Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 1 XML and Semi-structured data Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 2 What is XML? Text annotation/markup language (eXtensible Markup Language) Think of markup as meta-data (data about data) Resulting document is structured like a tree <BOOK genre="Science" format="Hardcover"> <AUTHOR> <FIRSTNAME>Rich</FIRSTNAME> <LASTNAME>Feynman</LASTNAME> </AUTHOR> <TITLE>The Character of Physical Law</TITLE> <PUBLISHED>1980</PUBLISHED> </BOOK> Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 3 <h1> Bibliography </h1> <p> <i> Foundations of Databases </i> Abiteboul, Hull, Vianu <br> Addison Wesley, 1995 <p> <i> Data on the Web </i> Abiteoul, Buneman, Suciu <br> Morgan Kaufmann, 1999 <bibliography> <book> <title> Foundations… </title> <author> Abiteboul </author> <author> Hull </author> <author> Vianu </author> <publisher> Addison Wesley </publisher> <year> 1995 </year> </book> </bibliography> HTML vs XML Syntax like html, but set of tags is not fixed Separate web page content (specified in XML) from display format (specified in different language, XSL); plus language(s) for transforming document structure (XSLT, XQuery) Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 4 Success of XML Ability to represent varying format data (semi- structured) Ability to introduce new tags, led to publication of standards for many sub-areas. data exchange Example: Chemical Markup Language <molecule> <weight>234.5</weight> <Spectra>…</Spectra> <Figures>…</Figures> </molecule>

XML and Semi-structured data - Computer Scienceborgida/cs336/xmlSp16.pdfXML and Semi-structured data ... Abiteboul, Hull, Vianu Addison Wesley, 1995

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Page 1: XML and Semi-structured data - Computer Scienceborgida/cs336/xmlSp16.pdfXML and Semi-structured data ... Abiteboul, Hull, Vianu  Addison Wesley, 1995

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 1

XML and Semi-structured data

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 2

What is XML?•  Text annotation/markup language (�eXtensible

Markup Language)

•  Think of markup as meta-data (data about data)•  Resulting document is structured like a tree

<BOOK genre="Science" format="Hardcover"> <AUTHOR> <FIRSTNAME>Rich</FIRSTNAME>

<LASTNAME>Feynman</LASTNAME> </AUTHOR> <TITLE>The Character of Physical Law</TITLE> <PUBLISHED>1980</PUBLISHED></BOOK>

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 3


<h1> Bibliography </h1><p> <i> Foundations of Databases </i> Abiteboul, Hull, Vianu <br> Addison Wesley, 1995<p> <i> Data on the Web </i> Abiteoul, Buneman, Suciu <br> Morgan Kaufmann, 1999

<bibliography> <book> <title> Foundations… </title> <author> Abiteboul </author> <author> Hull </author> <author> Vianu </author> <publisher> Addison Wesley </publisher> <year> 1995 </year> </book> …


HTML vs XML• Syntax like html, but set of tags is not fixed• Separate web page content (specified in XML) from display format (specified in different language, XSL); plus language(s) for transforming document structure (XSLT, XQuery)

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 4

Success of XML•  Ability to represent �varying format data� (semi-

structured)•  Ability to introduce new tags, led to publication of �standards� for many sub-areas.

data exchange•  Example: Chemical Markup Language



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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 5

Semi-structured Data Management



Lanswer Ltell

Ltell = XML document Lquestion = XPath, ( XQuery ) Lanswer = XML documentLdeclare = DTD (, XML Schema)


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 6

The syntax of XML�

(Silberschatz or Kiffer text better)

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 7

Sample XML document

<bibliography> <book> <title> Foundations… </title> <author> Abiteboul </author> <author> Hull </author> <author> Vianu </author> <publisher> Addison Wesley </publisher> <year> 1995 </year> </book> …


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 8

XML Terminology•  tags: book, title, author, …•  start tag: <book>, end tag: </book>•  elements:

<book>…</book> <author>…</author>

•  elements are nested and bottom out at data values (hence form a tree)

•  empty element: <red></red> abbrev. <red/>•  an XML document must be a single element (�root�)

(a well formed XML document has properly nestedmatching tags)

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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 9

More XML: Attributes

<book price = �55��currency = �USD�> <title> Foundations of Databases </title> <author> Abiteboul </author> … <year> 1995 </year></book>

•  Attributes are alternative ways to represent data•  At most one occurrence of attribute per element•  Attribute value is a single string

(Multiple values for an attribute separated by blank/tab)Good attributes are meta-data: status =�outOfPrint�, language=�English�, categ=�fiction�� Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 14

Example doc for XPath Queries<bib>�

<book> <publisher> Addison-Wesley </publisher>� <author> Serge Abiteboul </author>� <author> <first-name> Rick </first-name>� <last-name> Hull </last-name>� </author>� <author> Victor Vianu </author>� <title> Foundations of Databases </title>� <year> 1995 </year>�</book>�<book price=�55�>� <publisher> Freeman </publisher>� <author> Jeffrey D. Ullman </author>� <title> Principles of Database and Knowledge Base Systems </title>� <year> 1998 </year>�</book>


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 15

The ordered tree view of an XML document


book book

publisher author . . .

Addison-Wesley Abiteboul

author authorprice

Ullman �55�



(draw on board)



Children nodes are ordered!

title year


DB Pples1998

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 16

* XML Namespaces•  A way to share tags, attributes,...•  http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names

•  name ::= localtag OR prefix:tag<book xmlns:isbn=�www.isbn-org.org/def�>

<title> … </title>

<number> 15 </number>

<isbn:number> …. </isbn:number>


A local “number” tag, meaninghow many books are in stock

The “number” tag of ISBN, whichis the unique number assigned to

each book edition by an international agency.

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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 17

One way to represent Relational Data in XML

<persons><row> <name>John</name> <phone> 3634</phone></row> <row> <name>Sue</name> <phone> 6343</phone> <row> <name>Dick</name> <phone> 6363</phone></row>


name phone

John 3634

Sue 6343

Dick 6363

row row row

name name namephone phone phone�John� 3634 �Sue� �Dick�6343 6363



Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 18

XML vs Relational Data

•  XML is self-describing•  schema elements become part of the data (tags):

person(name,phone) vs <person> <name> </name> <phone> </phone> ...

•  so XML is more flexible because do not have to follow slavishly a single flat schema:


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 19

Semistructured Data•  fields may be missing

<person> <name>bob</name> <phone>5-4544</phone></person><person> <name>anna</name> </person>

•  fields may be repeated<person> <name>bob</name>

<phone>5-4544</phone> <phone> 3-5436</phone> </person>

•  fields may be nested<person> <name> <first>bob</first><last>jones</last></name><person>

•  fields may be heterogeneous<name> <first>bob</first><last>jones</last></name><name> <first>bob</first><mid> t</mid> <last>jones</last></name>

•  collections may be heterogeneous <persons>

<teacher> ... </teacher><student> ...</student>

</persons>Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 20

DTD – Document Type Definition

•  A DTD is a schema/grammar for XML data•  A DTD says what elements and attributes are

required or optional–  Defines the formal structure of the doc

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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 21

DTD – An Example <!ELEMENT Basket (Cherry+, (Apple | Orange)*) >



<!ELEMENT Orange EMPTY><!ATTLIST Orange location �Florida�>


<Basket> <Apple/> <Cherry flavor=�good�/> <Orange/></Basket>

<Basket> <Cherry flavor=�good�/> <Apple color=�red�/> <Apple color=�green�/></Basket>

2 documents:

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 22


<!ELEMENT Basket (Cherry+, (Apple | Orange)*) >

•  !ELEMENT declares an element name, and what children elements it should have

•  Content types:–  Other elements–  #PCDATA (parsed character data)–  etc

Name Children

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 23

DTD: !ELEMENT in general

•  A regular expression describing the content has the following structure:–  exp1, exp2, exp3, …, expk: An ordered list of regular

expressions–  exp*: An optional expression with zero or more

occurrences–  exp+: An expression with one or more occurrences–  exp?: An optional expression with zero or one

occurrence–  exp1 | exp2 | … | expk: A set of alternative expressions

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 24



•  !ATTLIST defines a list of attributes for an element•  * Attributes can be of different types, can be

required or not required, and they can have default values.

Element Attribute Type Flag

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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 25

Attribute types in DTDs

Types include:•  CDATA = string•  (Monday | Wednesday | Friday) = enumeration

[* We will not discuss these in the course ]•  ID = key•  IDREF = foreign key•  IDREFS = foreign keys separated by space

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 27

(*Relationship between DTD & Extended BNF)<!DOCTYPE paper [ <!ELEMENT paper (section*)> <!ELEMENT section ((title,section*) | text)> <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT text (#PCDATA)>]>

paper ::= section * section ::= ( title section * ) | texttitle ::= stringtext ::= string

Equivalent extended BNF

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 28

* DTDs as Grammars

•  A DTD = a grammar•  A valid XML document = a parse tree for that


* Problem with DTD: not in XML notation!!!There is more advanced notation: XML Schema (not

in this course!)

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 29

(* XML Schema )

<xsd:element name=�paper��type=�papertype�/><xsd:complexType name=�papertype�> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name=�title��type=�xsd:string�/> <xsd:element name=�author��minOccurs=�0�/> <xsd:element name=�year�/> <xsd: choice> < xsd:element name=�journal�/> <xsd:element name=�conference�/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:sequence></xsd:element>

DTD: <!ELEMENT paper (title,author*,year, (journal|conference))>


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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 30

Querying XML Documents

(based on notes by D.Suciu/UofW

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 31


•  http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 32

Example doc for XPath Queries<bib>�

<book> <publisher> Addison-Wesley </publisher>� <author> Serge Abiteboul </author>� <author> <first-name> Rick </first-name>� <last-name> Hull </last-name>� </author>� <author> Victor Vianu </author>� <title> Foundations of Databases </title>� <year> 1995 </year>�</book>�<book price=�55�>� <publisher> Freeman </publisher>� <author> Jeffrey D. Ullman </author>� <title> Principles of Database and Knowledge Base Systems </title>� <year> 1998 </year>�</book>


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 33

Corresponding tree for XPath (a bit different, to make things resemble UNIX nested file paths)

book book

publisher author . . .

Addison-Wesley Abiteboul

author authorprice

Ullman �55�





title year


DB Pples1998


The root

The root element

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Corresponding tree for XPath (a bit different, to make things resemble UNIX nested file paths) �


book book

publisher author . . .

Addison-Wesley Abiteboul

The root

The root element

author authorprice

Jeff Ullman�55�



(draw on board)

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 35

XPath: Simple Expressions (matching element nodes)

Result: <year> 1995 </year> <year> 1998 </year>

Result: empty (there were no papers)



Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 36


One way to think about it is that each initial part of a path “marks” certain nodes in the tree as being acceptable – part of the current collection. The next step in the path unmarks these and marks as acceptable only those children of previously marked nodes which pass some additional test.

(* In the full XPath, one can go from marked nodes to their descendants, parents, ancestors, left and right siblings.)

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 37

XPath: Restricted Kleene Closure

Result:<author> Serge Abiteboul </author> <author> <first-name> Rick </first-name> <last-name> Hull </last-name> </author> <author> Victor Vianu </author> <author> Jeffrey D. Ullman </author>

Result: <first-name> Rick </first-name>



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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 38

Xpath: Wildcard

Result: <first-name> Rick </first-name> <last-name> Hull </last-name>

* Matches any element



�authors at 3rd level�

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 39

Xpath: matching Text Nodes

Result: Serge Abiteboul Jeffrey D. Ullman

Rick Hull doesn�t appear because he has firstname, lastname

(* Other functions in XPath:–  text() = matches a text value–  node() = matches any node (= * or @* or text())–  name() = returns the name of the current tag


/bib/book/*/name()publisher author author author title year publisher author title year

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 40

Xpath: matching Attribute Nodes

Result: price="55"@price means that there is a price attribute with a

value present


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 41

Xpath: Qualifiers

Result: <author> <first-name> Rick </first-name> <last-name> Hull </last-name> </author>

[first-name] ≡�has first-name element�


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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 42

Xpath: More Qualifiers

Result: <lastname> … </lastname>


�lastname of author (which has firstname and

address (which (has zip below it) and has city))�

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 43

Xpath: Qualifiers with conditions on values

/bib/book[@price < "60"]

/bib/book[author/@age < "25"]


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 44

Xpath: Summarybib matches a bib element* matches any element/ matches the root element/bib matches a bib element under rootbib/paper matches a paper in bibbib//paper matches a paper in bib, at any depth//paper matches a paper at any depth//paper/.. matches the parent of paper at any depthpaper | book matches a paper or a book@price matches a price attributebib/book/@price matches price attribute in book, in bibbib/book/[@price<�55�]/author/lastname matches…

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 45


•  http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/

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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 46

FLWR (�Flower�) Expressions

for ... let... for... let...where...return...

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 47


“Find all book titles published after 1995”:

for $x in document("bib.xml")/bib/book

where $x/year > 1995

return $x/title

Result: <title>Principles of Database and Knowledge Base Systems</title>

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 48

XQuery: nested queries�For each author of a book by AW, list all books she


for $a in document("bib.xml") � /bib/book[publisher=�AW�]/authorreturn <ans> { $a, for $t in /bib/book[author=$a]/title return $t� } </ans> Beware of

forgetting the { and };they mean �evaluate nested expression� Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 49

XQuery<ans> <author>Serge Abiteboul</author> <title>Foundations of Databases</title></ans><ans> <author> <first-name>Rick</first-name> <last-name>Hull</last-name> </author> <title>Foundations of Databases</title></ans><ans> <author>Victor Vianu</author> <title>Foundations of Databases</title></ans><ans> <author>Jeffrey D. Ullman</author> <title>Principles of Database and Knowledge Base Systems</title></ans>


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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 50

XQuery: let expressions

•  for $x in expr -- binds $x in turn to each value in the list expr

•  let $x := expr -- binds $x once to the entire list expr–  Useful for common subexpressions and for aggregations

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 51


count = a (aggregate) function that returns the number of elements in its argument set


for $p in document("bib.xml")//publisher

let $b := document("bib.xml")//book[publisher = $p]

where count($b) >= 1

return $p


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 52


�Find books whose price is larger than average�:

let $a := avg(document("bib.xml")/bib/book/price)

for $b in document("bib.xml")/bib/book

where $b/price > $a

return $b

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 56

for $h in //catalogoue return <catalogue> { $h/title, if $h/@type = "Journal" then $h/editor else $h/author } </catalogue>


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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 57

Existential Quantifiers

for $b in //book

where some $p in $b//para satisfies

contains($p, "sailing")

and contains($p, "windsurfing")

return $b/title

�Books which have some paragraph containing boththe words sailing and windsurfing�

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 58

Universal Quantifiers

for $b in //book

where every $p in $b//para satisfies

contains($p, "sailing")

return $b/title

�Books in which all paragraphs contain the wordsailing�

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 59

Try out queries at��http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-use-cases/�

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 64

e.g., Flattening

•  �Flatten� the authors, i.e. return a list of (author, title) pairs

for $b in document("bib.xml")/bib/book,� $x in $b/title/text(),� $y in $b/author/text()�return <answer>� <title> { $x } </title>� <author> { $y } </author>� </answer>

Result:�<answer>� <title> abc </title> <author> efg </author>�</answer>�<answer>� <title> abc </title> <author> hkj </author>�</answer>

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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 65

e.g., Re-grouping

•  �For each author, return all titles of her/his books�

for $b in document("bib.xml")/bib, � $x in $b/book/author�return � <answer>� <author> { $x } </author>� { for $y in $b/book[author=$x]/title� return $y }� </answer> What about�

duplicate�authors ?

Result:�<answer>� <author> efg </author>� <title> abc </title> <title> klm </title>� . . . .</answer>

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 66

•  Same, but eliminate duplicate authors:for $b in document("bib.xml")/bib�let $a := distinct-values($b/book/author/text() )�for $x in $a�return � <answer>� <author> { $x }</author>� { for $y in $b/book[author=$x]/title� return $y }� </answer>

distinct-values eliminates duplicates (but must be applied to acollection of text values, not of elements)

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 70

SQL and XQuery Side-by-side

Product(pid, name, maker, price)�Find all product names, prices�

SELECT x.name, x.price�FROM Product x



<db> <Product> <row> <pid 1234 /> <name �bulb’/> <maker </row>

<answer>� { for $x in document(�db.xml�)/db/Product/row � return <row> { $x/name, $x/price } </row> }�</answer>

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 71

<answer> <name> abc </name> <price> 7 </price>�</answer>� <answer> <name> def </name> <price> 23 </price>�</answer> . . . .

Xquery�s Answer

Notice: this is NOT a�well-formed document !�(WHY ???)

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Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 72

Query Producing a Well-Formed Answer

<myQuery>� { for $x in document(�db.xml�)/db/Product/row � return <row> � { $x/name, $x/price }� </row>� }�</myQuery>

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 73

<myQuery>� <row> <name> abc </name> <price> 7 </price>� </row>� <row> <name> def </name> <price> 23 </price>� </row> . . . .�</myQuery>

Xquery�s Answer

Now it is well-formed !

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 74

SQL and XQuery Side-by-side

Product(pid, name, maker, price)�Company(cid, name, city, revenues)

�Find all products made in Seattle�

SELECT x.name�FROM Product x, Company y �where x.maker=y.cid � and y.city=�Seattle�


for $x in $db/Product/row, � $y in $db/Company/row �where � $x/maker=$y/cid � and $y/city = �Seattle��return { $x/name }


for $y in /db/Company/row[city=�Seattle�],� $x in /db/Product/row[maker=$y/cid]�return $x/name


Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 75

<product> <row> <pid> 123 </pid> <name> abc </name> <maker> efg </maker> </row> <row> …. </row> …</product>�<product>� . . .</product>�. . . .

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SQL and XQuery Side-by-side

For each company with revenues < 1M count its products over $100

SELECT c.name, count(*) �FROM Product p, Company c�where p.price > 100 and p.maker=c.cid and c.revenue < 1000000�GROUP BY c.cid, c.name

for $r in document(�db.xml�)/db, � $c in $r/Company/row[revenue<1000000]�return � <proudCompany>� <companyName> { $c/name } </companyName>� <numberOfExpensiveProducts>� { count($r/Product/row[maker=$c/cid][price>100]) }� </numberOfExpensiveProducts>� </proudCompany>

Suciua/Ramakrishnan/ Gehrke/Borgida 77

SQL and XQuery Side-by-side

Find companies with at least 30 products, and their average priceSELECT y.name, avg(x.price)�FROM Product x, Company y�WHERE x.maker=y.cid�GROUP BY y.cid, y.name�HAVING count(*) > 30

for $r in document(�db.xml�)/db,� $y in $r/Company/row �let $p := $r/Product/row[maker=$y]/cid]�where count($p) > 30�return � <theCompany>� <companyName> { $y/name } � </companyName>� <avgPrice> avg($p/price) </avgPrice>� </theCompany>

An element