V Steamboats Advertesr U Co Leave this Day. FOR PARTICULARS SEE ADVERTISEMENTS. JACOB STRAIJER S imrrions, Cincinnati. EMPIRE. Mrtm,NOi:ew. TIS OlIN .O. Briscoe, Floreuce. LANDIS, Cherioweth, New Orleans. FAWN. SuUirati. Krautnllc: MONARCH, Lopan. New Orleans. Thk River Navigation Susprnded bt The river wa fnUiiig; yeeterday, with Its thau five aril a htlf feet water in ih cana!, and the river fn'.l of floating ice above the falls, and navigation entirely suspended far ascend inrr boats. The weather is ex- ceedingly cold, with a pi ospeot that by this morn- ing the river will be entirely blocked by ice at all point3 above this city. Tho aailboat Jacob Stradcr made no effort what- ever to start to Cincinnati yesterday morning, but paid off her crew and laid np. About the same time a despatch was received from Cincinnati, anuonscing the fact that the river was blocked with ice, and na- vigation above that point entirely suspended. The sam 3 despatch stated that the niailboat Telegraph No. 3 had been laid up, and would not sta t to Louis- ville until the weather moderated and the ice bocame ltsiformidable. Despatches from Pittsburg yesterday, at noon, report the river frozen over and navigation entirely suspended. Quite a fair number of boats arrived here yester- day from various points, but y the list will be very small, perhaps none at all. The river below the falls, though somewhat obstructed by floating Ice, continues in fair narigable condition. The R. M. ration arrived here yesterday in forty-eig- hoars from Tennessee river. Bhc reports tho JV. W. Thomas, for Saw Orleans, hard aground at Three-Mil- e bar. Steam was raked on tha Virginia yes'.erday.and she was brought over to this sido of the river, from Jeffersonville, to harbor from the ice. The towboat Windsor, yesterday, was busily en- gaged towing flatboate back and forth in the harbor to quarters beyond the reach of the floating Ice i the river. The Jcffersonville ferryboat made but a very few trips yesterday, and one of them, the Black Lotust, laid up at the 'ow-'- r wharf early ia the day. The regular boat fi ile '. to reach Jcflersonville ia time in the morning to eonnect with the railroad train for the East, and the passengers were compelled to wait. There was no arrival from Jcffersonville up to a 1 ate hour last evening, and passengerB from the Eaet would be compelled to go to New Albany to get across the river. The Duchess, once the pride of the Cincinuati " short-horne- d stoek," poetically termed " ditch tubs," is now lying up above Jetfer9onville. Bhe has been shorn of her upper works and cabin, and converted into a tug-boa- t, to tow ooal flats from Pittsburg, Pomeroy and other plaees. Red Kivir Risino. A despatch wai received yesterday, stating thaton the lGtbmst., Red river bad risen nine feet opposite Slircveport, and was glowly rising then. Excitement on the Alabama Ritse. Yester- day afternoon, says the Mobile Advirtiscr, of Jan. 23, the wharves presented quiie a stirring aspect, caused, in part, by the departure of three boats for Montgomery, crowded with passengers. The oppo- sition caused the fare to Montgomery to be put down to 82 50, and at that rate the three fine boats, tbe Magnclia, the Jones and the Prentiss, were filled. We should not be surprised If there was some of the tallest kind of running done this trip, if the water suffices, as we hope it may. Foe Evansville. The Fawn, is the regular packet for Evansvilie and all way plac69, this after- noon at 3 o'clock, from Portland. Bhe is a stauneh boat, her officers perierering, and being a good ico boat, with a nice crew, she will be very apt to go through. JSP" The groat Ben Franklin, one of our float- ing palaces, was das from JCew Orleans last night fche was advertised to leave that port laet Monday For New Oslkans The Eclipse, the wonder of tho Wet, and the fastest, etainchest, best and most complete boat in the world, is advertised for New Orleans this evening. Her great size, superior build and immense power, are sure guarentees that ahe can and will bid defiance to all impediments, ice included. SSsJ-T- ho Finny Bullitt tor. We are informed, laid np, and for the present abandoned gcbg to New Orleans. Laxdis for New Orleaxs. The Landit, ono of the strongest and most powerful boats ever built, starts to New Orleans this evening. Saeisin charge of Capt Chenowith, with our fast friend Andy Bayless ia the clerk s office, and in piint of fare and cabin accommoi atiens she will be found second to none. More Coal Boats Lost. We learn by private dispatch from Memphis, that Mr. Cahoe lost one o a pair of eoal boats in a terrible storm on the Miss' issippi. They wcro bound from Pittsburg for New Orleans. The same dispatch announces the loss of a pair of boats belonging to Maurice McClaekey. Mc Cluskey & Co. had also lost a pair of boats. We fear that this is but the commencement of a series of disasters to the crafts on the Ohio and Mississippi. l(j"The steamer John Simonds took on one thousand hogsheads of tobacco at Henderson last week, for New Orleans. 3Ssr"A flat boat load of corn was sunk at the wharf in Henderson on Sunday, containing several thousand bushels. It belonged to Mr. A. B. Barret PORT OF LOUIS vrXLE. ARRIVALS Slondar, Jan. 13. Jacob Strader, Summons, Cincinnati; Dnrliess, tlo; Rescue. , Nashville; Fawn, Sullivan, Evausvilie: Quoun of the iVest, Wade, New Orleans; K. M. Pallon, laniard, Eastiiort; Hartford, Markol, Pittsburg. DEPARTURES Monday-- Quaker City, Shartlt NitshYUlo. urn RECEIPTS UY RIVER. CINCINNATI-Steam- er Jacob S'rader- -J blsmJzf.A Jaeger Co; 10 bxes totao-o- . L.rdcnbr fcCo; t bt, Blark Si Aiswnea; 5 cat. Terfiolb; IS pkzb. Wllto, Slarbiri ft Snmn; br., J M Coop-- t- ? do, AI'M St hniley; bellows, i H Howard 4 Co, Cpllus, KR W, tiV hois pork, Uriuinm fcaiumerx; Jl ba'.-- va: n; :doUUs; 'i7 do l,u-e- . OK jllica; 10 casus ovale s, 1'itdst.cs., 1 tiur.s., F F::izcr; ;j bbls w.iisky, Jw.es St hoot. 1 NEW OTiLTANS S'.omicr Q iron of fie Went 27 cralr.s ware. Lewis, W iier i: Co; l:jdo ,lo, H fl Lowii ic Co; 1 On do, J E fciatudau; y. bh!s liiuti.uei, 1U 00, 25 luta do, W Gay. PlTrsnURO Ptcmrr Ilartfor' SW h!.la Ttilffnor & I QDe.iv; h: li n & C:ud; k' cs W KtiolUaaj: UiV lulls si;:t k' ( t mi r( m- :i hvt u a Lu; !l lurrt'-r- ao b 71 ho tolln s"':eet iroo, ti.U. jilii x Co, i, U '; 3 I l.i Von B it Co. atos'ner J pk ra?s. Wilnon, Etiubird icil.uitU; 40 tills r''ai :'. A'CM & Voure; bx, AV BulbJe,-- . 2 bs lriLliu-t- , I'.'r.;; b::, S A JoI;p4, 1 bale. J Trab- - u Co; 3ii ks raja, 'Z'j Jj ao. Ubouior.'er; Itl dodj, Cr-luc- Co. EVAN'SV ILLS-Stea- Fawn 4KJ bfr corn, Crawford (diMurra; iOb.tius, 1 b. su.ir, lt v. corub ic Lro; i bbls Uax.fccod, OaUahor; 74b;rs uora, Daci.ii all. EASTPORT Steamer 7t. M. t a; ton 30 baits C3tt"ii, BriOr St Davis; lit) teas o iroa, j .'Jtas tobacco.suadrios to oui.'Ville, Dec. S, 1C51. in a. oi'irioim It is due to y oi, atid foray neighbors .nni'od of spectacios, to btiv ti it. 0,;1 U4 COOIOO! OJ 10 ',S'; I' OIH. .'or. a i.an- rim best 1 could tiai tliat wuak'Oiud inv neat and distressed aiv eyes, by proioium tbe e.'icot called ' draw, ii4 the About a mouth airo I call' .l on you arid bought a oa:r of your patent Spectacles, winch I have d coiislaatlv evci Bmce. Withtliem I can .e;id, and have read steadily ull nnrht, wdliout fatieue or i.ti to Ihc- ' o, aud I find my eves bo macli strenirtlienc-th- at read without them. I take ploavare in c iioaiend 114 vo ir Spectacles to my friends who are oblisM to use glares. Yours respectfully, V7. S,. PII.CHER, Between Seventh and c'hestnuL stroets. We have purchased Glasses of Mr So'.omon. an t. on trial. ik1 them to be tiie best Ola1 so we h;.ve ever used M S. S. MUI.I.IKIN, MRS. At. J. MANSFIELD, On Seventh, between Cliestnut and V alnut streets. IjOUlsviLLEjDec. 7, 18ot. I have been under th" ni" ity of up.nir Glasses for g ve-r- years, but have nevc-- ui a pair to sinr, iny eyes or that I could uso without fatigu-;- , until f idanied a pair of air. Solomon's. By the aid ot t hose I b right of h.ru lean see as well as ever I could. I can read or write with tliein for hours, without the least fatigue, both by dfv and ceitdle-Ush- t. MSS. FRY. On Seventh street, 'l.uitvtiul aad Walnut. T I)e . " ;,M, dhic ITDR. SOLOMON'S O.Tice, No. 74 Fourth street, be ween Mam and Market. Nurit'K. T!l"P.E tvas ar'rci'.vty ,rc3TO Man comrndtcd to tne unitiani (. (11111; v ai I 00 me rjf !i any 01 January, lso5, and says lie beiontrs to Win. Ford, of Kdmono- - son e.itiTilv , lern :it I VI veirs o ,l. 5 to t 3 or iTnches high, has a scar on las iinht aaud, and says his name is j aim s. Also, on ti e 2?d day of .Tana iry, lt,j5, a Ncstro Hoy who CAlls himself Green; avs he b. tones to John Johnson, of county; about J feot b inches Lifh, tolerable Blen- der and da.-l- t complet' n. The owners will come f irw ard , prove properly and pay Changes, or they will be dealt with as tnc l:i w directs. W. M. WA1DE, f?7 dlfcwj Jailor of Of ham C"vAKDFN Kc have now received our supply Gaaluu Seud- - trota tin: iivnt. reliable growers, both m this coantrv audd-- . Too. nnd aio prepared to furnish merchants and others an tVvk- -i of assorwd kinds, ut a lar?e disco. mt on retail p'o Jnoa jiapsr c titains full directions for planting, te. rfaldeucrs supplied by tho house on reasonable tvrafs. PIT BYRAM, PITKIN Si CO. BY TELEGRAPH. REPORTED EXPRESSLT FOR THE LOUISVILLE COURIFR. THIRT COGRESS. SECOND SESSION. TVaekimoton, Jan. S9. Sknatk. The Secre- tory of State transmitted to the Senate acommoni-ca'do- n from Prof. Casford, containing an analyttis of guano. Mr. Foote introduced an order to print 5,000 ex- tra copies of Lieut. Gilli ' South American As- tronomical Report, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Printing. r:Mr. Mallory reported a bill to compensate Lieut. W. F. Maury, for his wind and current charts. Mr. Seward's resolution calling for Com. Ring- gold's reports on his reconnoisauces of the Pacific Ocean. He also offered a memorial from the work- ing men of New York, asking for relief from their present distress, by the home tead bill or otherwise, whereby they can entr and cultivate the public lunds. Laid on the table. Mr. Douglas, from the Committee on Territories, reported a bill to extend the provisions of the Judi- cial Fee bill of 1853, to all Territories of the United States, the Secretary of the Treasury having de- cided it as limited to the Stale of Oregon Territory. The biil was amended and passed unanimously. Mr. Gwin, from the Naval Committee, reported adversely to various memorials, which had been re- ferred to that committee, including that of the pur- chase of submarine armor to be placed on vessels of war. An unsuccessful attempt was made to get np the Bounty Lund bill and tue French Spoliation bili. The discussion was rather sharp by the favorites of each bill, when the Army Appropriation bill was taken up. Mr. Hunter offered an amendment as a substitute for the reported bill, providing two regiments of cavalry, and 500 volunteers. The hitter to act as rangers, scouts, and guides for twelve months. The appropriation contemplated by this substitute is about 4,000,000. Mr. Shields proposed nn amendment two regi- ments of infantry, two of cavalry. This was talked over, when Mr. Houston got the floor and spoke at length, taking the past of the Indians showing that the white race almost alway3 have been the aggres- sors. Mr. Cass spoke in advocacy of the bill, and con- tinued to speak until the Senate adjourned. Housb. The speaker laid before the House the resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, ask- ing an expedition to be sent to the Arctio seas in search of Dr. Kane and party. Referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. On motion of Mr. Chandler, the Ho.ise took np the Senate resolution, authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to send the steamcrTender for the relief of Dr. Kane. He briefly explained tlint the men com- posing the expedition are in danger of starvation, as their provisions will not extend half way through the coming sammer, and owing to Smith's Sound not being open they cannot return. The resolution passed. On motion of Mr. Breckinridge, the Texas credit- or's biil was made the special order for the 6th of February. Mr. Taylor, of Tennessee, introduced a bill estab- lishing a uniform rule of naturalisation and repeal- ing certain acts heretofore passed on that subject for other pnrposea. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Ruffin offered a resolution, which was carried, directing the Committee on Commerce to inquire what legislation waj needed to prevent fraudulent invoices. Mr. Walbridge offered a series of resolutions ten- dering the thanks of Cogree3 to Commodore Perry for his success-fu- l n gotiation of the treaty with Ja- pan and urging upou the Government to further ex- tension of treaties with a view of benefitting our commerce in the East. Mr. Bocock asked to be excused from serving in the Naval Committee, alleging that the House dis- regarded the recommendations of the committee. Hojwas not excused. Mr. Cutting, from the Judiciary Committee, resolutions disaffirming and declaring void the action of the Minnesota Legislature in ch..rtor-in- g the Minnesota and n R. R. and Transit R R. Companies. In the debate it was said that the Goveroor and Secretary were to be largely benefitted by these grants, and further that the District Attorney hid already been removed for his action in the matter. Fassetl. The House then went into committee on the bill to enable Oregon to form a constitutio i, which wits passed; as did also the bill establishing military posts in the Territories of Kansas, Minnesota, and Ne- braska; after wliich the House adjourned. Convention, fcc. Rochester, Jan. 2G. A large and enthusiastic Convention waa held at Ail the towns in Livingston county an represented, and the s de- nounced all parties joining in the meeting. Canal Riot. The Sheriff called out the military who proceeded with a large police force to tho eceuo of riot, and arrested about forty rinj lea- - oers, ana Drougnt, mem to mm otty. A severe snow storm has been rcging here all day. Snow is about a foot deep. Cars all behind time. An Expe eted Outbreak In Cuba. Washington, Jan. 29. The Star says that it has received levters confirming the fetatemeut of the ex citement in Cuba, and that it is daily expecting to hear of an outbreak. It also says that It has reason to believe that the President will" issue a proclama tioa warning the Kimry expeditionists against in- fraction of the neutrality laws by participating in an armed occupation. Marine Disaster. Uew York, Jan. 2). The ship Favorite, from New Orleans, bound for Boston, went ashore this morning at Barker's Island. The vessel and cargo is a total loss. The crew were saved. Provincial Secretary. Montreal, Jan. 29. Geo. Etignno Cartier, a de- scendant of the famous Jaqnes Cartier, who first explored this conttry, has been appointed Provin- cial Secretary. New Orleans and Texas Sews, Washington, Jan. 29. New Orleans papers of Tuesday have been received. The receipts of cotton in New Orleans, Monday, amounted to over 16,000 bales. Lite advices from Texas state that at Austin, Ban Antonio, Houston, Victoria and Lavaca the Know-Nothin- elected all officers. River Acwb. Pittsburgh, Jan. , M. There is about 4 foet water in tho channel. The woather is cold and windy, with occasional snow. ClNCTMtATI, Jan. 29, M. The weather it very coid. The r.vor ia full of heavy ice. No boats are leaving for np river porta. Cincinnati, Jan. 39, P. M. The river has fallen 5 inches. Tile weatiior is vary cold and the river mil of heuvy loe. Telegraph Market. ClnclNNiTI, Jan. 39, M. The markets are dull.and there is no materia', chauge in Now YortK, Jan. 29, M. Cotton Dull. ' 1'i.rir Snaly; sal' of 3,020 bbls ;ood Ohio nt JS 6:1311; Sou' hern dull at Sh 7 Cora Easier; lo.Otilj uu sold; Western miied 98. Pork Firm. Itfcs'f Cr.'.'haiijrod, with but a modarate fcusiness doin". Lard find. W 3jc. Cx.fK.KXl, Jam. 23, P. jr. Vlour S7 1047 90. Whisky-;'.- '-. Prov.si'iis tjuifct. Pork M ui?s, sold at $1! CO. Lard Salts I of bbls priiae at 3,', and 5)0 Itcs at 9c. isinrar ViiiV Htmp Sa!os of Kontucky at S'2i, and Mistouri at 6115 pot ton. OTbor tini:!"s uncbatirred. Eastern Advanced to I j'er cent. prem. New "i'ORtc, Jan. 29, P. M Cotton Firm. Flour Finn, with sales of 4,70a bbls at noon quotations; Southeiu isdull, with sates of 1 aou Lbls at 7a(a9 2i. V hsat I irm. Corn A trdl j lower, J6,000 bn sold, Western mixed O790 and yellow Poiir The ma rket "opened buoyint, but closed heavy; sales of 1. bb s loess at $12 5a. jbeof Unciianirrd; sales of country mens, $8 50Q11. l.nrd Lame; sales at 9Vj97-s- . Wliiskv Iihio 3:,1.3,1,15. This is adeclina. Coti.'c liiotjcullato Suttars li'irm and scarce; Orleans 4:tiij. Molusses Scarce. Lard Oil Heavy at 8084. T bacco Kentucky is hnn. Stocks weaker. Ivlouev imeri nncd Virginia fts 01 Canton 63: Cumberland 31; N. Y. Central .19 1'lf.v.- - land. Columbus aud Cincinnati Sti; Headiua 73; Cleveland and Toledo 60, Erit 46. Raw VorkJMoneT Market. New York, Jan. 29, M. Money it plenty but stocks are dull. Prie 4ftV- ReaJiue 73; N. Y. Central 8Wa; MiehiKiui Central 78: Ponn Coal Co. 1114: Missouri 6s 92. TVTEW GOODS 11 Manchester Ginehams, many different styles; Penitentiary PI aid Cottons, for servants wear, a su- perior lot; Coutou Flannels, extra quality; BieacUed and Brown Cottousdo.- - Shirting and Shect-iii- t; Irish Linens, of every irrade and bre.nd; Towohn'ts, Napkins, Doilies and Cotton D.aper s, of all kinds; Table Linens, bleached and white: Also Cloliis, Flannels, ol an domot, at reduced prices; Pla.d anj Plain Cnuibr.ss and Jacoaets; Ladies' and Gents' V tiderwear at cost; French and Foolish Merino at cost. Also, Ladies and Geiits' Kid Gt'.vos. a new lot KOB1MSON, MARTIN & CO., 27 fu Four.h street. FIVE DOLLARS llEWAUD. , LOST, Thursday. Jan. ,25, a Pocket-boo- I' 7?' 'fcontatn.n? two drafts: one of twentv-on- e him-- !, i'v0-'-"..- , Ir('d dollars $?.K'U.) aad one of five hundred .) The first was drawn bv Barks-d- e and .telartaiid, Nov. 6, 1334. on Ward, Jonas at Co., of New Orlonns. aad endorsed by tlie sub criber the soeond by .1. J. f ich'e t Co., payable at Use Rank 01" New Orleans. Payment on these drafts has been stooped, and they will be va'.uable only to the owner. When relumed to the otuce of the Courier the finder will be rewarded as above. 137 dj G. W. GARKAS. CJHEET IRON Sheet Iron always on hand aad for aale at manufacturers prices by ;27 GILL, SMITH k CO. COMMERCIAL.: OFFICE OF THE LOUISVILLE COURIER, ) Monday Evk.ni.no, Jauusry 29lu. J Business quiet in all respects and trade and travel neatly suspended by the ice ia the river. 1 he weather is freezing cold. FLOUR AND GRAIN Sales of 260 bbls RushTille (la.) Flour at $8 00: St barrel!, in lots, at $8 2.5. A sale of 1,000 bnshols shelled oorn ai 7ze, 200 busljayucks at 70o. oale of 100 bushels com meal at 7ac. Sal 0 busholsoata at 30c, in bn,is. POTATOES-fialea- of 30 barralsf Vs- - Potato! at HAY Salei from store of 6 tony U per ton. SEEDS galea of 10 bushel i X.1 0 bushels Clover at $7 W per bi APPLES Salei of Janet. .'J J N iOAP Sale of 30 boiesbj EOGS Sale of 177doie! GROCEftlES SalesoeJ do at i lWalOc Sal. hhds at 4?t)ic; 12 hh old morasses in bbls at OIL Sale of 14 WHISKY fed at 26c. BAGGING A at lac; 15 aolli ry SHEETING cent!. 1 PORK We J $12 per bairel.l TOBACCO-- V at prices ranging 40, J 1J, V.J Hi. S 60. ti 111 FREIGHTS 5 meat6!oNew barrel for por 1 LTte $100 free for all piicir i1 harness UoMers in miU ! 8. F. Ric .'a . .... 1111 W. N. HcdrV 2 1 1 i R. K. Boni-fTj- ank P;rce Capt. Hftioncr's J. Polk JEFFERSON CIRCUIT COtl HON. W. F. BULLOCK, JUDGt Jan. 2ti, Emith St Black l vs. urbi idire aud others. J The plaintiffs allege that Barbridee Riado h no. !orU0, payable to Wis.lom and Horbr T w. and 11., by deed of tru-t- , assicaed the wy the beaoiit of creditors. 'I hey mnkti W. and f But uo process was served on W. and 3. J Th defondau' pleadod payment of the tj transfer to o.a ntifTs.and took the denosi! si. datit. Wisdom, to uruve the Davmeiii. suppress the deposition, on the Krod nd that V f.arty could nol testify Without .cave of Cou: had been ob'.iiied lint the Court ov jec.i.on. sy the Cole of Pracuce rji,J not intorosteii m the if!iuo a coiLpeteut witiaes uns u:ei movea to continue the oause, at proc ben served on a part of the defendants. But uelil (hat . k B. were not ncnosary parUta, The ni talti being forced to try tooi a un-dui- t. j The Gas Company TS. City of Louisv ) The plaintiff sued forthe intorest that had accrued on mo- ney due ir frits furnished defendant; avonne tliat ihe prin- cipal had boen paid, aud as to - interest, it was the t. at the t.nie of payineut tnat thatslmuld be tlie suhj-.c- t of htifcfa'it'n. That the numev was payable quarterly forthe cured, and interest whs due for the money thusuuo and with- - hHlll Thfl OIllv U1L, inlam.l o'll.lllll be paid. The Court instructed the )urv that they could al- low interest if ihey would. They found a verdict lor the defendant. Kimraerlln vs. Reeia. ) This was a suit for sland-- r Plaintiff was a servant?!, aud defendant had slandered hev on several ooriisionH. did not defend the, suit; a judgment r,y default wag taken afraiiist him, and damaei. aciSed. The plaintiff's attorat y slated UMhe jury that j ouiy desired a Milhcmiit verdict to vindicate the character of the e.rl, uotw.thh'.und-in- g sho had aslifd for seral tliuusuud dollars ui h;r i, and that a fctw hundred dollaia would do. The jury found aveid.ct for 5i50. Clarke and wife Montgomery. ) PlaintiT alleged tliat in May, defendant was tt.e owner of adinv, Hnd that he uiuIic:oUcsiv drove wife ot pia;n(ilT, whereby she v. as greatly ru:aed and injured. PitviOiiiT laid dumac-- n. jjti nCO Diendant (dead no; eu:l- - ty. Khe proof tended to snow that the v.fe ot defendant had been severely hurl by the running of the dray over her, ' yet there wts uj oroof tcndiiiff to islicv aov i;mlt in elf n- - uaat. Owing to the tnsuaicie-c- y of the piof, pla.nti.fl" took a t. Gross vs. S Shallcrots anJ Thompson. ) This was an action acainst defendants asowrorof a ferry aero?!, tKe Oh.o. for allowing plaint ft a slave Joetocro.ss the river on their boat, and put'iiu,' hna afchore m Iiiihaca, whereby plamtifT wjvb danuiged by havmif to psv tho for his arrost in that State and dolivery m this city; and also to amount of $Mj, the slave being of less value to the plamuii by that s'm, from having e caped from tins Slate. Tae doien ants denied that they had t the fdave asross the river, or that he Imd crossed tne nvtir and landed in in- ch ana, on .heir boat. The proof was, that in April last, two of the police if the citv leanied that the slave was aoout to runaway, and suspected a white oerou of nav;u; given htm a railroad ticket entillmr him to pass.iee on the road from Jeftersonville to Indianapolis. They waLehed lum and ob- tained the consent of the omnibus man, connected with tho road, tliat th slave uueht jo on thi bjat in tiie omnibus iu oriler tliiit thfy mieot arrest bun and jt whati ver paperw he tiiivht hnve tn hnn. iad thui dutwoi tn aoilutior. V neu ttteboa was of the way over the r.ver, the po- - lice arrested the sieve, and had him in custudy when tho boat landed at, Jeffers'--nville- . They t .en brou ht hna back and lodged him in ja?l. a.id th piaiutiff paid them $7.i re- - ward. Tue river was low at Die tirao, and li eppeared that the slave was never out of this 8. ale. the bo'iuJarv or K en- - tucky extOiidniK to nark, uu tha oihr s:Jc of the river. The plamtill took a t. Reported expressly fir the Louisvme Ceurler. 1'OLICE (OHIT. GEORGE W. JOHNSTON, JUDGE. Mokday, Jan. 29 Lore Corraura was arrciened cn the charre of nerlilhinr citrars without license. Oid Joe, f oujrii no smoker, caa, and doejs, invariably, smoke out all who nejfiect or torge to tnko out Uceijse, found biru drlvmif a bridle tiade alonK Ulain sireet, to tho poeuruary disadvantTiee of licensed deal- - crs a- - well as the city. Toe case w clear taut he iinJ vio- - lated the city ordinance, and th fine twouty Collars was imposed JohiB Burger was arretted for drtinltennoss, and nothing; elso, Saiuniay nipht, hav.iijjfrot ttirht. the watchman trunks, on the proceed of a lot of cutter he bad sold d.rtcheap. He denied the butUr charge , but Joe Jeans was called in again, to testify ia the ca?e, as he was prelfy cwria:n to know everybody who had boen sellmsr things abiiitt town. By him it appeared ihat be had sold a shovel and a sifter at a second-han- d store receatlT. Ho was hftld to hail for three months in $lb0. Cave. Madison Lee, a f. in. e.. was before the Court on the charge of drunkenness. He was found stiff diunk on the streets Hbout 11 o'clock Saturday n ghr, and v ais held to bad for his food behavior for one month m $100. Frnnh Bohnnnon and Delia Oufs-- u were arrested and brought before the Court on the charge of living tosrethor as man ana wue, mm imposing incuiseives upon a lainiiy with whom they took board. It appeared that the woman came from Cincinnati, waa able to pay hor way, out the mau was'nt, and they were in dobt for board, which led so the arrest. He was held to bail in $ 00 tor his good beha- vior six months , and the worn in was discharged. OBITUARY. William Lawpton, for moro thiw half a century a citi- zen of Louisville, breathed hie last on the Stu of January, 1803, at 3 o'clock, at the rexleuce of his fnend, Olley W eth- er f. Ksq , in Moaie county, Ky. Mr, Lampion became aoitisenaf Louisville when it was ju.tenv'rfinf from a wildemoss. In 1813, when he com- menced tue bujld-n- of tho hou?e on tho corner of Second and s l ug known by his name, with his owa hands he felled trie trees in the immodi ate vicinity and that house now stands a monument of bis superior workmanship, (he wim a mulcr nitson,) but he has left the tenement built with huidti, to enter the house prepared for tho upright in heart. j Dur rig his whole lif?, he was an antive, busine?f man; anil bv his mdetntigiible indusir oocuiuulated a large eFta.e, "he was a man among men, aad whilst ho gamod treasures on earth, ke bad a uarable, unfading treasure in Heaven. Vor nioTe than tturtv vca:s he was a oalouu in the ?ilethod.!,i Charori; aiiU. in connection w:tu the vei.ftra- - bio Falhi-- Holma, doi much lo tbat porcion of the rity tnown an ii. "Point. " His goodec of heari and syii.nthy lor thti pour was well known bv his inunwdiate fnciids what ho done in char.ty wns done quietly, without : n wui pv.i;is'ni: m. pr- -r vii ;,. nn-- f. t hi'y hrive luit a fnend wh" t)'ice wll not s. jftrt Ttie wnisr has known this IjilV.-I- s ol" fin ip-- . piled br liii bounty wn a hs ki-- not that anv recrivor knew it. In 'he building of Iho rii.A worship in O'ircity, h:S was well ku. l OI luttr ytars, pr.sing tliri'u.!i a pee;nr,a- mi nt, he wrw. rc!uct;i;.riy i Lis eitate.t; tvI:S'- dou;ttioiis to mo no nererdni he rvf'ise t hi poor. Wesj ik of w!. lint he hn: ii)no from us, thespirit o he ju-- iiik porfflct. he .s rb'.';'.i.vl aint inuih ro from dens ;u'd an i ie'.ie lUr .d nt lo 'Jas l?f J.otiifiiie ban lost her okies: cirixen. and one rf th worlhv men that tver wa'kcft hwr street:1 ene tint T in a large to lilaKe i.ir ilie pn,5Kl city fcho :a S Mr. Lumpttm c .ujeto Lomsviiiv m 1793, and rtsi the whi le t:nie sint L, "Qve, t erbaps, enfhtsen rao'.i f (rood old Hj- -, ii".ar 7H yrj, Lo wa taken I: ru f rent r'lin n s wuuri ine r a ri ire u) n;;.i V;u;d f'l' her, a g.t'nl ci nn. a good u..n. is lost Lias is iiLfc eternrd i::im a ciace hi tb h'. ).;vbi, heuttD a i.'hnM.m he tutvl nilrclv. n vigor of h's d ru to I. to hi: Truly it may be injciibed "lit sivops ni Jeus." "Thy Sa nts. while atrna roll away, In emUess femM survive; T'.eir clitnes, o'er tLe wrors of time, GroaJv tr.nmphant Lvo." Lou.svtlr, Ky ."Jan. 9 IMS. N CFrankfort pspor.i pitape cotioe. ii'nas) LOUISVILLE PATKU MILL. CI fc A. V. iJuPONT, M;tno!;ic;u.ers of sn.riov Nrw s and Colored Printing l'a'j-- r, n:id wtioInaie deal- ers in Papers of wll k.nds, Cards Card Boards, Printers' Inks, &c. Sc.,4?7, Miiiii strteT., Louisville. Ky. N. B. The highest market prico in cash paid for rapa hemp anil cotton w.te. C. I. & A. V. DU roT. MANUFACfUBEKS of superior News, Book and No. 477 Main street, Louisville, Kentucky. 10'- casks Du Pont's double retfnedji SALTPETRE. sale by C. L U A. V. UuP(.)NT, ji 477 Main street GASKET BOARDS. ,0o0 ft Gasket or Trunk Boards, numbers, in Store and lor tale by C. I. & A. V. DU PONT, Wholebale Paper Dealers, n31 w?7 rtlxn street. TIP PAPER. t'M lbs Hatters" Tip Pa:.er. in store ana for by C. L & A. V. DU PoNT, Paper aud Rag Warehouse, 1 No. 477 Main struct. ENVELOPES. Whr,e Adhesive Letter Evssopes; Iihj.Ohi) do do Nolo do; 10.9.0 Mourni'i do do; 5, '""I B:'f ro':nmt'nt do. In store and tor sale by n2l C L fe A. V. DU PONT B ON NET BOARDS SCO gross Blue and White jnt re ceived oy j v. t at a. v. ULTUA i. ROUT. 2 bbls matnum bonum Kroiit received and K or saieoy jo i. ai j. r . Jt.f r POTATOES. !0 bushels Irish Potatoes of the SRISH species, just received and lorsaio by j5 T. it J. F. JEFFERSON. TIN PLATE loO biKtiS IC Roofing Tin P.ate, Superior brand; 50 do I X do do do Jo Uj; 15 do D X ICO plate Tin; 150 do I C Coo.mon in Plate. 74 do I X do do do; In store and for seU at the lowe t prices for cash by WALLACE. LITHGOW & CO., jW 536 northwest cor. Main and Third strce: SPECIAL iWnCE.s. LOUISVILLE DENTAL lEPt)T. HAVING received ine aen.y i Deutai Instruments lfttery neitj by the firm o Sutchtfe, IVIcAlIister St Co., would respecttuirv rail the attention of Dentists to my stock 01 in- struments, Teeth, kc, which will at all times be full and complete. Orders troro the country, accompanied by the cash, will re- ceive prompt attention. S. F. DAWES, CO., Asent for Jonns, White a Co., DrurKie's aud Apothecary, corner Jefferson and Fourth sts lltkitl Coughs, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroals, And various affections of the Lunjys and Throat, are be- ginning to prevail. For freeh colds and crou, a safe and rap'd cure is PROFESSOH McCUKTOCK'S COLD aod COUGH MIXTUliE, price 2jc. For Chron;c Lrunrhitif? or ConsumptioD, DR. MeCLIN- - rOCK'S PKCTORAL SYRUP accomplishes tho most liul euros. It contains no morphine, and never dis- - with the most delicate patient. It is put up in pint Land is sold, together with all Dr. McCLIN- - raled fara:ly medicines, by Druaista every- - y RAYMOND & PATTEN, Fourth street, at Retail, WILSON, &TAHBIRD & SMITH, v WHAT Wholesale AgenU. In ore dehp'itful Chnstman G;flf and what rd times, than a Ds'.evrtOiype of your?e f J that you know will receive it as friendship's t? Who will, within the ;uiet rocosses of the t aamber, aze on the counterpart of what rever P a "tull-tale- " blush and sparkle to the eye! serve it as a mirror of the past, an unfading i the proseut, and a token of the future! companion it shall be tluouh the day, and ;ht watchesit shall share! Say! Does it nut isare to givrj others pleasure? You have no dtire i,i ce yoursen m a uw, uerreuijpw. wcu, niujfiuiy not; but are fhc-r- non w!io have? No "old folks at home!" No "loved ones?" No ''niuther d?arl' No wife and little onesT or etn brother, to mourn your absence if gon to your long hoiucT Noiuc! Wha:l NutcvenOKEi" 'Suiiikcs those chirniiuphttte Curlsimasaiid New a":d puts them up in Christmas casos. Gullory oclow Third sirett. Thiak of the matter. y Coasinnplion and Dyspepsia! TSljtJ ''IVr! an., Chronic Dttwape.such as Scrofula caiii, Chills and Fever, CostiveiiOr$ .chit.s, Rheumatism, &c, then read ts. Better testimony cannot l ro boy of mine 'isd four or flvebot- - r, which cuied him of NtGHO k had been given up by four pnc- - 1U53. It elfected a cure in , so that ho was able to do E. HUSTON. IT- - occr county, Ky.' ) '.iegiias: el it due to you, as well as to those persons ijled with indirrotion, deb;lity. and ail that if diseases caused by want of action of the s.o.v and bowels, to say that I think your com- - produces the happiest effect of any thing ti i r tried, and in my oce'ease, I have not, afte three or jur wteks's tnt.1, found nythmg to rostore my da fjcsUvft organs toper'ect action as soon as the four bottles of your Hyurop.per lhat I have just used l.ICKARD BLNTON, M. D. Greenwood. Hanlin rourry, Ky. KAYMOiNi Jt PATTEN. General Atjnts, dl6 74 Fourth street, Louisville FROM iiISm.VSPALDi:G. Havin? triei MH- SOLOMON'S Glasses, I find thom both distinct and soothing to the sight, more so in fact, judg ing from a short trial, than any I have yet nsed. I recom- mend him to thb patronage of those innec-- of Glasses. Signed, t M. J. SPALL1NG, Bitdiop. Louisville, 9ct.23d, 1C54. Front Bishop Lefivrr. Mr. Solomos S;r: T!is beneht I have receivej rom the Spectacles obtained from you induces me to eiprt?sthe pleasure I have received from them, they suit my eyes lo I can bow tee all couur.un uistancus by carijle-lieh- t, as as by dyy, with the Fame ease as when a I could not any other gr-se- I have used. It cllorda the greatest pleasure to nvaU myself of this medium oi" testif'nghow satufactory hs boen my own experience of your still as aa optician. Yours truly. PETER P. LEFiFER, Bishop. Detroit, Nov. 3, 18.52. From the Mayor of Rochester. RocHE$TEU, April 7th, 151. Mr. Solomox Sir: Haviu? called at your oJTice in the Arc?Je, and purchased two pair of your patent Glasses, I found them tupenor to any 1 had ever used before they re- alised mora than I could have expected. I have now put them aside, and can ieo without thera ni well as I couid when a boy. SAMUEL RICHARDSON. o6 don 1'D To cur I'alrons. WE wnuld call your special attfution to McLEAN' VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT, knowjig it to be the bes Liaimtnt ert ofi'treil to the armcied. TO Jr'ARE.TS GUARDIANS. Every family should keep a supply of McLean's Volcanic Oil L.n:meut always ai hand, btjejuse children are momec tanly liable to injuries and accident, and by the immediate application of this LJiiinent, hours and even years of suffer- - ingcanbe saved. Then, guardist'S, delay uot,,but obtain u supply of th:s valuable Liniment. One twenty-fiv- e cent bot tic will do more to convince you of inutility than all the advertisements in the world. To"those thai are fcu;ferng with Raeumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Ulcers, Burns, Tumors, Chronic Soro Eyes, aud soresof every kind; swelling inflaaimatory contractions of the Sinews or Muscles; ParaJasts, or any ocal diseases or Pains, and have net tho means to purchase this LINIMENT you are n.vited to call at the agents and get a supply free of charge, that you mayaiso REJOICE that the true rtmedyis discovered that will give you relief. C3r"PurchaseTs, ask for and take none other but Volcamc O.l Liniment, and you w.ll get a Liniment that will cure all the uisen wor which it is recommended. Forsaie by the Propriet iner .third and Pine streets St. Louis, Mo., and by BBS & SMILEY, 3C3 Main street. 1 d23 d&Tlei jit J Louisville, Ky HP" IF you are vl rrootype for a nmal sum of money, yi ting to suit you at SHELDON'S R. Should th- Virence,as his light is t! just as good j25 h FOR IR. THIS pre 1 A o the Hair a dark, soft. cannot be obtained from iTX t.My cteimses tke scalp from Dund: he head clean and healthy. It prevc off or turning rey, aad ia."p;res i , and while it adds beauty, it w oat a certain emedy for cutan. ads.Erysipe- - as. Salt Rheuin, euove sympa- - heticuttackfs of nt It it? mnecoFiary for us to e.Tnnerate the wontlfr-'u- l prop- erties of this invaluable propiiiat ion, fur its reputation has already bef-- es'.ablished as having no superior. Medical men, phvacians. chprnists of vr hichst stamjio., (jylies of r iu.nal ion, c.'T 1 iqhory. the t lar?P hot-- l byal! tLe 1 X A3. 1853. VV. C. Hn.- n- I was biiaii for twenty-- f orer has a. new growth of ire head whero I was baid. J. D. PEPrAU .srnc street. V i X, Dec. 1, 1S.3. W. C. Hvrd: Dear Sir Your Hair Restorer has product jrous growth hair on my head, where it had beeul five years. C Fahrakd, Daguerrootypist,S:'7 Broad.vay New York, March IC, 1654. W. C. Hurd: After a baldness of eight years, your Hair Restorer hasfully restored my hair. Wm. Fitszimos.4 East Eradwiiy. New York, Dec. 10. 1353 W. C. HuRD: I have thoroughly tested yeur Hair Re- store . It acts like majic, for it has produced a new growth on every htad where I tned it. Earnest D. Pape M. D. Formerly of the University of BerVn, Prussia. Ronton, Jn. 20, 154. W. C. Kurd: There is a lady living With i;s ti.at had lost most of her hi.r, a;ul thrrt re;na;n:us was f.--- ; oH'. She commenced usme your Hair ResLorar, which ut onct stcppe-- its falling orT, aad although she hns been using it but six weeks, a new growth of hair has sprung up nearly one ;i;ch in length. B. Tayloh, Jr. Merchant, 25 Hanover st. Boston, Jan. 30, 1S54. W. C. HuRD: I was troubled with baldness frr threo years. Your Hair Restorer has luliy restorvdmy Hair. J. Scadding, Corner Friend and Haiover slrents Hurd's Hait Restorer is sold at One Dollari r Bott'.o, by nil the principal dealers in Drutrs mid Medicines, and by Fancy Goods Merchants throu zhout thewc:;d. Arrfuts. W:Ls .n,S!arb;rd i Sm.tu, LousviKo, Kentucky JoLu D. Part. Cinc.nnati. OL;c. KlG d&wCiu SPECIAL NOTICES. Opened Again and Prices Reduced! DAGUERREOTYPES FOR 50 CF.."TS!! Beiag; the oldest feathery in the o tj, we feel coDeDt o KfTing satufactloD. to all who roar fovor as with thcirpatroc-a?- e. DODYNS & CO., No. 327, j30d6 corner of Mam ani TLd streets. Daguerreotypes. G. W. BARTLETT, long known as a Daguerceotypi?t of New , Ia., has bought Elrod & Carr's Gallery, for- merly known as Kimball's, 477 Mam itreet, Louisville. Ky.i andwouldrespfcetfully say that he is prepared to take Da- guerreotypes m any style of the art, and would solicit a share of public patronage. Prices from One Dollar up. j27dtf Harris melon loMnr Pagnerreotypo. Fort Wayne and Southern Railroad MONEY! I am tatting the issue ot the Fort Wayne and Southern Railroad Company at par for Daguerreotypes. Also, all Indiana Froe Banks not quoted failed or worth-es- s in White's Detector. THEODORE HARRIS, Main street, between Third and Fourth. 'CiFHo-.- many there are who complain oi uyspepsia. In- digestion) Lobs of Appetite, Flatulency, Depressed Spirits, General Debility and Nervous Auctions. To all nucU, we say git a bottle of Mortiitiore'fi Cord.nl and Blood Purifier, and nn: ;t. ;i want tiie.se- removed, and ues. re 10 enjoy perfect health. Many thousands now rCjUice t hu disco, y Rein.1 price, nnly Jil per o.jttle. Sc.ld Ov a l rfliail Druureirts. ToVchaa a' wvotesaie of RELL, RoniNSON V CO.. 425 Mmket utro-f- ivl LUli-TO- GKCHBb K. KM IT, FY, Mij Main ttrei. .j.t.. WOH-i- t SON, aud RoiilNbON tiCAiiY, A.ouwsviUe, K v l dt' LET ME ADVISE 101 ! IF you have a bad Cough or Cold, or any Pulmonary Affec- tion, lo procure a bottle of Bennett's Indian Coujjli E lsam, and use it. It is undoubtely the best Cough reme- dy now before tho public. It is almost astonishing to witness the readmcGs and with which it relieves Coughs and Colds.no matter how severe they maybe. There are many in this city who hae derived the greatest benefits from it after having used other preparations to Utile or no purpose. A single bottle is often sutlirient to cure three or four persons. Just give it r trial and I will assure you it wjl do you good and you will have no necessity of resortii,!? to other medi- cines. PHILANTHROPIST. Sold by most City Drupgsts and Country Merchants. Pr.ce 50 cents per b tile. j7 deodlm&w4 CSWE are authorise! n : RICHARD LONG of Frankfort, ascand:dae jot Oitice of the Register of the Land Oluoe, subject to the nomination of the Whig Stute Convention, i such a Lorn n u:on should be made. (12S dtd AVhat are Eusleni Prices? Southworth & Hewes take no dagaerrootypesforless than five dollars; Whipple's cheapest are three dollars, Gurney, Brady, Lawrence, Root, Wlutehurst, Fans, and scores of others might be enumerated, whose cheapest pictures range from two to three dollars. Thy aro th9 ornaments of our profession, their pictures are monuments of their skill, which will preserve the cherished memory of the artist long afler the originals of those pictures have passed away. Such are the examples we choose to emulate, rather than follow in the wake of those miserable daubs, whose nbor- - tive eflbrts are forced apon the community only to be food tor the eiocration of those to whom a e resemblance df some departed friend wou'd have besn precious. It is to be hoped that there are enough people of tasto in Louisville to support one respectuble gailsry. WEBSTER & RRO., Daguerreotypibts and Photosiaphers, di 4'" iVJaii. street. Z- M. KOCISSON 8. Z. MA II TIN O. H. PSNTON CONTINUED SALES AT REDUCED PKICE-S- . ROIUNSON. MARTIN & CO., Four; h stroet, between JertWson. are still otlrinr tueir stocK of DryG'H-d- at very reduced prices, and a lurge portion of thu:r Fancy Goo i's at cost. Fii!cli;..sers can now have an opportunity of snpplyinir themselves fiom a tood asort-nieu- t. at narLcai:iS. as Robinson, Martin Co. are determin- ed lo reduce thetr slock of Winter Goods to tlie i jwest 16 TLANNELS. White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Vr: Iinir Scarlet, Rose, Grey, Brown, Cf'Uiitry Plaid and Figured a f till iftoriwem ai renneeu prices, ai, RORlNSu., MARTIN ft CO'R. d23 D1SSOLUTIOIV. THE firm of ROBINSON k CAltYw this day dissolved iimiiatiuu. Geo. H. Gary disooses of his interest in the c ui' trn to K A. Hub: titcn. Ei;her partner will use thenuLiie of the nrm in liquidation. P. A. ROBIVSON, Louisville, Jan. 1, TC55. GEO. H. CARY. the WliolesaTe Dru?t business nf IWILLcontir.nc have as iciated wuli rue in tht but int sa W.W. Power nod Heurv Ghambors, under the firm of K. A. Robinson k. Co. jl R. A. ROBINSON. YOUNG AMCHLCA. We have just completed a ful! Cooking Stove PatteiTs, bearing tha above name, two sizes readv for sale. Thej are uat anU beau;. ful in dentin, ertibiiicing all l!ie latest improvements, and pronounced by thoe usiiir tlicm. to be super. or in every respect tu any herototore used by tatm. Call nod see them at OJ WAl.LAl f. 11 l II Vj'J v K LO B '1"1HE "LITTLE GIANT MILL' will rnnd cuiiMd Cob X ouitnbie for stook feud at the rato often bushels per Hour, price l wo norsc juihb win grnm iweniy DnMieis per '.our. price i ne iHiiiF are warranieu ior siicsy oays. Forsaleby d9 dS;w MlLLi-- . It. VVlNGATel CO. AND BATTING. CANDLEWICK 50 do Uattin?; Received per steamer Pnngle, and for wtle bv ji J.NO F. HONS ARD & CO. VI r ARE UP! GIVE ATTENTION Ye Grocerv Koep-- n erfrund all! Noi to the oi" a total anniViuatiun of the miserable currency wh.ch now rests li';e an incubus uooij t he comriK'uitv. but to 'he f.ict that we have iut re per mail b'cit from Cm.'iim iti over Ir.s n half b nits and kes,ofthe superior Northern Indiana May Rut-te- r. It is sweet. and is as vellow as iroid. Pv the kferwe sell it a 17 cents, aad ar rb'tail 2i)c per tb. Cail tud se" it, at n30 Conier Brook and Marice. C ORN MEAL. We have both Family and Cow Meal wmcn we are seUins as low as umai. dl4 J. & J. F. JEFFERSON. SUNDRIES. BasVets; 2,fioO lbs Countiy Sides; I,tiW do do Hams; IdO bushels Oats; 20 bales No. 1 Battms; 5 bbis Cider Vinegar; 20 boxes Franck s Soap; 10 do do Candles; Just recoived and for sale by T. fc J.' F. JEFFERSON, nil Corner Brook ud ilarLet. SUNDRIES. Star Candles; 50 boxes Cornwall's Soap: 8 i q Moreton's Va. Tobacco; 5 do Five Lump do do; In store and for saie by T. & J. F. JEFFERSON, dl4 corner Brook and Jtfersn. COUNTRY JEANS 20 pieces fine Country Jeans in?to:e by T. St J. F. JEFFERSON. j5 Corner Brook and Market streets. STEAMBOAT AD HOTEL FURNISHING GOODS AT COfcT. WE are closinir out a fine stock of plated Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Cutlery, and general Furnish- ing Goods for the kitchen and tabie, at less than they uu be bought Ea t. House, hotel and steamboat owners are respectiully invited to give us a call befors pure .aing else- where. ELLIOTT b COCKE, Assignees of Thomas Cocke, d7 77 Fi urth street. CIGARS La Rosa Regalia Cigars; 5,000 Diailoin do do; 3.')00 lIoiile Chr:sto do; Z. ' t KLru d r Cobden do; o.'idu Pri;.r:pe do; Thoa'iove C:L,rars were refcivcMhis mornin?. We have Ion? had t be nu ne ot' ke pin? me bust Citrais in Hie city at retail, and w:ll doonr bjsi lo irei. ii.em l)e:ier th in ever. Call at. the coiutr oi Je.i!i;o:i and S in. and Lvv lliein nl DOWNING' 8i BliO. 1( Jl M X V H E WA It tHil ji TfRliirort :i.id Retail Furiuture, Chair and iSlaf.;rc- - waieruoTiis m l.onisvilte. wliere lniv bo lcund the iilowiiitr artifh's i.f furniture, v.z: OJ ; aud laiiL'y ninhoariv and walnut Bureaufi; lti ijiabnra.y, wujuu! , cherry, sycamore aud poplar 12jd.ze'i niHhogany, walnut, fancy and common WLnd sor k r.a.ts; 2'j :(iVuol'uuy. wp.lnut Wnshrands; i .iooo wjluiit and cht-rr- D.ning and lireaJaiai't Ta- bles, i il rn mahogany, walnut and poplar Washstandt; 3(, Si.e, LivaiK ru.d Lnurnres. ot bcaitf iful ljj;vh; iJ,il '.luy-- , whl nu! aad piar Wardi.ibes; Sccrtrtauw- and Wiii:!-j- (lii;dv a s.ino.'i'ir rirtif-le- v LnKii-'- ;iil S.ifes; Hal K:.'"ks; 'f'owei t'nbs; 'ith ever' arte le ;n tho Funushuiir line. Thtt lr r.'it of po-.- j ,'v m the Wft, onrh as 9 ?nrii, Ci'iton, Hair. Moss. Shock and S raw MaMre-scs- , Pill.'ws, Conift-rts- Sheets. Slris.and ever ai tide in the line, rili of wb;rh I am doleruimed to sell as low aa auy other m the city. St-- ' :nn boats mid lloiels furiHshed with evervt.hin in the furuidh.L- -' l.!ie yt ' notice. W. C. MI)i ::E, Nus. tij and tlo Tlurd street, under Apoiio R..oins, m2 dtf Between Main and IMarket. CHAIRS AND SETTF.ES. Af-r'.e- supply jUbt reeeivetl at the warp-roo- No. 38 street. O ir factory continues to tuin out Chairs of every var.eTy, which we oiler to the trade wholesale at price? which w ll be found satisfactory, for cash or on t;rru to punctual customers. Our stock of finished work is far the Inrkvst ever oh'red m this market, being nearly 1,0'jO dozen of all k;nds. rOiders by noa 1 promptly executed. Addreps. W. D. RAND Si CO.. No. 38 Wall St., Louisville, K"y. N. U. Indiana monev taken at par. ol'J LEECHES. RECEIVED 1,U00 Swedish Leeches, at No. 82 JT-S- street, wept side, between Market und JeU'orBon. WILLIAM YOL'NG offers h;s semces to physicians and to the citizens of Louisville us Leechor. Cupper, and Bleed- er. Mrs. Young will wait upon ladies in the same line ot business, havine removed to 83 l'nird street. N. B- Physicians and others in tho country can procure Leecliea. put up so as to carry them safely any distance, by applying tu above a lit dtf A. B, INEII'LE & BRO., TMPORTEHS and Pealerk in Fore.en aud Domestic Hard I ware aud Cutter)', corner of Stxlh aud Mam stroets Lou ille. We have on hand a very lartre aud well as sorted whic h w e obei at ti ylow pi;oes. jl SHOVELS AND 5PADES. AMES- dozen Ames 2 Shovels; 10 do do do Spadca; 6 do d i C',Vi hoyU; Just received aud for sal o br il A. B. SEMPLE . TEO. 300 dozen Collins Fi Lcaveritt'i Axes? 60 do liro;id Ax'm; liii) hand Airtt.-i.n- Hatchets; Jost race nod and for se'e by jl A. B. BEMPLE & BItO. IIGS. X "0 s Smyrna Fitrs; uo j; For sale by CASTA NO fc t'ESO. GOODS. Cutlery, Rntanma, J?an and Braa 1TV4VCY wa aro otfjriai; at prices to suit tha linits. jB2 A. D. MlLEiJ Sl CO. pliCP. 30 bbls St. Loni, Unite ' f.;ato3 Mills, reoe.Ted i por s'.oamer Iibor tnis uav ano i t :ue oy jl7 CARTEH S JOUiiTT. STEAMBOATS. FOR NEW OR EE ANS. Th nnlral-4- riassenfer seamc-- EMPIRE Meekin, mu-'t- will anuu this Uuv. and wi,l havp aiiu-- as above. For freight or pasfoge apply on board or to CARTER & J' TJETT. j'O ot to H. A. DUMPSNIL k CO., Fourth st. ty irromtrinrtatK'ii for Stork nnwurp iss.d. u. s. mail mokmng; line. T3" iv FR CINCINNATI The fine paw iTt. i '"V JP r !iU'ATa,i JACOB STI1ADEU, Summon master, leaves as above on tint uay tne jUtU at 11 a. m. For freight orpasrage apply on board nr to i30 FHAMv CARTER. OR PITT'JRrkl.H-T- ha .tcwor CASILE (iARDKN. D v.nnev. nittr. leaves us above on Wedncsuay, SHt, Ml J. UI. or ireipht or passage apply cn boar ' or to J:iQ I. S MOORHEAD. - JP" EVANSVILLE AND BOWLING ll?llt draught EVANSVILLE. Asnbyj luusTei, eave as above Fr.day, February lid, kt3u.m. Wh:irl. I. 9. MOORHEAD. iT8 Uk t'OR EASTPOHT. TUSCUMBIA AND The f.Le steamer TTSHO- - MINGO. A. J. Ilnscoe inaste Wllt HHVb Am above, on this day, iO.h insl.,at 10 a. m. For freight or passage apply on boa. d or to C RASHAM J30 I. S. MOORHEAO. Ll.K- -t rl""" C LAN ..... I) . . is' J. M. Cl:enowo';h. master, Will p T il.a inr. .r..r 10 a. ni, C. BASHAM. FOR OWENSBGRO ANI EVANSVILLE. itT S The s,t;iiJ"er FAwN. Sulhvan. ma.-rr- .i -- vV loave ab above on Tmsuay, tho oUi For ireight or pu&sage apply onboard or to JM L S. MOORHEAD. -- I, '" FOR NEW ORLEANS Tic fiao ptiL l rT TeiiKor sleamer Ml ) ti A MC ii F V above, ou Xuetday , 30ili 11 x m. I. R. MOOBHtAD. :(r)3tW F0R KEW ORLEANS. fhe"fle ua,r steamer A1.VI.N ADAMS. Andr muster, leaves a above on W ednesday, aatiL a 1 p. in. For ireight or pasBage apply on board or fo L 8. MOORHEAD. Cabin revnster at the apetita. i O JVAI A 0 1 SO.lT A RB OLlTO.N, V fc, XAY1l t;nfc.vr. lb TME LELLC QUIGLEY, J. G. Clrn w V"''Cnia.ter. will leave Louisviile ;Vf.iy Tuea r. a xhunnnay aau Saturday punctuillv a o cock, lis above. Fur e.ght or parage apply onboard or to R. H. JONES, oI8 On Sc,md street. below the Gait Houj-c- , STAR LINE, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE & NEW ORLEANS-- WEEKLY PASSENGER PACKETS. DUKE. .Capt. W. F. Hamiltok. GLjWNDaJuE.. .Cat't. GohGE W. OhUv LANDIS Cttjft. J M.CHENOWBTI. . One of the above elegant steamers will K3ieaiiS: a;nl will aUn mtur-mm-r tnv. Tim Or.eans w eekly throughout the coming reason, commencing Tae extenfive popularity this line pined with the trawli- ng public last seanon has induced the proprietor to plaoe aoothei boat (the Landis in the line, equal in all her ap- pointments to the Dnle and Glendale. 1'i.ese boats are new, having run but a few mouths. Machinerv wa biuli underthe instructions of the United States IiiKpec'.ow; are provided with fire engine, iec, ftc.and commanded byconiftent and carsfoi olScers: in spt-e- comiort, safety and elegance are unsur-pu- d by any boats on the Southern or Western watora. Thikiine of will lund passengers aid freight at &AT point on the river. Juoa5eof unavoidable detention of either of these boats on the w;.y pi,ssiiKtrfc will be traubfened to another gootj rxjet and 6ent on without extra cnarge, or the fare r funded. l or freight or passage apply on board, or to C. BASHAM. N. B. Passengers and shippers may rely upou these boaXa leaving iirorui.it.1 j on the day luivertured. na HOfiTgEFL RNISXIING GOODS AT H. W. WILKKS & SON'S, 75 Fourth street. CLASSWARE Lamps, Chvidahers and Girandoles. Hardware Britannia. Pla ed. Block Tin and Wood Wares, Table Cutlery, lea Trays and Waiter. Bur F.ttmtrs, Fire Sets, Coal Buckets, Plate Warmer, fcwi. A penerjl assortment of the above art. ciej, along with a Great variety of minor art cles of couven once, necesary f r llouekee,'erp, conntantly on ban ', which we oner at tne most favorab.e rates, at the housefurnis'Linr store f H. W. WJLKK8 t SON j IT No. 75 F urth street, bet. .Mam and IMaikrf-- RVAMKNTAL C OAL, VAS E AAD COP P E U Buckets. We are this uay in receipt ot one dozen Co', per Coal Bucket?, toeeiher with a handsome assort incut of Pardoniu Coid Vnses. t which we invae tl e attention oi all m want ol a n.ce art;ele lor parlor use. jI7 H. W. Wll KES & SON. 3LATE WARMERS. 1 dozen Plate Waraerr. . of j;ood i;alLerus,which we run otter nt verv low pnetsv i'7 H. W. WILKES L SON. J . PANNED WARE. A larpc assortment of Japanned. Z c and Tin Ware, lere.ved t is dny. In the lot are nam and O'uamental To.let Set; Water Carriers; Cham- ber Paiii; Foi't Tubs; Ca--- and Spice Boxes; Dresins Ca- st's; Cafco and Sugar Boxes; Wash Hasins; 'J umblers; Lrxn ers; Duster, fcc. jl7 H. W VlLKES U SON. UNDERWEAR. Silk, Merino, C;hmere, Lamb?wool. Cuilun Flannel Shirts and Drawers, Silk, Menno, Lambswool, Cotton 'Half Hose, assorte izes. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, hemmed for use. Suspenders. Crava'-s- . Scarfs. Stocks and Ties. Robes, Umbre'hts, TruoKs, C rpet Bar;s, Perfumerv. ir. Rfiaemlier the uuuiber, southwest comer of Mam and Third streets. dll A. D. MANSFIELD . 1RAVATS. Scaris, Stocks and Tios Faucy and Black ' every style ami quality, at cobt. Jli MANSFIELD'S. if t LOVES UT White, B'ack and Dark, nssorted kid; Black, Beaver and Dog Cioth. Siik and Wool, lined and plain; Fm Gloves and Gauulletts, Lneu. At cost. jia MANSFIFLP 4 T TS Get.tlemen fitting out their wi.rd-rob- es in he Shirt iiue would Do weil to call and exam- ine my stock of Lmn ami Muslin Shuis. In store over 2u dozon of Linen and Mus'in Sh rts. made in the latest style, and warranted to ht perfectly. Call soon for a choice sot of Smrtsat 525. dll A D. MANSFIELD. GOODS Low tor cah. FANCY Morocco Work Cases; Porte Mona.s LeHilier, Velvet. Pearl. &c; Fancv Soaos Ralis. Cakes and Bars; Jewelrv Gold Breastpins, Finger Rinss.Ear Drops 6tc, fcc; Bu'tons, Pins. Hooks ard Eyes, Thread; Perfumenr. Fancy Boxes, Pull Boies, &c ; For sale very low for can by BULL, ALRICH & DOW ELL, Main street, between Filth and Sixth, n28 Up stairr. STILL ANOTHER ARRIVAL- DURKEE, HEATH b CO. are almost daily reeeivinj; seasonable toods fvr the wmier trade, which, added to heir already immense stock of Dry Goods, Car- pets and Furnishing Goods, readers their stock not only the most a'tractive. but the most advantaeeous place to se cheap goods of anv other establishment in the country. Wehave just received and otter for sale l.OOQ Black Silk Dress Patterns of excellent quality, for 75 rents per yard; also, 1.001) patterns of a superior quality, at $1 per yard; aleo. the largest and most complete stock of fancv Silks ever before o.Tered in this or any o.her city, at prices be- yond competition. Our sock of Merinos, Parancetters, and plain and fancy Casninerej-- , is very lare, and offers superior inducements to all wishing to purchase these styles of goods. Call and examine our entire stock o Fanrv and Domestic Goods. DURKEE, HEATH t CO., jl6 107 Fourth street. bet. Mirkyt and JefTersun. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices &ctrk fft j woKn oi superior (. loining, ai greaiy QCXjAJyJKJ redaced prices lorcash at J. M. ARMSTRONG'S. die Corner Fourth aud Mam streets. CREAM ANDOYSTERS We will have nc Jo ICE made daily during Christmas. We have made ar- rangements to receive daily Fresh Ovsters. We will not be out. Send t DQWNINQ & BRO. UODTHl:sGS FOR CHRISTMAS at the cornero G Jeaersonano Second. 20 boxes New Ka:sins; 20 drums Smyrna Furs; 10 do SuliHoa Raisins; 100 boxen Prunes; 10 bbls Pine Apples; With general variety of ;dl kin Is of Fruits and Nuts. wh;ch we will sell low for cash, as the times are hard. dU DOWNING k BRO. CAKES, tUs very richBlaik Cake; 6or, do do io Fruit do; And a very large assortment of Iced Cakes, made of good uttor expresly for Christmas. dl'-- DOWNING & BRO. ''FliJ DEALERS. I have just received a lartre lot o X C'urlLrv Ha. 114, to w.n.'h I invite fie i.ttention of 1mJ ers. This moat a put u;i tor the city t ni.ie hy one of tii meet farmers in ttio country. Ca-- earlr if von waul supply. ' R. A, SHRAHER. oJJ Market above Biouk. 4ROEV ?KROS.-- Fr- 'i and Genuine trrowt of ICj-- i G in ;';i!m:'r and o;iik. fir ale bv A. G. MINN. SiLVER PLAT FI CASl OiiS A M) ILATEI TAliLE WA It E, AT J . li. SHEUIDAN'S. T HAVE on tied a ol. nd d s iiont o.' the i f"T bftt i,ir:hy oi i.ivur-ulate- il iaoLt- Fo i. ar,.) Spoors. .r iule low J. If. SMVUii A.N'S, jii dtf is 81 Fourth street, bet. ft! am aad .Viajkot. J. if. SiHCRIDAX S CASH CHINA STOUK, 61 Fourth street, between 31 tin and Market. 1H AVE received a lartre and fplenid stock of new eod, ir all descr.puons of rooJ be oiiKing to the Chi- na. Ghus and business, aud woiud !e p!eaod W tia orders from country merchants at tLe lowest pnees for cash, or upou. the usual terms to good, responsible ts. ii J. B. SHi:HlDAN. GOEllTt 4N1 FR IMlf CI UNA AT KK Kit'CEIV I'RICES AT J. R. SHLKIDA.N'S, I HAVE a federal assortment of tine Frertch Chiua Dmnii W are, wliti 'j I am otiernif: at reduced prices, as I intend to devo'.e my auteion priiici.al ly to gooon silU-a- for wholesale tia'ie. as well as fciuainboals and hotel. J. B- SHEH1DAV, j?0 81 Fourth street, bet. Mam and Markft- - COM.MO QL EESWARE AT SIIERIDAX'S- - 1 HAVE a eeacral vane'y of Co rmon Quoeusware on JI nana, lor saio at wuoicaate prices. J. B. SHERIDAN. FLVE CIT GLASSWARE AT MIEKIDAN S. HAVE opened this week soveral patterns of beautiii.J J Cut Glass Goblets Champagne, Cordials and Wines, of new and rich styles, for sale low at J. n. SHERIDAN'S. riHE BOOK OF THE DAY Mr onrtship and it I nonpouencos; bv Ilenrv Wikoy. AH persons tntt have not read tins book siiou.d mimed ately procure a copy. .trucnliif ilia vouior Ihikpc iknd t(Ti Irmeo. It c an MPS. No. 84 Fourth strvet. HAM HAS COM G. Ko.h Ilall.br FaniiTK rUTH this inopeiufc b- F. A riy.M' j 17 4 Fourth street, near ftlsrKPt. tCUPHR FLAID COTTONS. -- For Servants' wear, jus sZ? received ami for tale at iiuMNSON, MARTIN 8t CO'S, 96 Fourth struct. ISO DISSOLUTION. I SHOTWFLL has retired from the firm of John A . Bull St Co., from and after II;- - ;.t January. M5S. The iMiis'i will he c..utiuui;aiy mo o, ,u .vtr ...ivwiu a.k'r tha same address. JOHN II l l;'-.- . A. T. SHOTWF.M.. j5 t.lnnStwlm 11. H TIMBKRLAXK. HOW CASES -S- hew Casfsfl Mperfootoiish asup.. ...., ,L .Hid lOI'S.l''' Uv IRA JOM'.h, ATTFNTIO1) Rule's. Rules Quoin. PRINTERS. Brass Gnll.;?s oo' end Jful-nit- on b'dl'l J'J1- - - fhe. t N B All ord' rs lor F.ir'er'' l urn lu e f.Tpn to J. K. Priest, Printers' Machinist, will be i,fuu.,rrljnderHo. j24 314 Green street, oppc.ile Lou.sviUe Tbeaujr. L

y STAR LINE,nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wtp96/data/0003.pdf · V Steamboats Advertesr U Co Leave this Day. FOR PARTICULARS SEE ADVERTISEMENTS. JACOB STRAIJER S imrrions, Cincinnati. EMPIRE

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Page 1: y STAR LINE,nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wtp96/data/0003.pdf · V Steamboats Advertesr U Co Leave this Day. FOR PARTICULARS SEE ADVERTISEMENTS. JACOB STRAIJER S imrrions, Cincinnati. EMPIRE


Steamboats Advertesr U Co Leave this Day.FOR PARTICULARS SEE ADVERTISEMENTS.

JACOB STRAIJER S imrrions, Cincinnati.EMPIRE. Mrtm,NOi:ew.TIS OlIN .O. Briscoe, Floreuce.LANDIS, Cherioweth, New Orleans.FAWN. SuUirati. Krautnllc:MONARCH, Lopan. New Orleans.

Thk River Navigation Susprnded btThe river wa fnUiiig; yeeterday, with Its thau five

aril a htlf feet water in ih cana!, and the river fn'.l

of floating ice above the falls, and navigation entirelysuspended far ascend inrr boats. The weather is ex-

ceedingly cold, with a pi ospeot that by this morn-

ing the river will be entirely blocked by ice at allpoint3 above this city.

Tho aailboat Jacob Stradcr made no effort what-

ever to start to Cincinnati yesterday morning, butpaid off her crew and laid np. About the same timea despatch was received from Cincinnati, anuonscingthe fact that the river was blocked with ice, and na-

vigation above that point entirely suspended. Thesam 3 despatch stated that the niailboat TelegraphNo. 3 had been laid up, and would not sta t to Louis-

ville until the weather moderated and the ice bocame

ltsiformidable.Despatches from Pittsburg yesterday, at noon,

report the river frozen over and navigation entirely

suspended.Quite a fair number of boats arrived here yester-

day from various points, but y the list will bevery small, perhaps none at all. The river belowthe falls, though somewhat obstructed by floating

Ice, continues in fair narigable condition. The R.M. ration arrived here yesterday in forty-eig-

hoars from Tennessee river. Bhc reports tho JV. W.

Thomas, for Saw Orleans, hard aground at Three-Mil- e

bar.Steam was raked on tha Virginia yes'.erday.and

she was brought over to this sido of the river, fromJeffersonville, to harbor from the ice.

The towboat Windsor, yesterday, was busily en-

gaged towing flatboate back and forth in the harbor

to quarters beyond the reach of the floating Ice i

the river.The Jcffersonville ferryboat made but a very few

trips yesterday, and one of them, the Black Lotust,laid up at the 'ow-'- r wharf early ia the day. Theregular boat fi ile '. to reach Jcflersonville ia time inthe morning to eonnect with the railroad train for

the East, and the passengers were compelled to wait.There was no arrival from Jcffersonville up to a

1 ate hour last evening, and passengerB from the Eaetwould be compelled to go to New Albany to getacross the river.

The Duchess, once the pride of the Cincinuati" short-horne- d stoek," poetically termed " ditchtubs," is now lying up above Jetfer9onville. Bhe

has been shorn of her upper works and cabin, andconverted into a tug-boa- t, to tow ooal flats fromPittsburg, Pomeroy and other plaees.

Red Kivir Risino. A despatch wai receivedyesterday, stating thaton the lGtbmst., Red riverbad risen nine feet opposite Slircveport, and wasglowly rising then.

Excitement on the Alabama Ritse. Yester-day afternoon, says the Mobile Advirtiscr, of Jan.23, the wharves presented quiie a stirring aspect,caused, in part, by the departure of three boats forMontgomery, crowded with passengers. The oppo-

sition caused the fare to Montgomery to be put downto 82 50, and at that rate the three fine boats, tbeMagnclia, the Jones and the Prentiss, were filled.We should not be surprised If there was some of thetallest kind of running done this trip, if the watersuffices, as we hope it may.

Foe Evansville. The Fawn, is the regularpacket for Evansvilie and all way plac69, this after-

noon at 3 o'clock, from Portland. Bhe is a staunehboat, her officers perierering, and being a good icoboat, with a nice crew, she will be very apt to gothrough.

JSP" The groat Ben Franklin, one of our float-ing palaces, was das from JCew Orleans last nightfche was advertised to leave that port laet Monday

For New Oslkans The Eclipse, the wonderof tho Wet, and the fastest, etainchest, best andmost complete boat in the world, is advertised forNew Orleans this evening. Her great size, superiorbuild and immense power, are sure guarentees thatahe can and will bid defiance to all impediments, iceincluded.

SSsJ-T-ho Finny Bullitt tor. We are informed,

laid np, and for the present abandoned gcbg toNew Orleans.

Laxdis for New Orleaxs. The Landit, onoof the strongest and most powerful boats ever built,starts to New Orleans this evening. Saeisin chargeof Capt Chenowith, with our fast friend AndyBayless ia the clerk s office, and in piint of fareand cabin accommoi atiens she will be found secondto none.

More Coal Boats Lost. We learn by privatedispatch from Memphis, that Mr. Cahoe lost one oa pair of eoal boats in a terrible storm on the Miss'issippi. They wcro bound from Pittsburg for NewOrleans.

The same dispatch announces the loss of a pairof boats belonging to Maurice McClaekey. McCluskey & Co. had also lost a pair of boats. Wefear that this is but the commencement of a seriesof disasters to the crafts on the Ohioand Mississippi.

l(j"The steamer John Simonds took on onethousand hogsheads of tobacco at Henderson lastweek, for New Orleans.

3Ssr"A flat boat load of corn was sunk at thewharf in Henderson on Sunday, containing severalthousand bushels. It belonged to Mr. A. B. Barret


ARRIVALS Slondar, Jan. 13.Jacob Strader, Summons, Cincinnati;Dnrliess, tlo;Rescue. , Nashville;Fawn, Sullivan, Evausvilie:Quoun of the iVest, Wade, New Orleans;K. M. Pallon, laniard, Eastiiort;Hartford, Markol, Pittsburg.


Quaker City, Shartlt NitshYUlo.urn


CINCINNATI-Steam- er Jacob S'rader- -J blsmJzf.AJaeger Co; 10 bxes totao-o- . L.rdcnbr fcCo; t bt,Blark Si Aiswnea; 5 cat. Terfiolb; IS pkzb. Wllto, Slarbirift Snmn; br., J M Coop-- t- ? do, AI'M St hniley; bellows,i H Howard 4 Co, Cpllus, KR W, tiV hois pork, Uriuinmfcaiumerx; Jl ba'.-- va: n; :doUUs; 'i7 do l,u-e- . O K jllica;10 casus ovale s, 1'itdst.cs., 1 tiur.s., F F::izcr; ;j bblsw.iisky, Jw.es St hoot.1 NEW OTiLTANS S'.omicr Q iron of fie Went 27 cralr.sware. Lewis, W iier i: Co; l:jdo ,lo, H fl Lowii ic Co; 1 Ondo, J E fciatudau; y. bh!s liiuti.uei, 1U 00, 25 luta do, WGay.

PlTrsnURO Ptcmrr Ilartfor' SW h!.la Ttilffnor& I QDe.iv; h: li n & C:ud; k' cs W

KtiolUaaj: UiV lulls si;:t k' ( t mi r( m- :i hvt u

a Lu; !l lurrt'-r- ao b 71 hotolln s"':eet iroo, ti.U. jilii x Co, i, U '; 3 I l.iVon B it Co.

atos'ner J pk ra?s. Wilnon,Etiubird icil.uitU; 40 tills r''ai :'. A'CM & Voure; bx,AV BulbJe,-- . 2 bs lriLliu-t- , I'.'r.;; b::, S A JoI;p4,1 bale. J Trab- - u Co; 3ii ks raja, 'Z'j Jj ao. Ubouior.'er; Itldodj, Cr-luc- Co.

EVAN'SV ILLS-Stea- Fawn 4KJ bfr corn, Crawford(diMurra; iOb.tius, 1 b. su.ir, lt v. corub ic Lro; i bblsUax.fccod, OaUahor; 74b;rs uora, Daci.ii all.

EASTPORT Steamer 7t. M. t a; ton 30 baits C3tt"ii,BriOr St Davis; lit) teas o iroa, j .'Jtas tobacco.suadriosto

oui.'Ville, Dec. S, 1C51.in a. oi'irioim

It is due to y oi, atid foray neighbors .nni'od of spectacios,to btiv ti it. 0,;1 U4 COOIOO! OJ 10 ',S'; I' OIH. .'or. a i.an- rimbest 1 could tiai tliat wuak'Oiud inv neat and distressed aiveyes, by proioium tbe e.'icot called ' draw, ii4 theAbout a mouth airo I call' .l on you arid bought a oa:r ofyour patent Spectacles, winch I have d coiislaatlv evciBmce. Withtliem I can .e;id, and have read steadily ullnnrht, wdliout fatieue or i.ti to Ihc- ' o, aud I find my evesbo macli strenirtlienc-th- at read without them.

I take ploavare in c iioaiend 114 vo ir Spectacles to myfriends who are oblisM to use glares.

Yours respectfully, V7. S,. PII.CHER,Between Seventh and c'hestnuL stroets.

We have purchased Glasses of Mr So'.omon. an t. on trial.ik1 them to be tiie best Ola1 so we h;.ve ever used


On Seventh, between Cliestnut and V alnut streets.IjOUlsviLLEjDec. 7, 18ot.

I have been under th" ni" ity of up.nir Glasses for g ve-r-

years, but have nevc-- ui a pair to sinr, iny eyes or thatI could uso without fatigu-;- , until f idanied a pair of air.Solomon's. By the aid ot t hose I b right of h.ru lean see aswell as ever I could. I can read or write with tliein forhours, without the least fatigue, both by dfv and ceitdle-Ush- t.

MSS. FRY.On Seventh street, 'l.uitvtiul aad Walnut.

T I)e . " ;,M, dhicITDR. SOLOMON'S O.Tice, No. 74 Fourth street, be

ween Mam and Market.

Nurit'K.T!l"P.E tvas ar'rci'.vty ,rc3TO Man comrndtcd to

tne unitiani (. (11111; v ai I 00 me rjf !i any 01 January,lso5, and says lie beiontrs to Win. Ford, of Kdmono- -son e.itiTilv , lern :it I VI veirs o ,l. 5 to t

3 or iTnches high, has a scar on las iinht aaud, and says hisname is j aim s.

Also, on ti e 2?d day of .Tana iry, lt,j5, a Ncstro Hoy whoCAlls himself Green; avs he b. tones to John Johnson, of

county; about J feot b inches Lifh, tolerable Blen-der and da.-l- t complet' n.

The owners will come f irw ard , prove properly and payChanges, or they will be dealt with as tnc l:i w directs.

W. M. WA1DE,f?7 dlfcwj Jailor of Of ham

C"vAKDFN Kc have now received our supplyGaaluu Seud- - trota tin: iivnt. reliable growers,

both m this coantrv audd--. Too. nnd aio prepared to furnishmerchants and others an tVvk- -i of assorwd kinds, ut alar?e disco. mt on retail p'o Jnoa jiapsr c titains fulldirections for planting, te. rfaldeucrs supplied bytho house on reasonable tvrafs.




TVaekimoton, Jan. S9. Sknatk. The Secre-tory of State transmitted to the Senate acommoni-ca'do- n

from Prof. Casford, containing an analyttis ofguano.

Mr. Foote introduced an order to print 5,000 ex-

tra copies of Lieut. Gilli ' South American As-

tronomical Report, which was referred to the Com-mittee on Printing.r:Mr. Mallory reported a bill to compensate Lieut.W. F. Maury, for his wind and current charts.

Mr. Seward's resolution calling for Com. Ring-gold's reports on his reconnoisauces of the PacificOcean. He also offered a memorial from the work-ing men of New York, asking for relief from theirpresent distress, by the home tead bill or otherwise,whereby they can entr and cultivate the publiclunds. Laid on the table.

Mr. Douglas, from the Committee on Territories,reported a bill to extend the provisions of the Judi-cial Fee bill of 1853, to all Territories of the UnitedStates, the Secretary of the Treasury having de-

cided it as limited to the Stale of Oregon Territory.The biil was amended and passed unanimously.

Mr. Gwin, from the Naval Committee, reportedadversely to various memorials, which had been re-

ferred to that committee, including that of the pur-chase of submarine armor to be placed on vessels ofwar.

An unsuccessful attempt was made to get np theBounty Lund bill and tue French Spoliation bili.The discussion was rather sharp by the favorites ofeach bill, when the Army Appropriation bill wastaken up.

Mr. Hunter offered an amendment as a substitutefor the reported bill, providing two regiments ofcavalry, and 500 volunteers. The hitter to act asrangers, scouts, and guides for twelve months. Theappropriation contemplated by this substitute isabout 4,000,000.

Mr. Shields proposed nn amendment two regi-ments of infantry, two of cavalry. This was talkedover, when Mr. Houston got the floor and spoke atlength, taking the past of the Indians showing thatthe white race almost alway3 have been the aggres-sors.

Mr. Cass spoke in advocacy of the bill, and con-

tinued to speak until the Senate adjourned.Housb. The speaker laid before the House the

resolutions of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, ask-

ing an expedition to be sent to the Arctio seas insearch of Dr. Kane and party. Referred to theCommittee on Naval Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Chandler, the Ho.ise took npthe Senate resolution, authorizing the Secretary ofthe Navy to send the steamcrTender for the relief ofDr. Kane. He briefly explained tlint the men com-

posing the expedition are in danger of starvation, astheir provisions will not extend half way throughthe coming sammer, and owing to Smith's Soundnot being open they cannot return. The resolutionpassed.

On motion of Mr. Breckinridge, the Texas credit-or's biil was made the special order for the 6th ofFebruary.

Mr. Taylor, of Tennessee, introduced a bill estab-lishing a uniform rule of naturalisation and repeal-ing certain acts heretofore passed on that subjectfor other pnrposea. Referred to the Committee onJudiciary.

Mr. Ruffin offered a resolution, which was carried,directing the Committee on Commerce to inquirewhat legislation waj needed to prevent fraudulentinvoices.

Mr. Walbridge offered a series of resolutions ten-dering the thanks of Cogree3 to Commodore Perryfor his success-fu- l n gotiation of the treaty with Ja-pan and urging upou the Government to further ex-

tension of treaties with a view of benefitting ourcommerce in the East.

Mr. Bocock asked to be excused from serving inthe Naval Committee, alleging that the House dis-

regarded the recommendations of the committee.Hojwas not excused.

Mr. Cutting, from the Judiciary Committee,resolutions disaffirming and declaring void

the action of the Minnesota Legislature in ch..rtor-in- g

the Minnesota and n R. R. andTransit R R. Companies. In the debate it wassaid that the Goveroor and Secretary were to belargely benefitted by these grants, and further thatthe District Attorney hid already been removedfor his action in the matter. Fassetl.

The House then went into committee on the billto enable Oregon to form a constitutio i, which witspassed; as did also the bill establishing military postsin the Territories of Kansas, Minnesota, and Ne-

braska; after wliich the House adjourned.

Convention, fcc.Rochester, Jan. 2G. A large and enthusiastic

Convention waa held atAil the towns in Livingston county

an represented, and the s de-

nounced all parties joining in the meeting.Canal Riot. The Sheriff called out the military

who proceeded with a large police force totho eceuo of riot, and arrested about forty rinj lea- -oers, ana Drougnt, mem to mm otty.

A severe snow storm has been rcging here allday. Snow is about a foot deep.

Cars all behind time.

An Expe eted Outbreak In Cuba.Washington, Jan. 29. The Star says that it has

received levters confirming the fetatemeut of the excitement in Cuba, and that it is daily expecting tohear of an outbreak. It also says that It has reasonto believe that the President will" issue a proclamatioa warning the Kimry expeditionists against in-fraction of the neutrality laws by participating inan armed occupation.

Marine Disaster.Uew York, Jan. 2). The ship Favorite, from

New Orleans, bound for Boston, went ashore thismorning at Barker's Island. The vessel and cargois a total loss. The crew were saved.

Provincial Secretary.Montreal, Jan. 29. Geo. Etignno Cartier, a de-

scendant of the famous Jaqnes Cartier, who firstexplored this conttry, has been appointed Provin-cial Secretary.

New Orleans and Texas Sews,Washington, Jan. 29. New Orleans papers of

Tuesday have been received.The receipts of cotton in New Orleans, Monday,

amounted to over 16,000 bales.Lite advices from Texas state that at Austin, Ban

Antonio, Houston, Victoria and Lavaca the Know-Nothin-

elected all officers.

River Acwb.Pittsburgh, Jan. , M.

There is about 4 foet water in tho channel. The woatheris cold and windy, with occasional snow.

ClNCTMtATI, Jan. 29, M.The weather it very coid. The r.vor ia full of heavy ice.No boats are leaving for np river porta.

Cincinnati, Jan. 39, P. M.The river has fallen 5 inches. Tile weatiior is vary cold

and the river mil of heuvy loe.

Telegraph Market.ClnclNNiTI, Jan. 39, M.

The markets are dull.and there is no materia', chauge in

Now YortK, Jan. 29, M.Cotton Dull. '1'i.rir Snaly; sal' of 3,020 bbls ;ood Ohio nt JS 6:1311;

Sou' hern dull at Sh 7

Cora Easier; lo.Otilj uu sold; Western miied 98.Pork Firm.Itfcs'f Cr.'.'haiijrod, with but a modarate fcusiness doin".Lard find.W 3jc.

Cx.fK.KXl, Jam. 23, P. jr.Vlour S7 1047 90.Whisky-;'.- '-.Prov.si'iis tjuifct.Pork M ui?s, sold at $1! CO.

Lard Salts I of bbls priiae at 3,', and 5)0 Itcs at 9c.isinrar ViiiVHtmp Sa!os of Kontucky at S'2i, and Mistouri at 6115

pot ton.OTbor tini:!"s uncbatirred.Eastern Advanced to I j'er cent. prem.

New "i'ORtc, Jan. 29, P. MCotton Firm.Flour Finn, with sales of 4,70a bbls at noon quotations;

Southeiu isdull, with sates of 1 aou Lbls at 7a(a9 2i.V hsat I irm.Corn A trdl j lower, J6,000 bn sold, Western mixed O790

and yellowPoiir The ma rket "opened buoyint, but closed heavy;

sales of 1. bb s loess at $12 5a.jbeof Unciianirrd; sales of country mens, $8 50Q11.l.nrd Lame; sales at 9Vj97-s- .Wliiskv Iihio 3:,1.3,1,15. This is adeclina.Coti.'c liiotjcullatoSuttars li'irm and scarce; Orleans 4:tiij.Molusses Scarce.Lard Oil Heavy at 8084.T bacco Kentucky is hnn.Stocks weaker. Ivlouev imeri nncd Virginia fts 01

Canton 63: Cumberland 31; N. Y. Central .19 1'lf.v.- -land. Columbus aud Cincinnati Sti; Headiua 73; Clevelandand Toledo 60, Erit 46.

Raw VorkJMoneT Market.New York, Jan. 29, M.

Money it plenty but stocks are dull. Prie 4ftV-ReaJiue 73; N. Y. Central 8Wa; MiehiKiui Central 78: PonnCoal Co. 1114: Missouri 6s 92.

TVTEW GOODS1 1 Manchester Ginehams, many different styles;

Penitentiary PI aid Cottons, for servants wear, a su-perior lot;

Coutou Flannels, extra quality;BieacUed and Brown Cottousdo.-- Shirting and Shect-iii- t;

Irish Linens, of every irrade and bre.nd;Towohn'ts, Napkins, Doilies and Cotton D.aper s, of

all kinds;Table Linens, bleached and white:

Also Cloliis, Flannels, ol an domot, at reducedprices;

Pla.d anj Plain Cnuibr.ss and Jacoaets;Ladies' and Gents' V tiderwear at cost;French and Foolish Merino at cost.

Also, Ladies and Geiits' Kid Gt'.vos. a new lotKOB1MSON, MARTIN & CO.,

27 fu Four.h street.

FIVE DOLLARS llEWAUD., LOST, Thursday. Jan. ,25, a Pocket-boo-

I' 7?' 'fcontatn.n? two drafts: one of twentv-on- e him-- !,

i'v0-'-"..- , Ir('d dollars $?.K'U.) aad one of five hundred.) The first was drawn bv Barks-d-

e and .telartaiid, Nov. 6, 1334. on Ward, Jonas at Co., ofNew Orlonns. aad endorsed by tlie sub criber the soeondby .1. J. f ich'e t Co., payable at Use Rank 01" New Orleans.

Payment on these drafts has been stooped, and they willbe va'.uable only to the owner. When relumed to the otuceof the Courier the finder will be rewarded as above.

137 dj G. W. GARKAS.

CJHEET IRON Sheet Iron always on hand aad for aaleat manufacturers prices by



Monday Evk.ni.no, Jauusry 29lu. J

Business quiet in all respects and trade and travelneatly suspended by the ice ia the river. 1 he weather isfreezing cold.

FLOUR AND GRAIN Sales of 260 bbls RushTille (la.)Flour at $8 00: St barrel!, in lots, at $8 2.5. A sale of 1,000

bnshols shelled oorn ai 7ze, 200 busljayucks at 70o. oaleof 100 bushels com meal at 7ac. Sal 0 busholsoata at30c, in bn,is.

POTATOES-fialea- of 30 barralsf Vs- - Potato! at

HAY Salei from store of 6 tony U perton.

SEEDS galea of 10 bushel i X.1 0

bushels Clover at $7 W per biAPPLES Salei of Janet. .'J

J NiOAP Sale of 30 boiesbjEOGS Sale of 177doie!GROCEftlES SalesoeJ

do at i lWalOc Sal.hhds at 4?t)ic; 12 hhold morasses in bbls at

OIL Sale of 14

WHISKYfed at 26c.


at lac; 15 aolli rySHEETING

cent!. 1PORK We J

$12 per bairel.lTOBACCO-- V

at prices ranging40, J 1J, V.JHi. S 60. ti 111


meat6!oNewbarrel for por 1

LTte $100free for all piicir i1 harness UoMersin miU !8. F. Ric .'a . .... 1111W. N. HcdrV 2 1 1 i

R. K. Boni-fTj- ank P;rceCapt. Hftioncr's J. Polk


Jan. 2ti,Emith St Black l

vs.urbi idire aud others. J

The plaintiffs allege that Barbridee Riado hno. !orU0, payable to Wis.lom and Horbr Tw. and 11., by deed of tru-t- , assicaed the wythe beaoiit of creditors. 'I hey mnkti W. and fBut uo process was served on W. and 3. JTh defondau' pleadod payment of the tjtransfer to o.a ntifTs.and took the denosi! si.datit. Wisdom, to uruve the Davmeiii.suppress the deposition, on the Krod nd that V

f.arty could nol testify Without .cave of Cou:had been ob'.iiied lint the Court ov

jec.i.on. sy the Cole of Pracuce rji,Jnot intorosteii m the if!iuo a coiLpeteut witiaesuns u:ei movea to continue the oause, at procben served on a part of the defendants. Butuelil (hat . k B. were not ncnosary parUta, The nitalti being forced to try tooi a un-dui- t. jThe Gas Company

TS.City of Louisv )

The plaintiff sued forthe intorest that had accrued on mo-ney due ir frits furnished defendant; avonne tliat ihe prin-cipal had boen paid, aud as to - interest, it was the t.

at the t.nie of payineut tnat thatslmuld be tlie suhj-.c- t

of htifcfa'it'n. That the numev was payable quarterly forthecured, and interest whs due for the money thusuuo and with- -hHlll Thfl OIllv U1L, inlam.l o'll.lllllbe paid. The Court instructed the )urv that they could al-low interest if ihey would. They found a verdict lor thedefendant.


Reeia. )This was a suit for sland-- r Plaintiff was a servant?!,

aud defendant had slandered hev on several ooriisionH.did not defend the, suit; a judgment r,y default wag

taken afraiiist him, and damaei. aciSed. The plaintiff'sattorat y slated UMhe jury that j ouiy desired a Milhcmiitverdict to vindicate the character of the e.rl, uotw.thh'.und-in- g

sho had aslifd for seral tliuusuud dollars ui h;r i,

and that a fctw hundred dollaia would do. The juryfound aveid.ct for 5i50.Clarke and wife

Montgomery. )PlaintiT alleged tliat in May, defendant was tt.e

owner of adinv, Hnd that he uiuIic:oUcsiv drove wifeot pia;n(ilT, whereby she v. as greatly ru:aed and injured.PitviOiiiT laid dumac-- n. jjti nCO Diendant (dead no; eu:l- -ty. Khe proof tended to snow that the v.fe ot defendanthad been severely hurl by the running of the dray over her, '

yet there wts uj oroof tcndiiiff to islicv aov i;mlt in elf n- -uaat. Owing to the tnsuaicie-c- y of the piof, pla.nti.fl" tooka t.

Grossvs. S

Shallcrots anJ Thompson. )This was an action acainst defendants asowrorof a ferry

aero?!, tKe Oh.o. for allowing plaint ft a slave Joetocro.ssthe river on their boat, and put'iiu,' hna afchore m Iiiihaca,whereby plamtifT wjvb danuiged by havmif to psv tho

for his arrost in that State and dolivery m this city;and also to amount of $Mj, the slave being of less value tothe plamuii by that s'm, from having e caped from tinsSlate.

Tae doien ants denied that they had t the fdave asrossthe river, or that he Imd crossed tne nvtir and landed in in-ch ana, on .heir boat. The proof was, that in April last, twoof the police if the citv leanied that the slave was aoout torunaway, and suspected a white oerou of nav;u; given htma railroad ticket entillmr him to pass.iee on the road fromJeftersonville to Indianapolis. They waLehed lum and ob-tained the consent of the omnibus man, connected with thoroad, tliat th slave uueht jo on thi bjat in tiie omnibus iuoriler tliiit thfy mieot arrest bun and jt whati ver paperwhe tiiivht hnve tn hnn. iad thui dutwoi tn aoilutior. V neuttteboa was of the way over the r.ver, the po- -lice arrested the sieve, and had him in custudy when thoboat landed at, Jeffers'--nville- . They t .en brou ht hna backand lodged him in ja?l. a.id th piaiutiff paid them $7.i re- -ward. Tue river was low at Die tirao, and li eppeared thatthe slave was never out of this 8. ale. the bo'iuJarv or K en- -tucky extOiidniK to nark, uu tha oihr s:Jc of theriver. The plamtill took a t.

Reported expressly fir the Louisvme Ceurler.1'OLICE (OHIT.


Lore Corraura was arrciened cn the charre of nerlilhinrcitrars without license. Oid Joe, f oujrii no smoker, caa,and doejs, invariably, smoke out all who nejfiect or torge totnko out Uceijse, found biru drlvmif a bridle tiade alonKUlain sireet, to tho poeuruary disadvantTiee of licensed deal- -crs a- - well as the city. Toe case w clear taut he iinJ vio- -lated the city ordinance, and th fine twouty Collars wasimposed

JohiB Burger was arretted for drtinltennoss, and nothing;elso, Saiuniay nipht, hav.iijjfrot ttirht. the watchman trunks,on the proceed of a lot of cutter he bad sold d.rtcheap.He denied the butUr charge , but Joe Jeans was called inagain, to testify ia the ca?e, as he was prelfy cwria:n toknow everybody who had boen sellmsr things abiiitt town.By him it appeared ihat be had sold a shovel and a sifter ata second-han- d store receatlT. Ho was hftld to hailfor three months in $lb0. Cave.

Madison Lee, a f. in. e.. was before the Court on thecharge of drunkenness. He was found stiff diunk on thestreets Hbout 11 o'clock Saturday n ghr, and v ais held tobad for his food behavior for one month m $100.

Frnnh Bohnnnon and Delia Oufs-- u were arrested andbrought before the Court on the charge of living tosrethoras man ana wue, mm imposing incuiseives upon a lainiiywith whom they took board. It appeared that the womancame from Cincinnati, waa able to pay hor way, out themau was'nt, and they were in dobt for board, which led sothe arrest. He was held to bail in $ 00 tor his good beha-vior six months , and the worn in was discharged.

OBITUARY.William Lawpton, for moro thiw half a century a citi-

zen of Louisville, breathed hie last on the Stu of January,1803, at 3 o'clock, at the rexleuce of his fnend, Olley W eth-er f. Ksq , in Moaie county, Ky.

Mr, Lampion became aoitisenaf Louisville when it wasju.tenv'rfinf from a wildemoss. In 1813, when he com-menced tue bujld-n- of tho hou?e on tho corner of Secondand s l ug known by his name, with his owahands he felled trie trees in the im modi ate vicinity and thathouse now stands a monument of bis superior workmanship,(he wim a mulcr nitson,) but he has left the tenementbuilt with huidti, to enter the house prepared for tho uprightin heart. j

Dur rig his whole lif?, he was an antive, busine?f man; anilbv his mdetntigiible indusir oocuiuulated a large eFta.e,"he was a man among men, aad whilst ho gamod treasureson earth, ke bad a uarable, unfading treasure in Heaven.Vor nioTe than tturtv vca:s he was a oalouu inthe ?ilethod.!,i Charori; aiiU. in connection w:tu the vei.ftra- -bio Falhi-- Holma, doi much lo tbat porcionof the rity tnown an ii. "Point. " His goodec of heari andsyii.nthy lor thti pour was well known bv his inunwdiatefnciids what ho done in char.ty wns done quietly, without :

n wui pv.i;is'ni: m. pr- -r vii ;,. nn-- f.t hi'y hrive luit a fnend wh" t)'ice wll not s. jftrtTtie wnisr has known this IjilV.-I- s ol" fin ip-- .

piled br liii bounty w n a hs ki-- not that anvrecrivor knew it. In 'he building of Iho rii.Aworship in O'ircity, h:S was well ku. l

OI luttr ytars, pr.sing tliri'u.!i a pee;nr,a-mi nt, he wrw. rc!uct;i;.riy iLis eitate.t; tvI:S'- dou;ttioiis to mo nonererdni he rvf'ise thi poor. Wesj ik of w!.lint he hn: ii)no from us, thespirit o he ju-- iiikporfflct. he .s rb'.';'.i.vl aint inuih ro fromdens ;u'd an i ie'.ie lUr .d nt lo 'Jas l?f

J.otiifiiie ban lost her okies: cirixen. and one rf thworlhv men that tver wa'kcft hwr street:1 ene tint Tin a large to lilaKe i.ir ilie pn,5Kl city fcho :a S

Mr. Lumpttm c .ujeto Lomsviiiv m 1793, and rtsithe whi le t:nie sint L, "Qve, t erbaps, enfhtsen rao'.i f(rood old Hj- -, ii".ar 7H yrj, Lo wa taken I: ru frent r'lin n s wuuri ine r a ri ire u) n;;.iV;u;d f'l' her, a g.t'nl ci nn. a good u..n. is lostLias is iiLfc eternrd i::im a ciace hi tb h'.).;vbi, heuttD a i.'hnM.m he tutvl nilrclv. n

vigor of h's d ru to I. to hi:Truly it may be injciibed "lit sivops ni Jeus."

"Thy Sa nts. while atrna roll away,In emUess femM survive;

T'.eir clitnes, o'er tLe wrors of time,GroaJv tr.nmphant Lvo."

Lou.svtlr, Ky ."Jan. 9 IMS. NCFrankfort pspor.i pitape cotioe.


LOUISVILLE PATKU MILL.CI fc A. V. iJuPONT, M;tno!;ic;u.ers of sn.riov Nrw s

and Colored Printing l'a'j-- r, n:id wtioInaie deal-ers in Papers of wll k.nds, Cards Card Boards, Printers' Inks,&c. Sc.,4?7, Miiiii strteT., Louisville. Ky.

N. B. The highest market prico in cash paid for rapahemp anil cotton w.te.

C. I. & A. V. DU roT.MANUFACfUBEKS of superior News, Book and

No. 477 Main street, Louisville,Kentucky.

10'- casks Du Pont's double retfnedjiSALTPETRE. sale by C. L U A. V. UuP(.)NT,ji 477 Main street

GASKET BOARDS. ,0o0 ft Gasket or Trunk Boards,numbers, in Store and lor tale by

C. I. & A. V. DU PONT,Wholebale Paper Dealers,

n31 w?7 rtlxn street.

TIP PAPER. t'M lbs Hatters" Tip Pa:.er. in store ana forby C. L & A. V. DU PoNT,

Paper aud Rag Warehouse,1 No. 477 Main struct.

ENVELOPES. Whr,e Adhesive Letter Evssopes;Iihj.Ohi) do do Nolo do;

10.9.0 Mourni'i do do;5, '""I B:'f ro':nmt'nt do.

In store and tor sale byn2l C L fe A. V. DU PONT

B ON NET BOARDS SCO gross Blue and White jnt received oy j v. t at a. v. ULTUA i.ROUT. 2 bbls matnum bonum Kroiit received andK or saieoy jo i. ai j. r . Jt.f r

POTATOES. !0 bushels Irish Potatoes of theSRISH species, just received and lorsaio byj5 T. it J. F. JEFFERSON.

TIN PLATEloO biKtiS I C Roofing Tin P.ate, Superior brand;50 do I X do do do Jo Uj;15 do D X ICO plate Tin;

150 do I C Coo.mon in Plate.74 do I X do do do;

In store and for seU at the lowe t prices for cash byWALLACE. LITHGOW & CO.,

jW 536 northwest cor. Main and Third strce:


HAVING received ine aen.y i Deutai Instrumentslfttery neitj by the firm o Sutchtfe, IVIcAlIister St Co., wouldrespecttuirv rail the attention of Dentists to my stock 01 in-

struments, Teeth, kc, which will at all times be full andcomplete.

Orders troro the country, accompanied by the cash, will re-

ceive prompt attention.S. F. DAWES, CO., Asent for Jonns, White a Co.,

DrurKie's aud Apothecary, corner Jefferson and Fourth stslltkitl

Coughs, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroals,And various affections of the Lunjys and Throat, are be-

ginning to prevail. For freeh colds and crou, a safe andrap'd cure is PROFESSOH McCUKTOCK'S COLD aodCOUGH MIXTUliE, price 2jc.

For Chron;c Lrunrhitif? or ConsumptioD, DR. MeCLIN- -rOCK'S PKCTORAL SYRUP accomplishes tho most

liul euros. It contains no morphine, and never dis- -with the most delicate patient. It is put up in pint

Land is sold, together with all Dr. McCLIN- -raled fara:ly medicines, by Druaista every- -

y RAYMOND & PATTEN,Fourth street, at Retail,


Wholesale AgenU.

In ore dehp'itful Chnstman G;flf and whatrd times, than a Ds'.evrtOiype of your?e f

J that you know will receive it as friendship'st? Who will, within the ;uiet rocosses of the

t aamber, aze on the counterpart of what reverP a "tull-tale- " blush and sparkle to the eye!

serve it as a mirror of the past, an unfadingi the proseut, and a token of the future!

companion it shall be tluouh the day, and;ht watchesit shall share! Say! Does it nutisare to givrj others pleasure? You have no

dtire i,i ce yoursen m a uw, uerreuijpw. wcu, niujfiuiynot; but are fhc-r- non w!io have? No "old folks at home!"No "loved ones?" No ''niuther d?arl' No wife and littleonesT or etn brother, to mourn your absence ifgon to your long hoiucT Noiuc! Wha:l NutcvenOKEi"

'Suiiikcs those chirniiuphttte Curlsimasaiid Newa":d puts them up in Christmas casos. Gulloryoclow Third sirett. Thiak of the matter.

y Coasinnplion and Dyspepsia!TSljtJ ''IVr! an., Chronic Dttwape.such as Scrofula

caiii, Chills and Fever, CostiveiiOr$.chit.s, Rheumatism, &c, then read

ts. Better testimony cannot l

ro boy of mine 'isd four or flvebot- -

r, which cuied him of NtGHOk had been given up by four pnc- -

1U53. It elfected a cure in, so that ho was able to do


occr county, Ky.'

) '.iegiias:el it due to you, as well as to those persons

ijled with indirrotion, deb;lity. and ail thatif diseases caused by want of action of the

s.o.v and bowels, to say that I think your com- -produces the happiest effect of any

thing ti i r tried, and in my oce'ease, I have not, aftethree or jur wteks's tnt.1, found nythmg to rostore my da

fjcsUvft organs toper'ect action as soon as the four bottles ofyour Hyurop.per lhat I have just used

l.ICKARD BLNTON, M. D.Greenwood. Hanlin rourry, Ky.

KAYMOiNi Jt PATTEN. General Atjnts,dl6 74 Fourth street, Louisville

FROM iiISm.VSPALDi:G.Havin? triei MH- SOLOMON'S Glasses, I find thom

both distinct and soothing to the sight, more so in fact, judging from a short trial, than any I have yet nsed. I recom-

mend him to thb patronage of those innec-- of Glasses.Signed, t M. J. SPALL1NG, Bitdiop.

Louisville, 9ct.23d, 1C54.

Front Bishop Lefivrr.Mr. Solomos S;r: T!is beneht I have receivej rom the

Spectacles obtained from you induces me to eiprt?sthepleasure I have received from them, they suit my eyes lo

I can bow tee all couur.un uistancus by carijle-lieh- t,

as as by dyy, with the Fame ease as when aI could not any other gr-se- I have used. It

cllorda the greatest pleasure to nvaU myself of this mediumoi" testif'nghow satufactory hs boen my own experienceof your still as aa optician.

Yours truly. PETER P. LEFiFER, Bishop.Detroit, Nov. 3, 18.52.

From the Mayor of Rochester.RocHE$TEU, April 7th, 151.

Mr. Solomox Sir: Haviu? called at your oJTice in theArc?Je, and purchased two pair of your patent Glasses, Ifound them tupenor to any 1 had ever used before they re-

alised mora than I could have expected. I have now putthem aside, and can ieo without thera ni well as I couidwhen a boy. SAMUEL RICHARDSON.

o6 don 1'D

To cur I'alrons.WE wnuld call your special attfution to McLEAN'

VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT, knowjig it to be the besLiaimtnt ert ofi'treil to the armcied.

TO Jr'ARE.TS GUARDIANS.Every family should keep a supply of McLean's Volcanic

Oil L.n:meut always ai hand, btjejuse children are momectanly liable to injuries and accident, and by the immediateapplication of this LJiiinent, hours and even years of suffer- -

ingcanbe saved. Then, guardist'S, delay uot,,but obtain u

supply of th:s valuable Liniment. One twenty-fiv- e cent bottic will do more to convince you of inutility than all theadvertisements in the world.

To"those thai are fcu;ferng with Raeumatism, Bruises,Sprains, Ulcers, Burns, Tumors, Chronic Soro Eyes, audsoresof every kind; swelling inflaaimatory contractions ofthe Sinews or Muscles; ParaJasts, or any ocal diseases orPains, and have net tho means to purchase this LINIMENTyou are n.vited to call at the agents and get a supply free ofcharge, that you mayaiso REJOICE that the true rtmedyisdiscovered that will give you relief.

C3r"PurchaseTs, ask for and take none other butVolcamc O.l Liniment, and you w.ll get a Liniment

that will cure all the uisen wor which it is recommended.Forsaie by the Propriet iner .third and Pine streets

St. Louis, Mo., and byBBS & SMILEY,

3C3 Main street.1d23 d&Tlei jit J Louisville, Ky

HP" IF you are vl rrootype for a nmalsum of money, yi ting to suit you atSHELDON'S R.

Should th- Virence,as hislight is t! just asgood

j25 hFOR IR.THIS pre 1 A o the Hair

a dark, soft. cannot beobtained from iTX t.My cteimses tkescalp from Dund: he head clean andhealthy. It prevc off or turningrey, aad ia."p;res i , and while it

adds beauty, it w oat a certainemedy for cutan. ads.Erysipe- -as. Salt Rheuin, euove sympa- -

heticuttackfs of ntIt it? mnecoFiary for us to e.Tnnerate the wontlfr-'u- l prop-

erties of this invaluable propiiiat ion, fur its reputation hasalready bef-- es'.ablished as having no superior. Medicalmen, phvacians. chprnists of vr hichst stamjio., (jylies of

r iu.nal ion, c.'T1 iqhory. the

t lar?P hot-- lbyal! tLe


X A3. 1853.VV. C. Hn.- n-

I was biiaii for twenty-- f orer hasa. new growth of ire head

whero I was baid.J. D. PEPrAU .srnc street.

V i X, Dec. 1, 1S.3.W. C. Hvrd: Dear Sir

Your Hair Restorer has product jrous growthhair on my head, where it had beeul five years.

C Fahrakd,Daguerrootypist,S:'7 Broad.vay

New York, March IC, 1654.

W. C. Hurd: After a baldness of eight years, your HairRestorer hasfully restored my hair.

Wm. Fitszimos.4 East Eradwiiy.New York, Dec. 10. 1353

W. C. HuRD: I have thoroughly tested yeur Hair Re-

store . It acts like majic, for it has produced a new growthon every htad where I tned it.

Earnest D. Pape M. D.Formerly of the University of BerVn, Prussia.

Ronton, Jn. 20, 154.W. C. Kurd: There is a lady living With i;s ti.at had lost

most of her hi.r, a;ul thrrt re;na;n:us was f.--- ; oH'. Shecommenced usme your Hair ResLorar, which ut onct stcppe--

its falling orT, aad although she hns been using it but sixweeks, a new growth of hair has sprung up nearly one ;i;chin length. B. Tayloh, Jr. Merchant, 25 Hanover st.

Boston, Jan. 30, 1S54.

W. C. HuRD: I was troubled with baldness frr threoyears. Your Hair Restorer has luliy restorvdmy Hair.

J. Scadding,Corner Friend and Haiover slrents

Hurd's Hait Restorer is sold at One Dollari r Bott'.o, by

nil the principal dealers in Drutrs mid Medicines, and by

Fancy Goods Merchants throu zhout thewc:;d.Arrfuts. W:Ls .n,S!arb;rd i Sm.tu, LousviKo, Kentucky

JoLu D. Part. Cinc.nnati. OL;c. KlG d&wCiu

SPECIAL NOTICES.Opened Again and Prices Reduced!

DAGUERREOTYPES FOR 50 CF.."TS!!Beiag; the oldest feathery in the o tj, we feel coDeDt o

KfTing satufactloD. to all who roar fovor as with thcirpatroc-a?- e.

DODYNS & CO., No. 327,j30d6 corner of Mam ani TLd streets.

Daguerreotypes.G. W. BARTLETT, long known as a Daguerceotypi?t of

New , Ia., has bought Elrod & Carr's Gallery, for-

merly known as Kimball's, 477 Mam itreet, Louisville. Ky.iandwouldrespfcetfully say that he is prepared to take Da-guerreotypes m any style of the art, and would solicit a shareof public patronage. Prices from One Dollar up. j27dtf

Harris melon loMnr Pagnerreotypo.

Fort Wayne and Southern RailroadMONEY!

I am tatting the issue ot the Fort Wayne and SouthernRailroad Company at par for Daguerreotypes.

Also, all Indiana Froe Banks not quoted failed or worth-es- s

in White's Detector.THEODORE HARRIS, Main street,

between Third and Fourth.

'CiFHo-.- many there are who complain oi uyspepsia. In-digestion) Lobs of Appetite, Flatulency, Depressed Spirits,General Debility and Nervous Auctions. To all nucU, wesay git a bottle of

Mortiitiore'fi Cord.nl and Blood Purifier,and nn: ;t. ;i want tiie.se- removed, and ues. re 10 enjoyperfect health. Many thousands now rCjUice t hu

disco, yRein.1 price, nnly Jil per o.jttle.Sc.ld Ov a l rfliail Druureirts. ToVchaa a' wvotesaie of

RELL, RoniNSON V CO.. 425 Mmket utro-f- ivl LUli-TO-

GKCHBb K. KM IT, FY, Mij Main ttrei. .j.t.. WOH-i- tSON, aud RoiilNbON tiCAiiY, A.ouwsviUe, K v

l dt'


IF you have a bad Cough or Cold, or any Pulmonary Affec-tion, lo procure a bottle of Bennett's Indian CoujjliE lsam, and use it. It is undoubtely the best Cough reme-dy now before tho public.

It is almost astonishing to witness the readmcGs andwith which it relieves Coughs and Colds.no matter

how severe they maybe. There are many in this city whohae derived the greatest benefits from it after having usedother preparations to Utile or no purpose. A single bottleis often sutlirient to cure three or four persons.

Just give it r trial and I will assure you it wjl do you good

and you will have no necessity of resortii,!? to other medi-

cines. PHILANTHROPIST.Sold by most City Drupgsts and Country Merchants.Pr.ce 50 cents per b tile. j7 deodlm&w4

CSWE are authorise! n : RICHARD LONGof Frankfort, ascand:dae jot Oitice of the Register ofthe Land Oluoe, subject to the nomination of the Whig StuteConvention, i such a Lorn n u:on should be made.

(12S dtd

AVhat are Eusleni Prices?Southworth & Hewes take no dagaerrootypesforless than

five dollars; Whipple's cheapest are three dollars, Gurney,Brady, Lawrence, Root, Wlutehurst, Fans, and scores ofothers might be enumerated, whose cheapest pictures rangefrom two to three dollars. Thy aro th9 ornaments of ourprofession, their pictures are monuments of their skill,which will preserve the cherished memory of the artistlong afler the originals of those pictures have passed away.Such are the examples we choose to emulate, rather thanfollow in the wake of those miserable daubs, whose nbor- -

tive eflbrts are forced apon the community only to be food

tor the eiocration of those to whom a e resemblancedf some departed friend wou'd have besn precious. It is tobe hoped that there are enough people of tasto in Louisvilleto support one respectuble gailsry.

WEBSTER & RRO.,Daguerreotypibts and Photosiaphers,

di 4'" iVJaii. street.



ROIUNSON. MARTIN & CO., Four; h stroet, betweenJertWson. are still otlrinr tueir stocK of

DryG'H-d- at very reduced prices, and a lurge portion ofthu:r Fancy Goo i's at cost. Fii!cli;..sers can now have anopportunity of snpplyinir themselves fiom a tood asort-nieu- t.

at narLcai:iS. as Robinson, Martin Co. are determin-ed lo reduce thetr slock of Winter Goods to tlie i jwest


TLANNELS. White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Vr: IinirScarlet, Rose, Grey, Brown, Cf'Uiitry Plaid and Figured

a f till iftoriwem ai renneeu prices, ai,RORlNSu., MARTIN ft CO'R.



THE firm of ROBINSON k CAltYw this day dissolvediimiiatiuu. Geo. H. Gary disooses of his interest in

the c ui' trn to K A. Hub: titcn. Ei;her partner will usethenuLiie of the nrm in liquidation.

P. A. ROBIVSON,Louisville, Jan. 1, TC55. GEO. H. CARY.

the WliolesaTe Dru?t business nfIWILLcontir.nc have as iciated wuli rue in tht but int saW.W. Power nod Heurv Ghambors, under the firm of K.A. Robinson k. Co. jl R. A. ROBINSON.

YOUNG AMCHLCA. We have just completed a ful!Cooking Stove PatteiTs, bearing tha

above name, two sizes readv for sale. Thej are uat anUbeau;. ful in dentin, ertibiiicing all l!ie latest improvements,and pronounced by thoe usiiir tlicm. to be super. or in everyrespect tu any herototore used by tatm. Call nod see them at

OJ WAl.LAl f. 11 l II Vj'J v K LO B

'1"1HE "LITTLE GIANT MILL' will rnnd cuiiMd CobX ouitnbie for stook feud at the rato often bushels per

Hour, price l wo norsc juihb win grnm iweniy DnMieisper '.our. price i ne iHiiiF are warranieu ior siicsy oays.Forsaleby d9 dS;w MlLLi-- . It. VVlNGATel CO.


Received per steamer Pnngle, and for wtle bvj i J.NO F. HONS ARD & CO.

VI rARE UP! GIVE ATTENTION Ye Grocerv Koep-- nerfrund all! Noi to the oi" a total anniViuatiun

of the miserable currency wh.ch now rests li';e an incubusuooij t he comriK'uitv. but to 'he f.ict that we have iut re

per mail b'cit from Cm.'iim iti over Ir.s n halfb nits and kes,ofthe superior Northern Indiana May Rut-te- r.

It is sweet. and is as vellow as iroid. Pv the kferwesell it a 17 cents, aad ar rb'tail 2i)c per tb. Cail tud se" it, at

n30 Conier Brook and Marice.

C ORN MEAL. We have both Family and Cow Mealwmcn we are seUins as low as umai.

dl4 J. & J. F. JEFFERSON.

SUNDRIES. BasVets;2,fioO lbs Countiy Sides;I,tiW do do Hams;

IdO bushels Oats;20 bales No. 1 Battms;

5 bbis Cider Vinegar;20 boxes Franck s Soap;10 do do Candles;

Just recoived and for sale byT. fc J.' F. JEFFERSON,

nil Corner Brook ud ilarLet.

SUNDRIES. Star Candles;50 boxes Cornwall's Soap:8 i q Moreton's Va. Tobacco;5 do Five Lump do do;

In store and for saie by T. & J. F. JEFFERSON,dl4 corner Brook and Jtfersn.

COUNTRY JEANS 20 pieces fine Country Jeans in?to:eby T. St J. F. JEFFERSON.

j5 Corner Brook and Market streets.


WE are closinir out a fine stock of plated Forks, Spoons,Fruit Dishes, Cutlery, and general Furnish-

ing Goods for the kitchen and tabie, at less than they uube bought Ea t. House, hotel and steamboat owners arerespectiully invited to give us a call befors pure .aing else-where. ELLIOTT b COCKE,

Assignees of Thomas Cocke,d7 77 Fi urth street.

CIGARS La Rosa Regalia Cigars;5,000 Diailoin do do;3.')00 lIoiile Chr:sto do;Z. ' t KLru d r

Cobden do;o.'idu Pri;.r:pe do;

Thoa'iove C:L,rars were refcivcMhis mornin?. We haveIon? had t be nu ne ot' ke pin? me bust Citrais in Hie city atretail, and w:ll doonr bjsi lo irei. ii.em l)e:ier th in ever.Call at. the coiutr oi Je.i!i;o:i and S in. and Lvv llieinnl DOWNING' 8i BliO.

1 ( Jl M X V H E W A It tHil jiTfRliirort :i.id Retail Furiuture, Chair and

iSlaf.;rc- - waieruoTiis m l.onisvilte. wliere lniv bo lcundthe iilowiiitr artifh's i.f furniture, v.z:

OJ ; aud laiiL'y ninhoariv and walnut Bureaufi;lti ijiabnra.y, wujuu! , cherry, sycamore aud poplar

12jd.ze'i niHhogany, walnut, fancy and common WLndsor k r.a.ts;

2'j :(iVuol'uuy. wp.lnut Wnshrands;i .iooo wjluiit and cht-rr- D.ning and lireaJaiai't Ta-bles,

i il rn mahogany, walnut and poplar Washstandt;3(, Si.e, LivaiK ru.d Lnurnres. ot bcaitf iful ljj;vh;

iJ,il '.luy--, whl nu! aad piar Wardi.ibes;

Sccrtrtauw- andWiii:!-j- (lii;dv a s.ino.'i'ir rirtif-le- vLnKii-'- ;iil S.ifes;Hal K:.'"ks; 'f'owei t'nbs;

'ith ever' arte le ;n tho Funushuiir line.Thtt lr r.'it of po-.- j ,'v m the Wft, onrh as

9 ?nrii, Ci'iton, Hair. Moss. Shock and S raw MaMre-scs- ,Pill.'ws, Conift-rts- Sheets. Slris.and ever ai tide in the

line, rili of wb;rh I am doleruimed to sell as low aa auyother m the city.

St-- ' :nn boats mid lloiels furiHshed with evervt.hin in thefuruidh.L- -' l.!ie yt ' notice. W. C. MI)i ::E,

Nus. tij and tlo Tlurd street, under Apoiio R..oins,m2 dtf Between Main and IMarket.

CHAIRS AND SETTF.ES.Af-r'.e- supply jUbt reeeivetl at the warp-roo- No. 38

street. O ir factory continues to tuin out Chairsof every var.eTy, which we oiler to the trade wholesale atprice? which w ll be found satisfactory, for cash or on t;rruto punctual customers. Our stock of finished work is farthe Inrkvst ever oh'red m this market, being nearly 1,0'jO

dozen of all k;nds.rOiders by noa 1 promptly executed. Addreps.

W. D. RAND Si CO..No. 38 Wall St., Louisville, K"y.

N. U. Indiana monev taken at par. ol'J

LEECHES.RECEIVED 1,U00 Swedish Leeches, at No. 82

JT-S- street, wept side, between Market und JeU'orBon.WILLIAM YOL'NG offers h;s semces to physicians and

to the citizens of Louisville us Leechor. Cupper, and Bleed-er. Mrs. Young will wait upon ladies in the same line otbusiness, havine removed to 83 l'nird street.

N. B- Physicians and others in tho country can procureLeecliea. put up so as to carry them safely any distance, byapplying tu above a lit dtf

A. B, INEII'LE & BRO.,TMPORTEHS and Pealerk in Fore.en aud Domestic HardI ware aud Cutter)', corner of Stxlh aud Mam stroetsLou ille. We have on hand a very lartre aud well assorted whic h w e obei at ti ylow pi;oes. jl

SHOVELS AND 5PADES.AMES- dozen Ames 2 Shovels;10 do do do Spadca;6 do d i C',Vi hoyU;

Just received aud for sal o bril A. B. SEMPLE . TEO.

300 dozen Collins Fi Lcaveritt'i Axes?60 do liro;id Ax'm;

liii) hand Airtt.-i.n- Hatchets;Jost race nod and for se'e by

jl A. B. BEMPLE & BItO.

IIGS.X "0 s Smyrna Fitrs;

uo j;For sale by CASTA NO fc t'ESO.

GOODS. Cutlery, Rntanma, J?an and Braa1TV4VCY wa aro otfjriai; at prices to suit tha linits.

jB2 A. D. MlLEiJ Sl CO.

pliCP. 30 bbls St. Loni, Unite ' f.;ato3 Mills, reoe.Ted

i por s'.oamer Iibor tnis uav ano i t :ue oyjl7 CARTEH S JOUiiTT.


riassenfer seamc-- EMPIRE Meekin, mu-'t-

will anuu this Uuv. and wi,l havp aiiu--as above.

For freight or pasfoge apply on board or toCARTER & J' TJETT.

j'O ot to H. A. DUMPSNIL k CO., Fourth st.ty irromtrinrtatK'ii for Stork nnwurp iss.d.

u. s. mail mokmng; line.T3" iv FR CINCINNATI The fine paw

iTt. i '"V JP r !iU'ATa,i JACOB STI1ADEU, Summonmaster, leaves as above on tint uay tne jUtU

at 11 a. m.For freight orpasrage apply on board nr toi30 FHAMv CARTER.

OR PITT'JRrkl.H-T- ha .tcworCASILE (iARDKN. D v.nnev. nittr.leaves us above on Wedncsuay, SHt, Ml

J. UI.or ireipht or passage apply cn boar ' or to



EVANSVILLE. Asnbyj luusTei,eave as above Fr.day, February lid, kt3u.m.

Wh:irl.I. 9. MOORHEAD.


MINGO. A. J. Ilnscoe inaste Wllt HHVb Amabove, on this day, iO.h insl.,at 10 a. m.

For freight or passage apply on boa. d or toC RASHAM


Ll.K- -t rl""" C LAN.....I). .

is' J. M. Cl:enowo';h. master, Willp T il.a inr. .r..r

10 a. ni,C. BASHAM.

FOR OWENSBGRO ANI EVANSVILLE.itT S The s,t;iiJ"er FAwN. Sulhvan. ma.-rr-

.i -- vV loave ab above on Tmsuay, tho oUi

For ireight or pu&sage apply onboard or toJM L S. MOORHEAD.

-- I, '" FOR NEW ORLEANS Tic fiao ptiLl rT TeiiKor sleamer Ml ) ti A MC ii F V

above, ou Xuetday , 30ili11 x m.

I. R. MOOBHtAD.:(r)3tW F0R KEW ORLEANS. fhe"fleua,r steamer A1.VI.N ADAMS. Andr

muster, leaves a above on W ednesday, aatiLa 1 p. in.

For ireight or pasBage apply on board or f oL 8. MOORHEAD.

Cabin revnster at the apetita.

i O JVAI A 0 1 SO.lT A R B OLlTO.N, V fc, XAY1lt;nfc.vr.lb TME LELLC QUIGLEY, J. G. Clrnw V"''Cnia.ter. will leave Louisviile ;Vf.iy Tuear. a xhunnnay aau Saturday punctuillv a

o cock, lis above.Fur e.ght or parage apply onboard or to

R. H. JONES,oI8 On Sc,md street. below the Gait Houj-c- ,



. One of the above elegant steamers willK3ieaiiS: a;nl will aUn mtur-mm-r tnv. Tim

Or.eans w eekly throughout the coming reason, commencing

Tae extenfive popularity this line pined with the trawli-ng public last seanon has induced the proprietor to plaoeaoothei boat (the Landis in the line, equal in all her ap-pointments to the Dnle and Glendale. 1'i.ese boats are

new, having run but a few mouths. Machinerv wabiuli underthe instructions of the United States IiiKpec'.ow;are provided with fireengine, iec, ftc.and commanded byconiftent and carsfoiolScers: in spt-e- comiort, safety and elegance are unsur-pu-d

by any boats on the Southern or Western watora.Thikiine of will lund passengers aid freight at &ATpoint on the river.

Juoa5eof unavoidable detention of either of these boatson the w;.y pi,ssiiKtrfc will be traubfened to another gootjrxjet and 6ent on without extra cnarge, or the fare rfunded.

l or freight or passage apply on board, or toC. BASHAM.

N. B. Passengers and shippers may rely upou these boaXaleaving iirorui.it.1 j on the day luivertured. na


75 Fourth street.CLASSWARE Lamps, Chvidahers and Girandoles.

Hardware Britannia. Pla ed. Block Tinand Wood Wares, Table Cutlery, lea Trays and Waiter.Bur F.ttmtrs, Fire Sets, Coal Buckets, Plate Warmer, fcwi.

A penerjl assortment of the above art. ciej, along with aGreat variety of minor art cles of couven once, necesary f rllouekee,'erp, conntantly on ban ', which we oner at tnemost favorab.e rates, at the housefurnis'Linr store f

H. W. WJLKK8 t SONj IT No. 75 F urth street, bet. .Mam and IMaikrf--

RVAMKNTAL C OAL, VAS E AAD COP P E UBuckets. We are this uay in receipt ot one dozen Co',

per Coal Bucket?, toeeiher with a handsome assort incut ofPardoniu Coid Vnses. t which we invae tl e attention oiall m want ol a n.ce art;ele lor parlor use.

jI7 H. W. Wll KES & SON.

3LATE WARMERS. 1 dozen Plate Waraerr.. of j;ood i;alLerus,which we run otter nt verv low pnetsvi'7 H. W. WILKES L SON.

J . PANNED WARE. A larpc assortment of Japanned.Z c and Tin Ware, lere.ved t is dny. In the lot are

nam and O'uamental To.let Set; Water Carriers; Cham-ber Paiii; Foi't Tubs; Ca--- and Spice Boxes; Dresins Ca-st's; Cafco and Sugar Boxes; Wash Hasins; 'J umblers; Lrxners; Duster, fcc. jl7 H. W VlLKES U SON.

UNDERWEAR. Silk, Merino, C;hmere, Lamb?wool.Cuilun Flannel Shirts and Drawers,

Silk, Menno, Lambswool, Cotton 'Half Hose, assorteizes.Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, hemmed for use.Suspenders. Crava'-s- . Scarfs. Stocks and Ties.Robes, Umbre'hts, TruoKs, C rpet Bar;s, Perfumerv. ir.Rfiaemlier the uuuiber, southwest comer of Mam and

Third streets. dll A. D. MANSFIELD .

1RAVATS. Scaris, Stocks and Tios Faucy and Black' every style ami quality, at cobt.

Jli MANSFIELD'S.if t LOVESUT White, B'ack and Dark, nssorted kid;

Black, Beaver and DogCioth. Siik and Wool, lined and plain;Fm Gloves and Gauulletts, Lneu.

At cost. jia MANSFIFLP4 T TS Get.tlemen fitting out their wi.rd-rob- es

in he Shirt iiue would Do weil to call and exam-ine my stock of Lmn ami Muslin Shuis. In store over 2udozon of Linen and Mus'in Sh rts. made in the latest style,and warranted to ht perfectly. Call soon for a choice sot ofSmrtsat 525. dll A D. MANSFIELD.

GOODS Low tor cah.FANCY Morocco Work Cases;Porte Mona.s LeHilier, Velvet. Pearl. &c;Fancv Soaos Ralis. Cakes and Bars;Jewelrv Gold Breastpins, Finger Rinss.Ear Drops

6tc, fcc;Bu'tons, Pins. Hooks ard Eyes, Thread;Perfumenr. Fancy Boxes, Pull Boies, &c ;

For sale very low for can byBULL, ALRICH & DOW ELL,

Main street, between Filth and Sixth,n28 Up stairr.

STILL ANOTHER ARRIVAL-DURKEE, HEATH b CO. are almost daily reeeivinj;

seasonable toods fvr the wmier trade, which,added to heir already immense stock of Dry Goods, Car-pets and Furnishing Goods, readers their stock not only themost a'tractive. but the most advantaeeous place to se

cheap goods of anv other establishment in the country.Wehave just received and otter for sale l.OOQ Black Silk

Dress Patterns of excellent quality, for 75 rents per yard;also, 1.001) patterns of a superior quality, at $1 per yard;aleo. the largest and most complete stock of fancv Silksever before o.Tered in this or any o.her city, at prices be-yond competition.

Our sock of Merinos, Parancetters, and plain and fancyCasninerej-- , is very lare, and offers superior inducementsto all wishing to purchase these styles of goods. Call andexamine our entire stock o Fanrv and Domestic Goods.

DURKEE, HEATH t CO.,jl6 107 Fourth street. bet. Mirkyt and JefTersun.

IMPORTANT NOTICE.Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices

&ctrk fft j woKn oi superior (. loining, ai greaiyQCXjAJyJKJ redaced prices lorcash at

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S.die Corner Fourth aud Mam streets.

CREAM ANDOYSTERS We will have nc JoICE made daily during Christmas. We have made ar-rangements to receive daily Fresh Ovsters. We will notbe out. Send t DQWNINQ & BRO.

UODTHl:sGS FOR CHRISTMAS at the corneroG Jeaersonano Second.20 boxes New Ka:sins;20 drums Smyrna Furs;10 do SuliHoa Raisins;

100 boxen Prunes;10 bbls Pine Apples;

With general variety of ;dl kin Is of Fruits and Nuts.wh;ch we will sell low for cash, as the times are hard.


CAKES, tUs very richBlaik Cake;6or, do do io Fruit do;

And a very large assortment of Iced Cakes, made of gooduttor expresly for Christmas.dl'-- DOWNING & BRO.

''FliJ DEALERS. I have just received a lartre lot oX C'urlLrv Ha. 114, to w.n.'h I invite fie i.ttention of 1mJ

ers. This moat a put u;i tor the city t ni.ie hy one of tiimeet farmers in ttio country. Ca-- earlr if von waulsupply. 'R. A, SHRAHER.

oJJ Market above Biouk.

4ROEV ?KROS.-- Fr- 'i and Genuine trrowt of ICj-- iG in ;';i!m:'r and o;iik. fir ale bv A. G. MINN.SiLVER PLAT FI CASl OiiS A M) ILATEITAliLE W A It E, AT

J . li. SHEUIDAN'S.T HAVE on tied a ol. nd d s iiont o.' the i f"T bftt

i,ir:hy oi i.ivur-ulate- il iaoLt- Fo i. ar,.) Spoors. .r iulelow J. If. SMVUii A.N'S,jii dtf is 81 Fourth street, bet. ft! am aad .Viajkot.


61 Fourth street, between 31 tin and Market.

1H AVE received a lartre and fplenid stock of new eod,ir all descr.puons of rooJ be oiiKing to the Chi-

na. Ghus and business, aud woiud !e p!eaod W

tia orders from country merchants at tLe lowest pnees forcash, or upou. the usual terms to good, responsible ts.



I HAVE a federal assortment of tine FrertchChiua Dmnii W are, wliti 'j I am otiernif: at reduced prices,

as I intend to devo'.e my auteion priiici.al ly to gooon silU-a-

for wholesale tia'ie. as well as fciuainboals and hotel.J. B- SHEH1DAV,

j?0 81 Fourth street, bet. Mam and Markft- -COM.MO QL EESWARE AT SIIERIDAX'S- -1 HAVE a eeacral vane'y of Co rmon Quoeusware onJI nana, lor saio at wuoicaate prices.


FLVE CIT GLASSWARE AT MIEKIDAN S.HAVE opened this week soveral patterns of beautiii.JJ Cut Glass Goblets Champagne, Cordials and Wines, of

new and rich styles, for sale low atJ. n. SHERIDAN'S.

riHE BOOK OF THE DAY Mr onrtship and itI nonpouencos; bv Ilenrv Wikoy. AH persons tntt

have not read tins book siiou.d mimed ately procure a copy..trucnliif ilia vouior Ihikpc iknd t(Ti Irmeo. It c an

MPS.No. 84 Fourth strvet.

HAM HAS COM G. Ko.h Ilall.br FaniiTKrUTH this inopeiufc b- F. A riy.M'

j 17 4 Fourth street, near ftlsrKPt.

tCUPHR FLAID COTTONS. -- For Servants' wear, jussZ? received ami for tale at

iiuMNSON, MARTIN 8t CO'S,96 Fourth struct.ISO

DISSOLUTION.I SHOTWFLL has retired from the firm of JohnA . Bull St Co., from and after II;- - ;.t January. M5S. The

iMiis'i will he c..utiuui;aiy mo o, ,u .vtr ...ivwiua.k'r tha same address. JOHN II l l;'-.- .

A. T. SHOTWF.M..j5 t.lnnStwlm 11. H TIMBKRLAXK.

HOW CASES -S- hew Casfsfl Mperfootoiish asup......, ,L .Hid lOI'S.l''' Uv IRA JOM'.h,

ATTFNTIO1) Rule's. Rules Quoin.PRINTERS. Brass Gnll.;?s oo' end Jful-nit-

on b'dl'l J'J1- - - fhe. tN B All ord' rs lor F.ir'er'' l urn lu e f.Tpn to J. K.

Priest, Printers' Machinist, will be i,fuu.,rrljnderHo.j24 314 Green street, oppc.ile Lou.sviUe Tbeaujr.