XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt

XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

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Page 1: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

XML Data Management

8. XQuery

Werner Nutt

Page 2: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Requirements for an XML Query Language

David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements:

• Closedness: output must be XML

• Composability: wherever a set of XML elements is required, a

subquery is allowed as well

• Support for key operations:– selection

– extraction, projection

– restructuring

– combination, join

– fusion of elements

Page 3: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Requirements for an XML Query Language

• Can benefit from a schema,

but should also be applicable without

• Retains the order of nodes

• Formal semantics:

– structure of results should be derivable from query

– defines equivalence of queries

• Queries should be representable in XML

documents can have embedded queries

Page 4: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

How Does One Design a Query Language?

• In most query languages, there are two aspects to a


– Retrieving data (e.g., from … where … in SQL)

– Creating output (e.g., select … in SQL)

• Retrieval consists of

– Pattern matching (e.g., from … )

– Filtering (e.g., where … )

… although these cannot always be clearly distinguished

Page 5: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

XQuery Principles

• Data Model identical with the XPath data model

– documents are ordered, labeled trees

– nodes have identity

– nodes can have simple or complex types

(defined in XML Schema)

• A query result is an ordered list/sequence of items

(nodes, values, attributes, etc., but not lists)

– special case: the empty list ()

Page 6: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

XQuery Principles (cntd)

• XQuery can be used without schemas,

but can be checked against DTDs and XML schemas

• XQuery is a functional language

– no statements

– evaluation of expressions

– function definitions

– modules

Page 7: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

The Recipes DTD (Reminder)

<!ELEMENT recipes (recipe*)>

<!ELEMENT recipe (title, ingredient+, preparation, nutrition)>

<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ingredient (ingredient*, preparation?)>

<!ATTLIST ingredient




<!ELEMENT preparation (step+)>


<!ELEMENT nutrition EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST nutrition



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{for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipe






<title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title>

<title>Ricotta Pie</title>


A Query over the Recipes Document

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Query Features



{for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipe




doc(String) returns input document

Part to be returned as it is given {To be evaluated}

Iteration $var - variables

Sequence of results,one for each variable binding

Page 10: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

An Equivalent Stylesheet Template

<xsl:template match="/">


<xsl:for-each select="//recipe">

<xsl:copy-of select="title"/>




Page 11: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Features: Summary

• The result is a new XML document

• A query consists of parts that are returned as is

• ... and others that are evaluated (everything in {...} )

• Calling the function doc(String) returns

an input document

• XPath is used to retrieve node sets and values

• Iteration over node sets:

for binds a variable to all nodes in a node set

• Variables can be used in XPath expressions

• return returns a sequence of results,

one for each binding of a variable

Page 12: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

XPath is a Fragment of XQuery

• doc("recipes.xml")//recipe[1]/title


<title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title>

• doc("recipes.xml")//recipe[position()<=3]



<title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title>,

<title>Ricotta Pie</title>,

<title>Linguine alla Pescadora</title>

an element

a list of elements

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Beware: Attributes in XPath

• doc("recipes.xml")//recipe[1]/ingredient[1]


→ attribute name {"beef cube steak"}

• string(doc("recipes.xml")//recipe[1]


→ "beef cube steak"

an attribute, represented as a constructor

for an attribute node (not in Saxon)

a value of type string

Page 14: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Beware: Attributes in XPath (cntd.)

• <first-ingredient>




→ <first-ingredient>beef cube steak</first-ingredient>

an element with string content

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Beware: Attributes in XPath (cntd.)

• <first-ingredient>




→ <first-ingredient name="beef cube steak"/>

an element with an attribute

• Note: The XML that we write down is only the surface structure

of the data model that is underlying XQuery

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Beware: Attributes in XPath (cntd.)

• <first-ingredient





→ <first-ingredient oldName="beef cube steak">



An attribute is cast as a string

Page 17: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Constructor Syntax

For all constituents of documents, there are constructors

element first-ingredient


attribute oldName





equivalent to the notation on the previous slide

attribute constructor

element constructor

Page 18: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Iteration with the For-Clause

Syntax: for $var in xpath-expr

Example: for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

return string($r)

• The expression creates a list of bindings for a variable $var

If $var occurs in an expression exp,

then exp is evaluated for each binding

• For-clauses can be nested:

for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipefor $v in doc("vegetables.xml")//vegetable return ...

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What Does This Return?

for $i in (1,2,3)

for $j in (1,2,3)


element {concat("x",$i * $j)}

{$i * $j}

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Nested For-clauses: Example


{for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipe


<my-recipe title="{$r/title}">

{for $i in $r//ingredient









Returns my-recipes with titles as attributes and my-ingredientswith names as text content

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The Equivalent Stylesheet Template

<xsl:template match="/">


<xsl:for-each select=".//recipe">

<my-recipe title="{title}">

<xsl:for-each select="ingredient">


<xsl:value-of select="@name"/>







Page 22: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

The Let Clause

Syntax: let $var := xpath-expr

• binds variable $var to a list of nodes,

with the nodes in document order

• does not iterate over the list

• allows one to keep intermediate results for reuse

(not possible in SQL)


let $oorecps := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

[.//ingredient/@name="olive oil"]

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Let Clause: Example


{let $oorecps := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

[.//ingredient/@name="olive oil"]

for $r in $oorecps return



{": "}



</calory-content> Calories of recipeswith olive oil

Note the implicitstring concatenation

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Let Clause: Example (cntd.)

The query returns:


<calories>Beef Parmesan: 1167</calories>

<calories>Linguine alla Pescadora: 532</calories>


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The Where Clause

Syntax: where <condition>

• occurs before return clause

• similar to predicates in XPath

• comparisons on nodes:

“=“ for node equality

“<<“ and “>>” for document order

• Example:

for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipe where $r//ingredient/@name="olive oil"return ...

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• Syntax:

some/every $var in <node-set>

satisfies <expr>

• $var is bound to all nodes in <node-set>

• Test succeeds if <expr> is true for some/every


• Note: if <node-set> is empty, then

“some” is false and “all” is true

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Quantifiers (Example)

• Recipes that have some compound ingredient

• Recipes where every top level ingredient is non-compound

for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipewhere some $i in $r/ingredient satisfies $i/ingredient return $r/title

for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipewhere every $i in $r/ingredient satisfies not($i/ingredient) return $r/title

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Element Fusion

“To every recipe, add the attribute calories!”


{let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

for $r in $rs return






an element

an attribute

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Element Fusion (cntd.)

The query result:


<recipe calories="1167">

<title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title>


<recipe calories="349"><title>Ricotta Pie</title></recipe>

<recipe calories="532"><title>Linguine Pescadoro</title></recipe>

<recipe calories="612"><title>Zuppa Inglese</title></recipe>

<recipe calories="8892">

<title>Cailles en Sarcophages</title>



Page 30: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Fusion with Mixed Syntax

We mix constructor and XML–Syntax:

element result

{let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

for $r in $rs return


{attribute calories {$r/nutrition/@calories}}



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The Same with Constructor Syntax Only

element result

{let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

for $r in $rs return

element recipe


attribute calories {$r/nutrition/@calories},




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Join condition

“Pair every ingredient with the recipes where it is used!”

let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

for $i in $rs//ingredient

for $r in $rs

where $r//ingredient/@name=$i/@name







Page 33: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Join (cntd.)

The query result:

<usedin name="beef cube steak">

<title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title>


<usedin name="onion, sliced into thin rings">

<title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title>


<usedin name="green bell pepper, sliced in rings">

<title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title>


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Join Exercise

Return all pairs of ingredients such that

• the ingredients have the same name,

• but occur with different amounts

and return

• the recipes where each of them is used

• together with the amount being used in those recipes,

while returning every pair only once.

Could a query for these ingredients be expressed in XPath?

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Join condition

Document Inversion

“For every ingredient, return all the recipes where it is used!”


{let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

for $i in $rs//ingredient







Page 36: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Document Inversion (cntd.)

The query result:


<ingredient amount="1" name="Alchermes liquor" unit="cup">

<title>Zuppa Inglese</title>


<ingredient amount="2" name="olive oil" unit="tablespoon">

<title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title>

<title>Linguine Pescadoro</title>


Page 37: XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be

Eliminating Duplicates

The function distinct-values(Node Set)

– extracts the values of a sequence of nodes

– creates a duplicate free list of values

Note the coercion: nodes are cast as values!


let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

return distinct-values($rs//ingredient/@name)


xdt:untypedAtomic("beef cube steak"),

xdt:untypedAtomic("onion, sliced into thin rings"),


by the Galaxengine

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Avoiding Multiple Results in a Join

We want that every ingredient is listed only once:

Eliminate duplicates using distinct-values!


{let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

for $in in distinct-values(



<recipes with="{$in}">


</recipes> }


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Avoiding Multiple Results (cntd.)

The query result:

<result> <recipes with="beef cube steak"> <title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title> </recipes>

<recipes with="onion, sliced into thin rings"> <title>Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta</title> </recipes>... <recipes with="salt"> <title>Linguine Pescadoro</title> <title>Cailles en Sarcophages</title>



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Syntax: order by expr [ ascending | descending ]

for $iname in doc("recipes.xml")//@name

order by $iname descending

return string($iname)


"whole peppercorns",

"whole baby clams",

"white sugar",


The Order By Clause

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The Order By Clause (cntd.)

let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//@name

for $r in $rs

order by $r/nutrition/@calories

return $r/title

In which order will the titles come?

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The Order By Clause (cntd.)

The interpreter must be told whether the values

should be regarded as numbers or as strings

(alphanumerical sorting is default)

for $r in $rs

order by number($r/nutrition/@calories)

return $r/title


– The query returns titles ...

– but the ordering is according to calories,

which do not appear in the output

Also possible in SQL! What if combined with distinct-values?

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FLWOR Expresssions (pronounced “flower”)

We have now seen the main ingredients of XQuery:

• For and Let clauses, which can be mixed

• a Where clause imposing conditions

• an Order by clause, which determines the order of results

• a Return clause, which constructs the output.

Combining these yields FLWOR expressions.

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if (expr) then expr else expr


let $is := doc("recipes.xml")//ingredient

for $i in $is[not(ingredient)]

let $u := if (not($i/@unit))

then attribute unit {"pieces"}

else ()

creates an attribute unit="pieces" if none exists

and an empty item list otherwise

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We use the conditional to construct variants of ingredients:

let $is := doc("recipes.xml")//ingredient

for $i in $is[not(ingredient)]

let $u := if (not($i/@unit))

then attribute {"unit"} {"pieces"}

else ()



{$i/@* | $u}


Conditionals (cntd.)

Collects all attributes in a list and adds a unitif needed

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Conditionals (cntd.)

The query result:

<ingredient name="beef cube steak" amount="1.5"



<ingredient name="eggs" amount="12"


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Write queries that produce

• A list, containing for every recipe the recipe's title element

and an element with the number of calories

• The same, ordered according to calories

• The same, alphabetically ordered according to title

• The same, ordered according to the fat content

• The same, with title as attribute and calories as content.

• A list, containing for every recipe the top level ingredients,

dropping the lower level ingredients

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Sample Solution 1

A list, containing for every recipe the recipe's title element

and an element with the number of calories


{for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipe








The results returned are 2-element lists.

The list constructor is“( . , . )”

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Sample Solution 6

<results> {for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipe return <recipe> {attribute title {$r/title}, for $i in $r/ingredient return if (not($i/ingredient)) then $i else <ingredient> {$i/@*} </ingredient> } </recipe> }</results>

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Aggregation functions count, sum, avg, min, max

Example: The number of recipes with olive oil

let $doc := doc("recipes.xml”)




[.//ingredient/@name = "olive oil"])}


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Grouping and Aggregation

For each recipe, the number of simple ingredients

for $r in doc("recipes.xml")//recipe



{attribute title {$r/title/text()}}



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Grouping and Aggregation (cntd.)

The query result:

<number title="Beef Parmesan with Garlic Angel Hair Pasta">


<number title="Ricotta Pie">12</number>,

<number title="Linguine Pescadoro">15</number>,

<number title="Zuppa Inglese">8</number>,

<number title="Cailles en Sarcophages">30</number>

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Grouping and Aggregation (cntd.)

A list, containing for every ingredient,

the number of occurrences of that ingredient

let $d := doc("recipes.xml")

let $is := distinct-values($d//ingredient/@name)



{for $i in $is

order by $i


<ingredient name="{$i}">




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Nested Aggregation

“The recipe with the maximal number of calories!”

let $rs := doc("recipes.xml")//recipe

let $maxCal := max($rs//@calories)

for $r in $rs

where $r//@calories = $maxCal

return string($r/title)


"Cailles en Sarcophages"

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User-defined Functions

declare function local:fac($n as xs:integer)

as xs:integer


if ($n = 0)

then 1

else $n * local:fac($n - 1)





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Example: Nested Ingredients

declare function

local:nest($n as xs:integer, content as xs:string)

as element()


if ($n = 0)

then element ingredient{$content}

else element ingredient{local:nest($n - 1,$content)}



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What Does this Function Return?

declare function local:depth($n as node())

as xs:integer


if (fn:empty($n/*))

then 1

else let $cdepths

:= for $c in $n/* return local:depth($c)

return fn:max($cdepths) + 1


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Write a function



• takes as input a node (= XML tree)

• produces as output a copy of the tree,

but without the attributes