to All Concerned

" Wal, Pat, me boy, 'tis a gr-eat place. Siventeen Prisidints, sivinty mimbersof Congress, fifty sax guv'nors, two hundr-red an' sivin bar-r kapers, thr-ray preach-

ers, two Tom Humes an' wan Collier-r Cobb hes ben projuced at this gr-reat sate af

lar-r-ning. Wan af th' grandest—


"Hold, ye shpalpeen, which way does yez compass point?" This was from Pat,

one of Mike's admiring listeners.

"^^^lich way does me compass point, is it? Towar-r-ds th' cinter af th' a-r-rth.

'Th' Univar-r-sity af Nor-rth Carolina is the cinter af th' ar-rth,' says me friend

Char-lie Baskerville. 'Not only that,' says he. puffing out his for-rthy-eight inch

chist an' thristing his thumbs undther his ar-rem pits, 'but I am th' cinter af th'

Univar-rsity af Xor-rth Carolina.' With this statement he wagged his head with

a knowing look an' a cloud af shmoke ristid upon it, which I thought was a halo, but

me frind Wheeler says to me in a whisper, 'Tis gas.'"

"Whin I shtruck th' metrop'lis me fir-rst intintion was to shtroll oo]j th' boule-

var-rd an' say me frind th' Prisitlint. On me way what should I say but a familiar-r

looking object. It was comin' along ver-ry slow an' daliber-rate loike, an' at th'

fir-rst glance it samed to mesilf that I saw Mrs. Flinnegin's cow, th' wan thot wint

dhry: but what was me astonishmint, Pat, whin on th' second scjuint me ould eyes

Ijahild me frind Williams, th' wan th' boys calls Hor-race."

' How ar-re yez,' says he, with a gr-rin thot would put TetUl}' Roozvilt to th'

blu.sh.'I havn'thad a perciption af yez shinin' coun'nance since me las' cow died,' he

says. 'Fm gettin ould now, Mike,' he says, in a slow, doleful way. 'Me cinter af

\-accilation is gettin' ver-ry wake,' he says. 'Th' toime was wance whin I could

make two differ-rint sta-atemints about th' same thing in wan licture. In thim

days I was a gr-reat Psychoologis', he says, 'but now,' he says, with tears in his

eyes, 'it takes me a whole ter-rum bafore I can change me sta-atemint.' 'The bist

I can do,' he says, ' is to make wan assiver-ration in th' fall an' conthradict it in th'

spr-ring with anither,' he says."

' Me cows, howivir, is th' solace af me ould age an' th' wan pr-rop a.v me Ego.

"Xi.xt to me cows me wife is ver-ry intertainin.' he says. ' She played me a shly

thrick at th' las' r-raffle af mar-rks. I had me hat all filled with foives', he says,

'an' wint out in th' yar-rd to tuck th' cov'rin' aroun' me cows f'r th' night,'

he says." What should me wife do,' says he. 'but while I'm out dhrop some saxes

in me hat af foives,' sa}-s he. 'So whin I began dhrawin' me mark-rks to me aston-

ishment what should I dhraw out but a sax an' anither an' anither,' he says. 'I

looked all the way through me James to say if I could find a way out af me predic-

amint, but 'twas no use.' he says. 'There was the sax an' there was th' pa-aper,

an' me ould friend an' shtandby James says nothin' about .saxes an' pa-apers, so

(loon on th' pa-aper goes th' sax. Mealthruistic faylin's was ver-ry mooch shocked,'

he says. ' l)Ut I rasolved to look out f'r me chanst an' get it back on me wife. Theopportunit}' came th' wake bafore las,' says he. ' Me wife was milkin me cow whatgoes be th' name af Sal. Sal an' mesilf had had an' undtherstandin' bafore han',

he says. ' So I wink at Sal an Sal winks at me an thin we both wink thegither, an'

thin Sal kicked over th' bucket af milk. Me joy was complate.' he says, 'an' I had

to milk sivinteen cows in as many minyits to hide me amusemint.


"' Wall, I'll have to lave yez', he says. ' Me wife has sint me to go lay in a new

supply af naketies an" I want to go arly an' avoid th' r-rush. Do yez know whither

thev he sellin f r a pinny apace or-r two f'r a cint?' he says. ' Wall, no matther,' says

he. ' I intend layin meself in a supply whither they be sellin' at the wan pr-rice or th'

ither.' 'Good bye,' says he, 'an' if yez hav th' toime come out to me villa an I'll

.^how yez whv it is that psychoology an' th' milkin' af cows is wan an' th' sameidentical thing.'

"Pat, I found nie toime was limited. So me legs began flying wance more to-

war-rds th' Prisidint's oflfice. Suddenly there loomed oop in th' distance a manwho was actuly balancin' hinisilf while walking on th' livil gr-round.

" He comes to mesilf with a sarious look in the' wan eye an' a wink in th' ither.

'I am a Noble fellow,' says he to me. Upon which he pulls out a little book anmakes a note. ' This wur-ruk is killin' me,' he says. ' It is a gr-reat undtherta-akin'

to make oop jokes. I've only made oop foive th' day an' it is the juty to make oop

foive more,' he .says. ' I'm thinking sariously af givin' oop me job,' he says. ' It is

comin' to a pr-retty pass,' he says, ' whin a fellow' like miself gets only two thousand

dollar-rs to make oop jokes an' to tr-ravel a-r-round th' Shtate f'r his hilth. Nivir-

thilcss,' .says he, ' I'll br-race oop, or, which is th' same to mesilf, I'll get br-raced oopMil' forget th' hivy juties which ar-re weighin' me down, body an' soul, and if yez

slunild iver run oop against a job, .sub, such ez Superintindint af Public In.sthruction

jist dr-rop a little line to yez ould friend Mar-rk Cicero Staphens Noble an' I will send

yez me la-atest volume af jokes be r-retur-ren mail,' he says.

" I lift this mooch-opprissed man, Pat, thinking how pleasant was me lot in com-])arrisan with his own, since me juty was only to carry oop a load of mor-rtar to the

sivintcenth shtory af th' tinimint that be buildin' over beyant two hundr-red an'

foive times th' day." Wanse more I shtarted f'r th' Prisidint's office but me evil gainees was on

top af me good, Pat, an' 'twas no use. What should I say comin' towar-rds

me but me little friend Collier-r Cobb, walking all over himsilf an' thrying to look ez

if he was sax feet tall instade af thray.

"'Good niornin',' says he. 'it becomes me painful juty to inthnxluce mesilf. I

am Collier-r Cobl), ha'r plenipotentiary, geologi.st extraordinary an" miner-ralogist

peculiar-r to his dignity Fr-rancis Priston N'enahle, I'risidint af th' Tnivaar-rsity af

Nor-rth Car-rolina.' 'Come down to me pla-ace af anuiseniint,' says he.

" I wint, Pat, an' found me friend C. C. ver-ry intertaining.

"'Me whole shtudy for the las' tin ye-ars,' he says, 'has been how to bacome])op'lar-r with th' boys. I em now,' says he, 'th' most pop'lar Profissor af Geologay

in th' Univaar-rsity af Nor-rth Carolina. You should say me licturin' to me class

in Geologay tw-o, which be th' way is th' gr-ratest pud in College,' he says. 'Wanif me .shtrong points is Ijoring holes in anticlines an" synclines,' he says. 'Anither

wan af me sthrong points is lanter-rn lictures,' says he. But I must shtop,' he says,' mepoints is all .so shtrong it wad take foriver to innummer-rate thim. I wad like

to talk to yez longer-r." he says, 'but I am going aff this aft to Hatter-ras Island to

make mi.self anither coUiction af jokes. Good bye,' .says he, ' an' don't for-rget that

Geologay two is a science af ver-ry racent growth.'

" Pullin' out me watch I .saw, Pat, that I jist had th' toime to ketsh me train, so

I had to lave this gr-reat sate of larning without sayin' minny af me ould frinds;

but, be gorra, ez shure ez me name's Michael Flaherty I am going back again an'

I'll hav' more to tell vez th' nixt toime."

Then out spoke brave Horatius,

The captain of the gate,

" To every man upon this eartli

Death cometh soon or late.

And how can man die better

Than by Psychology slain.

Than on the spot where smitten dow

His fellows fall like rain.

In yon straight path a thousand

Can well be stopped b\- three

Now who will stand on either hanil

And keep the bridge with me?"

Then out spoke Joshius Gorius.

A Physicist proud was he.

"Lo, I will stand at thy right hand,

And keep the bridge with thee."

And out spake Billius Cainius,

Of Conic blood was he,

" I will abide at thy left side.

And keep the bridge with thee."

"Horatius," quoth Venable,

"As thou sayest, let it be."

And straight against that great arra\-

Forth went the mighty three.

IWAS in the good year nineteen one-

Did Uncle Sam decree

A stipend fore each mininp; school

Each year ten thousand I).

The A. and M's, he thought the hoTo trust this stipend to


Joe Holmes and ^'en did disagree-" Not so, forsooth, not so


A claim, a claim they made amainFor institutions three


For U. Va., U. Tex.,

And the great l\ N. C.

To Uncle Sam their claim they made'Twas thus it ran, to wit

"We are the boys to teach the mines,

The yokels cannot do it."

Up rose a mighty yokel then,

He girt him for the fray.

With gas and papers anned he him(This was ever his war.)

To north, to north he made his way,He put his case full plain,

He stamped and bellowed lustilv;

He ranted there amain.

"That school, that school of \'en, I trow,I know that school of Ven.

In daj^s of old I ran the show,A snap 'twas not worth then.

" That school is not jirepareil to teachA mining engineer;

My college teaches everything

On mining full and clear.

We teach them all about the ground.We do, from A to Z.

Take note! Take note! We al.so teachThe great geology !


"A horticulturist we have

A yokel great is he.

He teaches all the bones and plants

Of the geolog\\"

An old Committeeman arose,

He glared at Wince full stern,

" I prithee tell me what in this

Geology they learn?"

The yokel looked a knowing look,

A knowing look looked he


" As all men know, we teach them how

The Lord produced a tree."

" We teach to them the way, also.

We find bones in the ground.

Which prove the ancient elephant

Weighed near two million pound."

"But stay! Come now, answer me this,"

Another glare glared he.

"What would you teach your Mining schools?

Pray answer this for me!"

An awful frown the other frowned,

A fearful frown, I trow,

" I'm President of A. and M.


There's nothing I don't know."

The old Committeeman looked pained,

" Hold, hold!

" said he, " Enough


Whizands, whizands, good man, prithee.

Think not to run a bluff!

"The papers and the public then.

Mayhap these airs may fool.

But ilo not think to make us think

You know a mining school."

Joe Holmes and Ven smiled merril\'.

Right merrily smiled they.

And held their peace, for well the>' saw

That all things came their wav.

,L ilay lonp; each team was bluffino;

F.very man that coukl was puffinn;,

Puffinjo; his extra gas.

( )l(l I'.ast lioys claimed a fellow

Who was a Bull, he was Seat Weller

Three hundred pouiuls of mass.

Seat should ])lay center on the Kast" Kid" Haywood was put against this beast

To win for South the game.

( )ther ]ilayers worthy of note

Were Bully Jones and one " He goat,"

Some know as '' Lainh " hv name.

Well, midnight came, the moon arose

To see the cuffs, the kicks, the blows

And excitement intense

When old East and South were ready

And nerves of each were steady

The game tlid then commence.

Were I to give you in detail

The bloody scenes, 'twould make you (piail

'T would make you sure to swoon

¥oT when such things as this take place,

The moon does blush and hide her face

The stars do like the moon.

The features of tlie game were these,

" Coach " Blackwell was referee, since WheezeForsooth to him did yield.

The ball was started by the East

Then Bull and Lamb and every beast

Ran brisklv down the field.

The gallant South did then return

With blocking and fast speed to bumThe ball from whence it came.

" Senator" Hassel by the way

Failed to get into this play

Gwyn and " Mincey " the same.

From first to last it diil look blue

For East to win 'gainst men so true

As those who fought so well


But luck, you know, like tide must change,

And this it did although so strange

I do not like to tell.

It now grew dark, the game waxed hot

The reason why I do not wot

But this I now do enter.

The crowd did see the South's team fleeing

For " Kill " was found referceing

He who was South's center.

For South tilings went from bad to wor

Her rooters railed. b('g;iii to curse

It dill no good at all.

Now 'tis time for me to mention

Mocking-bii-d Laml>. late invention.

Made touchdown with the ball.

So old Fast won. but ere I close

May I not speak of South? Her woes

She can at least bear well.

May her sorrow anil griefs be light

Ma}- she live, play another night

Till then farewell, farewell.

)X Battle Park there slowly .strolled

A maiden and a Med.

Each pretty maiden knows of old

The kind of things he said.

Down by the mimiiuring brooklet's side

They sat ; the birtls o'erhead

Cooed lovingly as if they tried

To say the things he said.

A little crayfish in the brook

Became quite interested


A firm hold on his thumb it took

To hear the things he said.

Oh. what a change! Oh, shocking word!

The maid in horror fleil.

'Tis to be hoped few maids have heard.

The kind of things he said.

In (Ircanis. behold, my lost love came to me,

With veiled features, and with slow, soft tread:

Nor eoukl I have discerned that it was she

(For .she was silent, and the moon o'erhead

Cast but a wan, cold, unre\-ealing light ;—


Save by the single blossom that she wore

Ini])risone(l in her tresses soft and bright


A glowing rose, that in its rich heart bore

The golden treasure of the summer sky,

" Dear heart," I cried, " this crimson flower of love

Which I did give thee as we wept good-ljy.

No death has alteretl ; speak to me and prove

That like this rose thy love no death can die.

Hut lives unchanged beyonil tlie darksome tomli!"

She, as unheeding, smiled upt)n my sigh

And passed with noiseless footstep from the room:

Bearing my pleadings, (as I thought) unheard.

Thro' the still darkness of the early day

But as the earth from its deep .shmiber stirred,

Waking,—upon my breast a red rose lay.

' / I ROUT our college, besides the books,

P^ We have a (Uenn and babbling Brooks.

/^ We have a Wood: we have a Hill.

/ 4 And Archers Hunt : There's game to kill.

Of fish we have both Herring and IJass,

A Fisher we have who does surpass.

And he w-ho takes the trouble anil looks

Will find that we have also Hooks.

We have a Council. Nobles, Kings.

But this nor strife nor quarrel brings.

For closer than the Golden Fleece,

We always keep with us our Peace.

We luiN'e men of t'V('r\- sort.

And, though one man is always Short,

Still, by a Deal we're in the fore.

Even without naming Moore.

Thus, in this age of greatest dirth.

We have Merritt, .still, and Worth,

And one who. Prior, leads the re.st,

Except that one who's always Best.

And still, though I say all 1 can

We have in Tollcge but just one .Mann

You'll find two others if you look

But one's aBkickman, the other Cook.


Miller—"A shock headed, shambHng, awkward lad, with

an uncommonly witle mouth, very red cheeks, a turned

up nose, anil certainly the most comical expre.ssion of

face I ever .saw."


Short—"Through childhood, through youth, into manhoodargued and argued he."


J^KKNiZER—"This is a slight unmeritable man meet to be sent

on errands."


\>,. Smith—"His name is Talkative: he dwelt in Pratiiig-Row,

and notwithstanding his fine tonnage is but a sorry fel-



Jxo. Cheshire—" I had liopes of this man ; but now I fear he will pQr\sh."—Biini/an.

HusKE—"I was not born for courts or great affairs: I pay my debts, believe and

sav mv prayers."


L.\Mii—"It is the lark that sings so out of tunc, ,strainiiig harsh discords and un-

lileasing sharps,'

' —Shakespeare.

C.\LDER—" Not a word spak he more than was neede."


Marriott—"I know the boy usurps the grace, voice, gait, and action of a gentle-



Andrews "Avoid the eagerness with which a young man is apt to hurry into



St.\tox—" Sweet is the infant's waking smile." —Keble.

Goo. Sibley—"I'll beat chargesfor a looking glass, and entertain a score or two of

tailors, to study fashions to adorn my liody."


WmiKHEAi)— " Hard stiidents are coinmonl>- troubled with gouts, catarrhs, rheums,

cachexia, bradyspepsia, bad eyes, stone, and colick, crudities and appilatives

vertigo, winds, consumptions, and all such diseases as come by over much

sitting: thev are most part lean, dry, ill-colored * * * and all through

hnmoderate pains and extraordinary studies."—B((r/o/('s Anatomy of


C. I'karson—" His corn and cattle were his onl\- care and his sui^reme delight a coun-

try fair."


H. C'l.KMKNT-" An honest man's the noblest work of God."—/^pc.

JvDi)—" With devotion's visage and (lious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself."—Shakesptare.

" SiiA(; " M( Aden—" A bird in a gikled cage."


".\rsTRAi.iA\"HrR.Ns—" But how did it happen you came out of your country tliis



G. Graha.\i—"But we shall also hear his oaths, and see him in those terrible out-

breaks of passion."


P,LArK\\ELL—"I am well disposed to hojjc you may have hitherto escaped

many vices of your country."


Gi .M.Mi.N<:—" How fluent noii.sense trickles from his tongue."— /-"o/ic.

(^'ash—" There never was another man with such a face as yours."



HusKE—" I want to be an angel

Antl with the angels stand."


W. Hill—"Conceit may prop a man up, but never .support him."


Pe.\ce—"His is beauty truly, whose red and white nature's own sweet and cunning

hand laid on."


Wright—"A .self poised man, who needs not to lean on others for support."


V. Gwv.x—" What makes the youth sae bashfu ' and sae grave ?


P.\R,s(ixs—"My lord, this man, notwithstanding his plausible name, is one of the

vilest fellows in our country."


Rhcides—"He still chewed a dime's worth six da^-s in the week, while the seventh

he passed with a chew in each cheek."—./as. Whitcomb Riley.

TjIowis—"He that seeketh to be eminent amongst able men. hath a great task."


R. G. L.\ssiTER—

" I know not love,'

' cpioth he, " nor will I know it."


FousT—" He knew no more of fear than one who dwells beneath the tropics does of



Weller—" Accuse not nature; she hath done her part."


M.\KELY—" Old as I am, for ladies' love unfit,

The power of beauty I remember yet."


Bass—" All devil as I am, a damned wretch,

A hardened, stubborn, unrepenting villain."


McAdex—" Narrow-minded and rich, pos.sessed with the idea that idleness is honor-

able, and work disgraceful."


WooTEN"—"A reverend man was he to behold."


T.\LiAFERK()—"We heard a baby sucking in his sleep."'

Mrs. Browning.

Ehringhaus—"You wondered, by gum! how there ever was space

In that bosom of his'n to hold .so much bass."


" Long I^ill " Jones—" Of stature he was passing tall.

And sparely fonned and lean withal."

Burton S.mith—" I chatter, chatter as I go."


Long—" I am Sir Oracle! When I opeMy lips, let no dog bark."


Marcus Cicero Stephens Noble—" This was the noblest Roman of tliem all."—SItakespeare.

Sturdivant—" How long will thine insolent fury baffle our efforts?"


R. Stevenson—" It is a good thing he thinks well of him.self."


Lee— " 'Tis not the thought of what I oweThat fills my heart with sorrow

The thoughts that cause me greater woeAre of what I cannot borrow."


SwiNK—"Thy exalted head shall reach the stars."


Simpson—" 'Tis a great jilague to Ix' too handsome a man."


Daniels—" The turtle trainer from Pamlico."


Drane and Douglas—" Swans sing before they die. 'Twere no bad thing

Should certain persons die before they sing."


Bynum—" Earth's fanatics make too frequently Heaven's saints."

Mrs. Browing.

Stafford—" Truth is the most precious possession we have. Let us be careful of it."

L. Holt—"Manhood fused with female grace."


Short—" It is by no means necessary to understand things in order to sjieak confi-

dently about them."


Holland—" A big loud man with a stare and a metallic laugh."




Dr. Battle—" Is the power of the Czar absolutely unlimited?"

Student—" Comparatively so. sir."

Dr. R.\per—" What of tariff. Mr. Reid? "

"A bad thina;. sir."

" Oh, is that the opinion of the average farmer?"

Dr. B.\ttle— (lecturing) " Meanwhile the army of the king was intact, and

^'oice from Amen Corner—" Where did you say his army was, sir?"

Dr. R—" Mr. , have you an adequate conception of the significance of in-

tegration and differentiation as economic factors?

"Unprepared, Doctor."

" Well, Mr. B., is value governed by utility or cost of production?"

Byrnes—(waking up,) "Yes, sir."

Doctor B.\TTLE—"What great event occurred in 1S61, Mr. I'atton?"

Patton— (after mature deliberation) "O yes. Doctor! I was born in that year."

Freshm.\n—" Doctor Stacy, can you tell me which is Archie Henderson's room?"

Chair.\i.\n Vaughan—(trying to keep order in the Fresh Caucus) "Gentlemen,gentlemen, please be quiet; you ought to have more respect for your honorable

mothers at home than to cut up this way !


From the side-lines in the Soph-Junior game—" Pull off your nose guard. Jack,

and scare them back !


" Yes," said Scjuire Patton, " my highest mark was on Pedagogy. I made a five

on that. I see that Pedagogy is my strong point and I'm going to make a specialty

of it this spring."

Judge McRae—interrupted in the midst of a lecture by the entrance of Dr. —


" Come in,Doctor, come in ! Am glad to see you—we were just lecturing on nuisances."

Uncle Willie's Correspondence Column

H-LT-N.—Xu, !)> nil ii'.eans; talkiiii;; and clociuciico arc n<it the sainc thinjr.

T.— Vets, (iiles' trousers an> cut with eircidar saws.

Sw-NK.—We lieheve that oi'dinarilx' jireaehers are not " serajjpers."'

C-.\i-i(i.—The best developnieiit of the jaw comes from constant use of it. Xo, wedo not think that this wouhl detract from the charm of your personality. It will

not hiui you; Sibley continuously rests his mind by talking.

H-SK-.—We can recommend Dr. Ruffin's Method for the development of the chest

and shoulders. He once was as frail as you.

Prof. K-P-R-.— (1 ) We are infonned that it was Bulluck who saluted you with. " (lood

morning, l*"reshman!" (2) Xo. We cannot draw the "Ma.xinium Satisfac-

tion with Minimum .Amount" curve that you rec[uest. We refer you to

Oliver or Stafford.

St-t-n.—You would better not smoke it, if as you say. it makes you so deatlily sick.

If you persevere though, that habit might make \(iu look manly.

W-i.-i.-K .\ND L. H-LT—The high jump is the event in which \d\i can have most

chance of winning a reputation in athletic circles.

H-M-L-.\ ASD H-R-i-o.— IIV thought your moustaches were coming on very nicely.

But if, as you say, they show a tendency to look like Billy Xobles", use

Pear's Soap.

This Week's Riddles

Who is it whose name begins with a 1\. who can swear out of one section of his

mouth, eat with another, smoke a cigar between, grin with the renuiinder, and still

have |ilenty of room?

A dime novel, not to cost over .5.5c, may lie purdiased from Doc Kluttz by the

reader answering the ai)ove.

Faculty Lectures as They Would Have Them

How to grow shoulders ......... RuffixThe Science of Running Red Tape .1 .... Dr. AlexanderChapel Hill . . )

The Puddishness of Geolog.v ........ CokbThe Poetry of Mathematics ........ CaixThe Ps.vcliology of the Cow ....... WilliamsWhere Would the World be Without Rome? ..... LixscottThe Road to Durham ........ NobleCorrect English ......... Bruxer


Wanted—A new face—By Frost, Cash, Swink.

Wanted—A new jaw in exchange for a worn out one—Smith. H. H.

Wanted—Some way to equalize—Henderson and Brcm.Wanted—A chance to institute a ])rep. school—The Faculty.

Wanted—A breath of freedom—Stutlents.

Wanted—Somebody to sit in m.v chapel—Aleck.

Wanted—A new grade of cattle—Commons.Wanted—Somebody to run a .stereopticon—Collier Ci>1)l).


With due reverence to the wisdom of Darwin and holding that most men at

least are descended from anthrojjoid ancestry; we, the A.ssociation for the spread of

Science, do hereby classif.v the following freaks of evohition thusly :

Sallexger from the Owl.

Youxc Shore from the Cat fish.

Burke Bridcers from the Question Mark.

B. H. Smith from the Blue Jay.

Lemlv axu Haxes from the Peacock.

McAdex from the Rabbit.

Sibley from the Opossmn.Beall from the Slot Machine.

Brem from the Molasses Hogshead.BiTTixf; fi-om the Giraffe.

from the Ass.

(Their name is legion.)

Prize Medalists

Awards by the Class of 1904 to the Class of 1905 with Appropriate Cere-

monies, 1 1:30 P. M., Washington's Birthday, 1902.

1st Degree Fool—A. H. Kiiifj;.

2nd Degree Fool —" Swaiin " Wilson.

4th Degree Fool—Thomas Hill.

TN'pical Freshma n— 1 'i-rry


Dirty Man Xo. 1—Claude King.

Dirty Man No. 2—Ted. Brown.Pretty Man—Cash.

Dog-faced Man —Leggett.

Fug Dog Freshman—McMiillan.

Conceited Man—William Hill.

Collier's Fool—Chadwick.Missing Link—.S]icight


Wandering Jew—Jacobs.


Lord High Proprietor f)f Campus—F. Cox.

Natural Born Fool—Stiu'divant.

Thug—( ).sborne.

Cioo Goo Man—Hart.

Weak-mintletl Man—Cannon.Bore—Foy Robcrson.


" Laurie " Patton.

Mama's Baby Boy—Dangerfield.

Mellin's Food Baby—Taliaferro.

Chief Bearer of the Brainless Cranium—Blackwell.

1st Asst. Bearer of the Brainless Cranium—J. A. Wilson.

1st Lieutenant to Blackwell—C. Carr.

Cat-fish Freshman—Lewis.

Billy (!oat and Fool—Gilmer.

Lazy Man—Cheshire.

Worthless Man—Woodruff.Frog-faced Man—Shore.

Silly Man—Miller.

Red-headed Snorter—Murphy



Mean Man—Gilmer.

Goose—McCubbins.Innocent Lo\'er—Exum.

Honorable Mention—Fogle, Havwood, Emerson, Pender, Faucette.

Whole Class^.

Idiotic Order of Goos

He of the Goo - Ooo

The All-round Go(i



L. Holt.






11 Patton secure enough members to start 1 ped. coaching class?

11 Turrentine ever leave?

11 Swink over learn that he is a bull?

11 F)lack\vell make any more I's?

11 Freshman Lewis ever keep his mouth shut?

11 Sturdivant ever gain wisdom?11 it ever be Wright to be Short of Gold.

11 Knox ever go to church?

11 Robbins S. continue to know ever>'thing?

11 the whale deliver Jonas?

11 Jack Frost always remain jjretty?

" Big Stewart " ever learn to run?

Davis always remain sick?

the University Magazine ever lie jiulilished on time'.'

the Freshmen class always be fresh?

I'urton Smith bo assisted by Sweeney?Holland stop talking about "The Drum Corps"?


The End


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