Dear Parents/Guardians, It’s Science Fair time again! The 6 th through 8 th graders are beginning preparations for the Science Fair which will be held after school on Thursday, February 26, 2015 from 6:30-8:00. Each student is required to turn in a project based on the guidelines set in this packet. These projects must be carried out/completed at home. Class time will be used to help learn about and apply the scientific method, researching project ideas, and typing display board information. Please understand that completing a project is mandatory and a grade will be given, however being present the night the projects will be displayed and judged is not required. I have included a scoring guide in the packet, as well. The scientific method is a focal point in science curriculum. Participation in the science fair helps your child meet these educational goals and discover new areas of interest, practice problem-solving and critical thinking, and gain a sense of pride in successfully organizing and completing a project. Keep in mind that class time will not be used to complete the Science Fair Project. Please make sure your student(s) get their Science Fair Entry Form in on time. All project ideas must be approved by me, as well. Parental support is very important in completing a successful project. If you are wondering what your role in your child’s science fair project will be, the following suggestions and guidelines might be helpful: Help your child select a project that is realistic & able to be accomplished within the given timeframe. Help your child find materials for the project such as research sources, building supplies and display materials. Offer support and assistance as your child is working on the project. Please, however, refrain from taking over and “doing” the project for your child.

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Dear Parents/Guardians,

It’s Science Fair time again! The 6th through 8th graders are beginning preparations for the Science Fair which will be held after school on Thursday, February 26, 2015 from 6:30-8:00. Each student is required to turn in a project based on the guidelines set in this packet. These projects must be carried out/completed at home. Class time will be used to help learn about and apply the scientific method, researching project ideas, and typing display board information. Please understand that completing a project is mandatory and a grade will be given, however being present the night the projects will be displayed and judged is not required. I have included a scoring guide in the packet, as well.

The scientific method is a focal point in science curriculum. Participation in the science fair helps your child meet these educational goals and discover new areas of interest, practice problem-solving and critical thinking, and gain a sense of pride in successfully organizing and completing a project. Keep in mind that class time will not be used to complete the Science Fair Project. Please make sure your student(s) get their Science Fair Entry Form in on time. All project ideas must be approved by me, as well.

Parental support is very important in completing a successful project. If you are wondering what your role in your child’s science fair project will be, the following suggestions and guidelines might be helpful:

Help your child select a project that is realistic & able to be accomplished within the given timeframe.

Help your child find materials for the project such as research sources, building supplies and display materials.

Offer support and assistance as your child is working on the project. Please, however, refrain from taking over and “doing” the project for your child.

Encourage your child to work on the project on a regular basis to avoid waiting until the last minute to get the project done.

Be sure your child practices good safety procedures. Please monitor any dangerous aspects of the project.

Assist in the construction of the display board and in its transportation to school (if necessary) on the day it is due.

All projects must be due by the morning of Wednesday, February 25, 2015. This way all the projects will be at the school and ready to set up for display on Thursday, February 26, 2015. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me by phone, (417)256-5239 ext. 306, or e-mail, [email protected].

-----------------STUDENTS: Detach here & return signed bottom piece for 10 points!! ------------Sincerely,Miss Belt

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________

Due by Friday, January 16, 2015, worth 10 points

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SCIENCE PROJECT STEPS1. Choose a topic. Be sure it interests you. Don’t pick one because you think it will be easy. Talk it over with your parents and when you have decided, inform your teacher, and do not ask to change your topic later. Get your Registration form for your teacher signed by your parent and turn it in.

2. State your purpose as a question. What is it that you want to find out by doing this project?

3. Research your problem. Look at any books/websites that might help you, make observations by simply looking at things, talk to people, and find out as much as possible about your topic. Write down any ideas you have and where you got them. Also, keep note of all information needed for citing your resources.

4. Form a hypothesis. What do you think is going to happen? Based on what you know or found out from step #3, what do you think the results of your experiments will be? After doing the experiments, it may turn out that your guess was wrong. It is okay if this happens.

5. Plan your project. How will you test your hypothesis? What experiments will you do? How will you measure the results? Where will you keep your information? Be sure to keep notes and write down everything you do and what happens.

6. Collect all your materials. Find a place to keep things where others won’t bother them. Let other family members know what you are doing so they do not throw your materials away by mistake.

7. Conduct your experiments. Remember, the more times you do an experiment the more reliable and accurate the results will be. Do each experiment at least three times and get an average of the results for your graph. Use something to measure your experiments: a ruler or yardstick if you are measuring distance, a clock to measure time, etc. Check the measurements to be sure you are correct.

8. Record your data. As you do your experiments, you will want to write down what you saw or found out. Organize this information in an orderly manner. Put the date, time, and any other useful information. Write your measurements clearly.

9. Draw conclusions. What did you learn from your experiments? Have you proved or disproved your hypothesis? You made a guess about what you thought would happen. Now tell what really did happen. You don’t lose points if your guess turned out to be wrong.

10. Prepare your titles, charts, graphs, drawings, and diagrams. Make them large enough to see, neat, and colorful.

11. Construct your science fair display. Get your cardboard display board from your teacher so you can show all your work and have your hands free to point to sections when you give your presentation.

12. Prepare and practice your presentation. Be able to tell about what you used what you did in your experiments, and what you found out. Know it well enough that you don’t have to read it from the display.

13. Follow the time line so you don’t leave everything until the last minute. If you need help, tell your parents and your teacher, the earlier the better.

14. Relax and Enjoy yourself. You will do a GREAT job!


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Aw! You mean there are rules? Of course there are, silly, this is made by adults!

1. Number one rule. . . think “Safety first!” before you start. Make sure you have recruited your adults to help you and all the safety gear you will need to complete your project! 2. No photos showing faces or name brand labels can be used your display. #noselfies3. Never eat or drink during an experiment and always keep your work area clean. Contamination is bad, so remove possible contaminants. 4. Wear protective goggles when doing any experiment that could lead to eye injury. Keeping both of your eyeballs and your eyesight is a good goal to have. You should keep trying to meet that goal. 5. Do not touch, taste, or inhale chemicals or chemical solutions. Bleeding out of your eyes, nose, mouth, and other various places is never attractive. 6. Respect all life forms. Animals are not allowed to be used in experiments unless approved by me. Do not perform an experiment that will harm a living creature. 7. All experiments should be supervised by an adult. Safety first! 8. Always wash your hands after doing the experiment, especially if you have been handling chemicals. Chemical burns hurt. Plus, it’s good personal hygiene…9. Dispose of waste properly. Reduce, reuse, recycle! Plus, throwing trash away is another example of good personal hygiene…10. Any project that involves harming animals, drugs, firearms, or explosives is NOT permitted.← It’s the law. Also, no liquids, glass, or electricity will be allowed to be on display. ←Safety first!11. Any project that breaks district policy, and/or local, state, or federal laws are NOT permitted. No tampering with another student’s project. ← Now a law.12. Use safety on the Internet! NEVER write to anyone without an adult knowing about it. Be sure to let an adult know about what websites you will be visiting, or have them help you search for information. Creepy/scary people are bad for you so keep in mind that you don’t know who you’re actually talking to when you’re on the internet! 13. If there are dangerous aspects of your experiment, like using a sharp tool or experimenting with electricity, please have an adult help you or have them do the dangerous parts. That’s what adults are for so use them correctly and try not to break them. Besides, it makes them feel important!

Sample Testable Questions for Science Fair Projects Does the type of liquid affect how fast an ice cube melts? Does changing the temperature of water affect the buoyancy of an egg? Does the amount of Mentos (white candy) affect the height of the pop explosion? (remember you

cannot use brand names on your board or journal) Does the type of wood affect how long it burns? Does the flavor of ice cream affect how fast the ice cream melts? Does the type liquid given to a plant affect its growth? Does changing the height of a ramp affect how far a car will travel? Does the type of liquid affect how fast ice will melt? Does changing the size of a paper airplane affect how far it flies? How does the type of liquid affect how much a penny will corrode in 5 minutes?

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How does changing the amount of baking soda and vinegar affect the height of an explosion? (careful to change only one: baking soda or vinegar)

Does changing the type of liquid affect how quickly a nail will corrode (rust)? Does the brand of detergent affect how thoroughly it gets a grass stain out? How does the type of light affect how quickly a plant will grow? Does surface temperature of a glass affect fingerprints? Do artificial sugars attract ants more than natural sugars? What is the effect of pH on the lifespan of tadpoles? Do fertilizers affect the health of earthworms? Does the type of insulation on the wire affect the strength of an electromagnet? What effect does temperature have on the strength of different types of magnets? On which surface can a snail move the fastest-dirt, cement, or grass? What is the effect of light on rate of seed germination? Do mint leaves repel ants, worms, or isopods? What is the effect of increased or decreased oxygen on plant growth? Does the direction seeds are planted affect plant growth? Does the length of the wire affect the power of the circuit? Can you make an electromagnet stronger by adding more electric cells to the circuit? Which antacid is the most effective in neutralizing an acid? Which germ killer kills germs the best? What materials provide the best insulation? Which electromagnet design is the strongest? Through what material does sound travel the best? What material is the best to keep heat in? Does temperature affect the life of a battery? What material filters oily water the best? Will more air inside a basketball make it bounce higher? Does the thickness of the wire affect the power of the circuit? Does the length of the wire affect the strength of an electromagnet? Does an earthworm react to light, partial shade, or darkness? What type of soil filters polluted water the best? Does surrounding color affect an insect’s eating habits? What is the effect of different amounts of chlorine on plant growth- large amount, small amount, or no

chlorine? What is the effect of different amounts of air movement on plant growth? Do ants prefer artificial sweeteners, natural sugar, or hard candy? What is the effect of a magnetic field on plant growth? Can mealworms or other invertebrates be taught to go through a maze? How does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the height of its bounce? How does the air pressure of a soccer ball affect how far it travels when kicked? Which increases your heart rate more: walking up and down real stairs or using a stair-master? How does the temperature of water affect the time it takes to freeze into ice cubes? How will adding different flavors of Kool-Aid to water affect the water's boiling point? Which brand of popcorn leaves the fewest un-popped kernels?

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Does the flavor of gelatin affect the amount of time it takes to set? Given the same amount of water, how does pot size affect the amount of time it takes to boil? Which type of bread turns moldy first: store bought or bakery bread? How does a light bulb’s wattage affect the amount of heat detected above a light? Which can support more weight: paper or plastic grocery bags? What brand of paper towel is most absorbent? Does a no name stain remover work just as well as a brand name? Does the color of a shirt affect the amount of heat it absorbs? How does temperature affect the growth of mold? Do different brands of batteries last longer than others? Which stays fresher longer: organic or non-organic fruit? Can people use their sense of hearing alone to tell apart a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter? Can blindfolded people tell the difference between bottled water and tap water? How does increasing the height of a ramp affect how far a ball rolls down the ramp? How does caffeine affect people’s heart rate? Which type of container traps the most heat: a shoe box covered in aluminum foil, plastic wrap, or wax

paper? Which kind of gum keeps its flavor longer: sugar free or regular? Does having worms in soil help plants grow faster? What is the effect of salt on the boiling temperature of water? How does temperature affect a magnet?

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CHECKLISTProject Poster Board

1. Statement of Purpose- State the purpose of the project in the form of a question.

2. Hypothesis- State the hypothesis (educated guess that answers the project question.

3. Materials- List all the materials used in the experiment.4. Procedure- Describe how the experiment was carried out. Provide a step-by-step

explanation of how you conducted the experiment. Include drawings or photographs to help clarify your procedures.

5. Variables- Identify all the variables in your experiment: Independent= what changes; Control= stays the same, Dependent= what is measured/observed

6. Data/Results- Present data tables and graphs that show the outcomes of your experiment.

7. Conclusion- Compare your results to your hypothesis. Did your results support your hypothesis or not?

Miscellaneous- Be sure to include names. Include photographs or drawings. This is a visual way to communicate to others so take your

time and do a good job!


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Science Fair Websites1. California State Science Fair: Read about this science fair which has been going on since 1952! You can learn how to enter, get help with your own project, or see a directory of past projects. http://www.usc.edu/CSSF/ 2. Cyber Fair: See sample fair projects, look through other student's examples, and see the steps involved in judging projects. http://www.isd77.k12.mn.us/resources/cf/welcome.html 3. Experimental Science Projects: Outlines steps in preparing a project (complete with an ideas list), and suggests the best ways to prepare one at different grade levels. http://www.isd77.k12.mn.us/resources/cf/SciProjIntro.html 4. Science Buddies: Use the topic selection wizard to help you figure out what science projects interest you most. Once you have a topic, get help doing research, setting up the experiments, and completing them. http://www.sciencebuddies.org/ 5. Science Fair Central: Includes cool project ideas, a science fair handbook, reviews of students' experiments, and more from Discovery Channel School. http://school.discovery.com/sciencefaircentral/ 6. Science Fair Project Resource Guide: Samples, ideas, magazines, resources, and more. Includes a list of sites that explain the Scientific Method. http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/projectguide/ 7. Scientific Method: Describes the five steps of the Scientific Method that are helpful when creating a science fair project. Includes examples of wording and sample projects to explain certain steps. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/sciencefaircentral/Getting-Started/Investigation.html 8. Super Science Fair Projects: Guide to projects, topics, experiments, and tips for successfully completing a science project, including the six steps of the Scientific Method. http://www.super-science-fair-projects.com/ 9. What Makes a Good Science Fair Project?: Short guide written by a group of experienced judges for the California State Science Fair. http://www.usc.edu/CSSF/Resources/Good_Project.html



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TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015PLEASE RETURN YOUR FORM TO YOUR TEACHER ALL STUDENTS MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE SCIENCE FAIR Students must submit a project as part of their graded classroom work. It is a Science class requirement.

GRADE LEVEL _______________

*STUDENT NAME _____________________________________________________________ **PROJECT TITLE ____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*All parents must sign and approve their child’s Science Fair Project.

I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the materials for the Science Fair and I am aware that my child is required to complete a Science Project.

I have approved and given permission for my child

_____________________________________ to participate in this year’s Science Fair.

Student’s Signature _______________________________________ Date ______________

Parent’s Signature ________________________________________ Date ______________

Teacher’s Approval of Project Please Conference with your Teacher about Project

Teacher’s Signature _______________________________________ Date ______________

Science Fair Project Category (circle 1):

Life Physics Chemistry Earth/Space

Math/Computers Behavioral

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Name: ___________________


Due Date: ____________________________

Topic: __________________________________________________________________

Question (Statement of Purpose) (Written as a Question)

Hypothesis: USE: If……, then Try NOT to useI think…..because

Materials I will need:

Procedures: (Detailed Steps)

Results/Conclusion: (What happened in the

experiment? Did your

conclusions support your

hypothesis or not?)

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You must have 3 Resources

Resource #1 Resource: Type of Resource: _______________________________________________ Website: http://________________________________________________ Author: ______________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________________ Publishing Company: ___________________________________________ Location of the Publishing Company: ______________________________ Date of Publication: ____________________________________________ Information found in your own words: (Must be at least one paragraph summary.) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Resource #2 Resource: Type of Resource: _______________________________________________ Website: http://________________________________________________ Author: ______________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________________ Publishing Company: ___________________________________________ Location of the Publishing Company: ______________________________ Date of Publication: ____________________________________________ Information found in your own words: (Must be at least one paragraph summary.) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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Resource #3 Resource: Type of Resource: _______________________________________________ Website: http://________________________________________________ Author: ______________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________________ Publishing Company: ___________________________________________ Location of the Publishing Company: ______________________________ Date of Publication: ____________________________________________ Information found in your own words: (Must be at least one paragraph summary.) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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Experiment must be completed using Scientific Method.

Each bold word below should be clearly visible and labeled on the display board followed by readable information. (10 pts each)

_____ The Question you are trying to answer in large print at the top of the display board.

_____ Research about topic/question on display board or in a folder by the board & clearly labeled.

_____ Hypothesis stated and clearly labeled.

_____ Procedure/Test clear/concise with the steps of the experiment listed & clearly labeled.

_____ List of Materials used & clearly labeled.

_____ Variables identified & clearly labeled- Independent (changes); Dependent (observed/measured); Control (stays same)

_____ Data Collection illustrated using visuals (charts, graphs, photos, drawing, etc.)

_____ Results recorded & clearly labeled.

_____ Conclusion given & clearly labeled.

______ Title of project clearly labeled in large print on FRONT of board along with name & class underneath.

______ Overall presentation is neat, organized, & creative.

______ Edited for correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.

______/120 point total.

______ Percent
