An application benchmark for fermionic quantum simulations Pierre-Luc Dallaire-Demers, * Michal Stęchly, Jerome F. Gonthier, Ntwali Toussaint Bashige, Jonathan Romero, and Yudong Cao Zapata Computing Inc. (Dated: March 4, 2020) It is expected that the simulation of correlated fermions in chemistry and material science will be one of the first practical applications of quantum processors. Given the rapid evolution of quan- tum hardware, it is increasingly important to develop robust benchmarking techniques to gauge the capacity of quantum hardware specifically for the purpose of fermionic simulation. Here we pro- pose using the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model as an application benchmark for variational quantum simulations on near-term quantum devices. Since the one-dimensional Hubbard model is both strongly correlated and exactly solvable with the Bethe ansatz, it provides a reference ground state energy that a given device with limited coherence will be able to approximate up to a maximal size. The length of the largest chain that can be simulated provides an effective fermionic length. We use variational quantum eigensolver to approximate the ground state energy values of Fermi- Hubbard instances and show how the fermionic length benchmark can be used in practice to assess the performance of bounded-depth devices in a scalable fashion. I. INTRODUCTION The study of quantum algorithms for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) [1] computers is an important development in recent years triggered by the rapid evolution of quantum hardware. These NISQ algorithms are intended for specific applications such as simulating quantum systems [2–9], combinatorial optimization [10, 11], machine learning [12–16] and more [17–19]. Quantum circuits arising from these algorithms are often structured to account for the specific char- acters of the application problem. For instance, the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) [2–7] has specific structures built into circuit ansatzes to account for the uniqueÂăproperties of interacting fermions [6, 7]. With an increasingly diverse set of hardware devices available, it remains unclear how best to benchmark the usefulness of devices for the specific purpose of varia- tional fermionic simulation. Current benchmarking tech- niques, such as randomized benchmarking [20], volumet- ric benchmark [21] or cross-entropy benchmark [22],Âădo not take intoÂăaccount the structured nature of quan- tum circuits arising from specific NISQ algorithms. As a result, for a given NISQ algorithm, it is unclear how theÂăcircuitÂăstructureÂăand the hardware limitations affect the performance of a device for the specific appli- cation. To address this issue in the context of VQE, we consider the ground state problem of the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model (FHM) as a benchmark. It is an exactly solvable model by the Bethe ansatz for both finite and infinite chains. In addition, it is a relatively simple model that nonetheless captures the essential complexity of preparing the ground state and simulating strongly correlated fermionic systems. * [email protected] [email protected] There are certain generic features that are expected from such a benchmark (Fig. 1). For preparing the ground state of an L-site FHM on a quantum computer, both the number of qubits and circuit depth are expected to grow as L increases. Assuming adequate training of the circuit ansatz, the final ground state energy obtained from the VQE calculations should decrease with L, ap- proaching the infinite-chain limit E 0 . For a given NISQ device that is limited to running shallow circuits, how- ever, after a certain chain length L * the ground state energy obtained is expected to diverge from the infinite- chain limit. In other words, there is a turning point that serves as an âĂIJeffective fermionic lengthâĂİ that char- acterizes the capacity of the quantum device for fermionic simulation. This way one can precisely delineate the in- terplay between the circuit structure (which may mani- fest as circuit depth and number of gates) and the phys- ical hardware limitations (which may manifest as gate error and decoherence). As an example, we consider the details of such bench- mark for the quantum processor recently produced by the team at Google (the âĂIJSycamoreâĂİ processor [22]). By parametrizing the pulses used to operate the tun- able couplers and the qubit frequencies, it is possible to use the Sycamore device as a variational ansatz. It has been demonstrated experimentally that variational 2- qubit gates can be implemented [23]. Each parametrized two-qubit gate has two components—an exchange term and a tunable dispersive interaction. We define a practi- cal variational building block by starting each step with a variable X rotation to select a basis and by adding tunable Z phases at the end of each step to compensate for stray phase-shifts. A variational layer is composed of many parallel 2-qubit elements which are parametrized such that the experimental implementation of each layer is completed in a fixed time. This allows a simple multi- layer composition of the ansatz. By construction the ansatz can interpolate between discrete elements of the class of random circuits used for the supremacy demon- arXiv:submit/3072152 [quant-ph] 4 Mar 2020

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An application benchmark for fermionic quantum simulations

Pierre-Luc Dallaire-Demers,∗ Michał Stęchły, Jerome F. Gonthier,Ntwali Toussaint Bashige, Jonathan Romero, and Yudong Cao†

Zapata Computing Inc.(Dated: March 4, 2020)

It is expected that the simulation of correlated fermions in chemistry and material science willbe one of the first practical applications of quantum processors. Given the rapid evolution of quan-tum hardware, it is increasingly important to develop robust benchmarking techniques to gauge thecapacity of quantum hardware specifically for the purpose of fermionic simulation. Here we pro-pose using the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model as an application benchmark for variationalquantum simulations on near-term quantum devices. Since the one-dimensional Hubbard model isboth strongly correlated and exactly solvable with the Bethe ansatz, it provides a reference groundstate energy that a given device with limited coherence will be able to approximate up to a maximalsize. The length of the largest chain that can be simulated provides an effective fermionic length.We use variational quantum eigensolver to approximate the ground state energy values of Fermi-Hubbard instances and show how the fermionic length benchmark can be used in practice to assessthe performance of bounded-depth devices in a scalable fashion.


The study of quantum algorithms for NoisyIntermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) [1] computersis an important development in recent years triggered bythe rapid evolution of quantum hardware. These NISQalgorithms are intended for specific applications suchas simulating quantum systems [2–9], combinatorialoptimization [10, 11], machine learning [12–16] and more[17–19]. Quantum circuits arising from these algorithmsare often structured to account for the specific char-acters of the application problem. For instance, thevariational quantum eigensolver (VQE) [2–7] has specificstructures built into circuit ansatzes to account for theuniqueÂăproperties of interacting fermions [6, 7].

With an increasingly diverse set of hardware devicesavailable, it remains unclear how best to benchmark theusefulness of devices for the specific purpose of varia-tional fermionic simulation. Current benchmarking tech-niques, such as randomized benchmarking [20], volumet-ric benchmark [21] or cross-entropy benchmark [22],Âădonot take intoÂăaccount the structured nature of quan-tum circuits arising from specific NISQ algorithms. Asa result, for a given NISQ algorithm, it is unclear howtheÂăcircuitÂăstructureÂăand the hardware limitationsaffect the performance of a device for the specific appli-cation. To address this issue in the context of VQE, weconsider the ground state problem of the one-dimensionalFermi-Hubbard model (FHM) as a benchmark. It is anexactly solvable model by the Bethe ansatz for both finiteand infinite chains. In addition, it is a relatively simplemodel that nonetheless captures the essential complexityof preparing the ground state and simulating stronglycorrelated fermionic systems.

[email protected][email protected]

There are certain generic features that are expectedfrom such a benchmark (Fig. 1). For preparing theground state of an L-site FHM on a quantum computer,both the number of qubits and circuit depth are expectedto grow as L increases. Assuming adequate training ofthe circuit ansatz, the final ground state energy obtainedfrom the VQE calculations should decrease with L, ap-proaching the infinite-chain limit E0. For a given NISQdevice that is limited to running shallow circuits, how-ever, after a certain chain length L∗ the ground stateenergy obtained is expected to diverge from the infinite-chain limit. In other words, there is a turning point thatserves as an âĂIJeffective fermionic lengthâĂİ that char-acterizes the capacity of the quantum device for fermionicsimulation. This way one can precisely delineate the in-terplay between the circuit structure (which may mani-fest as circuit depth and number of gates) and the phys-ical hardware limitations (which may manifest as gateerror and decoherence).

As an example, we consider the details of such bench-mark for the quantum processor recently produced by theteam at Google (the âĂIJSycamoreâĂİ processor [22]).By parametrizing the pulses used to operate the tun-able couplers and the qubit frequencies, it is possibleto use the Sycamore device as a variational ansatz. Ithas been demonstrated experimentally that variational 2-qubit gates can be implemented [23]. Each parametrizedtwo-qubit gate has two components—an exchange termand a tunable dispersive interaction. We define a practi-cal variational building block by starting each step witha variable X rotation to select a basis and by addingtunable Z phases at the end of each step to compensatefor stray phase-shifts. A variational layer is composed ofmany parallel 2-qubit elements which are parametrizedsuch that the experimental implementation of each layeris completed in a fixed time. This allows a simple multi-layer composition of the ansatz. By construction theansatz can interpolate between discrete elements of theclass of random circuits used for the supremacy demon-






2 [



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stration [22]. All single-qubit gates can be reached by theansatz as well as two-qubit cphase operations and non-nearest-neighbor matchgates [24] which are both univer-sal for quantum computing. In general, we expect theansatz to be hard to simulate classically (except for cer-tain special cases1) and can also be used to representand study fermionic states beyond the reach of classicalcomputers.

The paper is organized as follows: In Section II wedescribe how the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard modelcan be used as a benchmark for fermionic ansatz on de-vices that operate beyond the supremacy regime. In Sec-tion III we describe a heuristic to optimize a VQE ansatzlayer-by-layer [16] in order to mitigate the barren plateauproblem, along with a proposal for a hardware-efficientansatz for the Sycamore device and specify general archi-tecture constraints for other hardware architectures. As aproof-of-concept we numerically simulate how the bench-mark would perform on the Sycamore device in SectionIV. Finally, in Section V we discuss results and possiblefuture lines of work.


In this section, we revisit some of the details of theone-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model (FHM) and de-scribe how it can be used as a benchmark to characterizethe performance of a quantum device for the task of sim-ulating fermionic systems with the variational quantumeigensolver algorithm [2, 4]. Specifically, we show thatan "effective fermionic length" (EFL) can be obtainedfrom estimates of the energy density for 1D FHM of in-creasing size. This metric serves as an estimate of theeffective size of fermionic systems that can be simulatedusing a quantum device and a particular choice of vari-ational circuit ansatz. Fig. 1 depicts the steps to carryout the estimation of the EFL on an actual device. Therest of the section describes in detail the different aspectsof the benchmark.

A. Representation of the one-dimensional FHM

The one-dimensional FHM describes a physical systemof fermions dwelling on a linear chain of L sites. Eachsite has the capacity for holding at most one fermionwhich can be either spin up ↑ or down ↓. Hence thereare in total 2L spin orbitals for the entire system, witheach site associated with two spin orbitals. The secondquantization formulation of the 1D FHM is given by the

1 For example, consider a circuit of nearest-neighbor iSWAP gatesacting only on a chain of qubits. Since iSWAP is a matchgate,such circuit can be classically simulated efficiently [25, 26]


gy d


ty d






Inverse chain length L−1 12




State preparation

Energy measurement

Classical optimizer|ψ (θ)⟩



Step 1: Compute VQE for L=2 FMH




Step 2: Increase L and recompute FMH









O(e− Lβ )

Fermionic length L* = 8

Steps 3+: Recompute until finding optimum length L*



gy d


ty d







gy d


ty d






Inverse chain length L−1

Inverse chain length L−1

O(e− Lβ )



FIG. 1. Schematics for the application benchmark scheme(data points are for illustration purposes only). The goal is togenerate the energy density deviation E(θ∗)−E0

Ltas a function

of inverse chain length L−1. Here E(θ∗) values come fromVQE calculations, E0 is the infinite-chain ground state en-ergy for 1D FHM (see Eq. (2)) and t is the hopping potential(see Eq. (1)). The benchmarking process starts with a shortchain and proceeds to increment L while extracting E(θ∗) onthe quantum device. As L increases, E(θ∗) should convergetowards the infinite chain limit E0. However, due to noiseand decoherence, after some value L∗, the estimated groundstate energy density will diverge away from the infinite-chainlimit, yielding a scaling of O(e

−Lβ ) in the energy density de-

viation. Here β is a parameter depending on the noise anddecoherence of the device.

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0 2 4 8E0L

-1.27324 -0.844374 -0.573729 -0.327531

TABLE I. Density of energy E0L

in the thermodynamic limitof a one-dimensional FHM as a function of the dimensionlessinteraction energy U


Hamiltonian [27]

H (t, U) = −t∑σ=↑,↓


(a†j+1,σaj,σ + a†j,σaj+1,σ



nj,↑nj,↓ − µ∑σ=↑,↓



(1)where the aj,σ and a†j,σ are creation and annihilation op-erators for a fermion with spin σ at site j and nj,σ =

a†j,σaj,σ are the number operators. This describes elec-trons hopping along a flat band with L sites with kineticenergy t. There is a local Coulomb interaction U and achemical potential µ that determines the total number ofelectrons N . At half-filling we have the total number ofelectrons N = L. The exact ground state energy per siteof an infinite chain of the 1D FHM as computed from theBethe ansatz [28, 29] is given by


Lt= −4

∫ ∞0

dωJ0 (ω) J1 (ω)


1 + eωU2t

) (2)

where J0 (x) and J1 (x) are Bessel functions. After nu-merical integration we tabulate the energy density for afew values of the interaction energy U (see Table I). Fora finite chain of length L, the correction to the energydensity E0

L is of order O(1L

)[30]. Hence the energy den-

sity of the ground state of increasingly longer chains willasymptotically reach the limit shown in Table I. In or-der to map the Hamiltonian of the FHM to a quantumcomputer, it is useful to introduce the intermediate no-tation of Majorana fermions γAj,σ = a†j,σ +aj,σ and γBj,σ =

−i(a†j,σ − aj,σ

)such that

γαj,σ, γ


= δjkδσσ′δαβ and(


= 1. In the Majorana representation, the Hamil-tonian of the 1D FHM has the form

H (t, U) =it





Bj,σ + γAj,σγ


)− i



2− µ

) ∑σ=↑,↓







Bj,↓ + L


4− µ


(3)where half-filling is obtained by setting µ = U

2 .To complete the mapping of the spin orbitals to a set

of distinguishable qubits we define and use a canonical



1 2 L…

1, ↑ 2, ↑ L, ↑

L, ↓1, ↓ 2, ↓

FIG. 2. (a) One-dimensional chain of sites 1, 2, · · · , L in theFermi-Hubbard model. (b) Canonical Jordan-Wigner encod-ing for fermions in 2L spin- 1

2orbitals. Each spin orbital is

mapped to a qubit and the edges indicate the qubit connec-tivity.

Jordan-Wigner encoding [2] shown in Fig. 2. From theMajorana representation this corresponds to the map-ping Zj,σ = −iγAj,σγBj,σ and Xj,σXj+1,σ + Yj,σYj+1,σ =


Bj,σ + γAj,σγ


). Here X, Y , Z are Pauli op-

erators. In the Jordan-Wigner representation the Hamil-tonian is written as

H (t, U) =t




(Xj,σXj+1,σ + Yj,σYj+1,σ)




2− µ

) ∑σ=↑,↓






Zj,↑Zj,↓ + L


4− µ


(4)This particular Jordan-Wigner mapping has the ad-

vantage of casting all terms in the Hamiltonian of the 1DFHM (Eq. 3) to operators acting on at most two qubitson quantum processor.

B. The variational energy minimization task

Here we briefly formulate the general steps in the taskof finding the ground state of the 1D FHM on a quan-tum processor. We assume that a parametrized ansatzstate


= U(~θ) |0〉⊗n (over n > 2L qubits) can be

constructed for an arbitrary assignment of parameters ~θ.We will denote the expectation value of an operator Oas 〈O〉~θ = tr



∣∣∣). The variational energyof the 1D FHM at half-filling is simply the statistical

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expectation value

E(~θ) = 〈H(t, U)〉~θ + µ 〈N〉~θ





(〈Xj,σXj+1,σ〉~θ + 〈Yj,σYj+1,σ〉~θ




(〈Zj,↑Zj,↓〉~θ + 1


(5)The task of finding the ground state corresponds to theoptimization problem E(~θ∗) = min~θE(~θ). The optimalenergy, E(~θ∗) computed for a specific chain length L,provides an estimate of the infinite chain energy densitywith deviation E(~θ∗)−E0

Lt , where E0 is obtained analyti-cally from Eq. (2). It can be seen that E(~θ) can be eval-uated by sampling in only three different measurementbases. Let us remark that the number of measurementsscales as O( 1

Lε2 ) for error ε in estimating the chain en-ergy density [3]. This implies that for a fixed ε it requiresfewer measurements as the chain gets longer.

C. Definition of the benchmark

A quantum computer with the ability to simulate ac-curately the 1D FHM would be able to provide esti-mates of the energy per site in the thermodynamic limitwith accuracy O( 1

L ), as described in the previous sec-tion. Such a simulation can be carried out using theVQE algorithm implemented with a hardware-efficientansatz. This ansatz type generally consists of a seriesof repeating parameterized quantum circuits, typicallyreferred to as “layers” [5, 31]. We anticipate that thenumber of layers in the ansatz required to describe theenergy accurately increases polynomially with the size ofthe chain2. In a NISQ device, increasing the number oflayers decreases the overall fidelity of the variational cir-cuit, introducing an error E(~θ∗) in the energy estimateobtained with VQE that grows with the chain length L.Consequently, the overall error in the infinite size energydensity computed by VQE will be the result of the inter-play between the errors associated to a finite chain size,

2 The task of preparing the optimal mean-field approximation tothe ground state of the 1D FHM on a quantum computer re-quires a linear-depth circuit of matchgates [7, 32, 33] to preparethe corresponding Gaussian state. This has been shown to be op-timal [33] for a linear connectivity. Preparing the exact solutionrequires the preparation of non-Gaussian fermionic states, whichcan be achieved with circuits of linear depth [7, 33] incorporat-ing a non-matchgate interaction. Therefore, we hypothesize thatat least a linear-depth circuit would be required to achieve suchpreparation. The variational non-Gaussian space also providesa setting to prepare fermionic state from other strongly corre-lated models. Reference [7] provides some numerical evidencesupporting this hypothesis.

which scales as O( 1L ), and the error introduced by deco-

herence, which increases as L→∞, as illustrated in Fig.1. Therefore, the overall error in the estimate of the en-ergy density will follow a behavior as the one described bythe gray line in Fig. 1, where the best approximation tothe infinite chain energy density is achieved for a lengthL∗. We call this quantity L∗ the âĂIJeffective fermioniclengthâĂİ (EFL), corresponding to the maximum lengthof a 1D FHM for which a quantum device implementinga hardware-efficient ansatz provides the best estimate ofthe infinite chain energy density. The accuracy of this es-timate will also depend on the performance of the VQEprocedure, which is influenced by the quality of the VQEoptimization. In this sense, L∗ can be interpreted as aholistic metric describing both the power of a quantumdevice as an ansatz for simulating fermionic systems withVQE, and the quality of the VQE procedure itself. Wepoint out in the next section that the VQE optimizationfor the 1D FHM is likely to be feasible for arbitrary L.

In the next section, we also illustrate the implemen-tation of our benchmark with a proposal of a hardwareefficient ansatz and VQE optimization strategy to com-pute the energy of the 1D FHM on a quantum processor.We provide implementation details based on the archi-tecture of Google’s Sycamore quantum chip, which hasbeen recently used to demonstrate quantum supremacy[22].


In this section, we formalize the definition of the classof hardware efficient ansatzes (HEA), and provide a spe-cific example tailored to the simulation of fermionic sys-tems. We provide details on how the Sycamore devicecan be operated to implement this ansatz.

A. VQE ansatz and optimization strategy

Hardware efficient ansatzes are motivated by the ideaof utilizing the native set of parameterizable operationsavailable on a quantum processor. This allows for thedesign of shallow variational circuits [5, 7]. We formalizethe concept of a hardware efficient ansatz as a param-eterized quantum circuit characterized by the followingelements:

1. A graph of qubits described by an adjacency matrixwith maximum degree K. The edges designate thephysical coupling between the qubits.

2. A variational two-qubit gate and variational single-qubit elements such that they can be composed to(approximately) generate any unitary transforma-tion on the state of the qubits.

3. A structure of K layers which can be described asa sequence of sets of edges.

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4. A depth limit mostly constrained by the noise anddecoherence of the system.

This description also includes devices with parameter-ized multi-qubit gates that can be operated in parallelon a number of qubits proportional to the total size ofthe quantum processor. For example, trapped ion quan-tum computers [34] with a lattice of shuttling ions couldimplement such a variational scheme, where the layersdefining the ansatz can include multiqubit operations.

The main challenge of optimizing hardware efficientansatzes is the existence of barren plateaus in the costfunction landscape [35, 36]. This phenomenon corre-sponds to the observation that gradients of cost functionsconsisting of global operators vanish at a rate that scalesas O(exp(−n)) for ansatzes that approximate 2-designs,where n is the total number of qubits. This implies thatthe strategy of randomly initializing the parameters ofhardware efficient ansatzes, many of which might approx-imate 2-designs, would not be effective for optimizationwith gradient based approaches. However, it has beenshown [36] that shallow circuits (i.e. with a depth thatscales as O(polylog(n))) attain polynomially vanishinggradients for cost functions comprising local operators.This suggests that training shallow parameterized quan-tum circuits might be possible even with random initial-ization of the parameters for local cost functions .

Fortunately, the 1D FHM Hamiltonian qualifies as alocal cost function, as it consists only of 1-local and 2-local qubit operators (Eq. 5). Correspondingly, we expectgradient-based optimization to be feasible for a hardwareefficient ansatz with a few number of layers. To take ad-vantage of this, we propose a layer-by-layer optimizationstrategy to carry out the optimization [16]. We startby optimizing O(log(n)) layers by randomly initializingthe parameters. Convergence is achieved after a certainthreshold of change in energy between two iterations ismet or when a maximum number of function evaluationsis reached. This first optimization step provides an ap-proximation to the wavefunction with non-zero overlapwith the exact ground state. After completing the firstoptimization, we increment the number of layers, initial-izing the new layers according to some random distribu-tion of parameters and retaining the optimal parametersfor the old layers. We choose a small interval of anglessuch that the identity can be recovered but initial sym-metries are broken. New layers and the layers from theprevious steps are trained using a numerical optimizer.We repeat this procedure until achieving an energy con-vergence within a predefined global threshold. By doingthe optimization sequentially, we approximately guaran-tee that the starting point for each iteration maintainssignificant overlap with the ground state.

Finally, we propose a training method which offloadsall fermionic gaussian operations to the classical proces-sor and maximizes the use of the variational non-gaussianresource given by the quantum device. The method is de-scribed in Appendix B.

B. Example of Sycamore

In the supremacy experiment, the Google team hasdemonstrated that a microfabricated device can deter-ministically be put into a state whose statistics cannotbe sampled efficiently with a classical computer accord-ing to a cross-entropy benchmark [22]. The space ofrandom circuits used for the supremacy experiment canbe made variational by parametrizing the control pulsesused to implement the gates on the device. Since the nat-ural time evolution of the tunable couplers of Sycamorecorresponds to gates that can be used to implement afermionic ansatz like the low-depth circuit ansatz [7],such processors may be naturally suited for fermionicquantum simulations. We propose using the device asan ansatz by doing variational optimization directly onthe coupler’s parameters and the single qubit detunings.

The Sycamore device is composed of an array of 54transmon qubits. Each single-qubit gates can be exe-cuted in 25 ns while entangling two-qubit gates can bedone in 12 ns. Individual qubits can be measured in thecomputational basis. The qubits in Sycamore are cou-pled by tunable couplers. A tunable coupler is essentiallyanother qubit that can be brought into resonance withthe neighboring qubits to enable an exchange interaction.This is done by applying a DC flux pulse of a certain am-plitude and duration and by controlling the detuning ofthe qubits.

One of the main advantages of using superconductingcircuits as a platform for quantum information process-ing is that they do not dissipate DC currents. Howevertheir dynamical operation can still dissipate energy andthe qubit’s lifetime and phase coherence are therefore fi-nite. In current technologies, the cross-talk is a signifi-cant source of error in the implementation of quantumgates. By operating a device as a variational ansatz, itshould be possible to mitigate the effect of cross-talk aswell as some systematic coherent errors like under- andover-rotations induced by calibration errors.

To define the hardware efficient ansatz for theSycamore device, we first choose an ideal variational two-qubit gate which is close to the operational capability ofthe physical device. We then assign the controls thatmodulate the ideal variational angles as experimentalvariational parameters. Finally we choose a structureof layers of variational two-qubit gates that can be usedto compose an ansatz of arbitrary depth.

From the form of the perturbed iSWAP gate [22, fsimgate], we propose the ideal variational two-qubit gateshown in Fig. 3. The variational entangling compo-nents are chosen to be those naturally implemented bythe physics of tunable couplers, namely iSWAP(θ)† =e−iθ(X1X2+Y1Y2) coming from the exchange part of theinteraction and cphase(φ) = eiφZ1Z2 from the disper-sive part. The order of the two-qubit variational gatesXX + Y Y and ZZ can be reversed since they com-mute. Furthermore, the variational f gate is chosen suchthat composing two such operations in sequence can be

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FIG. 3. Ideal form of the variational 2-qubit element. Thevariational gate f starts with two single-qubit X rotationsRX(θX1) on the first qubit and RX(θX2) on the secondqubit. It is followed by a variational 2-qubit iSWAP(θ)†

and cphase(φ). Finally we apply the single-qubit Z rotationsRZ(θZ1) and RZ(θZ2).

used to generate arbitrary single qubit rotations. Thisis done by applying single-qubit X rotations RX(θX1) =eiθX1X1 and RX(θX2) = eiθX2X2 on the first and secondqubit respectively at the beginning of f and by apply-ing the single-qubit Z rotations RZ(θZ1) = eiθZ1Z1 andRZ(θZ2) = eiθZ2Z2 at the end of the gate. The Z ro-tations are also generators for local fermionic Gaussiantransformations. The composition of a sequence of vari-ational elements f can be used to construct a set of gateswhich is universal for quantum computing.

In the ideal case, we assume to have an explicit map-ping between the physical control parameters of the de-vice and the resulting quantum gates in the computa-tional Hilbert space. In the case of perfect controls andcharacterization of the device, the mapping would be re-producible and invertible as well as perfectly local in thesense that all degrees of freedom can be controlled inde-pendently.

In practice, the experimental controls can influenceother neighboring gates through residual electromagneticinteractions, namely cross-talk. This means that themapping between experimental control parameters andthe variational angles of the ideal two-qubit gates is notperfectly local. However, for a given assignment of con-trol parameters at a given time, the cross-talk has a re-producible coherent component acting on the computa-tional Hilbert space. Consequently, the variational opti-mization would benefit from executing the optimizationdirectly on the experimental controls, as it could helpmitigate the effect of coherent errors. Fig. 4 describesa heuristic scheme to parameterize two-qubit gates onSycamore at the hardware level. A more detailed imple-mentation has recently been proposed and demonstratedin [23].

In the most general setting, the experimentalparametrization can be done over all fluxes and initialtimes in a given layer. The starting time of the flux pulsestinit → ~tinit and their parametrized amplitudes Φ → ~Φbecome vectors. The angles of the ideal parametrizedgates become mappings from the experimental parame-ters, namely ~θ


)and ~φ


). The maximum

(a) Parameterization of a tunable coupler.

(b) Physical realization of the tunable two-qubit gate

FIG. 4. (a) Parametrization of tunable coupler. The ampli-tude Φ is parametrized and bounded by ±Φmax, the maximalvalue used to define the fsim gate [22]. The maximal time tendis fixed such that the runtime of each layer is bounded whilethe initial time tinit is parametrized. (b) Experimental imple-mentation of the parametrized two-qubit gate shown in Fig. 3.Because of cross-talk, a direct parametrization of the controlparameters of the 2-qubit element has the potential to yieldmore accurate ground state preparations. Here, the valuesof the angles θ and φ are functions of the coupler parame-ters Φ and tinit. Stray phase shifts Z1 to Z4 are also shown.An alternative implementation of variational iSWAP(θ) andcphase(φ) that also uses tunable qubit detunings has beendemonstrated in [23].

pulse duration tend and amplitude Φmax are chosen to ap-proximate an iSWAP for a full pulse. The pulses all havethe same maximal duration to allow for the compositionof layers of variational two-qubit gates that are executedsynchronously. The variational single-qubit Z rotationsat the end of the two-qubit element can compensate forfrequency shifts induced by flux controls. We anticipatethat the single-qubit gates can be executed more accu-rately than the two-qubit gates.

The control pulses we are sending to the device gener-ate gate-like operations. Technological improvements aretrending towards the ideal computational gate paradigmof quantum circuits built with independently controlledone- and two-qubit gates [37]. As this paradigm ap-proaches, we gain ansatz interpretability where we caninfer a physical interpretation for an assignment of pa-rameters. We also gain ansatz transferability betweendevices where an assignment of parameters on one de-vice can be transferred to a different device to obtain thesame state.

Our ansatz is built by layering staggered patterns ofvariational 2-qubit gates. Various sequences of patternscan be used. For our numerical examples, the ansatz isconstructed by repeating the pattern ABCD as shownin Fig. 5. The quantum supremacy demonstration was

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FIG. 5. Qubit layout and connectivity for the 54-qubitSycamore chip. Here, edges are classified into 4 sets (A: Red,B: Yellow, C: Green and D: Blue), corresponding to each ofthe layer patterns composing the Hardware efficient ansatzused in the benchmark.

performed by stacking 20 of these layers [22]. For VQEapplications, the number of layers of the ansatz will typ-ically determine the volume of Hilbert space that can bereached by the variational method. The maximum num-ber of layers is limited by the maximum coherent depth,which is approximately the ratio of the coherence timeT2 over the gate time. As described in Section III, wecan start from a small number of layers and iterativelyadd new layers until either convergence of the energy isreached or until there is too much noise to improve con-vergence.

Fermionic character of the ansatz

The ansatz generated by the hardware-efficient oper-ations of the Sycamore device is natural for the repre-sentation of strongly correlated fermionic states. Alongwith single-qubit Z rotations, the tunable transverseXX+Y Y interaction is a generator for matchgates whichcan be used to construct fermionic gaussian transforma-tions [25, 26]. However, non-nearest-neighbor match-gates (such as on a Sycamore lattice) can be used toencode universal quantum computations and are there-fore difficult to simulate classically. The variational com-ponent ZZ is not part of the set of matchgates eitherand can also be used to encode a complementary gateset for universal quantum computing. The parametrizedZZ interactions can be interpreted as variational elec-trostatic terms between fermions. This means that thebounded-depth Sycamore ansatz can generate a subsetof all fermionic Gaussian transformations on a givenJordan-Wigner encoding as well as a non-trivial set ofnon-Gaussian transformations which are generated bythe non-nearest-neighbor variational XX+Y Y rotations(on the Jordan-Wigner chain) and the variational ZZ

(a) "Interleaved" ordering. Horizontal sites.Horizontal chain on sublattices.

(b) "Vertical" ordering. Oblique sites. Verticalchain.

(c) "Horizontal" ordering. Oblique sites.Horizontal chain.

FIG. 6. Different circuit ordering (assignments of spin-orbitals to qubit indexes) for the sycamore chip. Each ovalcorresponds to a site of the Fermi Hubbard model. We as-sume a canonical Jordan-Wigner ordering for the mapping ofspin orbitals in each site.

terms between neighboring qubits on the lattice. Thepermutation of orbitals to obtain a different Jordan-Wigner ordering is itself a fermionic Gaussian transfor-mation which is classically efficient to compute. Moredetails about matchgates and fermionic Gaussian trans-formation are given in Appendix A.

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Hamiltonian and circuit orderings

There are two notions of ordering used in the imple-mentation of the proposed ansatz. First, the Jordan-Wigner ordering, and second, the mapping of spin or-bitals to physical qubits on the chip. The first notionwas shown in Fig. 2 and it corresponds to the canonicalJordan-Wigner ordering 1 ↑,...,L ↑,L ↓,...,1 ↓. This or-dering determines the Pauli string representation of theHamiltonian in Eq. (4). The second notion of ordering isillustrated in Fig. 6 and corresponds to the mapping be-tween simulated spin orbitals and their assigned physicalqubit. We will refer to this ordering as circuit ordering.We present some possible circuit orderings used in ournumerical experiment. In practice, there is a combina-torially large number of possible such orderings and weheuristically chose a few that would approximately pre-serve the locality of the 1D FHM. As discussed in SectionIV, the EFL can depend on the choice of the ordering, asthis impacts the performance of the ansatz. For practicalVQE calculations, an optimal ordering can be found withthe method described in Appendix B.


We proceed to test the ideas and methods introducedearlier with numerical simulations. In Section IVA wedescribe the computational workflows used for our nu-merics and we demonstrate an implementation of thebenchmark in Section IVB, along with a discussion ofthe reproducibility of the proposed layer-by-layer train-ing method.

A. Algorithm description

Our numerical simulations were implemented and ex-ecuted using the OrquestraTM platform built by Zap-ata Computing [38]. Orquestra facilitates the executionof experiments that are both scalable and reproduciblethrough workflows. Each workflow defines a sequenceof elementary steps involved in the experiments and theinter-dependencies between steps. By dividing an ex-periment into its constituent steps, independent stepscan be easily parallelized. Furthermore, this facilitatesthe proper allocation of quantum and classical computa-tional resources. A visual depiction of the workflow usedfor our calculations alongside a detailed description canbe found in Fig. 7. We used the Intel Quantum Sim-ulator [39] to simulate noiseless quantum circuits. Ourestimate of expectation values does not include the effectof finite sampling. In all the simulations, we have usedthe physical parameters U = 8, µ = 4 and t = 1.

FIG. 7. Graphical representation of the workflow executingthe numerical experiments. Each rectangle represents a stepand the associated white box describes the main output ofthe given step. Each task is executed in a containerized soft-ware environment. Arrows represent the flow of data betweensteps. For clarity, global parameters such as the chain lengthare not shown. The workflow executes the following sequenceof steps: 1) Generation of the circuit ordering; 2) generationof the FH Hamiltonian given the parameters of the systemsuch as chain length, magnetic field, interaction strength andchemical potential ; 3) generation of the number operatorused for constraining the number of particles; 4) transforma-tion of the FH Hamiltonian and 5) number operators to qubitrepresentations; 6) generation of the qubit connectivity mapcorresponding to Sycamore; 7) creation of the VQE circuittemplate ansatz, which can be then modified by adding lay-ers or using different parameters; 8) generation of randomparameters for the first layer of the circuit; 9) addition of lay-ers to the circuit ansatz; 10) generation of random parametersfor the new layers; 11) optimization of variational parameterswith SLSQP.

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FIG. 8. Numerical simulations of the Fermionic length bench-mark obtained for 1D FHM with lengths 2, 4, 6 and 8, usinga Sycamore qubit grid with a bounded depth. The results re-produce the expected behavior described in Fig. 1. Errors inthe infinite chain energy density, in the x axis, are estimatedfrom the final energies obtained from the layer-by-layer VQEoptimization depicted in Fig. 9. The maximum circuit depthcorresponds to 33 layers of the Sycamore hardware efficientansatz proposed in Section III. For this depth, we find L∗ = 6.At the circuit depth considered in the simulation, we observebetter performance of the interleaved layout .

B. Demonstration of the benchmark

To illustrate the implementation and execution of ourbenchmark and how Fig. 1 can be obtained in practice,we have performed simulations for different chain lengths.To incorporate the effect of noise in our simulation of thebenchmark, Fig. 1 was generated with a maximum circuitdepth imposed for the simulation. This bounded-depthmodel operates as a noise model corresponding to havinga system with a finite coherence time in a variationalcircuit. Since the circuit cannot increase as we increasethe size of the system, the bounded depth ansatz willperform more poorly as we increase the length of thechain, emulating the effect of decoherence in the error ofthe infinite chain energy density estimate.

We carried out simulations for chains with length 2, 4,6 and 8 on qubit grids with a Sycamore connectivity withsizes 2×2, 2×4 qubits, 2×6 and 4×4, respectively. Thebenchmark was tested on the circuit ordering shown inFig. 6. The VQE optimization is executed in a layer-by-layer fashion, starting with a single layer of the ansatzwith initial parameters drawn randomly from the [0, 2π]interval. Then we added 4 layers of the ansatz with initialparameters in the range [− π

10 ,π10 ] and optimize, limiting

the maximum number of optimization steps to 100. Thisis repeated 8 times, for a total of 32 layers added on topof the initial single layer. We employed the SequentialLeast Squares Programming (SLSQP) optimizer [40, 41],constraining the number of particles to obtain the desiredhalf-filling of the FHM.

The benchmark plots obtained for different circuit or-derings are presented in Fig. 8. For the maximum cir-cuit depth chosen for the Sycamore ansatz, we achieve

convergence close to the ground state energy of the 1DFHM for chains of lengths up to six with all the orderingsdescribed in Fig. 6. We observe that the interleaved lay-out achieved the best performance for the circuit depthconsidered in the numerical experiments. Regardless ofthe ordering, all the calculations show a decreasing trendin the energy density deviation up to chains of length 6.This decreasing trend is interrupted for the 1×8 chain, forwhich the maximum circuit depth imposed on the ansatzprevents the VQE calculation to keep improving the es-timate of the infinite chain energy density. We there-fore conclude that the fermionic length of the Sycamoreansatz with a maximum of 33 layers is L∗ = 6. Fig. 9 of-fers details of the energy convergence in the layer-by-layeroptimization. For chains of length 1 to 6, the number oflayers required for convergence increases with the size ofthe system and is smaller than the maximum depth al-lowed. For the 1×8 chain, the maximum depth does notsuffice to attain convergence close to the ground state.The exact ground states were computed using exact di-agonalization for reference.

Reproducibility of training results

To study the sensitivity of the VQE optimization tothe random initialization of parameters in our layer-by-layer strategy, we performed 9 VQE simulations with ran-domly chosen initial parameters of the 1 × 8 chain on a4 × 4 grid of qubits with horizontal ordering. As ob-served in Fig. 10, the best value achieved for the energydensity deviation is 0.15, with most of the final valuesfor different calculations concentrating around 0.18. Thisresult highlights how the layer-by-layer strategy consis-tently decreases the energy throughout the optimization,achieving roughly the same results for all runs. There-fore, the fact that the error expected for the ground stateenergy is not attained is attributed to the limited cir-cuit depth imposed on the ansatz. In contrast, mostof the simulations for the 1 × 6 chain and smaller sys-tems converged within an error of 0.02 from the exactvalue despite slight differences in the convergence pathsfor different runs.


We have proposed a benchmark to characterize theability of near-term quantum processors to simulate afermionic system with the variational quantum eigen-solver. Our application benchmark utilizes the 1D FHMas the test Hamiltonian, providing an effective fermioniclength that quantifies the size of fermionic systems thatcan be studied in a device for a particular choice of vari-ational ansatz. Our benchmark is scalable in the sensethat it requires a modest number of measurements andthe knowledge of the exact energy of the 1D FHM inthe thermodynamic limit, which can be obtained analyt-

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FIG. 9. Convergence of the error in the infinite chain energy density throughout the layer-by-layer VQE optimization. Eachpoint corresponds to the addition of new layers. The solid lines represent the exact value of the energy. For lengths 2, 4, 6 and8, the sizes of the qubit grids are 2 × 2, 2 × 4, 2 × 6 and 4 × 4, respectively.

ically. We provide a concrete implementation proposalof the benchmark for the Sycamore processor [22] anddemonstrate its viability through numerical experiments.Our results show that the hypothesized behavior of thebenchmark is recovered when considering variational cir-cuits with bounded depth as a way to emulate the effectof noise.

An important aspect of our benchmark is its runtimerequirement, which depends on the number of measure-ments utilized in the VQE energy estimation process.The sampling rate is independent of the number of qubitsand is inversely proportional to the depth of the circuiton the experimental device. On the Sycamore device,samples are obtained at a rate of 5 kHz. Assuming thatmeasurements are distributed according to an optimaloperator averaging strategy [42], and taking advantageof grouping of co-measurable terms, we have estimatedthat reaching an accuracy of 10−2 for the energy densityof the 1× 2 chain would require about 9 seconds of sam-pling, while an accuracy of 10−3 would take around 15minutes. Here, we also assume that covariances amongthe terms in the same group average to zero, which inour experience results in a slight overestimation of thenumber of necessary measurements. As pointed out inSection II B, the number of measurements, and thereforeestimation times, are expected to decrease for maintain-ing the same error in estimating energy per site as thechain gets longer. This analysis indicates that estimatingthe required quantities for the benchmark is practical onexisting quantum devices.

A potential obstacle to the scalability of our schemelies in the number of function evaluations required fortraining the ansatz, which is not in the scope of this pa-per but for which we recognize ample opportunities forfurther improvements. A significant improvement of the

training method could involve a more advanced initial-ization method of the parameters using matrix productstates [43] and tensor networks [44] for arbitrary universalhardware-efficient ansatzes. A simpler training heuristiccould also involve using adiabatic-assisted VQE [45] toconstruct increasingly longer chains of the FHM. Simi-larly, characterizing the impact of different device errorsin the VQE optimization, and simulations of the bench-

FIG. 10. Convergence plots for 9 different runs of thefermionic length benchmark for chain of length 8 on a 4 × 4horizontal qubit grid. Each green line represents one run.The black line represents the exact energy for this chain ob-tained from exact diagonalization. In all cases, the optimiza-tion procedure reduces the error in the energy density but donot achieve the optimal value.

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mark under more realistic noise conditions are left to fu-ture work.

Another possible avenue for improvement relates tothe fermionic nature of the device ansatz as describedin Section III B. As shown in Ref. [7], a circuit consist-ing of nearest-neighbor iSWAP gates corresponds to abasis rotation realized by time evolution under a free-fermion Hamiltonian [25]. Therefore one could improvethe training by first using classical mean-field calcula-tions to prepare the optimal Gaussian state using a ba-sis rotation, and proceed to add parameterized ZZ gatesand non-nearest-neighbor iSWAP gates for refining theansatz into the space of non-Gaussian states [7]. Oncethe benchmark has been executed on a device and founduseful for a given application of VQE, a more refinedtraining method would be the one described in AppendixB. This method has the advantage that it cannot yield astate with higher energy than the mean-field state, whichcan be computed efficiently on a classical computer but itgenerally requires more measurements to converge thanthe 1D FHM benchmark.

Future research will explore the error resilience [46] ofthe proposed ansatz. In particular, we hypothesize thatjust as some coherent errors can be mitigated by a pa-rameterized quantum circuit, the incorporation of auxil-iary qubits could mitigate some incoherent errors as theyallow for the implementation of parameterized quantumchannels. In this case, the auxiliary qubits serve effec-tively as a bath such as the entropy generated by inco-herent processes can be dissipated through them, openinga potential avenue to improve the performance of VQE.The study of this hypothesis as well as the interplay ofthe proposed benchmark with previously proposed errormitigation techniques [47–50] are left for future work.

Another research direction is the use of the VQE ansatzand optimization strategy proposed in this paper in the

study of more complex fermionic simulation problems.For instance, as the computation of the Green’s functionof the one-dimensional FHM is difficult in practice withthe Bethe ansatz, we propose using subspace-search VQEto measure the single-particle GreenâĂŹs function of theHubbard model as is done in [51]. Also, once a one-dimensional FHM chain can be converged on a quantumprocessor, we propose using adiabatic-assisted VQE toprepare the ground state of more complicated systemslike the two-dimensional FHM. Furthermore, it would bepossible to try optimizing a 3×3×3 instance of the FHMby taking advantage of the full size of the Sycamore chip.This would be a step on the path to concrete applicationsof quantum computing technologies.

Finally, it should be possible to design hardware ef-ficient fermionic ansatzes for other quantum computingarchitectures such as ion traps. In principle, this ansatzcould be realized using native gates, such as the Mølmer-Sørensen gate, and a trap architecture that allows for theexecution of a number of simultaneous two-qubit gatesthat scales with the number of qubits.


PLDD proposed the theoretical aspects of the bench-mark. JG, JR, NTB and MS composed the Orques-tra workflows to generate the simulation data. MS andNTB executed the workflows and analyzed the results.PLDD, JR and YC wrote the paper. The authors thankPeter Johnson for inspiration of the advanced trainingmethod as well as Max Radin, Borja Peropadre, MortenKjaergaard and Gabriel Samach for helpful discussionsand insights, and Maria Genckel for the much improvedpresentation of the workflow diagram. We also thankJonny Olson for proof-reading and fine-tuning the finalmanuscript.

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Appendix A: Fermionic character of the ansatz

Here we present a short review of the formalism offermionic gaussian transformations and their correspon-dence to networks of nearest-neighbor matchgates. For amore detailed treatment we refer to [25, 26]. It is usefulto use the real quadrature of the fermionic field whichare the Majorana operators

γAk = a†k + ak

γBk = −i(a†k − ak).


In the diagonal basis of a quadratic fermionic Hamilto-nian, a Slater determinant over M spin orbitals can beconstructed from the vacuum as a product of single par-ticles

|Φ0〉 =


(γAk )1+λk

2 |vac〉 (A2)

where the λk are the Williamson eigenvalues. In gen-eral, the density matrix of a fermionic gaussian state canalways be represented in the form

ρ =1



(1 + iλkγ

Ak γ


). (A3)

A more compact notation is given by a 2M × 2M covari-ance matrix whose elements can be computed as

Γkl =i

2tr (ρ[γk, γl]) . (A4)

This can be written in the diagonal form as

Γ = R


(0 −λkλk 0

)Rᵀ (A5)

where R is a SO(2L) rotation. Those rotations are Bo-goliubov transformations in general and orbital rotations

in the particular case where the number of particles isconserved.

We can now establish the connection to nearest-neighbor matchgates introduced by Valiant [52, 53]. Ageneral matchgate G between two qubits is defined by

G(A,B) =

p 0 0 q0 w x 00 y z 0r 0 0 s

, (A6)

where A =

(p qr s

)and B =

(w xy z

)are SU(2) rotations

with the same determinant det(A) = det(B). Nearest-neighbor matchgates acting on two qubits have six gen-erators

XjXj+1 = −iγBj γAj+1

XjYj+1 = −iγBj γBj+1

YjXj+1 = iγAj γAj+1

YjYj+1 = iγAj γBj+1

Zj = −iγAj γBj

Zj+1 = −iγAj+1γBj+1


which explicitly correspond to quadratic forms of Ma-jorana operators after a Jordan-Wigner transformation.In general, a full network of matchgates can generate anySO(2L) rotation. A general rotation is parametrized by2L2 − L angles and can be implemented in linear circuitdepth on a linear array of qubits [7].

If V is a circuit of nearest-neighbor matchgates, theholographic relation that translates the transformationfrom Hilbert space to a rotation in the space of fermionicoperators is given by

V γjV† =


Rkjγk. (A8)

Finally, the connection to fermionic gaussian transfor-mation is established through quadratic fermionic Hamil-tonian of the form

H = i

2L−1∑j 6=k=0

hjkγjγk, (A9)

where h is a real and antisymmetric matrix. A gen-eral SO(2L) Bogoliubov transformation in the space offermionic ladder operators has the form R = e4h.

Appendix B: Advanced training method

The ansatz defined in Section III can be used for thegeneral VQE procedure. In that case, we are interested

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to find a fermionic ground state which improves uponthe mean field state which is classically efficient to com-pute. To maximize the use of the non-Gaussian resourcescontained in the quantum ansatz, it is best to offload allGaussian transformations with a classical computer.

The full cost function for an ansatz that do not neces-sarily conserve the number of particles is given by

Ω(~θ, ~φ) = tr((H(~φ)− µN(~φ)



where ρ(~θ) = U(~θ) |0〉 〈0|U(~θ)† is the state parametrizedon the quantum computer and H(~φ) = V (~φ)HV (~φ)† =R~φ(H) is the Hamiltonian represented in a basis whichcan be optimized variationally on a classical computer.

The general training method is a modified Newton pro-cedure where at each step k we compute the cost func-tion At each step, we must compute the cost functionΩ(~θ(k), ~φ(k)

). The parameters are updated with the rule

~φ(k+1) = ~φ(k) + ∆~φ(k)

~θ(k+1) = ~θ(k) + ∆~θ(k),


where ∆~θ(k) and ∆~φ(k) are computed from



)= −


)−1∇Ω(~θ(k), ~φ(k)). (B3)

We define the global gradient operator as ∇ =


)and the Hessian as B = ∇∇ᵀΩ(~θ, ~φ). The gradients canbe measured as

∇φkΩ(~θ, ~φ) = itr(Rk−1:0 dhk RM :k(Ω)ρ(~θ)

)∇θkΩ(~θ, ~φ) = itr



where dhk(X) = [X,hk]. The second order derivativehave the form


Ω(~θ, ~φ) = −tr(Rj−1:0 dhj Rk−1:j dhk RM :k(Ω)ρ(~θ)



Ω(~θ, ~φ) = −tr(




Ω(~θ, ~φ) = −tr(Rj−1:0 dhj RM :j(Ω)∇ᵀ




The first and second derivatives with respect to ~θ can be measured with the parameter shift rule [54].