Xenofilkia Issue 94

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  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94





  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94


    WELCOME TO XENOFILKIA the bimonthly filkzine.


    Lee Gold, 3965 Alla Road, Los Angeles, CA 90066; (310) 306-7456

    DEADLINE: Usually the 7th day of every odd month: Jan, Mar, May, July, Sep, Nov

    Deadline for Xenofilkia #95 May 7th, 2004

    CONTRIBUTE by let ter or em ail (to Lee Gold): [email protected]

    X E N O F IL K I A I N DE X E S : http://theStarport com/xeno/

    thanks to Steve Savitzky)


    50 per song-page ($1 maxim um)



    Pay by

    check or

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    FREE if the issue contains one of yo ur f i lksongs that 's not generally available. (Let me k now if i t 's been

    publ ished before .) Do n ' t send someone e lse 's songs or tunes wi thout permiss ion . (Lyr ics tha t scan to someon e

    else 's well-known tune are f ine.) If your tun e is original, send sheet m usic (as gif , jpg, pdf, or PrintMusic) or

    send a tape, mp3 , or the URL of a webpage w ith the tune so Barry Gold can transcribe i t . Som eday.


    if you contr ibuted last issue. Postage is 830 in the US, $1.10 to Can ada, $2.40 to

    Europe, $2.60 to Australia, NZ, and Japan, and $2.30 to Singapore and H ong K ong.

    Cos t o f Xenof i lk ia i s no t pred ictab le s ince pos tage m ight go up or you m ight contr ibute . You m ay send

    money to Lee Gold (make your check or m oney order payab le to "Lee Gold , "


    to "Xeno fi lkia") for several

    issues. She' l l note your balance on yo ur mailing enve lope.

    All back issues of Xenofilkia are still in print

    (at $1 each, plus postage special rates for dealers).

    Six issues of Xenofilkia weigh 1 pound an d can be m ailed in the US as Book Rate for $1.42 postage or to

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    Cover: Sorceress

    by M ichel le Dockrey

    Beas t o f M y Kind

    The Las t March of G ondor


    Talkin' Tolkien

    Vorthalia the Bold

    The Latest W est-Coast Filker

    Red-Haired Girl

    High F ly the Nazgul - addit ional verse

    Broken Cradle

    W hat Happened to the Mars Lander

    A Lament for a Future Lost

    News f rom Iraq

    W hat 's Left of the Stars

    A Worm wi th No Name


    Real Old Time Religion - more verses

    First Contact, Worst Case

    M akin ' Poopie

    Fas t Broom

    The Song of Wand ering Charlie

    Table of Contents

    by M ark A. M andel

    by Rober t Wynne & Lar issa March

    by Jane M ai lander

    by Blake Hodgetts

    by Cather ine O'Shea

    by Bi l l Laubenheimer

    by Elo ise M ason

    by Rick W eiss

    by M ike Van Pel t

    by Pat Mathews

    by Mark Hom ing

    by M arcus Bales

    by H. Paul Shuch

    by Michael McAfee

    by Gary McGa th

    by J im Rousey and Gary McG a th

    by Nick Smith

    by Robin Baylor

    by Debra Fran Baker

    & N ightRoads Associates

    by Ar ie l Weinberg





















    All songs and artwo rk not covered by prior copyright are Cop yright as part of Xe nofilkia #94, April , 2004.

    All r ights to ar twork an d songs revert to the au thors upon p ublication of Xen ofilkia #94.

    -page i-

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1874


    by M ark A. M andel, Copyright 2004

    to the tune of "Least Of My K ind," by Cat Faber

    Prowling around the flocks,

    Slipping between the rocks,

    Seeking my chance to leap and rend .

    Sudden ly, on the wind,

    Scent of my foe and kin:

    Traitor , who call yourself "man's best fr iend"

    Think on the bargain's cost ,

    W hat 's gained and w hat is lost?

    Tethered and tamed and confined,

    Robbed of your destiny,

    Slave now, who once was f ree ,

    You are the leashed of my kind .

    There s tands my witless prey,

    Too close to run away.

    Lunge, leap, and str ike It l ies now dea d.

    Tearing , I start to feed,

    Driven by haste and need,

    Flesh, f leece, and grass all the sam e blood-red.

    Think on the b argain's cost ,

    W hat 's gained and what is lost?

    Tethered and tamed and con fined,

    Robbed of you r destiny,

    Slave now, who once was f ree ,

    You are the leashed of my kind.

    Now w e come face to face ,

    Two of one sundered race,

    Ga ze holding gaze across the kil l .

    Slowly, you stoop to l ick,

    Tongue flashing sharp and quick. . .

    W ild in your eyes now , the wolf l ives s t il l

    Now is the bargain lost ,

    Now that you know the cos t,

    No m ore to serve, confined.

    Back to your destiny,

    Pack-brother , l iving free,

    You are the beast of my k ind

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1875


    by Robert Wyn ne and Larissa March , Copyright 2004

    to the tune of "Least of My K ind" by Cat Faber

    Armored in batt le m ail ,

    Sw earing we shall not fail ,

    Cursing, we r ide to Mordor 's Door.

    M en, e lves and dwarves uni te

    Facing the Shadow's m ight

    Here is a challenge he ca n ' t ignore

    W ell spent the batt le cost

    All hope is not y et lost

    Frodo sti ll carr ies the r ing

    You have no t fought in va in

    W hen you m arch forth again

    You sha ll be led by your king.

    W e fought and d id no t y ie ld

    Pelennor 's batt lefield

    Now we ap proach the Dark Lord ' s ga te

    Sauron we wi l l defy

    Hoping to d raw his eye

    Far from the one w ho' l l decide our fate

    W ell spent the batt le cost

    All hope is not ye t lost

    Frodo sti ll carr ies the r ing

    You h ave no t fought in va in

    W hen you m arch forth again

    You sha ll be led by your king.

    One day m ay te l l the ta le

    Courage of m en shall fail

    That will not be this day, I swear

    Look on me now , Dark Lord

    Reforged , the broken sword

    Thoug ht you that Is ildur had no heir?

    W ell spent the batt le cost

    All hope is not ye t lost

    Frodo sti ll carr ies the r ing

    You hav e no t fought in va in

    W hen you march for th again

    You sha ll be led by your king.

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  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    #94 age 1877

    I look out over the Sea from this vessel all gleam ing and grey.

    Hailed as the Last of the Ringbearers , carr ied aw ay.

    Singing Elves greet as my ship com es to land.

    I s tumble in soft s i lver sand.

    Pm lif ted up by a four-fmgered hand . . .

    "W ell , Pm here, Mr. Frodo," I say.

    Hear me o h, hear me oh,

    There 's a fmal long journey that I have to go. (2x)


    Parody Lyrics Copyright 2004 Blake Hodgetts , inspired by a subject heading on rec.m usic.f i lk:

    to the tune of "Talkin' Baseball" by Terry Cashman

    W ell, Gandalf got i t s tarted,

    Kne w hobbits were s tout-hearted,

    Although their way of l ife was quite reserved.

    From duty Sam and Frodo never swerved ,

    And in the end old Sauron got wh at he deserved.

    W e're talkin ' Tolkien,

    From Bree to Minas Tir i th.

    Talkin' Tolkien,

    Fangom to Osgi l ia th .

    Sam wise stabbing Shelob using Sting;

    Aragom, returning as the King;

    W e're talkin ' Frodo, Gollum and the Ring.

    Now Legolas and G imli ,

    They we nt to batt le grimly,

    W hile Faramir was p laced upon a pyre .

    M erry and Pippin r isked their l ives to save the Shire,

    And Frodo brou ght the One back to i ts forging fire.

    W e're talkin ' Tolkien,

    From W eathertop to Tookland ,

    Talkin' Tolkien,

    From Isengard to Buckland.

    Bloody swords and ax es clang and cling;

    Gandalf m aking heads ro l l wi th Glam dr ing;

    W e're talkin ' Frodo, Gollum and the Ring.

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1878


    by Catherine O'Shea

    to the tune of "Pinky and the Brain"

    This is the theme son g for the 'his torical ' children's show 'Vorthalia the Bold - Legendary H ero from the

    Time of Isolation' for which, if you recall , Miles s t i l l rem em bers all nine verses

    (A Civil Campaign).

    I suspect

    this was one of those 'his torical' shows in which the h ero m anaged to ha ve a key p art in every single his torical

    event of importance Thus there are references to Vorlopoulos ' cooks (verse 2) , Lord M idnight (verse 5) , the

    Incendiary Cat Plot (verse 6) , the defene stration of the Cou ncil of Counts (verse 7) and the Countess w ho had

    herself legally declared m ale in order to inherit , and w as involved in a bizarre court case over her later m arriage

    (verse 8) , not to m ention the folk tale with the b asil pot (verse 4). I s trongly suspect that there w as, in fact a

    tenth verse about the m utant who k ept his heart in a box; given M iles ' personal feelings on m utants , however, i t

    is not surpris ing that he n ever m em orised this verse, and failed to recall i ts existence.

    Chorus : Vor tha li a the Bo ld Vo r tha li a the Bo ld

    Legendary H ero in days of Old

    W ith brawn as wel l as b ra in

    He'l l save the day again


    This spel l ing indicates a th ree-syl lable p ro nuncia t ion

    Vo rthalia the Bold, bold, bold, bold

    f V o r t h a l ia , i n s te a d o f t h e u s u a l f o u r .

    Bold, bold, bold, bold


    In isolation t im e

    W ith vil lains great or small

    W hen i t came to f ighting cr ime

    He w as the best of all


    He ca n fight in any str ife

    W ith sword or mace or hook

    W ith a cleaver or a knife

    He's bet ter than a cook


    W hen d imm er heroes fa l l

    His wits will s tay the course

    For i t 's know n to one and all

    That he 's smarter than his horse


    The ladies love his air

    And in charm he has no peers

    Though their families may glare

    No basil pot he fears


    Politic'ly astute

    The Council he could sway

    For he knew that in a vote

    Lord Midnight would say "Neigh ".


  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1879

    W hen in a t reas'nous p lo t

    His r ivals did conspire

    He knew wel l tha t one mus t no t

    Set the cat on f ire


    He'd an ed ucator 's m ind

    In service to the State

    To the Counci l he def ined

    The v erb 'defenestrate '


    His love seemed doom ed to fa i l

    For h is wife he had to sue

    Though declared bo th Count and male

    She was a countess too


    So w atch and lis ten here

    And you ' l l hear the s tory told

    Of a hero w ithout peer -

    Of Vorthalia the Bold

    Vo rthalia the Bold

    Vorthalia the Bold

    His deeds are uncounted,

    His vir tues untold

    W ith brawn as wel l as b ra in

    He'l l save the day again


    Vorthalia the Bold, bold, bold, bold

    Bold, bold, bold, bold


    Call ie Hil ls wrote M ASSFILC: I was chat t ing w ith one of my f i lker buddies today, and he rem inded m e that

    our new a lbum was NOT the only recent re lease to fea ture my mus ica l input . I'm cer ta in ly proud of the work I

    did for Blake Ho dgetts ' album, and think that if you like eclectic, lyr ic-r ich fi lk, you sho uld check it out.

    Featured perform ers include Tony F abris on guitar and Arlene ("Callie") Hills (Echo's Children) on flute lending

    color and depth. Rounding out the performan ce roster are cameos by Angelica Sather Hod getts (courtesy of Ash

    Productions) and harpist Laura Z aerr .

    This CD runs over 73 minutes and includes a fu l l 12-page bookle t w i th a l l o f the song ly r ics . For more

    information and audio samples, please see the album 's webpage at : ht tp: / /vvww .efn.org/ bch/blindsight .html

    "Storming H eaven," the new CD b y Avalon Ris ing, can be bought a t h t tp : //www .avalonris ing .com/d isc .h tml

    It 's a collection of progressive Celtic and original rock so ngs ranging from d ance tun es to ballads, with hints of

    Otherwhere and Otherwhen. Lead s ingers are Kr is toph Klover and M argare t Davis . Ins t rum enta l is ts a re Klover

    (electr ic guitar) , Davis (f lute and harp) , and Cat Taylor (electr ic f iddle) , backed by the rhythm section of M ark

    Ungar, Kevin Fa nning, and Scott Irwin.

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1880


    by Bill Laubenheim er ( instigated by Carole Parker)

    to the tune of "The Last Saskatchewan Pirate" by The Arrogant Worm s

    (The phrases in braces in the last line are intended as seasonal. The one to be done d epends on w hether FKO

    or OVF F is next on the schedule.)

    I used to be a w riter , and I m ade a l iving fair

    From references and user guides for sundry high-tech ware.

    But t imes were ha rd, and though I tr ied, I lost my job on e day --

    The VPs shipped it overseas and told m e "That 's our way."

    I scoured the Net for writ ing jobs, the answe r always no,

    There were som e slots for editors , the pay wa s much too low .

    Job web sites sent programm er reqs, I could not work out why ,

    I cashed my unemploym ent checks unt i l the wel l ran dry

    Then I though t, I 'm losing heart , I can' t let this go on,

    I need to fmd som e fi lkers at my local S-F con:

    Chorus Cause i t 's a heave-ho heigh-ho f i lker 's l i fe for me,

    Steal ing tunes and tw ist ing wo rds to f i t the m elody.

    And it 's a ho-hey heigh-hey Fanboy s, run and hide,

    W hen you see the da ndelion that the fi lkers wear with pride.

    You'd th ink tha t loca l fandom would be aw are of me,

    But just the other con, a careless fan I chanced to see.

    As he was w histl ing gaily, I f ilked him on the spot,

    Lampo oned his boo ks, his games, his clothes, and hair he hasn' t got.

    An overpass near Portland spans a m ighty stream,

    Fanbo ys scurry under i t , too scared to even scream,

    'Cause they know Banjo Carole could be lurking aw fully close,

    To capture them and sing them hours of off-key fanfic ose,


    W ell , Lawyer Ray he sued us 'cause he thought we p layed too loose,

    He lost f ive t ime s in court -- he didn' t understand Fair Use,

    But his clients lost their taste for paying thousands e very day,

    And now he ' s d rumm ing wi th us and we ca l l h im Bodhran Ray .

    A guitar and a songboo k, and a pleasant place to play,

    I won' t bow to M ichael Jackson or the R-I-Double-A,

    From Rusty- down to CopperCon, the terrors of the We st

    If you bring a song into the room , we' l l fi lk our very best


    The fi lker l ife 's appealing, but you w on' t just fm d it here,

    I 've found in G erman y there 's bands that you've just got to hear .

    They roam the Rhine from Dusseldorf, through Bingen to Cologne,

    Taking songs from m any countr ies , to f ilk them for their own.

    W ell now the hou r is gett ing late, the con's about to end.

    M y filking's done for now , but I am glad to call you fr iends.

    I 'l l be back n ext f i lk con, but now I 've got to g o.

    I hear there 's lots of singing do ne {at F ilkOntario} / {in c entral O-hi-o}

    (Chorus twice)

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1881


    by Eloise (Beltz-Deck er) Mason , with apologies to Charles Schultz

    to the tune of 'Brown -Eyed G irl ', by Van M orrison

    Hey, all those years ago, back before I knew your nam e . . .

    Holdin' out a football , or playin' a baseball gam e.

    Flyin ' kites into trees and laughin' , teasin ' you just for fun.

    W atchin' Snoopy fly his dogho use into the mo rning sun.

    I miss you, my Red-Haired G irl;

    You , my Litt le Red-Haired Girl .

    Now whatever happened to Frankl in and Pigpen?

    They wa ndered out of our l ives, but I 'm seeing their faces again.

    Go in' off to college, growin' apart , no matter how hard we tr ied.

    Findin' you in grad school, honey, holdin ' you while you cried

    On m e, my Red-Haired G ir l;

    You , my Litt le Red-Haired G irl .

    Bridge : Do you remem ber how w e used t o s ing?

    [If you r gu i tar sk i l ls are u p to the task , inser t severa l bars of 'L inus and Lucy '

    ( aka t h a t song Sch roede r w as a lways p l ay ing on p i ano) h e r e .

    Otherwise , s ing i t with na na n as . Hey, th is is f i lk - d igni ty??]

    So hard to fmd ou r way , now tha t we 're on our own.

    Saw Linus jus t the o ther day man, how tha t boy has grown.

    He cam e out of the closet last year (som etimes I 'm o vercom e thinkin' about i t) .

    And I worry 'bout po or ol ' Marcie, now that her 'Sir ' is gone,

    But you're my Red-Haired G irl .

    You 're my Litt le Red-Haired G irl .

    HIGH FLY TH E NA ZGUL addit iona l verse

    by Rick Weiss

    to the tune of "Green Grow the Rashes-O"

    Did I get i t in f i rs t? How many variations have com e in? [This is the only one I 've got.--LG]

    I 'l l s ing eleven, o h

    Hig h fly the Nazgul, oh

    W hat is your e leven, oh?

    Eleven for Peter Jackson 's Oscars, ten for the batt les of the r ing, and nine for the nine brave w alkers . . ..

    Issue #100 of Xenofilkia is fast approaching,

    in just another year . Chances are that issue w ill also have pa ge

    1984. Anyone with suitable

    songs should

    cons ider send ing them in , in advance . Many thanks . Lee

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1882

    B R O K E N C R A D L E

    by M ike Van Pelt

    to the tune of "Cat 's in the Cradle", Harry Chapin

    I started on this soo n after the


    crash, but it was too depressing to wo rk on; I only had a few lines and

    the last verse. Saturday night at Baycon, I got h it in the head with inspiration, and com pleted it to this point.

    W e splashed down just the other day,

    Returned to Earth in our usual way

    Barely mentioned on the evening new s,

    W e didn't get any interviews

    It 's not like it was w ith Neil and Buzz

    No missions planned to go back, now

    But I know w e're gonna go again.

    Just one week ago we walked on the Moon

    I really believe w e'll go bac k real soon

    W e can't ignore the future or lose the dream

    Our future is out in space

    Our future has to be in space

    The new space shutt le 's delayed again

    Sky lab hits Australia, now that 's a sin

    That stat ion could be saved without much cost

    But space is out of style and m uch m ore was lost

    So there's pieces of our future scattered on the ground

    W e've got to start it all again

    W e've got to start it all again

    I remem ber when I walked on the M oon

    I still believe we'll go back there soo n

    I just don't know when, but w e've got to go

    I hope we don't move too slow

    I really hope we a ren' t too slow.

    I just heard the new s, another shutt le dow n

    Wh at 's left of the program h as been shut dow n

    They say the co st 's too high, and the risk too great

    Go ing out there wil l have to wait

    W hat we real ly need now is to fix things on Earth here

    No m ore space flight, too mu ch risk we fear.

    A long time ago we w alked on the Moon

    I'd like to believe we 'll go ba ck there soon

    But all they say ab out that is it 's not the time ,

    There 's problem s plenty here on Earth, now,

    There's problem s plenty here on Earth.

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1883

    I 'm the la s t one le f t who on Luna t rod

    And they 've jus t spot ted an as te roid

    I t 's f ive yea r s ou t ; we 've go t lo ts o f t ime

    One m il l ia rcsecond w i l l do jus t f ine

    And throu gh bu reaucra t ic tur f wars and p o l i t ica l f ights

    W e f in ished i t jus t in t im e , yeah

    I t wa s on the pad jus t in t ime .

    Bu t t hough w e t r ie d t o r e ga in sk i l ls t ha t we once had

    I t b lew u p on the pad .

    Al l hope d ied on tha t pad .

    I t' s h a rd to be l i eve we w a lked on th e M oon

    I u s ed to be l i eve we 'd go back th e r e s oon

    TV show s th e s hock w ave , now i t 's c l e a r

    W e d i e d w h e n w e n o l on g er d r e am e d

    You d ie when you no longe r d r e am


    only m eaningful mem oria l , the only one tha t wil l rea l ly coun t , wi l l be when there are s t ree ts , tunnels , l iving and w orking

    quarters named af ter each of those as t ronauts--and those wh o w il l ye t d ie in this ef fort in perman ent ly occupied s ta t ions on

    t h

    m oon , on M ar s , in the as te ro id be l t , and bey ond. Bruce F . Web s te r


    T H E


    by Pa t M a thews , an exe r c is e in th e obv iou s

    t o t he t une o f "H ope Ey r i e "

    Eng land ' s Rove r h a s lo s t i t s vo ice

    The da ta , we ' l l n eve r know

    I t' s b e en dow n e d by a n e n e m y

    A ba d g u y k n ow n t o bo t h you a n d m e

    Ye s , a m os t famil ia r foe .

    Rove r ' s now in th e doghouse

    W hich ha s no t been s een ,

    Since las t a Beag le f l ew in 1918

    W ar t im e mem or ie s l i nge r long

    Revenge is bes t se rved cold

    M arv in 's t aken a s e cond p la ce

    To a da r ing Ge rm an f ly ing ace

    A hundred and tw en ty yea r s o ld

    Ye s , the Baron has Beag le ,

    Tel l the na t ions when

    W e' ll h ave to f igh t th e W ar o f W or lds aga in

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1884

    A L A M E N T F O R A F U T U R E L O S T

    Copyright Mark E. Horning 2004

    to the tune of "The Piano Ma n," by Billy Joel; Time signature = 3/4

    C m/B



    It's three AM* on a Saturday,




    The guitars stand ready to play


    m/B m /G

    And all I desire is a melody



    (F Cmaj7)

    That will take me somewhere far away.

    * 10

    P M , r e a l ly d a m n l a te , e t c . a s a p p r o p r i a t e

    C m/B m


    The future once was a friend of mine,




    But its former bright luster has paled



    For it seems every day,


    We get further away

    F il

    From the promises it once entailed

    Am m/G

    7/F F

    Bridge: da da da - de de da

    Am m/G



    da da - de de da


    G/F C/E G7/D


    da da

    C m


    Sing out a song of the future now

    F /E


    Sing out a song tonight





    And you might rekindle a memory

    F il

    Of a future that used to be bright.

    The Concord once flew supersonic.

    From New York to Heathrow she 'd soar .

    On the oppo site run,

    She w ould outpace the sun,

    But now she is f lying no more

    And this dismal reali ty 's kill ing me

    As the wor ld becomes m ore mundane

    And the glories and marvels we read abo ut

    Seem to have been writ ten in vain.


  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94





    Our m oonbase w as forfeit to poli t ics

    W hile NASA sings the sam e tune

    And because o f our fears,

    I t has been 30 y ears*

    Since a man las t walked on the moon


    was los t in smoke and flame

    And Columbia

    fel l from the sky

    W ith so m any se tbacks ,

    I have finally* lost track

    But I know tha t too m any have died.*

    Sing out a song of

    the future now

    Sing out a song tonight

    And you might

    rekindle a memory

    Of a future that used

    to be bright

    W e have turned our back on

    the possible

    And substi tuted the tame

    For all r isk we avoid

    And ou r spir i t 's destroyed

    And the "Cult of the Safe" is

    to blame.

    * For the n i tp icky, change to "35 yea rs" in 2007 and

    "40 -odd yea r s " i n 2008 . Th ink ing abou t 50 -odd

    years i s jus t too de press ing to cons ide r .

    I s ing "I have f ine- ly los t t r ack" but som e fo lks ins is t

    t h

    wo rd i s p ronou nced w i th th ree syl lables .

    A l t e r n a t i v e :

    And it seems now we're too scared to try.

    Kat e G l ads t one Ma r t in DeM e l lo sugges t ed on rm . f

    W e have tu rned ou r backs on the po s s ib l e

    And chosen t o c l ing t o t h e t ame

    And the S t a t e w i l l as su re us

    W e' re s a f e and secure , a s

    W e dea l ou r s e lves ou t o f t he game

    And the w riters are

    churning ou t fantasies,

    As Science falls from

    its throne,

    It 's a po or excuse for

    l i t e r a t u r e

    But it's

    better than dreaming alone.


    Sing out a song of

    the future now

    Sing out a song tonight

    And you might

    rekindle a memory

    Of a future that used to be bright.


    a poem by M arcus Bales

    Near Tikrit a tractor-trailer load

    Of 3-M

    Post-It Notes

    w as stoke;

    Northbound outside Baghdad, at a road-

    Block by a b r idge over

    the rain-swollen

    Tigris , a semi hau ling

    paper clips

    W as hijacked at just

    about the same time.

    Police, reviewing

    various data and tips,

    Suspect i t ' s the work of Iraqi organized


    W hen Bush was f ina l ly

    told the thefts


    He s lapped his desk and

    said might have known - -

    Those cottage cheesers "

    The staff,

    confused, conferred

    W ith Condi , who

    dismissed it w ith a w ord:

    "The Shia or the Sunnis

    might be stirred

    To organize, but Kurds have a way of

    their own."

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94






    lyrics 2004 by D r. H. Paul Shuch, his 2004 Earth Day song.

    sung to the tune of "Wh at 's Left of the Flag" 200 2 by Da ve King of Flogg ing Mo lly

    Note that the chorus keeps mo rphing, from one verse to the next. Drama

    (I s ing i t mu ch slow er than the original m elody. It is , after all , a requiem for a planet. )

    W e will ma ke great haste

    As we head to space.

    W e are searching the cosmos w ide

    For another stone

    W e can make our home,

    For the w orld of our birth has died.

    Fly away , me boys , f ly away , me boys

    From o ur own sun 's gravity.

    A galactic cloud be y our spacer 's shroud;

    Save the rest of the stars for me.

    W e have turned our back

    On the skies of black

    And the ocean a sickly green.

    Though I must confess

    That our world's a mess,

    She 's the best one that I have seen.

    Fly away , me boys , f ly away , me boys

    From o ur own sun's gravity.

    A galactic cloud be your spacer 's shroud;

    Save the best of the stars for m e.

    Every human gr ieves

    For the forest leaves

    And the birds that once fi l led the sky.

    No one l ives now w ho

    Has seen skies of blue,

    But the mem ories never die .

    Fly away , me boys , f ly away , me boys

    From o ur own sun's gravity.

    A galactic cloud be your spacer 's shroud;

    Save the best of the stars from me.

    Try to understand

    It was our ow n hand

    Turned our Earth to a h oly hell .

    W e survivors best

    Learn our lessons, lest

    W e destroy other worlds as well .

    Turn away , me boys , turn away , me boys ,

    W e're our world 's worst enemy.

    A galactic cloud be your spacer 's shroud;

    Save w hat 's left of the s tars from m e.

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94


    XENO FILK1A #94

    age 1887

    A W O R M W I T H N O N A M E

    w ords by Michael McAfee

    to the tune of "A Horse With No Nam e" by Am erica




    my first week on the planet Dune I went



    Walking out on the sand

    Em 6/9

    I knew not to step with a steady beat as I




    across the land

    Em 6/9

    n ornithopter went overhead

    m 6/9

    Looking for spice below but the

    m 6/9

    Beauty of all the heat and dust

    Em 6/9


    something they'd never know; You see I've


    Em9 maj9

    Been to Arrakis on a worm with no name, but I'm



    Glad that I went just the same; on



    Arrakis, House Harkonnen may reign but there's



    Too much mystery for them to contain

    After tw o w eeks on the planet Dune

    My eyes b egan to turn blue; after

    Three w eeks on the planet Dune

    A feeling in my heart grew

    And I w as taught w ell and my know ledge was great, and I

    Knew w hat I had to do; because I've


    After nine days, I let the w orms run free because their

    Secret was p lain to see; and the

    Spice I breathed gave me strange dreams, and my

    Sister's the same, it seem s

    Arrakis has an ocean, but it's deep underground, and the

    Fremen w ill guard it well; will we

    Triumph w ith our w eapons of sound?

    Only the sp ice can tell. You see I've


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    U N I C O D E

    by G ary Mc Gath, Copyright 2003. M ay not be published, electronically or in print , without the author 's

    permission. M ay not be archived except for personal use.

    Thanks to Ma rk Man del for reviewing this and offering a few sugge stions.

    to the tune of She l Silverstein 's "The Unicorn"

    A long time ago, on the old mac hines,

    There were m ore kinds of characters than you've ever seen.

    Nobody could tell just which set they had to load,

    They wished tha t somehow they could have one k ind of code .

    There w as US-ASCII, s imp lif ied Chinese,

    Arab ic and H ebrew and Vie tnamese ,

    And Latin-1 and Latin-2, but don' t feel snowed;

    W e'l l put them a ll together into Unicode.

    The users saw this Babel, and i t made them blue,

    So a big con sortium said, "This is wha t we' l l do:

    W e will take this pile of sets and give each on e i ts place,

    Using sixteen bits or thir ty-two, w e've lots of space

    For the US-ASCII, s implif ied Chinese,

    Arab ic and H ebrew and V ie tnamese ,

    And Latin-1 and Latin-2, we' l l let them load

    In a big set of characters called Unicode .

    The Klingons arr ived whe n they heard the call ,

    And they saw the sets of characters , both big and sm all .

    They said to the consortium , "Here 's what we wa nt:

    Just a l i t t le bit of spac e for the K lingon font."

    "You 've got US-ASCII, s imp lif ied Chinese,

    Arab ic and H ebrew and V ie tnamese ,

    And Latin-1 and Latin-2, but we' l l explode

    You if you do n' t put Klingon cha racters in Unicode."

    The Unicode Conso rtium just shook their heads,

    Though the looks that they were gett ing caused a sense of dread.

    "The set that we've assemb led is for use on Earth,

    And a foreign plane t is the Klingons ' place of bir th."

    W e've got US-ASCII, s implif ied Chinese,

    Arab ic and Hebrew and Vie tnamese ,

    And Latin-1 and Latin-2, but you can ' t goad

    Us into putt ing Klingon characters in Unicode.

    The Klingons grew as angry as a minotaur;

    They we nt back to their spaceship and declared a w ar.

    Three hundred years ago this happene d, but they say

    That 's why the K lingons sti l l despise the Earth today.

    W e've got US-ASCII, simplif ied Chinese,

    Arab ic and Hebrew and Vie tnamese ,

    And Latin-1 and Latin-2, but we' l l be blowed

    If we' ll put the Klingon langu age into Unicode.

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1889

    REAL OL D TIME RE LIGION m ore verses

    by Jim Rousey

    Qu etzalcoatl's quite a sm arty

    And he sure knows how to party

    Alw ays has a meal that's hearty

    And that's good enough for me.

    Now , a faithful household Herm

    Well, you'll really make him squ irm

    If his w orm is now unfirm,

    And that's good enough for me.

    Pontus was born w ith Uranus

    Which shoulda made him famous

    Dear lost sea god, please don't blam e us

    And that's good enough for me.

    Demiurge w as once the "builder"

    Hope the name w on't you bew ilder

    Praid the G nostics kind of killed her

    And that's good enough for me.

    Ophion w as one big snake

    He could cau se the earth to shake

    Lost his teeth and had an ache

    And that's good enough for me.

    (Yes, in the fol lowing one, i t 's pronoun ced just l ike in that m ovie that you m ight have seen)

    Ananke's more than just a mu mm y:

    She's Necessity, you du mm y

    With old Khronos, she got chum my.

    And that's good enough for me.

    Out of vacuum cam e the gods.

    Out of w ater, ice, or clods,

    They made us, w e simple sods

    And that's good enough for me.


    and by G ary McGath , to end the song wh en i t ' s

    been going on too long.

    We've sung blessings, we've sung curses,

    But w hat makes it all the w orse is

    We have su ng nine billion verses,

    And that's good enough for

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    age 1890

    F IR S T C O N T A C T , W O R S T C A S E

    by N ick Sm i th , Augus t , 2003

    to the tune of "Old Ros in , the Beau"

    The s igna l cam e f r om the an tenna

    And sc ient i s t s a l l took the i r bow s.

    F i r s t contac t , but one t iny prob lem:

    The a l iens looked jus t l ike cow s .

    The a l iens looked jus t l ike cow s, the a l iens looked jus t l ike cow s.

    F i r s t contac t , but one t iny prob lem : the a l iens looked jus t l ike cow s.

    Imag ine ou r s hock and con fu s ion ,

    And then the nex t shoe hi t the f loor

    The a l ien vesse l was seek ing

    The ir co lony sent long b e fore .

    The i r co lony sent long b e fore , the i r co lony sent long b e fore

    The a l ien vesse l was seek ing the i r co lony sent long be fore .

    A co lony sh ip had gone m is sing

    Som e thousands o f y e a r s i n t he pa s t .

    A may day s en t homew ard a t li gh t -s peed

    H ad broug ht fo r th a r e scue a t la s t .

    H ad brou ght fo r th a r e scue a t la s t , had b rough t fo r th a r e scue a t la s t

    A m ayday s en t homew ard a t l i gh t- s peed had b rough t fo r th a r e s cue a t l a st

    The co lony sh ip had long van i shed

    I ts s igna ls had a l l d ied aw ay

    The a l i en s hoped th ey 'd be ab le

    To take i t s descend ants away .

    To t ake i t s de s cendan t s away , t o t ake i t s de s cendan t s away

    The a l iens hoped they 'd be ab le to take i ts descendan ts away.

    Ins tead, they had found h um an c i t ies

    And na ry a t r a ce cou ld th ey f ind

    Of records le f t by the i r ow n people

    Or c iv i l iza t ions bov ine

    Of c iv i l iza t ions bo v ine , of c iv i l iza t ions b ov ine ,

    Of records le f t by the i r ow n peop le or c iv i liza t ions bovine .

    The sc ien t is ts t ried not to an swer

    The ques t ions the a l iens had

    For s omeho w they knew tha t th e an swe r s

    W ere cosmic -d i s a st r ou s ly bad

    W ere cosmic -d i s a s tr ou s ly bad , we r e co smic -d i s a st r ou s ly b ad

    For s om ehow they knew tha t th e an swe r s we r e cosm ic -d is a s tr ou s ly bad .

    They r ad ioed down a long s equence

    Tha t tu rned ou t t o be D NA

    One sc ien t is t looked , and sa id "Herefo rd"

    And qu ie t ly fa in ted away.

    And qu ie t ly fa in ted away, and qu ie t ly fa in ted away,

    One sc ient i s t looked , and sa id "He re ford" , and quie t ly fa in ted aw ay.

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    age 1891

    It seems that the colony landed

    In England, millennia past.

    Genetic drift, shipw reck and climate

    Had turned them barbaric too fast.

    Had turned them barbaric too fast, had turned them barbaric too fast

    Genetic drift, shipwreck and climate had turned them barbaric too fast.

    They'd been interbred with our cattle

    And eaten on barbecu e grills

    "Or m ilked, w hich is worse", a man uddered.

    Our w arm alien climate w as chilled.

    Our w arm alien climate was chilled, our w arm alien climate w as chilled

    Some puns ju st cannot be repeated, our warm alien climate w as chilled.

    The aliens proved understanding

    And reckoned w e w eren't to blame

    When first they m et sentient grasses

    They'd really done almost the sam e.

    They'd really done almost the sam e, they'd really done alm ost the same,

    When first they m et sentient grasses, they'd really done almost the sam e.

    "Your p lanet is judged and found w anting,

    And w hen w e return to the stars

    We'll spare all your innocent peop le

    But Ronald McDonald is ours "

    But Ronald Mc Donald is ours, but Ronald McDonald is ours

    Some things just cannot be forgiven, and Ronald M cDonald is ours


    C opyright Robin Baylor, 2003-2004,

    to the tune of "M akin' Whoopie"

    Another diaper, another day

    And yet more w aste to put away.

    S/he could be peein', but as you're seem '

    S/he's mak ing poopie.

    All babes & Mom mies, w e gotta know

    That w hen it's coming, you gotta go

    It's in the diaper; now get the w iper

    S/he's m akin poopie.

    Every one loves a baby

    Except w hen they've got "an air"

    Now I am counting time till

    I see less derriere

    So now they say it's Catch 22

    A b etter diaper slows learning, too.

    The kid w on't mind it, w hen all's behind it

    When making poopie.

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1892


    Spo i le r fo r Har ry Pot te r book #5)

    W ords Copy r igh t 2003 D eb r a F r an Bake r a nd N igh tRoads Assoc ia t e s

    p rev iou s ly pos t ed to m y l iv e j ouma l , ww w. l iv e jou rna l .com /u s e rs /mam adeb /

    a n d t o r m f

    t o t he t une o f "Fa s t Ca r" by Tr a cy Chapm an , 1988

    I go t a fa s t b room,

    M ade to seek l i t t le golden ba l ls

    M aybe I c an f ly t o he aven

    M a ybe m y b r oom c a n r u n fr om i t a l l

    Any fa te is be t te r

    Figh t ing to l ive and w hat ' s the use

    M aybe I ' ll f ind m yse l f

    M aybe I ' l l l ea rn I 've go t no thing to lose .

    I go t a f a st b room

    He ha s a f am i ly th a t ho lds h im c los e

    She can lea rn any spe l l the re is

    Fr iends so c lose I 'm af ra id to care

    In my fear he ' l l k i l l them too

    Jus t cas t h is cur se a s green as my ey es

    And I 'l l be a lone w i th j u s t t h i s s ca r

    And know wha t i t means to f e ed on dea th .

    You s e e You K n ow W h o 's g o t a pr ob le m

    If one of us l ives , the other one d ies

    And he s ays I 'm th e one w ho ' s go t t o go

    I s a y I'm gonn a r i d t he wo r ld o f h im .

    M y fo lk s d i ed j u st t o k eep me a l iv e

    I t 's no t m uch o f a l i f e but i t 's w ha t I go t ,

    And i f s omebo dy ' s go t t o take ca r e o f h im

    M igh t a s we l l be m e , w i th no th ing to lo s e .

    I go t a f a s t b room

    I t fl ie s so fa s t I can sweep the sky .

    One day i t 'l l take m e to ba t t le

    I 'l l f igh t tha t ghoul or h e ' l l win the da y.

    The r e a r e times w hen I 'm f ly ing , f ly ing on m y b room

    Flying so fas t I cou ld race the w ind

    W hole wor ld benea th my f e e t

    Noth ing to fear , no dea th up there

    And I had a fee l ing tha t I be long ed

    And I had a fee l ing tha t I cou ld l ive for rea l , l ive for rea l , live for rea l

    I go t a f a st b room

    I can ca tch the l i t t le golden ba l l

    He bo ugh t th i s b room fo r me

    He w as k i ll ed becau s e I'm too young

    I know th ings w on ' t ge t be t te r

    He ' l l s t i ll be d ead a nd I ' l l d ie f igh t ing

    I 'l l fin ish wi th H ogw ar ts school

    F igh t Vo ldem or t un t i l h e k i ll s me .

  • 8/9/2019 Xenofilkia Issue 94



    age 1893

    I go t a fa s t b room .

    I t take s me f a r away f r om my se l f

    Bu t now he ' s dead and i t l i e s in m y t r unk

    And m y f r i e nds c an 't s e e why I ke ep a lone .

    I d

    neve r d r e amed abou t a ny th ing

    Excep t how p eop l e I love com e to d i e


    have no p lan s on how to de f ea t h im

    I 'l l t ake m y fas t b room an d keep on f ly ing.

    I go t a f a s t b room

    I w ish I cou ld f ly away f r om th i s wor ld

    But o the r s made t he de c i s ion

    I f ight fo r m y l i fe and I ' l l d ie th is w ay .

    I go t a fa s t b room . .. .

    T H E S O N G O F W A N D E R I N G C H A R L I E

    by Ar ie l W e inbe rg

    a poem in sp ir ed by Y ea t s ' poem "The Song o f W ande r ing Aengus " and by "Cha r l i e on th e M TA"

    I wen t dow n to th e T s t a t ion

    Because a t r a in was in m y head


    k i s s ed m y w i f e and fami ly

    And o f f w i th a d ime in m y pocke t I sped .

    And w hen I en te red a t Kenda l l Squa r e

    And ch anged ca r s fo r the JP route

    I d ropped th e d im e in to th e f a r ebox

    But t he conduc to r wou ld n o t l e t me ou t .

    I gazed in va in upon the f loor

    But cou ld not f ind s i lver a f lam e

    The cond uctor s t i ll s tood in the do or

    And I

    could n o t ge t o f f o f tha t t r a in .

    M y w i fe st i ll b r ing s m e s andwiche s

    Every d ay a t qu a r te r t il l three

    She te l ls me W al te r A. O 'Br ian los t

    And the fa re 's so h igh I ' ll neve r be f r ee .

    Though I am o ld w i th wande r ing

    From S co l l ay Squa r e to W onde r l and

    I know som eday I ' ll f ind a d im e

    And j ump fo r j oy and c l ap my hand s

    And w a lk a long th e Esp lanade

    And r ide t i ll t ime and t im es a r e done

    The S i lv e r Line bu s unde r th e moo n

    The Go ld Cab unde rne a th t he sun