•vuium €****** -«» yete-YDr* CwtHyer. .. , •••.».• .ana, —n . ai.naia ,M YJaTAMTdD-BY 4 VOONO ^~V M Aamatuet BeekkMpov i CoWMleatoB Haute, at ata i f TiViw. ANi MAN, * SITUtTION W Ct«rfe I* • Wkr )«•>'• any Naaae*nbl« •>«.; M.T.Y..th.**aVe. i •HIirT3TZiianS5i the toa'tora country. N W Character art habile irequir.d. Nooihet* Iy ao obieottoB. A-Mroae ir»« »•• A aitUAttUsTTri FIHMI. __ j|t I tBaaS" W AITED-A »>aTTT*nON BY 1 YOUJO Mill WHO . i i i O M N l n l BeMkeeper. Batty Clerk M i Can*, sat Kate* Mr east* particular to M M " aa A. 1>. M M ef ihio paper. DoTT OOODB Wl»ftMK A GEMUAN. vY Baaaiaj at feeerel COM OMM given M a n to to_ee 4iawaWii«ll.laiaf«a»OaVa TiiWfli locales* wMfc MM AIT- AIR— ir rutNCH CAPTIMO ___•t_W AamnuuaYmoaUna? ..wssSre 0 ""- .A CLIFTON. MD* IDA VEBNON. BNADB CONCERT TMB OYRRTl RE. POPPING THB QUESTION. BACUFLOB'S TOaHaKNTS _to Blake *ad Davenport, Mr* Blaka. IB analoDni oedPs-meo-de Cimeert «f Half aa Hour. COLUMBUS BL FIUBUSTERO CoWmbae Mr. Breeciiam Daata aaaa «» j : CaWBBSBBa to »iWfc Mil .... toaajijajO ch*wteso»t* 7a—u w ANTED-—IN toatdtto* ACAIH DIT OOOM JO«Blr>0 „.a yeaa* ana wk* taereoshly aadatauae* Ma baotoe a aed CMtodu.ao*a fait .aa—a* af .teda. Tee***, a llbara *el*ry win a*gvea Addiooo.la IOBSIIMI.oto-toe raal aaaaa ami w.g.g WMted, 1 R., a* ito OBEM af tola aa- WS^SaM^pSllS vyJrM.MEAbl. for B M j v J ^ e j oa^by ^ ^ X MERICAN rtoiiow- MO tou elterceoL tsVMawoed Iroa. .MtoMNe.lFe*adry do, SMtuooNe.l do Aa. MStMoMe.8 aa fc_l_ . w "KMBI.R. 38 WMI at R USSIA GOODS-RuaelaCraM, aaawtod, to etore BM to arrive. Bolt Bope-Hethe fc Bueoad quality Co Hemp Yarna—let ; uallty Cordage, in bead arna—let aa*Sad in Hanii>—.a itora aad ta arrive la bead and duty aald. JeAqMllty. F«*t bar *-l* arrive £•17 Fes-aale by W. ROPES a, Co.. 198 Froat at, bliiiy rar. w 1 Polish..—.. thraodettoae .--.sr^M^^ Jrfrliarttw , - fc *»•& JAttBggrfo-^n^ aaVtCMMtoal MMifeywashing,aad Milmh eihfVeitioto*. Oeel oatoomea eaa a«M two to mmim - *vtts&st& sear *•> . ATIOII At COACHMAN BY A .. iftvlfew aalaWwIaatoaja^aUfMairwaftil. BtM §aud raaaaaaiaadaHaaa. AAdiaaa 9.9., W A N T K ^ n A TOUNG M A N •KtlOINU WITH T».kU.aa ••«*-.» aitMian In aOnOwAaJoaaiof prjav TT AU aa *_ta--A aitawan InaDryOordaJ . aantag Haaaa-Waa twaiariy aaaatry eiark ajiikainbtor, uafotmaata la kaaiaaaa. ialatjr aot aa auwk aa ebjrat aa tka praearlait of woik and ia wuiiac u»aaaaptal aap poaitwa. - AddfaaaQ-M.ittluaaMca. je30 W ANTED BT~A SOVfio WOMAN-A fITOATION aa «aiiar Bka la tboraufhlr aiM'lMMd la all tka daUaa tbat would ba raouitad effear, aad eaa tlva tka kaat af rafaraacaj fruai tkaaa aaa k*a faraMrl* aarrad. BuoniraM tka rooma ovar tka Maw Vatk CAuatr Baak, earaw oTMk a* " "aaSTtr Mow BHGAdteD IN CXOIINO •aua aad l«k atraaL BOOkKEBPEi: o roan la a lakkiaf kMta aaapyaaaHa baaaa, arkara •eaMltrrka«A_aikkskbakaaaadchirt«of(artlM ra U a takktaf kM*a. la ra«dr to eaaaltata »aa a food > AMM. wkara a «aod altattloa aad a liaaral aalaff MMmSS Addtaaa^N j^M., ENOUSMUAV. AOE «. IN Tku C5CNTBY Mat aja, witkat a aiiaatiaa aa dark ilxkt paitof. or ia awv kaaiaaa* eaaacrtf; ia a food wnt«r, earraet aoaoaataat, aad aa* afraid aff kardwark A para.aa.aj artaaUoa awra daairad tkaaa ktrn aakWf. AdAraaa B. C., bat M»S P. O. JjridStla* A YOUNO MAN. 17 YEAMk Of AOK. WUHE» j TO A . laara M M wkalaaala naaiaaaa. Caa tivaaood re- faiaaoa a* taekaraetar, Be., aad ia aot afraid ta work. AA- <lraaai. OarTlkXP. Faat Ottoa. jyiluia' OOOKKKBPEB-A •COTCHUAN. 30 YEABH OV mm. aajcwkakaaai kaapar ia arat alaaa ai(«*Uaa wbara aam rlgataaaa ara apprVaiatad Maat aat>afaeiai> raeaaaawad uon eaa aa iaaa Maaaa adaraaa '• MU« koic." tkia attoa it 13 iwia' tka atattlM af _ aahiar aad Baak. . Inaalnn f i H r f lamliriiora laraar aa aa acaoaataat aad atarliaf ap- HAHNV n*m MC8BUM. A DVENT 0 * THE BnMMBB a,4|pN!^WYMAN, ibt wiiABD •»i.T J _^* , ^P , 'I_._ 1, .J i z_r_ r rNIB kYaNl <». »t 1% 0*0 art. aad alaeTHIl AETEB- HO"N a>. 3 o Mnek. la kia bia*<ra titMla*Uat'l-aubtla. | B aiba l**«»aiarlMtajllWtat>aa of ika »oodar of ubtiteal aad ••oVaaiiu- a-la*oa Hla ILi.VMlNATbD MYSTIC TRMPLN. l—tV* *f a»t aaTwitk all ika para^karatlia of tumnLiaurf iiitUi** wl'l ba atl' aa' ^ -ar/tct .a »ll •»• *uE%aatlaa MODEL OE THE NEW CENTRAL EABK tka tara 4<J AATYABIA. tka haow HAPPV FAMILY. BfcBPIjjk ft.t^ ^ ^ ^ ui4w t # t B c f - t •I UOBIK •HOt> aad Hacaa tkaalroa for aala by tka I I I «faaturai'i aaaata. FOR HALE. , FOB IALE.-AN ELEOANT MANBION WITH , Oraaa kaaaaa attaakad. at Now Otopsk. L . I , abaat 1 la»U»ftoaa Batk.lof-taar wick IM aaraa af Load tead- laid aat witfc akrabbtrv, Eralt Traaa.»«.. aaaaitoa roatdaairabla raaidaaaat ia ika Wato. kanaafto kaawa aa tka A.totMHM^ ~**%afftiRg*mmi. jylOlw W»1i 15 Nta»aaat, Coaiataawaa tk BABwMjr jpa. "CTENTBAL EA1K, AND 3*fH»TBEKr LOTJ 9 rOat BALE. *** TWO LOTS aa MB Avaaaa. b . t a w Wtk aad «• ata. 30 EKKT oaSAtb airaai. wttk atakla Lot M 33d rraat. *» r EKT M 3ttk atiaat. witk aubla Mil Lot u. 3/tk atraat. 45 EEET oa Utk itrtat,katwaaaStk aad Madiaaa avaaaaa. Apply ta CHAUNCEY BABNABD, •t Wall atiaat, j»14 latf laaaaay Court. jiff Dk LAMBPMJC k LOCK WOOD, to CllEat C AST STEEL BBLLA-THhi SUMCBIBEM ABE aow praparad ta aMnataord»r> for Caat-a«_>l Batlaaf aaoariar taaa. at <da at tkalr aa.afci|akiaaai (a tarBkHd. Eac* laaJ. Thata Bala kava a i»n pur* malououa ao_ad.pMauar to atea>: aad awiaa ta tka al**Ucity mi tka a>«Ul, tka aoaad p* aotiataa ta a giaat dto>a»aa. Tkay araaaek BptMl tkaaardiMrjrBaUa af tka i»aM aiaa, aad ara tMaaajami* am aaatiy raag, aad awiaa to tka traat daaaity aad wall-kaawa atcanatk of tka atttorial, i alaMMt iMpoaaiblataaraakikaM wi»k aidiaary aaaaa. Caat-Btoat kwlWaan baaa aaoeaaataUf ialtodoead ia Eaf laad, Caraway aad caaaJa; aad baiM aald akaapar tkM Cuapoaltioa Ba la, it ta praaaaacd tka tkia fact, ia eonaae> tioa wBhtkalf liaktaaaa, atraaitk, >-ad awaataaaa of toaa will oonawad tkaai to pablto favor la ikueaaaiu far.Ckurak- aa. AepdaaUaa, Eira>AUrata. etc. etc. Ckiaaa eaat to oidar witk araat acearacy. Evary Bail ia warraatad for oaa year, witk propar aaaaa, ia MV rh«va/« Ci-oulara. witk full daariptfov, prkaa, raeoamaadanoaa, at«. will ba faraiakad on api4ie*<1aa to NAYLOR B CO., No. W Joba at.. Haw York, of fall _ ^ Na.toStataat. Boatoa. CJILYEB-PLATED TV B E E N 8 - 1 ba aubacribara oBar for < 9 rata aaaia ekoioa pattoraa. at ra looad orieas d37 WINDLB B CO W aaCaf Malaaa Laaa. P IG IRON A»LoAt-140 toaa No 1 Qlaatataoak Pi« Iroa m board akip Escalator, froai Lirarpool, Aw aala la NOB SALE-THE MO»T DESIBABLE AND wcl-botit koaao. No. 11 Eaat IM atraat, aaar tka Stk araaoa, fan. >k«d to tka boat atyla, with awrfcla Boor to halt, raaawaod oWra, Be., Be. Api,ly to tDWAHD H. LUDLOW B CO.,fc». 14 Mae atraat, Ceaaieawealth Baak BailAiaaa; OtU) ja!7 3uwatia r EOl SALE. THB VALUABLE 4-irlORY BROWN STONE HaoHa and tot No. l » Waat l«tk atraat. Tbeaoajaala iapatfaet order, haylae MM roooatly fnaeaad aad painted tkroaaiioet; witk all awdero laproawajaeta. Heotdiopeaad af ay Sept. 31. it will kaanld at auetien Eortanaa, Be., ap- ply to E. M. LUDLOW B CO , No. UMair. {aBtaawowia* (PWi Caaaajarelal Baak BaiMiag. BUlLPINO kbEa IN 1HE H.6HLANB8 -I'OR IPaala: •™*aadt £ NTRY CTEBIK OB BOOKBEEPEH-WANTED BY a youaf awa.aa Aaorlcan.a aitoallon aa Batry C ark ~ "••• ** "* -*•*• iptiooabla lyi faialah naneap .. AaaiatMt Bookkeeper. Oaa rafaraaoaa AAdraaa A.Vtkia aafca. »»i«ii__ ¥>TlV ATS C6ACHMXNW ilTtJAnoNWAItTEDlY JL a raapaoiaMa yoaaf ata* ; ka uadaratiada kia baaiaaaa peifaetly waUi ke kaa no abjactioMa to tka eouutry. Ha eaa Jri-a (ood ofry rareraBeea. Addreoa ». H. T . tkia oaato. jylAatra* It.—MV A YOUNO MAN, IN tbe Oooda kaaiaaaa. Haa keen in tka baaiuaa* upward* ot ali yaara. Uadeabtad rafareaca «i»an far koaamy aad iaiatrity. Fleaae addraaa SALESMAN, Ceariar aad Eaqalrar oBlea. MrfAt S ITUATION WANTED, BY A YOUNO MAN, IN the wkoiaaale or retail liquor baaineaa. Tae beat of lefareeeo arivoa aaaaeaoabiuty M iHtegrHy. Aduraaa E. M , Courier aad Soomirer. JaS _ k^ittfATlUN WANTSt 0 Jewalty aad Fancy < MISCELLANEOUS. 3k-*%% SoKLkT, Oa'realou. J.C.fcS K. SMITH, IfpiitarHle, Walker Co, SORLhY. SMITH & CO., GKVEE »i- sHlPPlNii k COMMIMiiON MEHl HANTS ADD COLLECTION A (f E N T 8 , DALYAteTON. lliXAS- Stria) ultemmo pai>' to tbe eolleetiut.- >>f buiiuem paper, and prove ti« pmmi'tlr rrmttteil M ^ , -VT.V^WkiUoc k fcCo. " Lew.a B. Brown B Co., Latkrop B Wllkiaaoa. __i»_l 6 ?- ihreo Sitaa. M abota, m aaar "Oarriaon'a Btatioa" I tka Steam Farry at Waat-Poiat. Apply to JAMES HOPPEM, UOarriwa'a Depot, Or CBAWPOBD fc REYNOLDS. •y31 M.WfcE 3UwtlU 83 WllUam atraat, N. Y. S FOB SALE -A YALUAtfLU FARM AT NEW town, L. I , taloatina to tbe eatate of Garret Yan D»na doeeaaed. contaiaiac 148aeraa aitnatad at Midd'aVil, lac*, about five milaa from Williamaborj-h farriea, baaotilol- ly located with a front on bock aidea of wiliiaaMbartk tarn-- pikaa. iwodwa'liot koutea. barn*, carriace-ooaaea, aad all aociaaary eMbui'diaaa. St aeraa of weadlaad, aad the lea aaoallaat Uilaola laad. troll adapted to gra ' orforconntry aaaia for aemlenjon fork. WiilkaaatAtoaetharoiaaiiL ekaaer*. Tor fartket partioalara. arply to_ JOHITLLOYD It SONB. IS Neman atreet, jyia« (No 31 CvmowawaaltkBaUdiaf. MJbAMIBaalAli NTWYI #ka&ava to cresta*. or dairy onr- lenAn doiac buainaa* in »i aanwataly.taauitpni- lota to auit porebaaera SAM'L J14 THOMPSON'S NEPHEW, 27o Pawl atieet S COTCH PIG IRON- 315 ton* Cohaoaa, raady for delivery. 375 ton* Gloat-raock do lota to auit purckaaara, by aMJ I?I _ S HEATHING COPPER—100 eaaea Ereeama'a KiT Skeatkias copper. 14a3t oz. for aala ia lot* to auit ky do do. for aala la UNHAM fc DIMON fTSoutket. n>34 JOSIAH MACY'8 SONS. lWEroatet M ETALS. Be.— BtveaTto, Intet Copper, Spelter, Autiaiooy. Pie Lead, BavMit Maul, Tel«(Mpk aad A ma*' Shovel* Fence Wire. And Suadei, for aala by 17 JOHN W. QUINCY B CO. to William it BY FURNE8S, BE1NLFY At CO. Nee.Stand 70Market atreet On TUESDAY MOBNIMG NEXT BRITUH AND STAPLE DBY GOODS Ba Oatalofm*. *a aii atoatka credit—A tall aad seaoral at* a..rtm*Maffie«a laaaoatedSarua* Good*. *Cl"b«C***ta»*r^aaHTaaira«a A feU eaeort»«A.«t I liitJ.Caaaian ii VaaHaea.C—it* *"r—'""j**„. t uSkLlBeaa."kirtiagaae Daaaaak Linaaa, Tafcla Clatke. Napkiae. Floor Clatka.fcj. tTarniaa Huaiary Gaoda A deairakU aaaartaeat; alee UratbaaM, MedreeHdkfa. Be. N. B. Saioaiaata per Union Lino on or before BatnidAf. SPBING SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. UN PlUDAV MORNING NEXT. BY CATALOGUE-Oo Bis Month*' Credit—A fall and •oMiaTaaaortaeat. laeloiiinc Pari* DroMaaoda, Plata aad printed Lyoa'»Drea*Silk», fce.fcc. lateet ttjla* for Sprtof Trade. N. R—Sklpaaata for above aale on er before Wodaooday. Wa. Toepii ILLlAnl' AttCttOBHIf- BY WILLlAlf TOPPING « CO.. No lit Broadway, S. W earaer of "adai We have raaovot to No. u s Broadway, S. W. earaer of Cedar atraat, wkere we will koldoor rHalar tale* oa Twee- day aad Friday throasbeut tka aaaaon. THIS DAY F RI DA Y—At Tan oVloefc at tka A action Room. RY CATALOOUB-rOR CASH-A pawral awortaeat of roBElUN and DOMESTIC DBY GOODS, in lot* eAnpte- LACEB-50 AUCTION SALES. BY ANTi damael C. Cook, Aaeiieaeei ay DUTILH, doot & co. , AVOTWHUSa ANO OOMMiaaiOM MMIGHAVM. No. IM Soaik-Freat atreet, above Waiaat. SALE OF EYERY MONDAY AMD THURSDAY. r GROCERIB8~At 11 o'clock. _jf»lar Sale* al Grocer;**, Boaadiaa, Wiaea, Draea, Be. Makacaat, Marble, Weal,China. EartkaaaadOlaatware.fc Rafareaeee- Meoara. Dot.lk fc ( a . New York. Noam Taylor fcCe. •awlar B Llvlarttoa. " MYERS, CLAGHORN «e CO.. Auctiooeevs. Ne. 333 Market atreet and No. 4 Baak atreet; EVERT THURSO tV. Reealar Sale* froa tk* Shelvea will !•• ke d every Tkore- day.eoaai'tiacof FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, oaa credit. N.S.-LIBKBAL CASH ADVANCES aada en cenei|u- aeattof Merchaadiaa iatended far fall aale*. July lat. MSB •ONTO". BRODHBAD & CO., AVcnofiMM ASS • M t B A i ooamnaaioN MERCHANT* Batearooa 6J aad 66 Tieaeat atreat, Boatoa- BROOHEAD fc r o . reaoeetiaUy »ol|eit conaianaeaiae aerehaadiaa'oreale at public auction. Tkay koM rafulai mice of Faraitore, Piano Forte*. Dry Good*, Paiatinn, Sealptara, Wiaea aad Liqaora, Diamond, and Jewelry, Beaka aad Staiioaery. See-are and Waat India Oooda, aad merckM- 65) seaemlly, faiIke diaalay and aale ol whick tkoir M* aad apaclooa aala* room oAer iaereaaed faeillrtaa. Liberal advnacaa atade ra eoaaif naeata wkea desired, aad prompt return* mall Refer, by paraieaien.to _ Meaara. Joaraeay A Co., New York. _ Hoa. J B. Rredkead U. B. Naval Oataar, Hew York. Meaara. Whitaey FenaofcCo., HOB. C. H. Poaaiae. Cotieetar of the Port, Boatoa. _. BAL-TIMOBri. Ja*' g\Ut METAL-tODOaouade in atere.for aala ky 1 ' a5 SMITH. COOPER fc CO. ~~ 133 at. I |IG IRON-IOJ toaa W*ardal*. for aala by GBINNELL. MINTURN A CQ.78Soath*t. O LD RAIL ROAD IRON—ISO ton* of superior oaaiity to be delivered at New Havea.for aale by nl STUKOES CLEABMAN B CO. 110 Wall at C EAD—A lot af 600 pica Rout* Laad to arrive, for aale by MAITLAND, PHELPS fc CO. inblS 45 and 47 Exchange Placa. F OR 8ALE-Fonr8teaa Engine* and Boiler*, 10 aad bora* power earn, entirely new. Apply to anU HOLDANB A CO., M ami ft Waakiaatoa at. U TO LET. TO LET-ENTIRE SET OF LOFTS OP 130 Broadway. 25iW, wall located, and will be let ree- eoaable to a eood taniat For particular* aaouire of (Nu.3) JOHN LLOKD fc SUNS. jy,6lw Id Neman at., Coamonwjaah^Rnildins^ , MAIDEN-LANE STOHE TO LET - N o . 7 8 - T h . whole buitdin*-, in first rate order, anitable tor any kind .of fancy b i* n**a or manufactmiar purpoae*. Will o* let low. Apply on toe premiae*. jyioetia 14.50 Pail TOM DELIYERED-Loonat Mountain Coal M ta^Oper tea—Prlee Redecod-Caab bay- era wao amy wtok totoho ia tfceir Co»l early, CM kove the •anuin* Locaat Meuatam Coal dellvortd froa bnata, le t^od wdor. at toe above low price. U delivered How the raid 10 •crooned. M aeau addltienai. Ala. Ue beet Bed Aak Coal at r •&,%$>£&,%*»> RAM OBSlFAm. New Yaik, *- AndfcetofSeuth7.kandBontkKiih atreet*, jylt WiUmaakaish. Zj rEAM ENOINE—Oaa 00 horai j.o«t*i. aada by the Nor 9 Mu Iroa erk*. la seed raaalat ardor, tor mia cheap by WANTED WANTEC-A STORE IN BROADWAY. BE i„,..n rurtlandt aad BeafeStreets, or la Chambers or W.rnu street, betwoea Broadway aad Church atreet Ail i' .-- 1 "* . F-, this ofice, atatiaf locaMoa, siss and i*ni. }|IS 1t« NOE «>P PROPBBTT WANT the EfcTiT TBDvll O 1XCHANGE, SOME OF be*t land Mr batmUw ait., onto* Hudson Rlrai sad i« he Mtghbotkoad of Tkrrj Town, for a good hoa** JyiStti* fErtbiE, JUDIjON fc CO.. aSaeutbat. ay PAUTAK, JUDSON A CO.. Iriaen. xasoovkst. .ABY iRdls-lcoioaa Jt»t.ed,..-i.d. « P .ajr tor Alee MS toaa aheap Pig Iron, .attsb.e tor Mu% r-r-teei-.^ and lot. on. or near tae nbaveea*. For p.niaolar* eaquir* at No. 70 MarchamV Eaclto-dv, from 11 to 3 o'clock niylSlstf ; TOBACCO AND SEGARS H AYANA SEOARB-Tke RB—tbe amtetatned have eooataatly on fo* **1* in aaoMitiea to salt, Ike fluest :: Piearaa, rartifas. Cabanas aad otker followiaaratyiae. via ; Biitanica Rofe- A ARON A. DEGRAUW OFFERS FOB SALE A T N S43 Senthstreet, between Pile aad Ratgar atreet* . appe site".- act Waal aad Balance Dry Docks— M cam* Eatlisk Copper, IS a 31 oaa so do do Metal. do. 30 do Aaericaado. do. 40 do 8heatkiBfZiae,Noa.U,U,ll,lT. 10,0u« lb* CompositienNaila.aaaortadalia*. 10,080 lb* do Spikes, do 40 ca»e* tarred Tali, in sheets, 40x32 leak. 10 do do ia roil*. SO kegs Zinc Sheathiag Nail*. 6000 lbs. Patent Pelt Paper. 10,000 lbs. tommon Sheathing Hap*r—lor sal* in lor* to (ait N. B—Old Copper aad Metal taken ia part ^jjiuent. II"re- quired. *•*__ S COTCH 'WO IRON FOR S A LE—360 ton* Glengainock", now readjr for tlelivery. 4H5 tons Cuitne*. to arrive per bark Oingo, and for »*!* in lots to volt purchasers by jy!3 DUNHAM > DIMON, OTSoutk a. H OLDANE A CO., S4 fc M WASHINGTON Street, offer for ale at tka lowest market rates s Rngliah Plata aad Sheet Iroa, fiom 3-8 to. to No. 30 wire BY F. W. BENETT & CO., (Successor* to and of Cannes, BennettfcCo.) Auctiunttrt eeuf Commustuit Merchant: No*. 38aad 30 roath Cksriea at.. Baltimore. Offer their aervlo* to the Merchanta. Manufaci urer* and Trader* of Now I erk tor tke aala of Dry Good*. Boot* aad Sko**, Hardware, Groeeriaa aad Merckaadiee generally, either for private or tu»Uc aale*. All aalee caaked upon tke oaa* tera* ae otker bones*. Liberal Cart advance*, without astro charge, made on con- algnxaat for public mle. Tkoir *tor*« are situated IB tk* centre of business, and tfceir experience of mere than eUteeu ysnra in the aooUea buaiaeaa, oaable them to offer grant ad van'ages ever apy other asm** ia tkia city. References—R H Lowry. Etq , Ca.kier Bank of J.epubUc. Messrs HaggertyfcCo.,N*wYoik. Binaa fc HaJatei d. Joseph C. Ginob fc C >.. Philadelphia. W a . Woodward fc Co., Baltimore. Cham, LillyfcCo. E Pratt fc Brother, •• CanAold,BrotherfcCo. " BY TAYLOR At GARDNER, tSuain to Bobt. A. Taylor fc Soae.) ~~" No»,«fcSBwi—»aar*et. Baltimere. PALL SALES OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DBY GOODS. Oar Sola* will be held regularly tkroogkrat tae eeaaea, coaimeneing oa tk* 19th of Auguat. ' EVERY THURSDAY, Onaiz asonths credit-Comprising British, Frenek, Swiss, German and American Staple and Fancy Dry Good*, Clota*, Caaimer... V.rti-gjfce.j.. „ o D __ MANTILLAS of fuklonsble atjlea. AILK8—Pevaral Invoice* of Black and Colored Silk Pieeea of aaaaonabl* and deiirable .tylss. BLACK CRAVATB—130 d JIOB %l, 34,36, aad M inck Black UNENS— -***•*• aad halo* of Shirting Liaana, Dnataak*. Table Clotba, Napkina. D anais,fcc..fcc. L C HDKPS.—3 0 dosta L. C Hdaf*. iu all qualities. DOMIST1 '8-8k**tin«s. ..hiriinga, licaa. ail**i*a. Cam- Liio. and other Domestics. SHAWLS—Several lavoicoe of seasonabls Shawl*. HObllkV-too dosaa Womcu's, Miami aad Meas Cotton Hose «nd half Ho»* SHIRT*— I* 1 d<«ea » kite aad Colored Shirt* in aseertment SloCK GOODS-Ssserai lovoieoa of Staple and fancy 8to<*aood*toci-*eaocounia. SUSPENDERk—»« doaon French G. E. Buapeadara, ia all eualities and ttvlas RlBBuNS AND TRIMMINGS—IU0 eartona Bonnet Rib- boa, and Triuimiaie la full •ttmeut CLOTHING GOuDS—iiOO pieeea Cloth*. Cuatiaerea, Sati- net*. Drill* Jaaae. Yaoiinsa ami other Clothing Good*. PARIS OLOVaS-i.00 dosaa Pari* Kid Glovo*, in light nod dark aaottmeiita. FRENCH PILRT MITTS—100 dozen Froiteh Filet Mitt*. EMBRO'DERIEd-An invoice el EMHHOIDKIK8 jut la»d*d, consisting of full line* of Book Collar*, vary •mail shape*; Book Set* with GauBtlelS.ee.es, Jaco- net Cobara, Jaconet Beta, Root and Jaconet Trim mines, Book Sprite, fce. FRENCH FANS—A eompl-toaaaoitomat of Opera, Faatk- *r. Ivory aaA Liaea r RENCH FANS. TUESDAY—At Tan o'clock at >he Auction Room. RY CATALOGUE— POR CASH—A geoiral a**ortm*at or FORUGN AND DOME8TI0 D^Y GOODS, in lot* adapted to city and country retell trade. Engfi?^ ok Lap Welded Roller Tube*, of v.iiou* sise* and of Iron, of T-jtions gTads* aad very auperior quality. Arncrican Holler and Sheet sizes. American Lap Walded Boiler Tub**. Boiler Bireta, Angle Iroa, fcc Brayam't Celebrated Hot Pre.aed Wrought Nuts.for ship kuildiag, briJgea, stsam engine., locomotive*, railroad ear*, can 'age and agricaltmal machine. The Nut* do not require to be planed for bright work. Also, KM teas of No, 1 Fiekklll Fig Iron, of very auperior quality. suit fc SONS' YELLOW METAL SHXATHtNG^ IS to 30 e s s , aow landing, for aala in lot* to auit by W. A. FBEEBOBN > CO.350 Southst L BAD-:«0 pig*Lead,faraatoby jyie D. t ~ M M A CO.. No. 31 Moore ot. _jyi4__ BAD—350-pi*. OalenaLead. for tale bj good*eUamabl* vis: Pifatoa, rartigas. obotoebraade eftho followiagr atytoo. via i Biitamca Una. nagaliaa Piae, Cokebaa Fiaa, iamdiM Fiaa, of Flora. PiiBMia. fcc .togetker wttk a arte assortment of audium aad low priced aeajars. of all toe varloa* aykm. The attea- 8 | _ g ^ g g g r t ^ g g CO .4, Beav.r at T^aF^R^Eg^^g^ CM . UP jgM Site HE^JUDBON ACO..EM Soutk M. OF EVERY YAatiBTV, roH*sm»—J-O, IN WALL adapted to the Wam Indie* aH Bratk 'or sate by TafcF tetf J. ft HULL fc SONS, 11 ClieTareot. i«fiiT<"AL oLiYfioAp: ~~~ OEBMAN BBABIVE BOAP, IN SUA. PACE toad, aad tor aale in eaoatitles ta oali, er J. C. MULL A BOMB, 10* Cliff etreev 07 07 TaAFiatf _ FANCY AND toaET" SOAPS, ALL VARIETY, FOR HOTELS, BATH, ILL VARIETY. FOR MOTELS, BATH, oaMTaBFIatf ______ CANDLES AND fatree*, 0 * PATENT ama*:4>,e , » k InffrHI •• rCfJwRnUBl Ttwlfll ^ggj i BEPINED MOULD, OF FOLLOWING ,Ve, ra, r*. lavi, i n , Wi, IP., IFB.SPB, war- .la bard to oav etiaaate, aad to r We.lla«teooad*w*ik T>*ri. If J. C. MULL A *W; ^^N. W M. S UNN NEMP-kaet ladio. far aale by~ THE JPatp LJNaRHD A SPYRM OIL CO. ODA ASH-Jekneoo'* ead Karu's, to arrive aad fei aale » or JrM L M.J. BAKKB BBBO, MS Water aad MS aad 184 Pearl at ICOBICB PASTE- ealoeria-lto on*** Porignoao MB do FStMlla. AVANA SEOABtWSWAW oTlfco br.ad, for aaM by THOl favorite 1/ IBOINTA AN D WESTEBNTFI V leogdaTk«irn1ato,smmtoe tke aMM.iweWAhw. Aim,aa earnHae b»-oo,tormle by MABOWEN B SON. I B A t f at. LEAF TOBACCO-ev bhda an: i* do. do. Mi* *f aanufSctared To- r»NT V> 831 jft« D. fc A . DOWS A CO., No. 31 Moore at. NAJL8-10,000oask* assorted Old Celoav. fei sale by W1LLET3 fc CO. 303 Pearl m. E. B. Crowe Auctioneer. BY LOCKWOOP BROTHERS. THIS'DAY. FRIDAY at 10 o'cloek, at the auction rooma. 183 Broadway, between Mniden Lane aad Libertv at REGULAR MALE OF FOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC DBY GOODS. BY CATALOGUE-FOB CASH- Adapted to tbe City and Country Retail Trade. Clothe—An invoice of Black aad Colored Clothe. Satinets— An Invoice of Black and Pancy Satinets. Cs.simsre»-A line of Black nod Colored Caisimares. Domestic—Aa iovoice of Brown aad Blssched Sheetiags and Shirtimrs. Tickings. Up Alpaeae-A line of Black Alpacas, Coburgs. Drop da |Ete., Clothing—Several lav.ic** of Clothiug Hosiery-Invoices of Mixed. Brown and White Hem nod Fillet Mitto-An invoiee of French Filet Mitt*. Bilks—A l i s * of Blsck and Colored Silk* aad Saties, soae of superior stiles. . _,^ w _: Ribbon.—Aa invoice of superior Ribbons, assorted styles aad qualities. Shuts—An invoiee of Reedy-ai.de Shirts, of inporior make Embroideries—An invoice of Collar* Sleeve*, betta, fcc. Stock Gooao—Sevorni invoice* of Stock Good*, Fnncy Goous, fcc. i » so cartons Assorted Ribbons, edapted to tke fell —^-30 dozen superior cu.tom-m.de Skirts for city trade. — 1 0 balm Brewa Sbaating*. ___ to bale* Heavy Cotton Ducks. 150 places Cadet Mixed Satinets. if 0 pieces Blsck aad Printed Satinets. Cslalosues and Samp es on morning of sal*. TUESDAY, at. 10 o'eloct r.t too aale* room. 163 Broadway, betwoea Maiden Laa* and Liberty st. REGULAR SALE OF FOHE'ON AND DOMESTIC DRV OOODA Rf CATALOGUE-POM CA8H- Adaptcd t* the City and Country Retail Trad*. C.taloguee and amnntoaaa tbe aoraiag cf ml*. 'mlP 16. 1858. AUCTION &ALMS Sales of Carpets, Boot* and Shoe* and Beady-made Clothing. Cash Advance* aada enoa consignment*, jato TAYLOR fc GABDNER, Aoct'ra ST. LOUIS. \a/ILLrTs* CO YY SALE - 303 PEARL STREET. OPFER.POB im* LUDLAM A PLBAJANTB.3»B~odway. ia UAYANA TOBACCO-i» balee prime wrapping lot, ~ t brad,tormle e y^^ _ _ a | g fc C Q u ^ ^ * irtOBACCO-Aeloctloaa ol heavy shippiag Leaf, New Crop aie*" **'"*' COLUHS A THACRNTON.41 Wator M. T M M » a a M ^ poM^lbo^tMawe.m^N.a^ky^ f'r OSACCO-3 case* prime Ys.s* Leaf Tobaeoo,tora,U by J eiT NEUKJN CLEMENTO > CO to Brood a. " *" - " ='-•'' •"'- _ "'" i Leaf, tor onto ay T*>™ ^c^OTfflSW.,.. wa.. - Partaga* Ctnto ae Ones do, Asaceaa siciir Small Mtek- 10 *•**. Moraine. 80 do OdAe. For Mle be 100! DRAFafR fc DEVLIN, 100 Yt.»at street. IfM __ AT* •^LAVS*VMOCONMN, S Ptotcher tt. R—Set) tag a seswrier qaalliy MaroslHee ------ toreatovv _ . t. BAKCR A B t p . . IIS . Wmoraad I83aad ISt Petri at TON SEED OiL-AtoOg.le.a erode (er a l e by F W»R Sabliaed, laadlages Yeaaar Ik ___• C A WOOD t O Q . . I7l Poa'rlst do do maauiacturara, > *vrow sntMito. Fee ante bf the MeCREADY, MOTT fc BBU*DAGE. y_| _ 38 Burling Slip. ODA A»H-T«*rri— tor eeleby CLARK fc MeCONNIN,8 Fletcher st_ yuffiuNo WD i A SPERM OIL CO iLACat LBAD-tW bkie food qoallVy, to O A Y A f l A SEOABS OP THE FOIXOIWNO BAUNDB II bond aad Arty paid: Waeniactea Mill.Ctaa. Pamema. Lanir - Tulon ' Kept n o Rois.de Sast lege Neaa Poacodbi 4e Ceiaiae da Marine do FlorBritakUa do araaaUaa ale lla do Paeto Perm oa _jto _ i*r Brltaaica Arnon ae Paaae Eaqu'Stta do Deaarbierta do fceaaUa do Tiaaa do Raataa da ElRle do ConcbHoa, Oparaa, Coquettaa, Reg.lla.. Media gall.. and Londra* RegaUaa, Londree, vailouabiutda, In cases n «,uoo each, for sale V/ ROBERT E KELLT fc CO .4 Reaver SASO lbs. California Sao Wool 55,«001ta. do. coarse Wool. 16 000 sack* California Mustard feed. 40 Peirs Deer Hem* 36,000 lb*. Bresier*a_ Belt Coaser 300 casm TaaaMa Yellow Metal Sheathiag. 8.000 lbs. Taaat— Yell*— Metal Baft*. 8.000 cast* DM Coutay Cat Nails, assorted. 100 eaaka Ta—too Ye'krw Motel Naila. SM knee Cat Copper Nails. 100 ossks King'a Floe Naila. 360 desea Old Clkay Skoeele aad i I O LD IRON, OLD JUNK, COPPER, Ac —3 tone Old Jaak, 4001b*" ~ - - \J J«ak 1 4MltoCeeeor. 4Jtoae Redoedlroe, 3HydraoH« •crew*,tat eM lira, W. P Plank, fcc^foraaie oy mil MEB1UL A ABBOAT, UlFreoLot H OT PREBSSD NUTB-A feU aeeortmeai if B.aytew'o Hat Pre—ad V rougkt Note, ia .tor., for tele by aS HOLDANE fc CO Si aad 88 wAshiagtea »t D ELAPIERRE fc LOCKWOOD.46 Cim* araet, earnr fc? mle In let* to *»it purchafor*. Homekkoe*—1000 kega Pkiiade'shie mate, very lew nrtoe. Norm Aul8-ASMTkM praoeod horse ahae naila. Are*—H CouiM.BlMka.aSea. Bra*. Eettiee-i'A casks Am*rlc«a braa kattlw. Stool Saaaree* Meteee Brown'* inporlor qoalitj Carry cocao* ao barrels Beech'e Phi'ade.hiaeaaka. Yioee-wiHwa'a osUA bax aaA abma vicoe. Atviki—AaaiioM aad Esffttoh. Benowo—• icfcle' beet qoairty, all vise. Axle*- aat n, d limb ata astea, all alam. Bering Machiae* Ax* Headleo. 1 ocks-Oafkoy 's eat took*. B . r l n g part— Toy B Bicfcrerd's afety fuse Cmciblee— Pink's aopenoi black lead note Pig Iran, Copper Tin.Spelter Letd. and other aetata Lard Oil WfcVe. Sperm and Machinery Olia. Emery, Borax.Glee. YarMab, fcc. ««* Nal a. coat Suel, Tto P ate*. Be. nay 14 ^a^aWlLtJTWATlTED-'tMltakie tor * propeller of aoM**** W " __HtNRT A. KEa.LT. M Broad at. L AP WELDED BOILEB PLUES-Afall ao**rt*>**t * Eaglieh aad Aaertma Roller Plo**,roe*t*et|t on kead. HOLDANE A CO. " 84 aad NWaakiagtou street. Order* received tor iaportetion. aTHAJILACK L E A D - I M kbia good arrive ; MNMMerdtoeey do' <o_foraalo try_ H J. RAKER » R R O . 14t Wator aad MHaad let Peoria Md lo aTrive » RNO JIM a_AL aViDA-tVttoae »IMM N. C , oo • CTlhraaleSy M. J. BAKlL 143 Water a*A MR aad HA Pearl M aale By M. J . BA lyMj 143 Waal i^A^w^^w-F7saao'^aV^rt;,^^ ITU MRarliKSHp. [Oft. CO !• •vaanw.iif *IMIVJ'I<I .for aale by O UNNflTL«rfa>-im*a M *dror entob iyl% THB JVDD L1NSBRP AI S TOMA W o O L - » balee SM wWI •pit) EDblllTON BROTHERS. 31 , AaTNBlfe k/atP NTINR-We.bkis avtom tolop7Mato7, m *** F.T.IaWHTKLLBCO.loaWallat. dptNAIN CABLRB FOR BALBVB08 fathoms I * lo3 HMb' V/ Af A M l f tej _«?» BENNER > j DRAKE. 11.1 W»H-tt ^ f-OAP ROfftN—fa auantltlei to iillt purchaser* fur sal* try t~ alt DOLLNPR, POTTER fc CO, 181 Pront n P ITCH, TAR.SPIBITS TURPtNTlNB, ROSIN.COAL Tar, Rrigbt Vami.a, fcc . constantlr on hand and for aale is Iota to soil percha.er «. A nply to «*ff JUNAS SMITH fc CO .i~Prtmt-.t YJOSIN-rVioHil. whiM Rosin; lilt H M for mle by BLACKWELLkfJO. ittlPront at G O A T BKlNf^M bale* prim* Met lean (oatssiM,ft»r"ale B ? H AHOOUS BROTHEVs.MSaUt I ws OOL—go bains,. or aaJo DAM H A M8-40S tierces art ra sogs r for sale by ity. ... -- / . H, DRAKE A CO ILL a CO. im Frontal iiar- yellow baged llama, 31 Water st. - .^1^^* VL ,U "eef M*a*; 10 tierces BeefToague* MMresatvad.rormleby " JFi. J^H.DRARIC » CO.. 31 Water st. L ARD-S00 bb|i Le«f tad Refined. N»ksgsdr., for atl* r-y Jf> 1 H DRAKB i C O . , 31 Wstersireal E ^J^mLW'"—? ^l, LARD-IB tin., anttsble |o> t»» Soeib American and Cshforni* msrketa, pot UP sad fi K ._l ol ^o w S PLOUIC: {_*"«• ettr* branded cot emhla. MM do <e w dO H 1^ft* % p n A i t loaa J. miaocR CHASMS K. DICKSON, MURDOCK A DICK30N,. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M. 47 BUM BTBSCT. (W1AB ?»•,) BT. LOUIS,MO. Rotor to Ht.gertyfcCo. Reralar Sale D*»s—Toosdsy. Thiirsday »nd Saturday. N. R.—WA. F- L>K, No. 67 Exchange Place, will advise witk parties desirous of (asking consignment* to tkia koaae. apie i ; ~~ CHICAGO. MO. dlLBBRT BOBATtO HILL JOaBPH aAMPaOB GILBERT, HILL _ SAMPSON. AVCT10N AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RO 25 LAKE STBBBT. betw#*n Wabashinttoa fc Michigan Ave*., Chicago, 111 ino*. flTSTBIClLY A COMMISSION HOUSE. _Q APVAHCI* MAM. Regular aslaa of Staple and Fancy Dry Good*. Silks, Ae. Elegant Furniture, Carpeting* and China Good*. asm TO ROBERT CARTER A BRO'a . Broadway, ) WM. ATKiN80N.log . AUantlc In* Co., S New York THOMAS R. NELSON. Eaa.., 180 Pulton »t., ) MEW YOHK. g ~ f BA TOBACt O-Two lots aeeorted \j in.t received and MS G. W. grades, Mperior. u.t received and far ml* by ~ FAanYJA, VH Front arroet, M *to*ta tf AVA^lA^iOARB-Rartlaora Clnb, lata and 3adetL Core- I8t; Priaclpe d'Jslaa. aad LA Florida braadi nuti and tor mle by •T< _ ORRY BoTCVENS. It Old .lis *TH>BACCO—Comaoa to Cbeiee Maaoa Coaat y 1 coasarat " CVTVN fltORi 1 H3 _ JtoChotoe Oasttog. , eM ei,d aow crap. For ale by ROBEBf L- MAITLAND B CO . 83 Beaver et AOCO—tot MM* FlmiM L**f Tobaeoo, ret aale b T DBNNIB PERKINS O CO " ~ tor aale ky Ad m waahtagteu Mi __•§.• CI PEL TER—attea* Piles'en Spelter In etore aad for aaia O> la Tom by HENDRICKS fc BROTHERS. ab» TIB78Brand a r e a Y ELLOW IHRATNINf* AIETAL-Tle anderalgae bAVeoonstanttjoahsadA full eapply of Muutx Pater Meat) tog Meial, amaufaxg*—I by Meart Joba Bibb, Sen. fc Co of Li.erp *', tram If *30ox. war.anted equal to an- maaufsctured, it aaloi.i lo*e to auit purehaeer*, et 34 B*e var.treaby BARCLAY a LIVINOSToN M ACHINERY-VIE A POWER-LOOM, A iavqu.ro ano « Card-cutting tgaebine, Reed'e fine Engli.lt Shut tl**>8a*aMbingIr—o.Scs ae. Machine for Citeiping Vnaga. i all in gaaat eoadM aa and hu< little uaad. Fetealebv 1. f^BNKNP^UTM'tl/r. William t. C tOPPRR-6 hbrmeld Copeor. la store for mi* by / jet DOLLNKR, POTTER B C<t, 181 Proat *t ttHEATHINO FINC-Yi,ll. Montatne Cmoaay-A ta ~ parnw article. 48caeca No* 14.16,16 aae i? 50 ksp* Wroaght Bloc. Naila, n«w landing, tor .aleio let* to toauif AARON A. DEORAW. 341 gontk'rt. )7 S ECOND HAND MACHINES V. MILEMP.TOOLS, fco I steam Eaglne V* kateo power, t do do H do I do do 11 do do do d do I do do do and boiler. Riehnros Kiagland, Auctioneer. BY RICHARDS (UNGSLAND &. CO. ,.,.,„ BrdMRoom IM Broadway, Between Maiden laa end Liberty at. Trade Sere of Hardware ra TUESDAY and FRIDAY of eaca week oa 4 montha credit, whea will he offered aa n*- •ortamot of Hardware. GOB*. Pistols, Plated aad Britannia Wan. Table tat FoeAet Catlory, Rttakea. Ae. THIS DAY. FRIDAY, July 16. At 10 o'oioek at the Auction Room. Regular Sale of Ravdware, Cutlery, Plated Wam, druihei, Ac., OB 4 asonths' credit. 5"i0 psckages and lot* of English, German, Preach end American Hardware, Ae . consisting af Table, Dessert and Pocket Cutlery, Ssws. File*. Hioges. Locks Door Kaobe. Screw*. Aager*. Uimlela, Chisel*, Adies, Hoee, Mas—0 For**, Shovel*, fcc. Aim, an invoice Hooka aad Eyee, Reel Watch Keye, Needle Caaea, Piano 8*.ools, PerenstinnCnps. fcc. Aim. aa invoice of Paint, Varnish, Hair, Cloth and other Broth**, For aecouat of whoa it aay concern. (Damaged b» eretoa wa er.) 100 grom Dessert aad Table Knives and Porks. 300 pair Carvers. 81 dosea Pocket Kaivan. 3 dozen Plated braces. 4 dtgea Stool* 40 doaon Pilee. asserted. 4 deaea Fleama. fcc. All aUgkUy damaged by crotoa wa. tor Sawe-80 dosM J. Rodger* fc Co. ShcaUld 30 inck hand mwa aligatly da magi d Also, aa invoice of Mill, Pit sad cross-cut Sawa, slightly dhniogod Uedesta Chtoal aad File Handlee. Aim, aa iavolee of Wtoao. »nkee* Americas Wroaght Nail*, 8J, 2\ and 3 iackea. CaUloftimead toaglee earl* no morning of aale. TUBADAY, Joiyao. At 10 o'clock ot tbe Auction Room. Ragalar tale af Hardware, Cattery, fcc, oa four months ewdit. CaiBlee—m aad eaaoles on the aorning of aale. AT rstVAtg SALS Two Largo QiH Fraae M.ntie mirror*. JOHN C. JKFPERJ8. Auctloaeer. BY BOGERT. J1EFFERIS at CO. Store 104 Broadway. between Wall aad Piae St*. W* will bold our rogulai ante* on Tuesday and Friday taroaghoat tka TUESDAY, at 10 o'clock at the Auclion BT CATALOGUE—FOR CASH—A general amortmaat, of British. Fiencb, German a.id American Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ia lets to sait city ana country dealers. A large sale of Embroideiiesnow Isnding. Particulars hereafter. Cstaioguee unu samoia.nn moraine of ml* FMIDAY. July 23. At 10 o'clock at the Auction Rooms. BT CATALOGUE—FOR CASH-A general aseertment of Brimh. Get men, French, and American staple and fancy dry goods, in lots to suit city nnd country dealers. catalogues and samniei early oa toe morning of sale. - William L. Van Zand', Auctioneer BY R. CLARKE. Store Wo. 205 Broadway. THIS DAY. At 10 o'clock at the auction room. DRY GOODS—For Caah—A general aaaonmont of For- eign ami Dommir Drr Gstxlu. m lot; adapted to retail trade Sbeetiuga—A lot ot Brown and Bleached Sheetings ana Shirting*. Embroideries—A lot of Sleeve., Collars. Ac. Shawi*—A lot of Cashmere. Stella, Silk, Crane and Brocho Shawl*. AI*o, a lot of G-nU.ams, Prints. Cashmeres, Cbal- li*«, Brillians, Lawn*, Organdies and Pop'ansj also a lot of Lace*, Jaconet*, Mwiss ami Mull Mfcelin*. Also—Linens, Damasks biaacbed and brown Tnbl* Cover* Towel*. Napkin*, Ae. Alto—A lot of Linen Hdkf*. Ponge* Hdt fs, Printed Hdkft, Suspender*, Dressing Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Pins and Nee- ole., Line™ Thread, 8*win;Silk, he. _AI«o—A lot of Print*, varioa* .t)les. 4. R. 0AYRE8. Acetieaear. BY R. SCHOONMAKER. Store No 385 Broadway. THIS DAY. At 10 o'clock, at the auction room* Dry Good* for cask in lots to suit pure! t**rs. consisting of browo and bleached sheetings, in balm aud caws, or by the piece ; white and brown drills, Kentucky jeans, gingham, prints of the lateet Spring pattern*, plain and figured alpa- ca, organdie*,drees good* of various style*, Irish linen, white nadbiowa tabla linen, table n-pkine. shirt floats, diaper, lac* sdgiag assorted la boxes. Cashmere, Stella, silk and crape shawls, d* lain* do, black and piaid silk eravats, neck ties, ladiea.aad gsata.' black aid colored kid s loves, lodie*' blacg mixed, white aad date nose, gentieaen'* hrif hoot, .Ilk mitt* aaatilkw of tke lateet styles, spool cotton ia ease or tax,cow- ing silk, linen thread satin finish, buttons, coabs, brushes pocket cutlery, fancy ooAp, porfnaory (in boxes), scissors aad •hear, en cards and in bote*, needle* to cases *aorted 1 to 10, gold pen* aad stiver exteaaioa holder* in box** of 13 eech. ^timm*** - oo OhVe No 7 Broad etreol Th* samrri 1 -— iaea—tioa to their Beat Eata* sales, am aow prepared to attend to eel** of Household Purallore ST—*L-J^ abjD*. aad aersoaal property of every description »I_i f ^ t teTaadloanodoo aortgage, I.JEmote. Imtk ia tke eh* aad vouatrr. mid at private sale, aad kouoae reaU i* the city eaa eorairr. * y j j ^ g t C K E B . BON A CO. "SATURDAY. Juy34. At l»o clock, st the Merchants' Esehaaae SUPBEME COURT 8A«^K-ON I2*TH8T.—Two lots en too north aide of Uftth etraet too Net eaat from 7th a.enue; '^N^fsaTH'sT -Two lots oa the soutk aide of 198th street 100 feet east ftoa 7th avenue, ta iearof above; aiaa 26x100 each Bv older 8 Joo.s, Rsieree. LPASICHOLD ON 6.TH 81' -Le..ehold of I e'orv fr*a* houte and lot on th* aorta «ide of 61th atreai. 27sf*etea*t froa lOthoveaue i he Lease has 13 r*ars to run Iroa Sep- tember 1. at a ground lent of S35 aad taxes (St this yeai). Lot ifSv.100 6 with stable. A Aae opportunity for a carman not «»t— lu^gijA *. Aug. 17 At 13o'clock, at the Merchants Kieaanre SUPREME COURT SALE 2IST ST PROPERTY-All thatcertsia lot of laud « tuatsd oath* north side of 31st >t coaaeurtngS^8feolwat^om 1stayenuoan. being ia sis* 3JXI0OH. By Md»r_H*nitltoB W. hooin.on. Beieree, Jaae. Cole. Auctloaeer. BY* JAMES COLE & CO. Offise No. 3C» Fulton atreet, Commercial Exchange. Cppoa'tt the City Hall Hrooalyn. Jamsa tot- A Son will give their best attention to tale* of Household Furniture and out-door ales generally; alio, to •alssof Reel Estate, hc.ia Rrootlin and New YoJk. TUESDAY. July 30 At 13 o'clock at the Meicbaato' Exchange, N. Y Abaolut* Sal* of 83 Valuable Section* of land coutaining 4 lot* **ohat Bart New York. L I., adjoining th* city of Brook- lyn aituated ou Ftatbasfc Rosd. Pica, South Caroiiaa. Bay, Beack, Dcdga aad Lone aveauce. Broadwa. aud Williaa at. Tke abave propert. I* *iigiblr locitad, tk*gaadeelevated, tke titualion is hsalthfu ,aaar the tarmioioueei tbe Fallon avenue Railroad aad Broadway liae of stage*. Eaa New Yerh ia rapidly inoreaatag ia population and enhancing in vslne Every action put up wil' be eoid told to the kigfceet bidder A furtker teonAption is deems l unneeemnty, a* tkoie deaious of purchasing will «i*w the same Two- thirds on aortgage For Lithographic map* and toll narticu- lai* apply to th* auetioaoera. 388 Fulton .tmet, Brooklyn, rad46N.smu.tim,, New g-X^ Broadway Md Baahwlck a.eeue. 18th Ward, Brooklyn- One lot on mat side of Broadway, 75 feet north of bluffer BT_EM_I Oa* lot on math west corner of Buihwick avenue aad For terms, maps, fee., apply to the auctioneer*. 388 Fulton street,Brooklyn, ana iSNaieauetrdet New fork. ' WEDNESDAY. July 31. At 12o'olock. at tke Commercial Exchange. 363 Fulton atreet, opposite City Hall, Brooklyn. Executors' Sale—Brooklyn Property—By order of the Sur- rogste of tke County of New York—The three-atory fraae house aud lot of gr.und aituated oa the northerly aid* rf At- lantic avenue, aud i unaiag through to tbe west side of Oi- ford street, and distant 93 feet 11 iuohe* from the northwest corner of Atlantic srsnus and Oxtord str**t. House 36 by SO feet. For mapa aad full particular* apply to th* auctioneer*. No. 369Fulton *ir**t, Brooklyn, and 45 Kaiug atreet, ur Jaaae W. White, Attorney, N«Lji Liberty street, N.Y. TUESDAY. July 37, At 13 o'clock, at the Commercial Exchange. 388 Fultoa at,, opiositeCity Hall, Brooklyn. Fereclosara mle, under direction of George Bemmn, Eker- iff, ata acres of laad ia tke toweof Csuarsie, L I., auout six Bile, from Brooklyn, and haT a mile from the bey. OB tke premise* i* a two-story aad cellar frame kouse. bare and well. The land is of tke Met quality, well adapted for mar- ket gardening, fcc. Ai.o. at tka same time, tke well known Hotel now occu- pied by Jobn Bogeit. adjoining tke .bora laad ; house «ux36 .eet. two story, coataiaa 16 rooms, shed, bare, fcc. For map* aud panic alar* apply to ike auctioneer*, Ho. 368 Fultoa st., Brooklyn. ALHBHT H. rtlCOLAT, Auctlonee.. BY ALBERT H. NICOLAY. OFFICE NO. 4 BROAD STREET, Brown Stone Building t*~ IMPORTANT NOTICE. _Q At the earaeot oolicitatioo of my aumoioua patron*. I have coacladed to hold my Regular Audio* galea of Stock* aad Bead* daring tk* aummer months every MONDAY and THURSDAY. At 13M o'clock at the Merchanta' Exchange, thus* having been my established day of aale for the peat five year*. SPECIAL SALES ON OTHER DAYS WHEN RE- QUIRED. Believing that thi* change wilt meet with the approba- tion of tbe public. I have been persuaded to adopt this course, which will take effect from thi* date. New York, June l«t, 1868. ALBERT H. NICOLAY. Stock Auctioneer and Banker, No. 4 Broad street IT STOCKS AND BONDS Bought aad sold at PRI- VATE SALE, aad at the BROKERS BOARD oa commit- B T INTEREST allowed OB DEPOSITS, LOANS NEGO- TIATED aad DIVIDENDS COLLECTED MONDAY. July 19. Atl2*do'eleck.at tk* Merchants Ercaaag*. (Regular Sale.I 21 shrs National Fire las. Co.. 837.SO each. Ill d>. Indemnity Fire Ins. Co ,$IO(i tar.i. 4D do Lenox Fire Ina. Co SM each. AJtna Fir* Insurance Co.. 830 *ach. Mercantile Bank. 8U« each. Baak of New York, $100 each. Metropolitan Book SlbOeack. Sev.atopol Marina Exploring Co. (hyp), $.C0 each. Harlea RR, Preferre«, SJ0 each. LeCro.ee aud Milwnukie RR, $100 each. American Coal Co, $25 each. $4,0(0 Harlem PR 1st Mori 7 p c Bonds. $1.000 New YorkCuy 5 pc Sock of 1888. t H. Ludlow Auciioa -or BY K H I P«•!.()vi i CO OtBeeNn 14 Pine street First door West of Naisau street Eatato at Public and Private Sale, Bale o. Roadt. Stock*, and other Securities, mad* on Tuesdays aud Fridays. Furniture at tke realdence of owner*; Merchandise, fcc, whea disposed ol fortieth. A regl.ter Kept lor parti** deal. roue of loaning or obtaining money on Mortgage or Real Bs- ""FhibAV. July 16. At 13 o'elocs ot the Merchant.' Exchange. SUPREME COURT— By order J«. C. Willstt. Sheriff- 30TH STREET—1 lot 8 S Stub st, 360 ft E of 3d svenno; lot lttaYl88 9 44TH BTBEET—1 lot N S 44th street. 145 ft E of 0th svs; |ol35iie0ft6iB* 15TH oTKE'T—Tbe houo* and tot on th* 1 8 J 15th st, 3C0 A oast of 7th ave; lot 35x103 3. TUESDAY. Jul. 30. At 12 o'clock, at the Mernhunt.' Exenange. SUPREME COURT—Br order j .* C. W Met, Esq., Sheriff. NORFOLK STREET-Th. h ><IM and lot No 28 Norioik (t; lot 36x100 ft. I3TH STREBT— 1 lot N S of I3ih st, I2ii ft wett of uvsau* R;lot2Sx>u3 3 40TH STREET— The house aud lot No fOWc.ttOth st: lot 25x98 ft 9 ins. WEDNESDAY. July 21. At 13 o'clock, nt the Merchants' Kxchange. 8UPREMP COURT By order E. Krtchuiu. r so . Refsroo 4TH AVENUE—The v.lutble Houte and ,ot8 fc corner of 4th avenue aud l« h street: lot 19 3i51 ft. 381 H SrnEET— 1 he ..liable house »nd lot 8 S of 36th et, 51 feet east of tin avenue; lot 13.7i74 it e\ in*. St. Clear Smith, Att'y. MONEY TO LOAN. To Loan on Bond aud Mortg.gi en I ity Property, scve.-al sums of money from $4,' Oo to $16,000. Application made iu person or by letter wil meet vi h prompt attention. Tbe usual commiaion will be charged to 'be party requiring t bo money Apply to FOWAKD H. LUDLOW fc CO . No 14 Pino street. Commonwealth Bank Bu, diut "" DRUGS AND DYES. G UM ARABIC-Selaet for .ale ky J18 CLARK fc MeCONNIN, 6 Fletcher at C AMPHOR—100 oaaea Crude in boid or dui y paid. Logwood-IM) ton.St Domiugo in store. Eme> y—600 cssks be.t Lnnuoa. aaso ted. Borax—wood's Knglisu and E I.Refined. Oil*—Tallow Oil, Laid Oil, Sperm oil Varnish—Furniture. Cojch, Damar. Polishing, fco. Glue—Coopen and Irish Oues For ml* by e 19 DkXAPIERRE fc LOCKwOOO, 45 Cliff St. C OLOMBO KOOT-S0 ' age, for aals by Jib CLARK fc MeCONNIN, 6 Fletcher al. qiOOA A H-IWcuki Soda Asr.77 cask. Sal -— Soda, now landing, aad for aale at 24 Beaver street by .. -~. t . «• BARCLAY fc LIVINGSTON. Aim, 300 barrel* Venetian Red. mlito S OLID SPANISH L1CORI E PASTE—A parcel of prim* quality just leaded, for aala by P. HARMONVS NEPHEWS A CO., _ jo28 81 Ureentrich street. C OPAL—16 cases, for aale oy * ~ it GEO. W.DOWfcSON 7 Burling slip. L AMP BLACK—In battta ~. ~~T, J16 . JE6SUP * CHILDS. .43 Water a A jyS SCHIEFFEL1N. BROS. * CO., 170 William to Q UININE—Pelletior.—la bonA tor Ml* by j5 SCHIEFFfcXIN. BRQ8 m CO.. 170 William *t O XALIC ACID—5cAeSafor sal*by j5 SCH1EFFKUN BROS, fc CO . 170 WiUiam *t. C ROCKER fc WARREN, 38 Broadway, offer for sale— 55 baga Cubeba, 182 cases Gum Damar. 115 bags sago Flour. 3 cases Tortoise Shall, IP casesQamuogs. 150 cues Lsc Dye. 3M) baskets India Rubber. 36 oasks Vegetable TalWw. 30,000 email Gunny Bags. 110 boxes Nutmegs a21 G UM BENZOIN—50 cues prime quality, for saleb. ol2 WM. A. SALE. JR., 46 South et, *_ENEKA ROOT—21 aga prime, for aale by P J N O . W . SMYTH fc CO.,81 Boaver-et. C LOVER SEED—116 bag* Clover Seed, of very tuperio quality, for .ale by BXfl JAMES HUNTER fc CO. 174 Front atrae M USTARD SEED—Trieste brown, in casks, for sal* by mM HASKELL MERBlCK A BULL, 44 Cedar at. ESSENCES— Neroli Patchouli, Almond, Sandal, Geranf urn, white and red Origanam, Rosmary, Lavender, Ott Rose, fcc, for sale by s30 F. COUSINERY fc CO.. 37 South William rt O IL CARUI—A supeiior article,for sale liy ml JOHN O. SW£ETSER,8> 80 Pine.treet. Joba E. Yaa Antwerp, BY JOHN E. ilAtANA ftoTBS, PER PTRAMSHIPS RLACf I X Warrior aad CakawH- _ £,?" ?l^ndM, llv>St Glofieta*. AeieTtoe, Loauraa, Rega'M. Reg's, ftrtttaal—, tad anmarou* other braaee fori* Victorlu Cabargai, Etntoetm, T.eatteiM, Weraert, Meatmrrato, Flor do Cesaa, The undersigned having perallar farilitim la ..bled to offer th^m at i betorei -jrehasing ela E>. ROGERS,70 Reaver at piemiring Soger* Buyer* will do , ta eaak well to c.l11 llavtaa i<. offer th'm at a low flgara -jrehaaing elawher*. G W. HILLMA N It CO., No. 50 Front atreVt, Manatee lured Toouixo Commiaaie.i Mi-rch.all. alter for ale accommodaliog terms to ths trad* their desirable stork i Virginia mannf irturv.d tanacca. edaptetl to the markets of the wertd Among onr hrnnd. the following may be rem i : Fashion My Mary Ana W. D. Rertlou Bani. t .nklm R. Walker Winston Plymouth Rock MiisRidu Pear II 8 Ruseell Lsfayetl* Leiiogtoa Wm. L. Ballard Yan Aradale M. War land Wa.L.Ogdaa, J. Roes D. Noble Ballroad Tyroae R. June. E. A. Lewi* Commander in Cbiaf P I.. Moan Pl*h*r Henry Maasrm fc Co. Ilar'.e Dell Son Flower Golden Chips Di Vernon Wilder,lie. Gm.. Trant Boies Clstet W.ne, t<,w*,m ,,,,,1 , ui &*? ? - t . ,,, "• V '**- >"»» 100 Rbl.tonrt ,, Ate, ia pint* For .ale h» .lie. H AVANA SKGARH-.Now landing si t jrnells. Bursa aao J. J. Cobbe. Also, in .tore ami Romled War*, comprising the foilowing favorite Bread. Cabana* Figaros Acierlo Alhii.iua Rio Hondo (gua.aun lalipan Programme . * * Sn*lh at 15 000 > ,r. Brick*. JytS !W T^PacirTT fc c o B EESWAX—;! hbla Boothern, for«*Te* hi~~" m CoUJAflkro.,„, tatt . |>.G IRON-K» ton. No I Fisbkill Pig l«.n „(„.-,„," IT rior quality, for sale by HOI.D AN t! I ' « , ^ P IO LEAD- **> pig* Roai*.f:»r •*!* by •-"- MAITLAND, PHRI.PS k CO Ocean bird Mudelo Antigniilad Neue.a Timlire Krtrells Pig* Ne|luno PlerdeLallih.na Es Ls Chsy Folgiii>r*s Otuten.s Cnfresorta MvMpM fc.anl*|.i« Unnta For **!• ui wH7 | | AV AN A ItUIHS-- 1 )!.,.!,.. I.,A.I.. Dsniel W*b.l*r Rsrhel Sapieacial Telemaco Lime Irueba itilanlgnaHtro ruigdmigolae M.rnea Palms Sol* Black Sts Cans Flor de Morales Cieroo A in In n. i a Rmeha Arnan Riy.de ra JBem Gu.i» Ctniiv* Martin IVi.nl Jenny I.iml Noriega, fcc, fcc >'A8fcR, 3d Beaver street I LecoaiotIve boiler 13 bora power, 8 eyleader boiler*. a upright taoelar heot.ia. I large lathe, 4 tmail lathos, 88pair* blacksmiths hallows. Lot *f anvil* vmo*, slrdge., hlscksmiths' tuvls, Bhsfting, belling, pul'lea, fcc Ahtoi aow portsbio estl< e ami boiler 10 hora power, now on head Md for mle by m8 WM. P. ANDREWS, 414 Water at. K ENTLElOB-36 loos, fet sale by ait) CARY fc CO, 90 PlM atreet V ALPARAISO PIG COPPER-80I1O0pounds, for a l e by THEODORE DEHON, 10 Wall-sir**!, «2t ne»r Broadway.. N A1LS-A lot of Oermaa Wroaght NaiVfor a l e by Jyto BENNEH > DEAKt. 113 Will-et. ... Auctioneer. VAN ANTWERP, •has* No 73 WiHtam *tr**t oear Liberty. J. E T a latwoinMoiemBvodteNo.78 Willl.m street - Rogo'ar Hardware eaiea Thursoays, and Special Saleaon Mondays. Advauoua aaado oa ooe*gnraenta whea reqoired. "THURSDAY. luly 23. At H) o'clock, a> ik* etore. Rnreter Hardware Trade >e*a—360 packaeoa and lot* 8h«8taid, Birioingbom, German, and America. Hardware Cutlery, fcc. A M. Cristsl.r, Auctioneer. * BY A. M. CRISTALAR. SOTO NO. 33 Bowery. MONDAY. Jaly 28* ._. . At lOHe'elock.tt 33 Bowery. ReMy-aMdei Clo'klng— I Iaea. M.raetlles, Alpaca, Caeai- ero aad Clotk Preek *ad Bu< inea Cmt* aad Psnts. Silk, natia Marseilles sad CataimereYeets. Cloth*. Csmlmoree, Peelings Liaea. Marseille* Be. a - Paaoy Geeda. Shirts. Drawer*, Handkerchief*. Cravat*, Gloves. Towelling, Bart***, fcc Wm. B Jone*. Aocrw BY E. C. dLYDAM. Store He. M Broadway. THIS DAY. Attn o'cloek, ot the auction eaa. DRY GOODS—Fc- Cash ia let* to suit i •tailor*, eeaeirt- ag of Hosiery. Gloves, Mitta, Lace*, Collars, fcc. Aim, Jece- •eto. Cambrics, Print*, De Lat net. Md a variety of Dress Gooee. AUo, Browa Sheetiag* sad Drill*, Ticke, Cloths aad Paaey Caoaimere*. Aha, Shawl*, ptsia rtlk, cuhmeres, orwaotAe. Aim, Fancy Goods to great vari«y, constating af Cemba, Needlm. Brushee. NeokiM. Table Covers, Be- Hewlett 8c tdder, Auetioeeer. BY RUPDEROVV, JONES «t CO. Store No.77 Wiihametreot. cursor af Liaaaty. AT PRIVATE SALE. 1000 dosaa auperior a Me largo eta* Under-Shirt* sad Drawer*. ;eoo dosm keevy mixed Woolea M Hem, aaitable for Call* foraia trad*. Wsodinge—SO0 b •!*. soperior high glased Wadding. 80 eases super to e m s Block Sadist* 300 piece* toper Raglieh Bieca Union C lotk. BM piectasuper to extra Sao mixed do do. 10 5;) 40 5U SO 23 25 50 do do do do do do do do SIMEON DRAPER. Auctioneer. rJV SIMEON DRA'Mv OEco No. 38 Pine (tree . O IL CAKE—75 ton* prime western tain oblong, in bags for sale by DEGEN fc TAF1. nafceaveiai MM O LIVE OIL—60quarter cask* prim* Malaga aad 100 do prime Seville, lor aale by m27 C. A. WOOD fc CO., Wl Pearl st C 'ASTOR OIL— 50 cast• prime E. I end 25 do in bond, tor ' ealeby C. A. WOOU fc CO., 171 Pearl at m37 P OT AND PEARL ASHES—A constant supply of fre j» inspected Pot an J Pearl Ashes, on sale at lowest pria by T. F. CORNELL,7 CoentiesSlip, dig turner of Water str t. D Rt'OS, IN BOIND—Cobalt,crystals. Gum Arabic Corulua Indicus, HvdnadalePotaah, SimarubaBark, Alkanet Root, Licorice Extract, Jalap Root, Gum Ammoniac, Gum Tragacaatk, Manna Oil of Annia, Iodine, Saraaparilla Root do Ceaie, Olive OiUacasea Sago, Pearl, do Orange, Rhubarn, E. I. and Turkey. Pepper*, long. Pepper*, whit*. _ For sale by o21 SCH1EFFEL1N BROS, fc CO., 170 Willing} » SJKNNA—Bombay, for a l e by •9 m21 HASKELL, 51EKHICK fc BULL, 44 Cedar at. 17« C. B. SPICER. AvcTiongga. BY HAGGERTY At COMPANY. 8TOBE Noll* BwoanWAY. AAor*w Meant, Anelieaeer BY WILMERDINGS cV MOUNT. Store No. 7? Wroairw... Henry L. Hoguet, Auctioneer BY WILMERUtNG. HOGUKT - HUMBERT STORE NOS.38AND3B BARCLAY ST S.iwaniJ. ASI.-IS.AICIIHM 8Y ?AN WYCK, TOWtVSEND St WARRENS 8toT88 Nog. 14 and IS Vetwy Street G. O. Hoydock, Aectloaaer BY ROBERT HAYOOCK, Store No. 167 Joke Mortimer, Aae'iraeer BY JOHN MORTIMER. Store No. 4 B u t Broadway. Y ELLOW MKTAL BOLTS-Ifl.HOOlb*, a—irt*d iig.n.fot a l e by WILI.KTs > CO. *4 Pearl it. .30 AIT AND SHEAR ST» HL- -(•-SNS t'ast, % tort otusgon. 3 " '• lhj ' 3 " Sheet, iki 3 " IbjX | « .. jsjji 16 cases nf the manufacture of Me.srs. Skortridga, Hewe) fc JestttO, Sheffield, England, tor Mle by DUTILH » CO.. 33 Sooth William St. AILLS, NO. 73 PklARL STREET, oF 'I'HK PARK I R f.r for •*!*-• ftnOHkegnaiwottjifl Cut Nai'n at d Spih**. Aim Amariear Wrought N»iin aaanrtrd a i s c oi suufiilor quality. aJTEAM BOILKR AND ENGINE WANTKP-A cylm- » ' (l-r or tubular boilar, not *v*r 3u f a t IB length and .rnsll engine of 4 tog here* rower in good order. Apply to m?l HENRY A. KELLKY. 52 Bread st R AILROAD IRON—IIW ton* Amerlc.n rsils, of the New > end Rlie pattern, weighing 57 bs per yard. Phmnii Iron Cnni;m iy inik* For t.le by THEODORE DFHON, 10 Walltfrut, a22 near Brand tons, 45 IN to th* yard, lit tor r«- WM.D. ANDREWS. IU W*t*r-*t._ he. t Silesi*., in store, 25 do do to ar FAiRCHl'LDfc PANSHAWE.11S Roadway, n3«1 Corner of C*«lar st HAD— liflton. S n. K< flnnl Stollisrg Lead, for rile hy * m2» T. R CODDI^OrON A CO 76 Brotd at. R AILROAD IRON-lit laying, for a l* »30 S ~ PKLTER-aSi too* - ri.e, for .tie by C 'OCHINEAI,—It seroon*, fr-r sal* i aol5 1, ATKINS ACO.,38«ooth»tr»et I NOOT COPPER forelport—Lake Superior ami Bsliimore fur .ale hy mil 1 ^ H J r ' QUINCY SCO., at William at.^ SPELTER- 50 Ion. Iilesisn, for sale oy m2t T B CODOINorON fc CO. S' BALES of Clothing EVERY DAY at 10 aad 3 o'clock. MONDAY. July 19. Pawnbroker's JaJe—By D. G. Farguson. 174 Varick etreU. TUESDAY. July 20 Pawnsbrokar's Sa e—By Mr* (oat.Ho, 438 Pearl at _^ WEDNEPDAY July 21. Pawnbroker'* Sale—By P.Pridonburgh.290 East-Breadws* THURSDAY. July 23. Pawnbroker's Sale- Mr. Lynch, Grand street. FRIDAY, July 33. Pawnbroker's Sale—J. L. Philips. 187 Grand (tract. MONDAY. July 28. Pawnbroker's Sale—Hv Louis Levy. 438 Grand st. TUESDAY. July 27. Pawnbroker's BaloWohn While. 37 Centra street. Alfted Bragg, Auctioneer. BY A. BRAGG & CO. Store No W Courtleadt Street. TUESDAY, at 10 o'clock at the auction room. Boots, She—,Brogen.,fct.—an CIM* Boots, Shoe* and Bro- gana, cempriaiag adaairabl* Stock, suilshls for the Summer aad Poll Trad* Liberal caah advances made oa consignments to be sold et aoci i n ar private a l e . PRIVATE SALE Direct fiom the Manufacturer—^00 ca.es nf boots and shoes aad brugans of ever. Variety end quality, which v-ill be raid lower than aay in the market. Together with a good stock of men. boy* and yontb." hoot., and a auperior article of Russet Srogsn ef onr own mske A S Richards, Auctioneer BY RICHARDS & WHITING IVCCSSSOBS TO I D IIWIR.II- Store No. 44 Coartlandt street, WEDNESDAY, at l«S«o clock al tke auction rfloai. Boot., Shoe, .mi Brogsns— M*> canes Bonis, ^hocs snd Rio gaits, comprising a desirsb n assortiirnt of fresh and .easoa- abte goo-* illrect from the' msnnfsrtiirsra, adapted to the Northern, 8< oih.rn. Westers and City Trade At Private Sale—A general aaanrtmcit nf Spring groia con.i.ting in part of aoms patent lesther, raw*d ami pegged. Gaiters, Boys and VonfTi. ditto; Men'. ca,f aad kip Roots men'scslf. eame and boft brngans, boy. ami youths ditto; also Ledies' Gaiters and children, snore of every deatriptioa, which we offer at greatly redox*d ptn-ea flesry G. Evao*. Auctioneer. BV iTKNitt- O. EVANS?. Store No.« Liberty str. et. near M.M.a .a. For th* .ale of Crockery, China, Glea aad Hardware. C.a- signineaf! eelicited aad advances msjle "TUESDAY. July 30. At 10 o'clock, at N * S Lilierty street. Crockery, French Chin* and Glass—A large and varied as sortment of superior white Granite, lieht blue prinleJ dipt. C C, and edged ware, French and Eng u h iiecorate<: China tea sets, vs.es. fcc , cot snd nre.sed gissswsr*, consisting m every variety ol lamblers giobiet., ci>*rrtp*gnes, wine., ccr- disls, Iteaers dltkes, docaniert, eellorifs, .po«nl)«lde a. k e , sllol whick wnl be sold by the p.ck.c-ir f'oni tn« .helve. L.M HOFFMAN. Auctioneer. BY L. M. HOFFMAN & CO. Store No. HI Pea'I slreei. Hsnovsr Square. TH.S DAY, FRIDAY. July 16. At 11 o'clock,at McCuilough'a Sale* Room. Rio Coffee -3,000 bags Rio Coffe*. Catalogues tad ample* the dar previous. TUESDAY July 30. At 11 o'clock ia front ol tfceir afore. D.maged Taat—300 hf chest* Green and Black Ta.*, dim aged oa th* voyage. Mdaaes-kO obis S. H Molas.es WEDNESDAY Julr 21 . , At II o'clock. I a front o a heir atere. Indige-80cises Manilla Indigo FRIDAY. July 23. At 11 o'cloek. to trout of their ator*. (For account ef wkom it imycineero,under Warden*' in apection.i Dsmsgerl Tou—300 packages Green and Black Teaa, alight- lydamagtA _.. Joba S. Betta. Auctioneer. BY GERARD, BETTS de CO. . . •tor* No. 108 W»ll (treat, corner ef Front at. Gerard A Beit* will give their porvmal atteatioo to the) sale of R*al .state at th* Merchants' En-hang*, and Honso- hoid Fnrnilur* at the residence* of fsmilie* brooking up heaaekeeplBg; alio to the aale of Blocks of Grocer!** and Merchsndise ot every daieription, both In N*w Yoth ami Brooklyn. TiTlA DAY". FRIDAY, July 16 At 11 o'clock In front of stor*. Ragsrs— Sfl.OllO H s T . n i 8egsr>. 300,000 fierm.n Segal* of various brands, Load res Commnnee. Operu, fcc ' Tiifkiah Tobacco—SfiTnikish Tobacco. Burgundy Port—6ft quarter pipe* superior Burgundy Port. IB bond. Block Tin. fcc.-3fi block. Ea.lish Tin, 28 hoses IX TIB, 279ox chains, 1 enss cast steel. 8 kegs liera shoe asi's Licotiee—15 bal*s Licorice Root. (Under Warden's inspection lor account of whom it may cuicern.J B , r « ndT "; 12 a u,rt « T * ni eighth pipes Park rsd Pal* Cognac and Riehelle Brandy *t Kong Thrym, Jan. 1856 At It oWock. in front of theirstore 'Por sccount of wnom it. marconcera.l Broom Corn—27 bates Rronm Corn, d.maged per canal TUESDAY. July 2U At II o'clock, in front of the store. Salmon—20floponn i.Smokeo KennebevkSalmon. vVEDNF^DAV, Jnly 21. At 1 o'clock,at tbo Merchanta' Exchange S'eamer Marylsno-Tbe Pleime Maryland, with .her Uc'.le. apparel anil furniture. D munsions—155 feet g inches long, 27 feet breadth or beam, 0)» f-et depth of hold «nd about 340 mas biiithen, *d«pt.d either fur freight snd ras.ee- gers, or lor lowing The boat i, , n goo.1 srdar, well fill Bilked sml provtaed s c c r d i i g to law. Her holier nesrl. new With an entine harms a t t inch cylinder and 8 feat stroke, snd the t>6M in all respects i. ready for m e , spend from in to \\ knot, I«er hout She ,« tcrong and eieeedlngly eemfnytahle and ecnnoniiesl ln.st For rurther p.rticnUrs apply o* board att mertSN. R .nrtof II Cunningham. No R.I P e . r l . t i e e t . .TrRIVATRS.ir;. OftV*.—office, to (et ,„ fjo. |i« Will street. 1 medium iixe Fire I'.o ,f Iron Kate, Wilder'* Patent «t Croit Rnm—13 tiunchemis St, Croix Rum m bonfi. WALTER "ORE*.N!>|.GII.~in'ciioae*r _ ~ : BY GHKKSOI GH, BURDBTT& CO. s, '"» No. i. 9 Wall street. IttIS IHI FRIDAY. Jnly Ifl At II o'clocl. in trout of their nor* (Wot MMMB of * horn it BV*T concern) llir-mi Tnhsrcn—S hhds aad 7 tieir.s Ha>sna I.eat To rweco Hoaaj—3 bbls prime Honer. SATURDAY Juiv 1? THIS DAY FRIDAY. July 16. At 12X o'clock, at th* Merchant*' Exchange. $1,000 LnCioes* and Milwaukee Land Grant Bond*. 81.000 Eight p c Bund City of Oahko.ch. $1 000 Stvcn p c Bond* City of Miiwsukte. 2,000 esveo p c BondsStnte of California, due 1870. 000 six p e Road City of Maysvitle. ,. 000 Eight p c Bond* Town of Waterloo. 15 sbr* American Exchange Bask $100 each 10 do Bank of North America. $ It o each. 10 de Psrk Bask, Stuoeaco. 10 do Harmonv Fire laiuraac* Co. 850 each. 30 do O^ean Baak. $50 eack. MON'IAY July 19 At 13 o'clock, at tka Merchant.' Exchange. The followtog Securities will be sold— 67 Tomhaate A Alton ;0 p e Convertible Bond*. I 30 C inntj of Monteeatery Bend*. 13 Beivilie aad II iaoiotown RR 1st Mortgage Bond* which wore deposited m colatoralto a note ef the Teriekauta aad AJtoaHstCo. ALSO, 105 unpaid Coupon* from 38 Mortgage aad Convertible Bond* ot the Great Weatera RR ef Illinois. WEDNESDAY. July 21. AtlSIf o'clock.at the Merchant*' Kgckaag* The following gecuriti** lodged u collateral, tale Abac- late. 18 Bonds for $1 0C0 each 1*4 Mortgage Roads Belleville and and lUinoistowa BH Co., dated id Marrh, 1863. interest % per ceat per annum, payable 1*1 of March ai.d ltt September ef each year. Ot* $1 OuO Bead Mad R.*er and Lake Erie RR Co., dated lat Pebrnary 1865 and payable la 1876. Interest 7 per cent per aaaara, payable lat of May aad lot Ao.eaber of each year. One Bond for $500 Mad Rive- aad Lake Erie RR Co.. dated'at of February, 1855. and parable in 1876. Intere»i7 par eaat per annum, payable 1st of May and let Novemuo* of each year. THURSDAY, July 23, At Raj o'clock at the Merchant*' Exchange G. H. Penfla d's Draft on Wa. Jarvi*. Middletuwu, Conn., tor $8,7 7 33 duo OctjM, 1867. Hypothecated Adrian H. Mali*' Auctioneer BY ADRIAN H. MULLER. Office No. 15 wali*tr**t. Mr. JACOB 8. BAKER K from tbiadste aeeociated with the uadsrsigned in hi* bu.inaaa. New Yors. May 1,1867. ADRIAN H MULLER. Real Eatata and Stock* at public and private sale. Sal** Stock* every Wedneskey aad Saturday, at tke Merckaat* Ex ekaage. Jacob S. Baker. Adrian H. Mailer. THIS DAY. FRIDAY Jaly 16. _ At 13 a clock at the Mercaauts' Kxchaaea Supreme Court—By order of H. S. Smith, Referee—Riv- in* on Street—2 lot* on oouth lid* of Riringtoo .treat, 22 feet w**t of Toapkln* atreet, each 32i76. SATURD AT. July 17. At 1? o'clock, at the Merchant*' Exchange. Supreme Court—By order of A H. WaUi*. Referee- Man- ha'tanvlile—1 lot on north Mdeof Lawrene* .treat, 225 feet 9 lnc.be. eaat of 10th avenue, 35x113 on one aid* and 100 feet 1 ti inch** oa the other. MONDAY. July 19. At 12 o'clock, at tke Merchaat*' Exchange. (Adai aatraior'a Sale.) By order of Rodman R. Dawsoo, Esq ,S*rrcgsteoi Kiags ^ PARK ROW-Th* v.lu^brt li |Ot of Uart.wlth th*6-.torv brown *ton* front building th*reoo, know,i ** No. 3 Park Row. eoMiiencing 40 feet 3 inches north of Ann street, snd ka.lng a front on the s*m«; s*ld lot bring 28 feet front and resr 63 feet I inck onthe northerly side, A3 fee'. 3 inck** on th* souther v side, and 13 feet 3 incheam ABO at, 5l»t Strut-On* lot M tbe eortherly sld* of 61 at atreet, commencing i5of*et w*st of lithsr.nue.25feel in width by lOii leet 5 inchea in depth. _ « . . ,* < 62d ".trsrt-4 rsiusbl. lot* situate on the northerly side of SM str.et eojimenclng 200 net west of 8th srenus, being each V5 feet in width by 100 feet 4 inchea in death Terms at a l e ror maps sml further particular* apply td th* auctioneer. 35 Wall atreet. Beajaa u ,P. Monhtrre, Ad- alnstrator of Joseph Heogli, deceased THURSDAY. JulytL At 12 o'clock, at tk* M*rch»nt*' Exchange. Welrion against Thorp. Chsrles T. Lesks, Receiver—All the property in the base*of to* ..Id Receiver, noi consisting offish, Particulars at th* office of th* Anction«er. Wllliaai H. Fraaklin, Asetioneer BY WM. H. FRANKLIN. Office Re. f Bieadrtreet Real Estate »l Public ami Prirat* Sale. Particular .ttea. tion will ba given to tsles of Stocks, Bofda aad or her Sernrl- ti«s, also, VSsal*. Merchandise, and Salaa of furniture at private residences. MONDAY. Jult 2« 7-„K.— At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchang*. 6th A venue—3 lots on tbe east side of 5th avenue, between 48ih snd 49th street*, Inclu-llng lb* nortn *.*t corner of Mh •venue and 48lh itreet: e.c.b Iot21il00 feet For further p.rticulBrtappiy at the office of tke auctioneer, No. 5 Broad street. • - . Ph 11 tV ST wTl i t i .TAJ#» oa ear BV PHILIP R. WlbKINS. Office No Pin* .treet, nesr Broadway. Reel Estate, SlM-i..«nd Bond, si Public snd Pnvat* Sal* Ontilcor sales nf Furniture and Merehand'te attended to. A Register ktqt for parties desirous of loaning er obiaintut money on Roni and Mor'tate rTiURsDlTY July **• . _ At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants Mchange. By order of th* inpr*ii.e C*«rt-Und»r the direciion of D. Hobart Ffq Referee. , . , „ . . lJ3dgtre*i-2lotsonlhen'-rthitIy.i»e nl 12*1 **.r*ot. be- tween 6th avenue and the new urenO* west or Mount Mor- ri. eqaars. being each 2."i fett by lOjfeat 11 inchea. Moll fc Cory. Ally's. ______ _^ B ORAX—60 bb!s Crude for sale by jy3 JOSIAH MAC VS SONS. 189ProBt*t. M EXICAN COCHIN EL - DirtcVimporiationrfcr Y_e by J10 O. WHEELWRIGHT, l i b w o n m V ANILLA BEANS - Prime on consignment, fur mle by J12 SCrtlEFFELIN BROS A CO. 170 Williaiu-et C OCHINEAL—Ail kind*, for ale by *30 HENRY M. HARDING. 85Wallet. O TTO ROSE—500 ounce* pure, ana 500 do standard quali ty, in bo ties aad cana, IO - aal* by i*. WHEELWRIGHT, 118 W.U-et. ml7 dtjCM COPAL--40,ao pounds hed Angola, lor sale by HT GRINNELL. BAKER'A MINTURN A CO. 78 South at. J. BAKER A BBO , 142 Water and 182 aad 184 Pearl •treet, offer for aale. is lots to suit, the following a ti* cle*, which they hate on band snd to arrive : Cutor ou—3u) case* and 35 cask* _ . I . Csstor Oil, In N e w York, Ronton rhiladeipkia and Baltimore. Sal soda aad Bi Caibonato rude—ISO eaaka aad 800 kegs Newcastle. Fior Sulphur—50 ca.kr sad 300 carta F tench. Eatery—35 keg* Aour. Alum and Epsom Salt*- -300 bbl* and 300 imaU casks. China* aao Irie.te Vermillion—30 cams and 30 aag*. Gum Damar—RW esse* pume quality Refined aaltpetie—aole Agent*forth* " Excelaior Labors tortee" celebrated brand* Saltpetre-SOW nags cruJo, to arrive. f*3t O N CONSIGNMENT and for al* 35 bbl* Am lamglae*. M eaaka waahM Piak Root. incase* Italian Anehovio*. ,100 b ggFlorida Arro* hoot. 6cau*mlTsusy,purt" Eaataan's." 4 can* Oil Cedar do do es do Hurley's stariaoarilla JS BCHlKFEE-liti BROS, fc CO., 170 Williim at S NAKEROOT— —A small lot, for sal* by J13 WATSON fc iMh,AKa.8,34 Barling slip. V ANILLA BEANS—For sale ty m21 HA.SKe.LL, MERRICK fc BULL. 44 Cadar it. O I L ROS-fl-lOOt oi various qualities, for ale by a«3 JOHN O. Sc.Eh.T-KR, Pine atreet. C ICILY SUMAC—For aale i. •30 HENRY M. HARDING,85 Wall .tree. I NDIGO-56 for tal* by choic* Modru, in bond and daty paid < 35 ' ROBERT E KELLT fc CO. 45 Beaver *t. O IL L E M O N - Prime duality now landing for iule by BStl HASKELL. MERRICK fc BULL, 4. Cedar-it / .LIVE OIL IN BARRELJ-Por sal* oy vP mh3» DUTILH fc CO , 23 i onth Wm. st. R OMAN EYE BALRA VI—This is tniy arTrnvsluAble ai* covery for th* prevention and cur* of Dieeaaea of th* E r e* indsmed eye-lids, pain from particle* of 'iust, weakngsi nd many other symptom* ar* speedily cured by it when ap pli - in due aeaaon. I here are f*w parsons who oo not at (ome period of their live* suffer from inflamed aye*. T o i J poisons it is important to know that ao safe and certain me- 4y can always be had 1'ienared and sold by A B. ID •A D8 A CO., 100 Fultoa s'root, New York Sold a, so uggl.t. enersllr. .18 •JHFLLAC-For.se by ~' J17 A ARCHER fc BULL, 129 W*t*r st For ssle by A HCHER fc BULL, 129 Water st C AMPHOR—35 bbl. refined for sale by J8 HICKS fc w HITINQ, 3 Fletcher «t. F^RUDE BRIMSTONE-For sale by V/ SiO HENRY M. HARDING. 85 Wall-street N UTGALLS, BLUE-Foruieny DUTILH > CO., 23South William »t. G UM DAMAR-60 cheat* sals by m<8 GUM COPAT-.60 bag*, fcr JOHN OSBORN, 45 Beevor *t .7 quality, for PATTRULLO fc ECHEVERRIA.S7 Bearer-at H ONDURAS COCHINEAL--5 *eroo*», Ane aala by D m AMAH-For u l e by i!7 ARCHEE fc BULL, 129 Waier «t UTILH fc CO. hive for sal* Gum iragacanlh aad va- LATEST NEWS* BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. WAtHiNUTON, July 15—The Poa< < CfiinmiMisiRg ers, ui a deapatcn to the Government, stale that 'Uey havu aettM the difficulties rxi.tinjj betw««n the United States and Utah. The de-i^tch. 8ttba_a- tially confirms the previously recte.ve4 ttLogrephic acr.ounta. John J. Schroeder, instead of Samuel Hivpeil. has bten appointed Postmaster of LBAYeBWOrth m place of Clarksoii. resiiji.ed. Cha.les Hoas, of Cincinnati, lias been ,-i^pqinted Supervising Inspector of steamboats lor lau Fifth District, vice Davis Eaibree. The War Department has received official de- epatehea statiu« that Colonel Steptoe.with a com- itumd of live coinmiseioned ofTicers ana one hundred and fifty two rank and file, was attacked and defeat- ed by a large body of Indians on Mie 17th of May about eighty live nuies north of the Snake River. The battle lasted from seven in the morning to a short time befare sunset, when the ammunition being nearly exhausted, and the musquetoons being nearly useless against the er.etny, a retreat and a forced march to the crossing of the Lake Riv« r became ne- cessury. The following were killed and had died of thmir wounds: Brevet-Captain O. H. P. Taylor, Second Lieutenant W. Gaston, First Sergeant W. C. Wil- liama, Privates A. Barnes, V. C. De May, C. H. Har- iiish, J. Croesett. Wounded severely : H Montre- ville, J. Linch, W. Micon, H Snisker, O. A Ham- mond. Wounded slightly: £ . R. riiron, Maurice Harley, C. Hughes, J. Kelly, G. Beuger, and J. Klav. Major Jeremiah W. Dashiell has been dismissed from the army by the President for having, failed as stated in official order, " to explain satisfactorily a deficiency in his accounts of public money, and hav- ing also tailed to obey repeated instructions from the Paymaster General to pay over the balance acknow- ledged by him to be in his hands." A semi-official letter from New GranadA says that in accordance with tbe law having in view the better security ol passeagers over the Isthmus railroad, and in other respecta to promote their comfort, the President of that Republic haa appointed J. M, Hur- tado, Superintendent, with ample power for the ful filment of the trust. Charles Barrett was today found guilty of the murder of Reeve Lewis, and Henry Williams, Bar- rett's companion at the time, of manslaughter. NO NEWS OF THETELEGRAPH CARLE. TRINITY BAY, July 15—8 P. M.~The weather is clear, calm, and beautiful this evening, and the Bay is as smooth as glass; but a3 yet there are no tidings of the Telegraph Fleet. NON-ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA. HALIFAX, July 15—9 P. M.—The weather is densely foggy, with a lig'.it south-west wind. No signs yet of tne Canada HALIFAX, II P. M—The weather still continues very foggy, with no indications of the Canada. FROM "ALBANY. ALBANY, June 15.—A call for a meeting of the American State Council on Tuesday, August 24ih, will be issued to day. The representation will be one from each subordinate Council. The State Council fixes the time for the American State Con vention. The statement that a meeting of the Directors of the Central Railroad was held yesterday for the purpose of declaring a dividend, is erroneous. It was not a dividend meeting, but simply a business meeting of the Board. BREAK IN THIIKRIE CANAL. SCHSNKCTADY, N. Y., July 15.—A break, occurred ia the Erie Canal about ten o'clock this morning, half a mile west of here, on section thirtv, over a cul- vert. There is about seventy-five feet of the bank gone. The water is being drawn from the level, and active steps are being taken to repair the breach at once, which will Jprobably net interrupt navigation over two or three ddys. THE OH7O~RIVER. WHEELING, July 15.—The water in the channel of of tbe river at this point now measures nine inches, and is rising. Freights are going oil' promptly, as the boats are plenty and the rates low. STEAMERS ARCTIC AND GREAT WEST DESTROYED BY FlRK. PITTSBURGH, July 15.—The steamers Arctic and Great West were destroyed by fire this evening, at the Marine Railway, two miles below this city. The Arctic was valued at til teen thousand and the Great West at eighteen thousand dollars. The iormer was lnsuieu hure for six thousand dollais. The latter was also insured, but the amount, or in what office, is not known. DECEASE OF HONTJOHN N. HILDER. ALBANY, July 15.—Hon. John N. Milder died in a fit ot apoplexy in true city at the Delavan House this afternoon. PHILADELPHIA _ STOCK MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, July 15.—Stocks steady. Penna Stat* 5'ab6; Kenning UK i'i%\ Morns Canal 41; LOBK Island KKll?,;PeuiiaRK41?i. MARKETS. BUFFALO, July 15. 6 P M.—There has been a good demand for Flour to-day at previous rates. Sales 2500 barrels at $2 75 a A3 for sour, and $3 75 for good super- one Wisconsin ana Illinois, $4 a 4 25 for good to choice extra Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Canada; $4 50 a 4 75 for double extra. Wheat market quiet. Sales 37,000 but-h ut «5 cts for Chicago Spring, 78 cents for sound Muwaukie Club, 70H cents for warm ditto, 86 cents for red Indiana, U5 a ttnt cts for white Indiana and Cirwd;., 'Jooo tu new prime white Kenthy.to an interior miller at Bl 35. Corn quiet and unc ituiged; sales 25,0.0 bush at 50 cent* for sound and 3u cents for unsound. Oats ia good demand and market firm for sound. Sales ll.OoO bushels at 37 cents, 23,0J0 bush warm at 34 cents, and 35,00' buahdo at32J» cts. Rye dull; aales small lots at 58fc cts. W hiske y in good demand; sales 5 0 bbls at 21 cents. Freights unchanged at 40 cts on flour, 11 cts oa wheat and 10 cents on corn to New York. Recipts in the last 24 bourn—Flour, 5200 bbls; wheat. 16,00(1 bush; corn, 1 i,00u buah; oals 52,0n0 bush. Canal Exports- Flour, 2800 bbls; wheat, 65,c00 bush; corn, 6-1.U00 bush; oats, lB.OuObush; rye, 3136 bush. Oswsoo July 15—6 P.M.—Flour dull. Grain of all descriptions rather quiet. Sales, 3 y o o bushels Chi- cago Spring Wheat, not in shipping condition, at ?0c. Corn unchanged. Sales, ln.OUO bushels et 62c for sound Indiana, and 50c for hot Illinois. Oats 39 a 40c. Sales, 30,0011 bushels. Freights dull. Flour 27c and Wheat 7J«c to New York. Lake imports o-day—17,WW bushels Wheat, 39,000 bushels corn, 8000 bush Oit« Canal exports—23,0111 jushels Wheat, 16,000 bushels Corn; 8uoo busheia Oats. CHICAGO, July 15—fl P. M.—Flour quiet. Wheat de- clined 1 cent; aalea at 64aH9c. Corn active at 46 cents. Oats dull. Shipments to Oswego I5,fln0 bus corn ; no flour or wheat, no shipments to Buffalo. Reueipta 2900 bbls flour, 21,000 bushels wheat, 02,0(i0 do corn. CINCINNATI, July 15.—Flour steady at $3 75. Whis- key 91 Xr. Mess Pork—sales 300 bbls at $15 25. Corn 55c. CHARLESTON, Julv 15.—Cotton.—Sales to-day 250 bales. Sales of the week 5000 bales at an advance of \ a H on tbe prices of the previous week. Middling fair 13c. The market|cloacd arm. NEW OBLEAN, July 14 —Cotton' unchanged. Sales to-day lioo bales. Sugar—Fair to fully fair is quoted at 7 a "\c. Superfine Ohio Flour »3 75; St. Louis | 4 10. Corn fUli a See. Barrel Lard lie. Kentucky Bagging 14 eta. * NEW ORLEANS, July 15.—Cotton i Mies to-day 1,100 bales at suffer, out not quotably higher prices*. Flour, $4 12. Cora, 77*. Mem Pork, »!«• India Bagging, lAHc. Gunny Baga, 12c. Freights : Cotton to Liver- pool, HA. Sterling Exchange, 8^a9K percent. Ex- change on New York at par to one-quarter per cent, premium. ioua aorta of Sponges. _B5_ BORAX—Barret* and caa.s Wood'* English At, Manned Borax. In ator* and ia bond, for aal* by my24 JOSIAH MACT A SON8, 189 Front at._ G AMBIER— i00t>M!e», for.al* by •30 HENNVW. HAHDINO,85W.llstr**t. N ITRATE OP SODA— 10P0bag. prime white, 'or aal. by am HENRY M. HARDING.85* *t!*ir**i. G ARANCINE— Dutch ar d Fr.ncn, lor sal* hy ' DUTILH fc CO.. 33 South William »t. »i«tjPFR CARBONATE bF~if»DA—lo 80 ih paper*, n ~' earti box, ror aale by th* manuft^tarara. JOHN DWIOHT k CO., 112 Pearl «t. O PIUM-Tnrk»y—Scsmt M. WARD, CLOSE fc V i new crop, for »al« hj CO. 115 Fulton anil 46 Ann sis. HY j.mssiw Mtim.AuewMeei JAM eg M. MILLJh * CO Stars No- *• Maidaa ma*. THUhSDtY, Jaly «• AtlSn'eloct. a» the M.rchs'»« K«ra«n»». Will he sold under the direction ol rt*n.wl**r Ten Bro„k, K.a., hefer**-AH ti.me piaei «r par"' 1 6 J land la th* 20tla Ward, known on. map tn.de lit l»•• S m l n __MB88to«f Mary Clark, April Uh. 1857. ki»>wn brin* mimhsrs from 5*7 l<>584inelii»i*a; west hr |)ih avs . no'" "» i-th St. scmisi hy 2Bih at ,attendingh.ckfn.m !Uh ar* east loo feet, loeether with the street wharves sml rightsi-f whatfagear crnna-e in rnmt of or sppeitsiamg, and all »»t« r r h, » to all lands and grant, of land under w.ter, i n nt of saiil lit* as pro;His*d t.i be attended to the wasterir line of tne city. FhlDAt. JnlT lb , _ v At 12o'c'ook,st lha Merchant S.t<-hsng*. Uader direetien of Jus Sand lore. j » _ f _ » _ | J"ts of land E side Ulh av*.25.l Sof 4Mh «t, 7S 3 f'ont bj lpti n ^e«p^ Bruce A Chilt.tn, fifJ^HC' BY ( o l . F . rV c H H . r o > . fliaafaal N O i ' N*RM4t» iff aw IR DRUGS. ERMILI.ION—15 pnekaeea China and Trieste, t* Qulnine-inea*e. French and American. Rhubarb— in ca.es E I. and Turkey. Aniseed—in hags Itstiau ; 3d cases Star. Prnuiat* Poiaab —10 c«a*a, Ammonis— C»rbonat*..scasks in jariand bulk Arrow Knot—KM) rases West »nd t a.t Im ie«. Cubehs—20 bags. Ralsam <'jpaiva—10 keg*. Rsrbadoe. Tar—10 ti*rc*s Tonqua Besna—20 kegs, Coioevnth Apple—10 p.cksge>. Corks—UW hales bottle sadvlal. Biichn tj-ave.—Shales. Senna—20 bales Alerandria: 15risks K. I. Aloe*—15 panksg** We.t snd Fast Imlte. Gutn Arahtc—100 package Turkey and .Mag.dore. U»m Benioin—5 cases. Gum Dams'—.so rases " Kino—10cases. " rhe.lisc—W cases. " Tragmanlh—to cases, Indnii Hed—2n kegs. Macr—5 rasas. Mass, Irish—100 bbls. Oil of Almonds, bitter—50 bottles. " Anis. E I— ,»>c*.e. " Ohve., in ba.kets snd boxes ; slso, 30 bbl*. " P*"p*rmint I esse. Cream T.rtsr-lOra.k. fof.alshy BCHI_EPFKLIN_BROS. ACQ. rf> WilHsm at_ R ~Kl KNAQELVsCHWAS.te Cedar at.. oTejibr *»!*- Algol.,erude,''srdamoii* ard ar»w»y Seeds, Indigo. Manila and Madras; Horn, namsr sno Arabic. n»rt.;Imlir Rubber. Oils of Bitter Almond.. Cotnac, Spearmint, Berts, mot and Aniaseed; Saltoflte, Bichrom-le and Chlorate Pot **h; Sumsf Cream Tsrtsr, Snail 8h*:lt, K. I Hhubarb, Smvrna Sponr*, Ao Also, K I Boffalii Hides and C.i e Terfe Qoqt Skms ai3 /1U!H THl'S—"H IAS. *stra«oa»ity.tors-4l* by \i mil SAM'LI. MirCHIU.fc ON. 13 Brosdwsy lilt ' lei. put.otisaiid ^n-peity. We tiavr assured them hat re.t'-ici- ih"ir persons nor property would be iu ured or rrsflsasNSfl by the army uacUr vcar coniinan;1 We wouid respectfuilv euggest, in consequence of this "eeli'g oi untasiness. that you isjtis a procla- mation to iho people of Utah, stating ir»t 'he army under your command would not tre->p a u >on the rights or property of peaceable citizens du mg the aojourn in, or the march ol your army th ..ugh, the Territory. Such a proclain.iiioit would greatly allav the existing anxiety and fear of the people, snd cause those who have abandoned their i.om. s to re.urn to the<r housi a and farms. We have made enquiry about .'ass, woud.&c , ne- cessary for the subsidence and convenience ot your army. Wo have conversed with Mr. Ficklin fully on this subject, and given him all the information we have, which he will impart to you. We re*pectlullv suggest that ymi march to the vailey as toon ar, it is toi vetucnt for you to do so. We have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servants, L. W. POWELL. Bh'N. MoCVLLOCH. 'OIIIIII •mniei.« to tTaSls, To Gen. A. S Johatton, Ccmmanduts Atmt nf Utah, Camp Scott, t//a» T-rrilorr REPLY OP OEN. JOHNSTON HlADVUAATMe. DEI AUTMinT OF UTAH, cunapou liiur K.».i, June 14. Gentitnun .—Your communication from Salt Lake City was received to day. The accomplish- ment of the object of your miaaion entirely in ac- cordance with the instructions of the President, the wisdom and forbearance of which you have so ably displayed to the people of the 1 erritory, will, I hope, lead to a more just appreciation of their relations to the general government, and the estab- lishment of the supremacy of the laws. 1 learn with surprise that uneasineM is felt by the people as to the treatment they mav receive frcm the array. Acting under the two-fold obligations of citizens and soldiers, we may be supposed to comprehend the rights of the people, and to be suffL-iently mindful of the obligations of our oaths not to disregard the laws which govern us as a mili- tary body A reference to them will show with what jealous care the general government has guard ed the rights of citizens against any encroachment. The army has duties to perform here id execution of the orders of the Department of War, which, from the nature of them, cannot lead to interference with the people in their various pursuits, and if no ob- struction is presented to the discharge of thoce du- ties, there need not be the slightest apprehension that any person whatever will have cause of com- plaint against it. The army will continue its march from this position on Thursday, 17th instant, and reach the valley in five days. I desire to encamp be- yond the Jordan on the day of arrival in the valley. With great respect, your obedient servant, A. 8. JOHNSTON. Col 2d Cav.sndBvt. Brig. (Jen .V- 8. A. Coa'dg. To the Hon. L. W. PeweU and Mai B. McCultoeh, V. S. CommU&ionert to Utah. TO THE PEOPLE OP UTAH. HEADOUABTBBS, DEPARTMENT OF UTAH, Camp on Bear River, June 14th. The commissioners of the United States, de puted by the President to urge upon the people of this Territory the necessity ol obedience to the Con stitution and laws, as enjoined by his proclamation, have this day informed me that there will be no ob- struction to the administration and execution of the laws of the federal government, nor any opposition on tbe part of the people of this Territory to the military force of the government in the execution of their order: I therefore feel it encumbent on me, and have great satisfaction in doing ao, to assure those citizens of the Territory who, I learn, appro hendtrom tbe army ill-treatment, that no parson whatever will be in any wiae interfered with or mo- lested in his person or rights, or in the peaceful pur* suit of his avocations: and, should protection be needed, that they will find the army (always faithful to the obligations of duty) as ready now to assist and protect them as it was to oppose them while it was believed they were resisting the laws of their government. A. 8. JOHNSTON, Colonel Second Cavalry and Brevot-Bhg.-Oen., Con'd'g, ( "•BEAM OK TART,*K-2 , cs.ss, / CantbiOt—500 bales, Tsrtsnc Acid—.'OO !b*. B, earn Soda—soli **g* Caithartde*— uflO Ins Opirim—friw afciM—-Ml cash* Kreieh OFFICIAL FROM UTAH. (From the Washington Union, Jaly 15 1 THE PEACE COMMISSIONERS TO THE SECRETARY OF WAR. GRV.ATSALT LAKE CITY, U, T , Jane 12. Dear Sir.—We have the honor to report that we reached this city on the 7th instant. We lost no time in placing ourselves in communication with the chief men of the Mormon people. After the fullest and freest conference with them, we are ni> asert to state that we have settled the unfortunate difficulties existing bet wain the government of the United States and the people of Utah, We are informed by the peonle and chief men of the Territory that they will cheerfully yield obedience to the constitu'ion and laws of the (Jilted States. They cheerfully consent that the civil officers of the Territory shall enter upon the discharge of their respective dutiea. They will make no resistance to the army of the United States in its marrb, to the. valley of Salt Lake or elsewhere. We have their assurance that no resistance will be made to the ofBr*r§, civil or military, of the United States, in the exercise ol their various functions in the 'l«>rritory of Utah. The people have abandoned all the equipment* north of this, and all the families have left the city, only about fifteen hundred persons remaining here to take charge of the property, and to burn it if the difficulties had not tteen aettled. The people from tin* city and north of it havr> gone south t<> Provo, fifty miles south of this, and to points bevond. Vie will visit Provo an-1 the settlements South in a day or two, and see and confer with the people, and inform them tii.it the diffi mlics have been set- tled, and thus irdure thrm to return to their hornet We have written to (.ten. Johnston by the messTi- gi r that will l*ar tin*, informing tiini of what has tiecn done, and that he could march his armv W 'he valley whenever he desired to Ao ao. We intent) to remain and visit the people ami converse wit i these, until Uen. Jonaton'a army arrives. We think it im portai i that we remain until th^ army is located in the valley. We have but a moment to write, as Hie etpretrs will start in a tew momenta. We will i i r%e» days forward . detailed report GENERAL OB- DIRs, MO. 3d. ORDER OF MARCH. I HEADQCABTzaa, DEPARTMENT OP UTAH, < Camp on Bear River, Usee Territory, ( June 16. The army will continue tbe march to-morrow, and daily hereafter till arrival in Salt Lake Valley, in the following order, each command being followed immediately by its train, and a proportion of tbe supply-tram: Brevet Col. C. F. Smith's Battalion, constituting the advanced guard, at 5, A M. 10th Infantry and Phelp&Utattery, at 5.15, A.M. 5tb Infantry aud Reno's Battery at 4.45, A.M. Col. Loring's Battalion of Mounted Riflemen, 1st Cavalry, 3d, 6th, and 7th Infantry, at 6.15, A.M. Volunteers at 6.30, A. M. 2d Dragoons, constituting the rear guard at 7, A.M. Commanders of Regiments and Battalions will order the guards for their respective trains. The Headquarters will be with the advance. By order of Brevet Brigadier General A. S. Johnston, F. J. PORTER, Assist. Adjutant General. FROM THE ARMY. going hither b .uueram, CU^t'.s* SSilvtr aud lined, ra.iuku. e not giv*_- 10 ; l'*T Hahi.x—Mtisr. Edwa.dA Nivt.s of P.tt»6>ld, Phi- lip C*A~til otSawpcr*. I.MHI' Daaraou nf Ro.il Fng neers; jirs Ma-uo. 0«oc Percy, J hn Bo d*r. John Hai.Ud. *• btutaa I:.. .«. L«t-y tia Smith, Jja* NGe iB.aa'i Wan Pa ker of Halit.x—i. Total I [Correspondence of th* St. Loui* Democrat.] HEAD-QUARTERS SIXTH COLUMN, CAMPUS Bio RLUS, July3. Incidents of a tragical character have occurred since our arrival here, which will long cling to many a siern soldier with a painful remembrance, and cause this camp to be regarded as the " Camp ot Horror." On the night of the 38th ult., from some cause or other, 1 cvas aroused fiom my sleep about midnight. The night was one of calmness and beauty. I was aroused by No. i sentinel crying, "Number one— twelve o'clock, and all is well." The cry was taken up by each sentinel in his turn, and repeated all around the camp. The weird chant bad scarcely left the lips of the last sentinel and went echoing up the rocky ravine upon which he waa posted, when I heard the bnsa clattering of a horse's hoots coming ap the stony hill from the river. A moment more and the rider drew rein in front of Majory Emory's tent, whom be called up, and then rode to Sergeant Major Charles Green's, whom he also called up. I now hoard the Major order him (Sergeant Major Green) to make out a detail of six men from each mounted company, to go under ths command of Lieutenants Berry and Cunningham and two noncommissioned officers, Lieutenant McGruder had been murdered at a settler's cabin, over tbe river, and this first detachment ws* sent to arrest the murderer. Dr. Joseph R smith, a non commis sioned officer, and a detail of two mounted men trots each cavalry company went to take charge of the corpse. The news of the murder soon spiead over the camp. The men came out of their tents and congregated in groups to discass the tragedy. The clattering of horse.*' feet were heard and thither. Lieut. John T. McGruder, of the Second Cavalry, was on detached service, assisting Lieut. Berry in the command of Company A, Dragoon recruits. He is a Virginian by birth, but his'lather is at present a resident of Washington City. At two o'clock on ths 29th he waa buried. The whole of the sixth column turned oat and followed his remains in solemn funeral procession. Dr. J. R. Smith officiated as chaplain in the funeral service The last resting-place of the deceased is on the point of a considerable eminence, overlooking the sur- rounding country. To day they are erecting a large stone mound over the grave. A few nights si nee a drunken row occurred at a liquor shanty near by, in which several teamsters were horribly mutilated—almost literally eat to pieces. None of th'in, however, are quite dead, al 'hough in a critical condition. The aame rrifht, I am informed, a so.dier belonging to the tilth column, which is slso encamped over the river, was shot dead. The night after, a wagon master of an ot team shot one of his ox drivers through the head Last night two teamsters of a mule train were badly wounded by pistol shots fired by ox drivers. These deeds of horror are all attributed to the influence of liquor. Thus yon see, rum, that foul fiend and agent of the devil, is here, is every where, doing his full share in the destruction of hu- man life. But I am about to neahct some of tbe rmrticnlars in relation to the murder of Lieutenant McGruder. He had been on a visit to the officer* of the tilth column, and was returning when.on passing the house aforementioned, he got entangled in an altercation with a citizen by the name of Prore, who fired upon him. The gun was loaded with a ball and a number of buckshot, all of which entered hie face and head, killing him instantly. I understand that the civil authorities of Maryrville arrested, tried and acquitted Prore ot the murder. Yesterday the Ma- jor sent ont a detachment ot seventy five men, miner command of Lieutenants Crittenden and Ingraham, in quest of the fugitive. Bui they have returned, after a Iruitlesa search- Thia mornin? there was about sixty persons on the sick report. Nearly eveiy case was the dysen tery, and nearly every patient wan a raw recruit, fresh Irom citizen lite. Of course, it must be ex- pected that a change of diet, a change ol climate, a change of physical exerciM, and a new mo !e of life altogether, will have such an cfTicr upon men. The only wonder ia that there are not ajreater number "down with the same complaint." The doctor ha» no serious cases under h:s care The general health of the troona i. excellent. Nome few, who, like my self, have travellesl over Mexico and Texaa, and con- tracted the chrome diarrbcea, have had n return ef the dreaded disease, but hope that, by temperance and care, we will soon lie around again. BvWsMS we leu Leavenworth we have had a rainy day about every fourth day. When it was not raining, the weither liai tieen excessively warm and oppressive If it were not for the fine prairie breeze, we would sometimes positively suffocate. Du&nt and Hi.* Wife, -The tendon i-orrespvnd- en! ot the*cipriR|irteld Htpuhltfan, writing on the 'Jtifh Sf June, gives th • following explanation of th* iiiconiiiaitrHlrty between fhekens arid ht« wife i ••In the lit-rarv wodd very little i* sttmrtr. ex ' E__ ilAMk* 1-. _JB ! LAV AiT^L* _ A £ _ _ _ _ _ MAti SAILING I) TNE NEWS A\'S OF 8TE4M 1* •» Ut UrtlTkl) STA'fBh. BBtoj Boruii.i* A1 ties Fulton Enron* Austria North Atarri an.. *"i-int l.urotia Kanguoo Harm*. 1IH1I.HI , Haninioni* Arabia City af Bait lmore . _Mto New Vorl-.. New York. New York. .. ..BoKtoo. New York. War Hamburg LivtHpooi iavr* . Liverpool Hamburg PEOM strap p. .Liverpool. . Hauburg. Livornool . Liverpool. . Liverpool. . Liverpool. . Hamburg . .Liverpool. . Liverpool. Qa«b*c .Ne- tork Boston Ntw Yurk . .. . New York .(ju«be.i New York Boston .New York BH1P Data July IS July ill ... . July 3i . ...Jnly X Aag 1 June J<> .... July 1 July 3 July 7 Jul; 18 JulV * Jul.. 16 Julv 17 ..• July ill • 0 * HISES .... 4 81 I MOON BISKS HI | | •___• 7 m i m e s wATsa o u r~* to And the ' At or HtOM VJTIK ar SANDV noOE -Jt» ci 60 wmitttt Jrom. ih* o6oc«. ior liiun T!DB at uczt, OAT* and I hew a ut 41 ruiaatta. •TXX. (Advcrti«»ment ) TUB NEW iORK MAMSK RE., (PaTaBi.iKiiaOi. iS',7.) A standard of classinoalion and cco.'ruotic of all Ve»sal« lit'i- iu aud visiting tlir Porta oi ,n. UuiU I SUSM lots work is sconr.t* aod roli.-ible and contain* |{u es tail Dfs- graui. botkio building and i u*p» eti in ol Vessels; ala» g v . s tbe Halo, li ninuc Draft, Woods. Ps.'eniuge whoa Mauled when andv»heie Built Builder*. P.n belonging to. Owners or CouMgnoe*. Miasormurnt. M'".l. rooaaike and Sat* at Survey. Price of the hiuud volume $ni; aod iseluauu tka Tii monthly Supplement* for nn* I«UI. gso. This i* th* only work of tl.* kind approved hy the Foard of Underwriter, of Now York, aud will he iaeued usually in tu« month of July. The 2d vuiuaie is aow ready for d-liv.rv by B. C. ROUT. ANTHONY A CO. Publishers, N o 18 Naaaau st jy 10 lw Priatarsto the Board of UneWiwriter*. PORT OF NEV> YORK- JULY 13. Uto lasaa. New CLEARED Ship P*l**tiM, Tinker. Loud iu, Mcrgan fc Wiley. Ship New World, Kaignt,Liverpool, (2* eioaraaee) COriu- Mil. Ship Qrotto, Stewart, ifiom Sigua) Falavouth, Neaastth A Sons. Ship Genoa,Corwitli, New Orleanc, Robsou fc Foadick. Bark Beaver, (Bi I Hug. Rotterdam. W Salem Bark Maraval. OrtMe, Weat Indie., Trowbridge fc Owigkt. Bark Sarah Stevens. Demerara. J Smith fc Co. Bark Chauticiaor, Murray, Riehmoud, M M Pntais A Co. Brig teoorgea, (Br) Duguiu, Capo Hayiioa, Herckauratk, Schneider fc Co. Hug Sarah Petore. Lord, Cleafutgoa. C fc E J Peter* Brig Lohio.BartloU, Portj Cabolio and LtguAyra, C Stat- aon fc Co Biig Aoadiaa, (Br) Loekteit. CornwallU, D R De Wolff. Brig Tiiiuoliu, Heerner, Philadelphia, C fc E J Pater*. Brig Loch i.otuond. Prereh, porilaad, h P Back fc Co. Brig Lucy Haywood Powers. Bangor. T H Bantord. 8cbr British VJuetu. iBr) Johnson. Nassau. J Earn*. Schr Oipfcev. .w.loney St Andrew*. Smito fc Boyaton. S-clirMacn.y nun, Jaek.ouv I'e. Pool fc Saudi. Schr Potomac. Arne.i. New Orleaaa, N H Aright BcbrP itiirnti, >a v.ar, M^wbvrn, T Smith fc Co Schr A J l»e Rosielt, Tucker, Wilinintton. J Smith fc Co. Schr Elia i Croaell, Origgs, Klia-tbelh City. Maaier. 8o.'ir Quito.io, Walla, Eliiaoetnport. C fc E J Patera. Schr Miange', Dibble, ,«e» Haven, J B kawarda. Slo p Pboeinx, sUeppard, New Haven. J R Edw.rU.. Sloop Pointer, Fowler. Bristol, L Kenney. AKRIYVV. Steam ship Jameatown, Parriih, from Norfolk, g-c, with mdse and pusengor* to Henry Ludlara Staain alnp ibuuia* Swoon, B.kar. from Baltimve via Norfolk, wiih uidso. to H B CromwellfcCo. Skip Plymouth Rook, Haanaonu. from London and Leal Mny 31, aud 3* data from Etart Point, with mda* end 148 p*>- •engera.to Uriuoell. aim urifcCo. Had light winds daring tke paaeage. Norwegian berk Omeu, Erich*. 83 aay* from Hartlepool, with ccaU, to order. July 7. 1st 40 66. Ion 67 38. spok* Brem skip August*. Horn Bremen for Baltimore, 46 day* out—all wail. Brig Lucy Hey wood. Power*, from Port Ewen for Bangor. 6ctii J ForggrtA, Holmes, 8 d.ys .'rout Baltimore, with coal, to _at Coal Co. fcihr TaoaJtffertoa, Eilu, 3 dsy* from Salem, with mdse, lo R W Ropes. Schr Kossu.h. Coker, 3 d:y» trom Newburyport, with md** tos W Lewi, b Co. Sehr Isaoolla. Faulkner, 3 days from Boston, with mdsa, to Dayton fc Sprague, Soar alary Mantin, Boor*. 3 day* from Boatoa, with aaiae, to Day Ion A Soraguo. hohr Lamartm*, uurnev, from Wareham Schr Henry Oibba. Snow, from Mew Bedford near D Parahall.Crriwell.from Harwich Schr Sarah Jsne, Brothertoa. froa* ProvMoaee. Schr Moaart. Brigg*, from Newport. Schr ,'onatnnn Coa*, McH.ffey lion Philada for Hartf rd >•ti i Km ..rf, M.aon, from rrovtdenoe lor Albany Soar 8 at Tyler, Cortia, from Connecticut River for Beiti- BMTA. Schr J Strattoa, Bate*, from Albany far Boatoa Schr Repuo io, Ciowoil, from Albaay for Providence. Schr A i<*ooia, Parry, trom Albaay for Newport Bohr Urbanu, Norton, from Ron-lout for Providence. Schr Rebecca C Beeor, Denaia, Dam Port Ewea for Fall River. Schr Artiat, Hotart, from New Radford for PougBkeepete. Schr Volta, Caae, from Orsenportlor Phl.adetphia. Scor W W Bramaid. Parton, from Oioeoport lor Philada Schr Nieanor.Maracr.from Elisaheta City, NJ,for Boatoa. Sloop aSAMM Bordea. Co.lias.liom Fall Stiver. Sio ip u Spraguo, Oibbe. from Newark for Wareham- Sluoop Wru o Mount, Poiry, from Pert Ewen for Harwich. bteamor Delaware. Copei. iroat Philadelphia, witu mdao, to F Perkins. Steamer Sarah. Jone*. from PhilaJelphia. Bteemor Oteeo a. Kenney, trow Nuiw ea. Propeller Curlew William.-, froat Providence BELO W - l saip aud A harks. SA1LEC—Steam ahip BOIOMIB, (Ham) Trautomnn, Ham* burg, fco. Wind—Outing tho day from NW toS, and light. rrsoM euB OWN COBBBBPONMBT. KEY WEST, July lu-Ar7tb,bark Lyra, Dioaey, Havana! put in ior atores, bound to th* coaat of Arxion SO* i* impact- ed of complicity ia th* nave trad*, and the Cu.um Houee of- liciais tre exsmlniogber, U 8 ate.roer water Witch. Lieut Rodger*, sailed OB tho Sth for Charleston, with deepoich*. from ihecoor.oo, for Wean- iBgton. the U 8 •.'•am fiigale Colorado iaia part dieabled, having broken her abaft. the frigate Wabiah, aad sloop of war Macedonia*, are ta •ail to-d.y, andoroiso ia th* Gulf. Ship Ctaoou he, t'apl Maxweil, is in port diaehargiag esrge of ice. she will tsko en board the cargo of ahip Saltan, arriv- ed on tl* 10th. 8cm E W Perry, Samson, from Cedar Ksys, la want cf stores, will anil to-day for Now Yoik. 6pok*n-Off Key Wcot,on the »tn, ship Union.38days from New York tor New Oi leant. ss o wreck*—weather oool aad plaaeaat. Ne *iekn*s* on th* island. Tn* bark C Boisses, tailed to^loy tor New York. The mate take* her oa. —- HXMOKAXDA Ship 8 arkllag Wave,from Matanzaifor Falmouth. E, pot into Savannah 14th inat, abort of men, Beth ihemite* and a aaiior hod died oi yellow fovar. Schr D Trowbridse. from Turk* Island for thi* pert, pro- viouaiy taporied (*hor*n*ar th* Ocean Hovi.o, NJ. was gat off 10 o'clock night of the ltth it at. through the eeeiaWRCe of Caot fountain, of ibe ateam tug Ocean, 'the 111, I* Iraki ng badly. Brig f W Rowland, Rowland, frets Phil.dalehla, Withuoal, bounu to K o . West, put into Hampton Road* ,3th last oa ac- co'.nt of stoknea* of i ue captain. Schr wh.riw nd Matey, trom Gardloer for New York, pre- vioasiy sported aa having aunt when effPalma-'. lelaid.wr-.e r(is-don the 14th and S.wtedhalfa mil* to**rd* Palmer'* Iiijn-1, where *li* again gtouuded. There woo roiuaur.net on vessel or cargo Brig C Parkin*. Cant Brown, sunk ta the Mrher ef Havana Sth last. Berk Etiwao. from LivoOooolfer Cknrleaton, eat back 29th ult leaky having bore up trom lot S3, ten 34. Brig I ydia France*, of Damnrieeott*. from Minatitlan far Ismbarg, p.it into Ho inn.'. Hoi* 13th lest, with Sist aad •*• cond mate* and one aeamaa *ick with fever. Cant Ingraham,ol Hie hrlg Maria, at Bristol. RI, iFh inat, from 8*gi>B 30th nit, r porta that th* yellow fever aad biaoii vomit were vsgtng to a fearful er'oot smonFth* shlppit.st Segea I her* were u wan's of twenty mil of voeaela In port, moat of which had loat nnrtion* ef their erew aod nearere B.rk Maiy Ann. Farnum, fr-na Havana, arrived oo 38, tkrae of h.r crew hiviae died on M P***age. aad two were »lck oo or boiro : tbe o*pc*ln'a wif* died ahottly after tbe vereal an- chored Baik Ranger, from Havana, also arrived on too mor- ninsof thr:ii Hi in charge ef tbe mate. Caot Seebory having if ft the vereel at H. Tooy reported aovea ef her crew dead, •ad had only throe me>< en hood *bl* to d* dot/. She was ae- si*t*d iato port by the pilot* Schr Swan CanoM, Milt at Baltimore ia 18S0. »45 l e u re- gister, ratlag A3 wasse»dat auetloa to-d.y. 1 1Mb)by Meaara Greamrsgh Bordett R Co, for $4.SM c»*h-parch***d by Mr Joba R Dow. SPOTPN May 33. tat U N , Ion T, b.rk M.rv Reatley, frost NYork for N onto* W #o Jon* 8, etf M more* Bask, Ana Augusts, ttwm Msreeill** for NYork Jnne28. 6 AM off th* Salter., .hip Prior-ton, Roll, from Liver port for N York. July 1, oo at. ae, bark Retodeer, from Sagoo for Philadel- phia Jaly 18. lot M .v) lea 74 SO Mrk Hoary, (of NYork) Wlltoa, from Chsrleetoa for Rreawa. July 10 lot 4'i P , Ion 88 SO. brig P R Cortl*, 3 days IM Port- land for Mataasat July 12, off Mont auk, hrlg Eadorua, 13 days froat M.tanaaa for Portland, WMJotM flldfm Myatie ltth mat, tehr Cornell*, RoddiagtM. Hard** Island, Ar it t.ew London 11th. ship Peruvian, Rnee, Month Atl.a- tieO**a,St Heleu nay 37, with iMMIswa, 7J do sp oil, Ton lbs hone. Sl'l trom Hong Eos* Apl 38, President. Hamilton, SH, no a cruise Sld from Talohoaoo May ?\,«hlp» '*m*a I.oper. RamirieU, on a crmsc Ore.a Rnver. Ycodor, home; 1'Hli, hark Domta- g*. Hmitk do. At do M*»V'7,Oen Fr >!t, Paggefl of Fairhav.a, TSS0 sp, to leave is adsyo. two fortie Northeast on aciutee, fO 17G,V POM. T$ At Plemeneo M . v 17, bark Seotlasd, Row*, for Rot'oa anos No Am vo**e tt Pi.sau Africa, Mav 38 At Niegrw Apl 18. halb Msury. Ftetrhar, from Wootuag. Oa East Coaat Ant —, *hlp. Jobn Wade King, fr«m Ho** Kong; Oscar Harding, from SngoghM; schr Wanderer, King, Iro-n Hong Root. At Swatow Apl 27. ships Emperer, Tibbetto, from Woeooag, Magnet, Henry fur.<thantha*. At Whamp a M*v t. «hir Dr.,.-> i We.tnn. unc .r at S m - . D >re M»y 2. ship luo Ploraer, (aot aa misprint- ed) P*fi»r,g, i ami a'd «th 'or MJ<*O,) bark Early Bird Cook, Ron*—r,n,(nn,| aid 4'h for Macao S a Mav II, .hip * - ra'-coaia Europe., At Madras M.v ••! ship Roe* Staadiah. Hntchroa, for Cal- cutta with deepaich. At Antwerp to h tilt.ahip. Sea Lion, Collars, for Boaton immntutety- rrssstitnttea. Loot, aod John H Elliot fucker, for NYork let Inst; Orsh.ms Policy, Norton, from NYork di«f; actir Harts«iai|, Rnate.from New O r t e a n . .I<> At Sunderland 24th ult, ship Messenger Bird, Billisgs, for pTotMcnce neavlv roadv Alport Pr*y».Cai* da Vatd. ll'h n't, war A P LienalV Freeman, from Boatoa via Windward talands, juat »r, tor OOTf* At Ri> J.neiro Jane g ahtpe Tioifmr. Huh,, dtaetiarsod, N»i>..l»,iii Cuahiag, do, barga N.iint . . . Carr. da, Siar- I'ght, Psiit.en il.n.bia. Eesa*, Paatma. Uraves, sd Tital Ware. White, d •, 1 . m . i t <i« AadaToa, from Charla.ton, ar Mi, .to So; M Wi'haMstoa. Schacfhr, ;r >u 1*1* ef tea Mi gu.1. »nc, and others, CM Jane 8 tt->ik latlas. Tbompooa. Naw Oi rim. C^rula Petl-nglti. New York, RedtoA, Farrvil.do, Phantom, Uttigg. mo, "ltd* (Maw) JiCntaiaoii. dV; brig Joha-mea. (Rreaij N.rl-ub.l t Savasoah tlw» 0*11 Xsn* " h»it M sake MamHm, Sfr^ o. Nooell, M.iilmaln.to load for brig. Irens, Look, Savar<a*h Ckicepee Howe*. Philadelphia, schraCopi* b n i . f , N e u York: N**t Yo>k Ooodiell.M. * l~th-Ar nark St Marys. Mulliaso. R*m*dioe; bug R W Packer. Lee. C pe Haytitt.; schr PI)mouth Rock. Laeay.N UBI TOL-Ar i3h. hrif Maria. larra i.rn. S> Z *A. CHAKi-tSTo.v—Oldish ba k Ca. n s , , T*Tia aork; hrigAu.n.ui. Ibealey Jacksuuv ;]*. RI,. Ar »'eau..u p.s^bel.Ti.lle HaV4Ba ua Key fteat scd Sa- vaiioah Sld schr La* dwen's. -hickcl'-orJ. NYorl. 1.1 B— Sol .cli r N W Mi. i n.Ujyall. N V e k FALL KJVEH- ar ll b il.».„ onon. PrltOB. Port Eaa*. l.Tu- Ar .cb.a liu'ba d li rd-n Aroolu, Pliilsde ph a; 6m- ..n Bray, Na»lor, Oclsware City, f. TswasMt. Pintard, Eli- J.ll.lllCO 1. Ski *rhr At**loFo<igia. Csrtwrigbt. NYork. ll-li-ltiem Yankee Blade. R.r » Pic .u. 8 d acUrs OuUan Ked, BeeiiOl Norfolk; Geo Daeriag Piak- hau Plulada; S.ml Castuer.G.rwoco. do OLoCt ESTl.R—Ar 13ih. aelu. Ade is*. Mari*. loui.a. an.'. Leriathjo. New York. Albert. Kmpiess, Pallsa, aau br K !'•• do. HARTFORD—Ar Uth, picpeiler Scaee*. Peltoa. New York. C.d xchra Jeaeafc Bi.c't. New York; Sarah Solaty. S*l*ey, de; A i u e i ' d . .Mu IMIV. JO: .1 oo I>ee r River. Brewer.do .. ,, i )l r, M * t '', < MOL*. Jnlr I3.PM-Ar brig* C era Alloa, Hi.kni. rto. kpe : lor (it) Point: It G C h » o . e . , Thompara. Mach aa for N w Yoik. .ci * s Clatt, cnll. Philsde'phi-.for Boston; Dolohiu li<ra"» aid I'r le n«u. Cole Eliaata hpo.l f»rdei P Aimaroni. I-i,;. Pi.ii.delih-u forB*l»m: Elisa Bl. ktotoah atoftor, do for Newhoryeott; Onhait Ureev weevr, do for Oaversior-; I. B Fe'giisoa, Ha r e i l . -•«• lor Plv»o.nh; smith rattle. Rich do fjr Trun-j i.a.c Rich Smith.dofor Poi-ta.iic uh; John B My«i. Cobj BaMtM lot Richa>oad; Ueu ArmatSoM Ke ey: Janie. S tle» si. H a * aad L a Heaoo- !.».i.-. Mi ler. dolor Pbi'sde'i.li.s; •. be la F. ulkia, do tar Ne..- Y.i.k; Suif, Shaw, rherr- neld lor do; Kmm* L toy, H.r.ue. loibur for Phiiadeob-a; I oe'la K » », Sa'em for do; I<U 1, Uoamrd.B) *il ll^ih for do; Four Sisie.s.Me>lmaa. k'ts.rloasi, for K : s Hsrl'o - Sa:tsd i.-nj R R H.skinv jobs Cha.les A Greiner.Noel (Br) Sarsu A >l mmood N c l u u , . Oiie>.'-l, Mary M* km A kie J Li.aacll, Harriet A Sarsb Jane N n-,.n. Wn iam C Atwu- for. E H Atwooa.iar.h Clara, Tbom.a Jaffeisou, k**isru Ligb- i Hi). Goi.ten Ag* Do ph.u. Protection isi.e itich. and P Aroia rong. July 3 - A r b i g L)dia Frances, Daggett. Mlaataiaa for Hamburg. Al*.» ar. brisa Mary Farrow, Coomb*, Philadelphia for Bo*- ton; torch, OHcfc ia'. m ror Rock'and; M m Sm II Laae.de tor Salem; ash* Rlisabeth Sag ir. Pa oil Mottle lor Boatoa, s A R S^i.'l pruko. Gen lle.** y , SprngM. and tlaa-ar. rown.eod Baliinio.e for — _ ; Mary 4 Ahiooh-bto. sr.ropbshire: Rem.h R sharp. May bow, ChartoeB PMBIOO. foster; Ueury Mar. Woiou; w G AuJeur.ad, How if; J-box ^*, l V?* rt,tli L . H Phsro.Cr.mMr; aVltic. HiaMVst. IsaheU* ih. mi.*ou, Cot*oa, E J ricotl. Birdsall; J W Pharo. i avail*.-, tfonry M-y^-e* lutuill; Albion.C.ar*; Jabot, I ni- ter. Moro H*.k*l'., K It N.sli «s<on »a.l>ophu Ana amili. Philadepoia tot Boatoa; Mm ray Sa w, Perth Amooy tor do; Maty,——,Aiuai>*.hpon fore-; D i m e ' 8 Metaaoa Allen, f ' s ,l ,, 1 » c er. ——. nnd Monto.au Palkeabuig Phil.de sfcia for Salem; ttli oraia, Hiller. do for Ipewioh; Lebauoa. Mitcliell. do for Pembroke D P Talpey.do for PortoBMUtb; B » rink. Doughty, uo for Brainiree; T hmnoo, Johaaon. Balti- more tar •rewburypert; c h . n s s H Roger* Leosloy, Readout for do; Rouoa srook Madiiocks New York lor Por"*M; Ana Elisa, (Br) Bryant, hill-bo.o, N B . for Newark N J ; Jaai. Louo. Bangor for Now York; Julio A Martha. . Calais, for do. ——~ ..^IS 1 bri * f,° CaeloMrj sebs Lew.. Clark 8 B Wheeler, It E Weston, Crist*. William l. Dayton. J O toltlo. E David- eon IP Loomed. Sarah B igbt, Bhoda fc Baobab. B Y Smith H B Baaeom. Jaaae* H Stroup, Smith Tott a. laabelta. aad Feur Si*t*ra. July 14-Ar brig Sarah Flagg, Ramball. Sogua tor Fert- laad. S AM—Wl_ esw. with fog Noihiageailod LAWE8, Del Jul* 14, 8 PM-Tber. are now at barter, brig JtanUv; aohra Eoli»*o, Joha P Williame, Tillage Qoooa. Geo WashiagtM. R H A>bott. Jonah Holy. Father A foe. Chss Colgato. A J Ward, j„aa fc Allu e. Vaibar fc t o o . C b . e Colgate. A J Ward Joha fc Allieo. Wm D Pitta, M A Oaeat, Pauuae, Sarah Buck, Harriet Ryaa MAI HI A S - Id 3d brig Bousperto. Tyler. NYork. Sd-kr brig Ly^a. Haskell, NYork. stb - Ai bark » auaie Hamlltoa, Waaa, NYork: aehr Raima, Laur-'h, d i lotli—sid brig I yra. Haskell. NYork. MACHIASPOR1-8 d 8 b, brig B O Cbakmer. Tbiaajma, NYork; schr Foreet King, Porier. Potto Riee loth-la port, bng Uouauary, Bloat, for N o w York, wtg wlad. MILLBRJDGE—Ar Mb, brig Relief. NYork. MOBILE-t Id 9ib. echr Qosea of the South. WhMler, Bridgaimit Coin. MYsTiC-Sid Hih.*chr Joe E Potts, Triable, Elisabatb- po t; ah op ADO lo areemaa Haw York. NEW B^D»H1HD-Ar )9th aehr D W Bagasy, (of NYork) Bogsre, Sydney. CB lath—Ar echr Allen H Brown. Eodleo't. Phitada. Sid brig Lacy Atwoed, Peddaek. Waotera aad Case Y«td Islsuds. NEsVBURYPOBT-SId 13th, aehr Glsaa B'ow.sr. rkltodal phia. NEWPORT, July IS-Ar aehr* Oliver M Pottlt. Clark. Baltimore for Boston; Sarah A Taylor, Young. Philada to dljg: Vietoi, Seat*, nod New DoHgai. Beoho.Frovtdeawe for NYoik; Jore F Dur eeo. Davie, Fall R w fordo; Lady Adaaw, Devilu Seeaeiaet, for do; Cha* W Bsntiy Rood. FtaMlwnfor Philada. 14 2N P M - I n port, the above; ahip EIIM MelUry; hark orravjait; brig* Harp Financier, aehr* Mary Anna. Meal, ft —, Providence for Northsort U; Caroline, Dyer free* Mew BAdf-.iU ilraceD.rtiog bciama. Maiia Pike. Yirglato. Rli- sabeth, Clinton, Md other* NEW ORLkA aS-Cid 13th, berk Harriet HMAIHM. Dnnkwa..r, Provid.acs; soar Ralpt Pom, Callus*, New York. PAWTUCKET-Sld 14 b schr EmeliM Rickey.TMa, Phi. ladeiphia t "NIL.bKLPHlA Roger*, Ar 14th. brig Ids D Rogers, Mstaasas, 16th-Ar aehr Mary Eliiabelh. Moadamy, NYork. Cld steamship Renneboc. Head. Niork; scbra Mary EUsa- beth. Moadamy, Paw.ucaot; J B Bleeeker. EdwaM*kaMtto- poti.tt. P p a r L * N D - C i d I3tk. bark Cbevalier. Kataht. (frees Metaas**) Felmou h. E. PKOVIDaNCSi-Ari4th..u*m*blpOsptay, K*nay, Mew __.. .._.^ - .„ .. .. - mitoatoa; aehr Ratlaaa. r Simmon* M 8 d Br bark* Bae.bee, Mok'eaaiel P oten; Onward. York; bark OW Hall. M.wry. Chiulaotoa; aehr Co san, Mondout; steamer Gevomor Si -- -• "-•--»•»•••»-, waranv, row, a—www, aramy. St Joha NB; Br brig Joha C Ive.. Rosa, Pietou, (*ad all an- chored in the lower b.y, la eoaeeeuoBM ef head wtodi aehr* J, ?!I M * rt ' • ' Herding; Buatea iteowor: Aaelta. MeMRutd. and M H Carnale, Wlneoioie. Philada; Sephi. Oodftey, WIK h.m* do; Boouty,Joha»on. do; Sarah C Wlllotto. Taeeag- aoo.do; Montero., Araats, Delawaia C«r. SSavre M«**de, Oohart. KUa.bothpoit; A Petwoat fc O Wboatoa Plttoaey, Albauy; Oscar k Haw lay. Racket! aad Orator, Olhbo,atoa- doui; .looo. Wm H oowea Hal lock, hi York. Alaoalu.Khr Wm Allao. Gray, R,ll ate a, RICHMOND-ar i3.h. -eh Mece*. ' Harrtaoa Price, Johnson, Jacasoavllle; PorMMd I*!T^-i* •»* ' 9 »^arMB. Lewie Live-eel. SALEM-Ar lath, berk Turk, Ryder, Port Preys. Yard l*i«*<t». Atao ir achn ChM A Heekaeher, tlubte, PbilMa; Cerla- na M. Jooea NYork. Sld acnr Globe, small. Baltimore. SAVANNAH-Ar i4tk ahip ap.rkllag Wave, Feaad.from Matanzas for Falmout,, la waat of mea. )0ik-Cld *ei»r Enchant.***. Jays*, A York. . l ^~, A l •"'•• 91" * ,IB »»« Wl ttoaaF, St Ylseeat, COM do Verdelalood; ladiaaa.Rlveia, Boohm; Blto,Bporr— de; brig John Shaw, oo. E.PJM&&1 fl ft*"' A * Aoderswa. King- Hew York. WTLMIAGTON. NC-CId 13th berk J W Btodgett, Btmp- MB, PBit.deiphla ^ ^ 10 Ji-Went to eM, berk Col Joha MeRea, tor Mew York. WINES AND LIQUORS OENUINE HEID9ECK ft CO. CHAMPAGNE. IHB AGREEMENT BETWEEN MESBRe. HBTD 81ECK fc CO.. of Re oi. aad Me**r* CRAMER fc IBMHI tVaaaw.amaw «—••». i.ata.1 B to. a,_ __—_.___» aiA aiA A. _ . _ _ MTeffK M»O»\ AM *AB t,w<tei taw -n aastw s*s I ABRGU having termiBatad. I b»g to .oa been sppointod sous agoat tor tto UaRed *"** % HKID^IECK it. CO., REIMS. *~* Per the aale «f tbelr Champagne Wines. I respectiuiiy c i i the ettsstioa of the trade generally to the •riujiined earl nf Messrs. heldaieck fc ato., awnwlro that they ar* alone au^ce aor. lo tbe e d arm. oeeepvIM tto .aiua prsmiaaa. and Btoorietore of .he ids iti al viaevarda whith I'lomeu v> th* touauers of th* firm to IMS, producing he oieellem quality to lo.g fhvorabi. known in thj United States. L. R. AMSINi K. street C ARP -UPON THE DISSOLUTION o » T E OLD firm of HeidsiMk A Co., I. IRM. the Orator pel ner coB- tianed ike nuaiaa** upon the *am* preattsea. »f 83BMM aiiii-.'tatroa reiaiaisv esetoetro oo.es.eioa ef the v Mysrde. votttte, Ac ; and upon hia reiiriag from hu*ln**a Mi. A. H*id*i*ck, unoo. the preoeat firm, toesaee to like m aaar the imm dialaauccnaorand.o* p-opri*t*» if thi* aid end well known brand. Ia order to diatlnguiah the earns mat imita- tion, and mark* aleiiiiir io cur owe, WhiOA have BSpMrert aad may h*r**rter BewMf ia this maieet, tto MAM ofeavflrai, in fall, will be found M the label* eta*, aad eett_ Mr. L. E AMSINCK will hetoelter ho the eeto Importer ef (hie LUU >G, of thofirmef New York, Jan. 10,11 HEID8IBCK. «fc CO., Retme. jstoeodly aithohT .Weell aadal. i7» BUST INDIA PALI ALR. T HIS POPULAR BEYERAuE Iff Iff PRIMITIY»; esceii. ore a* receive* diiactfraas tb*brewery, atortea o* Treat, Eaglard. For iul* by THOS. McMULT.FM, Agent aod Coaaignoa, 44 Beovor-Ot, NOW Yevft. Oa draoght at Delmonieo'a. WiliumMraot.carsw* of lu apto Tu.ThfcS D A SCBYMSKR B CO.. BROBF.BS l"7 WALL at - . Reepavt ful iy call theai teal IM of the trade UlheroHew- Inggoada.iBDond.aaaapleeof whlehCMb COGNAC ANDIRS-Otard.Heni CBMIItoa fc Co , Marratt, J. R. J«Hea,RatoB fc Co.. tto other favorite breads ROCHELLE BRANDIES-A I BMtean. Pellerooia. Leetbert, Be BOBDEAUX rRANDIEA-J J Dwy«y.*T««toaikamOtoa*> tier, aad all othet braada, NB-Swao, Ctover lemf, Olato, wmtot, Wetoto. laaMyfal BaWje. Eroo* Swore, sad all ether favorite braaia. ROM—Jamaica, St. Cren.Port* Rtee. aad St. logo. A LCOHOL aad COLOONR SPIR.T-4B MM to set SMt er aale hr the moan mot *rer*, ,2 DAYfON. BPeuOUBfcty-IOTFresjtet \| ADK1RA WIRE-touthSido.iabotoeAJdotyMa,lee » I aale hy MAITLAND. PHELPa A C_. ' _^_______ 48eaat 47 RMhaango PtoM. P LANA T B CO S COONAC BRANDY-Of the vtatogo ef 1838, ta h.lve* aad qaarter* tor aale at very tow prlr*., to clooo cosalgumeat ef lata Ina, by eat T W BAY ADD A t^O. 100 Pearl et. B OBDEAUX ( LARET-oe *moll eaaka, Maj* salhme e.ih. imrvrtedfor amitvaM Poreatoby TO»»RSENn, i LINCH A DIKE. s7«»dto Frost st A LlJoPP'S INDIAPALE ALE.la listo»m~aeae¥tloA. wboleasl* and letoil bv iyl6 SIOwEY WINTRINUHAM Alee, Rase B Co', direct from the Brewery IB hod* ead bot- tle* ._ »__________ ( VlNs-oYataudard hraao*' entitled to Moan ure, for esle at eiceedibgi) low rare*, by ail ^ ^ T W. BAYAUDB CO , IM Peart at. AI UI NN ESS XX aad XXX SToU f-tguarli aa I yiatt, ia a S 8ee order tar aal* bv |3 CHAHIA.a bBLLOWS fc C O . 41 Baons H A LLSnPPi~aSONS INDIA PALE ALh-P-nta aad quait., ia fiueoruer. rmooned ia gtaas. for*al* by I* CHABt.EA BELLOWS fc CO. 4 . Bo»*»fot sJIDMKY WINTHINOH AM. «8 REAVER STREEieaer Cv for sale, in «ju*a»it -a i« auit eiirvhoaera, in quart ear* piat bv-.i.ea—Jeffrie.' scotch Ale— too eaak*. Dor*'* N, i.ich Ale—Ii«oaskA Ali.opB • A l i . . liuli. Ale- loaesefe* Baas A Co'. India Ale-~lufl casks B R Hyass' Browa Stout aad porter. Hibbert't do do to Finti A Wttliaavs' do to W nit bread's do to Cr»H Apple Cider ia case., sad Port, Sherry, Msdoirn and Claret Wine, and Brandiaa.of the doer naalltie. only B "lMi0 7T N"DV PORF-IuOUqr, task*. dllbreAlgradea sad •t so *ri«r glialiir, f»r aale from U S. Bontled Wa try V B M A L O U . S3 Waior-et. rvHERRiE? IN HRARDV -Km cat.. I &s*n aaeh. re- iwiKirtatioa, , for sale by mil "|LD HOCrllON WH1SKS.V . P itois ana for ss'e bv i3 tOH, MtSTtN ANVtiRR A CO. tofJoavar** I' 0 Ml* Aw HI ll.a.ra A CO. «A *^ft*tfa| \aV7HisKla,«-a i-iNtii.i..,M uun V V «| Muotoh M ;.«..* I-'.I.J.. Hi HighUad Milt. ^I .lo $%^% : . f -ar H#b Wait Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

WS^SaM^pSllS LATEST NEWS* TNE NEWS •HIirT3TZiianS5i …fultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/New York NY Morning... · 2012-10-27 · NAYLOR B CO., No. W Joba at.. Haw York, of fall _^

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Page 1: WS^SaM^pSllS LATEST NEWS* TNE NEWS •HIirT3TZiianS5i …fultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/New York NY Morning... · 2012-10-27 · NAYLOR B CO., No. W Joba at.. Haw York, of fall _^

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_ _ j | t I tBaaS

WAITED-A raquogtaTTTnON BY 1 YOUJO Mi l l WHO i i iOMNlnl BeMkeeper Batty Clerk Mi Can sat Kate Mr east particular to M M aa A 1gt M M ef ihio paper


W l raquo f t M K A GEMUAN vY Baaaiaj at feeerel COM

OMM given M a n to to_ee 4iawaWiilaquolllaiaflaquoaraquoOaVa

T i i W f l i

locales wMfc

M M A I T -AIRmdash


_ _ _ bull t _ W AamnuuaYmoaUna



_ t o Blake ad Davenport Mr Blaka IB analoDni oedPs-meo-de Cimeert laquof Half aa Hour


Daata aaaa laquoraquo j CaWBBSBBa to raquo i W f c M i l toaajijajO chwtesoraquot 7 a mdash u

w ANTED-mdashIN toatdtto

A C A I H D I T O O O M JOlaquoBlrgt0 bdquo a yeaa ana wk taereoshly aadatauae Ma

baotoe a aed CM toduao a fait aamdasha af teda Tee a llbara elry win agvea Addiooola IOBSIIMIoto-toe raal aaaaa ami wgg WMted 1 R a ito OBEM af tola aa-

WS^SaM^pSllS vyJrMMEAbl for B M j v J ^ e j oa^by ^ ^

XMERICAN rtoiiow-MO tou elterceoL tsVMawoed Iroa MtoMNelFeadry do SMtuooNel do Aa MStMoMe8 aa fc_l_

w KMBIR 38 W M I at

RUSSIA GOODS-RuaelaCraM aaawtod to etore B M to arrive

Bolt Bope-Hethe fc Bueoad quality Co Hemp Yarnamdashlet

uallty Cordage in bead arnamdashlet aaSad i n

Haniigtmdasha itora aad ta arrive

la bead and duty aald


Flaquot bar - l arrive poundbull17

Fes-aale by W ROPES a Co 198 Froat at

bliiiy rar

w1 Pol ish mdash thraodettoae

- - s r ^ M ^ ^


- fc raquobullamp JAttBggrfo-^n^ aaVtCMMtoal MMifeywashingaad M i l m h eihfVeitioto Oeel oatoomea eaa alaquoM two to mmim- vttsampstamp s e a r


i f tvlfew aalaWwIaatoaja^aUfMairwaftil BtM sectaud raaaaaaiaadaHaaa AAdiaaa 99

W A N T K ^ n A TOUNG M A N bullKtlOINU WITH TraquokUaa bullbulllaquo-raquo aitMian In aOnOwAaJoaaiof prjav TT AU aa _ta--A aitawan InaDryOordaJ aantag Haaaa-Waa twaiariy aaaatry eiark ajiikainbtor uafotmaata la kaaiaaaa ialatjr aot aa auwk aa ebjrat aa tka praearlait of woik and ia wuiiac uraquoaaaaptal aap poaitwa -AddfaaaQ-MittluaaMca je30

WANTED BT~A SOVfio WOMAN-A fITOATION aa laquoaiiar Bka la tboraufhlr aiMlMMd la all tka

daUaa tbat would ba raouitad effear aad eaa tlva tka kaat af rafaraacaj fruai tkaaa aaa ka faraMrl aarrad BuoniraM tka rooma ovar tka Maw Vatk CAuatr Baak earaw oTMk a

mdash aaSTtr Mow BHGAdteD IN CXOIINO

bullaua aad llaquok atraaL

BOOkKEBPEi o roan la a lakkiaf kMta aaapyaaaHa baaaa arkara

bulleaMltrrkalaquoA_aikkskbakaaaadchirtlaquoof(artlM ra U a takktaf kMa la ralaquodr to eaaaltata raquoaa a food

gt AMM wkara a laquoaod altattloa aad a liaaral aalaff MMmSS Addtaaa N j^M

E N O U S M U A V A O E laquo I N Tku C 5 C N T B Y Mat aja witkat a aiiaatiaa aa dark ilxkt paitof or

ia awv kaaiaaa eaaacrtf ia a food wntlaquor earraet aoaoaataat aad aa afraid aff kardwark A paraaaaj artaaUoa awra daairad tkaaa ktrn aakWf AdAraaa B C bat MraquoS P O

JjridStla A YOUNO MAN 17 YEAMk Of AOK WUHEraquo j TO

A laara M M wkalaaala naaiaaaa Caa tivaaood re-faiaaoa a taekaraetar Be aad ia aot afraid ta work AA-ltlraaai OarTlkXP Faat Ottoa j y i l u i a O O O K K K B P E B - A bullCOTCHUAN 30 YEABH OV mm aajcwkakaaai kaapar ia arat alaaa ai(laquoUaa wbara aam rlgataaaa ara apprVaiatad Maat aatgtafaeiaigt raeaaaawad uon eaa aa bull iaaa Maaaa adaraaa bull MUlaquo koic tkia attoa

i t 13 iwia

tka atattlM af _ aahiar aad Baak I n a a l n n f i H r f lamliriiora

laraar aa aa acaoaataat aad atarliaf ap-


ADVENT 0 THE BnMMBB a4|pN^WYMAN ibt wiiABD bullraquoi T J_^ ^P I_ _ 1 J iz_r_ r

rNIB kYaNl ltraquo raquot 1 00 art aad alaeTHIl AETEB-HON agt 3 o Mnek la kia bialtra titMlaUatl-aubtla |Baiba llaquoraquoaiarlMtajllWtatgtaa of ika raquooodar of ubtiteal aad bullbulloVaaiiu- a-laoa Hla ILiVMlNATbD MYSTIC TRMPLN lmdashtV f araquot aaTwitk all ika para^karatlia of tumnLiaurf iiitUi wll ba atl aa ^ -artct a raquoll bullraquobull u E a a t l a a MODEL OE THE NEW CENTRAL EABK tka tara 4ltJ AATYABIA tka h a o w H A P P V FAMILY BfcBPIjjk ftt^ ^ ^ ^ u i 4 w t t B c f - t


U O B I K bullHOtgt aad Hacaa tkaalroa for aala by tka I I I laquofaaturaii aaaata


Oraaa kaaaaa attaakad at Now Otopsk L I abaat 1 laraquoUraquoftoaa Batklof-taar wick IM aaraa af Load tead-1raquo laid aat witfc akrabbtrv Eralt Traaaraquolaquo aaaaitoa

roatdaairabla raaidaaaat ia ika Wato kanaafto kaawa aa tka

AtotMHM^ ~afftiRgmmi jylOlw Wraquo1i 15 Ntaraquoaaat Coaiataawaa tk BABwMjr

jpa C T E N T B A L EA1K AND 3fHraquoTBEKr LOTJ 9 rOat BALE TWO LOTS aa MB Avaaaa b t a w Wtk aad laquobull ata

30 EKKT oaSAtb airaai wttk atakla Lot M 33d rraat raquo r EKT M 3ttk atiaat witk aubla Mil Lot u 3tk atraat 45 EEET oa Utk itrtatkatwaaaStk aad Madiaaa avaaaaa


bullt Wall atiaat jraquo14 latf laaaaay Court

jiff Dk LAMBPMJC k LOCK WOOD to CllEat

CAST STEEL BBLLA-THhi SUMCBIBEM ABE aow praparad ta aMnataordraquorgt for Caat-alaquo_gtl Batlaaf

aaoariar taaa at ltda at tkalr aaafci|akiaaai (a tarBkHd Eac laaJ Thata Bala kava a iraquon pur malououa ao_adpMauar to ateagt aad awiaa ta tka alUcity mi tka agtlaquoUl tka aoaad p aotiataa ta a giaat dtogtaraquoaa

Tkay araaaek BptMl tkaaardiMrjrBaUa af tka iraquoaM aiaa aad ara tMaaajami a m aaatiy raag aad awiaa to tka traat daaaity aad wall-kaawa atcanatk of tka atttorial i alaMMt iMpoaaiblataaraakikaM wiraquok aidiaary aaaaa

Caat-Btoat kwlWaan baaa aaoeaaataUf ialtodoead ia Eaf laad Caraway aad caaaJa aad baiM aald akaapar tkM Cuapoaltioa Ba la i t ta praaaaacd tka tkia fact ia eonaaegt tioa wBhtkalf liaktaaaa atraaitk gt-ad awaataaaa of toaa will oonawad tkaai to pablto favor la ikueaaaiu farCkurak-aa AepdaaUaa EiragtAUrata etc etc

Ckiaaa eaat to oidar witk araat acearacy Evary Bail ia warraatad for oaa year witk propar aaaaa ia

MV rhlaquovalaquo Ci-oulara witk full daariptfov prkaa raeoamaadanoaa

atlaquo will ba faraiakad on api4ielt1aa to NAYLOR B CO No W Joba at Haw York of

fall _ ^ NatoStataat Boatoa CJILYEB-PLATED TV B E E N 8 - 1 ba aubacribara oBar for lt 9 rata aaaia ekoioa pattoraa at ra looad orieas

d37 WINDLB B CO W aaCaf Malaaa Laaa

PIG IRON A raquo L o A t - 1 4 0 toaa No 1 Qlaatataoak Pilaquo Iroa m board akip Escalator froai Lirarpool Aw aala la

NOB S A L E - T H E MOraquoT DESIBABLE AND wcl-botit koaao No 11 Eaat IM atraat aaar tka Stk araaoa fan gtklaquod to tka boat atyla with awrfcla Boor to

halt raaawaod oWra Be Be Apily to tDWAHD H LUDLOW B CO fc raquo 14 Mae atraat Ceaaieawealth Baak BailAiaaa OtU) ja7 3uwatiar


HaoHa and tot No l raquo Waat llaquotk atraat Tbeaoajaala iapatfaet order haylae MM roooatly fnaeaad aad painted tkroaaiioet witk all awdero laproawajaeta Heotdiopeaad af ay Sept 31 it will kaanld at auetien Eortanaa Be apshyply to E M LUDLOW B CO No U M a i r

aBtaawowia ( P W i Caaaajarelal Baak BaiMiag BUlLPINO k b E a IN 1HE H 6 H L A N B 8 - I O R

I P a a l a bulltradeaadt


a youaf awaaa Aaorlcana aitoallon aa Batry C ark bull ~ bullbullbull -bullbull iptiooabla

lyi faialah naneap AaaiatMt Bookkeeper Oaa

rafaraaoaa AAdraaa AVtkia aafca raquoraquoilaquoii__ yen gt T l V ATS C6ACHMXNW i l T t J A n o N W A I t T E D l Y JL a raapaoiaMa yoaaf ata ka uadaratiada kia baaiaaaa peifaetly waUi ke kaa no abjactioMa to tka eouutry Ha eaa Jri-a (ood ofry rareraBeea Addreoa raquo H T tkia oaato

jylAatra ItmdashMV A YOUNO MAN IN tbe Oooda kaaiaaaa Haa keen in tka

baaiuaa upward ot ali yaara Uadeabtad rafareaca laquoiraquoan far koaamy aad iaiatrity Fleaae addraaa SALESMAN Ceariar aad Eaqalrar oBlea MrfAt

SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO MAN IN the wkoiaaale or retail liquor baaineaa Tae beat of lefareeeo

arivoa aaaaeaoabiuty M iHtegrHy Aduraaa E M Courier aad Soomirer JaS _

k^ittfATlUN WANTSt 0 Jewalty aad Fancy lt

MISCELLANEOUS 3k- SoKLkT Oarea lou J C fc S K S M I T H IfpiitarHle

Walker Co SORLhY SMITH amp CO

G K V E E raquoi- s H l P P l N i i k COMMIMiiON MEHl HANTS ADD

C O L L E C T I O N A (f E N T 8 DALYAteTON l l i X A S -

Stria) ultemmo paigt to tbe eolleetiut- gtgtf buiiuem paper and prove tilaquo pmmitlr rrmttteil

bull M ^ - V T V ^ W k i U o c k f c C o Lewa B Brown B Co

Latkrop B Wllkiaaoa _ _ i raquo _ l 6 -

ihreo Sitaa M abota m aaar Oarriaona Btatioa I tka Steam Farry at Waat-Poiat Apply to


bully31 MWfcE 3UwtlU 83 WllUam atraat N Y

S FOB SALE - A YALUAtfLU FARM AT NEW town L I taloatina to tbe eatate of Garret Yan Draquona doeeaaed contaiaiac 148aeraa aitnatad at MiddaVil

lac about five milaa from Williamaborj-h farriea baaotilolshyly located with a front on bock aidea of wiliiaaMbartk tarn--pikaa iwodwaliot koutea barn carriace-ooaaea aad all aociaaary eMbuidiaaa St aeraa of weadlaad aad the lea aaoallaat Uilaola laad troll adapted to gra

orforconntry aaaia for aemlenjon fork WiilkaaatAtoaetharoiaaiiL

ekaaer Tor fartket partioalara arply t o _ JOHITLLOYD It SONB IS Neman atreet

j y i a laquo (No 31 CvmowawaaltkBaUdiaf


NTWYI kaampava

to cresta or dairy onr-lenAn doiac buainaa in raquoi aanwatalytaauitpni-

lota to auit porebaaera oraquo SAML


27o Pawl atieet

SCOTCH PIG IRON-315 ton Cohaoaa raady for del ivery 375 ton G l o a t - r a o c k do

lota to auit purckaaara by aMJ II _

SHEATHING COPPERmdash100 eaaea Ereeamaa K i T Skeatkias copper 14a3t oz for aala ia lot to auit ky

do do for aala la

UNHAM fc DIMON fTSoutket

ngt34 JOSIAH MACY8 SONS lWEroatet

METALS Bemdash BtveaTto Intet Copper Spelter Autiaiooy Pie Lead BavMit Maul Tellaquo(Mpk aad A ma Shovel Fence Wire And Suadei for aala by

17 JOHN W QUINCY B CO to William it

BY FURNE8S BE1NLFY At CO NeeStand 70Market atreet


Ba Oatalofm a aii atoatka creditmdashA tall aad seaoral at artmMaffielaquoa laaaoatedSarua Good ClblaquoCtaraquor^aaHTaairalaquoa A feU eaeortraquolaquoAlaquot I liitJCaaaian ii VaaHaeaCmdashit r mdash j bdquo t

uSkLlBeaakirtiagaae Daaaaak Linaaa Tafcla Clatke Napkiae Floor Clatkafcj

tTarniaa Huaiary Gaoda A deairakU aaaartaeat alee UratbaaM MedreeHdkfa Be

N B Saioaiaata per Union Lino on or before BatnidAf SPBING SALE OF FRENCH GOODS

UN PlUDAV MORNING NEXT BY CATALOGUE-Oo Bis Month CreditmdashA fall and

bulloMiaTaaaortaeat laeloiiinc Pari DroMaaoda Plata aad printed LyoaraquoDreaSilkraquo fcefcc lateet ttjla for Sprtof Trade

N Rmdash Sklpaaata for above aale on er before Wodaooday

Wa Toepii ILLlAnl


No l i t Broadway S W earaer of adai We have raaovot to No u s Broadway S W earaer of

Cedar atraat wkere we will koldoor rHalar tale oa Twee-day aad Friday throasbeut tka aaaaon

THIS DAY F RI DA YmdashAt Tan oVloefc at tka A action Room

RY CATALOOUB-rOR CASH-A pawral awortaeat of roBElUN and DOMESTIC DBY GOODS in lot eAnpte-




damael C Cook Aaeiieaeei ay DUTILH doo t amp co AVOTWHUSa ANO OOMMiaaiOM MMIGHAVM

No IM Soaik-Freat atreet above Waiaat


_jfraquolar Sale al Grocer Boaadiaa Wiaea Draea Be Makacaat Marble WealChina EartkaaaadOlaatwarefc

Rafareaeee- Meoara Dotlk fc (a New York Noam Taylor fcCe bullawlar B Llvlarttoa

MYERS CLAGHORN laquoe CO Auctiooeevs Ne 333 Market atreet and No 4 Baak atreet

EVERT THURSO tV Reealar Sale froa tk Shelvea will bullbull ke d every Tkore-

dayeoaaitiacof FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS oaa credit

NS-LIBKBAL CASH ADVANCES aada en cenei|u-aeattof Merchaadiaa iatended far fall aale

July lat MSB


AVcnofiMM A S S bull M t B A i ooamnaaioN MERCHANT Batearooa 6J aad 66 Tieaeat atreat Boatoa-

BROOHEAD fc r o reaoeetiaUy raquool|eit conaianaeaiae aerehaadiaaoreale at public auction Tkay koM rafulai mice of Faraitore Piano Forte Dry Good Paiatinn Sealptara Wiaea aad Liqaora Diamond and Jewelry Beaka aad Staiioaery See-are and Waat India Oooda aad merckM-6 5 ) seaemlly faiIke diaalay and aale ol whick tkoir M aad apaclooa aala room oAer iaereaaed faeillrtaa

Liberal advnacaa atade ra eoaaif naeata wkea desired aad prompt return mall mdash

Refer by paraieaiento _ Meaara Joaraeay A Co New York _ Hoa J B Rredkead U B Naval Oataar Hew York Meaara Whitaey Fenao fc Co HOB C H Poaaiae Cotieetar of the Port Boatoa



gUt METAL-tODOaouade in aterefor aala ky 1 a5 SMITH COOPER fc CO ~~ 133 at

I| IG IRON-IOJ toaa Wardal for aala by GBINNELL MINTURN A CQ78Soatht

OLD RAIL ROAD IRONmdashISO ton of superior oaaiity to be delivered at New Haveafor aale by


CEADmdashA lot af 600 pica Rout Laad to arrive for aale by MAITLAND PHELPS fc CO

inblS 45 and 47 Exchange Placa

FOR 8ALE-Fonr8teaa Engine and Boiler 10 aad bora power earn entirely new Apply to

anU HOLDANB A CO M ami ft Waakiaatoa at



Broadway 25iW wall located and will be let ree-eoaable to a eood taniat For particular aaouire of

(Nu3) JOHN LLOKD fc SUNS jy 6 lw Id Neman at Coamonwjaah^Rnildins^

MAIDEN-LANE STOHE TO LET - N o 7 8 - T h whole buitdin- in first rate order anitable tor any kind of fancy b i na or manufactmiar purpoae Will o

let low Apply on toe premiae jyioetia

1450 Pail TOM DELIYERED-Loonat Mountain Coal M ta^Oper teamdashPrlee Redecod-Caab bay-

era wao amy wtok totoho ia tfceir Coraquol early CM kove the bullanuin Locaat Meuatam Coal dellvortd froa bnata le t od wdor at toe above low price U delivered How the raid 10 bullcrooned M aeau addltienai Ala Ue beet Bed Aak Coal at

r bullamp$gtpoundampraquogt RAM OBSlFAm New Yaik

- AndfcetofSeuth7kandBontkKiih atreet jylt WiUmaakaish

Zj rEAM ENOINEmdashOaa 00 horai jolaquoti aada by the Nor 9 Mu Iroa fraquo erk la seed raaalat ardor tor mia cheap by


ibdquon rurtlandt aad BeafeStreets or la Chambers or Wrnu street betwoea Broadway aad Church atreet

Ail i bull -- 1 F- this ofice atatiaf locaMoa siss and ini |IS 1tlaquo



EfcTiT T B D v l l O 1XCHANGE SOME OF bet land Mr batmUw ait onto Hudson

Rlrai sad ilaquo he Mtghbotkoad of Tkrrj Town for a good hoa

JyiStti fErtb iE JUDIjON fc CO aSaeutbat

ay PAUTAK JUDSON A CO Iriaen xasoovkst

ABY iRdls-lcoioaa Jtraquoted-i d laquo P ajr tor Alee MS toaa aheap Pig Iron at tsbe tor Mu

r - r - t e e i - ^

and lot on or near tae nbaveea For pniaolar eaquir at No 70 MarchamV Eaclto-dv from 11 to 3 oclock


TOBACCO AND SEGARS H AYANA SEOARB-Tke RBmdashtbe amtetatned have eooataatly on

fo 1 in aaoMitiea to salt Ike fluest Piearaa rartifas Cabanas aad otker followiaaratyiae via Biitanica Rofe-

AARON A DEGRAUW OFFERS FOB SALE AT N S43 Senthstreet between Pi le aad Ratgar atreet appe

site- act Waal aad Balance Dry Docksmdash M cam Eatlisk Copper IS a 31 oaa so do do Metal do 30 do Aaericaado do 40 do 8heatkiBfZiaeNoaUUlllT

100ulaquo lb CompositienNailaaaaortadalia 10080 lb do Spikes do

40 caraquoe tarred Tali in sheets 40x32 leak 10 do do ia roil SO kegs Zinc Sheathiag Nail

6000 lbs Patent Pelt Paper 10000 lbs tommon Sheathing Haprmdashlor sal in lor to (ait N BmdashOld Copper aad Metal taken ia part ^jjiuent IIreshy

quired bull__

SCOTCH WO IRON FOR S A LEmdash360 ton Glengainock now readjr for tlelivery

4H5 tons Cuitne to arrive per bark Oingo and for raquo in lots to volt purchasers by

jy3 DUNHAM gt DIMON OTSoutk a

HOLDANE A CO S4 fc M WASHINGTON Street offer for a l e at tka lowest market rates s

Rngliah Plata aad Sheet Iroa fiom 3-8 to to No 30 wire

BY F W BENETT amp CO (Successor to and of C a n n e s Bennett fc Co)

Auctiunttrt eeuf Commustuit Merchant No 38aad 30 roath Cksriea at Baltimore

Offer their aervlo to the Merchanta Manufaci urer and Trader of Now I erk tor tke aala of Dry Good Boot aad Sko Hardware Groeeriaa aad Merckaadiee generally either for private or turaquoUc aale All aalee caaked upon tke oaa tera ae otker bones

Liberal Cart advance without astro charge made on con-algnxaat for public mle Tkoir torlaquo are situated IB tk centre of business and tfceir experience of mere than eUteeu ysnra in the aooUea buaiaeaa oaable them to offer grant ad vanages ever apy other asm ia tkia city ReferencesmdashR H Lowry Etq Cakier Bank of JepubUc

Messrs HaggertyfcCoNwYoik Binaa fc HaJatei d Joseph C Ginob fc C gt Philadelphia Wa Woodward fc Co Baltimore Cham Lilly fc Co E Pratt fc Brother

bullbull CanAoldBrother fc Co

BY TAYLOR At GARDNER tSuain to Bobt A Taylor fc Soae) ~~ NoraquolaquofcSBwimdashraquoaaret Baltimere


Oar Sola will be held regularly tkroogkrat tae eeaaea coaimeneing oa tk 19th of Auguat

EVERY THURSDAY Onaiz asonths credit-Comprising British Frenek Swiss

German and American Staple and Fancy Dry Good Clota Caaimer V r t i -g j f ce j bdquo o bdquo D _ _

MANTILLAS of fuklonsble atjlea

AILK8mdashPevaral Invoice of Black and Colored Silk Pieeea of aaaaonabl and deiirable tylss

BLACK CRAVATBmdash130 d JIOB l 3436 aad M inck Black

UNENSmdash -bullbull aad halo of Shirting Liaana Dnataak Table Clotba Napkina D anais fcc fcc

L C HDKPSmdash3 0 dosta L C Hdaf iu all qualities DOMIST1 8-8ktinlaquos hiriinga l icaa ailia Cam-

Liio and other Domestics SHAWLSmdashSeveral lavoicoe of seasonabls Shawl HObllkV-too dosaa Womcus Miami aad Meas Cotton

Hose laquond half Horaquo SHIRTmdash I1 dltlaquoea raquo kite aad Colored Shirt in aseertment SloCK GOODS-Ssserai lovoieoa of Staple and fancy

8toltaoodtoci-eaocounia SUSPENDERkmdashraquolaquo doaon French G E Buapeadara ia all

eualities and ttvlas RlBBuNS AND TRIMMINGSmdashIU0 eartona Bonnet Rib-

boa and Triuimiaie la full a raquo bullttmeut CLOTHING GOuDSmdashiiOO pieeea Cloth Cuatiaerea Satishy

net Drill Jaaae Yaoiinsa ami other Clothing Good PARIS OLOVaS-i00 dosaa Pari Kid Glovo in light nod

dark aaottmeiita FRENCH PILRT MITTSmdash100 dozen Froiteh Filet Mitt EMBRODERIEd-An invoice el EMHHOIDKIK8 j u t

laraquodd consisting of full line of Book Collar vary bullmail shape Book Set with GauBtlelSeees Jacoshynet Cobara Jaconet Beta Root and Jaconet Trim mines Book Sprite fce

FRENCH FANSmdashA eompl-toaaaoitomat of Opera Faatk-r Ivory aaA Liaea r RENCH FANS

TUESDAYmdashAt Tan oclock at gthe Auction Room RY CATALOGUEmdash POR CASHmdashA geoiral aortmat or

FORUGN AND DOME8TI0 D^Y GOODS in lot adapted to city and country retell trade

Engfi^ ok Lap Welded Roller Tube of viiou sise and of

Iron of T-jtions gTads aad very auperior quality

Arncrican Holler and Sheet sizes

American Lap Walded Boiler Tub Boiler Bireta Angle Iroa fcc Brayamt Celebrated Hot Preaed Wrought Nutsfor ship

kuildiag briJgea stsam engine locomotive railroad ear can age and agricaltmal machine The Nut do not require to be planed for bright work

Also KM teas of No 1 Fiekklll Fig Iron of very auperior quality suit

fc SONS YELLOW METAL SHXATHtNG^ IS to 30 e s s aow landing for aala in lot to auit by

W A FBEEBOBN gt CO350 Southst

LBAD-laquo0 pigLeadfaraatoby jyie D t ~ M M A CO No 31 Moore ot _ j y i 4 _ _

BADmdash350-pi OalenaLead for tale bj goodeUamabl vis Pifatoa rartigas obotoebraade eftho followiagr atytoo via i Biitamca Una nagaliaa Piae Cokebaa Fiaa iamdiM Fiaa of Flora PiiBMia fcc togetker wttk a arte assortment of audium aad low priced aeajars of all toe varloa ay km The attea-8 | _ g ^ g g g r t ^ g g CO 4 Beavr at

T ^ a F ^ R ^ E g ^ ^ g ^ CM UP


O F EVERY YAatiBTV roHsmraquomdashJ-O IN W A L L adapted to the Wam Indie a H Bratk or sate by

TafcF tetf J ft HULL fc SONS 1 1 ClieTareot ilaquof i iTltAL o L i Y f i o A p ~~~

OEBMAN BBABIVE BOAP IN SUA PACE toad aad tor aale in eaoatitles ta oali er J C MULL A BOMB 10 Cliff etreev

07 07

TaAFiatf _ FANCY AND t o a E T SOAPS


oaMTaBFIatf _ _ _ _ _ _ C A N D L E S



PATENT ama4gt e raquo k I n f f r H I bull bull rCfJwRnUBl

T t w l f l l ^ g g j i

BEPINED MOULD OF FOLLOWING Ve ra r lavi i n Wi IP IFBSPB war- la bard to oav etiaaate aad to r


T gt r i If J C MULL A W ^ ^ N W M

SUNN NEMP-kaet ladio far aale by~ THE JPatp LJNaRHD A SPYRM OIL CO

ODA ASH-Jekneoo ead Karus to arrive aad fei aale raquo or



MS Water aad MS aad 184 Pearl at

ICOBICB PASTE-ealoeria-lto on Porignoao

MB do FStMlla

AVANA SEOABtWSWAW oTlfco brad for aaM by



1 IBOINTA AN D WESTEBNTFI V leogdaTklaquoirn1atosmmtoe tke

aMMiweWAhw Aimaa earnHae braquo-oo tor mle by


a n i do do Mi f aanufSctared To-

rraquoNT Vgt 831

jftlaquo D fc A D O W S A CO No 31 Moore at NAJL8-10000oask assorted Old Celoav fei sale by

W1LLET3 fc CO 303 Pearl m


THISDAY FRIDAY at 10 ocloek at the auction rooma

183 Broadway between Mniden Lane aad Libertv at REGULAR MALE OF FOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC

DBY GOODS BY CATALOGUE-FOB CASH-Adapted to tbe City and Country Retail Trade

ClothemdashAn invoice of Black aad Colored Clothe Satinetsmdash An Invoice of Black and Pancy Satinets Cssimsreraquo-A line of Black nod Colored Caisimares DomesticmdashAa iovoice of Brown aad Blssched Sheetiags

and Shirtimrs Tickings Up Alpaeae-A line of Black Alpacas Coburgs Drop da |Ete

ClothingmdashSeveral lavic of Clothiug Hosiery-Invoices of Mixed Brown and White Hem nod

Fillet Mitto-An invoiee of French Fi let Mitt BilksmdashA lis of Blsck and Colored Silk aad Saties soae

of superior stiles _^w _ RibbonmdashAa invoice of superior Ribbons assorted styles

aad qualities ShutsmdashAn invoiee of Reedy-aide Shirts of inporior make EmbroideriesmdashAn invoice of Collar Sleeve betta fcc Stock GooaomdashSevorni invoice of Stock Good Fnncy

Goous fcc i raquo so cartons Assorted Ribbons edapted to tke fell mdash ^ - 3 0 dozen superior cutom-mde Skirts for city trade mdash 1 0 balm Brewa Sbaating _ _ _ to bale Heavy Cotton Ducks

150 places Cadet Mixed Satinets bull if 0 pieces Blsck aad Printed Satinets

Cslalosues and Samp es on morning of sal TUESDAY at 10 oeloct rt too aale room

163 Broadway betwoea Maiden Laa and Liberty st REGULAR SALE OF FOHEON AND DOMESTIC

DRV OOODA R f CATALOGUE-POM C A 8 H -Adaptcd t the City and Country Retail Trad

Ctaloguee and amnntoaaa tbe aoraiag cf ml

mlP 16 1858 AUCTION ampALMS

Sales of Carpets Boot and Shoe and Beady-made Clothing Cash Advance aada enoa consignment jato TAYLOR fc GABDNER Aoctra


a I L L r T s CO YY SALE -


im LUDLAM A PLBAJANTB3raquoB~odway ia U A Y A N A TOBACCO-iraquo balee prime wrapping lot

~ t brad tor mle e y ^ ^ _ _ a | g fc C Q u ^ ^

irtOBACCO-Aeloctloaa ol heavy shippiag Leaf New Crop

aie C O L U H S A THACRNTON41 Wator M

T M M raquo a a M ^ p o M ^ l b o ^ t M a w e m ^ N a ^ k y ^

fr OSACCO-3 case prime Yss Leaf Tobaeoo tor aU by J eiT NEUKJN CLEMENTO gt CO to Brood a

- =-bull bull- _ i Leaf tor onto ay Tgttrade c^OTfflSW wa -Partaga Ctnto ae Ones do Asaceaa

siciir Small Mtek-10 bull Moraine 80 do OdAe For Mle be

100 DRAFafR fc D E V L I N 100 Ytraquoat street IfM __

A T bull LAVS V M O C O N M N S Ptotcher tt RmdashSet) tag a seswrier qaal l iy MaroslHee - - - - - - toreatovv

_ t BAKCR A Btp IIS Wmoraad I83aad ISt Petri at

TON SEED OiL-AtoOgle a erode (er a l e by

FWraquoR Sabliaed laadlages Yeaaar Ik

_ _ _ bull C A WOOD tOQ I7l Poarlst

do do

maauiacturara gt vrow sntMito F e e ante bf t h e

M e C R E A D Y M O T T fc B B U D A G E y _ | _ 38 Burling Sl ip

O D A AraquoH-Tlaquorrimdash tor eeleby CLARK fc MeCONNIN8 Fletcher st_

y u f f i u N o W D i A SPERM OIL CO iLACat LBAD-tW bkie food qoallVy to

OAYAflA SEOABS OP THE FOIXOIWNO BAUNDB I I llaquo bond aad Arty paid

Waeniactea MillCtaa Pamema Lanir -


Kept n o Roisde Sast lege Neaa

Poacodbi 4e Ceiaiae da Marine do FlorBritakUa do araaaUaa ale

lla do Paeto Perm

oa _jto

_ ir Brltaaica

Arnon ae Paaae EaquStta do Deaarbierta do fceaaUa do Tiaaa do Raataa da E l R l e do

ConcbHoa Oparaa Coquettaa Reg l la Media g a l l and Londra RegaUaa Londree vai louabiutda In cases n laquouoo each for sale V

ROBERT E K E L L T fc CO 4 Reaver

SASO lbs California Sao Wool 55laquo001ta do coarse Wool 16 000 sack California Mustard feed 40 Peirs Deer Hem

36000 lb Bresiera_ Belt Coaser 300 casm TaaaMa Yellow Metal Sheathiag

8000 lbs Taaatmdash Yellmdash Metal Baft 8000 cast DM Coutay Cat Nails assorted

100 eaaka Tamdashtoo Yekrw Motel Naila SM knee Cat Copper Nails 100 ossks Kinga Floe Naila 360 desea Old Clkay Skoeele aad

i I

OLD IRON OLD JUNK COPPER Ac mdash3 tone Old Jaak 4001b ~ - -J Jlaquoak14MltoCeeeor 4Jtoae Redoedlroe 3HydraoHlaquo

bullcrewtat eM lira W P Plank fcc^foraaie oy mil MEB1UL A ABBOAT UlFreoLot

HOT PREBSSD NUTB-A feU aeeortmeai if Baytewo Hat Premdashad V rougkt Note ia tor for tele by

aS HOLDANE fc CO Si aad 88 wAshiagtea raquot

DELAPIERRE fc LOCKWOOD46 Cim araet earnr fc mle In let to raquoit purchafor

Homekkoemdash1000 kega Pkiiadeshie mate very lew nrtoe Norm Aul8-ASMTkM praoeod horse ahae naila AremdashH CouiMBlMkaaSea Bra Eettiee-iA casks Amrlclaquoa braa kattlw Stool Saaaree Meteee Brown inporlor qoalitj Carry cocao ao barrels Beeche Phiadehiaeaaka Yioee-wiHwaa osUA bax aaA abma vicoe AtvikimdashAaaiioM aad Esffttoh Benowomdashbull icfcle beet qoairty all vise Axle- aat n d limb ata astea all alam Bering Machiae Ax Headleo 1 ocks-Oafkoy s eat took B r l n g partmdash Toy B Bicfcrerds afety fuse Cmcibleemdash Pinks aopenoi black lead note Pig Iran Copper TinSpelter Letd and other aetata Lard Oil WfcVe Sperm and Machinery Olia Emery BoraxGlee YarMab fcc laquolaquo Nal a coat Suel Tto P ate Be nay 14

^a^aWlLtJTWATlTED-tMltakie tor propeller of aoM W _ _ H t N R T A KEaLT M Broad at

LAP WELDED BOILEB PLUES-Afal l aortgtt Eaglieh aad Aaertma Roller Ploroetet|t on kead

HOLDANE A CO 84 aad NWaakiagtou street

Order received tor iaportetion

aTHAJILACK L E A D - I M kbia good arrive MNMMerdtoeey do lto_foraalo try_

H J RAKER raquo R R O 14t Wator aad MHaad let P e o r i a

Md lo aTrive raquo RNO

JIM a_AL aViDA-tVttoae raquoIMM N C oo bull CTlhraaleSy M J BAKlL

143 Water aA MR aad HA Pearl M aale By M J BA

lyMj 143 Waal



[Oft CO bull bullvaanwiif I M I V J I lt I

for aale by

OUNNflTLlaquorfagt-imaMdror entob iyl THB JVDD L1NSBRP AI

STOMA W o O L - raquo balee SM wWI bullpit) EDblllTON BROTHERS 31

AaTNBlfe katP NTINR-Webkis avtom tolop7Mato7

m FTIaWHTKLLBCOloaWallat dptNAIN CABLRB FOR BALBVB08 fathoms I lo3 HMb V Af A M l f tej _laquoraquo BENNER gt j DRAKE 111 WraquoH-tt ^ f-OAP ROfftNmdashfa auantltlei to iillt purchaser fur sal try t~ a l t DOLLNPR POTTER fc CO 181 Pront n

PITCH TARSPIBITS TURPtNTlNB ROSINCOAL Tar Rrigbt Vamia fcc constantlr on hand and for

aale is Iota to soil perchaer laquo A nply to laquoff JUNAS SMITH fc CO i~Prtmt-t

YJOSIN-rVioHil whiM Rosin lilt H M

for mle by BLACKWELLkfJO ittlPront at

GO A T BKlNf^M bale prim Met lean (oatssiM ftraquor a l e B H A H O O U S B R O T H E V s M S a U t I ws OOLmdashgo bains or aaJo


HA M8-40S tierces art ra sogs r for sale by

ity - - H DRAKE A CO

ILL a CO im Frontal

iiar-yellow baged llama

31 Water st

- ^1^^ VLU eef Ma 10 tierces BeefToague MMresatvadrormleby J F i J^HDRARIC raquo CO 31 Water st

LARD-S00 bb|i Lelaquof tad Refined Nraquoksgsdr for atl r-y Jfgt 1 H DRAKB iCO 31 Wstersireal

E J ^ m L W mdash ^ l L A R D - I B tin anttsble |ogt traquoraquo Soeib American and Cshforni msrketa pot UP sad

f i K _ l o l ^ o w S PLOUIC bull _laquobull ettr branded cot emhla MM do lte wdOH 1 ^ f t p n A i t



BT LOUISMO Rotor to Htgerty fc Co

Reralar Sale DraquosmdashToosdsy Thiirsday raquond Saturday N RmdashWA F- LgtK No 67 Exchange Place will advise

witk parties desirous of (asking consignment to tkia koaae apie

i ~ ~ C H I C A G O



betwn Wabashinttoa fc Michigan Ave Chicago 111 ino flTSTBIClLY A COMMISSION HOUSE _ Q

APVAHCI MAM Regular aslaa of Staple and F a n c y Dry Good S i l k s Ae

Elegant Furni ture Carpeting and China Good a s m TO

ROBERT CARTER A BROa Broadway ) WM ATKiN80N log AUantlc In Co S New York THOMAS R NELSON Eaa 180 Pulton raquot)


g ~ f BA TOBACt O-Two lots aeeorted j int received and


grades Mperior ut received and far ml by

~ FAanYJA VH Front arroet M tota

tfAVA^lA^iOARB-Rartlaora Clnb lata and 3adetL Core- I8t Priaclpe dJslaa aad LA Florida braadi

n u t i and tor mle by bullTlt _ ORRY BoTCVENS It Old l is

THgtBACCOmdashComaoa to Cbeiee Maaoa Coaaty 1 coasarat

CVTVN f l t O R i

1 H3

_ J to Chotoe Oasttog eM eid aow crap For ale by

ROBEBf L- MAITLAND B CO 83 Beaver et AOCOmdashtot M M FlmiM Lf Tobaeoo ret aale bT


tor aale ky Ad m w a a h t a g t e u Mi

_ _ bull sect bull CI PEL TERmdashattea Pilesen Spelter In etore aad for aaia Ogt la Tom by HENDRICKS fc BROTHERS

abraquo TIB78Brand a r e a

YELLOW IHRATNINf A I E T A L - T l e anderalgae bAVeoonstanttjoahsadA full eapply of Muutx Pater

Meat) tog Meial amaufaxgmdashI by Meart Joba Bibb Sen fc Co of Lierp tram If 30ox waranted equal to an-maaufsctured it aaloii loe to auit purehaeer et 34 Be vartreaby BARCLAY a LIVINOSToN

MACHINERY-VIE A POWER-LOOM A iavquro ano laquo Card-cutting tgaebine Reede fine Englilt Shut

tlgt8aaMbingIrmdashoScs ae Machine for Citeiping Vnaga i all in gaaat eoadM aa and hult little uaad Fetealebv

1 f^BNKNP^UTMtlr William t

CtOPPRR-6 hbrmeld Copeor la store for mi by jet DOLLNKR POTTER B Cltt 181 Proat t

ttHEATHINO F I N C - Y i l l Montatne Cmoaay-A ta ~ parnw article 48caeca No 141616 aae i

50 ksp Wroaght Bloc Naila nlaquow landing tor aleio let to toauif AARON A DEORAW 341 gontkrt )7

SECOND HAND MACHINES V MILEMPTOOLS fco I steam Eaglne V kateo power t do do H do I do do 11 do

do do d do I do do do and boiler

Riehnros Kiagland Auctioneer BY RICHARDS (UNGSLAND amp CO

bdquo BrdMRoom IM Broadway Between Maiden l a a end Liberty at

Trade Sere of Hardware ra TUESDAY and FRIDAY of eaca week oa 4 montha credit whea will he offered aa n-bullortamot of Hardware GOB Pistols Plated aad Britannia Wan Table t a t FoeAet Catlory Rttakea Ae


At 10 ooioek at the Auction Room Regular Sale of Ravdware Cutlery Plated Wam druihei

Ac OB 4 asonths credit 5i0 psckages and lot of English German Preach end

American Hardware Ae consisting af Table Dessert and Pocket Cutlery Ssws File Hioges Locks Door Kaobe Screw Aager Uimlela Chisel Adies Hoee Masmdash0 For Shovel fcc

Aim an invoice Hooka aad Eyee Reel Watch Keye Needle Caaea Piano 8ools PerenstinnCnps fcc

Aim aa invoice of Paint Varnish Hair Cloth and other Broth

For aecouat of whoa it aay concern (Damaged braquo eretoa wa er)

100 grom Dessert aad Table Knives and Porks 300 pair Carvers

81 dosea Pocket Kaivan 3 dozen Plated b r a c e s 4 dtgea Stool

40 doaon Pilee asserted 4 deaea Fleama fcc All aUgkUy damaged by crotoa wa

tor Sawe-80 dosM J Rodger fc Co ShcaUld 30 inck hand mwa

aligatly da magi d Also aa invoice of Mill Pit sad cross-cut Sawa slightly

dhniogod Uedesta Chtoal aad File Handlee Aim aa iavolee of

Wtoao raquonkee Americas Wroaght Nail 8J 2 and 3 iackea CaUloftimead toaglee earl no morning of aale

TUBADAY Joiyao At 10 oclock ot tbe Auction Room

Ragalar tale af Hardware Cattery fcc oa four months ewdit

CaiBleemdashm aad eaaoles on the aorning of aale AT rstVAtg SALS

Two Largo QiH Fraae Mntie mirror


Store 104 Broadway be tween Wall aad P i a e St W wi l l bold our rogulai ante on Tuesday and Friday

taroaghoat tka T U E S D A Y at 10 oclock at the Aucl ion

B T CATALOGUEmdashFOR CASHmdashA general amortmaat of British F iencb German aid American Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ia lets to sait city ana country dealers

A large sale of Embroide i iesnow Isnding Particulars hereafter Cstaioguee unu samoiann moraine of ml

FMIDAY July 23 At 10 oclock at the Auction Rooms

BT CATALOGUEmdashFOR C A S H - A general aseertment of Brimh Get men French and American staple and fancy dry goods in lots to suit city nnd country dealers

catalogues and samniei early oa toe morning of sale - William L V a n Zand Auctioneer

BY R CLARKE Store Wo 205 Broadway

THIS DAY At 10 oclock at the auction room

DRY GOODSmdashFor CaahmdashA general aaaonmont of Forshyeign ami Dommir Drr Gstxlu m lot adapted to retail trade

SbeetiugamdashA lot ot Brown and Bleached Sheetings ana Shirting EmbroideriesmdashA lot of Sleeve Collars Ac

ShawimdashA lot of Cashmere Stella Silk Crane and Brocho Shawl AIo a lot of G-nUams Prints Cashmeres Cbal-lilaquo Brillians Lawn Organdies and Popansj also a lot of Lace Jaconet Mwiss ami Mull Mfcelin

AlsomdashLinens Damasks biaacbed and brown Tnbl Cover Towel Napkin Ae

AltomdashA lot of Linen Hdkf Ponge Hdt fs Printed Hdkft Suspender Dressing Combs Pocket Cutlery Pins and Nee-ole Linetrade Thread 8winSilk he _AIlaquoomdashA lot of Print varioa t)les


Store No 385 Broadway THIS DAY

At 10 oclock at the auction room Dry Good for cask in lots to suit pure trs consisting of

browo and bleached sheetings in balm aud caws or by the piece white and brown drills Kentucky jeans gingham prints of the lateet Spring pattern plain and figured alpashyca organdiedrees good of various style Irish linen white nadbiowa tabla linen table n-pkine shirt floats diaper lac sdgiag assorted la boxes Cashmere Stella silk and crape shawls d lain do black and piaid silk era vats neck ties ladieaaad gsata black aid colored kid s loves lodie blacg mixed white aad date nose gentieaen hrif hoot Ilk mitt aaatilkw of tke lateet styles spool cotton ia ease or taxcowshying silk linen thread satin finish buttons coabs brushes pocket cutlery fancy ooAp porfnaory (in boxes) scissors aad bullhear en cards and in bote needle to cases aorted 1 to 10 gold pen aad stiver exteaaioa holder in box of 13 eech

^timm - oo OhVe No 7 Broad etreol

Th samrri1-mdash iaeamdashtioa to their Beat Eata sales am aow prepared to attend to eel of Household Purallore STmdashL-J^ abjD aad aersoaal property of every description raquo I _ i f ^ t t e T a a d l o a n o d o o aortgage I J E m o t e Imtk ia tke eh aad vouatrr mid at private sale aad kouoae reaU i the city eaa eorairr y j j ^ g t C K E B BON A CO

SATURDAY Juy34 At lraquoo clock st the Merchants Esehaaae

SUPBEME COURT 8Alaquo^K-ON I2TH8TmdashTwo lots en too north aide of Uftth etraet too Net eaat from 7th aenue

^N^fsaTHsT -Two lots oa the soutk aide of 198th street 100 feet east ftoa 7th avenue ta iearof above aiaa 26x100 each Bv older 8 Joos Rsieree

LPASICHOLD ON 6TH 81 -Le ehold of I eorv fra houte and lot on th aorta laquoide of 61th atreai 27sfeteat froa lOthoveaue i he Lease has 13 rars to run Iroa Sepshytember 1 at a ground lent of S35 aad taxes (St this yeai) Lot ifSv100 6 with stable A Aae opportunity for a carman not laquoraquotmdash lu^gi jA Aug 17

At 13oclock at the Merchants Kieaanre SUPREME COURT SALE 2IST ST PROPERTY-All

thatcertsia lot of laud laquo tuatsd oath north side of 31st gtt coaaeurtngS^8feolwat^om 1stayenuoan being ia sis 3JXI0OH By Mdraquor_HnitltoB W hooinon Beieree

Jaae Cole Auctloaeer BY JAMES COLE amp CO

Offise No 3Craquo Fulton atreet Commercial Exchange Cppoatt the City Hall Hrooalyn

Jamsa tot- A Son will give their best attention to tale of Household Furniture and out-door a les generally alio to bullalssof Reel Estate h c i a Rrootlin and New YoJk

TUESDAY July 30 At 13 oclock at the Meicbaato Exchange N Y

Abaolut Sal of 83 Valuable Section of land coutaining 4 lot ohat Bart New York L I adjoining th city of Brookshylyn aituated ou Ftatbasfc Rosd Pica South Caroiiaa Bay Beack Dcdga aad Lone aveauce Broadwa aud Williaa at Tke abave propert I iigiblr locitad tkgaadeelevated tke titualion is hsalthfu aaar the tarmioioueei tbe Fallon avenue Railroad aad Broadway liae of stage Eaa New Yerh ia rapidly inoreaatag ia population and enhancing in vslne Every action put up wil be eoid told to the kigfceet bidder A furtker teonAption is deems l unneeemnty a tkoie deaious of purchasing will laquoiw the same Two-thirds on aortgage For Lithographic map and toll narticu-lai apply to th auetioaoera 388 Fulton tmet Brooklyn rad46Nsmutim New g - X ^

Broadway Md Baahwlck aeeue 18th Ward Brooklyn-One lot on mat side of Broadway 75 feet north of bluffer


Oa lot on math west corner of Buihwick avenue aad

For terms maps fee apply to the auctioneer 388 Fulton streetBrooklyn ana iSNaieauetrdet New fork

WEDNESDAY July 31 At 12oolock at tke Commercial Exchange 363 Fulton atreet

opposite City Hall Brooklyn Executors SalemdashBrooklyn PropertymdashBy order of the Sur-

rogste of tke County of New YorkmdashThe three-atory fraae house aud lot of grund aituated oa the northerly aid rf Atshylantic avenue aud i unaiag through to tbe west side of Oi-ford street and distant 93 feet 11 iuohe from the northwest corner of Atlantic srsnus and Oxtord strt House 36 by SO feet

For mapa aad full particular apply to th auctioneer No 369Fulton irt Brooklyn and 45 Kaiug atreet ur Jaaae W White Attorney NlaquoLji Liberty street NY

TUESDAY July 37 At 13 oclock at the Commercial Exchange 388 Fultoa at

opiositeCity Hall Brooklyn Fereclosara mle under direction of George Bemmn Eker-

iff ata acres of laad ia tke toweof Csuarsie L I auout six Bile from Brooklyn and haT a mile from the bey O B tke premise i a two-story aad cellar frame kouse bare and well The land is of tke Met quality well adapted for marshyket gardening fcc

Aio at tka same time tke well known Hotel now occushypied by Jobn Bogeit adjoining tke bora laad house laquoux36 eet two story coataiaa 16 rooms shed bare fcc For map aud panic alar apply to ike auctioneer Ho 368 Fultoa st Brooklyn


OFFICE NO 4 BROAD STREET Brown Stone Building

t~ IMPORTANT NOTICE _ Q At the earaeot oolicitatioo of my aumoioua patron I have

coacladed to hold my Regular Audio galea of Stock aad Bead daring tk aummer months every

MONDAY and THURSDAY At 13M oclock at the Merchanta Exchange thus having been my established day bull of aale for the peat five year


Believing that thi change wilt meet with the approbashytion of tbe public I have been persuaded to adopt this course which will take effect from thi date

New York June llaquot 1868 ALBERT H NICOLAY

Stock Auctioneer and Banker No 4 Broad street

IT STOCKS AND BONDS Bought aad sold at PRIshyVATE SALE aad at the BROKERS BOARD oa commit-


MONDAY July 19 Atl2doeleckat tk Merchants Ercaaag

(Regular SaleI 21 shrs National Fire las Co 837SO each Ill dgt Indemnity Fire Ins Co $IO(i tari 4D do Lenox Fire Ina Co SM each

AJtna Fir Insurance Co 830 ach Mercantile Bank 8Ulaquo each Baak of New York $100 each Metropolitan Book SlbOeack Sevatopol Marina Exploring Co (hyp) $C0 each Harlea RR Preferrelaquo SJ0 each LeCroee aud Milwnukie RR $100 each American Coal Co $25 each

$40(0 Harlem PR 1st Mori 7 p c Bonds $1000 New YorkCuy 5 pc Sock of 1888

t H Ludlow Auciioa -or BY K H I Plaquobull()vi i CO

O t B e e N n 14 Pine street F i r s t door West of Na i sau s treet

Eatato at P u b l i c and Private S a l e Bale o Roadt Stock and other Secur i t ies mad on Tuesdays aud Fridays Furni ture at tke realdence of owner Merchandise fcc w h e a disposed ol for t i e th A reglter Kept lor parti deal roue of loaning or obtaining money on Mortgage or Real B s -

FhibAV July 16 At 13 oelocs ot the Merchant Exchange

SUPREME COURTmdash By order Jlaquo C Willstt Sheriff-30TH STREETmdash1 lot 8 S Stub st 360 ft E of 3d svenno lot

lttaYl88 9 44TH BTBEETmdash1 lot N S 44th street 145 ft E of 0th svs

|ol35iie0ft6iB 15TH oTKETmdashTbe houo and tot on th 1 8 J 15th st

3C0 A oast of 7th ave lot 35x103 3 TUESDAY Jul 30

At 12 oclock at the Mernhunt Exenange SUPREME COURTmdashBr order j C W Met Esq Sheriff NORFOLK STREET-Th h gtltIM and lot No 28 Norioik

(t lot 36x100 ft I3TH STREBTmdash 1 lot N S of I3ih st I2ii ft wett of uvsau

Rlot2Sxgtu3 3 40TH STREETmdash The house aud lot No fOWcttOth st lot

25x98 ft 9 ins WEDNESDAY July 21

At 13 oclock nt the Merchants Kxchange 8UPREMP COURT By order E Krtchuiu r so Refsroo 4TH AVENUEmdashThe vlutble Houte and ot8 fc corner of

4th avenue aud llaquo h street lot 19 3i51 ft 381 H SrnEETmdash 1 he l i ab le house raquond lot 8 S of 36th et

51 feet east of tin avenue lot 137i74 it e in St Clear Smith Atty

MONEY TO LOAN To Loan on Bond aud Mortggi en I ity Property scve-al

sums of money from $4 Oo to $16000 Application made iu person or by letter w i l meet v i h prompt attention Tbe usual commiaion will be charged to be party requiring t bo money Apply to F O W A K D H LUDLOW fc CO No 14 Pino street Commonwealth Bank Bu diut


J18 CLARK fc MeCONNIN 6 Fletcher at

CAMPHORmdash100 oaaea Crude in boid or dui y paid Logwood-IM) tonSt Domiugo in store Emegt ymdash600 cssks bet Lnnuoa aaso ted Boraxmdashwoods Knglisu and E IRefined OilmdashTallow Oil Laid Oil Sperm o i l VarnishmdashFurniture Cojch Damar Polishing fco GluemdashCoopen and Irish Oues For ml by

e 19 DkXAPIERRE fc LOCKwOOO 45 Cliff St

COLOMBO KOOT-S0 age for aals by Jib CLARK fc MeCONNIN 6 Fletcher al

qiOOA A H - I W c u k i Soda Asr77 cask Sal mdash -mdash Soda now landing aad for aale at 24 Beaver street by

- ~ t laquobull BARCLAY fc LIVINGSTON Aim 300 barrel Venetian Red mlito

SOLID SPANISH L1CORI E PASTEmdashA parcel of prim quality just leaded for aala by

P HARMONVS NEPHEWS A CO _ jo28 81 Ureentrich street

COPALmdash16 cases for aale oy ~

it GEO WDOWfcSON 7 Burling slip

LA M P BLACKmdashIn b a t t t a ~ ~~T

J16 J E 6 S U P CHILDS 43 Water a A jyS S C H I E F F E L 1 N BROS CO 170 Wil l iam to

QUININEmdashPel le t ior mdashla bonA tor Ml by j5 S C H I E F F f c X I N B R Q 8 m CO 170 Will iam t

O X A L I C A C I D mdash 5 c A e S a f o r salby j5 S C H 1 E F F K U N BROS fc CO 170 WiUiam t

CROCKER fc W A R R E N 38 Broadway offer for salemdash 55 baga Cubeba 182 cases Gum Damar

115 bags sago Flour 3 cases Tortoise Shall IP casesQamuogs 150 c u e s Lsc Dye

3M) baskets India Rubber 36 oasks Vegetable TalWw 30000 email Gunny Bags 110 boxes Nutmegs a21

GUM BENZOINmdash50 c u e s prime quality for s a l e b o l2 W M A S A L E J R 46 South et

_ E N E K A ROOTmdash21 aga prime for aale by P J N O W SMYTH fc CO81 Boaver-et

CL O V E R SEEDmdash116 bag Clover Seed of very tuper io quality for a l e by

BXfl J A M E S H U N T E R fc CO 174 Front atrae

MUSTARD SEEDmdashTrieste brown in casks for sal by mM H A S K E L L M E R B l C K A B U L L 44 Cedar at

E S S E N C E S mdash Neroli Patchouli Almond Sandal Geranf urn whi te and red Origanam Rosmary Lavender Ott

Rose fcc for sale by s30 F C O U S I N E R Y fc CO 37 South Will iam rt

OIL CARUImdashA supeiior articlefor sale liy ml J O H N O SWpoundETSER8gt 80 Pinetreet

Joba E Y a a Antwerp


i l A t A N A ftoTBS PER PTRAMSHIPS RLACf I X Warrior aad CakawH- _

pound bull l ndM llvgtSt

Glofieta AeieTtoe

Loauraa RegaM Regs ftrtttaalmdash

tad anmarou other braaee

fori Victorlu Cabargai Etntoetm TeatteiM Weraert Meatmrrato Flor do Cesaa

The undersigned having perallar farilitim la bled to offer th m at i

betorei -jrehasing e l a E gt ROGERS70 Reaver at

piemiring Soger Buyer will do

ta eaak well to cl11

llavtaa ilt offer thm at a low flgara

-jrehaaing elawher

G W H I L L M A N It C O No 50 Front atreVt M a n a t e e lured Toouixo Commiaaiei Mi-rcha l l alter for a l e

accommodal iog terms t o ths trad their desirable stork i Virg in ia mannf irturvd tanacca edaptetl to the markets of the wertd Among onr hrnnd the following may be rem i Fashion M y Mary A n a W D Rertlou Bani t n k l m R Walker Winston Plymouth Rock MiisRidu Pear II 8 Ruseell Lsfayetl Lei iogtoa

Wm L Ballard Yan Aradale M War land WaLOgdaa J Roes

D Noble Ballroad Tyroae R June E A Lewi

Commander in Cbiaf P I Moan Plhr Henry Maasrm fc Co Ilare Dell Son Flower Golden Chips Di Vernon Wilder l ie Gm Trant

1 raquo Boies Clstet Wne tltwm 1 ui amp - tbull V- gtraquoraquo 100 Rbl ton rt Ate ia pint

For ale hraquo bull l i e

HAVANA SKGARH-Now landing si t jrnells Bursa aao J J Cobbe

Also in tore ami Romled War comprising the foilowing favorite Bread

Cabana Figaros Acierlo A l h i i i u a Rio Hondo (guaaun lalipan Programme

S n l h at

15 000 gt r Brick JytS W T^PacirTT fc c o

BEESWAXmdash hbla Boothern forlaquoTe hi~~ m C o U J A f l k r o bdquo t a t t

| gt G I R O N - K raquo ton No I Fisbkill Pig llaquon bdquo ( bdquo - bdquo I T rior quality for sale by HOID AN t I laquo ^

PIO L E A D - gt pig Roaifraquor bull by bull - -M A I T L A N D PHRIPS k CO

Ocean bird Mudelo Antigniilad Neue a Timlire Krtrells Pig Ne | luno P l e r d e L a l l i h n a Es Ls Chsy Folgi i igtrs Otutens Cnfresorta MvMpM fcanl|ilaquo U n n t a

For bull ui wH7

| | AV AN A I t U I H S - - 1 ) I A I

Dsniel Wblr Rsrhel Sapieacial Telemaco L i m e Irueba itilanlgnaHtro ruigdmigolae Mrnea Palms Sol Black Sts Cans Flor de Morales Cieroo A in In n i a Rmeha Arnan Riy de ra JBem Gu iraquo Ctniiv Martin IVinl Jenny Iiml Noriega fcc fcc

gtA8fcR 3d Beaver street

I LecoaiotIve boiler 13 bora power 8 eyleader boiler a upright taoelar heotia I large lathe 4 tmail lathos 88pair blacksmiths hallows Lot f anvil vmo slrdge hlscksmiths tuvls Bhsfting belling pullea fcc

Ahtoi aow portsbio estllt e ami boiler 10 hora power now on head Md for mle by

m8 WM P ANDREWS 414 Water at

K ENTLElOB-36 loos fet sale by ait) CARY fc CO 90 PlM atreet

VALPARAISO PIG COPPER-80I1O0pounds for a l e by THEODORE DEHON 10 Wall-sir

laquo2t neraquor Broadway

NA1LS-A lot of Oermaa Wroaght NaiVfor a l e by Jyto BENNEH gt DEAKt 113 Will-et

Auctioneer VAN ANTWERP

bullhas No 73 WiHtam trt oear Liberty J E T a latwoinMoiemBvodteNo78 Willlm street -

Rogoar Hardware eaiea Thursoays and Special Saleaon Mondays Advauoua aaado oa ooegnraenta whea reqoired

THURSDAY luly 23 At H) oclock agt ik etore

Rnreter Hardware Trade gteamdash360 packaeoa and lot 8hlaquo8taid Birioingbom German and America Hardware Cutlery fcc

A M Cristslr Auctioneer BY A M CRISTALAR

SOTO NO 33 Bowery MONDAY Jaly 28

_ At lOHeelocktt 33 Bowery ReMy-aMdei Cloklngmdash I Iaea Mraetlles Alpaca Caeai-ero aad Clotk Preek ad Bult inea Cmt aad Psnts Silk

natia Marseilles sad CataimereYeets Cloth Csmlmoree Peelings Liaea Marseille Be a -

Paaoy Geeda Shirts Drawer Handkerchief Cravat Gloves Towelling Bart fcc

Wm B Jone Aocrw BY E C dLYDAM

Store He M Broadway THIS DAY

Attn ocloek ot the auction eaa DRY GOODSmdashFc- Cash ia let to suit i bulltailor eeaeirt-

ag of Hosiery Gloves Mitta Lace Collars fcc Aim Jece-bulleto Cambrics Print De Lat net Md a variety of Dress Gooee AUo Browa Sheetiag sad Drill Ticke Cloths aad Paaey Caoaimere Aha Shawl ptsia rtlk cuhmeres orwaotAe Aim Fancy Goods to great varilaquoy constating af Cemba Needlm Brushee NeokiM Table Covers Be-

Hewlett 8c tdder Auetioeeer BY RUPDEROVV JONES laquot CO

Store No77 Wiihametreot cursor af Liaaaty AT PRIVATE SALE

1000 dosaa auperior a Me largo eta Under-Shirt sad Drawer

eoo dosm keevy mixed Woolea M Hem aaitable for Call foraia trad

Wsodingemdash SO0 b bull soperior high glased Wadding 80 eases super to ems Block Sadist 300 piece toper Raglieh Bieca Union C lotk BM piectasuper to extra Sao mixed do do

10 5) 40 5U SO 23 25 50

do do do do do do do do


OEco No 38 Pine (tree

OIL CAKEmdash75 ton prime western tain oblong in bags for sale by DEGEN fc TAF1 nafceaveiai MM

OLIVE OILmdash60quarter cask prim Malaga aad 100 do prime Seville lor aale by

m27 C A WOOD fc CO Wl Pearl st

CASTOR OILmdash 50 castbull prime E I end 25 do in bond tor ealeby C A WOOU fc CO 171 Pearl at m37

POT AND PEARL ASHESmdashA constant supply of fre jraquo inspected Pot an J Pearl Ashes on sale at lowest pria

by T F CORNELL7 CoentiesSlip dig turner of Water str t

DRtOS IN BOINDmdashCobaltcrystals Gum Arabic Corulua Indicus HvdnadalePotaah SimarubaBark Alkanet Root Licorice Extract Jalap Root Gum Ammoniac Gum Tragacaatk Manna Oil of Annia Iodine Saraaparilla Root

do Ceaie Olive OiUacasea Sago Pearl do Orange Rhubarn E I and Turkey

Pepper long Pepper whit _ For sale by o21 S C H 1 E F F E L 1 N BROS fc CO 170 Willing raquo

SJKNNAmdashBombay for a l e by bull 9 m21 H A S K E L L 51EKHICK fc B U L L 44 Cedar at



8TOBE N o l l BwoanWAY AAorw Meant Anelieaeer


Henry L H o g u e t Auct ioneer BY WILMERUtNG HOGUKT - HUMBERT


8Y AN WYCK TOWtVSEND St WARRENS 8toT88 Nog 14 and IS Vetwy Street

G O Hoydock Aect loaaer BY ROBERT HAYOOCK

Store No 167

Joke Mortimer Aaeiraeer BY JOHN MORTIMER

Store No 4 B u t Broadway

YELLOW MKTAL BOLTS-IflHOOlb amdashirtd iignfot a l e by WILIKTs gt CO 4 Pearl it 30

AIT AND SHEAR STraquo H L -- ( bull - S N S tast tort otusgon

3 bull lhj 3 Sheet i k i 3 IbjX | laquo j s j j i

16 cases nf the manufacture of Mesrs Skortridga Hewe) fc JestttO Sheffield England tor Mle by

D U T I L H raquo CO 33 Sooth William St AILLS NO 73 PklARL STREET o F I H K PARK I R

fr for bull-bull ftnOHkegnaiwottjifl Cut Nain at d Spih Aim Amariear

Wrought Nraquoiin aaanrtrd a i s c oi suufiilor quality

a J T E A M BOILKR A N D E N G I N E W A N T K P - A cylm-raquo (l-r or tubular boilar not vr 3u f a t IB length and rnsll engine of 4 tog here rower in good order Apply to

ml H E N R Y A K E L L K Y 52 Bread st

R AILROAD IRONmdashIIW ton Amerlcn rsils of the N e w gt end Rlie pattern weighing 57 bs per yard Phmnii Iron

Cnnim iy inik For t l e by THEODORE D F H O N 10 W a l l t f r u t

a22 near Brand

tons 45 I N to th yard lit tor rlaquo-


he t S i l e s i in store 25 do do to ar

FAiRCHl LDfc P A N S H A W E 1 1 S Roadway n3laquo1 Corner of Claquolar st

HADmdash lif l ton S n Klt flnnl Stollisrg Lead for r i le hy m2raquo T R C O D D I ^ O r O N A CO 76 Brotd at

R AILROAD I R O N - l i t laying for a l


S~ PKLTER-aSi too - r i e for t i e by

COCHINEAImdashIt seroon fr-r sal braquo i aol5 1 A T K I N S ACO 38laquooothraquotrraquoet

INOOT COPPER forelportmdashLake Superior ami Bsl i imore fur ale hy

mil 1^HJr QUINCY SCO at William at^ SPELTER- 50 Ion Iilesisn for sale oy

m2t T B CODOINorON fc CO S

BALES of Clothing EVERY DAY at 10 aad 3 oclock

MONDAY July 19 Pawnbrokers JaJemdashBy D G Farguson 174 Varick etreU

TUESDAY July 20 Pawnsbrokars Sa emdashBy Mr (oatHo 438 Pearl at _^ WEDNEPDAY July 21 Pawnbroker SalemdashBy PPridonburgh290 East-Breadws

THURSDAY July 23 Pawnbrokers Sale- Mr Lynch Grand street

FRIDAY July 33 Pawnbrokers SalemdashJ L Philips 187 Grand (tract

MONDAY July 28 Pawnbrokers SalemdashHv Louis Levy 438 Grand st

TUESDAY July 27 Pawnbrokers BaloWohn While 37 Centra street

Alfted Bragg Auctioneer BY A BRAGG amp CO

Store No W Courtleadt Street TUESDAY at 10 oclock at the auction room

Boots ShemdashBrogenfctmdashan CIM Boots Shoe and Bro-gana cempriaiag adaairabl Stock suilshls for the Summer aad Poll Trad

Liberal caah advances made oa consignments to be sold et aoci i n ar private a l e

PRIVATE SALE Direct fiom the Manufacturermdash^00 caes nf boots and

shoes aad brugans of ever Variety end quality which v-ill be raid lower than aay in the market Together with a good stock of men boy and yontb hoot and a auperior article of Russet Srogsn ef onr own mske

A S Richards Auctioneer BY RICHARDS amp WHITING

IVCCSSSOBS TO I D I I W I R I I -Store No 44 Coartlandt street

W E D N E S D A Y at llaquoSlaquoo clock al tke auction rfloai Boot Shoe mi Brogsnsmdash Mgt canes Bonis ^hocs snd Rio

gaits comprising a desirsb n assortiirnt of fresh and easoa-abte goo- illrect from the msnnfsrtiirsra adapted to the Northern 8lt o ih rn Westers and City Trade

At Private SalemdashA general aaanrtmcit nf Spring gro ia con i t ing in part of aoms patent lesther rawd ami pegged Gaiters Boys and VonfTi ditto Men caf aad kip Roots menscslf eame and boft brngans boy ami youths ditto also Ledies Gaiters and chi ldren snore of every deatriptioa which we offer at greatly redoxd ptn-ea

f lesry G Evao Auctioneer BV iTKNitt- O EVANS

Store N o laquo Liberty str et near M M a a For th a le of Crockery China G l e a aad Hardware C a -

signineaf eelicited aad advances msjle TUESDAY July 30

At 10 oclock at N S Lilierty street Crockery French Chin and GlassmdashA large and varied as

sortment of superior white Granite lieht blue prinleJ dipt C C and edged ware French and Eng u h iiecoratelt China tea sets v s e s fcc cot snd nresed g issswsr consisting m every variety ol lamblers giobiet cigtrrtpgnes w i n e ccr-disls Iteaers dltkes docaniert eel lorifs polaquonl)laquolde a k e s l lo l whick wnl be sold by the p c k c - i r foni tnlaquo h e l v e

L M H O F F M A N Auctioneer BY L M HOFFMAN amp CO

Store No HI PeaI slreei Hsnovsr Square THS DAY

FRIDAY July 16 At 11 oclockat McCuilougha Sale Room

Rio Coffee -3000 bags Rio Coffe Catalogues tad ample the dar previous

TUESDAY July 30 At 11 oclock ia front ol tfceir afore

Dmaged Taatmdash300 hf chest Green and Black Ta dim aged oa th voyage

Mdaaes-kO obis S H Molases WEDNESDAY Julr 21

At II oclock I a front o a heir atere Indige-80cises Manilla Indigo

FRIDAY July 23 At 11 ocloek to trout of their ator

(For account ef wkom it imycineerounder Warden in apectioni

Dsmsgerl Toumdash300 packages Green and Black Teaa alight-lydamagtA

_ Joba S Betta Auctioneer BY GERARD BETTS de CO

bulltor No 108 Wraquoll (treat corner ef Front at Gerard A Beit will give their porvmal atteatioo to the)

sale of Ral s t a t e at th Merchants En-hang and Honso-hoid Fnrnilur at the residence of fsmilie brooking up heaaekeeplBg al io to the aale of Blocks of Grocer and Merchsndise ot every daieription both In Nw Yoth ami Brooklyn

TiTlA DAY F R I D A Y July 16

At 11 oclock In front of stor Ragsrsmdash SflOllO H s T n i 8egsrgt

300000 f iermn Segal of various brands Load res Commnnee O p e r u fcc

Tiifkiah TobaccomdashSfiTnikish Tobacco Burgundy Portmdash6ft quarter pipe superior Burgundy Port

IB bond Block Tin fcc-3fi block Ea l i sh Tin 28 hoses IX T I B

279ox chains 1 enss cast steel 8 kegs l i era shoe as i s Licotieemdash15 bals Licorice Root

(Under Wardens inspection lor account of whom it may cuicernJ

B r laquo n d T 1 2 a u r t laquo T ni eighth pipes Park rsd Pal Cognac and Riehel le Brandy t Kong Thrym Jan 1856

At It oWock in front of theirstore P o r sccount of wnom it marconcera l

Broom Cornmdash27 bates Rronm Corn dmaged per canal T U E S D A Y July 2U

At II oclock in front of the store Salmonmdash20floponn i S m o k e o KennebevkSalmon

vVEDNF^DAV Jnly 21 At 1 oclockat tbo Merchanta Exchange

Seamer M a r y l s n o - T b e Ple ime Maryland with her Uc le apparel anil furniture D munsionsmdash155 feet g inches long 27 feet breadth or beam 0)raquo f-et depth of hold laquond about 340 mas biiithen dlaquoptd either fur freight snd r a s e e -gers or lor lowing The boat i n goo1 srdar well fill Bilked sml provtaed s c c r d i i g to law Her holier nesr l new With an entine harms a t t inch cylinder and 8 feat stroke snd the tgt6M in all respects i ready for m e spend from in to knot Ilaquoer hout She laquo tcrong and eieeedlngly eemfnytahle and ecnnoniiesl lnst For rurther prticnUrs apply o board att m e r t S N R n r t o f II Cunningham No RI Perl t i ee t

T r R I V A T R S i r OftVmdashoffice to (et bdquo fjo | i laquo Will street 1 medium iixe Fire Io f Iron Kate Wilder Patent laquot Croit Rnmmdash13 tiunchemis St Croix Rum m bonfi

W A L T E R ORENgt| GII ~ inc i ioaer _ ~

BY GHKKSOI GH BURDBTTamp CO s raquo No i 9 Wall street

I t t IS I H I F R I D A Y Jnly Ifl

At II oclocl in trout of their nor (Wot MMMB of horn it BVT concern)

l l i r -mi TnhsrcnmdashS hhds aad 7 t i e i r s Hagtsna Ieat To rweco

Hoaajmdash3 bbls prime Honer S A T U R D A Y Juiv 1

THIS DAY F R I D A Y July 16

A t 12X oclock at th Merchant Exchange $1000 LnCioes and Milwaukee Land Grant Bond 81000 Eight p c Bund City of Oahkoch $1 000 Stvcn p c Bond City of Miiwsukte

2000 esveo p c BondsStnte of California due 1870 000 six p e Road City of Maysvitle

000 Eight p c Bond Town of Waterloo 15 sbr American Exchange Bask $100 each 10 do Bank of North America $ It o each 10 de Psrk Bask Stuoeaco 10 do Harmonv Fire laiuraac Co 850 each 30 do O^ean Baak $50 eack

MONIAY July 19 At 13 oclock at tka Merchant Exchange

The followtog Securities will be soldmdash 67 Tomhaate A Alton 0 p e Convertible Bond I 30 C inntj of Monteeatery Bend 13 Beivilie aad II iaoiotown RR 1st Mortgage Bond which

wore deposited m colatoralto a note ef the Teriekauta aad AJtoaHstCo

ALSO 105 unpaid Coupon from 38 Mortgage aad Convertible

Bond ot the Great Weatera RR ef Illinois WEDNESDAY July 21

AtlSIf oclockat the Merchant Kgckaag The following gecuriti lodged u collateral tale Abac-

late 18 Bonds for $1 0C0 each 14 Mortgage Roads Belleville and

and lUinoistowa BH Co dated id Marrh 1863 interest per ceat per annum payable 11 of March aid ltt September ef each year

Ot $1 OuO Bead Mad Rer and Lake Erie RR Co dated lat Pebrnary 1865 and payable la 1876 Interest 7 per cent per aaaara payable lat of May aad lot Aoeaber of each year

One Bond for $500 Mad Rive- aad Lake Erie RR Co datedat of February 1855 and parable in 1876 Intereraquoi7 par eaat per annum payable 1st of May and let Novemuo of each year

THURSDAY July 23 At Raj oclock at the Merchant Exchange

G H Penfla ds Draft on Wa Jarvi Middletuwu Conn tor $87 7 33 duo OctjM 1867 Hypothecated

Adrian H Mali Auctioneer BY ADRIAN H MULLER

Office No 15 walitrt Mr JACOB 8 BAKER K from tbiadste aeeociated with

the uadsrsigned in hi buinaaa New Yors May 11867 ADRIAN H MULLER

Real Eatata and Stock at public and private sale Sal bull Stock every Wedneskey aad Saturday at tke Merckaat Ex ekaage

Jacob S Baker Adrian H Mailer THIS DAY

FRIDAY Jaly 16 _ At 13 a clock at the Mercaauts Kxchaaea

Supreme CourtmdashBy order of H S Smith RefereemdashRiv-in on Streetmdash2 lot on oouth lid of Riringtoo treat 22 feet wt of Toapkln atreet each 32i76

SATURD AT July 17 At 1 oclock at the Merchant Exchange

Supreme CourtmdashBy order of A H WaUi Referee- Man-hatanvlilemdash1 lot on north Mdeof Lawrene treat 225 feet 9 lncbe eaat of 10th avenue 35x113 on one aid and 100 feet 1 ti inch oa the other

MONDAY July 19 At 12 oclock at tke Merchaat Exchange

(Adai aatraiora Sale) By order of Rodman R Dawsoo Esq Srrcgsteoi Kiags

^ PARK ROW-Th vlu^brtli|Ot of Uartwlth th6-torv brown ton front building threoo knowi No 3 Park Row eoMiiencing 40 feet 3 inches north of Ann street snd kalng a front on the smlaquo sld lot bring 28 feet front and resr 63 feet I inck onthe northerly side A3 fee 3 inck on th souther v side and 13 feet 3 incheam ABO at

5lraquot Strut-On lot M tbe eortherly sld of 61 at atreet commencing i5ofet wst of lithsrnue25feel in width by lOii leet 5 inchea in depth _ laquo lt

62d trsrt-4 rsiusbl lot situate on the northerly side of SM stret eojimenclng 200 net west of 8th srenus being each V5 feet in width by 100 feet 4 inchea in death

Terms at a l e ror maps sml further particular apply td th auctioneer 35 Wall atreet Beajaa u P Monhtrre Ad-alnstrator of Joseph Heogli deceased

THURSDAY JulytL At 12 oclock at tk Mrchraquont Exchange

Welrion against Thorp Chsrles T Lesks ReceivermdashAll the property in the baseof to Id Receiver noi consisting off ish Particulars at th office of th Anctionlaquoer

Wllliaai H Fraaklin Asetioneer BY WM H FRANKLIN

Office Re f Bieadrtreet Real Estate raquol Public ami Prirat Sale Particular ttea

tion will ba given to tsles of Stocks Bofda aad or her Sernrl-tilaquos also VSsal Merchandise and Salaa of furniture at private residences

MONDAY Jult 2laquo 7 - bdquo K mdash At 12 oclock at the Merchants Exchang

6th A venuemdash3 lots on tbe east side of 5th avenue between 48ih snd 49th street Inclu-llng lb nortn t corner of Mh bullvenue and 48lh itreet ecb Iot21il00 feet For further prticulBrtappiy at the office of tke auctioneer No 5 Broad street bull -

Ph 11 tV ST wTl i t i TAJraquo oa ear BV PHILIP R WlbKINS

Office N o bull Pin treet nesr Broadway Reel Estate SlM-ilaquond Bond s i Public snd P n v a t Sal

O n t i l c o r sales nf Furniture and Merehandte attended to A Register ktqt for parties desirous of loaning er obia intut money on Roni and M o r t a t e

rTiURsDlTY July bull _ At 12 oclock at the Merchants Mchange

By order of th inpriie Claquort-Undraquor the direciion of D Hobart Ffq Referee bdquo

l J 3 d g t r e i - 2 l o t s o n l h e n - r t h i t I y i raquo e n l 121 rot beshytween 6th avenue and the new urenO west or Mount Mor-ri eqaars being each 2i fett by lOjfeat 11 inchea Mol l fc Cory Allys _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

BORAXmdash60 bbs Crude for sale by jy3 JOSIAH M A C V S SONS 189ProBtt

ME X I C A N COCHIN E L - DirtcVimporiationrfcr Y _ e by J10 O WHEELWRIGHT l i b w o n m

VA N I L L A B E A N S - Prime on consignment fur mle by J12 S C r t l E F F E L I N BROS A CO 170 Williaiu-et

COCHINEALmdashAil kind for a l e by 30 H E N R Y M HARDING 85Wal l e t

OTTO ROSEmdash500 ounce pure ana 500 do standard quali ty in bo ties aad cana IO - aal by

i WHEELWRIGHT 118 WU-et ml7

d t j C M C O P A L - - 4 0 a o pounds hed Angola lor sale by


B A K E R A M I N T U R N A CO 78 South at

J BAKER A BBO 142 Water and 182 aad 184 Pearl bulltreet offer for aale i s lots to suit the following a ti

cle which they hate on band snd to arrive C u t o r oumdash3u) case and 35 cask _ I Csstor Oil In N e w

York Ronton rhiladeipkia and Baltimore Sal soda aad Bi Caibonato rudemdashISO eaaka aad 800 kegs

Newcastle Fior Sulphurmdash50 cakr sad 300 carta F tench Eaterymdash35 keg Aour Alum and Epsom Salt- -300 bbl and 300 imaU casks China aao Iriete Vermillionmdash30 cams and 30 aag Gum DamarmdashRW esse pume quality Refined aaltpetiemdashaole Agentforth Excelaior Labors

tortee celebrated brand Saltpetre-SOW nags cruJo to arrive f3t

ON CONSIGNMENT and for a l 35 bbl Am lamglae M eaaka waahM Piak Root incase Italian Anehovio

100 b ggFlorida Arro hoot 6caumlTsusypurt Eaataans 4 can Oil Cedar do do

es do Hurleys stariaoarilla JS BCHlKFEE-liti BROS fc CO 170 Williim at

SNAKEROOTmdash mdashA small lot for sal by J13 WATSON fc iMhAKa834 Barling slip

VANILLA B E A N S mdash F o r sale ty m21 HASKeLL MERRICK fc BULL 44 Cadar it

O I L ROS-fl-lOOt oi various qualities for a l e by alaquo3 JOHN O ScEhT-KR mraquo Pine atreet

C ICILY SUMACmdashFor aale i bull30 HENRY M HARDING85 Wall tree

IN D I G O - 5 6 for tal by

choic M o d r u in bond and daty paid

lt 35 R O B E R T E K E L L T fc CO 45 Beaver t

OI L L E M O N - Prime duality now landing for iule by BStl H A S K E L L MERRICK fc B U L L 4 Cedar-it

L I V E O I L I N B A R R E L J - P o r sal oy v P mh3raquo D U T I L H fc CO 2 3 i onth Wm st

RO M A N E Y E BALRA VImdashThis is t n i y arTrnvsluAble ai covery for th prevention and cur of Dieeaaea of th E r e

indsmed eye-lids pain from particle of iust weakngs i nd many other symptom ar speedily cured by it when ap

pli - in due aeaaon I here are fw parsons who oo not at (ome period of their live suffer from inflamed aye To i J poisons it is important to know that ao safe and certain me-4y can always be had 1ienared and sold by A B I D bull A D 8 A CO 100 Ful toa sroot N e w York Sold a so uggl t enersllr 18 bull J H F L L A C - F o r s e by ~ J17 A ARCHER fc B U L L 129 Wtr st

For ssle by A HCHER fc BULL 129 Water st

CAMPHORmdash35 bbl refined for sale by J8 HICKS fc w HITINQ 3 Fletcher laquot

F ^ R U D E B R I M S T O N E - F o r sale by V SiO H E N R Y M HARDING 85 Wall-street

NU T G A L L S B L U E - F o r u i e n y D U T I L H gt CO 23South William raquot

GUM D A M A R - 6 0 cheat sals by


GUM COPAT-60 bag fcr

JOHN OSBORN 45 Beevor t


quality for

P A T T R U L L O fc ECHEVERRIAS7 Bearer-at HO N D U R A S C O C H I N E A L - - 5 erooraquo Ane

aala by

D m

AMAH-For u l e by i7 ARCHEE fc BULL 129 Waier laquot

UTILH fc CO hive for sal Gum iragacanlh aad va-


FROM WASHINGTON WAtHiNUTON July 15mdashThe Poalt lt CfiinmiMisiRg

ers ui a deapatcn to the Government stale that Uey havu aettM the difficulties rxitinjj betwlaquolaquon the United States and Utah The de-i^tch 8ttba_a-tially confirms the previously recteve4 ttLogrephic acrounta

John J Schroeder instead of Samuel Hivpeil has bten appointed Postmaster of LBAYeBWOrth m place of Clarksoii resiijied

Chales Hoas of Cincinnati lias been -i^pqinted Supervising Inspector of steamboats lor lau Fifth District vice Davis Eaibree

The War Department has received official de-epatehea statiulaquo that Colonel Steptoewith a com-itumd of live coinmiseioned ofTicers ana one hundred and fifty two rank and file was attacked and defeatshyed by a large body of Indians on Mie 17th of May about eighty live nuies north of the Snake River The battle lasted from seven in the morning to a short time befare sunset when the ammunition being nearly exhausted and the musquetoons being nearly useless against the eretny a retreat and a forced march to the crossing of the Lake Rivlaquo r became ne-cessury

The following were killed and had died of thmir wounds Brevet-Captain O H P Taylor Second Lieutenant W Gaston First Sergeant W C Wil-liama Privates A Barnes V C De May C H Har-iiish J Croesett Wounded severely H Montre-ville J Linch W Micon H Snisker O A Hamshymond Wounded slightly pound R riiron Maurice Harley C Hughes J Kelly G Beuger and J Klav

Major Jeremiah W Dashiell has been dismissed from the army by the President for having failed as stated in official order to explain satisfactorily a deficiency in his accounts of public money and havshying also tailed to obey repeated instructions from the Paymaster General to pay over the balance acknow-ledged by him to be in his hands

A semi-official letter from New GranadA says that in accordance with tbe law having in view the better security ol passeagers over the Isthmus railroad and in other respecta to promote their comfort the President of that Republic haa appointed J M Hur-tado Superintendent with ample power for the ful filment of the trust

Charles Barrett was today found guilty of the murder of Reeve Lewis and Henry Williams Barshyretts companion at the time of manslaughter

NO NEWS OF T H E T E L E G R A P H CARLE TRINITY BAY July 15mdash8 P M~The weather is

clear calm and beautiful this evening and the Bay is as smooth as glass but a3 yet there are no tidings of the Telegraph Fleet

NON-ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA HALIFAX July 15mdash9 P MmdashThe weather is

densely foggy with a ligit south-west wind No signs yet of tne Canada

HALIFAX II P MmdashThe weather still continues very foggy with no indications of the Canada

FROM ALBANY ALBANY June 15mdashA call for a meeting of the

American State Council on Tuesday August 24ih will be issued to day The representation will be one from each subordinate Council The State Council fixes the time for the American State Con vention

The statement that a meeting of the Directors of the Central Railroad was held yesterday for the purpose of declaring a dividend is erroneous It was not a dividend meeting but simply a business meeting of the Board

BREAK IN T H I I K R I E CANAL SCHSNKCTADY N Y July 15mdashA break occurred

ia the Erie Canal about ten oclock this morning half a mile west of here on section thirtv over a culshyvert There is about seventy-five feet of the bank gone The water is being drawn from the level and active steps are being taken to repair the breach at once which will Jprobably net interrupt navigation over two or three ddys

THE OH7O~RIVER WHEELING July 15mdashThe water in the channel of

of tbe river at this point now measures nine inches and is rising Freights are going oil promptly as the boats are plenty and the rates low


PITTSBURGH July 15mdashThe steamers Arctic and Great West were destroyed by fire this evening at the Marine Railway two miles below this city The Arctic was valued at til teen thousand and the Great West at eighteen thousand dollars The iormer was lnsuieu hure for six thousand dollais The latter was also insured but the amount or in what office is not known

DECEASE OF HONTJOHN N HILDER ALBANY July 15mdashHon John N Milder died in a

fit ot apoplexy in true city at the Delavan House this afternoon


5ab6 Kenning UK ii Morns Canal 41 LOBK Island KKllPeuiiaRK41i

MARKETS BUFFALO July 15 6 P MmdashThere has been a good

demand for Flour to-day at previous rates Sales 2500 barrels at $2 75 a A3 for sour and $3 75 for good super-one Wisconsin ana Illinois $4 a 4 25 for good to choice extra Ohio Indiana Michigan and Canada $4 50 a 4 75 for double extra Wheat market quiet Sales 37000 but-h ut laquo5 cts for Chicago Spring 78 cents for sound Muwaukie Club 70H cents for warm ditto 86 cents for red Indiana U5 a ttnt cts for white Indiana and Cirwd Jooo tu new prime white Kenthyto an interior miller at Bl 35 Corn quiet and unc ituiged sales 2500 bush at 50 cent for sound and 3u cents for unsound Oats ia good demand and market firm for sound Sales llOoO bushels at 37 cents 230J0 bush warm at 34 cents and 3500 buahdo at32Jraquo cts Rye dull aales small lots at 58fc cts W hiske y in good demand sales 5 0 bbls at 21 cents Freights unchanged at 40 cts on flour 11 cts oa wheat and 10 cents on corn to New York Recipts in the last 24 bournmdashFlour 5200 bbls wheat 1600(1 bush corn 1 i00u buah oals 520n0 bush Canal Exports-Flour 2800 bbls wheat 65c00 bush corn 6-1U00 bush oats lBOuObush rye 3136 bush

Oswsoo July 15mdash6 PMmdashFlour dull Grain of all descriptions rather quiet Sales 3yoo bushels Chishycago Spring Wheat not in shipping condition at 0c Corn unchanged Sales lnOUO bushels et 62c for sound Indiana and 50c for hot Illinois Oats 39 a 40c Sales 300011 bushels Freights dull Flour 27c and Wheat 7Jlaquoc to New York Lake imports o-daymdash17WW bushels Wheat 39000 bushels corn 8000 bush Oitlaquo Canal exportsmdash230111 jushels Wheat 16000 bushels Corn 8uoo busheia Oats

CHICAGO July 15mdashfl P MmdashFlour quiet Wheat deshyclined 1 cent aalea at 64aH9c Corn active at 46 cents Oats dull Shipments to Oswego I5fln0 bus corn no flour or wheat no shipments to Buffalo Reueipta 2900 bbls flour 21000 bushels wheat 020(i0 do corn

CINCINNATI July 15mdashFlour steady at $3 75 Whisshykey 91 Xr Mess Porkmdashsales 300 bbls at $15 25 Corn 55c

CHARLESTON Julv 15mdashCottonmdashSales to-day 250 bales Sales of the week 5000 bales at an advance of a H on tbe prices of the previous week Middling fair 13c The market|cloacd arm

NEW OBLEAN July 14 mdashCotton unchanged Sales to-day lioo bales SugarmdashFair to fully fair is quoted at 7 a c Superfine Ohio Flour raquo3 75 St Louis | 4 10 Corn fUli a See Barrel Lard lie Kentucky Bagging 14 eta

NEW ORLEANS July 15mdashCotton i Mies to-day 1100 bales at suffer out not quotably higher prices Flour $4 12 Cora 77 Mem Pork raquolaquobull India Bagging lAHc Gunny Baga 12c Freights Cotton to Livershypool HA Sterling Exchange 8^a9K percent Exshychange on New York at par to one-quarter per cent premium

ioua aorta of Sponges _B5_

BORAXmdashBarret and caas Wood English A t Manned Borax In ator and ia bond for aal by

my24 JOSIAH MACT A SON8 189 Front a t _

GAMBIERmdash i00tgtMeraquo f or a l by bull30 H E N N V W H A H D I N O 8 5 W l l s t r t

NITRATE O P SODAmdash 10P0bag prime white or aal by am H E N R Y M H A R D I N G 8 5 tiri

GARANCINEmdash Dutch ar d Fr ncn lor sal hy D U T I L H fc CO 33 South William raquot

raquoilaquotjPFR C A R B O N A T E b F ~ i f raquo D A mdash l o 80 ih paper n ~ earti box ror aale by th manuft^tarara

J O H N DWIOHT k CO 112 Pearl laquot

OPIUM-TnrkraquoymdashScsmt M WARD CLOSE fc


i new crop for raquoallaquo hj CO 115 Fulton anil 46 Ann sis

HY jmssiw MtimAuewMeei JAM eg M MILLJh CO

Stars No- bull Maidaa ma T H U h S D t Y Jaly laquo bull

At lSn e loc t araquo the Mrchsraquolaquo Klaquoralaquonraquoraquo Will he sold under the direction ol rtnwlr Ten Brobdquok

Ka hefer-AH time p i a e i laquor par 1 6J land la th 20tla Ward known o n map tnde lit l raquo bull bull S m l n _ _ M B 8 8 t o laquo f Mary Clark April Uh 1857 kiraquogtwn brin mimhsrs from 57 lltgt584ineliiraquoia west hr | ) ih avs n o raquo i-th St scmisi hy 2Bih at a t tendingh ckfn m Uh ar east loo feet loeether with the street wharves sml rightsi-f whatfagear crnna-e in rnmt of or sppeitsiamg and all raquoraquotlaquo r r laquo h raquo t o all lands and grant of land under w ter i n nt of saiil l i t as proHisd ti be attended to the wasterir line of tne city

F h l D A t JnlT l b _ v At 12ocookst lha Merchant Stlt-hsng

Uader direetien of Jus Sand lore j raquo _ f _ raquo _ | Jts of land E side Ulh av25l Sof 4Mh laquot 7S 3 font bj lpti n ^ e laquo p ^

Bruce A Chilttn fifJ^HC BY ( o l F rV c H H r o gt

fliaafaal N O i NRM4traquo iff aw IR

DRUGS ERMILIIONmdash15 pnekaeea China and Trieste t Q u l n i n e - i n e a e French and American

Rhubarbmdash in ca es E I and Turkey Aniseedmdashin hags Itstiau 3d cases Star Prnuiat Poiaab mdash10 claquoaa Ammonismdash Craquorbonatscasks in jariand bulk Arrow Knotmdash KM) rases West raquond t at Im ielaquo Cubehsmdash20 bags Ralsam ltjpaivamdash10 keg Rsrbadoe Tarmdash10 tircs Tonqua Besnamdash20 kegs Coioevnth Applemdash10 pcksgegt Corksmdash UW hales bottle sadvla l Biichn tj-avemdashShales Sennamdash20 bales Alerandria 15risks K I Aloemdash15 panksg Wet snd Fast Imlte Gutn Arahtcmdash100 package Turkey and Magdore Uraquom Benioinmdash5 cases Gum Damsmdashso rases

Kinomdash10cases rheliscmdashW cases Tragmanlhmdashto cases Indnii Hedmdash2n kegs

Macrmdash5 rasas Mass Irishmdash100 bbls Oil of Almonds bittermdash50 bottles

Anis E I mdash raquogtce bdquo O h v e in bakets snd boxes slso 30 bbl Pprmint I e s s e

Cream T r t s r - l O r a k f o f a l s h y BCHI_EPFKLIN_BROS A C Q rfgt WilHsm a t _

R~Kl K N A Q E L V s C H W A S t e Cedar at oTejibr raquo -Algol erude srdamoii ard arraquowraquoy Seeds Indigo

Manila and Madras Horn namsr sno Arabic nraquortImlir Rubber Oils of Bitter Almond Cotnac Spearmint Berts mot and Aniaseed Saltoflte Bichrom-le and Chlorate Pot h Sumsf Cream Tsrtsr Snail 8hlt K I Hhubarb Smvrna Sponr Ao

Also K I Boffalii Hides and Ci e T e r f e Qoqt Skms a i 3

1 U H THlSmdashH IAS stralaquooaraquoitytors-4l by i mil S A M L I M i r C H I U f c O N 13 Brosdwsy

l i lt

lei putotisaiid ^n-peity We tiavr assured them hat ret-ici- ihir persons nor property would be iu ured or rrsflsasNSfl by the army uacUr vcar coniinan1

We wouid respectfuilv euggest in consequence of this eelig oi untasiness that you isjtis a proclashymation to iho people of Utah stating irraquot he army under your command would not tre-gtp a u gton the rights or property of peaceable citizens du mg the aojourn in or the march ol your army th ugh the Territory Such a proclainiiioit would greatly allav the existing anxiety and fear of the people snd cause those who have abandoned their iom s to reurn to theltr housi a and farms

We have made enquiry about ass woudampc neshycessary for the subsidence and convenience ot your army Wo have conversed with Mr Ficklin fully on this subject and given him all the information we have which he will impart to you We repectlullv suggest that ymi march to the vailey as toon ar it is toi vetucnt for you to do so

We have the honor to be very respectfully your obedient servants

L W P O W E L L BhN M o C V L L O C H

bull O I I I I I I bullmn ie i laquo to tTaSls To Gen A S Johatton Ccmmanduts Atmt nf Utah Camp

Scott taraquo T-rrilorr


cunapou liiur Kraquo i June 14 Gentitnun mdashYour communication from Salt

Lake City was received to day The accomplishshyment of the object of your miaaion entirely in acshycordance with the instructions of the President the wisdom and forbearance of which you have so ably displayed to the people of the 1 erritory will I hope lead to a more just appreciation of their relations to the general government and the estabshylishment of the supremacy of the laws

1 learn with surprise that uneasineM is felt by the people as to the treatment they mav receive frcm the array Acting under the two-fold obligations of citizens and soldiers we may be supposed to comprehend the rights of the people and to be suffL-iently mindful of the obligations of our oaths not to disregard the laws which govern us as a milishytary body A reference to them will show with what jealous care the general government has guard ed the rights of citizens against any encroachment

The army has duties to perform here id execution of the orders of the Department of War which from the nature of them cannot lead to interference with the people in their various pursuits and if no obshystruction is presented to the discharge of thoce dushyties there need not be the slightest apprehension that any person whatever will have cause of comshyplaint against it The army will continue its march from this position on Thursday 17th instant and reach the valley in five days I desire to encamp beshyyond the Jordan on the day of arrival in the valley

With great respect your obedient servant A 8 JOHNSTON

Col 2d CavsndBvt Brig (Jen V- 8 A Coadg To the Hon L W PeweU and Mai B McCultoeh V S

CommUampionert to Utah


Camp on Bear River June 14th The commissioners of the United States de

puted by the President to urge upon the people of this Territory the necessity ol obedience to the Con stitution and laws as enjoined by his proclamation have this day informed me that there will be no obshystruction to the administration and execution of the laws of the federal government nor any opposition on tbe part of the people of this Territory to the military force of the government in the execution of their order I therefore feel it encumbent on me and have great satisfaction in doing ao to assure those citizens of the Territory who I learn appro hendtrom tbe army ill-treatment that no parson whatever will be in any wiae interfered with or moshylested in his person or rights or in the peaceful pur suit of his avocations and should protection be needed that they will find the army (always faithful to the obligations of duty) as ready now to assist and protect them as it was to oppose them while it was believed they were resisting the laws of their government

A 8 JOHNSTON Colonel Second Cavalry and Brevot-Bhg-Oen Condg

(bullBEAM OK T A R T K - 2 c s s s CantbiOtmdash500 bales Tsrtsnc AcidmdashOO b

B earn Sodamdashsoli g Caithartdemdash uflO Ins Opirimmdash f r i w afciMmdash-Ml cash Kreieh

OFFICIAL FROM UTAH (From the Washington Union Jaly 15 1


GRVATSALT LAKE CITY U T Jane 12 Dear SirmdashWe have the honor to report that we

reached this city on the 7th instant We lost no time in placing ourselves in communication with the chief men of the Mormon people After the fullest and freest conference with them we are nigt asert to state that we have settled the unfortunate difficulties existing bet wain the government of the United States and the people of Utah We are informed by the peonle and chief men of the Territory that they will cheerfully yield obedience to the constituion and laws of the (Jilted States They cheerfully consent that the civil officers of the Territory shall enter upon the discharge of their respective dutiea They will make no resistance to the army of the United States in its marrb to the valley of Salt Lake or elsewhere We have their assurance that no resistance will be made to the ofBrrsect civil or military of the United States in the exercise ol their various functions in the llaquogtrritory of Utah

The people have abandoned all the equipment north of this and all the families have left the city only about fifteen hundred persons remaining here to take charge of the property and to burn it if the difficulties had not tteen aettled The people from tin city and north of it havrgt gone south tltgt Provo fifty miles south of this and to points bevond

Vie will visit Provo an-1 the settlements South in a day or two and see and confer with the people and inform them tiiit the diffi ml ics have been setshytled and thus irdure thrm to return to their hornet We have written to (ten Johnston by the messTi-gi r that will lar tin informing tiini of what has tiecn done and that he could march his armv W he valley whenever he desired to Ao ao We intent) to remain and visit the people ami converse wit i these until Uen Jonatona army arrives We think it im portai i that we remain until th^ army is located in the valley We have but a moment to write as Hie etpretrs will start in a tew momenta

We will i i reraquo days forward detailed report


ORDER OF MARCH I HEADQCABTzaa D E P A R T M E N T OP U T A H lt Camp on Bear River Usee Territory ( June 16

The army will continue tbe march to-morrow and daily hereafter till arrival in Salt Lake Valley in the following order each command being followed immediately by its train and a proportion of tbe supply-tram

Brevet Col C F Smiths Battalion constituting the advanced guard at 5 A M

10th Infantry and PhelpampUtattery at 515 AM 5tb Infantry aud Renos Battery at 445 AM Col Lorings Battalion of Mounted Riflemen 1st

Cavalry 3d 6th and 7th Infantry at 615 AM Volunteers at 630 A M 2d Dragoons constituting the rear guard at 7

AM Commanders of Regiments and Battalions will

order the guards for their respective trains The Headquarters will be with the advance By order of Brevet Brigadier General A S

Johnston F J P O R T E R Ass is t Adjutant General


going hither

b uueram CU^ts S S i l v t r aud l i n e d raiuku e not g iv_-10

lT H a h i x mdash M t i s r E d w a d A N i v t s of Pttraquo6gtld Phishylip CA~til otSawpcr IMHI Daaraou nf R o i l Fng neers j i r s Ma-uo 0laquooc Percy J hn Bo dr John H a i U d bull btutaa I laquo Llaquot-y tia Smith Jja N G e iBaa i Wan Pa ker of Hal i t xmdashi Total I gtpound

[Correspondence of th St Loui Democrat] HEAD-QUARTERS SIXTH COLUMN

C A M P U S Bio RLUS J u l y 3 Incidents of a tragical character have occurred

since our arrival here which will long cling to many a siern soldier with a painful remembrance and cause this camp to be regarded as the Camp ot Horror

On the night of the 38th ult from some cause or other 1 cvas aroused fiom my sleep about midnight The night was one of calmness and beauty I was aroused by No i sentinel crying Number onemdash twelve oclock and all is well The cry was taken up by each sentinel in his turn and repeated all around the camp The weird chant bad scarcely left the lips of the last sentinel and went echoing up the rocky ravine upon which he waa posted when I heard the bnsa clattering of a horses hoots coming ap the stony hill from the river A moment more and the rider drew rein in front of Majory Emorys tent whom be called up and then rode to Sergeant Major Charles Greens whom he also called up I now hoard the Major order him (Sergeant Major Green) to make out a detail of six men from each mounted company to go under ths command of Lieutenants Berry and Cunningham and two noncommissioned officers Lieutenant McGruder had been murdered at a settlers cabin over tbe river and this first detachment ws sent to arrest the murderer Dr Joseph R smith a non commis sioned officer and a detail of two mounted men trots each cavalry company went to take charge of the corpse The news of the murder soon spiead over the camp The men came out of their tents and congregated in groups to discass the tragedy The clattering of horse feet were heard and thither

Lieut John T McGruder of the Second Cavalry was on detached service assisting Lieut Berry in the command of Company A Dragoon recruits He is a Virginian by birth but hislather is at present a resident of Washington City

At two oclock on ths 29th he waa buried The whole of the sixth column turned oat and followed his remains in solemn funeral procession Dr J R Smith officiated as chaplain in the funeral service The last resting-place of the deceased is on the point of a considerable eminence overlooking the surshyrounding country To day they are erecting a large stone mound over the grave

A few nights si nee a drunken row occurred at a liquor shanty near by in which several teamsters were horribly mutilatedmdashalmost literally eat to pieces None of thin however are quite dead al hough in a critical condition The aame rrifht I am informed a sodier belonging to the tilth column which is slso encamped over the river was shot dead The night after a wagon master of an ot team shot one of his ox drivers through the head Last night two teamsters of a mule train were badly wounded by pistol shots fired by ox drivers

These deeds of horror are all attributed to the influence of liquor Thus yon see rum that foul fiend and agent of the devil is here is every where doing his full share in the destruction of hushyman life

But I am about to neahct some of tbe rmrticnlars in relation to the murder of Lieutenant McGruder He had been on a visit to the officer of the tilth column and was returning whenon passing the house aforementioned he got entangled in an altercation with a citizen by the name of Prore who fired upon him The gun was loaded with a ball and a number of buckshot all of which entered hie face and head killing him instantly I understand that the civil authorities of Maryrville arrested tried and acquitted Prore ot the murder Yesterday the Mashyjor sent ont a detachment ot seventy five men miner command of Lieutenants Crittenden and Ingraham in quest of the fugitive Bui they have returned after a Iruitlesa search-

Thia mornin there was about sixty persons on the sick report Nearly eveiy case was the dysen tery and nearly every patient wan a raw recruit fresh Irom citizen lite Of course it must be exshypected that a change of diet a change ol climate a change of physical exerciM and a new mo e of life altogether will have such an cfTicr upon men The only wonder ia that there are not ajreater number down with the same complaint The doctor haraquo no serious cases under hs care The general health of the troona i excellent Nome few who like my self have travellesl over Mexico and Texaa and conshytracted the chrome diarrbcea have had n return ef the dreaded disease but hope that by temperance and care we will soon lie around again

BvWsMS we leu Leavenworth we have had a rainy day about every fourth day When it was not raining the weither liai tieen excessively warm and oppressive If it were not for the fine prairie breeze we would sometimes positively suffocate

Duampnt and Hi Wife -The tendon i-orrespvnd-en ot thecipriR|irteld Htpuhltfan writing on the Jtifh Sf June gives th bull following explanation of th iiiconiiiaitrHlrty between fhekens arid htlaquo wife i

bullbullIn the lit-rarv wodd very little i sttmrtr ex E _ _ ilAMk 1- _JB LAV AiT^L _ mdashA pound _ _ _ _ _

MAti S A I L I N G I)


1 bullraquo Ut UrtlTkl) STAfBh BBtoj

Boruiii A1 t i e s Fulton Enron Austria

North Atarri an i- int lurotia Kanguoo Harm 1IH1IHI Haninioni Arabia City af Bait lmore

_ M t o New Vorl- New York N e w York BoKtoo New York

War Hamburg LivtHpooi

iavr Liverpool Hamburg

PEOM strap p Liverpool Hauburg Livornool

Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool

Hamburg Liverpool Liverpool

Qalaquobc N e - tork

Boston N t w Yurk

New York (julaquobei

New York Boston

New York

B H 1 P

Data July IS July ill

July 3i J n l y X

A a g 1

June Jltgt July 1

July 3 July 7 J u l 18 JulV Jul 16 Julv 17

bull July ill

bull 0 H I S E S 4 81 I MOON BISKS HI | | bull _ _ _ bull 7 m i m e s wATsa o u

r ~ to And the At or HtOM V J T I K ar S A N D V noOE -Jtraquo ci 60 wmitttt Jrom ih o6oclaquo ior l i iun TDB at uczt OAT and I hew a ut 41 ruiaatta

bullTXX (Advcrtilaquoraquoment )

TUB NEW iORK MAMSK RE ( P a T a B i i K i i a O i iS 7)

A standard of classinoalion and c c o r u o t i c of all Veraquosallaquo liti- iu aud visiting tlir Porta oi n UuiU I SUSM l o t s work i s sconr t aod roli-ible and contain |u es tail Dfs-graui botkio building and i upraquo eti i n ol Vesse ls alaraquo g v s tbe Halo l i n i n u c Draft Woods Ps eniuge whoa Mauled when andvraquoheie Built Builder P n belonging to Owners or CouMgnoe Miasormurnt M l rooaaike and Sat at Survey Price of the hiuud volume $ni aod i se luauu tka Tii monthly Supplement for nn I laquo U I gso

This i th only work of tl kind approved hy the Foard of Underwriter of Now York aud wi l l he iaeued u s u a l l y in tulaquo month of July

The 2d vuiuaie is aow ready for d-l iv rv by B C ROUT A N T H O N Y A CO

Publishers N o 18 Naaaau st jy 10 l w Priatarsto the Board of UneWiwriter

PORT O F NEVgt Y O R K - J U L Y 13 U t o

lasaa N e w

CLEARED Ship PltiM Tinker Loud iu Mcrgan fc Wiley Ship N e w World KaigntLiverpool (2 eioaraaee) COriu-

Mil Ship Qrotto Stewart ifiom Sigua) Falavouth Neaastth A

Sons Ship GenoaCorwitli New Orleanc Robsou fc Foadick Bark Beaver (Bi I H u g Rotterdam W Salem Bark Maraval OrtMe Weat Indie Trowbridge fc Owigkt Bark Sarah Stevens Demerara J Smith fc Co Bark Chauticiaor Murray Riehmoud M M P n t a i s A Co Brig teoorgea (Br) Duguiu Capo Hayiioa Herckauratk

Schneider fc Co Hug Sarah Petore Lord Cleafutgoa C fc E J Peter Brig LohioBartloU Portj Cabolio and LtguAyra C Stat-

aon fc Co Bi ig Aoadiaa (Br) Loekte i t CornwallU D R De Wolff Brig T i i iuo l iu Heerner Philadelphia C fc E J Pater Brig Loch iotuond Prereh porilaad h P Back fc Co Brig Lucy Haywood Powers Bangor T H Bantord 8cbr British VJuetu iBr) Johnson Nassau J Earn Schr Oipfcev wloney St Andrew Smito fc Boyaton S - c l i r M a c n y nun Jaekouv Ie Pool fc Saudi Schr Potomac Arne i N e w Orleaaa N H Aright B c b r P itiirnti gta var M^wbvrn T Smith fc Co Schr A J lraquoe Rosielt Tucker Wilinintton J Smith fc Co Schr Elia i Croael l Origgs Klia-tbelh City Maaier 8oir Q u i t o i o Walla Eliiaoetnport C fc E J Patera Schr Miange Dibble laquoeraquo Haven J B kawarda Slo p Pboeinx sUeppard New Haven J R EdwrU Sloop Pointer Fowler Bristol L Kenney

AKRIYVV Steam ship Jameatown Parriih from Norfolk g-c with

mdse and pusengor to Henry Ludlara Staain alnp ibuuia Swoon Bkar from Baltimve via

Norfolk wiih uidso to H B Cromwell fc Co Skip Plymouth Rook Haanaonu from London and Leal

Mny 31 aud 3 data from Etart Point with mda end 148 pgt-bullengerato Uriuoell aim uri fc Co Had light winds daring tke paaeage

Norwegian berk Omeu Erich 83 aay from Hartlepool with ccaU to order July 7 1st 40 66 Ion 67 38 spok Brem skip August Horn Bremen for Baltimore 46 day outmdashall wail

Brig Lucy Hey wood Power from Port Ewen for Bangor 6ctii J ForggrtA Holmes 8 dys rout Baltimore with coal

to _at Coal Co fcihr TaoaJtffertoa Eilu 3 dsy from Salem with mdse

lo R W Ropes Schr Kossuh Coker 3 dyraquo trom Newburyport with md

t o s W Lewi b Co Sehr Isaoolla Faulkner 3 days from Boston with mdsa to

Dayton fc Sprague Soar alary Mantin Boor 3 day from Boatoa with aaiae

to Day Ion A Soraguo hohr Lamartm uurnev from Wareham Schr Henry Oibba Snow from Mew Bedford near D ParahallCrriwellfrom Harwich Schr Sarah Jsne Brothertoa froa ProvMoaee Schr Moaart Brigg from Newport Schr onatnnn Coa McHffey l ion Philada for Hartf rd gtbullti i Km rf Maon from rrovtdenoe lor Albany Soar 8 at Tyler Cortia from Connecticut River for Beiti-

BMTA Schr J Strattoa Bate from Albany far Boatoa Schr Repuo io Ciowoil from Albaay for Providence Schr A iltooia Parry trom Albaay for Newport Bohr Urbanu Norton from Ron-lout for Providence Schr Rebecca C Beeor Denaia Dam Port Ewea for Fall

River Schr Artiat Hotart from New Radford for PougBkeepete Schr Volta Caae from Orsenportlor Phladetphia Scor W W Bramaid Parton from Oioeoport lor Philada Schr NieanorMaracrfrom Elisaheta City NJfor Boatoa Sloop aSAMM Bordea Coliasliom Fall Stiver Sio ip u Spraguo Oibbe from Newark for Wareham-Sluoop Wru o Mount Poiry from Pert Ewen for Harwich bteamor Delaware Copei iroat Philadelphia witu mdao to

F Perkins Steamer Sarah Jone from PhilaJelphia Bteemor Oteeo a Kenney trow Nuiw ea Propeller Curlew William- froat Providence BELO W - l saip aud A harks SA1LECmdashSteam ahip BOIOMIB (Ham) Trautomnn Ham

burg fco WindmdashOuting tho day from NW toS and light

rrsoM euB OWN COBBBBPONMBT KEY WEST July lu-Ar7tbbark Lyra Dioaey Havana

put in ior atores bound to th coaat of Arxion SO i impactshyed of complicity ia th nave trad and the Cuum Houee of-liciais tre exsmlniogber

U 8 ateroer water Witch Lieut Rodger sailed OB tho Sth for Charleston with deepoich from ihecoor oo for Wean-iBgton

the U 8 bullbullam fiigale Colorado iaia part dieabled having broken her abaft

the frigate Wabiah aad sloop of war Macedonia are ta bullail to-dy andoroiso ia th Gulf

Ship Ctaoou he tapl Maxweil is in port diaehargiag esrge of ice she will tsko en board the cargo of ahip Saltan arrivshyed on tl 10th

8cm E W Perry Samson from Cedar Ksys la want cf stores will anil to-day for Now Yoik

6pokn-Off Key Wcoton the raquotn ship Union38days from New York tor New Oi leant

ss o wreckmdashweather oool aad plaaeaat Ne iekns on th island

Tn bark C Boisses tailed to^loy tor New York The mate take her oa


Ship 8 arkllag Wavefrom Matanzaifor Falmouth E pot into Savannah 14th inat abort of men Beth i h e m i t e and a aaiior hod died oi yellow fovar

Schr D Trowbridse from Turk Island for thi pert pro-viouaiy taporied (hornar th Ocean Hovio N J was gat off 10 oclock night of the l t th it at through the eeeiaWRCe of Caot founta in of ibe ateam tug Ocean the 1 1 1 I Iraki ng badly

Brig f W Rowland Rowland frets Phi l da lehla Withuoal bounu to K o West put into Hampton Road 3th last oa ac-cont of stoknea of i ue captain

Schr whr iw nd Matey trom Gardloer for N e w York pre-vioasiy sported aa having aunt when e f fPa lma- lelaidwr-e r ( i s - d o n the 14th and S wtedhal fa mil t o r d Palmer Iiijn-1 where li again gtouuded There woo ro iuaur net on vessel or cargo

Brig C Parkin Cant Brown sunk ta t h e Mrher ef Havana Sth last

Berk Et iwao from LivoOooolfer Cknrleaton e a t back 29th ult leaky having bore up trom lot S3 ten 34

Brig I ydia France of Damnrieeott from Minatitlan far Ismbarg pit into Ho inn Hoi 13th l e s t w i th Sist aad bullbull

cond mate and one aeamaa ick with fever Cant Ingrahamol Hie hrlg Maria at Bristol R I i F h inat

from 8gigtB 30th nit r porta that th yel low fever aad biaoii vomit were vsgtng to a fearful eroot s m o n F t h s h l p p i t s t Segea I her were u wans of twenty mi l of voeaela In port moat of which had loat nnrtion ef their erew aod nearere Brk Maiy Ann Farnum fr-na Havana arrived oo 38 tkrae of hr crew h i v i a e died on M Page aad t w o were raquolck oo or boiro tbe opclna wif died ahottly after tbe vereal anshychored Baik Ranger from Havana also arrived on too mor-ninsof thrii Hi in charge ef tbe mate Caot Seebory having if ft the vereel at H Tooy reported aovea ef her crew dead bullad had only throe megtlt en hood bl to d d o t She was ae-sitd iato port by the pilot

Schr S w a n CanoM M i l t at Baltimore ia 18S0 raquo45 l e u reshygister ratlag A 3 wasseraquodat auetloa to-dy 1 1Mb)by Meaara Greamrsgh Bordett R Co for $4SM craquoh-parchd by Mr Joba R Dow

SPOTPN May 33 tat U N Ion T brk Mrv Reatley frost NYork

for N onto W o Jon 8 etf M more Bask Ana Augusts ttwm Msreeill for

NYork Jnne28 6 AM off th Salter hip Prior-ton Roll from

Liver port for N York July 1 oo at ae bark Retodeer from Sagoo for Philadelshy

phia Jaly 18 lot M v) lea 74 SO Mrk Hoary (of NYork) Wlltoa

from Chsrleetoa for Rreawa July 10 lot 4i P Ion 88 SO brig P R Cortl 3 days IM Portshy

land for Mataasat July 12 off Mont auk hrlg Eadorua 13 days froat Mtanaaa

for Portland

W M J o t M flldfm Myatie l t t h mat tehr Cornell R o d d i a g t M Hard

Island Ar i t tew London 11th ship Peruvian Rnee Month Atla-

t ieOaSt He leu nay 37 with iMMIswa 7J do sp oil Ton lbs hone

Sll trom Hong Eos Apl 38 President Hamilton SH no a cruise

Sld from Talohoaoo May laquohlpraquo ma Ioper RamirieU on a crmsc Orea Rnver Ycodor home 1Hli hark Domta-g Hmitk do

At do MraquoV7Oen Fr gtt Paggefl of Fairhava TSS0 sp to leave i s adsyo two fortie Northeast on aciutee

fO bull 17GV POM T$ At P lemeneo M v 17 bark Seot lasd Row for Rotoa anos N o Am voe t t P i sau Africa Mav 38 At Niegrw Apl 18 ha lb Msury Ftetrhar from Wootuag Oa East Coaat Ant mdash h l p Jobn Wade K i n g frlaquom Ho

Kong Oscar Harding from SngoghM schr Wanderer King Iro-n Hong R o o t

At Swatow Apl 27 ships Emperer Tibbetto from Woeooag Magnet Henry furltthantha

At Whamp a Mv t laquohir Dr-gt i We tnn unc r at Sm-D gtre Mraquoy 2 ship luo Ploraer (aot aa misprintshy

ed) Pfiraquorg i ami ad laquoth or M J lt O ) bark Early Bird Cook Ronmdashrn(nn| aid 4h for Macao

S a Mav II hip -ra-coaia Europe

At Madras Mv bullbull ship Roe Staadiah Hntchroa for Calshycutta with deepaich

At Antwerp to h tilt ahip Sea Lion C o l l a r s for Boaton immntutety- rrssstitnttea Loot aod John H Elliot fucker for NYork let Inst Orshms Policy Norton from NYork dilaquof actir Hartslaquoiai| Rnatefrom New Ortean Iltgt

At Sunderland 24th ult ship Messenger Bird Billisgs for pTotMcnce neavlv roadv

Alport PryraquoCai da Vatd l l h nt w a r A P LienalV Freeman from Boatoa via Windward talands juat raquor tor OOTf

At Rigt J ne iro Jane g ahtpe Tioifmr H u h dtaetiarsod Nraquoigtlraquoiii Cuahiag do barga N i i n t Carr da Siar-Ight Psiit en i l nbia Eesa Paatma Uraves s d Tital Ware White d bull 1 m i t ltilaquo AadaToa from Charlaton ar M i to So M WihaMstoa Schacfhr r gtu 11 ef t e a Mi gu1 raquonc and others

CM Jane 8 tt-gtik latlas Tbompooa Naw Oi r i m C^rula Petl-nglti N e w York RedtoA Farrvi l do Phantom Uttigg mo l td (Maw) JiCntaiaoii dV brig Joha-mea (Rreaij N r l - u b l t Savasoah

tlwraquo 011 Xsn hraquoit M sake M a m H m Sfr^ o

N o o e l l M i i lmaln to load for

brig Irens Look Savarltah Ckicepee Howe Philadelphia schraCopi b n i f N e u York Nt Yogtk O o o d i e l l M

l ~ t h - A r nark St Marys Mull iaso Rmdioe bug R W Packer Lee C pe Haytitt schr PI)mouth Rock L a e a y N

UBI T O L - A r i 3 h hrif Maria larra irn S gt Z A C H A K i - t S T o v mdash O l d i s h ba k Ca n s TTia

aork h r i g A u n u i Ibealey Jacksuuv ] RI Ar raquoeauu p s ^ b e l T i l l e HaV4Ba u a Key fteat s c d Sa-

vaiioah Sld schr L a dwens -hickcl-orJ N Y o r l 11 Bmdash Sol cli r N W Mi i nUjyall N V e k F A L L KJVEH- ar l l b ilraquobdquo o n o n PrltOB Port E a a l T u - Ar cb a liuba d li rd-n Aroolu Pliilsde ph a 6m-

n Bray Naraquolor Oclsware City f T s w a s M t Pintard El i -J l l l l lCO 1

Ski rhr AtloFoltigia Csrtwrigbt NYork l l - l i - l t i e m Yankee Blade Rr raquo Pic u 8 d acUrs OuUan Ked Beei iOl Norfolk Geo Daeriag P iak-

h a u Plulada S ml CastuerGrwoco do O L o C t ESTl RmdashAr 13ih a e l u Ade i s Mari l o u i a

an Ler ia thjo N e w York Albert Kmpiess Pallsa aau b r K bullbull do

HARTFORDmdashAr Uth picpeiler Scaee Peltoa N e w York

Cd xchra Jeaeafc Bict N e w York Sarah Solaty Sley de A i u e i d Mu IMIV JO 1 oo Igteer River Brewer do i ) l r M t lt M O L Jnlr I 3 P M - A r brig C era Alloa H i k n i rto kpe lor ( i t ) Point It G Chraquo o e Thompara Mach aa for N w Yoik ci s Clat t cnl l Philsdephi-for Boston Dolohiu liltraraquo a id Ir le nlaquou Cole El iaata hpol fraquordei P A i m a r o n i I-i Pi i i del ih-u forBlraquom E l i sa B l ktotoah atoftor do for Newhoryeott Onhait Ureev w e e v r do for Oaversior- I B Fegiisoa Ha reil -bulllaquobull lor P l v raquo o n h smith rat t le Rich do fjr Trun-j i a c Rich S m i t h d o f o r Poi-taiic uh John B Mylaquoi Cobj BaMtM lot Richagtoad Ueu ArmatSoM Ke ey Janie S t l e raquo si H a aad L a Heaoo- raquo i - Mi ler d o l o r Pbisdeilis bull be la F ulkia do tar Ne- Yik Suif Shaw rherr- neld lor do Kmm L t o y H r u e l o i b u r for Phiiadeob-a I oela K raquo raquo Saem for do IltU 1 UoamrdB) il ll^ih for do Four S i s ie s Megtlmaa ktsrloasi for K s Hsrlo -

Satsd i-nj R R H s k i n v jobs Chales A Greiner Noel (Br) Sarsu A gtl mmood N c l u u Oiiegt-l Mary M km A kie J Liaacll Harriet A Sarsb Jane N n - n Wn iam C Atwu-for E H A t w o o a i a r h Clara Tboma Jaffeisou kisru Ligb- i Hi) Goiten Ag Do phu Protection i s i e it ich and P Aro ia rong

July 3 - A r b i g L)dia Frances Daggett M l a a t a i a a for Hamburg

Alraquo ar brisa Mary Farrow Coomb Philadelphia for Bo-ton torch OHcfc ia m ror Rockand M m Sm II L a a e d e tor Salem ash Rlisabeth Sag ir Pa oil Mot t l e lor Boatoa s A R S^il p r u k o Gen l l e y SprngM and t l a a - a r rowneod Baliinioe for mdash _ Mary 4 A h i o o h - b t o

srropbshire R e m h R sharp May bow ChartoeB P M B I O O foster Ueury Mar W o i o u w G AuJeurad How i f J - b o x

^ l V r t t l i L H Phsro Cr mMr aVlt ic HiaMVst IsaheU i h miou Cotoa E J ricotl Birdsall J W Pharo i avail- tfonry M-y^-e lutui l l AlbionCar J a b o t I nishyter Moro Hkl K It Nsl i laquoslton raquoa lgtophu Ana a m i l i Phi ladepoia tot Boatoa Mm ray Sa w Perth Amooy tor do M a t y mdash mdash A i u a i gt h p o n fore- D i m e 8 Metaaoa Al len f s l

1raquo cer mdash mdash nnd Montoau Palkeabuig Phi l de sfcia for Salem ttli oraia Hiller do for Ipewioh Lebauoa Mitcliell do for Pembroke D P Talpeydo for PortoBMUtb B raquo rink Doughty uo for Brainiree T hmnoo Johaaon Baltishymore tar bullrewburypert c h n s s H Roger Leos loy Readout for do Rouoa srook Madiiocks New York lor P o r M Ana El isa (Br) Bryant h i l l -bo o N B for Newark N J J a a i Louo Bangor for Now York Julio A Martha Calais for do mdashmdash~ ^ I S 1 b r i f deg CaeloMrj sebs L e w Clark 8 B Wheeler It E Weston Crist William l Dayton J O toltlo E David-eon I P Loomed Sarah B igbt Bhoda fc Baobab B Y Smith H B Baaeom Jaaae H Stroup Smith Tott a laabelta aad Feur Sitra

July 1 4 - A r brig Sarah Flagg Ramball Sogua tor Fert-laad

S A M mdash W l _ e s w with fog Noihiageai lod L A W E 8 Del J u l 14 8 P M - T b e r are now at barter

brig JtanUv aohra Eoliraquoo Joha P Williame Ti l lage Qoooa Geo Wash iag tM R H Agtbott Jonah H o l y Father A f o e Chss Colgato A J Ward j bdquo a a fc Allu e Vaibar fc t o o C b e Colgate A J Ward Joha fc Allieo Wm D Pitta M A Oaeat Pauuae Sarah Buck Harriet Ryaa

MAI HI A S - Id 3d brig Bousperto Tyler NYork S d - k r brig Ly^a Haskell NYork stb - Ai bark raquo auaie Hamlltoa Waaa NYork aehr Raima

Laur-h d i lotlimdashsid brig I yra Haskell NYork M A C H I A S P O R 1 - 8 d 8 b brig B O Cbakmer Tb iaa jma

NYork schr Foreet King Porier Potto Riee l o t h - l a port b n g Uouauary Bloat for N o w York wtg

wlad MILLBRJDGEmdashAr Mb brig Relief NYork M O B I L E - t Id 9ib echr Qosea of the South WhMler

Bridgaimit C o i n M Y s T i C - S i d Hihchr Joe E Potts Triable El isabatb-

po t ah op ADO lo areemaa Haw York N E W B ^ D raquo H 1 H D - A r )9th aehr D W Bagasy (of NYork)

Bogsre Sydney C B lathmdashAr echr Allen H Brown Eodleot Phitada Sid brig Lacy Atwoed Peddaek Waotera aad C a s e Ylaquotd

Islsuds N E s V B U R Y P O B T - S I d 13th aehr Glsaa Bowsr rkltodal

phia N E W P O R T July I S - A r aehr Oliver M Pott l t Clark

Baltimore for Boston Sarah A Taylor Young Philada to dljg Vietoi Seat nod N e w DoHgai BeohoFrovtdeawe for NYoik J o r e F Dur eeo Davie Fall R w fordo Lady Adaaw Devilu Seeaeiaet for do Cha W Bsntiy Rood F t a M l w n f o r Philada

14 2N P M - I n port the above ahip E I I M M e l U r y hark o r r a v j a i t brig Harp Financier aehr Mary Anna Meal ft mdash Providence for Northsort U Caroline Dyer free Mew BAdf-iU i l r a c e D r t i o g bciama Maiia P ike Yirglato Rl i shysabeth Clinton M d other

N E W O R L k A a S - C i d 13th berk Harriet H M A I H M D n n k w a r Providacs soar Ralpt Pom Callus N e w York

P A W T U C K E T - S l d 14 b schr Emel iM RickeyTMa P h i ladeiphia t

N I L b K L P H l A Roger Ar 14th brig Ids D Rogers Mstaasas

16th-Ar aehr Mary Eliiabelh Moadamy NYork Cld steamship Renneboc Head Niork scbra Mary EUsa-

beth Moadamy Pawucaot J B Bleeeker EdwaMkaMtto-potitt

P p a r L N D - C i d I3tk bark Cbevalier Kataht (frees Metaas) Felmou h E

PKOVIDaNCSi-Ari4thumblpOsptay Knay Mew __ _^ - bdquo - mitoatoa aehr Ratlaaa

r Simmon M 8 d Br bark Baebee Mokeaaiel P oten Onward

York bark OW Hall Mwry Chiulaotoa aehr Co s a n Mondout steamer Gevomor Si

- - - bull - bull - - raquo bull raquo bull bull bull raquo - w a r a n v r o w amdashwww aramy St Joha NB Br brig Joha C Ive Rosa Pietou (ad all anshychored in the lower by la eoaeeeuoBM ef head wtodi aehr J I M r t bull Herding Buatea iteowor Aaelta MeMRutd and M H Carnale Wlneoioie Philada Sephi Oodftey WIK hm do BooutyJoharaquoon do Sarah C Wlllotto Taeeag-aoodo Montero Araats Delawaia Claquor SSavre Mlaquode Oohart KUabothpoit A Petwoat fc O Wboatoa Plttoaey Albauy Oscar k Haw lay Racket aad Orator Olhboatoa-doui looo Wm H oowea Hal lock hi York

AlaoaluKhr Wm Allao Gray Rll ate a RICHMOND-ar i3h -eh bull Mece

Harrtaoa Price Johnson Jacasoavllle PorMMd

IT^-i bull raquo 9 raquo^arMB Lewie Live-eel SALEM-Ar lath berk Turk Ryder Port Preys

Yard lilaquolttraquo Atao i r achn ChM A Heekaeher tlubte PbilMa Cerla-

na M Jooea NYork Sld acnr Globe small Baltimore SAVANNAH-Ar i4tk ahip aprkllag Wave Feaadfrom

Matanzas for Falmout la waat of mea )0ik-Cld eiraquor Enchant Jays A York

l^~Al bull bull bull 91 IBraquoraquolaquo W l ttoaaF St Ylseeat C O M do Verdelalood ladiaaaRlveia Boohm BltoBporrmdash de brig John Shaw oo

EPJMampamp1 flft A Aoderswa King- H e w York W T L M I A G T O N N C - C I d 13th berk J W Btodget t Btmp-

M B PBitdeiphla ^ ^ 10 Ji-Went to eM berk Col Joha MeRea tor Mew York



I B M H I tVaaawamaw laquo mdash bull bull raquo i a t a 1 B to a _ _ _ mdash _ _ _ _ raquo aiA aiA bull A _ _ _ M T e f f K Jraquo M raquo O raquo AM AB t w lt t e i taw -n bull aastw ssmdashI

ABRGU having termiBatad I braquog to oa been sppointod sous agoat tor tto UaRed

HKID^IECK it CO REIMS ~ Per the aale laquof tbelr Champagne Wines

I respectiuiiy c i i the ettsstioa of the trade generally to the bullriujiined earl nf Messrs heldaieck fc ato awnwlro that they ar alone au^ce aor lo tbe e d arm oeeepvIM t to aiua prsmiaaa and Btoorietore of he ids iti al viaevarda whith Ilomeu vgt th touauers of th firm to IMS producing he oieellem quality to log fhvorabi known in thj United

States L R AMSINi K street

CARP - U P O N THE DISSOLUTION o raquo T E OLD firm of HeidsiMk A Co I IRM the Orator pel ner coB-

tianed ike nuaiaa upon the am preattsea raquof 83BMM aiiii-tatroa reiaiaisv esetoetro ooeseioa ef the v Mysrde votttte Ac and upon hia reiiriag from hulna Mi A Hidick unoo the preoeat firm toesaee to like m aaar the imm dialaauccnaorando p-opritraquo if thi aid end well known brand Ia order to diatlnguiah the earns mat imitashytion and mark aleiiiiir io cur owe WhiOA have BSpMrert aad may hrrter BewMf ia this maieet t to MAM ofeavflrai in fall will be found M the label eta aad eett_ Mr L E AMSINCK will hetoelter ho the eeto Importer ef (hie

L U U gtG of tho firm ef

New York Jan 1011 HEID8IBCK laquofc CO Retme



Weell aadal


THIS POPULAR BEYERAuE Iff I f f PRIMITIYraquo esceii ore a receive diiactfraas tbbrewery atortea

o Treat Eaglard For iul by THOS McMULTFM

Agent aod Coaaignoa 44 Beovor-Ot NOW Yevft

Oa draoght at Delmonieoa WiliumMraotcarsw of lu apto TuThfcS

D A SCBYMSKR B CO BROBFBS l7 WALL at - Reepavt ful iy call theai teal I M of the trade UlheroHew-

InggoadaiBDondaaaapleeof whlehCMb elaquo

COGNAC ANDIRS-OtardHeni CBMIItoa fc Co Marratt J R JlaquoHeaRatoB fc Co tto other favorite breads

ROCHELLE BRANDIES-A I BMtean Pellerooia Leetbert Be

BOBDEAUX rRANDIEA-J J DwylaquoyTlaquolaquotoaikamOtoagt tier aad all othet braada

NB-Swao Ctover lemf Olato wmtot Wetoto laaMyfal BaWje Eroo Swore sad all ether favorite braaia

ROMmdashJamaica St CrenPort Rtee aad St logo

ALCOHOL aad COLOONR SPIRT-4B MM to set SMt er aale hr the moan mot rer

2 DAYfON BPeuOUBfcty-IOTFresjtet | ADK1RA WIRE-touthSido iabotoeAJdotyMa lee raquo I aale hy MAITLAND PHELPa A C_ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48eaat 47 RMhaango PtoM

PLANA T B CO S COONAC BRANDY-Of the vtatogo ef 1838 ta hlve aad qaarter tor aale at very tow

prlr to clooo cosalgumeat ef lata Ina by eat T W BAY ADD A t^O 100 Pearl et

BOBDEAUX ( LARET-oe moll eaaka Maj salhme e ih imrvrtedfor amitvaM Poreatoby TOraquoraquoRSENn i LINCH A DIKE s7laquoraquodto Frost st

ALlJoPPS INDIAPALE ALEla listoraquom~aeaeyentloA wboleasl and letoil bv

iyl6 SIOwEY WINTRINUHAM Alee Rase B Co direct from the Brewery IB hod ead botshy

tle _ raquo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(VlNs-oYataudard hraao entitled to Moan ure for esle bull at eiceedibgi) low rare by ail ^ ^ T W BAYAUDB CO IM Peart at

AI UI NN ESS XX aad XXX SToU f-tguarli aa I yiatt ia a S 8 e e order tar aal bv

|3 C H A H I A a b B L L O W S fc CO 41 B a o n s H

AL L S n P P i ~ a S O N S INDIA P A L E A L h - P - n t a aad quait ia fiueoruer rmooned ia gtaas foral by

I CHABt EA BELLOWS fc CO 4 Boraquoraquofot s J I D M K Y W I N T H I N O H AM laquo8 R E A V E R S T R E E i e a e r Cv for sale in laquojuaraquoit -a ilaquo auit eiirvhoaera in quart ear piat bv-ieamdashJeffrie scotch Alemdash too eaak

Dor N iich AlemdashIilaquooaskA AliopB bull A l i l iu l i Ale- loaesefe Baas A Co India Ale-~lufl casks B R Hyass Browa Stout aad porter Hibbertt do do to F i n t i A Wttliaavs do to W nit breads do to

CrraquoH Apple Cider ia case sad Port Sherry Msdoirn and Claret Wine and Brandiaaof the doer naa l l t i e only

BlMi07TNDV PORF-IuOUqr task dl lbreAlgradea sad bullt so rilaquor glialiir fraquor aale from U S Bontled Wa

try V B M A L O U S3 Waior-et r v H E R R i E IN HRARDV -Km c a t I amp s n aaeh re-

iwiKirtatioa for sale by mil

| L D H O C r l l O N WH1SKSV P i to i s ana for ss e bv i3 t O H M t S T t N

ANVtiRR A CO tofJoavar I 0 M l Aw H I

l l a r a

A CO laquoA ^fttfa|

a V 7 H i s K l a laquo - a i - i N t i i i M u u n V V laquo| Muotoh

M laquo I - I J Hi HighUad M i l t ^I lo $^ f -ar Hb Wait

Untitled Document

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Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
