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  • 8/18/2019 xICC


    CALCULATING THE RELIABILITY INTRACLASS CORRELATION COEFFICIENT AND IReference: Hopkins WG (2009). Calculating the reliability intraclass correlation coefficient an its c

    'he &CC here is the one that gies the sa!e alue as the testretest *earson correlation for large s

    (-or s!all sa!ples the *earson is slightly biase+ but the &CC is unbiase.)

      ou $ill also nee the nu!ber of sub/ects an the egrees of freeo! of the $ithinsub/ect 1.

    ou $ill also nee the nu!ber of sub/ects an the nu!ber of tests. &f there are !issing alues+ y

    (When there are no !issing alues+ the nu!ber of entries is the nu!ber of sub/ects ti!es the nu

    se ata fro! a t$o$ay 34563 $ith sub/ects an tests as the t$o effects an no interaction.

      se the - statistic for the sub/ects ter!. 1on,t use the - for tests or the oerall -.

    "nter alues of statistics $ith one !ore significant igit than you $oul nor!ally publish+ to aoi s

    'he relationship bet$een the &CC an - statistic is ue to 7artko 88 (9). 'he intraclass correlati

    'he relationship is &CCine gie

    &t is the nu!ber of tests that $oul gie the nu!ber of egrees of freeo! for the $ithinsub/ect

    'he for!ula for confience li!its for the &CC is ue to >cGra$ @5 A Wong * (99). -or!ing inf

    & use the for!ula for their &CC(C+)+ case ;. 'his is the sa!e as 7artko,s &CC.

    Between- and within-sube!t SD "n#wn

    4 7et$een Within 1eg. Conf. &CC an confience li!itssub/ects 1 1 freeo! leel () &CC lo$er upper appro#. D

    $% $ &'() $* +& &'($ &')) &'+& &',$

    DI./&0 E112%&$ E112%&$ E112%&$

    ICC "n#wn3 when the1e a1e n# 4issin5 6a7ues

    4 k Conf. &CC an confience li!its

    sub/ects tests &CC leel () &CC lo$er upper appro#. D

    $% $ &'($ +& &'($ &')) &'+& &',$

    DI./&0 E112%&$ E112%&$ E112%&$

    ICC "n#wn3 when the1e ARE 4issin5 6a7ues

    4 k n Conf. &CC an confience li!its

    sub/ects tests entries &CC leel () &CC lo$er upper appro#. D

    ,( 8 %& &'9% +& &'9% &'%9 &'(9 &',%

    DI./&0 E112%&$ E112%&$ E112%&$

    F "n#wn3 when the1e a1e n# 4issin5 6a7ues

    4 k - for Conf. &CC an confience li!its

    sub/ects tests sub/ects leel () &CC lo$er upper appro#. D

    ,% $ $+'$ +& &'+8 &'(* &'+9 &'&),'&& E112%&$ E112%&$ E112%&$

    I: ;#u want the ICC an its confience li!its+ gien a bet$eensub/ect 1 an a $ithinsub/ect 1:

    I: ;#u ha6e the ICC an you $ant its confience li!its:

    I: ;#u ha6e an F 6a7ue fro! an 34563 that you use for the reliability analysis+ an you $ant the

    Replace the nu!bers in b7ue $ith your nu!bers+ or put your nu!bers in the blank cells unerneat

    'he results are in 1ed. 1on,t !oify black nu!bers in the cells $ith a grey backgroun.

    I: ;#u1 SD a1e

  • 8/18/2019 xICC


    F "n#wn3 when the1e ARE 4issin5 6a7ues

    4 k n - for Conf. &CC an confience li!its

    sub/ects tests entries sub/ects leel () &CC lo$er upper appro#. D

    ,% * $9 88'( +& &'+% &'() &'+( &'&)

    ,'&& E112%&$ E112%&$ E112%&$

  • 8/18/2019 xICC


      S CONFIDENCE LIMITSnfience li!its ("#cel spreasheet). ne$stats.org%#&CC.#ls

    a!ples+ $hen there are 2 tests. &t,s al!ost al$ays the one you $ant.

    u $ill also nee the nu!ber of test entries (obserations).

    ber of tests.)

    bstantial rouning errors.

    n coefficient as a !easure of reliability. *sychological Reports 9+ ;

    sts $hen there are !issing alues in one or !ore tests for one or !ore sub/ects.

    s the sa!e ans$er as *roc G?> in 3.

      1 (the stanar or typical error of !easure!ent+ or the R>" fro! an 34563).

    rences about so!e intraclass correlation coefficients. *sychological >ethos + ;0B.

    "ffectieno.of tests - - lo$er - upper  

    2.00 9. B.9 9.

    .00 I1&6%0J "rr:02 "rr:02

    1eg free - - lo$er - upper  

    2B 9. B.9 9.

    .0 "rr:02 "rr:02


    1eg free no.of tests - - lo$er - upper  

    ;0 2.K 9.; B.K 20.0

    0.00 .0 "rr:02 "rr:02

    1eg free - lo$er - upper  

    B . K2. "rr:02 "rr:02


    &CC an its confience li!its:


    you enter the!+ as follo$s:

  • 8/18/2019 xICC



    1eg free no.of tests - lo$er - upper  

    9 .B .2 9.B

    0.00 "rr:02 "rr:02