Name: _____________________________ Class: ______________________________ Y8 Poetry

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Name: _____________________________

Class: ______________________________



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Week 1 This half term we are going to be focusing on poetry. The first poem we are going to look at is called Autumn and it is written by Alan Bold. You should work your way through this booklet. Make sure you read everything and complete all of the tasks to the best of your ability. There is a glossary in the back of the booklet that may help you and a space to add to the glossary with any words that you come across that you do not understand. TASK: Before you read it, what do you think it is about from the title? ___________________________________________________________________________




TASK: All of the following words are in the poem. Look them up in a dictionary and write a definition in your OWN words. Cunningly - ________________________________________________________________________________


Multitude - ________________________________________________________________________________


Distraction - _______________________________________________________________________________


Accomplice - _______________________________________________________________________________


Chaos - ____________________________________________________________________________________


Diversions - ________________________________________________________________________________


Inquisitive - ________________________________________________________________________________


Temper - __________________________________________________________________________________


Placid - ____________________________________________________________________________________


Rage - ____________________________________________________________________________________


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Autumn by Alan Bold Autumn arrives

Like an experienced robber

Grabbing the green stuff

Then cunningly covering his tracks

With a deep multitude

Of colourful distractions.

And the wind,

The wind is his accomplice

Putting an air of chaos

Into the careful diversions

So branches shake

And dead leaves are suddenly blown

In the faces of inquisitive strangers.

The theft chills the world

Changes the temper of the earth

Till the normally placid sky grows red with a quiet rage.

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TASK: Now that you have read the poem, write a description of what the poem is about.






TASK: Go through the poem underlining/ highlighting any phrases that you find interesting. TASK: Now add to where you have underlined with an explanation of what is interesting about it. You should consider:

What is it telling us about Autumn?

Are there any language techniques being used? For example, metaphor, personification, simile or alliteration?

What does it make you think of?

What comparisons are being made? TASK: Now add to each of your annotations with what this makes the reader think or feel.

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Week 2 TASK: Fill out the planning boxes below to plan four analytical paragraphs. There are sentence starters to help you and you can use your annotations and ideas from last week. I have put the evidence into the grids for the first two plans, but you will need to choose your own evidence for the last two.

Point The writer presents Autumn as something that skilfully steals Summer from the world.

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “Autumn arrives like an experienced robber”.

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “robber” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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Point The writer presents Autumn as

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “cunningly coverings his tracks”.

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “cunningly”

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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Point The writer presents Autumn as

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “___________” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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Point The writer presents Autumn as

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “__________” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writers has done this to make the reader

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TASK: Now, before you write your analysis up into paragraphs you need to think about what makes a good analytical paragraph. Tick off the tasks below as you complete them.

Read the analytical paragraph below.

Assess the example using the success criteria. For each one you will need to decide whether the paragraph does each thing not at all, a little bit or all of the time. You should use green pen.

Add comments to explain why you have ticked each box. WAGOLL: The poet presents Autumn as a robber that skillfully steals summer from the world. This is

evident in the phrase "like an experienced robber". This simile shows that Autumn is

robbing people of summer by turning the world colder and taking away the fresh green

plants. The word ‘experienced’ shows how Autumn does this time and time again and

knows exactly what it is doing. This forces the reader to feel angry as something is being

taken away from them.

Poetry Analysis Success Criteria

No or little application/ limited evidence

Some evidence

Strong evidence

Why have you decided this?

Clearly understood the content of the poem

Cleary identified how the poet presents Autumn

Relevant quotations included

Relevant detailed analysis of quotations

Relevant key word chosen

Relevant detailed key word analysed

Identified poetic techniques

Included detailed effect on the reader

Perfect capital letters and full stops.

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TASK: Now, before you write your analysis up into paragraphs you need to think about what makes a bad analytical paragraph. Tick off the tasks below as you complete them.

Read the analytical paragraph below.

Assess the example using the success criteria. For each one you will need to decide whether the paragraph does each thing not at all, a little bit or all of the time. You should use green pen.

Add comments to explain why you have ticked each box. WABOLL: Autumn is a robber. This is evident in the phrase "like an experienced robber". This shows

that Autumn is robbing people. This makes the reader feel sad as you shouldn't rob people.

Poetry Analysis Success Criteria

No or little application/ limited evidence

Some evidence

Strong evidence

Why have you decided this?

Clearly understood the content of the poem

Cleary identified how the poet presents Autumn

Relevant quotations included

Relevant detailed analysis of quotations

Relevant key word chosen

Relevant detailed key word analysed

Identified poetic techniques

Included detailed effect on the reader

Perfect capital letters and full stops.

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TASK: Now that you understand what your analytical paragraphs should contain, use your plans from the beginning of the week to write four detailed analytical paragraphs. ___________________________________________________________________________





















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Week 3

TASK: Tick off the below tasks as you complete them.

Read the ‘Sea Poem’.

Annotate the poem (like you did with the poem about Autumn). You need to think

about: any interesting language choices, any poetic techniques that have been used,

what these suggest about the sea and what the effect on the reader is.

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TASK: Tick off the below tasks as you complete them.

Read ‘The Sea’ by James Reeves

Annotate the poem (like you did with the poem about Autumn). You need to think

about: any interesting language choices, any poetic techniques that have been used,

what these suggest about the sea and what the effect on the reader is.

The Sea by James Reeves

The sea is a hungry dog,

Giant and grey.

He rolls on the beach all day.

With his clashing teeth and shaggy jaws

Hour upon hour he gnaws The rumbling, tumbling stones,

And 'Bones, bones, bones, bones! '

The giant sea-dog moans,

Licking his greasy paws.

And when the night wind roars

And the moon rocks in the stormy cloud,

He bounds to his feet and snuffs and sniffs,

Shaking his wet sides over the cliffs,

And howls and hollos long and loud.

But on quiet days in May or June, When even the grasses on the dune

Play no more their reedy tune,

With his head between his paws

He lies on the sandy shores,

So quiet, so quiet, he scarcely snores.

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TASK: The two poems present very different representations of the sea. Use the venn

diagram below to show what is different/ similar about the poems. All of your notes need to

include a quotation from the poem, an explanation of what this tells us about the sea, any

language technique that is being used and what effect this has on the reader.



by J










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TASK: Use the boxes below, plan two paragraphs that compare the two poems about the sea. There are sentence starters to help you.

Sea Poem

Point The writer presents the sea as

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “___________” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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The Sea by James Reeves

Point However, in ‘The Sea’ the poet presents the sea as

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “___________” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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TASK: Now write up your two planned paragraphs into a mini comparison. You need to make sure you start your second paragraph with a contrasting connective e.g. however, on the other hand or alternatively. ___________________________________________________________________________





















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Week 4 – Mid Term Assessment

For your mid term assessment you will be analysing an unseen poem. TASK:

Read the below poem

Read it again, this time making notes around it of what it tells you about the snow and what images it creates in your mind. Make sure you comment on the effect on the reader and include any language techniques you can find.

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Falling Snow

See the pretty snowflakes, Falling from the sky; On the wall and housetops, Soft and thick they lie. On the window ledges, On the branches bare; Now how fast they gather, Filling all the air. Look into the garden, Where the grass was green; Covered by the snowflakes, Not a blade is seen. Now the bare black bushes, All look soft and white, Every twig is laden, What a pretty sight!

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TASK: Answer the following questions about the poem.

1. What is the poem about?




2. Write one word to describe the content of each stanza:

a. Stanza 1: ____________________________

b. Stanza 2: ____________________________

c. Stanza 3: ____________________________

d. Stanza 4: ____________________________

3. Each of the below quotations are examples of imagery. That means that it creates a really clear image in your mind because it is detailed description. For each one draw the image that it creates and then explain the image in the box next to it. Make sure you comment on any language techniques and the effect on the reader.

Quotation Image Explanation “See the pretty snowflakes, Falling from the sky; On the wall and housetops, Soft and thick they lie”

“Now how fast they gather, Filling all the air”

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“Now the bare black bushes, All look soft and white, Every twig is laden”

TASK: Now plan out your assessment using the planning grids below. I’ve included sentence starters to help you.

Point The writer shows that the snow…

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “___________” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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Point The writer shows that the snow…

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “___________” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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Point The writer shows that the snow…

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “___________” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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Point The writer shows that the snow…

Evidence This is shown in the phrase “

Analysis This suggests that

Key Word Analysis The word “___________” shows that

Writers’ intention/ readers’ reaction

The writer has done this to make the reader

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TASK: Now, right up your plans into four paragraphs. This will be your mid-term assessment. ___________________________________________________________________________






















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TASK: You now need to check your work thoroughly.

Asses your work using the success criteria. For each one you will need to decide whether the paragraph does each thing not at all, a little bit or all of the time. You should use green pen.

Add comments to explain why you have ticked each box.

Poetry Analysis Success Criteria

No or little application/ limited evidence

Some evidence

Strong evidence

Why have you decided this?

Clearly understood the content of the poem

Cleary identified how the poet presents Autumn

Relevant quotations included

Relevant detailed analysis of quotations

Relevant key word chosen

Relevant detailed key word analysed

Identified poetic techniques

Included detailed effect on the reader

Perfect capital letters and full stops.

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Week 5

The next two weeks are going to spent looking writing your own poems using all the techniques we have been analysing such as personification, similes, metaphors, alliteration, repetition and imagery. We will start by text mapping an example.

TASK: Create a text map for the poem below. This is set out for you on the following page. You need to create small images in the empty boxes to replace the words and phrases that have been missed out. These should be the same as the existing poem. As an example, I have done the title.

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The shining blue sea was calm ,

As the waves floated upon the sand ,

The seagulls cry was loud and sharp,

As they flew across the warm land.

The sun was shining brightly ,

As the rays lit up the sk,

The water danced and tumbled ,

As the day went flying by.

TASK: You now need to learn the poem from your text map. You also need to be reading the punctuation out loud. You should repeat this over and over again out loud (or in your head if you can’t do it out loud).

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TASK: Write out the poem without looking at the original. This should be done entirely from your text map. Don’t forget your perfect punctuation! ___________________________________________________________________________






















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TASK: Create a new text map that creates a new poem. You can change any of the pictures for a new one in order to change the sea from sounding calm to sounding stormy.


The shining blue sea was calm ,

As the waves floated upon the sand ,

The seagulls cry was loud and sharp,

As they flew across the warm land.

The sun was shining brightly ,

As the rays lit up the sk,

The water danced and tumbled ,

As the day went flying by.

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TASK: Write out your new poem from your text map. Don’t forget your perfect punctuation! ___________________________________________________________________________






















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Week 6 For your end of term assessment you are going to be writing a poem that describes the below image.

TASK: Describe what is happening in this image. ___________________________________________________________________________




TASK: Write a list of all the colours that you can see in this image. ___________________________________________________________________________




TASK: Describe what the weather in Autumn is like ___________________________________________________________________________


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TASK: Using the image to help you, write some words and phrases that use figurative language that you will be able to use in your poem.

1) A simile: ______________________________________________________________

2) Alliteration: ___________________________________________________________

3) A metaphor: __________________________________________________________

4) Personification: ________________________________________________________

5) Imagery: _____________________________________________________________

TASK: Now, use the space to plan out your ideas for your poem. You can use all of the ideas from above to help you. What are you going to talk about? Make sure you consider: what you can see, what you might hear, what the weather is like and what you might smell.

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TASK: End of term assessment You should have now thought about what you are going to write about and have pre-written some figurative language that you can put into your poem. Write your poem out below, make sure that you include your figurative language from above. ___________________________________________________________________________




















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TASK: Assess your poem using the success criteria below.

Assess your using the success criteria. For each one you will need to decide whether the paragraph does each thing not at all, a little bit or all of the time. You should use green pen.

For each one, explain why you have decided that.

Content and organisation No or

little application/ limit

ed evidence


some evidence Sustained/ strong

evidence Why have you chosen this?

My ideas are clear/developed

I have sustained my ideas through description

I have included a range of figurative language

(personification, alliteration, simile, metaphor, imagery)

I have used a range of figurative language features for


I have structured my poem coherently using stanzas

The style I have written in is appropriate

I have experimented with a range of sentence types

Technical Accuracy

I have used a range of sentences types

I have used standard English appropriately

I have used standard punctuation accurately (full stops

semicolons, exclamation marks, question marks etc.)

I have included a range of vocabulary, some of which is


My spelling is generally accurate, and includes some

ambitious vocabulary

My capital letters and full stops are perfect.

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Glossary: Simile: When you compare one thing to another to highlight something specific about this. The comparison must be made using like or as. E.g. He ran as fast as a cheetah Metaphor: When you make a comparison between two things to highlight a particular feature by saying that one literally IS another thing (even though it isn’t). E.g. My brother is a pig when he eats pizza. Personification: When you give something that isn’t a person (object or animal) characteristics that are usually attributed to a human. E.g. The trees danced in the wind. Alliteration: When two or more words start with the same letter. This is usually to draw attention to something or emphasise it. E.g. The giant green gnomes gallantly dove under the hedge. Repetition: When you use the same word or phrase more than once for emphasis. E.g. The wind. The wind raged. Imagery: Phrases that create an image in the readers’ mind. E.g. The giant tree was ablaze with the orange, red, and yellow leaves that were beginning to make their descent to the ground.

Stanza: A group of lines in a poem, separated from another group of lines in a poem by a missing line. TASK: If you come across any words you do not understand write them here with their definition. ___________________________________________________________________________




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