XAOD Tutorial

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  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    xAOD Tutorial

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 1


    Browse an xAOD with ROOT Interactive Root & PyRoot with xAOD

    Analysis using ROOT

    Analysis in athena & TrigDecisionTool

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 2


    I am NOT an expert. Just trying to give a flavour of what is possible.

    Usual ATLAS software tutorial is a week and xAOD mini-tutorial is 2 days.Most recent ones:



    Useful Links:





  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial



    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 3


    mkdir xAODTutorial

    cd xAODTutorial

    rcSetup Base,2.0.10

    export ALRB_TutorialData=/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/PAT/tutorial/cern-oct2014/

    Standard atlas setup – gives access to softw

    Setup the release we want to use

    Pointer to some data

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Browse an xAOD with ROOT

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 4




    root[0] TBrowser b;

    The TTree containing the variables is called CollectionTree.

    You can look through and “double-click” to see some of the variables. 

    Have split the interface to objects and how the payload is stored (“aux” containers). In code user interacts with

    the interface NOT with the auxilliary storage.

    For fun we can look at a run1 AOD:

    root root[0] TFile *f =



    This is already a very good thing about xAOD.

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Interactive ROOT with the xAOD

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 5

    root [0] gROOT->Macro( "$ROOTCOREDIR/scripts/load_packages.C" );

    root [1] xAOD::Init();

    root [2] f = TFile::Open(


    1_r5591_tid01494882_00/AOD.01494882._113691.pool.root.1", "READ" );

    root [3] t = xAOD::MakeTransientTree( f )

    root [4] t->Draw( "ElectronCollection.pt() - ElectronCollection.trackParticle().pt()" );root [5] t->Draw( "Muons.pt()");

    Once you have done “MakeTransientTree” can now click things in TBrowser by using root/Root


  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    PyROOT with the xAOD

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 6

    PyROOT is very handy when you want to run a quick macro

    cp /afs/cern.ch/work/h/hartj/public/xAODTutorial/xAODPythonMacro.py .

    (chmod +x xAODPythonMacro.py)


    Should print some output about electrons and muons to the screen

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Analysis using ROOT

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 7

    Create a new Analysis package:

    rc make_skeleton MyAnalysis

    rc find_packages

    rc compile

    We will use the standard “EventLoop” package for looping over events. 

    The EventLoop package provides a script to create the skeleton of the class for you inside the

    package you specify

    $ROOTCOREBIN/user_scripts/EventLoop/make_skeleton MyAnalysis MyxAODAnalysis

    rc find_packagesrc compile

    These 3 lines create a new package

    and then asks RootCore to pick it up.

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Accessing the xAOD quantities from our analysis code

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 8

    In MyAnalysis/cmt/Makefile.RootCore add

    PACKAGE_DEP = EventLoop xAODRootAccess

    at top of MyAnalysis/MyAnalysis/MyxAODAnalysis.h add:

    // Infrastructure include(s):

    #include "xAODRootAccess/Init.h"

    #include "xAODRootAccess/TEvent.h"

    Add as public:

    xAOD::TEvent *m_event; //!

    “//!” is important!!!!! 

    Update the package dependencies,

    EventLoop should already be there

    To do any sort of real analysis you will access the xAOD objects using a package called xAODRootAccess. The most important class is the xAOD::TEvent class, which acts similar to the D3PDReader.

    We will also use the xAOD::Init class to handle any xAOD access magic that will happen behind the scenes to the


    Add header files and a new data member


  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Accessing the xAOD quantities from our analysis code (2)

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 9

    In MyAnalysis/Root/MyxAODAnalysis.ccx

    In setupJob() add:

     job.useXAOD ();

     // let's initialize the algorithm to use the xAODRootAccess package


    "MyxAODAnalysis" ).ignore();

     // call before opening first file 

    In initialize() add:

    m_event = wk()->xaodEvent();

    // as a check, let's see the number of events in our xAOD

    Info("initialize()", "Number of events = %lli", m_event->getEntries() ); // print long long int

    Now remake the package:

    rc find_packages

    rc compile

    Tell EventLoop that we actually want to use the

    xAODRootAccess in our job.

    Ignore return code (failure, success, and


    Connect this member to out xAODRootAccess.

    updated our package dependencies, so from our

    working directory we have to rerun rc find_packages

    before compiling:

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Running our algorithm

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 10

    mkdir run

    cd run

    cp /afs/cern.ch/work/h/hartj/public/xAODTutorial/ATestRun.cxx .

    This uses a standard tool SampleHandler to manage sample management.To execute it:

    root -l 'ATestRun.cxx ("submitDir")'

    submitDir is the directory where the output of

    your job is stored. If you want to run again, you

    either have to remove that directory or pass a

    different name into ATestRun.cxx.

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Running our algorithm - alternative

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 11

    In order to debug problems with the code, it is often not practical to run the job from ROOT's interpreter. So,

    if you encounter any problems, you should create a directory like MyAnalysis/util/, and in there put an

    executable source file like MyAnalysis/util/testRun.cxx

    cp /afs/cern.ch/work/h/hartj/public/xAODTutorial/testRun.cxx .

    In working directory

    rc compile

    Then from run:

    testRun submitDir

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Finding out what is on the xAOD

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 12

    One question everyone will have is: how do I know what information/variables are actually stored

    in my xAOD for each container type?

    Need to know the container type and the container key name.

    We can use checkSG.py in Athena.

    Setup a new lxplus session:

    % setupATLAS

    % asetup,slc6,gcc47,64,here

    % export ALRB_TutorialData=/afs/cern.ch/atlas/project/PAT/tutorial/cern-oct2014/

    % checkSG.py



    You usually need to know the container type on left (for example xAOD::CaloClusterContainer) and the key

    name for the particular instance of that container you are interested in which is on the right (for example


    % checkSG.py



  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Finding out what is on the xAOD (2)

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 13

    To know what variables are associated to this container, the trick I use at the moment (again maybe something

    official will come along...) is to use interactive ROOT.

    root -l



    root [1] CollectionTree->Print("egClusterCollection*")

    You will get a printout of all variables you can access from that container

    egClusterCollectionAux.rawEta : vector

    So in your analysis code (after setting up the TEvent and interface magic), you can access this variable from the

    xAOD::CaloCluster object by calling rawEta.

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Now lets look at some objects…. 

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 14

    In MyAnalysis/cmt/Makefile.RootCore add

    PACKAGE_DEP = EventLoop xAODRootAccess xAODEventInfo

    In MyAnalysis/MyAnalysis/MyxAODAnalysis.h add as public:

    int m_eventCounter; //! 

    remember the //! is important!!!!!

    First some event information

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Now lets look at some objects…. 

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 15

    In MyAnalysis/Root/MyxAODAnalysis.ccx

    Near the top:

    // EDM includes:

    #include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"

    In initialize() add: 

     // count number of events

    m_eventCounter = 0;

    In execute() : 

     // print every 100 events, so we know where we are:

    if ( (m_eventCounter % 100) ==0 ) Info("execute()", "Event number = %i", m_eventCounter );m_eventCounter++;

     //---------------------------- // Event information //---------------------------

    const xAOD::EventInfo* eventInfo = 0;

    if ( ! m_event->retrieve( eventInfo, "EventInfo").isSuccess() ){

    Error("execute()", "Failed to retrieve event info collection. Exiting." );

    return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;


     // check if the event is data or MC

     // (many tools are applied either to data or MC)bool isMC = false;

     // check if the event is MC

    if (eventInfo->eventType( xAOD::EventInfo::IS_SIMULATION ) ){

    isMC = true; // can do something with this later


    rc find_packages

    rc compile 

    you can copy



    Analysis_1.cxx MyxAODAnalysis.cxx

    Add includes

    zero event counter

    Increment event counter and print every 100


    Access eventInfo and check if data or MC

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Now lets look at some objects…. 

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 16

    In MyAnalysis/cmt/Makefile.RootCore add

    PACKAGE_DEP = EventLoop xAODRootAccess xAODEventInfo xAODMuon

    in MyAnalysis/Root/MyxAODAnalysis.ccx #include "xAODMuon/MuonContainer.h"

    In execute()://------------

    // MUONS


    // get muon container of interest

    const xAOD::MuonContainer* muons = 0;

    if ( !m_event->retrieve( muons, "Muons" ).isSuccess() ){ // retrieve arguments: container type, container key

    Error("execute()", "Failed to retrieve Muons container. Exiting." );

    return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;


    // loop over the muons in the container

    xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator muon_itr = muons->begin();

    xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator muon_end = muons->end();

    for( ; muon_itr != muon_end; ++muon_itr ) {

    Info("execute()", " original muon pt = %.2f GeV", ((*muon_itr)->pt() * 0.001)); // just to print out something

    } // end for loop over muons

    Offline muons:

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    Now lets look at some objects…. 

    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 17

    Remember when we looked at the xAOD objects trigger muons were stored a xAODMuon with a different



    in MyAnalysis/Root/MyxAODAnalysis.ccx in execute()://------------

    // TRIGGER MUONS//------------

    // get muon container of interest

    const xAOD::MuonContainer* trmuons = 0;

    if ( !m_event->retrieve( trmuons, "HLT_xAOD__MuonContainer_MuonEFInfo" ).isSuccess() ){ // retrieve arguments:

    container type, container key

    Error("execute()", "Failed to retrieve Muons container. Exiting." );

    return EL::StatusCode::FAILURE;


    // loop over the muons in the container

    xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator trmuon_itr = trmuons->begin();

    xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator trmuon_end = trmuons->end();

    for( ; trmuon_itr != trmuon_end; ++trmuon_itr ) {

    Info("execute()", " trigger muon pt = %.2f GeV", ((*trmuon_itr)->pt() * 0.001)); // just to print out something

    } // end for loop over trigger muons

    Trigger muons:

    you can copy


    Analysis_2.h and .cxx

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 18

    Check twiki page for other objects and tools, e.g. jets, GRLTool:




  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial


    histograms are in root file:


    also in hist/valid1.117050.PowhegPythia_P2011C_ttbar.recon.AOD.e2658_s1967_s1964_r5856_tid01600225_00.root so you can

    access them with SampleHandler:

    Add to ATestRun.cxx

    // Fetch and plot our histogram - will pop up window for interactive running

    SH::SampleHandler sh_hist;

    sh_hist.load (submitDir + "/hist");

    TH1 *hist = sh_hist.get (“valid1.117050.PowhegPythia_P2011C_ttbar.recon.AOD.e2658_s1967_s1964_r5856_tid01600225_00")-

    >readHist ("h_muonPt");

    hist->Draw ();


    root -l 'ATestRun.cxx ("submitDir")'

    and you should get a up a canvas popped up with your plot.


    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 20

  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial



    12/11/2014 J.Kirk, UK-HLT Mini workshop, Sussex 21

    Link to trigger talk in ATLAS software tutorial:


    Will look at accessing muon chains. Good place to check other signatures here:




  • 8/20/2019 XAOD Tutorial
